Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 07, 1846, Image 4

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Death of Dr. Braalee. the Mall Rebwer,
'- ""We tear, tot Hlie Commercial7oTirns1, of
rittbar,Tharwi Prida t,U1TRtorfcu(.;
Old id many tespccta, emarkable mm, died i
In cll, in the Western Penitentiary. He whi
'rwnvrcvHtwTOuDinjr tne mstvnna impriwe
V, itl remembered, fajiSilurgua'nt tpaen.
,tence, by Judge Baldwin, for tee years. The
'Jonrr eeissi' j,J ii .! it .'- '
"S'lnrtljr after his incarceration, he conceived
, tli idee of procuring bis liberation bysimiils--'me-
a decline of health." , rr this porpdee1 he
'wnbM "rjrlck' his rVutns' with fin awls, which
.were (upplie4 fo jiim in tie ocatPU h had
chosen, that fif shoentsker, end hsvinp esfurt
litl hi towel with blond, was'fcrwaye prepared
'? the stefeiJ visit of physician or chaplain, with
thin evidence oft dangerous hemorrhage from
the htg,lo which he wae always careful to adu
a (f 'flicult snc! painful respiration, . tl is physi
cian was able, sometimes, to engage the Buffer
in? doctor in conversations, in which he wnuld
Vcome sufficiently animatcJ to forgei his pain
ful breath i np, but, on the instant that he would
tHCollccl himself, the difficulty would return.
These practices, It ia believed, brought on the
disease which terminated hia life, and he died
at last of a pulmonary a flection."
UntH two weeks before his death hit disease
tad not assumed a formidable type, but then he
b !an to sink rapidly. Up to this period he had
KT.-adily and vehemently asserted hie innocence
t' the crimes imputed to him, but so soon as he
hf came convinced that hit recovery wis im
possible, he confessed his gtiilt, end,' although
We are restrained by prudential considerations,
train ftrther allusion to this point, we may ven
ture to add, that in his -Confession he has impli
rated several persons who had not been suspect
cd of participating in his crimes. : ,.' , ,. u y
It is known that Braddee's wife, who clung to
h'tn during his trial, and Supgentrd by her pre
sence and sign's of affliction, that beautiful apos
trophe to love in anguish, with which Mr. Bid-.
He in Braddee defence, electrified the crowd
ed auditory, had been unfaithful to her vows, and
married another during Braddee's inipri-sonment.
If was not made acquainted with the fact, arid,
tr t lte tivo years ho was in confinement, he was
fimd of an opportunity of talking about his 'wife
and children;' He epoke of them in terms or
worm Bilection, and undoubtedly his desire ; to
recover his liberty was stimulated by attach
ment to them ; even after he became aware
that lie must soon die, he desired to be at liber
ty, even if it were to die in a barn, to the end,
I'.at ho might not die a prisoner. But so soon
he learned the conduct of bis wife, be instant
ly ceased to wish for freedom.- It wss the final
blow to the poor convict ; the unexpected thrust,
hke that which extorted the 'memorable tt tu
Drvle, commanding surrender ; and, poor rei
ki', he gave 'up at once. He never after men
tiuned wife or child, or desired to move beyond
the limits of his cell. The name of his wire was
avoided with an iron will, although for the pre
vious years of his confinement, it had beea a
pleasant and hopeful theme. ' ; . ,
. A question was a long time existing whether
Ursddee could read or write. In his last illness
it wax satisfactorily ascertained that he could do
neither, although every effort in the early part
of his imprisonment to determine the question
was unsuccessful.
- Braddee died a penitent, it ia believed. If he
was a very great villain, he seems to have had,
nevertheless, room in his heart for some afiec
tmnate impulses; and we cannot record his fi
delity to his wife without feeling a regret that
she proved unfaithful." . J, j
Fall or Worms. We find in the last Con-
preiitioiiul Journal, Concord, N. II., the follow
ing' singular and wonderful account of what ap
pears to have been a shower of small worms in
connection with a full of snow. The Rev. I. S.
D.vis, the narrator, is the brother of the late
Mayor ot Boston, and a man of the most exem
plary character and unquestionable veracity.
His statement is as follows :
' "As I was returning from Pierpont on Mon
day, the 1st ot Dec-, I saw on the snow which
had fallen during the night, that I aupposed to
bo oats, spread broad-cast; but not seeing any
track in the snow, for I was the first that tra
velled the road after the snow fell, my curiosity
led me to descend from my carriage and exam
ire ; when, to my great surprise, I found that
the objects I saw were living uormt, about an
inch long, lying on the top of the snow by hun
dreds ; and these were scattered along the road
I travelled for a distance of not less than five
miles. I would say farther, that there were no
trees near from which the worms might have
been shaken, and if there had been, and the
worms had been on them, they would all have
been frozen, for it had been very cold, and the
ground was frozen hard before the snow (ell.
The worms were ulive, for they immediately
coiled up when I took them in my hand. .Tliey
were of a brown color with about 12 or 16
lege." ' ; '
Msttv witji Justice. A Mr. Sterling, who
ws minister of lbs barony church of Glasgow,
during the war with this and other countries,
oianiained against tbe insatiable ambition of Lou
is XIV., in that part of tbe prayer relating to
jiiidiic ttuirt, used to bt-saecb the Lord that tie
wU Uk the haughty tyrant of France, and
ab&ke bim ever ths month of bell; "But, good
Lard,' added the worthy man. "dinna let him
fa' tit." This curious prayer hsving been men
tioned to Louie he laughed heartily at his new
Slid ingenious method of nuniahinv amhition.
and frequently afterwards gave aa a toast, "The
good Scoife parson. M"-" -..
Ccohomi-A Mghber f ours informs es, says
ths Providence Journal, that wood got further,
when left eut of doers, than well
ef his having goes upwaifa af a ewerfcr mi$
is see eight. .-..
t rTnt Mlowiof shawetbe cnmmt value of all
frnnsv'vnnis Unk Notes, , Tbe moat implicit te
liinre m.v be placed upon it, as it i every Week
lawfully eoinpared with and xairaeied 'from-Bitki
nell's Rrporler. r j ' H
Ttiinkt in Phliadtptila; ' j
. ' ' " ritAD.
Bank of North Amerlet '
Rank of the Northern Lihertlr'
Ortmtnercisl flank of PennV (
Fanrem' Sod Mechanics' Bank
Kehtntftlin -Bank 1 1" '
' par
' par
: par
' par
' par
' jar
, par
i :i
Srhuvlkill Bank'' . " . '
SftUthwark Bank ; '
Weatem Bank ; : , "' 1 ;
Mechsnica' Bank " . ' ' .
Manuraoturers' Mechanics' Bonk
Country ISanlm.
Bank of Chaster CountyS Westehester
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of Oermantown -Bank
of Montgomery Co.
Oejlestrtwn Bank ' '
baaton Bank
Baaton .
Farmers'' Bank of Burks eo. Brintol
OfTii e of Bank of Perm's. Harriahurg"! These
Office " do " do
. Lancaster
r Li
Office ' do do '
Office ' do do 1
do not
baaton , J issue n.
ank of the United Statca ' ' Philadelphia
Rank of Penn Township .
GirardCan'k , , f
Moyameneing Bank ' ' . . , ,
Bank of I'cnnavlvatiia .' .
..... par
' ?. ps-
i . . , ' - V'
. . par
Pottaville j
Lewktown ' 1 J
MidJIetown . I at
Miners Batik of Pottaville
Bank of f.ewist.iwn
Bank rf Midtllctnwn '
Bank of Nnrthumbcilnn J
Norlhumberland par
tsolumt'ia Bank dc Bridge co.Onlumhia
: i
pa i
I arhsle Bank" ' , Uiirlisle
Exchange Bank f Pittahurg
I)o di hranch of Hullidavabnrg
Farmers' Bnnk of Laneaater Lancaatet
Lancaster County Bank ' I.aneaiter ' ' .
Farmera Bank of Reading ' Beading
ilarriaburjf Bank
Lancas'er Bank ' '' 'j
f.elinricin Bank ' "
Merrhnnta'A Manuf. Bank
Bsnk of Piltahurg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
Nnrthamptoti Bank
Berks County Bank
ObVe of Bank of U. 8.
Do ; do do
Do "do do
Kensington 8av. Ins. A
Harriaburg j
Lancaater . par
New Brighton
do ,
Penn Townnhip 8av. Ins.
Bank of Chamberaburg
Bank of Oeltyaburg
Bonk of iSu-quehanni Co.
Erie Bank
Farmera' At'Drovera Bank
Franklin Bank
Hnnesdale Bank '
Munongaliela Bank of B.
York Bank
Erie '
' N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, snd substitute a daah ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokera, wiih the
exception of those which hate a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Philadelphia , failed
Philadelphia Loan Co, i . . , do failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. . , do . f.iiled
Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Droit, prop.) failed
Powsnda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Daver , - .,,
Bank of Swatara
Bank of Washington " '
Centra Bank "
City. Bank i i ',. ' '. '
Farmers' &. Mech'cs' Bank
Fsrmera' &. Mech'cs' Bank
Farmera' Ac Merh'cs" Bank
Harmony Insiilute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank '
Lumliermeii's Bank
iirihern Bank of Ps. '
New Hope Drl. BrUge Co.
Northumb'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Ba'ik of Pa.
Oilife of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr, &. Manuf. Bank
Bedford ,
Beaver ,
' Bellefonts
' Plttabuig i
Fayette co.
Harmony '
no sale
no rale
no sale
Huntingdon no sale
Lewixiown no aile
New Hope
Mead title
Port Carbon
- Monlrnae
no sale
no tale
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
eatmoreland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
Wilkeabarre no sale
(TT All notes puriiorting to be on any Penncyl-
vanie Bank not given in the above li.t, may be set
lewn aa fraada.
Bank of New Biunswick
Perth Amboy
Bridget on
Mount Holly .
Beltideie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank '
farmera' Bunk
Farmers' and Mechanic' Bk liahway
Farmers' and Mechamca'Bk N. Biunswick (ailed
Farmera' and Men hanu' Bk Middietown Pt. I
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jerey City
fail, d
- failed
no aale
Hoboken Bke;& Orasing C o ilobken
lersey City Bank
Jersey City
Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Bank
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanic' Bank
Mechanics' end Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bkg Co
fort Notes - '
Newark Bkg & Ins Co
New Hops Del Bridge Co
Ii. i. Manufuc. and Bks Co
;' i
Lambert vjlle
N J Prowckm dr. Lombard bk Jersey Cily
Orange Bank Orangs
Palersofl Bank Psieraoa
Peoiites' Bsnk do '
Princeton Bank ' Princeton -Salem
Banking Co ' ' Salem '
State Bank Newark '
Slate Bank ' ' Eliwbethtown
State Bank Camden
State B.Nik of Morria ' ' Morriatowii
State Bank Trenton
Saleut and Phrlad Manuf Co Salem ''
Sussex Bank Newton '
Trenton Banking Co ' 1 ' ' .Trenton
Union Bank . , Davef . ...
Waahiugton Banking CtV' Hackensack
Bk ef Wilm & BrsndyWins Wilmington '
Bankef Delaware ..-.. ' Wilmiogtoav
Bank of Smyrna . '- Smyrna
P'. ; hranch . - 'Millard
Farmers' Bk of State of Del Doves i , . .
-i i : i,u Piaoca
' D i ; . branch
, Da ' breech
Union, Bank , ,T,i
0 Under 6's
. Neweaatle :
ALT' Oe all banks rnaikad thus I ) there are rU
the eoaeserfeit or a lured stotaa ef the various da
ta eireHlatlon, ' . ..... i
VMutiDli Uvtltlttt.
T1 1,4 BftftfrMta's Vtarrve-e ertfttih tur$ tor
vmrai.r..ii,l mmrm mlMttiM to laka. i
t t. Giaaa'a Eiticts. which remove Oressd
of all kindsv Dry rPaints, Tsr, Tarnish ant Wr(
from carpets or from clothing, without iirjuring the
color or ths clothe, , . '. ; r, n f
,3. Lontine Fit Parsa-vthebsst thing known
for killing flies snd musquitnes. - U ..; ' , -
4. A certain Destroyer of Rath, Miee, Roaches
and Antyand another of Bed Bes. u !
0. OesjeV Srfetrte for sour stomach, Heart
Burn and Water Brash, by one who bad auflVred
' thirteen years, before he i1lcoverel the Cure; '.'' ;
DR. Ststss's Oataw Oixtmist lor ths Piles.
tt has never failed' to cote. ' , '
. 7. Haaatfton'e Tsttk Wae.
A. BatMorto's IsntLiats Isa, without , a
rival. ' ," ' ' .' ., '
' 9. Tai ,Co!rorn Co"rt:rTio Or T"ioa
jnat 0e medicine for children and for women, it Is
so pleasant to lake. , .
( 10. Brra's Viettists AsTtstttnos Pitta.
It. Gohm's EiotttasT WTtn,-rBoo pAatt,
fir Hnrnrsa, Boots, dec. It softens the latherland
keeps' not he water. ' 1 ,
12. Pooa M'i $TaieTHi!in PtasTta.'
13. Jacksok's DitaartdtA MixTcnt, which
cures the worst Diarrhcoa in a few, hours. ,
14 Jaraaosi's DtssiTf MiiTcns, a cer
tain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer
Complaint. .
The above valuable articles are sold who'eea'e
and reiail, bv L. C. GUNN, Kn. 1 South F fth
ttrrrt, Philadelphia where Siorrkecpers and o
ihers will be supr ied with pure African Cayenne
TVpjer, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paint, Oils, Glasa
and Varnishes, at the lowet prices. Terms only
cah, dj Cut out the advertisement, and bring
it with yon.
' Phil . delf.nis. July 19th. 1813. 1v.
Compound Syrup or Tar & Wood
' . j . i Aapthn. !
flIIE unprecediintrd success of this ntedieinn. in
X the restoration of healih, lo those who, in dee
pair, had given up all hopes, has given it sn exal
ted reputation ahove all oilier remedies, fuwihiiig
evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as the on
ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption,' Brotiehittis, Asthma,
Pain in the side and Brest, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cnugh, Croup, &c . ,
Attention is requested lo the following ASTON
ISHING CUIIE, bv Thomson's Compound Syrup
of Tsr snd Wood Naplhal !
Philadelphia, May 3t, 1841.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With cntefu!
feelings I inform you of the astonishing effects of
your meilicine, hich hss literally taia d me from
a death-bed I My dirae, Pulmon.iry Con-un p
lion, had reduced me o low that my pbyaician pro
nojticed my case hopeless I At this junclion I be
gan to o-e your medicine, and miraculous as it may
eem, it has completely restored me to health, alter
everything rise had failed. Repeetfullv vours.
Charlotte street, above George street.
Th undersigned, being personadv acquainted
with Waxhingt-n Mck and his sufTerings, bear
witness to the atonihing rtTect of Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tar, snd tbe truth of the a
hove statement. ' 1
JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street,
DAVID VICKERS, 43 Almond street, . ..
HUGH M'GINI.EY, S. E. corner Tsmany
and Fourth aireeti". ' . ' t
, Prepared only by S. P. Thomaon. N. E. corner
of 5th and Spruce atrerta, Plii mlelphia.
' Agents. H. B. Masar r, Sunbury ; D. Gross,
snd Dr. Macpheraon, II i:iitmrg ; Jnn. G. Bfwn,
Buttsvi'le ; Geo. Earl, Rending ; Houston ft Ms
on, Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. Price 60 cents
per boltle, or $ 5 p r dozen.
(J3 Beware of all imilaVan.
Philadelphia. June 58th, 1845. If
C ff 1 II II C V s .
rilHE suliecribers would respectfully inform the
JL Citizens of Sunbury and the public generally,
that they have purcliaxed the shop of Mr. William
Hoover, in Market atnet, ore door weat of the Putt
OlTke, where they will continue the
craliinel-.TIakiii IIusines,
Lin all its branches. The public may cspect their
work done in the latest sty U. They hope, by atrict
attention to boims, to merit a share of publx
(QT Coffins made to orler on the shortest notice,
and country produce ti.ken in exchange for work.
Sunhury, May 17th. 1845. ly.
' South East corner of Market and 4th $ts'.,
WHERE they always keep on hand an exten
sive ssorttnent of HATS (J CA PS of every
description, got up in the best and mot approved
stj le. Persons derirous ef purchasing superior arti
cles on I he moat rea hoi able terms, will find il lo
ibeir advanlogu to call before making purchase
Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1914. Iv
nbs put he will please observe that no Brandreth
Pills are genuine, unless the box has ihree la
Ms upon U, (the top, the aii'e and tbs bottom)
each containing s fic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Bbsmiibsth, M. D. These la.
M-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at anetpenseof over $'i,0(K). Therefore
it will be seen that the only thing nerecsary to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
lull III.
Remember ths top, the side, end tbs bottom.
The fallowing lespeciive persons are duly authori
sed, and hold '
Fur ths sale of Brandreih't Vegetublt Universal
. ruu.
Northumberland eountv : Milton Maekey : St
Chamheilin.' Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville Ireland dt Meisell. NorihumlilsnJ Wm.
Forsyth. Geortetown J. &, J. Walla.
Union County i New Berlin Bogar Sc. Win
ter. Selinsroe-George Gundrum. Middle
burg laaae Smith. Beavertown David Hubler.
Adumaburg Wm- J. May. Mifflinabuig Menacb
Si Ray, Ha'tlelon Daniel Long. Freebiirg
U.JtF. C. Moyer. Lewiaburg Walls St Green.
Columbia county l DanvilU) E. B. Heyuolda
Si Co, Berwick Shuman Jet Rittenhouse. Cat
tawissa C, G, Brobts. Bloomsburg John R.
Moyer. : Jsisey Town Lsvi Bisel. Washington
Robl. McCay. . UmeOone DalM Mj.Nioch.
. Observe that seen Agent haa an Engraved Cer
tificate ef Agency, containing a representation of
Ik BKANDKETH'S Manufactory et Sing Sing,
and upon which will elao be seen eiect eopiea of
lbs new lahel new tiseaf upon tht brandreth Pill
Bore. ..--' i ::..;! i .-. . , . .
Philadelphia, effice No. 8, North th street.
... i - B. BRAiVDkETlI, M. D.
Jens 4tk, 184. - - , i . .t
i .-. i I .. j n I .... .
A CvXajMiwvMl staleemle "tVreaaelsei fresnl
SlT ,; v' . ''!T.Tr si's ana 1'art I
tiie bri remedy known lo tin ' world for the curt f
wuirns, eoifte. amnma, ermip, oiretltng of I it
lungs, ahoopittf emifh, itwtehttii, inftw
. .' i tntm, tharlnet of breath, pain and '
.. . , " iurokneit in the brwt or tide, ;'.
: ii i liverieomf)laintt:nd (ht "
Jirit tlagrt of .' r . i . . j
" We wltl not ssirrt that this BALSAM will core
Consumption in 1st tooraf frm, but it has cured
many .after alt other means of relief had been tried
l9valrt. And why not! It seems that (he WILD
CHERRY was deatlnrd by Natitis tn he our PA
NAt'EA for the rsvaging diseases of this eld la
tilude. Let not the despairing invalid waste his
money and looe TIME, tn him ao all impor'ant.
In ixfierimenling with the traahy nostrums of the
day. hut use at ante a mediritie that will cure.. If a
cure be poalhle a medicine that science approves,
and manv years of experience Jiavg demonatrated
that tt alway relieves. .
, "There it no tueh thing at fail." in the history
of ihia wonderful BALSAM. Evidence the moat
convincing-evedenee that no one can doubt, fully
eslsliH hes this fact. For the asks of brevity we
select the fol'owing from thousands. j, ,,c
ltae Plait, Esq., Editor of the Pokeepaie Eagle,
one of the m st influential journala in the state of
New York, atatra undei the authority of his own
name, that a young Isdy, s relative of his, of very
delicate constitution, was attacked in Feb. 1842,
with severe cold, whirtymmediatety produced spit
ting of blood, cough, fever, and other dangerous and
alarming symptoms. Through medical tieatment
nd cue she paitially recovered during .summer.
But on the return of winter she waa attacked more
violently than at first, she became scarcely able to
walk and was troubled with cough, fhills and fever
every day, and appeared to be going rapidly with
consumption ; at this time, when there waa n sign
of improvement, Mr.- Plait procured a bottle i f
Wistak's Balsam or Wtto Cmmar, which she
took, and it siemingly restored her. She g,. a sc.
cond, and before it wa half taken she waa restored
tn perfect health, which she has enjoyed to the pre
sent time, without the slighter! symptom of her for
mer di'eise. ' . v..
Mr. Piatt sava "jhe cure eime under my own ob
seivation and I cannot be miatakrn aa to the facts."
Prat anoKt, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 39,1844.
MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At ths request-
of many of my friends in thia place and vici
nity who are afflicted with consumption and liver
complaints, I take the li!eny of asking you to ap
point someone in this county as agent tonell Wis
tah's Balsam or VVn.n CiisnaT.anil to send him
a few dozen, as there is none of it fr sale within
"00 miles from this. I have no doubt thai it would
me. t with a ready sale if it were where it eou'd l e
piocured without too much expense and delay.
My wife v as attacked abeul six nvnlha since
with what the physicians called the fir! 's'sge of
conumption a complaint vrry prevalent in this
si ci inn of country. Having seen the Da earn ad
vertiseJ in Augusta.
C7 2200 ZrTH.ES FBOJVI nZ3lS,8
I took the pains to send there for a bollle of il,
which she took, and which helped her ao much that
I sent for two hotilcs more, which she hss also ta
ken, and he now saya ahe hat not felt so well for
ii years as she does at this lime. .AH those who
have inquired of me and ascertained what effect the
Ltalssm bad, are anxious to have some for sale in
ll.ii vicinity, which is tbe cause of my writing you.
Pleaae inform me by. return of mail whether you
roncldde to send some, snd if solo whom, in order
that it may be known where it ran be had,
I am with re.pecl yours, ele.i
- The whole country is fast learning that no medi
cine no physician no preparation of any kind
whatever can eqnal Da. WiaTAa's Calsak or
Wild Cunnsr. .;.!
WATSvitt,Dneidseo.. N, Y.Sept. IS, 1643.
Dear Sir I owe it lo the afflicted to inform vu
that in Junuary last I was attacked by a very vio
lent cold, caused by woikiug in ihe water, which
settled on my lungs. It was accompanied by a ve
ry aevere pain in my breast snd sides, and also a
distiesing cough. I had in attendance all the lst
medical aid in eur village ; but after exhaunting all
their skill to no avail, ihey pronounced my dieae a
coMriRMSn consoMPTios, and they one and all
gave me up to ilie. After much persuasion 1 got
the consent of my physician to ush the Balsam or
Who Crfrrv prepared by Da. Wia-raa. I pur
chased of the Agent in our one botlle, before
using half of which I began to gain strength, and it
was very evident my cough wss ouch better and
my symptoms in every By improving. I have
now used three bottles, and cm rettored to perfttt
health.' This reult is abne owing to the ne of
RY ; and I take this method of giving you the in
formation, partly to pay you the debt of gratitude
I owe you, and partly that othera similarly afflicted
ma) know where lo apply for relief.'
Very trulv yours, JAMES SAGE.
M n. Palm ta. Druggist, under date of Waterville,
Sept. ?llh, 1843, writes;
The statement given you by Mr. Jsmes Sage is
well known to be true by this whole eommumtv.
It ci rtainly waa a most remarkal le cure. The sale
of ihe Balaam is very good, and its success in cures
truty flattering. Yours respectfully.
, , ; D. D. PALMER.
Hannosriain, N. J , April 20, 1843.
On or about the 13lRtay of October, 1841, I waa
taken with a violent pain in ihe aide near the liver,
which continued for about five daya, and was fol
lowed by tbe breaking of an ulcer, or alecess, in
wardly, which relieved ths pain s little, but caused
me to throw ops great quantity of offensive mattei
and also much blood. Being greatly alarmed at
this. I applied to a phy aician, but he said be thought
he could do but liltle for me exept give rnn some
Mercury Pill, which I refused to take, feeling
satisfied that they could do bis no good many o
ther remedies were then procured by my wife and
friends, but none did me any good and the die.
charge of blood and coirupiion still continued evry
few days, end at last become ao offtnaive that I
could scarcely breathe. I wis also asiaed with a vi.
olent cough, which at times csued me to raise
much mors bloo.1 than I bad done before and my
disease continued in this way. still growing worse.
iruary, when all hope uf any rec-very wss
given up, snd my IfigHds all thought would die
of a GaiLuriMe CosauiaeTios. At this moment,
when my life .s apparen I drawing near iu close,
W ILD CHELBY. sud got a bottle which as
tisviu si iMMsniATiu i and by the use of only
three bottles of lb la medicine,, all my pains were
removed my cough and spilling of blood and cor
ruption entirely stopped, ami in a fear my
bealiq ao far resumed as to enable me. to work
at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up le this
urns 1 have enjoyed good health.
CtoocssTaa CeeTf , N. J , as.
' . tN i. ; . U j ' 1
the Jejtiees of the Peace in end tor the- aerdeoens
ty, Thomas Cozens, and being duly affirmed sc.
cording to law, aaitb the above . statement is In'all
tbineetme.1 .lil' .biu.'i
Affirmed brfurs sag, on ths SOth of Aprik 1843. ? I
r , " ' J. Clsmist, J p, , 5,
Such Is ths unprecedented success oTthis BAL-j
8AM, " I
a fcrescriptlon eongeni il to oor wants, aa it is pre
pared from-chemical extracts from subslsnces which
the suthor of nature has placed in our own land
for wise purposes, that many who know nothing
of the mode of its prepar ation are endeavoring to
reap pecuniary benefjla by selling an article similar
in name, or in appearance, or by representing their
nwn trash as auperior to this BALSAM, er by put
ting up a mixtuie and solemnly asseverating that it
ia imported from a foreign country, which ia net the
caae. All these deceptive aria goto show . that
VVmtar's Balsam is known to the world to be
'THE fillEAT REMEDY." nm that' to ,.
any mixtare it must be like this in nemev sr -pur
port to he like it in substance.
X7 llelieVe not the cunningly wroncht fabrics,
lions tnd lake ' only the original snd genuine
Wistar's Balsam or Wilo Crsrrt. i
Address r, orders to ISAAC BUITS, No. 3S
A nrt St., New York. "- '
Agenu, JOHN W. FRILTNO. Stnourv.
D. BRAUTItlAM. Korthumlerland,
J. K. MOYER. Blimmnbttrg,
BROWN Ac CREA8Y, Mifflmville.
"Feb. S2d. 1845 ly M
THE valuable properties of Oakley's DemjrsJ.
live Syrnp of Sarsnparilla, as a purifier of ihe
blood, ts ao Well known to the public general! v,
that it is onntressry to ocenpy much "pare in set
ting forth the advantages to be derived from ila
use; wherever the medicine haa once been intro
duced, it take precedence over all others : every
nnethet baa taken it, have derived so signsl bene
ficial results from it, that it ie recommended by
them wiih the u most ronfidenee. Physicians of
tne tngnest stan-ling in the profesaion, prescribe it
to pstients nn.ler their care ; containing nothing
deli terinu. but being composed ot the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetsble materials, it is ofTored with
confidence, aa the che.tpeat and most efficient pu
rifier of ihe blond now known. The use of a few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended with a most decided improvement in the ge
neral alrenglh of the eysiem, eradicating any seeil
of disease that may have been generated, betides
giviBg health and vigor to Ihe body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rbeummiam. Tetter.
Pimples or eiuptionsof the Skin, White Swrlling.
fistula. Chronic Cough, &c The no
merous certificates in the poscsion of the subacrl-
ber aod his agents, from physicians and others, are
sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su-
periority over sll preparations of Sarsaparilla.
Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5th tre.-t, Rea
ding, Beiks County, and to Im bs.l of the following
persons !
In nrthumberhmd County. -If. B. Maane
Sunbury ; Ireland St Mixel, McEwenaville ; D
Krauaer. Milton. '
In Union1 County. J. Gearhart, 8elingrove
A. Gulelins. Mifflinhurg.
7n Columbia County. B. W. McCay, Wash
ington. 1 ' " ' '
Reading, March 14. 1843.
Ms. Oaklxt : I believe it the uty of every
one to do whatever in their power I ie, for the b-nc.
fit of their fellow man, and having had pnsiiive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depurativa Syrup of Satsaparilla, I m 'at
conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We
had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous aores that covered the
face, head and neck, although we had some of the
most scientific physician to attend th. m and had
tried all the known temedies, including Swaim's
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
waa attacked in the same manner, ber face and
neck waa completely covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and tbe diseaae at such a height, that we
despaired of ber life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of your Depurativa Syrup of Sarsaparilla, we were
induced to make trial of it, aa the last rea.irl; it
acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing
immediately, a f w bottles entirely restored her to
ber .health, which she hs enjoyed uninterruptedly
ever since. ' As a purifier of the blood, I verily be
lieve it has not lis equal.
Walnut street, nesr Fourth, BesJing.
DougUfsville, April 19th, 1843.
Mr. Oarlit: My son E.lmund Leaf, had the
srrofnla in ihe most dreadful and distressing man
ner for thne years, during which time be wn de
prived of the use of his limbs, hi he.d and neck
were covered with ulcere. We tri.d all ihe diff. r.
ent remedies, but to no effect, until recommended
by Dr.. Johnson of. Nonistown, and also Dr. Isaac
Hirater, of Reading, lo uae your Depuralive Syrup
of Sareaparilta, of which I obtained several hot Mes.
ihe use of which d'ove the disease entirely out of
his system, tbe sore healed up, and the child was
restored to perfect healih, which he has enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many pereons who seen bim duiing his affliction.
I have thought il my duly, snd send vou this certi
ficate that others who haves like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain ao valuable a
medicine. , . Your truly, -..
Sept. Ifl, 1843 ly 1
To Country Merchants.
Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hats.
C.. W. & Ii. n. TAYLOR,
at the S. E. corner of Market and Fifth Stt.,
OFFER for sale an extensive assortment of the
above, all of which they sell at unusual
ly low pi ices, and particulatlv invite the attention
of buyers visiting tbe ciiv, loan examination ef
their stock. G. W. St L. B. TAYLOR.
. Philadelphia, May 85, 1844. -ly
Nos. 29 and 31 North Third Street,
ear the City Hotel, .',
, , PHILADELPHIA. , ,' ,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in
s viles tbe attention of persons deairous of pur
chasing Furniture, lo hia extensive Sales Rooms,
(boih public and Private.) for every description of
Household rurnitute, where can be obtained at all
tirpea. a Urge assortment ef fashionable and we(
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, MaUraaes(
eke;, at very reduced prices, for cash. ' ' ' ' 1
' ft Sales by Auction, twice a week. '
"May ITih. 1843 ly 4 ' .'.
flCAXjBlXU Tbs bigM P'ice ll
II1.. given for Flag Seed, at the atorenC ,
, . , Aug 0.184ii HENRV MASSEB.
TT HUE, of e sii(rior quality, can newhahai
ILisltbe Ume Kilos es Henry Maeser. in Sun
bury. ,i,r fc. Meat J?,-! '''
.vtvic-i'r.u'av .r
,U h FOR TETTERwiO sf;i
wnowpaata, piMpta on the rac, gmt oravB
eilTlMltfllTi C-n rirriiiii.
ftt Tlit follnteinircertifica'e denerihetone nffht
cmntt extraordinary ' buret ever effected lit an it
applieatiw '' -ti "'
PnttAexr.rnrA, February 10, 1838.
TOB twenty years I was severely afflicted with
A ' TttTSR on the Face and Head:, the disesae
commenced when ;1 was seventeen yeam old, and
continued onlil 'the Fell of 1838, varying ia vio
lence, but. without ever disappearing, r Daring most
of the time, great part of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing ; tny head swelled at time until it felt as if It
would burst theewellin; wss so g'eat, that I could
scarcely get my hat on. - During Ihe long period
that 1 was afflicted with the disease, I used a great
msny aj plications (among them aeveral celebrated
(.reparation) as Wi ll a taking" inward remedies,
including a number of hottlea of Sioaim't Panaeen,
Extract of Sarmparilla, Ac, , In fact, it would Ire
impossible to enumoiste all ths medicines I used.
1 was also under the Care of two of the most dis
tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall pf lS.lfl, the disease st the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Rote
Ointment, (prepared by Vsughan St Davis.) In
a f.-W applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the eruption began to disappear;
and beore I had used a jnr the dixease was entirely
cured. It has now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there ia not a vestige of Ihe disease re
maining, except the scars from ths deep pits formed
by the disense. It is impossible for me to describe
in s certificate the severity of the disease and my
suffering, but I will be pleased to give s fuller ac
connt to any peraon wanting further aatiafactinn,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dred of dollars to be rid of the diseaae. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my mother, who had the diaeaee bad
If on her aim.) who w.-re all cured bv it,
J AMES DURNELI., No. 15fi, Race St.
rj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vau,than, 8ouih Eaat corner of Third end Race
streets, Philadelphia, and sold on seencv in Sunbu
ry. by H. B. MASSE R,
May 14th. 1843. Agent,
l(oc Ointment, Ibr Tetter.
pHiLAnsLPHiA, May 27lh, 1839.
rriIIS ia to certify that I waa severely affl.ctej
1 with Tetter in the hands and f.-et for upwards
of lorty years; ths disease was attended generally
with violent iu-hing and swelling. I applied to a
number of, and used a great many appli
cations without effecting a cure. About a yi ar
sinre, I applied tbe Rove Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itching, and a few anplicntions immedi
ately cured the disease, which there haa been no
I snnougn l had never leen ml of it at
"7 Ume f"r,J ''" RICHARD 8AVA-E,
Eleventh, below Snruce Street.
(Zj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauchsn. South Esst corner of Third snd Race
Streela, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
fy by H. B. MASS BR,
May 14th, 1943. Agent.
OJlhe ROSE OITMEyT,for Tetter.
A LTHOUOH the superiority of the preparation
fx over all others is fully es'ablired, the proprie
tors take pleasure in laying before the public ths
following certificate from s respectable physician,
s graduate of (he University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Bauch, having found in this remedy that relief fir
a ledious and disagreeable alTction which the meana
wiihin the range of his prof.-a-ion failed to afford,
has not heailated to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that professionals
oppose J to secret Remedies.
PmLanicLPBiA, Sept. 19, 1836.
I was recently troubled with s tedious herpetic
eruption, which coveted nearly one si le of my f ice
and extended over Ihe eaT. Mr. Vauchan, proprie
lot of the Rose Ointment, olweiving my face, nisi
led on my tiying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with the men
hers of my profession, I discountenance and diap
prove ot the numeroua nostrums palmed upon th
public by icnoiant pretenders, I feel in jusiice houu
to except tbe Rose Ointment from that claa of nic
dicines. and to give it my approbation, aa it entin
ly cured the eruption, although il h id resisted tb
uml applications. DANL. BAl'CH, M. D.
The Rose Ointment is prepiired by 12. I
Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Hs
Streela, Philadelphia, and sold on sgencv in Sui
bury, by H. B.MASSER,
May 14th, 1843. Aget
Cormr of Third and Vine Street!,
THE enlncriber respectfully announces tn t
public, that he h ia opened a Hotel in ths co
modioua brick building Situate on the corner
'I bird and Pine streela, where hs will be happy
wait npon those who may f.vor him witli tb
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conve
ent, and furnished in Ihe be-t modem sti le. I
provided with a Isrge number of well aired t
comfortable sleeping spartments, rooms, priv
parlors, Ac Persona visiting Williamsport on
sinesa or pleasure, may rest ss-ured that every
ertion will be used to render their sojourn at
"Kagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Ti
will lie supplied wiih Ihe very beat the market
fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and ol
liijuors charges reasonable. The Eagle H
possesses greater advantages in point of Iocs
tbanaoy olher similar establishment in iheboroi
being situate in ibe.businesa prt of the town,
within a convenient diaunce of the Court Ht
aud Williamsport end Elrnira Rail Road D- pol
Sufficient Siahling provided, snd good snd tr
ostlers alway a in attendance. '
Attentive, accommodating and honest Serv
have been employed, and nothing h'fl undone
will add to tbe comfort aud accommodation of
There will be a carriage always in attendant
tbe Boat Landing to convey pasaengera to and
ths House, free of charge,
Msv 14th. I843- if . ,
Michael Weaver fc on
A'o. 13 A'orA Water Street. Philadelphia,
TV AVE constantly on band, a general a -Jjt
I nrnt of Cordage, Seine Twinee, dec.
Tard Kopea, fishing Uopea, White Ropes, Ji
la Ropes, Tew Lines fur Csoal Boats. A
complete assortment of Seine Twinee, Ac. su
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent
Net Twins, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice,
Threads, etc Ao. Also, Bed Cords, Plough 1
H alters, Trace, Colton and Lineu Carpet CJ
Sic, all of which yhey will dispuaa of on
teim. .
PhUadelphis. November 13. 1848. ly. "
TsPliUlAG, (TooiTto cX'
No. l3SikH' Streets PhiladelpI
DNVITE rte atisotion of Country Merctian
to tks4r axleuitf aortmentof Brilirk Frooe
aod Apaeratan Pry Goods, which (hey ufiisi far sej
OB (be nto4 reasonable terma.J .
PbJMalkiewnbaf It, lUl-ly. , 4, t
.t l
.!... .J .l.j