Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 02, 1846, Image 4

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1 '.' -i i m '
C.trMlve KtTVrls of Jlumfrlimi
A youiij iady ofOhio, about 18 years of nge,
v ho ha ben fur some time at school at Uur
f ifj, Cjnn.' received an injury in the lower part
if hpr spine, in Novembor lust, from a fn II, which
rendered her unablo to bear even (he slightest
ih'vation toward an erect position, and kept
her in continual pain. She was attended by the
must skilful physicians without benefit, but at
length, under the advice of a physician of this
nty, she was placed on a bed constructed for
llio purpose, ami brought here by railroad and
MivimWt, with the view of trying the elTocts nf
mesmeric treatment under his direction, iSIm
arrived here on tho 3d inst. accompanied by her
lmthr-iii-law and sifter and put up at Jndson's
t Intel, 'Broid way. The follo'ving evenin? the
physician introduced Mr. Oltz, a distinguished
tnajnetiror, and recommended him to make the
proper mesmerie passes slnnr tho spine for the
purpose of allyinp the high nervous excitement
under which she was laboring, and which had
continued withorit intermission, from the time
i?'th( necident. Tho pnsses: were quite clWt
tial, nnd that nijiht she enjoyed Bound and re
troshin z sleep which she had not obtained fur
the previous five month.
The next inornin;, the rcajnetizer, by means
( f the mesmeric pusses alone, gradually raised
her to an erect postion, in which she remained
I'lont o minute. In the evening, he operated a
j tin, and she was apain enabled to sit erect.
The docter then directed him to raise her upon
br feet, which ho did with a few passes; and,
supported by the mnjrnetizor and the physician,
:-ho found herself able to walk several times a
ern the room. After resting about fifteen min-
ntrs in an easy chair, where her expressions of
wonder and gratitude were deeply fervent and
arreting, she repeated her walk around nnd a
emssthe room, and retiring full of joy and hope,
iijviin passed the niirtit in tranquil sleep.
On the followier morninc the inesmerick
pn-jea proved so effectual that she was consid
ered sufTiciently restored to undertake a journey
to Philadelphia, that afternoon, on her way to
her family in Ohio. Mr. Oltz accompanied her
1 1 the depot in Jersey City, and having seated
her comfortably in the car, and stowed away her
previous travelling couch upon the top, tran5
ti rred his mesmeric power over her to her
brother-in-law and saw her start on her unex
pected journey. The following are extracts of
it letter from the sister who accompanied her,
m her physician in this city, dated Ilarrisburgh,
IVnn. April 13th, 19-16:
'I fear our neglecting to write from Philadel
phia will lead yon to think we do not appreciate
the kind interest you took in sister's case. Ho
ussured we do and ever 6hall remember yon
with gratitude. Our kind friend Mr
Ol!z (to whom you will please remember us)
doubtless told you how well we succeeded in
getting to the cars. Mr. B. was able to con
t.nue the influence to such a degree as to keep
her very easy for about two hours, when, owing
to some relaxation cf effort she became sick at
the stomach. We gave her the little globules
hi'.'cacuaiTna which soon relieved that, and
then notwithstanding the noise and motion of
tho cars, Mr. B succeeded in putting her
into a sounder sleep than ever she had been in
before, and she awoke from it quite refreshed.
l'or two days after our arrival in Philadelphia
i-he felt too weary for exertion; but on the third
night, after being magnetized, she tat up for
more than two hours and walked about the room
for nearly an hour ; she slept well that niht,
mid was next day quite comfortable. We left
Philadelphia at half past seven in the morning,
mid rode nine hours over the roughest Railroad
in the country, but under the magic influence
she was kept quietly asleep most ot the time.
She feels much fatigued and sore to day, but is
in good spiritual tho idea of starling and the
comparative ease with which the rest of the
j'uriiey will bo performed." A. 1', Tribune.
SiUkftPKARE. It has been said, and it seems
truly, that an apt quotation lor every event can
bopmnd in the pages of the bard of Avon. In
ha Trewcdy of Richard the Third, act 4lh,
tceno iid, we find the following:
Km i tit Tvukei.l.
'Fiiretl. The tyrannous and blcody act ia done,
The most arch deed of piteous massacre,
That ever yet tins land was guilty ol.
A Yeu eta.ui k Pace. A market woman with
i orally hair, a turnup noso, reddish face, goose,
tii rry ryes, a mouth that can't be led, and a
general expression of Itttuce alone.
Pot ut.E. two-lold, twice as much. Should
u man who is single, and weighs '-!(), fret mar
ried (become double) he will, consequently
weij-h 5(10.
Double. to make tw ice as much. Accord
injrljr, take a dollar bill and double it (fold it)
and youhavotwo dollars.
Scuoot, Examination. 'John, how do you
par-o frrandiuother .''
'1 doesn't pass her at alii I always poes in
to (eta coukry,1
' What ia tho f inoular nf men.
They ii singular wu they pay their debts
without being axed to do it a dozen times.'
'Young women urn beautiful.' What ii that
w inch comes after young women J'
'It ia the fellers, to be sure. They are al
ways arter the young women.'
Tint will do ; uuw yuu may all go and hunt
for cigar ttuuips.'
A babe iu a liouee,' saya Tupper, 'ia a wall
spring ot pleasure, a messenger of peace and
love, a resting-place for innocence on earth, a
link bttweto aug4and men '
The following lit shows the current value of all
rVnnsylvi-nin II ink Notes. The most implicit re
liance miv be placed upon it, as it is every week
arcfiiMy compared with and corrected lioni Bilk
ncll's Reporter.
i;unit hi IMiilariclplila.
Disc, in
. pnr
X n T F. 8
Batik of Xmth America .
Honk of the Notthcrrt 'liberties .
Commercial Rank of Penn'a. . .
Farmers' ami Mechanics' Bank .
Krn-iiiiRtoo liii l; .
Philadelphia Bank
Schuylkill Rank
."mithwark Hank .
Western Ibrnk
Mechanics' Hank'
Manufacturers' cV Mechanics' Batik 1
flank of Prtin Township . .
(irard Rank
Dunk f Commerce, Lite Moyami n-in;;
Bank of j'pnnsy Ivaiiin
Country Hanli.
. par
. par I
pnr I
pnr .
- par ,
p'it i
pnr .
par I
!" !
par .
Bank of Chester County
Hank of Delaware County
Bank of (ierinantown
Itnuk of Montgomery Co.
Doylestown Bank
Eastott Rank
Farmers' Hunk nf Rucks cn.
UoTik of Northumberland
Norris'ow n
1 Pri-tol
pnr I
par i
par j
ptr 1
Northumberland pnr
Columbia Hunk & tlridge eo.t!olutn!ii
;lo not
ssue n.
Farmers' II ink of Lancaster I.nncistet
l.nuca-ter County Hank
I.aneisrer Hank
Farmers' ik of Reading'
(lir e f Hank of Penn'a.
Office do do
OllVo do do
Oilico do do
l.anc isier
I.amater I
I'e.iding ( i
Paston J
N f ) T E S A T
"ink of the United Mate
Miners' Hank of Pottsviile
Hank of l.ewistown
Hank of Middl-towu
Carlisle Hank
Exchange Hank
I), i do branch of
Harris!, uta Hank
Lebanon Hank
Merchants' iV Manuf. Bank
Hank of Pittsburg
West H.aneh Hank
Wyoming Hank
Northampton Hiiik
Pot I sv 1 1 In
1. elm n on
it ending
7 I
"i i
J 1
lierks Coiintv Hank
Ollice uf Uaiik of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chamhrrshurg
Hank ot t ieltyslnirg
Hank of Sn-qut-hnnna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' V Drovera' Bank
Franklin Bank
llonesduh; lijiik
Monongahela Bunk of B.
Vork Bank
failed ;
do I
New Hrijhton
N. B. 'J he notes of those hanks on which wo
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schulkdl tav. Ins.
Kensington Sav. Ins. A
I'enn Township Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
I'nwanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Dank of Braver
Hank of Swatura
Hank of Wnsliingttn
Centre Bnnk
City Bank
Farmers' iV Mecb'cs' Hank
Farmers' & Mech'c' Hank
Farmers' V McchW Hank
Hainiony lnMiinte
Uuntingdor. Bunk
Juniata Hunk
Lumbernien'K Hank
Northern Hank ef Pa.
New Hope Del. Hridu'e Co. '
Northumb'd t'nion Col. Ilk.
North Western Ha'ik of Pa.
Dtlice of Schuylkill Hank
Pa. A nr. A. Manuf. Hjiik
Silver Lake Hank
I'nion Hank of Petui'j.
Westmoicluml Hank
Dyott, prop.)
H jr.ishurg
Fayi-lle co.
( i'u-1 iK-a -t'.e
no sale
no sale
no a!
Huntingdon no sale
New Hope
Ilit sale
no sale
no sale
Port ('ttl boll
I nioiitowu
( l.l.sed
Wilke.barre Bridge Co,
cry- All notes purporting to be on any Penn-vl-
vama Bank not given in the above li.-t, may he set j
Jowu as irauus.
ni:iv ji:um:v.
Bank of New Hiunsw ick Hruniw ick
Helv'uleie Bank Helvidere
liurlinpton ('o. Biink Medlord
Jomuiereial Bank Perth Amboy
Cumberland Hank Rndeetnn
Farrin i" Bnk Mount Holly
Farmers' and Mechanics' HI; Railway
Farmers' and .Mechanics' I Ik ., Hiiiuswick
Farmers' and Mert hauu' Middletowii 't
Franklin Hank of N.J. Jerey t'uy
Hoboken BlgtV I razing Co I i .U'-ri
failed I
l !
par I
paj j
failed !
. i i
fitihd j
failed j
failed '
fall, d j
fail, d
4 !
failed !
par :
lersey City liauk
J"isey 1,'ity
I itlelson
l 11. 'vilUt
New aik
Jersey ('ity
Mechanics' liauk
Manuf icturers' Hank
Morris County I! an I,
Monmuulh lik of N. J.
Mechanics' liauk
Mechanic' and Manuf. Ilk"
Morris Canal and lik g Co
Post Notes
Newaik Ukg & Ins Co
New Hope Del llride Co
no sale
N. J. Manut ic. and l!kg Co
N J frotectott 6i Lombard bk Jeris-y City
Orange Rank Orange
l'aierson Hank I'aieiMiii
f copies' Dank do
I'riuceloii liank f iiueeloii
Salem Hanking Co Saletii
Slste Hank Newark
State Rank Lhzn!ethtnwn
State Uaiik Carnden
State Hank of Morris Morristown
State Uunk Trenton
Salem and 1'hilad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex liauk Newton
Trenton Hanking Co Tienton
I'nion liauk Dover
WsBhingtoii Rank ing Co. Hackensack
lik of Wilin cV lirandy wine Wilmington
liauk of Delaware Wilmington
liauk of Smyrna Smyrna
Do btauch MilloiJ
Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch (ieorgetowu
Do branch Newcastle
Union Dank Wilmington
ny Cnder ft's
QJ On ill banks marked thus () there are eis
Iher counteift it or altered notes of tba various ds
norainstiBas, in circulation.
II lKUISltt RU, 1A.
IIM'O leave to Inform the public that I have left
Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris
burg, the seat of the Eipetilive and State Govern
ment of Pennsylvania, where I now ocrupy the
spneious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew
This spacious building, having been pnrpntely
pbinned and erec ted for a Hotel of the first class,
is not surpassed if equalled, by any similar estnlf
lisliment in Pennsylvania; and having undergone,
s tlwrmiuh renovation, the parlors, rooms and
rhamhers ar now fitted up hi a style that com
line- cli'annce with minTuM and convrnienco.
My TAP I. K is pledged In 1-e suppliad with the
bel lure lhi Markets run produce: the thnrnea at
the suite lime heing ns moderate as any of the liet
regul tted astal lisbiiieiits clsowhrro. In short, no
enritiooa shall tip spared on my pirl, or on the part
of every memher of my household, to make it what
it should he. in the Capital of one of the most pop
ulous and interesting W'ate of the Union.
With these pr.initsrs, accnmmodition and foci-liti'-s,
and the t.irl that the Hotel is most eligibly
situated, I wtih cotiiidenee, most respectfully soli
cit the patronage of tho Public.
I.nte of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut at., Philad.
HarrM.uru. Nov. 2'!. tS'..r.
1 PiinNNtn's VKnMiiLor. a crrtuin cure for '
worms xtff. and very plinmnt to lake,
S. Cinsoi's Exthu'Ts, which remove (irsase ,
of nil kinds, Dry Paints, Tar, Vttninh and Wax, I
from carpets or frun clothing, without injuring the j
color or the cloth. j
3. Loximi Pl.t Ppkh the bet thing known ;
for killing flies and musqoitnes.
4. A ceitaiu Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches
and Ants. and another of Bed llu-s.
5. (irx's Si'M inc for s ur Momach. Heart
Born and Water Brash, by one who h id suffered '
thirties years, before he discovered th cure. j
Dit. Si kvkv's (iiu..x Oixtmi:t for the Piles. )
It has never failed to cure.
7. II uiiuso ji's Tkttkh Wash.
8. HllKMOMl's IsllKLI IILK I K, without
9. Tiik ('oMPiiern CovrtcTiox of Fir.s
just the lni'dii ine for children and f r women, it is .
so pleasant to lake. I
10. Bun's VliaTABLE ATiniLIlllS Pll.!..
11. (ifsx's F.MOI.I.1KNT WaTKH-IMIOOP PaSTK, j
for Harness, Bouts, &c. It softens the leather, and
keeps out the water. I
12. Poort ?1a's Srnt.s:nTiii.'ivn PlAsrrn.
13. Jt kson's Diaiiiiiiii:a Mivrt hk, whieb
cures the worst Diairloea in a few hours. i
. I t Jackson's Dtskstaiit Mixti it, a cer
lain nnd speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer
C'omplaiut. I
I he Mbove valuable articles are soiii wlnt esate
and retail, tiv L. C. (H'NN, N. 1 South Fifth
tired, Fliilui! Ijihi'i where Stonkeriers and o
ihers will be supp icd with pure African t'ayenno
Pepper, Arnica Floweis, Drugs, Paints, Oils, (ila-s
and Varnishes, ut the lowest prices, 'rcrms oi ly
cash. (Xj-Cut out the advcitisctuent, and bring
it with vou.
Philadelphia. July 10th. HIS. lv.
C'oiupoitiMt Syrup of Tar Mlootl
, . , t r - - :
rpHE unprecedented lucce.s of tin. medicine in
.JL the restoration of heahh, to those who, in nes-
pair, had given up all hopes, has given it an eXal-
ted reputation a''Ove all other remedies, furnishing
evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as the on- I
ly agent which can be relied up u for the euro of i
1'iihnonarv Consumption, Broiichiltis, Asthma, j
Pain in the tide and Breast, Spilling of Blood, ,
Whoop'iig t ough, ( roup, c.
Attention is n queried to the following ASTON
IslllMi cri' Tin nison' Compound Syrup
of Tar and Woi d Naplha ! !
Vhihuhlphia, Xny n7, H11. j
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With pri.tefi.l
fee'iucs I inform you of the astonishing efi'ccis of i
i your medicine, which has liter illy tnis.d lue from j
a death-bed ! My disease, Pulmonary ( ousuinj
lion, had reduced mo so low that my physician pro.
nojiiced my case ho !ess ! At this junction I be
gan to use your medicine, and miraculous ns it may
seem, it has rompletelv restored me t t health, utter
everything else had failed. Respectfully vmirs.
("bailolle street, abote (ieoige street.
The undersigned, being personally ncqnaintul
with Washingl in Mack and bis sullenngs, heir
witness to Iho astonishing cilccl nf Thomson's
I I .....1 S... ,1 l,r mnl til,, trill 1 tA I ll'h.
! '-"'"i"""'" .""r -
liove statement.
JOS. WINNER. 3IS North Third street,
DAVID VICKERS. 43 Ahnond s'reet.
lll fill M'tilNLF.Y, S. E. corner Tuniany
and Fourth stuets.
1 1 .. I I... l Tl.rtr,,tr.iA ." IT 'ulicr I
. r..i. .. i v. .... : ii.;i.,.i.,i,.i,;.
I ri'ii.ifi'ii (il iv I'v i ,,s..,,, .,, v
... ,, ....' w..i....'. It r..
nnd Dr. Macphers Ilanisburg ; Jno. C. frown.
"ems. ii. ii. ,'i , .-,,,.' , ... .
I'l.tisvi le : lien. Earl, Reading; Houston cV M i'
on, Towanda, Riadlmd county, fa
f nee 50 cents
p, r boitle, or f ,"t n r down.
rj- Iku-urr of all iml:athnx.
f hilaii. lphia, June 2-lh, 1S45. lv
llKlil' THK
ES c s i n n c r s
rplIE subscribers woull respectfully inform tho
1. Citizens of Sun! uty and ihe public generally,
that thev have tiu'clnised ihe shon of Mr. nham
Hoover,' in Market strut, one door wet of the fost
Ollice, wheie they will continue the
in all its branches. The public may txpect their
work done ut ihe laiett style. They hope, by Hin t
attention to bu.-nns, to uieiit share of puhl.c
try t.'otlins mule lo o-Jer on the shjrtest notice,
and country produce taken in exchange tor woik.
Siinbury, May 17th. I St5. ly.
a s 1 1 is v & i: o v a r,
South F.ait cormr nf Markt l and 4th sit..
ATTHERE tfcey always keep on hand an exten-
' nve assoitioent uf MIA J I A I'S of every
description, got up in Ihe best and inot approved
t le. f etsons derirous rf purchasing superior arli
chs on the most ressonsblc terms, will find it to
their advantage lo call before making purchases
fhiladelphia, Oct. 6th, 1814. ly
111.4 V ii:i:i. The" highesl price will "is
given for Flat Seed, at the store of
LI .11 13. f a U.erior quality, can now be hud
at ihe Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sun
bury. May 17. 1i5.
I ) AR IRON Jufet leceived and fir eale, cheap HENRY MASSER.
Sunbuty, Sipt. m0, 1845.
rriHE valuable properties of Oakley's Depura
L live Hyrup of Harsaparilln, as a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessaiy to nrrnpy much spare in set
ting forth the advantages to he derived from i's
us ; wherever lbs medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all othera: eveiy
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
them with the utmost confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in tho profession, prescribe it
to patients under their enre ; contuiuing Dotbiiig
deleterious, but being composed of the most miU,
yet euir.triou!) vegetable materials, it is ntT'ivd witll
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
I bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at
1 tended with a most decided improvement in the ije
j neral strength of the system, eradicating any e,ls
i of disease that may havi been grncrati d, beaidea
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure
of Merol'uhi or Kin-s Evil, Rheumatism. Ti ller,
: Pimples or etuptinns of tho SHin, White Swelling,
I F.stula, Chronic Couch, cc. Tha nu
merous certtitca'ps tn the possession ur lite surscri
Iter and bis nuents, from physicians and others, uro
sulhcient to convince the musl skeptical of its su
periority ovct all preparations of a.trwiparilla.
Njld wholesnls nnd retail, bf the proprietor,
CEORd'C W. OAKLSY, North 5th street. Ren
I ding, Bciks Comity, and to hit bd of the following
i persons :
. Surlfounherland ( 'aunty. II. B. Masss
Simbury; Ireland k Mixel, McUwensville 5 D
Krauser, Miltin.
lit Union Comity. I, Gcarhart, Selitisgrovc:
A. (iutelins, Miininhurc.
In Vuluiuhiu County. R. W. McCay, Wash
Reading, Marrh II, IM4:i
Mm. Oaki kt: I believe it the uty of every '
one to do whatever in thrir power I ie, for the bne. j
lit of their fellow man, nnd having had positive
,r0of in mv own family, of the wonderful properties ,
r,f your Deptirativa Syrup of Sarsnparilh, I m-st
rl-1n,'icniiouly recommend it to the afllicted. Wa ;
had tho misfortune to lose two of our children, by i
the breakinu out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, bead nod neck, although we bad some ef the
most scientific physician, to attend them nnd had
tried all the known lemeilies, including Swaim s
Panacea, without avail. Another of mv children
, . , i 'e .. t
was attacked in the same manner, per face ur.d
, , , . , ,
neck was roijipleti- v covered; the discharge was so
.. . , , . u i i . .i . -
o lensive, and t he disease at such a heiuht, that we
, ,r v.- .i i,.r,ioir ..j
despaired of her lib. Seeing tint wonderlul ellects
. 1 t, .- w , r... .:i.
id vour Depl.r.eive Sviup ot S irsapar.,1 a, we wete
i l. i . i . r. . :,
1llliuti-ii ,o uj.iim- ii,i,, ,
I I.I -I.- k.. -.. 1...,, ,.n
imineihiilelv. a fi w bottles entirely restored h r to j
her health, which ahe has enjoyed uninten uplediy
ever since. . a puriner ol ine iiiuoii, i verny i'e
licve it has not its equal,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Doiiglassville, April l'.th, H43.
Aft, ry,w,T- Mi tt.m 'ltiuiml Leaf. Iind the
t.,0..t i it... ,n.,dl ilmnilriit Mint ,lif restllT man. 1
ner for three years, during which time he was de-
prived of the use uf bis limbs, his he.d and neck
j were covered vilh ulcers. We trial all iho differ
' I'M reini dies, l ut to no i llVct, until reeommendi d
I bv Dr. Johnson of Noriistuwn, and also Dr. Isaac
Hiesttt, nf Reading, to Use your Depurntive Syrup
' of Sarsapnrilla, of which 1 obtained several bottles.
I the use of which drove tiis diseaia entirely out of
his system, the sore healed up, and the child was
' . ... ..... i
, restored to perfect heahh. which bo has enjoyed
t uninterruptedly ever since, to tha astonishment of
many ye,MUi w10 ,ecn him dining h.s BlILclion.
1 tiave tliuugnl il my iiutv, ami semi vou uus cent-
Iicnte that others who have a like affliction in the
fsiuilv may know where to obtain s.t valuable a
mcdii'iue. Yvurs truly,
Amelia d. leaf
Sept. 10, h i n I y
To Country ivrchaMtst.
Boots, SllttCS, IjKlllieH,
T l, . .,.!
I.ofrhorn ami
Palm Leaf Hals.
(.. AV. & Ii. II. TAYl.OIt,
at the S. J'. rnrntr of Murhit and Fifth Six
FFLR for t-ale an extensive sKsoinnent
of the
'above ai'.iclic, all of which they sell at unusual- j
ly low pi ices, and parlicultily invite the attention
of buveis visiting the ci:v, to an examination of,
their stock. ti. W. cV L. U. TAYLOR.
Philadelphii, May 25. IS1J. ly
city vi :hm ri i:k aic'i ion.
Nits. and .'1 -North Thiol Street,
Near the City Hotel,
O C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in
W i,og ,10 attention of persons desirous ot pur
chasing Furniture, lo his extensive isales nooins.
("both Miblic mid I'rivate.i for every description
' , i . ii
, Household rurn.ture. ran ne on.a.ncu at .
' limes, a luigr Bsoiininf-uk ,'i ' -
inanulaclurt'd ('abinet Furniture, Ueds, Mallrasses,
iVc, at very ruluctd prices, for cash.
rij" Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
Mav ttVih. 1SL1. ly
rPhe public will please observe lhat no Draudieth
-- fills ar genuine, unless (he box has three li
bels upon it, (.the top, the side nnd the bolt no)
,ch coniaiiuiii fjc-sinult signaturiu my iianu-
j writing, thus II. 11a imikktii, M. ). 'I hese
hel-uie ingi a veil on steel, I eauliinny oesignc.i,
and done ut an expense of over f '.im(l. Therefore
it willbe-seen that the only thing necessary to pro-
cure the medicine in ils purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly autln ri-
zed, and hold
For the sale of Jirundreth't Yegetahle 1'nirenul
Northumberland countv : Milton Mackey &
Chambeilin. Suitbury H. U. Masser. M'Eweiis-
ville luland & Meixell. NorlhumU iland Wut.
Forsyth. (Seorgelowo J. & J. Walls.
I'nion County: New llerhn Bogar & Win
ter. Selmsgrove Ceorge tiundium., .Mnioie
burg Isaac Smith, lieaveriowu Dayid Hubler.
Adauishurg Win. J. May. Mittlin.bum Menscb
At Ray. Harllelon Daniel Long. Freeburg
U.iV F.C Mover. Lewisburg Walls & (ireen.
(Jolumhia county : Danville E. 11. Reynolds
& Co. Berwick Shu man A Rittenhouse. Cat
luwitoia (J. O. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R.
Moyer. Jcisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Robt. McCay. Linietone Balbe' r MrN'neh.
Observe lhat each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation ot
l)r li II A . U It E 1 H S Manulactory ai ftng omg,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies ol
the new lutnls now used upon the Urandrtlh 1'ill
Philadelphia, ollice No. 8. Notth Slh street.
June 21th, 1(343,
ron ti:tti:h.
ffj The following rrrtrfm'e dnrrihe one nflhc
most extraordinary etirei tvrr effected by any
I'ltiiAiir.intiA, rebruary in. in.ii.
IfOW twenty years I was severely afflicted with
Tbttku on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I was seventeen years tdd, and
continued until the Fall of t8')(i, Varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the litre, great part of my face was covered with
tba eruption, fresjuenlly ninded with violent itch-
ing; my head swelled nl times until it Ml as if it
... . ..i..t I,
would M.rst-tne sweum was so gieai, nni . coin.
scarcely gei my nai ini. a.'mihk io mni eno.i
.. . i.i. .e - i: . r . ... I
- M1- , , . . . t
r-.i I mn nftlirt-d with the disease. I used a crenl
inal I wrwaunciru sun uirurs-inn, i u-ru u jin-iii . ,
many a! plication, (among them several celebrnled ,
epaiatioas) as W.I I M taking inward remedies, ,
: l...t:HM. .,m1., f,rt,ft1r.s nf Siffinn Vtmnrrn
llR-iiiiiiiill ....,.... - .
r.Mrttrt oj narsapitriiui, r, in ian, n. wnuiu no ,
impossible to enumerate all tho njedicines I used, i
1 was also under tho care of two of the most dis- '
lir,gnif,fcej physicians of this cilv, but without re- .
reiving mich benefit, snd I despaired of ever Wing
cared. In the fill of I8:tfi, tho disease at the timn 1
bping very violent, I cnmmen'-etl usintr the Rune .
Ointment, (prepared by Vauuhan & Davis.) In
a few aiplicatinna the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, tha irutition began to disappear,
and before I h.d Used ajar the disease wa-t entirely ;
cuied. It has now been near'y a year and a half
since, and there is not a vestige of the dica--e re- '
liiainiiif, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the disease. It is impassible for me to describe ;
in a certificate the severity of the disease and my i
! sufTerine, but I will be pleased to uive a filler sc.
I count to anv person wanting further satisfaction.
who will call on me. At the time I commence. t .
using the Rose Ointment I would have given liuti- i
dollars to bo rid of the disease. SSince u-
sing it, 1 have recommended it to several persons,
(nniotig them my mother, who had the disease bad-
on her arm.) wno were a I cured ny it.
, .1 Mt;s in liwi.i.i., ;xo. i.-iu, Ktce -t.
r The I
Vnughnn, So
Rose Ointment is prepared by L. H.
aitith East corner of Third and Race
ttreits, Philadelphia, anil solil on acenry in .'iinnu-
rv. hv B. MASSER,
Mav 11th. 1P'L1. Aent.
f20 Oj.t-tc,,J fyf 'J cf (.r.
, ttl, ...I. '' ' f'Y
A i UUlll 1 t o,! i qo'o
I iin.AntrniA. May 2jt lS.J'.i.
.,., . . ,. ,. . . ' , , i
'PUIS i to cer i y tint 1 was severe .y am.clcl
I ' . , ,f . r ..,,.., t
1 with litter in the hands and feet for upwards
' , ,, i t , n
of torlv years; the disease was alien. led generully
.,'-'..'. , ,, i i ,. .
w th vin'ent itebmg arid swelling. I applied to i
" , , . i i . . . i:
number of physicians, and used a great many
j o..r,i,Y
i nr.. About a y nr
I .tuuili. '- " S)
since, I applied the Ro.-e Oint.nent, which entirely
stopped the itrliiug, anil a few applications
ati ly cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, although I had never been rid of it at
any time for foity years. RICHARD SAVAtiE,
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
fj The Rose Ointment is prepared by C. B.
Yauchan, Sjuth East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agencv in Sunbu II. B. MASTER.
May Mth. 1811. Aet.
rorncAi. Arrnc3ATio;i
OJ th' llOSi: OI.TMi:.T,fr Tt'tr.
ALTHOL'OH the superiority of the prepaiati 'ii
over nil others is fully established, the pr 'pr e
lors lake pleasure in laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a nraduute of the I'niversilv of Pennsvlvanu. Dr.
Bjugh, having found in this icinedy that telicf f r
, 'J"k;o, unto, n'uiiu , - 'i... .j
j a (lihoUil anJ ,Ii,usr,,,. affoction which the means
w;,jm ,1,,. rjr)1,e f profession lailc.l to alVird.
, hiia not hfsitati-J to t-ivp it his approbation, shltou-h
prt'iiiilices nn.t interests ot tlial protession ate
j j ,(, 6VCKl (,,,,..1
' PuiLAntLi
I 1 HI LA litLTUI A, !rpl. ID,
I was recently troubled witll a tidious herpetic
eruption, which covered nearly one si 'oiof mv fice,
and extended over the ear, Mr. Yatigbaii, propr'n
tot of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my face, insis
ted on my trying his preparation, of which he h tn-
i ded me a jar. Although iu common with the inein-
, . ... , .., .,.i .1.
, It'll HI 1 1 'I oil ssioii, , 1111 null', ufliivr 1,11,, .j,,,,.-
provc ot the uuniereus nostrums palntcil upon the
public ly ignorant pretenders, 1 leel injustice Ii. uml
o except the Rose Ointini tit hoin that ca-s of tut
diciiies. and tu aive il my appr d-ation, as it tutire
ty Hired the eruption, although it hid resisted the
usual applications. DANL. UAI OH.M. D.
dj" 'J'he Rose Ointment is prepared by 13. Ii. j
Yaughau, r-'outh Last corner ot Third ami I! ice ,
Sticeis. 1'fiilaile! hia, and bold on nji ncv in Sun- ,
burv, bv II. IS. MASTER. '
Slay" 1 1th, 1S4:I. A'tnt i
Vornt-r of Third and Vine Stru ts,
rjllIR subscriber respectfully announces tithe
1. public, that he has opened a Hotel in tna com
- i modjous brick building situate on the cnrmr of i
I I" - "I " . ,
- j I hud and fine streets, where he will lie tiappy lo
Wait upon
those who inav favor
lint w it t llieir
and coincid
of ' company. The Eagle Hotel is larg
ent, and furnished in the be-t midern sth. Ii i- i
provided w itlt a large number of well aire I and
comfortable sleeping npartineuts, rooms, jiri ate
parlors, e. Persona visiting illiamsjturt on bu
siness or pleasure, may rest ss-ured that every ex
ertiou will be used to tender iheir sojourn st the
'Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTa'de
will la supplied with the very l"'st the market ai
foids, and his bar with the choicest wines auj other
lnpiors iharges reasonable. The f.agle 1 1 t I
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any oilier similar establishment iu the borough,
being siluale in the business part of the town, snd
wilhin a convenient distance of the Court House
and Willianisporl and Elmira Rail Road 1) pot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good auJ trusty
ostlers always in allc udan.'e.
Attenlixf, accoii.uiodiiling and honest Servants
have been employed, and nothing b it undone thai
will add to the comfort and accommodation of his
There will le a carriage always in attendance hi
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, fue of charge.
i Mav t tth, M12. if
I .Kii hacl W eaver V ii,
la. ;
A'o. CI Xirth W ater Street, I h.lmtt'plna.
AYE constantly on band, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seme Twines, A:c., vix:
lai'd Hones. Fishina Rope. While Ropes, Msnil
la Rone. Tow Line for Canal Boats. AJso, a
inai iioais, .yjo, a
ne, Best l atent .lull
4er.inTwl, e.Sh,
comnlele assoitment ol neine
' . .i...: .
Ileum Shad and Herring Twine
ISel J Wllte, UOIIOIl euiu inu ncinuij i s ii ,-, ymic
Tbreads. &c. &C. AUo, Bed Colds, Plough Lin,,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Luien Carpel Ph-oil,
&c. all of tAhick ihey will dispose of on iiMOiiJbile,
leims. , . ,
1'biladelpuia, November 1 3, 1S,--ty,
No. i:if Markut Strol, Pliilaiklphin,
INVITE the attention ' of CoiiiiWy Merehlitts'
to their extensive assortment of Br'ilieb Krenf-h
ud American Dry fiootls, which thuy .tfet forsjsjt
un the most leasouabla terms. " ! o
Philadelphia, November 13, lS4e-ly
7m, ESIL1A1T & CO.,
Commission fe Fnrwnnlinrr Merchants,
Font of W'ilnw Slrrrt Hail Road,
OS THK Ml IWttll!,
HAVINd associated vtith them Joseph Barnet,
late of Kastou, Pa., respectfully inform their
friends and the public, generally, that they have ta.
ken that large stul well known store and wharf at
I font of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by
' Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (ieneral
I Commission and Forwarding Business, and from
I the local advantases of the place being connected
with all tho public improvements that have their
outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will
lie aide to do business to as ereat, if not oieater ad
u Mf (,o , Rrpt if nnl K,nU,t ad
.niiiiiu, - , mill u ii'a irinll"l ,l llltn nn uui uun i
t . .. 1 .. . , . , ........
. ,.m ..,.. ,i ... e..... it,.. .
;.,,, mm,e , ,hrm .hn hnVB (h,ir ,lricl al.
pM mA o ive enliie MtiB.
. 1
They nre also prepared to receive and forward
goods to sot point on the Delaware and Lehigh
rivers, elw-ti Mnnch Chunk, P.aMon and Phila, via Delaware Divi sion and I.ehiah Onnals;
also, to anv point on iho Juniata river, or North
and West Branches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl
kill an J I'nion, ur the Chesapeake and Tide Water
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go
ioir via Schuylkill arid Union Canals, a Stennboat
will be kept expressly for towing boats from the
Schuvlklll around to the Delaware and hack, which
will en il hi merchants to have their produce deli
lived on the Delaware, nnd their goixls sl.ippi d at
a savint, ot 50 to 75 per cent. o! the prices for
hauling ncovs, with these advantages thry re
sptctful'.v solicit a sharo of patronni.
William Hcllmin, T
Wtiiiam W. Key sit,
Joseph Unmet. J Philad., May 14, 18-13. ly
J. IVIAIiiNI?, JR. i CO.
SniilV nnd 'I'oitncc-d Xlnntitactiircrs,
A'r. it.t Aorfi UV-vconifTf; Hare and Third
rpiin nnder-iened have formed a Co-par:nrship
J- under the firm of J. M AY LAN D, J a. & Co..
as succc sso's to the late firm of Jncab Jlaylnnd f
Co., and will cmtinue the business at the old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition to
their ow n close attention nnd experience f r many
years, in the manufacture of their reffbruted snulT,
; & c the experience of the senior partner of the
late firm, will ai-o In devoted to the interest nf the
, new concern and ns r.o xertion and tare will bo
spired to insure their go ids, at all tim-'s of the ve
ry best quality, they solicit n continuance i f tho
cotifi.leiii o of the tnends and customers i f the lato
J. MA 1 LAND, Ja.
Philadelphia. May 14th, Hill. ly
To C'OUUit'V
rPHi: Subscriber, Agent of Lyon fc Harris, Hat
Manuf icturers, fir New York, Philadelphia,
i HjJtiinore nnd other larc cities, tihos" Huts nre
hi-hlv enmmended I ir pond tohr and u'ufdilify,
has mi band a lir-t rale tissertnfnt of HA I'S and
CAPS, suitable for Spr.npsdes, wh ch will te sold
( vi rv lw, fin es.i or appinved credit, at the urt'd
' cheap ttore. No. 40, Nort't Tlrrd s're-t, opp tsi'o
the t;itv Hotel, Phila b liihia.
N. B. Orders for Hats in iherurijji, pr tiiiplly
attended to. Tba highest iricg iu tW or Ira k
( given for Fur I'.r'.i.t.
i tiveii r ur .r.-
! Philadelphia .Ii
i SCj.
une 11, H13. ly
C:.rE-ul ;mi.tlsin .tlnci.anls,
For the Sale of FLur, drain, Stfd, etc., e.
ri' i -- .
is I UM'LCTFri.T.Y inform their friends and
he Merchants generally, that they have ta
ken ihosclirge and commodious ha'ves, with two
Doiks, north of Ch'-nut street, on the Delawire,
together with the store No. I'J South Wharves,
where ihev would be pleased to receive consign
ments nf Oram, flour, Seed. W l.iskev, Iron, Ve.
&c. lieiug also well prepared to forward all kinds
j ot Merchandise by the SchuytUil and I'nion, or by
I ihe Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, ss tow
i boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towintf
! boats by ri .her route.
Merchants will plcse be particular to send theii
go, ds destined by either canal-', t No. IU Nontl'.
Wharves, between Market and Chesnut streets, ot:
ihe Delaware, w ith directions Hccompiiiving iheu
which route thev wish them lo be shipped.
(Lj I'lasler and Salt for tale, at the lowest mar
ki t price. 1SOLTON S. Ct .
March lfl.isn. No. 19 South Wharves
An. 2:7, ArA Third, nhavr I'utluuhill St.,
"H OH N Dl'.N V'AN. late from the Peniisvlvr
f)3 nia Firmer, and Samuel f ike. jr., late of .
no tican Hotel, Coluinl us, ( lliio. take pleasure in si
ipiiiii'iing their fi iends and the public generally lb
liny have laki-u the large and i oiiiiu ulious Hoi'
lecintly built bv the Missis, ll.irt.on the sai.n n
once oil ii pi. d by the old esiab!iPhed Hotel know
as the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Calh.v
hill St.
This Hotel i finished in the very best possib
manner, and of the best niiiterial. Its location
very desirable, particularly for country merchant
the arrangements for hialit.g and ventilating ra
room is such as to secure any temperature. TI
brdioomsare nil bghl and airy, all furnished in
neat style, so as to iu-uie (oinfoit.
The receiving parlors are bUo furi ished in a
perb style, the windows are en the French sty
firming an entrance to a balcony in front, whn
makes a pleasant recess. Piiriiculai attention h
been given to the beds anJ bidding, which, wi
the luiniture, are entirely new.
from yean,' rxpfrience in hotel business, .
trust, by strict assiduity to bus nesi, lo make t!
house a desirable stepping place. Our table w
always te supplied with the very best our marl
can ull'ord, and our bar with the best liquors a
wines of the most nppiovcd brands.
P. S. There are first rate utabling and carris
houses attached to the hotel, Mien led hy cart
and soler hosiers, and our charges w ill tie low,
accordance wild the present hard times.
Philadelphia. Oct. 7th. 1842.
, , ..
D ES I "H l3 H
Ao. li'J Aortn itura, nooir Ann atrttt,
CHARLES WEISS, late of Ihe "White Swai
and 'Mouiit Vernon House," respectfully
funis his friends and customers, that he has leco
tba proprietor of Ihe above well known Hotel.
i Country Meichantt w ill find the above Hate
central location, and the best of fare. Person t,
vtlluig with private convey t nee will find a ls
kard and good stabling for horses, and the U-l
3 YJ Ntlets. Boarding fl pel day.
.May Hlh,181S. tt.