Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 28, 1846, Image 4

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    - A Pvtt Waiter General In JMsje.lsav .- ,
On my way to the North, in 183.f in company-wif
ft several gcntleukW from' New' Orleans,'
u happened that the stage In which ,wer were
presenter, stopped for supper at small village,
situated between the towns of Columbus ens)
.nwville, on the Cumberland road, in the State
ol Ohio. ' ' ! ' ' ' "'" 1 1 " ' 1
' There waa a grand gathering of militia Cap
tains, lieutenants, Etiagns, Sergeants, and Cor
li.raht,, will, a; considerable mrinkling-1: pri
vates, all of whom had boen exhibiting their pa
triotism during the day, by marching lip and
iIowji the toad shouldnqiig'arroai carrying ormg,
h:i1 charging bayonets, preparatory to intended
hostile operations against the neighboring Slate
nf Michiu'nn, the authorities cf which and those
nf the? Ohio, were at open r alinoat about
hnvtUlury. '"""nl ' :' "" ' "' 't
For the purpose of trtiuienient, it had been
greed that the stage-driver Should be informed,
onitkntinUt, that I was Artoa Kf.miai.i., Post
M'nttter (hnrtalofthc Vvitcd StHe, travel
ling in (lisguitfo.and assuming the very common
name of Smith, inorder to dieenvcr abuses in
iho transporting department' .With many mys
terious hints, and under strict charges of eecre
ry, Jt'hu was made acquainted with the awful
l ict, Hint, he , wna actually driving the impor
tant individual above named. The reins al
most (ell trom his hands ! 'What, M,r. Kindlo !
i i.ins Kindle? exclaimed the astonished dri
ver 'K can't bo possible IV . 'It is possible,' an-
acred the gentleman who was imparling the
mtiiririation, and who was enjoying, an outside
n ftt; 'and it is his wish to be entirely private,
moril'tr toavoid Iho attentions that would other
wise be lavished upon him.' The driver promi
(4 the most inviolable secrecy, and proceeded
to curry down hie horses. i j' 1 i .
We hnd not been long in the hotel where our
-MpP'T was being prepared, before it was plainly
!i rcjptible that somillung ftiM- gnipgj on ; cu
rious glances were' thrown irtro" the bar room
vhere we were sitting militia rflioere flirted
M ut or collected in roirpn the landlnrd and
i:H family begaU tofprtlCGUPin brief, it was
ei iileut our cecrct had. been confidentially kn
pirtiil to hlf the villeej (
'I'he first demonstrator! tltat was. made, 'con.
Mhted of an invitation to my friends and myself
itt aecirpftliP nso ol a private parlor.. I Ins tie-
"i nt once agreed to,'the lartdlordTventiird trt
I 'iggest, if not disagreeable to me'friy fellow-
iiiens of the. village would hke to pay their
.espcots to, me, and tqVqyje'li! hand.
'No ebjectimis in the', world, said I'; Jut the
vvurlliv citizens cnino in.'
Then followed a ncene of the richest kind Inf
f in but Dickens has described a similar ad
venture, and I piss on. . ' '
Supper announced. I wns pTaced at the head
t'tho table the richest viands and preserved
'rmtswere set in prolusion beTore us. We
'onsted !. and durinr the operation numerous fp.
male heads or, rather, heads of females were
e. manually popping in at the windows and open
d.Hir.s while the piazza was filled with boys of
nil mzes, who amused themselves by firing oil
Cliine6e crackers, sending up young ,' rockets,
and fehnutin'r 'Hurrah for Jackson I and his
cabinet ! . , i .
. Supper was over, we retired to the bar, and
demanded our bill ol'expcnses. . The landlord
smilingly answered, that he was too happy to
'iitertain us without compensation he felt ho
nored by my sitting at his board, and my friends
vero equally welcome. ., After much arguing,
consented to receive his hospitality gratuitously,
since heinsi.tiej nn it, but tny friends, I would
not consent that they should feast at his expense
-oh, no! They must be allowed to pay for
i heir splendid supper. ; 'Yeh if I insisted, he
would take pay from them and' he did. '
'Could 1 say two Or thfes words to ybu io pr
vsleV asked my landlord, in a low voice, as he
walked by my tide to the coach, which was
waiting. . , v -.
. 'By all means,' I replied: 'andheled me a lot
ite to one side, into a dark part or (lie . piazza.
After two or three hems ! tu clear his throat,
the landlord commenced:
'Whatever others may think ofyou, sir, Icon
fcider vouan honent man.' ! : i ' .-.
Sir, 1 feel very much obliged by'th favor a
hie estimate you have formed ot m."
Yes, sir, let the opposition-say 'what they
nlense, I believe you to be a conscientious in
ilividunl I do
Well, sir, considering this is the first time
we have ever met. I must say your liberality ta
extraordinary j but I thank you for your good
'Ah. sir. though we have never met, 1 know
von well we all know you lor a' most efficient
officer, and deserving man. : rye
It is true I am tolerably well tnown In the
Western and Honthern country, snd, aa for my
rflicienrv, I believe I do pnsh ahead about as
hard aa a man conveniently can ' ' t
'That you do all parties muBt acknowledge
it' You have effected many improvements in
vour denartmenL' - '
- 'Yes. I Hatter myself that in the' stast.. de
partment 1 have made some improvements
'Your temovidt have met will) , general ap
nroval in thia uortiun ot the country.'
Removals ! Oh ' yes 1 do travel great
. deal.' . ..i.ii:.'!'
'Yesvou do, and to some purpose. I wanted
to epeak to yon about our post master here.!
Indeed! Well, what of him.'
Are you not aware that he is Whig.' .
'No! is heV , . ,
Yes, ho ia and it is thought by the friends
of the Administration here that i ought tu be
r iinnved, and a good Democrat appointed. U
What is the office worth V . ,H.':. i
' 'About .! a year. . ?. . it. ,t
-Who would be proper man for the :of!ice.
'Why, I couidn t exactly aay but it
Would unit except the appaiirtnient .' i
Most willingly, if you ahould Uiiuk.qi wor
WelL I'll telt yoo what uM better do.
Write on to the department state, the matter
as you've stated it ui me. aqd perhaps ' " 1
'. 1 tyou wouiu r JUkv , iiiaks a. incuiuiaiiuuui
would be sufficient. ",
'My dear fir, dor, t depend On anything mat
iwHea Detween u pure nvre i r-uiuu,
aa you may aee by the way-bill ; but at W ith
iiiclon vou undcrktand' r
'Yes I underttaud. Then I'll writ" on to the
department V
ea wne. ' '
Sir, 1 aha II depend on yourgood officea,'
Sir, you may your supper was excellent,
your altentiona ahall not be forgotten farewell
, w rite on to the department by all means.' '
, 'Tk worthy aspirant to the post-maNterahip
of the village, accompanied mo to the coach,
carefully turned up the atepa when 1 had en
tered, and then joined bis fellow-citizens in the
three loud cheers with which our departure
was honored. S. foiita ReveilU,
Some we-uteo ose paint as fiddler do rositv
to aid tktrt m flawing Wai.1
The fcslfowiw Jlei bowa. jctrrnt value tf all
Pennsylvania, BsmVNotejv ' ,Thq most implicit r
lismco my be placed upon it, a it itevenf week
refolly compared with arid corrected from Dick
ell's Reporter. , . ,., -. ; ; , . . , M '.
,i nr , iiunkfl In Plilladelplila. 1
"' Vf ' r"' 1 ' ' 'i Disc.
,. Kl. , LoCATlOtf., .PU4.
Bank of North Amcrira . . par
Bank of the Northern I.itartins par
Commercial Hank of Penn'a. . . , par
Pafmna and Mechanics' Bank . . par
KenrinktoH Batik'1'" " ". r '.".par
Philadelphia Bank "" ' ' . " . " : par
Schuylkill Bnhk : . , . 1 ' . ,"' '., par
Southwark Bank1' "' ". ' ' ' . ' "' par
Wextern Bank' ' ' ".' . , ' . ' par
Mechantrs' Bank ' " . ' ' . pat
Mariufacturrrg' & MechinicH' Bank '' j par
, . . i Country llank. ;
Bank af ('healer County
i Cheater . ,
Norristown -Unyleslown
Bank of Delaware County :
Bnk of CiennantoHn
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doyleaiown Bank
Gaston Ba ) j I '
Parmer" Bank of Bucks co.t
Offirt of BaSik ilVnn'a; '
OrTice ito ,.t i do
OfTice ,do . . do
OHicn do" ' Jo '. ' : 1
Harrihun" These
I.ancasUvr I offices
Heading . f do not
Easlon . ' issue n.
Rink of the United Htateu Philadelphia
rank of IVnn Township
(iirard Bank ;
MoyamensinR Bink i
Bank of SVnnsvlvania
Miners' Bunk o'rPolUville'
Bank of I.enislnwn .,, . :
Bank of Middl;nwn -,
Bank of Nnrlhuinheilnnd
Iwistown .
Nirlhiimlierlaud par
Columlaa Bank & Bridge co.' Columbia
: 2
Carlisle , . : j . tarliKe ..
Exehauge Bank ' . . Pittsburg1
Do n do . . branch of -, JIillultivlurg
Farmcia' Buiik of J.aucasiei. I.ancastci
l.ajieastrf County: Biiik , ,,, J.anraater j
Farmers' .Bank of Reading ., . Beading
HatrisburR Bank ., , f,Harri.sburg
Lancaster iBank t ,, Lancaster ,
Lel)uoii,,ljink, , .. .. . . .Lebanon ; ,
. 2
Merchants Ac Mannf. Bank i PiilBliurg
Bank of Ifiltsberg - Piitsbutg
West Biam-h Williamspurt
Wyoming Hank V ilkexlmrre
Northaaipton Bunk ; Allenlown"
Berks County Bank . -.t, iteading ,
Office of Bank of U. 8. ..Pittsburg fail
Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Wav. Ins. A ' ' da '
Penn Township Hav. Ins. do
Bank of (Thamliersburg ' Cbamliersburg '
Bank ot GeltynhUrg tMty sours;
Bank of huvquehanna Co. - Montrose IJ
Erie Bank ' ' Erie ljalj
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Wsvnesburg Ja j
Frahklin Bntlk ' ' ashington ' H
Honesdale Bunk 1 ; Honesdale ' IJ
Monongahefa Bank of B. ' Brownsville ' : H
York Bank - ' ' York ' il
"N. B. Ibe notea of those hanks on which we
omit flotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokern, willl the
etceptien of those which haa a leiier of n ference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. ' Philadilphi
Pbuadelphia Loan Co. uo
cbuvikill Sav. Ins. ! v ' "do '
Manual Labot Bank (V. V- Dyott, prop.)
I owanua nam j uwauua
Alleahany Bank of Pa.".' Bedford ''
no sale
' rioted
' failed
no sale
' faded
no sale
BankofBeaver ' Beaver. '
Bankuf Swatara ' Hsrnsbnrg
Bank of Washington Washington
Centre Bank Bell, fonte
City Bank , Pitlsbuig ,
Farmers' &. Mech'csV Bank Pittsburg
r armers & Alocn c HanK r ay cue co.
Farmers' & Mech'ca Bank (irtcnca8lle
Harmony Institute Harmony
lluntingdon Bank Huntingdon
no sale
no sale
no sale
Juniata Bank ' ' ' ' Lewistown.
Lumberman's Bank Wanen
Northern Bank of Pa. 1 DundafT
New Hne Del. Bridge Co. New Hope
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. Milton
no sale
North Western Bank of Pa. MeaJville
Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Carlisle
Silver Lake Bank Montrose
Union Bank of Penn'a. . Unioniown
Westmorland Bank (Sreeusburg
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co,'
Wilkesbarre no sale
try All notes purporting to be on any rennsyl
vauia Bank not given in the above list, may be set
Jown as frauds.
, new jlksi:y.
Bank of New Biuoswick ,
Penh AmIoy
Mount Holly
N. Biunswick
Belvideie Bank ,
Burlington .Co. Bauk -
DomnteKial Bank .
Cumlerland Bank
Forme's' Bank
Farmers and Mechanics' Bk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk
Muldktown Pt
Jrey City
Hoboken Bkg it Uraxing Co Hoboken
Jersey City Bank Jetsey City
Mechanics' Bunk Patlersoa
Manufacturers' Bank . , Belleville
Morris County Bank Morristuwn
Monmouth Bk of N.J. .. a Freehold-,' .
Mechanic' Bank ; ; t ' -! Newark ;
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk "Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg to Jersey City
FostiXoiea " ' :
no salu
Newark Bkg & Ina Ce Newark I
Saw Uoa Del Bridge Co JauiOeru villa
N. J. MaauthC asul Ukg lk Hoook.o
N J Plot eel on it Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange Bank !.
Peterson Bank..
Peoples' Bank
aU ,
Pnncolun .
. Newark
. ('amdeu ,
Trantou ;
' Dever '
, Hackensack
Princeton Bauk
Hakxh Banking Co
I tate Bank
i mate uaw ,
Hiatt Hank w i
Stale Bank of Morris '
ui Buuk ! ' :
Salem and Philad Manuf Co
SusMiX Bauk ,
Trenlon Banking Co
Union Bank '
Wahington Banking Co.'
Bk of Witrq oV Brandy wine Wilmington
Bauk of Delaware . Wilmington
Uank of Smyrna Smyrna . ,
Do . braucb . Miltord
Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover
Do , branch : ( Wilmington
Do , r branch . Georgetown:
Do brand . j ( Newcastle
Union Bank Wilruinntoo
rrY Under 6'e - ' s ,
(XT On all baoks Ynarked thus () there are ai
(her counterfeit or altered notes of the various V
UMuiuations, ia ciiculauon. ' ' ' ' A '
iiiunism r,
T nEO Irara to 'Inform' the poMle that I have left
Philadelphia, and am now located in llama-
burg, the seat of. tba Eiocotive and Stats Uovern-
mcnt of Pennsylvania where I now occupy me
spacious Hotel,, recently aepi oy nu. nieuaew
Wilson. -' . : ' - .. ' -" ''
Thia snacioua building, having been purposely
planned and erectsd for a Hotel of the first class,
i not surpassed if equalled, by any aimilar estab
lishment in Pennsylvania ; and having undergone
thftTouiih renovation, the parlnra, rooms and
chamber are now filled up in a style that com
bines eleaanra with comfort and convenience. , i
Mv TABLE ia pledged to be supplied with the
beat fare the Markets can produce l the chargea at
the ame time being aa moderate as any of the best
regulated astal hshrnnnte elsewhere. Jn short, na
eicitions ahall be spared on my pitt, or on the part
of every member of my household, to make il what
it should I. In the tJspilal ot one or trie most pop
ulous snd interesting Slates of Ihe Umon.
With these promises, accommodations and faci
lities, and the fact that tba Hotel is most eligibly
situated, I with confidence, most respectfully soil
cit the patronage of lha Public. .
. ,; .. . .. UAi-Mlli llt.ltll,
. .. I.nts of Herr's Hotel, Chrwuut !., Philad,
Harri-burg. Nov. 23. lS4fi. ,. i
iL'aluitlc Sir ttclcj.
IBnKNar.a's Vr-BMircrta a errtm'n cure for
worms mife and very pleasant to lake.
3. (iirtsnn's Extracts, wliirh remove Orcae
of all kinds, Dry Taints, Tar, A'stnish and Wax,
from carpels or from clothing, without injuring the
color nr the cloth. ,
3. Loiin Fir Pirrn the heft thing known
for killing ffips snd mupquitors.
4. A ceitain Destroyer of Rfits, Mice, Roaches
and Ants, and another of Bed Bujs. ' ' ,
fi. (Uww's Srrciric for nor stomach, Heart
Burn and Walet Brash, by one who had u(T. red
thirteen years, before he discovered the core. 1 . 'j
Dr. Stkvks's (Ins Outmkst for lie Piles.
It-has never failed to cure. ' ''..''
7. Hahrisos's Tstter Wisn.
K. Bkkmohii' Iuelible Ink, without a
9. The CoMrorsn Cor:cTin! or Fins
jut lha medicine for children and fjr women, it is
so pleasant lo take.
10. Bm-k'h Vioetasli! Ammtnin Piles.
11. (junk's Emollient Vater-proos Paste.
for Harness, Boots, Ste. Il soften the leather, and
keeps out the water. - '"
12. Pooa Man's KtrknthiiN!o Piaster. v
13. Jackson's Diartiiiiha Mixtche, which
cures the worst Diarrhcna in a few hours.
H Jitkhiin's Dtsentart Minrs'i a cer
tain and speedy ' cure for Dysentery and Summer
The Rlove valuable articles are sold wholesale
and retail, bv L. C. (JUNN, N.. 1 South F'fth
.treel Vh'iLuMuliia where Stor keepers and o-
ihcrs will be upp ied with pore African Cayenne
Pepper, Arnira Floweis, Drugs, I'ainU, Oils, Glass
and Varnishes, at the lowest prices. Terms only
rash, try Cut out ihe advertisement, and bring
it with you. " ' '
Philadelphia. July 19th. IMS. lr. - J
ComiHsund Syrup of Tar &,lood
jvaptua. .
riHE unprecedented success of this medicine, in
A the restoration of healih.'io those who, in des
pair, had given up all hopes, has given it an exal-
tod reputation a'ove al other remedies, lurni-inng
evidmice of its intrinsic value and power, aa the on
ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure ot
Pulmonary Consumption, IJroiirMttis, Astnma,
Pain in the fide and Breast, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. .
Attention is requested lo ihe following A8T0X
ISHINO Thomson's Compound Syrup
of Tar and Wood Naptha ! !
' rttUaitrlfihia, Mux 3rf, lM.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With crateful
feeliiiEs I inform you of the astonishing ellecia of
your medicine, which ha literilly rais. il me irom
- . ... . . ... ' . n..i
aueatn-nea i iy oisea-p, i uiunninry vuii-um
lion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro
nojneed my case bniielessl At this junction I be
gan to u-eyour medicine, and miisculous as it may
keem, il has completely restored me to health, after
every tiling else bad Tailed. Kepertlullv vours.
' Charlotte street, above Oeotge street.
The undersigned, being personally scqusinlrd
with Washinnton M ck and his sufferings, -ber
witness to ihe astonishing effects of Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a-.
nove siuieuu-ni. . ,
JOS. WINNER. 318 North Third street,
DAVID V1CKERS.43 Almond street,
HUCJH M OINLEY, 8. E. corner Tamany
and Fourth aueets,
Prepared only by S. P. Thomson. N. E. corner
of 5th and Spruce slretls, Philadetpbia.
Agsnls. H. B. Mas r, Sunbury ; D. Gross,
and Dr. Maepherson, Hsrrilurg ; Jno, G. Brown,
PflUsvillat lie.v. Earl, Reading; Houston & Ma.
on, Towamla, Bradi'ord county , Pa. Price 50 cents
per bottle, or $5 p. r dozen. ,
(Jj" lieu-arc of utl initiations. .
Philadelphia, June 28lh, 1845. ly
IHE suWnliers would respectfully inform the
Citizens of Sunbury snd the public generally,
that they h.tve purchased ihe shop of Mr. William
Hoovei, in Market street, ore door west of the Pet
Office, where they will continue the - '
C nhiiii't-Makiiis Ilniius',
in all its branches. The public msy elec.t their
work dona in ibe latest lyl. , They hope, by strict
attention lo buin as, U merit a share of public
patronage, ,,','. '
rrj" Coffins' made to order on the shortest notice,
aiidcountry produce taken in exchange for work.
Sunbury', M ay l7uVl 84 5. ly . j
AS II II Y & It O A 1,
South Eutt comer of Market and Ath t
.., riillaUelplila, , ,
"IT7HERE they always keep on band an exten-
sive assortment of HATS U CA FS of every
description, got up in the best and most approved
style. Persons derirous ef purchasing superior arti
cles on tbe moat reason side terms, will find it . to
iheir advantage to call before making purchases
. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1844. ly ' ' ''
1741. AX. fcElJiThehigU5 prki'wiU be
' . given for Flat Seed, al lha atore of
, Aug. 9. 1845 HENRY MASSE R.
if 1!HE, of a superior quality, ean now be hid
i tithe Lime Kilns of Henry Sun
bury. . ' May 17.1H45.
1)AK IRON Just received and for sale, ehsap
a-forcath,by HENKV MASSEK.
Sunbury, Sept. 0, IM&. viv.
.:iD.i:ri'RATirc sYnrrw i
THE valuable properties of Oakley's Dapma
tive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of lha
blood, Is so well known to lha puhlie generally,
(liat it is unnecessary to occupy muchenareln set
ting forth the advantages to be derived from its
use; wherever the medicine has once been Intro
duced, It lakes precedence over ' all others s evcty
one that has taken il, hae derived ao signal bene
ficial results from it. that It is recommended , by
therri with lh uimnst confidence. . Physiciana of
the highest standing in the profession, present) it
to raiients under their cars ! containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed ol th most tn'ild,
yet efficacious vr gelahle materials, It Is ottered wittt
cnhfidenre. as the cheapest and most tflficient pu
rifier of ihe blond now known. The use of a few
boliles. especially in' the spring month, will he si
tended with a moat der'aled laiptnvcmenl In the ge
neral strencth of lha system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated,; besides
giving health and vigor to the nody. I or the care
of Scrofula or Kinca Evil. Rheumatism. Tetter,
Pimples or eruption of the Skin, White Swelhng,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ae. The ' mi
merons eenifieatea in the possewdon of Ihe tmbacrl
ler and hla agents, from. physreiana and where, are
sufficient to convince Ihe mpef skeptical ot tta aa
perinrity over all preparations of 8arsaparilla. .
8ld wholesale and retail,, by the proprietor.
GEORGE W, OAKLEY, North ftth street. Kea
ling, Beika Coanty, and to he bad of the following
persons: . i
In Korlhumhtrfand Cminty. If. B. Masssri
Siirihtirv! Ireland fi Mixel. McEwerwvilla i . D
Krsusrr, Milton. '
In Union County.!. Gearhsrt, Rclinsgrovej
A. Gutrlius. Mifflinburg.
n ' Columbia County. Tt. W. McCay, Wash
ington. ,' ', , ', .
. ' . . Reading. March HliM
Ma. Oasi.v: I.UIieve itthe uty of esery
one to do whhteverin iheir Kiwer I les.for the bene.
fit of their bllow man, and having bad post'ive
nroof in mv own family. of the wntidetful tiropertiea
of your Depurative Syrup of Sarssparilla, I m st
eonriMilinulv recommend it to the afflicted. We
had the misfortune to hise two of our children, by
the breakins out of ulcerous sores thai covered lb
face, head and neck,. although we had some of the
most scientific physicians to attend them and had
tried all the known remedies including Swaim'
Panacea, without avails Anolher of my children
was aliarke'l in Ihe seme manner, her fare and
neck was completely covered; Ibe discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we
despaired of her life. Seeing ihe wonderful e licet
of your Depurjlive Syrup ol 8 irsaparilli, we were
induced to make trial ol II. as the last resort
ac'ed like a cbarm; the ulcers commenced hralin
immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to
h r health, which alie has enjoyed uninterruptedly
ever since. As a purilier ol trie nioou, i verity ie-
lieve it has not its equal. c- -
JOHIV MO l i:t(, 'l ailor,
. Walnut gtri,; near J-'ourth, Reading.
'I ' i . ,! ' ' '
, . . . Dougl.Mville, April 10th, 1M3.
Mr. Oaklrt: My son Edmund Iaf, had the
scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner for three years, during which time be was de
prived of ibe use of his limbs, bis . cejd and neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried all lha diil'. r.
ent remedies, I ut to no effect, until recommended
by Dr; Johnson of Nonistown, and also Dr. Issac
Hiester, of Readii g, to use your Dopurslive Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I oliiained several buttles.
Ibe use of which, drove Ibe disease enluelv out ol
his system, the sore healed up, and the child was
restored to perfect heslih, which he has enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many persona who seen but) duung bis aUlielion
I have thought il my duly, and send you ibis certi
ficate that others who haves, hie sllliciioii in the
family msy know where to . obtain ao valuable a
medicine. Yours truly,
Sept. 16, JS13. ly
To Country .TSerchaiils.
Coots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hats. !
G. AV. & L. JJ. TAYLOtf.
at the S. K. corner of Market ami lfth Stt.,
"iFFER for sale au extensile assonment of the
"above articles, all of which they sell al unusual
ly low prices, and paitiruhilv invite tbe attention
of buyers visiting the citv, to an examinsrJon of
Iheir slock. C. W. Sc h. B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May 251844.--Iy
Nos. '29 and 31 ,lorUi Thud Street,
' Near the Gity Hotel
C. MACKEY, Auctioneer,, respectfully tn-
w viiea die aiu titioo of persona tlesirous of pur-
rhssina Furuilure, to hia extensive Salea Rooms, 1
(both publio and Private.) for every description of I
Household ruiuilure,,wture:sn l obtained stall
times, a large assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses,
&c, at Very reduced prices, for cash. " "
(tjr Pales by Auction, twice a week.
May Vth. 1843. lyt '
., CMUata'f'I'cllcrN'
The puHic will please observe that no Brandreth
Pills sr genunw unless the boi has three la
bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
ench containing a fjc-simtlt signature ot my hand
writing, thus B. BamnaaTH, M. D. These la.
bet- aie engraved on steel; Vsiitrfully designed,
and done at an expense nf over f 3,000. Therefore
It win be seen that Ihe only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, ,ie to observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respeclive persons are duly auihori.
led, and hold
For the sale of Urandreih't Vegetable Univcrial
Northumberland county I Milton Msckey dr.
Chamheilin. Sunbury H.B. Masser. M'Ewena-
ville Ireland or, Meixell, Northumliland Wm
Forsyth. Georgetown J.icJ. Walla.
' Uuion County i New Berlin Bogar it Win
Iff. Selinsgrove George Gundium. Middle-
burg Isaac .Smith. ' Beaveriown David Hubler.
Adamaburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinsburg Mensch
il Rsy. Harlklon-Danlel Long. Freehurg
U.etl.L. Mover. Iwuburg Walla V Green
Columbia county Danville E, B. Key not Ja
Jt Co. Berwick Shuman Jk Rittenhouse. Cat
tawissa C. G. Brobta. Bloomsburg John R,
Moyer. Jeiaej Towp Lev) Uisel. Washington
Robt. MvCay. , Limestone Uall ft McNi"ch,
Observe lhat each Agent baa an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing representation of
BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing.
and upon which will also be seen , exact copies of
lha ruui label nuw uted upon the Brandreth Fill
. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th at rest.
iijanet4tb,m.i . ' t . .' .
1 rbn tetter. "
i.' ' ; 1 r.l -otiT,iricou fRUPTioiw., i ..,v im'( :
rr The fnllmmntr rrrtifiraic drterihejt one of the
niosr extraordinary caret ever ejjtctea vy any
application.' .-:!..' J .nt ' v '
' "-r" e . a . w" - . '..
n . i ,i I'Hit.AOEr rtiijL, tebruaiy lu, ibjs.
IOR twenty yeara I was severely afflicted with
Ttrran on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced wbefl 1 was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall of 188, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, great part of my face waa covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with Violent itch
ing t my head swelled at times until it Ml as if it
would burst the swelling waa ao great, that I could
scarcely get my hat on. During lha long perioj
that I was afflicted with Ihe disease, I used great
many at plications, (among them several celebrated
preparations) aa well aa taking inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Swaim' Panarra,
Txtrnrt of Sanapnrilln, Ac, In fact. It would be
impossible to enumerate all Ihe medicines I used
I was also under the Care of two of the most dis
tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cored. In the fall of 183n, the disease al the time
being very violent, I commenced using 'lha Kinte
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan It Davis.) In
a few anplieationa the violent itching ceased; the
swelling atieted, the f ruiHion began to disappear,
and before I bad used ajar Ihe disease waa entirely
cured. It has now been nearlv a year and a half
aineeVand there is not a vestige of the disease re-
mainirm, except lha scars from the deep pits formed
by the disease. It ia impossible for me to describe
in a crrtinrais the severity of the disesss and my
suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ae-
eonnt ' to any person wanting further satisfaction
who will call on me. At lha time I commenced
using Ihe Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of dollaia lo be rid of the disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to 'several persons,
f among them my mother, who had the disease bad.
ly on her arm,) who were all cured bv it,
JAMES DURNELL, No. 15B. Race St.
tr The Rose Ointment Is prepared by E. B
Vaughan, South East corner cf Third and Race
streets, Philadelphia, and sold on aeeney m suntm
ry, by , ,11.,
Msy 14th, 1813. . , Agent,
Itosc Ciiitiiiciit, lor Tetter.
A riiuut ur jis ntt iuAui.
Philadslfhia, May 2?th, 1S9.
rriIIS is to certify that I was severely atBicied
with Tetter in Ihe hands end feel for upwards
of forty yeara; the disesse was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to
number of physicians, and used a great many appli
cations without effecting a' cure. ' About a year
since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely
slopiied ihe itching, and a lew applications immedi
ately cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, elthough I had rtever been rid of it at
any lime for forty year. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Llevenlh, below Spruce street.
CT The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauuhan, Sjulh East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by ! i 11. B. MASSKK,
May 14th, 1843. Aftenr.
' Of the lmSE OINTMENT, for Tetter.
ALTHOUGH the superiority of ihe preparation
over all others is fully established, ibe proprie
tors take pleasure in laying before the public the
Mlowing rerufieaie from a sespectabie pnysicisn.
a graduate of Ihe University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Baugh, having found in this remedy that relief for
a tedious and disagreeable aflcction which the aaeans
wilhin the range of his profession failed ta afford,
has not hesitated In give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of thai profession aie
opposed to secret Remedies. - i i . '
rHiLAnrteatA, Sept. IV, 1H:I6.
I was recently-troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, w hich covered nearly onesble of my face,
and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprie-
tot of the Rose Ointment, oWrving my fare, idsh
led on my trying hia preparation, of whtck he han
ded ma a jar. Although in common with the mem
bers of my profession, I discouuteuance snd disap
prove of the numerous nostrums pslmed upon the
public by ignorant pretenders, 1 feel in justice bound
to except lha Rose Ointment from Ibal class of me.
dicinea, and lo give it my approbation, aa il entire
ly cured lha eruption, although il had resisted Ibe
usuul appbcalions. . DA.Mj. UAl OlI,M. V.
try 1 he Rose Ointment ia prepared by U. B
Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and auld on agency in Sun
bury, by II. B. MASSER,
May 14tb, 1843. . Agent
Corner of Third and Vine Streets,
wxuLXAiasFonT, ?a.
FI1HE atibscriber respeclfully annouriqea to the
JL f uWie, Uiat be has opened Hotel in tne com.
modious brick building situate on the corner
Third and Tine streets, where he will be happy to
wait npon those who may favor him witti their
company. 'The Eagle Hotel ia large and convent
ent, and furnished in the best modern stvK It is
provided with a larae number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, prival
parlors, Ac ' Persona visiting Wiltiamsport on bo
ainess ot pleasure, may rest aa-ured that every ex
ertion wilt l used to render their sojourn at Ihe
Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. II is I sole
will lie aupplied with the very beat the market af-
forda, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
liquors chargea resaonable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantagea in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough.
being aituale in Ihe business part ol the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and uod and trusty
ostlers alway a in attendance. .
Attentive, accommodsUog and tione.l servants
have been emnloved. and nothing left undone thai
will add to the comfort and accommodation of hia
There will be a carnage alwaya in attendance at
the Boat Landing lo convey passengera to and from
Ihe House, free of charge.
May Ulh.J843.s-
Michael Weaver 4t Son,
Ao. 13 AhWA Water Street, I'tuimutpnia.
AVE constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine I winea, etc., vixi
Ropea, Fishing Hopes, White Ropes, Manil
la Kosa, Tow Linee for Canal Boata. 'Also, a
complete assortment of 8eins Twinea, &e. such as
nemp onau anu iierrmg i vui, mw
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Threada, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
H alters, Traces, CoUon and Linen Carpet Chaina,
Ac all. of which they will dispose pr on reasonable
Urma. , .'. , '
Philadelphia. November 13, 184?.. ly.
T7sPEkiNG, GlX)l3 AT (3CC.
No. J38 Market Street; Philadelphia.
INVITE ths attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of British French
aud American Dry Goods, which they offer for asks
on the most reasonable Urma... n ' -n , ' '",' j
i JJjuklphia, November 1 3. 184w-rly. . 1
Commission At Forwarding Merchants,
. .. Foot of Willow Street Rati Road, il ,
HAVING associated with them Joseph Bar net j
late of F.asfon, Pa., respectfully inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta,
Ken that large and well known atore and wharf at
root of W illow Street Railroad, lately occuple by
Jacob Martin, when they purpose doing a General
i i i. ,
iyuiiiiuiiuii tuu rurwaruing ousiness, ana irom
the local advantages of Ihe plsce being connected
with all the public Improvements that have Iheir
outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will
l able to do business to aa great, if not greater ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, and Ihey assure Iheir friends that any con
aignmenls made to them shall have their strict at
tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis-
taction. ., ...
, They are also prepared lo receive and forward
goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh
rivers, between Maach Chunk, Eastnn and Phila
delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can ids I
also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North
and vt tst u ranches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl.
kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Water
Cenala. , .,
, For the accommodation of Boats coming or go.
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steamboat
wilt be kept expressly for towing boats from the
8chuvlklll around to the Delaware and back, which
will enable merchanta to have their produce deli
vered on the Delaware, and iheir goods shipped at
a saving of 60 to 75 r cent, on the prices for
hauling across, with these advantages they re
spectfully solicit a share of patronage.
Willism Heilman, ")
Wilhsm W. Keyser.C
Joseph Barnet; 3 Philad., May 14, 1S43. ly
"SnuiT and Tobacco Manufacturers,
iN'o. 9il AorlA Wear" corner of Race and Third
Street. 1 "
THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership
under Ihe firm of J, MAYLAND, Ja. A Co..
as successors to ihe Iste firm of Jneah .Vayfand 4'
Co., and will continue the business at ibe old esta
blishment, on iheir own account. In addition In
Iheir own close attention and experience for many
yeara, in Ihe manufacture of their cefebrated snuffs,
&C the Ions experience of lha senior partner of tbe
lute firm, will also be devoted lo lha interest of the
new concern and as no exertion snd care will be
spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve
ry iH-st quality, Ihey solicit a continuance of Ihe
confidence of lha fiieiula and customers nf the lata
Philadelphia. Msy 14th. 1M3.1V
To Country
THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon At Harris, Hat
Manufurturrrs. for New York. Philadelphia.
Baltimore and oiher laree cities, whoso Hals are
highly commended for d cnlir and dnrnlility,
has oi hand a fir-t rate assertmont of HATS and
CAPS, suitable for Sprint ades, wh'eh will re sold
vrry low, fo cash or appioved credit, at tbe noted
cheap ttore, No. 40, North Third strait, oppjsi'.e
ihe City Hotel, Philadelphia. I
KOUKJiT It. W u.rU.ioWiV, Apeni.
N. B. Orders for Hals in hsrurii4. promptly
attended to.. The highest price in tavA or trade
given (jT'f'ur tkin.
JPbihidelphia, June il, 1813. ly
General C'omnilNlon Mrrcltanfs,
For the Hale of Flour, Grain, Seed, Ac Ac
-jr." j
OESPECTFI.'LLY inform their
triends and
J-k. ,h0 Vei
errsnts eencrsllv, that ihey hate ta
ken those large and commodious Wharvrg, with twr
Dorks, north of Chesnut street, on the Delaw ire
Incelher with tbe store No. 19 South Wharves
where ihev would be pleased In receive consign
ments of Grain, Flour. Peed, Whiskey, Iron, Arc
Arc. Being also well prepared to forward all kind
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill snd Union, or b
the Che ssprske snd Tide Water Canals, as tow
boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towin,
hosts by eiiher route.
Merchants will be particnlar to send thei
goods destined by either canals, to No. 19 Soul
Wharves, between Market and Chesnut streets, o
the Delsware, with directions sccompinying ihei
which route ihey wish them to be shipped.
ery Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest ma
ket price. BOLTON ic CO.
March 19, 1813. No. 19 South Wbarve
iVo.237, A'orift Third, above Vutlawkill St.
JJOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylv
fjl nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., laie of .
merican Hotel, Columbus. Ohio, lake pleasure in a
quainting their friends and the public generally it
Ihey have taken the large and commodious Hoi
recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same s
once occupied by the obi estsblished Hotel knot
as tbe Bull'a Head, in Third street above Callo
hill st.
Thia Hotel is finished in the very best possil
manner, and of the best materials. Its location
very desirsWe, particularly for country mercban
the arrangemenla for healing and ventilating ea
room is such as to secure any temperature. T
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished i
neat style, so aa to insuie comfort.
The receiving parlors are also furtiished in a
perb style, the windows are on the French at'
forming an entrance to a bslcony in front. b
makes a pleasant recess. Particclai attention
been given to Ihe beds and bediiing, which, w
ihe furniture, are entirely new.
. From years experience in hotel business,
trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make !
house a desirable stopping place. Our table
alwaya be supplied with the very beat our mat
can afford, and our bar with the best liquors
wines of Ihe most approved bramls.
P. 8. There are first rate stsbling and earn
houses attached ' te the hotel, attended by ear
and sober hosilers, and our chargea will be tow,
accordance with tlte present hard limes.
Philadelphia, Oct. Tib. 182. '
Ao. til) North Third, aWire Arch Strer
CHARLES WEISS, lata af the -While 8w
nd "Mount Vernon House, respectfully
forma his ftlrads aud customers, lhat be baa bee
tbe proprietor of the above well know Hotel..
Countty MeichanU will find the above Hot.
central location, and the best of fare. Persons .
veiling with private conveyance wilt find a larg
yard and goo stabling for keraea, and the beat ol
ostlers.: Boarding 81 per day, t in .
May l4iV.8TT,,Mr. ,..., l .!...