It 1 . PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Master. Wbsat, . . ino Rts, . . 63 Conn, . . . ' . fin Oats, . . . 35 Pork, . . . ' 5 FLtxstia, . . . ' M8 BfTTXB, . ; ' '' M Caen, . . . Bxkswax, , 35 Taliow, . 10 Flax, ... .10 Hick tun Flax, 10 Diumi Aerats, .75 Do., 150 " Good Intent Tiro Company. " A STATED MEETING of the Company will lie held on Tuesd it evening next, al 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attpitdanre it re quire!. HENRY LX)NNEL, AprrI 4. 184(5. Secretary. "Washington Fire Company." 'T'llE members of the "Washington Fire Com. - piny" are, requested to meet at tho Slate House, on Monday Evening, April 6, at 7 n' clock, precisely. Piincluiit attendance is required. April 4. SAMUEL J. YOUNG. See. Dyxpepsia of lO Years' Mandinsr. rilllE wife of 'aptin Robert, on Vino Slrcet, A near W'ater, CincitinaUi, ha been afflicted wilh DYSPEPSIA in it niot aggravated form fur the list ten vear, was recommended hi n lehrn. Ifil physician of Boston, New Yoik. Philadelphia, Baltimore, ami Cincinnati, to travel, as ihry ronlil l i nnlhiug fir her, She did so, I. oi it iliil her no Rood. She then ennimenc l uinn tint in isi popu Inr medicines of the day for her rOnpl dots, hut ile t i vi'tl mi benefit. Seitng an advertisement of 1)11. SMITH'S VEGETABLE SUGAR COATED PILLS in the pancr. be concluded to give them a trial sent to O. F. Thomas Main street, bp ttveeu Third ai.d Fourth, Dr. Smith's Aeent for Cincinnati, ami puichased a box, look them acenr. ding to direction, and can with heartfelt joy slate that she derived more benefit from the it-e of one box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills than from any other medicine) she ha m.ide use of during the ten year. Tie a'-ove was sent m G. F.Thnrrn on ihe 3 I D r.. IS 14 -Ci Times. (Q OAU ITON. -Aa a miserable imitation lias been made, by the name of Suiftr Coated Pill," it to necessiry to beaure that Da. G Ri j. SMiTil'a eimia'ute in on every box. Price 25 cent. Principal Office. 179 (ireenwich at. New York. Soldbv JOHN W. FIMMNIS. Sunatrip. ' WM. KOIi.SV THE. Narthum'd. April 4th, l46 PETER LAZARUS, S V X II V 11 1 , X o r t li u m 1 e r I a n il Count y, PENM SYLVANIA, lESPECI'EULLY informs hi fri nda and the public in a neral, that ho hna taken the Brick Stand, formerly occupied by Ue.ra! Prince an a public hou-c, (east of the Slate H u-e. anil opposite the Court II nine.) where he in picpared In acrornraoilale his friends, mid all uthera who may favor lum w ith their cu I on. in the beat mannnr. In alutrl, noexeitioii nor exn.fl will be pl red lo render his houe in every wiy worthy ot public patmriHgi'. Sunburv. April 4th, 1816 flm nii'oiiTAvr TO S3ALS?hS I1T TEA AND TSA DRINKERS. The .uccpga of the J'EKIS TEA til COMrAN7.Ka.Hi) South Nxyvi. Srm.r.T. bet we. n Marke and t'hen- ph i.r.T, iimt, I'hiladalphia. has been ni.pariiU I Our cniz.Mu 6re now al le to obtain a mi- ; erior article of Teaa, al rates much cheaper than I ii.ive ever before been oflVied in lha country, i .liev have ll:e lhal H ere are no druua oi i liier lori-ign fco!iUiice mixed wiili th-- T as. j l'h y are dune up in packages (linul i h leid, ! i) prrervn tloir rlrenilh and flavor ) i.f li.nn one jnurter lo five pounds, lo uit cua'omer ', and are old at dirtVrerit pries, from fn'ty centa p'r lb for in excellent article to one dollir and fitly cent--, dj- Al; pi-r. ins visiting t lie city are invited I pay be company's extensive eMahUnhmeut n visit Agonla wanted in every place where they are lot vet established. For particulars, address, punt lutd, the Rulxerili. r. U. . ZEHJEIt. At lor the Company. 30 Sou'h Third Sireet, Philadelphia. AfM-ir 4 h. U46 ly Xo rurlll'!' .otl'C. THE lVok Arcminis. Notes, Sic. of H. H. Ma-, aer an I H. U. Master & co. are now in the lands ef u jutire for collection, mid will be put in uit if nol mM'L d, in a few days. 'Sunlmrv, April 4th. I84fi. IlSMllltiUII of J'ai tiicinlilp. IE Partnership in the Ulock-in thin I 'VHE Partnership in the Ulock-in thin lluai lies berrtofnie t xistiin; between the snhsrri. era, uedei ihu f.f.u of Hanlunn cV liyerly. in I he boiouish -of Kunhury, Ins been di-ovfd bv i nirtual consent, on Ihe ill h of March iiist., and he business continued, in the came i-lwip, hv Sam- ,el ThumpsoD and Henry S, Haulman. under the 1 iim or Thompson & Haulman. The Do, ka and 1 cc.ounl of the firt named firm have b -en placed i 1 thehauds of C. Unwer, Esip, for collection. HENRY 9i. HAULMAN, HENRY UYEltLY. ! Sunlmry, March Sdih, 1S10. itl I Public Sale. I17ILL be ao'd, at public, vendue, on Saturday j the 2Sh ol Ar'd, ISlli, at Ihe residi nee of is sulH'nlr, in the burouli of t'uubury, the f -l t iwiui; af 'icles. 4 i wit t j High French and Low pot lied tea. Is, Bureau ; inini!, llreakfaat and Kitchen Tables, Cook and J oal Stoves, togeiher with a variety of Houaehold nd Kitchan Furniture wo numerous U ptriicular t. Sale to cammeuce st 10 o'clock, A. M. on said ay, when the lurnmof sale will lie made known , JOHN A. DERIN(i. Kunhmy, March 28th, 181C. PKTKR B. MASS K R, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of I A. Fiunburv and vicinitv, that he has opened an lice at the residence of Henry Master, in Market reet, where he ia prepared to execute all kinda ol KTAt cScraoam . Plate Work, Ae , on the latest ad moat approved plans. Having had aoma experience and instruction, ider one of Ihe moat eminent and successful Den tie in I'biladelphia, be believe that be will be jle to give satisfaction to tlioso who may want his ir vices. Ladies will be waited on at their places of reai lence. His charges will be moderate, and bis ork wsrranled. Bunbury, March 28th, 1846. m""ACKErtEl7FieshTfrMackerel, just o- IV fened and for isle st ths store or le'ed. March 21, JR49. HENRY MAS8ER. TO COVXTT&T MERCHANTS AND OTHERS VISITING THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber, Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Publishers Importers and Whole sale and Retail Dealers, of iheclly of Philadelphia, bring prepared lo an p ply the demands of the Coun try in their respective department, respectfully In vite the Merchants and all others visiting the City for their Pprrn? and Summer supplies, to ca'l at their respective places of business, where every reasonable effort will be made to give entire satlifaction. GEORGE S. APPLETON, BooWller, Publisher, and Importer of Foreign Dooka, 14S Chesnut etrcel, below Seventh. Invires the attention of travellers, alransers and others to his very extensive collection of Esettsn and Amkricait Publications, in every depart ment of Literature. His slock of ttrcptntly hound Bnokifnr I'rese nls. Porlftliet, Sfationrrif, Recent Publication, Ve., is the most t abisb i.v THtCITT. Brddinff, Feather and Furnishing Ware-raoms. Finley & co., S. E. corner of 2J and Walnut eta. Importers of Watches and Manufacturers of Silver ware and Jewelry. Thomas C. Garrett vV coM 122 Chrsnut ft., below Fourth :rei t. Wholesale and Retail Dndersin Faahionib'e and Medium Fancy, and superior Staple Dry (loo 1st A. I). Marshall, 184 Cheanut at. bet. 7th and 8th, Mannf.ciu'er sod D 'aler in New Style Tortoise Miell, BuIVjI.i, fine fuiifhi d imitilio.i IlufTilo, and other Combs. S. Winner, (nnh Miimifnelurernf the real ftuff.i It Horn Combs,) No. 7 South 2d at. WM. H. RICHAHD.SON, Eajf'e T'mbn lis, Parasol and Patent Wnlkir g Cane Umbrella Manufictivy, No, 104 Market st. M innfaciures by team, and fells decidedly lower thin any other bouse in the United States. .Sign of the Eagle arid Umbrella, S,i Aent fr the sale of the Genuine Demuth's Sntilfs. A. Ellon, No 24 Union street. . Fancy and Trimming St, ire. Hair plaited in Urarc lets, Guard -, N-ekiaces, Finger-Kings, &c. F. J. Dressier, No. 47 South 2,1 st. De de' in French Arificial Flowers Ribbons, and French Millcncy Goods, Siraw and oiher llonnels. It. Barton, No. 50 Chesnut st. Importer of Trimming, Toys, French, English and German Fancy Good. .T. Homer, No. 58 Sotilh 21 st. Whnle-iile and Retail Domestic and Foreign D'y Goods Store. Joseph Hi'-open, N. E. corner 1 llh and, Maikot sis. opposite; Baltimore Depot. RcraiofaATons For cooling Pr 'Visions, &c, Watk Fn.Trna, for purifying brackish noter. Fire p'o.'t Chests, Latter Copying Presses, Ac Manufactured by ! Oliver Evans, No. Gl South 2J st. j Wlvd'-sde D'uagistsand Manufacturing Chemists and Dea'e-s in White Lead, Window Glass, I L lisped Oil, Patcr.t Medicines, &e. Jenks & Ogden, No. I0G N. Third st. Fam'ly Gnvr. Dealer in Fine Tra--, Lonf Suitnr. Havana S.ars aod French Fruits of all kinds. J. ('misty, No. 78 South 2d st. The "DoilAH NcwseAPkn" The cheapest nnd best Weekly Family Paper in the United !i:e; f 1 only per year. A. H. Simmons iV co, Publishers, Ledger building, S. W. corner Third and Chesnut sta. P. rkins & Purves. llookseilera 142 ('hesnut si., above Gth. , Hooks s ihl on very low terms. Wholesale and Reieil Clock Establishment, em bracing a complete assortment. Jimea'e, No. 23S Mai kit street, above 7th, South side. Suhseiipli'Ta and Adverliaement are received for mo t of 'he Newspapers in ti e United Stales, by V. 11. Palmer, Agent, N. W. cornur of Third and Chesnut sis. Rook Accounts, Notes and Claims colleeted. and other business reiuiiiiii( ihe aid of an Attorney, intended to, in any pa t of the Union, at Y. II. Palmei's U. S. Collccti hi Ajjeiicy, N. W. cor. Thud ttiiJ ('liisi.ut ., 2d slot) . . W holt sale and Retail l.'n.lirella and Parasol Man ufacmry. 5ihar,.n Beeper, 344 Market street, second door above 10th, South side. Mnnnfiieiurer and Dealer ta Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Lewis Ladoinu, 4I3J Market street. Muitrass, Bidding, (arieting and Feather Ware. rooms. Haitby A, Knight, 14S South 2d street, (west side) five doors above Spruce. Manufacturer of Stair and Carpet Rods, of the la lest sly bs. Edward Jones, Swanwick street, l-etween Wulnut ; and Geurge streets, west of dth st. Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware. Henry L. Elder, 49:1 M.iket street, between l lth snd Jlioml streets; and Branch Hardware Siorti, W.cori.ct Ridge Road and Uiceii st. First Premium Piano Forte Manufacloiy and Ware Rooms. I C. Meyer, 62 South Fourth st. Cheap and Fashionable Ready-made Clolhing, an extensive aaaoitnient of Cloth, (5imere and Vesting! made lo order, fashionable style. B. O. A S. C. Cooper, Merchant Taylors, 130 Chesnut it. Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy Dry tiooil, at loweel cash price. T. B. Russum, 8. W.coiuer 3d and Union sta. H. Ward, Bonnet Manufacturer, No. 77 North 2d street, will sell any thins; In hi line, al Whole asle and Retail, a cheap a can b bought In ' the city. , Wholesale Clock and Looking Glass Eslabliih luent, Brass Clocks by tb case, at (10 50. J. A. Criiwell, No. Manufacturers of Common and Fancy Soaps and Mould and Dip Candles. E. fc G. Dallett, SO and 491 Market street and N. E. corner 10th and Callowhtll streets. Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse and Havana So gar Depot. Country supplied on libeial terms. J A. Edenborn, N. E. come? Third and Race. st. VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER. D. J. Williams, IS North 6ih sitsct, few doou above Market street. Venetian Blind Manufactory, Portal Id Desks and Looking Glas Ware Room. W. B. Barn, No. 61 Arch at. Wholesale Deilera ia Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Dry Good. Solomon St Brothers, St Bank street. Manuractorer of Thermometer, Hydrometer. Sacharometera, Ac,, tot Brewers, Distillers, Far mers (in churning,) iho Weather, &o, Joseph Fisher, 50 Cbesnut street. Wholesale Dealers in Millcncry Goods and Flow ers. George Edwards & Son, 37 South 3d st. Seed Store of more than 40 years standing, Grna and Garden Seeds of finest quality and best varieties. Joseph P. II. Coatee, 49 Market st. M.inuficturers and Importers of Papoi Hangings, Columns and Fire Hoard Prints Uea'y A Curry, 1 18 Chesnut :. Manufacturer ef Seivps. Riddles and Screen, and Wire Works in general. NeadbaA Watson, 64 North Front at. Wholesale snd Retail Garden, Flower nnd Field Sred Store, Gardening Hooka and Implement. H. A. Dreer, 97 Chesnut atreet, above 3d. Importer and Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Dve Siuirs, Ac. Dr. D. Jayne, 8 South Third street. E. A. Hathaway. J. H. MtTcnxtt. E. A. HATHAWAY CO. Commission and East'To Pn du-e Merchant. No. 2:i North Whirve. fo .t nf .Irch t. Wholesale Dealers in Lamp Oil. Tanners Oil, Can be. Soap, Teas. Chocola'c, Pickled and D'ied Fih, Painted I'nila. Ch. e-e. Butler, Hops, Ground and Calcined Plas'er, Ac, all of which will be fold at the loCrl Market prices. Mrr. M. ('rim's Bonrdinrj House, No. 103 Walnut street, beiween 4th and 5th. Cheap Vene'im Blind Manufactory. Onleiafrom a ili-tance carefully forwarded. Old Blinds re pairril and painted. M. E. Hedpes, (widow of E. Hedge-) No. Ill South 2d street, below Dock, cast s:de. BONNET VA NUFACTVKElt. Thnmas White, 15 South 2J street, (late cf Com merce street.) Importer of Watches, Plated Ware, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Watch Muker Tools, Files and Mateiials. John C. Farr, 1 12 Chesnut st. Manufacturers of Umbrellas. Parasols, I'arasMelte-i, and Sun Shades, of the newest styles. "Exten sive sales and small profits," Wm. Richardson A co.. No. 10(1 Market s'rect. Philadelphia, April 4, lMfi. J A M i: S A. P II I- Nu. 100 Walnut St. K M A N, Aiintinneer, PHILADELPHIA. V A L U A It 1. 1: C A L I, A X l S, In Northumberland and Columbia Counlita. iZgi PURSUANT 1 1 a decree of the Circuit iCf Court of the United States fur Ihe E. D. of Pennsylvsnia will Is sold at the Merchants' Ex chanue in the city of Philadelphia, on WEDNES DAY EVENING. April 1 5th, 1816, at 7J o'clock, the following interest in the valuable Coal Lam's, formerly known aa ihe Beck Lands. Tl-'i'id parts nf 13 patented tracts on ths waters I of the Sham "kin, in Columbia and Norlhumlrlsnd I counties surveved adj. lining lo or in the iieihhr- I bond of each other, in pursuance ot 1 J warianr tor 4(H) acres each, in the fnllowinx names, Wm. Elli ott, Georce A shlen. Caleb Low lies, John Yung, John Whileuian, Joseph Gordon. Richard Tunis, John Warner. Daniel Reese, W m. Pur er, m .Miller, Peler Dvhaven, Wm Powell, supioscd lo contain 5346 acres. These luiid- are on the Centre Turnpike, about fit" ecu nnh a N. W, i f PotlsviUV. and un the route of Ihe pre j. eli d D ilivillu RailioaJ. Condition ef sale are one third cash on the exes euiion of the deed, which is lo be prepared by the purchaser within two weeks after the fale. f.SOO will be inquired to lie paid at the lime of sale. The rem lining two third to be secur.d by bond and uinrtgue on the premises, payable in itpjal sums in two or ihiee years, ur all the ash will Is vid if preferred bv the pmchaser. El.l K. PRICE, Tru-tee, JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auciio neer and Commissitiii M. reh nt for the sale of Real Estalo slid Personal Properly, No. 1U(j Walnut stieet, Phil ulelphis. March 2l-t. t'.ti. 'a A CARD" TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD! ! "7 H. PALMER, the Ainerien Newspaper V a Agent, duly authorized nd empowered, by Ihe proprietor of most of thn best newspaper of all Ihe cities and principal towns in the U. S. and Canada, lo receive subscrip'iona and dvrtie. nienta, and to (jive receipt for thrill, respeelfully I iixtilics the puliltc, that he is iepareil to execute j ,.ril,. fr0in all parts of Iho Civil ted World, i brae ng Individuals, Kirius, Koituiiies, Clubs, Rea- ilmij Rooms, Cnrporniioiis, Ac, al his several n!h- Pes in Ihe cities of Philadelphia, Ualustiote, New York and llosion, and wheie communicntiona and j inquiries, post paid, may be directed. Address V. B. PALMER, Philadelphia, I. W. corner I hirJ and Chesnut streets; Baltimore, B. E, corner Bal timore and Calvert streets ; New Yoik, Tiibune Buildings opposite City Hall ; Boston, !iti Slate st. Aa no other rson or person are in any inau ner connected with the subscriber, in the Americau Agency, all letter and eominunicalioiia for him, should b carefully directed as above, and la no other person. J las caution has become '.ie- cessary, in older to avoid mistake, and put the pub lic on their guard against all pretended Agents. V. U. PALMER, Ameiican Newspaper Agont. Editors throughout the United Htstes for whom V. 11. Pslmer is Agent, will promote the sdvsntage of all concerned, by pnblishiug the above, I'L IILIi: XOTIC IJ.V. B. Palmer is ihe only authorized Agent for Ihe "Suxuvht Amksi cam," in the cities of Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Baltimore, cf which public notice is hereby given. March 11, 1S4.C. LIST OF CAUSES. IOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor. thurnherland County, al April Term, 1840, commenoing the first Monday, being the Gth, Selulntrcr, aliens of Garer vs John Gnrver et al Prenliee for Welch William Farrow Abner Mendenhall Franoia McCoy, Wm H Brown A eo v Joseph Keefer va Abraham Klase va A Wilhelm, Ao. v Felix M surer et a va John 11 Boyd HtrawhiMc A Borden va Name " fame Hnlmea, Sturgeon A co v. Hogli Bella, Km va Henrt Donnel et al Charles H all's ex'rs vs William Wilson's ex'r Uobin A Htllington's assignees vs Edward Gobin Same v Charles Gobin Jacob Peising vs Zimmerman. Savl lgp A co It l Foidaman v Benjamin FonKman William Simenlnn vs John Shipman Charles H Flick vs Wi liam Friek liihn Henil. taon's heirs vs (irernonsjh A Shipman John Lieb vs Thomas A Pen Gilbert Berlieu James Rms Wm L Heineman Peler illchter Ac Francis Ball's adm'r Abraham Terwilliger vs Wm R Jones VS Jacob H Khnads vs H irtman II Kr ichls vs Dod A B arret vs Daniel M. Neehler vs Robins A Newberry v Derr A McWilliams John P Summers J.ihn McCionnhau's ad.ii r va Charles Merrick oxthcimer A Dawson v N L Price J"hn A Lloyd J.Jin Knorr John Kane A wife E (iieenourjh Wm E McDonald Jonathan Adam Wm Colt Frederick Birkenbine vs in lv MeUonnlit vs Win S Montgomery vs John Neidig A wil'o vs John Coopi r et al vs John A Lloyd va Abraham Slrauh vs John A Lloyd vs John Hariman Kemleiton Smith el al George Grant i t al Walter Graham vs Peter Harist lman Junes Lotichea.l'a sdm'is vs Catherine t'arr Dode A De Noiuamliv vs Win A Lloyd Jnhn McGiunea vs Wm Starkes llulct Smith vs Augustus Huey Ac John Furinan el al vs Same Charles W Higius vs John Gooi er efc at Henry Manser vs T A BillinRinn John Murray vs Marjisrel MuCay' cx'rs Robett Bctii et vs Isaac Brown Fr incis Yarnell vs O-car Br ulford's ex'ra John P Kennedy ct ol vs J A A Shipman Same v Same JOHN FAKNSWOHTH. Proihonot.irv'a office. ) Vith'y. Sunhury, March 7. 1845.5 LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, for April Term, A. D. llfi. Cr:uil sluroi's. Ibfawart James A rmstrontj. Joseph Nicely. M'ltnn. Leonard Shearer, Daniel II. ("arier. Chillinquminr.-Henry Caul Ei jah Hid, Ro- berl tiillen, W illmm l. istel. I'ninl. John Garret. Northumberland. Andrew iln, George Evert. Sunhury. ('aleb Fisher. ri;nM. X imuirl Giiringer, Solomon Evert. Sliumukin. Daniel Miller. llimh. Samuel (iilinger. Coal. Andrew Klirieer. I''ier Milninny. Jar.ib Strasser, Sininel E s ler. Peter Seper, Jacob (i-it, D iniel Kaufinaii. Lower Mdhonoy Philip KcMctter. Little Mahonoy Nicholis Drurnheller. TiaT4'i'ie .lurors. Turbut. John Sample. Lttfin. Jacob Jarrel, William MeGu;re, David Lilly. Delaware John D. Hulche sor, John M. Thatcher, Peter Shady, Jo-eph Have Georce Milliiit, James Wliiuer, Palmer Johnston, Hen rv Wilhibn, J.din Lcil, Jacob Miller, John Evans, Patrick Montacu". Cliitli'wuuii. John Voris, William Housel, 1 In n i os, r. I'oitil. John lVal. Henrv Morgan. Northumber.aiiilltmet 'I'agijart, Thomas Gas. kii. Ktiiibtl IJ-" Daniel Henincrr. AuUKia Samuel tiijlaiut, llennia oolvpr'nn. Henry H'ewer, Peer Kreaer, John Slamer, John U. Shipmoi, I nouns Si. viler. Shamiilti'n. ('buries Mar'z, Samuel Kelly, Ni cholas Yocum, Chrisiiao It luscl.lue. A' William Bear, Jacob Milhatn, Henry Weaver. I 'fiper Malunwy. Jonathan Kiitr, John Mau ri r. jr. lAiwer Mahonoy. Jacob Bower, John Michael, J ic.'b Snyder. Little Mahonoy. I-aac Dornseif, Samuel Wu geier. Juekutn. Henry Lat-eha, Daniel Hilhish. ) relit Jurors. j Turbut. Henrv Fullmer. Isicis. Peler Ntihl, Thotnis Ku-s. l. lawiirt. J' ee Pa'ke', Jost' h Irwin. j .Milton. C. A. Lunnen. Chm.Vjuaifue Charles Search. Nathan Jsrret. Paint. Daniel Robins. ! Northumberland. James 11 ilbuin,Tho;na Vi-'Ct'.n. Daniel llraiiticarn. Sunhury. ReuU'll Fett'dy. ' Augusta. David Keem r, Sotouiou Hcrtl, stir, ' John Hart. Frcdeiiik Haas. Shaomkio. S,im.n Ks-'ler, William Ammer. man, James John, William . Kase, DaviJ Miller, Daniel Feitelv, D ivid N. ika. Rush John Dcslu, Jacob Geaihart, Peter ; Hauuhawoul. Cuol Solomon Dunkidherzer, Henry Keyser, Michael Drrrick. Vpptr Mahunni;. Ai thony Voder, George Re-rler, Jonathan Eiseidlart. , Jdiwer Mahonoy --I.aac Uothtnucl, Peter Wit- j mer. Jackson John Buhner, CAJarSTINCS AND oil-cloths, Al A"CHKAi SroilM" .Yo.41 StrauUrry Strut, I li 1 1 a l e 1 1 ti a. UR Store lent and other iiciisrs ln-inj very hebl. we ure enulileit ;n si II nui CARPI; I S, D1L-CIA)THS, Ac, w'.iohsala and letad, al the lowest piice iu the c'uy, und buyer will Cud it greatly to their advantage In call and rxsmm the turge ossnrtRient. we oll'rr ih'ta season, of Beautiful imperial a ply Double Supoiline lngraiu i n . rrnTrv"v" Finn and Medium do f Ahl L Twilled and plain Yiniliko J together wiih a largn a oik of OIL-CLOTHS from 9 fset 10 24 feet wide, very cheap, for rooms, halls, Ao salso, Manillas, Fluor I loth, Rwgs, Col- ton and Ran Carpels, Ac, Ac, with a good sa aortment of Ingram Cut pel fio n to Ml cent, and Stair and Entry Carueis from 12 lo 50 eta. ELDRIDUB A BROTHER, No, 41, Strawberry Street, one door above Chss nut, near Second Street, Philadelphia. March Slat, 1846. 3m. C GARDEN SEEDS. A fieah eupply of E. H Risley A Cu'a superior Garden feieeds, just received .- for sale al the store of Mate' HENRV MASSES, IVoticc 18 hereby gion to all legatees, creditors, and o liter persons interested in Ihe estates of EliMbnth Shipe, dee'd, settled by her administrator John Shipe t of Jacob Ehright. dee'd., settled by his adm'r John EhtUhti of George Watt, dee'd., settled by his adm'r Frederick Laxanis ; of Andrew K. Ruasel, deo'd., settled by his adm'r John Ruaell i of Geo. Moyer. die'd., aetlled by George and Daniel Moy rr, adm'rs de bon'ta non with the will annexed ; of Ann Catherine Shiley. dee'd.. settled bv her ex'r I-rcderick Hans, nf Liff.ird Waldrou. dee'd., fet lei by his adm'r William Waldron j of Catherine Hill, dec d., settled hj her adm'r Jacob Conrad i nf John Painter, dee'd , settled by hi. ndm'r Charlea Gale; i.r David Hess, dee'd . -tile 1 bv his adm'r Jacob Iloffa j nf Catherine Painter, d. c'd., settled by her adm'r Charles Gale 5 nf Fredcvirk Bachman, dpc.'d., settled by his adm'r Jonas Koch apt Nicholas Bli ther i of Leonard Ferstr-r. dee'd., -settled by his adni'r IVfr l'erster and Samuel Wacneri of A braham tJotliennpl. dee'd., settled ,y his a lm'r Wm. II i'h. iniet; i f D m'l KePer, dep., spiil'd hy hisa lmr. Itei.j. Rubin lb acc't of Jaooh Wacncr. guardian il Ui'lieiino Pederj ibe account of Jacob Wagner, guardian of MagJab na Ferster, Late of Northum beiland eiiunty, deciaa.d, that the executors and ndinini-lralors of the said ilecea cJ esta'e. have fi ed their accounts wilh the Kcgialer of this cnunly and that they will be presented lo the Orphans' Court of said county, on TursJav the 7th d iy of April next, for confirmation nnd allowance. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunhury. March Tib. 1840. Rpgister. Vn-ZITE SVAIT HOTEL. Race Smrirr, I'iiiradki.imiu. Ill J. l'KTCns. 'T'lIIS location is converiient for BusineFS men -- 'vis ting the city. Evcty pains ia taken to se en'" the c nr f rt nl travelleia. March 7. 110. ly DR. D. T. TRITES, RESPECTFULLY informs the ci r t l"ns of Sunhury and vicinitv, that he Ul has rernivnd his tesiilencn lo thn Brick , . House in Market street, one door west ef Hie Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa- 'V, l o hopes to receive continu ation of the liber al patronage which has heirtofure been extendi d to him. Feb 2, 1846. Cm OUSTERS I OUSTERS !! flVlH subsfiiber v it'd iepeefuly inform per J. sons dealing in OYSTERS, snd the public uenerailv, that I.e h i pureli.isd the inter' tt of Philip Shay, in the. ( lyster business, at Northum berland, wheie he is prep ir d lo supply dealers w i'h superior tttsTLiis. at the shortest notice, put up at the eletirattd establishment of Fields i Shay, in Biilinnore. All o'ders sertl bv mail, or otherwise, will be nnolujliy utU'iided In. T. WITHINGTON. Northnmlerbind. Feb. 2S 116. EVANS &l WATSON, No. "71 Sufi ii Tutitn Sthvt.t, Ojijtusite Ihe I'hilinhlji.iia V.schaiiffe, ."' ""!S... M Br,iil'.ietiira and keen our.. t!5?'"'" ',",,V hnn(1, '"'H'' M -siirtreeiil i.f llirir t'alont I in- 'rtt . nrnveil Salamander V I U E l-flWfi fti'.PROOF SAFES, which t Jk'riuV.V'jj W , -i.jja'i constructed as to set at r are rest m inner i f douli! as In their -?"1'4tK-ll ina slrictU fire proof, and that ihey will resist the fve of any building in Ihe world. The oulside case of the Safea are made of boiler iron, the inside c o-e of so.ipstone, and be tween Hie nut r case and inner case is a space of s me 3 inches thick, arid i tilled in wilh inde-tiuc-libit; nnteii il, s i us to make it an impossibility to ever horn any nl ihe enn'ent inside of this Chest. These s .;;.toiie Sal niiHMileis wa are prepared ai d do cIiiiIu'Iiks the u 1,1 to pro luoo any article iti tlie ship;? of Dunk S ifea that will stunJ as much, and u holtl oorsclvs ready at all times to have ile iii fa riy teste I by public bonfire, should a nv cf our coinpetitnrs bei di-poiwd to try them. We iiU.) t out huh to maiiulaituie and keep con -li'iillv mi li mil, a lar-c and i;. mral nsjortment of our Pietiiium Air litbt Fire Proof Safes, of which o lime l ife ijiianltiy in use, an I in every in -lauc l!:ev have given e.-itre a it infliction to the puuhavrs ol'vv. nil we will refer the pu'i.lic tJ a lew i;cnt ejn, n uhob.ivu iheoi in use. N. iV (. Tavlor, I -ill north 3d st.; A. Wright A .Vp'u tv, 'inu st. v h uf ; A'lexuudei Caror, Con v. yancer. comer of l'i heit and 9lh s1.; John M Fir.l, :)J nonh :Jd st.; Mver Hu-h, 20 north 3.1 st.; Rji'ev A Bimlier, UH M.iket st James M. Paul, Hit south 4h si.; Dr Datid J.iyne, t) south It J st ; M.athe.v T. Miller, -I) south 3d t-t.; and we ouhl name som- thtee i-r four hundred others il it wire iiiecssirv. N..w we invite the ait- ntion f llle u'. be, til. J particularly those i i want of Fie I'moI S ties, lo call i.t nor store hi fore purcha- I siiii; elsi where, and we think we can satisfy them that ilicy uill get a I ettei uiid cheaper article ut our si 're thin any niln r estiil.lishrin lit in the ci'y. We idso i oi. tn. ue in itianufjctuie Seal and Co- itn; Pnss. s, n,iiji in such a manner as to an swer Loth pur, ,i-es; HoUling Machines, Fiie Pieof Do irs, wiib cur on inanul'.ii'lure of locks on llieiii, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover attached in the 'sine; plain Mid ornamental Iron Railing, Ac N. U We k"ep eotisiinily on hau l a larue as- j sortment ot our Pateol Limd RefiiPL.tns, i Water Fillers and (J n b i-; mid we have also on I hand sett ral .ecuud ha .d Fire Pr 'of Chest luken ill ekrlmeee fir CUI, whicil V. c will disposD of gt e v I w piiees. l'Li'adiliil.ia, January 21 h. ISIC. ly Monti utr House; lA'iT. liUADV'H HOTKL, (i;o('e tic Cyurt House, SAHVILI.S, PBWN'A. THE ruh.criler, who issisei! I l se. vi'i. I vesrs in ihe m inaeament of the a- hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra- dv. b e. leave In 11( 0111 the travelling pub ic, b t as tiken the e-ral l.shment on bis 0u acconi l, on the first of January, 1846. The liotie ha, ol I ue, uiidenjone many impor. Uiit alterations, and the pre, nl conductor promise to leave ii.ithiuii uno ou- to i.eiku it a oinioiiatie j and atreeable, a well as a cheap and awomm aJa- line floppin: place lor sii.incera who limy visit our (l.iuri-hmg village. No pain nor expense will Ik spared to fill ihe aind the bar with the test ihe niaikela uHTord. and with lh ih termination to tie- vn'o bis entire person il atteutioii to the comlorl of j those who mav make his house their temporary a. I IkkIc, and i.iile.l by active, caieful and ubliging aer- 1 varus, he hoie lo give general satisfaction, snd re- , ceive a liberal shais f rualoni. j n"r Larue and parnuiodiou STABLES are si- I laehe.l to the sstahUhme lit, which ai aUcude.1 by j I cartfijl and pbhgilig ho tier (JIDEON M. SHOOP. January 24th, 1816. tf LAST NOTICE. rpHE tstore Bunk, AcanjnU and Note ofli. 1 B. MsT, liavfl en placed ill the hand n a utugislrale for collection. Persona w hose account have iWn of Ling standing, may cava coats by set llmg Ihe nam without further delay, teuubury, Jan. 3 IS 18. H. B. MASSER. a T....H 1 1 4 aji n ! TEXICO & IVIEX AS ! tb env 19-rthjI. titijy oome.' splOME WHERE! Why where do y.-u ..(.. pose but to the Cheap Store of Henry Maer in Market street, Sunhury. And for what purpo-, da you think they come? Why to buy ehean, ti. he sum. and save at least 20 per cent. " i'hey ujnn't' do noiMn' J.'' because it ia a well known ! V that at HENRY MASSElt'S STOKE the very best article are sold at the very lowest, prices, Now come, one and all ; bul don't all coma at once, nnd JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES ! Where you will find a Splendid Assortment ot Falf ami Winter Iry c.oodn, just received, among which am the following i Su-. perline French Broadclulhi West of Enolund do.-, Heay Heaver do , a fist rato article for Overcoat,, and a great variety of Wool Dyed. Black and Fsn-. cy Ciissimeres. Sattinells, Mouseliii-de.aines. Rep de-laines, Cahmeres, A In. -en, Ae Ao. Also, a beautiful assortment of C.ilicoea of the latest sly'e and patterns, which will be sold cheaper than ever ; also, Woolen and other Shawl in g'ent vartely from 4(1 els. to $10 1 a genural assortment i.f Hi-. fiery, G lives. Suspenders, Mitts, Ac, Ac; a lan e, assortment of Women's. Men's ami Misses Gum Shin, which will be sold cheiper ihgn ever beforn oll'ered. He ha likewise, in addition to the abnve slncV sn extensive assortment nf Qurenware. Hardware Saddlery and Grorerirs, Sugar from S to 10. 12 J and 16 ct. per lb; Good Coffee at 10. Veiy Best al 12 J. Also. Nails; Spikes; Iron; Sanderson's be.t Cast Steel; English, American and Sweed Blister do. in short, every thing that is usually kept in - Country Store, all of which will le sold at very reduced prices. fj" Country Produce of all kind, takoa in rx change for Goods, Sur.btity.Nov.22d, 181.ri WHOLESALE i IRETAXI HAT &, CAT WAIlKIIOlJyE, -Yo. 304. Market Siren, a'tvvc Of,, South ('A'V PHILADELPHIA, J THE subscribers respectfully ca',1 the alien. ESU, tinn of their frienda and dealers ti the;r lorg i nnd well assorted stock of Hats and Caj s of trer description, well adapted f r the s; ring trit'c. B i ing made of the beat and by the m -.t ci. pcrienced workmen, ihey feel conl1lei,i to givs nnii vers il satisfaction to all who may fav.-r thein with a tual, as they clT. r 1 1 sclt tlio ci'y. BAi' I Phil.nh Ipliin. .l.ii'iii .lv : n I iw s niu house in i.o: i- .v L'I.vnn iy :i. inifi ! J O II X s t n y k e n , Of the late firms of Neirkitk Sf Striker, on I StryUrr .y J'ugw, UAS rcsutned ihu Wholesale Dry G tod Busi ness, and now niters lor sale, ot No?. 12 and 14 Bank street, Philadelphia, uilj.iimr a Myc, Clahorrj A Cu'a Auction Store. No. VS Market street, a gi neral assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly purchase I at unction, at a very smuil advance for rasb, or city acceptances. Utlievmi: that his long i xprience in purchasii n will enable him to sell his Goods at the lowest Mars k' t piicrs, he invites his old friends, aud P'.hp: wishing to buy, to favor him with a call. Philadelphia, Nov. 1, I8 l5.6m , To I'm tliasern or DRV GOODS, T IIE fubscribpr, No. 121 Pearl etroet, New York, having established a Branch at No. SI? 1 South Second at., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will he oQnstsutly receiving fmai the ,V,v York Auctions, an extensive assortment uf FANCY it STAPLE DIZY C00D3. which will be Bold nt the lowest New York pr;ci a, at wholesale and Retail. Among It a flock will lit found a goo.1 assortment of iho following article-; JacconeU, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Strle, Bonk, Swiss and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Ltnen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Dresses Thread Laces, Application Do., rich B ack Si k, Trimming Lace, Irish 1. irons, Linen Cambric. Linen Cambrie Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cnshmetn d'Ecos-e, Mouseliiie de Luiao. Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, C;uocu' Cloth, Gall l' French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Si k Hose, Shawls, Cravats, Ri'obons, Embioiderh Ac, Ac. Country Metchauts and others visi'irg Phi..i!el ph:a or New Yotk to purchase, ate respectfully iu vited lo oil and ex inline Ihu block. Nov. 1, lw43. ly JU. JLMOORE. TBRMS REDUCED, n.lGUEIWHN CALLER Y of Patent I'remi um Colored likenr$.ts, and I'hotugraphit i) pot Xo. 130 Clicsnut Street, Tiiilailclpliia, No. 251 Broadway, New York ; No. 75 ('our' Stieel, Boston ; No. 136 Chesnut S:ree, Phi! delphia ; I'tllitnore Streit. lla'tiniore ; Broad way, Saraluca Springs; Nu 66 Canal Slice', New-Orleans; Main Street Newport, J. I, Att Main Street, Du Buiiue, Iowa,. CONfeTlTUTING the eldest and nmst Eiten sive Establishment of the kind in this Wor., and containing more than a THOUSAND PDji TRAIT, puil racine those of some of the nst distinguished individuals, in the United Stales, Admittance free. This Establishment having been awarded ihu Medal, Four First Freiniumf, Mid two "Highest HuHori at the Exhibition ot Boston, New-Yoik and Philadelphia, respectively, for best Pictures an. I Appa'atus, is thu officially rustaitied in the posi-. lion of superiority heretofore universally Msigned it by Ihe public ns "First in the World.'' June 26ih, PIANOS. rpHE SUBSCRIBER has been rppotiitcd ayrn I fur lb sale .fCO.Mt 1) MEYER'S l l'l EBRATED PREMIUM IMeE WOOD lis ANttji, at this (lace. These Pianos have t, p'sir i:nissie and btautiful H let tor li. i-h, and, for ilep'li ki'd sweeiueas nf lone, nod elg nice of workman ship, are nul s'Jrpa-s-d bv any in ih t'niKil Siaiis Tli loilo.viiig is a rei'iiniiiieinlsi.oii t orn I'ihi, Diets, a cilrbratuil la rlo mirr, and b.uist If a insi. . uCictuieri A (!AK, HaTIWO had ll.e phasute ot lrvinll excef. lent Pliini Fi'it niBiiftctured by Mr. Meyer, n exhibited at the I ot exhibiiion of the Fr .nllir, flilgte, J fsel it dun to the tru p.ieiit of the u.'.uk,'. 1,1 iVclare that these inst'.ument are quite ei,na 4 and in Mini respects even superior, to all the )V, duo Fortes, I saw at (he capitals of Euiopt:, an I during a sojourn uf two year nl Parii, Thes Pianos will he fo'd at the manufacturer". lowest P(.iilsdelpl4ia prices, if not something lov;rri Verso;. sr luipjesled to call and exami,ltf f0k themselves, at the re-i.U nee of the subscribe Sunl urv. Mav 17, 1K1.V II. B. MAiiSER. T II UA'I'7 l hehigh. st i ruf "glvTiTTs Wheat, at the store of JlASSER. A new supply of Rose Otulmsiit . u,t Kceit4 ih. 1116. N-v. 8t - . )