DIKD, In this place, on Tuesday evening the 8th inst., Mr. GEO. WKITZEL, aged about M years. In Atiguata township, on Tuesday evening last. Mr CONRAD CULP. aged about 83 years. . In Havre He Grace, Md.,on the 28th tilt., Mrs. ELIZA S. BOYD, relict of the late William Boyd, aged about 53 years. """price current. " , Corrected weekly by Henry Masser. What, . . . . loo Rti, . 70 Conn, . . . 62 Oats, .35 Pons:, 5 Fnxsr.t:, ... . 12 Bcttr, - . 14 Eoq, . . . . .10 BanswtT, .... - 25 Taiiow, . , . . 10 Flu, ... .10 HlcKt.vtiFt.1T, . 10 Damn A rei ns, . 75 Do. Prachr. . 150 Where is Thomas ft likes f THE subscriber hud a brother nsmed Thomas Gilkes, who, when Inst heard from, in June, 1834, was at Northumberland. His employment wn on the river. He is now, if living, ahnut M years old. Any informatii n respecting him, direc ted to the subscriber, bin brother, "Ohio City, Cu yahoga county, Ohio, will be thankfully received. JOHN GILKES. April Uth, 1840. T AKE1T AZPJT. "T " THE folbwing descritied Lumber wan laken adrift, nt thr. Inland of Jacob Blaster, in the Husquehanna river, situated in Lower M ihnnny township, Northumberland county, on the 15th of Murch last, by the said Jacob 15lni.fr. and return ed to pie and entered upon my docket, Agreeably to the provisions of the act of March 20th, 1812, to wit: Cherry Hoard. ArIi and Poplar IMank, &,?. containing in all between 2.000 and 3,000 feet, the greater part being the Cherry Boards. The owner of the above property is requested to come forward and identify the same, pay the char pis and take it aay, otherwine it will be disposed of accordion m law. PETER BIXLER. Lower Mahon y, April 1 1, 184G. 3t J. P. Lime ! Lime ! ! JCH1T 3. SEIPMA1T, RERPECTFULLY informs hi fiends, that he has commenced the business of Lime Horning, on thefaim he now occupies. He has now on hand a quantity of Lime for sale, and will always endeavor to accommodate those who may fai or him with their custom. August. April Uth. 1846. 6m Dyspepsia or lO Years' Standing. riHE wife of Opinio Roberts, on Vine Street. X near Water. Cincinnaiti, has been afflicted with DYSPEPSIA in its mot aggravated form for the taut ten years, was recommended hv celebra ted physicians of Boston, New Yo'k. Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Cincinnati, to travel, as they rould do nothing for her. She did so, but it did her no Rood. She then commenced Using the moat popu lar medicines of the day for her complaints, but de rived no benefit. Scatng an advertisement of DR. SMITH'S VEGETABLE SUGAR, COATED PILLS in the paner, she concluded to give them a trial sent to G. F. Thomas Main street, be tween Third and Fourth, Di. Smith's Agent for Cincinnati, and purchased a box, look them accor ding to direction, and can v.'iih heart felt joy slnte that she derived more lienefit from the uo of one 'bXr.f Dr. Smith's Sugar Co. ted Vegtahb- Pills. than from any other medieine she has made use of during the ten vears. The above was sent to (J. Y. Thorn is on ihe 31 D.c. 1814 Cin Times. Qj CAUTION. 'As a miserable imitation tins been made, by the name of '-Sugar Coaled Pills," it is necess iry to be sure that Dr. G Be vj. Smith's signature is on every box. Price 25 cents. Principal Office. 179 Greenwich st. N -w York. Sold by JOHN W. FRIL1NG. Sunhun. WM. FORSYTHE. Northum'd. April 4th, 46 PETERLAZARUS, 8 1 111 HV, Northumberland County, PENN SYLVANIA, RESPEOTEULLY infirme his fri. nils and the public in general, that he haa taken the ltrick Stand, formerly occupied by l.e.irge rrince as a public hou-e, (east of the State Hons?, and opposite the Court H ue.) where he is preQred to accommodate his friends, and alt others who may favor him with their custom, in the best manner. In short, no exeitions nor expense will be spa red to render his house in every way worthy of public patronage. Sunbury. April 4th, 1846 6m imi6rtant TO DEALERS I1T TEA AND TEA DRINKERS. The succesa of the PEKIN TEA . 1 COMPANY. No. 30.8..UTH Skcosii lir I Ktr"t between Market and Chc- -fenut. I'hiladiilphia, has been uuparaU leled. Our citizens are now aide to obtain a an terior article of Teas, at ratea much cheaper than have ever before been offered in thia country, and they have the suraxce that there are no drue or ...i,.. r..; ...i.. mi,.,i i,K it.. T-.. They are done up in packages (lined with lead, j to preserve their strength and flavor.) of from one j quarter to five pounds, to suit customers, and are I sold at different prices, flora fifty cents per III for in excellent article -lo one doliur and fitly cents. All persons visiting the city are invited to pay .he company's extensive estsbliehment a visit. Agents wanted in every place where they are lot yet established. For particulars, address, pout vaiO, the subscriber, G. B. ZEIBER. Ag't for the Company, 30 South Third Street, Philadelphia. April 4ih. 1846. ly Public Sale. 17ILL be ao'd. at public vendue, on Saturday the 2 5th of April, 1846, at the residence of be subscriber, in the borough or eunbury, ine lot owing ankles, to wit! High French and Low post Bedsteads. Bureau, Dining, Breakfaat and Kilchen Tables, Cook and 'oal Stoves, together with a vsriely of Household nd Kitchen Furniture loo numerous to particular i. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. on said ay, when the terms of sale will be made known jy JOHN A, DEKINU. Sunbury, March 28th, 1846. No Further Notice. rnHE Book Accounts, Notes, Ac. of H. B. Maa- X ser and H. B. M asset St co. are now in Ihe hands of justice for collection, and will be put in anil if riot settled, in few days. Sunbury, April 4th, 1846, TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND OTHERS VISITING THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. THE subscribers, Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Publishers, Importers and Whole sails and Retail Dealera, of the city of Philadelphia, being prepared to supply the demands of the Coun try in their respective ilepartmenls, respectfully in vite the Merchants and all others visiting the City for their Spring and Summer supplies, to call at their respective places of business, ' where every reasonsble effort will be made to give entire satisfaction. GEORGE S APPLETON, Bookseller, Publisher, and Importer of Foreign Books, 148 Chesnut street, below Seventh. Invites the attention of travellers, atrsnger and othcra tohia very extensive collection of Eshlish and AaiKatcAit Publicalioni. in every depart ment of Literature. His stock of elegantly Inund Books for Presents. Portfolios, Stationery, Recent Publications, Ac., is the most varied i THE CtTT. Bedding, Feather and Furnishing Ware-rooms. Finlcy & co., 8. E. corner of 2d and Walnut ats. Importers of Watches and Manufacturers of Silver- wsre and Jewelry. Thomas C. Garrett & CO., 122 Chesnut ft., below Fourth street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fashionable and Medium Fancy, and superior Staple Dry Goods. A.B. Marshall, 189 Chesnut st. bet. 7th and 8th. Manufacturer and Dealer in New Style Tortoise Shells, Buffalo, fine finished imitation Buffalo, and other Combs. S. Winner, (only Manufacturer nf the real Buffi lo Horn Combs,) No. 7 South 2d at. WM. H. RICHARDSON,, Eagle Umbrella, Parasol and Patent Walking Cane Umbrella Manufactory, No, 104 Maiket st. Manufactures by stenm, and sells deriileilly lower th in any other house in the United States. Sign of the Eagle and Umbrella. ' S i!o Aeent fr the sale of the Genuine Demuth'a Snuffs. A. Ellon, No 24 Union street. Fancy and Trimming Store, Hair plaited in Brace Ida, Guards, Necklaces, Finger-Rings, &c. F. J. Dressier, No. 47 South 2d st. Dcder in French Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, and French Millenery Goods, Straw and other Bonneta. R. Barton, No. 50 Chesnut at. Importer of Trimmings, Toys, French, English and German Fancy Goods. M. Horner, No. 58 South 2d st. Wholeale and Retail Domeatic and Foreign Dry Good Store. Joseph II nope, N. E. corner Uth and Market sts. opposite Baltimore Depot. RjrmotaAToas For cooling Provisions, &C, Watrm Fiitks, for purifying brackish water, Fire pmot Chests, Letter Copying Preases, Ac. Manufactured by Oliver Evans, No. 61 South 2d st. Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists and Dealers in White Lead, Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Pstent Medicines, eke. Jenks & Ogden. No. 100 N. Third st. Fsm'dv Grower. Dealer in Fine Tra, Loaf Sugar. Havana Segars and French Fruits of all kinds. J. Cousty, No. 78 South 2d at. The "Doha Newkpafkii" The rhespest and l est Weekly Family Paper in the United Stales; f 1 only per year. A. H. Simmons St co, Publishers. Ledger building, S. W, corner Third and Chesnut at. Perkins cfc-Purves, Booksellers, 142 Chesnut St., above Cih. Books sold on very low terms. Wholessle and Retail Clock Establishment, em bracing a complete assortment. James Barber, No. 238 Market street, above 7th South side. - Subsciiptions snd Advertisement are received for mo-t of the Newspapers in the United states, ty V. B. Palmer, Agent, N. W. corner of Third and Chesnut sts. Book Accounts. Notes and Claime collected, and other business requiring the aid of an Attorney, attended to. in any part of the Union, at . U Palmer a U. S. Collection Agency, J. W. cor. Third and Chesnut sts., 2d story. Wholesale and Retail Umbrella and Parasol Man ufsclory. Sharon S'eeper, 314 Maiket atreet, second door hove 10th, South ride. Manufacturer and Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Lewis Ladomua, 413J Market street. Mattrass, Bedding, Carpeting and Feather Ware : , v-u, wa s.,ih i .,,, Mom. '" j .,.". v side) five doors above Spruce. Manufacturer of 8lair and Carpet Rods, of the la test sty I. a. Edward Jones, Swanwick street, between Walnut and George atreeta, west of 6th t. Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware. Henry L. Elder. 493 Maiket street, between 13th and Broad streets; and branch Hardware .ore, N. W. corner Ridge Road and Green sts. First Premium Piano Forte Manufactoiy end Ware Rooms. C. Meyer, 52 South Fourth st. Cheap and Fashionable Ready-made Clothing, an extensive essoitroent of Cloths, Caesimere and Vestiogs made to order, fashionable atyle, B. C St 8. C. Cooper, Merchant Taylors, 130 Cbeanul st. Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at lowest cash price. T. B. Ruasum, 8, W, coiner 2d and Union sts. H. Ward, Bonnet Manufacturer, No. 77 North Sd street, will sell any thing In bis line, at Whole sale and Retail, cheap aa can be bought in the city. Wholesale Clock and Looking Glass Establikb- ment, Brass Clocks by th ease, at $10 50, J. A. Criswell, No. 22'J Maiket at. Manufacturers of Common and Fancy Soaps and Mould and Dip Candles. E. & O. Dallett, 36 and 491 Market atreet and N. E. corner 10th and Callowhill streets. Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse and Havana 8e gar Depot. Country Trade supplied on liberal terms. J. A. Edenborn, N. E. corner Third and Race st, VENETIAN BUND MANUFACTURER. B. J. Williams, 1 North 6th street, few doors above Market stieet. Venetian Blind Manufactory, Portable Desks and Lookii'g Glas Ware Room. W.B. Barns, No. 61 Arch at. Wholesale Dealers in Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Diy Good. Solomon & Brothers, 34 Bank street. Manufacture of Thermometers, Hydrometers, Sacharomcters, Stc, for Browers, Distillers, Far mers (in churning.) the Weather, Ac. Joseph Fisher, 50 Chesnut street Wholesale Dealers in Millenery Goods and Flow ers. George Edwards & Son, 37 South 2d st. Seed Store of more than 40 years standing, Grass and Garden Seeds of finest quality and best variet ies. Joseph P. H. Coales, 49 Maiket at. Manufacturers and Importers of Paper Hangings, Columns and Fire Board Prints. Beaty & Curry, 118 Chesnut st. Manufacturers of Seives. Riddles and Screens, and Wire Works in generat. Needles & Watson, 54 North Front st. Wholesale snd Retail Garden, Flower and Field Seed Store, Gardening Books and Implements. H. A. Dreer, 97 Chesnut atreet, above 3d. ' Importer and Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Dve Stuffs, fie. Dr. D. Jayne, 8 South Third street. E. A. Hathawat. J. IT. Mitciikll. E. A. HATHAWAY A CO. Commission and Eastern Pn duee Merchants, No. 23 North Wharves, faut of .1rch st. Wholesale Denlera in Lamp Oils, Tanners Oil, Cambca, Soap, Teas, Chnrolale, Pickled and D'ied Fish, Painted Pails. Cheese, Butler, Hops. Ground and Calcined Plaster, &c, all of which will be sold at the lowest Market prices. Mrs. M. Crim's Boarding House, No. 108 Walnut street, between 4th and 5th. Clxap Vrnothn Blind Manufactory. Orders from a dixtance carefully forwarded. Old Blinds re paired and painted. M. E. Hedges, (widow of E. Hedges) No. Ill South 2d street, below Dock, east side. R O NNE T MA N UP J C TUR E R. Thomas White, 15 South 2d street, (late of Com merce street.) Importer of Wstches, Plated Ware, lewelry and Fancy Goods, Watch Makers Tools, riles and Materials. John C. Farr, 1 12 Chesnut st. Manufacturera of Umbrellas. Parasols, Paraanlettps, and Sun Shades, of the newest styles. Exten sive satea and small profits." Wm. Richardson tc co.. No. 106 Market street. Leary's Antiquarian Book Store, S. W. corner of Second snd New streets, riiiladelplm. titer 100,000 vols. New and Old Bnks in every tie partment of Literature, wholesale and retail. Philadelphia, April 4, 1846. DE1TTISTP.T. PET Kit B. MASSKH, PvECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, "RESPECTFULLY informa the citizens of Sunbury and viciriilv, that he has opened an i 'like at the residence of Henry Mas-er, in Market street, where he is prepared to execute all kinds of Dkrtal SonciRT. Plate Work. &.C , on the latest and most approved plans. Having had some experience and instruction, under une of ihe most eminent and successful Den tins in Philadelphia, he believee that be will he able to give aatisfac'.ion to lhoe who nisy wsnl bis services Ladies will be waited on al tlicir placea of reai. dence. His charges will I moderate, and his work warranted. Sunbury, March 28th, 1840. IllNsioliittoii or PartncrMliii. THE Partnership in the Blacksmithing Busi ness heretofore existing between the subscri bers, under tho firm of Haulman & Byerly. in the loiough of Sunbury, Iwe been dissolved by mutual consent, on the 20. h of March inst., and the business continued. In the same shop, bv Sam uel Thompson anl Henry S. Hiiulman. under Ihe fit in orThompaim & Haulman. Th Books and accountanf the fin-t named firm have been placed in the handa of C. Bower, Esq., for collection. HENRY S. HAULMAN, HENRY BYERLY. Sunbury, March 28ih, 1846. 3t TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD!! "TT" B. PALMER, the American Newpaper V Agent, duly authorized and empowered, by the propnetora ol most oi ine nest tiewspapsr ni all the cities and principal towns in the U. S. and Canada, to receive sulucrip'ione and adverti-e. menis, and to give receipt for them, respectfully notifies the public, that lie is prepared to execute ordera from all parte of ihe Civibxed World, em bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clu'u, Res ding Rooms, Corporations, Sue, at his several olli cte in the cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Yo'k end Boston, and wheie communication and inqu'ries, post paid, may be directed. Address V. B. PALMER, Philadelphia, N. W. comer Third and Chesnut atreet; Baltimore, 8. E. corner BU liruor and Calvert atreeta ; New Yoik, TiihuTie Butldinga opposite City Hall; Boston, 20 State st. A no other person or persons are in ar.y man ner connected with the eubacriber, in the American Newspaper Agency, all letters and communications for bim, should be carefully directed aa above, and to no other person. This cautioo baa become ne cessary, in older to avoid niisttk.es, and put th pub lic on their guard against all pretended Agent. V. a. PALMER, Amuiican Newspaper Agent. Editors throughout tb United Bute for whom V. B. Palmer is Agent, will promote the advantage of all concerned, by pnUithiug the above. PU1IL1C JVQTICK.-V. B. Palmer ia th only authorised A gout for th "Si-kbdst Asm ca," in (be cities of Philadelphia, New York, Bosta and Baltimore, of whiah public notice ia hereby given. March 14, 1846. M' ACKEKEL. Freab.fal Mackerel, just O- pened and for tale at the tor of March 29, 146. HENRY MASSER. LIST OF CAUSES. lOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor-- thumherland County, at April Term, 1846, commencing the first Monday, being the 6th. Seitzingcr, alienee of Garver v John Garver et al va Joseph Keefcr va Abraham Klaze vs A Wilhelm, Ac. s Felix Maurer et al va John B Boyd Prentice for Welch William Farrow Abner Mendenhall Francis McCoy, Wm H Brown St co Strawbridge & Borden va Same Same Holmea, Sturgeon & co vs Hugh Bellas, E'q vs Henry Donnel et al Charles Hall's ex'rs vs William Wilson's ex'r Gobin A Billington's as'ignees va Edward Gobin Same va Charles Gobin Jacob Persing vs Zimmerman, Savidge &. co K D Fotdsman va Benjamin Fordman William Siinenlon vs John Shipman Charles H Frick vs William Friek John Henderson's heirs vs Grepnntigh & Shipman John Lie!) va Thomas Allen Gilbert Berlieu James Ross Wm L Heincman Peter Richler &.c Francis Brill's adm'r Abraham Terwilliger John P Summers vs Wm R Jones vs Jacob H Rhoads vs Hartman H Knrcble vs Doilgs At Barret vs Daniel M. Scolder vs Robins A: Newberry vs Dorr & Mc Williams John MrCloughan's adm'r vs Charles Merrick Yoxlheimer ft Dawson vs N L Price John A Lloyd John Knorr John Kane 6t wife E Greenough Win E McDonald Jonathan Adams Wm Colt Frederick Birkenbine vs Wm E McDonald va Wm 8 Montgomery vs John Neidlg V wife vs John Cooper et al vs John A Lloyd rs Abraham Straub va John A Lloyd vs John Hartman Kenderton Smith et al va George Grant (t al Wa'ter Graham va Peter Hanselman James Loughead's adm're va Catherine t-'arr Dodge St De Noinandie vs Wm A Lloyd John McGinnca v Wm Starkes llulet Smith John Furman el al Ch.irles W Hegins Henry Masser John Murray Roheit Benr.et Francis Ysrnell va Augustus Huey &e vs Same vs John Cooper et at vs T A Billingtnn vs Margaret McCay's ex'rs vs Isaac Brown vs f)rar Bradford's ex'rs John P Kennedy et al vs J fc A Shipman Sjme vs Same JOHN FARNSW ORTH. Prothonotarv'a office. Proth'y. Sunbury, March 7, 1845. S LIST OP JURORS OF Northumberland County, for Apiil Term. A. D. 184G. f rami Jurors. Delaware James Armstrong. Joseph Nicely. Milton. Leon.ird Shearer. Daniel II. (Saner. Chillitqun'jUf. Henry Caul, El jah Hill, Ro bert Giffen, William Cartel. Point. John Garret. Niirtfiumberlantl. Andrew Wilsm, George Evert. Sunbury. Caleb Fisher. Augusta. Samuel Garinger, Solomon Evert, Shamokin. Daniel Miller. Ruth. Samuel Gilinger. Coal. Andrew Klinger. Upper Mahonoy. Jacob Strasser, Simnel Eia ler. Peter Seiler, Jacob Geist. Daniel Kaufman. Istwrr Mahonoy Philip Kerstetter. Little Mahonoy Nicholas Druinheller. Traverse Jurors. Turbut. John Sample. Lewis. Jacob Jarret, William McGuire, David Lilly. Delaware John D. Linebach, Wilson Hutche son, John M. Thatcher, Peter Shady, Jo-eph Hayes George Watson. Milton. James Wbitter, Palmer Johnston, Hen ry Wilhelm, John Leib, Jacob Miller, John Evans, Patrick Montague. . Chillisouaijue. John Voris, William Housel, Thomas Kaser. J'aint. John Deal. Henry Morgan. Northumberland James Taggart, Thomas Gas kius. Sunbury Daniel Henitiger. Augufia Samnel Reiland, Dennis Woolverton, Henry Brewer, Peter Kreager, Juhn Starner, John B. Sliipmm, Thomas Snyder. Shamokin. t'hsrles Manx, Samuel Kelly, Ni chotas Yocum, Christian B iuschlag. Rush. William Bear, Jacob Mdham, Henry Weaver. I pper Malumoy. Jontithsn Rcitt, John Mau ri r. jr. lsiwer Mah'jnuy. Jacob Bower, John Michael, J u'. b Snyder. Little Mahonoy. Laac Dornscif, Samuel Wa gener. Jackson. Henry LaUcha, Daniel Hilbish. Petit Jurors. Torbul. Henry Follmer. Lewis. Peter Stshl. Thomas Rusel. Delaware. Jcao Patkn', Joseph Irwin. .Willm.j. A. I.ancen Chilisquaijue. Charles Search, Nathan Jarret. Point. Daniel Robins. Northumberland. James Hilburn, Thomas Wi tbingtr ii. Daniel Brautigam. Sunbury. Reuben Fegi ly. Augusta. David Reewr, Soluuion Hertxel, knr, John Hart, Fredeiirk Haas. Shamokin. Solomon Keller, William Aminer- man, James John, William G. Ksse, David Miller, Daniel Feselv. David N. Lake. Rush John Deuba, Jacob (ieaihsrt. Peter Hsugbawoiil. Coal Solomon Dunkclberger, Michael Derrick. Henry Keysir, Upper Mahonoy . Anthony Voder, George Ite.kler, Jonathan Eisenhuil. iMWtr Maioiwy --Uaac Rulhermcl, Peter Wib mer. Jackson John Buhner. CAHPSTINCtS AND OIL-CLOTHS, At the "CHEAP STORE" -Vo. 41 Strawberry Street, 1 li 1 1 a d o I p Ii 1 a. UR Store rent enJ oilier expenses !cing very light, w are enabled lo s. II out CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, &c, wholesale and retail, at the lowest price in the city, and buyer will tit J it greatly to their advantage to call and exainin the large assortment we olTer lliia season, of Beautiful Imperial 3 ply Double Supeifine Ingrain ( n . prT,.rii Fin. and Medium do CABl ETISGS Twilled and plain Vrniiian J together with large atock of OIL-CLOTHS from 3 feet la 24 feet wide, very cheap, for rooms, balls, 4c ; also, Malting, Floor Cloth. Rug. Cot ton and Rag Carpela, etc., etc., with good as sortment of Ingrain Carpel fio'ii 25 to AO ccnla, nd Stair and Entry Carpete from It lo 50 cu. ELDRIDGB St BROTH Eat, No. 41, Strawberry Street, one door abov Ches nut, near Second Street, Philadelphia. March 21st, 1846. 3m. ip1ARDE. SEEDS. A fresh supply of E Jf Ruley it Co' superior Garden cx-sd, just received anil for aale at the store of March l, 1816, HENRY MASSER. tt TFtTTSTEE'S SALE JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, No. 106 WaW St., PHILADELPHIA. VALUABLE COAL LANDS, In Northumberland and Colombia Counties. PURSUANT to decree of the Circuit - Court of the United 8tates for th E. D. of Pennsylvania will be aold at the Merchants' Ex change in the city of Philadelphia, on WEDNES DAY EVENING, April 16th,1846,at7J o'clock, the following interest in the valuable Coal Lands, formerly known aa the Berk Lands. 71-226 parts nf 13 patented tracts on the waters of iheSham ikin, in Columbia and Northumberland counties, surveyed adj lining to or in the neighbor hood of each oiher, in pursuance of 13 wnrranta fir 400 acrea esch, in the following names, Wm. Elli ott, George Ashlen, Caleb Lownes, John Young, John Whileman. Joseph Gordon, Richard Tunis, John Warner, Daniel Reese, Wm. Porter, Wm. Miller, Peter D haven, Wra Powell, supposed to contain 5316 acres. These lands are on the Centre Turnpike, about fifieen milea N. W. r f Pottsville, and on the route of the prrjected D ilivillo Railroad. Conditions of sale are one third ah on the exe cution of the deed, which is lo be propsred by Ihe purchaser within two weeks aftnr the sale, f 500 will be required to be paiJ at the time of sale. The remaining two thirds to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, payable in equal aums in two or three years, or all the cash will be teceh ved if preferred by the purchaser. ELI K. PRICE, Trustee, JAMES A. FREEMAN. Audio rrcr and Commission Merchant for the sale of Real Estnte nnd Personal Property, No. 106 Walnut atreet, Philadelphia. March 21t, IR10. ts WHITE ST AIT HOTEL, Kacb Street, 1'niEAnt.LPiiiA. in j. pin-Eits. rPJII3 location is convenient for Business men visiting the city. Every pains is taken to se cure the comfort of travellers. March 7. 1846. ly Removal. DR. D. T. TRITE 15, RESPECTFULLY informs the ci- t'xena of Sunbury and vicinity, that he haa removed Ins residence to the urick House in Market street, one door we-t nf the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa vors, I e hopes to receive a continuation of the liber al patronage which ha heretofore been extended to bim. Feb 28, 1846. 6m OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! rlHE suhsciilier would re-pectfully inform per' JL sons dealing in OYSTERS, and the public generally, that he ha purchased the interest of Philip Sbav, in Ihe Oyster business, at Norlhunv berland, where he ia prepared to supply dealers with superior Oistciis, st the shortest notice, put up at the celebrated establishment of Fields S( Shay, in Haltimore, All orders sent bv mail, or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. T. wmilNGTON. Northumberland, Feb. 28. 1846. EVANS & WATSON, No. 7f inn'Tii Third Street, Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange, 'tim Manufacture and keep con- IISsjFv?"ffTf stantly on hand, large as- US 1 !-; 'Vt',-frsortmcnt of their Patent Im UJUl ' i rest their ;-being strictly fire proof, snd that they will reMHt the fire of any building in the world. The outside-case of the Safes are made of boiler iron, the inside case of soapstone, and be tween the ruler case and inner case is a apace of aome 3 inchea thick, and is filled in with indestruc tible miteri.d, so as to make it an impossibility to ever burn any of the con'ent inside of this Chest. These K.iupstoiie Sahmandeis we are prepared and do challengA the wmld to produce any article in the slmpe of Book Safes that will stand aa much beat, and we hold ourselvea ready at all times to have ihem fairly testej by public bonfire, should ny r f our compeliiors feel disposed to try Ihem. We also continue to manufacture and keep con stantly on hand, a large and general assortment of our Piemium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which we have a large quantity in use, and in every in tancn they have given entire sitisfsction to Ihe purchasers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in uae. N. St C. Tailor, 129 north 3.1 St.; A. Wright 5c Nephew, Vluesi. uhirf; Alexander Caror, Con veyancer, corner of Filbert and 9lh sis.; John M. Ford. 32 noith 3J.t.; Mvtrs Bush, 20 north 3J st ; Bailey St Brmher, 131 Maket st.; Jamc M. I'huI, I ill south 4t!i si.; Dr. David Jayne, 8 aouth 3Jst ; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d at.; and we could name some three or four hundred othera if " necessary. Now wc invite the attention oi me puouc, aim pariicuuny mose in want 01 Firo Proof Safes, to call at our store before purcha sing eUewhere, and we think we can aatisfy them that l hey will get a better and cheaper article at our store than any other establishment in the city. We also contii.ue to manufactuie Seal and Co pying Presses, made in such a manner aa U an- j wc' ,,,,h purposea ; Hoisting Machines, f ire i Proof Door, with our own manufacture of locka on lli.Mii, with D. Evana'a Patent Keyhole cover attached io ihe same ; plain and ornamental Iron Ruiliug, Ac. N. U We k-p constantly on hand a large as- I e.iitnicnl ol our Patei.l Ma'e Lined Refiigentois, Wktcr Filters and C aders ; and we have also on hand several second hand Fire Proof Chest taken in exchange for ours, which we will ditpose of at j vey I. w price. j Philadelphia, January 21th, 1846. ly MONTOUR llOUSE LATE HUADY'S HOTEL. Opposite the Court House, DANVILLE, FXmif A. IHE Kub.criher, who asaiated for se ven I year in the management of the a hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra- ly, bega leave to inform the travelling public, that he ha taken the establishment on bis own account, on the firat of January, 1846. I he House has, ol late, undergone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promises to leave nothing undone to nuke it comfortable and agreeable, a well as cheap and accommoda ting stopping place lor strangers who msy visit our fljurii-hmg villsge. No pains nor ex peine will be spared to fill Ihe table and the bar with the best the maikets afford, and with ih determination to de vote hi entire personal attenliou to th comfort of those who mav make hia house their temporary a bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser vants, he hope o give general iifcUon, and re ceive liberal thaie of custom. Large and commodious STABLES are aU tached lo the establishment, which at attended by cartful and obliging ho.ller. GIDEON M. SHQOf, January S4lh, 186.-tf EjSmftff v; J"'lPROOK SAFES, which are rp ..r pjLprnvpo nmamanoer r n i Jftol EaSSlI EU ii'ics i constructed aa to set at it.- I Ik JiTBPr IV I' " m inner of doubt as to TEXICO & BIEXAS ! "TUB CRY ISflTXX.Ii THfiT COME." COME WHERE I Why where do you sup. . pose but to th Cheap Store of Henry Master, in Market street, Sunbury. And for what purpose do you think they cornel Why to buy cheap, to be sure, and save at least SO per cent. The y won't do nothin' else," because it ia well known fact that at HENRY MASSER'S STORE the very best article are aold at th very lowest prices. Now come, one and all but don't all come at once, and JUDGE FOR YOUR8ELVES ! Where jou will find Splendid Assortment of Fnll nnd Winter Dry Good., just received, among which are the following : Su perfine French Brosdclotht West of England do.; Heavy Beaver do , a first rate article for Overcoats, and a great variety of Wool Dyed, Black and Fan cy Cnasimeres, Saltinelta, Mousselin-de-laines, Rep. dc.laines, Cashmeres, A Ipaccas, Sec, Sic. Also, a beautiful assortment of Cslicoes of the latest atylca and patterns, which will be sold cheaper than ever ; also, Woolen and other Shawls in great variety, from 40 cts. to fjlO ; general assortment of Ho siery, Gloves, Suspenders, Milts,&c, &c; Isrrn assortment of Women s, Men s and Misses Gum Shnr a. which will be sold cheaper than ever before offered. Ha has likewise, in addition to the above stock. an extensive sssorlment of Qutcntware, Hardware, Saddlery and Groceries, Sugar from 8 to 10. 12$ and 16 cts. per lb; Good Coffee at 10, Very Best at 12. Also. Nails; Spikes; Iron; Sanderson's best Cast Steel; English, American and Sweed Blister do. in short, every thing that is usually kept in a Country Store, all of which will be aold at very reduced prlcee. (33 Oountry Produce of all kinds taken in ex. change for Goods. Sunbury. Nov. 221, 1845. WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT & CAP WAREHOUSE, No. 304, Market Street, above 9i7i, South side, PHILADEIiFHIA, Tj THE subscribers respectfully call the atlen. ssjb (nn of their frienda and dealers to their large and well assorted stock of Hsts and Capa of ivory deacription, will adapted fr Ihe spring trade, lb. ing made of the best material and by the m -t ex. periencell workmen, they feel confident to give uni versal satisfaction to all who may favor them with a trial, as they ofler to sell aa low aa any house in theci-y. BARTALOTT St BLYNN. Philadelphia, January 3, 1846 ? P. E S IJlrl E D . J O II X B. STItYK Ell, Of the late firms of Newkirk Sc Stryker, and Stryker St Pogxte, HAS resumed the Wholeaale Dry G-voda Busi ness, and now offers for aale, at Nos, 12 and 14 Bank atreet, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers, Claghorn St Co's Auction Store, No. 78 Market street, general assortment of Dry Goods, chief.y purchased at auction, at very smull advance fur cash, or city acceptances. Believing that bis long experience in purchssirg will enable him to sell his Good at the lowest Mar, ki t pi ices, he invite hia old friends, and ether wishing to buy, to favor him with call. Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1845. 6m To I'uixlinsicrs or DRY GOODS. rpHE subscriber, No. 181 Pearl atreet, New JL York, having established a Branch at No. 23$ South Second at., Philadelphia, i now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New l ork Auctions, an extensive assortment of FANCY c STAPLE DRY GOODS. which will be aold at the lowest New York piice. at wholesale and Retail. Among h'S stock will be found t good assortment of the follow irg articles i Jacconets, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swiss and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishrp and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball liefes. Thread Laces, Application Do., itch E'a. k Si It Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics. Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cushmcie d'Ecosse, Mouseline de Laine, Silk and Cotton Warp A Ipaccas, Quoen's Cloth, Gal Plaids, French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Si'k Hose, Shawls, Cravats, Ribbons, Embroider in, Sec. Sec. Country Meichanta and other visiting Philadel phia or New Y'ork to purchase, are respectfully in vited to cell and examine the stocks. Nov. 1. 1845. ly G. H. MOORE. TERIvlS REDUCED. 7prfvTT'rrrT-r-rM D.IGUERRIAN GALLERY of Potent Premi. um Colored likenesses, and Photographic Depot t Xo. 130 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. No. 251 Broadway, New York ; No. 75 Court Strret, Boston ; No. 136 Chesnut Street, Phila. del phi a ; Baltimore Street. Baltimore ; Broad way, Saratoga Springe ; No 56 Canal Street, New-Orleana ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And. Main Street, Du Buque, Iowa. CONSTITUTING the oldest and most Exten sive E.tabli.-hmeut of the kind in the Woild, snd containing more thsn THOUSAND POR TRAITS, embracing those of some of th most distinguished individuals, in the United States, Admittance free. This Establishment having been awarded the Medal, Four First Premiums, snd two "Highest Honors'' at the Exhibition at Boston, New. Yoik and Philadelphia, respectively, for best Pictures and Apparatus, is thus otllcislly sustained in the posi lion of superiority heretofore universally assigned It by th public, as "First in the World June 28th, 1845. ly PIANOS. THE SUBSCRIBER haa been appointed aaen', for the sale of CONR AD MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI. ANOS, at thia place. 'I Tie Pianos have a plain, massive and beautiful exterior fini-h. nd, for depth and sweetnesa of lone, and elegsnoe ot workman, ship, are not aurpsed by any in ihe United States. The folio ing i recommendation fiom Cam, DitTa, a celebrated performer, and him If man ufactuier: A CARD. Hivia had th pleasure ol trying lb nee!- lent Piano Forte msnfactured by Mr. Meyr, and exhibited at the last exhibition of the Frnk!in !i stitute, I feet it due t the true merit of the maker to tleclare that these instrument are quiwrqus!, and in some respects evsn superior, to ail the Pit ano Fortes, I saw at the capital of E'jioi e, n during sojourn of two yesr l P-,'i. The Pino will be mU t ., rnanufsrwserV lowest PhiladVlphi price, if H'A wtrih4 rower. Person r requested to tM ,nlj M,roi,, f,. themselves, at the resides 0f ,uk,riber. Bunbury, Mav Vjl 5. H. U- MASSER. The highest pric gnen I.. Wheat, at t thaaloraof H. MASSER. A new supriiy of Rom Oitttuttnt jut TctviU Nov, Ith, 1115.