. t'lJ m.ia.uwwwBae.Lx.ijijijmB V . . s.. it U r- .. t, , . fc .... -j. J Two Rocky Mountain wolves escaped from their cage in the managerle of Hen Drieabach at . ZaneeytUe, Ohio, on tbe nth, and the Gatette gives the following account of the conflict loae- i cure them v :- .i At the time, there were four men in the build ing, Herr Drieabach, Paul Morgan, Abraham Sbt .liter, and Arthur Crippen ; bat accustomed aa they were to such animals that were fattened in different parts of the building, without appro ' Jiending personal danger to themaelrea., Crippen ran out of the building to get pitchfork, when losing tbe door after him, it fastened itself, which ( kept him out. Morgan hastened to take care of i the riding monkey, when oneofthe wolvea at .tacked him and got him down, and aa Sbimerran to hie assistance, he was attacked and overpower ;ed by the other wolf. At this moment, Dries bach was the only one disengaged, and picking up a chair, he dashed it to pieces, to obtain a found for a club. With this at one blow he diss led the wolf that had attacked Shimer, but the efber held with a death grip and required repea ted blows ; nor did he relinquish the attack nntil he was knocked dead. The disabled one was af terwards shot. , The men were badly bitten, and had they been alone, would inevitably have been killed, for one of thet.1 was already fainting. , Nitw Process or T'.iNttiNo. A recent dis covery in the art of tannin leather has been made by Dr. Turnbiill, ot Loudon, which is said in a French paper "to eclipse every thing that liaa cjen discovered in the practical aria for the hundred years." The process is describ ed in a communication to the Academy of Sciences. When a membrane intervenes be tween two liquids of different densities, they produce two currents, tht? one ou'ward called txtoomosis, and the other inward called endos moais. By this new physical law the currents interchange until they bocmne of the aims ape-1 cfic gravity ; thus Dr. Turnbull, by sewing up hide filled with one liquid of a certnin epi-cific gravity, and then immersitif the hide in ano ther liquid of jrrater or lessnr denMty,. keeps tip this reciprocal action until such time as the hide is thoroughly tanned. Ity the ordinary process of tanninf it requiros eighteen mouth to tan an ox hide, and 400 pounds of bark. Dr. Tumbull tans the hide in fourteen days, and with only 100 pounds of bark. This process gives an extra weight of leather, varying from 15 to 25 pounds per cent. Calves' tkins, which under the old process require an immersion in the vat of five, six, and eeven months, are by the new process tanned in two days. This rapidity of execution is by no means attended with inferiority to the leather produced. On the contrary, it is said to become much better, all the sn In rat ion required for the production of good leather, being as fully effected by tho new aa tha old procesa. BaiwDRiTH'a Pilm by cleansing the Blood fiom all impurities, givea power to every organ to perform iu functions Healthily ; no matter whether xternally or internal y situated. Nature has form d the b iwele fur lh evacuation of all unhealthy tumors of the blood, and if man would but use ommon sense, he would take rare they performed his office faithfully. If the bowels ate out of or er, if too flow or too fuat, a few dose of Brandreth 'ill will bring ihem to order. Ak the man who ai dying from constipated bowels what cured him ; e tells you, Brandreth Pill. Auk him who hm ad the dysentery for six months, and every renie y had fui'ed ; he will tell you that Brandreth Pill j rid him in a week. So with other diseases. Velve Btandretb Pill rubrd down in a hlf pint I trioleates, cured a little boy of an ulcer of the face hich was rapidly spreading to his eyes, and which dozen doctors hod tried to cure i the poor parent ould have given half they were worth to have had cured, but every thing they tritd did no good, un. they gave il a tea spoonful of molasses every iy, in half s pint of which they had mhbed down elve Urandieth'a Pilla ; before tha whole of tbe aliases waa taken, the ulcer was cured. cry Purchase of H. B, Mssaer, Sunbury, or of i sgent, published in another part of this psr. ssasasMaasisaaHBHaMtsTBMCTaaasasHSMSsBjBasa , r d i i; H, At this place, on Thursday evening lair, ILL1AM, aon of Francia W. and Louisa wle, of Lewiatown, aged 11 yeara. His af ted parenta left next morning, with hia re ins, for home. Notice hereby given to all legatees, creditors, and e her persons interested in the estates of Ehcshelh ie, dee'd, seeled by her edmiuitrstor John tie; of Jseob Ebiight. dee'd., settled by hi adm'r n Ehriiiht; of George Watt, dee'd., settled by idm'r Frederick Laxirua; of Andrew K. Kos-iel, d s-ttled by his sdm'r John Itus ell; of Geo. 'er, ibe'd., settled by Gorge and Daniel Mny idm'rs de bonia non with the wi I annexed ; of ' Catherine Shiley. dee'd.. eet'led by her ex'r lerirk Hsae; of Lffrd Waldroo, dee'd., ret le i is adm'r William Waldron; of Calheiin Hill. I., settled by hersdin'r Jacob Conrad; nf John iter', dee'd settled by hi sdrn'r Cliarlee Gale; lavid Hess, ilec'd . guttled by hia adm'r Jacoli i; of Catherine Painter. dc'd., sop led by her r Charles GjI j, ol Frederick B.chman, det 'd , d by hia edrnV Jonas Koch and Nichol Bu ; of Leonard .Ferster. dee'd., settled by hi ra Peter Ferster and Samuel Wanner; of A im Kothermel. dee'd , aetiled by hia a Im'r Waa. trmel ; the account of Jacob Wagner, goardi jn itherins Peifer; the account of Jacob Wagner, lien of Magdalena Ferster. Lite of Northum nd eounty, debased, that the executors and ai.lrstors of theaaid deceased eeta'e- have II ad accounts with tha Kegiater of this eounty J hat they will bo presented to tbe Orphans' t of aaid county, on TtKaday tha 7lh dy of next, for confirmation r allowance. ' EDWard OYSTER, inKury. March Tth, IMC. ' 1 ' Register. Michael ICeldlg't ltate. A LL peraona hiving unsettled aeeoonta with I aaid f etate, are hereby notified for me hat lima, o caN ea the subaetiheis without delay, foe eettle aent, otberwiae Iby will 1 dealt wttk eecoHliog tew. t1- - ' GEO. CONRAD -8AM lit L 8. WAGNER, Aogosts, March Tth, H4e Jt Adaj'ra. PRICE CURRENT. . r ' Cmrteted weekly by Henry Ma$$er. , Wiut. .,100 a a 35 6 Rta, Coma, , ,; Oara, ' " . ! Pose, ft ' ' Ftaxasso, : BOTTSR, . . Eeas, a a yBaiewaX, a . Tattow, Ftax, a - . HscKttn Ftx, Dai an ArpLaa, 'Do, Paacnaa, ' 14 101 15 a 10 a T ISO ' The "Sugar Coated rilli." , Rawaaa ot Maarr CsariricsTa or com Ir vaiTloar. . :. Naw Yens, June 10th, lS4t "lire, the nnderaiened. never enw or heard of "8u gar Domed Pills," until Dr G. Benjamin Smith manufactured and exbildted them - to ua bout a year since. , , Isatat RavnaLPH. M D., Liberty ., Rosaros ot Co., 1 10 Broadway, and ,.. i ' -. . 10 Aator House. Hoatcx ErtatTT, Drue;, 96 Hudson at, Jon Caaraxa, 97 Hudwn at. Lest eomeftwmav be deceived bv Iznorant qutrke, we puidih the following ai d none hut unpnnciped dealera will countenance anv imita t on of this invaluable medicine. Patbwt Ovrica. Received thia 17th day of June. 184.4. from Dr. G. Benj imin Smith, tha fee of S30, pavabte on hia xpidiratiuo for a patent for a Pill ' Coaled uiilh Hugar.' H L. LllswobtsV UommiKi ner of Patents. As these Pilla are prepared bv an educated l'hv aician, they bave an advantage over other prepare, aiion so much advertised, and a'O aufficientlv dis tinguished from all o her by their virtuea, aaide tiom llieir perut ar p'eanlne. CTT 'AU I ION. Aa a miserable imitation hna been made, by the name of Sua;r Coated Pill-, it ianecesairy to be aura that Dn. G Baiw. Smith's .iuoa'ute is on every box. Price 25 cent. Principal Offlre. 179 Greenwich st. New York. Sold by JOHN W. FRILING. Sun bury. W M. FORSYTHE, .VrAumU Mrch 7th, 1846. WHITE SWA1T.HOTBL, Rack Stukkt, PiiiEansLfHiA. 11Y J. PCTCKS. 'T'HIS location ia ronvenient fur Business men - visiting the city. Eveiy piin is taken to ae rure the comfort nf t'avellria. March 7. 1846. ly LIST OF CAUSES. IJ'OR trial in the Court of Common Plea of Nor thumberland County, at Aptil Term, 1846, commencing the firl Monday, being tha 6th. Seiizinger, alienee of Garver vs John Garver et al va Joseph Keefer va Abraham Klate , va A Wilhelm, ie. va Felix Miurer et al Prentice for Welch William Farrow Abner Mendenhall Francia McCov, Wm H Brown A. co va John B Boyd Strswbii lee Si Burden vs Kama Holmes, Sturgeon & co vs Sums Hugh Bellas, B q va 'Henry Donnel et al Charles Hall's ex'rs va William Wilson'a ex'r Gobin dc Billing ton'a assignees vs Edward Gobin Same vs Charles Gobin Jacob Persing va Zimmerman, Saviilge & co R D Foidsman vt Benjamin Fordaman William Simenton va John Shipman Charles H Frick va Wi Ham Friek John Henderson's heirs vs Greennugh dr, Shipmen John Lieh va Thomas Allen Gilbert Berlieu v Wm R Jones James Roa va J.icob H Rhnada Win 1. Heinemtn va Ilartnisn H Ki ccbla Peter Richter ice vs Dodg Sl Barret Francia Ball'a adm'r va Daniel M. Serhler Abraham Terwilliger v Robins & Newberry John P Summers va Derr & McWillisma ' J ho McClooghan' adm'r va Charles Merrick Ynithetmer & Dawson vs N 1, Price J hn A Llovd va Wm E McDonald John Kane Sc. wife vs John Neiilig & wife E (ireenoush va John Cooper el al va J .hn A Lloyd vs Ahiaharn iSlrsub va John A Llovd va John Hartman Wm E McDonald Jonnthan Adam Wm Coll Frederiek Birkenldne Kenderton Smith et al e Georce Grsut et al Walter Graham . va Peter Hauaelman Junes Loun'iead's adm'ra vs Catherine 'arr Dodge dr De Nutuandie va Wm A Lloyd , John McGtnnea va WmSterkee Hulet 8mih V va Auguiu Huey &e .' John Furman et al va Same t hole W Hrgina Henry Maaaer John Murray It o Kelt Benret Francia Yarnell va John Cooi er et at v T A BiHiiiRton vs Maraaret McCay's ex'rs va IaanC Brown va O-car Bradford'a ex'ia John P Kennedy et al va J dc A Shipman Same v name JOHN FAUNSWORTH. Proihonotarv'a oftji-e. Proth'u. Suobury, March 7, 1845. J , Dltjsolutlon of. Partnership. THE Partnership heretofore existing bet wen the auhscriliera. under the firm of Heffuer dr. Rhonda, waa dlsaovrd on the I at day of April, 184V bv mutual consent. Benjamin Heffuer ia duly authorised to sen I the busrns of ihe firm, ; BENJAMIN HEFFNER, HENRY RHOAD. fr Book', Notes Judgments, and al! account are in the banda of Davi I Marti, E-q., for collec tion. . HBPFNER. tihamokin, Feb. 58, 1846. At Notice. riHE subacriber being appointed by tha Court I of Common i lea of fturthuinherlanu county. Auditor, to ascertain and r iiort the liena under tie second mortgage uHn the real relate of the Shamo kin C i d and Iron Company, in aaid coun'y, in order that a dietribuii n may l-e made of tha pro. ceedaof the la e aheriff 'a ale of a nil estate, among he hen cietlitois, on tlis first Monday of the next April court, Suobury, a I persona holding or claiming liena age in I aaid ra'eie are her by requi red to present them In the euhsrriher, at hia nffi.f iu Sunbory, on or before lb Slat d.y of March neat, i , H. B. MA8SEK, Fab.tHih.1846 41 . , Auditor, OVSTBXIS! OYSTERS!! THE euhseriber would leapectfuliy inform per aona dealing in OYSTERS, and the public generally, that he baa purcheeed tbe interest of Philip Sbay, in tbe Oyster buainsaa, at Northum berland, where he ia prepared le supply deslefs with superior OiBTgae. at the ahoneat notice, put up at tha celebrated eatabllabaient of Fitdt s Shay, in Baltimore.. t ;, ;;. ' All ordere sent by xnaU, et otherwise, ; will be puxtctullt alteadsd to. , ,v T. WITHINOTON. NortbumVaflsfld, Fsh. U, 1I4. MMMSJjaajaayajpJMMtjW y - - ;; t ;.' -, , tiJ , ,)- LXST OF JUXIOXIS OF Northumberland County, for Aptil Term, A.D.1I46. Grand J arort. Drlmeare James Armstrong. Joseph Nicely, MiUm Leonard Shearer. Daniel H. Ciner. Chillitfptnqnr.-Henry Caul, El jsh Hill, Ro beit Ginen, William Castel. Paint . John Garret. ' ' , Northumberland. Andrew Wileon, George Bert. , ," Sunbury." Caleb Fisher. Augutia.-8vmoet Garinger, Solomon Evert. , SAamoArn. Daniel Miller. ; ! Ruih. Samuel Gilinger. ,. : , : Coal."-Andrew Klinger. ,, Upper Mahonot.Snc.tib 3frsser, Samuel Ei. ter. Peter 8eiter. Jacob Geist. Dnniel Ksufmsn. JLotner Mahonoy Philip Keratetter. Little Mahanoy Nichnhs Drumhellor. Traverse Jurors. TurbtU. John Sample. Lewie. Jacob Jarret. William McGulre. David Ldiiv. Delaware'-' John D. Linebach, Wilson Hutche nr., John M. Thatcher, Peter Shady, Joseph Haves George Wstson. Milton.' Jsmes Whitter, Pslmer Johnston. Hen rv Wilhelm, John Leib,"Jecob Miller, John Evans, fatrirg Montague. Chitliinuaaue.Iobn Voris. William Houssl. I nomas Kaser. .. .i - ' Point. John Desl, Hesirv Morgsn. Northumberland Jsmes Tsggart, Thomas Gae tp. Sunbury Daniel Hen'ncer. Augusta Ssmnel Rciland, Dennis Woolverton. Henry Brewer. Peer Kresger, John Slarner, John 11. Nhipm m, 1 homaa Sovder. Shanwkin. ('hariea Manx, 8amocl Kellv. Ni cholaa Yocum, Chriatiao Bmschlag. Ruth William Bear. Jacob Milham. Henrv eaver. I hper Mahanoy. Jonathan Reitx, John Mao r.tr. Lower Mahanov. Jacob Bower, John Michael. Jacoli Wnviler. Little Mahonoy. Isaac Dornsrif, Samuel Wi- gener. Jackson. Henry Lattcha, Daniel Hilbiab. Petit Jurors. Ttirbut. Henrv Follmer. Lewie. Peter Strhl, Thomia Ruae. Drltware. Jae Pa-ke', Joseph Irwin. Jifiltnn. C. A. Langen. Chilitquoque. Charlea Search, Nuthan Jarret. Porn. -Daniel Robins. Nurthumhirland. J ime Hilburn, Thomas Wi- lllitigti.n. Diiii' l Biautisam. Sunbury. Reuben Fegely. Auemta. David Reefer, Solomon Her'xel, anr, John Hart. Frederick Has. Slinmoki. Solum n Keller, William Amw- min, J nines John, William O. Kne, David Miller, Daniel Fegelv, David N. Lake. Rush John Desha, Jacob Geaibart, Peter Hniighawoiit. Coal Solomon Dunkelbrrger, Henry Keyser, Micha I D rrick. Upper Maltonuy. Anthony Yoder, George Re.ler, Jonathan Etaenhart. Lower Mahonoy --Isaac Rothermel, Peter Wit- mer. Jackson John Bohner. Removal. DR. D. T. TRITES, RESPECTFULLY informa theei tit -na of Sunbury and vicinity, that he ha. removed hia teaidi nee to the Brick House in Market street, one door we t nf the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa vors, be hope tn receive a continuation of the liber al patronage which has heretofore been extendi d to him. Feb 28. 1846. Cm George Gotslialt'a) Uatatc. Notice IS hereby given, that the subscriber has been ap pointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court, to ap. portion and d atributa the aeaete of. eid estate, in the hamls nf D. lie. at r, adm'r , and that he will meet 'hem at bis office, in Sunbury, Monday, he Uth diy nf March next, for tbat purpae, wbeo II inter eated are requested to attend. C. J. UKUINEK, Sunbury, Feb. 21, 1846. 3t . Auditor Orphan' Court Sale OF TALTJ.BLE LAND. IN pursuance "of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Northumberland county, will l e aold at public aa'e. on Tuesday the 10th day of Maich i eil, al the house of Wm. R. Jonea, in Augusta towuahip, in aaid county, to wit : , A cettain tract of Imd situate in the lownsbip sfiiressid, adjoining land of Wm. R. Joms, John Hsrt. sud the river Susquehanna, conlniniug eigh-ty-srveu acres more or le-a. At'out forty aenaof a dd tr id are cleared and pntler a good Mate of cul tivation ; ihe iraidue i well limbered. The aaid tract is eligibly aituati d for milling or manufjrtunng I urpose., aa an excellent w tier power ia nffuded by Uilea Run, running throu.h ihe land. The a id tract ia located on ihe funqufhaiino, al-out 8 miles below Suol uy, on the road leading from that place to Harrisburg. The lurid ia comprised of bottom land and up-land, which will be aold toge. therorarpaiately.aamay be deemed nio-t dti. ble. Lt'e the eaiate of Col. J. ho Jones, dee'd. Sale to comment e at 10 o'clock. A. M.i.fsaid day, when the conditiona nf ade will be mads known by WM. H. MUENCH, . ELISHA KLINE. Fabiusry 7ih, 1846. 6t Admr'a. , MONTOUR HOUSE, LATE BRADY'S HOTEL, Opposite f Af Courf Ibnise, BAMVILLS, PBnN'A, THE Siili-criber, who assisted for se. veie years in Ihe management of tbe a hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. lira dy, b' gs leave tn iufum ihe travelling puh'ir, that he has taken the etaldi-hmeot on hia on account, on tbe first nf January, 1846.' - The House has, ol late, undeigone many impor tant alteration, and the present conductor pronii.es to leave nothing undone to make it a eomforts'de snd sgroeahle, as well aa a cheap and erennnr da ting stopping place for atrsneera whn may vi.o our flourishing village. No paina m r expense will be pared to fill the table and the bar with (he be-4 the mirketa afford, and with the determination to' ,l. m i bi entire eraonal attention to the comfort of those who may make hia house tbeir temjwrary a bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser vant, he hope to give general satUfaction, and re ceive e liberal abare of custom. (ry Large tod eommodioua STABLES areat tachad to the ea'abl ehment. which tie attended by careful and obliging ho ller. ' GIDEON M. 8HOOP, January 14 th, 1840. tf LEMONS. A lot of good, frsah Laeooua, just isceived end for sale by Dee. 18, rlif. IWNRY MA88EJC fi a sir J Isssil L Lilt of itaple and Fancy i STATIONERY, tleeeived by tatt Arrfvah from tendon and Parit, na ojerea to me iraat only, by HART '& CO. (Succrsaot to t I. Cohen St. Co .) No. 87 South Fourth Street, above Cheanut Street, "' ' PHZLADSLrBIA. ' f ': SEALING WAX, Red, Black, White. Searfet, Fancy colored and Spangled j 10, 20 and 4. stfeka tn tha lb. The assortment comprises 86 dif f rent kinda. -. . , Wafers in lb. pspe's, superior Scarlet, superior Red. Black snd .aa rted Fncv colors of the follow. Ingeireat Note, 8m'l Note. Pea, Large Pes, Mi nion or Dott j sl.i Notarial Wafers. 4 aixra Tr.inaparenf. Cameo and Fanev Wafer In boxes. Ink, .Wlk Jen's and Arnold'a superior Blank Writing, Japan, Blue, Copying nJ Steel Pen Ink. in 3 3. 4, 8, 16 ami S3 ox atone bottle,. Superior Carmine Ink. made bv Guyot in Paris and Arnold in London, in gl sa bottles Bond's and Arnold's Indelible Ink, without pre psratinn. Walkdcn'a Genuine Black Ink Powder. . Glias Ir ks, blown and cut, of every vstlaty, French snd English. Trvihng Inkstands, upwsrds of SO different pattern.. Ppier Mache, B.-onte snd China Pumn Int. slsnda, in great varieiy. ren Raeka, Bronze snd Imitation, virions sires Portfolio, 4to, cap and demi. with and without locke. in great vmeiv. W nfer Stamna. of f vorv. Vat.M n. Eli my and Cocoa, all s gee with plain and cross rui nraa eoii. Giaae Motto Seat, a very extensive varietr. Foldnia, plain Ivory and Bone t 6 7 8 snd 9 inch Reading Knies, plain and carved Ivory and renri oi vanon iige. Prepared India Rubber. 20 and 40 caka to ih lb, topying Paper, Turner'a beat S end 61 lb dem and 7 lb double crown. Tisane Paper, Turner'a superior White end Co- lorect, various tmt, put on naratelv Writing Pariar, English Blue laid and Wove.fo- Ho. cap and 4to post ot the liest qnaliiv Miiner white and Ulue Wove and Tinted E tra Satin Surf.ce, g it edge 4to pnat, 8vo and 1 6mo cntrti.n paper. Valencia, or l.ace Bdge Note paper. 8vo Sl 16mo e,iigiin anu r rencn satin t.t with blick bor der in I edge. 4io and o. Blue and White Wove French Quarto Poals. a large anirtmenr. Plain and Fancy French Note Paper of everv var'eiv anu s xe. Envi l .p.s, English snd French Iiin snd fancy in reai viriery. rmicv r rench rspetertea, furnished wl'h Note paper Ki.velope., Wax, Wifera, dte. die- 25 differ ent van. tie.. Engli'h Laid Rlmting Paper. Wb.'mn.'a Sort. r lor Turkev Mill Drawing Pa per of the follow ng site, viz: Foolscap 1.1 M Ifi Demv I5H20. Medium 18X53. Roval 19H24 Sun. r R vl 19 H27. Imprul 21 H 29. Elephant 23 X 27, Cnlombier 23 X 34. Atlas 26 'A 3:1, DoU- hie Elephant 27H40. Annquarian 31 X S3 Lodoied t ravon Pi,er, Roval, v.iims tint. Sujierior Bri.tol Boarda made nf Whntman' de. per, ol the foil. wing . and thickness: e ip, pa my. medium ami roval 2. 3 and 4 sheet. Emhoteed Bristol Roarda of vnriou sue. Perforated Bristol Board, whim and tinted, fine metium and coarse perforation. r rench I racing Paper, royal, columbier and dou ble elephant. Conte'a Black Chalk Crayon No, 1, 2 and 3. Hed and White Urayons pointing; B'U-hes, superior English snd French camel shstr, F.rgltsh Sable of various qualities, 04i c imei s hair nritanes in tin. Mathematical Ina'rumenta, London make, in ma hngany and fi-h -kin cases. The sssortment com prise 15 different kind. . Water Colors a complete assortment of New. man a genuine c- lors in ca.ke and boxes Bluck man' Water Color, in varum sites, flidine. hook and bck and key bote , Toy tdoia in treat variety, of sliding and h ok plain and fancy luxe. " Mezottnlo and Pink Siucere, leather anJ piper aiumps. , . ; (dies.men. plain and carved ivory, bone and wood, of all a'.ze. Backgammon and Dtauaht Boards of vatioua si tes and quslit e. Dominoes, 14 16 18 and 20 line, of varinua aua- litiea. Steel Pens, Gillotl's and other makers, on rsrJs and in boxes, a large and complete assortment. Steel I'm Holders, plain snd fancy of every va. nety. . rcelstn Matra, 12 different sites in moiocco and wood fumes ; el-o. in iockei bo k form. Diamond pmired Go'd Pm.nf vari ms qualit'ea Card Cae, a large riment of French and English make, pbiin and inlaid. Ne Plua Ultra Travelling W.iting De-k. I'l 12 14 and 16 inches, with and without dres i''g ra e. Pmtable Travelling Leather Dressing Cases a gn at vari, tv. uia-rior Prepvied Writing Parcboent of the f Mowing ar.es: 10JXI6J. I6 20, 20X 24. 24 H 28. 2S X H3 a, d 30 X 36 Fancy Paier plain and i mlma ed gold and ! ver paper, rdend assorted eolor mr.cco p-pei, Cncy colored r mlio-aej piper, plain French Ljhly g lined fai cy colored pata, dciV Fine Screen H. indies of vanou patterns and great varieiy. torn of entire new tye. Hair Dtushea of superior LonJon make, a large assortment. , Ladiea (Jompanions or Portable Work Cases, completely fitted. Mmia'ure Ivoriea of fiiwly rut French, via: 24 27 30 33 36 and 45 line. Ivory Tablat of varioua titea, wi;U the Jays of i ne weeK. M.taMic Memorandum Books of 4 a xes. Ruler of round bard wood, 12 15 18 21 end 24 inches. Scotch Penkuife Honea io paper and wood cases, of vanou size, i . j Writing Materiala nf dtmafk ateel, with agate and eiiatnelled handle, in morocco ra.e. Pounce wood and i.r p-uincv Ik, tea, red laie,i span card tscka, letter rdpa. mouJh glue.haliledorea and hirde,di-fcted mapaaud picture, round game. water cups, gum laneis, enma palleiaaud tiles, dice cups d aughimen, port ery..ii. dividers, protrac tors, scales. English toy books, See. tic. . t S II. J- Co ore Sole Agenteur the following or licit t. Manufactured by ,. . Coten. Super! r Psient Iv. ry Su faee Playing Carda Eagba, Harry VIII. D catur, Merry Ande, High Isiiilst. Plsyeis, Presidents French and Spanish Ihe court card with either aing'e or double heade and printed in gold or colore, manufactured of the beat material, by an improved method, thereby giv. ing them perfect slip snd m-ik'ng them more so lid snd durable, which render them tbe moat plea, aant playing rerda manufacinrcd " P ain Enamelled Burnished lard' from No t to Enamelled Gold Bordered Carda from No 1 to 6. Burnished Surf.ce Mourning Caida ftq Ne I to 3. Gill Edg Viading Carda fiom So I to 3. Ivory huiface Carda. while and tilled, fm I to 8. Plain Piintera' Caida from 1 l i 8. Lead Pencils Superior drawiag pencils, bomb factored from the ware bamberlsnd lead, of the f,dt lowing degmainfbaMMa! M.ait. nt. fl. .r, Office Writing Peneila. Red Chalk Peneila. n ' - 'l Improved Evetpolnl Leads fot pencil ea see of alt ig"g C3 They ere constantly receiving fem Europn additiona to their Stock, end reioectfully invite purohaaera to call and examine for ihemaalve. (C7 ff. it Co. have juet published the Isugh. b e (Same of What .I'ye B;T, by Protesor Punch I slso the National Gj me of thx Stsr Spangled Ban ner they alo hs. tha agenev (or tha following popnlir gamea whic! tliev nffer to the Trade l publiher'a price, vit: Dr. Busby; Mension of Happine.; Americsn Eagttj Mss er Roill.ury and hi pup la; Chirac eristics nf Distinguished Per. sons; Pope and Psgans Scripture History Illustrs ted; The Game of Heme s Tha Illnttraiad Alpha, bet; Pickwick Cards: Shak-peare in a new Dres: Qrr. of Fo tune; Race of Improvement SniCe of tfiitu; Koliinsou CtuvH'; Carda if M.gi; also, Abbott new air!e of llr.wlnir Ptr.ta. r1!,'.... 'Tarda or Gnod and Bad Pa.sion-i Merr Gama nf Trip to China; Gama nf American Revolution.' Philadelphia, February 7th, 1846. EVANS & WATSON. No 76 South Third Stiivi.t, ' Opposite the PhilaMphid Exchange, Manufacture and keep cor .tnntly on hand, a large aa sortmenl of their Putent live ivnved S damander FIRE PROOF SAFES, which are i (onarructed as to set at rest m inner i f doub a to their "beine striitK fire nrnof. and that they will resist tl6 fire of env building in the wnrld. The ouisnle c ae ,f ihe S.ifes are made of trot, er iron, the insole c -e of soup-tone, and be tween tho i uter case end inner caae ia a apace of some -j incne uiicx, ana is tilled in with inde-trus-tible ra iteri .l, so as to make it an impossibility to c-ti t ourn any oi me con enta inside of tbi Chest. These Hoapatone Sahmandeis we are prepared and do challenge the werld to produce any article In the shape of Book Safea that will stand aa much heat, and we hold ourselves ready at all liroea to have them fairly tested by public bonfire, shoulJ -ny of our competitor feel disponed to try them. We also continue tj mtnufiirtuie and keen con stantly on hand, a large and general ae-wtment nf our Pieimum Air-tight Fire Proof Safea. uf which we h-ive ii larj-e quantiiy In u-e, and in every iir stance ihey have c'en entire a iliafacdon to the purchaers of which we will refer the public le a few gerit'einen who have them in uae. N. & G. Taylor, 129 north 31 at.; A. Wright St Nephew, Vine at. wh itf ; Alexander Caror, Cvn veyancer, corner of Filbert and 9th eta.; John M Ford, 32 north 3Jt.; Mver Bu.h, 20 nonh 31 .t ; Bailey & Uroiher, 13S Maket r-l; Jamea M. Paul. Itll south 4ih at.; Dr David Jayne, 8 south 3Jst; Matthew T. Miller, 20 aouth 3d at.; and we could name some thtee or .four hundred otheis if it wi re necesanry. Nr.w we Invite the attention ol the public, and parttculirly those in want of Fire I'root S ifea, to call at our atore before purcha sing eUewhe e, and we think we can aalisfy them that Ihey will get a ltter and cheaper article at our More than any other establ sbment in the city. We also continue to manufictuie eal and Co pying Presses, made in such a manner aa to an swer both pur.o-ea ; Hoisting Machin s, Fite Proof Do r, w,th our own manufacture of locks on them, with D. Evan' Patent Keyhole eovtr attached to the same;, plain and ornamental Iron Railing, &c " ' N. B We keep constantly on hand a large as- aortment of our Patent Mate Lined Refiigei tils, Water Filter and Cooler ; and we have alao on hand aeveral erond band Fire Pr mf Cheats taken in exchange for ours, which we will dtipose of at very low prices. -Philadelpbia, January 24'h. 1846. ly VEOLESALE - RETAIL HAT & CAP WARKHOUSE, -Vo. 304, Market Street, aboe" Oth, South side, PHILABSL7HIA, THE subscrilrrs respectfully call the stlen lion of tbsir fuel, i!s and de li r to their large mil will ass, rted toi k of He's and Csi a of every lea' tii tion. will adapted f r the a. ring trade. D- I. g mule of tlie heal rn tieri d a. id by the m ml tx perienc.d woikineii, ll.ey leel confident to giveun ve:sil stif:,cli. n lo all who may favor ibein with a tiinl, aa they iff.-r to sell as . w aa anv house in the ci y. BAR I'ALO I T & BLYNN. Philj.Mjihia, Jauuury 3, 1846 ! ' ' ' TEXICO 8c jMEXAS! TUB CUT 13-RTII.Is TXIBY COME." COME WHERE ! Why wl.e.e do you sup pose but to Ihe Chesp Store of Henry Master, ii Market street, Sunburv. And f r what pu-poe do you think they cornel Why to buy chesi, to le sure an I ave ,-t lea I 50 per cent.' "Thru won't du no A in' else," because it ia a well known fact 'hat at HENRY MASSER'S STORE t''e very be-t e'ttrlea are .. Id a' te very loweat pin e.. Now lome. on ai,d nil ; 1 ir d r t hi e"m t or ce, mi l Jl'l'I.K F)' Y 'I'.- RI VES I Where you will find a Splendid Aaaoitmej l of Fall mid Winter Dry Goods, n-t rt ieived, am .ng uhii h ie iI.m following i So peifl.je Ir luh lirobd.'lotl : csl of E.igljlid du4 Heavy lSeaver do , a fust r ,ie ariicle far Uvercoatav and a g-eat variety of Wo d Dyd. Black and Fan cy Cin-imereM, S.aineiti, Mouseliii.de-jiuei, Rep. ittr-lan es, ua-nmetes, ,tpH. ci, Ac, 4c. Also, a laautiful assortment ,f Cuticoea of ihe lataal atylve and patteina, which wi 1 be void cheaper tuaa evert also, Wo den and other Simwla iu great vaiiety, from 40 rta. to $10; a general ,,nmnt of. Ho. siery. Gloves, Suspenders, Mm, Vc A 04 large assortment of Women , Mru e and Muses Gum Shots, which wi 1 be sold cheaper ihau ever befjie offered. . . . 1 :i ob , He haa likewia, in addition to the above eloek, an extensive sorlinenlof Quten UHtrf, Hurdwart, Saddlery uml Crm-ies, Sngn from a 10, 12 and 16 ct. iei lb; Good Codes ai 10, Veiy Beet at 12). Al . Nail! 'kes; Iron; nilera.Mi'a beat Cast (t; Elglib.' American and ttwoed B isler do. in short, every 4h ng that i. usually kept ia a Country Store, all of which will be sold at vary reduced prices, , . . CTT Country rro-Jucai pf til kinds laksa in ex- change for Good. . ,. ,.. j , ,.. Sunbuiy. Nov. 2xd, 1845., t JOHN B.;STUYKEU, Of tin Uie firm if Newkirk a Slryker, und u Mryker 4r rogue, , 2 - HAS resumed the Wholesale Dry Gvods Buai. nese, snd now effete for sale, at No. 18 and 14 Bank street, 'Philadelphia, adjoining .Myers, Ctaghorn A Co'e Auction Store, No. 78 IHaikrt atraet, general aaairlment nf Dry Goods, 'Vhiefly purchased at suction, at a very small "advene far eash,"riy accepisncrs, "v v DelH-vmg that hie long experience in pueehiKir g will rnahle him to sett hi 4iei al the learest Mai t pi ices, he invitee hia oluV friends and "sHhete wis ing to buy, to favor him with a cU. rbiladslphia, tior. 1, 184. sa nnun'c noTEL, "' HAnnnncRc, pa. , ' T BEG I av to infrn the public that I have left Philadelphia., and am now located In Hanie. burg, the aeat of the Executive and Biate Govern merit nf Pennsylvania, where I now oeruny tho epaeioue Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wil.on. r , 'This spsciblia building, Viaving been pil'pn.ely plmned and erected for s Hotel tif the first claaa, is not aurpasaed if equa'led, by any aimilar eatab. liahmeut in Pennsylvania! and having undergone a thorough renovation, tbe parlors, rooms and chamber ar how fitted up in a style that com bines 'tnce with comfort end convenience. .My TABLE is pledged tn be supplied with tbe hest fare ihe Market can produce 1 the chargea at the eime lime being aa moderate aa anv of the best regulated aatal ltshmnt elsewhere. In short, no excitions shall be f pared on my pirt, or on tbe part of every memler of my household, to make it what it should he. In the Cnpit d nf one of the most pop ulous and in'eresting S'ste. of Ihe Union. ' With Iheae pr. mis-s, aceommndationa and faoi litl -s, sod the fact that ti e Hotel is most eligibly situated, I w'ph confidence, most respectfully goli cit th ps.ronsge of Ihs Public. ; , '. . DANIEL HERR, , Late of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut St., Philsd. Herri-burg. Nov. 22. 184r. 3m To lurchacra of DRV GOODS. P11HE subscribe'. No. 121 Pearl s'rym, New X York, having r-4.hlihi-d a llr.nrhat No. S3) South S.rond at , Pldladelphia, i , now opening, and wi'l ha cons antty receiving from tha N.w York Aurions. an etten'ive esaor ment of FANCY & STAPLE DRxT GOODS, which will he gold at the lowest New York pt'Ce. at wholesale snd R' tail. Among h slock will I -a found a good assortment of the followieg article-t Jarcnnets, Plaid. Hair Cord, l,ac, S:rie, B m,1i, Swia and Tarlatan Muslins. Uirrn p and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dres-e-, Thread Lares, Applica'ion Do., rich B'aek Si k Trimmlt g Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambric. Linen Cambric Hdkf.,Curtjim Fr;ngea, Cashmere d'Ecos?e, Mouscline de I. sire, cilk snd Cotton Wsrp Alaccs, Quiet,' Cloth, Gal Pl:d. French Merinos. Bl-ek Mks, Glove. Si k Hose, Shawls, Crsvs's, Rtlihon", Embroiderirs &c, dec. . (Ountry Meichsnts and oihers vieiting i'hilnlel. phia or New York to purclm-c, are reajwctiully in vited to call and rxiimine tho stacks. Nov. 1. 1845. ly . G. H. MOORF... JOSKPII W. JONES, No. 18 Njrth ith street, a few doors abots Market .,.1 street, , . FHILASLFHIA, HAS conatintly on hand a very large assort ment of Looking Glinisea, Butkets, Cedtir Wa and Fancy Good, which will be aold wbolasald at the ver loweit prici, . N. B. Looking Glasae insured to any j art of the country, without chargo. Nov. I, 1815 6m We recommend all of our friends Visiting, the city, to call at the Pekin Company's Sttirc, " and lay in a supply of their delicious Teuiu TIIC TEA XOJIP.IXY, No. 30, S.iotu Srxosn Strkxt, Bctwein Marktt sod I'besnnt, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE cnstanily on hand, . and fir eld, Whole.sleaiidRnP.il. A VARIETY OF CHOICE FRFSII TEAS. At Lower Prices, according to the qu l"y, than they can I e biu.t for at any other eft ,hlihment in ihe city. CTT lsa, exclusively, are aold at tb a house. and sever d v.irieiira which cannot he nbtuined else where. Any Teas which do n,,t give 1 n'ire sa'i faction can le returned and exchanged, 01 ihe mo ney will be refunded. The ciiiiena "f NorthumberlnnJ cou' ty are to ectful!y invited to give us a call. G.B. ZIEBER. Agent for the Pikin Tea Company. Philadelphia, fept. 27th, 1345. ly TERMS REDUCED. DAG VER RUN GALLERY of Patent PremU urn Cvlurtd likenesses, and Pho'.ogmph'u Depot ( Xo. 130 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. ' No. 251 Broadway, New York ; No.. 75 Court Street, B.ton ; No. 13G Cheanut S reel. Phila delphia ; Baltimore Ptrect,' Ba'limore ; llroad- W;iy, Saratoga hpring ; No 56 Canal Slieel. . New-Oileaiia ; Main Street Newport, K. I. And Min Street, ))u Huque, Iowa. CONSTITUTING the oldest and most Exb n aive Estahli-hment nf the kind in ihe Wotld, and containing more than a THOUSAND POR TRAITS. etidTacinrr those of some of t'te nioit diatinguished individuals, in the United Sutes. . Adnnt'ance free. ... !-. . This E-'bli.hment hiving lieen award d tha Medal, Four First Premiums, nd two " H gh t Hunors'' a' the ExHibi ion 11 1 Boston, New Yo k and I'htlarlel h'a, r. sportively, fm bert I'ictote- nd Appa'aius, is llios nfflei.itlv nis'.onel in tbe pos. lion oi'.uperio itv ber-tof ,re uni eis Ms bs ined it by the puli'ic, as -F!nt in the tVo'ii." Lin 28th, 1845. ly 'ess. sLisiiTJi6n: VIA NO S. THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed siciil, for ie s.,le , f t'll.N'RAl) MEVI'i:' CEL EBRATED PREMIUM IME WOOD II ANOS, at tbi place. These Piano have a plain, massive and btamiful exteiioi Ci h. ai d, (r ilep li and .weelnes of ton', end eb g , rice of workman ship, are nut s irna-si d bv any in the United States. The following Is e recommendation t orn Cisi DsTa, a celebrated performer, and biwatlf a uiau uUeiuier: , A CARD. Haviae had the ples-ure ot trying tbe excel lent Piano Forte inmifarturcd by Mr. Meyir, and exhibited st theli4 exhibition of ihe Fr nktin In. atilute, I feel it dun to the true rurril ol ,lli maker to I'eeiare that ihesrt iu.tiumeiita aie quite (qua1, . and in tome rerprcs even tupiiioi, to i the P ano Furies, I aaw at the capit d f Eu oj, and during a aojourn of two year ai Pari. ' Thea- Piano will be vo'd at The manufacturer' lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons are requested to call and examine i f tbemaalves, at the residence of the subscriber. ' Sunbury, Mav 17. 184.V H. B. MAHSER. ' LAST NOTICE. THE Store Books, Account and Noies c(U. x B. Mar, base been placed iu the hand i a, magistrate for c jilecion. Peraona wbo account . have been of long standing, may aave cost by M-, lltng tbe same without furiher delay, . Sunbury, Jan. 8. 1848 H. B. MASCT ' WUKAl'.'e-lhe btghesTpuis iti.yr Wheal, at tb atore J H. AtASSEK., . A Hrw tupplv of (toae (kitimetit just reontw. No,. .a, igti. , w IlMt IKt) Jui for ca-b, by a ret.ive.1 ,..,( f, .-I, eA' liEAiiY MAbSE;'., Sunbuiy, Kjit. SO, 1644,