... $m 'it'. .iNL Ai.tiTBfl.ATioN.Th following, which we find in an old newspaper, in, without doiiht. the most pTf'-rt specimen of alliteration extant Whoe ver has. Ht any time, attempted to indite an a ('rotie, is aware of the embarrassment of being confined to particular initiar letters. Yrt here the whole alphabet ii fathomed, ami each word in each line claims its own proper initial. It is i ally a curiosity. Slcfre of Belgrade. " n Austrian army awfully arrayed, I'nld'y by battery bcsmged Belgrade;. ( ossack commanders, cannonading come, Dealing destruction's devastating doom : . I A ery endeavor engineers essay, V-ir fam, for fortune fighting furious fray; (' -nenih 'gainst generals grapple gracious God I low honors Heaven, heroic hardihood; l ifminte, indiscriminate in ill, ''insmen kill kinsmen kinsmen kindred kill : Labor low levels loftiest, longest lines Men march 'mid mounds, 'mid moulds, id mnrd'rous mines : iw noisy noxious numbers notice nought i if outward obstacles opposing ought : ior patriots, partly purchased, partly pretsed, ' ''lite quacking, quickly quarter 'quest : I; -nson returns, religious right resounds, "'iwarrow stops such sanguinary Eoun.li, Truce, to theo Turkey triumph to thy train ! ' njtist, unwise, unmerciful Ukraine! inish vain victory, vanish victory vain! Why wish we warfare? Wherefore welcome were ' rxes, Ximenes, Xantbus, Xaviere? Yield! ye youths! ye yeoman yield your yell 'no's, Zarpater's, Zoroaster's zeal, all attracting arms against appeal." Prom tha Boston Courier. Othello lit Cniif;rrsM. OK TIIK APOfTHoeilK SAl.SAl.KIVOyirs. ?! ..si potent, grave and reverend Representatives, ' 1 , noble and approved porkoniaus, Tb.it I have gobbled tip this greasy sausage t: is most true. TrueI have bolted it, v.nd wiped my chops with an old newspaper t'lii very stretch and grin of my voracity i t ith this extent no more. Jiude are my jaws, ud i;ttlc graced with niceties of slobbering, i i.r since these gums of mine had seven years' teeth, Till now some nine moons wasted, they have used Their keenest action upon head and pluck, .And little of the whole hog can I squeak 'lore than pertains to feats of broiled whisker, V'td therefore leanlyhave 1 greased my grinders t i munching for myself. Yet by my patience ' .vill a round unvarnished tail deliver i !' my whole course of pig; what tripes, what trotters, What big black-puddings and what mighty sau sag i For such pork-feeding I nm charged withal) I gormandized in greasy dignity. Sweet piggy loved me oft delighted me, ml piggish was the story of my life, i'rom year to year, the nibbles, bites and chump ings ! I greased it through, even from my boyish days To the very moment when you caught me at it. And I can speak of the most slippery lardings, '. !i' moving accidents by skewer and gridiron, Ot hair breath 'scapes enough to singe your bris tles, When squealing grnnters died on point of fox. f perils in smoke-bouse and dripping-pan, Of being baked in the insolent dough, hi pot-pie slavery. Of my nuzzling since, And tit bits in my Congress history, H 'herein of antics vast and speeches idle, ;ticufl's, fudge, and fibs whose heads touch hea ven, ' I' was my bad luck to heur : such was the gam mon (if swaggering cannibals that each other eat The AnlhroJHit,'! the men whose tongues Are broader than their shoulders mighty bores. Yet, still the "House affairs" kept me from dinner All empty chaff and draff ; which I observing, Clapped a fried sausage in my breeches pocket, Wrapped in a ragged "Madisonian." U hereof by parcels I had something smelt, hut naught distinctly. So I clutched and bit it. IVIora high Heaven: T was fat; 'twas passing f.it. Twas peppery; 'twas wondrous peppery ! I wished 1 had not bit it ; yet 1 wished Ohio pigs had made me such a sausage, S.i catawarnpoiibly to be chawed up. Oil" this end 1 dodge. 'i qui ii for the sausage I have munched, Ana stump yuu to bite a harder one. ATiude. The Huntington Globe describes n trade in wives, which recently took place in Ulair county, which isa pretty lair start in the line inatrimon al lor a new county: 'The trade took place between Mr. T. and Mr. !., in a written article oi agreement, the Utter paying- the former the lollowiuf article, L'l-nerally denominated as 'boot' : two dollars i i cash, three gallons of whisky, two pound of smoking tobacco, one pair of shoes, one bell crowned hat, such as was the fashion when Ad tun was a boy, arid several unmentionable trifles, il l conclusion of the agreement the wivei Chan l!f.J place, leaving behind all their movable nffertu, including the children, and etahlised ihoii'selve in their new hnnics. The parties ire in moderate circuun-lancetf. Since tlio a i..ve transaction we 'knock under,' and acknowl edge Blair county to be ahead of old Hunting- on." The beat physicians are !r. Diet, Dr Quiet, and Pr. Menyman. OU Vrvuib.'t LIST. ' rrSTLTAXl.4. The f Mowing lift shows the current valun of all Pennsylvania Bunk Note. The most implicit re liance may he plnced upon it, a it i every erk -.art fully compared with and correctcJ from Biik nell's Reporter. Hanks lu Philadelphia. " ' i ' Disc, tit . Mn. Location. piMfcii) .NOTES AT PAR. flunk of Ninth America . , Bank of the Northern Liberties , (Jommereiul Bank of Penn'a. . . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Kensington Bank Philadelphia Hank Schuylkill Bank . Snuthwark Bank Western Bank . ' Mechanics' Bank . Manufacturer' A, Mechanics' Batik Country Itniilt. Rank of f'hestcr County Westchester Hank of Delaware Comity Chester par par par par par par par par pir pur par par par par par pur par B.ink nf Germantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylcstown Bank Eas'on Bank Fanners' Bank of Bucks co. Oflire ff Biifli of Penn'a. Office di do Otllco dd dn Oilice ihv do Germantown Norristown Doyle.town Esslon Bristol par H;irrisbutg" These Lancaster I otlicca Rending do not Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. n-ink of the United States Bank of Penn Township Girard Bank Movnoienwiiig B ink Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bm.k of Pottsville Bank of Lcwilown Bank of Middle-town Bank of Northumberland Philnli lphia 3d I par i par j par par ?.iij Potlsvillil Lew blow n Middletown Northumberland par Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia Carlisle. Bank Carlisle 1 Exchange Hank Pitts-hurir i D d i branch of llollidavs- hurg i Farmers' Bank of Lancastei Lsncistei par par pni Lancaster County Bank Lniicasler Farmers' Bunk of Reading Reading Harrisburg Bank Harrislmrg Lanciis'er Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bank Lebanon Merchants' Ac Manuf. Bank Pittsburg Bank ofPilUhurg PitlH!nu West Brunch B mk illiamsport Wyoming Bunk Willicl grio Northampton Bink Allentown Berks (;ountV Bank iieading Oilice of Bank of U. S. PilNl urg pi J i i' failed ill! D. do do Erie Do do d.i New ilrihtiin 111 Kensington tSuv. Ins. A ihi Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chambef-burg Chamben-hurg j Bunk ol (iettysburg (iettyur I Bank of Siinjuelmnna Co. Montrose l Erie Bank Eriu liala' Farmers' & Drovers Bank Wnynesburg jn) Franklin Bank Washington Ij Honcsilsh) Bnk Honesd.do I Monongnliel i Bunk of B. Brownsville 1 J York Bank Yivk ul N. B. '1 ho notes of those banks on which wo omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia broker-, wiilt tho exception of those which have a letter of ri lert nee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelj hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do l .iled Manual Labor Hank (T. W Dyntt, prop.) failed l owauda Bank I iiwanim Alleghany Bank of Pa. BedforJ Bunk of Beaver Heaver Bank of Swatara Hariisburg Bank of Washington Washington Centre Bank Belli fonte City Bank Pitttbuig Farmers' Sc Mech'cs' Bank Pittsburg Farmers' it Mech'cs' Bank l'ayelie en. Fuiniers'&. Mech'ca' Bai.k IJrciaicastie Harmony Instiluti) Harinony Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon Juniata Bank Lewistowii Lunibenneu's Bank Warren Northern Bank uf Pa. Di.ndntf no sale closed closed failed closed no Mile failed filled failed no fali no sale no sale failed no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope Northunib'd Union Col. Bk. Milton North Western Bank of Pa. Meodville Oilice of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon a. Agr. At Manuf. Hank Carlisle Silver Lake Bank Montrose Union Bank of Penn'a. Uniontown Westmoreland Bank (ireenslmrj Wilkesbarru Bridge Co. Wilkeslmrie no sale tT All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Hank not givey in tha above list, may be set Jown as frauds. jvnw ji:rsi:v. Bank of New Brunswick ticlvidcie Bunk Burlington' Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Tarmen.' Bnk Farmers' and Mechanic' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Brunswick Belvidcre M.-ilUd Perth Ani'oty Bridetim Mount Holly I'ahwuy N. BiuriHwiek MidHeUwn Pt, Ji rev Oily failed i ,ar I p..r j par I ! failed i . ' fuiled j fail, d ! failed I failed I failed A ! fail.-.) I ! al ; Franklin Bank of N.J. Hoboken Bkg & Grazing Co Hub .ken Jersey City Bank Jersey Ony Mechanics' Bank I'atieison Manufacturers' Bank Hi Hi villi1 Morris County Bank1 Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Fierhol.l Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jcisey City Post Notes Newark Bkg cV Ins Co New Hopa Del Bridge Co N. J. Msnuf.ic. and Bkg Co no bsle Newark l.ainbeit, villa Hoboken Jersey Ciiy 1 i faileil j l.:!led f.ile.l I i! par ; par 1 N J Princeton & Lombard bk Orange Bank Palermo Bank Peoples' Bank Piinceton Bank fSalem Banking Co tStale Bank Stale Bank State Bank $tat Bank of Morris tttute Bank Salem and Philad Manuf Co Sussex Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank O rii 11 go i'alersiin do i'riiiu'tiill Salem Newark Eluuhrthtowu ( 'uinileii Morristowu Trenlon Salem Newton Trenton Dvcr Hackeusack i i ! par ; i ! failed failed 1 par i failed par par pur par r par par par par Washington Banking Co. DIXAlVAIti'. Bk of Wihn & Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Bank of Smyrna Do branch Wilmington Smyrna Millord Farmers' Bk of Hate of Del Do branch Dover Wilmington Georgetown Newcastle Wilmington Do brunch Do branch Union Bank tXj" Under 5's (TT On all banks marked thus () there are ei (tier counterfeit ur altered notes uf the various Js- nouiiuaiions, in circulation. HANK SOTI! IIURK'S HOTEL, IIARRISnrRG, PA. IBEO leave to inf..rm the public that I have left Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris bur?, the neat of the Executive and State Govern ment of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy tho spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilson. This spacious building- having been purposely pUnned and i retted for a Hold of iho first class h not surpassed if equalled, by any similar estab lishment in Pennsylvania ; and having undergone a thorough renovniion. the parlors, rooms and rhambrr are no fitted up in a stylo that com bines r'eeanco with comfort and convenience. My TABLE ia pledged to be supplied with the best fare the Markets can produce: the charges at the s-nie time being ss moderate as anv of the best regulated estal lishments elsewhere. In short, no cxeitions shall be spared on my p rt, or on iho pnrl of every member of my household, to make it v. hit it should be, in tbe Capital i f one of (lie most pop ulous nd in'crcsting Statu, of the Union. With these promises, accommndninns and faci lities, and the bict that tlie Hotel is niont eligibly situated, I with confidence, most respectfully soli cit the patronage of thn Public. DANIEL HERR, Lite of Herr's lintel, Cl-.csnut at., Philad. ITjrri burn. Nov. 2C. lSI.r. itnKTi:i: raraiuanu Slvttclcics. ;1. BntTtn's VsnMirrna a e-rtain eure for worms irtfe. nr.d very pfeaxanf to lake. 2. OidsoVs EtthaCts. which remove (!reno of all kind--, Dry Paints. Tar, Varnish and Wax. from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the c Ior or the cloth. 3. Lnnn Fi t Purv.n the Itcst thing known for killing Hies and inu-qintiirs. . 4. A ceitarn Desirnyer of lints. Mice, llonches and Ants, and anmber of Btd Bn;s. 5. OcWs Hrtciric fcr ur stomach, Heirl Biirn and Water Brash, by one who hail snlli red thirlicn years, bi forn he discovered the core. Dh. Stevr's Chicks Oi.it.mkt for the Pibs. It has never failed In cure 7. llinniso" Ti.tti.ii Wit. H. BltKMOMl's I.11IKL1IILE Ilk,- -without rival. 9. Tue ' t'owpotfn Coifictiox or Kins ' jiisl tl e Rieiliiiue for children .Hid f r Women, It is jf so pleasant to take. i 10. Hu n s Vtor.Tiai.r. ATinnmrs I ii.i.?. , 11. Gcsm's Enot.i.iKT Watkm-pbuiif I'sik. j for ll:iriifss, Bon's, &,c. It softens the leather, and keeps out I lie wa'er. I I'Z. Pimiii Ms Strknii rn.in I'i.astsh. i CI. Iackox's 1)i a rhiiii: i Mixti iif, uliii bl cures the worst Diarrlxra in a few hours. 11 Jacksuv's Dvsi:NTiir Mixii ni, r,'r- lain and rpeedy rure for Dysentery and Summer ClMllpl.llllt. 'i'he at ove valuable article, are "old wholesale and retail, bv L. '. G'UNN, No. I South '' i (-ee, l'h'.lndi !j)Iiin wbeie Stun keepers r.nd o-I ilu r will be Mi P ie I with pure African Cayenne Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drus, Paints, Oils, (Jlass j and Varnishes, at the lowest prices. Terms oi ly cash. Qj" (Jul out the advcitisvinent, and bring j it with vou. j Pl.ila.lelphia. July 19ih. 1815. 1 v. I 14 K IjTk V E A MJ l7l V K . ; THOMSON'S C'uiwciouiul .svi'iin of Tar At "Wol Nai(!ia. : .IIP I . . 1 . , r . I . ! . .. T ' .. . n i .. I f H SI 1 l-t Ulipri-l Clll llll ll MILi rM in mis .in in. , in R the restoration uf health, to those who, in des. pair, bad pien up all hopes, has given it an led rrputuliuii aliovo all oilier remedies, fund; hihg evidence of its intiinsic va'ue and power, as the on ly agent which can relied upon for the cure of l'ubnon.iry f'onsumplion, Broiiehiitls, Asihtna, Pain in the Hih and Breat, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Altei.tion is lequested to the following ASTON. ISHING CUKE.bv Thoms.i'i's Cumpoiiiid Suup of Tar and Wo.d Naptlm! ! rliiladrfpbui. May 3., 181 1. MB. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of ihe astonishing etl'ccis ol your medicine, which has literally rais. d ma from a death-bed ! My di.-ia-e, Pulmonary CVu-uimp. lion, h id reduced me m low that my physician pro. lio.mri d my ea-e hupeUiis! Al ibis jui.ciion I be gan to u-eyour medicine, nod miraculous as it may cein, it has completely restored me lo health, alter everything else had fuiled. I'espei tfullv yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte street, above Geoige strrt-t. 'J'h" undersigned, beii g personally acquainted with Washington Muck and his tullerings, Lear witness lo 1 lie astoi.i-h'.ng effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tui, and the truth uf the a hove statement. JOS. WINNER, H18 North Third street, DAVID VIOKKHS, 42 Almond street, HUGH M 'GIN LEV, S. E. rormr Tuiuany mid Fourth street. Prepared only by W. I . I homs.in. It. comer of oth and Spruce slreits, Plii adclphia. j Agents. H. B. Ma.-er, i-uiibury ; D. Gross, j and Dr. Maq hcison, 1 1 i -lislnirg ; Jno. (i. Brown, ! Pi.ttsvele ; Geo. E irl, Ka.diii; HuuMun it M- on. I on auila. israii.oro county, t a. J rice ov cents piT botile, or f 5 p r dozen, (j)- lli irure of nil imitations. ""Philadelphia, June '.'Slh, ISi.a. l y IIKLP TIIK 15 c g i n 11 c r s . rilllE subscribers would respectfully inform the 1 ( .'tiieiis fSuiibury and tho public generally, lb it they have purcl ased ihe shop of Mr. William Huover, in Market street, ii e'door west of the Post Oilice, wheie they will continue the ( nltiiir(-l!n!siii IIu.itic', in all iis branches. The public may expect their work done hi ihe latest stv le. They hope, by slr'u t ulteiilioii lo bu-iins-, t meiit a share of public lialroiiHce. (ry Collins m ule lo oiler on tbe shortest no" ice, and country endure taken in exchange for work. WM. YOU.NGVA.S 4Sc H. C. MARTIN. Simbury, May l?ib. I SI5. 1 y. A S II IB V V K O V A E WHOLESALE U EETAIL 1IAT&CA1 MAMFACTUU IIS, South Fail comer of Marktl and ith sts.. Philadelphia, "WHERE they always keep on ham! an exten- sive i.iortiuenl of HATS U CA FS of every description, got up in the be.t and most approved 15 le, Peie.'ii dciiriius r-f purchasing superior orti cbs on ihe most reasonable term., will find it (o iheir advaulage to tall bib re making purchases rUewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th. 1S44. ly F M:i:i. The highest plica will" be given for rial Seed, at Ihe store of Aug 9. 1815 HENRY MASSE!L 1 .11 1!, of a siierior ijuality, csn now be hud 4 1 lilt) Lime Kilns of Henry Masser.in Sun- bury. May 17. 1845. BAR IRON Just received snd for tJe, cheap forcs.h, by HENKY MASSER. Sunhury, Sapt. SO, 1345. OAKLEY'S REPI RATIWK SVRrP. THE valuable properties of Oakley's Dppura tive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of the blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it Is unnecessary to oecnpy much space in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use ? wherever tho medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence, over nil others : f vety one that has tsken it, hr.vo derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it ia recommended by them with the utmost confidence. Physiciami of thn highest standing in tho profession, prescribe it to patients under their e.ira ', containing nothing deleterious, but bring composed of the mcM-,t mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials.it is offered si ith confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known, Thn use of a few bottles, espetial'y in the spring months, will be at tended with most derided improvement in tha e neral strength of the system, eradicating any wvils of disease that may have been generatej, besides giving health and vigor to thp body. For the rure ofNcrofuhor Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiuption. of Iho Skin, White Swelling, Fii-lnla, Chronic Cough Asth.ua, cVe. The nu merous certificates in the possession of the sal'scrl her and his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to coov nee tho must skeptical of its su periority over all prepnr.iti ms of Sarsaparilla. Suld wholesale end retail, by the proprietor, (.'EOIKiE W. OAKLEY, North 5th sirert. Rea ding, Beiks Comity, and to bo bad of the following persons : i' ioritiumoeriar.rt bounty. a. v. ..lass-r - t - Simbury ; liel unl fc Mixel, "l """" ' " j hrausr r, Milton. In Unian County. J. Gearhart, Seliusgrovej A. (lutelnis, Miiiliiiluirg. In Columbia Cuunly. 1J. V. McCay, Wash ington. Rending. March H. 181:1. Ma. O intrri I believe it the uty of every one to do whuteveriri their powerlte, for the le ne fit of their fellow m.v, and having had pn-HV proof in my own family, of the woinlerful properties of your Dt pnrs'.ive Syrup of Snrsnp.irilla, I m st conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We Inl the niiffoiturio t.i lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered Ihe face, head and neck, although we had some of the most scientific physicians to attend tin m and had tried all the known icmedirs, including Kwaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was st:sd;e. in tho same manner, her lace rd neck was completely covered; the discharge was o offensive, nml t!;e disease at such a heigh, that we despiired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful ellects of your Depnraiive Sytup (.f S irsapari 1 1, wo wcie iitduenl to iniikp trii.1 of it. the last rts irt; it ae'td like a charm; the u'cers cmmeuced lutlii ! immediately, a fi w bottles entirely restored In r to ) hi r health, which slm In? enjoyed nniiileriui uMlIy ever since. Asa puiilu r ol the ii.oeii, l verily I.e. heve it h;.s not ils equal. JOHN MOVER. Tailor, Walnut aired, near Fourth, Beading. Doiigl issville, April 19th, 184:?. Mil. Oakikt: My son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in thn most dreadful and distressing limn ner for three years, during which lime he was de. privrd of the use of his litnl s. his ,p ,, and nrck wcie covered with ulcers. We tried all the dill-Tent remedies. I ut to no rfft-ct, until recninnn tided by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, bud a!.-o Dr. Isaac Hiesier, of Reading, lo ue your Dcpuralivn Syrup of iSarsapurilla, of which I obtained sevnal lotilcs. the ue of which drove the disease entirely out of his system, the si.re healed up, and the child was restored lo perfect health, which he ha. enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of many persons ' who seen him during his atlliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you this ce'ti ficate that others uh haw a lil.c afiliction in (he family mr.y know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. tO. ISM ly To t'onntrv TUrc 8t:iil. V, oot .Shoes Ilonncts, Lechorn ami I'alm Lent' Hats. ('.. AV. & L. II. TAYLOIt, ill the S. P.. corner of Market mid Fifth Sin., OFFER for sale an extensive nesnrlinent of the above ar'ichs, all of w hich they sell al unusual ly low pi ices, and particularly invite the attention of buyers visiting the cilv, to 1.11 examination of their stock. G. W. cV L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 25, IS 14. ly city runsiTuin-: ai xtiox, ASTO PEIVATU SA5.E3 ROOTIo, Nos. t-i and :tl North Third .Street, Near tho City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- ites the attention of persons desiro:is of pur-ch.i.-ing Fuihiiure, to his extensive ivilrs Ilooius. (both puldic und Piiate.) for every description of Household Furniture, white can be obtained at all times, a l.irce assortment of fashionable and well insnufuclurt'd Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mutirasses, j &c. at very reduced prices, for cash. t CO- tsUics '0y Auction, twice a week. May 2Vth. 143. ly C'otlu,tllc-rl, DEATH BLOW. Tl" l,ul'!iC W'" Vlri ",hsrr? 'I"11 ':" 15rlan,,";,h fins are genuine, umess iae nex oa8 .rrB 1.- , be! upon if. (the top, the side and the bottom) e.di coniainiog a fac-sunilc signature 01 my na.,.l- writing, thus B. BbanIikith, M. D.TI'e la. bel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over $!i,0!)0. Therefore it will be seen iha( the only thing nrcesary 10 pro cure (he medicine in its purity, is to observe these label.. lb-'inemher tho top, the side, and the bottom. The fvdlowing respective persons are duly authori zed, and hold CERTIFICATES OT AGENCY For the sale of Hrundrcth's Vegetable Universal Mi. . Northumberland county t Milton Mackey fi Chsmheilin. Kunhury II. B. Masscr. M'Ewens ville Ireland tc Meixell. Northuml-eiland Wtu. Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Wslls. Union County t New Berlin Bogur A Win ter, Selinsgrove George Gundiura. Middle, burg Isaac Smith. Beavermwn David Hubler. Adamsburg Wm. J.May. Mitllinsburg Menscb & Rsy. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg G. Sl P.O. Moyer. Lewisburg Walls &. Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds & Co. Berwick Shumsn A. Rittenhnuse. Cat. tawissa C, G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCay. Lime.tmie Ball'-' t MtrN'ncb. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Ur BRANDRET IPS Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of (he new lubelt now ued upon the Urandreth J'ill Botet. Philadelphia, office No. f), North 8(h street. B. BRANDKETH, M. D, June Jllh, 1843. ROSE OINTMENT FOR TRTTRR. niNOWOIIMR, flMPLKH OH THB PACK, AND OTHER rnTANEOi'9 rrttp-rtoNs. Hit fil!niiinir ccrtiicaie detcribe rte nflM mint, txtruirrdiuarrj cure ever ejf.xtefl by any applicaticm. PntiAntt.rnM, Februaty 10, 1839. IJ'OB twenty years I was severely afflicted with Tr.TTKit on t'aa Face and Headi the diresse commenced when I was rcventeen years old, end continued until tho Fall of 1833, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During mt of the time, great part of my fsce was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my head swelled al times until it fe.lt ss if it would bu.-s! the svrel'in j was so great, Ihat I could scarcely pet my hat on. Drrinjf. thfl long period that I was afflicted with the disease, I ureit a great many n plical'ons, (among them several celebrated preparation") as vell as taking inward remedies, including a n'lmber of bottles of Swaim' Tanar.ra. Rxlrael of Sarsavnrilin, cVe, In fact, it would be impossib!: to enumerate all the medicines I useil. i , , , .. , . , , .i-t I was a so nnder the care or two of iho moot ills- ...... r . t . ..i. . tmguisoed physicians of this city, but without re- , . , . , -. , , . . i ee,v,n?m.,ch benefit, anil I despaired of ever being , cured. In t.w fall of 18.30, the disease at the .me being very v.olent, I con.menced Using the h,m , Ointment, fprepared b Vaughan tc Davis.) In ' a few anplicaiions the violent itching ceased, the pwrlljnf; aimtcd, tho ffuptt.in brenn t ilisippear. t I c ft i , , 1 cutnl. H has naw lcon nearly a vrar anil a hlf i .1 . , nvnn.., ,Ua - . f . i. , . . r i iimiiiii'. cai.'-'i i-i i a iiipin uir uirp nils lorioeii t by the disease, it is impessilde for me to describe in a certiticate the severity of tho disease mil mv sulTrring, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac connt to any person wantins; furiher satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I commcnce.l using iho Ease Ointment I would have given hun dreds of doilats to lio rid of the disease. Sinco u sing it, I have recommended it to sever ii persons, (among them my mother, who had the diseaso bad- on hct ,m) who were a I cured bv it JAMF.S DUKNELL, No. ljfi, Race St. j iXjf" Tho Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B, ! Vanillin, Somh East corner of Third and Race streets, Pbi'iidelphia, and sold on seenry in Sunliu ry, by II. B. MASSER, ) May 14th. 1813. Ait. ! Ctostic (lintnicait, 8'or Teller. I A I'lltiOr UF ITS EtTH AVY. Philaiiklchia, May 2?lh, 18:l'.. j 'Tpllls is to certify that I was dcverely aftl cted with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards ' of forty years ; the disease was attended generally j with violent itching and swelling. I applied to l j number of physicians, nm! used a great many appli i cations without rtrecting a cure. About a year since, I npplicd the Rose Ointment, which entirely stcpiied the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which (here has been no return of, allhot!5h I had never been rid of it al any tiuc fur f. r!y years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. CCj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauhan, jutli East corner of Third nud Race Mn els, Philadelphia, and sdd on agency in Sunbu ry. by II. B. MASSER, May I lib. 1843. Aiiet. IVIEDICArj APPROBATION UJ the RUSH OI. rMr..T,Jhr Tetttr. A LTHOUtill the sup.riority of the prepaialimi over all others is fully established, Ihe pr .pric- lors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of PeuiiKvlvaiui. JJr. Buugh, I sving found in this temedy that relief f ir a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means within the range of his profession failed to elbird, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interest), of that prolcsion aie opposed ta secret Remedies. PiliLAnELPUiA, Sept. 10, 18313. I was recently troubled w ith a tedious herpetic eruption, which coveted nearly one si.la of my face, n.id exit ruled over the ear. Mr. Vaughau, proprie tor of the Rose Ointment, observing my face, insis ted on my trying his preparation, uf which he huu ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by ignni ant pretenders, I feel in justice bound lo except the Rose Ointment from that cla-s of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire ly lured ihe eruption, although it had resisted the usual applications. DA.NL. BAl'GH, M. 1). fXj J he Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vuughaii, ISouth East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agrncy in Sun bury.by H. B. MASTER, May 14 th, 1843. Agent EAGLE Corner of Third und Vine Streets, I milE subicribtr respectfully announces to ihe .B- public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of j '1 hird and Pine streets, where he will he happy to ! wait i.pon those who may favor him with their company. 'I'he Eagle Hotel is large and conveni- I ent, snd furnished in the best modem style. Ii is j provided with a large number of well aired and . comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu- fciness or pleasure, may rest assured Ihut every ex- ertion will l e used to lender their sojourn at the , "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied with the very best tho market af- j fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other 1 I;,,., ...... , i,.raj ... it., Tk r-.i. it ...i ! p.Uesses greater advantages' in point of location . aimii.,,1i1umri, , lKt , M t j bui,-miM cf,,elown. ami 1 wihjl , fonv,.niellt di8laIu.u of ,he (;linrt HU8H and Williamsport and Elmira Had Road Depot. j Sufficient Stabling provided, snd good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accim.mothiling and honest Servants i have been employed, and nothing left undone thai will add to the comfort and accommodation uf his guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance al the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, fiee of chsrge, CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th. 1812. tr Sichat'l WraYer SL on, COrS MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A'o. 1 3 iX.irtft Water Street. Fhiludtlphia. PAVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, viz: l r it Hopes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Msnil la liopes, 'low Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. all of w hich they will dispose of on reasonable teims. ' - Philadelphia, November 13, 1X42. ly. SlElUNGrGOOD& CO. " No. las Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French and American Dry Goods, w hich they offer for sals ou the mot reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. -ly. TO HEIL1CA1T & CO., i-3t isss Commission & Forvvarditip;!Merchants, Fvot of Willow Street Rail Road, OX TRK TlttAWAKr., TTAVINO associated with them Joseph Barnet, -lateof Eastnn, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta. ken tht large and well known store and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by Jicob Martin, where they purpose doing a General Commission and Forwarding Business, and from the local advantages of the place being connected with all the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they wil' be able to do business to as great, if not greater ac vantage, snd upon as reasonable terms as any othe. house, and tbev assure their friends that any con signmnits made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis- I fuc'ion. 'i'i.. . ... .i ... i : l r i . . ' , ' .. , . . goods 10 any point on the Delaware and Lehigh , '.. . ,. .... , m ? rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Lnston and Plnla- , w , ' . . l- lel nn, via Delnwsre IJi visnn anu lienmh Canals; rko , nnv t,oinl , ,; ri.rf or Norlh w, n,1.,,, of ,hc s,Ufqnehanna .j, Srhuyl. m nnJ Un of ,h(J Cn iake aml TW, NVnfcr Canals For Jh( flC(.onlmnililtinn of , comin(, or R0. ... tak..-ii.:ii i tT-:-. i"K "i mi mni nun i; iiiimi uijiiit a -r iiiiiruai. tIu....n..ii 1 . . .i.. ,. .k:u iiiuvmin wiuiiimj in inn uriiinairnini um;i, vvmin will enable merchants to have (heir produce deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at a saving ot 5t) to 7o per cent, on tho prices for hauling acioss, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit s share of patronage. W.HEILMAN&CO. William Hellmsn, -I WillianvW. Keyser, Joseph Barnet. 3 Philad., May 14, 1843. ly J. BXATTxiAND, JR. h CO. Sntill' nntl Tnbaccn Xlnnufacttirers, A n. "J!l AorJt U' ut comer of Rare and Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. ' rPHE undersigned have formed a Co-pnrtnership I J- under the firm of J, MAYLAND. Jn. & Co.. as successors to the late firm of Jucab .May land $ I Co., and will c uitinue Iho business at 'he old esta ' blishtoent, on their own account. In addition to their own close attention and experience f r many 1 years, in the manufacture, of their cefebrated snuffs, t &c the long eiperience of the senior partner of tho : late firm, w ill also be devoted lo tho interest of tho 1 new concern nnd as no exertion and care will be spared to insure their goods, at all tinv s of the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of tho confidence of the fiiends and customers of the lato , linn. THOM AS ADAMS, I J. M.WLAND, J11. I Philadelphia, Mav 14th, 1S4:I. ly To oimti v MERCHANTS, rl",HE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore ami other large cities, whose. Huh ro highly commmded fir eimd rolir and dur'd.itity, has on hand a first rate assortment of HA I'S and CAPS, suitable for Spring s ites, wh'rh will be sold v.tv low. fni raS or ni.ninvil rri'ttlt. nl th m Ifti rheilp illire No 40 K(Jrh Th;rj .,re?1 mrj,.e lhu City jIl)tel ).i UiU-lhiia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, ,t,,tnt. N. B. Orders tot Hats in iherouriV. prunptly attended to, Tha highest rice ill uuft ort.ala given far Fur ikin. Philadelphia, June II, 1813.--ly BOLTON & CO. Cilrnrral Commission .Urn liants. For the Sale of Flour, drain, Sied, ic., Vc. 1 F..M'ECTFULLY inform their Inends and .IA tho Merchants generally, that ihev hawf la- ken ihoselarge nnd commodious Wharvs, with two Docks, noith of (Miihiiut street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. ID South Wharves, where they would be pleased lo receive consign-' nients of Grain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, &c l'C. Being also well prepared to forward all kind of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, as tow boats are kept expressly for the purpose of tmin; boats by either route. Merchants will please be particular to send thei goods destined by either ejnals-, to No. lit Soul! Whsrves, between Market and Chesnut streets. 01 the Delaware, with directions accompanying then which route ihey wish them to be shippe.l. 53 Plaster and Suit for sale, at ihe lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C'. March 19, 1843. No. 19 South Whirvef ' f'U El j Iv? 9 ; P 0 1 H " ; house, .o.2m, Sorth Third, above C.tlowhill St., PHILADELPHIA. "H OHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsvlv; ; fjf nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., lute of . mt riran Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, lake pleasure in a' ' uamiing their friends and the public nenerallv ih ' Ihey have taken (be large and commodious Hon 1 recently built by thajMcests. Hart, on the came si once occupied by the old established Hotel know ' ss the Bull's Head, in Third stleel above Calluv I hill st. : This Hotel is finished in the very best possib ; manner, and of the best materials. Its location ! ery desirable, particularly for country merchant 1 the arrangements for heating and ventilating ea. room is such as to secure aoy temperature. Tl hrdroomsare all light and airy, all furnished in j nest style, so as to insuie comfort. I 'i'he receiving parlors are also fun ished in a s i )erb style, the windows are on tho French sly forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whir ) makes a pleasant recess. Pnrticulai attention h ! been given to the beds and bedding, which, wi I the furniture, are entirely new. . f rom yea's exerience in h.vtel business, x t-ust, by strict assiduity tc businesi, (11 make tl I house a desirable slopping place. Our table . always he supplied with uia very best our mart ; ran afford, and our bar with the best lujuorsa wines of the most sppioved brands, j P. S. There are rir.t rste stabling imd carria ; houses attached lo the hotel, attended by care' ami sober hostlers, and our charges will be low, accordance with the present haid times. .Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1842. GOLDEN SWA I Ao. tiii Aorf Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. AOI-OMVIODATIONB FOR sIVEM'V rEKMONS. CHARLES WEISS, late of the White Swal and "Mount Vernon House," resjiectfully forms his friruds and customers, that he has beeo the proprietor of the above well known Hotel. Country Meicbants will find the above Hote central location, and the best of fare. Persons t. veiling with private conveyance will rind a lar yard aud good stabling for horses, and the btit ostlers. Boarding 1 1 per day. May Uth,l84S. If.