cion, th honor, the r!htt, and the interests of our country. The President then refers to instructions given to Gen. Taj lor in August last, authorising him, incase of emergency, to call upon Texas and the neighboring states for volunteers, and says : On the 2d day of March, he was again remin ded, "in the event of the approach of any consi derable Mexican force, promptly and efficiently to ose the authority with which he wae clothed to call to him auch auxiliary force as he might need." War. actually existing, and our ter ritory having been invaded, General Taylor, pursuant to authority vested in him by my di rection, has called on the Governor of Texas for tour regiment of State troops two to be mounted, and two toserveon loot; and on the Governor of Louisiana for four regiments of in fantry, to be sent to him aa soon as practicable In further vindication of oar rights and de fence of our territory,! invoke the prompt ac tion of Congress to recognise the existence of the war, and to place at the disposition of the Executive the means of prosecuting the wsr with vigor, and thus hastening the restoration of peace. To this end 1 recommend that author ity should be given te call into the public ser vice a large body of volunteers to serve for not less than aix or twovle months, unless sooner discharged. A volunteer force is, beyond question, mora efficient than any other description of citizen soldiers; and it is not to be doubted that a num ber far beyond that required would readily rush to the field upon the call of their country. I further recommend that a liberal provision be made for sustaining our entire military force, nd furnishing it with supplies and munitions of wsr. The most energetic and prompt measures, and the immediate appearance in arms of a. large end everpowering force, are recommended to Congress as the most certain and efficient means of bringing the existing collision with Mexico to a speedy and successful termination. In making these recommendations, t deem it proper to declare that it is my anxious desire not only to terminate hostilities speedily, but to bring all matters in dispute between this govern ment and Mexico to an early and amicable ad justment ; and, in this view, I shall be prepared to renew negotiations whenever Mexico shall be ready to receive propositions, or to make propositions of her own. Dtiptpin. The nerves of the bumtn body those necessary agents which immediately connect man with sxlernal nature are singularly prone to hav their functions disordered by an oppressed condition of the stomach the m inula termination of Ibat portion of the nerves eipanJed upon ttwoi gans of digestion con..g -wd Impression to ths -ain- Aid although the Head can, un doubtedly, like other organs, be ths seat of primary disorder, yet, in the great majority of cases, the un easy sensations tbsre experienced are symptomatic of disordered Stomach; and further, theie is abun dant evidence to prove that cruditiea in the Sio mach and Bowels ran, in every grade of human existence give rise to spasmodic action in every organ of the body ; and whether we survey it in the agonising form of Tic Doloreaux the alarming convulsions of the Epileptic seizure or in thst ir ritable condition of the nerves of the heart occasion ing palpitation they can all frequently be traced to the source above mentioned, and be cured by mild evancuant and tonic remedies. To relieve a state of so much suffering snd distress, (in which body snd mind slsa participate.) Bbandbbtm' Pills ar confidently recommended; as, by com bining aromatic, tonic and cleansing i roperties, they remove all oppressive sccumulstions, strength en the Stomach, induce a healthy appetite, and im part tranquility to the nervous system. fXj" Purchase of H. B. Masaer, 8onbury, or of the agent, published in another part of this paper. V B Hi K O, On the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. Edminster, Mr. Robebt Eve sett of Delaware township, to Miss Mabv Ann Srtson of Turbut township. In McEwensville, on the 3d inst., by J. Tin cent, Esq.. Mr. Thomas Ibwin, to Mrs. Jane Mabtz, all of that place. Iu Schenectady, N. Y., on the 15th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Rawson, Mr. Samcel A. Hull, former ly of this berough, to Miss Anna Bbeweb, all of Schenectady. DIED, On Monday evening last, ELIZABETH.daugh ter of Mr. Charles Weaver, of this place, aged bout 8 years. At TurbntviMe, on the 3d inst , after a long end protracted illness, Mrs. ISABELLA BARR, relict of Samuel Barr, Esq., in the 75th year of her age. In Rush township, on the 6th inst.. of Com sumption, Mr. DENNIS WOOLVERTON, aged about -years. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Matset, WIAt, . 100 Rrs, . . . 70 Coas, . . ' . 63 Oats, ' 40 Pork, 4 6 Flaxsksb, 4 4 U3 Bbtte, ... 14 East, .... 8 BstswAT, .... 85 Tallow, 444 10 Ft!, 4 4 .10 Hecilbb Flit, . to 1)bIbd Amis, 4 4 4 75 Do. Psscets, 4 100 NORTHUMBERLAND J OTIC E is hereby given, that meeting of the L w stockholders ef the Northumberland Bridge Company Will be bald at the bouse of James Lee, b the borough of Northumberland, on Monday the 5th day of June next, at I o'clock, A. M for the lurposs taking Into consideration the propriety f re-building ths Bridge) from lbs Eastern shore of he Soaduebanna rtvsr to tfca Bbamokin Island, op site Northumberland, upon certain stipulsted asulltions mentioned la a supplement passed the 8U et Marco, 1MB, tn set Incorporating said mpany. D. BRAUTIQAM, NortbWd, Msy 16. 1840. 6t Pres't. "-TROTH -10 MIGHT? A1TD WILL PREYAIL." A. B. MARS1HAILIL, No. 1SS Cheanut Street, between Seventh and Elgnth Streets. tp rrr IS now piepsred to offer. Wholesale and Retail, a large assortment of Fauct snd Staplb DRY GOODS. suited to ths Country ss well ss City Trade. He continues the system of "no abatement in pricei" which he hss pursued for th psst ten yesrs, and desire to call the special attention of ths publ'e to it as the only true system of retail business, snd which is decidedly to the interest of the purchaser to promote. It is quite time th fraudulent prsc. tic of asking e high price, and abating to make the purchasers believe they ar lh "favored few," wa done away with, as, nine lime out of ten. they ar mads to pay a higher price (however great the re duction) than th like style and quality can b pur chased at the "One Price 8tore." A. B. M. I in regular receipt of th newest and cheapest seasonable goods, and when any article depreciate in value th price la at once marked dnwn o low that h cannot be undersold. By this system th purcbsser can at all time buy with confidence and ti.fseiion, and without wt of lime in u.eless bargaining. H has at this time a complete assortment of . SILKS. Black Lnstrino, Ottoman, Poos de Sole, Man tua, Or os tie Rhine, Armure, and other Dress and Mantilla Silk. Also, Fsncv Drrss Silks, from 44 cts. to f 2 35 per yard, including all the variety of spproved and useful styles and combinstion of colors. Lining Silks, Foulard Silks, 8 ilk Gingham. LAWNS AND ORGANDIES. Paris Painted Lawns and Organdies, of the newest and most spproved style, ss will as the cheapest in the market. Also, Scotch Lawns st very low prices. FRENCH GINGHAMS, Of the newest designs. Also 8colch Ginghsms and Gingham Lawns, very cheap. Twill'd Earl aton and Manchester Gingbama, for children's wesr. FRENCH CHINTZES. Light, medium, and dark color, 4-4 wide. Also, best m ke American Chintz and Calicoes, of the new patterns, at 12 eta. per yard. MOVSELIN DE LA I NFS, Of the moat splendid Ombre and Printed etyl down to the French, English and American, at 25 centa per yard. BAREGES AND BALZORINES, Of all qualities snd every variety of designs, suited lo all tastes. Also, embroidered end chain- stitched Robes, Bayadere anil Polka Dresses, emb'd Swiss Muslin and Bishop Lawn drrss pattern Tarletona and colored plaid snd strips Swiss Mus lins. WHITE GOODS. Plain Swiss. Mull, Nsnsook. Jacconet, Cambric, Book, snd Tsrleton Muslins, Plaid, 8lripe, corded and figured Cambric and Swiss do., Bishops Lawn, Rich and Eiegant Cf-FETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINUS AIM1I WINDOW SHADES, FOB BTXXXQ TBA.DE. THE sulweriber hss just opened for spring trsde, a large and complete assortment of Brussels, Imperial, superfine and tin Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS, which hav all been purchased within month, at th lowest cash rate. They ar now offered at greatly reduced price for cash. 1 hes goods sre of an extra style and finish, and being of th best make and fabric, offer great in- lucement to purchaser toolilairi a handsome and desiisbla arlicl at pricea below the uaual rates. Th assortment is complete in every respect, and consist in part of the following New and lentlid Brussels 1 Do do Ingrains Do Do Do Da do do do do Imperials I CARPETS, Twl'd Venetisns S at Reduced Plain do i Price. Fin 4; Common I Ingrain J Splendid Embossed Piano and Table Covers $ Siair Rods, Bindinga, Sheep Skins, &c Ac. With an immense stock of low pi iced Csrpets of all deacriptions, List, Rag Hemp and Cotton Carpets, from 13 lo 50 cenis per yard. Country Merchants, housekeeper and others have now sn opportunity of supplying themselves ith handsome and uesinble goods it grestlv redu ced prices. ROBERT B. WALKER, 25 N. 2d st opposite Chrut Church. Philadelphia May 16th, 1846. 3m Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware MANUFACTORY. BELXMIOIOVB, PBMM'A. THE subacril er respectfully informs ths pnblie that bs baa commenced the manufacture of Tin and SheetIron If are, in all Its vsrious branch, at Balmegrov. Hi war i not only mad of th heat materials, but i put together in substantial and workmanlike man ner, differing in thia respect from much of the wai old, which ia made ep in a harry for that purpose. An siceltent aeaartmrnt will be kept on band at all time, which will b old on th most reasonable terms. ANDREW 8. WINGERT. Sslinsgrove, May 16th, 1846. tf. ATTENTION I THE 8bamokin and Ruah Indepen dent Battalion of Volunteer are com manded to meet at Snyderatown, on the 27th inst, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, in summer uniform, provided with 10 rounds of bUnk cartrigea, fully armed and equipped for dull and inspection. By order of Maj. W. H. Kaa. 8. 8. FARROW, May 16, 1846. 2t AJjutant. Meanles. DR. SMITH'S ADVICE. THE Measle appeared in Europ about th sam time with th email poi, and have a great ammty 10 mat uiae aa. I bey both cam from the asm quarter of lb world, ar both infec tious, snd seldom attack th same person but once. 1 be Messles are most common in th spring sea- son, and generally disappear in th summer. The disease itself, when properly managed, seldom proves fatal ; but it consequence sre often veiy troublesome. Our business is to assist nature to throw out the eruption. ttlood-Utting is almost certain death. Nothing ever discovered has don the work so gently and flactaally Dr. SMITH'S (Sugar uoaiM j -Indian Vegetable nil. You need not fore them down, either- Sy CAUTION. As miserable imitation has been mad, by the nam of -8uSar Coaled Pills." it U oeeeeaary to he Mr that Da. O. Bksa. Sam's signatui I on vry box, Prloa is cent. Principal Offlo. 1T9 Grnfch st w York. Bold by JOHN W. FRILING, Sunburv. WM. rOKSYTHE, May 1610,1846, tp rtrc Imitation Cambric, Cambrie Dimity, Irish 8hirting Linen, Damask Table Linen, Table Cloth and Napkins, Long Lawn, French Linen Cambric snd Linen Lawns, cbesp Shirting and 8heeting Mus lins, and superior Long Cloth Shirting. -MOCRNING GOODS. Lupin's Bombasine of all qualities, and the va rious ahsdes of Black, 8ummer Bombazines or Brilliantes, Silk and Cotton Warp Alpacras, Silks, Mousetin de Lainea, Barege, Baltnrines, Marquese, Grensilines, Ginghsms. Lawns Crapes, Cran -ml Lova Viels, Kid and Silk Gloves, Hosiery, Plain Silk. Glacia, Ottoman, Thibet, Barege and Twisted Silk 8hawls, Scarfs snd Cravats. SHAWLS AND SCARFS. French Cashmere long and squsie Shawls, Broche do., PiinteJ, Barege, Thibet and Terkerri do., Glacia, Twisted Silk, Grenadine, Ucrneni and Mohair do., and low priced do. Silk, Grenadine, Barege, and other long and short Scarfs. Also, Grsvst. Blsck Lac and Silk Mantilla, Viaiti, Cape and Cardinals, of th nv styles. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Emb'd Csps, Collars, Spencer, and Chemizetts, under Sleeve and Cuffs, English and French Thread Lace. Edging and Inserting, Linen Bob bin Edgings and Inrerlings, emb'd Swiss and Cam bria do.. Black and White Lace Viela, Lac Shawls and Scarf, wide Black I. sees lor Mantillas and Scarfa, and Black Bruasels Lace, for trimming do. and dresses. HOSIERY. English whit and black rihb'd, emb'd, open worked, snd p'sin Silk Hosiery ; white snd black half Hose, ribb'd snd plain t spun Silk and raw Silk do.; also, English and Swi'e white, colored, and unbleached Cotton do; libb'd, plain, ernli'd click ed, and open worked; also. Children's Gotten do, and Ladies' white and unbleached Li1 Thrend do., of various qualiliea, a scarce and desirable ar ticle, and other Hosiery of vsrious descriptions. LINEN CAMBRIC AND LAWN HDKFS. Plsin, corded, berdered, riviere, musique, and emb'd Linen Cambric and Lawn Hdkfs.from 12) cts. to $20 each. Also, Bsgs, Purses, Green Us rrge for Veils, Gauie Viels, Blsck Linen, Lead col'd and Brown do Paper Muslins, Ac. FOR GENTLEMEN. All the new styles rich and cheap 8carfa and Cravata; Kid, 8 ilk. Thread, and other Glovea; Cotton half Hose; Silk and Linen Cambric pocket Hdkfa, Suspenders, cVc. rrt You can find at MARSHALL'S, 188 Chi nut street, almost every sriicle in Dry Goods that you requite, and at pricea quite aa low; if not lower than elsewhere, (if is In his interest to tell cJicap) and a be is constantly adding to his stock me new eat and cheapest goods, you will be sure of being suited. But, resder, you ar invited te call and judge lor yourself. Phildelphi. May H.h, 1846. 2m Assessment. MEMBERS of the Lycoming County Mutu I Insurance Company ate hereby notified that the Board of Director have ordered an Assess ment of one per cent on all premium notes, due to the Uompany en the 15th day of November, 1815, to he paid previous to th 2d day of June iieii, to the 1 reasurer er to Receiver. WM. A. PETRIKTN. Sec'y. N.B. Th Receiver for Northumberland coun ly srs Abraham 8trauh, G. A. Frick, Wm. W, Ir land and Edward Oyster. C. 8. WALLIS. E-q. Treasurer. Office of the Ly. Co. Mut. In. Co., 3 Muncy, May 16, 1846 3t 5 DANVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. DANV1XLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Pennsylvania. rTV.HR Danville Steam Woolen Faeloru. former- JL ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pstikii, h recently been purchsard by the subscribers, who respectfully snnounr to their friends and th pub lie genera I'y, thst they sr now prepared to do all kinds or wjrk in their line of business, at th ahor leal notice, according to order, aiid in the beat com' paraliv manner. Having gona to considerable expense in repairing theii machinery and araratus, and being very particular in securing the service of experienced mechanics, they feel confident thst they are capable of executing all kinda of work in a style superior to any other raiabliahment in th country, at th old customary price. CLOTHS. 8ATINETTS. FLANNELS asb BLANKETS constancy on hand, and for aale at reduced prices, for C or Barter. CARDING AND FULLING will be done in th bed manner, at th uaual pri ce. All kinds of country produce tsken in psy ment for work, st Dsnvill market price. For th accommodation of iho who live at a distance, Wool and Ciot will be taken in at, and, when finished, returned to th following pla ce, Plain written direction must accompany aeh parcel t Columbia County. Roup & Marr's store, Wa ahingtonville ; R. Fruit's store, Jeraeytown ; Y ea ger' a inn. Roaring Creek t Sharpie alore. Catta- wisss; t. F. Mann a atoie, Mituinvitle ; Miller' atore, Berwick t J. Cline'a Mill ; Ricket' atore, Orangevilrei Derr'a atore, White Hall. Northumberland Count 1 Michael Reader a Inn. Turbutvills; Ireland dc Hay'a store, McEwens ville; E. L. Piper's atore, Watsonstownj S. I, Comly & Co's store, Milton Gibson's inn, Chil liaquaqu ; Forsyth' store, Northumberland J Young store, Bunbury. Luzerne Countv. Reynold (lore, Kingston ; Gildersleeve' store, Willi e.barre Gaylord' store, Plymouth t 8tyei'a (lore, Nantlcoke Judge Mack' Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. 1). Clapp s store, Muucy ; 8hoinskr' atore. Smith' Mill. GEARHART ec KOWNOVER. Danville, Msy 8, 1640. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, toAirVZZsXsB 1A THE subset ibr, 1st of th Union Hotel, Mun cy, Pe 1 respectfully inform th old and nu meroua customer of the Pennsylvania House. nd th public generally, that he haa (eased th Tavern Stand of John Rhoder, in Dan ill, where b ia how prepared to entertain travellers, and per one visiting lb town, in th very best style. i"be scoommodallon will he such a k wall conducted publib bona should tflord, and no effort will b pared to render astisfaclion, in very rvapect, to all who may call The cititen of Lycomln eounlv r invited to put up with the undersigned wheo my vuii mnvuie. HENRY WEAVER. Panville, Msy S, 181-- .!- J.I 1. , L !. t.MU A A NEW PROSPECTUS THE NEW VOLUME or th OTW VO&K WBBXXsT aoZUlOXL ONLT TWO DOLLARS k VICAR ill TO iit tub ariatT or rns o. and lo place th Weekly Mirror on an equal footing with it numerou rivals, lb term teduced from Thtee Dollar a year, to Ttvo. The character of lb paper will be improved in every respect with ORIGINAL ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, POETRY, &c Also a copious Correspondence, domestic snd f reign. - A new Novel of great merit will he com menced with Number One, of the new Volume on the 1 1th of April. The paper snd type will be su perior in quality to any before used f r this pspei. The Elegant Qnsrto Form of the Mirroi, will bind up in Two Handsome Volumes st th end of the year, well worth preserving fsitbful and spirited Literary Record of th Time. It will be forwarded by th earliest mails, in atrong wrap per, to every pert of the United State and Cana da. Potlaet free within thirty milea of New York. All communications ahould be addressed, pott paid, to H. FULLER, corner Ann and Nssssu streets, Dew X oik. TtHMSt On copy one yesr in advance, f 3 00 One copy two years . 8 60 Two copies on year, . . 3 00 Four, 5 00 Ten, . . . . . 10 00 N. B Price of the DAILY EVENING MIR ROR, f6 per annum in advance. On Shilling a week when erved by carrier. THE stockholders in the Centre Turnpike Road leading trom Reading to 8unhury, are hereby notified that an election will It held at the house of James Lee, in Northumberland, on Monday the fi'at day of June next, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clor k, P. M., for the purpose of choosing officer lo aerte for the ensuing year. J. R. PRIESTLEY, April 25th, 1846. fit President. W. H. THOMPSON, Fashionable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, HEREBY returns his sincere thanks for psst favors, and respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has removed lo the Brick Store Room formerly occupied by Wood A Rhswn, where he will be happy 10 arcommodst all who wish good work at moderate pricea, assuring them that he will exert himself to please. A good aasortment of Boots and Shoes, for Gen llemen, Ladies, and Children, ronatantly on hand. Also. Linings, Bindings, and all ort of Morocco for sale, low. All kinds nf Work made to messure, and Re pairing well done, at th shot test notice. Call and See. Sunbury, April 18th, 1846. tf Lime ! Lime ! ! JOH1T . SHI FM AIT, lfERPECTFULLY informs his fiiends, ihst U be haa commenced the buainess of Lime burning, on the farm he now occupies. He haa now on band a quantity of Lime for sale, and will always endeavor to accommodate those who may fasor him with their custom. Augusta, April 11th, 1846. 6m IMPORTANT TO DEALERS I1T TEA AXTO TBA BBXJffXBRS. The success of the PEKIN TEA COM I' A N Y, No. 30. South 81x0 s n St eT, between Market and Che nut, I'htladalphia, has been unparal leled. Our citizens are now able to obtain a su perior article of Teas, at rate much cheaper than have ever before been offered in this country, snd they have the assurance that there are no drugs or other foreign substsnces mixed with tl Traa. They are done up in packs ges (lined wiih lead, to preserve their strength and flavor.) of from one quarter to five pounds, to suit customer, and are old at different price, from fifty centa per lb for an excellent article lo one dollar and fifty cents. ry All persons visiting the city are invited ti psy th company' extensive establishment visit. Agents wanted in every place where they are not yet established. For particulars, address, pout paid, the subscriber, G. B. ZEIBER, Ag't for the Company, 30 South Third 8treet, Philadelphia. April 4th, 1846. ly DE1TT1STB.Y. PETER B. MASSED, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ' 111 ESPECTFULLY inform the ciiixens of urn, 8unbury and vicinitv, that he ha opened an office at th residence of Henry Msr, in Market atreet, where he ia prepaied to execute all kind of UiisTiL SvBasBi, rial Work, &c, on the latest nd most approved plans. Having had soma experience nd instruction, under one of the most eminent and successful Den tists in Philadelphia, ha believes that he will he able 10 give satiafsclion lo thos who may want hie services. Ladiea will b waited on at their placea of resi dence. Hia charge will be moderate, and his work warranted. Sunbury, Msrch 28th, 1816. CA&rETHVOS AND OZX.-OI.OTR8, At the "CHEAP STORE" No. 41 Strawberry Street, Philadelphia. 4).UR Store rent and other expense being very H 9 light, we ar enabled lo , II oui CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, 4c, oholraale and retail, at th lowest price in th city, and buyers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine the large assortment we offer thia season, of Beautiful Imperial 3 ply DouU. Superfine lCABPBTJSGS Fin and Medium da f Twilled and plain Veoitian J together with a large rock of OIL-CLOTHS from t feel lo 84 feel wide, very cheep, for rooms, balls, etc I also, Mattings, Floor Clothe, Ruga, Cot ton and Rag Carpets, die., cVc, with a good as sortment of Ingrsin Caipets from 9ft lo 60 cents, snd Stair and Entry Carpets from 14 10 50 eta. ELDRIDGB & BROTHER, No. 41, Strawberry Street, on door above Che nut, neat Second Street, Philadelphia, March tlsl. 1846. 3m. MACKEREL. Freeh, fal Mackerel, just o pened nd for sal i lb store of March S8. 1846. HENRY MA8SBR. GARDBM SEEDS. A fiesh supply of E. Risley & Co's superior Gsrdeo Seed, Just received snd for sals at the stors of Mareb! 1,1.4s. UttliUt JtUER. Ill'1- .-!. JtJJtf Ji! J ..1. iiiiiji FETEJA LAZARUS, Northumberland County, KWH rvx V AXTX A, EESPEC TBU1.LY informs hi friends nd the public in general, thst be has taken the Stand, formerly occupied by George Prince -as a public hooe, (east of the State House, snd oppsits ths Court House,) where he is prepsred to accommodate his fiiends, and all other who may favor him with their custom, in lb beat manner. In short, no ekertions nor etpense will he ape red to render his house in every way worthy of public patronage), Sunbury, April 4th, 1846 6m A CARD. TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD!! VB. PALMER, th American Newspaper a Agent, duly authorlxed and emoowertd. bv the proprietor of mot of th best newepapari of all the elites Snd principal town in the U. S. and Canada, In rrcei'e eubscripiinna and advertise ment, and lo give receipts for them, respectfully notifies the public, that he is prepared to execute order from all part nf the Civilized World, em bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Club, Res ding Rooms, Corporations, Ac, st his several offi. ces in the cities nf Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Boston, and wheie communications and inquiries, post paid, may be directed. Address V. B. PALMER, Philadelphia, N. W. corner Third and Chenut streets 1 Baltimore, S. E. corner1 Bat trmnre and Calvert streets New York, Tribune Buddings opposite City Hsll ; Boston, SO 8tte st. As no other persan or persons are in any man ner connected with the ubcriber, in the American Newspaper Agency, all letters and communication for him, should be carefully directed as above, and to no other person. . i his caution has become ne- cessary, in order to avoid mistukea, and put the pub lic on their guard against all pretended Agents. V. B. PALMER, Amciiran Newanancr Asent. Editors throughout the United State for whom V. B. Palmer ia Agent, will promote the advantage of all concerned, by pnbliahiug th above. Pl'IILIC NOTICE. V. B. Palmer ia the only authorized Agent for the "Sckboht Ambbi- c," in 'the citie of Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Baltimore, of which public notice is hereby given. March 14, 1840, WHITE SV7A1T HOTEL, Hack street, 1'iiiCADELraiA. 1IY J. PETERS. THIS location i convenient for Business men visiting the city. Every pain is taken to se cure the comfort of travellers. March 7. 184G. ly Removal. D. T. TRITES, RESPECTFULLY informs th ci t'xen of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has removed hi residence to the Brick House in Market street, one door wel of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa vors, he hopes to receive continuation of the liber al patronage which hss heretofore been extended to him. Feb. 28, 1846. Cm MONTOUR HOUSE, LATE BRADY'S HOTEL, Opposite the Court Ifoute, DANVILLE, PBHK'At THE Subscriber, who assisted for vetel years in the management of the a- hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra dy, beg leave 10 inform the travelling public, that he has taken the establishment on bis own account, on the first of January, 1846. The House has, of late, undergone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promises to leave nothing undone to' make it e comfortable and agreeable, aa well as a cheap and accommoda ting stopping place for stranger who may visit our flourishing village. No paina nor expense will be spared to fill the table.and the bar with the best the miikets aiiord, and with the determination to de vo'e his entire personal attention to the comfort of 1 hose who mav make his house their temporary bode, snd uideJ by active, careful and obliging ser vants, he hopes lo give gcn.ral satisfaction, snd re ceive s libers! share of cu.toui. ijj- Largo snd commodious STABLES sre aU taclitnl to the establishment, which are attended by careful and obliging hostlers, GIDEON M. SHOOP. January 24th, 1816. tf EVANS & WATSON, No. 70 South Third Street, Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange, Manufacture and keep Con stantlv on hand, a large as- ifsortment of their Patent Im- f proved Salamander FIRE PROOF SAFES, which are Fso constructed as to set at rest all manner of doubt aa to their being atrlctlr fir proof, and that they will resist the fir of any building in the world. The outeide-caae of the Safe are made Of boiler iron, the Inside Case of sosp.lone, Snd be tween the outer ease snd Inner esse ie apace of aome 3 inchea thick, and is filled in with indestruc tible material, so s In make it an impossibility to ever burn any or the content inside of this Chest, These Sospatone Salamander W are prepared nd do challenge th Id to produce any article in the ahap of Book 8afe that will stand as much heat, and w hold ouraelve ready at all time to have thcra fairly tested by public bonfire, should a ny of our competitors feel disposed to try them. We also continue to manufacture and keep con stantly on hand, a large and general aasortment of our Premium Air tight Fire Proof Safes, of whith we have Urge quantity in use, and in every In stance tbey have given entire eatiafaetion to the pUrchasera of which we will refer th public to few gentlemen who hive them in oae. N. dc G. Taylor, 129 north J St.; A. Wright dr. N- phew. Vine at. wharf ; Alexander Caror, Con veyancer, corner nf Fiitvri and 9th ta. John M. Ford, 33 north 3d U; Myers Bush, SO north 3d St.; Bsiley ft Brother, 138 Maket st-t J a me M. Paul, 101 south 4th St.; Dr. David Jayne, 8 south 3d st; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d St.; and w could nam some three or four hundred others if it were neCeaaary. NoW we invite the attention of th public, and particuta'rty thos in want of Fir Proof Safe; to Call at our More before purcha sing elsewhere, and w think w can eatiefy them that the, will get a belter snd cheaper article at our etote than ny other establishment in the City. We also continue 10 manufsctui Seal and Co pying Presses, msd in such a manner 1 to an swer both purpose Hoisting Machine, Fir Proof Door; with our own manutarter of lock on them, with D. Evan' Patent Keyhole cover attached to the same t plain snd ornamental Iron Railing, &e. N. B. W keep constantly on hand lrg M oitment of our Peient Slat Lined Rf' Water Fillers Snd ; tnd w bgt 0 band seVeral second ba-7 ir Proof Chests tako in escbajis wfeich w, Aitp0M 9t el PbjlgWphla, J,.uary Mtk, 1846.-1 DR I i"itS7 l" sfP 1 rUs M . -i J ILLajkl fiLJrv. 1 S l i Ui I'l l l .l. .' . . 141 TEXICO & IVIEXAS! "THS CAY IS-IITXX.X. THEY COMB." iOME WHERE! Why where do yon .up- pose but lo th Cheap Store nf Henry Mssscr, irtMsrket street, Sunbury. And for what purpose do you think they comet Why to buv cheap, to he sure, and save st least 20 per cant " They won't do nothin' elee," because it ia a well known fact that at HENRY MASSER'S STORE the very best article ar sold t the very loweat prices. INow come, one snd sll ; hot don't all com at once, and JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES I Where you will find a Splendid Assortment of rail and Wlnlcr Dry Goodn, just received, among wbkh are the following t Su perfine French HrosUrlotlil West or Englsnd tlo.J , Heavy Beaver do , a first rale article for Overcoats, nd great Variety nf Wool Dyed, Black and Fan cy Cassimeres, Battinetts, Moueselin-de-taines, Rep. delaines, Cashmeres, Alpaccas, dec, etc. Also, beautiful assortment of Cslicoe of th Istest styles snd patterns, which will be sold cheaper than ever also, Woolen and other Shawl In great variety, from 40 cts. In $10 1 a general assortment nf Ho siery, Gloves, Suspenders, Milts, cVc, cVc; laree . assortment of Women s, Men a and Misses Rum Shoes, which will be sold cheaper than ever before offered. He haa likewise, In addition to the above stock. n extensive assortment of Quecnuware, Hardware, Saddlery and Grocrriet, Sugar from 8 to 10, 12$ nd 16 cts. per lb ( Good Coffee at 10, Vary Best t 12 J. Also, Nnilr, Spikesi, Iron; Snndorson's best Cast Steel; English, American and 8weed Blister do. In short, every thing tHet Is Usually kept in a Country Store, all of which will be old t very reduced price. rrr Country Produce of all kind taken in ex change for Goods. Sunbury, Nov.22d, 1843. WHOLESALE & P.ETAZL HAT & CAP WAREHOUSE, No. 304, Market Street, above 0A, South sufc, PHILABBIiPniA, a THE subscribers respectfully call the ntteti' lion of their friends snd dealers to their large and well assorted slock of Hat and Csp of every description, well sdapted for the spring trade, Bea ing made of the best material and by the most ex perienced workmen, they feel confident lo give 11 ni veraal eatiafaetion to all who may favor them with trial, as they offer to sell as low any house in the city. BARTALOTT & BLYNN. Philadelphia. January 3, 1846. ! F E TJ1 E D . JOHN . STRYKER, Of the late firms of Newkirlc 4" Stryker, and Strylter Jf I'ogne, HAS resumed the Wholesale Dry Goods Busi ness, and now offers for sale, et Nos, 12 and 14 Bank street, Philadelphia, sdjoining Myers, Claghorti 8c Co's Auction 8tom, No. T8 Market street, general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly piirchssej at auction, at a very small advanc fur cash, or city acceptances. Believing that hia long experience in pUrchtsirg will enable him to sell his Goods at the lowest Mar krt ptices) he invite bis old friend, and other wial jng to buy, to favor him with call, Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1845. 6m To Purchasers or DRV GOODS. THE subscriber, No. 131 Pearl street, New York, having established a Branch at No. 23 South Second at., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the Net York Auctions, an extensive assortment of FANCY & STAPLE DRY OOOD& which will be sold at the lowest New York pticc, at wholesale and Retail. Among hi stork will be) found a good assortment nf the following articles) Jarcnnets, Plsid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book, 3wia and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen Ltwns, Fancy Cap Nettss Fancy and Ball Dresses, Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambric, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecoste, Mouselino do I. sine, Silk and Cotton Warp Alpacc, Quoeti's Cloth, Gala Plaid, French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Si'k Hose, Sbawla, Cravats, Ribbons, Embroiderir, dec, vSrc. Country Merchant and other visiting Pbiladul. phia or New Yoik to purchase, are respectfully in. vited to call and examine the atocka. Nov. 1. 184.V ly O. H. MOORE. TERMS REDUCED. DAGUERRIAN GALLERY of Patent t'remt urn ColureA likeneties, and Photographie Depot t No. 13GChesnut Street, Philadelphia No. t Broadway. New York ; No. T5 Court Street, Boston ; No. 136 Cheanut Street, Phila del phi a ; Baltimore Street. Baltimore t Broad way, Saratoga Spring ; No 66 Canal Street, New-Orleans; M sin Street Newport, R. I. And. Main Street, Du Buque, low. CONSTITUTING the oldest and most Ex ten a ive Establishment of the kirtd in th World) nd containing more than a THOUSAND POR TRAITS, embracing thos of ome of the most distinguished individuals, in the United State. Admittance free. Thia Establishment having been awarded the Medal, Four F&1 Premiums, and tw6Highet Honors at the Exhibition at Boston, New-York nd Philadelphia, respectively, for best Pictures and Apparatus, ia thus officially auataincd in th posi lion of superiority heretofore univeresllv assigned it by th public, as "First in the World.'' Juna 28th, 1843, ly PIANOS THE SUBSCRIBER ha been appointed stent, for the s.le of CONRAD MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD JI A NOS, at this place. These Piano haa plain, masaiv and beautiful exterior finh, hnd, for depth and sweetness of tone, and elegance of workman' ship, are not surpassed by ny in th United Hi ate. I he tollowmg is a recommendation irom IsaBb Dibts, celebrated performer, and himself a man ufacluier 1 A C AIID. HtVts bad the pleasure of ttyihg the excel' lent Piano Forte manfectured by Mr, Meyer, an J exhibited at lb last ethibition of the Franklin In stitute, I ferl It due lo the tru merit Of th mike' to declsre that iheta instrument hre quite equal' nd in aome respect even euperior, to lt Ik IV ana Fortes, I saw at th Capitals of EsJrOfe. aoJ during sojourn of t!o )esrs at Park, 1 he nano will be sold at th manufacturer V loweat Philadelphia price, if not aomeihing lower. ptraona are iequeted lo rail end examine fur them!, at lb residence of th soUcriber. Sunbury, May 17, 184S. II. B. MASSE R. II BAT It highest pne gien M Wheat, at th tor of H. MASSES. A new supply of Rose Ointment just received Not, ih, lite,