ReeeJIeelleae of Mxle. Gen. Waddy Thompson in hi 'Recollection ol Mexico,' says i From all the informition which ' I he re ceivedand I hive been inquisitive upon the subject I am well satisfied that there ia not on this Continent any country of Iheeamo extent aa little deairable aa Oregon, nor any In the world which coinbinea aa many advantagee aa Califor nia. With the exception ol the valley of the Willamette, there ia acarcely any portion of Oregon which ia inhabitable except for that , moat worthlcea of alt, a hunting population and the valley of WalTamelte ia of very aipall extent. In the South the only port ia at the Columbia river, and that ia no port at all, aa the loaa of Iba Peacock, and othera of our ves sels, haa proven. I'd aay nothing of other har bora in California, that of San Francisco ia ca pacious enough for the naviee of the world, and ita ahores are covered with enough timber (a apeciea of the live oak) to build thoeo navies. If man were to aak of God a climata, he would ak just auch an one aa that of California, if he had ever been there. There ia no portion ol our Western country which prodnccf all the grains aa well ; I l.avt been told by more than one person on whom I entirely relied, that they had known whole field to produce a quanti ty ao incredible that I will not state it The whole face of the country ia covered with the finest oats growing wild; eugar, rice and cot ton find their own congenial climate. Besides all there, the richest mines of gold and silver have been discovered there, and the pearl fishe ries have always been aourcea of the largest profits; and more than these, there are the mat keta of India and China with nothing in tervening but the calm and atormlcss Pacific Ocean. ' The distance from the head of navigation on the Arkansas and Red Rivera to a navigable point of the waters of the Gulf of California U not more than five or six hundred miles ; let that distance be overcome by a Railroad, and what a vista ia opened to the prosperity and power of our country. I have no doubt that the time will come when New-Orleana will be the greatest city in the world. That period would be incalculably hastened by the mea sures which 1 have indicated, which would throw into her lap the vast commerce of China and India. Great Britain, with that wise and far-aeeing policy for which she ia more remark able than any other Government, haa already the practical posecsaion of most of the porta of the Pacific Ocean New-Zealand and the Stndwhich Islands, and very soon the Society Islands also. We have a commerce in that ocean of more than fitly millione ol dollars, and not a single place of refuge for our ahipa. I will not say what ia our policy in regard to California. Perbapa it ia that it remain in the handa of a weak power like Mexico, and that all the maritime powera may have the adau tage of ita porta. But one thing 1 will aay, that it will be worth war of twenty years to pre vent England acquiring it which I have the beat reasons Tor believing ahe deairea to do, ond just aa good reasons for believing that ahe will not do if it costs a war with thii country. It is. perhaps, too remote from ua to become a mem ber of the Union. Itiayet doubtful whether the increase of our territory will have a federal or a centralizing tendency. If latter, we have too much territory; and 1 am by no means aure that another sister Republic there, with the same language, liberty and laws, will not, upon the whole, be the beat for us. . If united in one Ooverntnent, the extremities may be a remote aa not to receive a proper heat from the cen tre so at least, thought Mr Jefferson, who wa inspired on political questions if mortal man ever waa. I am not one of those who have a rabid craving for more territory ; on the contrary, 1 believe that we have enough. I know of no great people who have been crowded into a small apace the Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks, and another people who kave eiercia ed a greater influence upon man and hu des tiny than all others, the Jewa ; and, in our own time, the English. I want no more territory, lor we nave already too much, If I were to make an exception to thia remark, it would be H acquire California. But I should grieve to ace that country pass into the bauds of England or any other of the great powera. Whenever the foreigners in California make the movement ol separation, it must succeed. The department of Senora, not half the distance from Mexico, haa been in a state of revolt for the last four years, and the Government baa been unable to suppress it. The civil war there has been marked by acta of horrible atrocity, which are almost without precedent in any country. It ia true that they do not eat the flesh of their enemies, but they leave tbem hangingon the Ireea to feast the bird of prey I Here ia scarcely a road in the whole depart ment where auch spectacles are not daily ex hibited. r I ua brantASvaj, Agriculture ad Poli tics. Adverting to agriculture, General T. says; 'The plough in universal use is that used two thousand years ago neither more nor lesa ihan a wooden wedge, without particle of won attached to it. The boe ia a wooden staff, with an iron spike in the end. What ia atill more remarkable, the only animal used in ploughing a the ox ; a planter, with twenty thousand horaea and mulea (by no means an unusual number,) will only use his oxes In the plough If you aak why this is, the only answer 1 can give is, that the (Spaniard never cbangea bia habits, nor anything else but bis government. All the passion far change that exists in other men, with him is concentrated ia political naagea.' IUR NOTE LIST. rENKIYXYARIA. ' The following list ehowa tha current value of all Pennsylvania Usnk Notes. ' Tba snort implicit re liance may I placed upon it, as it is every larefolly compared with and corrected from Dick ncll's Reporter. tanks In Philadelphia NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . . . . , par Bank of the Northern Liberties . . , pa' Commercial Dank of Penn'a. . , par Fanners' and Mechanics' Dank . ' . par Kensington Rink " par Philadelphia Rank ' . ; par Schuylkill Dank . . ' . par Southwark Dank ' . . par Western Unk ' . ' . ' ' per Mechanics' Dank ' ' . ' . psr Manufaelnrrra' A Meehanlce' Diink par flank of Penn Township . .. , par fJirard Bank . . par Dank of Commerce, lle Moyamrneing par Bank of Pennsylvania . psr Country flanks. Bank of Theater County Westchester ' , par Bank of Delaware County Chester par Bank ofOermanlown tJcrmantown psr Bank of Montgomery Co. Norrietown par Doyjestown Bank Doyleatown par Gaston Bank Eaalon par Farmers Hank of line an ro." Hrtslol par Bnnk of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Brink V n ridge co.Columhi par r armers Uana or Lancaster Lancaster par Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Hank Lancaster par Lancaster psr Reading par Farmer' Bnnk of Reading Office of Bank or Penn'a. Office do do Harrishurg These Lancaster I offices Office do do Office do do Rending do not Laston J issue n, NOTES AT DISCOUNT. lank of the United States Philadelphia Potisville I,ewiKtown Middletown Carlisle , Pittsburg Hollidayahurg Harrisburg Ieh;tnon Pittsburg Pillabuig Williamsport Wilkesharre Allentown Heading 23 Miners' Bank of Poltavillu Bank of I.ewiatnwn . Bank of Middlctown i il! Carlisls Bank i i Exchange Bank Do d branch or t 1 Harriaburg Bank Letianon Bank i 1 Merchants' St, Manuf. Bank Bank of Pitiehurg Weal Branch B mk .1 Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berka County Bank it Office of Bank of II. 8. Pittsburg foiled Erie do Do do do : Do do do Nw Rrighton do Bank of Chamberaburg Chamberaburg J Bank ol l.ettysburg Bonk of Suu,uehanna Co. (Settysburg i Montrose Erie Wayncaburg Washington Honcsdale Brownsville brie liana, Farmer' St Drovere Bank Fianklin Bank ' lj.ij .! H U Honesdale Bank Monnngahela Bank of B. York Bank . York N. B. , 1 he notes of those batik on which wa omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are nol purchased hy the rlitladelphia brokers, with I he exception of those which have a letter of reference. " BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do Kensington 8sv. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins, do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyntt, prop.) ana ear failed failed fuiled failed lowenua nana j owamia Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bedford no aale Beaver closed HarrUburg closed Wa.liincton failed Bank of Ssratara Bank of Washington Caning Bank City Bank Brllefonte Pittabuig PitUburg Fayette eo. (reencastle Harmony closed no tale failed failed failed no sale Farmera & Mac h ca' Bank Farmera' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' & Merh'ce' Dank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no aale lntUtown noale Juniats Bank Lumbermen's Bank Warren Dundaff Nest Hope Milton Meadville Fori Carbon Carlisle Mtniroae Uniontown failed no aula closed no aale closed failed closed failed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. ox Manuf. Bank Silver Laka Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank tireensburg closed Wilkeabarre Bridge Co. Wilkeebsrre no aale rrT AD notes uuriivrting to be on any Pennxyl- vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set Jown aa Iraud. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Bmoawick Brunawiok failed a 7 p.; par failed Belvidete Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank , Med ford t Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Dumberland Bank , Bridgeton Farmera' Bank Mount Hollv Farmers' and Mechanic' Bk Rahway rarmera' ami Mecbamca Bk N. Iliunswitk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Midilletown Pi. i rranklin Uankoin.j. . Jersey l-tty Hoboken Ukg & Grating Co lloboken larsey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patirison failod failed failed failed Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morria County Bank MorrUtown failed 4 failed 4 no sale Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Tranton Morria Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Port Notes : Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newark' i i failed failed failed i par New Hope Det Bridge Co linberUvill N. J. Manufae. and Bkg Co Hoboken N J Proleclon V lHnbard bk Jersey City Orange Bank . ; . , Orange . , . Patersosi Bank Paterson People' Dank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem 1 i failed failed i par failed par par par par P' par par par par Mists Bank Newark VM Bank Elixahcihtow Htata Usnk Camden tttale Bank of Morria Morrisiown Slate Bank Trenton Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salrra Soaaex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Wanhingion Banking Co, Hackenaack DELAWARE. Bk of Wllm st Braudywiiie Wilmington Bank of Dataware WUmiegton Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Uo.. b,wwn Milford farmers' Bk of Stale ot Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown ., , . br"c, N.weaalle Union Bank VViimington rrr Under 6's 07 On sll banks marked thus () Intra era eU that couularfeit or sltered notes of the vaiioua da Baeainaiiooa, ut circulatioo. WHITS HOTEL, IUca Street, PatiCAnsLf hia. DV J. PETERS. THIS location ia convenient for Business man visiting the city. Every pains is taken to se cure the comfort of travellers. - .; March 7. 1846. ty . Removal. D. T. TXIXTES, RESPECTFULLY informs the ci-t't-na of Sunbnry and vicinity, that he has removed bla reaidenea lo the Brick IIoum in Market street, one door we-t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa vors, he hopes In receive a continuation of the liber al patronage which ha heretofore been fiiend. d to him. Feb 28, 1 840. 6m MONTOlJR" HOUSE, f . UTK BRADY'S HOTEL, Opposite the Court Ihute, SAIf VXLLB, Y BIT XT' A. THE Wuh-crilter, who aestsied for se ven! years in Ih managemeni of the a bove HnieL lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra- !dr, tv f leave to inform the travelling public, that he baa taken the establishment on hi own account, on the firat of January, 1846. The Houoe ba, of late, undergone many impor tant alteration., and the present conductor promises to leave nothing undone In make it a comfortable and agreeable, a well aa a cheap arid accomnvda ting stopping place for strangers who msy vl'ii our fl turUhing villsge. No pains nor expense will he spared to fill the table and the bar with ihe be.t the mullet. afTord, and with the determination to tie. vo'e his entire personal attention to the comfort of hoxe whs mav make hia hou their temporary a bode, and aided hy active, careful and obliging er vanta, he hope to give gen ral a itifaction, and re ceive a lilM-ral share of ctiotom. fXj Largs and commodious STADT.ES are at lached lo Ihe eatablishment. which are attended by careful and obliging ho Iter. - ' tilDEON M. 8HOOP. January S4ih. IN49. if ' EVANS 8c WATSON, No. 7B Soi'TH Third STRRtrr, Opponite the I'hiluJt Iphia Exchange, Msnufacture and ke'p con iilnntly on hand, a large as. sortmenl of their Patent Im nroved S.iUmsndir FIRE PROOF SAFES, which are ' i constructed as to set at rest all mmner of doub1 a l iheir heine etrirlU fire proof, and that they will reis Ihe fire of any building in the world. The outside cane of Ihe Safes are mule of boiler iron, Ihe inside cie of sonp.lone, and be tween the i uter case and inner cae ia a space of some 3 inches thick, and is filled in with inde.trur Itble miteti.l, so as to make it an impossibility to ever burn any of the contents insiile of thu tvhest. These Hoapstone Sabmandeia we are prepared and do challenge Ihe wild in prluce any article In Ihe shape of Hook 8Im lhal will stand as much heal, and we hold ourselves ready at all limes to have them fairly leateJ by public bonfire, should a ny of our competitors feel disposed to try Ihem. We also continue to manufariure and keep con stantly on hand, a large and general assortment of our Premium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which we have a Urge quantity in use, anJ in every in stance they have given entire atliafaetion lo the purchssers of which we will refer tba public to a lew gentlemen who have Ihem in use. N. it fl. Taylor, IS9 north 3J at.t A. Wright cV N'phew, Vine at. wharf; Aleiander Caror, Con veyancer, corner of Filbert and Oth ate.; John M Ford, 32 north 3d at.t Myers Bush, 20 mirth 3d rt.( Bailey & Brother, 133 Msket at a James M. Paul, 101 south 4ih si.; Dr David Jsyne, 8 south 3d rt.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d si.; and we could name aome three or four hundred olheta if it were necessary. ' Now we invite the attention of the public, and panicuUrly those in want of Fire Proof Safes, I csll at our store before purcha sing elsewhere, and we think we can atify them that they will get a lettet and cbear srticle al our (tore than any other establishment in the city. We also continue to manufactuie heal and Co pying Preasea, made in such a manner aa to an swer both purpeea ; Hoisting Machines, Fire Proof Doors, with our own mnul"rtur of locks nn ihem, with 1). Evsns'e Patent Keyhole cover attached in the same ( plain and ornamental Iron Railing, Aa. N. B. Wa keep constantly on hand a I'rge as sortment ol our Peianl Mate Lined Refiiget tn. Water Filters and; and we have alao on hand several second hand Fire Proof t'heats taken in eichange for our, which we will di.poae of si very low prices. " Philadelphia, Jsnuary 24ih, 1846. ly whomsaleTtail HAT & CAP WARKHOUSE, iVn. WH. Market Street, efcoee 9fA,- South tide, PBILADBXiTHIA, ' H THE suhseril ers respectfully call the" at ten ataiX (in of Iheir friends and de.lers to Iheir large and well assorted stock of Hate and Caps of every description, welt adapted f r the apring trade. Be ing made of Ihe best mtieri.l and by tbe mod ei perienced workmen, tkey feel confident lo give tint versvl ssiiafction to all who may favnr them with a trial, as they offer to sell aa I w as snv hones in theci'y. BAKI AM) I r BLYWn. Philadi Iphia. January 3. 1846 ! To lnrt'liaecrs of SB.V GOODS. T' York, having eMllihed a Branch at No. 23 South Second at., Philadelphia, ia now opening, anJ will be constantly receiving from the New York Auctions, an eitensive assortment of rAHCT It STAVX.B DRY GOODS, which will bo sold at the lowest New York piicea al wholesale and lt tail. Among bs slink will I found a good assortment of the followirg articles: Jaceonets, Plaid. Hair Cold, Lace, Stri, Book, Swia and Tarlatan Muatina, Bi.bep and Linen Lawn, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Ureases, Thread Lares, Application Dk, rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfe.,CuiUin Fringea, Caebraerr d'Ecoaae, Meuaelme d l.aiae. Silk and Cotton Warp A l areas, Queu's Cloth, Gala Plaids, Freneh Merinoa, DLck Silka. Gloves. Hi k Hoae, Shawls, Cravsts, Ribbon. Embroideries, &e4 dee, ' Country Merchants and others visiting PhiUdel phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited lo call and essmine the stocks. Nov. I, 1845. ly Q. H. MOORE. WHEAT 'I be highest price given fur Wheat, at tha store of 11. MASSE R. , A new supply of Rose Ointment just received. Nov.Bih. 1846. BAR IRON Just received and for aale, cheap forcab, by HENRY MAS8ER. Sunbury, Sept. 20, 1849. DTI OUPEIUOK Porl wine, Maderia and Lilon wines. Alao superior Brandy and Gin, Lemon Syrup. Alao a few barrels of Blvb Fisa, for sals by HENRY MASSER. 8unbury, July 19th, l4&, i H.BalalASSEP.,' -. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BTJIf BTJHV. P A. Business sttended to in the Counties of Nor ihumlerland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, liefer let P. tic A. Rovovdt, Lowta A. Btaaoff, I Sow rms tit BftonoaASS, VPAi'ai. Ravaoins, McFABttan A: Co, j Braaia-e, Poop Co., J HDRR'S HOTEL llARRIgRURG, PA. T BEG leave to Inform the pubtie that I have left Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris burg, the seal of ihe'Eteeulivs and Stats Govern ment of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the spscioua Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilaon. Thia spacious building, having been purposely planned and erected for a Hotel of the firat class, i not surpassed if equalled, by any similar estate lishment in Pennsylvania; and having undergone a thorough - renovntion. the parlors, rooms and chamliera are now fitted up in a style that com bine elegance with comfort and convenience. My TABLE is pledged to be supplied with ihe best fare Ihe Markets can produces the chnrgee al the a ims time being aa moderate aa any af the best regulated aatal lialimenl elsewhere. In short, no eici lions shall be spared on my pirt, or en the port of every member of my household, lo make it what it should be, in the Cwpital of one of Ihe moat pop ulous and interesting Hiatet of ihe Union. - With theae promins, accommodstions and faci lities, and Ihe that the Hotel ia most eligibly aitusted, I wiih confidence, most respectfully soli cit the patronage of lb Public . - , ; DANIEL HERR, Late of llerr Hotel, CheKnut at., Philad. Harri-burg. Nov. 22. 1845. FOURTEEN ilTallUAtllr atttClfO. IBminn'i Vniirroii - i wton cure for s worms lafe and very pleanant to leke.' 2. (inison'a ExTRtCTB. which remove Grease of all kind.. Dry Paints, Tar, Vatniah and W.r, from carpeta or frum clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. , , j 3 I .ri a no a Ftv P.rsa the bet thing known for killing flir and inusquitoea. i 4. A certain Destroyer of Ruts, Mice, Itosches and Ants, and another of Bed Buja. 5. Guru's Srtcirtn for aur stomach, Heart Burn and Walet Brash, by one who nadeelKred thirtrtn ye.ira, before he discovered Ihe cure. Dr. 8t.vV Grkssj Oixtmkmt for the Pile. It has never f.iled lo cute. 7. HRRina TVttv.r Wash. ' 8. Brkmorh's Irdklirlk Irk, without a rival, 9. Tea Costeorsn Corvkctio't or Figs just the medicine for children and for women, it ia ao pleasant lo lake. . 10. Bkck' Vkbetirk ARTiatunva Puts. 11. GuRs'a EioLtitMT WaTKR-rRoor Past., for Hsrnrss, Boots, See. It softens the leather, and keeps out the water. 12. Poor Mar's f TRr!oTHrai vo Flartkr. 13. Jacksor'b DiARRRma Muturk, whiih cures Ihe worst Diarrhera In a few hours. - 14 Jacksor'b DtatRTARV MilTiae, a' cer tain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer t'omplnint. The atve valuable articles are sold wholesale and retail, by 1.. C. GUNN. No. 1 South Fifth ttrett, I hihuklphia whete Storrkeeiiera and n. there will be supp led with pure African Cayenne Pepir, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnwhea, at tbe lowest prices. Terms only cash. $y Cut out Ihe sdveitisement, snd bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 1846. ly. . RELIEVE A N D L I V E . THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar V Wood Aiapllia. F11HE unpreretlented of this medicine, in I the rekloralion of healih, to those who, in des pair, bad given up all hoies, baa given it an ei si ted reputation sbove all oilier remedies, furni.hing evidence of its intrinsic value and power, aa the on ly agenl which can be relied upon for the erne of Pulmonary Consumption, Broiichittis, Asthma, Pain in the ride and Breast, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Stc Attention ia requested lo Ihe following ASTON. ISHING Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nsptha It - Philtuklphia, May 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelinga I inform you of Ihe astonishing effects of your medicine, which haa literally jatsd me from a deaih.hed ! My disease. Pulmonary Consump tion, hd reduced me so low that my physician pro. nojnred my ease hopeless! At this junction I be gan to use your medicine, and miraculona aa it may seem, it haa completely restored me to healih, after everything else had failed. Respectfully voura. . WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above George street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and his suffering, bear witneaa lo ihe astonishing effects of Thomson a Compound Syrup of Tar, and tba truth of the a hove statement. , JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third atreel, i . DAVID VICKERS, 42 Almond atreet. HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. E. corner Tarns ny and Fourth atreet. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. Corner of filh and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agenla. H. B. Masser, Sunbury; D. Gross, and Dr. Macpberaon, Harrisbuvg ; Jno, G. Brown, Pnttsvi!le ; Geo, Erl, Re.ding ; Houston At Ms on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price 60 cenla per bottle, or $5 per dozen. Drwart of all imitation. Philadelphia, June 28th, 1845. ly ' n .to. ih ffirrjnoxt PI A N OS. THE SUBSCRIBER haa been appointed agent, for iheaaleoftMINRAD MEYER'S CEL. EH RATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, st this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive and beautiful eiterior fini-h, and, for depth and sweetness of lone, and elegance of workman ship, are not surpassed by any in Ihe United State. The following ia a recommendation from Caat Diitb, a celebrated performer, and himself a man ufictuier s A CAKD. Havirs had tbe pleasure of trying ihe elceU lent Piane Fortes manfactured by Mr. Meyer, and eihiblted at ihe last eihibition of the Frsnklin In stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of tha maker to declare that these instruments are quite equal' and in soma respects even superior, to all the Ti sno Fortes, I saw al tha cspiuls of Europe, and during a sojourn of two year al Paria. Thes Pianos will be sold st the manufacturer' lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persona are requested to call snd eiemiue for themselves, t tbe residence of the subscriber. Sunbury, May 17. 184S. II. B. MASSER. Li 1ME, of a superior quality, can now be had attha Lima Kllus of Henry Sun- May 17,1816. L- J -''"JssjssJMssssssassasssssjssssBj u OAKLEYS DEPfJRATITE STRfJP. THE vslaabte properties of Oakley's Depura live Syrup of Sarsaparitla, as s purifier of the blood, is ao well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantagee to be derived from ita use i wherever Ihe medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all othera : every one that haa taken it, hae derived ao signal bene ficial result from it, that It is recommended by them with the utmost confidence. Physiciana of the highest standing in the profession, presents, it to patient under their care ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composed ot Ihe most mild, yet efficacioua vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, as the cbespeal and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. Tba use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement In the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seed of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor lo Ihe body. For ihe cure of Scrofula or Kinga Kvjl, Rheumatism, Tetter, Pimples or etuption of the Skio, Whits Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, ice. The nu merous certificates in the possession ef the subscri ber snd his sgenls, fiem physiciana and othera, ars aurnrieni lo convince toe moat skeptical or its su periority over all preparation of 8rparilla. Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North fith atreet. Rea ding, Brika County, and to be bad of the following persona t ' In Northumberland County. H. B. Maeserj Sunbury; Ireland A Mixel, McEwenavilla ; D Krauser. Milton. In Union County.. Grarhart, Selinegrove: A. Gutetitis, Mifflinburg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Waah ington. . Reading, March 14, 184n. Ma. 0atv I believe It the uty of every one to do whhteverin their imwer I tes, for Ihe bene, fit of their fellow man, and having had pn.i;ive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depnrstive Syrup of Sarsapsrilta, I moat conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We had Ihe misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking nut of uleeroua anrea that covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of Ihe most scientific physician to attend th m and had tried all the known remedies, including Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children waa aitacked in the aame manner, her face and nerk waa completely covered; the discharge waa so offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired of ber life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Drpurjtive Syrup ol SarsaparilU, we wete induced kt make trial of it. as Ihe IhsI resort ; il acted like a charm; the uers commenced healing Immediately, a bw bottles entirely restored her to her heulth, which ahe bus enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since. As purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it bss not its equal, JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut atreel, near Fourth, Reading. Dougtasaville, April 19th, 1843. Mr. Oar Lit : My son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in the most dreadful and man ner for three year, during which time he waa de prived of ihe use of hia limbs, hi be id and neck were cirvered with ulcers. We tri.-d all the differ ent remediea, but to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonislown, and also Dr. Isaac Hiesier, of Reading, to use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapsrilta, of which I obtained several bottles, the use of which drove the disease entirtly nut of his system, the sore healed up, and the child waa restored to perfect health, which be has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment ef many pereooe who seen him duiing hia affliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficate that others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Your truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, 1943 ly a s ii ii y & iVo ti aT7 WIIOLESALB &. KETA II. HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS, South Eatl cmrti'r of Market mnd 4th it.. Philadelphia, "11THERE they always keep on hand an cxten- sive assortment of HA TS U CA PS of every description, got up in Ibe best and most approved st) le. Peisnna derirous ef purchatdng superior arti cles on tbe moat reasop able terms, will find il lo their advantage ta call before making purchase elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1844. ly CITY FURN ITURE AUCTION, AXTS PJUVATB SALES BOOMS, Nus. '2U and 31 North Thitd Street, Near the City Hotel, ;', . , , PHILADELPHIA.' CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- viles lha attention of persona deaiioua of pur chasing Furniture, to bis eitenaive Sales Rooms, (both public snd Private,) (or every description of Household Furniture, whrrs tan he obtained at all timet, a Urge assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattress, Ac, at eery reduced price, for ch. 07" Sates by Auction, twice a week. May 7th. 1843. ly . Counterfeiter!'' DEATHBLOW. rPha pul-lie will please observe that no Brandreth -- Pills are genuine, unless ihe boi has three la bels upon it, (tha top, the side and the bottom) Sarh containing a fsc-simih signature of my band writing, thua B. DsiRnaiTH, M. D. These la. bel. ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipense of over $1,006. Therefore it will be seen lhat the only thing necessary to pro cure ihe medicine in ita purity, is lo observe these labels. Remember the top, the ' aide, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly authori sed, and hoM CSKTXrXCATES OT JkOHZTCT For Ibe aale of Brandrtik't Vegetable Universal fill: Northumberland county t Milton Markry V Chambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Maaser. M'Eweiis ville Iielshd St Meiiell. Northumbeiland Wa. Forsyth. Georgetown J. St J. Wall. Union County I New Berlin Bogar Win ter. Seliusgrove Jeorge Gundrum. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David llubler. Adamaburg Wm. J. May. MifHinabutg Menach et Ray. Hartleton Daoiel Long, Freeburg O. Sl F, C. Moyer. Lewisburg Welle & Green. Columbia county I Danville E. B. Reynolds St Co, Berwick Shuman St Ritt en house. Cat. lawiaas C. O. Brobts. Bloomaburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Biael. Washington Root. McCay. Limestone Belli-, ft MrNineh, , Observe that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of lir BRANDRETH'8 Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will alao be seen eiact copies of Ihe mmi label maw used Upon tht Brmndrttk Fili Bote: Pbusdelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street. B. BRANDUT11,M.P. Jane 4uS, 1843, ROSS OINTMENT foil TETTEU. RINGWORMS), rtMPLBtf T THE FACE, AND OTH Est CI'TAREOVS EKfFTiOl'Us- i rrThr tiAlm,nnirrrti1leAltdrri1xtontofth most extraordinary curt ever tjjcdtd by any application. PnttAnctrntA, February 10, 1838. FOR twenty year I waa severely afflicted wills Tittir on Ihs Face and Head : tbe dieeasw eommeneed when I waa seventeen yearn old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever d iaappearirtg. During most of lha time, great part of my fsee was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch' ing ; my head swelled st times until it felt as if it would burst the swelling wsa so great, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I waa afflicted wiih the disease, I used a great many a plications, (among them several celebrated preparations) , well ss taking inward remedies, including a number of bottles of Swaim'i Panacea, Extract of Sartnparilla, etc, In, fact, it would be impossible lo enumerate all Ihe medicines I used. I wss slsin uader Ihe care ef two of the most dis tinguished phyiicians of this city, but without re ceiving sauch hene6l, and I despaired of ever being; cured, la the fsll of 1836, the disease at Ihe time being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Ointment, (prepared by Vsughan ot Davis.) In a few snplicationa ths violent itching ceased, tbe swelling abated, the eruption began to disappear, and before I had used a jar ihe disease waa entirely cured. It has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there is not s vestige of Ihe disease re maining, eicepl ihe scars from the deep pita formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac connt to any person wanting further satiafaetion, who will call on me. At the lime I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds ef doMais to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to several persona, (among Ihem my mother, who had ihe disease bad ly on her arm,) who were all cured bv it. ' JAMES DURNELL, No. 156, Race 8t. Iy The Rose Ointment Is prepared by E. B. Vau,(han, South East corner of Third and Race strer Is, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry, by H. B. MASSER, May 1 4th. 1843. Aent. JKoc Ointment, ibr" TctlerT A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Fmt.Antt.pR i a, May 27th, 1839. 'PHIS is to certify that I waa severely afflicted t with Tetter in the handa and feet for upwards of forty yeara ; the disesse waa attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I spplied to number of phvsicins, and used a great many appli cations without effecting a core. About a year since, I applied tba Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured Ihe disease, which there has been no return of, slthoiigfi I had never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAtiE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj Tho Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauuhan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, May 14th, 1843. Agent MEDXCAX. APPROBATION OJlhe ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter. A LTHOUGH the superiority of the prepatatior over all others is fully established, the pnprie tora lake pleasure ih laying before the public tht following certificate from a respectable physician a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr Baugh, having found in this remedy that relief fi a lediou snd disagreeable affection which ihe mean within Ihe range of hi profession failed to afford ha not hesitated to give it hi approbation, althoug. the prejudice and interests of lhat profession ai opposed to secret Remedies. ' - PniLinnrui, 8epl. 19, 18.16. I waa recently troubled with a tedioue herpeti eruption, which covered nearly one side of my fic and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, propni tot of the Rose Ointment, observing my face, mai led on my trying hi preparation, of which he bar ded me a jar. Although in common with the metr bers of my profession, I discountenance and disa prove of the numrroua nostrums pslmrd upon tb public by ignorant pr lenders, I feel in justice boun lo except the Rose Ointment fiom lhat cla of nn dicines. and to give it my approbation, aa it entir. ly tured the eruption, although il had resisted tl ukujI appliratione. DANL. BAUGH, M. D. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I Vaughan, South Bast corner of Third and IU Streets, Philadelphia, snd sold on agencv in Sui bury, by . H. B. MASSER, May 14th, 184J. Ager EAGLE OT1 VBZ SLs Corner of Thtrd and Vine -Street, WXZ.X.ZABISrOST, PA, THE subscriber respectfully announces tot public, that he h.s opened a Hotel in the coi modinus brick building situate on the corner Third and Pine streets, where he will be happy wait npon those who may favor him witli ih company. The Eagle Hotel ia large and eonvet em, and furnishes) in the tt modem style. Ii provided with a large number of well aired a comfortable. Bleeping spartmenls, rooms, privi parlors, eVc Persona visiting Williamsport on I siness or pleasure, may rest aa-urrd lhat every ertion will be used to render their sojourn st I Esgle Hour plesaant snd agreeable. HlaTs will lie supplied with the very best Ihe market fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and oil liquors charges resaenahle. The Eagle Ho posses ps greater advantage in point of loeati than any other aimilar eatablishment in the horoui being siluste in Ihe businets part of the town, a within a convenient distance of the Court Hot and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and tru ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Aerva have been employed, and nothing left undone! will add le this comfort and accommodation of guests. . .... .... There will be a Carriage always in attendance the Boat Landing to convey paasengera lo and ft the House, free of charge. CHARt.Es BORROWS lae 14th. 18H. if .llTeiiaeP Weaver fc Son," Bora MAXBRB eV SHU CHAKB Bl - So, 13 north Water Street. Philadelphia. AV C constantly on band, a general as ment or Uotdage, Seine Twines, tfe.i Copes, Fishing Rope. While Rope. Mi la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boaia. Alt complete assortment of Seine Twines, eVc sue Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Net Twine, Cotton 8bad and Herring Twine, S Thresds, 6lc Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough U H altera, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chi cYc. all of which they will diapose of on reason terras, , Philadelphia, November 13,1643. ly. Si'EUING, GODirsrco. No. 13S Market 'Street, Hiladelpt INVITE the attention of Country Mercb to their extensive assortment of British Fr aud American Dry tiooda, which they offer for on ihe most resaonabls terms. Philadelphia, November 13, I843v ly. : bury. 1