z Great Flood In the Allegheny DtsTRt'CTios op Property and Loes or Xifb. The Pittsburg morning Post of Thurs day eaya Owing to the lute heavy raina above, there wag a rise in the Allegheny rim yester day afternoon of between five and eix feet. The deatruction ol property is said to have been -experienced on this river. A large number of rafts broke loose from their moorings, and were ewept away. The amount of Ion sustained is not known. During the afternoon great number of persons were engaged in catching drift, and three lads, thus employed, were downed above the upper bridge. The Pittsburg Gazette gives the following particulars : This rise, it has been ascertained is out of the Kiskiminitas, and was caused by a sudden and tremendous fall of rain in the neighbor Jiood of Johnstown, perhaps a fair apecimen of a water-spout Leech's Packet came on it, nd while running eight miles on a level, the Kiskiminitas rose tour feet. The only )nes was the line boat Transient, Captain Shields, Pa. an O, Line, loaded with fish and tar, a box of dry goods, and some mahngny boards, perhaps the least valuable cargo brought on this season The boat which preeeeded had a cargo worth 100 ,000. The consignees are mostly houses in the city. The boat went over the first dam below Johnstown. A small stream empties in to the river jut at the head of the lock, and this had swollen to such a torrent, it swept the lioat out into the river, but it lodged long enough on the comb of the dam to allow the crew to escape. The boat was a total loss. A mule was in it at the time. It is supposed a jrood-deal of the Ircight would be saved along the river. An express arrived yesterday bringing let ters from Ilollidaysburg and other points; but town to the latent accounts the cannl had not sustained the least injury that was known, and t is supposed here by those best ccqttainted vith the works along the Kiskiminitas, that no Inmage has been done. They are capable of mstaining a grent amount of wear from a flood. .Ve slinll know to-day. The damage hero was considerable. Tiie weli wag so sudden an so unexpected, a large mount of lumber, staves, wcod and logs in the .llegheny, broke loose and came down the riv r, rtit hing and crashing against the piers ot the ridges, shattering the boards and grinding the lgS. Some of the raft, had men on them, but, cnerally, thry had none. It is reported that iveral men were drowned, which is not at all lprefbaele-; but we do not know certainly as the fact. Most of the lumber is owned by ose who run it down. n At.TiTionrc market; Office of the Br.Tian America, May, 27. GRAIN. A load of Penna. prime red Wheat i sold to-day at 01 eta. and one or two small s of Md. rede were sold at 90 a 92 cts. We ote ordinary to good at Pt) a 8(5 cents. Sales of Corn at 55 a 57 cts. tor white, and a 57 cts. tor yellow. Oats art worth 3S a 4s? ct. WHISKEY. The rtnek is very light and ces are barely sustained. We quote hhds. at J a 21 cts. and bbls. at'JC cts. dull. in w t it Hr.ii.TM. Thousands of persons tinue to curs themselves of Colds, Coughs, idachea. Rheumatic. Affections, Small Pol. isles, Costiveness, Influent.., ard tha host of e indications of the body of tbe blood being out rder, simply by peteeveringly using Brandrelh' ;etable Universal Pills, s long any symp t of derangement in any organ remain. Open, adopting this course, which experience has ed according to Natete, it being merely to as her, hve many in a few day tieen restored to ih, wSo, bat for Btandreih's Pills, had been for month. The value of this medicine is ind price. y Purchase of H. B. Master, S anbury, or of igent, published in another pari of this paper. at Jf M M m B Northumberland, en Tuesday last, by the L. W. Chapman, Mr. Tronsb J. Stamm to RmtKccA Knot'KFB, both of the above place. Roariag Creek, Cot. county, on Teusday, utt , by the Rev. J. W. Ha'ughawout, Mr. ah CniTTtsTva to Mis Masoakkt Kimbli, of tbe above place. llegimental Orders. THE First Battalion of the 3d Regiment of the' 1st Brigade, 8h Division, P. M., an hereby com mended to meet in Market square, . . ' L. W ..1 .1... - of Jore in t., at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. Itlb, "Tt.. W I Tl.ll.liM mS lk , IIV v itt. u 1 1 u uni.nvii v. asms Reginienl to meet at Ih bouse of (ieorge Smith, in Jackson town ship, on the same day and at the same hour. Volunteer companies attached will meet at the same lime and places. This meeting of the Battalions is for the purpose of our ciliten soldiers fjr volunteering their services to go to war seainst the Mexicans. It ts expected there will b a suffirient sr of volunteers, without tha necessity of re I to a draft in the 3d Regiment ; and also II who ara willing to go will be reaiiy to vol on that day. The Captains of companies irticularly ordered to see that there la a full anca on thsl dav. Every man between the f m and 45 yeais will be required to turn out, he has a physician's certificate that ha is i to train. Ollicers of Regiment to bo in full m. By order or CEORUE V. BOWMAN', Adj. Gen. P. M, THOMAS SNYDER, bury June 6, 1840. St Col. 3d Reg'l, J. Those who have served their time in vo- companies, or who have served seven years era of the militia, are also obliged to turn this occasion. Noo ar exempted but ho have physician.' certificates of inability miliary duty. PRICE CUKRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Master. Wrbat, . .... 100 Rra, 70 Coats, ...... 63 Oats, ...... 40 Pork, - . ... fi FtAxsran, ... . 112 Bcttsr, ..... 14 Enas. .... .8 BxRswiX, .... 25 Tallow, ... 10 Flax, ... .10 HscKLsn Flax, . 10 Drikii ArFLKs, . 75 Do. Pucnr.s, . . 150 Notice. THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by tha Court of Common Picas of Northumberland county, lo ascertain tha amount of money in the hands of Ira T, Clement, garnishee, in favor of the heirs of Henry Barlahrr, dee'd , and alse the a mount due Henry Bartshcr, jr., one of the heiis of said decessed, hereby notifies all persons interested that he will attend 10 the duties of hi appointment, on Monday tbe 23d dav of June, at his office. CHARLES J. BRUNER, Sunbury, June 8, 1846. 3t Auditor. "Xaturc and Experience our .ulle. fTHE extraordinary and well authenticated cures X wrought by the celebrated Srjosn CoaTsn Pills, or Dr. Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable Pills, hav naturally drawn public attention to them. Perhaps in the history of Medicine, from the time of Hippocrates lo the present dsy, there is no evidence of a medical compound obtaining equal celebrity in so short a time. There was never a medecitie recommended bv such high authority as Dr. Smith's Pills. Besides their grent curative properties, (possessing as ;hey do, such astonish ing powers to open all the r.aiural drnins of the bo dy, viz: the lungs, Kidney, Skin and Bowils,) they are unlike all other pills, extremely pleasant, being coated with sugar, and as they do not gripe, nor produce nausea, or any other utip'eannt con sequences, they have become verv popular for Dys pepsia, Headache, Costiveness, Bilious complaints, Foul Stomach, Fevers. Worms, Want nf A . petite. Impurities of the Blood, Obstructions and Female Complaints generally, Colds, fee. One of the most iiifluenti.il and benevolent ladies in New Ymk, Mrs. S. A. Gould, Matron of the U. S. Naval Hos pital, says, "There is no medieine in her knowledge so well adapted to the numerous ailment of man kind, as Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Tills." She especially recommends them lo ladle. dy" CAUTION. As a miserable imitation his been made, by the name of Sumr Coaled Pill.," it is necessary lo be sure that Dn. G. Bkhj. Smith's signature is on every box. Price 25 rents. Principal Office, 179 Greenwich st. New York. Sold by JOHN W. FR1MNG. Sunhury. W.M. FORSYTHE, yrtium'd. May 30th, 1S46. VRFIr' OiMRTriTo. To Frederick Trhupp.JohnTchupp. Jacob Tchupp Henry Tchupp. Christian Tchupp, Fetor Tchupp, Adam Snyder and Rachel his wife, Jacob 1. surer and Catherine his wife, William Potts and Barbara his wife, Casper Herkcrt, Pe ter Heckert,, Frederick llcckert, and Margaret Heckert, Griktimo : BY viitue of a certain wiit nf Partition, No. 27. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to Augu-t Term A. D. 1810, directing tho shrrifl of said county to sum mon a jury and make partition of a certain tract of Und situate in Lower Mahnnoy towoship, in said county, adjoining landa of John Tchupp, jr., Mi chael Witmer, John Shreser and the Mahantango creek, containing one hundred and aixty-two sere, or thereabouts. Now know ye, that by the Autho rity of I he. rttine, I the raid sherilt of said county, wilt on Monday the 13th dsy of July next, at II o'eliH-k, A. M-, upon the premises strove named, make partition ot valuation in the manner and form specified in the sfonniJ writ, at which lime and pUce you are hereby warned to be. and appear, if yoa think proper. THOMAS A. BII.UNGTON , Sheriff's Office. ? Sheriff Sunbury, May 30th, 1846. S 6t Notice. THE Co partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, under the firm of Bry ant ft Wood, it ibis day (Msy 20th) di. solved by mutual consent. J. C BRYANT, tiEO. WOOD. Shamokin, May 23d, 184(1. 3l fr The Danville Democrat will insert the above three werks, and forward their bill lo Shamokin. Estate of John Rhlnchart, decM. Notice to Heirs. V. 15, Jtugwt Term, A. D. 1646. John Rhinefisrt vs. Charles Ithlnehart, Thomas Crosby, Guardian of Thomas Cnahy, Henry flell and Elir.sbelb his wife, Jamea Reed and Louisa his wife, Geor B. McAllister and eUrah bis wife, and Martin Habn aaJ Mary bis wife, NoBTHoar.LtXn CoeTT, Set Tks Commonwealth nf Pennsylvania to the She. nlTot Nertbnmbeiland County, tiRituns t YOU are hereby commanded to aummon Charles Rhinehtrt, Thomas Crosby, fiaar dian of Thomas Crosby. Henry Siell and Elixa- beth his wife, Jame Heed and Louisa bis wife, Iteorgo D. McAllister aad Sarah hta wife, and Mar tin Hshn and Mary his wife, defendant., to be and appear before the Judge ot tbe Court of Common Pie, to be holden at Sunbury for said county, on the first Monday nf August next, to answer John Rhinehart, plaintiff, of a plea wherefore the said plaintiff and the said defendant together and undi vided do hold a certain tract of land in Augusta township, containing fortv-th'ee acres mora or less, adjoining Eli Conrad, William Conrad, Samuel Lants and others ; also, a piece of land in same township, containing eleven actes more or les, one lot of ground adjoining Mary Harrison, Mrs, Lyon and Shamokin creek, and two piece of land adjoining earh other and former, together contain ing twelve acre more or less, hounilcd by the Sha mokin creek and hill land claimed by Mrs. Lyon, being ihe piece bow in the possession of Charlrs Rhinehsit; also, a certain bouse and lot of ground situate in Sunbury, in Whortleberry street, north ids, bounded west by lot ef Mrs. Simpson, east by lot of John O. Youngman, and north by an alley; also, a certain house and lot of ground in River street, in Sunbury, bounded by lot of McCarty & Davis, south by lot of Uroge Mantx, and east by an alley. Partition thereof helween them the said defendant doth not permit. Hereof fail not and have you there then ihia writ. Witness the Hon. J. U. Anthony. President of our said court at Sunbury, the 5th dsy of iwy, A. u. man. JOHN FARN8WORTII, Pioth'v. Of which lb said defendants will pleasa take notice. I HUM AS A. mi.LlN.UTON, Sheriff Office, i Sheriff. o 11 dk ana i . ' ounoury, may sj, 100. j 01 "TRUTH IS MIOZTT A1TD WILL PP.ETAIL." A. B. MARSHALL, Ko. 1SS Chesnut Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets. X3P XSJL H CLa w ZED OS 2a p I2r 0 IS now prepared to offer. Wholesale and Retail, a large assortment of Farct and 8tailb DRY GOODS, suited to the Country a well as City Trade. He continues the system of "nr abatement in pricet." which he has pursued for the past ten years, and desires lo call the special attention of the public lo it as the only true tyrtcm of retail business, and which is decidedly In the interest nf the purchaser to promote. It is quite timo the fraudulent prsc lice of ssking a high price, and abating to make the purchasers believe they are the "favored few," was done away with, as, nine limes out of ten. they are made to pay a higher price (however great the re. duction) than the like Myle and quality can be pur chased at the "One Price Store." A. B. M. I in regular receipt of the newest and chcapeM seasonable goods, and when any article depreciate in value the price is at once marked. down so low that it cannot be undersold. By ihis system the purchaser enn at all timea buy with confidence and ssti.-Tsclion, and without wa.te of time in useless bargaining. He baa at this lime a complete assortment of SILKS. Black LttMrino, Ottoman, Poux do Sole, Man lua, Gros de Rhine, Armure, and other Dress and Mantilla Silks. Also, Fancy Dreag Silks, from 44 els. to f 2 25 per yard, including all the variety of approved and useful styles and combination of color. Lining Silks, Foulird Silk. Silk Gingham. LAMY.VS AST) OIIGASDWS. Paris Painted Lawns and Organdies, of the newest and most approved style, as well as the cheapest in the market. Abro, Scotch Lawn at very low prices. FRESCH GINGHAMS, Of the newest designs, Also Scotch fiingbim. and Gincham Lawns, very cheap. Twill'd Earl aton and Manchester Ginghams, for childieu's wear. FRENCH CHINTZES. Light, medium, and dark colors, 4-4 wide. Al", best m ke American Chintz and Calicoes of the new patterns, at 12 cts, per yard. MOI SEUN DE LAINES, Of the most nplendid Ombre and Printed style, down to the French, English sud American, at 25 cents per yard. IIAREGES .IND HA1.ZOR1NES, Of all qualities and every vanity of de-tun. Miited to all tantrs. A's.i, embroidered and chain-t-tik'hrd Hobi s, Bayadere and Pulka Drs-ts,einlil Swing Muslin and liihop Lawn dress patten s Tarb u ns and colored plaid and stripe Swiss Mus lins. WHITE (i OO HS. Phin Swiss, Mull, Nansonk. Jacconet, Cambric, Book, and Tarleton Muslins, Plaid. Siripe, cordi d and figured Cambric and Sis do., Bishops Lawn, NORTHUMBERLAND :QBDaiiQ9B-:Di.a TftJOTICE is hereby given, that a meeting nf the 11 stockholders of Ihe Northumberland Bridge Company will be held at the house of James Len, in the horoueh nf Northumberland, on Monday the 15th day of June next, at 8 n'cl-ck. A. M., fur the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of re-building the Bridge, from Ihe Eastern thoreof ihe Susquehanna river to the Shamokin Lland, op posite Northumberland, upon certain stipulated conditions mentioned in a supplement passed the 2rtlh of March, 1840, to ihe act incorporating said company. 1) URAL'TIGAM, Northum'd. May lfi, 1846. fit Pres't. Tin nnd Sheel-Iron Ware MANUFACTORY. S E X. I N S G R O V E, PEltN'A. rrHE subscriber respectfully informs the public JL that he has commenced the manufacture, of Tin und Sliccl-lron Ware, in all its various branches, at Selinsgrove. His ware is rot only made nf the best materials, but is pul together in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, ditleiing in this respect from much of the waie sold, wbich is made up in a hurry tor that purpose. An excellent asortment will be kept on hsnd al all times, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ANDREW 8. WINGERT. Selinsgrove, May I6ih, 1816. tf. DANVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'riuiMylvaiilii. THE Danville Steam Woolen Faetnry, former ly owned and occupied by Dr. Psthih?, bus recently been purchased by the subscribers, who respectfully announce le their friends and ibe pub lie general y, that they are now prepared lo do all kmda of w.rk in their line ef business, at the shor test notice, according to order, and in the best com parative manner. Having gone to considerable expense in repairing their machinery and aparatus, and being very particular in securing the service of experienced mechanics, they feel confident that Ihey are capable ef executing all kinds of work in a atyle superior to any other establishment in tbe country, at the old customary prices. CLOTHS. SATINETTS, FLANNELS sun BLANKETS constantly on hand, and for sale at reduced prices, for Case or Barter. cardiac; ai ri ixig will be done in the best manner, at the usual pri ce. All kind of country produce taken in pay ment for work, at Danville market prices. For ihe accommodation of I hone who live at a distance, Wool and Cloth will lie taken in at, and, when finished, returned to ihe following pla ces, Plain written direction must accompany each parcel ; Culumhia County. Roup & Marr's store, Wa shingtonville ; R. Fruit's store, Jrrsevlown ; Yea ger'a inn, Roaring Creek ; Sharpies.' store, t'atu wias; C. F. Mann's store, Mitllinville; Miller's tore, Berwick t J. Cline's Mill; Rickel's store, Orangeville ; Dcrr'i store, White Hall. Northumberland County Michael Reader's inn, Turbutvillt; ; Ireland Sc Hay's store, McEwens ville; E. L, Pier' store, WaUonstnwn; S. I, Comly fi Co's store. Milton ; Gibson's inn, Chi! Irsquaque ; Forsyth's slur, Northumberland ; Young's store, Sunbury. Luzerne County. Reynold's store, Kingston ; Gildersleeve' ttore, Wilke.barre ; Gaylnrd'i store, Plymouth ; Sttei' store, Nanllcuke ; Judge Mack' Mill, Huntington. Lyeoming County. D. Clapp'a store, Muucy ; Shoeiuakei' store, Smith' Mill. GEAHHART . KOWNOVER. Danville, May , 846. ffHE Ctiiuuirin Mici..ia Hm Oil. baa M iu.t beru receive J and is fur sale al the store if May 30, 1816. HLN'ltV MASSER. Imitation Cambric, Cambric Dimity, Irish Shirting Linens, Damak Table Linen, Table Cloiha and Napkins, Long Lawns, French Linen Cambric and Linen Lawns, cheap Shirting and Sheeting Mus lins, and superior Long Cloth Shirting. , MOLRN1NG GOODS. Lupin's Bumbaxine of all qualities, and the va rious shade of Black, Summer Bombarines or Brillisntes, Silk and Cotton W-.rp Alpaccas, Silks, Mouselin de Laines, Bareges, Dalr.orines, Marquese, Grenadines, Cinghama, Lawn, Crapes, Crape and Love Lei.se Viels, Kid and Silk Gloves, Hosiery, Plsih Silk. Glacis, Ottoman, Thibet, Barege and Twisted Silk Shawls, Scarfs and Cravats, SHAWLS .IND SCAKFS. French Cashmere long and squaie Shawls, Broche do., Printed, Barege, Thibet and Terkerri do., Glaria, Twisted Silk, tirenadine, Hernani and Mohair do., and low priced do. Silk, Grenadine, Barege, and other long and short Scarfs, Als.i,Cravnt. Black Lace and Silk Mantillas, Visiti, Capes and Cardinals, of the new styles. E M II R O ID EH I lis AND LACES. Emb'd Caps, Collars, Spencera, and Cliemixetls, under Sleeves and Cuff--, English and Fr-neh Thread Laces, Edgings ai d Insertinga, Linen Bob bin Edpi' g and Inening, emb'd Swiss and Cam bric do.. HI ,ck and White Larc Viels. Lice Shawls and Scarfs wide Black Lace tor Mantilla, and Scarfs, and ISl ick Brussels Lace, for trimming do. and dresics. HOSIERY, English white and black ribb'd, emb'd, open woiked, and p'ain Silk Haiery ; white and black half Hose, ribb'd and plain ; spun Silk and raw Silk do.; nlao, Encl sh and Swia white, colored, and unbleached Cotton do ; ribb'd, p'aic, emb'd clock ed, anil open worked; also. Children's Cottcn do, ai.d Ladies' white and unbleached Li'le Thre id do , of various q-ialities, a scarce and di-i-ir able ar ticle, and other Hosiery of various descriptions. LINEN CAMIIR1C AND LA WN H OKI'S. Plain, corded, berdercd, riviere, mniiiie, ami emb'd Linen Cambric and Lawn HdkfV, Irnm 12 etrf, to !2(1 each A No, liana. Purses. (Jreen lia rege for Veils, Gaur.e Viels. Black Linen, Lead cul'd and Brown do.. Pap r Muslins, Ac. FOR GENTLEMEN. All the new gull a rich and cheap Scarfs ami Cravats; Kil, Silk, Thread, and oilier tili.ves; Cotton half Hose; f-i'M and Linen Cambric pocket Hdkfs, Sospenders, Ac. rry You can find at MARSHALL'S. IS Chc. lint t-lrret, almost i v. ry arue'e in Dry (iood llial you requite, and at pricr quite as low, if not lower than cNewhi re, (if is his inferrx In . rlfni) mid as he is cohsiamlv adding to his Murk tlie new est and cheapest poods, you will be sure of leini! suited. But, leader, you are invited lo call und judge for yourself. Philadelphia, May lfiih, l lfi. 2tn Iliili ami r.traiit CIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS AM) WINDOW SIIADKS, FOR SPRING TRADE. TI'tllE subscriber has just opened lor spring trade, L a large and complete assortment of Ilrus-rls, Imperii!, superfine and fine Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS, which have all been punhased within a month, at the lowest cash rates. They arc now olTered at greatly reduced prices for cash. These goods are rf an extra style and finish, ami being nf the best make and fabric, oiler great in ducements to purcbaer to obtain a handsome and desirable article nt prices below the usual rates. The assortment is complete in every resj ect, and consist in part of the following .New and si leliibil li rns a " Do ilo Ingrains , Dn do luijierial Do do TwTd Venetians Do do PI (ill do C Ml PETS, J- at Reduced Prices. Da do Fine . Common Incrsin J Splendid Embossed Piano and Table Covers; Siatr Rods, Bindings, Sheep Skins, cVr. Ac. With an immense stork of low pi iced Carpets of nil descriptions, L'st, II ii Heuqi, and Col tun Carpcta, from 12 lo f0 cent per yard. Country Merchants, hous. kerjars nnd others have now an opportunity of supplying them-elves with handsome and desir ible gnods st crestlv redu ced prices. ROBE it I' II WALKER, 25 N. 2d st. opposite Christ Church. Philadelphia. May 1 6-h, ls"46. ,1m 1EXXSYLVAX1A IIOLSK, DANVILlaE, FA. THE subsciitr, late of the Union Hotel, Mun ry, Pa , respectfully inform the old and nu uierous customer of the I'cnnNylvnnla House, and the public generally, that he has leased the Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where be is now prepared lo entertain travellers, and per son visiting the town, ill the very best style, 'i he accommodations will be such as a well conducted public bouse should afford, and no effort will be spareJ lo tender sstisftction, in every respect, to all who may call. The citizen of Lycoming county are invited lo put up with the Undersigned when ihey visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Danville, May 2, 1$46. W. H. THOMPSON, r.'ithionahlc JJOOT AM) SIIOK MAKKIi, HEREBY returns his sincere thanks for past favors, and respectfully informs his friends and ihe public generally, that he has removed to the Brick Store Itonm formerly occupied by Wood A Rhawn, where he will I happy to accommodate all who wish good work si moderate prices, assuring them that he will exert himself lo please. A good assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Gen tlemen, Ladies, and Children, rnns'aiilly on hand. Also, Linings, Bindings and all sorts nf Morocco for sale, low. All kinds nf Woik mad to measure, and Re pairing well done, at the thottcsl notice. Cull and Nre, Sunbury, April llh, l)4fl. tf Lime ! lime ! ! : chit 2. s::i?i.it, "B EHPECTFl'LLY infouns bis fiiends, that M.' be has commenced Ihe business tit" Lime Cuming, on the faun he iiiw occupies. He has now on hand a quantity of Lime fur sale, and will always endeavor la accommodate thoou who way favoi linn with their custom. Augu.-U, April 11th, 181U. Cm Hi tVa A NEW PROSPECTUS THE VOLUME O? TH KBW VORJt WEEKLY MIRROR. " ONLT tWO DOI.LARB A ttAR II ! rFO start tna spirit or -Ma na. and lo place , the Weekly Mirror on an equal footing with It numerous rivals, the term am reduced from Thiea Dollar a year, lo Tit'o. The character of tha paper will be improved in every respect with ORIGINAL ESSAYS, CRITICISMS. POETRY, if. Also a copious Correspondence, domestic and f reign. A new Novel of great merit will be com menced with Number One, of the new volume on Ihe tllh of April. The paper and Ivpe will he an perior in quality to any before used for this papei. The Elegant Qnarto Form of the Mirrot, will bind up in Two Handsome Volumes al the end of tbe year, well worth preserving as a faithful and spirited Literary Record of the Time. It will be forwarded by ti e earliest mails, in strong wrap pcrs, to every part of the United States and Csna. da. Poxtagl free within thirty mile of New York. All communications should lie addressed, pout paid, lo H. FULLER, corner Ann ind Nassau streets, New Yoik. tkkms : One copy one year in advance, f I 00 One copy two years, . , 3 fiO Two copies one year, . , 3 0(1 F 'ur fi oil Ten 10 00 N.B. Price nf the DAILY EVENING MIR- Roll. fi per annum in advance. One Shilling a week when served hv carriers. PETER LAZARUS, S I' X It V It V , X o r t h it in i r l it it si Co u it t y , PENNSYLVANIA. Esri'.C I KUI.LV informs his fVi. nds and . ihe public in general, that he has taken tbe Urick Stand, formerly occupied by George Prince as a public bou-e, (east of Ihe State House, nnd 'pp vie the Court H mse.) where he it prepared to accommodate his friend?, and all others who may favor bun with their rti-tom. in the best manner. In short, no exertions nor eipun-e will be sna red in render bis house in every way worthy of puMie patronage, Sunbury, April lib. lSlfi (m mroiiTAvr TO rZi-LZr.S I1T TEA AND TEA DRINKERS. The success of tlm I'EKIN TEA COM I' A NY. No. 3rt.S..i:Tti Ski-ono I nrr.i, itiiiii .uarhoi nnu iies "taanut, I'hitadalpbia, has been uuparnh leieo. iiureiiiens ere now al'le to nt'tain a su- rerior article of Teas, nt rates much cheaper than hive ever before been oflereil in this country, and they have tl e as-iirai.ee that there are no drugs or other foreiuii substances mixed with the Teas. 'I toy we d.uie up in pnekaees (lined with lead, to preserve tl. ir strength nod flavor.) of fiom one quarter in five pounds, to siiilA'ustomers, and are sold at ilillerenl prices, from fifty cents per lb for an i xcclirnt article to ..n doli-ir and fil'tv cents, dy Al' person, visiting tbe city nre invited to pay llie enmpanv s evlensive establishment a visit. Agents wanted in every place where they are not vet established. For particulars, address, ;ios Hlta, llie KUoseriniT, G, B. ZEIUER. Ag't (or the Company. 3D South Third Street, Philadelphia. April 4th. 1810. ly P V. T V. li . MASS E 11, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, EM'ECTFl'LLY informs the ciiizena of PS Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened an ollice at the residence of Henry Masser, in Market street, where be is iirep ued to execute all kinds al l):Ti. Si immr. Plate Work, Ac., on the latest Mini mo-t s.pproed plans. Having bail some tierieneff and instruction, under one of the most eminent and successful Den- tis's in I'hilad. Iphii, he believes that he will be able to give satisfaction to (bore who may want his services I. ad.es will be wailed on at their place of resi deuce. His charge will be moderate, and his wok warranted, Sunbury, March 2Nth, 146. CARPETING 3 AND OIL-CLOTHS, At the CHEAP ST( UK" .Y. 11 Stravbi rry .yirtit, I li 1 1 a l r I p li I a. lkt'll Store rent and other eiprusce being very VI V light, we are enabled to s. II out CARPETS, OIL-CLO THS, etc., wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices in the city, and buyers will find it greatly to iheir advantage lo call and examine ihe large assortment we offer this season, of Beautiful Imperial 3 plv Flnei'Mldr CARPET1NGS Twilled and plain Venitian J together with a large s'ock of OIL-CLOTHS from 2 feet lo 24 feel wide, very cheap, for rooms, halls, Ac ; also, Mattinga, Floor Cloths, Rugs, Cut ton and Rag Carpets, rVc, Ac, with a good as sortment of Ingrain Carpets from '. lo M) cent, and Stair and Entry Carpets from 12 lo 50 cts, ELD HI DUE At BROTHER, No. 41, Strawberry Sireet, one door above Ches nut. near Second Street, Philadelphia. March 21st, 1H46 Urn. A CARD. TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD!! "WT U. PAL. ME II, the American Newspaper ty , Agent, du'y authorized and empowered, by the propuetora of nio-l nf the best newspapsra of sll the cities and principal towna in the U. S. and Canada, lo receive subscnp ions and advertise ments, and to give receipts for them, respectfully notifies the public, that be is prepared to execute nrder from all part nf the Civibr.ed World, em bracng Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs, Rea ding Rooms, Corporations, Ac, al his several offi rea in the cities nf Pbiladi 1,1 ia, Baltimore, New Yock nnd Boston, and wl.e e commuuicasinns and inquiries, po.l paid, mav be ibrectid. Address V. U. PALM El?. Pliilade'pbia, N. W. corner Third ! and Cbesiiu' streets; Baltimore, S. E corner Bib 1 limore and Calvert atieeis ; New Voik, Tnbune Uuil. lines iqqMisite City Hall; Boston, 20 State st. As no other person or persen are in any man lier connected with the subscriber, in the American j New-paper Agency, all letteiaand communications j for bun, should be carefully directed as above, and to no other person. This caution has become ne cessary, in uider lo avoid misiukea, and put the pub. lie oil their guard against all pretended A cent., V. B. PALMER, Ameiicait New-paper Agent. Editors throughout the I'nited State for whom V. 11. Palmer ia Agent, w ill promote the advantage i of all concerned, hv pnhli.hiug tbe above. I Pl lll.lt' AOTIl'i:. V. It Palmer is the only authorized Agent for the "Si sm'r Amkhi' ess," in tliecilnsof Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Baltimore, of wlucli public notice is henby given. March 14, lMfi. C1 AUDE.N SEEDS". Aiteti"auppiy E. J Ri.ley fi Co'a superior Uarden Seeds, just received anj lor sale at tbu store nf Match -t, Islo. HENRY MASSER. in j , iii.n; iinia-Liinii wi WHITE S7A1T 20T2L, Uacb Strkkt, I'niiriri,rHi. tt J. I'ETKItS. 'PUIS location i convenient for Business men A visiting the city. Every paint i taken to e cure the comfort 0f traveller. March T. IMC ly Removal. DR. D. T. TRITES, RESPECTFULLY informs the ei tilens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho ha removed his residence to the Brick House in Market street, one door nect of Ihe Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past la vors, he hopes In receive a continuati"ii of the liber al patronage which has heretofore been extended to him. Feb. 2. 184fi. fim mon f o u i r 1 1 ou se ; LATE nilADY'S HOTEL, Opposite the Court House, DANVILLE, PENN'Ai THE Subscriber, who assisted for se. jfJjVf veiel year in Ihe manauenieiit of the a JJ'yibove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. lira i I ifrSsfdy, brg. leave to infirm the travelling public, that he has taken the establishment on his own account, on the first nf January, 1810. The House ha, of late, undergone many impor tant alteiations, and tbe present conductor pr.imi-ra to leavo nothing undone lo make it a comfortable and agreeable, as well as a cheap and accommoda ting stoppini: place for strangers who mny vbil our flouri-hing village. No pains nor expense will bo spared to fill the table and the bar w ith the lavt the matket. alVord, and with th d termination to de vice his entire personal attention to tbe comfort of those who mav moke his hous-' their temporary a bnde, and ni.led by arlive, careful and obliging ser vams, he hopes to give general satisfaction, ond re ceive a liberal share of ruloin. rfj- Large and commodious STABLES ari al larhed to the establishment, which are attended by careful and obliging ho llers. GIDEON M. SHOOP. January 2lth, 19 If.. tf EVANS & VATSOnT No 7( Sotvi ii Tiitun Sphu t, Opposite the Phihidrljdiiii F.Trhunpr, vlaiiuiacture Ki ll keep 'Hi--tanlly nn lii.lid. a lare ns- '. V irlMienl iO (!!;- P itrnl tin. lOr'tj"-''!!"' '''t"o'..'. S.,b,mari.!. r I R F. Or?!'?!1 -UMMItir SWl'.S .xbieb "-ImSX ai- -Li. 1 "O. Hill :vn ,is hp !w i m li . . .... l .. .... . tirllVvLtfZ" "!1" n "",rr "' doub' as lo tin ir is-" Hing strictly fire proof, ami ihat they will rest it the fire of anv building in tho world. The out:.W.ie of the Safes are made of boiler iron, the inside c .-e of so iptone, and be tween the cuter case and inner else i a space of s. me .1 inches thick, and is filled in with inde-ttur-ttlde material, so hs to make it nn iiiip ibiliv t ever burn any ortl.e cnivent.. inside of this (!!iesi. These S.nipstone Sal iiivind.',s we are p'Ppitre.I and do rhalVnee tbe wml.l to pro'i:ce Btiy ani. li in the shape of Book S.fea that will stand as mm h heat, and we hold oursclvig ready ut aj tiimstJ have them fairly tested bv p ihlic bii f.re, should a nv nf our competitors b el 'isposed tj try their. We also continue to miriul .i-tiire nnd keep ci n stanllv on hand, a larue and ir"lieral ns-ortment nf our Premium Air-tiphl Fn Proof Safes, i f whiclx we have a large quantity in use, nnd in every in stance they have given entire citisfaciion lo tho purchasers nf which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in us; N. & G. Taylor, 129 no'th 3 1 Bt.; A. Wriuht A Nephew, Vine st. wh uf; Alexander Caror, Can veyancer, corner of Filbert i.nd Otlt sts.; John M. Ford, 32 north 3dst.; Mvers Bush, 20 nonh 3d st.; Bailey cs; Brother, 13S M.iket st.; James M. Psul, lttl south 4lh st.; Dr. David Javne, 8 south 3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d st.; ami we could name some three or four hundred other if it were necessary. Now we invite the attention nf the public, and particularly those in want of Fire Proof Safes, to call at our store In fore purcha sing elsewhere, and we think we can sa'.isfy them that Ihey will get a belter nnd cheaper article at our store than any other establishment in the city. We also continue lo nianufactute Seal and Co. pying Presses, made in such a manner as to an swer both purposes ; Hoisting Machines, Fira Proof Doors, w ith our own manufacture of lock nn them, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover attached to the same; plain and ornamental Iron Railing, Ac. N. B. We keep constantly on hand a laree as sortment of our Patent Slate Lined Refiiger .tois, Water Filters and Coolers; and we have also on hand several second hand Fire Proof Chests taken in exchange Tor ours, which we will depose of ot very lew prices. Philadelphia, January 24th, 1S40. ly VHCLE 3 .LIS I ?aS7 AIL II AT &, CAP WAHKIIOUSK, -Yt. 304, Market Street, above 9th, South bide, PHILADELPHIA, THE subscribers respectfully call the atten rS lion of their friends and dealers to their large and well assorted stock of Hats anil Caea of ver description, well adapted f r the sj ring trade. Be Ing made of the test material and by the most ex. perjenccd workmen, they leel confident lo give uni vers il aatiafaetinn lo all who mav favor them wtiih a trial, as they offer to sell as low as any hous ia the city. BAR I'ALOTT cV BLVNN. Philadelphia. January 3, 1846 ? To Purrliasrrj or DRV GOOES. fpHE subscriber, No. 121 Pearl atrcel, New X lnrk, having r-labb-hed a Branch at No. 23$ South Second at., Philadelphia, is now npening, and Will be constantly receiving from tbe NeW ork Auctions, an extensive assortment of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold at tbe lowest New York pi ices, ut wholesale and Retail. Among h s stock will Im found a gond assortment of the following articles! Jucconets, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lsce, Stripe, Book, Swiss and Tiirbvan Muslins, Bishop and Lim n Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Dresses, Thread Laces,. Application Do., rich Black Silk Triminit g Lace, Irish l imns. Linen (.'ambries. Linen Cambric Hdkfs.. Curtain Fringe, Cashmere d'Ecos-e, Mouselme de I. sine. Silk and Cotton Warp Alien-as, liuoen's Cloth, Gala Plai.ts, French Merinos, 111 ,rk si'ks, Gloves, Sikll.no, Shawls, ( 'tava's, liiM'no-, Embrotdrric, Ac., Ac Country Mercbaiita ami other visiting Philaslel plus or New Ymk lo purcha,,-, are rep,ctiu!ly in Vlted to call and examine the sl.sks. Nov. t, l.t,yl ,j VOOIIE. W WriH-i T I be hiuliist puce giv'en li r Wheat, at the .toie of H. M SssEll. A new aupplv of Rose Ointment just received. Nov. Kih, IsMIi. 1 .Ml IKOV Just received ami fir" '"e.cbVa"i 'lor ca-h, by HE.MiY MASSKR. Sunbury, S, pi. 2(1, s4f), SrPEIUOK PotF wine. M idi ria "an?! 1,.. wines. Also superior Brandy and IT,,, l.enmu Kyrup. Also a few bairels ol It Jf ,, 'huutury.July.o,,,,!,!-' MAEU. f 9 . 4W