- V" ' V M" i V K ,4' i ' " ' Frpiri the New England Farmer. Reeelpe for Buckwheat Cefc.ee. g Vo desr Jsne, mix op the, cakes, y ,' 1 ! Just one quart of meal it takes? Pour the water jn the pot , Be ratefti! that 'til hot too hot : . . Sift the meal well through your hand ; Thicken well don't let it stand ; ' " ; stir quick clash clatter On whst a light delicious bstter ! Now listen to the next command ; On the dressar let it stsnd Ttist three-quarters of an hour, To feel thegentle rising power Of powders melted into yeast, To lighten well the precious feast, -Soe now it rises to the brim Oiiick, take the ladle, dip it in, So let it rest, until the fire The griddle heats, as you desire, 1 careful that the coals are glowing, No smoke around its whits curls throwing, A pply the suet suftly, lightly The griddle's black face shines more brightly, Now pour the batter on delicious ! Don't, dear Jane, think me officious ) t'tit lift the tender edges slightly Vow turn it over, quickly, sprightly, 'Tis done now on Hie white plate lay it, And to the breakfast room convey it,. Smoking hot with butter spread, - 'Tis quite enough to turn our head, Now I have eaten thank the farmer, That grows this luscious, mealy charmer; Yes thanks to all the cook that makes, These light delicious buckwheat cakes. ' A (Jurat Firmisr Martin Smith of Wheat lnul, with 20 acres of land, has sustained, the Ut year, family of 13 children, and had money n hand to assist his neighbors who had 200 a- res. By his good management and perseve iince, he was enabled to hold on to hiscrop three years for an improved market The com mittco on farms of the Monroe Agricultural So ciety, awarded him a premium of a diploma, framed and glazed. The secret of his success, we understand, is Ins superior method of culti vation. He should be uiade a professor. The Utt Geneseee Farmer contains a letter from luni, in which he modestly expressed his thanks t'i the committee for the notice they had taken uf iim. Roch. Democrat. Subsoil Ploughing. Have you a five acre lot n-ar the home that you intend lor corn tins sea son ? Yes. Then I am glad to hear it. Why ? Because I wish you to give subsoil plough, in i a fair trial. Subsoil the one half ef it, and plough the other half in the ordinary way, ma nure each part alike, plant the whole in corn and cultivate each part alike, aad we will bet you a moss-rose, that the part aubsoiled will yield one third more corn than the other. , We feel parti. nlarly anxious that several gentlemen in each iuMghborhond, should try the experiment, in or der that the virtues of subsoil ing should be put to the severest test, and its utility or inutility be placed beyond all cavil and all doubt. American I 'ar liter. Smokisg Seed Cosh. I wish to remind your leaders that if they would save their corn next rring from the depredations of the squirrels, mice, birds, he., to prepare for smoking their sned, according to the lollowing receipe : Leave a few husks on the seed ears, so that tkey ran be hung up in the smoke-house and smoked with the bams ; or hang them up in any dry place, and before planting, dip the end of a stick in tar t -t fir to it and holding it under the corn, give it .1 thorough smoking. 1 have tried this for three tears, and hare saved many times my subscrip tion to ths paper by it Fattening Chicsins. Th following will be found a quick and excellent food for fattening chickens. Set rice over the fire with skimmed milk; let it boil till the rice is quite swelled out, then add a teaspoonful of sugar. Feed them three times a day in common pans, giving them only as much as will quite fill them at once. Let the pans be well washed snd set in clean spring water, that no sourneaa may be conveyed to th f'jwls, as that prevents them from fattening. Give tbem clean water, or the milk of rice to drink. By this method the flesh will have a clear whiteness, which no other food gives ; and when it is considered how far a pound of ric will go, mid how much time is saved by thia mod, it will be found to be cheap. It is said that a portion of animal mixed with vegetable food, causes poultry to thrive rapidly, but they should b csndned te a vegetable diet some time be for they ar kil led. A quantity of charcoal, broken in email pieces, and placed withia reach of the poultry, in creases their appetite, snd promotes digestion. Making Vinkoab An excellent mode con wixts in exposing to the air, one part of brown au- irar by weiftht with seven psrtaof water, and ruall quantity of yeast, 10 a cask whose buns; hole is covered wi;h gauze, to exclude iosocls, for some weeks to the action of the sun' a rsya. Fermentation is promoted, aad the quality im proved, by the addition of grape leave. Ao acquaintance made excellent vinegar for (ioum use, as follows: A gallon of inolai and barrel of cider well mixed, and warmed in e large kettle, after which the mixture wss put in barrel, with a few sheets of brown pa Iter, and kept in warn: place with the bung open, through which a stick was inserted, for atirring it, to break the scum and admit the air. The v ulgar waa drawn a needed, and the deficien cy supplied by the ccasionsl addition ofculer, wfcicb is in turn converted into vinegar. - DANK SOIELIII. .. Ths following" flst shows the current value of all Pennsylvania Dank Notes, , Ths moat implicit ro lianct may be placed upon It, ss it it tvery week arefully compared with and corrected from Bick Bell's Reporter, im . , V ,. nanki In Philadelphia. Na'.' " Locatioit. D". Pmilad. , NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America , , Bank of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bsnk . Kensington Bank , . PhiladHnhi Bank ' . ' . Schuylkill Bank . . . Southward Bank ' . '. Western Bank ' Mechanics' Dank . . Manufacturers' it Mechanics' Bsnk '"' Country Itanks. Bsnk of Chester Counts Westchester par par par par par par par par psr par psr par par par par par par Bank of Delswsre County Bank of Germsntown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylestown Bank Easton Bank 1 1 ( Chester Germsntown Norrisiown Doylestown Fusion ' ; Farmer' Rank of Bucks eo Office of Bank of Peon's. OfTiee do , do Office do do Office do do Bristol' ' par Harrishurg" .These Lancaster , I offices Pending f do not Easton J issue n. DISCOUNT. NOTES AT Wank of the United States fiank of Penn Township . Philadelphia .10 . par GicardBank Moysmeneing Bank Bank of Pcnnsylvenis Miners' Bank of Poltsville Bank of Iewistown Bank of Middletown ' Bank of Northumberland . Pi . . par . . par Pot is vi lie Lewistown Middletown .J Northumberland par Coluinhie Bank dt Bridge co.Coliimbia par I Carlisle Bsnk . Carlisle Exchange Bank Da , do branch of Piltshurg j Hnllidayshurg J Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancastel Lancaster Reading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg par jir Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Harriaburg Bank Lancaster Bank, Lebanon Bank Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Bank of Pituburg , , West Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bank Office of Bank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Kensington Ssv. Ins. A p.i Pittabuig Willia import Wilkesharre A lien town Reading Pittsburg failed Lne New Brighton do do Chambersburg Gettysburg do do Penn Township Ssv. Ins. Bank of Chsmberaburg Bank 01' Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanns Co. Erie Bank Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Honesdsle Bank Mooongshels Bank of B. York Bank i i Montrose Erie Waynesburg Washington Honeadsle Brownsville York 1 1 N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which wo omit quotstiona, snd substitute s dash ( ) are not purchased by ths Philadelphia brokers, with the xception of Ibose whicn hae letter 01 nlenuce. BROKEN' BANKS. Philadelphia 8a. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill 8a. Ins. do failed Manual Labor Bant f T. W Dyott. prop.) lulled fowanda Bank . - ... . ' Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bsnk of Beaver Bedford no sale closed closed Beaver H srrisburg Washington Bellefonte Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank failed closed Pitubuig Pittsburg Fayette co. Greenrastle Harmony no ale Farmers Ac Merh c Uank Farmers' At Mech'cs' Bank failed failed Farmer' fi Mech'cs Bank fulled Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank no ssle Huntingdon no sale Lewiktown no aale uniata Bank Lumliermen's Bank Warien Duildsfl New Hope Milton Meadtille Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose 1,'nioniown failed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumu'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. no sale closed no sale closed Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr.cV Msnuf. Bsnk failed closed failed closed Silver Lak Bank Cniou Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Greensburg Wilkesbsrr Bridge Co. Wilkesharre no ssle fry All notes purporting to be on sny Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the shove lut, msy be set Jown as frsuds. REW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunawick Belvidei Bank Brunswick Belvidur Medford Perth Amlioy Bridgeton Mount Holly Rahway N. Biunawick failed i Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank par i par Farmers' Bsnk par Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics Bk failed Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pu 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City fsiled Hoboken BkgsV Grazing Co Hoboken failed failed failed failed lersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bsnk Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J.' ' Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' snd Msnuf. Bk Trenton i failed i psr Morris Csnal and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Note ' . i no sale Newsrk Bkg & Ins Co Newark Nsw Hops Del Bridge Co Lamheruville i i N. J. Manuhic and Ukg 10 noooken N J frotecton dt Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bank ' Orang failed failed PaUraon Bank" rateraon Peoples' Bsnk . do Princeton Bsnk Princeton Salem Bsnking Co Salem Slate Bsnk Newsrk failed i par par Slate Bank , , Elialthtow 8tat Bank " ' Camdun 1 i psr 8tata Bsnk of Morris Monistown I failed failed J 7 failed Slat Bank ' Trenton : Salem snd Pbilsd Msnuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. Hackensack DELAWARE. Bk of Wllm dr. Brandy win Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna ' Smyrna Do branch Miltord Farmers' Bk of Stat of Dal Dover par par par par P' par par psr Do branch0 Wilmington Georgetown Nswesstla W timing too Do ' branch Do branch Union Bsnk tr Under 6's 0QOnall banks marked thus () thsre are si- Ibsr eounlerfsit er altsrsd bss of las various eV asenin Lisas, in circHlstton. 11 nrin '3 IIOTDL, iiAnnispuiiG, ' ia - . f. 1 - if 1 1 ' ", r IBEO leave to mfurm th poblie that I hav left Philadelnhia, snd sra now located In Harris burg, ths seat of th Executive and Stat Govern ment of Pennsylvania, wher I now oscupy ths spacious HoUl, recently kept by Mr, Matthew Wilson. is- This spscious f uilding, hsving been purposely planned snd erected lor s llolel 01 in nrst cisss, H not surpsssed if equalled, by any similsr estab lishment in Pennsytvsnis t snd hsving undergone s thorough renovstion, the parlors, rooms and chambers ar now fitted up in a style that com bines elegsnc with comfort snd convenience. My TABLE is pledged to be supplied with ths best fsre the Markets csn produce t ths charges at the asm time being ss moderate as any or the best regulsted sstal tishtnents elsewhere. In short, ho exsitions shall be spared on my p irt, or on the part of every member of my household, to make it what it should be, in th Capital of one of the most pop ulons snd interesting Siet of the Union. With then promises, sccommodstions snd faci lities, snd the fad that the Hotel is most eligibly sititated, I with confidence, most respectfully soli cit the psirunag of th Public , UMNIUIj 1IKKK, Late of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut St., Philsd. ITsrri-hurg. Nov. 22.184ft., FoIlRTEEIt " '! &YiUtYtu article. 1 Bansivra'a Vxawirrns s enfain fure for J- worms tnfe and verv nlrntnnt to take. 2. Gibson's Extbact. which remove Grease of all kinds. Dry Paints, Tar, Varnish and Wax, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. . . 3. Loivnost Fit Prsa the best thing known for killing flies and musqiiitoes. 4. A certain Destroyer or Rats, Mice, Koacbce and Ants, and another of Bed Bujs. 5, Gens Specific for sour stomach, Heart rtiirii and Water Brash, by 'one who hidsuTired thirtten years, before he discovered the cure. Dr. Steven s Greek Ointment Tor the Piles. It has never failed to cure. 7. HAnmsos's TsTTEa Wash. ' 8. Bremohd's Indelible Ink, without a rival. ' ' '' ....i: 9. Ths Corneouso CoNrEcnosr r Fics just the medicine for children and for women, it is so pleasant to tHke. 10. Beck a Veoetasli Amsntsri Puis. 1 1. Gun.n's Emollient WATER-ennos Pasts, for Harness, Boots, &C It softens the ieslher,snd keeiis out the water. ' - 13. Poor Man s ptsenstheninb) I'lastbr. 13. Jackson's Diarrikka Mixture, which cures the worst Disrrhors in a few houra. 14 Jaceson s JJtsentart Mixti-rs, s cer isin snd speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer Comuldtnt. The shove valuable articles are soul wholesale snd retail, by L. C. GUNN, No. 1 South Fifth itreet, Vhilndelpliiamiieit Storekeepers and o- there will be sunn led witn pure Alncan Cayenne Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Psints, Oils, Glass snd Vsrnishes, st ths lowest prices. I erms only rssh. rrjCut out ths sdverliscment, snd bring it with you. - PhiUdelphis. July 19th. 1845. 1y. 11ELK1 VE AND LIVE THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar V Wood Aaptua. niHE unprecedented success of this medicine, in JL the restoration of health, to those who, io des- psir, had eiven up all hopes, haa given il sn exal ted reputation above all other remedies, funmhing evidence of its intrinsic value and power, ss the on ly agent which can be relied upon for the curs of Pulmonary Consumption, Broucbittis, Atihms Pain in the side snd Bresnt, Spitting of Blood, W booping Cougb, Croup, Scc Attention is requested 10 the lollowing AH I U. ISHING CL'RE.bv ThomsoV. Compound 8yrup of Tar and Wood Ispths ! ! rhiluiltlohia, Muu 3d, 1841 MR. THOMSON Desr Sir W ith grsteful feetings I inform you of the astonishing effects of your medicine, which has literally isis d me from s desth-hetl ! My dines-e, rulmonary Uontutnp. tion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro. no jnced my case hopeless I At this junction I be gan to ueyour medicine, and miraculous as it may seem, it haa completely restored me to health, after everything else bad failed. HesperUully yours. WASHDUIUN MAI R. Charlotte atreet, above George street. The undersigned, being persona1 1 v acquainted with Washington M rk snd his sufferings, bear witness to ths aatonixhing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tsr, and the truth of the a- bove statement. JOS. WINNER. 318 North Third atreet, DAVID VICKER3, 42 Almond street. HUGH M'GINLEY, S. E. corner Tsmsny and r ourtb stieet. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. coiner of nth and Knruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Masser, Sunbury ; D. Gross, and Dr. Maepherson, Harrisburg ; J no. G. Brown, Puttaville 1 Geo. F.irl, Heiding ; Houston cV Ms on, Towanda. llradiord county, Pa. Price 50 cents per bottle, or f 5 p r dozen. q3 Beware of all imitation. Philadelphia, June 28th, 1845. If liVAA THE Beginners. 1111 E subscribers would respectfully inform the . I'ilizene of Sunbury and the public generally, Ihut they have purchased ihesbnp of Mr. William Hoovei, in Market atreet, ore door west of the Post Office, wbeie they will continue the ' C.ibinet-.TIakin? Ilunines, in all il branches. The publk' may exiecl their work don in lb latent style. They hope, by atrict attention to busims", to mailt a share of public i patronage. (Tj" Coffins made to order on the shortest notice, Slid country produce Uken in eichsnge for work. WM. YOUNGKAN & H. C. MARTIN. Sunbury, Msy 1 7 th. 1845. ly. ASIIIIV A: It o cat, ' WUOLBSALB cV RSTAIX. HAT & CAP MAMJFACTUU RS, South Eatl corner of Market and ith $t$ Philadelphia , WHERE tbey alwsys keep oh bsnd sn exten sive assortment of MATS U CA FS of every description, got up in ths best snd most approved sty la. reisons denrous of purchasing superior srlt- cles 00 the most resaoasble terma, will end it to their ad'autage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philsdelphis, Oct. 6th, 1844. ly W71LAX SEED- The highest price will be J17 givsn for f lax Keed, at ths store of Aug 9. 1843 HENRY MA8SER. IT 19IK, of s supsrior quality, can now be bad U 4ttUsLime Kiln of Henry Mssser.in Sun bury. May IT, 1846, 1) AR IKON J ot leceived and to sale, cheap - tat ra.h. bv I . HEMtY MASSER. Sunbsry, bipt.JO, MM ft. . . . , ..LamasiL OAKLEY'S . DEPUIl ATI V E SYRUIV ' 1 THE vslusbhj properties of Oskley's Depura tive Syiup of Sarsspsrills, as a purifier of the blood, i o well known to ths puhlie generally that it Is unnecessary to occupy much space in set ting forth th sdvsntsges to b derived from its Us i wherever the medicine has ones been intro duced, it tskes precedence oer all others 1 evety one thsl bss taken it, has derived So signal bene nasi results from it, thst it is recommended by them with the wrhftst confidence'. . Physicians of the highest stsnding in the profession, prescribe ft to pstients under their care ( oontsining nothing deleterious, but being composed ol the most mild, yet efficacious vegetsble msteriehk, it is offered with confidence, as the cheapest snd most efficient pu rifier of the blond now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in ths spring months, will be at tended with s most decided improvement in th a- hersl strength of the system, sradicatina sny seeds of discsse that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to th body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter. Pimples or emotions of the Skin. White Swellins. Fistuls, Chronic Cough Asthms, dec The nu merous certificstes In lbs possession of the subscri ber snd his sgents, from physicisns snd others, sre sufficient to convince the most skeptical of ts su periority over sll prepsrstions of Ssrsaparilta. Hold wholesale end retail, by the proprietor. GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North Blh street, Rea ding, Berks Coenty, snd to be bad of ths following persons 1 In nortfiumturfand Cmmti.ii. B. Masser: rtunhuryi Ireland & Mixel, McEwensville ; D Krauser, Milton. In Union County. J. Gear hurt, Seliusgrovei A. Gutelius, MifTlinburg. In Columbia County. 'K. w. McCay, Wash ington. Reading, March 14, 1843. Ma. Oarliv: I believe it the uty of every one to do whstever In their power I ie, for ths bne. fit of their lellow man, snd hsving hsd punitive proof in my own family, of the wouderful properties of your Depurativ Syrup of Sarsapsrilla, I most conscientiously recommend it to the sfTlietcd. We bad the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulceroua sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had some of the m.wl scientific phyncisns to sttend them snd hsd tried sll the known remedies, including Kwsim's Psnsces, without svail. Another of my children waa attacked in the same manner, her face and neck was completely covered: the discharge waa so offensive, snd lb disease st such a height, thst we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depurstive Syrup (f Ssrsapanlls, we weie induced to make trial of it, aa the last resort ; il acted like a charm ; the ulcere commenced healing Immediately, a fi w bottles entirely restored her to her health, which ahe has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since. As s purifier of Ibe blood, I verily be lieve it hss not its equsl. JOHN MOVEK.Tsilor, Wslnut street, nesr Fourth, Reading. Douglsssville, April 19th, 1843. Mr. Oarlet: My son Edmund Leaf, hsd the scrofula in the moat dreadful and di stream ng man ner for three year, during which time he was de prived of the us of his limbs, bis hed snd neck were covered with ulcers. Ws tried sll the differ ent remedies, but In no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Noriistown, snd slso Dr. Isssc Hiesler, of Resding, to use your Depnrstiv Syrup of Saraaparilla, of which I obtained several bottles, the use of which drove the diaeaae entirely out of his system, the sore bested up, and the child was restored to perfect health," which be has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to toe astonishment of many persons who seen him during his affliction. I have thought il my duty, and send you this certi ficst tbsl other who hsve a like sffliciion in th family msy know where to obtsin so vslusble a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. jiept. 16, 1843 ly To Country Merchants. Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn and i'alm L-af Hats. . R. AV. & i TJ. TAYLOR, at the S. E. comer of Market and Fifth St$., PHII.ADET.gHIA, OFFER for ssle an extensive assortment of the sbov articles, all of which tbey sell st unususl ly low pi ices, snd psrticulailv invite the attention of buyers visiting the city, to sn exsminstion of their stock. U.W.AL.B, TAYLOR. Philsdelphis, Msy 25, 1844. ly i CUT FUKNITURE AUCTION, AND PRIVATE SAL 9 BOOMS. Nos. 29 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in vites the stteotion of persons desirous of pur' chssing Furniture, to bis extensive Sales Rooms, (both public and Private,) fur every description of Household rurmture, where can be obtained at all times, Urg sssortment of fsshionsble snd well menufsclured Csbinet Furnilurs, Beds, Msllrsaees, &c, at very reduced prices, for cssh. 07- Sales by Auction, twice a week. May S7th. 1843. I y Counterreltcra DEATH BLOW. The pul lic will please observe thst no Brsndreth Pills sre genuine, unless the box hss three la bels uiHn it, (the top, ths side snd the bottom) ewch containing s fac-simile signature of my hand writing, ihua B. LtsASDkETU, M. D. I heae Is. beb sis engrsved on steel, beautifully designed and done st sn expense of over $4,000. Therefore it will be seen that the ouly thing necesssry to pro- curs the mediciu in it purity, is to observe thes Isbels. Remember ths top, th side, and the bottom. The following respective persons sre duly sulhori- sad, and hnM . CEHTZriOATJSS OP AOBlfCT For the ssle of brandretKt Vegetable Vuiverial . ruiM. .... Nortbuniberlsnd county l Milton-Maekey dt Cbambeilin. Sunbury II. B. Masser. M'Ewens- villew Irclsnd dr. MeixelL Nortbureheilsnd Wm Forsyth. Georgetown J. dt J. Walla. Union County i , New Berlin Bogar dt Win ter. Selmagrove George Guodrum. Middle- burg Isaae Smith, Bsavertown DaviJ Hubler, Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Minlinsburg Mensch dt Rsy. Ilartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg U.ar.U. Moyer, Lewisburg Wslls & Green Columbis county i Danville b. U. KeynoUa dt Co. Berwick Shuman dt Kittenbouae. Cat tawissa C. G. Brobu. Bloonsburg John R. Moyer. Jsisey Town Levi LtiseU Washington RohU McCsy. Limestone Usllie ft McNinch, Observs that each Agent bsa aa bngrsved Cer tifies l of Agency, eontaimng a representation of Air BKArtUatKi H'B Manulactary at Sing Sing, and upon Which will also be seen exact copies of ths new lubili mow uud upon tin aramireth I'll! Hoxe. ' Philadelphia, office No. 8, Notlh 8th street. , it B. BRANDUETiJ, M. D , June 3ith, 1843. -. i , : . ji .HJI, JKLl i.L,. hi I.!. ".' 1 .lsUl ROSE OINTMENT roil TETTER. fttnaWORMS, P1MPLK9 OF4 TH FA:B, AND OTHER , 1 tTTARKOim KRCITIONft. frV Ty fitlUiuiina certificate describe one of the tnosf extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. , .v :, - . t- t . ratLAtiEtriiiA, February in, 18:58. 1 01? twenty years I wss severely sfilicted with Tetter on th Fsce and Hesd: the disease commenced when I was seven tern tesrs old, snd continued until the Fell of 1830, vsrying in vio-.! lenre, but without ever d issppearmg. During most of the time, great part of my face wss covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my bead swelled st times until it fcltss if it would burst the swelling wss so great, thol I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I wss afflicted with the disease, I Used a great many plications, (smong them seversl celebrated preparations) as well ss taking inward remedies, including s number of bottles of Snw'm's Vanaera, Extract of Sartnpnrilla, eVe, In fsct, it would Ite impossible to enumerste sll the medicines I used. I wss slso nnder the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicisns of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, snd I despslred of ever being cured. In the fall of 1836, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Ointment, (prepared by Vaugban dt Davis. J In a few application the violent itching ceased, the swelling slmted, the eruption began to diaappear, and before I had used ajar ths disesse ws enUrely l ., . . 1 1 1 V. an mam. lain na.rl. a n .1 a Itdlf 1 cuied. It has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the disease ro- malning, except the scsrs from ths deep pits formed I by the disesse. It is impossible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of the disess snd my suffering, but I will be ploHsed to give a fuller ac connt to sny person wanting further sstisfsction, who will csll on me. At the time I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would hsve given hun dreds of dollars to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to several persons, (smong them my mother, who hsd the disease bad ly on her arm,) who were all cured by it. JAMES DURNELL, No. ISA, Race St try The Roae Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaurfhan, Soath Eaat corner of Third and Race streets, Philsdelphis, snd sold on sgency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Agent, Rose Ointment, Tor TctteiC A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Philabslpsia, May a7lh, 1839. 'PHIS is to certify that I waa severely afflicted 1 with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards of forty years; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I spplied to a number of physicisns, snd used s great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About a year since, I spplied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there haa been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. j The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsughsn, South Esst corner of Third snd Race Streets, Philsdelphis, End sold on sgency in Sunbu ry. by II. B. MASSER, 1 Msy 14th, 1843. Agent. ME DXC AX, APPROBATION Of the ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter. A LTHOUGH the superiority of the prepeiatioh f over all others is fully established, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvani. Dr. Usugh, hsving found in this remedy thst relief fir a tedious snd disagreeable affection which the meana within the range of hia profession failed to afford, haa not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices snd interests of thst profession aie opposed to secret Remedies. PniiAnELrsiA, Sept. 19, 1836. I wss recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which covered nesrly one aids of my face, snd extended over the esr. Mr. Vsughsn, proprie tor of the Rose Ointment, observing my face, insis ted on my trying hi preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of my profesaion, I discountenance snd ditsp- prove of the numeroua nostrums palmed upon the iiutitic tty ignorant pretenders, I feel in justice bound to except ths Rose Oiulment from that class of me dicines, snd to give it my approbation, aa it entire ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted the usual applications. JJA.M.. BAl'GH. M. D. try The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsughsn. South Esst corner of Third snd Race Streets, Philsdelphis, and sold on sgene in Sun bury, by H. B. MASSER, Msy 14 th, 1843. Agent EAGLE Corner of Third and Vine Street, WlXX.ZAraSPO&T, PA. rFIHE subscriber respectfully snnounces to the M. public; that he has opened a Hotel in the com- mouious brick building situate on the corner of J bird snd Pme streets, where he will be hsppy to wait npon those who msy favor him with their company. The Eagle Hotel is large snd convent ent, snd furnished in the best modern style. It is provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping spsrtments, rooms, private pariors, &c rersons visiting Williameport on bu siness or pleasure, may reat ss.ured that every ex ertion will be used to render their sojourn st the "Esgle Hotel" pleasant snd sgreesble. Hia Table will lie supplied with the very best the msrket sf fords, and his bsr with ths choicest wines snd other liquors chsrges ressonsble. The Esgle Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other aimilar establishment in the borough, being silusle in the business part of the lown, snd within a convenient distance of the Court Houae snd Willismsport snd Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, sad good snd trusty ostlers always in attendance. , ' Atutiiise, accommodating and honest Servants hav baen employed, and nothing left undone thai wiU add to the comfort and accommodation of bis gueois. .. . , . ,, . .. r.- . There will be s carriage alwaya in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passenger to snd from the House, free of charge. .',,: CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, 1841. tf , Michael Weaver Ac- Sons HOPE MAKERS aV SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 1 3 North Water Street, Philadelphia. . II AVE conatantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine 1 wines, etc., vis Rone. Fiahinc Ropes. Wbits Rope. Manil la Ropes. Tow Line for Csnal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill, Net Twine, Cotton Shad snd Herring Twiue.Sho Threads, Ac dtc Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, H altera, Traces, Cotton sod Linen Carpet Chaius, Ac sll of which tbey will dispose of on rnesonable terms. ' . Philsdelphis, November 13, 1843. ly.' ' "' No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensivs assortment ef British Fastich sod American Dry floods, which ihy oSe foi sale on lbs most reasonable terms. - . . k h , , X'' . l'atla4(lAAkNftVfsitber 13, l.8y J ,, y H2Il.MiLtT CO., Commission & Forwardinj Merchants, l'ool of Willow Street Rail Road, ' OR TSE D1LAWARS, TTAVING sssocisted with them Joseph Bar net, ,.. Al.teof Easton, Ps., respectfully Inform their friends snd the public generally, thst they hsve U. aen tnsi isrg snd well known store snd wharf at ' fool of Willow Street Railroad, lately occapiej by ; Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a General , Commission and Forwarding Business, and from the local advantagea of the" place being connected ' with all th public Improvements thst hsve their outlet n the city, they flatter themselves tbey wilt lie sble to do business to ss great, if not greater sd vantage, and upon as reasonable terma as any other house, and they assure their friends that sny con signments msde to them shell hsve their strict st tention, snd no exertions "pared to give entire satis faction. :" " - '' They sre also prepered to receive and forward goods to sny point on the Delswsre snd Lehigh rivers, between Msoch Chunk, Esston snd Phils delphis, vis Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; also, to sny point on the Junista river, or North and West Brsnchesofthe Susquehsnns vis Schuyl kill snJ Union, or the Chesapeake snd Tide Wster ' Csnsls, For the accommodation of Boats eoming or go- - ing via Schuylkill snd Union Csnsls, a Steamboat k el for ,owi ftom h ... . 1 " Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which will enable merchant to hsve their produce deli vered on ths Delswsre, snd their goods shipped st s saving ol 50 to 75 per cent, on ths prices for hsuling scrota, with these sdvhntagca they re- ' spectfully solicit s share of pstrnnage. W. HEILMAN dt CO. William Hellman, William W. Key ser.C Joseph Barnet. J Philsd., May 14, 1843. ly J. IK A YL AND, JR. & CO. Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturers, No. 9!) AorfA Vet corner of Race and Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. ' THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership-under the firm or J. MAYLAND, Jr. dt Co.. ss successors to the Isle firm of Jacob .Vatland d" Co., snd will cntinue the business st the old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition to l heir own close sttenlion snd experience for many years, in the manufacture of their cerebrated snuflV, Ac, the long experience of the senior partner of the late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of the new concern and aa no exertion and care will lie spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fnenJs snd customers of the late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MA if LAND, J a. Philadelphia, May 14th, 1843. ly To Country MERCHANTS. '"PHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other Isrge cities, whoso Hats are highly comintnded for good coin and durnhility, hss on bsnd s firt rate ssortmnt of HATS snd CAPS, suitable for Spring siles, wh ch will be sold very low, fbi cash or sppioved credit, at the noted cheap ttore, No. 40, North Third stre-t, oppMp.e the City Hotel, Philsdelphis. ROBERT D. WlLKl.-VSUX.ilferir. ' N. B. . Orders for lists in lbs rough, promptly attended to. Ths highest price in tosh or trade given for Fur tkiiu. Phibdelphis, June 11, 1843. ly BOLTON & CO. Grncrnl ConinilNHlon Merchants, For the Sale of Flour, Grain, Seed, dc 4c. i EsPECTFL'LLY inform their trienda and AV ih Merchants generally, that Ihey have la ken those large snd commodious Wharvea, with two Dorks, north of Cheanut street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. 19 South Wharves, where ihey would b pleased to receive consign ments of Grsin, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac.' Ac Being slso well prepared to forwanl all kinda of Merchandise by the Schuylkill snd Union, or by the Chesapeake and Tide Wster Csnsls, as tow boats ars kept expressly for ths purpose of towing hosts by either route. Merchants will ple.ise be psrticulsr to send their goods destined by either canals, to No. 19 South Wharvea, between Market and Chesnut streets, on the Delswsre, with directions sccompanying them which route they wish them to be shipped. Plaster and Salt for ssle, st the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A CO. March 19, 1843. No. 19 South Wharves MERCHANTS HOUSE,- No. 237, AorfA Third, ahove CullowhiU St, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DUNCAN, hie from the Pennsylva nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A merican Hotel, Columbus. Ohio, take pleasure in ac quainting their friends and the public generally ths Ihey have taken the large and commodious Hole recently built by the Messrs. Hart, nn the serne sit once occupied by the old established Hotel know aa the Bull's Hesd, in Third street above Callow hill at. This Hotel is finished in the very Seat possib, ' manner, snd of the best nifeterisls. Its location very desirsble, psriiculsrly fur country merchant the arrangements for healing snd ventilating esc room is such ss to secure sny tempersture. Tt bedrooms sre all light and airy, sll furnished in nest style, so as to in.ure tomfoiL Ths receiving parlors are alto fun lUheJ in a e perb style, the windows are on the French siyl forming su entrsnce to s bslcony in front, whit makea a pleasant recess. Particular attention h been given to the beds and bedding, s which, wi the furniture, sre entirely new. From years' experience in hotel business, trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make th house a desirable stopping plsce. Our table w alwsys t supplied with lbs very best our mark can afford, snd our bsr with ths best liquors a wines of the most approved bianda. P. S. There are first rate stabling and carria bouses attscbed to the hotel, attenJed by ear snd soter bosilers, snd our charge will b low, accordance with Us present hsrd time. . Philadelphia, Oct, 7th, 1843. ; G O L D E N S W A"! No. ti9 North Third, above Arch Street, ; .PHILADELPHIA. , , ACCOMMODATIONS SO a SEVKKTT FlReON. CHARLES WEISS, Isle of the White Sws and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully forms his friends and customers, thst he has beco the proprietor of the above well known Hotel. .. Country MstchscU will find the above Hotel centra) location, snd ths best of fare. Persons trs veiling with privsts conveyance will find a largs yard and good stsbling for horses, and Ibe esst ef stk'iv Bestdint $ pavdaj . ., , tt