Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 18, 1846, Image 3

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    C-Hewe IwrWieuUleskatssmfcoats. '
Id the, hat four Bumbe.-ey the prog-rese of
steamboats, both in thia count, nJ Europe,
hii been reviewed. showing rnnf .'ueive'v tha
advance of mechanical knowledge in both court
true. 1 hia is a subject alwaya iDtereeting? but
there ia ens page in hiatorjr, which, though
tat, ia dark and gloom. To' thia page we
flow turn, in a abort notice, of the accidents
that have occurred to eteamboate, eince their
inn wuuiiun ia nis cuiirury.
' Tha first afeamboat accident in thia country
liappened in 1818 to the Washington, on the
Ohio r:v$r. According to a letter to Congress
by the Secretary of the Treasury, written in
1338, the whole number of ateamenginea of ev
ery kind that were then in ise in the United
States, vji4 3010; of that number 800 were in
eteambufta, 350 in locomotives, nd 1850 in
manufactoriea of different kinds.
The number of accidents to steam enirinea nn
, - s r
to that lime, causing loss of life waa 261, of
which number, 23U were in steamboats.
The greatest loss nf life by steamboat accident
waa by the collision, and ainking of the Mon
mouth in 1837 on the Mississippi ; the number
of lives lost was 300.
The greatest low of life by the explosion of a
steamboat was in 1S39, in the case of the Oro
nok on the same; the number of lives lost was
The boilers of the steamboat Moselle blew
up at Cincinnati, Ohio, destroying 120.persons.
The greatest loss of life, by snagging, was
in tha case of the steamboat St. Louis on the
Mississippi in 1834, when there were 13 lives
The greatest lnes of life by shipwreck was
in the case of the Home in 1827, on the coast
of N. Carolina, when 100 persons were lost.
The greatest loss of life, by the burning of a
steamboat up to that time, waa in the case of
the Men Sherhord on the Mississippi, in 1837.
The number of steamboats lost, up to 1823
waa 23 During the year 1S37 no less than 80
steamboats were lost on the Western waters.
During the ten years, from 1830 to 1840, eigh
ty steamboats were lost by explosion, in the
United States, by which means 780 persons
were killed outright, an I 206 wounded badly,
of which number 254 died from the injuries re
. On the 11th of June, 1837, the steamboat
Pulaski was destroyed by the explosion of one
of her boilers while on passage from Charleston
to Baltimore, rval 132 persons perished.
About the same time a aimilar accident oc
curred to the steamer Washington on Lake
Erie, by which 40 lives were lost.
One hundred and seventy lives were lost, by
the destruction of the Lexington in 184,0. The
particulars of thia sad disaster are familiar to
every New Yorker, and therefore it would be
worse then useless to repeat them.
The burning of the 'Erie on Lake Erie in
August, 1841, sent to their untimely graves 175
perrons and it is but a short since our
sympathies were aroused by the destruction of
the ill-fated Swatlow.
Accidents to steamboats are alarmingly fre
quent, and Bcarce a newspaper reaches us from
the South or West, but chronicles the destruc
tion of one or more. As these accidents in nine
cases out of ten happen through gross careless
ness, the persons responsible should be punished
aa the sacrifice of human life requires. This
method 1 think, would soon put a stop to them.
N. Y. Evening Gax. '
BaAwnasTa'a Pills cure all affections, simply
beemee they make the blood pure ab.tract out of
it tbosa qualities which produce disease, ind give
to it those qualities which produce health.
Now every solid part of the human frame is
made from the blood, and the food ws ait is con
varied into blood to supply tha waate our bod us
are continually sustaining. 8o in the ordinary
course of nature wa manufacture our entire bodies
in about nine years, from the food taken into oar
stomachs. Suppose the air wa have lived in for
soma time has been loaded with matters detrimen
tal to health, or our food for a long period lias been
of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been
much troubled for grief, anxiety, or great atten
tion to any particular point ia sura to occasion bad
effects in the blood. Any of these causes existing
good blood cannot be supplied lo lbs body.
But let Brandreth's Pills be used daily under
these circumstance, in doses of from two to six
pills, or as the case shall determine. Wast is their
effect) It is to-carry off the impure matters from
the blood, leaving only the good to renew every
part of tha body. Wfist waa unaound now be
comes sound, and the stomach sooa gets into so
healthy a condition that even bad air or unwhole
some food for a time are unable to injure the health
Purchaae of H. B. Master, 8unhury, or of
'.he sgont, published in another part of this paper.
Pause Header II I
This good advice comes from a friend, an edu
:sted physician, and one who baa been cured of
Detracted illoM. by "THE IMPROVED INDI
4N VEGETABLE PILLS." (Scorn Cotsd.)
aihich are at thia moment effecting some of the
noat remarkable cure on record, and they will eon
inue to heal lha tick aa long aa they are resorted
e by them. This is no nostrum, made merely to
II Irrespective of iu qualities, but a valuable mod
cine, made by a well informed1 Physician, of Vege.
able Ingredients, pure, efficacious, and harmless.
a a few days, we tha 11 make a public report of se
'oral more eaaas of aaciass euros for wt nste n
then) and tbe public may know on what modi
ioe to rely in time of need, .
CO" CAUTION Aa a miserable imitation kss
een made, by the name el "Sugar Coaled Pills,"
; ia necessary to be aura that Da. O. Bssj. 8nitb's
iguetuie is oq every box. Price 86 cents.
Principal Office, 179 Greenwich st, New York
Sold by JOHN W. FRILINQ, Aunoury.
WM. F0R8VTME, Xerthum'd.
April 18 th, 1846.
Corrected weekly by Henry Matter,
Wbsat, v 100
Rta, . . ... 70
Coaw, ...... 62
Oats, . ' . . . . .35
pa k, ' . . . 6
.FiAk-sees, . -1151
JJvTTBB, '. f ' . .1
Eoes. . 10
BaaswAT, , . ' 25
Tallow, 10 :
Ft, ' .10
HacKtan Flax, ; ? 1
Dm id Apples, 75
Do. PsAcaas, , '
DaitTillc Mid PotsTille
NOTICE ia hereby given, that a nu "
the stockholder of the Danville and
ville Rsil Koa.l Company will be held at the Rnf,.e
ef the Board of Trad, in the Merchants' -ex
change, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 4th day
of Ms next, st 11 o'clock A. M st which lime
end place an election will be held in pursusuceof
the set of ineorpo'stlon, tor one President, ten Ma
nagers, a Treasure.' "d Secretary, to serve for one
yesr, and until like oh?'-efs are chosen.
April I8th.lM6.-3t President.
Taken Ailri.
THE following deseiibed property was taken a
drift in the Susqm hanna River, in Lowe. Ma
hpnoy township, Northumberland county, by 8am
uel and Peter Lees, snd relumed to me and enter
ed upon mv docket, agreeably to lha provision rf
tne act or March SOth, 1811, lo wit:
3000 feet White Pine Inch Hoards-
The owner is r qucsved to come forward and iden
tify the property, pay charges and take it away,
otherwise it will be disposed of according to law.
Lower Mahonoy, April 18, 1846. 3t J. P.
ret rgFtv-frTTa vw rr-
HEREBY returns bin sincere thtnka for past
favors, and respectfully informs his friends
and the public generally, that be has removed to
the 13 rick Store Room formerly occupied by Wood
& Rhawn, where he will be hippy lo accommodate
all who wish good work at moderate prices, aasuring
them that he will exert himself to please.
A good assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Gen
tlemen, Ladies, and Children, eonatantly on hand.
Also, Linings, Bindings, and all sorts of Morocco
for rale, low.
All kinds of Work made to measure, and Re
pairing will done, at the shortest notice. Call
and See.
Sunbury, April 18th, 1846. if .
Where is Thomas dikes f
THE subscriber had a- brother named Thomas
Gilkes, who, when last heard from, in June,
1834, was st Northumberland. His employment
was on the river. He is now, if living, about S3
years old. Any information respecting him, direc
ted to the subscriber, his brother, "Ohio City, Ca
yahoga county, Ohio, will be thankfully received.
April Uih, 1846.
THE following described Lumber was tkken
adrift, at the Islaud of Jacob Blasser, in the
Susquehanna river, situated in Lower Mahonoy
township, Northumberland counly, on the 16th of
Mrch last, by the said Jacob Blasser, and return
ed to me snd entered upon my ducket, agreeably
to the proviaions of the set of March 20th, 1812,
to wit: '
Cherry Hoards, Asli and Poplar
Plank, &c.
containing in all between 2,000 and 3,000 feet, tbe
greater part being the Cherry Boards.
The owner of the above preperty ia requested lo
come forward and identify the same, pay the char
gee and take it away, otherwiae it will be disposed
of according lo law. PETER BIXLER,
Lower Mahonoy, April 11, 1846. 3t . J. P.
Lime ! Lime ! !
T ERPECTFULLY informs hisfiiemls, that
be has commeocod the business of Lime, on the farm be nw occupies. He has
now on band a quantity of Lime for sale, and will
always endeavor lo accommodate those who may
favor him wilh their custom.
Augusta. April Ulh. 1846. 6m
Northumberland County,
TBESPECTEULLY informs bis fri-nds and
MMj lbs public in general, that he has taken the
Brick 8iand, formerly occupied by George Prince
ss a public bouse, (east of the Slate House, and
opposite the Court House,) where be is prepared to
accommodate his friends, and all ethers who may
favor bim with their cutnm, in lha best manner.
In short, no ezeriiona nor espense will be spa
red to tender hia bouse ip every way worthy of
public patronage.
Sunbury, April 4th, 1846 6m
axto tea DBrirxans.
The suceeas of the PEKIN TEA
COMl'ANY.Xo. 30,8oct8lcob
Stssst, between Market and Ches
nut, I'biladatphia. has been uuparal-
leled. Our eilizena are now aide to obtain a au
perior article of Teas, at rates much cheaper than
have ever before been offered in this country, and
tbey have tbe assurance that there are no druue or
other foreign substances mixed wilh the Teas.
They are done up in packages (lioed with lead,
to preserve their strength and flavor.) of from one
quarter to five pounds, to suit customers, and are
sold at different prices, from fifty cents per lb for
sn titcellent srticle to one dollar and fifty cents.
All persons visiting the city are invited to pay
the company's extensive establishment viait.
Agents wanted in every place where they are
not yet established. For particulars, address, potl
paid, (he subscriber,
G. B. ZEIBER, Ag't for ths Company,
30 South Third 8ueet, Philadelphia.
April 4th, 1846. ly
No Further Notice.
THE Book Accounts, Notes, dtc of H. B. Mas
aer and H. B. Masaar at co. are now in tbe
hands of a justice (bt collection, and will be put in
suit if not settled, in a few days.
8uabury, April 4th, 1846.
TTVTI ACKEREL. Freah, f.t Mackerel, just 0
lYia. Pd and for sale at the store of
March IS, 1846. HENRY MASSER.
r.innon AiJTs
THE subscribers, Merchants, Manufacturers,
Mechanics, Publishers. Importers end Whole
sale end Retail Dealers, of the etty of Philadelphia,
being prepared to supply tba demands of the Conn
try in their respective departments, respectfully in
vite the Merchants and all others visiting the City
for their Spring and 8ummer supplies, to call st
their respective plscss of business, where every
ressonsble effort will be made lo give entire
satisfaction. . "
Bookseller, Publisher, and Importer of Foreign
Books, 148 Chesnut street, below Seventh.
Invites the attention of travellers, strangers and
others to hia very extensive collection of Elton
snd AwtatCAK Publications, in every depart
ment of Literature. His Block of ecan'y
bmmd Boo for Presenlt, Portfolio, Stationery,
Recent Publication!, Se., is the host vabisd in
Bedding;,' Feather snd Furnishing Ware-rooms.
Fiflley 6c coV 8. E. corner of 2d and Walnut ats.
at m .
Importers of WaU'bes and Manufacturers of Silver
ware snd Jewelry.
Thomas C. Garrett & CO 123 Chesnut st., below
Fourth street.
Wholesale snd Retail Dealers in Fashionable and
Medium Fancy, and superior 8tsple Dry
A.B. Marshall, 188 Chesnut st bet. 7th snJ 8th.
Manufacturer and Dealer in New 8tyle Tortnwe
Shells. Buffalo, fine finished imitation Buffalo,
and other Co.?!
8. Winner, (only Mau'tfalwer of the real Buffa
lo Horn Combs,) No. 7 3d st.
Eagle Umbrella, Paraaol and Patent Walkii.J Cane
Umbrella Manufactoiy, No, 104 Maikel at.
Manufacture by steam, and sells decidedly lower
than sny other house in the United States.
Sign of the Eaglend Umbrella.
Sole A sent for the aale of the Genuine Demuth's
Snuffs. -A.
Elton, No 24 Union street.
Fsncy and Trimming Store, Hair plaited in Brace
lets, Guards, N-cklsces, Finger-Rings, dec
F. J. Dressier, No. 47 South 2d sU
Desler in French Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, and
French Millenery Goods, . Straw and other
R. Bsrton, No. 60 Chesnut st.
Importer of Trimmings, Toys, French, English snd
German Fsncy Goods.
M. Horner, No. 58 South 2d st.
Wholesale and Retail Domestic and Foreign Dry
Goods Store.
Joseph H do pes, N. E. corner Ulh and Market ats.
opposite Baltimore De pot.
RivatosBATOBs For cooling Provisions, Stc,
Watib Filtibs, for purifying brsckhh water,
Fire proof Chests, Letter Copying Presses, dec.
Manufsctured by
Oliver Evans, No. 61 South 2d st.
Wholesale Druggists snd Manufacturing Chemists
and Dealers in . White Lead, Window Glass,
Linseed Oil, Pslent Medicines, dec
Jenks & Ogdon, No. 100 N. Third st.
Family Grocer, Dealer in Fine Trs, Loaf Sugr,
Havana 8egars and French Fruits of all kinds.
J. Cousty, No. 78 South 2d st
The "Don a b Nswsr-APra" The cheapest and
' best Weekly Family Paper in the United Stales;
$1 only prr year.
A. II. Simmons dc cn, Publishers, Ledger building,
8. W. corner Third and Chesnut sts.
Perkins Sl Purves, Booksellers, 142 Chesnut St.,
above 6th. Books sold on very low terms.
Wholesale and Relsil Clock Establishment, em
bracing a complete sssorimeut.
Jsmes Bsrher, No. 238 Market street, sbove 7th,
South side.
Subsciiptinns snd Advertisements sre received for
mot of tbe Newspapers in the United States, by
V. B. Palmer, Agent, N. W. corner of Third and
Chesnut ats.
Book Accounts, Notes and Clsims collected, and
other business requiting the aid of an Attorney,
attended to, in any part of tbe Union, at V. B.
Palmer'a IJ. 8. Collection Agency, N. W. cor.
Third and Chesnut sts., 2d story.
Wholesale snd Retail Umbrella and Parasol Man
ufactory. Sharon Sleeper, 344 Market street, second door
sbove 10th, South side.
Manufacturer and Dealer in Clocks, Watches and
Lewis Lsdomus, 413) Msrket street.
Msltrass, Bedding, Carpeting and Feather Ware
rooms. Hartley Sc. Knight, 148 South 2d street, (west
side) five doors above Spruce.
Manufacturer of 8tair and Carpet Rods, of the la
test sty It s.
Edward Jones, Swanwick street, between Walnut
and George streets, weal of 6ih st.
Importer and Deater in Foreign and Domestic
Hardware, .
Henry L. Elder, 493 Maiket atreet, between 13th
and Broad streets; and Branch Hardware Sloie,
N. W. corner Ridge Road and Gioen ats.
First Premium Piano Forte Manufactoiy and
Ware Rooms.
C. Meyer, 62 8outh Fourth st.
Cheap and Fashionable Readymade Clothing, an
eitenaive aesoitmenr of Cloths, Csssimerss and
Vestings made lo order, fashionable style.
D. C 4 8. U. Cooper, Merchant Taylors, 130
Chesnut at.
Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy Dry
Goods, at lowest cash prices.
T, B. Russum, 8. W. corner 2d and Union sts. '
H. Wsrd, Bonnet Manufacturer, No. 7T North 2d
atreet, will sell any thing In hia line, at Whole
sale snd Retail, aa cheap aa can be bought in
the city.
Wholesale Clock and Looking Glass EslablUh-
moot, Brasa Clocks by tha case,' at $ 10 60.
J. A. Criswell, No. 9 Market at.
Manufacturers of Common snd. Fancy Soaps snd
Mould and Dip Candles. -E.
8c G. Delicti, 86 and 491 Msrket street snd N.
' E. corner 10th and Callowhill streets.
Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse and Havana So
ger Depot Country Trade anpplied on liberal
J A. Edenborn, N. E. corner Third and Race at
B. J. Williams, 12 North Gib street, a few doers
above Market street.
Venetisn Blind Manufactory, Portable Desks snd
Looking Glas Ware Room.
W. B. Bsrns, No. 61 Arch st.
Wholesale Dnilers in Laces, Emttfoideries and
Fancy Diy Goods.
Solomon At Brothers! 84 Bank street
Manufacturers nf Thermometers, Hydrometer,
Sachnromelers, fee., for Brewers, Distillers, Far
mers (in churning,) the Weather, dec.
Joseph t inher, 60 Chesnut street.
Wholesale Dealers in Millenery Goods snd Flow
ers. ' . '
George Edwards & Son, 37 South 2d st.
Seed Store of more then 40 yean standing, Grsss
anil Harden Seeds ot finest quality and best
varieties. .
Joseph P. II. Coates, 49 Maiket at
Manufacturer' snd Importers of Paper Hangings,
Columns and Fire Board Prints.
Besiy & Curry, 1(8 Chesnut St.
Manufacturers of Seivea. Biddies and Screens, and
Wire Works in gnneral.
Needles St Walson, 64 North Front st. -
Wholesale and Retail Gnrden, Flower snd Fild
8 fed etore, Gardening Books and Implements.
II. A. Drerr, 97 Chesnut street, above 3d.
Importer and Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Paint,
isve mulls, itc
Dr. !) Jaync, 8 South Third street.
E. A. HathawaV.' J. H. Mitcrsh.
E. A. 11 A THA WA Y d CO.
Commission and Eist r'i Produ.-e Merchants, No.
23 North Whsrvosoo oi'-rcAst Whol. ssle
Dearers in Lamp Oils. Tanner Oil, Candies,
8osp, Teas, Chocolate, Pirklcd and D"?cd Fifh,
Painted Hails, Cheese. Butter, Hops. Ground
and Calcined Plaster, &c, all of which will be
sold at the lowest Market prices.'
Mrs. M. Crim's Boarding House, No. 108 Walnut
street, between 4th snd 5th. . '
Ct'cap Venetian Blind Manufactory. Ordei from
s distance carefully forwarded. Old Blinds re
paired and painted.
M. E. Hedgee, (widow of E. Hedges) No. Ill
South 2d street, below Dock', east stde.
Thomas White, 15 South 2d street (late of Com
merce street)
Importer of Watches, Plated Ware, Jewelry and
Fancy Goods, Watch Makers Tools, Files snd
John C. Farr, 112 Chesnut st.
Manufacturers of Umbrellss, Parasols, Parasnlettes,
and Sun Shades, of the newest sly Ira. "Exten
sive sales snd small profits."
Wa. Richardson & co. No. 106 Market aireet.
Leary'a Antiquarian Book ftore, 8. W. corner of
Second end New street. Philadelphia. Oter
100,000 vols. New and Old B.oks in every de
psrtment of Literature, wholesale and retail.
Philadelphia, April 4. I84G.
TJESPECTFUI.LY informs the citizens of
Sunbury and virinitv, that he his opened an
office at the residence of Henry Ms tier, in Msrket
street, where he ia prepared to execute all kinds of
DstsTAi SoaotBv. Plate Work, dec , on thelalett
and most approved plans.
Having had some experienre and instruction,
under one of ibe most eminent and successful Den
tie's in Philadelphia, hs believes that he will he
able lo give satisfaction to those who may want bis
Lsdies will be wailed on at their places of real
dence. Hia chargea will be moderate, and his
work warranted,
Sunbury, March 28th, 1846.
DlHKolntlon or Partnership.
THB Partnership in the Blscksmithing Busi
ness heretofore existing between the subscri
bers, under the firm of Hsulmsn Sc. Byerly, in
the boiough of Sunbury, has been dissolved by
mutual consent on lha 20 h of March lnst and
the business continued, in the same shop, by Sam
uel Thompson and Henry S. Haulmw. under the
fnm or Thomson Se Haulman. The Bm ka and
accounts of the firtt named firm have bren placed
in the handa of C. Bower, Esq., for Collection.
Sunbury, March 28. h, 1846. 3t
Public Sale.
"IT f ILL b dt at public vendue, on Saturday
v the 25th of April, 1816, at (be reaidene of
ibe eutacriher, in the borough of Sunbury, the f 1
lowing sr'icles, to wit :
High French and Low post Bed tends. Bureau.
Dining, Breakfast an J Kitchen Tables, Cook and
Coal Stoves, together with a variety of Household
snd Kitchen Furniture too numerous lo particular
ize. Sale to commence at 10 o'cltx k, A. M. nn said
day, when tbe terms of sale will be made known
Sunbury, March 28th. 1846.
At the "CUtiAP STOKE" Ao. 41 Strawberry
jsTVUR 8 tori rent and other expenses being very
tV lihl. wa are enabled to a. 11 out CARPETS.
OIL-CLOTHS, dec, wholesale and retail, el the
lowet prices in the city, and buyers will find it
greatly to their advantage to call and examiue the.
large assortment we offer this season, of
Beautiful Imperial 3 ply v
Double 8upeifine Ingrain ( r . RpmTIvGs
Fine and Medium do CARPETICS
Twilled and plain Yenitian J
together with a large rock of OIL-CLOTH 8
from 2 feel to 24 feet wide, very cheap, for rooms,
balls, dec also. Mailings, Floor C totbs, Ruga, Cot
ton and Rag Carpets, tVc, dee., wilh a goed as
sortment of Ingrain Carpels from 86 to 60 cents,
snd Stair snd Entry Carpets from 12 lo 60 ru.
No. 41, Strawberry Street, one door above Ches
nut, nsar Second Street. Philadelphia.
March 21st, 1846. 3m.
VB. PALMER, the American Newspaper
I Agent, duly authorized and empowered, by
the proprietors of most of the best newspapers of
all the cities and principal towna in the U. 8. and
Canada, to receive subscriptions and advertise,
menis, and to give receipts for thsm; respectfully
notifies ths public, that (is Is prepared to execoie
orders from all paria of lha Civilised World, em
bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs, Res
iling Rooms, Corporations, dec, st his several olfi
ces in the cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore, New
York and Boston, and whete communications and
inquiries, post paid, may be directed. Address V.
B. PALMER, Philadelphia, N. W. corner Third
and Chesnut streets) Baltimore, S. E. corner Bal
timore end Calvert streets ( New Yoik, Tribune
Buildings opposite City Halt Boston, 20 Stale st.
As no other per.'sn or persons are in any man
ner connected with the subscriber, in the American
Newspaper Agency, all lettC'" and commnnicatione
for him, should be carefully dirv.'d ss above, and
to no oiher person. This caution ha.1 become ne
cessary, in order to avoid mistakes, and put Pb
lie on their guard against all pretended Acents.
Ameiican Newspaper Agent '
Editors throughout the United States for whom
V. B. Pslmer is Agent, will promote tbe advsntase
of all concerned, hv twhliehiug the above.
PL'IILIC NOTICE. V. B. Palmer ia the
only authorized Agent for the "Spsbcst Asr
can," in tlecitieeof Philadelphia, New York,
B.ielnn end Baltimore, of which public notice is
nereoy given. March 14, 1846.
!.... era a-v.
rPHIS location is convenient for Business men
visiting the city. Every pains is tsken to se
cure tne comlort ol travellers.
March 7. 1846. ly '
SUA JtBSI BUTrCLLY informa the ci-
if t'lpni nf Sonhnrv .ml virinitv ih.t k.
- - j j, ....
has removed hia residence lo the Brick
Hnus) in Market atreet. one door w-t
of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa
vors, be hopes tn receive a continuation of the liber
al psironage which has heretofore been extended to
bim. -Feb 28, 1846. 6m
HTML subscriber would respectfully inform per
il sons dealing in OYSTERS, and the public
Generally, that he has purchased the intereat of
Philip Shay, in lfi Oyster business, at Northum
berland, where he is prepared to supply dealers wilh
superior OrsTans, at the shortest notice, put up at
ihe celebrated establishment of Field if Shay, in
All orders sent by mail, or otherwise, will be
punctually attended lo.
Northumberland, Feb. 28. 1846
No. 70 South Third Street,
Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange,
Manufacture and keep con
stantly on hand, a large as
sortment nf their Patent Im
proved Salamander FIRE
PROOF 8AFE3, which are
so constructed as to set at reel
all manner of doubt aa to their
beins strictly fire proof, and
that ttn-y wdl resist the fire of any building in tbe
vtor'd. The outsidexise of the Safes are made of
boiler iron, the inside c.ise of soapstone, and be
tween tbe outer case and inner case is a space of
some 3 inches thick, and is filled in with indetrue-
lible, so as lo make it an impossibility to
ever burn any of the contents inside of thia Chest.
These Hospatone Sal.imsndeis we are prepared
and do challenge the wot Id lo produce any article
in Ihe shape of Bonk Safes that will aland as muih
heal, ami we hold ourselves reaJy at all times to
have them fairly tested by public bonfire, should a
ny cf our coreiietiiors feel disposed to try them.
We also continue to manufacture and keep con
stantly on band, a large and general aasortment of
oar Premium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which
we have a large quantity in use, and in every in
stance ibey have given entire satisfaction to the
purchasers of which we will refer the public to a
few gentlemen ho have them in use.
N. Sc. O. Taylor, 129 north 3J at., A. Wright
Ac Nephew, Vine st. wharf; Alexander Csror, Con
veyancer, corner of Filbert snd Bth sts.; John M.
Ford, 32 north 3dtt.; Myers Bush, 20 north 3J
t ; Bailey Sc. Broiher, 133 Maket U James M.
Paul, Hit south 4th st.; Dr. David Jayne, 8 south
3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d st; and
we could name srtne three or four hundred others
if it were necessary. Now we invite the attention
of the pubtir, and particularly those in Want of
Fire Proof Safes, to call at our store before purcha
sing elsewhere, and we think wo can satisfy them
that they will get a better and cheaper tirtirle at
our store than any other establishment in the city.
We also continue to manufacture Seal and Co
pying Preases, 'made in uch a manner aa to an
swer lth purpotca ; Hoisting Machines, Fire
Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locke
on thrm, with D. Evana'e Patent Keyhole cover
attached to the same; plain and ornamental Iron
N. B. We keep constantly on hand a large as
sortment of our Patent State Lined Refiigemtms,
Water Filters and Coolers and we have also on
baud several second band Fire Preof Chests taken
in exchange for ours, which ws will dirposo of at
very low prices.
Pltiladelphisanuary 24th, I84d. ly
Oppatite the Court House,
a . THE Subscriber, who aaaiated for se
V7l ven I yesra in the management of the a
'v'A bove HoIrI. lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra
,sstxl.iT biga leave lo infirm ibe travelling
public, that be has tsken the establishment on bis
owh account, on iba first of January, 1846.
The House baa, ef late, undergone many impor
tant adorations, and Ihe present conductor promises
to leave nothing undone lo make it a comfortable
snd agreeable, as well aa a cheap and accommoda
ting stopping place for strangers v. bo may visit our
flourishing village. No paius nor expense will be
spared to fill the table and the bar vtilh the best the
maikela afford, and wilh the determination to de
vote hia entire personal stlrntion to the comfort of
those wha may make hia house their temporary a
bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser
vants, he hopes to give general satisfaction, snd re
ceive s liU ral share of custom.
a Large and commodious 8TABLE8 are at
to ths establishment which are attendaJ by
careful and obliging bo.ilera.
Jsnusry 24 th, 1846. if . '
GAKDE.N SEEDS. A fresh supply of E.
Risley Sc. Co's auperlor Garden, beads, just
received and for sale at tbe stare of
Mart. 21, 1.44, HENRY MASSER.
m muz
iflOME WHERE ! Why where do yo sop
J pose but to the Cheep Store of Henry Messer,
InMarket street, Sunbury. And for what purpose
do yon think they cornel Why to bo? cheap, to
he sure, and save at least 20 per cent "They won t
do nothin' else," because it ia a well knowat fees.
that at
the very best articles are sold at the very Iowa. at
prices. Now come, one and all t bnt don't all eomO
Where you will find a Splendid Aasortment of
Fall and Winter Dry Goodi,
just received, among which are the following t So
perfine French Broadcloth; Weal of Englsnd dn.t
Heavy Beaver do., a first rate article for Overcoats,
and a great variety of Wool Dyed, Black and Fan
cy Caesimercs, Sattinetts, Mousselin-de-laines, Rrp-de-laines,
Cashmeres, A Ipafcas, dec, Arc. Also, a
bro'itiful assortment nf Calicoes of tbe latest styles)
and pat.'tns, which will be sold cheaper than ever i
Woofi'n and other8hawle in great variety,
from 4,? ct". to f.'Oj a general aasortment nf Ho
siers Glovl. Suspenders, Mitts, &c dtc a large.
sortment of omen's. Men's snd Mi.. Gum
SwTwhich will b sold tbeaper ,h.n ever before
0ffH?has likewise, in addition tr the .livestock,
an extensive assortment of Queensware, ?'
Saddlery and Croceriet,-K from 8 lo 10,12
and 16 its. per lb t GooA Coffee at 10 ery Best
ii . . r. iia-Mnikesi Iron: 8onderson s best
r':ii,Su "5. .h. America, and Sweed Blister
nasi oiee : r,n.".'a" . . ... ,, .
j i J V ... . bing lkt is usually kept in
Co7nUy sPe; ah of -bk will b. sold a. very
ry Product I" kin Uke "
change for Goods.
Sunbury, Nov. 22d, 1845.
r vm . tt.
JIA1 WliAl' VAltjVr,
JVo. 304, Market Street, above 9th, outhh
a THE subscrit ers respectfully call the atten
tion of their friends and dealers to their larg'tf
and well assorted stock of Hats and Caps of every
description, well adapted for tbe spring trsde. Be
ing made of the best material and by the most ex
perienced workmen, they feel confident to give nni
versil sstisfactinn to all who may favor Ihem with
a tiial, aa they offer to sell ss low as snv bouse in
the city. BAR TALOTT Sc. BLYNN.
Philadelphia. January 3, 1846. !
P. E 3 TJ VL B D .
a mmmmm
Of the late firms nf Newkirk fr Stryker, and
Strvker A Posrue,
HAS resumed the Wholesale Dry Goods Busi
ness .ml nnar niTar. f..r .1 TVn. I
14 Bank atreet, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers.
Clazhorn & Co's Auction Store, No. 78 Market
street, s gcnersl sssortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
purchased at auction, at a very amall advance for
cash, orciiy acceptances.
Uelievmg that bia long experience in purchasing
will enable him to eell hia Goods at the lowest Mar
ket pi ices, he invitee hia old friends, and others
wishing to buy, to fsvor him wilh a call.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1845. 8m
To Purchaser, or
THE subscriber, No. 121 Pesrl street, New
York, having established a Branch at No. 23
South Second st, f bitadelpnia, is now opening,
and will be constantly receiving from tbe New
York Auctions, an extensive assortment of
which will be sold at the lowest New York piicrsY
at wholesale and Retail. Among bis stock will bo
found a good assortment of the following articles i
Jacconets, Plsid, Hair Cord, Lace, 8 1 ripe. Book,
Swiss and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen
Lawns. Fsncy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dresses,
Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Black Silk
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Csmbrics,
Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cssbmeie
d'Ecease, Mouseline de Lsine, Silk and Cotton
Werp Alpaccss, Qnoen's Cloth, Gala Plaids,
French Merinoa, Black Silks, Gloves, Si k Hose,
8bawls, Cravats, Ribbons, Embroideries, &c, &c.
Country Merchants and others visiting Philadel
phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in-
a II 1 1 . t I
'iiru iu can sum examine ioe eiocss.
Nov. 1, 1845. ly O. H. MOORE.
urn Colored likmesset, and Photographit
Depot i
No. 136 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. 25t Broadway, New York J No. 75 Court
Street, Boston ; No. 136 Chesnut Street, Phila
delphia ; Baltimore Street Baltimore ; Broad
way, Saratoga Springs ; No 66 Canal Street,
New-Orleans ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And
Main Street, Du Buque, Iowa.
CONSTITUTING tbe oldest and most Etleit.
sive Establishment of the kind in Ihe World,
snd containing mora than a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, embracing those of some of the most
distinguished individuate, in the United 8lates.
Admittance free.
Tbis Establishment having been awarded the
Medal, Four First Premium, and two "Highest
Honors'' at the Exhibitions at Boalon, New-York
and Philadelphia, respectively, for best Pictures and
Apparatus, is thus officially sustained in tbe posi
tion of superiority heretofore universally ssaigned it
by the public, aa "First in the World."
June28th, 1845. ly
THE SUBSCRIBER naa been appointed agent
Air ibe a.le i.f CONRAD MEYER'S CEL.
ANOS; at thia place. These Pianos have a plain,
Bissau v and beautiful exterior fiui-h, and, for depth
and sweetness of lone, and elegance of workman,
ship, are not surpassed by any in tbe United States.
Tbe follow ing ia a recommendation from Cass
Dibts, a celebrated performer, and himself a man.
A CAltD.
If .viae bad the pleasure of trying the excel
lent Piano Fortes manfisctured by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited st ihe last exhibition of ihe Fr.nklin In.
stiiute, I feet it due to the true merit of the maker
to ilvclare that ihess inatroments are quire equal,
and In some respects even superior, to all the Pi
ano Fortes, 1 saw at the capitate of Europe, and
during e sojourn of two years at Psris.
Tbeee pianos will be sold at tbe manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, If not something lower,
Persona : are requested lo call and examiue fot
themselves, at the residence of ibe subscriber.
Bunbury. Msy 17. 1843. H. B. M,SSEK.
WHEAT -The big he .t6tm
Wheat at the storey H. MASSER.
A new supply ef Res blntMent just isesrved.
Nov. lib, Hit