Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 13, 1846, Image 3

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    will have just cauio to regret our invasion of
'.their distant pasture ground.
, We have learned he probability of our difH
ultict with Mexico, but it haa created no alarm
mmoag our ladieat and aa I ahall go on, and if
'attacked, the Anglo-Saxon blood ma be spilled
but they will not be captured, that you may re
ij on poaitively.
, t em ao badly situated for writing that I must
f Mceaait come to close, but 1 must first tell
yom fcoware irtCreaee our number, which pro
, We hope, vjll continue in our projected
tew home- A worthy lady waa brought to bed
."yeettrdajr tm our ma.-cli, by a cause not com
plained of fcy those whv Id " lords,' and
ia fcistwH tlme mj Adjuta'i.'t reported twin boys
added to tr number, orta' of whom was
'named after the attending phye.ician, and the
Mother after your humble servant. Ji we con
tinue thia way, how long will it take Jo ,ieopte
California. lam, in haste, with high resptcf,
jrour obedient servant. WM. H. RUSSKL
' Oaaoo!. - Important. The Journal of Com
merce says 'We learn from very good authori
ty, that Mr. Pakenham hat received instructions
from his Government by the Hibernia, to make
m final overture for the amicable adjustment of
the Oregon question, jle is to offer, substantial
ly, the proposition suggested some time since by
Mr. McLane, our Minister in London, to Lord
Aberdeen, viz : lat. 49 as the basis, leaving to
Great Britain the whole of Vacnuver's Island,
and the free navigation of tha Columbia.
Our London correspondent says, under date
of the IStb nit:
'It is generally believed that the present
steamer carries out the definite views of the Bri
tish Cabinet. The Times has, no doubt, receiv
ed some intimation of the same bence the pecu
liar tone of their late Irailers.'
Wsbiclt Sara com mi-nication with aheii
ica We are cwrVveJ lo make an announce
ment regarding the eorrvryance ofmila by
at earn between thii country and America, which
will be hailed with gratification ijr tbe whole
com oily. The Guverutnetit have entertsi
into a farther contract with the British and
North Aaaericaa Royal Mail Company, lore ef
fect of which is to secure a weekly enmmunica-
tion, by steam, between Liverpool and the Uni
ted States of America. A ateatner of great
power and size will be despatched direct Iroin
Jivefpool 4o JVew Vart, rery alternate Sat
urday dating etgla wtontmi of the year. These
Iripe are to be performed as additional voyages,
fend irrespective of the fortnightly voyagea to
Halifax and Boston; as thra -latter service will
continue just a at present ,-with trie alteration
of jailing trom Liverpool a well aa from Boa
ton, always on Ssturdaye instead of a fixed day
of the month, as at present. The ateamere to
New York will alio take their departure al
ways on Saturday. By this arrangement there
will be a steamer from Liverpool to America r
cry Saturday, and Irom the American aide ev
very Saturday, the only difference being that
Boston and New York will alternately be the
porta of departure. At present we are not ena
bled to state the precise time when these week
ly sailings will commence, but nodonbt we may
look for the alteration to come into play aa sorn
as the required number of ships ean be got ready
to undertake such a vast eervice Morning
JleralJ, 1th May.
Offxceofthe IWtTiatoaa Anaaicaa, June S,
GRAIN. We note a sale ofa large lot of ve-
ry prime Md. red Wheat, for grinding, at 90a9l
rts. and of other parcels of fair to good at SOaSo
cts. A sale of white, not suitable for family
flour, at 93 cts.
Salea 16 day of both White and yellow Corn at
Oats have declined to 2"a17 cts.
WH1SKKY. The market is very dull. Sates
e-f hhds: at 19 eta. and 26Ja3l eta.
Ylnw to ear Hslt. Thousands af person
'continue re ure themselves ef Culd. Concha,
Headache. Rheumatic Affection,' Small Pox,
Msaalrs. Costiven. Infloenta, and tha boat of
th.e indicstions of the body af tha blood bains; out
of order, simply by petseveilngly Using BMndrelh's
Vegetable IJniVeYral fills, so long is ah) symp
toms of derangemewt in any organ remain. (If n,
by aJopting thia course, wftlth a kperieHetl has
proved according to Nature, it being merely Id as
sist bar, h tv many in a few Jay be8n itstoreJ to
health, who, bdt filr Biandretb'a PilUj had been
sick for months. The valde of thia Medicine U
beyond piic.
Purchase of H. D. Mssarr, 8unbury, or of
'to tgant, published ih abothtr psrt of this paper.
i ... . ' . . . . . i . . . .
6n Tuesday evening, theSttb ult.. by the Rev.
tr. De Witt, J amis lit a.mii)i, Esq. to Miss
Rachel Camkion, daughter of tha Hon. Simon
CameTon. of Middletewh. Pa.
On Tueaday the Oth intt., ty the Rev. J. P.
Hodgson, Mr. Samukl BaaukTaaasKa to Mite
Kt.iiAa.STa Kasi, both of Frankland, Columbia
County. i:
WE think a man who will task and palm
upon an unsuspecting person, a "Hugar
Tested Pitl," toot having tfn the b6t Dr.G. Benj'n
Smith's wgnature, would not hesitate tfc sail poison,
Vegardless of all consequences: Pto "Si-aaa Vol
Tsa Plus" rsn be relied upon, unless Dr. Smith's
Signature is oh theUi, ind fry all others are either
Imitation or counterfeit, and of eourae dangerous to
rXj- CAUTION. As i Miserabla Imitation baa
bean made, by tha name of "Sogar Coaled Pill,"
it ia necessary to be aura that Da. O. Biaj. SaiTa's
signature ia on every bei; Price 25 cants.
Principal Offir. 179 Greenwich L New York.
80(d by JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury.
WM. rOR8YTHEi Jfartkum'd.
Um 13th, 1648, .
Corrected weekly by lienry Matter.
WatAT, - t 100
Rta, . . . 70
Co a a, . . . 62
Oats, 40
Pona, ft
FllISttD, . . , r 112 J
HcTTia, )4
Ess. , 8
Btttswax, . , . 36
Tat tow, . . 10
FtAX, , .10
Hbckliu FtAT, . . 10
Daisn Aerxaa, . 75
Do, Psaca-ae, , . . 150
Dennis Woolvcrton's Entnte.
"jrVTOTICE is hereby given tint letters of admin
itrtion on the estate, f Dennis Woolvcrton,
fate of Coal township, Northumberland county,
d'e'd have been granted to the suteriber. All per
sons inileMrd to siid estate, or having e'aim a
gsinst the same, siereqU'S'ed to call on the uh
scriber, at 8himokintuwn, and fettle without delay.
Jone 13ih, IS-itS 6t' Adm'r.
, . or
Hrarvr Hourr and Thomas A. BiiLttnTotr,
, Overteers rf the Poor of the Borough of Sunbu
ru. in account with tmd BnrusH. fur the venr
enmmencmg 111 March, 1815, and ending vi
March, 1816.
T. whole amount of Duplicate, 205 4 1
To this emmint, being the proceed ari
sins; on the s-ile of the ?rnnl proper
tv of Mary Berger, a pauper ,on ssid
Borough, 35 33J
To this sum received of C. O. Donnrl's
eata'e, , 60 00
To older on prcrent Ovcireers for batsnce
due, 21 U
(321 73
; .- Ca. .
By amount paid Ceorfr Bright emf S im
' net 'I'lioinpson, late Oversreta of aid
By amount paid John Blight for miking
out duplicate, as per recHijit,
By amount paid E. Has, as per receipt,
By amount paid Catherine Kieh', fur
bowling Martha Kiehl, a pauper, aa
par receipt.
By am't paid Henry Bardeher, for boird
' ing Mrs. Berger, a pauper, aa per rec'pt,
By am't paid 8. D. Jurdan, tor rota in
the esse of the Overseer of Pnnlmry
Union tewnohip, Union county, as
wr tei-eijit, '
By awA id Peter Bailey, t witness in
sail cane, as per receipt.
By am't fiivl fir Mary Hhn, as p. rec'pt.
By am't paid for Bernard Hopper, aa per
By am't paid Mary tSea.hi't, for beard
ing Nicholas Kay, a pauprr.aap. rec'l,'
By am't paid J. W. Frlin. as per rec'pt.
By am't paid Dr. Ttitee. balance due f r
meil ral a'teniUnre during tha yeara
1842 and IA43, a per teceipt,
Bj am't paiJ Dr. Trites for meiiical at full of his bill to the 13ib
Ja'n'uaty, 181(5, a per leeeipt.
By a n't pid Geo. W. Kiehl I t clerking
Mrs. Brrgei's vendue, aa ier receipt,
By ain't psid VVm. Youngman, for Mrs.
Bergrr's eoflln, as per teceipt.
By ain't paid I'eier Durt and H. Bard
her, for d Raing grve, as per rccript,
By am't aid II innsh Iliy. as p. receipt,
Uy am't pU to the contributor nf Ine
PiUii'a Hospital, for bardin- Mariht
Mooie, a pjuper, frnn ttie 2'Jth April
to the S2J August, 1815, including f7
for rlmhini!, a r receipt, i
By am't paid for lai; fnre, 6lc. fur said
Martha. Iroin Philailelihia to Sunhury,
By am't paid for hnrs hire and travelling
exenars,drein going I Union coun
ty on bu'iiiena in relation ! aid Mar
tha's reajiji'nce, as per receipt,
By none auon of unriilb-ciilile tax,
By comp'tisatory allowance for re i vices
f the Oveinecrs,
By Audilois' fees,
fr,H 68
1 25
1 31
35 87
37 00
2 75
9 25
3 00
15 25
4 00
10 f5
- 47
2 12
1 00
68 00
9 00
13 56
2 7J
32 63
4 00
$3i I 73
Tlie nndrrnigned, appointed to audit, eetile and
sdjii-t the accounts "I th Oveiseera el the Pom of
li.e Borough efSuubury, having rianiiiird the R -eeipi
an4 Eip nd.lurea aa set forth in the pierce I
ing statement of Henry Hoiipt and Thomas A. Bd
Imglon, Lie 0ere.r of raid borough, eihibiling
a halaoee I t their favor of dollara and eei.ts,
do allow and pas the same.
In testimony which, we have hereunto act aur
bauds, the 9th .Uy ef Mv, A. D. IH.
Runbii'y.iuna Hih, 1848.
And Valnnllon.
Ih the Httrt of tkortt Snyder, deei "i
wf virtue of a tetuin wiitof put'uion and
aa lu.iian. iauiad out of tha Orphan' Court
ut the county of Northuml-eriand, to AUgu-t term
Ai D 1846. directing th .haciffof said county lo
make partition ard valuation of a certain tract of
land sittiste in l.ower Msbonoy township, bounded
by Isnd of Jaeob Boy tier, th Huquelianna river,
Ms Santa ago creek and land of Daniel Hoihrlmrl,
containing on hundred and Ally nine actea and
elghiy-four perches dale the eaiata of Gi org
Snyoer, dee'd. Now know je, (the said heir of
aid ilrc'd.) by the authority of the aforesaid will.
I, Thomas A. tfilling'oU, nheiitTof said county, will
on Tuesday th 14th day of Ju'y nsit, at U tUnk,
A. M., upon tha preoiitfc sl,e named, tnke pji
lition or valuation in the manner and foim siecified
in ssid writ, at which iim and place vou ate here
by warneJ to be ed appear; if you tb nk (foer.
8heriu"e Office, . ? Bhcriit
Suubuiy; Jane H, 1846 J 4t ",
THE uhderslghed, appointed Auditor by the
Court of Common Pleat of Northumberland
county, io ascertain tha amtiont of money in the
band af Ira T. Clement, garnishee, in favor of the
belts of Henry BsrUhrr, dee'd , and also lha a
moUni du Henry Bartaher, jr., ena of the heiiS of
Said doceated, hereby notifies all ersons interested
that ha will attend to the duties of bis sppnintmeht,
oh Konday the 2td day of June, at his office.
Sunbdfy, June S, 1846. 3t Auditor.
MOLA88E8 The Aist quslily 8oger Ilafasa
Molssaes, only lt cenu per quart! also, a
na article of yeli6wMoleaae for baking, on
ly 12) cents per quart (or sale at th store of
June 13, 1846. HENRY MA88ER.
tlare you licnril the News?
War, uat'it vov hiabb that
At hitthep, in Market ttreet, adjoining the three
ttory Brick Hoxiie,
HAS just received from Philadelphia tha largest,
handsomest and beat assortment of
of evety description, that bas aver been brought to
th's ploce. And what Is till belter, they say he
sells so cheap, ihsl you csn buy two pair fur the
tame money that you Msro to pay for ane pair.
Ha Beta roa Cash and SaiLs roa Cash, and
that i- the tesson that he can afford lo aril them so
much cheeper. If yon don't wanl lo buy. jut rail
and see his stock. He is always ghd lo see hi
euHnmer snd it is no trouble lo him In show bis
good. Jut lo give you an idea how cheap he doe
sell, the following is a lit of prices of a part of his
stock t
Mens Thick Boots, '
' d i f ine Grain do
- do Cvlf i do
Boys' Thick - do
Vouths do
Mensf Thick Brogsns,
Women' Morocco Welts
- and Ktit Springs,
Women' brat City made
' Kid Rlior, '
Liilies' Gaiters and Gai
ler Boo!, '
orth $i 00 at f 2 75
- 4 50 at 3 00
" 6 00 al
" S 50 al
" 2 00 at
" 1 87 at
3 00
I 75
1 25
1 00
1 50-at
1 63 at
1 00
I 13
2 00 at 1 37
A'so, every vsrielv of Lsdie'. Boys' and ehi.
drena' shoes, at prices lower than eer beftre olfrr.
ed. Come and See'
8nbury, June I3ib, 1846 6m
Regimental Orders.
THE First Battalion of the 3.1
Regiment of ihe IkI Biigade 8 h
Diviaion, Pt M are her, by com
manded to' meet in Mirket qnre,
Sunbury, on Sjturdav the 13ih day
of Jui e in-t.. at 1 1 o'clock, A. M.
attachid will meet at the same lime
nd plce.
1 hit mcetina of the BAttalions in
for the purpose of our ciliren sotiliere
volunteering their service to po lo
war sgsinst the Mexicans. It i
expected there will be a siiifii-it-nt
rumbcr of volunteers, without the necessity of io
sorting to a drsft in the 3d Resimrnt; anJ aim
thst all who are willing lo gt will be ready to vol
unteer on that day. The Captains of companies
are particularly ordcied In see that there is a full
attendance on that day. Every mm between the
age of 18 and 45 yens will be required to turn ou',
unless he has a physician's ieetlificite thst he i
unable to train. Officers nf Regiment to be in full
uniform. By oriUr of
Adj Gen. P. M.
Sunbury June C, I StO St Col. 3J Rcg'i.
N. B. Those who have nerve J their lime in v.w
lunlerr companies, or who have servel eevrn yeara
at officett of the militia, are alio obliged to turn
out on thia occasion. None ate exempted but
those who have physician's certificates of inability
to do military duty.
WRIT OF P a RriiToN.
To Frederick Tchupp. John Teh u pp. Jacob Tehupp
Henry Tchupp, Cbriilian Tt hupp, I'eier
Tchupp, Adam Snyder and lt.iehel Ilia -wife,
Jacob l.aurer and Catherine bi wife, William
Potis and Bsrbars hi wife, Cstper Hrckert, Pe
ter Ilickeit, FieJcrick Herkeil, and Mrg.tet
Heekert, - Gassriso :
BY iitne of a certam writ of Pailition, No. 27.
istied out of the Court of Common Pleas of
NorihutnlieiUnd county, to Augu-t Term A. 1).
1 846, directing lha ahrrilf of aid county to sum
m n a jury and make partition of a eariain tiael
of land siuiaie in Lower Mahnnoy towoahip, in siid
county, adjoitiii g lanila of John Tchupp, jr Mi
chael Witmrr, John Shrerer an-l Ihe Mah-inlango
creek, containing one bundled and -ixty-two sc e',
or thereabouts. Now know ye, that by th Autho
rity of the same, I Ihe raid eherilf of raid county,
will on Monday the 13th day of July next, at 1 1
o'clock. A. M., upon tha premises above named,
make partition or valuation in the manner and form
specified in the aforraaid writ, al which time and
place you are heieby warned lo be and appear, if
you think proper.
- fcherirTe Office.' ? Sheriff
Sunbury, May 30th. 1846. S6t '
Estate or John Illilncliart, dee'd.
Notice to Heirs.
.'. 15, jttgtut Term, A. D. 1646,
John Rbitiehtrt
Chsrleg Rhlnehart, Thnmaa Croaby, Guardian of
Thomas Croahy. Henry Siell and LlnaMh his
wife, J sine Reed and Loui hi. wife, George
B. McAllister and Sarah hie wife, and Martin
Halm and Mary his wife,
NoUTUt'M asatAH a Cocjstt. Set. (
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lo the Shef
ritTof Northiimbeiland Coui ty, Crcktihii :
YOU are hereby commanded lo auminon
t'harlea Rliinehtrt, Thomas Croahy, Guar
dian of Thomas Croahy, Henry Siell and E
hcttl hi wife, James Iteed and .nuia hi wife.
George B. McA li.trr and Sarah hla wile, and M-r-tin
Hahn and Mary his wife, lefendant'. to be and
appear bifor the Judges i t Ihe Court of Corh'nioh
Pleas, 10 be holden t Sunbury for said eotiniv. on
Ihe firt Monday of A u 511-1 next, to ariawer John
llhii chart, plainlilf, of a plea wherefore ihe said
idaiu'iiT and tha said defendants together and undi-
vtileJ 1I0 hold a certain tract 4 land in Augusta
townabip, containing for'y-th're vcrel rhore or leas,
adjoining Eli Comad, William Conrad. Samuel
Lmla and other a'so a ieca of land in same
township, containing eleven acies more or b ar,
one lot of ground adjoining Mary llarna m, Mr.
Lvori snd Sbsmokln rfeik, and two pieces of land
adj lining each other and former, together contain- ,
ing tw va acres mm or lets, bounded by the Sli 1- J
mokin creek and hill jsnd claimed by Mr. Lyon, I
.1 , .1 ' ... t V,t 1 - r
neing ine piece now in 111a pnaaeaxinii m iiia'i'a
Rhinehsiti slao, a ceMsin houae and d( of ground
tiiuale in Sunbury, in Whortleberry s(reel, north
side, bounded west by lot of Mrs; Simpton, eaat by
lot of John G. Youngmsn, and north by aM alleys 1
alo, a certain bouse and lot of ground in River
street, in Sunbury, bounded by lot of McCsrty 4c
Dsvis, south by lot of Oeog Msnta. and tast by
sn slley. Psftitioh thereof between them tha laid
defendant doth not permit; Hereof fail not and
have you there (hen ihia writ.
Witneaa th Hon. J. B. Anthony; President
nf our said court at Sunbhry, tha 6th dsy of
' May, A; D. IStfJ. , ...
Of which tha aaid defendant will plea lake
Sheriff" Office, V . Sheriff.
8upbU7, May 23, 1846.
d The Second Batia'ion of Ihe
Sjrv3fl eme Regiment lo meet al ihe bouee
Xjf-jil ' of George Smith, in Jnckain town-
Of jiJ ship, on the same day and at the
3 l fir same hour. V.ilui'eir cmp.mies
1 1 IA
t i
Wo. 188 Chesnut Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets.
OP rg H Oa j ZE
IS now prepared to offer, Wholesale and Retail,
a large assortment of Fasct and Staplb
suited to the Country as well as City Trade, He
eontinuea the aystem of -no abatement in pricet"
which he haa pursued for Ihe past len years, and
desires lo csll the specUl attention of the pubpc to
it as tha only true tyttem of retail business,' and
which is decidedly t: the Intereat nf tha purchaser
to promote. It ia quite lime the fraudulent prae
lire nf saking a high price, and abating to make the
purchase) believe Ihey sre Ihe "favored few," was
done away with, as, nine times out of len. they are
mad lo pay a higher price (however great the re
duction) than the like ttyte snd quality c m b pur
chased al Ihe "One Price 8tnre."
A. B. M. la in regular receipt of the newett and
cheap.,! aessonable go-nls. and when any ar.icle
depteciatea in Value th price ia at on, marked
down so low that ii cannot b undersold. . By thia
system lha purch.r on .1 .11 time, buy - with
system lha purrhsaer em at all times buy
confidence and eati-faction, and without wate of
lime in uteless bsrgaining. He has at this' time
s complete assortment of , ;
B'ark Lii'trino, Oitoman, Pont dn Sole, Mn
lua, Gros ile Rhine, Armure, and other Dress and
Mantilla Silks. Also,
Fancy Dress Silk, from 44 els. to J2 25 per
yard, including all the vaiirty of approved and
ueful styles nd combination of color.
Lining Silk, Foulsrd Silk, Silk Gingham.
P.ris Psinlrd Lawn and Organdies, of the
newtsl and moi-t spproved s yle, as well at t ie
cheapest in the market. A1o,
s-'colch Laet ns at very tow prires.
Of the nrweat drs'gns. Also Scotch Ginhsni
an t Gingham Um, iy cheap. Twill'd Eart
ton and Mncheter Ginghams, for'a
wear, . ..
,:J FXEK'cn CMKTZESS j l i
Lti;lil, medium, and dark cnlnr, 4-4 wide, Alao,
beit m ke American Chintz and Cnlicoec, of ihe
new atlerna,at 12 cts. per ynrd.
Of the moil splendid Ombre and Printed yb1.
down to the French, English and American, at 25
cent r y'd.
Of all qualities and every v.ruty of de-ixn'. A! embr,iidrred and chain-
- tilt hi 1 RoIhs, Bsyadem and P Ika D'tS'i-s.einb'il
Swias Mua!in and Hih- Lawn dn sa ptiun
l'silel n and Colored plaid and tr. pe Swisa Mu
tins. ' -
white noons.
Plain Swins, Mull, Ninsook. Jsrconel, Cambric,
Book, and Tarleton Mualins, Pla'd. S1ripc.c01d.1l
and figured C.imbric snd do, Lawn,
nSBtB DBffa. K
JSJJOTICE ia hereby given, that a meeting of the
11 torkhnldaia nf Ihe Nortliumberland Bride
Company will be held at the boune nf J sine Lee,
in ihe hoionahof Nortliumberland. 011 Mouday the
15th day nf June nexi, al 2 o'cl. ck. A, MM for the
purpose of taking into con:deration Ihe propiirlv
M re-building ihe Bridge, fiom lha Kns'ern .horeot
he h'vqitenanns river to ihe Sbamokin Ilanl, op
p.mite Northumberland, Uoii certain elipuUloJ
condition mentioned in a supplement pad the
28th of March, 1846, to the act incorporating said
company. -
Noiihum'd, M iy 16. 1840. 5t iWt.
Tin mid Sheet-Iron 'W.-tre
8 B X. X V S O tt O V B, , P B N N'A.
r"1IIE subscril'r re-pectfully informs ho public
i. ill it be ha cnimeuicd the manufacture ol
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware,
in all its vaiioua branches, at Seluisgrove. Hi
wre is not on'y msd of the b'-nt ma'erial, but t
put together in a mbatantial and workmanlike man
ner, differing in this respect from much of ihe wute
sold, wl ich is made up in a liuny for that purp ,e
An rxrellent assortment will be kepi on h"d at all
linvs, which will be Sold on the m- si rennSe
terms. ANDREW 8 WINGER!'., May I6ih, 1846. if.
1 r, lb
.. i rennNylvuiila.
THE Danville Steam H'oori Fathiry. former
ly owned and nccup ed by Dr. Psrataia, h- a
re. enlly lni purhsed by the auhcrihrs, who
rep.ctfully announce to thrir friends and the pub
lic general y, thai Ihey are now prepared lo do all
kinds nf w jrk in theii line of buaineaa, at the adm
iral notice, Recording In order, and in the beat com
parative manueri llavirig .gone t i conaiderah'e
expense in repairing theit machinery and aparaliifti
and being very paniciilai in curing Ihe aervire of
eijieiiMiCe.l mechanic. Ihey b-el confldont that
Ihey are capable of executing all kind uf wurk in
i'yle auperiar- to any dlher es'abiiaisaeul in the
CounlrVi at th old cuatom-.r? p leei. '
BLANKETS cunslsn Iy on band, and die aale al
reduced prices, for CkH of Bsr'er,
will '. done in the best manner, at the usual pri
ces. - All kind of country produce taken In pay
ment for work, si Dnille ruaikel prices.
For the eeeotuinodnion ol iho who live at a
di-lance,- Wool and Cloth will be taken in at,
and. when ftniahtd, to'orn'd In lln following pla
C4S, Plain written direction must acco'mpsny
each pa reel t
Colfmbta County. Roup Si Man's store,
sHingti tivill f R. Fruit' store, Jrrncytown ; )ea
ger's inn,- Roafing Creek; Sharpie' S'oi. I'aita
wiasa; - ( F. Maim' store, Miilliui le ; Mdlei's
store, Beiwick 1 J. Clint' Mill; Riflina stoic,
Orrigevtlla t IVrr'a aiore. W hile Hall. 1
Korl humber hud rotNv Michaol (eade('Inn,
Turbutvillet Ireland dc Ha'a store, McEwen
vjlle; E. K Piper's store, WaUoualpwn t H. J.
Cotnly tt Co'atlora, Milton; Gibtou'a inn, Cbil
lisquaque t ' Foisth'a store, Northumberland 1
Young store, Sunbury. , , , . .
Luterne County. Rrfiof stiye; Klogston
Gildersleeve's store. Wilkeabarra ; Gay lord's store,
Plymouih ; Biyer'e store, ISanllcole t iuJg:
Mark's Mill, Hunliagton ' I
Lycoming County. i. Cl.ipp'l elore, Muiicy
hoiukei's store. Smith's Mill. " .
Dsnville; Msy tt, 1848.
T" TTe CataaaaTaa Macasaaa Haia Oil, bts
juat been receiiad and is for ssle at ihe etnre of
My ao, 1840. t JENRY MA8SER.
LLa Op rarr 2
Imitation Cambric, Camhrie Dimity, Irish Shining
Linens, Datnstk Table "Linen, Talda Cloihs snd
Napkins, Long Lawns, French Linen Cambric snd
Linen Lawns, cheap Shitting and 8heeting Mus
lins, and superior Long Cloth Shirting.
Luton's Bombazine of all nunliliea. ami tha a.
rlns shades of Black, Summer Bombaxinea or
Brilliante., Silk and Cotton W.rp Alpaccas, Silks,
Moueolin ;lo Laine. Bareges, Balxorines, Msrqueae,
Grensiline. Gini-hsm. Lawn. Crapes, Crape and
Love Leiae VieU, Kid and Silk Gloves, Hosiery,
Plain Silk. Olaei, Oltnman, Thibet, Barege and
Twiatcd Silk Shwl, Scarf snd Ctavala. :
'French Ca.hmere long and'squaie 8hsw's,
Brocbe do., Ptitited, Barege, Thiln-t and Terkerri
I V 7." u'? ' ' ".' , ' ii .. ' ?,"U 1
i t"? !' "7 ' ,17n,,l,Mb Hrn,
M,;h'" d" ,n;! ' , . '
L8'"L- ih' aref., and othrf long and
shoit Scarfa.i Also, I'rsval.
lllntk Lace snd Silk Msr.tillas, Vititi, Cape and
Cardinals, of the tiew slyli-l. , ,
Emb'd Caps, Collnr, Spcncr. and Chemitetls,
under Sb-ev, s and CuffV, English snd French
Thread Lacc. F.dging ai:B tnsrrtings, Linen Bob
b n Eilgi g snd Inre'tlngs, emb'd Swiss and Cam
bric do.. DNfk slid Whit' Lace Viels. Lace 8hswl
snd Scarf, wido III irk Lncc for Mantilla and
Scaifs, and Black Brunei Lace, fur trimming do,
and dreses.
English white and Muck ribb'd, emb'd, open
woiknl, nt p'sin Silk II siery ; white snd black
I'alf II sc, litib'd nnl pUiu Spun Silk and raw Silk
do.; a I no, Engl ah andSwl white, colored, and
unbleached Cotton do; libhM, p'sin, emb'd clock
ed, and open workrd; alao. Children's Col len do,
"d Lailiea white and uhMcaclieJ Lisle Threid
do , of various q 'S'i ic, scarce and deairable ar
ticle, and other Hosiery nf various descriptions. '
Plain, corded, herdercd, riviere, musique, and
emb'd Linen Cambric and l.nnn H ilk fa, from 12
cts, lo $ U0 each. Alao, linn. Puraea, Green Ba
n ge for Veils, Gsuza Vil la, Blsck Linen, Lead
col'd snd Drown do., Pap r Muslins, Ate.
All the new el v 1 ax rich snJ cheap Scarfa snd
Crnviii Ki t, S Ik, Thread, and other Glove
t "oil n h iif Hoae ; Silk and Linen Cambria pocktl
llilkf, Suepeniler, &C
rjj- Vou can find at MARSHALL'S, 189 Che
nut firi-et, al mwl v. ry ar ic' in Dry Good that
you reqiiiie, st.d ut prict a qoite aa low, if not lower
than eUewhi re, (1 m In hi intrrrst to nil chrap)
mid ms be i coim anily Sliding 1 1 his stork the new
est and eheupent poods, you will be sors of l-eing
suited. But, icaibr, you a-e Invited to call aid
judce for yoiiiaelf.
I'biladrlpbi. May lfiih. 18 If.. 2m
Itlcli nud McKiitit
f TIIE subscriber has just opened for spring trade,
JL a large and complete as irtmenl of Brussels,
Imperial, -iipt ifioe and fir e Ii grain and Venetian
CARPETS, which have all been purchased wiihiu
a niuulh, at the lowett cash ralca. They are now
offered at g'eallv reduced pricea for Clah.
'I'l c-e goiNl are ef mi rur atyle and finiah, and
lieiug uf lite bd make ai d f ibr'.c. offer great in
ducement lo pnri liflera to obtain a band.ome and
dcaiiaMe arliele at price below Ihe UsUal rates..
. The aioilinoiil ia coiopli t in every', snd
coliMrtta in part f Ihe lollnwing
New ai d silcinlid Uruiarl
at Reduced
TmIM Vanetisns
PI .in do
Fine t Cmmoh I '
Iigriu J
Splendid Emborsed Piano and Table Covers;
Sia-r Binding, Sheep Skina, &C. See.
With an immen-e at i k of low pi iced Carpet
of all draciiptious, I, t, Rig Hemp, and Cotton
Carets, from 12 to 50 cenls per yard.
Country Mercbsnis, hDUkeeers and others
have now an nprlnniiy of supplying themselves
wiih ban. !a. uno and deair-ible f . exit al greatly redu
ced price-. ROBERT B. WALKER,
25 N. Sd at. oppnaite ChrUt Church.
Plilad.lph a. Msv lO-h, 1S46 3in
flUIE tuWctibcr. bile of Ihe Union Hotel, Mun
J. ry, Pa , respectfully inform the old and BU
nn roua cuatomera f lha
rcilnsylvalnln llotnc,
ml the public gen. rPy, that he ha teased the
Tav. rn Stand of John Rhode; in Danville; where
he i now prepared to eutertuio travellers, and per
tone veiling Ibn town, in the v. ry beat style. The
eecoumiodatioii will he sti.-h as 4 well conducted
public hou'ae hould t.ff'ir.l, snd no rffott will lie
spsred lo render s.iti-fa lion, in every respect, to all
who n sy call. The rilinen of Lycoming coUnty
re invited to put up wiib th undersigned when visit DtnviUe.
Dni'le. Msy 2, 1816. ; '
. raliionable , , . , ,
B fj EREBY return hi sinceia thanks for psat
a B lavo'S, and ie-peciliillv informs his filend
iiii.1 ih pub!:i generillv, thai be has removed lo
the Brick Sloru R.w.m fumeily decupled by Wood
tt, Kluwn, wbera he will t hppy to accdmn)te
1. II who with go. d taoik at moderute prices,
tlum that he will excil bunaelflo pletse.
A good ssortineiit nf liool snd Shoes, for Gen
liiim n, i.sdie. and Cbi dreu. cinalantly on hand.
Alio. Lin ngs, Binding, and all aorls of Morocco
for sle, low. . , , 4
All kind of Wotk made to measure, ad Ja
paii ng Well doiie, at the tboiU.l tiotica. Call
und vc. .
Sunbury, April 1 8lh.' l48--f , , r J
r Xiinc ! Lime!!
REBPEC'i'FtlM-Y informe bi f.inds, that
, be hs caimenco4 the business of 1',(ma
burning, oh tkaUm be now occuj is. Ha has
row on banJ a suanlity of Lime for sale, snd will
alwsys endeavor 10 accommodate those wba may
fti or bim with their custom..
August, AyrUl'tlbi 1816,-Ow . ,i
TIIK ISir.W TOL.t3111
mbw voax wasxtT zmrnsoBi
OKLV two dollars a tear
rPO stsxT tna srtaiT or Taa lot, and lo pl4
Ihe Weekly Mirror on an equal footing ;th
lie numerous rivals, the terms are induced .ion
Thiee Dollar a year, lo TSud. The charart r ol
tbe paper will be improved in fcvery reanee' i b
Also a copious Correxpendence, domestic sue f
reign. . A nevV Novel of great morit will be -im
hicneed with NuHlberOna, of the new volu 1 on
the 1 1th of April. The paper and type will i t su
perior in quality lo any before used for this pipe!.
The lnght QnSrto form of the Mirroi, wiP
bind up In Two Hendsome VolUme at the end ol
tte year; well worth preserving as a fiithfV and
spirited Literary Record of tho Time. It v ,1 be
forwarded by llik esrliest mail, in strong 'tip
pers, tn tlyety psrt of lha United States and Cana
da. Pottage fru within thirty ml lea of JVw
York. ;
All communication should be addressed, post
paid, to H. FULLER, corner Ann and Nssaa
streets, New Yoik;
ttne copy one yesr in advance, ft 00
Out) copy two yc sris i i 3 60
Two copiea one year, , . 3 00
Four, ... , . i 601
Ten, . . , , 1 . 10 00
N. B. Price of the DAILY EVENING ?..:!?;
ROIl, $ti per annum in advance. One Shillir a
week when served by carrier.
Nor t Ii 11 m Is a r I a nJ Countj,
the public in general, that ha has laker -ha
Brick S'and, formerly occupied by George Pro re
ss a public house, (east of the State Hnutie, a ,d
oppoaite the Court H tuse,) where he ia prepare.! to
accommodate hi fiicnds, and all othera wbo n-ay
favor bim with their custom, in ihe best mann. .
In chrtri; ho exertions nor expense will be an,
red lo render his house in every way worthy ol
public patronage,
Sunbury, April 4th, i846 Bni
MThe aitereaa of the PEK1K T.l
COMPANY, No. SO.SoCth Srce j
Stbvt, l-etwei n Market and Ch r
nut, I'hiladalphia, ha I wen ui.pan
leled. Our citizen are now able to ohttin a c -perior
article of Tea, at rate much chtapcr tbi
have ever before been offered In this coun'ry, 11 i
tlioy have the asaumnce that there are tm ilrurt 1 r
oilier foreign euhatanre mixed with the T. a'.
They rre done up in parkacea (lined wiih ie."1,
to preserve their rtrengih and flavor.) of from or 1
quarter to five pounds, to suit customer.;, snd ur
sold al ditfercnt prica, fr-im fifty cents per lb fr
an excellent article 1 one dollar and fifty cei t.
gj- Al' persona visiting Ihe city are invited to pay
the compnny's extensive eatabiUhment a visit.
Agents wanted in every plscn where they '.r
not )ct established. For particulars, address, f.:
paid, tbe subscrioer; ....
G, B. 2E1BER, Ag't lor the Company,
30 South Third 8trect, Philadelphiji
ApriHth, 1848. ty ,
aaaw aa aak ah
UESPECTFULLY informs the citizens d
, Sunbury and vicinitv, that he hts opened an
cilice at the residence of Henry Master, in Market
street, where he is prepared to execute all kinds, of
Dkntsl Svaotav. Plate Work, Ac , on the lateat
and most approved plans.
Having had some experience and l?.'i1rnctiop,
Under one of the rhot eminent and successful Den-'
tis's in Philadelphia, be believe that be will be
able to giv satisfaction to those who may want hie
Ladiea will be waited on at their place of resv
dence. Hi charge will be moderate, and bis
woik warrsnted.
Sunbury, March 88th. 1846.
Al the "CHEAP STORE" Ao. 41 Strawberry
Street, . .
i i i i a d e I p h I n.
OUR Store rent and other expenses being very
light, we are enabled to a. II out CARPETH,
OIL-CLOTHS, &c, wholesale snd retsil, at the
lovieat prices in the city, and buyer will find it
greatly to their advantage lo call and examiue tbe
largo assortment we nfler this season, of
Ueautiiul Imperial 3 ply t
Double Superfine Ingrain LcARPETIKGS
Fine and Medium do J
Twilled and plain VenitisnJ
together with a Urge s'ock of OIL-CLOTHS
from S feet to 24 feet wide, very cheap, for room,
halls, Act also. M siting, Floor Cloihs, Kag. Cot
ton and Hag Carpets, dec, dee., with a good as
sortment of Ingrain Carpets from 25 to 60 cents,
and 8tair sad Entry Carpel from H lo 60 eta.
No. 41, Strawberry Hlr. et, on door above Che,
nut, near Second Street, Philadelphia.
March glat. IH48 3m.- '
. A CARD. ..
Vi,. PALMER, the American Newtpaper
, Agent, duly authorized snd empoweied, by
the proprietor of mo.t of th beat newspaper f
sll the ciues anJ principal lowna In the U. H. a; d
Canada, lo receive subacrip Ions snd adveni-:.
ments, and lo give receipts for ihe; respectfully
notifies Ihe public, that he is prepared to exeouie
orders froni all parts of the Civil aed World, em.
bracing ludividuds, Firm. Sociaii, Clubs. Res
din Rooms,- Corporaiiona.AVe., at his several olK
ee in lha rtties of Pbiladrhbia, Baliimor. Neve '
York end Boat on, and Where communica'ioni and
inquiries, pot psid, msy be direct. d. Addieas V.
B. PALMER, Philadelphia', N. W. corner Thirl
and Chesnut atreeuj Baltimore, S. E. corner Brl-t
timore nd C.Ueil alreels ; New Yoik, Ttibui.o
Buildings opposite City Hall; Boston, SO Sialo el
A M other pt-ison or perm are in any man
ner connected wiih tbe eul sctiber, in the American
Newspaper Agency, all letters and comtnunicslioi.s
for hlin. .hould be carefully directed a above, at. J
to no other parson. I bis e.utioo has become in
ceasary in order u avoid mistskes, and put the put
.c on their guard .gn.t alM"jt('
1 ' " Amei'ican Newpap Agent.
Editora throughout ihe Ceiled Slate for wbo:.
V. B. Palmer is Ageol, will promote Ihe advsntsgt
of all eoneeri.ed. by .nbbhiug lbs above.
tL'ItMC RIOT ICE. V. U. P.lmer Is th
only aulhorwed Agent for the -Snaarax Aijaai
ca," in tliacili'aof Philadelphia, New Yor .
Boston snd Baltimore, of which public noiice
hereby givrtir ' MarchU gg
iiSf A R D E K EE D8. A fresh supply of L
J( Kialey cV Co'a aupertor Gaiden beads, jut
icceived snd for sale at the ator of ,
MarcU U, Ua. HENKlf MA88ERs ..