Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 20, 1846, Image 3

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    ... Fro.n the Phil. Ledger.
Klarea Day I.atae from Knropa. '
The tteamship Great Western arrived at New
York thia (Monday) morning, having left Liver
pool on the 30th nit., with news eleven days
, . later from Europe.
The news she bring is interesting and impor-
' 4aot.
The steamship Cambria had arrived out with
. tbe newa of a declaration of war against Mexico
by the United Statea government, and passage
' 6f the bill o raise 50,000 volunteers. This news
produce! a great aefisation in England, and the
sympathy of the British public was altogether
in favor of Mexico, aa the weaker party, though
'Mn the war of invasion against the poor Sikhs tbe
'same public had very little sympathy to throw
'-way notwithstanding the weakness and inferio
Vrty or' Ihe Sikh government compared with the
power of E,;: 'and.
The Great Vtrn ' ' stated, in the F.nglish
papers upon the r.'.'best authority, brings out
the answer of the Brit.'1! Government to the rto-
' tice of the passage of the Oregon resolutions, tmi
. that it i of a eoKcihotory t.-'r":fer- .
Great rejoicings had taken p',ce 'n conse
quence of the successful termination an event
annually expected. Queen Victoria r.' given
birth to another daughter, which annoti.niement
was received as usual with demonstrations o' joy
and gratitude. The Queen is "doing as well
can be expected." The event occurred on the
The excitement in reference to the Corn Rill
atill existed, The measure may be considered
as safe. It has passed the House of Lords on1
second reading by a majority of -17. The Lon
don Sun says nothing whatever can prevent the
triumphant settlement of the Corn bill.
The fate of the Irish Coercion bill is sealed.
Lord George Rentic has declared that the great
body of the Agricultural members are opposed to
its future progress. '
The Corn market was depressed, and transac
tions in the Grain market limited.
The King and Queen of France are expected
to visited England early in July.
Escafk or Loris Bi'onapabti from Ham.
On Monday last, th Prince succeeded in effec
ting his escape from the Fortress of Ham. after
a close imprisonment of some years; having as
sumed the disguise of a workman, he contrived
to elude the vigilance of the sentries to regain
his freedom, without any molestation from the
battalion of infantry that formed the garrison of
the Castle, and to arrive safely in Loudon, where
we believe he is at present.
The Morning Herald says as the Prince escap
ed at 7 o'clock of the morning of the 25th, and
as the event was not discovered for 10 hours
afterwards, he could easily have reached the
Belgian frontiers, only 20 leagues distant, long
before tbe Telegraph itself could have been set
to work. The papers say he embarked at the
Destiny or thb Cavalry. Calwokma to
bb taken. We find the following in the last
Nashville Union :
"We understand from a reliable source, that
it is the intention of the Government to eend a
force to take possession of that country and to
field on to it. It ia supposed that the mounted
men from Aakansa, Missouri, aid probably
from Tennessee, will be directed to California.
We sincerely hope that this information be true,
and from the source through which it is derived,
we are satisfied that it ia reliable. We regard
California now as ours, and with that result all
will be satisfied.
California. Th Washington correspon
dent of the Philadelphia J. 8. Gazelle writes
Vou arc aware that order were aonio tune
jo sent lo Cot. Kearny, of the ilregooiie, t
put Itimaell at the head of body of dragoon
and mounted riflemen, and take up hia line ot
tnttck for Sante Fe, and it ia supposed he will
then be ordered into California. Hut hia pre
tence there will not be necessary, if what I
learn be true, ard I have it from the beat au
thority, namely-, that the emigranta who have
lately gone from Missouri to Oregon and Cali
fornia, number one thousand men rank and file,
ind are regularly organised into a regiment of
nauntcd men -rifremen, aa ever man at leant
ias bia rifle.
Thia body of men are In proceed to '.he South
Paaa with their wivea and children, household
itufT, flock and herds and then, tending the
alter, (their familica, &c.) to Oregon with a
lufficient escort to protect thetn, they Will pro
ved themeelvee, at once to California, where
hey are determined to effect a revolution, rlia
liaaand send away the Mexican authorities,
ctabliah a government of their own, And take
rmal poeseaamn of the Province. About IWo
undred of these men are hardy mountaineer,
ho are perfectly familiar with the Rocky
fountains, where they are at home, and all of
tern resolute, brave, determined, energetic
ten, wboin no danger can daunt, no obstacle
npede, no force, not five or aix limea their own,
in defeat. California they have gone to take,
id California they will have.
How to eat Hait. Tbouaande of peroha
Mitinue to cure tbemeelvaa of Cold, Cough,
eadache. Rheumatic Affection,' Small Pot,
leaalee, Coetiveneea, Influent, and the boat of
om indieationa of th body of I be bluod being out
' order, (imply by peevtlngly uaing Braodretb'a
egetabla Universal Pill, ao long Is any ymp
ma of derangement io any organ remain. Often,
adopting thia courae, which experience haa
oved according to Nature it being merely to
rt her, have many in a few day been rectoroJ to
tltb, who, but for fiiaodietb'a Pills, bad bean
sick for months. ; The value of this medicine is
beyond price.!. .4 3 . I ; ,
Purchaas of H. D. Masner, Sunhury, or of
the agent, published in another part of this paper.
Corrected Weekly by Henry Masser.
Ris, . ..
Coan, . ,
: Oats, . , , .
Pone, ,
BcTTsa, ,
Eeas. '
B tits wax,
T HO W, :
. PtAX,
H to a tin Flax,
Daian Apflis, ,
Do. : Pit AC a,
. 8
: 10
. 75
Sheriff's Sale;
BY virtue of a writ of fieri faciae, to me direc
led, will he exposed to public sale, at ifae
court house in Danville, on Saturday the 11th day
of July neit, at I o'cl -rk, P. II, the follow ing de
scribed property, lo wit t .
A certain tract of land on Montour' Ridge, si.
tuata partly in Liberty township Columbia conn'
ty, and partly in Northumberland county, bounded
on me west ly tract warranted in the nam of
Abraham Kii.lxin-, en tba north by 8invnt.n cV
RcAuson, on the rant by tracta wammt.d in the
riatneao' Rn rrt Swing si d Wrr, Person, arid . n
the anuth by ' j lemons and other, containing
aio lit 4-U acres. I ht Irsrt la warranted ami Mir
veyed in the name of John B.inon, jr. An excel
lent vien of f .ssillifrr.nis iron ore, 15 inches in
thick. es, run through this trrt of Innd. and is
I only ana mile from the Susquehanna river and e
in, nil n De miles from , Danville and mx from
. S.'d, taken in executinn, and to be a dd aa the
prorvri of Samuel Crcigh.
Shen.TV Office. 1 . shrr IT.
Dinvd'e. .'urteJJO. 1816. $ 4t . .
nd Vnluntlon
To the llcirt of (A"f Snyder, dee'd.
BY virtue of certain wiit of pirtiiinn and
vrlu lion. isuei oil of the Orphans' Court
of the county of Northuini erlanri, to Aliquot term
A. D 184(1. directing the sheriff of said countv to
make partition ard valustinr, of a certain tract of
land sit nt e in t.ower Mahonny Inwnahip, hounded
by land of Jacdi Snyder, th Sa'quehona rivi r,
Mliantngn crrf k and laud of Dai) ief Rothrrmel,
enniaining one hundred and fifty nine acre and
eighiy-fuir perche Late the eiiate f George
Snyder, decM. Now know n, (the id fieirs of
ssid ilrcM ) I'Y llie suthnrity of the firrsif wii.
I, Thnma A. Rdlinc'nn, sheriffof id count v, will
on Tuesday the 14th dav of July next, at 1 1 o'riork.
A. M., upon he premises above named, make pn
Titian or v ihulion in the manner and foim specilled
in aaid writ, at which time and place you are here
by warned to be and appear, if ton ihnk proper.
Sheriff's Office, ? Sheriff.
Punhury, June 13. 1946 J 4t
Auditors Report.
HrjT Hovpt and Tnoia A. Billioto,
Overeer of the Poor of the Borough of Sunlit
ry, in aeeiuit with ad Borough, fur the year
. eoiumrneing in March, 1815, and ending in
March, 1616,
To whole amount nf Duplicate, f 205 4 1
To thia amntiol. being the proceeds art v
ing on tlie le of the person I proer
Iv of Mary l'.irper, a pauper on Raid
Bornui-h, 35 33 J
To this sum received of ('. G. Donnel'a
eatate, 60 00
To order on precnl Overseers for balance
due, : . , . 21 bJ
f:2l 7.1
By amount paid George Bright and S im- ' ' '
uel Thompson, late Overseers of aid '
Borough, f S 68
By amount paid John Brieht for making
out duplicate, as per rec iil, 1 25
By amount paid K Gas, as pet reeeip', 131
By amount paid Catherine Kirh', for
boarding Martha Kirbl, a auier, aa .
xr receipt. 35 87
By em'l paid Henry Bardshri, for beud- '
ing Mia. Berci-r, a paiiM-c,aa per reir'pt, 37 00
By am't paid S. 1). Jordan, lor rols in
the case nf the Overarra ol Sunhury -v.
Union township, Union county, aa
per te.-eipi, . m 3 J5
By ani'l paid Peter Bailey, a witness in '
- said case, a per recript, . 92. J
Ry am'l paid fr Mary Hahn, aa p. n-c'pt, 9 25
By am'l paid fur Bernard Hopper, aa per
receipt, j , , . . . 3 50
By am't paid Mary Seasholla, for boaid- :
iugN'choia Kay, apsop'r, asp rec', . 15 25
By am't paid J. W. Fr ling, aa per rec'pt, CD
By am'l paid Dr. Tiitra. Iialam e due f r
meil'cat attemtance iliirmg the ye'
1842 Mid 1843. aa per receipt, : 4 00
By am'l paid Dr. Tritea for medical aN -tendance,
in full of hia bill to the 13ih '
Januarv, 1846, aa per receipt, 10 75
By a u'l p,id Geo. W. Kirhl f .r clerking
Mrs. Berger'a vendue, as per receipt, ' 47
By am'l paid Win. Youngman, for Mrs.
Burger' coftio, aa per irceipt, 6 00
By am't paid IVler Durtl and H. Bard
sber, for d tte'tng grave, aa wt rretipt, 2 I2J
Ry am't paid lltnnah Ray; aa p. reeeipf, 00
Ry am't pild to the eonUibutits of the . '
I' nil's lldnpilal, for Imaidnif Marihi
M. ore. a pauper, frm the 2!tth April
to the 22d August, 143 including f t
Tor cloihina, aa per rwipt, 09 Of)
By am't paid for stage fur. &e, ftt said
Mariha.frnm PhiUtlelphia to Sunhury, 8 00
By am'l piid for hora hire and travelling
etpenara, Ae.,io going to Union eoun .
ly pu business in relation to aaid MN .
' ths s resilience, aa ter rHitt, - 13 5ft
By exonerations of unrollrctilde 1st, 2 T3
By compensatory allowance fur sertices
of lha Overseers, , 33 C'j
By Auditor' fee, . 4 00
$331 73
The undersigned, appointed to ou Jil, settle and
adjust Iba accounts of lb Oveieeere ol tho Pom of
lha Borough of Sunhury, having eiamineil tbe Re
ceipts and Eiprndilurea aa set forth in the pieeeeJ.
ing etatemantof Heury Houpl and Thomas A. lid
Imgton, late Ovartecr of said borough, exhibiting
a balance in their favor of 2 1 dollars and 98 J cent,
do allow and paaa lha aame.
In testimony of which, wa bav hereunto set our
hands, the Otb day of My, A. D. 1846. .
Sunbury, June 13th, 1846,
Hnrc yon lirard flic New, t
Why, bay'my too nto that
At hinhop, in Market ttreet, adjoining the three
ttory Brick Haute,
TT AS just received from Philadelphia the largest,
handsomest and brat assortment of
of eveiy description, that has ever been brOdght to
lh:S place. And what i Mill better, thry asy he
sella so cheap, lhat' you can buy two rainor the
tnme money that jnu turd to pay for one pair.
He Beta von Cash and 8i.ta fob Cn, and
that i the lesson that be can afford lo sh-11 ihem so
much chear. If yon don't want to buy, just call
and aee hia tock. He i alwaya gUd to aee hi
cu-loniers; and it ia no trouble to him to ahow his
gnu!. J,, (0 gjve y n (,),, 1QW rnP8p ,e (jopg
fell, ibe following is a Ikt of prices of a part of his
steck t ' ' ' (
Mens' Thick Bont, .
d i fine Gruln d
worth $4 00 at f 2 75
" 4 60 at 3 00
do Cilf do
Boya' Thirk do "
Youth' do
Mcna' Thick Brogan, "
Womena' Morocco Wells
and KM Spring,, -
Woment' heat City made
Kid Slipper, ."
L ulii's' (l.iitrr and Gai-
tcr Bool,
A'ao, everv varietv of Ladid
" 5 00 at
" 2 50 at
" 2 00 at
" I 87 at
3 no
I 75
I 25
1 00
1 60 at
1 C2 at
2 00 at
1 00
1 12
1 37
, Boys' atij
diena' ahoea, at prices I wcr than ever bclore ofli r-
etl. Come and See
' Sunhury, June I3ih, 1946 6m
E think a man who will make and palm
npn an unsu'neetina: person, a Ntienr
Coated rill," not having on I he box Dr. G. Beni'ii
Smith's signature, would not hesitate In sell poi-on,
r'eganlleas4f all consequence No'Si a t'oa
Tin Piita" can he relied upon, !nlrB Dr. Smith'
stg'iature is on the bin, and all other are either
imitation or counterfeit, and of courae dangeiou to
. Q3 CAUTION. As a miserable imitation ha
been made, by the name of Spgir Coated Pill."
it ia necessary to be cure lhat Da. (S Baai. Smith's
rigna'uie ia on every box. Price 25 rent.
Principal Office. 179 Greenwich sL New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILING, Suntntr,.
VVM. FORSYTH E, Northunt'd.
June 13ih, 1S46.
. Dennis Woolrerton's Estate.
"OTHJE ia hereby giv.n that hllcra of admin
isirstiou on the esute ,if Dniiiia Woolvrrlon,
late of Goal township, Northumberland county,
d- c'd have been gr.mleil t- the subscriber. All per
aon indrbtid to a .aid estate, or having c'aim a
gainst the f.nne, aie requ sud lo call on the sub
scriber, st Shamokiniown. and .ctile. without di lit
. June 13ih, IS4G 6t , A.loi'r,
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the
Court of C..mmn Plea of Northumberland
county, lo ascertain the amount of money in the
hand of Ira ')' 'dement, garnishee, in favor nf the
heir of Henry Rartsh. r, ilrc'd , and alo the at
mount due Henry Bartsh. r, jr., one of Ibe hciis of
said deceased, hereby nolifira all persona interested
that he will attend lo the dutiee of hia appointment,
on Monday the 22d day of June, at hia office.
Sunhury, June 6, 1846. 3t t w Auditor.
Estate of John Ittilneharf, dee'd.
Notice to Heirs.
X. 15, Augutt Term, A. D. 1816. ! . ' i
. - " John Kbineliart v - .
' - w ' .... ': '
' .- -
Charles Rhlnehart, Thomas Crohf, Guardian of
Thom ia Cr shy, Henry Stell anil Klialelli hia
wife, Jame Kced ami Louia his wife, Ge.itiie
II. McAllister and Strait hia wife, and Martin
Hahn and Mary hi wife.
N.iTIII'i:SLSll Col'JlTT, Scl.
The Gommonwealth nf Pennsylvania lo the She-
rill of rvoriuutnhfil mj Gai:tti!iv:
7"On aie hereby commanded to summon
I'harlea Rliinehurl, Thomas Cro'..y, Guar
til an of I hotline Urosby, llenry Sivll and K'li
lMib hi wife, Jiiies Reed and I imsa his wife,
Ge. rgt B. MeA lt.t r and Hmah hi wife, and Mer
lin ll.ihn iid Mary his wife, defendant j, lo he and
appear l. lha Judi-ea it the Court of Common
Pleas. In lie hol.len l Sunhury tor aaid couoiy. on
the fir.t Monday of Auaut nest, to ansnoi John
Rhii.ehait, idamtiff, of a pie wberelore ibe aaid
plain'irTau.l the ad together and tnidi-
.ic:en.ia..t togeinir ami un.ii- .,, 01 . , , , ,
in tract ,4 land in Augusia ! 1 1 f""" 'V?! ' ?f'"
-errs mora or lesa, T A ' .T "HI H ' r. Paeaiat. h s
vidinl do hold a ct rt a
township, containing
adjoining Lii l.'i.nmd, lllijin G.mrsd, SjiiiupI
I. mix and others t a', a piece of lai d in aame
lowohi, euntaii ing eleven cte morn or hssj
one lot of ground a.lj .inii g Mary Mania n, Mrs.
Lvonand Shimokin treek, and Iwu pieces oflatiil Miiing each olhel and foru.Br. tttgethef contain
ing tw Je screa m -te or lews iMiiin.i. d by IheSht
mokin crerk and hill laud chdiiH'd by Mrs, Lvoh,
leing the piece now in the poaseision of Cha I a
Rbinchatii also, a Certain house and lot of ground
.ilmtlM In 4ii,iltk,rM i.t W ll .... !l1ln.u . .....
aide, bounded we by lot of Mr. Simpaon. east h,
r.-u..... ... -..."',, ... M" , ii'I.ii
lot : V.,..nin,.n ....I n...ll. Ii. . !
aUe, a certain bouse and lot nf ciound in Rivet
street, in Suubuiy, UlUnded by lot of MrCatty A
Davis, south by lot of Gco-ge Mante, and east bv
an alley. Partition thCieuf between tU m ibe aaul
d. fendaut doth not Hereof fill nut and
have y.u Ibeia then ih s rit;
Witness the Hon. J. U. Anthony, Piesident
of our oi.l court at Sunhury, the 6ib day of
May, A. D. 1816.
' ' ' ' . Protb'yi
Of whith Iba said defend nit Will pleasu late
notce. THOMAS A. Bll.liLNGTOX,
ShetifCaOlHee, - Sheriff.
Subbury, May 23, 14. J -(It
Tin h nil silieefol roii Ware
flZlZiZZflORO V B, fENN'A.
riiut' ...i. .;i .......f.., . l . I
I .k . h l 1 ino puunc j
"m., umm v' i no maouuciura oi
Tlii und 8lieelIroit Ware,
in all ita Vaiious branches, at Selinsgruve, Hi
ware ia not only mada of lha beat material, but is
put together in a substantial and workmanlike msn
ner, ditlering in I bia reaped fiom much of lbs waia
sold, which is made up in a huny for that purpoee.
An excellent assortment will be kept on band at all
linns, which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. ANDREW 8. WING BUT.
Selluegrove, May I6tb, 1846. if,
No I'urthcr Notices
THE Book Accounia, Nolea, Ac. of H. B. Mas
ser and H. U. Msaser 4. co. aie now in the
banda of a justice for collection, and will be put id
suit if uot ten led, in a few dayi
Stinb7, April 4lb( JS46,
, Wo. 188 Chesnut Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets,
EES H Ha 1E3
8 now piepared to ofler. Wholesale and Retail,
JL a largt assortment pf Faxrt and Stapls
suited to the Country a well a City Trade. He
continues the system of "no abatement in prirei,"
which he has pursued for the past ten year,' and
deairea to call the aprrM attention of the puld'c to
it aa the only true fintrm of retail business, and
which i decidedly M the interest of the purchaser
In piomote. It j quite time the frnmlnlet t prae
lice of nsking a hiith prire, and abntins to mike the
purrhnser helicve they are the "favored few," waa
done awny with, , nine lime out of ten they are
mad to pay a higher price (however great (lie re
duc'lm) thari tbe like style and quutily Cm bn pur
chsaed al the, One Piiec Store."
A. IL M.'ia in regular receipt of tho newest and
chrapeM seasonable poods, and when any nriirle in ;ilue the price la at once marked
down ao low that it cannot be undersold. By th
system the purchaser cm at all lime buy, with
confidence and entUfaction. and without nilc f
time in ttolca bargaining. He baa at thia tune
Complete assortment of -
B'bi k Lnstrinn, Ottoman,' Pong da So!e, Man
tua, CJros tie Rhine, Armute,' ami other Drrsa and
M .nun. Ft Iks. At
Fancy Dr. s Silks, from 4 1 ct. to J2 2.1 i rr
trd, including all the variety of approved and
useful style anil cmnbination of cnbirs.
Lining Silks, Foulard Silk, Silk Gingham.
P.ri Painted Liwns and Organdie.
.f the
new, at and niott approved ayle, a will a the
cheapest in the market. Al,
Scotch Lawn at very low prire.
Of the newest ttei'igna. Also Scotch Gingham
an I Ginitham l.arvi., vety rheap. Tw.ll'd Eart
tn and Manchester Ginghams, f.r cliildicn's
ar. ,
FiiEscn chintzes:? :s
Light, medium, and dirk Colors, 4-4 wide. Also,
het m ke American Chiitlx and Calicoes, of I ho
new patterns, at 12 cts. per ynid.
Of the most splendid Ombre and Printed atyb1.
down to the French, English and American, at 25
cents per )ad.
Of all qiinlit'e and every vari.ty of design,
suited to all tastes. Also, embroidered and chain
.titchrd Rolwa, Ba) adore and Polka Dris ea.einli'il
Swi Muslin and tliahop Lann dr. pjlten
TaileteiH and colored plaid and slrtpe Swia Alu.v
Tlain Swiss. Mull, Nsnsook. Jaeconet, Camlnic,
Bonk, and Tarteton Muslin, Plaid. Stripe, roid d
Hid figured Cjinbrie and 8 is do , llih p Lawn,
To Pred. rick Trhupp John Tchupp. Jacob Tchnpii
Henry Tchupp. Christian Tchupp, Prter
Tchupp. Adam Snyder ami It.ehel hia wife,
Jacob f.aurer and Cithrin his wife, William
Potts and Barbara hia wife, Casper Heckert, IV
tr Heckert, Frederick Heckbrt, and Murgaiet
H-ckert, GaatTinn
njV viitoe nf a certain wiit of Pa.iiiion, No. 27,
119 iaaued out of the Court nf Common Plea
Northumberland roiintv. to Aogtiil Term A. I).
1816, di ecting the shrriffof snhl County to sum
mon a jury ami make partition nf a certain ttarl
f l.iml si'na'e in Lower Mahonoy township, in s iid
count t, atljomii g nf John I rhiipp. jr.. Ml
eliael Wil'iier, John Shreceranl the Mihntang..
Crerk, containing one hundred and sixtv-iwo e e ,
or thereabout. " N ow know ye, thai bv the Autho
rity of the same, I the aid sheriff of aid county
will on Monday the 1 3th dav of July next, st II
o'clock." A. M.. up.m the premises above named
make pirtition or valuation in the manner ami form
sNc:fied in the a fori said writ at which ttnie and
phiee yon are hereby warned to he and appear, If
you tntna proper.
SherifTa Office. J (Sheriff
Sunhury, May 30th, 1846. ) fit
iesp rlfully announce lo their friends and the pub'
lie general y, thai they a now to' do ah
kinds of w jrlt io ilieir line of Irusiilvs, at the shoi
tct police, according lo ofdtfr.'and in lha beat eotn
pafalive manner, Having gone to conidrrMe
eipen in repairing llieii m.ichiliery and ajiatalus,
nd being very particular in sreurittg the service of
ripeiicnCed mechanic, they feel Confident lhat
lin y are capable of executing all kinds of work in
a yle aufK-rior to any oilier rs abliihmcnt In the
. ,,
c"": " " ".5':!". '
15I.ANKE fS constsil ly on hand, and for sale at
I reduced pticea, for Cash or Ririer.
titimn am;
will '.te d .ne in lh hi m inner. t the usual pri
ce. All kindi of country pr Mluce taken in pay
inrnl for work, at D.nvillo ,narke prirea. ' I
For the accnmrh'Mltitinn of those who live at a
di tancei W'oOl and ('i.otH will lie taken in at.
and, when finished, return-tl to the following pla
ces. Plain whiten direction nluat aecompany
cacti parcel t ;
Culuinbtu Ciiiiiio. Bolip it Marr'a store, Wa
ahingti tiville ; R. Puiil's store, J t-eytow n ; Yei
gr' inn, Roaring Creek Sharpies stnie. CatU
ie F. Mann's atoie, Milllinvi bt ; Millet',
store, Berwick t J. Cline'a Mil; R ckr.i's aiore,
Olahgevillet Heir's Mote. Wblia Hall.
- Nurthumbrrlilnd Coutio Michael Header' Inn.
I urliuK ill.
le lr. li.nil Oi tlav aiore. McEwena-
ville; E, I,. Iieraj tue, Watsoustowii ; 1
f. ....Ill X, II. I. A. .L... Kill
" v" ' " "'"
Jiaquaue t Foray tl.'a .lore, Notthutillierl .ttd
I lount stoie. n.iiibuiy.
Luzerne County. R. ynold a store, Kingston;
Gilder sleeve' store, Wilkesbatie (iaylord's store.,
Plymouth Htyet'a atote, Nriicoke JuJgx
Mact'a Mill, Huntington.
' Lycoming Ctuinly.-W Cl.ipp' atore, Money ;
Sboeinakei 'a store, smith's Mill.
Danville, May 9, 1846.
MOLASSES The fust quality Sugar Itouae
Molaeaee, only 12) rente r quart elao, a
auperRna article of yellow Mulass a for baking, on.
ty 12J cents per quart for aale at the antra tf
June 13, U46. HENHY MASSER.
fllHE CiLaaaATite Miiissia Haib On. haa
M- jttsl been rrceiveJ aud is for sale at the atore of
May 30, Into.
Imitation Cambric, Cambric Dimity, Irish Shining
Llnena, Damak Table ?.inen, Table Cloihs and
Napkins, Long I .awn, French Linen Cambric and
Limn Liwne. cheip Shitting ami Sheeting Mus
lins, sud Uirrior Long Cloth Shitting.
Lupin's Bi intxrinee of all qiialilie, and the va
n 'U shs.le of Black, Summer Bomhstinee or
Hnlintr,Sllk and O. tt.m V,.rp Alpaeeas, Silks,
Mouselin do l.aines, llarrgra. Ualzurincs, Mrquese,
Ormadinc, (iinahnm. Lawns, Ciape, Cfape and
Love Leisan.Virla, Kid and Silk Cllove. Hosieiy,
Plain Silk. Olaria, Ottoman, Thibet, Barege and
Twialid Silk rhawlf, Srarfs and Cravala.
French I'aiinefe Vn? 'and aquiie Shaw',
R'.-cbe do , Printed, Rare-, ' hdi. t and Terkerri
,G.U' T',;J, Bi(!t' Creiiidine, Hcrnanl and
Mol.air do., and low priced do.
Silk. G'enndire," Barege, and othrr long and
shnitSearf. Al , t'rnvnl.
Blsrk Lace and Milk Mantillas, Yisiti, Cspesand
Cardinals, of the new sty Ira.
Emh'd Cups, Collar, Spencer, and Chemir-rtta,
linder Sb-rv.-s ami Cuff , Entlish and French
Threnl Lace. F.dgings at d Insertings, Linen
j ' V '(: R and lnenine. emb d Sis and Cam-
I "nc 1,1 r ,,lU mf l-ate V tela. Jjace Btiawla
ami Neat wiilo III n k I, see. lor Mantillas anil
Sra.fs. srd Ul uk Biusaels Lace, for trimming do.
and drcs,e.
e I English while and black ribb'd, emb'd, open
winkcil, sud p ain H aiery ; white and black
half II e, tihli'd and d .in ; apon Silk and raw Silk
ilo.; also, r.t.etisli antl Swi-a white,, colore ), and
mil.!. ached Cotton do; libli'd, plain, emh'd clock
ed, ami ojien noiked; also, t'hildrcn'a Gotten do,
ai d Laities' white and unbleached Lisle Thread
do , nf various qualifies, a scarce and desiublo ar
ticle, antl other Hosiery of various descriptions. .
Pl.iin, corded, berdered, riviere, musique, and
cmli'd Linen t'ambric and Lawn Hdkfs., from 12J
cts. to $-U each. Also, lts?s, Purses, Green Ba
rege for Veils, Gauze Vie la. Black Linen, Lend
col'd and Biown ilo.. Pap. r Muslins, Sec,
All the new style rich and cheap Scarf and; Kit, Thread, and other Gloves;
Cotton hulf Hose; Hilk and Linen Cambric pocket
Hdkfs, Suspenders, Vc.
You can find at MARSHALL'S, 18 Chca
nut street, afimst cv. ry article in Dry Goods that
you requite, and t ptiera qiitea low, if not lower
than eNewh. rc, (i7 to hi interest to tell cheap)
Hiid aa he is constantly adjing to bis block the new
eat and cheapest goods, )uu will be sure of lieing
suited. ' Uut,, you are invited lo call and
judqe for yourself.
Philadelphia, My I6ih, 1816. 2m
ltlch mid'ieaht
roil spumo taass.
TIlHE sul acrilM-r has just opened for spring tiade,
M. a large and complete assortment ft Bruan-ela,
Imperti.l. fupt tlioe and fine Ingrain and Venetian
CA liPETA, which haVe all been purchase) Within
a month, at the lowest caah rales. Tbey are now
olTered at greatlv reduced prices Tor cAsb.
Thee Bonds are nf an eir style And finish, and
being nf the best moke aiol f ihrict oiler gieat in
ducements lo pim ha-cis io obtain a handsome and
dinnahle article til plires lielow the Usual rate.
The na-ortmenl Is coinpli-te in every reflect, and
con.-Uts in pari l Hie following
New a.iit a. tenilill ttmarla
si I
no .to Ingrains
Do do Imiieria's
Do dn Twl'd Venetians
Do do PI .in do
D i do Fine t Common
L train
at Reduced
Splendid Emhosed Piano and Table Covers;
Star RhIa, Riiidiugs, Sheep Skins, See. &e.
ith an inimeii-e st ik of low pi iced Carpets
oi i.p ileseriptions. J.'St, U tg lleotp, and Cotton
t'sttiets, from 12 lo SO cents per yard
Count. y Mciehants, hous. keepi'is and others
have now an opairiuniiy t.f supplying themselves
iiii iiaii.lsodie and ilestr ilile g chIs at greatly rrju
ceU price. HUllr.KI II. WAI.KtK.
2.1 N 2d st. opposite Chria Church.
riitad. lph a. Mav 16 h, 1816 3 to
1"knxs y iaV ax i a liouiBr
1IE siibsclllier. l ite of the Union Hotel. Mun-
ry, Pa , respavlfu'ly informa the old and nu
merous customer f the
I'riinsivlvniila I louse.
and Ibe public ceueral'y, lhat he has leased the
I iiv, ro Xtanil of John Ithodesi in Danville, where
be la now prepared to eiilerluiu travellers, And per
son iitinc lha town, in (he v. ty best style. The
accommodations Will be aUeh as a Well conducted
public house should bir.ird, arid no effort will be
spared lo render sitUfj. Ii.injn every respect, to all
who may call. The fit !cn of Lycoming collnty
are invited 1.1 101 1 tin with the underaiined bcn
ihcy visit Dihville.
Daui le, May 2, 1816.
1'nsli iouablc
HEItfcllV returns bi sincere thanks for past
UVois. atu re.pectlully ii fornw bi Mends
And ihn public gei.erjllv, ilul ho ha removed lo
the lliick Store Uo. 'in formerly occupied by Wood
A Ith iwn. where he will U- hippy to aicouirtioduta
all iVho wish go work at moderate price, assuring
ihem lhat he will e' il himself 10 please.
A good as-ortn.eiil ol and SIuh's, for Gen
ilemeu, Ladies, and Chi dten, l onatanlly on baud.
Also, Lin ngs, BjiiJliig-., and all aorta of Morocco
for ale, low.
' All kinds of Woik made to rhraeurej ahd Rs
paii ing wtl done, at the hottest notice. Cutt
and See.
Sunhury, April l8nV, 1846. tf
Liinc I Lime ! !
RERPECTPL'LLY Informa his friend, that
be hA commenced Ihe business of Lime
liuming. on lbs faun he imw oreupiea. lie has
now tu bnd a quantity of Lima for sale, and w ill
always endeavor lo accommodate tboaa who may
favor him with Ibcir custom.
Augusts, Apiil 1 lib, 1840, 6a
iiK www
or m
tff.t TWO DOI.f.ARS A TEAR ! I i
TO sirrr tms aetatT ot n ana. and o plac
- iBo Weekly Mirror on an cquul fooling with
Ita numeroua rivals, ihe terms are teduced froir
Thiee Dollar a year, lo Two. The character o.
the paper will Imi improved in every respect with
Also a copious Correspondence, domestic and f
reltfn. A new Novel of great merit will be com
menceil with Number One, of the new volume 01
the 1 1th of April. The paper and type will be eu
perior in quality to any before used f r thia papea
The Elegant Cjnsrto Form of the Mirrot, wil
bind op in Two Handsome Volumes at the end o
the year, well worth preserving as a faithful ntn
spirited Literary Record of ihe Time. It will In
foi warded by ti e earliest mails, in alrbng wt -ip
per, lo every part of Ihe United Stats and Cne
ds. Potloee fret within thirty mi lea of Ncv
All communications should ho adjresscd, poii
paid, tit H. FULLER, corner Ann and Nkasat
streets, New Yolk. ,
Ono copy one year in advance, $2 00'
One copy two year, . . 8 60
Two copiea one year, . . 3 00
Four, , , , , . B 00
Ten to 00
l!OR, f 6 per annum in advance. One Shilling 1
week when eerved by canieia.
s u s 11 r 11 v,
N o r t li u m l e r 1 11 11 tl County
TTJESPECTEL'LLY informs liis fri.ndean.
B (L the public in general, that he lifts tsken lln
Urick Stand, formerly occupied by Georgo ,ti,u''
a a public houie, (east of the Slate House, an.
opposite the Court II .use,) where he is prepared t.
accommodate his ftiends, an.) alt others who mnj
favor him with their custom, in Ihe lieet manner.
Itl short, 110 exertions nor expense will be spi
red 10 reiuler his house in every wsy worthy o
public paifnncgo.
Sutibiiry, Aptil 4lh, 1846 6m t
The success of the PEK1N TEA
S 4 CO.VMNY.No.:0..S..uTBSEt?5n
nut, I'liiladulnhia, hits been il-
leled. Our citizens aro now able to obtain a fu.
perior article of Teas, at rates much cheaper thko
h:ive ever before been ollcte.l in ibis country,
they have the auiunce that there are no tlrusa or
other foreign aubsUncns tnlxed with the Tens.
They are done op in packsgea (linrd with le-',
to preserve tluir strength and flavor.) of from 1. o
quarter to five pounds, to suit customers, and . 10
sold at dilTerent prioes, from fifty cents per lb f.t
an MCiiieni article to one dollar and (Iliy cents.
Sj" All pt fsons visiting the city are invited ti pay
the company' extensive eslaL!ishment a visit.
Agent wanted in every placo where they arc
not yet established. For particulars, address, post
paid, the subscriber,
U. B. ZEIBER. Ag't for the Compuny,
30 South Tbird Street, Philadulphia
April 4th, 1846. ly .
II ESI'ECTFULLY informs the ciiizcne cf
Mj Sunhury and vicinitv, that he haa opehed an
ntliec at the residence of Heftry Maaeer, in MarVf l
street, where he is prepmed to execute all kinc'u .(
Dkntal SuiioanT, Plate Work, &c , on the hle,
and most approved plan.
' Having had some experience and instruction,
under ehe nf the most eminent aud succesaful Den
tis's in Philadelphia, he believes thut he will li
able 10 give satisfaction to tbose who may waul Li
Lathee will be waited on at their pUcea of re;
dence. Hi charges will be niodetale, and h'
woik warranted.
Sunbtiry, March 28th, i84G.
f the "CHKAP STORK" Ao. 41 Slrutcbcrrf
' Street,
V h 1 1 a 1 c 1 1 U I n.
gaffkUR Store rent and other eipensea Utng very
9 light, we are enabled to a. Iluui CARPETS,
OIL-CLOTHS, Ac., wholesale and retail, at thtt
lowest pticea in the city, aud buyers will find it
greatly to their advantage 10 call and examine the
large assortment we offer this season, of
Beautiful Imperial 3 ply
Double Superfine Ingrain iCARpCrrXGS
Fine and Medium do f
Twilled and plain Venitian J
together with a large a-ock of OlL-CLOTItd
from 2 feet to 24 feet wide, very cheap, for rooma,
halls, & ;lo. Mattings, Floor Cloths, ItUgs, Col
ton and Rag Carpet) &r, &e., with a good as
sortment of Intfrain Carpets from 05 to t0 cCrrtsf
and Stair and Entry Carpels from 12 to 6(1 cts.
No. 41, Strawberry Street, one door above Chel-
nut. near Second Street, Philadelphia
March 21i, 18B. am;
VII. PALMER, the American Newspaper
A dent, dillv tuihorir.dil and emtmwxcied. hV
Ihe proprietor of mo-t of the lt 1 ewspapsre of
all ihe cities and principal lowna in tba l). S. and
Canada, to receive sulwfrip lone and advenise.
menta, and to give receipt for ihem, respectfully
notifies the public, lhat he I prepared to execute
ordet from all ptrta r.f the Civilised World, em'
bracing, Firms, Societies, CIu'm. Rea
ding liooms, Corporation:), Ac., at hia several offi
ces in the cities f Philadelphia, Baltimore, New
Yoik And Boston, and whe.e communicant and
inquiries, pn paid, may tie directed. AdJieaa Y.
I. PALMER. Philadelphia. N. W. corner Thir l
and Chehui street j Baltimore, 8. E. corner Bal
timore and Calvert atieels J New York, Tiibune
Buildings opposite City Hall i Boston, SO State st.
A 11a other ictii or peraon are in any mam
her connected with lha nbs.-iibcr, In the America !
NewpjMU Agency, sll letters and CoinmunicHUoi.A
for him, should be carefully directed as eboVe, and
to no other peru. Tbl taution ha becoruo tie'
Ci ssary, in older lo avoid iniaiskes. and put the pub
tic on ttifeir guard sgtiliat all pretended Agent,
. V. B. PALME It,
Amelican NewspaiMt Ageni.
Editors tU'ouphout tbe United Slatea for wbotrt
V. II. Palmer ia Agent, will promote the advantagJ
nf all publiahiug lhaalrfive.
. k'UIIMU XOTICK. V. B. Palmer Is tliel
only aulbonted Ageni for ihe "Svaauar Anaui
Cab' in li e r'uiea of Philadelphia, New York
Bocton and Buhirttore, of
bich public ndiioc
hereby given.
March 14. 184F.
GARDEN SEEDS. A '" u ply f ti
Riuley At Vu't superior (iarden Seeds, juei
rt'caived and f alo at ibe alora of
Match tl.Uttt. HENRY MASSE It,