Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 06, 1846, Image 4

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From the Illinois State Gazette.
lOVK ix A rmstTi.VG OFFICK.
I mice heard an old Jour, remark, flint a
pr-r.1 inp office was noplace for love-ma kin;?,
mill I have since experienced tho truth i!' his
observation -bctnr now perfectly convinced
Hint, the flower of love con never bloom in
the inidbt of typea, stands, and printing ink.
It wiih my furluno once to sojourn tor it few
idys in the village of . Directly oppo
site the ofliee was a pretty white rottnoe, with
ii rose hush clambering- n round the casement,
audi wna not long in making the discovery
tint the riforsaid white cottage with the rose
haded window, contained a fair ininntc a (low.
t'r wIiofo beauty fur cutMione the roses that
flustered around the window. Whe was n little
tine eyed Kaney looking creature of some si.t
I, en immuiorB. Hire was the belle of the vil
l.i jo.' Her name was Mary sweet poetic
'1 have a poi;lic passion for the name of Mary.'
It wan n hrautilul summer morning, end I
Imd raised the window to admit the cool breeze
fi-nin the, llower decked fields, and it was not
l.m.j before I proceived that the cottage win
row was also hoisted, and thai sweet liltlo Ma
ry was seated near it, busily engaged with her
needle. 1 worked hut Httle that morning. My constantly wandered towards tlio coltnjju
window, where little Mary sat, and nil sort of
M range and fantastic notions whirled through
my fancy-lighted brain, and I began to think 1
i It u slight touch of what the pools call love,
hiding in at the corner of my heart.
A tew days passed a way, nnd the clntice
0. ade me acquainted wit Maty. 1 leavens ! she
was a sweet creature she had a form that
on Id have shamed the famous Venus tin Med
ici, a cheek that outblushed the richest poach
. nd a lip that would have templed a bee from
ins hive on a frosty morning. 1 thought as I
Lazed on her in mute admiration, that I Imd
cover looked upon one so exquisitely bcauiifiil.
Mn? seemed the embodiment ot all that is lovely
mil bewitching.
Well time passed on, and one day Mary ex
pressed a desire to visit the printing t lilee.
t hid ! thought I, what a chance ! I'll do it there,
e-s, there in tho very midst of the implements
i.l 'iiiine art why shouki'nt 1 ? Love in a l'rin
ti'ij office eh! There whs something origi-
1. al in thyt. and I resolved to try it all hazards.
Well, Mary came to the office, and 1 explain
ed to her the uses of the various implements of
(;' Hark art the press and the roller ; the ink
Him tiie stands, and the boxes of the A. JJ. O's.
I look an opportunity to snatch her pretty, lily
white hand, and the drew it back, knocking ' a
stick full of mutter najii !
'I must Iwvo a kiss for that my pretty one,'
s lid I; and at it I went. I managed to twist my
arm around her waist, and in struggling to fn:e
herself, she upset a galley of editorial, a long ar
ticle on the Oregon question. Nothing daun
ted. I made at her airain. This time I was
mure successful, for I obtained a kiss. Ey St.
I'nul ! it was a eweet one, and the little witch
bore ft like a martyr, she never screamed once ;
. tint as 1 raised my lips from here; she Idled
her delicate little hand, and gave me a box on
toe ears that wade me see more stars than ever
were viewed by llersthcl thro' his big teles
cope. Somewhat nettled, and with my cheek
Miiurting itli pain, 1 again seized her waist
and said, 'Well, if you don't like it, just take
luick the kiss.' She made a desperate Mruggle,
hudasshe jerked herself from my arms, tier
loot struck the iyepot.and over it went! A
nolhcr galley of eiiitorml was sprinkled over
t ne floor, and in her tflorts to reach the door,
her foot slipped and she fell, and in the eflort
to sustain herself, her hand her lily-white
hand the same little hand that had come
in contact with fuy curs eh, horrible! was
stuck up (o the elbow in the ink krg. Shade
of Franklin ! what a change came over the
beamy of that hand ! She slowly drew it from
the l;enr, (tripping with ink, ond asked me what
It A X It OT13 lilST.
The f dlowing liit shows the current value of all
Pennsylvania Rank Notes. The most implicit re
liance may ho plated upon it, as it is erery ti-trk
arefnlty compared with and corrected IVoin Hick
nell'a Reporter.
' rank iu IMillailrlphin.
LoCAT.n,. j,iiiiab
.lank of North America . , par
Punk of the Northern Liberties . . par
Commercial of Penn'a. . , pur
Farmers' and Mechanics' flank . . par
KYnsintrtnn Hark . . par
Philadelphia Rink . . : par
Schuylkill Rank par
Southward Rank . . ' I,nr
Western Rank . . P"
Mechanics' Tank . . I""
Manufacturers' Mechanics' Rank par
rtanh of Penn Township Pr,r
(.hard Rank . . . P1"
Tl-mk nf (Commerce, lite Moynmcning par
Hunk of Prnuxylvanii l'ar
Country Ilankn.
Rank nf Chester County v estchoster
Itnnk nf Delaware Comity Chester
Rank nf Ocrmantown (ierniantown
Hank nf Montgomery Co. Norristown
Dnvleslown Hank Doylestowii
Hasten Hank Easton
Farmers' Hank of Rucks co Hristol
par i
par j
lKir i
1 i
par ,
Lancaster ir
Lancaster pjt
TJemlini? par
1 larrishntg'i. These
l.nnraster 1 offices
. Reading f do not
Easton J issue n.
Philadelphia :
Pot'sville ? j
Lewi-town 1 J
Miildletown Zal i
Carlisle I
Pitisliurir H
Ilollidavshiiri; i
Hitrrislmri; ?,
Pitishuri; J
Piitsliiiii; - j
Williamsport 1 j
WiJkf-h.ii io IA j
Aliening n i
ilcailiiic; j
Pitt.-blirg failed j
"rii! do j
ievv itrithton do I
Chnmlii'rsl'iirjJ ii j
( ietlyshiiri; 1 !
Moiitrose :
P.rie ljul;
'ynesl'iir(5 i
WasliiiiL'lnu H
Honesdilo l.
lirowiisvdln Ii
Vuik fl
tiMi 1 niHiie ot the tar ! 1 began to ue seriously
alarmed, and apologised in the best manner 1
t tHii.J, und to my surprise she seemed rather
pleased limn an'ry ; but there was a 'lurking
devil in her eyu' t'na!. told me there wus mis
eliiei'uiloHt. As 1 stood surveying the black
eovenng of her haifil, scarcely uhlo to suppress
a ininrh nt its stratire metamorphosis, she quick
Iv raised it on lugii, and hrought it down 'ker
slap' upon my cheek ! lJelore 1 could recover
Irum my burprise, the s:nne little hand had a
eain di scemled, and again lelt its inky imprint
on my cheek.
'W ny, Mury.'l exclaimed, 'n'udt aro yon a
hout !'
'I think you told me you rolled ink on the
face of the form,' with a lud laugh, and again
her hand lit upon my face, taking me a broud
slao in the very middle of my countenance, una'
most wolully litdi'tihing my eyes. itli liyhl
step and a merry peal of laughter, she skipped
through the door. She turned back when be
yond my reach, and with her roguish fuqe peer
ing in ulthe door way, shouted hack.
1 say, Charley, what kind of roller docs my
hand make!'
Oh," said I, 'you take too much inTc.'
'llu ! ha !', she laughed ; 'well good bye
Charley, that' my impression ! he! ha!'
I went to the glass and surveyed tujelf for a
miniient, ond verily believe I could b,avo passed
lor a liuinea negro without the slighted dilli
tulty. 'And so.'ssid I to myself ; 'ih;s is love in a
printing ollice. The devil fly away with such I
love. I
The next inmning when the editnr canio to
tUe uliice, I 'rather caleulHte' ho found things a
little topsyturvy. However, that mode no
difference to me for 1 'mizzled' long before
I Wire marks of the scenes for many a day,
nmf iiow whenever I set- a lady enter a printing
tdlice, I think of littie Mary. aid keep u.y eye
on (he ink ke' and thouti slio were as beau
tiful as lie!. , 1 would Hot Vll.t'ire to touch her
1 1 Ii a tee do.
'1 V.k ahoi.i ;,i-.c in a boudoir love in a bow
pi I ie i-i a sorin" seat tola love bv moon-
liyfii. st-trii 'lit, lainpliglit or any Cither kind of
light, and I u ii w.tli jou heart and Soul but I j
pray yuii by flo'host of Fatirt, never to talk to
ui ubout lot t in a I'ruitiitg- Ojfioc I I
Hunk of Nerlhumberhind Northumberland par
Columbia U ink A- tlridne eo.'tlohim'oi.i nr
rarniprH Hank of Lancaster hancistri par
l.nncnstcr County If. ink
f.infaster liank
Vnrmers' Hank of Heading
Oleice of Hunk of Penn'a.
Odice do do
ttlfieo do do
Ddice do do
Hank of the I'uited fstatcs'
Miners' Hank nf Potlsville
Hank of Li'wiitnwn
liank of Middl"town
Carlisle Hank
Exchange Hank
Do di branch of
llarrisl'UTR Hank
Lebanon Hank
Merchants' Mannf. l'ank'
liank ol Pilt dniru
West H.anch
Wyoming Hank
Xorthainptiin Hnnk
Herks County Hank
Ollicc of llatik of I ,'. rs.
Do do do
Do do dit
Har.k of Chainherl urfr
Hank of (!ellyshuri
Hunk nf Susquehanna Co.
Krie liank
Farmers & Drovers' Hank
Kranklin Hank
llr)iiesd..le lijok
Mcinniitijliela Haul; nf !.
k Hank
N. H, '1 be- notes of those hanks on which wc
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
1J It O K E N H A N K S.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philad. I bia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do LiUd
Kensington Sav. Ins. A da
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Manual Labor Hank (T. W- Dyott, prop.) failed
1 ewaiida Hank 1 owancl.i
Alleghany Hank of Pa. licdfnrd no sale
Hank of Heaver Heaver closed
Hank of Swatara Jlnrcishttrg cloed
Hank of Washington Wa-hiue'on failed
Centre Hank PellifnUu closed
City H ink 1'itlsbiio; no Kile
Farmers' V Merh'cs' Hank Pittsburg failed
Farmers' A: MechVs' Hank Fayette c. filled
FHrmers & Meeh'i's' Hank Crcrncastlo filled
Harmonv lusiittiti) Harmony no sale
II uiitinpdor. liank ' Huntinu'do;) no sale
Juniata Hank l.eni-tonn rfo sale
Luinbermen'g Hank Warren failed
Northern Hank of Pa. liundalV no sale
New Hope Del. Hridpp Co. New Hope cloned
Northumb'd Fiiion Col. Uk. Millon no sale
North Western Ha'ik of Pa. Mead.ille tbistj
OlFice of Schuylkill Hank Port Cnrbon
P:i. Aer. & Mannf. Hank Carlisle failed
Silver Lake Bank Montioso rlosed
I'nion Hank of Penn'a. Lniotiiown filled
Westmoieland Hank (i'eeHshurjt closed
Wilkesbarre Htidge Co, Wilki sliarrc nosulu
(Jj" All notes putportihR to be on any Pennsyl
vania Hank not given iu the above list, ii.ay be ct
Jowu as frauds.
Hank of New Hiunswiek
Husiness allended to in tho (bounties of Nor
thuipbrrland, Union. Lvcmninjs and ('olnnibia.
Itvfer (ot
P. Ac A. flovoenT,
Lowm Ac ItAaiioM,
Pomkiis Ar. SnomiaAss, S-VhUail.
r.KT!OMlS, McFA1tL4M II Al C'o.
Srr.ntxo, 'Jooii A' (.'o.,
H E R ? S H O T F. Ii ,
iiAilnisni iMi, im.
IHEG h ave to inform the public that I have left
Philadelphia, nnd am now located in Ilarris
hurc, the seat of the Executive and Slate Covem
ment of Pennsylvmia, where I now nrrupy the
pjineious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew
Wilson. t
This spacious bnifdinp, haTiinj been pmpnoely
planned and erected for a Motel nf the first,
id not surpassed if equalled, by any similar estab
lishment in Pennsylvania s nnd having underdone J
a thorouijli rennvation, the tiarlnrs. rooms und i
chambers are now titled up in a style that com
bines fW'snce witli comfort and convenience.
Mv TAHLE is pledued to bp supplied with the
best faro the Mtrkets ran produce t the charges at
the sime. time beii.e us moderate as anv of the best
recti!. tied astnl lisliinenls elsewhere. In short, no
pxeitions shall be spared on my part, or on the part
of every meincr of my household, to moke it what
it should be, iu tbe Capital i f one nf the most pop
uIoik and interesting Sinter of the I'nion.
With these pr .muses, arrnmmnditions and faci
lities, and the f act that the Hotel is to ist eligibly
situated, I wi'h confidence, most respectfully soli
cit the pairou iRi' of the Pulilie.
Late nf Ilerr's Hotel, Clicsnut St., Philad.
Harri-biim. Nov. 'Z'i.
2?alu.Volc Slvtfrtfcs.
Hat:M.n's Vf.tivirfus a arluiii cure for
worms and very ijlramnt to luke.
fWHE vnbiablo prnpcriies nf Oakby's Deputn.
M. tiveSyiupnf Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of the.
blood, is so well known to tho public Renrr.illy,
thol it is untipcpsniry to nrcepy much sjiace in eel
ling forth llin advantage to lie derived from i's
use; wherprer the medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over nil othcis i cvriy
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial rppiills from it, that 't is rccomin-nde.l by
them with the u'mnst confidence. Phyiri;m3 of
the highest Minding in the profession, prescribe it
to patients under their ; containing nnthinu
delelerieii", but hcinir rnrnjiosed n( the most mild,
Vet efficacious vrrjctnhlo material:, i' is n!l' rct1 with
confidence, ns the rhrnprst ond mo a efficient pn.
rifier of the blood now known, 'J'he use ef o f'w
hot den, especially in the spring months, will he at
tended vtith a mrst decided improvement in the ((!
neral strciipqi nf the system, eradicating anv seed,
nf disease that may have been generated, betid,
Riving hfialtli nnd vieor to the body. For lbs cure
nf Scrofula or Kiu.ts Evil, Hheiimalir'n. Telle,
Pimples or etupti ins of the Skin, White Swelling,
s Fistula, Chronic Coup'i Aslhnin, Ac, Thp rui-
nierous certificates in the C"ies,iot) of ths u! i' rl
her and h'n stents, fuxii physician and utberi, nr
suflirient to convince the most iu t;cil efi'ssu
j'eriority over til preparations of Sripr rilli.
Sold whole-ule sod rut dl, by tba jrcprl,r,
ding, I'eiLi Cuoii'y, and l b Lad ol its tullowiif
pcisoi.K :
Ji Piunht:nlfihtnJ Cvir.-ity. -II. U. Mevt,
Simbury ; litud At Mud, McEwetuvi'.ls ; D
Kraiisi r, Milli'n.
In Union County. J. deititt, Ssliie grots !
A. (iuti itits. Mildinburg.
In Columbia Ci,uiil,. K. W, McCay, Wish
r.adin, Match 14, IS4H.
Ma. 0r,rr: I lelirve it th utv tif svsry
nnp t-i ,i w hatever in ll rir l ower I :p, f :r tl o bT.e.
f't of their fellow tn", fid fciitin? ha I poii:is
I proof in mv own fjiildy, f lbs wonderful propirlis
of your l) purliv Syrup of aj'supsri'la, 1 iu st
rotiseipiitioc. dv rn 'omu viij it to Hi sllli' lc I. t
S. (tttiHiiN s vtiui ts, wbicj remove t, reuse , tiiP mi.f,,,!,,,,, i , .,:,e t lVo of our children, by
of all kind-, D;y Pa-Ms. Tar. Vaitrsh nod Wsx. i the bruil ti; ut ol u!: crv.i s .res that rocrU tl.e
from ea'pets or l'r..m clothing, without iiijuring the j f K.Ci lt.8l g!) ll4l),i ,:u11)ll4h h-o name ui ih
color or the cloth. i most sciootilie pbj sicimu lj allfi.d tin m and hn 1
3 Lom.on Fi.t rir.n the best tl.trg known trki all the known remclie includinij Swatm
for killins? lltes and tmi-omtocs. j 'a-,P.ciB, witbout avail. A er tf ii,v children
4. A ci-it un Destroyer o'' P i's. Mice, Ko.icbe , as eMi,cLel in ibe sar.e nt iiiiier, I er due yi;d
and Ants. and of lied Bu.w. iirck wai eeono'elelv covered: ll.e d,:-hiu t o
, I'ti'i'esive, tod I be disease f.l such a iifijtht, that we
j despaired el ber I. fe. Seeti.j lbs Woliderfiil (Ifeet
I of your Dej iirj'ive S ,ie. ol S isiij iiridj, we wets to mule lion ol II, the I .ant report; it
Uelvideie Hank
Hurlington ('o. Hank
'Jonimercial Hunk
L' Hank
aiuieiM' Hank
Farmers' and Mechanics' Hk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk
Farmers' and Men-baulk' Hk
Franklin Hank o! N. J,
Holmken Ltku.V. (iraziug Co
lersfy t'ity Hink
Micbanics' H oik
Manufacturers' Hank
Morris County Hank
Monmouth Uk of N.J. .
Mechanics' Hank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Hk
Morris Canal and Hkg Co
Pot Notes
Newark Lk A; Ins Co
New Hope Del Hridue tin
N. J. Mauufac. and Hkg Co
N J Pruleeton A: Lomiiatd bk
Orange Hank
I'aierson Hank
Peoples' Uask
I'liiicetoti Hank
Salem Hanking Co
State Hiiik
State Hank
State Hank
Plats Hank of Morris
relate Hank
bjleni and Philad Manuf Co
Sussex Hank
Trenton Hanking Co
I'nion Hank
Wellington Hanking Co.
BkofWihA: lirandywine Wilmington
Hank ol Delaware
l Hank of Smyrna
! Dj hianch
Hrnnswick failed I
Meili'ord par
lYnh Amboy J
HriiUetou par
Mount Holly par
Ita'iway i
N. Uiunswhk fulled
Mi.i.lletowi, l't. I
Jersey City failed
H-ihoUcu tiilb d
Jersey I Niy tailed
P.itn is i:i fail, d
I'.elleMde failed
Morrist.nvn i
I toehold failed A
Trenton par
Jersey City !
Iio ale i
Newuik I
LambeiiKviila j
llobokell failed '
, Jersey City ,,.,
Palersoll failed
do j
Pi neelon par
Sulem par
r.l.abethtown i
CaoMleu par
MorriBtown j
'1'nlitoii failed
Salem lulled
Ticntoti pur
Dover I
Jlaekeiisack failed
Furmer.' Bk of Male of Del Dover
Do branch Wiiirtinelou
Do bnilieli (icorgetoMli
Do branch Newcastle
l oiori Hank Wilmington
QlT Fnder u's
fXj"Onll bank mailed thus () there are ri,
Itier counterfeit or altered notes ol the vat lous d
uomiualions, in circulatiou.
.ri. ii N's Seteiiu' for s i.r stomach. Hear;
I!:irn nnd Wtcr Hias'i. by one v. bo I; I sule red
thirtft n ye its, fieforo he di-overcd ths cure.
Dti. Srt.i i N s t.nti s' -4NTMr.T lor tt.e iMts. 1
It ha never I died to cure. j
i .... . . .
I. lltlllll llNS III IIH I. ASM,
8. HlltMIISIi'li 1.MIKLIU1.K 1K, Without I
('. Tut: CoMpnrMi fiiirii(it or Flos
jn-t the no dii ii.e lor childit-n and fir winutn, it is
so pleasant to lake.
10. Hick's Viiii.Ttins Asriatt.iru Pit.r..
II. Iii nn's Evot.i.i r.N r Wa i Pastt,
for Harness, Ho es, Cc. It softens the leather, and
keeps out the water.
11. Pooh Mtv's Sin fhtii I "ti Pt.sTra.
i:t. 1uk(is' Diaiihiiu:a Mixtihv, wl.iib
cures the worst Dlanlui a in a few honrj.
11 Jaikm)'s DsiiN riHi Mixriar, a err
tain und sneedv cuie forillysenleiv sud Suinmer
t'ompliint. t
The above valuable articles are sold rthnlesale
end retail, bv 1... C. CI'NN, No. 1 Smth Fifth
slrcrt, I'hiliiili Ijiliui whete Ston keepers and o
'ln rs will be mpp ied with pure African Cayenne
Pipper, Arnica Floweis, Drills, Paints, Oils, (il.iss
and Varnishes, at the lowest jrirrs. Terms nidy
cash. $y Cut out the advertisement, and bring
it with you.
Philadelphia. July hD! t.V It.
n r. L i k i: n jl ii i v k"
THO m S 0?I'S
t'omiu'.!iul f3 rt"i ol Tnv 11 vud
fSHE utiiuprpd.nted fiiree-4 of tbi medicine, in
I M the restoration ef heal, h. in those who, in ties.
J p ur, bad a'waw up all hi ', r.js uirn it mi rx-jl.
I ted reputation a'-ovr till ulher rem-dies, f'urnishina
evidei.ce of its intrinsie va'ne and p.iwer. ns tb.e on
Iv au'eot which can be relied up' n for ihs rnre of
Pulmonary ("unsnmption. Hrotirbittis, Asthma,
Pain in tb.e ide soil Ilirast, Spitting of Ulnod,
Whopping Couuh, Croup, A:e.
Attention is tiaieste.l to the folb-iwing AS'l'ftN
IJIINU CI' Tlo ms an' Cntnpeund Syrup
of Tar nd Wood Napiba ! !
MIL THOMSON lli tr Sir U ith pntsful
fee'mc I inform von ef the ssienti ! it -g ed'ects of
MMir n e.'.ieioe, l'.ich br liter illv tms. d me from
' de.itli-bed ! Mv diseai-e, Pnlmotisry Con'timp.
tion, had reiluced me so low th it my hy;cian i ro.
no. meed my case hopeless ! At thi inoc:i"n I 1 e
uau to u-e your medicine, ami miraculous as it may
seem, it has cornpb t -W retnre,1 rr.e t i bf-alth, alter
evervthilig tb-e had imh'd. EespeetluMv yours.
WAsniN(i10 MACK,
t'liarlotlc slieet, above tieotce street.
The undersinned. being persnnallv ci) d
with Ws-hinut 'U Mftk and bis sufleririi'S, bear
witness to t'ue aston'i-hing t (leirU of Thtiin'on's
('oinp.iimd syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a
hove statement.
JOS. WIN SEP. :m North Third street,
DAVID VICkliKK, 4S Almond street.
m i;H M'tilNLKV, S. E. comer Tamany
mid Fourth streets.
Prepaied only by N. P. 1 homson, N. E. corner
of .Mb and Spruce strnrts, Pbi'adelpbia.
Aeeiits. H. B. Msssir, Sunbiny ; D. firos-s,
and Dr. Maepbeison, Haaisbuig ; J no. (J. Hrnw n,
Putlsville ; ie . l'arl. He .ding ; linn-Ion M i
nn, 'I'ownuda. lirad.'ori1 county, Pa. Pitce M) cents
per boltle, or f " l- r dozen.
' lirirtirr if oil iiiii'iitimi.
I'hdad. Iphi i. June iti, IMO. iy ,
XS S HT3 tl .EI :' ttJV3 U
riMl'lE SI'HSCHIHI'I; has been appointed Bijenl,
1 fur the sale if CONK AD MEYEK'S C'EL
ANOS, ut this place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive und In au.ii'ul f fcb'i im fn i h. and, 1 r depth
nnd swvetne.-k id lolie, and cliginccoi woikinaii
ship, are not surpasid by any in the l.'uitrd States.
The Mlottiug is a rei onimi nils'ioii lioiu ('.viil
Diktk, celt bi itud perfomur, und himself a man-
ul.ictuter i
IliMin had lbs plea-iae of Irvine the excel
lent Piano Fortes manfactiired by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited at the I i-t exhibition oi ihc lY.liklin In
stitute, I feel it due to tb.e true merit of the maker
l declare that these instruments are ipii'e. ipul'
and in some respects evi n superior, to ull the Pi
ano Feil-s, 1 saw at the capitals of Euiope, uu J
during u soj mru ol two years at Paris.
'I'l.cs Pianos will l sold at the manufacturer's
lowest Phdadelpnia prices, tf not kiiineihing lower.
Persons are teijnestel lo call and examine for
themselves, "I t'iie residence of 'be stibteril'ir.
Sunbury, May 17, lfta. H. H. M ASSE IJ.
.11 . of a snM-rior ijnulitv , can now be had
A alttie Lime Kilm of Henry Sun
bury. May J7, l1o.
se ed like a rboim; the uln rs rnninienrt d fn-abng
imuiC.hnlely . a f w l oltlrs entirely rrvtoied her to
htr te.dih, wbiih she f.snj.yid un;iitpriu Irdiy
ever since. Ai uiilicr i f ll.e 1 lo id, I verily It
iieve it hug not its eipial.
Walnut street, near Keuitli, KeaJing.
ron ti:tti:is.
mnowoums, on tiik rt r., Ann oTttot
i'-i Ni:oi i-uttTinv.
OT' Thr following nrlijirn'r thsrribrx nnr oflht
most i.rlriiiirdiiiar, cures ivr rfftclrrf In uny
Pi:tt.viitpinA, Februrty 10, 189.
"IOi; twenty yrn-a I was severely alllieted with
L TiT-ri:n ( n tlid Face nnd Head: the disease,
commenced when I was seventeen years old, nnd
continued until tho Fall nf 1 SUR, varyinR in vio
lence, but without ever tlisap;'tr;ng. During m i-d
of the lime, preat purl of my fare was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended wilh violent itch
ing; mv head swcl'ed nt times until it felt as if it
would burst Uin swelling w as so g:cat, that I could
scarcely get my hat on. During Ibe lonsi period
that 1 vasolilicted widi the il'isms.', I t scil a great
many ej plications, (among tliem several crlnbruled
prepaiiitton-) c well as taking remedies,
nciti'ling a t-umbi r of Imttlra of Sir:i!ii'n I'aiiurra,
V.strai'i if ' $'trsiiparillil, eie, I.l fact, it would be
impossible to enumerate all toe ineJirinc I un d.
1 was alao under the rji tf twj of toe troal dis
tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
roivtng vrruU bei:elit, and I despaired of i'Vr being
cuud. In tl f fill u! li.Hi, ths disess nt the timn
Iring v,ty vlo'eut, I commence I using ilio i,.v
Ointmtiit, (pirparej ty N'aupliatl A' Davis.) In
a fm ipplu-atiaui th viulenl itching eeasej, ths
kwel'it n atoj, tba tru; tuni began to disappear,
lid ksf ii I bud ted jar thr dieas wii Nlit,ij
cuied. It has now reu nearly a year and a tulf
9iuce, and tbeie is not a vestige of m di.ra- re
maieiee. accept th iciti from th deep pita fanned
by the diseaa. Il i iiiiy.taible for ma to describe
in a iftlifirats the iewily of ibe diraa and my
sutVrring, but I will t-e plejsej to giv a fuller ac
count t any person wanting further satisfaction,
who nill c II on me. At the lime I co nmsnred
bsing the I'. Ointment I would bare gien biin-
dieJs ef dodais to 1 ri l of the disease. Since u
sing il, I have recommended it to vveril persons,
(auiung them my mother, who had the di-easo bad
ly in her arm,) who were a I cured I v it.
J AMI'S Dt'KNELL, No., RficrSt.
t The Hose Ointmenl s prepared by E. H.
Vauiban, South East corner nf Third and Kare
slreitj, Philcdi 1 bia, aiul sold cn ni?en'cy in Sunbu
ry. by il. H. MASSEP,
May Mth. ISM. Ats'nt.
JrtOhC JilJi21!5t'IUl, i'iiV TvUvy.
a i imuu ar it's J.ri'icAcv.
fm i ntLi'im. May 87lh,
'PHIS is to cerlify that 1 waa s.-verely aflheted
wilh Tetter in the hands and for upwards
of tony years ; the disease wn attended generally
with vio'ent itching and .welling. I applied to
number of physicians, and used a ;reat many appli
raiions without elfeeling a core. About a year
since, I applied (he l!o.-e Ojnt nent, which entirely
stopped ihe ilchinrj, and a few apphealion immedi
ately cured the ihspase, which Ihere has been no
relurti of, although I had never been rid nf it in
any lime fur loity years. KK'HAKI) SAV.MiE,
Eleventh, brl w Spruce Street.
rj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by F.. H.
Vauahnn, South Eost corner of Third and Hire
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agenrv in Sonhu II. H. MASSER,
Mat Mih, 1S13. AX"K
Coiniiilesioii iV. Jt'orwnrdinr Merchants,
loot of W illow Strrrt Rail Ronil,
ox the im. iw nr.,
nAVlNO nssociatrd wi'h them .to?eph Tiarnef,
lale of Eastoii, Pa., resnect fully inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta
ken tint large nnd v.'ell know n store and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately oectipiel by
Jscnh Mnrlin, where they ptnposn,sdning a tieneral
Commission and Forwarding Husiness, and from
the local Hilvaiitpues of the place being coatiectej
with I'll the public improvements that have their
nutlet in the cilv, they flatter themselves they will
l e able lo do business to as great, if not greater ad--
I vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other1
necse, and they assure their fill nils that any con
signinenls made to them shrill have their strict ati
lelition, and no exertions spared to give entire satis-f,i,-.l:tvi,
'J'bey also prepat'-l lo receive nnd forward
conds to rny point on thp D.danare and I.eliich
rivers, between Manch ('hunk, Enston and I'hila
ih b bia, via Deluware Division and Lehigh Canals;
also, lo an point on ihe Jim: ita river, or North
a'ld Wist H'Rnchrs ofthe Siisionhanna via frhtiyl-
kill and Lnion, er Ihe ('bectp"kke and Tide Water
For lb af-ennimndatinn ef Roa's coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and I'nion Canils. a Sp,mbnaf
will be kept eipreal for towing boats frnni the
Sehuvlklll around lo the Delawaie and back, which
will enable merchants lo have their produce deli
aeied on Ihe Delawa.e, and their gio! sl ipped at
a aaving ol fit) to 7 5 per cent, en th prices for
hauliog acoss, with these adtantagea they to
sprelfully solicit a slur of patvna;.
William 1I ilman, T
W tl!ia:n W. K-yser, V.
Joseph n..rnet. f'bilad .MayM, lSa.X ly
rI'o Cou;isy Itrt!iantfs.
IJoo!?, SI'.oes. I'ctincts Tcg'iorn ant3
Palm Loaf Half.
(i. AV. tc n. 'i'AVLO?:,
nt the S. .'. rrrt't r of M irhi t mid Iilili StS.
of tin
t unua.ia!
ly I iw prices, and pattirn'arly invite the attentim
of huvcM ti-itn.g the el , to st itiminntiin o
iheir Vtork. fi. W. !.. K. T.W LoU.
I'bda.'clnhii. Miv V..V l! I. Iv
S. 'mAiqATI. CD
Sntill' iiml 'i'o'urrn .AI:i:iiii'acturers,
.Y. '.)!) .or ll'( ..' mrnrr of lim c und TLir
fSYYT.T. for sale an ii!er,ne rs nnmrnt
x above aoicl.-s, all of v turn tby sel
T II E ondrrMfifd
1 f 'rired a f 'o-partr-ers
Dnuglaw ills, April 10th,
Ta. OintaT: My son Edmund Leaf, had the
errotala in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner fyr ihrre years, dm in? which time he was de
prived of the use of his limha, hi be id and neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried all ibe difT-r-
rin rn :iu r. h i lu mi riieci,unt i rrrummrnii'ii I . r .,. . .. , .iT ,: -
, , . r k- . i i t. i A LlIIOLl.H trie superiority nf the preptialtor
l y Dr. Johnson of Nonislown, and a so Dr. Isaac A . . ,, ., , , , . , ',
, f , , , , m over all others is fu lv esiablished, the proprie-
ol Ssrsaparilla, ol w l.icb I ol tainej setersl bntiles
W the Jtosn OJ.TMi:.T,for T'tfr.
the use of which d'ove the di-eae enlirsly out of
his system, the sore healed up, and the child waa
restored to perfect he.ih.h, which be ba eejoved
unintcrfupteuly ever since, t, the BstonishinrM of
many persona who ,een him dining his nfibclien.
I huve thought il my duty, and send von this ceili
ficate that others who have affliction in ihe
Wildly limy know where to obtain sj vtluabla a
iiiediiiiie. Ycuia truly.
Srpt. Ifi, H!
" a s si as v kr'nh vAi
South r.nxt rnrnr rf Mnrhrl nnd 4th its..
"I "INHERE they al-vavs keep on hand an evlen
' sive assortment of If T.S C f'.-l I'S ef everv
description, got up in the best nnd most approved
attic. Persons derireita ef purchising superior artj.
cha on the most ri aaora'de lerm, will find it lo
their advantage In call hi for making ptirrhnaes
elsew here.
Philad' If
under Ihe firm of .1, MA Y LAN D, .In. .t: Cn
as sneressnra fn the In'e firm of J"?ali .M'uhnrl
Co.. nnd will r ntintie :hf l-naine-. at the old es'.a
btishment, on the't own ncrnnr.t. fn addition I
their own clee al'rntion nnd einerience for man
years, in the manuf irture nf their eefebrated snnfl'
i-A e., the long erperienee nf the senior partner of rh
lale firm, will also b devnte I to the interest nf tf
new eonee-n and as no exertion and eire will 1
spft'cd to innre teir cooi'a, at all timns of Ihe
ry best quality, they solicit a ef tl
confiJcoen of thu fi.inds ami rn.-firriers of the I i
firm. THOM s ADAMS,
J. MA V LAND, .la.
Pliili leliihia, Ma? I tin, I1.1. 1
tors lake pleasure in laving before the public the
following certificate from a re-peef able physician, !
a graduate of the University of Pennaylviriia. Dr.
Hnuirh, havinj found in this remedy that relief fr I
a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means
within Ihe r.inse of his pmfcrsion failed to afford, i
hr.s not he.,itted M give it bis approbation, ti!th"tigh I
the prejudices and intereats of thai prote.-.ij:i at i
opposvj to aecret Kemediea.
PHiLn.i et, Sept. 10. 1
I waa recently troubled with a tedious herpetic !
eruption, which covered nearly one side of my fic. '
and extended over the ear. Mr. Vnujhan, prnpri'- '
lot of Ihe Rose Ointment, obseivins rny fire, tnsis- J
led on mv Irvine hi- preparation, of which he han- I
dej me a jar. Although in common with th mem
bers ol my profession, I discountenance nml diaji
prove of the numerous nostrum pained upon the
public by bjnpiDnt pretenders, I feel in justice hound
to except the Ruse Ointment f'nrn that c'a-s of me
dicines, nnd to give it my approbation, ss it entire
ly i ured the eruption, although it hid re-isted the
tisu.ri applications. DANE. HAI'l'.H. M. D.
I he Ko-e Ointment it preiinred by E B. ;
Vanuhan, South Et corner of 'J'hird and K ire !
Sireel, Pbiludutphia, and sold on agrncv in Sun- j
btitr, br 11. H. MASSER. )
May l lih. IS IU. A-n.'. !
L'urn'r of Third nnd Vine Slrc'lt,
wiLLiAr.isroT, rA.
TSTIIE anbsrriber r'spertfnlly announces tithe
M. pel-he, that he his opened a Hotel in thaeorn- .
Pioi'.ioea prick building s'lntte on Ihe corner f e. l'eit tt sn well pre r ared to forward a!l ki
'I hird and Pine street, whr:e ha w II be happy fn j of .Merchandise hy Pie Hehttylkill and Fnion.oi r p n the. who may favor him ntt'i their j ihe Chesapeake and Tele Water Canals, as t
Catrpany. 'I he Eatle llolel is la'ge nnd f ineni- I hoa's are kept expressly for the purpose of Ion
fill, and furnished in the bet modern s!le. i t i t oa' bv et her route.
pravdrd with a large rutmher nf well aired and t Merchant wdl plevee he particular lo '-,.! t
t ntlors, A e.
seeping apartment, rooms, private
Pe-aons vtailinc W illiamspnrt on hit-
sines" or Vatire, may tet as'iif d thit e.tery ex-
erlion will be iseJ lo rrr.der their ojoii,n st the J whuh route they wish them to he shirred.
Eatle Hotel' pleasant and sreenh!e. HiT' fe planer and Salt for aale, t ihe nwet r
No. t'J South Whar
will be supplied wilh th rry heat Ihe market f. j kct price,
tin, Oct. 01!., 1U.
4os. 2!) nnd ai Aorlh Thiol .Street,
.Near the City Hotel,
CO, MACKEY, Anrtioneer, re-pet tfnl'y in-
viles tho a'.ti ntion ol jcr.w. iliaaoua of pur
chasing rnrtii'ltte. to h rjtensiva Sab Rooms,
(both pu' lic and PrivnK) for rvery description rl
Ilourrhnld Furniture, white ran be oltained at c. 11
litnea. a Inrce asot!nirnt r.f fashionable and wed
mnnufailured (-'abinrt Fertiitnre, Iteds, Mattraasri,
A.C at very reduced f riiea, for rash.
fc7 Kales bv Aurtu n, twice a week.
Mav 5Tlh. 1M3. lv
otitilci (t'Kt i '
""Phe public will dan obae-ve that no irandieth
Pill aro genuine, unless tha bei h tbrea la
bel upon it, (the top, the a'e and the bottom
each coulaitiir.g a fuc-aitiiilr i(;nr.tnre of my hand
writing, thus H. Hstaiiarra, M. D. These la.
hel-aie encraved on stei 1, beautifully desicned,
and done at an evpense of over f i i(n, Therefore
it w ill be seen that the onlv thing neces-aary to pro.
cuie the medicine in i;s purity, is lo ohscne these
Remember tile top, the side, and the bottom.
'J'he ( dlowii g lespcciivo pi rsoiis are duly autbvri
m, ami hold
For tho sale of llnitidrt :!i's iitalile Vnivmul
Northumberland counlv : MiiUm M ickey A
Ch.imhciliii, Sunbury H.iLM.vser. M'Lwen
vilie In land A Mcuell. Norlhui.lls'i land Wm.
Forsyth, (ieoruetowu J. & J. Walls.
Union County: New-Herliu liogar Win
ter. Seliimarove (leorge (iuiidruni. Mid.lhi
burg Isaac .Smith. Heaverl.iwu lavid llul ler.
Adatnsburg Win. J. May. M.tlluisbuic Mensch
iV Ray. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freeburg
(J.A K. C. Moytr. Lewisburg Walls A O'reeii.
Columbia county : Danville E. H. Reynold
A Co. Herwiek Shuman sV R. Henhouse. Cat
lawUsa C. (I. lirobts. Hlooiusburg John R.
Moyer. .Iciscy Town Levi Hiael. Washington
Robl. MeCuy, Limestone H.tlb'- Mi-N'och.
Observe tint each Aeeut has an Engraved Cer
tifiratu of Agencv, containing a representation of
lU HRANDKETH'S Mjuufaclory ill Sing Sing,
end upon which will also be seen eia't coiiles of
the tie iv luhtU uu utd upon the Hrundrtlh J'ill I T N YITE Ihe altentioit of Country Meichan
I Ml ...i ... . . . . u:.:-l- - I,.
Tn C'ctmfrr
rPHE Stihacrther, Acnt of Lyon dc Harris, II
Mannfacttircra, f-ir N'wr York, Philn!ei h
Rallimire and other lares cities, whn. H:fx .
hi .'hly enmrnrnled f ir i,'nrf fdit ami ih-'i'ifi4
has nil hpn-1 a fir-t ra'e nae'tm nt of H I'S
('Al'.". suitable for Spring site-, wh eh wdl -e S'
vrv low, fn cash or nnpioved credit, al the m I
fh'rp ft,.rm. No. 10, North Third 'r-t, op p
the City Hotel. Thil idelphia.
N. I). Orders fir Huts in thernrje, primp
attended to. Tin highest yric iu ; or ti
given f r Fur I'tin.:
Philadelphia, June 11, !PJo.--ly
ojjTON ', co.
firnrral iJiini!-lon ?
For the .V; f FL ur, L'rulu, Seed, oc, Vc
1 ) IPEr'TH"LLY inform their friends
- ihe Merchants ceneri'tv, that they havo
i Ven th.ielirt ae.a enineaodion h.rv-s, t i'h
j Dnik", n'Hth of Chsritl street, en the Di lave
I together with f e stnr No. 19 South Whar
wTere ihry trn'.ld h p'ead fo receive cms;
rrents nt (itnn, r tour, een, vv rii.;ev, Iron,
Coid ilesijned hy ei'fer eao!. Ii No. 19 S.
Whnrvra, helwren Market and Chrtt'lt streets
Ih De'iware, with direction ae raarmvine II
r.,..l. .r.t I,.. I . ,,. .I.,,!..., i. ... 1 nik.. '
liquora i hatcea reaannable. 'J'he Paul Hotel
possrs.vra greater advantage in point nf I aeation
than any other similar establishment in the hornu.-h.
hi ing situate in ih hunnesa part oflhe nd
Lwithin a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Ha. I l(od 1) pot.
fSuTii-ieiit Stabling provided, ar.d good and trusty
oklleta always in attendance.
Attentive, accon.midHtiiig and honest Servant
have been m ployed, and nothing left lindane th it
will add to thu cotiifoit and accommodation of hi
There will be a carriage always in attendance at i
March 19, 11
iVo. :57, lnrth Third, nhnvt' hill I
TIOHN Dl NCAN. Inta from the Penn?
(p nia Farmer, nnd Sotnin-I Pike, jr., lata ol
nieriran llolel, Cnlnmbu", thio. take pleasure i
spiaii'ting their fnend snd the public netierallv
they have taken the liirce and rninmodioua II
the Hunt Landing loconvev passengers tu and from I 'M'l t"!l'1,v Mesa... H.rt.on th. saw
(Lie House, lite of charge.
Miv 1 lib, IS tl
" .5t'h.t'l Wan-r A.
ROr-E MAKSlkS & ship c:ia?.t3 Ens.
A'o. 13 AorA Water Slrtet.l'l.itMUlnhin.
mice ncccpied by the old established Hotel kn
as ihe Huli'a Head, in Third stieet above LY
bill at.
'Phis Hotel is f.ntsbcd in the very best pos
manner, and ol the be-1 mMcriV. Its (ji-ali
very desirable, particularly for country roerchi
Hie arraiicemenis lor heating and ventilating
E A YE roratantlv on baud, a general assort- 1 room i such ns to secure anv temperature.
fl .- j... i w !. X- i,., .11 l.i.i ... i .... .ii r..,..;.i,.l
i i-t... iii.iii ,tiiii nil., no lUiiiiKiioi
il mint of Cordace, Seine l'wmei, Ac, vii
i ut d Rope.-, Fishing Hopes, v Lain Lopes, Manil
la Pones, Tow Lines lor t'uual Roats. Also, a
neal styie, s.v as to ia-uie lamln't.
'J'he recenini p trior are als tiiriiihe.l in
complete a-ssoitincnt of Seine Twines, Ac, euch as j perb style, the w indow aie on ihe French
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Hesl Patent (ill!
Net 'l'wiue, Ciitlou Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Threads, Ac. &c. Alto, lied Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains,
Ar. ail ol which tiny will diposJ of on nakoii.die
Philade'phia, November 13, iKf J. ly.
.vpKIU.NU, (;t)OI) A:." CO."
No. las Market Street. riii!;t.'clu:i.
Philadelphia, olfico No. S, North 8lh
JuneSlth, 1C13,
Q to their extensive assoilment oil Hrilish French
and AmeiuAii Dry ( ioods, w hieti ihey oiler lor jle
on the ino.-t reasonable term.
Philadelphia, November Id, ItUS. ly.
I. online an entrance o a Paleony in trout, w
tnukes a pleasant recess. Partieiilat attention
lieen isiven to the bed and bedding, which,
the furniture, are entirely new.
From years' experience in hotel business
trust, by strict assiduity ti; biisuusn, lo maki
house, a desirable stepping place. Our tilde
tlway be supplied with lit viry hrel our m
can ulloril, and our bar with the best liquor
wines of the most appiovcil brands.
P. S, There are first rate sledding t,nd car
houses attached to Ihe hotel, attended by ei
and sober hiK-iler. and our charge will ha lot
accordance with tin present hard I lines.
Philadelphia, Oct. th, I HP.',