7T the water llfr Jtaquehanna was five feet above ' low water ml ( On Saturday, the 14th, at 7 o'clock A.M. it was 11 feet; at 11, o'clock it waa 13 feet ; at 2 o'clock P. M. it waa 14 feet j at S o'clock it waa 15J feet; at 6) o'clock it waa 17j feet s at 8 o'clock it waa 181 feet; at 10 o'clock it waa 18 feet 11 inches; en Sunday morning the 18th at 4 o'clock A. M. the water had riaen to SO feet 1 inch at 8 o'clock to 20 feet 3 inches; andaf 0 o'clock to SO feet 4 Inches ; at 10 o'clock it atood at the aame; at 12 o'clock M. it had fallen threo fourths of an inch ; at 1 o'clock, P. M. an inch and a hrlf ; at 9 o'clock two inchee and a quarter ; at 5 o'clock it had fallen 5 inchee ; and at 6 o'clock it had fallen 7 inchee. It hat ainre continued to fall gradually. Horrid and AtrocUna .Warder. The Utict (N. Y.) Gazette haa the following particulars of an atrocioua murder, committed near that place : Mr. Van Ness' residence waa about three and a half miles from Auburn, on the west ehore of the Owasco lake. Ilia lamily consisted of him self, wile,inother-in-law,(Mrs. VyckofT,)a hired man, (Mr. Chrnelius Van Ansdale,) a hired girl, and three children, two of whom escaped the murderer. About half past 10 o'clock, on Thursday night, Mr. Van Ness and his wife were sitting in their parlor, (the rest of their family having retired.) a knock wa9 heard at the door, and aa Mr. Van Ness opened it, a man supposed to be a white man with his face Mark ed, rushed in to the room and struck Mr. Van Nese a blow with a knite which proved nearly instantly fatal, for he staggered into the next apartment in search of his (run, aa it is supposed and fell dead upon the floor! Meanwhile the ruffian stubbed Mrs. Van Ness, who rose shriek ing from her chair, and ran bleeding through the next room, where alcpt her two children and a hired girl, and expired nn the bed in the further apartment. The girl and children owed their Uvea only to the horrified silence they preserved. The murderer having despatched Mrs. Van Ness, proceeded to the apartment where slept her mnther-in law, Mrs. WyckofT, togetlier with an infant child scarcely two years nltl. Not only did this demon in human form stab the lady, but, horrible to relate he mangled the poor little innocent child in the most shock ing manner. , . This done, he started to go up stairs, and waa rmH on the Warrcase by a hired man, Van Ans dale by name, who, alarmed at the screams, was coming down carrying a large iron candle stick in his hand. . The murderer demanded, "Is there any one rise here!" to which Mr. Van A. had hardly time to reply, "no one but me," before he waa stabbed also in the aide. Out with heroic -courage, Van A. seized the ruffian by the throat, nd knocked him down ataira with the -candle-stick, then seizing a broom handle, all bleeding 8 he was, he attacked in his turn the assailant with such courage that the latter fled out into the garden, while Van K.', feeble from h-a wound, 3sy helpless in the :hair. The girl who was with the children, so niraculoualy preserved, says that she saw the villain return twice to the htuee and iuok in .lie window, as it .uncertain whether or not to eturn and finish hia work; hut finally calling Mit, "If anybody is alive there recollect that I've got a gun," he went to the stable, and ta king tiorae gs I topped furiously on toward ubnrn. Meanwhile, Mrs. WyckofT, although be had received a wonnd three rnthea m ength, from which ber intestines protruded, onlrited to crawl nearly a quarter ot a mile hroegh tbe woods to a neighbor's residence, vhen succor wsa despatched. What a sight tet their eyes on entering the house! Van s'ews his wife and child already dead, Van Insdale scarcely able to speak, while the poor ,irl was in a atate of frenzy, and incapable ef endering assistance. " : ' , On the ataira was found the half of the blade f the knife, supposed to have been broken in he scuffle with Van Ansdale, about four incbea 3 length, and ulottled with b'ond. An express rat immediately despatched to Auburn, and the ountry waa soon alarmed. The only clue that id been found to lead to the detection ot the onster when I left Auburn waa the horse, . hich fell near the negro settlement on the itsktrts of the village, and waa there found by e messenger. Neither Vsn Ansdale nor Mrs. yckoft were expected tn survive. i The motive of this most atrocious butchery said to have been to obtain money which Mr. . received during the week. Mrs. W. had so a aum of money in the house. There can acarcely a doubt but that the perpetrator these crimes is concealed in Auburn. Ac 'e preparations were being aet on foot to d li ver and bring him to justice. Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune. A Joke d Its Coieqatntti. Albany, March 13 Too Divorce Case to which 1 alluded the tor day is a curious compound of fun, folly romance. It, partakes very much of the iracter of the celebrated Faoar case, whose ' bands the Legislators were vainly implor. for so many years to loose. Tba Judiciary mmittee have held several meetings and en all the testimony, but as yet have come no settled conclusion. The ante-room of the lembly was crowded last night with members 1 spectators, all anxious to hear the; details this comico-eerioue affair. There is some fling discrepancy in the evidence, but the lowing is the main facts, as they were de- loped. . , : . Ths parties whoso names I may now give. .aamuch as they bsve been mads publie in the .rfoceedings Mr. Huxanj Miss Liixic, had only bean acquainted about 8v monins. j ns latter, aa I told you, was yeonf lady erf 6m personal appearases and attainments, and be iibi ... n. , lit. j. a. i ...iMijs.sps. i log quit proficient in music, relied mostly up- on that divine art for a livelihood. Bhe was a member ofthe Sooth Baptist Cburch, and offi ciated as organist therein. The former, so far aa I know, t young man of irreproachable char acter, wast sort of superintendent or clerk of the Temperance House of a Deacon in the same church. The sleigh ride waa got up by Hall and another young man, who took with them three young ladies. On the way out, as might have bsen expected from such sedate compa ny, the conversation turned on the interesting topic of matrimony. H. asked L. if she would have him, and ahe consented in aa terse and di rect a manner aa did Rebecca of old when the servant of Isaac "popped the question." The preliminaries were all settled and here I will remark, all parlies agreed in testifying that it was understood as nothing but a joke. Arrived at the house of their destination, which waa that of a Justice of the Peace, he was called upon to officiate. He waa rather green in his line of business, and aa this was the first knot he had ever tied he went about in rather a primitive way. Hall confessed that he had now made up his mind to use hia own words if she would marry him "to atick to it." The Justice arranged the parties with all solemnity, but as there was most immoderate laughter, he put on a very solemn face, read them a lecture on so briety, and sat down. He was asked to try a gain, and this time be succeeded in stopping the laughter and the ceremony proceeded. "Have yon," said the Justice, addressing Hall, "anjyibjections tn matrimony !" No sir," was the reply. "Have you," waa the farther ques tion to Miss L. 'sny objections to getting mar ried 1" and she aa everv other young lady natu rally would, replied, "Not at all, air !" She asys ahe intended, when the Justice put the far ther question, "Will you have thia man for your husband T" to give a most unequivocal and un mistakable negative. But he gave her no op portunity, but immediately upon the above ques tions being put and answered, he pronounced them man and wife. Here waa a pretty kettle offish, but the lady still regarded the whole as a joke, not supposing that such an overhanded knot would atick. By dint of perseverance and considerable help, the Justice made out the certificate, and late at night the parties aet out tor home to meditate over the old proverb "Those who marry ' in haste can repent at leisure." ' In the esse of the lady, repentance came soon enough. The rest of the testimony consists merely of "saya IV and "says she's" of those who volunteered their advice or condolence, and doea not amount to much. It is evident to me that ahe waa deceived somewhere and by some body, although she caonpt be acquitted of blame in trifling with such a subject and in attempting to carry the joke m far. I wrote the other day that ahe waa engaged to another person. This appears now not to be the case. What the re port ofthe Judiciary Committee will be I know not but think it will be favorable. A bill for her divorce will pasa the Assembly with a per fect rush, but ot its fate in the Senate there is doubt, as that grave body is very much afraid of precedents. From the peculiar circumstances of thia case and the intense interest manifested in it, especially by some ofthe younger mem bers of the Legislature, I do not know but it may be called the great measure of thia sea- ston Yours, &.& ' BsaanaxTi's Pills cure all affections, (imply because they make the blood pure ab-Uct out of it ihoie qualities which produce disease, apt give to it tboM qualities which produce health. . Now every solid purl of the human frame is made from the blood, and the fond we e -l is eon verted Into Mood to supply the wane our hodii ara continually sustaining. So In tba ordinary tours of nsture we manufacture our entire bodies in about nine yeans from the food taken Into our slomsehs. Suppose lbs air we have lived in for some time bas heen loaded with matter .detriment tal to health, or our food for a long period has been of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind baa been much troubled for grief, anxiety, or great atten tion to any particular point ia sura to occasion bid effects in the Mood. Any ot these causes existing. good blood cnnnt he supplied to tbe body. But let Brandreth a rills I Used daily under these circumstances, in doses of from two to aix pills, or as the ckse shall determine, What Is their effect 1 It is to esrry off ths impure mstiers from the blood, leaving only tbe good U renew every part of the body. What was unsound now be comes sound, snd the stomsch toon gets into so healthy a condition thai even bud air of unwhole some food for a ttma are unable to injure ibe health maternally. , cry Purchase of H, B. Msuer, Sunbury, or of the agent, published in anotbar part of ibis paper. DIKOt At Korthumb'd. on the 10th Inst., FRANKF. SHELMAN, son of H. H. and Anna Burr,' aged 1 year, B months ana IB aeys. OA&rSTXNOf AND OX1VCLOTHS, At the "CHEAP STORE" A'o. 41 Slrmicberry street, , , ... ..,. , Philadelphia. OkUR Store rent and other eipenses being very IF light, wtsre eoahled lu vl out CARPETS, )lL-CLOTHS, &e , wholesal. and retail, at the lowaat price in the city, and buyers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine the large assortment W offer ibia season, of , beautiful Imperial 3 ply rXZr CABPETJSGS Twilled and plain YsoilianJ together with s large siock of OIL-CLOTH3 from S feel to 84 feet wide, very cheap, fur rooms, halls, aVc Uo, Mailings, Floor Cloths, Rags, Cot ton and Bag Carpets, &c, Ate, with a good as sortment of Ingrain Carpet from 25 to SO cents, and Stair and Entry Carpets from U to 60 rt. ELDRIDQB & BROTHER. No. 4, Strawberry Sir, on dor above Che pat. near Second 8ut. PbiUdetpbia. i March list, 1846. 3m. GARDEN SEEDS. A frh supply of E. Klaley ck Co'a superior Gsrdeot Seeds, just received ana foe sale st tha store of March SI, 1646. HENRY MaVUEK. ! TRTJST3 HALE. J AM ES'A. PREtJMAN. Aoctkmeer, iTo. 106 Walnut St., PHILADELPHIA. ' VALUABLE COAL LA If DA, ' In Northumberland and Columbia Counties., PURSUANT to a decree of the Circuit -C Court of tha United State for the E. D. of Pennsylvania will be sold at the Msrnhanta' Et ching in the city of Philadelphia, on WEDNES DAY KVENINO, April 15th, 1940, st T J 'clock; the following interest in the valusbl Coal Lands, formerly known as ibe Beck Lands. - , , 71-33(1 parts of IS patented tracts on the Water of iheShamokln, in Colombia and Northumberland counties, surveyed adjoining to or in tba neighbor hood of each other, in punrasnce of 13 warrants for 400 acres eseb, in the following names, Win. Elli ott, Oeorge Ashlen, Csleb f.ownns, John Young, John Whiteman, Joseph Gordon,' Richard Tnni. John Warner, Daniel Reese, Wm. Porter. Wm. Millet, Peter Dehsven, Wm Powell, supposed to contsin 6346 sets. ' ', These lsnd are on the Centre Turnpike, about fifteen miles N. W. of Pottsville, and on the route of the projected Danville Railroad. " ' ' " 1 Conditions infsale are one third rash on the exes ration of Ibe deed, which i to be prep red by the purchaser within two weeks after the sale. $600 will b tequired to be paid at the time of sale. The remaining two thirds to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, payable in equal sums in two or three yesrs, or all .the rash will be recei ved if preferred by the purrheser. El.I K. PRICE, Trurtre, JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctio neer snd Commission Merchant for the aale of Real Estate and Personal Property, No. 106 Walnut atreet, Philadelphia. March Slat. 1846. ts , DR. SMITH'S (Sub a a CoA-ttta) "IMPROVED LNDIAN VEGETABLE PILL8." A RE daily effecting some of the most astonixh big and wonderful cure that have ever bsen known, in consequence of which the have now liecom a shining msrk against which sll the ar rows of disappointed hope, envy, and unchirits bleness sre levelled without distinction. ' The town and country ere alike filled with their praise. The palace and ths poor house slike echo with their vir tue. In all climates, under all temperatures, they atill retain their wonderful powers, and exert them unaltered by age or situs! ion. They are simple in their preparations, mild in their actions, thorough in all their operations, and unrivalled in their re sults. They ara ani-biliou anti-dyspeptic, and sntkmercuriat : snd ihey sre peculiarly beneficial in the following complain': fever and ague, yel low anJ bilious fevers, dyspepois, croup, liver com plaint, sick headache, jaundice, asthma, dropsy, spleen, piles, colic, obstructions, heirtburn, furred tongue and foul stomxeh, nausea, disrrhrea, costive ness, loss of appetite, sallow complexions, elds, and in fell cases of torpor of the bowels where s cathartic oi an aperient ia needed. N. B. No Sugar Coated Pills can be genuine, unless everv bos lias nn it the signature of G. BENJ'N SMITH, M. D. CAUTION, As a miserable imitation h been made, by tbe name of "Sugar Coated Pills," it ia necesatry to be sure that Da. G Br.sj. Smith's sigustuie is on every box. Price SS cents. Principal Office. 179 Greenwich st. New York. Sold by JOHN W. PRILING. Sunoury. WM. TORSYTHE, Northum'd. Msrch 3 1st, 164, A CARD. TO THE CIVILIZED WORLD II . VB. PALMER, the American Newspaper e Agent, duly authorized and empowered, by the proprietor of most of the best newspaper of all the eiries and principal towns in the U. S. and Cansds, to receive suhacrip'ion and adverti. menta, and to give receipt for them, respectfully notifiea the public, that he is prepared to execute ordera from all parte of the Civil red World, m brscing Individual, Firms, Societies, CluhS, Rea ding Rooms, Corporations, cVc, at his several olfi eea in ihe ritiea of Philadelphia, Baliimnte, New York and Boton, and where communication and inquiries, post paid, may be directed. Address V. B. PALMER, Philadelphia. N. W. corner Third and Cbetmut streets; Baltimore, 8. E. corner Bal timore and Calvert atreela ; New York, Tribune Buildings opposite City Hall; Boston, SO State st. A no other person or person are in any man ner connected with the eubaeriber, in the American Newspaper Agency, all letters and communications for him, should be carefully directed as above, and to no other person. Tbis caution haa become ne cessary, in order to avoid mistake, and put the pub lie on their gusrd gint sll pretended Acents. 1 - V. B. PALMER, i , ' , A met lean Newspaper Agent, Editor throughout tbe United 8tte fur whom V. B. Pslmer i Agent, will promote tbe advantage of all concerned, by pnblhlug the above. Pl'lILIC NOTICE. V. B. Palmer Is Ihe only authorised Agent for ihe "SeaacaT Awaii cas," In the citi-a of Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Baltimore, of Which publie notice i hereby given, March 14, 1846, Notice IS hereby given to all legatee, creditor, and o iher persons interested iu the eststes of Elisabeth Shipe, doe'd, settled by ber dmiiiiirator John Shipe t of Jacob Ehilght, dee'd., aettlrd by his adm'r John bright', of George Watt, dee'd., settled by his adm'r Frederick Lst.tust of Andrew K. Russel, dee'd ttled by bis adm'r John Rusell; of Geo. Moyer, dre d., settled by George snd Dsniel Moy- er, sdin'rs de bonis non with the will snnexed of Ann Catherine Shiley, dee'd.. aettlrd by her ex'r Frederick Hs; of Lsftird Wsldrou, dee'd., set led by hi adm'r Witlisra Wildront of Catherine Hill, dee'd, settled by her adm'r Jacob Conrad i of John Painter, dec d , set iled by bis adm r fJharlea Gale', of David Hess, dee'd , settled by bis sdm'r Jacob Hon4 of Catherine Psinter, d.c d., willed by her idm'r Chirles Gsle of Frederick Bsrhrtun, dee'd., settled by bis sdre'rs Jons Koch and Nicholsa Du rher; of Leonard FeraU-r, dee'd srttlej by hia adm'ra Peter Fereter and Samuel Wagner; of A brsham Kothermel. dee'd., settled by his sdm'r Wm. Rotheimel; ef Dsn'l Keller, dee set tt'd by hisa-imr. Benj. Robins tbe sce't of Jseob Wsgner, guardisn ofCslheilne Petler; the account of Jacob Wagner, guardian of MsgJslt-n Ferster. Late of Nortbutn beiland county, deceased, that the executor and sdmintstratore of tbeaaid deceased eetate hav fiiej their account with tbe Krgiater of tbie county ; end that they will be presented to the Orphan' Court of ssid county, on Tuedy the Tin day of April next, for confirmation snd allowance. EDWARD OYSTER, Sunbury, March 7th, 1846. ' Register, Dissolution of rartneralilp. . . THB Partnership heretofore existing between the subscriber, under tha firm of HerToer A Kboads, waa dissolved en the 1st dy of April, 1845, by mutual consent. Benjamin Heffoer is duly authorised to settle lb business of the firm. BENJAMIN HEFFNER, HENRY RHOAD8. Books, Notre, Judgments, and all aconoot ara m the hands ef David Marts, Esq., for eollec lion. B. HEFFNER. Bbamokin, Tab, J8, 1848, 3t list or cause:;. 1,"OR trial In the Court of Common Pie of Nor- thumherland County, at April Term, 1846, commencing tbe first Monday, being the 6th. : eittinger, alienee of - Gsrvet vs John Osrvet at al s Joseph Keefer , " ' S Abraham Klaee ' vs A Wilhelm, Ac. vs Feli MsJreretsI Prentice fot Welch Willism Farrow A liner Mendenbsll Frsncis McCoy, Wm H Brown Aco vs John B Boyd 8trswbrllge A Borden va Ssme Holmes, Sturgeon A CrtVs ,' Ssme Hogh Bella, Efq vs Henry Donne et si : Chsrles Hall's et'rs ' va William Wilson'e ex'r Gobin A Billington's sstignees vs Edward Gobin Same . V Chsrtea Gobin Jacob Pet sing va Zimmerman, Savidge & c0 R D Foidsman " s Benjamin Fordoman William Simetiton ' ' ' s John ShlpnSan " ' ' " Charles H Frick ' . vs William Frick John Herdi rson's beirs v flrrenough A 8hlpman John Lieb vs Thorns Allen Giltiert Berlleu James Boss Wm L Heinemsn Peter Richter Ae Frsncis Ball' adm'r Abraham Terwilliger vs Wm R Jones vs Jcb II Rhoads vs Hsrtmsn II Kncsble vs Dodge A Bsrret ' va Daniel M. 8erbler v Robins A Newberry vs Derr A McWillism John P Summers J.hn McCionghan' adm'r vs Chsrles Merrick Yoilheimer A Dawson vs pi ; Price John A Lloyd Wm E McDonald v Wm 8 Montgomery v John Nei.lig A wife , v John Conprr et l vs John A Lloyd vs Abrsbam Strstib v John A Llovd John Knorr John Ksne A wife E Greenough Wm E McDonald Jonathan Adam Wm Colt Frederick Birkenbine vs John Hartmin . Kenderlon Smith et al George Grant et al Walter Grahnm vs Peter Hanselman Jam Lougheid's sdro'rs s Catherine Crr Dodge A De Noinsndie Wm A Lloyd John McGinne Wm Starke Hulet Smith . John Furmsn el al Charles W I eg ins Henry Mssser Joho Murrsy Roueit Bennet Frsncis Yarnell v Augustus Huey A v Kama va John Cooper rt at vs T A Billingtnn v Margaret McCay's ex'r v Isaac Brown va Oscar Bradford's ex'r John P Kennedy el al vs J A A Shipman 8sme vs Same JOHN FAILNSWORTIT. Prothonotarv' office. ? , ; J'roA'y. Sunbury, March 7. 1845. 5 LIST OF JURORS 0 F Northumberland County, for April Term, A. U. 184B. Grand Jurors. Delaware James Armstrong, Joseph Nicely, Miltnn Leon .rd Shearer. Daniel H. ('aner. CkiUitquaque. Henry Caul, Elijah Hill, Ro beit Giffen, Willism CaMcl. Point.-' John Garret. , Karlhumbttland. Andrew Vi'ilion, George Evert.. Sunoury. Caleb Fisher. Auifuida. Ssmuel Garinger, Solomon Evert. Shamnkin. Daniel Miller. Ruih. Ssmuel (iilinger. Coal. Andrew Klinger. Upper Miaonoy. Jacob Strasser. Simuel Ei ter. Peier Seiler. Jscoh Geist. Dsniel Kaufman. xm-er Nnhonoy Philip Kersietler. Little Mahonoy. Nicholsa Drumheller. - . Traverse Jurors. 7ureuf. John Sample.' " Lewi. Jacob Jarret, William McGutre, David Lilly. Delaware. John D. Linebach, Wilson Hutche. son, John M. Thstcher, Peter Shady, ' Joeph Hayes, George Watson. Milton. Jamea Whitter, Palmer Johnston, Hen rv Wilhelm, John Leib, Jacob Miller, Jobn Evan, Patrick Montagu. Chillistjnajue. John Voris, Willism Housel, Thomas Kaarr. Point. Jobn Deal. Henry Morgan. Northumberland Jamea Tsggart, Thomas Gas kins. Sunbury Daniel Heninger. ' Augusta Samnel Reilsnd, Dennis Woolverton, Henry Brewer. Peter Kresger, Jobn Starner, John B. Shipman, Thomaa Snyder. SAamoIri'n. Charles Marie, Ssmuel Kelly, Ni cholas Yocum, Christian Biiuschlag. Ruth. Willism Bear, Jacob Milham, Henry Weaver. I'fper Mahonoy. Jonathan Beite, John Mau rer, jr. Lower Mahonoy. Jacob Bower, John Michael. Jacob Snyder. Little Mahonoy. -Isaac Dornself, Ssmuel We gener. Jittktnn.MeaTj Lstnchs, Daniel Hilbisb. Petit Jurors. Tiir!mf.--Heny Follmer. Lewi. Peter Stshl, Thomas Rusael. Delaware. JeBe Pa-kc, Joseph Irwtn. .Viltm.C A. Langen. Chilisquaque. Chsrles Search, Nathan Jarret. Point. Daniel Robins. Northumberland. imn Hilborn, Thomas Wi thingtf.n. Daniel Rrsutieam. Sunbury. Reuben Fegely. Auetutta. David Reeser, Solomon Hertzel, anr, John llsrt. Fredeiick Haas. Shamokin. Solomon Keller, William Ammer man, James John, William G. Kase, David Miller, Daniel Fegely, David N. I.ka. Rah John Desha, Jacob Uearhartt Peter Hsnghawnul, Coal Solomon Dunkelberger, Henry Keyser, Michael Derrick. Upper Muhortoy. Anthony Yoder," George Rentier, Jonathan Eisenhsrl. Lower Mahonoy --Isaac Rothermel, Peter Wi. mer. r , ; Jaditon Jobn Bohner. ItllchaclNcldlsV&tate ALL persona hsving unsetiled acccUnla with said rsute, are hereby notified for Ihe last, time, to call on tbe subscribers without del iy, for settle ment, otherwise they will be dealt With actordlug to law. GEO. CONRAD. SAMUEL 8. WAGNER. Augusta, March 7th. 1846 9t - Adm ra. WHITE STTAIT HOTEL, Race Stbeet, Pbicadelphia. ' I1Y J. PEl'ERS. rT,IItS location Is convenient for Business men visiting the city. Every pains is taken to se cure the comfort of travellers. March 7, 1846. ly OVSTZ3RS! OYSTERS!! THE suhseiiber would rpeclfully inform per son dealing in OYSTERS, and tbe public generally, thai he ha purchaaed lb Interest of Philip Shay, In the Oy.ter business, al Northuai. berland, where be is prepared lo supply deslerswith superior OrsTta. at lb shortest notice, put up at the celebrated establishment of Fiehlt 4; May, in Baltimore. . , . i i. All orders sent by rosil, or otherwise, will be punctually tteodad to. T. WITHINGTON. ' Nortbumbarland, Fsb. A 1646. , . , ; . IKemoyal. n m rimmtiri si rik s c.j V JU ' ' r i " BESPECTF0LLT Inform the el. tilfnt of ftnnhnrv nA lrlnii ttisit K J ""7i hi firoot.J ht re.itjfnce to ih Brick Hrstlfui in Mark i . of ihe Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa- ""prs to receive cominiMtion of the liber al patronage which baa heretofore been attended lo Mm. . . , . aa laia a Notice. rpHE subscriber being appointed by the Court X of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, Auditor, to ascertain and report the lien under ihe second mortgage upon the r?al state of ihe Shamn kin OohI and Iron Company, in said county, in order that a distribution may.be made of the pro. ceedenf the la e sheriff's sale of aiid estate, among he lien creditors, on the first Monday Of ibe neat April court, at Sunbury, all peraone holding or clsioiine lima auain.t said alat ara karla red to present them to the subscript, st his office ' in Sunbury, on or before the 9tst dv of March next. It. B. MA8SER, Feb.gHth. 1646. 4t 1 Auditor. MONTOUR HOUSE,' LATE JlllADY S HOTEL, , , Oppotile. the Court House, DANVILLE, FEN XT' A. . THE Subrriher, who assisted for se ven'! years in the rannsgemen! of the hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra dy, begs leave to inform the travelling public, that he bas taken the establishment on Ids own account,' on the first of January, 1846. The House has, of late, undergone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promises to Ivsve nothing undone to mske it a comfortable and agreeable, as well aa a cheap and accommoda ting stopping place for etrangers who may visit our flourishing village. No paina nor espense will be spared to fill the table anil the bar with the best the markets afford, and with the determination to de vn'e bis entire personal attention to the Comfort of those who may make his bouse their temporary a bode, and aided by active, careful snd obliging ser vants, he hopes lo give general satisfaction, anJ re ceive a liberal share of cnatnm. CCy Large and commodious STABLES are st Isched to the establishment, which are attended by careful and obliging bo'llers. GIDEON M. SHOOP. January 34th, 1846. if EVANS & WATSON, , . No. 70 Sovtu Third Street, . .. OpjHisite the Philadelphia JGxcArmRu, Msnufsehire and keep ton- stantly on hand, a large as- ortment of their Patent lm- provrd Salamander FIRE PROOF 8AFES. which are ygp.Rco! svvVtrrms-s-sll m rinslrtie'ed aa to set st rest manner of doubt as lo their '"being strictlv fire tiroof. and that Ihey will resist the fire of anv buirdintr in the world. The oiitideae of the Safes are made of boiler iron, the inaidn ee of enapstene, and be tween the outer esse and inner csso ia a space of some a inches thick, and is filled in with indestruc tible m .terii.1, en as in make it an impossibility to ever burn any of the Contents maide of this Cheat. These Hospstone Salamanders we are prepsred and do challenge the waikl lo produce any article in the ahape of Book Safes that will stand ss much heal, and we hold ourselvrs ready at all time to hsve ibem fairly tetej by public bonfire, should a ny of our competitor feel dispowd to try them. We also continue to manufartqie and keep con stantly on hand, Urge and feneral aasortmenl of our Piemium Air-tight Fireproof Safes, of which we have a Urge quantity In uc, and in every in stance they have given entire satisfaction to the purchasers oT which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who hsve them in use. N. O. Tsylor, U9 north 3J u A. Wright & Nphcw, Vine at. wharf Aleiandet Caror, Con veyancer, corner of Filbert and 9lh ats.j John M. Ford, 32 north 3Jst.i Mvers Uush, SO north 3d at I Bailey & Brother, 13d Mult it st Jamea M. Paul, I HI south 4 ill at.; Dr David Jayne, 8 south 3d st; Matthew T, Miller, 20 south 3d t( snd w could name some three or four hundred other if it were necessary. , Now we invite the attention of Uie puMic, and particularly those in want of Fire Proof Safes, to eall at our store before putcha ing i-Uewhere, snd we think, we can satisfy them thai they will get a belter and cheaper article at our atore than any other eatahl'shment in tbe city. We Uo romiuua ro maniifsctuie Keal snd Co pying Preasr, made in such usnnsr a to an swer both purie t Hoisting Machine, Fire Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks on them, witb D. Evans's Patent Keybole cover attached to the same plain and ornamental Iron Railing, cVc. , - N. b We keep constantly on band a large as sortment of our Patent !late Lined Refilgei tora, Wster Fillers and Orders; and we have also on hand several tecond hand Fire Proof Chest taken in exchange for Oura, which we will dispose of at very low price. Philadelphla. January S4th, 1346. ly " LAST NOTICBr THE St're Honks Accounts and Notea ofH. B. Mna-er, have been placed in the hands of magistrate fur collection. Peraons whoareoun'e have been of long standing, may save coat by set tling the same without further dt-lav. Sunbury. Jan. 3, IMP. H. B. MASSER. VHCLESALE k PaETAlL HAT & CAP WAltEUOUSK, .Vo. S(H, Market Street above 9 (A, South tide, PXIXX. ADBXaPHXA, a THE tibcril er retpecifully csll the atten tion of Ibeir friend and dealer lo their large and well assorted stork of lists aud Caps of every deacription, wtll adapted f r the spring trsde. Be ing made of the beat mateti.il and by Ihe most at perienCed Workmen, Ihey feel confident to give nni Versal sstisfaction tn all who may favor I hem with a trial, as they oflV-r to sell aa low aa anv house in the ei.y. BARI'ALOi r & BLYNN. Philadelphia. January 3. 1846 . PaE O tTlrlE De . JOHN B. 8THYKER, Of the late firm of Sewklrtc V Stryker, and Slryker d; J'nguc, HA8 resumed the Wbnlesile Dry Gode Busi ness, and now offers for sale, at No. It sod 14 Bank street, PbilaJslpb'ta, adioioing Myers, Claa-horn & Co'a Auction Store. No. TS Market alreet, a general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly purchased al auction, at a vary unaU advance for cash, or city acceptance. Believing that bis long experience in purcbssirg will enable him to U hi Good at tb lowest Msr krt pticea, be invites bis old Trieod, ad etber wUhlng to buy, to favor bim with a eall. Philadelphia. Nov. 1, 1645 6m .' '' WllK41.-tba higbisi pne given fur Wheat al iK. f H. MAHSKR. IA new supply of Usee OtntsaSarf juat lecetved, -Nov.Sth, 1641, .a . .o ; ,r..-U. fin. SSSB Sisal C i TEXZOO sSfJTJCZAS ! "TUB (SIT nTXXst. T1TET OOMTB." COME WHERE I Why where do yon anp poasabnt I the Cheap 8tnre of Henry MsWr. in Market street, Sunbury. And for what purrwe do you think they romal Why to bov chea:-. to be sure, and save st lesvt 30 per cent. They urn't de not hiit' eltt because it is a wall known fact thaint HENRY MASSER'S STORE ' the very best articles sre sold at the very lowest prices. Now come, one snd sll t but don't all e'tme st once, snd JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES! -Where you will find a Splendid Assortment of Fall nnd Winter Dry Croods, , just received, among which are tha following I flu peril ne F rench Broedclotht West of England do.; Heavy Heaver do , a first rate article for Overrx t, and a great variety rf Wool Dyed, BUrk and Fnn- ey Csssimeres. Sattinetts, Mnuaaelimde.lalne, Rep. ue-tstnes, uanmeres, Alpaeeaa, te Ae. i Also, . beautiful asortment of Calicoea of the latest styles and patterns, which will be sold cheeper tbsn ever j' also, Woolen and other Shawl in great variety, from 40 ct. to $10 1 a general assortment c.f Ho siery, Gloves, Suspenders. Mills, cVe., Ae a largo assortment of Women', Men' and Miasas Gam r-hnv. which will be sold cheaper then ever before offered. He has likewise, in addition to the above stock, sn extensive, ssanrtment ef Queennnare; Hardware, Saddlery and Gracerirt, Sugar from S to )0. 12 snd 16 cts. per lb j Giod Coffee at 10. Yeiy iWi St I2J. Also. Nails;Sprkest Iron; S irdeis n's b Caat rOieel; English, Americnn and ciweed B'is'ee do. in short, every thing tbst is usually kept in a Country Store, all of which will be sold st vry reduced prices. fX7 Country Tro-iuca of all kinds laksn In ex change for Good. Sunbury, Nov. SSd, 1845. To Furrhaatrai f ' B XIV GOODS. THE subsrribeA No. ISl Pearl atreet, New York, having established a Branch at No. 2S4 South Second it., Philidelphi, is now opetnp, and win be constantly receiving from the New York Auctions, n extensive assortment of T AirCY fc 8TAPX.B DHY OOOBS. which Will be sold st tbe lowest JVew York -.ert. at wholesale and Retail. Among h i stork will he found a good assortment of tbe followieg article-: JacConets, Plaid, Hair Cord, I. see. Stripe, Book, Swiss and Tarlatan Mualina, Bish'sp ami Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fsncy and Ball Uree, Thread Laces, Application Do., rxh Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, I.iticn f'ambrics, Linen Cambric HdUf.,Curtain Fringes, Cat-hmnifr d'Ecose, Mnuseline de I.siae. Hlk and Cotton Warp Alpaccae, Qunen's Cloth, Gala Plaid, French Merinos, Black rsjlks. Gloves, Si'k Hoee, Shawls, Cravats, Ribbon. Embroideries, ic, Ac. Country Merchants snd others visiting I'biUdel phis or New York to purchase, sre respectfully in vited to call and examine the stocks. No. 1, 1845. ly . G. H. MOORE. JOSEPH W. JONES, Kb, 18 Kurth it h street, a few duort above Market ttreet, PHILADELPHIA, HAS eonstsntly on band a very large ssort Tnent of Looking Glasses, Baskets, Cedar Wars and Fancy Goods, which will b sold wholesale at the very lowest price. N. B. Looking Glasses insured to any pert of the coiintrr, without chsrge. Nov. 11-84.V Cm He rfeommeno all of our friend visiting the city, to Call at the Prkin Compatiy'e Shrre, and lay tn a tvpply of their di liciaus Tent. THE PEILIS TEA erOMI'AXYa No. 80, 8ovtb 8scoivn Stufst, Between Maittl snd Cbesnut, PnZZaABBLPHX A, HAVE constantly on hand, and for sde. Wholesale and Retail, A VARIETY OF CHOICE FRFSH T A3. At Lower Prices, according to the quality, than they ran be licugM fot at any other eruhliahment in the. city. $y Ta exxfmnvely. are sold at th a h use, snd sever il Varietiea wbich canr.ot I e nbtuined else where. Any Teaa which do n ! give miire smis f.iction can be returned and eXt.hang'd, or the mo ney will be refunded. The citizens of Northumberland county sis re spectfully invited to give us call. G.B.ZIETJER, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, Sept. 87lh, 1843. ly TERMS REDUCED. DACUERRHN GALLERY of Patent PremU urn Colored Itkenranet. hnrf Photcgraphit DiJl ; No. 136 Cftesnut Street, Philadelphia- No. MI Broadway. New York ; No. 75 V.or Street, Boston ; No. 136 Cheenol Street, Phila delphia Ualtimor 'tr. l, Ua'timore t Droad wsy, Saratoga Spring ; No 66 Canal Street, New-Orle ,nv ; Main Ktrc. t Newpott, R. I. AnuT Main Streei.'Pn Puque, lew. CONSTITUTING the oldest snd most Txten. aive Etahtlhmnt nf Ihe k rd in the V..rl I, nd eonUinrag more than a THDUSAN U IV. I TRAITS, emliracinjj ihoae of some of the niMt distinguished individuals, in the United States. Admittance free. Thia Elehli.hment having been swsr V-d the Medal, Four Vint Premiums -a4 tno"Jlhe Htitort'' at I'.ia Exhibition at L'ono", New-Yotk and rhiladrij hia, respectively, for be-t rictuie' mul Apparaiui( thua officially sustained in the posi tion of superiority hrrlof,ir universally assigned it by the public, as Piret in the HVtt'' . Junag8tb.. 1846. lj PIANOS. THE SUBSCRIBER ba. been sppointed acen. for ibe ! of CONRAD MEYER'S CEL. EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, at thh place. These Pino hv a plain, maaaiv and beantiful exterior fini-h, and, for deptla and aweetnea uf ion, and elegance of work ruai.. ship, are not surpatsed by any in the United Slate. The following is a reeommendalinn from Cast DtTs, celebrated performer, and himself man ' ufacturert ... CARD. , Bivi;s bad the pleasure of trying the eictl lenl I'iatio Fortes maiifactured by Mr. Meyer, sn.l eblblted at the last exhibition of the Franklin In stitute, I feel it due lo the Iruo merit of lb msker to declare tbat the iniUumenta are quite equal, snd in om reeci ivin auperioi, to al the Pi ano Fortes, 1 saw at the capitals of Europe, and during a sojourn ef two yeirs at Pari. The Piano will ba sold al the manufacturer' low! Philadelphia pi ice, if not something I w r. Persona ara requested to eall and examine for lbmeelve, at the residence of th subscriber, i Sunbury, May IT, 1846. H. B. MASSER., . a