. AFFLICTION WJmt in Affliction T The rod "; By a merciful Father given, To lead our earth-bound souls to Coil, ' ' To mansions pure hased by the blood .' '' Of His only Son, in Heaven. When is Affliction? 'Tis found ' In sickness and cheerful health ;' When joy and peace in our homes abound. And troops of friends our path surround, In poverty or in wealth; Where is affliction ? (where nof ?) In the halls of the rich and proud, In the regal palace and humble cot, In earth's most distant and barren spot, In forest and city crowd. Whence is Affliction? See 'Tis thy Futher'a gracious hand, That fills thy cup up with agony, The rnp he has tnsted once for thee; To him surrendered stand. . VVhu is Affliction? To wean Out hearts from earthly love, T teach us on Him alone to lean, And strive for joys as yet unseen Prepared for us above. Then, mourner, weep no more Thou shult thy loved ones meet, When a few days or years are o'er. And with them worship and adore Around thy Saviour's feet. The King and the Blrd-Cetcher, A few years before his death, a dealer in tinging birds, from the Prussian part of the I lartz mountains, came to Berlin, tnd called at tho p-iluce, to express in what lie thought the best wny, his thanks for the kindness which Imd been shown his sons, who were soldiers, namely, by presenting to tho kins so-called piping bullfinch, which, with enduring patience, ho had taught to pipe tho national air ot 'Hail, Frederick William !' &c, throughout and cor rectly, this being the only instance of perfect success. The king smiled, and ordered the b rd-fancier to be shown op, who, having placed the cage containing the interesting songster on i in; table, tho bird, after some kindly words iiiuii its mtisic moster, w;nt through the prac ticed air with all the solemnity of a cathedral priest, to the surprise and amusement ofthe king, whose delight increased when, on hie say-in-r, 'De Capo, the bird piped the air again. To i ho question, 'What's the price V the pleased Pnpogeno replied, 'I won't take money for him; hut if my dear king will accept the bird, and love him, the hare thought of his piping in the k inn's chamber will make mo the happiest mm of our Hartz, and the first bird-catcher in the world.' The king felt good will towards the honest fellow, who stood before him unabash. ed in his linen jacket; and Timm, who had b-en summoned, received his Majesty's com mands to have a room prepared for the biid luncier in adjoining wing of the palace, and was more than once summoned into the king's presence who inquired minutely as to the locali ties of his part of the Hartz, and was amazed .u liisficnsibld and frank replies. Duritig this .-lay Timm adroitly obtained such knowledge of Lis private circumstances and views as conten ts the king. When the time for the man's de lurture came, Timm franked him by the dili 'price. Arrived at home he found to his utter i.Muuirunent,that the mortgage of 500 on his hi use had been payed off by command of bis Ma j.-sty. Thus his unhoped-for but highest earth ly desire accomplished whilst he was enjoying the sights in Berlin. Life uf the late King of Prussia, Chances of Maubia'oe. The following cu rious statement of Dr. Granville, is taken from an English paper. It is drawn from the regis tered cases of 678 women, and derived from their answers to the age at which they respec lively married. It is the first ever constructed to exhibit to females their chances of marriage at various ages. Of 670 females, there mar- ned 3 12 If. 4.1 4.r fits 115 at 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 118 Wi 2i at 20 21 22 23 21 2o 20 28 2'2 17 0 7 ft 7 at 27 28 2i) 30 31 32 33 at 31 3.- M 87 3 30 40 From this curious fctatutical table our fair rai!er may tortu a prcny accurate juugarem of tlm chunces that they have of enterinj; into tin. holy state matrimony, and enjoying the sweets (wo 6ay nothing of the Litters) of wed ded love. Fair Hi r. The New York Tribune calls Mr. John Van Curen, "the favorite grandson of New York." If the Attorney General does not iijoy a hearty laugh over his new title, he is nut made ol aa good natured stuft as we have ulways found hnn. Ex. To euro tho Tooth ache, plunge your feet in cold water. Strnnje, but true. CoNri'sioji or ToNoi'tn. At the celebration of the marriage of the daughter of Mehcmet Ali, three thousand five hundred wero present ill a magnificent supper. A Down East Skippeb states that the crew of Ins craft conaUts of an old u.an, a liltlu boy a darn'd fool and a Frenchman. What is it that pay leas in proportion to the trouble of cultivation, than any thingelse 1 D'y giveitupl Whisker J When a woman resorts to art for a blush is proof that nature cannot longer lutnith the re quisite. UAiK,SOTE LIST. imixxsyLvania. The following lit shows the current value of all iennflvlvnhia Dnnk Notes. The most implicit re liance my be placed upon it, as it U every week jarefutly compared with and corrected from Ukk. ncll's RepiJrler. llaiikd In Fhtlailelplila. NOTES AT PAR. Rank of North America . , pur (tank of lh Northern Liberties , , par Commercial Bank of Pcnn'a. . . par Farmers' and Mechanics' Hank . , par Kensington Dank Pr Philadelphia Unnk . . .par (Schuylkill Bank . . . par South wark Bank . psr Western Bank . . I'" Mechanics' flank . . pt Manufacturers' & Mechsnics Bank par Country Uanka. Bnnk of f 'neuter County Westchester Bank nf Delaware Conniy Chester par par Bank of Oermantown Bunk of Montgomery Co. Dnvlcslown Bank Ksi'on Bunk farmers' Hank of Bucks co. Ollice of Bnnk of Perm's. Office do do Office tlx do Office di do Oermantown par Norristown par Dovlratown par Khuton par Bristol par Harrisbtirg" The Lancaster I offices Heading ( do not Easton J issue n. DISCOUNT. NOTES AT Rink of the United States Philadelphia 30 ftank of Penn Township . . par Guard Bnnk . Moyamensiug Bank . par Bank of Pennsylvania . . par Miners' Bank Jf Pottsvillc Potlaville j Bank of Lewistown I.ewistown lj Hunk i.f Middlotown Middletown ?1 Bnnk of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank & Bridge co.Columbia par i i par par "i p. r i i i i it Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittsburg Do d( branch of Hollidavsburg Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancsstei Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Reading Heading Harrisburg Bank Hnrrisburg Lancaster Bank Lancaster lieliauon Bauk Lelianoli Merchants' & Mnnuf. Bank Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg Pittsbuig West Branch Bunk Williamsporl Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarie Niirtbamptou Bank Allontown Berks County Bank Reading Ollice of Batik of U. S. Pittsburg failed do Do do do Erie Do do do Now Brighton Kensington Sav. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chanibersburg Ohsmberahiirg do Bank ol Gettysburg Gettysburg i Bank of Suetjuehauna Co. Montrose lj Erie Bunk Erie ljalj Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Weyneaburg jaj Franklin Bank Washington H Honesdale Bank Honesdale i Mononirahela Bank of B. Brownsville U York Bank York 11 N. B, 1 he notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a teller of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. W I'owanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bunk Farmers' fc MechVs' Bunk Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bunk Farmers' ct Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Instituto Huntingdon Bunk Philadelphia failed do failed do filled Dyott. prop.) failed Towanda Bedford no sale Beaver closed Harrishurg closed Washington failed llelhfiinle closed Pitlnhuig no sale I'lltsl.urg f.iiled Fayette co. failed Creencaatle failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale LewistoAn no sale Juniata Bank I umliermcu's Bank Warren Dundult' New Hope failed Northern Bank of Ps. no sale New Hope Del. Bridge Co, Northurnb'd Union Col, Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank closed Milton Meadsille Purl Carbon Carlixle Montrose Uniontown no sale closed Pa. Agr. Sc Manuf. Bank failed closed failed closed Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. (ireeusl.urg Wilkeshurre nossle flTY All notes purporting to be on any Peiinxyl vauia Bank not given in the above list, may be set own as frauds. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick Uelvidete Bank Belvidxre Burlington Co. Bank MedforJ failed J pa Commercial Bank IVrih AmiM.y Uuinlorlaiid Bank Brideton Farmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Kahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biuuswii k Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middlrtuwn Pt Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City Hohoken Bkg& Crazing Co Hotx.ken 4 par par failed ' . failed failed failed fulled failed 4 failed 4 par no sale- lersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bunk Belleville Morris County Bank Mornstown Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City l'ot Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newark New Hops Del Bridge Co Lsinbeiuvilte N. J. Manufsc. and Bkg Co Hoboke-n i i failed fsded . 4 failed 4 par psr N J Protecton & Lombard hk Jerwy City Orange Bank Orange Paterson Bank fatersou Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Suleiu Stale Bank Newark i par 4 failed Mod 4 failed par par par par par par par par I"! Slate Bank Elizahethtow State Bai.k Camden Slate Bank of Morris Morrislowu Slate Bunk 'Trenton Salem and PhilsJ Msnuf C Sslein Susses Bank New ion Treuton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washiugton Banking Co. Hackenaack DELlWARi; Bk of Wllm Sc Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware' Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Mil! oid Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover Do brauck Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank ' Wilmington rrr Under 6's djOu all hanks marked thus ( there srseu lltsr counterfeit or altered notes of the various ds nomiiiatieas, in riiculsiion. HEUR'S HOTEL, IIARRISIILRG, rA. I BEG h ave to Inform the public that I have left Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris burg, the seat of lb Executive and State Govern metit of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilson. This spacious building, having been purposely planned and erected for llottd of ths first class, is not surpsssed if equalled, by any similar estab lishment in Pennsylvsnia and having undergone a thorough renovation, the parlors, rooms and chambers are now lilted up in a style that com bines eleirance with comfort and convenience. My TABLE is pledged to be supplied with the best fare Ihn Markets can produce! the charges at the sums, time being aismoderate as anv ofthe best regulated astal bailments elsewhere. In shnrt.no exeitions shall be spared on my pirl, or on the part of every member vf my household, to make it what it should he, in the Opital uf one of the most pop ulous nnd interesting Hi ate of tlm Union. With these promises, accommodation and faci lities, and the fact that the Hotel is must eligibly situated, I wiitl confidence, most respectfully soli cit the patronage of lha Public. DANIEL HERR, Late of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut si., Pbilad. Harri-burg. Nov. 22. 1845. UTitlttitUlC SlVtfClCB. 1Brser's VtnMrrciia a ei-rtain cure for worms safe and very pleasant to lake. 2. Ginsos's Extract, whirh remove Crease of all kinds, Dry Taints, Tsr, Varnish snd Wax, from carpels or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. 3. Lo.vnon Flt Prr.H the best thing known for killing flics and musquitoes. 4. A certain Desiroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants, and snother of Bed Bus. 5. Ceng's Ser.cirtc fr snur stomach. Heart Burn and Water Brash, by one who had sufficed thirteen years, before he dicovrreil the cure. Da. S-r van's Gas OmTMMT for the Piles. It has never failed to cine. 7. Harbison's Tkttkr Wash. 8. Buimosu's Isueliblb In without a rival. , 9. Tm CoMrocnn Covi-kction or Fibs ju-t the medicine for children and for women, il is to pleasant to tuke. 10. BFCK's V Eft KTA B LK ANTI niMOl'S Pll.L. 11. Goss's Emollient Water-phoof Paste. fur Harness, Bouts, &c. It softens the leather, and keeps out the water. 12. Poor Man's Strenotheniio Plaster. 13. Jackmob's Diakrhiba Mixture, which cures the worxt Diarrhrca in a few hiiurs. 14 Jackson's Dtsentart Mixture, a cer mill and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer Comphiiiit. The nbove valuable articles are sold wholesale and retail, bv L. C. GUN'N, A'-i. 1 &uA Fifth ttrett, I'hihuklphia where Slorekeejiers and o- ihers will be suppled with pure A fries n Cayenne Pepper, Amies Floweis, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass ami varnisnes. ai ine lowest prices, leimi oniy cash. rTj'Cutoul the adverlioenient, and bring it with you. PhiUI.-li.hia. July 19th. 1845. ly. 1JELEIV K A N D LI V THOMSON' Compound Syrup or Tar & M ood Rapthn. THE unprecedented success of this medicine, in the reftorntion of health, to those who, in des pair, hud civen uii all hopes, has given il an exal ted reputation aLove all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as tho on ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronrhillis, Asthma, Pain n the side and Breast, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac Attention is requested lo the following ASTON ISHING CUIiE.bv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tur and Wood Nsplha ! ! Philadelphia, Miy 3d, 1841. MB. THOMSON Dear Sir iih grateful feelincs I inform you of the astonishing ellecia of your medicine, which has literally rais d me from a deith-bed I My disease, Pulmonury Consump tion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro. liojnced my cane hopeless! At this junction I be gsn to ueyour medicine, snd miraculous as il may teem, it has completely restored me to health, after everything else had f.iiled. Respectfully yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte street, above Geoige street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mark and his suflerings, hear witness lo the astonishing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tur, and the truth of lliea liove statement. JOS. WINNER. 3lsl North Third street, DAVID YICKEKS, 42 Almond street. HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. E. corner Tamany snd Fourth sueeis. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 5th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. An.-nls. H. B. Masser, Sunbury t D. Gross, snd Dr. Macpherson, Harrishurg ; J no. G. Brown, Pottsville ; Geo. Earl, Beading ; Houston cV. Mu on, Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. Price 60 cents p. r bottle, or f 5 nrr dozen. (J3 Heware of all imitation!. Philadelphia, June 28th, 1845. ly IIKLI THE Beginners. TIlHE sul.scnliers would respectfully inform the I. Citizens of Sunbury snd the public generslly, that they have purchased the shop of Mr. William Hoover, in Market street, one door west ofthe Post Office, whcie they will contiuue the C'abiiict-.TIakiiis Iiiiiies, in all its branches. The public may expect Iheir work done m the latest style. They ho. by strut sttention to busims', to merit a share of public pMronaiie. 03 Coffins made to oler on the shsrteet notice, and country produce taken in exrhanue for work. WM. YOUNGVAN .V H. C. MAKTIN. Sunhury, May I7di. 1S15. ly. ' Ji s n l iv .V ltOCAP, WHOLESALE &. KETAIL IUT & CAP MANUFACTUIl US, South EumI corner of Market and 4th (.. PlUladelphla, "IWHERB they always keep on hand an exlen- sive assortment of HATS (J CA FS of every description, got up in the best and most approved style. Persons derirousef purchasing superior arti cles on Ihe most reasonsble terms, will find it to their advantage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia. Oct. 6th. 1844.--ly I4l,"AX SKKD. The "highest price will be given for Flat Seed, at ihe store of Aug. 9. IMS HENRY MASSER. LI Ml I, of a siirior quality, can now he had 4 tine Lime Kiln of Heury Masser, in Sun bury. May IT. IMS. B AR 'IRON Just leceived and for sale, cheap for cash, by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Sept. SO, IMS. OAKLEY'S OEPUBATIVK SYRUP. THE valuable properties of Oakley's Depura tive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of the blood, Is so well known to the public generally, that it Is unnecessary to ocenpy much snare in set ting forth the sdvantages to be derived from its use wherever the medicine hss once been Intro duced, it takes precedence over all others s every one that has tsken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from ft, that it is recommenced by them wiih the u'mnst confidence. Physicians of me highest standing in the profession, presenile it to patients under their care t containing nothing deleterious, but being composed of the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it Is offered with confidence, as the chenpest and most efficient. tu. rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few 4 bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended wiih a most decided improvement in ths ge neral strength ol the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiuptions ofthe Skin, While Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu merous certificates in the possession of the subscri ber ami his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of iis su periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla. Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY. North 5th street. Res- ding, Berks Cuanty, and lo li bad ofthe following persons : in Northumberland Vmtnty. H. B. Mass.v, 1 Sunbury; Irelxnd & Mixel, McEwensville ; D Krauser, Milton. In Union Crmnty.l. Gearhsrt, Sclinsgrove: A. Gutelhia, Mifllinbtirg. In Columbia County. 11. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading, March 14, 184:1. Mr. Oakies s I believe it tbe uty of every one to do whnlevcr in their power I les, for the h-ne. fit of their fellow man, and having had posiiiv proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I mst conscientiously recommend it to the sffiicled. We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of the most scientific phyricians to attend them and had tried all the known lemndies, including Swaini's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was stiaike l in the same manner, tier face and neck was completely covered; the discharge was so ciffttiisive, and the disease, at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects I of your Depurative Syrup of S.irsapari!hi, we weie induced lo make trial of it. as the Istl resort ; it seied like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing Immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to her health, which she has enjoyed unintenuptedly ever since. As a purifier of tbe blood, I verily be lieve it has not ils equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglassville, April 19th, 1M3. Me. Oaklet : My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe scrofula in tbe most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, duiing which lime he was de prived of the use of his litnl.s, his head and neck were covered wiih ulcers. We tried all the d lifer ent remedies, lut to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson uf Noriistown, and also Dr. Isaac Hit-Kiel, of Reading, to use your Depurative Syrup of Sursapurilla, of which I ol.lained seveial bottles. the use uf which drove the disease entirely out of his system, the sore healed up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him duiing his aflliction. I have thought il my duty, and send you this certi ficate that others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Your truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sepl. 16, 1943 ly To Country Merchant!. Hoots, Shous, Bonnets, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats. C. AV. & Is. . TAYI.OH, at the S. E. corner of Market and Filth Sts., PHILADELPHIA, FFER for ssle an extensive assortment of Ihe - above articles, all of which they sell at unusual ly low piices, and particularly invite the attention of buyers visiting the cilv, loan examination uf iheir stock. G. W. cV L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 25, 1844. ly city furn frujiK aucti ox, AND PHIVATE SALES ROOMS. Nos. 2D and 31 INorth Third .Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vites the attention of persons desirous uf pur chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public and Private.) for every description of Household Furniture, where can be obtained at all times, a large assortment uf fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matuasses, fue., at very reduced prices, for cssh. 07" Sales hy Auction, twice a week. May 37th. 1M3. ly Counterfeiters' DEATH BLOW. nhe public will please observe that no Brandreth -- Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it, (the lop, the side and the bottom) esch containing a fac-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. BaiNiiaxTH, M. D. These la. belaie engraved on steel, teautifiily designed, and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore it will be seen lhal ihe only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these laiwls. Remember the top, the aide, and the bottom. Tbe following respective peraons ar duly authori sed, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of Brandrcth'i Vegetable Universal Fills, Northumberland county : Milton Msekey et Chamheilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland A. MeixelL Norlhumheilaud Woi. Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Walls. Union County : New Berlin Bogar &. Win ter. Selinsgrove George Gundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beaverlawn David Hubler. Adamsburg Wra. J. May. Mifliinsburg Mensch it Rsy. Haitletou Daniel Long. Frewburg G. At F. C. Moyer. Lewiburg Walls At Greeo. Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynolds 6i Co. Berwick Shuman & Rittenhous. Cat tswissa C. G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCay. Limestone Ball.! fz MsNinch. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of i)t BRANDKKTH'S Manufactory si Sing Sing, and upon which will also be aeen exact copies of Ihe new label now uted upon ihe Brandreth Fill Hoxee, Philadelphia, office No. ft. North 8lh street ' B. BRANDRETH, M. D. June litb, 1M3, HOSE OINTMBNTITO. HEILIO.IT & CO., - FOR TETTER. KiNowortMN, riMPLF" on Tim facr, and other cutaneous tut) prions. fjj The following eertfiea'e decribei one ofthe mot extraordinary ouree ever effected by any application. PniLAnatPBiA, February 10, 1833. FOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with TiTTia on the Face anJ Head l the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever dissppearing. During most of the time, great part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my head swelled at times until it felt as if it would burst the swelling was so great, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long perioj that I Was afflicted with the disease, I used . great I .. .. - ., . , , many ai olicstions, f among them severs! celebrated prepar. ion.) a. well a. t.king inw-rd remed.es. ncluding a number ofUttle. of ftwaim', Fanacra, Extract of sariaparwa, etc, in raci, it wnuiu ue Impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. 1 wss also under the care of two of the most dis- I tinguished physicians of this city, but without re- reiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 183B, the disease at the time Wing very violent, I commenced usinn the Roue Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan & Davis. In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the rruption began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the disease was entirely ' cured. It has now been nearly a year and a half i since, and there is not a vestige of lh disease re- , inaining, except the ecurs from tbe deep nits formed 1 by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of the disease snd my suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac connt to any person wanting further satisfsction. who will call on me. At the lime I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds of dollais to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to several persons, (among them my mother, who had the diseaso bad ly on her arm.) who were all cured by it. JAMES DUKNELL, No. 156, Race St. Xj The Rose Ointmer.t is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race street, Philadelphia, and sold nn airency in Sunbu ry. bv H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843: Aent, Itotc Oiiittiifiit, for TctierT A l'ROOF OF ITU F.FF1VACY. Philadelphia, May 27tli, 1S3!. I "lp o certily ttiat 1 was severely alUnied - witn i eiter in me namia and teet lor upwards of lorly years; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to number of physicians, and used a great many appli- , cations without ell'ecling a cure. About a year since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely sio.d the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured Ihe disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never leen rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHAKD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Tho Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsui;han. South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Aext. MEDICAL APPROBATION OJIhe ROSF. OITMF.y'F,for Tetter. ALTHOUGH ihe superiority ofthe prepaiation over all others i fully established, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Uttugt), having tounil in this lemedy that rebel for a leutous anu uisagrccame aucction wnicn me means within the range uf hi; profession failed to affi.rd. has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests uf thai pro.es.ion aie epposed to secret Remedies. I'HiLti.tLeuii, Sept. 19, 1 8:1.5. I was recently troubled with a tedious heretic eruption, which covered nearly one side of my face, snd extended over the esr. Mr. Vaughan, proprie toi ofthe Rose Ointment, observing my fare, insis ted on my trying his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public'by iunoiant pretenders, I feel in justice hound to except the Rose Ointment from that cla-s of me dicines, and to piveit my approbation, as il entire ly cured the eruption, although il had resisted the usual applications. DAN I,. BAl'GH, M. D. Kj" 'J he Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agenev in Sun bury, by H. B. MASSER, May 14th, 1843. Aifent EAGLE 12 HI m Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. 111 E subscriber respectfully announces to the . public, that he haa opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of Third and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait npon those who may favor him witU their company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and furnished in the best modem t)le. It is provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, pnvatn parlors, Ac Persons visiting Williamsport on bu- ; sines or pleasure, may lest ss.ured that every ex- j ertion will be used to render iheir sojourn at the , "Esgle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table ; will bo supplied with the very best the msrket af- fords, and his bar wiih the choicest wines and other : liquors iharge reasonable. The Eagle Hotel! possesses greater advantage in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the business part ofthe town, and ) within a convenient distance of the Court House ' anu v niiamspori anu r.imira itau uoau ueptu, .... j. .: . ?.. :il I .1 !.... . 1.,. - V.k.l IT, . Dunicieui oiaouiig proviueu, anu guuu sou irusiy ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servant have been employed, and nothing left undone thai will add to the comfort and accommodation of hia guest. There will be carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passenger to snd from the House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROWS, May 14th. IR4t. tf "Michael IVtiVt'ir t" oii, DOPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 1 3 North Water Street, Philadelphia. II AVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cor Jag. Seine 1 wines, etc., via far d Ropes, Fishing Rope, While Ropes, Mauil la Ropes, Tow Line for Canal Boat. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, dee, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Vhad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, &c. Azc. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chaina, eVc. all of which they will dispose of on lonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1043. ly.- sPEii i NG7T5ooi)4T ca ' No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchant to their extensive assortment of British French and American Dry Goods, which they offer for sals on the moat reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly, Jajrai r SBwasssiaaBBksBBBWtaMaassassm'sasBBato Commission &, Forwardinc Merchants, Fool of Willow Street Rail Road, OR TBI DELAWARE, "TTAVINO associsted with them Joseph Bar net, "Male of Eastou, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta ken that large and well known store and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupie by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a General Commission and Forwarding Business, and from the local advantaeea of the place being connected with sll the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able, to do business to as great, if not giester ad 7 'r'' "f" " "'''.' "J omer house, and they assure their friends that anv con signments made lo them shall have Iheir strict at-. "I""?' 1 n" ""r strict at- ''" ""' "nd nn Me,l,,,n "PreJ ,0 c,""e al,g- They are also prepared lo receive and forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North and Wist Branches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl. kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go. ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steamboat will be kept eipressly for towing boats from iho Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which will enable merchants to hate their produce deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at a saving ot 60 to 75 per cent, on the prices for hduling ocfo.-s, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit a share of patrnnace. W.HEILMAN&CO. William Hellman, ") Wdlism W. Keyser.C Joseph Barnet. J Philad.,May 14, 1843. ly J. M A YL AND, JR. & CO. iSnulT and Tobacco Manufacturers, Ao. !)!) Morth West corner of Raceund Third Streett. PHILADELPHIA. PHE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership-- under the firm of J. MAYLAND, Jr. &. Co.. as successors to the late firm of Jacab Jllayland 4' Co., and will c-mtinue the business at iheold esta- l.lislitneut, on their own Recount. In addition tr their own close attention and experience for many yMrBi jn , he manufacture of their cefebrated snufiV, ; c., the lo- ng experience of the senior partner of the late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of tho ne concern and as no exertion and care will be spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi tends and customers of Ihe lata firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MA if LAND, Jr. Philadelphia. May 14th. 1943. ly To Country MERCHANTS. '"PHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon At Harris, Hat - Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and oilier large cities, whose Hats are highly commended for jjoon' cnl-tr and durnlility, has on hand a l.rt rate assortment of HA TS and CAPS, suitable for Spring sales, wh ch will V-e sold very low, foi cash or appioved credit, at tbe nrted cheup store. No. 40, North Third strert, oppjoi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. Apent. N, B. Orders for Hats in Ihe run" h. promptly attended to. The highest price in tash or trade j given for Fur fci'n.t Philadelphia, June 11, 1843. ly BOLTON & CO. Ciriieral C'onimisitiion Merchant., For the Sale of Fltiur, Grain, iked, Vc-, Vc I ) EPECTFi:LLY inform their triends snd :he Me erchanls generally, flint they have ta ken those Urge and commodious Wharves, with twi Hoiks, noith of Chrsnill street, on the Delaware tocether with the store No. 19 South Wharves where they would he. pleased to receive consign ments of Grain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, At Ac. Being also well prepared to forward ull kind, of Merchandise hy Ihe Schuylkill and Union, or h the Chesapeake and Title Water Canals, as tow boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towini hoots by either route. Mere-hunt will please be particular lo send thei goods destined by either canals, to No. 19 Soutl Wharves, between Market and Chesnut streeis. oi the Delaware, with directiona accompanying then which route ihey wish ll.eni lo he shipped. (Jj- Plasler and Sail for ale, at the lowest mai ket price. BOLTON & C. March li, 1843. No. 19 South Wharve. MERCHANTS! HOUSE, -Yo. 2:i7, -VorA 7'AirJ, rWe Ctlovhill St.. PHILADELPHIA. TOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylv S)jp nis Farmer, snd Samuel Pike, jr., late of i m:,.n .,il ,,ln,h. i ihio take ulensure in a qnainting their friends and the public generally ih ,hPy have taken the large and commodious Hon recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on ths same si onre orcUp,eJ by the old established Hotel know as ihe Bull's Head, in Third street above Calloi ,j Rl This Hotel is finished in the very best possib n,ann,.r. fcd nf the best materials. It location iery desirable, particularly for country merchant the arrsngemenis for hcatii.g and ventilating ea rrtom j, 8Uci, to e.ure any temperature. Tl - bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in neat style, so as to insure comfort The receiving parlors are also fun.ished in a s perb style, the windows are on the French y forming sn entrance lo a balcony in front, whi makea pleasant recess. Parlirulai attention b been given to the bed and bedding, which, wi the furniture, are entirely new. From years' experience in hotel business, trust, by strict assiduity tc business, to make tl house a desirable slopping place. Our table w always it supplied with the very best our marl ran alford, snd our bar with the best liquors a wines of the most approved brands. P. S. There are first rate stabling and esrria houses attached lo the hotel, attended by ear aud sober hostlers, and our charge will be low, accordance with the present hard time. Philadelpbis. Oct. 7tb, 1848. f GOLDEN SWAI No. (il) North Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SIVKKTT riRSONS. CHARLES WEISS, late of the Wbite Swat nd "Mount Vernon House," respectfully forms bis friends and customers, that be ha beco the proprietor of th abov well known Hotel. Country Meicbents will find the above Hotel central location, and the best of fare. Persoos ti veiling with private conveyance will find lar. yard and good eisbling for horses, snd the best of ostlei. Boarding 1 1 per day. May 14111,1842 if. v