Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 14, 1846, Image 3

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made apeech, in which his remarks wert not
tempered by much moderation. He waa ?ery
aevere, and at time personal and earcaetic
Such war must certainly be injurious to the
party to which both Mr. Haywood and llanne
gan belong.'
. . By the news brought by the lint arrival, 4
daya later, you will see that different views
are entertained in England on the giving of the
notice. While the Times believes that the
giving of the notice will have a tendency to
bring the Oregon question to a settlement, the
Chronicle assumes a different position, and aays
it will be the cause of bringing the two govern
menta in collision. lis article, was, however,
intended for the consumption of this market.
The President gave another levee on the
night of the 4lh of March, just one year since
his inauguration. A report was circutsted it
wss to be his last one, which congregated more
persons in the White House than would have
gone, had it been otherwise.
, The "Columbia fountain," a new daily tem
perance piper started here, does, occasionally,
. give it to the members "right and left." par
ticularly those who are not subscribers to the
: Fountain." It took occaaian, a few daya aince,
' to bring McCnnnell to an account, Fur some mis
conduct. McC, not considering it just, rose
in plac, with dignity thst would have done
honor to a priest, and said he should tske the
liberty of drinking s els whenever he chose,
ss he looked upon it as a "constitutional right.''
Well, since MrG.mgh consider anything right,
constitutional, certsinly McCnnnell csnnot be
wrong when enjoying a "constitutional right."
It wss with feelings of pleasure that I read
the spirited resolutions passed by a convention
of the Democracy of old Northumberland. Such
sentiments, as are contained in those resolutions,
do honor to the sterling integrity and demo
, crscy of your country. They are not the eenti
ments of your county alone, but tho?e of a
majority of tho people of the Keystone Slate.
It gives me increased pleasure, however, to see
the handsome and merited compliment, paid to
the Hon. Simok Cameron, through one of the
resolutinus paesed by that convention. He is
not, I can assure you, insensible of the honor
done birn by this evidence of "confidence in
his moral character and political principles,"
and the democracy of o'd Northumberland,
whose genuineness has never yet been disputed
but by a tew corrupt demagogues lurking on
the borders of Whiggery, will find, from the
future course of Gen. Cameron, that she has
not placed it in one unworthy of it His course,
in S nator, will prove to be aa brilliant aa it
is successful, notwithstanding the scurilous
attackaoflhe "Lancuster Intelligencer" and
kindred prints.
I see, by the Pennsylvania papers, that Judge
Woodward has come out in a letter in vin
dication of his character political and judicial.
Such a step as this, is as unwiso aa it is impol
itic. The Judge, with all due deference for
his great wisdom, has, in this course, proven
himself rather indiscreet. He has evidently
been led to take thia step by a small faction of
disappointed office seekers. The lees lie has
to do with this faction, the better for him,
Ths Grkat Patent Cass. The Supreme
Court of the United States adjourned sine dir on
Monday. Before the adjournment there was a de
cision upon the great patent rate as well mrr
eral others of minor importance. The Court
have decided in favor of Wilson in the patent
case, and they have decided that administrators
may takeout an extension of the patents; that
assignees are only protected like granttea in the
use of maebinea actually bought and in use, and
not in any exclusive right or rights to make and
vend; that they have no right to the extension
pasted under the covenanta between Wnodworth
& Strong, and Emmons, Twogood & Tyack.
Theae are only some of the important pointa.
Ths Coort . were unanimous for Wilson ; the
Judgea MrLane and Woodbury diaented from one
or two of minor importance.
PaorAHiTT Rtsomo. The lodge of Odd Fel
lows in Bridgewater. Mass., have passed ths fol
lowing veenlntion :
"That profane awearing is a wanton and an
provoked vice, not induced by any temptation of
honor er gain, a breach of common decency and
:ourtesy in the common intercourse of man with
nan, and recommend tbat brother who ia ha
bituated ts the disgraceful practice, be brought
trial therefor."
AsTiciF4.Ti.Na SroasiBT th Msonktio
rfeiEOBAW. The various uses thai will be
ound for the Magnetic Telegraph, will not be
ully ascertsined liH it comes fsirly into opera
ion. The knowledge of a few facte, however,
nablesthe public to form an idea of some ef
he uaelul enda it may serve. The Toledo
Ohio) Blade points out how it may be the
lean of guarding sgainet disaster on the coast,
t asserts that storms progreaa from leeward to
vindward, and instances the enow storm of tha
4th and I5th February, which began at Tola
o on Saturday, at 4 P. M at Buffalo at 8 P.
1., and at Boston at about 6 o'clock on Sunday
lorning. Tha Blada proposes to save our coast
rs from shipwreck by means of tha telegraph,
a when tbat is established, they at Toledo will
e able to give us fifteen or sixteen hours notioe
f the approach of a northeasterly Storm, and
easels will have time to provide for their safety.
DiATa or ths "Faw e Ava." Wo set It
announced ia tha Baltimore papers, tbat Mr.
Kabab Msrchall, wall known tbrooghoot ina
country, aa tha "Fakir of Ava," died at Ixoia
vil'e oa Tuesday last,! dropsy in tho cheat.
Reseat-, ed tsarreetlen la Cafe.
The following appears ia the Boston Advo
cate of tha 7th inst: '
"The following parts of a letter from Cuba
are published in the Chronotype of yesterday.
The letter purports to be addressed to the editor
of I he Aurora, which tho Chronotype saya is
"a Spanish newspaper, published in this cityi
devoted to tha dissemination of liberal princi
ple in tha Spanish Americas." . Wejrjve tha
letter from which it will be perceived that
the parta likely to have given it credit are
omitted for what it may be worth :-
"Gent s--An insurrection isat the point of be
ing declared in this city, alt minds being weari
ed out with the'onlinued renewal of vexatlona
by tha infamous robber, who has been sent to
ua by decrepit Spain. The intrepid eons of
Cuba, Don, Don ,Don , Don
, and that noble republican, Don
have arranged a plan which will be terrible to
our Spanish aggressors.
"Senor possesses many ofthe secrets of
the government, a fact which will render the
success of our scheme certain, which ia no other
than to liberate our unfortunate Cuba from the
tyrannical yoke which oppresses her, and annex
ourselves to the clsssic land of liberty.
"Please to publish this article over my own
signature, since I desire thst in all coming time
it may be known that I was one of the first to
announce, through you, to the world, this glori
mis revolution, which will hsve been accom
plished, without fail, at the enmintr carnival,
(the past week, from tha 23d of February to
the 2d of March) or at an earlier day. You
may be certain that, before thia announcement
can possibly resch here in return, the glorious
Msg, the symbol of our independence, which my
own dsttghters and those of our noble friend,
Don-1 , are now secretly engsged in em
broidering, will wave in triumph over all our
forts and castles. I remain, die.
The Chronotype says that this letter has been
in the city about three days, and it adds thst
"the plsn involves the complete abolition of sla
very in the islands nf Cuba and Porto Rices
after the example of Bolivar aud the Soith
American countries." Bot ton Ad. March 7.
Death or a Sportino Clerotmas. The
Rev. Herdy M. Cryer, of Sumner County,
Tenn died on the 8th instant. He was buried
with full Masonic honors. The deceased was
a good man, but very eccentric. He ia wert
known in the West for his connection with
blooded horses, about which he wrote much and
well In England, he would have been a keen
sporting parson, fond of fox-hunting and race
horses. A chsracteriatic anecdote ia told of
, "He owned a fine race horse in conjunction
with a celebrated and successful turfman and
trainer, and when the fact was made known to
his parishioners, they made inquiry as to its truth
and the charge waa brought home to him. At
a meeting of the elders, the reverend gentle
man waa called before them to exculpate himself
from the heinoua offence of running a horse in
a race. Feeling that it would be idle to put
hia defence upon the rational ground ofthe
morality and utillity of racing-a defence which
he waa very competent to make with ingenuity
and force he made up his mind to 'confess snd
avoid,' aa the lawyerasay. Accordingly he ad
dressed them thus : 'It's trne, gentleman, Tom
Watson and ! do own Jake Crtath together
and he's not a bsd horse either when he stsrts
he wins. Old man Watson trains and runs
him at his own expense I get half his win
nings, because I allow my half ofthe horse to
run when Col. Tom's half goea. If you will
provide a way for my half to remain in the sta
ble during the rsce, I am perfectly willing to
retire from the turf.' Whether the eiders
were convinced by this logic, or were mollified
by his having named the horae after the Rev.
JacobCreath, a celebrated peacher, we know
not; but he was not dismissed from his charge.'
BaasvaxiVs Fill core all eflertirme, simply
because they make ths blood pure abstract not of
ii those qualities which produce dieease, and giva
to it those qualities which produce hralih.
' Now every solid part of lbs human frame is
made from the blood, snd ths food we e is con
verted into blood to supply the was a our bodne
aie continually austining. So in ths ordinary
course of nature ws manufacture our entire bodies
in about nine years, from lbs food taken into our
stomach 8uppsse ths air wo bas lived in for
soma time has been loaded with matters detrimen
ts! to health, er eor food for a long period baa been
ef an unwholesome kind, or thst ths mind baa been
much troubled for grisf, snxiely, or great atten
tion lo any particular point is sure to occasion bad
rfliscia in tba blood. Any el these causae existing,
good blood cannot be supplisd to lbs body.
But let Brandrstb'a Pills be used daily under
these circumstances, in doass of from two lo six
pills, er as lbs ease shall determine. What is their
effect 1 It is lo carry off the Impure matters from
tba blood, leaving only the good to renew every
part ef the body, What waa aoeoand now be
comes sound, anJ Iba atosaack soon gets into so
bealtby a condition that eveo bad air or unwbole.
some food for a lima are unable to Injure tha bealib
q3 Purchase ef H. B. Maessr, Banbury, er of
lbs agent, published in another part of Ibis paper!
ja m Hi ma.
On Sunday laat, by tba Rev. We. R. Smith, Mr.
Wilms Gaaaisa, ef Daavilla, to Miaa Masoa
1st Wbmrt, of Northumberland.
At Bleomaborg. aa the 9tb nit., by the Rev.
George C Drsks, Gsoaec L. I. Pairtsb. Junior
editor of the Mssry Luminary, to Ambus Wat-
son BowMAH.ef Wilkesbarre.
Corrected weekly by Henry Matter.
Wbbat, ', ' '100
Bra, '''. S3
Corst, ...'",. . 60
Oats, .-,.' , '. ',',.. . 5
Pork, , ' 8
Flaxsss, -.. . . 1 14
Bcttsr, . . ' 14
Keea. r ' ' 10
BsaawAt, .',' 15
Talis w, , - 10
VII, PALMER, the American Newspaper
Agent, duly authorized and empowersd, by
the proprietors of mot of ths beat newspepare nf
all the cities snd principal towns in ths U. 8. and
Canada, In receive subserip ions and advertise
ments, and to Rive receipts for them, respectfully
notifies the public, thst he is prepared to execute
orders from all parta of the Civil setl World, em
bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs, Rea
ding Rooms, Corporations. Ac , at hia several nffi
cea in tha citiea of Pliilsllhis, Baltimore, New
Yotk and BoMnn, and wha e c mmunif ations ami
inquiries, post paid, may be d rec rd. Addea V.
B. PALMER, Philadelphia. N. W. corner Third
and Chenu streets t Bsltimore, 8. E comer Dtl
timrtra snd Calvert streets New Yotk, Ttibune
Buildinga opposite City Hall ; Boston, 30 Stste at.
As no other person or persons are in any man
ner connected with ihs stitseriber, in ths American
Newspsper Agency, sll letters and communications
for him, should be carefully directed a above, and
lo no other person. ThH caution baa become nr.
ceasary. in order lo avoid mistakes, and put the pub
lio on their guard against all pretended A cents.
American Newspaper Agent.
Editors thraushout the United Slates f r whom
V. B. Pslmer ia Agent, will promote the advantage
of sll concerned, hv pnM shiua the s'oTe.
PUBLIC NOTICE. V. B. Palmer ia the
only authorised Ag-nl for the "Purtaoar Ambri
cab," in tl'Sciii-eof Philadelphia, New York,
Boston and Baltimore, of which public notice ia
hereby eivan. March 14. 184S.
The "Sugar Coated Pills'
Rbwabb or Mastr Csbtincatb or oca Is-
Nsw Yosk. June 1 0th, 1844
We, the nnderaieoed. never aiw or heard of "Su
gar Coated Pills," until Dr G. Benjamin
Smith manufactured and exhibited them to ua a
bout a year aince.
IsRAat KAsnair. M U., Liberty at.
Rusbtos dr. Co., 110 Broadway, and
10 Ator House.
Heaaca Evkbbtt, Drue, 06 Hudon st.
Joan- Castbbb, 07 Hudson at.
Lest some few msv be ' deceived by ignorant
quacks, we puMiah the following ; ar d none but
unpriiicip'ed dealers will countenance any imita
tion of this invaluable medicine.
Patbstt Orrrct.
Received this ITih dsy of June, 1844, from Dr.
G. Benj imin Smith, the fee of $30. psvshls on bis
sppliraiton for a patent for a Pill Coated with
Sugar." H L. EiLswoaTa,
Uommtesi ner or Patents.
Aa theae Pilla are prepared bv an educated Phy
sician, they have an advantage over other prepara-
auona so much advertised, and a-e aufticiently dis
tinguished from all others by their virtues, aside
fiom their peculiar pleasantness.
rry t;AU I tun. Aa a miserable imitation haa
been made, by the name of ''Sugar Coated Pill',"
it isneccssiry to be sure that Dr. G ntu. smith a
sigtia'ute ia on every bos. Price SS rents.
Principal Ulhre. 179 Greenwich st JVhw York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury.
WM. FORSYTHE. Narthum'd.
March 7th, 1M6.
I hererv ctven to sll Irsateee, creditors, and o-
- ther persons interested in the estates of El taheth
8htpe, dee'd, settled by her administrator John
Ships ; of Jacob Ehtight, dee'd., settled by bis adin'r
John Eltnitht; of tie rg Wstl, dec J., settled by
bis sdm'r Frederick Lati'us ; nf Andrew K, Rusael,
dee'd., s. tiled b his sdm'r John Rus-ell J of Geo.
.Mover, il'c'd., settled by George snd Dsniel Mov
er, edm'is de bonis non with the v i'l snnexed j of
Ann Catherine Sluley, deed., settled bv her ear
Frederick Haas ; of Laff rd Waldrou, dee'd., set led
by his adm'r William Waldron : of Catherine Hill,
dee'd- settled by her adm'r Jacob Conrad: of John
Painter, dee'd , set led by bis adm'r Charlea Gale;
of David Hess, dee'd . settled by hia adm'r Jacob
Ht fft ; of ('atherliis Psintrr. d-e'd., settled by her
adin'r Charles Gjle ; of Frederick Bachman, dee'd..
aettled by hia adm re Jonsa Koch and NichoUa Bu
rher of Leonard Ferstrr. dee d., srttlad by bis
sdm'ra Peter Fernter and 8amuel Wagner; of A-
I'r.hsm Kuthermel. de d .seiibal by hiss lm r Wm.
R'Sbumel; of Dan'l Kel'e', dec se tl'd by hit-a 'sir,
lienj Robins; lbs scc'l of Jscb Wsgnei, gtiatdisn
i.f Catheiine Peiter; lite sccounl of Jscob Wgn r,
tusrdisn of Msg lal. na Per ter . Lata of Norihurn
beiland county, decasd, thst the executors and
adminir-trsrora el the said deceased eata'e- have B ed
ibeir aceooota with tba Kegiater of this county ;
snd that they will l presented lo the Orphans'
Couit of ssid county, on Tuesday the 7ih ..y of
April next, for connrmstinn and allowance.
Sunbury. March 7th, 1846. Register,
Mlchucl Kcllle, Imitate.
ALL persona having uaael'led sco unts with
stiil estate, are hereby nti6ad for the list lima.
to cstl on ths aubaC'ibers without deUy, for seti la
ment, otherwise they will be dealt with accoidiug
to law. GEO. COM RAD,
Augusts. Msrrn Tin. isao at Adm re.
THIS local ion ia renvenieni for Business men
visiting the city. Every pains is taken la se
cure ins comfort ol travellers,
March 7. 1848. ty
DlHsolutlOD of Partnerthlp.
THE Partnership heretofore exiatinc between
the subacrihvra. under lbs firm of HerToer it
Khoada, wss diaaoUed on ihs 1st dsy of April,
1846, by mutual consent. Benjamin JKtTnec ia
duly autberued to sstils tba bustoiaK or iba firm.
(f Books, Notes. Judgments, and al! areounta
are in iba bauds of DvU Maria, b-q., for rollse
tioa. U. HEKFNEK.
bhamokin, Fah. 38. 1848. St
THE suhaenbsr would iepectfuliy inform per
sons desling in OYdTEKS, snd ths public
geoerslly, thai be baa purrbaaed lha interest of
Philip 8b sy, in Iba Oyster business, at IS'orthum
beiland, where bs is prepared lo supply dealers viih
superior urarsaa, al Iba anorteet notice, put up at
iba celebrated establishment of Fitldt Ukay, in
All ordsra sent by anaH, or slherwiae, will be
I punetoal!) aUsoded to.
Nertktjrsberlaud, Feb. 99, 844
IpOR trial In the Court ef Common Pleae of Not.
thumtwrland County, al April Term. 1848.
commencing the first Moudsy, being the 6th.
Seitstnger, alienee of
va John Garver at al "
' S Joseph Keefer ' '
va Abraham Klaae
va A Wilhelm, dee.
vs Fslix Maurer st al
va John B Boyd
Prentice for Welch
William Farrow
Abner Mendenhall
Francis McCey,
Wm H Brown dtco
Strswbrklgs dc Borden va
Holmes, nturgeon es eo vs
Hugh Bellas Exq va Henry Donnel et al
Charlea Hall's ax'ra va William Wilson's exV
Gobin At Billington's as-igntes vs Edward Gohin
vs Charles Gobin
Jaroh Persing
vs Zimmerman, Ssvidge St eo
va Benjamin Fordsmaa
va John Shipman
R D Fodman
William Simsnton
Charlea H Prick
va Wi tiam Frick
Joh:i Henderson's heirs va f?renouth 4. Shipman
John Lieh
va i homns Allan
vi Wm R Jones
va Jc b H Rhosda
va Hartman II Kr.cable
va Dcxlg- Ar Barret
va Daniel M. Rechler
Gilbert Berlien
Jame4 Roa
Wm 1. Heineman
Peter Riehter dee
Francis Ball's adm'r
Abraham Terwillieer va Robins Sc Newberry
John P Summers va Derr At McWilliama
J hn McC ouahan'a adin'r va Charles Msrrick
Ynitheimer At Dswson vs N I. Price
J hn A Llov.l
va Wm E McDonald
vs John Neidlg de wife
vs John Cooper et al
va A Lloyd
vi Abraham Htraub
va John A Llavd
John Kane & wife
E Greennuah
Wm E McDonald
Jonathan Adama
Wm Coll
Frederirk Birkenbine va John Hartman
Kenderton Smiib at al va Georce Grant et al
Walter Graham vs Peter Hanselman
Jamea Loughead'a adm'ra va Catherine I'arr
Dodge At De Noraandie va Wm A Lloyd
John McGtnnea vs Wm 8iarkes
Hulet Smith va Auguarua Huey &a
John Furmsn el al vs . fame
t'hirle W Hegina va John Coot-er et at
Henry Maaser va T A Billinjton
John Murray va Margaret McCsy'a ex'ra
Robert Rennet va Issac Brown
Fnncis Yarnell vs Ocsr Bradford's ex'ra
John P Kennedy et al va J St A Shipman
Same vs Same
Prothonotarv's ntTice, 0 Proth'tf.
Sunbury, March 7. 1845. J
F Northumberland County, fur April Term,
A. U. IMS,
Grand Jurors.
Delaware Jsmea Armstrong. Joseph Nicely,
Af linn. Leonard Khearer. Daniel H. Caner.
Chillitqwiqur. Henry Caul. El jab Hill, Ro
han (iiffeu. William Cs-tel.
Point. John Garret.
Nirthumbtiland, Andrew Wileon, George
Sunbury. Caleb Fisher.
j4tigui. Samuel Garingar, Solomon Evert,
Shamokin. Dsniel Miller. -Ruth.
Ksmuel Gilinger. ,
Coal. Andrew Klinger.
Upper Mahonoy Jacob Straaaer, Samuel E la
ter, Peter Sei'er. Jacob O it, Dsniel Ksufutsn,
Lower Mahonoy Philip Kerstetter.
Little Mahonoy Nicholas DrU'iihelter.
Traverse Jurors.
Turbut. John Sample.
Lewit. Jacob Jsrrst, William McGuirs, David
Delaware John D. Linebach, Wilson Hutche
son, John M. Thatcher, Ptjter Shady, Joseph
Hayes George Walaon. , -
Milton. Jamea Whitler, Palmer Johnston, Ilen
rv Wilhelm, John Laib, Jscob Millar, John Evsn,
Patrick Montsaue,
Chillitquaque.luhn Voria, William Housel,
Thomas Ksser.
Poi nt. Jnhn Deal. Henry Morgan.
Northumberland James Tsggart, Thomas Gas
Sunbury Daniel Henmger.
Auguata Samnel lloiland, Dennis Woolverton.
Henry Btswer. Peter Kresger, John Sitrner, John
B. Shipm in, Thomas Snyder.
Shamokin. Charlea Maria, Samuel Kelly, Ni
cholas Yecum, Christian Bxuschlsg .
mviA. William Bear, Jacob Milham, Henry
I 'pper Mahonoy. Jonathan Reitx, John Mau
ri r. jr.
Loxetr Mahonoy. Jacob Bower, John Michael,
Jscb 8nytler.
Little Mahonoy. Laac Dornseif, Samuel Va
gener. 1
Jaekton.H'nrj Lat-eba. Daniel Hilbisb.
1'etit Jurors.
Turbut. Henrv Fol'mer.
' Lewii Peter Stihl. Thorn ia Rusd.
Drluxoare.h ae Pa ke, Joaeh Irwin.
M'ltnn.C, A. Lanten.
Chili tquaque. Charles Search, Nathan Jarret,
Point. Daniel Robins.
b'urthumberland.l imn Hilburn, Thomas Wi
thingtin. Diniel Brautiaam.
Sunbury. Iteulten Fegdy,
Aup'ttto. Dsvid Roeser, Solomon Hertxsl, aur,
juhn Hart. Frederick Hsss.
Shamokin. Sulum n Keller, William A miner,
man, Jamea John, William G. Kac, DtJ Miller,
Daniel Fecely, David N. Lake.
Ruth John Deaha, Jscob Gesrhart, Pater
Coat S.nmon Dunkalberxer, Henry Keyser,
Mieha. I Derrick.
Upper Mahon: Anthony Yoder, George
Ite.vler, Jonathan Kisenharl,
Lower jlfaAonoy Isaac Rothermel, Patsr Wit
mee. Jaekum John Uohner. -
fVHE suWriber beioe appointed by the Court
.L of Common Tless of NorthutoUrland county,
Auditor, lo eacertain and r port iba liena under ti e
second mnrtuage upon tha real stale of the Shaino
kin and Iron t'omany, in said county, in
order that a distribution may l e maile nf the pni.
ceeilaof lha la S slienfT's sle of aiid eitute. among
iha lien cstlilois, oa tha first Monday nf tha next
Apnl court, at Sunbury, a l persona holding or
claiming liena againrt sid ea sts sra hen by requi
red lo present them to the euharrilvr, at his office
in Sunbury, on or before lbs Slst dy of March
next. 11. B. MASSE It,
Feb. th, 1848 41 , Auditor.
yVo. 304. Market Street, above Of, South tide,
M THE subsoil era respectfully rail ths alien
aad lion of ibair frienda aud da.lera lo their large
and well sMrid stork of Ne'e and Csa of every
deacription. well adapted f r the a, ring trade. Bi
ll g mads of Iba beat m.leriul a. id by lha m t ex
peiiencrd workmen, they leat conldriit lo give uat-ae.-aal
aatiafaclino lo all who nisy fsvui ibem with
a trial, aa tiay affLr in sell as m aa any house in
tbeny. BAKI'ALOI'T dr. BLYNN.
Pbiladelpkia, January 8, 1848,
Blla Ss ' T. THITES,
RESPECTFULLY informa the ei
tixans of Sunbury and vicinity, that he
baa retnovad his residence lo the Brick
House in Msrket street, one door wat
of tha Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa
ore, ha hopes ft receive a continuation of Ihs liber
si patronage which haa heretofore been extended le
- Feu. $8, 1848. 6m
Opposite the Court tfotue,'
J , a THE Subscriber, who sssis'ed for se
' aiiki ''"'' yeara in the manatament of the a
""I Vbova Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Brs.
. 'flUeJdy, bega leave to inform tba favallina
public, that be haa taken the establishment on his
own account, on the first of January, 1848.
The House has, of late, undergone many impor
tant alterations, and the present Conductor promises
to leave nothing undone to make it a comfortable
and agreeable, aa well as a cheap and accommoda
ting stopping place for atranrera who may visit our
fi iuri-hine vtllsga. No pains nor expense will bs
spared to fill the table and the bar with the beat the
maiketa afford, and wtth the determination trt tie
vo-e his entire personal attention to the comfort of
ihoae whs tnav make hia nouae their temporary a
bode, and aidaJ by active, careful and obliging eer-
vanta, he hopea to give general sstisfsction, snd re
ceive a liberal ahare ol ciiMom. -
cCT Large and commodious STABLES are at
tached to the eetsbhshment, which are attended by
careful and obliging hosiers.
J unitary S4th, 1848. if
No. 70 South Third Strclt,
Opposite lha Philadelphia Exchange,
Manufscturo and keep eor-
Hsntly on hand, a large as 1 1 imi . P,at tm,
A( proved Sdsmander FIRE
PROOF SAFES, which ate
't v4 Its constructed aa to aet al reel
being atrictlf fire proof, and
tbat they will resist the fire of anv building in tbe
oorld. The outside cane nf the 8afea are made of
boiler iron, tha inside case of soapstone, and be
tween ihs outer ese snd inner rase is a space of
sume 3 inches thick, and is 6 1 led in with inde-ttur-tible
mttetiul, so sa to make il an impossibility to
ever burn any of lha con'enta inside of this Cheat
These Hospstone Sabmendeta we are prepared
and do challenge the world to produce any article
in tba shape of Boi-k Safes that will stand as much
best, and we bold ourselves reaily at all limes to
bsve them fairly tested bv pnblic bonfire, should a
nv cf our competitors feel diepoaed to try Ibem.
We also continue to msnufsrture and keep eon
atanlty on hand, a Isrge and general ssonmot of
our Premium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, rf which
we have a large quantity in use, and in every in
stance they have given entire aitiafaction to tbe
parchasera of wl ich we will refer the public to a
few gentlemen who hsve them in use.
N. dr. G. Tavlor, Itl north 81 at.; A. Wright
At Nephew, Vine si. whirf ; Alexander Csror, Con
veyancer, corner nf Fi'bert and 9th ais.; John M
Ford, 32 north 3J ntt Mver Rush, SO 3J
at. Bailey At Broiher, 138 M.iket st) Jamea M.
Paul, lot south 4th at.; Dr DaviJ Jayne, 8 sooth
3d st ; Matthew T. Miller, SO south 3d sL; and
we could name eome three or four hundred others
if It were necessary. Now we invite ihe attention
nf the public, and particularly ihoaa in want of
Fire Proof Safes, to csll at our store before purcha
sing elsewhere, and we think we can aalisfy them
that they will gel a better and cheaper article al
our store than any other establishment in the city.
We also continue lo manufucluie Seal and Co
pying Presses, made in such a manner aa to an
swer both puri'o-es I Hoisting Machines, Fire
Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locka
on Ibem, with D. Evans'e P.tcnl Keyhole cover
attached to tba ume ; plain and ornamental Iron
Railing, Ate.
N. B We keep constantly on hand a large aa
aurtment nl our Patent Mute Limd Refiigei tna,
Wster Filters snd C-itder ; snd we have alao on
hand several second hand Fire Proof Chests tsksn
in exchange for ours, which wa will d if pose of at
verv low prices.
Philadelphia. January S4ih. 1848. ly
COME WHERE I Why where do you sup
pose but lo the Cheap Store of Henry Masser,
in Msrket street, Sunburv. And for what purpose
do you think they cornel Why to btiv cheap, lo
be sure and save ut leat 20 per cent. "77iey teon't
do noA in' elte," because it is a well known fact
tbat at
the very bet articlea am sold at the very loweat
prices. Now come, one and sll ; bin don't sll e-wne
Where you will find a Splendid Assortment of
Fall nnd Winter Iry Goods,
just received, among which are the following t 8n
perfiue French Broadcloth; West nf England do,;
Heavy Beaver do, a fust rite article f.r Overcoats,
and a great variety nf Wool Dyed, Black and Fan
cy Casidraerea, Hattinetts, Mousselin-de-Uioes Rep.
delaines, Ca-hmeres. Alpsocis, Atr., Ate. Alao, a
beautiful assortment rf Cslicoea of the latest styba
snd psltvrns, which ni l be sold cheaper than aver;
also, Woolen and other Sltaola ia great vstiety,
from 40 rls. to $10; a general assortment cf Ho
rn ry, Gloves, Suspenders, Milts, Ace, Ate a Is r ire
aortincni of Wnnittii's, Men's and Mi-ses Gum
Shews, which wiil be aold cheaper rbao ever befjre
He Use Kkrwise, In addition t the above slock,
an rxtensive sasoriment of Quetntvare, Hurdioart,
Saddlery and Groceries, eiugi from 8 to 10, IS J
aud IS rl-. per lb; (!! Coffee al 10, Very B at
at IJ. Also. Niil;S(.ike; lron Sandeiaii 'sbesl
Cssl Heel; English, Ame'ican snd Blister
do. in abort, avery thing t!sl i u.uatly k I in a
Cuunirv Store, all of which wiU be sold al very
reduced prices.
tj3 Country Produce of all kinds takaa in X
cbsiige for Goods.
Sunbury. Nov.tSd, 1845.
. . R E 3 TT1 E D .
Of the late firms if tfewkith 4 Stryktr, and
giryser sy "lgr,
Tl AS resumed ibe Wholesale Dry Dvtds Bu.i-
s-X ness, and now oilers for ealc, at Noe. IS and
14 Bank atreet, Philadelphia, sdjduii.g Myers,
Clathorn At Co's Auction Store, N' f 8 Msrket
atreel, a general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
porchsseJ at auction at a very auiall advanee fur
I II f
cash, or ciiy acceptance.
BtUrving that bis long eaperience in putcbs-rg
will rnsble bim to s. Il bis Oo-xl al ibe lowest Mae.
k t pi ics, he invitee hia old fneuds, and. sjiheri
wishing la bay, to fssor bim with a calk,
Philadelphia, Xav. I, r48wei
R.'JJlJLJ-SJiJlJUiii.gL J,
T BCQ leave to Inf -rm tha public that I have left
Philadelphia.' and am now located in Hani
burg, ths st of tha Eiecutivs snd State Govern
ment of Pennsvlvanls. where I now occtirv tbe
spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Mstthsvr
wnson. ' ' '
This spscioos building, having been pti'posely
ptasjued and erected for a Hotel of the firat clssar
is Rot surpaeaed if equalled, by any aimilar sstsb-
lishnsetit in I'ennsylvsnia t anJ having uniletgnne
s thovongh renovation, tha pa i lots, rooms snd
chambers srs now fitted up in s style that cam
bines etegsnce with comfort and eonvenience.
My TABLE ia pledged to be supplied with lb
bant fare the Markets can produce i tha ehtrgee aa
the rat time being ss moderste ss sny of tha beat
regulated aatal bailments elsewhere. In short, n
sxeitions shall bs spared on my pirt, or on Ihe pnrt
ef every member of my household, to make it what
it should be, in the Capital of one of the most pop'
uloua snd interesting Sister of tba Union.
With these promises, accommodations and fi Po
lities, and tbe far! thst the Hotel ia most eligiblv
situated, I with confidence, most respectfully Soli
cit ths patronage of ths Public
Late of Herr's Hotel, Chssnut st, Phiied.
Rarrl-bure. Nov. SS, 184.V
To Pnrchascrs of
THE subscribe'. No. 131 Tesrl street, Ne
York, having eslahlihed a Branch at No. 23 J
South Second sU, Philadelphia, is now opening,
and will be consisntly receiving from tha Ntw
York Auctinna. an extensive assortment of
which will be sold st ths lowesl New York prees.
st wholesale snd Retail. Among h i stk will li
found a good assortment cf tho follnwieg article-t
Jacconels, Plaid. Hair Cord, Lac. 8tripe. Book.
Swiaand Tarlatan Muslins, Bishnp and Linen
Lawne, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Diw-e-,
Thread Laees, Applicaiion Dii., rich B'ack Si k
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics.
Linen Cambric Hdkfe., Curtain Fringes, Ce.hmeie.
d'Ecos, Mouaelino da Laina, Hilk and Cotton
Warp Alpatxss, Queen's Cloth, Gala Plaid-..
French Merinos, Bl .ck Silks, Glove, Si k Hose,
Shawla, Crava'a, Ribbon , Embroideries, Ate., dec.
Country Merchants and others visiting rbiuuel
hia or New York to purchase, are respectfully In
vited lo csll and examine the stocks.
Nov. 1. 1645 ly G. H. MOORE.
Nt. 18 A'sWA ith street, a few doors a&ues Mar kit
HAS eont mlly on band a very large assort
ment nf Looking Glaaes, Baskets, Cedtir VVare
and Fancy Goodf, which will be sold wholesale ac
the verv loweat price.
N. B. Looking G'saars iniursd to any part of
ihe country, without charge.
Nov. 1, 1845 Dm
IVe recommend nil of our friends visiting the
city, to call ut the I'ekin Company's Store,
and lay in a supply of their Jtlicious Teas.
No. 30, Sjuts Stskxt, Bttwecn Market
ami rhestnit,
TV AVE constantly on hand, snd for atla,
I I Wholesale and Retnil.
At Lower Prices,
according lo the qu.ny, than lliey can be bought
for at any other establishment in ihe city.
Txas, exclusively, sre sold at th;e house,
and several vsrietiee which cannot be obtained else
where. Any Teas which do nt give intire ami
faction can he returned and exchanged, or tba m
ney will be refunded.
The citizens of No-thumberlind county are ro-
spectfully invited to give us a csll.
(J. V. Zlt.lir.Ii,
Agent for the Pi kin Tea Cumpsuv.
Phi'adeliibia. Sept. 27ih, 1845. ly
D.lQVERRl.ty GALLERY of Patent Preni.
wm Colored likenrMes, and Photographs
Depot i
No. 130Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. 251 Brosdwsy. New York ; No. 75 Cmiri
Street, Boston ; No. 136 Cheenut Street, I'liils
delphia ; Baltimore fetrrjet, Baltimore ;
way, Saratoga fpringa No 6G Canal Siieet.
New-Orleana ; Main Street Newport, R. I. Ar.J
Main Street. Du Buque, Iowa,
CONSTITUTING tbe oldest and most Ext. i,.
sive EaUhluhinent of the kind in Ibe Wotl I,
snd cont .iitinj more tbsn a THOUSAND l'tM!
TRAITS, embracino; ihose of some nf the nmt
distinguished individuals, in the United Slates.
Admittance free.
This Etablihment hiving been awarded t!:e
Medal, Four Firtt Premiumr, nd twouHifthet
Honors'' at the Exhibitione at Boston, New-Yo.k
and I hilsdcli hia. respectively, for hel I'icluiei sr. I
Apparatus, is thua ofjlcialty sustained in the por
tion of superiority heretofore universalis assigned .1
by tha public, as "Firtt in the World."
June28ih, 1815. ly
THE SUBSCRIBER haa been appointed aren
for lbs aula. frn.MUD MEVKR's lIM.
ANOS, at Ibis place. These Pianoa have a plain,
rnasaiva and biauiiful siterior fi..i b, and, f.-r de It
and sweetness of loue, and eU'g tore nf wnrkniaii.
hip, are nut aurpaaed bv any ill the United !S:at.
Ti e following ia a recomiucudaiion fiom Cmi
Dibtb, a ctiUbrstad paifo'mer, aud biwiclf a luaii
ufsciuieri A CARD.
Iliviae bad the pleasure of Irving tbe rxre'
lent Piano Forlee metifaetured by Mr. Meyer,
rxbibltedat the li.t exhibition of lbs Kr i.k'iii I. -alitu'e,
I feel il due to tbe Una meiit of the maker
to t'eclare that theae iuslrumerita are quiis rqoa ,
and In some refpec's even ruperior. to ad ilia Pi
ano Fittee, I asw at ibe capitals of EU'OJ a, BiiJ
during a aojoUrn of twn years al Paris.
The- Pianoa will be i-o d at Ihe manufaetLr. r'
lowast Philsdrl hia prices, if not aomcthing lowei.
Persona are reque.teJ io call and examine f t
ibemaelve, at tbe residence of the subtcnliee.
Suoburv. Msv 17.1845, II. B. M AiSER.
THE Store B k, Aecnunts and Notea of IT.
B. Maaerr, have been flac-d in the hands it
niagutrate for etltreion. Peieon whoeaceuit
havo been (JVoig siandn g, nmy sjs costs by si the atrne wtthiiui further ib lav.
tjoubory. Jew 8. 1848 11. . MASsnP
HTllE.Vr. Ibe higiiiat piics aien i'r
Y Wbvat. at ihe sto.e nf II. M ASrEK
A new sopplv of Rose Omtmeul just rsceia.i.
Nov. 8ih, 1815.
Alt IRON Just received snd for sale,
foreariba HENRY MAsaiLi
eastbary, ISrpt. tO, UiU