Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 27, 1846, Image 3

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    - - ......
bribei to the custom-house officers tnd other
Mexican functionaries than the Yankees' char
ging prieee. Tbii species of warfare la rapidly
converting Me people over to American notions.
Offietoflht BatriMoeg Amebic, June 23,
GRAIN. Very littla Wheat at market to--1ay-
We quote Md. reds at 88a00 cents for the
best parceli. ' '
. Sales of white Corn at CO cents, and of yellow
-at SOaSl cents.
' A sale of Md. Oats at 90 cents.
WHISKEY. The demand is limited. We
quote hhds. at 20 cents, and bbla. 21 cents. -The
stock in Arit bands is not large.
' -
How to a it HsitTH. Thousands of person
'.continue to cure themselves of Colds, Coughs,
Headaches, Rheumatic Affections, Small Pox,
'Measles, Coetiveness, Influent, and the boat of
lbiMe indications of the body of the blood being out
'of order, simply by peteeiingly using Brsndreth's
Vegetable Universal Pills, ao long as any symp
Maaarf derangement in any organ remain. Of en,
j, lafrtiac this course, which experience has
'J 4 ssxocding to Nature, it being merely to as
sist bar S m ,nf 'rt a restored to
health who BianJrc'h'e Pill, bad been
iek for months. -Tl-l- aif this medicine i.
tieyond price.
& Purdue of If. II. Maesef, Sou'tary,
the as. SMihlisfu-d in an ether ' ef '' .puprt'
Corredid uxtlly by He ry Matter.
Wsjeat, .
Rib, - .
Com, . . ...
0TS, ..... .
g'nac, . ... -Futacu,
l!PTTB, . .,.
Tooa. ,
llaaswat, . . .
Tattow, "
tfnx, . "
SltcKLan Ftsa, . '.
Data Arris, . . .
Do. Peace as, . -
The "Sugar Coaled Pllla."
Rawaan or MiarT Cstificats or ecn Is
VEiTlow. Nsw Yoaa: June 1 0th, 1844.
We.dWe Jndonigm'ft. nrver iw or hear.1 of "8u
,gM Ceatrxl Pills," rati! Dr G.- Benjamin
SmitS raamTaeiaifed and exhibited them to us a-i-'Utlt
S'jexr einrj.
Daaam. Raaoi.M D., Liberty t
BlusMTeJkOfc, 110 Broadway, and
10 Art. K".'uv.
Hacv EvranTT. llrua, 96 lloJfort St.
Jans CsTaa.'97 Hudson 1.
I .est some few mav te deceived by ignorant
quacks, we putlih the fnl'mtng; si.d none but
unprincip'ed dealera will entenance any imita
tion of ibis invaluable medicine. '' l
Patvt Ornca.
Received this I7ih day of June, 1844, from Dr.
S. Denj imin Smith, the fee of f 30, pay al4e on bis
pplicaiioo for atrnt for a Pill Coaled tcilM
Sugar." - H L. Eilwkth,
Cimmisi-ner of Patents.
As these Pills are prepared by an educa'ed Thy
iirim,they have an advantage over other prepare
ui.inseaaauch advi-iti.ed, and are aufficienlly die
inguisheJI friea all o'her by their virtues, aside
rom their pecubar pleaentnea.
$3" CAUTION. Aa a miserable imitation has
Wen made, by the aaae f "Sugar Coaled Pi IN."
I MrMcrea;tiisrcltia(Da. G Baaj.8aiTHs
iigna'ure'rs em every hm. Price 25 cent.
Principal Otnce. ITSOreewwidi st. New York.
8uldhy JOHN W. FKUJNG. Suttbury.
June 27b, 1846.
I RESPECTFULLY inf-rms bis fienta and
cuatomtrs. that be bss remnved hi stor of
ola to the St. me Hiue, on Ma'ket eUare, forwt
rly occuiiied by My. Wm. Dewart, whrre he w
r happy hi siWe tor i4d cuioMra aral the pvrV
ic genrrally, on aa good tovwve, anfl at aa low
e aa can be n d '!eV.iere.
A large aeorrment eif (Srocerle, Y)ry Goods,
ind (joeenawsre, eonstnt'y on haml.
June 27ih, 1846. if.
"Writ of PAP.TiTioit
And Valuation.
KU ee lo the Ntirt Wm. Shannon, dee'd.
BY virtue of a certain Writ nf Partition and Va
luation iaued out of the Or( ban' Court of
he county ol Nerihumbrrland, In ' Auguat term
1 D. I84ff, directing the sheiiff to make par'ition
tnd valuation of the real estate of William 8hari
ion, dee'd., lata of Chiiiequaque lownabip. Now
luiiw ye, (ihe ssid heirs f aid deceased.) by the
Mithoiity of Ihe aforesaid writ. I Thorn A. Bit
irtgton, r-heiiffVf iail4mty, will on Monduy the
JOib day of July nut, at 10 ovelock. A. M.. op-'n
he premises, make partition and valu tien in Ihe
nanner and Yorm siecified in aaid writ, at bich
ime and place you sre hereby werned to be and
rppear, if yro (bit proper.
8heriTsOfTics MtcVut
Junliurys June 27. 1 tttB. $ 4t
llTIIERtSAS. the piincipal oSvrter of the st.wk,
and almost soV tmaragr r of the Lewinburg
ridae I believe tn las impualug on the titiiena of
awistiurg, sno wiaini'S o n I'U. ui m. nmn
do so any longer, I nave erected a ptcndu anu
t runtime
eitecilv sale and ctnea'ng in 3 minutes. It will
mi from each shore every 10 minute, and rate of
ill irol balT what n Charted by Ihe bridge
botso wsgon
do b
tiattt by Bridge,
01 6
horae Wagon 1 00
do 87
do 76
3 da
2 do
I do
rJo 00
do 37
do 25
bores and lidor
'oot ieengeni
lorned cattle
I horae and rider
Foot passengers
Horned cattle
Sheep and ewine
lieep and swma
I 1
t tbs tain.
M 001
Town tetmatera
4 00
'nn Muiiila not in
Storekeeneia lo do all
tnuinaes 1
their baulmg to oo
No distinction maue between pteeenro
i J other ibicba. J . l 1 1 n c uu,
June 37tb, Ili6. Proprielor
f-,tr - "
pnrsrjiur.i scales.
Dale's Celetrlted Rail Road Scales,
Coal and Ha? dn
Iron ManufaeV do
Portable Platform do
20 different sites,
Dormotnr Floor do
A different sites,
Counter do
- H different sixes.
The shore Scales sre
made either single or
double beam, and are
decidedly the moat durable, accurate and convent,
ent scales ever invented. W also have Platfoim
and Coot,t-r Scales, Patent Balance and every
kind of Weighing Machines in o for sale, whde.
sale and retail, at low prices. All 8cales sn'd by o
to g i out of the city, are boxed fn of charts, and
wanantrd to give satisfaction trt the purch err In
every particular. OKAY A BROTHER 1
Manufacturers and Dealer, No. 34 Walnut street,
June 27. 1846. ly - . . Philadelphia.
Horae Sh
prices, by
HORSE SHOES. Burden Patent
Shoes, for sale at manufactums'
June 27, 1846. ly . 34 Walnut l. Philad.
SALT. NevTYork Halt in barrels snJ'hsgs, for
sale at manufacturer' price, he
June 27. 1946. ly 4 Walnut t. PhiUd.
THE rubersibers are constantly manufacturing
dom 111. Fr. -.-I. V-.K.I. A
manufactured Cloths and Cssstmers, CLOTHING
in a very style, cut and workmanship.
Persona buying to sell again will find one of the
U'pesl and most fashionable stock of goods lo dried
from in the city, and at onp'ecedented l w price.
J. W. AE. D.8T0KE8,
194 Market rt. Philad.
N. B, A large assortment of Odd F II w' Re
galia constantly on hand, and all order from lodge
or individual punctually nt tended to. on the most
liberal terms. J. W. A E. D. 8. '
Philadelphia, lime 27h. 1940 ly
YOU may be sure or nisuin-ng, at
all times, pure and highly flavored
By the a'ingle pound or larger qiart'ny, at the
Pekln Tea Company's Warehouse,
30 South Steotid ttreet, Mween Market and Cha
nut tlreett,
Herefnfore it bs been very difficult, indeed, ab
mini impoeaible. atwaya In obtain gnod Ore n ami
Bl rk Teas. But now Vt-a have only lo viil ihe
Prkin Tea Company's Store, to obtain a dclicinuv
snd fragrant Tea aa ynu could wiah for. A II tantea
csn here I suited, with Ihe sdvantage of gelling s
oure article at a low price.
' June 27th, 1846.
OTfCE is brreliy given, ihst sn application
iij br mado to ihe nrtt letlsUture fur a
charier for a Bank wuh a capital of f 50 000, and
power to incraae the ca'ilal thereof to $100,000,
wiih banking al.'d ilifCounlinx privilejea, lo be cal
led "The Bank of Shamokin." and to be I tated in
the borough of Sunkiry, in Northumberland coun
it, June 27th, 1816.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtu, of a writ of fieri facias, to me diree
ted, will bo etpoted lo public sale, al the
court house in )nvilte. on Saturday 'be 11th day
f July nei'.st 1 o'cl fk, P. II., the fo.lowing de
cribrd property, to wit :
A ceitain tract nf Ian I on Montnot'e Ridge, si
tuate partly in Liberty fwnhip Coiumlis coun
ty, and partly in Northumberland county, lunded
on Ibe weal by tract warranted in the nime of
Abraham Kmtxine, on Ibe north by Simnnion ft
Robion, on Ihe ra.t by traeia wananlt d in ihe
i.amesof Roll it Eeingsnd Wm. ISenaon, and on
the eonth by lemons and others, containing
about 430 aero. Thi tract ie warranted and ur
veted in the name nf John B.rron, jr. An excel
lent vien if f iron ore, 15 incite in
thick'C, runs through thi trct of land, ami i
imty one mile from Ihe Puaqtiehanna liver and ca
nal, and i five milea from Danviile and six frwm
Northuinherlaud. ' ' '
Seiaed, taken in eiecuiion, am! to be add as the
property of Samuel Crctgh. '
lit AM UbKK,
Sherttr Office, ? Sher fl.
DjiivdVe. June 20, 1846. $ 4t
, And Valuation
To Ihe jfcrira GVorjje Snyder, dud.
of Ihe
Y virttve of a certain writ of pvifmon end
vera tan. ieued nut of ihe Orpnan' t-outl
Ihe coarAy ef Nrthumlertanil, to Auguat term
D 1846. lireetine the .her iff of said cou -ily lo
make partMnn ard valuation of a certain tract of
land stluate n Iwer Mahonoy lownabip. Itounited
by lanu oT Jafc.ib Snyder, Ihe Susquehanna riv, r,
MabantaegotreA and land of Daniel Rothermel,
containing ett hundred and fifty pine acre and
eihiy-fu'r nercneS Late the estsle of George
Snyder, dee d. now f.nnw ye, (the said neirs or
ah! dec d ) by tne auth.itity or the aroresam Wri.
I.Thomas A. BilWrc'on. .her iff of iJ count t, will
n Tuesdsy ibe Uth day nfjtily nest, al 1 1 o'clock,
A. M.. upon the premises snove named, make par
Ittion Or valu tion in ihe mannet and Crm apscined
id said writ, st which titne ami plica you are here
by eernfed to be and appear if you think projaje.
Sheriffs Olftce, Sherilt
Sunbury, June IS, iBtn 41 ;
Dennis lVoolverldni tiuie.
NOTICE ia hereby giv. ihat letters of admin
Isiratron on the eaut of tiennia WooUi-rton,
late f Coal tnwnshipt Northumberltnd t.Uhtv,
dee'd hsva been granted t the aulacrilrt AH et
son Imlehud to a tl estslei or having ('Sim a-
gainst Ihs a me, aie requ att d to c dl on the aul
scribel, si Bhamokiniuwn, and ettle without delay.
June 13ih. 1846 It . Adm'r.
Tin and Sheet-trot! Witrc
ItttMl OXOJ7B, BMfSfAi
fTHE subscriber respetifutly informs the pnblie
X that be has commenced the manufacture of
Tin and ftUeettron ttare,
in all iia Various branches, at 8eliosgruve. . Hi
ware is not only made of the best materials, but is
put together In a subetanittl and workmanlike man
ner, differing In ibis respect from much of ihs waia
sold, which is made ap in a hurry for Ihat purport.
An eteellenl assortment will be kept on band al all
times, which will be sold on the most teaaona'jls
Scllnsgrove, Msy I6ih, 1 840. it
ri 'i I d ' do
hfmmmmf do do
f do do
I lit do
I do do
Hare you henrd the lYctrsf
War, hiv'b? toe aaaaa tt
At hitthop, in Market ttreet, adjoining Ihe three
ttory Britk Houte,
TTA8 just reerivod from Philadelphia ihe largest,
A handsomest and best assortment of ,
of every description, tbst baa ever been brought to
this place. And what ia still belter, they say he
sells so cheap, that you can buy two rata fir Ihe
tame money that you uttd to patf for one pair.
He But a ro Casii snd Sstia iron Case, and
that lthe reason thst hs can afford to wll them So
much cheaper. If yon don't want to buy , just call
and see bis stock. H is always gUd to sea his
cutnmeri and it is no trouble to him lo show hi
goods. Jut lo give you an ides how rhesp he doe
sell, ibe following is a lit of prices of a pari of his
stick i
Mens' Thick Boot, worth 24 00 at 12 75
d.i fine Grain do " 4 60 at 3 00
do Calf do " 6 00 at 3 00
Boya' Thiik do M . 2 50 st I 75
Youths' do i " . J 00 st I 25
Mens' Thick Brogsns, , 87 at I 00
Women' Morocco Welts
and Kid Sprinss, , ; 1 60 at 100
Women.' hrst City made i .. .
Kid Slippers, "1 62 al 1 12
Ladiea' Gaitrrs and Gai- .
ter Boots, . , , 2 00 at 1 37
A 'so, every vsriel of Ladie'. Bova and rhik
diens' shoes, at prices lower lhan eer before ofli i
ed. Come and Sre ,
8unbury, June 13ih, 1846. 6m .
Auditors Report.
Hurt HowrT and Tnnviaa A. BiiitnT",
Overteert of Ihe Poor of the through of Siiuih
ry, in aeenuiit with tmd Uoraugh fur the year
. eommeneing in March, 1815, and ending in
March, 1816. ..' ,
Da.. " ' ' . I
To whole amount of Duplicate, . . $203 4 1
To this amount, being the proceed ari
aing on Ibe aale of the peronl proer
iv of Mary Brrger, a pauper on ssid
Borough, ,35 33 J
To this sum received of C. G. Donnel's
eatate, 60 00
To order on prercnl Overseers for bslsnce
due, 21 bJ
$321 73
By amount paid George Bright snd Sum
net Thompson, late Overeers of .aid
By amount paid John Bright for making
nut duplicate, as per receipt,
Ry amount paid E. Gaas, aa -er receipt.
By amount paid Catherine Kieht, for
' boarding Martha Kiehl, a psoier, as
per receipt.
By am't paid Henry Bsrdrher, for bninl-
tng Mrs. Berger, a paoier, aa per recpt.
By am't pnid 8. D. Jordan, for cot in
the esse of the Overswrs ot Sonhury
vs. Union township, Union county, as
per leoeipr.
By sm't paid Peter Bailey, a witness in
ssid case, as per receipt,
By am't paid for Mary Hahn, as p. ree'pt.
By am'l paid for Bernard Hopper, as per
By sm't psid Msry 8cahttz, for biaid
ing N chnlaa Kay. a pau p r, as p ree'pt,
By sm'i psid J. W. Frvling, ss per ree'pt,
By am't paid Dr. Tiitea. balati-s due f r
med csl attendance during the yeaia
1842 and 1843. aa r receipt,;
By am'l piJ D-. Trile for me.iiral aU '
tendance, In full nf hi bill lo the 13ih '
Jnuay, 1840, per rereipi,
By a-n't juid Geo. W. Kiehl f..r clerking
Mr. Berger' vendue, a per receipt,
By am'l paid Wm. Youngman, for Mrs.
Berber's colli n, a er receipt.
3y am'l paid Peter Dur.i and H. Bard
rher, for d'geing grave, aa per receipt.
By am't id Htnnah Ray, aa p. receipt,
By am'l piiJ to the cniributr of the
Pi nn'e Hospital, for lioarding Msrths
Moo'e, s pUr, from the 2!Hh April
to the 22d August, 1845, iuclu ling f 7
for clothing, as per receipt,
By am't paid for ls;e tire, Ac. dtt said
Marine, trom PhilaMhis Id Sunhury,
By am'l paid for horse hire and travelling
ei penees, dtc., in going t Union coun
ty on Imaine in telalion tj aid Mar
tha's residence, per receipt.
By eioners'ions of uncollectible tax.
By compensatory allowance for services
f ihe Overarer,
By Auditois' fees,
f .19 C8
1 25
1 31
35 87
37 00
2 75
9 25
3 60
15 25
4 00
10 75
6 00
2 12)
I 00
68 00
9 00
13 56
2 72
32 63
4 00
1321 73'
The untlrtnlgned, appointed to audit, etile and
adju.t the accounta of the Oveiseers til ihe Pool of
II. e Borough of Bunbary, having elamined Ihe R
ceipts and Etp'nditurea aa set firth in the precee.l
ing statement nf Henry Hon pi and Thms A. Bd
Imgloii, late Overreers of 'aid borough, ethibitliig
a balance in their favor of 21 dollars ami 98 ceils,
do allow and pas ihe ssme
In testimony of Which, we nsve hereunto art our
. . . . . .
hands, ihe 9th dsy Of May, A. D. 1846.
l.uWIB UK W. Sill,
Suwhdry, June 13lh. 1846 '
lllcn and lifefrunt
Tlltt subscriber hsl jusl opened for Spring little,
A large and tttmplets aa irtmrnt of Hrus els,
Imnefial, .utierflne ind fine Instiin and Venetian
CARPETS, which b.Ve all heeh pUKhssed within
a mOiilIt, at Ilka Idaesi cash rates. I hey are now
offrrtftl at ireallv teduced prices for cah
These good sit of an eiirS style and Itnbhi and
being nf the ll make and fabl.c, olter great In
ducement lo purchs-ers titoblslii a hamlsoms and
dcsiisbls article st ptttes below the usual rates.
The assortment Is eUmprMe in every resi ect, snd
consist I in pkrt of the fallowing
New anil Si lenJitt Uruaaela 1
Imperiala .
Twl'd Venetians
PI in do
Fine V Common
V at Reduced
: Pricea.
Splendid Embosaed Piano and Table Cdvers j
Siair Rods, Bindings, Sheep Skins, cVc Ac.
With an immense slock of low pi iced Csrpels
of all description, List, Rag Hemp, and Cottob
Carpaia, from 12 lo 50 cauls per yard.
1 Country Merebanta, kouarkeepera end others
have now an opportunity nf aupplying thtmsfclvea
with handeonte and iieairble geoda at greatly redu
ced pricea, ROBERT B. WALKER,
A 25 Ii. 2d st opposite Christ Church,
rbiladelphia, Ma; 16 b, 1846. 3a
trtxts ia lAioz-xt
If o. 1SS Chesnut Slreet, between Seventh and Elgllth Streets,
EP OLI H aa JtX m
18 now piepsred to ofler, Wholesale and Retail,
a large assortment of FancT snd 8TarLa
snited lo Ibe Country as well a Cily Trade. He
continue the system of -no abatement in prieet,"
which he bss pursuetl for the past ten years, and
desires lo eall the specM attention of the pnbl'c to
it ss the only true tytlem of retail bminess, and
which ia decidedly to the interest of the purchaser
to promote. It ia quite lime the fraudulent prac
lice nf asking a high prire, and abating lo make the
mrchsere believe they are Ihe "favored few." was
done away with, ss, nine times out of ten. they are
made lo pay a higher price (however great Ihe re
duction) than Ihe like el vie and quality Can be pur
chased al Ihe -One Price Store."
A. B. M. hi in regular receipt of the newest and
cheapext seaannable goods, and when any article
depreciat. in value the price ia at once marked
down ao low Ihat ii cannot be uiideranlJ. By jhi
system ihe purchaser cm at a'l time buy with
confidence and suti.faction, and without waxte of
time in tielc bargaining. He has al this time
a complete assortment of
' Blark Lolrinn, Oitnman, Poug de 8oie, Man
tua, Groe de Rhine, Armare, and other Dreaa and
Mantilla Silka. Aln,
Fancy Dress 8ilk. from 44 els. lo f 2 25 r
ard, including all ihe variety of approved and
Uaefnl style and combination nf color.
Lining Silk, Foulard Silk, Silk Gingham.
' Pari Pa;ntd Lawn and Organdies, i.f the
nevrrsl ami trowi approved a yle, as w II a the
cheapeat in Ihe market. Al,
Scotch Lawns at very low prices.
Of ihe newent des'gns. Also Scotch Gingham
and Gingham Lawn, tery cheap. Twdl'd Barb
alon and Manchester Gingham, for childien's
Light, medium, and dark colors, 4-4 wide, AU,
hot m ke American Chintz and Calicoes, of ihe
new patterns, at 12 ct. r y rd.
Of the meal splendid Oinlre and Printed s'yb-.
down to the French, English snd American, at 25
cent per j aid.
Of all qualities and every varii ly of deign.
Hliied to all laatc. A's, embroidereil and chain
lilrhrd RoIms, Bajsderesnd P. lka Drises,cmb'd
Stvis Muslin snd Hih"p I. awn drts patten s
I'srlcb nt slid colored plsid sod alripe Swis Muv
Plain Swi', Mull, Nnsook. Jsccnnet, Csmbric,
Book, and Tarlelon Mualins, Plaid, Snipe, roidi d
and flguml C.imbrie snd 8is do, Bihps Lawn,
ro Fredi rick Ttbupp. John 1'chupp. Jacob Tchupp
Henry Tchupp. Christian Trhupp, I'eler
Tchupp, Adam SnVdef and ltchel hia wife,
Jseh lurer and Catherine hia wife, William
Potta and Barbara hia Wife, Caier Hrckert, Pe-
. t'r Heckert, Frederick Heckcrl, and Margate!
niY viitua of ec
JLL issued out of I
NorlhnmherUnd cu
Hrckert, GaasTian :
certain wid of Paitiiion, No. 27,
the Court of Common Pleas nf
county, to Augu-t Teim A. I).
1846, d'necting the sheriff of aid county lo um-
mon a jury and make partition of a certain liact
of Urn ai'uaie in lioWer Mahonoy towoahip, in vid
counly, adjoinii g land of John I chupp. jr, Mi
chael Witmer, John Shreeer anil Ihe Mabmitangn
creek, containing one hundied snd iily-two se e ,
or iherealmuts. Now know ye, ihat by Ihe Autho
rity nf the same, I the .aid hcMf of sid county,
will on Monday the 13th day or July nesi, at I I
oVbx-k. A. M., upon the rrmiae above named
make prtitin or valuation in ihe manner and f.,rm
specified in Ihe sforessiJ wm, at which lmi and
place you are hereby warned lo W and appear, if
)ou think proper.
ShenfTa Office, Sheriff
Snnbury, May 30th. 1846. S 61
EMlote of John Rltlneltnrt, dee'd.
Notice to iltnrs.
.A . 16, Augutt Term. A. D. IS4u.
John Rhiuehart
' ' v.
Charles Rhint-htrl, Tlioina CiOi-bv, Gunnlian of
Thomas Cr by, Henry Siell and Etizalclh his
witir, Jsmee Reed and leiuiaa bi wife, George
0. McAllister and Sarah hi wife, and Martin
Hahn and Mary hi wife. ' '
NoaTciratti Cot art. flr.
The Commonwealth f Pennaylvania to the She.
rilTof Northumbciland County, llaKstiaei
YOU are hereby cmnmamlej to abmmdn
L'harles Rbinehait, Thomaa CroaSy, tluar
dian of Thorn Crosby, Hrriry Siell and E'ilj
Keth hi wife, James Reed alitl LOuiaa hi wife,
Ge. rge B. McA'li.t. r and Sarah Ms wife, shd Mat-
tin Hahn and Mary his wife, defendants to he and
i aiiear b. lor the Jodgea l Hie Couit ofComiiioh
i'. ... .
Picas, lo be holdcn at SunbU'Y for said eoUmy. on
the fir.l Monday of AuguM nell, li answer John
Rhii.ehart, plaintiff, of plea wherelore ibe said
plainii(Tnd ihe. aaid defendants together shd undi
vided d. i hold a certain tract f land itt -Augua a
township, containing furit-th'ee cres more or It-,
.lj..iilirtj Eli Conrsd, Willi irrl Conrsd, Saimiel
L-mii and ethers ; a'e-v a piece of land in ssme
township, containing eUvfn acie more or b at;
one lot of ground a.lj lining Mary Haiti -n, Mrs.
Lynn snd Rharhuklit rfcik, and Iwo pieces of laud
ailj-ilnlng each other and former, together eont lin
ing tw-tvk atrea rhme or h, bounded by theSha
mokin frcCk ami hill land claimed by Mr. Lyon,
being the piece now in the p.eainn of UhS !
Rhibeharl ; alo, a cenam hnue and lot nf ghtund
i'uate in Sunhury, in t hurllehorry street, north
side, hounded wel by lor of Mr. Simpann, eaM by
lot nf J.ihn G. Youngman, Slid hoitli by ah alley;
abo, a certain house snd lot of ground in River
street, in Suiibuiyj hdUnded by lot of McCirty &
Davis, south by ll nf Ueo-gs Msntt, snd eat by
an slley. Partillolt thereof hetween them Ibe Said
di femlanls doth nut periuiti ' Hereof fail hot and
have you there then ihia writ.
Witnesa the Hon. J. 1). Anthony, President
of ouf said court st SUtillury, Ibe 5ih day of
., May, Ai V. mm.
. t Pioth'y;
Of whith the aaid defendants will please lake
Shciiff'a Office, 7 Sheriff
Suiibury, May 23, 18IC, $ fit . . .
No further Ikotltc
flHE Book Accounts, Ttotrs, Ac uf It. 11. Mar-
ser and II, a. Maever ot to. are now in me
bsnds of a justice for collection, shd will be put in
sun it not setned, in a few dsys.
Suabnry, April 4lh, 1646,
aits will 3PRaVi.iL.
nart,rp rr q
Imitation Csmbric, Csmbre Dimity. Irish Shifting
Linens, Dsmsak Table I.inen.i Tst le Ckvh snd
Napkins, Long Lawn. French Linen Csmbric snd
Linen Liwng, cheap Shitting snd Sheeting Mus
lins, snd superior Long Cloth Shirting.
Lupin's B..mb.iT.inee of all qualities, snd the va-H-na
ahades of Black, Summer Bnmhj.linee nr
Brtlhante., Milk and C..tton W.rp Alpacras, Silks,
Mouselin tie Lsinea. Baiegra, BaloriHe, M.irquese,
Grt nsdine.,liini(ham. Lawn. Crapes, Cfape snd
Love VieU, Kid and Silk Glove, Hmieiy,
Plsin Silk. Glaeia. Oiloman, Thibet, Barege and
I Wistrd Silk Shawl, Scarfs and CraVata.
French Cashmere long and squne Shawla;
B'ile Ho., Printeil, Barege, Thibet and Terkerri
do.. GUt Is, Twisted Silk, Grenadine, Hcrnani sod
Mohair do., snd low priced do.
Silk. Grenadine, Barege, and other long and
shoit 8earr, Also, 1'rnvnla.
Blrk Lace ahd Silk Mantillas, Viaili, Capes snd
Cardinal, of the new atyles.
Emb'd Caps, Collar. Spencer, and Chemiaetta,
under Seev.-a and CullV, English and Frnch
Thre.d I .aces. Edging srd Insertings, Linen Boh
b'n Rdgi g snd Insetiinga, emb'd Sis and Cam
brie do.. BUck and Whit Lare Viela. Lace Shawls
snd Scarfs wide III irk Lseea for Mantillas and
Scarfs, and Black Biussela I. see, for trimming do.
English white and black ribb'd, erttb'.li open
wntked, and p'sin Silk H siery ; while snd blsek
balf H se, riMi'd nnd plain ; spun Silk Snd ratvSilk
d .; also, Eoftl h snd Swi white, colored, snd
unbl. ached Cotton do) lihh'd) plain tmh'tl cluck
ed, and open worked ; also, Children's Cottltn do t
and Ladies' white and unbleached Lisle Thread
do , of various qualities, a scarce and desirable ar
ticle, and other Hosiery nf various descriptions.
liken Cambric and lawn hdkfs.
Plain, corded, berdrred, riviere, lhusirue, and
emb'd Linen Cambric and Lawh HJkfs.j from l2j
cl. to each. AIo, llaa. Purses, Green Rs
rrgn for Veil. Gauzo Viola. Black Linen, Lead
col'd and Brown do,. Pap r Muslins,
All the new eUhs rich sud cheap Sditfs and
Cravata ; Ki-I, 8.1k, Thread, and other Gloves;
Col l .in hulf Hose; Silk snd Linen Csmbric pocket
H tikis, Suspenders, &C
(ty You can find at MARSHALL'S, I SB Chea
nut street, almost cv. ry arid in Dry Goods Ihst
you requite, and St prior quite as low, if Ant lower
than sUewhi re, (it it In hit inlerrtt to tell cheap)
and as he i constantly adding to hi stock the new
est and chenpesl gooda, you will be sure Of being
suited. But, reader, you are invited to call and
judge for yourself.
Philadelphia, M.y Ifi h, 1816. 2m
THE Danville Sleam Woolen Faelnry, fumer
ly owned and occtip eJ by Dr. Pktaiklir. h-a
recently been purrhned by the subscribers, who
resptctfully snn. unie lo tMr frionds snd the pub
lic general y, thai Ihcy are now prepared to do all
kinds of w.jrk in their line of business, at the shor
test notice, according lo order, snd in the heat com
parative manner, Having gone to cohsidrtshle
sipen-e in repairing Iheii machinery and Splfatus,
and In ing very particular in securing the service of
rspeiiei'Ced meehsnic, they feel CohfiJent that
Ihey are capable of rkreuting all kinds of work in
a S'y'e aneriiir lo any other rl slilishirient in ihe
country, at the old ruMonviry pmi's.
BLANKETS cnnstuli ly on band, snd for sale at
reduced price, for l'art i i Ilirter.
4Kllt At rl LIIC4
will ! in the best nunnnr. at ihe usual pri
ce. All kind, of Cnuutry ptixlure taken in pay
ment foi oik, at D-itmlle ruaiket prices.
For the sccomhind:itinn of those who live al a
di-1 a lire, Waul and CtOTll will be taken in at,
and, when finished, returned to lha following pla
eve, I'Lin written Iliieciions tnuat sfceompany
ech parct l I
Chlumlua County. Roup it Man's starr Washing!-
nvtlle; R. Fniii's st.. re, J.r.eytown ; Yea
gei's inn, Roaring Cie.kl Sharpless alOte. CattsA
isai IX F. Mann's atnie, Miltliiiville Miller's
store, BorwH'k t J- Cline'a Mill; Racket Store,
OtHneeville; Deir's tore. White Hall.
Kulhuoibert&nd tVtirtiv Michael ReaJer s inn.
Turlutvitle ; Irelnnd &. Hav's store, McEwene-
villel K. L. Piner'S st.oe. Watsonstowhi S. I.
t'ornly cV Co' store. Milton; Gibson's inn, Cbil
lituaqiie ; Forsvlli'a stote, . ftorthumbertand ;
i oung s store. nonbUty.
t.uzerue Cuuntii. Rrvnnld s store; ttineston:
Gildeisleeve's store. Wilkesbsrre ', Gaylnrd'a store.
rlymouih; 8i)ei s store, JNanUcuke ; Judge
Mark's Mill, Huntington.
l.urvinivp County. II. Cl.'tip "s store, Muncy ;
Shneni.iker' store. Smith's Mill.
Danville, May 9, 1819. .
8AXVXXlifi PA.
flUIE slibsriibvr, Isle of the Union Hotel, Muu
A cyt Pa , respectfully infoima the old and nu
uierous rust. inter, of lit
lMiiitlnnlti llouAOt
dnj the public gemrtliy, that he ba leased ihe
Tv. rn Stand of John Rhode; in Dsnvillc, where
he Is now prepared to entertain travellers, fud per
sons vl.itina the toWn, in Ihe v ry best style. The
accommodations will be U. h as a well cohdbcted
public house should hlTrd, and no rfToit will be
pared lo rehder xtifji tin, in every reapeel, lo all
who may Call. Thb citiaen of Lycoming collnty
re invited to put up with the undersigned when
ihey visit Dahvillc.
Uani le, May 2, 1S46.
Liniel Lime!!
RERPECTFt'LLY Informs bis ft lends, ihst
be has commenced the business of Lime
liuniing.oh the f Jim he now octuii-s. Ha has
now on hand a quantity of Lime for sale, and will
always endeator Id accommodate ittoso who may
faior him with their custom,
t Augusta, April Uth, 1846. 6m
Ml O8SESl'h' quality "Sugar House
Mtltaseea, only 12) cents per quart; stao.a
na ankle of yellow Molasses for baking, on
ly -I2. cent par quart for sale st the el or of
June 13, 1146, HENRY MASSER.
. . os tn t
tNL TWO DOt.t.A A YIA t f 1
'T'O xsst rut setatt o thb aos, and in ptsc
the Weekly Mirrof on sn equal fooling With
lii i numerous rivals, the teritis are teduced from
Thieo Dollar a year, to To. The character of
the paper will be Improved in every reaped with
Also a Copious Correspondence, domestic snd foe
reign. A new Novel of greet merit will be com
menced with Number One, nf the new volume oil
the I llh of April. The paper and type will be su
perinr in qiltlity lo any before Used f t this papcl.
The Blegaht Qnsrto f orm of ihn Mirroi, will
bind Up in Two Handsome Volumes al Ihe end of
the year, well worth pteerving a faithful ami
spirited Litetsry Record of ihe Time. It will lo
forwsrdt-d by il k earliest mail, in etrong WMp
pet, to every part of ihe United States and Cans-,
da. i'utluge free within thirty miles of New
All rornmtinicaiioits should be address!, post
paid, lo II. FULLER, corner Ann and Nassau
streets, New Yoik.
TsrmsI . -
On dopy tine yesr in sdvshfJCj $2 6(1 .
One copy two yest, . 3 60 t
Two copies one year, , , 3 00
F 'ur, , , , , , 5 00
Ten, , , , , . 10 00
N.B. Price ,.f the DAILY EVENING MIR
ROR, $ 6 per annum in advance, One Shilling
week when served by csrriers.
THEREBY returns his sincere thanks for past
tLm. favors, snd respectfully infornls his ftiend-i
arid the public generally, that he has removed lo
the Brick Store Roum formerly occupied by Wood
A RbaWn, Where he will be happy to accommodate
all who wish good work al moderate prices, assuring
them thai he will exert himaelf lo please.
A good assortment of Boots snd Shoes, for Gen
tlemrn, Lsdies, shd Children, ronStanily on hsnd.
Also, Linings, Bindings, and all sorts of Morocco
fot fsle, low.
All kinds of Woik mado to measure, nnJ re
pairing Well done, at Ihe thortes! notice. Ca t
and Scii
Sunbury, April ISih, l84rj. tf
. o i-1 li ii m e r l it n l County.
UESPECTEL'LLY informs his fri ml ami
he public in general, that he lina laken lh)
Urtck 8tand, formerly occupied by George Printo
ss s public hou-e, (raft Of the Stale House, mid
oppoaite the CoUtt II tuse.) where he is pteiarJ to
sccomroodste his ftiends, and all others who msy
favor him with their custom, in ihe best manner.
In short, no exertions nor expense will be spi
red to render bis house in every wsy worthy of
public patronage!
Sunbtiry. April 4th, 1846 Cm
PfcTKii tt. MASSfclti
RESPECTFULLY informs iho citi2ens of
SUnbury snd vicinity, that he has opened an
office st the refidence of Henry Msspr, in Moiket
street, Where he is prepaied to execute all kinds of
L)iTAt Suaoaat, Plate Work, &.C., on the latost
and most approved plans.
llaving Did some cterirhce and inatrtirti.ihj
under otle of the itidt eminent and auccesaful Den
tia'a in Philadilphia, be believes thai be will lie
able 10 give satisfaction to those who msy want his
1. Silica will be wailed on at their places of rrs'n
dence. His charges will be moderate, and his
wOik warranted;
Sunbury, March 28th, i84G.
Al the "CHEAP STORE'' Aro. 41 Strawberry"
t It 1 1 n it e I k h I
W light v
L'R Store rent and oilier expenses being very
we sre cnabbd to sellout UARPE TSt
HS, tc.i wholesale shd retail, al the
lowed prlcee in Ihe tiiv, and buyer will find iv
greatly lo iheit sdvanlnge lo call and examine ihe
large assortment we offer ibis season, of
Beautiful Imperial 3 ply "
DouM SupetRne Ingrain ItAHttTtSGS
Fine and Medium, do
Twilled and plain Vinilian J
together with a Urge s'bek of OIL-CLOTHS
from 2 feet to 24 fret wide, very chesp, for rooma,
halls, etc ; also, Mattings, Floor Clothe, Rues Cot
ton and ltag Carpets, Slc, &c, with a good as
sortment of Ingrain Ourpcts from P5 to 50 center
and Stair and Entry Carpeta frorn 12 lo 50 cu.
No. 41, Strawberry Street, one door above Ches
nut, near Second Street, Philadelphia.
March 21sl, 1846 3m;
tb Tin: civilized world;!
VB. PALMER, the American Newsp4per
Agent, duly su'horired and empowered-, It
Ihe proprietors of mot of the best newspspsrs of
all the cities and piincipal lowna in the U. B, Ind
Canada, lo receive subscriptions Snd sdVeiilHei
ments, and lo g Va receipt for ibrrri, respectfully'
niiliflcs ihe public, ihat he U prepared to execUie
orders from all parts bf Ihe Civil r.ed World, em
bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Club, Ke.
ding Rooms, Corporations, &.C., at bis several offi
cea in the cities nf Pl.itaJilidiia, Baliimore, Kew
York and iiostoh, shd wtfeie coramuhicistidns and
Inrjoirie, pt paid, msy be directed. Addreaa V;
B. PALMER, Philadelphia, N. W, Corner Third
and Chesnut streeu ; Daltimore, S. E- corner BaW
limore and Calvert streeta ; Kew York, Tribune
Buildine opposite City Hall ; Boston, 20 State st.
As no other person or persons sre In sny rbsi:
ner connected with the subscriber; In the American
Newrpaper Agencyi all letter and communication!
for him. should be carefully directed aa above, and
10 no other person. Thi caution baa become we
cesssry, io oider to avoid mistakes, snd put the put
lie on their gusrd sgiinsl H pretended Agent
Ametican KeWspaper Agent;
Edilrir throughhut the I ' tiled Statea for whohi
V, B. I'slmer if A genii wil' promote ihe sd'StiUge"
of all concerned, bv pnbliahiug ibe above:
11. IILIC IfOTICK V. B. Palmer it tho
only suttioriaed Ag ni for the "St-iacaf Asikai
eaai" iu I'lecitbsof Philadelphia, New Yoik
Boston snd Baltimore, of which publirj notice i
hereby given; Msrch 14,
rv'ttlE l'Vtf-lTio""Mi aasta Ilila On, hnr
A iu.l l-en received and is for sale st ihe smrs of'
Miy :0, 140. HENRYJ1AN5ER.
AH 1E N S E E l)S-A fi rah supply ' f E
Rialey & Co's superior Garden Seeds, juss
received snd for sale al the store of
Mieh2l,la46. HENRY MASSER. .