ENGLISH GRAMMAR. The Cotnjc Grammar nay : But rcmpmber, though box In the plural makes boxes, The plural of ox Should be o.ren not oxes. To which an exchange paper adds : And remember, though fleece In the plural is fleeces, That the plural of goose Arn't gooses nor gcrsn. We may also be permitted to add : And remember, though house In the plural is houses, ' The plural of mouse Should be mice and not mouses. Philadelphia Case tic. All of which goes to prove That grnmmer n farce is ; For where is the plural Of rum and molassess? Xcio'Yorlt Gazette. The plura! Gazette Of rum, don't ns trouble; Take one glass too much And you're sure to see double. Urookly Daily Advertiser. A lingular sight, To see double must be ; That the cute is objective, AH Tetotlor's agree. Picayune. Cranberries. The most successful method of transplanting the vincp, ie to take them from the meadow in largo tufts, and set them in holes from three to four feet apart. Manure formed of mud or muck from low humid places, nnd especially from the muadows or bos where the plants grow spontaneously, is the most salutary of any in its effects, and is generally to be preferred because easily obtained. The (ruit of the Cranberry is highly prized. In most markets it readily commands from one to three dollars per bushel. Maine 'Cullivatcr. The New York Courier, dfscribins one of the furniture shops of that city, speaks of carved rosewood bedsteads worth $5.00 ; and sofa the car ving on which alone cost some $300. Wisconsin, with a population of 190,000, sup ports no less than Jif teen newspapers; A pigeon lately flew from Southampton in Eng land to London, a distance of scventyfive miles in eighty-five minutes. BnAnnr.Tii's Pills cure all affections, simply liecause the make the blood pure abstract out of it ihosc qualities which produce disease, and give to it those qualities which produce health. Now every solid part of the human frame is made from the blood, and the fond we eat is con verted into blooJ to supply tha wsstc our, bodies ore continually snstaining. So in the ordinary course of nature wo manufacture our entire bodies in nbout nine yours, from the food taken into our stomachs. Suppose the air we have lived in for some time has been loaded with matters dctrimen till lo health, or our food fir long period has bei-n of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been much troubled for grief, anxiety, or great atten tion to any particular point is sure to occasion li.nl rll'ecis in the Mood. Any of these causes existing good blond c .imot lie supplied to the body. But let Brandieth's Pills be used daily under these circumstances, in doses of from two t six pills, or as the cms shall determine. Wrist is their effect ? It is ta carry olf tl impure matters from the blood, leaving only the good to renew every pait of the body. What was unsound now be comes sound, and the stomach soon gets into so u'tlthy a condition that even had air or unnhole. ome fooj for time ate unable In injure tlic health uaterially. (Jj Purchase of H. B. Masser, Snnhnry, or of he agaut, pulilished in another part of this paper. M A K it i E It , On Thursday, the aid tilt., by the Rev. M. C. .ightuer, Mr. Ai.am St:t hi.i h, of Danville tj loss Rachakl Sswier of bhamokin. d 1 1: i), In Danville, on Sunday the 10th ult.. Mrs. ATIIARINK VSTOES, wife of Mr. Charles ops, in the 5.1th year of her age. In Orange township, Columbia county on the ith ult., ISAAC KLINE, Esq. aged 07 years month and 4 days. Addr's lo llio Public. I "HIE nnp'scedented success attending the use . of Dr. G. Benj'n Smith's (Sugar Coated) "lm oved Vegetable Pills," and the acknowledged su riority which thev possess over the Common An fltious, Catliartie, and Various other Pills in ge a I use, have given them a decided preference it all who have used them ; and they are uni silly esteemed the most safe and pleasant pur ives ever nflcred to (be puhlie. jj CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has ii made, by the mime of "Sugar Coated Pills," i necessary to be sure that Dh. G Bksj. .Smith's la'uie is on every box. Price .5 cents, fincipal Ollice, 179 (Ireenwich st. New York. Bold by JOHN W. FRILINO, Sunburn. VM. FOK8YTHE, X.rlhum'd. lay Sd, 1S-1G. lHNN S YLA AM I A UOUSK, DANVILLE, PA. IHE subscriber, Isle of tha Union Hotel, Mun ry. Fa , respectfully informs the old aud nu ous customers of the IcnnH)lvanla IIouhc, tho public generally, that he has leased the itii Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where s now prepared to entertain travellers, and per i vi.iting the town, in the very best style. The mmodations will I such as well conducted lie house should lTbrd, and no effort will be ed to render satisfaction, in every respect, lo all i may call. Tha ciloiens of Lycoming county invited lo put up with the undersigned when visit Dinvills. HENRY WEAVER. Iiuivills, May 2, 1M6. PK1CK C U HUE NT. Corrected weekly by Henry Maimer. Whkat, .... Rtk, . . . . Const, Oats, Pork, ' ... Fr.Atsfsn, ... Buttkr, . . . Eons, .... . Brerwax, . . .. TAtlOW, ... Flat, ... Hr.cRLitn Flax, Dttir.it Arntis, . . Do. Pkaciiks, . . 100 70 f.2 40 5 112 14 8 25 10 10 10 75 150 "Ciooil Intent Tire Company."' A STATED MEETINO of the Company will - be held on Tuesday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance is re quired. HENRY DON N EL. May 2, 1840. Secretary. "WKliiiilnn FIi-p Company."" 'T'HE members of the "Washington Fire Com- "pany" sre requested to meet at the State House, on Monday Evening, Ma? 4. at 7 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required. May 2. SAMUEL J. YOUNG. See. CEITTFJE T'JP.ITPIZE THE stockholders in the Centre Turnpike Road le.ulina from Reading to Sunbury, arp hpreby notified that an election will be held at the house of James Leo, in Northumberland, en Monday the first i!ny of Junp next, bplwpen the hours of In o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of choosing officers lo serve for Iho ensuing year. J. R. PRIESTLE Y, April 25th, IR4G. 6t President. W. K. THOMPSON, i'isiiotinlic ROOT ANO SUOK 3IAK VAl, fEREUY returns his sincere thanks for past favors, and respectfully informs his friends nnd thn public, generally, that he has removed to the Brick Storo Kooin formerly occupied by Wood A Rhawn, where he will be hippy lo accommodate all who wish good work at moderate prices, assuring them that he will exert himself to please. A good assortment of Hoots nnd Shoes, fur Gen tlctnen. Ladies, nnd Chi'dren, cona'anlly on hand. Also, Linings, Bindings, and all sorts of Morocco for sale, low. All kind nf Work made lo measure, and Re pairing well done, at the shortest notice. Cull and See. Sunbury, April ISth, IS 11. tf Danville anil 1'otlKville PsAIL P.OAD d01?.lTT NOTICE is hereby given, that a meeting of the stockholders of the Danville and Potts villc Rail Road Company will be held at the Room of this Hoard of Trade, in tlic Merchants' Er chnnce, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 4th day of May next, at U o'clock A. M., nt which lime and place an election will be held in pursuance nf the act of inrorpotntion. for e-no President, ten Ma nagers, a Treasurer and Secretary, to serve for one year, and until like officers are chosen. SAMUEL R. WOOD, April lSdl. ISlC. 3t President. THE following described properly was taken a drift in the Stisnurhanrin River, in Lower Ma. hnnoy township, Northumberland county, by S.mi. uel and Peter l.ees, and returned to me srid enter, cd upon niv docket, acreeahly to the provision of the act of Match SOlh, 1S12, to will :tOOO r VliltePinc Int h Hoards. The ownrr is r-qui sed to come forward nnd iden tify the property, pay charges and take it away, otherwise il will be dispo.-ed of according to law, PETER HIALER, Lower Mahonoy, April 18, M l 0. 3t. .1. P. Limn ! Li mo ! ! rcHiT p. s::iPiAiT. "BB EUPECTFL'LLY inlunns his fiiends, thnt Q9j be li'is coiiinieiiced the business of l.iino JJuiiiiug, mi iIipUiiii he ii"W occupier.. 1 has now on hand a quantity of Lime for tale, and will always endeavor lo incomm ulatc llius.; una may I fjior him with their custom. Augusts, April 1 1 tli, lulu, r,m Where is Thomas Wilke f fllll E subscriler Inid a brother nan ed Thomas JL (.'ilkes, who, when last heard from, in June, H:)4, was at Northumberland. H is employment ws on the river. He is nnw, if living, aliom Ui years old. Any inforniaticn repertir,g him, direc li'il lo the euhsciihcr, his btothir, '-Ohio (oly, C'a yahoga county, Ohio, will be thankfully received. JOHN (ill.KEs. April Uth. 1 fi. A NEW PROSPECT LS or t n k xi:w VOLUME rte tiis NEW YOItK WEEKLY MIRR021. OXI.T TWO not.l.AUS A YEAR ! ! 1 O hy.xt the sriaiT or Tils ao K. and lo place the Weekly Mirror on an equal fooling with its numerous rivals, tho terms are leduced from Thiee Dollars a year, 10 Two. The character of the pa'r will be improved in every respect whh ORIlilXAL ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, POETRY, ir. Also a copious Correspendence, domestic and fo reign. A new Novel of great merit will be com menced with Number One, of the new volume on the 1 1th of April. The paper and type will be su eiior in quality to any before used f"r this pnpei. The Elegant Qnarto Form of the Mirror, will bind up ill Two Handsome Volumes at the end of the year, well worth preserving as a fuithful and tqiirited Literary Record of the Time. It will be forwarded by the earliest mails, in strong wrap ers, to every pari of tho United Stairs and I'ana. da. J'ustuqe frte within thirty miles of New York. All communications bhould be addressed, pu.t paid, to H. FULLER, corner Ann aud Nassau ttreels, New Yoik. tkhms: One copy np year in advance, $3 3 3 5 00 60 (10 00 iio copy iwo 'Cats, Two copies one year. wo copies one year. Four,' ;. Ten. ' 10 00 N. H. Pric'a nf lb h AIT V WPVIW! Xfin. ROR, 6 per anpuin ln sdyahce. One Shilling a week whtu' tetvbA by orilerj. Tub Book Accounts, Nolea, Ac. of H. B. Mas ser and1 H.' Bi MIsJei'A, to. are now in Ihe lisndu nf si justire. for cwlpe1ioi, auj will put in suit if not tuUd, in fsw tjys.,.I; Suuhury,,Alnl 4fk, Mill, . Ill ACKEHBLii-.l'seslu U Maekl, ju.i o I pened and for tale It the store of MartU 1st, 46. 1 , i ililNHY MAS6ER. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND OTHERS VISITING THE CITY OF PIIILAIIEM'IIIA. rjnHE subscribers, Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Publishers. Importers and Whole' sale and Retail Dealers, of the city of Philadelphia, iM'ing prepared to supply incilemamls of the Coun try in their respective ilepsrtmenls, respectfully in vito the Merchants and all others visiting the City for their Spring nnd Summer supplies, lo call at Iheir respective places of business, where every reasonable effort will be made to give tntiro satisfaction. GEounr. s AVpr.p.Tox, nonkseller, Publisher, and Importer of Foreign Books, 143 Chesnnt street, below Seventh. Invites the attention of travellers, strangers and others to his very extensive collection of Ekmlisii and A M KnicAiv Publications, in every depart menl of Literature. His stock of reganti hmnd linohfur Presents, Portfolios, Stationery, Jtcernl Publications, At-, is the most tauiiu i TltK CITT. Bcddiog, Feather and Furniahinf Ware-rooms. Finley & co., S. E. corner of 2d and Walnut st. Importers of Watches and Manufacturers of Silver were and Jewelry. Thomas C. Oarrett 6c CO., 123 Chrsnut ft., below Fourth street. Wholesale and Retail Deilers in Fashionable- nnd Medium Fancy, nnd superior Staple Dry Ooo.ls. A.B. Marshall, 183 Chesnut st. bet. 7th and filh. Manufacturer nnd Dealer in New Style Tortoise Shells, Buffilo. fine fini-dii d imitation Bull'ilo, ami other Combs. S. Winner, (only Mnnufnrlnrrr nf the real Ihiffa In Horn Combs.) No." 7 South 2d st. ym. n. nicinnnsox. Eagle Umbrella, Parasol and Patent Walking Cane Umbrella Manufactory, No. Ki t Market st. Manufactures by steam, and sells decidedly lower I than any other house in the United States. Sign of the Eagle and Umbrella. Sole Asent for the sale of the (ieuuino Demuth's Snulls. A. Elton ..mi SI Union street. Fancy and Trimming Siure, Hair plaited in Brace. lets, (funrd-, Necklaces, Finger-Kings, iVc. F. J. Dressier, No. 47 South 2d st. Deder in French Ar'ifieial Flowers. Ribbons, and French Millcncry (foods, Straw nnd other Bonnets. R. Barton, No. 50 Chesnut st. Importer of Trimmings, Toys, French, English ami t.erman Fancy Ooods. M. Homer, No. 5S South 2d st. Wholesale and Retail Domestic and Foreign Diy (nods Store. Joseph Hoopcs, N. E. corner 1 lib and Maikcl sis. opposite- Baltimore Depot. KkFniriKn ATons For cooling Provisions, &c, Water Ft i.rriis, for pnnfying brackish water, Fire p'oof Chests, Letter Copying Presses, Ac. Manufactured by Oliver Evans, No. 01 South 2d st, Wholes-ile Druegists and Manufacturing Chemists nnd Dealers in Whits Lend. Window Glass. Linseed Oil, Patent Medicines, e. Jenks & Ogden, No. 1 00 N. Thiid st. Family Crnccr. Dealer in Fine Tens, Lonf Sng-ir, Havana Segars ami French fruits nf till kimU. J, Cousty, No. 78 South 2d st. Tho "Dollar NEWsr-APi.rt" The cheapest and best Weekly Family Paper in the United Stair,.; I only per yc.r. A. H. Simmons iV co. Publishers, Leilger building, S, W. corner Third and Che.tuit sts. Perkins iV Purves, Booksellers. II? Chesnut st alum' (iih. Bonks sold on v-i ry low tcrtns. Whnlesilo and Retail Clock E.t iblishtucnt, rm- bracing a roinpli to assortment. James liirber, No. SUS M jikit street, ubovo 7th, S inth i-i.lc, Subsniptions nnd Advertisements are received foi moi-t of the Newspapers in the United States, by Y. 1). Palmer, Agent, N. W. corner of Third and Che-nut sts. Book Accounts, Notes and Claims Collected, and other business requiring the aid of nn Aitornrv, intended lo, in any p.nt of the Union, hi V. It. Palmer's U. S, Collrcliin Agency, N. W. cor. 'i'hird aud Chesnut sis., 2d story. Wholesale and Retail Umbrella aud Parasol Man ufdctory. Sharon Sleeper, 314 Market street, sreond door shove 10th, Sauth side, Manufacturer and Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Lewis Lsdomus, 4111 Matket sir. el. Mattrass, Bedding, Carpeting and iVulher Ware rooms. Hartley A Koicht. US South 2.L street, fvvest side) five i irnbrs above Snruce. Manufacturer of Stair and Carpel Rods, of the la lest sly It a. Edward Jones, Swanwirk street, between Walnut and George streets, west of tilli Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware. Henry L. Elder, 4'Jll Matket street, between 13th and Hroad stieeis ; and llruuch Hardware Store, N. W, cornet Ridgu Road and Gicru ats. First Premium Piano Foite Manufacloiy and Ware Rooms. C. Meyer, AS South Fourth st. Cheap and Fashionable Rrady.made Clothing, an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cassimcre and Vestings made lo order, fashion able style, B.C. A S. C. Cooier, Merchant Taylors, l3ti Chesnut st. Foreign nd Domestic Blnph) and Fancy Dry Goods, at lowest cash prices. T. B. Russum, 8. W. comer 2J and Union sts. H. Ward, Bonnet Manufacturer, No, TT North 2J street, will sell any thing In his line, st Whole sale and Retail, as cheap ss can be boucht in the city Wholesale Clock tnd Looking Glass E.lablUh- merit, Hi ass Clocks by the esse, at $10 50. J. A. Cribwcll, No. 2;'J Matket st. Msnufaclurers of Common and Fancy ISosps anJ Mould and Dip Candles. E. & O. Dullell, 30 and 401 Market street and N. E. corner 1 0th and Callowhill streets. Wholesalo Tobacco Warehouse and Havana Be gar Depot. Country Trado supplied on liberal terms. J A. Edenborn, N. K. corner Third and Rnce st. vnxmrAx nt.ixn MAMTAcrrnnn. B.J. Williams, 13 North Oih street, few doors above Market street. Venetian Blind Manufactory, Portable Desks and Looking (51ns Warn Room. W, U. Uarns, No. 61 Arch st. Wholesale Dealers in Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Diy Ooo.ls. Solomon & Brothers, 31 Bank street. Manufacturers of Thermometers, Hydrometers, Sacharotnetcrs, tie., for Brewers, Distillers, Far mers (in churning,) the Weather, Vc. Joseph Fisher, 50 Chesnut street. Wholesale Dealers in Millcncry Goods and Flow, ers. George Edwards A Son, 37 South 2d si. Seed Store of more than 40 years standing, Grass and Garden Seeds of finest quality nnd best varieties. Joseph P. H. Conies, 40 Matket st. Manufacturers and Importers nf Pnpei Hangings, olumns and I ire Itoar.l 1 rinls. Beaty tt Curry, 1 18 Chesnut st. Manufacturers of Srivrs, Riddles and Screens, ami V tro orks in general. Needles A Watson, 51 North Front st. Wholesale nnd Retail Gnrden, Flower and Field Seed Store, Gardening Books ami Implements. II. A. Drctr. 07 Chesnut street, above 3d. Importer ami Denier in Drngs, Chetnic its, Paints, I've Siulls. Afp. Dr. D. Jay tie, H South Third street. E. A. Hatha w a r. J. H. Mitciifi.i.. .'. A. HATHA It '.I Y A ''. Commission nn.l Eist-rn Produce Merchants, No. 23 North Wharves, fr,t nf . Irrh st. Wholesale Dealers in Lamp Oils, Tanners (, I, Cainl es, Soap, Tens. Chocolate, Pickled nnd D'ie.l Fish, Painted I'Bils. Ch.-r-e, llulter, Hops, Ground nnd Calcined Plaster, Ac, all of which will be sold nt the lowest Ma.ket prices. Mrs. M. ( 'rim's Tlonrding House, No. lOtf Walnut street, between 'lib and 5ih. Cheap Yeneti in Dlind Manufactory. Orders from a distance carefully lorwurded. Old Blinds re paired and painted. M. E. Hedges, (widow of E. Hedgp-) No. Ill South 2d street, below Dock, east side. iuxi:t ma si iicTri;i:n. Thomas While, l." South 2d itrnet, (lale of Com merce street.) Importer of Wntchce, Philerl Ware, Irwelry ami Fancy Goods, Watch Makers Tools, Files and Materials;. John C. l'arr, 113 Chesnut st. Manufacturers of Umbrellas. Parasols, Parasol, ltd, and Sun Shades, of the newest styles. "Exten sive sales and small profits. " Wm. Richardson A CO., No. 100 Market street. Leary's Antiquarian Book Storr, S. W. corner of Second end New streets, Ph ila !el.hia. Oier 1(10,000 vols. New and Old Books in every ,. pirlrncnt of Literature, wholesale and retail. I'lllladelpbil, April 1, I SIT,. mi'OUTWT TO DEALERS I1T TEA AN 33 TEA. DKINKEES. The Knee it... '.' A I 'VI' I FJ eoMpASY. N... no sor hi s,com. Street, hetwe. n Marlte' sir I Ches nut, rhila.lali.hii. has been utmarnl- led. Out citizens are now tilde lo obtain a su perior article n Teas, nt rites much cheaper thin have ever before hern ollerr.1 in this country, nnd they have the ussuraevp thai there are no drug" oi olhcr foreign substances mixed with th. T as. Tin y are done up in package (lined wi'hlei.l. to piesecve Ih.-ir Mrengiii and llivor ) of fioni nre quarter to live ppumls, lo suit rcsiomcrs, and are sold nl different prices, tiom titty cents t..-r lb lor an excellent article to one dollar a d fittv cents. UJ "" persons vrsuing t:rp city are luvit, U I pay the company's extensive establishment visit. Agents wauled in every pine where they nre not yi'l established. For paiticulars, address, W I'ttid, the sub.rribtr, G, 11. Zl'lllER. Ag'l for tlte Company, 30 South Third Sued, Philadelphia. April 4th, 1810. ly DE1TT1GT3.7." PKTKIl 1J. MASSK1I, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ESl'ECTFUI.LY informs tho citizens nf Sunbury and viciniiv, that ho Ins opened an cilice st the residence nf Henry Mnsser, in Market street, where he is prepared to execute all kinds ol DkntaI. SriiiiKRt. Plate Work, Ac., on the latest and most approved plans. Having had some experience and ins'rueiion, under one of the most eminent and successful Den tin's in Philadelphia, he believes that he will be able lo give satisfaction lo those who may waul his services. I.sdies will be waited on st their places of resi dence. His charges will be moderate, and bis woik warranted. Sunbury, March 2Slh. 1810. CAHFET1MCS AND OIL-CLOTHS, At fAe-l-TlUAl' STORK" -Yo. 11 SlruwUrry Street, 1' til! n tic Ip til a.. A IkUR Store rent nnd other exp.-ni.i-s bein-i very H y liebt, wh are ruublid to s. II out CARI'E I S. OIL-CLOTHS, Ac, wholesale and retail, nt the lowest prices in the chy and buyers will find it greatly to their stUiul ige. lo call and examine ihe largo assortment wu olVer this season, of beautiful Imperial 3 ply " f Double Soperline Ingrain ( , ., v, .. Fiuo and Medium d.. ' J',"1",V,A Twilled and plain initir.n J together with u largo a'uck of OIL-CLOTHS from 2 fool lo 24 feet wide, very cheap, for rooms, halls, Ar ;sUo, Mattings, Floor Cloths, Rugs, (Jot ton and Rag Carpets, iSte., Ac, with a good as sortment of Ingrain ('Hipels from 25 lo nO cents, and Stair aud Entry Car pen from 12 lo AO cts. ELD RIDGE A BROTHER, No. 41, Strawberry Street, one door ahoe Ches nut, near Second Street, Philadelphia. March 2 1 si, M10. 3m. Ci AK DEN SEEDS.A Resit supply of B. Jf Risley A Co's superior Garden Seeds, just received and for salo ill (he store of March 31, U1C. HENRY MASSER. SSI le PETER LAZARUS, N 17 ft It U II Y , N o r t It ti m I) e r I n ii 1 County, PEMMSVtVAmA, "Wh E9PEOTEULLY informs his friends ind JLm 'he public in general, that ho has taken the Brick Stand, formerly occupied by George Prince ss a public house, (east of the Stale House, nnd opposite Iho Court House,) where he is prepared lo accommodate his fiiends, nnd all others who may favor him with their custom, in the best manner. In short, no exertions nor expense will be sp red in render his house In every way Worthy of public patronage, Sunbury, April 4lh, 1R4G 6m A CARD. TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD!! J B. PALMER, th American INewspaper . Agent, duly authorized and emnnwprpil. bv the proprietors of ino-t of the lsl newsnansrs of all the cities nnd principal towns in Ihe U. S. and Canada, lo receive subscriptions nnd adverliae menis, nnd lo Rive receipts for ihstn, respectfully notifies the public, that lie is prrpsred to execute orders from nil parts nf the Civilized World, em bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs, Rea ding Rooms, Corporations. Ac., at bis several oJli era in the cities of Philadt Iphia, Baltimore, New York nnd Bostnn, and wheie communications and inquiries, post paid, may be directed. ' Address V. B. PALMER, Philadelphia. N. VV. corner Third nnd Chestim streets Baltimore, 8. E. Cornpr Bal timore nnd Culvert streets j New Yoik, Tribune Bnd.lings opposite City Hall t Boston, 20 Slate si. A no other person or persons arc in any man ner connected with (he subscriber, in tho American Newspaper Agency, nil letters ami rommunicaiions for him, should be carefully directed as sboVe, end lo no other person. This camion has become tie cessnry, in older to avoid mis'nkes. and put the pub lic on Iheir guard against ull pretended Agents V. B. PALMER, Ametican Newspaper Agent. Editors throughout tlip United States for whom V. It. Palmer is Agent, will promote the advantage nf nil concerned, by pnldishiug the above. I'l IIMC Mm!:'!-:. V. B. Palmer is lite only authorized Agent for ihe "Sl-mburt Ameiii rv" in Ibeeiti'-snf Phil.idplpbia, New York, lloston nnd lialiimore, of which puhlie notice is hereby given. March 11, IS 10. j WHITE SVAAIT HOTEL, Kai k Sirkkt, I IIIKMH I.PIIIA. by .i. ii:ti:ks. 'Plllx location is eonvriiieut for Businessmen visrling the cily. Every pains is taken to st' ( urp the comfort nl travellers. March 7. Hlfi. ly DR. D. T. TRITBS, RESPECTFULLY informs the ci I 'tens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he JS?4 has removed bis lesidence lo the Brick House in Maikel street, one door we-l of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa vors, he hopes lo receive a continuation of the liber al patronage which has heretofore been extended to him. Feb. 2H, 1810. Cm MONTOUR HOUSED laA'I'K lilJADY'S HOTKL, Opposite the Court House, DANVILLE, I E N JSP A. Lm 1 THE Sul;-criber, who assisted Tor se jJJJJ5"Sr ten years in the tnanngement of the a Jj'jbove Hotel, lately kepi by Mr. H. A. Bra .'IS.y3dy, begs leave lo inform the travelling public, thnt be has taken Ihe esiahlishmcnt on bis own nrriiunt, on the first nl January, ISlG. The House has, of lair, undergone many impor. I int alterations, ami the present conductor promises to leave nothing undone to make it a Comfortable and ngreeable, as ocll as a cheap and accouimod i ting slopping p'acp lor stiangers who may visit our llouri.-hing village. No pains nor expense will be spared to fill the table mid the bar with lie lest the in nkr-ts all'ml, with tic il. terininaiion to do v.ee his entire personal nilention to the comforl of ihosc wbi mav make his bouse their temporary s l.o.le, mid aided by at tivp, caieful and obliging ser vauis, he hopes lo give general s ili-laetion, and re ceive a liU-r-il share of iiKlom. C ?' Line nn.l eoiiitn.hboiis STABLES are at- I'lehnl to the rsiabbshmenl, hicb are attended by ca'i fill and (.bilging ho-llers. GIDEON M. SHOOP. .1 imm'V 2-1 th, 1 si ll. tf SVANS & watson7 Tii Su in Tiiihii Srui:rr, Oj posile the Pliiludtlphin ll.vchitnffi; .Maiiufacllue and keep con ""statitly nn Iwind, s large as. J ..l'jMirlinetil nf their Patent lm- i-j-r- ,i 'Vyprovcd Salamander 1' IRL BW7'1ii "tyPRooi' safes, JKliS? :-!' -.Vso constructed as tc aW ' -" rSrr- 'l ..I- .1....I.I which are lo set nt rot Ve? K'Ar, ,.a!l in inner ol doubt as lo then - -' -Jm being strictly lire jiroof, Btid hat they Will resist the lire of any building in Ihe world. The outside ca.se nf the Safes ore made of boiler iron, tho inside case of soapstone, and be tween ti e ntiti r case and inner ease is a space of some .i luetics thick, and is tilled in with indestruc tible miteiial, su us lo nmke il nn impossibility to ever burn any ol tho contents inside of this Chest, I These Sonpstone Sul alriandeis We sre prepared and do cballengn the waild lo produce any article in ihe shap.t of Hook Safes that will stand as much beat, and we hold ourselves rrsdy at all limes to have llu-m fully lesie.l by public bonfire, should s ny i.f our competitors leel disposed lo try them. We n!o continue to manufacture snd keep con I sliintlv on hand, a large aud general assortment of ! our Piemium Air-tight Foe Proof Safes, of which we have n large quantity in use, aud in every in j stance ihey have given entire satisfaction to Ihe purchasers of which we will refer ihe public lo a ' few gentlemen who have them in use. j N. A G. TaOor, 120 nilh 3d sl.j A. Wright I A Nephew, Vine st. wharf; Alexander Caror, Con- veysncer. corner of f'liheil and Wth sis.; John M. ! Ford. :I3 north ifdst.; Mvers Hush. 20 north 8.1 ! st.; Ilailey A Brother, 1:W Maket st.; James M. i Paul, till south 4 Hi St.; Dr. David JnynP, M south j 3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d st.; and we cotilii nsine some inrce or lour numirrn otners if il W. re necessary. Ni.w wo invito the attention of the public, and psrlicularly those in want of Fire Proof Safss, to call at our store before purcha sing elsewhere, snd we think we ran satisfy them thai ihey will gel a belter snd chespcr article st our store than any other establishment in the city. We slso continue to manufactuie Seal and Co pying Presses, made in such a manner ss to an- uri'r holh lillr.ia i H. .1(0.1, it aehliie&L r nrt i Pnif D.inrs, with our own manufacture of lo. k '. on them, with D. Evans' Paielit Keyhole cover j .iinel.e.l t.. it, ,d.. u,.. r..,.,-.,i,.l Iron ! 7: ... " -- f - Railing, Ac. N. B. We keep constantly on band s large as soitmeril ol our PhIhi.I Sl.iis Lined Reliigei 't "is. Water Filters and Coolers ; and we have al on hsndsever-l .econd hand Fire Proof Chests taken in exchange for ours, which we will dupoee of at very low prices. Philadelphia, January 21ili, 1810. ly &9 aCECSDU3 IS1 CD 112. TEXICO & IMEXAS ! "TUB CftV I9flTXI.Ii TIIET OOMr.' OME WHERE 1 Why where do you sup- pose but to Ihe Chesn Store of Henry Mns-er, in msrket street, Sunbury. And fr what purpo-o do you think they enmel Why to bnv rhpar. lo be stire, and save at least 20 per cent. ' They u-nn't do nnth in' else." because it is a well known f.ut thai at HENRY MASTER'S STORE the very best articles are sold at the very lowest prices, Now come, one and all; but don't all come st once, and JUDGE FOR YoURSELVE! Where you will find a Splendid Assortment of rnll and Winter Dry C2ooi, jilst received, nmonfe which are the following : Su perflne f'tenrh Broadcloth! West of England do.( Heavy Beaver do , a first rate snide for Overcoats, nnd a grent Variety of Wool Dyed, Black and Fan ry Cnssimrres, SntllnettS, Motlsselin-de-laiues, Kep. de-lsines, Ca-hmeres, Alpaceas, A-p An, Also, it beautiful assortment of Calicoes of the Intest styles nnd patterns, which will be sold cheaper than ever ; also, Woolen and other Shawls in great variety, from 40 cts. to f 10; a general assortment i.f Ho siery, Gloves, Suspenders, Mills, Ac Ac; a lareo assortment of Women's, Men's nnd Misses Gum Shoes, which will be sold cheaper than ever bef.no offered. He has likewise, in sddilion to the above stock) nn extensive assortment or ifurenenrr, Hardware, Saddlery and Grocrrirs, Sugar from ft to 10, 12 J and 10 cts. per lb; Good Cofl'rc nt 10. Very Hist al I2 J. Also. Nails; Spikes; Iron; Sanderson's best Onst Steel; English, Americnn and Sweed Hlistpr do, in short, every thing tSnt is usually kept in a Country Store, all of which will be sold at very reduced prices, fj Country Produce of all kinds taken in cx chnnge for Goods. Sunbury. Nov. 22.1, 1815. WHOLE 3 ALE P.ET"AIL HAT & CAP WAKKllOl JSK, .Yo. 301, Market Street, above 0th, South side, PHILADELPHIA, THE subscril era respectfully call the altcn tSllj, 'i"n "f their friends nnd dealers to their larj;C aud well assorted stock of Hots nnd Caps or every description, will adapted f r the spring trade. Beo ing m ule of the best material and by the most ex perienced workmen, they feel confident to give uni versd satisfaction 10 nil who may favr.r them with a trial, as they oiler to fell as low as any housa in the city. bar i'alott a blynn. Phiia.hlpliia, January 3, 18101 E 3 "J 1C ED' " J (1 II X li. S T IS Y " the late firms if Xt wkirlt K K R , Stryker, t:'fl Nrylter V 'unr, HAS resumed the Wholcsile Dry Girds Eu-. lo ss, nnd now offers for sale, nt No, 12 ruui I I Batik street, Philadelphia, ndj -ining My. i-, Clsihom A Co's Auction Store, No. 7H Mark-1 street, a general assortment nf Dry Goods, chic tiy purchased al auction, at a very email advance tor cash, orri'y acceptances. Believing that his long experience in part-hash g will enable him to sell bis Goods nt the lowest Mar. kct pi ices, he invites his old friends, nnd others wishing lo buy, lo favor him with a call. Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1845. Oin To liascisj ol' DRY GOODS. T IHE suhscrilier, No. 121 Pearl street, New York, having established a Branch at No. I3J South Second st., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will he constantly receiving from the NcW York Auctions, an extensive assortment of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GbOSg. which will be sold nt the lowest New Yotk pliccs, at wholesale and Retail. Among IrS stock will be found a good assortment of the follutving articles: Jncconels, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Siripe, Book, Swisa and Tailatun Muslins, Bishop an.) Linn) Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells. Fancy and llnll Dresses, Thread Laces, Application Do,, rich Black St.k Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Casbmei. d'Kcossp, Mouselitin de Lnine, Silk and Cotton Warp A Ipacras, (junen's Cloth, Gala Plaids, French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Si k Hose, Shawls, Ciavais, Ribbons, Emhioideries, Ac, Ac. Country Mcichnuts and others visiting Philadel phia or New Yoik lo purchase, are respectfully in vited to call and examine the ntntks. Nov. 1, 1S1.V ly G. H. MOORE. TERMS REDUCED. U.l G UP. Mil A .V GA LLP 11 V "f Potent Premi um Colored likrnessen, and Photographic lhpots So. I'M ritcsinit iStreet, riiilailc'i'Iiia. No. CM Broadway, New York; No. 75 Court Street, Boston ; No. 130 Chesnut Street, Phila delphia ; Baltimore Street, Baltimore Broad way, Saratoga Springs ; No HO Cannl Street, New-Oilcans ; Main Street Newport, R. 1. And Main Street, Du Buqtie, Iowa. C CONSTITUTING the oldest and most Exteli J Bive Establi-bmetit of the kind in tho World, and containing more than a THOUSAND POR TRAITS, embracing' those of some of the most distinguished individuals, in the United States, Admittance free. This Establishment having been awarded the .Medal, Pour Pir.it Priiniitmf, Mid fn' "Hahrst H:nor' at the Exhibitions st Boston, New-York snd Philadelphia, respectively, Tor best Pictures and Apparatus, is thus oltlei illy sustained in the posi tion of suierioiitv heretofore uuieis.illy assigned it by Ihe public, s "Pirst in the World.'' June 28th, 184r). 1y n - c a : raa n ix j t3 P 1 A N O 8. fill IK SlllSCRlBER has been appointed agent, I for iho salo ..f CONRAD MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PN A.N OS, at this place. These Pianos have a plaint massive and ht auiiful exletior fini-h, and, for depth and sweetness of I. die, and elegance of workman ship, are not surpassed by any in the United States. i no luiiowing ia a rrcnmiueiiuaiioii ii(nii4Hi Dikts, a rebbrsted js?rformer, and hiiUM.lt a man- ufactuifrt A V A 11 1. HivtsH had Ihe plesure nl irvlhg the excel lent Piano Fortes manfaetured by Mr. Meyer, sn.l exhibited st the last exhibition of the Franklin In stitute, I feel it due to ihe true merit of the niskcr to I'cclare lhal these instruments are quite rqua', sn.l in some reniecls even sus rior, to all lh Fr- F ""',,!' ' " 'w a ,5'' p't 'l- nf Euiope, and during s sojourn of two years at Paris, These Pianos will be so'd at lb msoufsclurt r s lowest Fhila.lelphiH prices, if not notrwihinR low. r, Persons are requested to rail and examine f r ihetueelves, nt the residence of 'he subscriber. Siil.l urv. Mnv 17. IH1.V H. 11. M ASSER. 1112 '1. The bighist price git) ,r NMitst, at the store of II, M ' A new supply of Ross Uinttuvp' ' .. l-.-.ve.'. Nov. 8ih, 1813. lib lt.V ..ju.c