Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 28, 1846, Image 3

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    , ,:' Correspondence of the Public Ledget.rVV
Jmportaatl Mcssag from the Preside.
WaIrinoton, Mnrcli 23, 1!, P. M. '..
' I learn this evening, from source which 1
think may be relied upon, thit the President of
the United State will to-morrow (Tuesdsy) vend
to both Houses of Congress "War Meaeage,"
to use the language of rey informant,' in reply,
probably, to the resolution of Mr. Dayton, offer
ed in the Senate two or three weeks since, caN
liny on the President for an expression of opin
ion ae to whether any circumstances in the atate
of our foreign relations render necessary an in.
crease of our land end naval forces, and if so,
what those circumstances are t I have once
or twice before alluded to this resolution, and to
the probability that it would elicit something of
importance to the country. The ihipreasion
Jias gained strength, since the arrival of the Hi
hernia, that the bill of Mr. Fairfield, providing
for the construction of ten war sttam-ships, Sic,
ahould be passed ; and it ia atated that the mes
sage to which 1 have referred will recommend an
augmentation of the navy, and other measures
fur placing the country in a state of defence.
If my information ahall prove correct, tod it is
wwsible to obtain copy, I will forward you the
'menage to-morrow afternoon ; if 1 cannot ob
4ain a eosy, you shall have the substance. J.
Correspondence of the Public, Ledger.
' WiSBciot, March 23, 1840. .
Whether the Oregon debate will be termin
ated the present week, now appeara to ba doubt
ful, aa several B-mators, I leave this moroin?,
have privately expressed their intention to ad
dree the Senate, and Mr. Webster among the
number. The ultimate vote of the whigs on
the question of notice, appears again to be in
volved in eome uncertainty.
A message was aoeeuocud from the Preai--dent
of the United States. Tbe Committae ac
cordingly rose, aod the Speaker resumed the
chair, when tbe message waa delivered io wri
ting by the Privtte Secretary of the President
(Criea of 'read ilf 'read it!') The reading was
accordingly commenced by tbe clerk, and the
interest, great at first, became intense aa he
proceeded, substantially, 'The President of the
United States bereuitu transmits to the Sen
ate and House of Representatives cooiusofthe
correspondence which has recently taken place
between the United States snd the government
jf Great Britain (here several members ld
risen to their feet, aod those who retained their
eats stretched - themselves forward esgerly
listening for tbe the word) in reierence to cer
tain duties en imposts allegvd to have boeo im
posed ia violation et the convention of 18102'
A general laugh followed this unexpected efe
noumeut. 1 have seldom witnessed a more
exciting scene. It waa evidently the expecta
tion that further correspondence on (be Oregon
-queotiuu, of sa important character, was about
lobe coinmnuicaled. A proposition is wade
by Mr. Ptketmasn for a refunding of dutiea
on b-itn aides, imposed ia violation ot the treaty,
end this proposition is acceded to by Mr. Bu
chanan. r ' :t, -tt.
From tbe Harrisburg Argus, af the 83d mat.
A Convict MhmU
A convict named John Gibbs, whom -it will
be recollected was convicted lnt tall offe'eerc
f buld and daring burglanee in ttiis 'buruuii,
ad sentenced to nine year jmprisoouieiil at
hard labor iu the County jail, u-s shut dead by
Mr. Wateua, keeper of the pneou, yesterday
morning. Tiie feels of the cue are as t olio a:
nbout 6 o'clock Mr. Wstsou went into the pa
eage, as usual to seres the prisoners with break
fast; whenX came to the cell occupied by
Gibbs he opened the outer door, and the couvict
instantly put his arm through the hole in the
inner door, drew back the bolt, and ruhed in.
10 the patiKage toward Mr. Wateou. The lat
ter drew a revolving pistol, aod ordered him to
stand back, or be would shoot, and finding htm
etiil advancing, be drew the trigger, but it win
ed lire, Gibbs then clinched the keeper, and
threw him on his back, but Mr. Watson turned
himself so that be got his feet against 1 the pri
soner's breat, by which means he pushed him
offend again attempted to fire, but without ef
fect - Gibbs closed on him a second time, and
threw him, whea a deadly struggle took place
the convict ueiiig the woet desperate efforts to
wrench the pistol from the keeper's hand.- In
the course ot tbe struggle the convict Mid,
Give me tbe pistol and I will let you alone;
it yon don't I will kill you or if you maka any
noise I'll kill you." An alarm, however,
would have been of little consequence, as the
door leading to the passage was locked on the
inside. Watson knowing this, and seeing that
the issue waa for life or death, straggled man
fully for a few moments, when he got his arm
around the convict, and discharged one of the
loads in his bank. Gibbs intanl!y relinquished
Ins hold, and both repaint their feet, when
Watson fired again, and the shot took effect in
Gibbs' left side, in the n-fjion of the heart He
ihen retreated to hia cell, followed by the keep
er. When he waa insirie he airain turned upon
the keeper, who fired the third time, the ball
passing directly through his breast, when the
:onvict fell, and in a few moments expired. ,
Gibbs was a Iteht mulatto, aged about 40
years, twelve or fifteen of which he hat spent
n the Eastern Penitentiary, lie was a most
leaperate and hardened villain, and has sever
al times threatened to take the life of Mr.
Watson. It is but a few weeka ago that be
nade an ingenious but cnsoccesaful attempt to
escape. It ia evident that hia intention war to
take advantage of the stillr.esa of the Sabbath
.uorning, wrest the keya from: the keeper,
fore him into his cell, and thus make hia es
:spe, but fortunately ha was foiled, snd Mr.
tVaUoo deserves credit for sending to his final
ccount such a black hearted and blood-thirsty
illian who constantly placed the liveaofallin
eopardy who came in contact with him..
The Coroner held an inquest, and the jury
-eturned a verdict of 'justifiable homicide.'
After the rendition ot the verdict, the body
vaa suffered to lay an hour in front of the jail
a sickening sight to gratify I morbid curiusi
y after which it was removed to the alms
touae for burial and thus ends a career of crime
and infamy. -
Tax. Wxstish Division or thx Ps!Uistlania
Cam.. Major Jamison, the Snpei visor of the
Western Division of tbe Pennsylvania Canal, has
given notice that tbe water would be 1st into the
canal at Leecbburg, on Monday last, the 33d last.
' iMPoftf akt RcMon.-We learn by a slip front
the New Orleans Pioayune, of March 10, that
a commercial houea of that city had received a
letter from Galveston, Texas, dated the 14th in
stant, which states, information had been
brought by the schr. Mary Shields, from Mata
moras, bound to New Vork, having put into Gal
veston in distress, that the American Consul at
Matamoraa, J. p. Schatxell, Esq., was. in prison,
accused by the authorities: of Corresponding
with General Taylor at Corpus ChristL ,
. This is important information, if true, and
may lead to an active demonstration on the part
of the American forces sooner than ' waa sup'
posed. General Taylor, by the, last accounts,
had commenced marching hia army tq the Rio
Grande, on the West bank ot which not fir from
its mouth Matamoraa liea. This close neighbor
hood will euable him to act promptly, according
to his orders. ' In the event of the news being
confirmed, he may have the duty assigned bim
of releasing the Consul from his confinement,
and chastising the insult offered to our country.
. "Genius will always work its way through,"
aa tbs poet said when he aaw a hole in the elbow
of bis coat. ''' " ,; ' ''
-r ( '1
BatasaiTa'a Put. curs all aflecliona, simply
becnose they maka tb blood pur abstract out of
it those qualities which produce disease, and give
to it those qualities which produce bettllb.'
Now every solid part ef the human rime is
mul from tb btooj, and the food we oil ia eon-,
vertsd into blood to supply tbs waste our bodies
sr continually austniniog. 8o in tbs rdianry
coarse of nature we manufacture our entire bodies
jn about aine years, from the food tskeo into our
stomach. ' Suppose tbs sir ws have lived in for
soma time has baso loaded with matters detrimen
tal to bsaltb,or our food fur a long period baa been
of an unwholesome kind, or that tbe mind baa been
much troubled for grief, antisty, or real' atlso
tion to any particular point is sure to occasion bad
effects in tbe blood. ' Any of the causes cxisiing,
good blood cannot be supplied to lbs body, i - - -
But 1st BraodratVe Pill be used dsily under
the circumstance', ia do of from two to six
pills, or as lbs cuss ahall ilnlermin. Wast is their
fleet t It is to carry off the uupur matters from
tb blood, Waving only tb good to row every
part of lbs body. What waa uosouod now be
come sound, and tb stomach aoon gets iula J
healthy a condition that avea bad air or unwhole
some food for a tin srs unsbls to injur tb henl h
Purchase of H. B. Maawr, Saobury, or of
lb tint, published in another part of this paper.
Oa Tacadav morning hut, J01LV ANDREW,
sou of Mr. Cbarlaa Beck, ofthia place, aged 3
years. ..,..... . .
Ctrrteftd weekly by Henry Mautr.
1 Caas, i . '.
- Oara.iv
Poaeu' :..
Bees. ' .
TitLOW, ..'
' H sex tan Fix,
Dsiau Atrtss,
Do. Psicass.
SS 6
i 25
. 10
Dlaaolatlou of I'arlncrahlp.
rilllB Partorbip la the Blsckimithing Busi
X' ness heretofore existinx between the subtcri
ters, under the firm of Hsulmsn 4 Drly. in
be borough of Kunbury, bis !eeo dissolved by
mutual consent, on the SO b of March inst., sod
the husintss eoiitinued, Ia the srae shop, by 8sm
uel Thompson snd Henrv S. Hsufmsn. under the
firm or Thompson V lisulmsn. .The Books snd
seraunts of tbe fint iidjcJ firm hsvs been plsred
la the bands of U. Bower, Esq., for collection.
Bunbury, March t8ib, 1 849 St 1
Public Sale.
WILL be ao'd, at public vendue, oa Saturday
the S5th of April, 1846, at the reeidenc of
ih suli-fihr. In the borough of Kao!ury,lhe tol
lowing sricles. to wit t ,
Htf h Firarh sod Low post Bed-tesds. Bureau.
Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, Cook and
I'ttnl Ulovee, tonber wilh a vsrieiy of Household
snd Kitcbo Furnitur too numerous to particular
fa. ..... .
Sal to coaamenc at 10 o'chvk, A M. on said
day, when tb terms of ssle will h mle known
by : JOHN A. DER1NG.
Bunbury. Msrch 28th. 1846. .
DR. BMITH H (Si'sta Costio) "IMPROVED
A RE daily enerting some of tbe most atooih
JSl ,nl d wonderful curs that have ecr been
known, in consequence of wbirh they have now
liewmt a ehinins mark actios! which" all the ar
rows of disappointed horte. envy, and anehsriia- i
bl-nes are levelled wilbeot ditiottiofl. Tbe town
and country srs alike filled with their prsise. The
pslac snd the poor nous siike echo with their vir
tues. In all clinutes, under all temperature, they
etill tetsin their wonderful power, and exert them
unaltered by age r silusiion. They sr simple in
their preparstions, mild in their setlons, tboreuish
in all their operations, end unrmlled io their re
sults. 1 ney sr anu-bihou, snU-Jyspeptic, snd
snti-mercarial i add hey are peculiarly tieneficial
in lh following complain's : tevcr auu ague, yel
low nd bilious fevers, dtspeptis, croup, liver com
print, sick besdscbs, jsundiee, aatbma, lropsy,
spleen, piles, colic, obstructions, henrtburn, furred
tongue and foul atomieh, nsuses, diarrhaa, costtvo
nss, loss of appetite, sallow complexions, colds,
and in all case of torpor of th bowels wber a
csthartie or an aperient ia needed.
N. B. No Sugar Coated Pill csn bo genuine,
nnles every box hss on it tb signature of U.
rjQ CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has
been made, by the nsma of "8ugr Coated Pill,"
it ia necessary to b surs Ihsl Da. G. Baa J. SaiTa's
siguatuis ia on every box. price 25 rents.
Principal Office, 179 Greenwich at New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILINO, Sunbuiy.
WM. FOR8YTHE, .YorAuw'j.
March Stat, 1846.
Trljl ACKEREL. Fresh, fat Mackerel, just o-
IX l. pen ana iar mm ei in stona of
March 38, 18t6. HENRY MASSER.
PETKH B. M A 8 8 E IT,
TTB ESpECTFULLY Informs the citisens of
IClti Sunbury srid vicinity, that he baa opened an
office at th residence of Henry Master, In Market
street, where he is prepsred to execute all kinda of
DaTAb Suaoaar, ritie Work, Ac, on tblstet
ml most approved plan. . .
.. llsving hsd soma experience and instruction,
tinder one of the most eminent and successful Den
tists in Philsdr-lphi. he believes tbst be will be
sble to give satisfaction to those who may want his
Services. ,'n . , ," . ' ,' "' -'
Ladie will be wailed or) at tbeir pieces of resi
dence. His charges will be moderste snd. his
work warranted, , ''''.(,. .,,,.
,' Sunhury, larch 88th. 1 846. '
JAMBS A. FREEMAN,' Auctioneer,
No. 106 Walnut SI., PHILADELPHIA. .
In Northumberland and Columbia Countu. .
PURSUANT to a;1 decree of the Circuit
-? Court of the United States for the E. D. of
Pennsylvania will be sold at the Merchant' Ex
chang Ih (he ritv of Philadelphia on WEDNES
DAY EVENING, April ISih, 1846, at 7 J o'clock,
the following interest In the valuable Cosl Lands,
formerly known aa the Beck Landa.
', 71-226 parte of 13 patented tracts on the waters
of iheShamokin, in Columbia and Northumlierlsnd
counties, surveyed adjoining to or in the neighbor
hood of each other, in pursusnce of 13 warrants f
400 acrea each, in the following names, Wm. Elli
ott, George Ashlen, Caleb Lnwnes, John Young,
John Whiteunn, Joseph Gordon, Richsrd Tunis,
John garner, Daniel Reese, Wm. Porter, Wm.
Milter, Peter Dt haven, Wm 'Powell, aupposed to
contain 531CJ set." 1 ' ' ' ,:
These land are on the Centre Turnpike, about
fifteen miles N. W. f Pottsville.' and on the rout
of the projected Danville Railroad. 1 ' : ' '
, Conditions of sale are one third rh oft the exe
ention of tbe deed, which is to be prepared by the
purchaser within two week after the sale. $500
Will ba required to be paid at the time of ssle. The
remaining two third to be' secured by bond and
mortgage on th premises, paysltle fn equal sum
in two or three years, or all the rash will be tecei
ved if preferred by tbe porrbasi-r. ' ' '
Ef.I K; PR1CB, Trustr.,
neer aod Commission Merchant for the isle of Real
Estate and Personal Property, No. 100 Wulnul
atreet, PbiUdslphis.'
March 21st, 1846. Is
At the "CHEAP STORE" Xa. 41 Sfretctcrry
: , ? Street,
UR Store rant and other iprofs being very
1 light, w are enabled to aril out CARPETS.
CLOTHS, dec..' wholesale an J rstail, at th
lowsat prices in tbe city, end buyers will find it
greatly to tbeir advantage to call and examine tbe
large assortment w offer this season, of
' , Beautiful Imperial 3 ply
Double 8opetfioe Ingrain I n . nprnvrt
Fin nd Medium do CARPET1SCS
Twilled and plain Yenhian J
together With a large a'ock of OIL-CLOTHS
from 2 ft to 24 feel wide, very cheap, for rooms,
halls, dec ; also, Msttings, Floor Cloths, Rags, Cot
ton and Rag Carpeta, die, etc, with a good as
sortment of Ingrain Carpets from 25 to 60 cents,
and Stair and Entry Carpeta from 12 to 60 et.
No. 41 , Strawberry Street, on door above Cbea
out. near 8econd Street, Philadelphia.
March 21st, 1846 3m.
VB. PALMER, the American Newapaper
. Agent, duly authoriud end empowered by
the proprietor of pit of tb best new.papsrs of
sll the viUes aod principal towna in the t. S. sr if
Csnsds, to rreeiv subsrrip ions and ailveni-e-meote.
and to give receipts for them, respectfully
ni'tifie lb public, that b U prepared to eircute
orders from all parts of the Civihaed World, em
bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs, Ree
ding Rooms, Corporations, &e., at his sever! olTi
res in the rilirs of Philadelphia, Baltimore, New
York nd Boston, and where communics'ion and
inquirieo, post paid, may It diree-ed. Address V,
U. i'AI.MEK, Pbtlsiislphis, J. W. corner ThirJ
snJ Cbesnut Streets Baltimore, 8. E. comer BJ
Itoaor end t'slvsrl sUeel ; New Yotk, Tribune
Buildings opposite City Hall $ Boston; 20 Ststa st.
As no other person or persons are in sny man
ner connected with lb subscriber, in the American
Newspaper Agency, all letter and communications
for bim, should b carefully directed above, and
to no other person. This caution haa become ne
eesssry, in order to avoid mistakes, and put tbe pub
lic on thir guard against all pretended A cents.
' Ameiirao Newspaper Agent.
Editor throughout lb United State for whom
V. B. Pclmer is Agent, will promote the advantage
of all pnbliahlug the aliove.
Pl'HLIC XOTICH V. B. Palmer is ths
only authorized Agcot for the "t-'rwscsr Astsai.
cm," in tie eiiit of- PbiUdelnhia. New York.
Riislon and Baltiasore, of which public noiire is
hereby given. March 14. !8t6.
IS hereby given to all legstees. Creditors, and o
tbr persons interesU-d io the eststes of El tabeth
Sbie, dee'd, settled by ber sdministrstor John
Ship t of Jsrob Ebiight dee'd., settled by bis sdm'r
John Ebriiibtt of Ge.rr Watt, dee'd., settlrd by
bis adm'r Frederick Laiatus of Andrew K. Rusael,
tlec d aettted bv hi adtn r John Rus-ellj of Geo.
Moyer, dre'd., settled by George aod Daniel Moy-
er, adm'ra d bonis non with tb will snneied of
Ann Catherine Shiley, d.-c d settled by ber ex r
Frederick Hsss t of LaftrJ Waldrou, dec' J., set led
by his sdm'r William WalJron ( of Catherine Hill,
dee'd settled by her adra'r Jacob Conrad ; of John
Painter, dee'd , settled by bis adm'r Cliarlea Gale;
of David Hess, tlec'd , settled bv bis adm'r Jacob
Hoffa ; of Catherine Painter, dre'd., aetilad by her
adm'r Charles Gale of Frederick Baehman, dee'd.,
asttled by hi adra'r Jonaa Koch and NirhoUa Bu
chert of Leonard Ferater, dee'd settled by bis
sdm'r s Peter Ferater and 8muel Wagner; of A
brabsm Kothermel, ilec'dettled by hia adm'r Wm.
Rothermel; of Dan'l Keller, dec, aetil'd by hia'mr.
Uenj. Robina t the acc't of Jacob Wagner, guardian
of Catherine Peifer tb account of Jacob Wagner,
guardian of MagJalrn Ferater. Lata of Norihum
beilaad county, decraaed, that tbe executora and
administrator of lhaid deceased estate bava filed
their accoonta with tbe Register of this county t
and that they will be presented to th Orphans'
Court of aaid county, on Tuesday tb 7lh day of
April next, for conOrmaUon snd allowance.
Sunbury, March 7th, 1846. Register.
GARDEN SEEDS. A fresh supply of E.
Risley dt Co' superior Gsrdee Head, just
received sn lor aal at tfee stor or
March 3 1 , 1146, HKN K T MA8SER.
10 It trial in the Court of Common Pfess of Nor.
thumlterland County, st April Term, 1846,
cornmencihg the first Mondy, being th 6th.
Sellr.lnter,ttlineeof '
1 v John Gsrver et si
s Joseph Keelbr
vs Abrshsm KlstS
vs A Wilhelm, dte.
v Felit Msorer et al
vs John U Boyd
Prentice for Welch
William Farrow
Abner Mendenhall
Francis McCoy,
Wm H Brown dtro
Strawbrl.lce ft Borden vs
Holmes, Sturgeon ft eo Va
Hugh Bella, Eq Va Henry Donnel et al
Charles Hall's ex'rs va William Wilson's ex'r
Gobin ft Billington'a assignees vs Edward tlohin
Same '
vs Charles Uoltin
JacoS Perin
R D Fordsman
William Simenton
va Zimmerman, Savldge ft eo
v Henjsrrrln Fordtmaa
v John Hhipman
Charles H Flick
va William Fri k
John Henderson' hir v nrernnugh ft Shlpman
John Lleh
va Thomi Allen
Gilbert Derlieu
Jamei Rna
Wm L Heineman
Peter Richter &e
vs Wm R Jones
vs Jacob H Rhnads
vs Hsrtmsn H Kncsbls
vs Dotlge ft Bsrret
vs Daniel M. Seehler
Francia Ball's s.lra'r
Abraham Terwillieer vs Robins ft Newberry
John P Summers : vs Derr & McWillisma
Jhn McClonghan's adm'r vs Charles Merrick
i oxlheimer ft Dawson vs N L Price
John A Lloyd
vs Wm E McDonald
va Wm 8 Montgomery
va John Neidlg ft wife
vs John Cooper et si
vs Jnhn A Lloyd
vs Abrshsm Strsub
vs John A Llovd
John Knott t ;
Jnhn Kttne ft wife
E Greenough
Wm E McDonsId
Jonathan Adama
Wm Colt
Frederick Birkenliinn
vs Jnhn Hsrtmsn
Kenderton Smith et al vs George llrsnt et al
Walter Grahsm va Peter Hattselman
.lames Longhead's adm'ra va Catherine t'arr
Dodge ft De Nomandi va Wm A Lloyd
John McGinuea v Wm Stsrkes
Hulet Smith vs Augustus Huey ft a
John Furman et al vs Same
Chnrles W Hegins vs John Cooper et st
Henry Masser vs T A Billington
John Murray v Margaret McCay'a ex'rs
Robert Bennet vs lassc Brown
Francis Yarnell va Oacar Hr ad ford's ex'rs
John P Kennedy et al vs J ft A Sliipman
. 8sme va Name
Prmhonntarv's office, rroth'y.
Sunbury. Jilsrch 7. 1845. J
F Northtimlerland County, for April Term,
A. U. 1846.
Graud Jurors.
Delaware James Aroivtrong, Joseph Nicely.
Milton. Leonard Rhesrer, Daniel H. t'sner.
Chillixqwiqur. Henry Csul, El jsb Hill, Ro
bert GifTen, William Ca.teL
Point. John Garret.
Northumberland. Andrew, George
Suntury. Csleb Fisher.
Atlanta. Samuel Garinger, Solomon Evert,
Shnmokin- Daniel Miller.
Rutk. Samuel Gilingcr.
Coal. Andrew Klinger.
Vpper Afaionotf. Jacob 8trase, Samuel Eis
ter, Peter Seller, Jacob Geist. Daniel Kaufman.
Ijnwtr AfnAenoy Philip Kerstetler.
Little Mahonoy Nicholas Drumhcller.
Traverse Jurors.
Turlmt. John Sample.
Lewis Jacob J arret, William McGuire, David
Delaware. John D. Linebach, Wilaon Hulche
son, John M. Thatcher, Peter Shady, Joseph
Hayes. George Watson.
Milton. James Whitter, Palmer Johnston. Hen
rv Wilhelm, John Leib, Jacob Miller, John Evsti,
Pslrick Montsgue.
Chiltiiintaque. John Yoris, William Houset,
Thomas Ksser.
Point. Jnhn Deal. Henry Morpsn.
Sorthumbtrlanil James Taggart, Thomas Gaa
Rtinbury Danirl Heninger.
i4no Santoel Relland, Dennia Woejvertnn,
Henry Utewer, Peter K rearer, John Sterner, John
B. Hhipm.n, Thorn is Snyder.
Shamokin. Chsrles Msrtx, 8amuel Kelly, Ni
cholas Yocum, Christisn B.iuscblag.
A'ujiA. William Bear, Jacob Milham, Henry
I 'pper Mahonoy. Jonathan Reilr, John Mau
ri r. jr.
Lower Mahonoy. Jacob Bower, John Michael,
Jacob Snyder.
Li7(& Mahonoy. Laae Dornaeif, Samuel Wa
Jackson, Henry Latha, Daniel Hilbish.
Petit Jurors.
Tr6uf. Henrv Follmer,
Lewi. Peter Stahl, Thorns Russel. '
Delaware. Jesse P'ke-, Joseph Irwin.
Milton. C. A. Lanaen.
Chilitquaque.-Chre9 Sesrch, Nathan Jsrret.
Point. Daniel Robina.
Northumberland. James Hilburn, Thomas Wi
tbington, Daniel Brautieatn.
Sunbury. Reuben Feg'-ly.
Augusta. David Reewr, Solomon Hertlel, anr,
John Hart. Fredniek Haas.
Shnmokin. Solomon Keller. NVilliain Ammer.
man, James John, Willisnt G, Kse) David Miller,
Daniel Fegely, Davi,l N. Lake.
Rush John Desha, Jacob Gearhart, Peter
Coal. Solomon Dunkelberger, Henry Keyaer,
Michael Derrick.
Vpper Mahonty, Anthony Voder, George 1
Rentier, Jonathan Eisenhsrt.
Lower AfaAonoy.laaac Rothermel, Peter Wit
Jiektrm John Uohner.
MlchaVl Keldis'a relate.
ALL peraona having unaetiled accounts with
ssid estate, are hereby notified fur the last time,
to call on lb subaeiihei without MJ, for settle,
merit, otherwise they will b dealt with accordiug
to Ijw. GEO. CONRAD.
.Augusta, March 7th. 1846. 3t , Adm'ra.
Race Stsxxt, PaixaoiLPHia. '
THIS location ia convenient for Buainesa men
viailing Ih city, Every pain ia taken to ae
cur tb comfort of traveller.
March 7, 1846. ly
FTHE subscriber would respectfully inform per
X on dealing ia OYSTERS, and th public
generally, that b ba purchased the interest of
Philip Shay, in th ttyater bnainess, at Northum
berland, wher he is prepared to supply dealers with
superior Oisrsaa, at th (honest notice, put up at
th celebrated eslabllshuMUt of I'iedl e May, in
Bsllimoro. " .
All order sent by mail, or olhrfwise, will be
punctually ttudd to,
Northumberland, Fb. 38, 1846. ,
S alaVs a A aVSaSai afe aawl
RESPECTFULLY Informs theet
titen nf 8onhnry snd vicinity, that ba
hss removed his residence to the Brick
House in Msrket street, one deer w4
of th
ed Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa-
ors, he hopes to receive a continuation of the liber
al patronage which haa heretofore been extended to
'" Feb. 2i, 1646. m
rilHE subscriber being sppointed by ths Court
.L of Common Pleas of Northomberlsnd county,
Auditor, to ascertain and report tbs liena under th
second mortgage upon th real retst of th Shamo
kin Conl and Iron Company, in aaid county, in
order that a distribution msy be msde of tb pro
ceed of the late sheriff's sale of aaid estate, among
tbe lien creditors, on the first Mondsy of lb nasi
April court, at Sunbury, all persons holding or
claiming liens against aaid ratate are hereby reqnj.
red to present them to the subscriber, at bia office
in Sunbury, on or before the lst day nf Msrch
next. H. B. MASSER,
Feb. 28th. 1846. 4t Auditor,
Opponite the Court House,
a y THE Subscriber, who assisted for se.
tfJj veii l yer in the management of the a
fti t hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr.S. A. Ura
1"! tily, begs leave to infirm the travelling
public, thnt he haa taken the establishment on hia
own account, on the first of January, 1846.
The House hss, of late, undergone many Impor
tant alterations, and the present conductor promises
In leave nothing undone to make It a comfortable
and agreeable, aa well aa a cheap and accommoda
ling stopping place for strsngers who msy visit our
flourishing villsge. No peine nor expense will be
spared to fill the table and the bar with the best the
markets afford, snd with the determination 10 de
voe his entire personal attention to the comfort of
those who may make hia house their temporary a
bode, and aided by active, careful snd obliging r
vanta, he hopea to give general satisfaction, and re
ceive a liberal ahare or cuatom.
03 Large and eommodiou STABLES are at
tached to the establishment, which are auenuod ay
careful and obliging hostlers.
January 34th, 1846. If
No. ?6 South Thirb STascT,
Opposite the Fhiladtlphia fJxrHunjre,
Manufacture and keep cor
itnntly on hand, a large aa
sortment of their Patent Im
proved Salamander FIRE
PPvOOF SAFES, which are
so constructed a to aet at rest
all maimer of doubt as to their
betha strictly fire proof, and
that tboy will resist the fire of any building in the
world. The outaide-case of the Safes are made of
boiler iron, the inside esse of eoapstone, and be
tween the outer ease and inner esse i a space of
aome 3 inches thick, and i Glled in with indestruc
tible material, so ss to msk it an impossibility to
ever burn any of the contenta inaide of this Chest.
These Hospstone Salamandera w are prepared
and do challenge the wot Id to produce any article
in tbe ahape of Book Safe that will aland aa much
heat, and we hold our solve ready at all limes to
hev ihem fairly tested by public bonfire, ahould s
ny of our competitors feel disposed to try them.
We also continue to manufacture and keep con
stsntly on hand, a large and general assortment of
our Premium Air-tight Fir Proof 8re, of which
we have a large quantity in use, and in every In
stsnce they have given entire satisfsctlon to the
purchasers of wliich We will refer the public to a
few gentlemen who have them in use, ,
N. ft G. Taylor, I St north 3d at.: A. Wright
ft Nephew, Vine at. wharf) Ale -under Caror, Con
veyancer, corner of Filbert and 9th (.; John M.
Ford, 3-2 north 3d st. ; Myers Bush, 20 north 3d
st t Bailey ft Brother, 138 Maket at.) J me M.
Paul, I'M south 4 ili st.; Dr David J syne, 8 couth
3d st.; M.ilthew T. Miller, SO south 3d st) and
we could name aome Hire or four hundred others
if it were necessary. Now we invite tbe attention
of the public, and particularly those in Wsnt of
Fire Proof Safes, to call st our store before purchs
sing elsewhere, snd we think we can satisfy them
that they will Ret bettei snd cheaper article at
our store then any other establishment in the city.
We io continue to manufacture Seal and Co
pying Presses, msde in such a manner aa to an
swer both pur3es t Hoisting Machine, Fir
Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks
on Ihem, with D. Evana'a Pstent Keyhole cover
attached to the same plain and ornamental Iron
Railing, &c.
N. b We keep constantly on band a large aa
sortment nf our Patent Slste Lined Refiigeiatots,
Water Fitters and C Hilars ; snd we have a (so on
hand aeveral second hand Fir Proof Cheat taken
in exchinge for ours, which w will dirpoo of al
vty low price. -
Philadelphia. January 54ih. 1846. ly
THE Store Hooks, Accounts and Note of H.
B. Ma-er, have been placed in the hand of a
magistrate for collection. Peteon whose account
have been of long standing, muy save coats by aet
tling tbe sam without further delay.
Sunbury. Jan. 3, 18 1 6. H. B. MASSER.
-Vo. 3UL Market Strtrt, above 0th, South tide,
rtj THE subscriber respectfully call the alien
BS tion nf tbeir friend aod dealer to tbeir larg
and well sssorled stock of Hsis and Caps of vry
description, well adapted for the apring trade. Be
ing mad of the best material and by the moot ex
perienced workmen, tbey feel confident to give uni
versal satisfaction to sll who msy favor tbem with
a trial, tbey offer to aell aa low ss anv boos ia
tbe city. BAKTALOfT ft BLYNN.
Philadelphia. January 3. 1846 t
Of the lute Jlrnu nf Xtwkirh it Stryker, and
Stryker 4; Pogue,
HAS resumed the Wholesale Dry Goods Busi
ness, sod now offer for sl, at No, 13 and
14 Bank atreet, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers,
Clijiborn ft Co' Auction Store, No. 78 Market
atreet, a general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
porchssed al auction, al a vary amall advsncs for,
cssh, or city aeceptancea.
Believing that hia long experience in purebssirg
will ensble him to sell his Goods at the lowest Mar
ket pilces, h invite his old friends, and otbsr
wishing to buy, Io favor bim with a call.
1 Philadelphia. Mov. 1,1148. 6o
WHEAT The higoert price Rin Ct
Wheat, at the store of H. MASSER,
. A new supply of Boss Ointsjosjt juat roevived,
Nov. Ith, 164a. . , ,. i
- aaVVJ
COME WHERE) Why where do yon an,'
pn but to the Cheap Store nf Henry Masser,
in Msrket street, Sunhurv. And for what purpose
do yen think they romsl Why to bnv ehep, to
be sure, and save at least 80 per cent. They won't
afe notkin' tin," becaua It ia a well known fact
that at
the very best articlca are sold st tbe very lowest
prices. Now come, one and all ; but don't sll come
at once, and JUUUE r tJK y UuKSELVES !
Where you will find a Splendid Assortment of
Fall and Winter Dry Good,
just received, among which are the following t So.
pettise J Tench Brnsdcloth! West or bngland do.t
llesvy Beaver do., a fir, rat srticle for Overcoats,
nd a great Vsrlety of Wool Dyed, Black and Fan
cy Caeimeres,SsttlneU,Mousselin-de-latnes, Rep.
de-lsines, Cashmeres, Alpaccas, ftc, &e. Also, a
beautiful assortment of Calicoes of the latest styles
snd patterns, which will be sold cheaper than ever t
also, Woolen and other Shswls in great variety,
from 40 ct. to $10 ; a general sssortment of Hiv
slery, Gloves, Suspenders, Milts, ftc., ftc; a larpn
assortment of Women's, Men's and Misses Gum
Shoes, which wilt be sold cheaper than ever befo'ti
He haa likewise, In addition to tbe above stor!,,
an extenaive sssortment of Queennwart, Hardwarr,
Sadtlkry and Oroceritt, Hopst from 8 to 10. I'M
and 18 els. per lb; Good Coffee at 10, Very B-.r
at IS). Also. Nsils; Spikes; Iron; Snntersi' be.
Csst Steel; English, American and Sweet! l)lit. f
do. in short, every thing tbst is uauslly Vet t in s
Country Store, all of which will be sold at very
reduced price.
fj Country Produce of all kinda taken In e.t
change for Goods.
Sunbury. Nov. 23d, 1 84 5.
A. It A'crrfA 4(4 itrtet. a few door above Market
HAS constantly on hand s very large assort
ment of Looking Glasses, Bsskets, Cedar YWe
snd Fsnry Goods, which will be sold wholesale st
the very lowest prrc.
N. B. Looking Glasses insured to sny part of
the country, without charge.
Nov. 1, 184ft 6m
To Pnrchatieraj of
THE subscriber, No. 121 Pearl atreef, New
York.having established a Branch at No. 23 J
South Second at., Philadelphia, now opening,
and will be constantly receiving from the Neve
York Auctions, an extensive assortment of
which will he aold at the lowest New Vork prices,
at wholesale and R. tail. Among his stock will f-n
found a good assortment or the following article:
Jacconeta, Plaid, Hair Cord, I.ece, Stripe, Book.
Swiss and Tarlatan Muslins. Bishop snd Linen
Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fsncy and Pall Drew.,
Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Black i.k
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Ijnen Cambrics,
Linen Cambric Hdkfs.,Curtin Fringes, Carhmre
d'Ecosae, MoUscline de Lsine, Silk snd Cotton
Wsrp Alpaccas, Qooen's Cloth, GaU Plaltls,
French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Si k Hoee,
Shswls, Cravala, Ribbons, Embroideries, ftc, ftc.
Country Merchsnta nd other visiting PhiU'o.
phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in
vited Io cell and examine the stocks.
Nov. 1, 1845. ly G. H. MOORE.
H'e recommend nil of our friend visiting the
city, to call at the i'ekin Company's Store,
and toy in a supply of their dehcwiui I eas.
No. 30, Sotjra Sxcosn Strkct, Between Marki-t
and Chesnut,
HAVE constantly on hand, and for ads,
Wholesale and Retail,
At Lower Prices,
according to the quality, than they can be bougbt
for at any other establishment in the city.
Tsaa, exclusively, sre sold at this house,
snd several vsrieties which cannot be obtained else
where. Any Teas which do not give entire satis
faction can be returned and exchanged, or the mo
ney will ba refunded.
Th citicen of NortbumtierUnd county are re
epeclfully invited to give us a cull.
Agent for the Pekin Tea Company,
Philadelphia, Sept. 27th, 1845. ly
wm Colored likenuset, and Photographit
Depot t
No. 13C Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. 251 Broadway. New York ; No. tb Court
Street, Boston No. 136 Chesnut Street, Phils'
delphia t Baltimore Street. Ba'iimnr I Broad,
wsy, Saratoga Springe ; No 66 Canal Street,
New-Orleahs ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And
Main Street, Du Buque, Iowa.
CONSTITUTING the oldest and moat Exteti.
alve Establishment of the kind in the Worl.l,
snd containing more thsn a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, emhracinrr thoae nf eome of tbe ino.t
distinguished individuals, in tb I'nlted State.
Admittance free.
This Establishment having been awarded the
Medal, Four first I'remirtms, and twoll ghrtt
Honor'' el the Exhibition at Boston, New-Vork
and Philadelphia, respectively, for best Pictures and
Apperatue, ia thua officially austaineJ in the posi
lioo of aoperiority bjeretoior univeraally sigud it
by lb public, aa "First in the World?
Jun th, 1645, ly
tswossbi iQiriicjibjsC
THE SUBSCRIBER haa been appoinled Sjenr,
for lbs sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CEL.
ANOS, st this place. These Piano have a plain,
massive and beautiful eilerlor flobh. and, for depth
and sweetness nf tone, and elegance of workman,
ship, are not surpassed by any in the United States,
Tb following is a recommendation fromCstb
DllTS, a Celebrated performer, end himself men.
ufsctuieri ,
A CAItfr.
HiVtsO hsd the pleasure nf trying the CXrrl
lent Piano Fortes msnfscturej by Mr, Meyer, atuf
exhibited st lh last exhibition of the Franklin !'
stitute, I feel it due te the true merit of Ihe maker'
Io deelsrlht these instrument re quite eqim'a
nd in some respects eten superior, to ail ih Pi
no Fortes, 1 saw st lb capitals of Euiope, ati.l
during a aojourn of two year at Pan.
These Piano will b sold al th manufscttirer's
lowest Philadelphia prieea, If not aome:bug lower.
Person ere requested to call and examine f f
themselves, at Ihe residence of ths subscriber.
Suubury, May l 1846. H. B. MASSER.