Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 09, 1846, Image 3

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Erik Extsnsio Canal. This Canal (says the
Erie Gazette) ii now in full tide of successful op
oration. Heavy amounts of groceries, glass and
glassware, anil other Pittsburg manufactured ar
ticles, have been carried from Pittsburg to Trie,
to be there transshipped to various points on the
Inkes. From the auspicious commencement, we
should judge that a brisk trade will be carried on
this season. It further says
"An enterprising iron master from the Chf-ntin-go
Valley informs is that there are now in pro
gress of erection fourteen new furnaces in Mer
cer County alone, the whole of which number
are upon or near the Extension Canal, which af
fords them the means of cheaply handling their
raw material. This gentleman assures us that
one thousand miners are now wanted to mine t'
mn ore and coal in the Valley of Chenango, as it
is impossible, he says, without the addition of
'that number, to stock the works and keep them
'in operation. Men that have some experience, in
tnining are greatly to be preferred, yet all others
can be sure of employment, and in a region pro
verbial for its healthfulness. Verily, this Exten
aion Canal, which has for a lone time been the
source of hope and the butt of ridicule, is revolu
tionizing the counties through which it pastes."
A Lawyer Sknteckd in the U. S. District
Court, sitting at Baltimore on Saturday. In this
Court, the sentenco was pronounced on K. P.
'Kin;, a lawyer convicted of attempting- to de
fraud the U. S. Treasury Department, at Well
ington. Judpe tlcnlh reviewed tin tra time t ion,
petting forth to the prisoner the enormity of bin
offence, and concluded by sentencing liiin to I
the Penitentiary for five years.
A Ladt Osk IIif.NDitKD and Sit Yfmis Old The Rochester American noti
ces the arrival of the boat Neptune, with one
hundred and twelve passengers, among whom
wag a lady UK5 years, 8 months and twenty days
old, accompanied by her son 80 years of age.
The stripling wan on Ins way with his mother
ftoin Michigan, where she has resided for eev j
ral years, to New York, to upend the remain- J
tier of her day u-ith her friends. She was
in possession ot all Iter Acuities, and waiKeu as1 j
creel as a person ot lorty.
Dthpf.P'IA. The nerves of the human body
those necessary agent which imm-diatcly cc.nnert
man with external nature are si-jgularlv prune to
have their functions disordered by an oppressed
. . .
COnuillUll UI me nuiiiin- 11 , ,or. iiiiuuiv tciiiiiuuu",,
of that portion of the neres expanded upon the or.
gans of digestion conveying the morbid impress ;on
to the Brain. And although the UeaJ can, un
doubtedly, like other means, be ihe seat of primary
disorder, yet, in the gret majority of cine, the un
easy sensations there experienced are symptomatic
of disordered Stomach; and further, there is abun
dant evidence to prove that crudities in the Sto
mach and Dowels can, in every grade of human
existence give rise to spasmodic action in every
organ of Ihe body ; and whether we survey it in
the agonising firm of Tic Doloreaux the alarming
convulsions of the Epileptic seizure or in that ir
ritable condition of the nerves of the besit occasion
tng palpitation they can all frequently lie traced
lo the source above mentioned, and be cured by
mild evancuant and tunic remedies.
To relieve i
htuie of so much suffering and distress, (in which
bdy and mind also participate.) Biiamiiii.thY ,
Puts are confidently recommended ; a, by com
bining aromatic, tonic and cleansing rojierties,
'hey remove hII oppressive accumuUtions, strength
en the Stomach, induce a he.dthy appetite, and im
pirl tranquility to the nervous system.
Purchase of H. B. Masscr, Sunbury, or of
the a sent, puhli:hej in anotlwr part of this pajier.
Jfl A t S it I E D
On Sunday last, by Jacob Yordy, KsqvMr.
Athonv Un.LAsriE to Miss Ki.iauki ii Fov, Initli
ofShamokin township.
On the 2Sth ult., by John Miller, l'.scj., Mr.
Sa Mi'Er. Bennauk, to Miss Kf iikuca M. 11 II.I.UVS,
iill of Chilisipiaque township.
In Limestone township. Col. county, on the
12th ult., by Elder John Sutton, I'.vanr Mk-s-halv,
to Miss Si-5as Mai:?hall, Iwth of Lime
stone. DA N V I L L B
THE Danrille Steam Wonen Ftiet'iry. former
ly owned and occupied by Dr. Phthisis', h-s
erently been purchased by the subscribers, who
espectfully announce lo their friends and the pub.
ic general y, thai they are now prepared to do all
.inds of wjrk in their line of business, at the shor
'st notice, according to order, and in the best com.
ralive manner. Having gone to considerable
xpense in repairing theii machinery and aparatu.
nd being very particuUi in securing the service of ,
- I IV'I t VI IIIA l)llllVf IH J 1 . B L"IIIIVI II I
icy are capable of executing all kinds of work in
style superior to any other re 'ahlinhmcnt in the
iiintrv, at the old nislnm .rv prices.
LANKETS coustan ly on band, and lor e.le al
luced prices, for Cash or Bnr'er.
cimmc; ax n i.i,i;
ill be done in the best manner, at Ihe usual pri
n. All kinds of coiin'ry r iilure taken in piiy
rnt for work, at D invillu oniket prices.
For the accommodation ot those who live a4 a
tance. Wool and Cloth will be taken in at,
id, when finished, returned to the following pla
s. Plain written directions must accompany
ch parcel ;
Colnmlna County. Roup it Msrr's store, Wa
ingtonville; R. Fruit's store, Jersey town ; Yea
r's inn. Roaring ('reek; Sharpies' store. Calls
ssa; C F. Mann's store, MirHinville ; Miller's
us, Berwick : J. Cline's Mill ; Rickel's store,
anseville; Derr's store. While Hall.
Sat-thumberland Count Michael Reader's inn,
urbutville; Ireland & Hay's store, McEwens
lie; E, L. Piper's store, Watsonstown; H. I,
uinly & Go's fcture, Millou; Gibson's inn, Chil
tquaque t Forsyth's store, Northumberland ;
oung's store, Sjnbury.
Luzerne County. Reynold's store, Kingston;
ddersleeve's store, Wilkesbarra ; Gaylord's store,
ymouth ; Styev's store, Nanllcoks ; Judgs
sck's Mill, Huntington.
Lycoming County. D. Clapp's store, Muncy ;
loeoiaker's store, Smith's Mill.
poviie,Mjr 9, me,
Corrected wetkly by Henry Manser.
Betfett, -Eons,
Tstt.ow, ,
FtAt, -HrcKt.nn
Dmmi ArrLK,
Do. Psachrs,
. 70
. 40
. 112J
. ... 14
. 8
- . . 10
. ; . 10
4 10
. '. 75
ArtrircM to the Public.
flHE unprecedented success attending the use
JL of Dr. O. Benj n Smith s (Sugar Coated) "Im
proved Vegetable Pills," and the acknowledged su
periority which they possess over the common Air
li-Dlious, Cathartic, and various other Pill in ge
neral e, hsvc given them a decided preference
with sll who have used thrm; and they are nm
vrrnally esteemed the most safe and pleasant pur
gaiivc ever offered to the public.
(J3 CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has
been made, hv the name ot -'Sugar Coated rill,
it is necessary to be sure that Da. G. Br.Ji. Smith's
signature is on every box. Price 25 cents.
Principal OlTier, 179 (Jrernwich st New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunburi.
WM, FORSYTHE. Xorthuirt'd.
May 2d, 1S40.
fnn'. milm-iil
jiMiii -oiir-.riiiier, ism ui me union itnici, ;ii un-
:i i.. ..r .l IT..:.- tf.-l i
LL ry, 1'a , respectfully informs the old and nu
meruus customer of the
"Vcnngylvniiia House,
and the public generally, that he has leased the
Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Dunville, where
he is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per
sons visiting the town, in the very best style. The
accommodations will be such a a well conducted
nnhlic house should tifT.inl. anil no effort will In-
p.lrrd to render satisfaction, in every respect, to all
who may call. The citizen of Lycoming county
are invited to put up with the undersigned when
they visit Danville.
Dunville, May 2, 181(1.
rri ME stockholders in the Centre Turnpike Road
at leulinglront Reading to Sunbury, are hereby
notified thnt an election will lie held al the house
of .Limes Lee, in Northumberland, on Mondav the
li st liny of June next, between the hours of 10
o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clo k, P. M., for the purpose
of choosing officers to serve for the ensuing vear.
April 25th. fit President.
EREBY returns his sincere thanks fur past
fHVois, and respectfully informs his friends
and ihn public generally, that be has removed lo
the Brick Store Room formerly occupied by Wood
- Rhnwn, where he will lie hsppy to accommodate
I sll " ho wish good work at modenite prices, assuring
hem that he will exert himself to please.
K MI asorimein oi ooois ami nnoe, lor iien-
M'-nn n, i, aiiies, mni innureii. constantly on Hand.
A 'so. Lurries, iJiiidings, and all sorts (J Morocco
for V, low
All kinds of Work made to measure, and le-
paiiinn well done, at the thortoet notice. Call
and See.
Sunliury, April 18th, 1 816. tf
Lime ! Lime ! !
JOH1T 3. SHJ?X.1T,
KRl'EI' J'Kl I.I.V intorins Ids fiiunls, llint
H.U.' be has commenced Itie business of l.ime
I'lniiinu, on tbef.irm be now occupies. He has
l ow i.n hand a quantity of Lime for sale, nnd will
alwavs einlevor lo uccommodutu those who may
faior him with their custoin.
Augusts, April lllh, li4n. -im
her Thomas llla i
'. rilllE Kubscrilier had a lintticr named Tnomas
I. Oilkes, who, when list heard from, in June,
I l:)4. Win at Northumberland. His employ merit
1 wr.s on the river. He is now, if living, alwut fii
j years old. Any information respecting him, direc
ted to the suliscnher, his biothi r, "Otiio City, C
yaboga county, Ohio, will be thankfully received.
April lllh. lain.
a new ritospEtrri's
or Til a
'T'O Mrr.T thk snaiT or thk aoi. and lo place
the Weekly Mirror ou an equil fooling with
its numerous rivuls, ihe lerms 'e teduced from
'I'hirA Il.illitra m lr In Tien 'KKm rharnflvr if
hH lipfr wj, lie iml,roveJ in every pecl with
A 'so a copious Correspondence, domestic and f .
renin. A new Novel of great merit will bo com
menced with Number One, of the new Volume on
the 1 1th of April. The pnper and type will le su
perior in quality to any before used for this pnpei.
The Elegant tjnartu Form of the Mirroi, will
bind up in Two Handsome Volumes at the end of
lie year, well woilh preserving as a faithful and
sniiiied Literary Record of the Time. It will be
( fni warded by lis earliest in tils, in stronu wrap
pers, lo every pari of the I niictl Slates and Lana
da. Postage free within thirty mihs of New
All commijnictiinns should be sddrensed, ;oi
puid, to II. FELLER, comer Ann and Nissau
Ktreets, INew i oik.
teh-ms :
One copy one year in advance,
f: oo
3 60
3 00
ft (10
tine copy two years, ,
wo copies one year,
J en,
10 00
ROR, f 5 per annum in advance. One Shilling a
week when served by carriers,
So l'uiilicr jVotlf'c. '
rpiIE Book Accounts, Notes, Ac. of H. B. Mas
JL er and H. B. Msuwi & co, tre now j ihe
bands of a justice for collection, and will be put in
suit if not setiled, in a few daya,
Sunbury,. April 4th, 1846.
MAtJKEUELT FresMM.7kTr"tdrYut "o"
pened and tot tale at ihe store of
Marcu as, ittto, HENRY MASSER.
riHE subscribers, Merchants, Manufacturers,
Mechanics, Pulilinhers, Importers snd Whole'
sale and Retail Dealers, of thectly of Philadelphia,
nrinu prepared to supply the demands nl the Coun
try in their respective departments, respectfully In
vite the Merchants and all others visiting the City
for their Spring and Summer supplies, to call at
their respective places or business, where every
reasonable efTort will be made lo give entire
c.Eonai: s Avrj.mos.
Bookseller, Publisher, and Importer of Foreign
Bonks, 148 Che-nut street, below Seventh.
Invites the attention of travellers, strineers and
nil i its to his very extensive collection of E fro lis it
snd Amrsicaiv Publications, in every depart
ment nf Liieralure. His stock of rlrgiintly
Iwuxd Hook fur Present, l'orffulios, Stationery,
lieeent Publication, c, is the most rimiu ir
thk crrr.
Bedding, Feather and Furnishing Ware-rooms.
Finley & co., 8. E. corner of 2d and Wslnut K
Importers of Watches and Manufacturers of Silver
ware and Jewelry.
Thomas C. Garrett &. co 122 Chcsnut t., below
Fourth street.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in F.ishionnb'e and
Medium Fancy, and superior Staple Dry Goods.
A. B. Marshall, IH8 Chesnut st. bet. 7th ami 8lh.
Manufacturer and Dealer in New Style Tortoise
Shells, Uull'.ilo, fine finished imit itioii llull'iln,
and other Combs.
S. Winner, (onh Manufacturer of the real Raffa
lo Horn Combs,) No. 7 South 2d st.
wm. if.,
Eagle I'mbrella, Parasol and Patent Walking Cine
Umbrella Manufactory, No, lilt Maikel st.
Manufactures by steam, and sells decidedly lower
Jhan any other house in the I'uiled States.
Sign ol the Eagle and Umbrella.
Sole A sent for the sale of the Genuine Demuth's
A. Elton No 24 Union street.
Fsncy and Trimming Store, Hair plnited in Brace,
lets, Guards, Necklaces, Finger-Rings, Ac.
F. J. Dressier. No. 47 South 2d St.
Denier in French Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, and
French Millcncry Goods, Siraw and olher
R. Barton, No. fiO Che-nut st.
Importer of Trimmings, Toys, French, English and
lierman fancy ( moils.
M. Horner, No. 58 Souih 2d st.
Wholesale anJ Retail Domestic and Foreign Dry
lioods Store.
Joseph Hoopes, N. E. corner 11th and Market sts.
opposite Baltimore Depot.
RtrnincaATORs For cooling Provisions, oVc,
Watmi Fiitkhs, for puiifying brackish water.
Fire proof Chesis, Letter Copying Presses, Ac.
Manufactured by
Oliver Evans, No. CI South 2d st.
Wholes lo Druagists and Manufacturing Chemists
and Dealers in VV hite Lead, N indow Glass,
Linseed Oil, Patent Medicines, At.
Jenks & Ogden, No. 10(i N. Third st.
Family Grocer, Dealer in Fine Teas, Loaf Sugir, '
J I ivain Segars bm) French Fruit s of all kinds.
Cousty, No. 73 Soulh 2d st.
The "Dollah NtwspAri.n" The cheapest and
best Weekly Family Paper in the United Ij'cs;
f 1 only per year. .
A. H. Simmons A co. Publishers, Ledger building,
S. W. corner Third and Chesnut Ms.
Perkins A Purves, Book-i llcrs, 112 Chesnut
above fi ill. Bonks sold on v, ry low term.
Wholesale and Retail Clock Estihlinhmcul, em
bracing a comph te assortment.
Jime Barber, No. S3S Market streel, above 7th,
South side.
Subsciiptions snd Advertisements are received fur
mo-t nfthe ZNenspupers in tl.e I nurd States, liy
V. B. Palmer, Agent, N. W. corner of Third and
Chesnut sts.
Book Accounts, Notes snd Claims collected, and
olher business requiring the aid of an Attorney, I
:.. . , 1
attended lo, in any part of Ihe Union, at V. B.
Palmer's U. S. Collection Agency, N. W, cur.
Third and Chesnut sis., 2d story.
Wholesale and Retail Umbrella and Parasol Man
Sharon Sleeper, 344 Market street, second door
above 10th, South side.
Manufacturer and Dealer in Clock', Watches and
Lewis Ladomus, 4U1J Market street.
Madras, Bedding, Carpeting and Feathei Ware-
Hartley A Knight, 148 South 2d sticet, (we-t
side) five doors above Spruce.
Manufacturer of Stair and Carpet Rods, of the la
test sty lis.
Edward Jones, Swanwick street, l'lween Walnut
and George streets, west of tith si.
Importer and Dealer iu Foreign and Domestic
Henry L. Elder, 493 Market street, between 1:1th
and Bioud streel ; and Branch Hardware Store,
N. W. cornet Ridge Road and Gieen sis.
First Premium Piano Forte Manufactoiy and
Ware Rooms.
C, Meyer, ft 2 Soulh Fourth st.
Cheap and Fashionable Clothing, an
extensive assortment of Cloths, Casaimeies and
Nestings made to order, fashionable style.
B.C. A S. C. Cooper, Merchant Taylors, 130
Cheanut st.
Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy Dry
Goods, at lowest cash prices.
T, B. Russum, S. W. comer 2d and Union sts.
H. Ward. Bonnet Manufacturer, No. 77 North 2d
street, will uell any thing In his line, at Whole
sale and Retail, as cheap as can be bought in
the city.
Wholesale Clock snd Looking Glass Establish
ment, Brass Clocks by the can, at $ 10 60.
J. A. Ctiswcll, No, 22J Market t,
Manufacturers of Common and Fancy Soaps and
Mould and Dip Candle.
E. St G. Dulled, 36 nnd 491 Market street and N,
E, corner 10th and Callowhill streets.
Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse and Havana Be
gr Depot. Country Trade supplied on libcrul
J A. Edenborn, N. E. corner Third and Race st,
B. J. Williams, 12 Noith Clb street, a few doors
abort Market street.
Venetian Blind Manufactory, Portable Desks snd
Looking Gins Ware Room.
W, H. Barns, No. 01 Arch t.
Wholesale Dealers in Laces, Embroideriei and
Fancy Drv Goods.
Solomon A Brothers, 31 Bank street.
Manufacturers of Thermometers, Hydrometers,
S.vcharometers, Ac, for Brewers, Distillers, Far
mers (in churning,) the Weaiher, Ac.
Joseph Fisher, f)0 Chesnut street.
Wholesale Dealers in Millcncry Goods snd Flow
George Edwards A Son, 37 South 2d st.
Sped Store of more than 40 years sianding, Gnm
and ItHrden Seeds of linest quality nnd best
Joseph P. H. Coales, 49 M;uket at.
Manufacturers snd Importers of Paper Hangings,
l oluiuns nnd t ire Hoard Prints.
Beaty A Curry, 1 IH Chesnut s'..
Manufacturers of Scivrs, Riddles and Screens, anil
Wire Works in general.
Needles A Walsnn, fi l North Front st.
Wholes-lie and Retail f!;irden, Flower and Field
Seed Wlore, Hardening Books and Implements.
H. A. Drei r, 97 Chesnut streel, above 3d.
Importer and Dealer in Druj;s, Chemicals, Paints,
Dve Slulls. Ac.
Dr. I). Jayne, 8 Soulh Third slieet.
... A. Hatiiawat. J. H. Mrrcitn.i..
:. .4. HATHA WA Y A CO.
Commission and East ro Prmlm-e Merrhint. No.
23 Xorth Wharves. W if. Irrh rt. Wholesale
Denlers in Lamp Oils. Tanners Oil. Cnnd'es,
Soap, Teas, Cbucolale, Pickled and D'icd Fish,
Painted Pails. Chee-c, Butter, H ps. Ground
and Calcined Piaster. Ac, all of which will be
Fold at the lowest Market prices.
Mrs. M. Orim's Boarding House, No. 10S Walnut
street, between 4th and ftih.
Cheap Venetian Blind Manufactory. Orders from
a distance carefully Inrwurdsd. Old lllinds re
paired and pain'ed.
M. E. Hedges, (widow of E. Hedges) No. Ill
Soulh 2d street, below Dock, east side.
liox.xnr ma sri'.wrcni:ft.
Thomas White, 15 South 2d street, (late of Com
merce street.)
Importer of Watched, Plated Ware. lewelrv and
Fancy GooJs, Watch Makers Tunis, Files and
John C. Farr, 1 12 Chesnut st.
Manufacturers of Umbrellas, Parasols, Pnrasnleltes,
and Sun Shades, of the newest styles. "Exten
sive sales and small profits, "
Win, Richardson A Co.. No. 100 Mirket street.
Leary's Antiquarian Book Store. S W. corner of
Second snd ew street-. I'bilai'elpbu. Oier
100,000 vols. New and Old Bonk in every ile-
pirlment of l.ilel ilure, wholesale and retail.
I'hila.lclphh. April I. Hlfi.
I lie sner.s. ,,f ll, '.'A V '' I
mi .ft A Cu.MI'AXY, No. 30. S,.t rn Su i.
W 1 . . , l . I ,M
1', eciei ii .iiarsei Run nes-
SSnut, rinlidalpbii, has been unpmaU
le'ed. Our citizens are now nUi' to obtain a su-
ferior aitifle of Teas, at rales much cheaper than j
have ever before bieu olfeied in this country, and j
they have li e assurance that there ire no drugs oi '
oilier foreign substances mixed with Ihe T. as.
They are done up ill package (litifd wilh lead, I
to preserve their strength and ll.ivor.) of from one j
quarter to live pounds, to suit cumomers, and re j
solii at (iiiiereni pncea, tiom tilt v cents per t tor
an eii-elitiit article 1 one dollar aril tiny cents.
CCj" All persons visiting the cilv are invited I pay
the company's extensive establishment a visit.
Agents wanted in every place where ihey arc
not yet established. For particulirs, address, post
paid, the subscriber,
i; i 'L-lll
G. B. 'EIDER. Ag't the Companv.
30 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
April 4th, 1810 ly .
l'KTKU li. MASS K 15,
TI ESPECTFULLY informs Ihe ciliena i f
Sunbury and vn inilv, that he has oa-neii an
oll'ire at ihe residence of Henry Masser, in Market
street, where he is prepared lo execute all kinds ot ,
Dt.vrtL Si aiisay, PUie Work, Ac , on ihe latest
and most approved plans. '
Having bad some experience and ins'ruetion,
under cue of ihe inosi eminent ami successful Den- 1
lias in Philadelpbi t, he believes that he will be;
able to give satisfaction lo those who may want his
services j
Ladies will be waited on at their places of resi
dence. His charges will be moderate, and his j
work warranted. ;
Sunbury, March 28ih, 1810.
At the "CHEAP Sf l'H.l." .Yo. II Shunt,, rry
I li 1 1 11 l v 1 1 Ii I a.
OUR Store rent and oilier expenses la-ing verv
light, we are enubl. d to II oui CARPETS.
OIL-CLOTHS, Ac, wholesale and retail, al the
lowest prices in the city, and buyers will liud it
greatly to iheir advantage lo rail and examine ihe
large ussorlmenl we offer this season, of
Heaulilul Imperial 3 ply j
Double Supei line Ingrain ( r . ,, ,. -., v tf I
Fine and Medium d,. fl Ahl L 7V'S ;
Twilled and plain Vi intiaii J 1
together with a lugo s'uck of OIL-CLOTHs
from 2 feet lo 24 feel wide, vciy cheap, for rooms,
halls, Ac ;also. Mattings, Fluor ( lolhs, Rugs, Col- j
ton and Rag Carpets, Ac, Ac, with a good as j
sortmeut of Ingrain CmpiU from US lo ,'i0 cents, J
and Stair and Entry Cai ta from 12 to fill eta. i
No. 41, Strawberry Street, one dour above Cbes
nut. near Second Street, Philadilphrs.
March 211, 1M4U 3m.
A I! DE N SEEDS..V ,, h supply of E. ;
ituley iV Los superior Gardeu Bvsds, juat
received and for salo at the store of I
Mrb IS 10, J1EM.Y MASSER. j
S V X II 11 II Y , 7
N r t li ii in t e r I ii n ii Co u n t j ,
UESPECTEULLY informs his fri.ndsand
ihe public in general, that he has taken the
Brick Stand, formerly occupied by George Prince
s a public house, (east of Ihe Slate Houe, snd
npposite the Court House,) where he is prepared to
accommodate his friends, and all others who may
favor him with their custom, in the best manner,
In short, no exertions nor expense will be spa
red lo render his house iu every way worthy of
public patronage,
Sunbury, April 4lli, 184G 6m
7" H. PALMER, the American Newspaper
Agent, duly authorized arid rmrinwnrn.l lit.
the proprietors of most of il. I,.s, newsnm-!, .',f
nil the eities and principal towns iu the U. S. and
Canada, to receive suhscrip ions and advertise,
merits, nnd lo give receipts fur thrm, respectfully
notilic the public, that be is prepared to execuie
orders from all parts nf ihe Civibed World, em
bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs, Res
ding Room, Corporations, Ac., at his several ofli
cea in Ihe cities of Philadelphia, Baliimnre, New
j ink niul llo-ton, and where cntmnunii aiiona and
inquiries, post paid, may be directed. Address V.
j II. PALMER, Philadelphia. N. W. corner Third
j niul ('he-nut elr.ets; Baltimore. S. E. corner Bl
' lunoip mid Culvert streets; New York, Tribune
Buildings opposite City Hall ; Boston, 20 Slate st.
As no other person or persona are in any man
ner connected wilh the subscriber, in tbn American
Newspaper Acney, all h-tteis and communications
lor him. should he can-fully directed as above, and
to no other person. This caution has become ne
cessary, in miter to avoid intHlskes, and put the pub
lic on their guard ngiinst all pretended Agents.
Anieiii nn Newspaper Agent.
Editors throughout Ihe United Slates f r whom
V. II. Palmer is Agent, will promote the advantage
of all concerned, hv pnhbshiug the above.
I'l ItMC IITH i:. V. B. Palmer is the
only authorized Ag.nt for ihe "Sr-mr-iiT Amkiii
f," in He ciii-s of Phil iilclpliiii, New York,
; Iloston ni d Iljliimore, ol winch public no'iee is
j hereby given. March 11, 1st 16.
vt::its svait hctzl,
K.M k Stukki-, I'iHKAIIKLI'IIIA.
iiy .1. ii:ti:rs
rl,III location is coiivi nieiil for Bus-iiRss men
visiiing the city. Every pains is laken tJ be
cure ihe comfort ol travellers.
March 7, Is It. ly
rSESi) REsPEtri'FI LEY informs the ci
ff" t tens ol Siiiihury and vicinity, that he
ftrfil has leuioveil bin les-dcnce to the Brick
--- -J House in Market street, one door we-t
of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa
vors, be hopes lit receive a continuation of the liber
al patronage which has heretofore been extended to
him. Feb. 2t, 1816. Gin
Opjinsitn the Court House,
aa THE Subscriber, who assish'd for se
fftTjJ1 vei, vears iu the managiment of the a-
JJ'j5' Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra-
I --jiIv, li.g- leave to inf irm ihe travelling
pub'ic, that be has t aken the esinbbshinent on bis
on accoui t. mi ihe fift ,,f January, 1810.
The House has, of .:. undergone many impor
lint allc i.itious, nnd the present conductor promises
10 I. ave nothing undone to m ike it a comfortable
Bin) agreen'', a- uell as a cheap and m-couiin 'da
ting stopping place lor str ingers who may visit our
11 .uri-hii'g village. No pains nor expense will be
spnr. d to till the table and the bar with the best Ihe
in nkets Htfo'd, and with lh ib'termination to de
uce his entire person. il ui, i.tion to the comfort of
ihose whs mil v make Ins house their temporary a
bode, and aided by at live, careful and obliging ser
vants, be hopes lo give gem ral satisfaction, and re
ceive a libiral share of vu-toin.
fX' Laigu and cmuiiukIious S TABLES are at
tached to t lit- cs'abl shment, which are attendeJ by
careful and iibhi;in ho llers,
January 2 tilt. If 10, if
Nil. 7t Stit-rii Tiiittn Siri:it,
Opposite the l'!tihu!ttphia F.xthangi:,
Manufacture and keep con
ri.-I" L ijsiaiiny on iiami, mrge as.
:il ll.
r?ff sortriietit of their Patent Im-
.prmed S ilaiuander I I R E
tH nrrt -T!
PROOF SAFES, which are
i ronsiructed as to set at rest
manner of doubt as lo their
' la'ing striilWlire nroof. and
ibat they will resist Ihe lire of miy building in Ihe
world. The oulside case of the Sales are m ule of
I boiler iron, the inside case of soap.-tone, and be
tween tbo outer case and inner case is a space of
. some 3 inches thick, and is filled in wilh indestruc
tible unteii il, so h o make it nn impossibility to
ever burn any of ihe Contents inside of this Chest.
I hese S i-.ipstone Sal on. orders we are prepared
and do challeiitis the n-aild Id produce any article
in the shape of Book S if.-a that will stand as mm h
1 beat, and we hold ourselves ready at all limes lo
; have On-ill fanlv lest.-J hy public bonfire, should a
nv of our competitors licl disposid lo try them,
j e als.i coiii nue to ni iroit,.! lorn and ki-ep
v on hand, a large and g-neral as-iirimenl of
i our Piemiiini Air-tight Fire Proof Sales, of which
; we have a .irie quantity in use, and in even in
! stance they have given eni re sitisfaciion lo Ihe
' purchasers of which we will refer the public to a
lew gentlemen who line them III use.
N. A G. l avlor, 129 north 31 t.: A. Wright
A N poew. Vine si. w h nl j AU viiiiiei C.iror, Con-
veyancer. corner of Fi berl and 9th sis.; John M '
Ford, 32 noith 3d st.; Mv.r, Rush, 20 norh 31 j
st.j Bailey A Br.irhcr, 138 Maket st.; James M. ;
Paul, lot south 4tb si.; Dr David J.ivne, 8 south '
3dst; Maltbew T. Miller, 20 south' 3d st.; and !
wr could name some time or four hundred olheta '
if il were necessary. Ni.w we Invite the alt nllon j
of the public, and panicul irly those in want of
Fire Proof S il'es, to call at i iir iiire before pu'cha- '
ing elsewhere, and we ihiuk we can satisfy them '
that Ihey will gel a loltet an. I cheaa?r article at ,
our store thin any olher estuhhshm. nt in the ri'y.
We also continue lo manufacture Seal and t!o. i
i ii ii Presses, made in such a manner as to n- '
swer both purposes t Hoisting Machines, pne ,
PriMif Door, with our own manufacture ol locks '
on them, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cv.r
attached to the tame plain and ornamental Iron
Railing, Ac.
N. II. We keep constantly on hand a large as- '
sortini nt ol our Patent Mute Lined Relngei t us, ;
i, ati'l I liters ami Cooler. ; and we have also
hand several second hand F ire Proof ("hests taken i
in exchsnue for ours, whieh we will Jisiiom ul m
verv low price.
Philadelphia, Jaausry 24th, 1340. ly
"tiib env 13-fiTxx.x tiiet comb."
COME WHERE! Why where do yon sup.
pose bul to the Cheap Store nf Henry Masser,
in Market meet, Sunburv. And for what pu'pns
da you think t(,..y cornel Why to buv eheao, lo
be sure, and save nt ent 20 per cent. "Thru won't
do not tin else" because it is a well known fart
thai at
the very best articles are sold at the verv lowest
prices. Now come, one and all; bm d ,n't all cnine
Where you will find a Splendid Assoitment of
1'all anil Winter Iry ;ooli.
just received, among which are the following : Su-
. , . ,,.,.' . f ...
pernrie i renen niomicHun; vt esi m r.ngl.iml ilo.j
Heavy Beaver do , a first rate article for Overcoats,
and a great variety of Wool Dyed, Black and Fan
cy Ciissimeres, Saltinelts, Mousscin.,e.'tiiics Rep.
de-laines, Ca-hmeres, Alpa.-cas, Ac, Ac. Also, n
beautiful as-ortrnent of Calicoes of tbn latest slyh.-t
and patterns, whieh wi'l be sold cheajirr than ever ;
also, Woolen and other Shawls in great vaiiely,
from 40 cts. loflO; a general assortment of Ho
siery, Gloves, Suspenders. Mills, Ac, Ac; a laree
assortment of Women's, Men' and Mi-ss Cum
Silo,., which will be sold cheaiier lhau ever before
He has likewise, in addition to Ihe above stock,
an extensive assortment oTQurcnstrtire, Ifordicarr,
Soddhry nnd r,'ricrr,.v, Sugar from to 10. 12 J
and 10 its. per lb; tiond Culloe at 10, Very Bmt
at 12. Also, Nails; Spikes; Iron; Siitideison's l est
Oast Steel; English. American nnd Sweed Blister
do. in short, every thing t'tnt is usually kepi in n
Country Store, nil of which will be sold al eiy
reduced prices.
rjj' Country Pro-luce of all kinds taken in ex
change for Goods.
Siinbuty, Nov. 22d, lNl.rt
.Yo. HOI. Market Slrret, ahovr Ofi, South xidt ,
yj THE subscril era respectfully call th,' ntte:i
lion of their friends and de ders to their largn
and well assorted stock of Hats and Caps of even
description, will adapted f r the s ring trade. Be.
ing m ule of Ihe best material and by the most ex
perienced workmen, Ihey feel confident to give imi-vers-il
satisfaction to all who may favor them with
a trial, as they offer In sell as low as any house in
I'hii idelpbia, January 3, 1810. !
?. S3 "J1C e"b"."""
.1 O II X li. ST K Y K V. II,
Of the late firm of Siwhirk a, S!ryk:T, uiid
Stryker V J'ow,
II AS icsumed the Wholes tie Dry G n ds UuU
- -s- ness, ami now offer for sale, at No. 12 and
11 Bank street, Philadelphia, adjoining .Myers,
Clajhorn A Co' Auction More, No. 78 Miuket
street, a general assortment of Dry Good, tliitliy
pnteliase.l at auction, al a very small adaui.e fur
cash, or city acceptances.
Believing that his long experience in pure hairg
will enable him to sell hi Good al tho lowest Mar,
kit pi ices, he invites his old friends, and otht-is
wishing to buy, lo Tavot him with a call.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1815. dm
To I'urtliascrs ol'
TIIIE subscrrla-r. No. 121 Pearl street, New
l Voik, having established a Branch at No. 23i
South Second St.. Philadelphia, is now openiin:,
and will be constantly receiving from the New
. ork Auctions, nn extensive assortment of
which will he sold at the lowest JSVw York prices,
at whnlisale and Retail. Among Ins stock uill Im
found a good a-sortment of the folluwirg aittclesi
Jaceonets, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lnre, Sirije, Book,
Swiss and Tarlatan Muslins, Bi-h. p and Linen
Lawn, Fancy Cup Netts. Fancy and Ball Drvss-es,
Thread Laces, Application Do,, B ack Siik
Triintning Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambiic.-,
Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, ('.islum re
d'Eeosse, Mousebne do Luitie, Silk and Cotton
Warp Alparcas, lU 'en's 4 'loth, Gula Pl-.ids,
French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Si k Hose,
Shawls, Ctava, Ribbons, Embroidcrii s, Ac, Ac.
Country Metchnnts and others vi-i'mg Philadet.
phia or New Voik lo purchase, a'e ti-specttuHy in.
vited to call and examine the Moiks.
Nov. 1. 1M4.V ly (i. II. MOORE.
i).t: t -Hint I A .V l!ALLi:ii Y f Vat, nt Premi
um Cotund tiktnrrres, and Photographic
Depot t
Xo. i:H Clicsnut Street, iM.ihulelpliia.
No. 231 Broadway, New York ; No. 75 f oiurt
Street, Boston ; No. 1H0 Chesnut Street, Phila
delphia t Baliimnre Street, Baltimore ; Broad
way, Saratoga Spring ; No Cli Canal Stieel.
New-Orleans; Main Street Newport, R, I. And
Main Street, Du Buque, Iowa.
pONsTITUTING tho oldest and most Exlem
sive Establishment of tho kind in the World,
and containing more than a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, embracing- those of some of the most
distinguished individuals, in the United Slates.
Admittance free.
This Establishment hiving been awarded the
Mtduf, Four First Premiums, and tiro "Highest
H-nors'' at the Exhibition at Boston, New.Vork
and Philadelphia, respectively, for best Picture-, and
Apparatus, is tho ottlci illy sustained tu the posi
tion oi superior ilv hen tofire universally assigned it
by the public, a "Fir.t in the Wnrl.i."
June 2ih, lSlo. ly
n.".is cq n;.n;aj-. u
P 1 A N O S.
rilHE SUBSCRIBER ha been appointed agent,
I for the side of COMUl) MEVER'S CEL
ANOS, at ibis place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive and btauiiful exterior lini-h. arid, for deprli
and swei lues of tone, and eleg nice of workman
ship, are out surpa-sed by any iu llie United Slates.
I'hc lollowing i a recommends'ion liom ('ami
Dikts, a celebrated a?rl'inliier, and bilus, if u liinii
ulactuier :
HtviNii bvd ihe pleaure ol trying the excel
lent Piano Furies manfactured by Mr. Mevrr, and
i-ll.ibiied al llie list exhibition ot ihe Franklin I. -titllte,
I feel it due lo the true merit of the uial,. -lo
I'celare that these instrument are ipjitetijua'
and in some respect even supciior, to all ihe Pi
ano Fortes, I saw at ihe capitals ol Europe, sod
during a sojourn of two year al Paris.
The.- Pianos will b sol at the manufacturer,
lowest Philadelphia prices, if nut gomeihing low. i.
Person are requested to call and examine I. i
iheuiselves, at the rei lem e of die subacriltr;,
Sunburv. May IT. l-it.'. )(, . MARKER.
V-l',''t'--',.".ie" bigtiel '.nc "given I. ?
J b-jt t ,h, ,,,, 41( MAssER.
supplt of Rose QriutUJKiii just rocciveu
Nov. 8th, 1815.