Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 28, 1846, Image 3

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    By William Rockefeller. -George Washing,
ion The father of hit country, firtt in war, Bret
In peace, and tint in the heart of hit country
By Edward M Hail -When
Adam first created wit
He felt just like anew man
God took fromHiim a spare rib, and
Created lovely woman.
By John P Pursel. Gen CameronThe esti
mation in w hich he iiheld hy hi fellow demo
cratic Senators, is a most signal rebuke to those
actions spirits who sought to overthrow him.
By Peter J Adams. Major Wm L Dewart
A young democrat of true and tried principles
let him but be true to himself and the nnmeol
Lis friends will be Irg'on.
By Capt J H Zimmerman. Our host and host
ess May they always have as good fare as they
have this day afforded us, ana' may they live long,
happily and contented.
Cj A Washington correipondeiv t relates the fol
lowing, as something rare, we persume, in that
place of primitive virtue :
"A curious case of 'horse-whipping.' 1 am told
has occurred in this city within the last few days.
The parties were a young carpenter, enaed in
making some repairs to the house ofa gentleman
of this city, and a female, a servant in the?
family, and who, as the story goes, had been sent
by the gentleman aforesaid, with a paper of na ils
to the chamber where the carpenter was at work .
Certain propositions, it is said, the prre'se na
ture of which 'has not transpired,' were made to
the 'lady' during this visit, to which she appear
ed to give a ready ear, greatly to the delight of
the enamored carpenter. She promised him to
return in a few minutes, ascended, provided
herself with a cowhide, re-aseended, to the cham
ber aforesaid, and gave to the astonished knight
ofthe saw and smoothing plane a cowhiding such
as would be considered a creditable performance
by the most fastidious amateur in such matters.
A partyof young gentlemen, it is also said, hear
ing of the transaction the second evening, 'took
up a collection' for the benefit of the heroine,
amounting to some fifteen or twenty dollars, with
which they purchased and presented her an ele
gant bonnet, as a taken of their respect for her
virtues and admiration of her 'prowess.' "
A Gooo Idea. A Bank has been established
at Cincinnati, which lends money to the poorer
classes in sums from $10 upwards, for a single
day or longer, either on endorsed notes, or notes
of hand left as collateral security. This will af
fard the day laborer an .pportunity of reletving
himself from any embarrassment.
BatsnniiTti'a Put. by cleansing the Blood
fiom all impurities, give, power to every organ to
perf.rm its functions healtlii'y ; no matter whe'her
eitern dly or internal y situated. Nature has firm
ed the b .i8 fur the evacuation of all unhealthy
humors of the blood, and if man would but use
common sense, he would take care they performed
thU office faithfully. If the bowels ate out of or
der, if too slow or too fast, a few d,. sea of lir.wulreih
I'iila will bring them in oriler. Ask the man who
wat dying from conciliated howelx what cmeil him ;
he tells yi'ii, Brmdreth I'ilU. Ask him ho h if
j hurl the dysentery fr nil rnontlu. nnj every reinr-
ly had f.ii ed ; he i l ti ll lou that Uraodreth Pills
cured him in a week. S wit'i V et diie j
Twelve Bianilreth Piile rubhi d d.iwn in a h ilf pii.t
ol mollis-,!, cured a inte b e? of an ulcer cf the
which wss tapiilly spreading to his eyes, and .which
a dn7.en doctor htl tried to cure ; 'he poor parents
, would have t;iven half liny were worth 1 1 have had
it cuieil, hut every thing they tried did no po.'d, un
til llicygiveit a tea spoonful of molasrs every
lsy, in half a pint of which they had tuhlied down
twelve Branduih'a Piile; hef ire the w hold of the
molasses jk tuken, ihe uleer was cured.
fXj Purehdse of 11. ti. Master, Sunhury, or of
the auent, puhliAhed in another pait of this paper.
ya aMwaJaawrjBajga. m i , MninaaaMpja
.rt .i n n i u it.
At Berwick, Columbia county, on the 21st
January, by the Rev. John lioweii. Mr. N. G.
Wtsn.KB. to .Miss IIarkifi- II. danj;hltr ol Col.
Jksss C. I1okto., of Nortluirjibef laml.
7U inftgi r'nirvfcays
i i i: i .
In Augusta township, on the 19th inst., Mr.
JOHN HAAS, aged about 26 years.
lu Philadelphia, on the 4th inst. Mrs. SAR V II
C. wife of Mr. CHARLES H. BALL, and daugh
ter of Col. Joseph Pdxtuu, olCattawisad, Colum
bia county.
Corrected weekly by Henry Nasser.
Woux, ....
Piimk, - .,
Took. .
IllKSWiX, . .
Tilto w,
HscKian Fiti,
L) hi Aeetas,
Do. 1'ricuta,
"Good Intent JTirc Company."
A STATED MEETIMi ofthe Companv will
le held on TucI ,y evening t.exl, at 7 o'clock,
at the Court lloune. Punctual Mttenilanee is re
quired. HENRY DON N EL.
Feb 28. 1846 See-etary.
(tM'alilnejton Fire Company,"
rPHE members of the "Washington Fire Com-
pmy" are reqoesi.d lo meet at the State
House, on Mindav Eeninc, March 5, at 7 n.
clock, precisely. Punctual altendanee ia required.
Feh. 28. WAMI'RI. J. YOCNti. .See.
nissioliitlon or rurUicrtliip.
THE Partnership heretofore existine belwxen
the subseritiers under lha firm of Heffner &.
Rhoaila, was disaolved on the 1st ilay nf April,
1845. hy mutual consent. Benjamin Heffner is
duly authorised to settle ihe rmsmes. nf ihe firm.
ty Books, Notes. Judgmanta, and all aeeounta
are) lu the bands of David Marts, E.. for rnle.
aioit. B. HEfrNER.
bssvekhi, Feb. 18, 1M8 31
RESPECTFULLY inform, the ei-I'l'-ns
nf Sunbury and vicinity, that he
i-iii"rn iiiv irfornc1 ro in- Dries
.5 ITntt in Maskiit (.,! A, a ,AAa m.a
of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful f.r past f,.
vnrs, he hopes ti receive a continuation of the liber
al patronage which has heretofore been ei tended to
dm. Feb 28, 1846. fim
subscriber being appointed by the Court
I. of Common Pleas of Northumberland conn'y.
Auditor, in aanrtain indrcpoit the liens under the
second mortgage upon the real state of the Sham
kin Conl and Iron Company, in said county, in
order that a distribution may he made nf the pro.
ceedsof the la e sheriff's sale of a iid estate, among
the lien creditors, fin the first Monday of the next
April court, at Sunbury, a I persons holding or
claiming liens against said esate ere her hy reqni.
ted to present ihem to the subscriber, at his office
in Sunbury, on or before the 23 I dy of March
next. H. B. MASSER.
Feb. 2Sth. 1846 4t Auditor.
THE subnet iher wmi'd respectful y inform per
ils .lesling in OYSTERS, ami the nuM c
ccneralv, that he ha. purchased the inter. st of
I hil-p Shay, tn the tiy.ter huinrss. at Northum
berlsnd, where he is prepared to supply tle ilrrx ni h
superior OrsTms. at the shortest notice, put up at
me . rienraieu establishment of Fields 4 Shay, in
All oilers Mint l.v mail, or otherwise, will be
punctually at. ended to.
Northnmlierland, Feb. 28. IS48.
Gvorse Gotshall's Estate.
IS hereby given, that ibe suhsrriher has been ap
pointed Au.'itnr by the Orphan' Court, to ap.
portion and d str.'buta the assets of said estate, in
the hands .f D. Keimr, adm'r, and that he will
meet them at his nliice, in Munhury, on Monday,
the 0th day of March nex, for that purpose, when
all interested are requested to attend.
Sunbury, Feb. 2t, ISfft. 3t AuJitor
or tiik ,
CHimr.s MiLLrx and Jon lalt Super
virnri of the Borough of Sunbury, in account
with snid Botough, fur the year commencing
May, '43, und ending Muy, '44.
To whole amount asses-ted hy said Super
vi-ora, amounting to $542 50
To oder in favor of add late Supervisors
on ttie present Supervisors of said Bo
rough, fur balance due, 64 95
1607 45j
By sundry expenditures for lahor in re.
pamng rouils aid highways; as al o,
repairing and mnking emlniikmenis
within raid Boroueh, as per receipts, a
mounting in the sggreuate to $403
By ihis amount pntil Ehetuezer
( reen"U(;h, on account of his
demand suuin-t ssul Borough, $17 13
By do. paid Lewis Dewatt,. on
HCcount of do., 17 21$
34 34
By hslance doe C. M Her, on order dated
O.t. 24, 1842. f..r $41, fr .m Benjamin
Krohn on I'. L zmia, collector of tax,
and hy him accepted, and rem lining
Unp .id.
By i Inn amount psid, com-ifling nf sundry
horough orders, amounting in the sg
gr cam to
By eiotierHtions of urcollectsble tax, as
spicifnd on Ami. tors' hook,
By comi ensatorv allnwsnce for services
rendered as Snpeniiora, including Au
ditors' fec, $4,
16 00
96 45
22 40 j
30 00
f007 4.")
The unders'gned, spr-ointid to audit, si tile and
I't'jnal the accounts of the WuperviMira of the Bo
rnuiih of Sunbuiy, having t xanuned the Receipts
ill. I Etpi Inlltnrea lis Set forth II) the preeedii g -tuto-meiit
nf Chailea Miller and Joint Lamlan, i.ite Su
peivisnra of said lu. uah, eshihiting a hihinee in
iheir f.vor of Sixly-fwir dtdars ami ninety five
und a half cenl, ilo nil n anil pas the i-urne.
Witness nui h.nda, Feb. 7th, A. D Eighteen
Hundred and Forty Sir,
euwa::d o. markley,
lewis dewart,
li M. YOKKs?.
Sunbury, Feb. 14, 1816. t
IHE riihcribr will reive tSeeled l'r..po-aU,
ihrough tl.H I'oal Oliice at Danviile, until
the l.t of Msich rterl, for f.einhiii g lion Rails
from the Montour Iron Woika to Hav e ile tlr .ee.
Oilers will l retencd for Ireiglitin frmn lOIVtn
5.000 ; but lor any ntVr over 50U inna the snb-eri-her
will reverie ti e rivilege of oc: epting for suc h
quantity as he pleases, not le-s llian MK) nni.
Prrson Hireling for theahive, will phseslite
where they are In he addre-se.l, and will phase r.ll
on the snbscnlier at the Monl'nui Iron Works to
nmke a conirac, wi hin oi.e week afier having no
lice that their i O'er is accepted.
Contractors will tie reqn re.l lo commence frrigh
Unt the Iron, wi hin two wetka after the opening
of the cnnal, and lo take an aveiage quonry
monthlv, coinpU ling the ruii'ract hy ihe I5ih of
Auguat tiex Tweuiy-five -r cent, will be reser
ved, as security for the fulfilment ofthe contiacl.
fXj" 2240 (lis. for a ton.
LUriCS P. Hi:.T.
Montour Iron Works, D uivit'.e, Fei. 14. '40. 3t
-l'll;lllN, Court Sali'.
S.N pursuance of n ordei of the Oiphans' Court
of Centre enuiry, will he upoaed to public
sale, on !S,.lur.Uy the 28lli day of February, at the
hou-e of Jonas, ueat Spring MilU, in s.iid
A certain tract r f land situate in Oiegg tnwnsMp,
Ceiiire county, on the Bel eluiile Turn, ike, con
taming 50 scree more or less, 30 acres of which
are cleared and in the best t.iie of cultivation, and
8 seres excellent meadow land ; whereon are e n c
led a large and elejant frame dwelling houae. wbh
a epilog in the cellar, a Hrge barn, and tnher out
huildinga. The land ia well watered, and ihete is
an eice lent oichsrd on the pieiniat-t. Late lha
estate of Philip M..eer, snV , d.c'd.
The conditions sr. : one half to be p dd when the
sale ie eoi. firmed and the residue in two yeai
ly payments secured by mnrtgaga on the properly.
fXj" If add property cannot he aod, it will Iw
renlrd for one, by public outcry, at the above
named t me and lare. P.wefion will be given
on Ibe first day of April nut.
February Utb, 184-St Adm'r.
F Northumberland County, fur April Term,
A. U. 1840.
CJrnml Jurors.
Drlnvtartlnm- Armstrong. Joseph Nicely,
M'ttnn. Leon ird Sheerer. Daniel II. (Nner.
Chiltifquaqur.ilfnty Caul, El j.h Hill, Ro
bettCitreii, Willmm Catel.
Point. John Oarrel.
Niirthumbt'-tand. Andrew Wilson, Oeorge
Sunbury Caleb Fisher.
Augusta. Samuel Gsringer, Solomon Evert,
Shamnkin Daniel Miller,
?A. Samuel O dinger.
Coal. Andrew Klinger.
Upper Mahonoy Jeoh Rtraser, fltmuel E;s
ter. Peter Seiler. j icoh O-i. Djniel Kaufman.
) Majionoy Philip Kerstetter.
Lt7e Mahonoy Nicholas Druo. heller.
Traverse Jurors.
Turin. Joh i Sample.
Lewis JscobJarrei, William MoOuire, D.ivid
Delaware John D. I.inehsch. Wilson ITulche
son, John M. Thatcher, Peier Shady, Joseph
Haves George Watson.
Milton. .Ismes Whitter, Palmer Johnston. Hen
rv Wilhebn. John Leih, Jacob Miller, John Evans,
Palrirk Moniaju".
Chillisijuaque.Sohn Voris, Williiim Houel,
Thomas llaser.
I'ninl. John Desl. Henry Morgan.
Nirthumber.undmn Tsggsrt, Thomas 0s
Sunbwy Daniel Henmcer.
Aitgvtta "smiinl Keiland, Dennis Woolvrrton
Henry Brewer, Pe er Kresger, J.ihn Srarner, John
B. Shipm.n, Thnm is Sovder.
Shamnkin. i'hnr es Msrtx. Simuel Kelly, Ni
cholas Yocum, Christia B 'Uchtg.
Rush. William Bear, Jacob M Hum, Henry
I pper Mahonoy. Jonathan Riits, John Mau
ri r. jr.
ljiwrr Muhmoy. Jacob Bower, John Michael,
J.IC h Snvler.
Li I lie Mahonoy. -Iaac Dornscif, Samuel VVi
Jackson. Henrv Lat-cha. Diniel Hilhiah.
1 I'elit Jurors.
Turbut. -Heniv Follmer.
Lewi.i Pet r Stihl. Thomia Rnae.
Delaware. Jse Pa ke, Joseph Irwin.
JXfiitnn.V-. A. Laocen.
ChWsquonue. Charles Search, Natl an Jarret.
Point. D iniel Robins.
Nurthumberland.l imes Hilburn, Thomss Wi
thingti.n. D iniel Brauticam,
Sunbury. Reuben Feg'-lv.
Augusta. David Rei ser, Solomon Hertiel, stir,
J 'hn Hart. Freibiiek Hsa.
Shamukin. f,.,.mon Keller, Wil'tam Am-rer-min,
J iohs John, William fi. Kar-e, David Miller,
Dai ie! Fegilv, David N. Lake.
Rush John Desha, Jacob Cearhart, Peter
Coal Solomon Duhkelbi rger, Henry Keysrr,
Mieha I D. rrii k.
Vpper Malionny. Anthony Yoder, George
Re-sler. Jonathan Eisenhart.
Lower Mutwnoy '-Umc Rotherrael, Peter Wi:.
Jackson John Uohner.
7E think a man who will nuke and palm
up 'ti an unso.perting person, a ui:r
Coa'ed Pill." not h iving on the box Dr. G. Benj'n
Smith's signature, would not hesitate in ell poi-uo,
iegarilles- of all consequences. No "Smin Co
Ttn Piti.s"can be relied upon, unless Dr. Smith's
denature is on the box, and all others are either
imitation or Counterfeit, and ol cour.e dangerous lo
Q3 CAUTION. As a miserable imitation hs
lieen m ule, by the name of 'Sugir Coated Pill-,"
it is neccss iry to be sure that Dn. G Bej Smith's
signa'uro is on every box. Piice 25 rents.
P.iricp.l Office. 170 Greenwich st N w York.
S.dd by JOHN VV. FIMI.ING. Sunlmry.
WM. FORsYTHE. X.rthum'd.
Feb. 21-t, 1-iiG.
thpliau'sr 4'ourt Male
IN pnrunce ofanor'hrof Ihe Orph m's Court
of Northumberland c mntv. will I e Sold at public
ss'e. on Tuesday tt-e Dull day of Maich next. a
the boose of Wm. R. Jones, in Augusta township,
in said county, to nil :
A ceitiin trict of l.nd sitirte in the towrs' ip
nfore-aid, uljoining Imdsof Wm. R. Jones, John
Hart, and the river Sunpu hanna. conl oniiig igh-tv-si
ven ncres m ee or te-s. About f Tiy sen s ot
siid tr ict are cleared and nndir a good s'nte of rnl
tivj'ion ; the residue i well timbered. The sni I
tract is eligibly situated for milling or msiiuf.ictoniig
purpose, as un excellent w iter power is afforded
bv lliles Ii'iiii, running throiiuh the hind. The
aul tract is Ineiieil on the Sunpieliaiin i, about 8
miles ben' Sunl U'V, on the Mail leailinj from th.ii
p'ace lo Harr sbu'g. The l.inil ia comprised of
h itmm land und up-lnnd, which will be sold toe.
ther or miv be deemed mo t di-a-hie.
L ite ttie es'ale of Col. .! ho Jones, dee'd
Sab- lo ciiinni'n' e st 10 o'clock, A. M. of ani.l
dsy, when Ihe conJiliona il s de will he made
known hy Wf. H.ML'ENCII,
Februarv 7 h. 1H40. 5t Arhnr's.
Aforouu iioiJSK ,
Opposite ike Court llause,
s i THE Soli ci'" r, wlni asais'ed ft w
C4V vei. I years in the rn n.Beeii.erii of li e ti-
hove II. tel. lately ki pt by Mi. S. . I'r-
. t ' fca .i y i, pS Ie ive io n f un the tiaelbnu
pub ic, he I as Ijken the e-ial I -hnient ..n bl
own account, mi the lir t of Ja uuv, 1K1H.
The Home has ol la'e, unlegiiiip many impor
tant alteration, and the preset,! conductor pr..mi-es
to leave nothing undone to m ike it a CoiiifnriaMe
and agreeable, a. well as a rlnap ami lcc unin il l
ling stopping plire lor strangers who may our
flouri-hing village. No pains tnr expense Wlil be
spand to ful ihe table atn! ihe bar with ihe be-t ihe
m nketa alfoid, an. I with t'rt di teimitia ion tii i'e
vn e his entire jer .n .1 alt. ntion to the Cimfort of
ihoiw whs ni.v make his houe their temporar-,- .
bode, and nid-.l by active, careful ai d ohliui-,g ffr.
vauts, he hopes lo give gen ral sa islactio,,, f,r,J re.
ceive a lila ral share of cti-tom.
fjj" Large and commodious STABLES ar at
tached to the eihl shment. which uie mended by
careful and obliging ho tier'..
January 24th. R1fi. if
rilllE Sure Uui.'ks, Accnu. u and No ea of II
JL B. M ts-er, tiave lareu placed in th. hands ol a
magistrate for collecinli. Prisons whoe accounts
have been of long standi' g, m iy Save Costa by set
tling tbe sam. witSuui funher iblav.
Kunhuiy. Jan. S. 1846 H. B. MASSER
J EMO.NS A loi nf good, irvsb Leinoi.a, ju.l
icccivrd Bnd f,,r te by
De . I a, IM5. HEY MASSER.
i7 II K4'l'. I h tiigbi.t pne. vi'sn fur
Wha. ai th oie .4 It. 1ASEU.
A new supply of Kuss Outtmeul Just received.
Net. Stls. Mil.
Bmett ntT, Lbtt.
List of Staple and Fancy
Received by In'e Arrival fmm London and Paris,
and njfertd to the Trade n ily, by
(!5uccis.ors to L. I Cohen cY Co ) No. 57 S uih
Fourth Street, ahovn Chesnut Street,
flKM.TNO WAX, R d, Black. White. Seirlef.
Fancy colored and Soangled j 10, 50 and 41
sticks to th lb. The assortment comprises 38 dif
l rent kinds.
Wafera in lb. papers, superior Srarlet, superior
Red. Blnck and ess Tied Fancy colors of the follow
ing sixes; Note, Sms'l Note, Pea, Large Pea, Mi
nion or Doll ; no Wafers. 4 aires
Tr inspsr. nt. Cameo and Fancy Wafers in hnxea.
Inks, Walloten's arid Arnold's superior BU'k
Wrtttne, Japan, Blue, Copying nnd Shel Pen Ink,
in 2 3, 4. 8. IS and 35 oi stone bottle..
Supe ior Carmine Ink. made bv Guynl in Paris
and Arnold in London, in el as bottle.
Bond's and Arr.ol I's Indel ble Ink, without pre
paration. Walkden's Genub e Blsck Ink Powder.
Gliss Ink, blown and cut, of every vaiiuty.
French anil English.
Travelling Inkstands, upwards of SO difTerent
Pupier Mnche, Bronie and China Pump Ink
aiandsin great vs'ieiy.
Pen Rarks, Bront and Imitation, vitious sizes.
Portfolio', 4lo. cap and demi, with and without
locks, in great v.irietv.
Wafer St .nips, nf Ivory, Vegetable Ivory, Bone,
El ny and C.icoa. all sizes with plain ai d cross
cut hr iss ei.ila.
G ass M t o S a's. a Very ex'eojiv.'.varielv.
Fo del. lain Iv..ry .rid Bono; C 7 a) Nnd 9 inch.
Reading Ki ies, plain and carved Ivory and
Pearl of vari -ns s
Preparnl India Rubber, CO ai d 4fca-ks to ik b.
Copying Paper, Turner's heel 5 and 6J lb demi
and 7 lb d u''le rmwn.
Tia-ne Paper, Turner's supertr.r White snd Co
loretl. varion i a t - , put up p. par .telv.
Wnti' g P'pC', Fnclt-h Blue tstd nnd WVe, f.i
lio. cap nnd 4'n p .w l. qonli v
Super White end B'ue Wove si d Timed E
In Sa'in, g It edge 4lo post, 8vo and ICino.
Enulish piper.
Vslenri i, or Lace Edge Note paprr. 8vo ,V 1 Cmo
English and French Satin Post with black bor
der and rdge, 4to and Uo,
Blue and White Wove French Quarto Postr, a
larce n-sortiiient.
Plain and Fancy French Note Paper of every
var ety and t,
Eiivi op. s, Eng'ish and French pluin and fancy,
in n'eai v oie.y.
Fancy Frenrh Pspeterir. fnrrished wi'h NntP
piper Kiivelope-, 'n. Wafers. &c ic., 25 dilbr
ent vati. !' .
F.i'gb-b Laid Blo'ting Pnper.
Wh ini i '-Xup' ri.-r Turltev Mill Drnwing Pa
per of t'je f'lllowi ng sizes, v'z: Foolscap It X It!
Demy 15rt50. M-.lium MiX"!! Rot a1 19X24
Nup. rR vat 19X27. Imperial 21 X 2"). EU phant
S3 X, 27, C. lunibo r 23X34, Alias 2C X 3.1, Dou
ble Elephant 27 X40. Aniiquarian 31 X 53
Colored Crayon Pnper, Knval, vuious tint'.
Sup rior Ilnstol B. made nf Whatm ill's de-
per, nl the foil wing s ze an I thickness,; cip, pa
in v. med um and rnvsl 2. 3 and 4 sheet.
Eiiibo-sed llnst d Boards ol 'various sizes.
Pirfonied B'isiol Bond, white and tinted, fine
medium and coarse perforation.
French Tracing Paper, royal, columb'.er and dou
ble ele hant.
Cotit'-'s Back CliMlk Crayons No. t S and 3.
Red and White Grayons.
i'.'irning B u-bes, sniieri. r English snd French
cimel's hair, l ig'i-h Sab'es of vsii ius qu dities,
flit C'mel's hair broshea in tin.
Mail errs'ical L s rumiM', I, n don mak". in ma
hogany "lid fi b - kin cases. Tlie a.-ortinenl corn,
pri-e- 15 'ilh rent kinds.
Water C..!.irf , c inpbte aor!mciit nf New
roan's c iioii e r ho. ji, rals and bole. HUi k
mail's Wan r ! .'or- in various -iie, shdn g, hook
and I ck and key Imxi s
Toy C.'loia in great variety, of sliding ami h ok
plain and fancy l" Xea.
Mczotiiilo at'd Pink Saucers, leather and p per
Clos-rncn. plain and carted ivory, hone and
wood, id all s zc-.
Bo ku imm n and Draught Board of va ions si
zes ami tpiaht e-.
Doiiiiuocs, 14 13 18 ond 20 line, of various qua
lilies. St, el Pens. Gi Ion's arid oilier m: ker, on cards
an.l in boxes n I .re and romp'ete nssonmsnt.
S:tl Pen IL Idirs, plain snj fancy of every va
liriy. Ivrcid.iin Slates, 12 difTerent sizes in rrmtneco
npd wood f atnea ; el-o. in pocket bo. k form. ond pntii e l (io d ' us nf various qualities
CarilCa-ei, a Urge i'ir,mi lit of French ami
Enuliah make, pi on and inlaid.
,e Plus I'bra Tiavilltng W ritine Deks, 10 15
14 and 1 ft inches, u .1 Is and w ithotil dres i"g ra e.
Po.tuble Tisv Ihng Leather Dress. p Casts, a
gri t vini. ty.
Superior Prepared Wiiting Parchneiit of the
f i:.tng sz-s: U'lXltH. 10X20, 20X 24,
24 X 2S. 2S X :'.S ai u" 30 X ;tQ
Faiicv Pmer plain and , mhna eJ gold snd sil
ver paper, r d Slid Hssolte.l Colors III, 'roCt'il paper,
f.iin y colored . ni!ii-sed p iper. lain Frctieli highly
g!n7ed l'.n C Colored pa CIS, Si,;
Fine .cn i n II iiullea ol 'an. u- patterns Slid gre
vsru-iy some nf riew s-,
Han Buislt'S nf n.pcr.or L uiJo i make, lire
a.s 'inn, in.
Lailn s Corp) anioi s
l oin) . ti K ti ted.
Portable Work Cases,'
Mima Ivoiies of Hi,, ly Vl;t Frenc'i viz- 24
27 30 3d :!li "i d 45 l i.ev
Iv ry I hb!e:s of vjii'., 'n,i iih ihe days nf
the wi , k.
M t .dic Mem ir Bonks of 4 s re.
Rue- ut IP und hard w..d. 13 15 Id 31 and
VI i
i bes
f..ich P.'i.iiiiifi! Hoi.c. in papei Hi.rl wocd,
oi v li, .us ue.J.
I ting .Ma'eiiala nf dima-k stf I, with ags'e
and tiiumellrd han. lies, in m. rncco ia-es.
i'ouo e wood snd iv. rv p .unci- 1'i.iea. red lai e,
span c od r cks, Iclu r i p mouth g ue. bat iedor. s
and Pir.'s, ill icie.l mspnand p.t-iore round game-,
w i ft r gum lal els. ch'na p.diets and ti e., ili, o
cup-, d aujliiinen, port cruymia. ilividrre. prutiac
tors, scales, Etiliati toy hooks, Sic. Kt.
S 11. Co are Sola Azeiit for tl-.e following
uriuhs, Munvfmturid by I.. I. Culint.
Superi .r P iied Iv. rv Sil face Playing Cards, Harry VIII. D C'tur, Merry And.e, High
lulideis, I'.ayiis, PreS'deiits Frei t h and Hpsrilsl,
the VoU't end- w uh S'pg e or iloubla heads
and printed in gold or colors niantif cure.l nl the
lest ina'enal bv an impr v.d melh al. theiel.y g v
iug Ihem a p ifect s'ip and m .k tig Ihem m is s
hd ami Jur.ihie. winch re. .tier, ihem the mo.t plea
sant playing ea'ils manuf it'iuri d
P am Enamelled Burnish' d I ard frnm No 1 t" 8
Ena nrlbd Gold B rdered Cards from No 1 ton.
Burnished Mo.f ue M .uinrnu Card, fin No I lo J.
Gib K 'g ' Vls.t'ng Cards o I to ft.
Ivory t-u f ic- Cards while sn l lioted, fin I tJ 8.
Plain I'liiil. r.' L'aids fiom 1 t 6.
Lead Pstssils tSujajrior drssviag perstib, maun
fartured from the pure Cumi?rUnd lead, ofthe fol
lowing degress of hardness): r tin. dur. ua. . sa. f .
Oirice Writing Prneils.
Red Chalk Penel's.
Pitent Improved Everpoint Lesi's for pertil e.r
S" nf .11 sir- s
CC7" They are rnn-'snly receiving fen E'tmp
sddi irt: a to iher Stock, and rcspcrtfu ly irivit..
I Uicha-era io till and examine for trp maelv'es.
0t7 .S'. . Co. hLr just pubhs1 ed the laugh
hie Game of What il'yn Buy, by Pro sor Punch )
also ths Natiopal Gaine ofthe Star Spingtrd Ban.
ner they alo bav." Ihe ajeney for Ihe f 'Mowing
popnl ir tames which Ihev offer lo the Trad st
publisher's prices, yit; .Dr. Bushy; Mansion ol
H ippines--; American Eagle; Master Rodbury and
his pup Is; Characeristics of'"guishcd Per
sons; Pope and Paean; Scripture Hisf'ry Illustra
te1; The Game e.f lle-o. ; I h-lliimrs eJ Vpha.
hel;. Pickwick Card: 8hsk-pesre in new Dressj
Ors I of Fo tune; Race of Improvement Sirife of
Genius Ro''iiio i Cnn n ; Ciri's of Magi; slo,
Abbo't's new s rie of Drawing Cards; Chr aima.
(.'ards m tocil and Bad Passion-; Merry Game of
Trip to China; Gauvt of American Revolution.
Philadelphia, February 7th, IB40.
No. 70 South Third STRrrr,
Opposite the Philadilphia Exchange,
Manufacture and keep cor
stnntly on hand, a large as.
sorimcni of their Patent !m
proved Salnmsnder FIRE
PROOF SAFES, which are
a constructed as to set at rest
all manner nf dnubr as to their
?-trr-- Kuini, atrlalu firtt tirnnf an.l
that tli. y will resist the fire of any building in the
wor d. The oms de-case ,,f the Safes are mule of
boiler iron, the inanle c "e nf so ip'tone, and be
tween tl o i uti r case and inner case is a space of
s me 3 inches thick, and is filled in with inde'tiuc
Hide m iteri .1, so as to make it an impossibility to
ever In.rn any ofthe eon'ents inside nf this Chest.
These S npMOne S) ;nin,ilcis we are p'epsred
ai d do chal'eng' the we-ld io prodr.c- any ar'i Ie
in li e shape or Book Safes hat will stand s mui h
leal, and we hold norselvid at a!l ''
have them fa rly te.'e I hv public ho fire, -houl t a
nv i f our rompcti'iirs h el disposid to try ihem.
We slut com nue 1 1 miiniifi'itu'e and keep c n--1
un i f v no hind, a larLe and genual as-ortmenl of
our Pieiiiiuin Air-tight Fire Proof Hsfe. if which
we Inne a larje quantity In u-e, and in every in
.tuner) they have given ent r. s itisraction lo the
punhaseis of whiih we will refer the public to a
few gent'emen who have ihem in use.
N. fi G. Taylor. 120 north 31 at.; A. Wright
& Nephew, Vine st. wh uf; Alexander Caror, Con
veyancer, con er nf Fi'bett and 9th s's.j John M
F.T'. 32 north 3d -t.; Mut- Push, 20 nor h 31
-t ; Pailev L. Itro ber, 13-t M -ket -t ; laoiea M.
Paul, I it 1 -until 4'h St.; Dr David J.vne, 8 south
3dst; Miitbe T. Miller, 20 smith '3d st.; aid
we cnuld name some thri e or too' hu dnd ihers
if i: w. re nrecsa .rv. Now we invi e 'he H nli 'ti
of tin- public, and particularly th .se y -vu.t .1
Fl e I'rrof S dVs, to call at our store b fo.'e i o rhi
sing ida whe-e, and we think we can snisft. t1 em
thai they will get better M) cheaper srtu-le at
our st. re ih in any other estahl shin, tit in tit- cry.
W e idso cotitii ue lo m uiufjctue !eal and Co
pjini I'r s -cs. made in such a manner as l an
er both pur,o-ea; H osting Machin s, Fire
Proof Do 'r, with tir own nionut'a ture of locks
mi them, with l. Evans's Patent Keyho'e cover
att.iched 'o ihe same ; plain and ornamental Iron
Railing, A.C
N. U Wc keep contint'y on hand a lirie as
s utinent of our Patent Haie Lined Refiigei tus,
Water Fillets snd C aer;nd we have a'so on
hand se veral second hand Fire Pr-nf Chests taken
in exchange for ours, which we will doposs of at
very I w price..
P i'adclpl.ia. January 21 h. 1816 ly
An. C0-L Mirkrl Stn tt. i.b'v ; Smith side,
Df I H subscnl crs rt sjie. i'ullv l al the etlen
'ion i.f :hcr Irieiida and de b rs lo 'he r lanf?
.'mi well ass rie I stock of lla'8 mid Ca a of tvery
' a ii, lion, uil adapted I r tin-s. roii; trade. B..
i g ni ele of tl e heat in in rt .1 a id by t!ie in ist ex
perienc-d woik'nen, ll ey fe.-l conl'ident to give nn
vers il saiiat icti 'n lo all mI,o may favor 'hem with
a t ial, as thev i fT.-r to sll as I vv as no bmie in
ti.eei v. ' BR I'ALOIT & BLYNN.
Phii.idilphia, January 3, IS 16 1
LI Z CO 'P ii3 rsTT?.
OML WHERE! Why wheiedi you vu,H
pose toil to tne Clieap olore ol Henrv ias-er
.ii Market sircet. Son! urv. And fir what purpose
do you think fiey com" I Wl y lo boy cheai', to
be sure and sve at lea-tVO pet cent, -They won't
do twttin' eAe," be. suse it a well known fact
that at
the very be-t 'Uv. t re s,.ld at the very low st
prices. Now eo one and id' ; 1 11' d .n't all Come
ut ni ce, i, iid JUDGE FOi! VonELVES!
Wlme ran will find a Splen hJ Assoitmeut of
Tall uiul Winter liy Goods,
jus received, among hhh are the following : So-
i pionoe I r ru n Il.oiulcioi;,; e-l . I cngiauu no.;
i Heavy Beaver do , a rtrst r ite ar'ide for Overcoats,
) a'ld a g cat variety of Wo I Dyd, Black and Fan
1 cy t'assiineres. Sattim'lts, Moiisselin-ile.l tine-, Rrp
; iled an es, Ca-htiieres, A'na cis, iVe Ac. AIo, a norimenl i f C of ihe latest styh s
jin) pad ir s. wlnen wi I he sol.l ctieaei inm ever;
al-n, Wo leu and other Shawls isi g'e.t vaiieiy,
from 4l cts. to i 1(1 ; a fetieral hss rtmenl if Ho--i.
rt.Gl e-, S..spi ndeis. M in-, it ., Ac; a laree
.!. tioii in i f W aneii'i. Men's anJ Ml sea Guiu
Mi i s which wi I be told cheaper ihau tver bet ne
oil red.
Its In bkewise, in ad lit on t the above si. ck,
I "i ' --s ortmeni of Q teni'U are, Hardware
Stuldltrtf ond firm cries ng u from S to 10, 14
and Hi tl-. ter lb; (i ' I t'oH'ee at 10, Wv B-si
at 121. Also N lis; M, ike.; Iron; Sanders Hi's best
Cast M-v, Lttgbsli. Ameiicaii snd Swe.d Blister !
do i i -I. ,rt. sver lb pi! tSat i u-uallv kent in a !
C. uiurv Kl. re, all of which will be sold at very
rei'uced pines.
Country Produce of all kinds taken in ti
rhitngs fur G'lmls.
fuihuiy. Nov.2;J, 1845
Ofthe lute firms if Kewk'rk A Slrykrr, und
Strykrr ic l'ugur,
HAS resumed ihe W holes. .e Diy G .nils Bn-t-li.
s, snd now olTers for si'e, at ns, and
11 lijiig strett, Iploa, ;.U 'iio. g Mve's, l
(dabom V ( in Auction
Store. No. T(t Mark.t !
street, a general sssoitment
i nf II. v f:.ta el.flv i
purchase! at auction at a very small advance lor j 'oweat Philidtl.h'n prices, ,f not some dung I wv -cash.
,ir env are., lane. a. ! Persons .re e'ieta .n cslV Slid fjam't e t. f
' cpy
Believing that li s long iperience in pil'chasi g
j ,
will in.ble him lo sell Ills Goods al the low-fV Ma,,
k' t pi ices, ha mviiea hi- old friends, anJ fetters
wis iug to buy, to favor bun wt, a call.
Philsdl(.hia, Nov. I, lH.
niRRisnunc, im.
T 7tr!fJ bavs tn Ir.f .rm the pub! e I have h-ft
J'hi's le'phli. I il am n w Incite I in Hvrl
; 'i'., 'he sea of the Eiectitive '.nd S a'e C) v rn.
tn"' l nf Penns-lvsida, where I it- nr iev the
menus Hotel, recently kept by Mr. M fhewr
This spacious building, having I -: ""-ne'y
fdtnnei and irected for a Hotel of ii c'.ss,
-: hot surpassed if equa led, by sny a t !sr rtd
lishmeut in Pennsylvania j snd havinf nn le'on
a thorough renovation, the parlors, rone and
rhambera are now fitted up in a style thai com
bines (legsnee with comfort and eonvrrnsnee
My TABLE is pledged lo he supphe I wih ths
best fsre the Markets csn prr-1te . th,. r, rj. nt
the nmn tims licp g ss moderate n an, of 'he he-t
regulated astal li.hmerte e'sewhern lo short. nn
eicitiont shill be spared on my p ,rt, or on tt.e p ,rt
Of every member of mv br nsehohl, to rraVe it hit
it should be. in t'"6 Cnpilal i f one of the most pop
ulous and inerestim S'ate- ofthe irnion,
Wlh these pr mis'-s, accommodations and fao:.
llti' S, and the fart that te Hotel ia m -st eligibly
situated, I wi h confidnrice, rr.ost rr sp. ct'ully
cit the patronage ofthe Public.
Late of HerrV Hotel, Cliemut si Philsd.
ITsrrisburg. Nov. 2, IrMrV 3m
To ItiiThH7crsf
frHE subscribe', No. 151 Pearl s'reet, New
JL York, having cstahli-hed a Br inch at No. SJ
South Second St., Philade'pht is new
and wil be consiant'y receiving from the Ni w
York Auctions, sn extensive assortment r f
which will be sold at the lowest New York pi c-s.
at wholesale end Retail. Among h a slo, k wiil be
fouoJ a goral assortment of the fj'lowisg S'ti -le-i
Jaccnnets, Plaid, Hsir Cord, Lace, Sir pc. H ':,
Swi-. and Tarla'an Muslins. Bish p snd L ie n
Lam s, Fsncy C.i N tl, Fancy and Ba'l Ure-e.,
Thread Lsees, A pplicaticn D ., r ch K i. k '.:
TrimmJi g Lace, Iri-h Linens. I.inrn Caxhriea,
Lmen Cambr'e Ht!kf..Cu'tain Fr nrrts. C i-hme-n
d'Ecos-e, Mriusiitne de Laine. fhk end C."on
Warp A'laeeas, Qu 'en's Cloth, G.da Plaiila,
Fren- h Ve inos. tl-rk "i'ks, GI .ve.. Xi k II .sc.
Shawla, Crava a, Rddron-, Eoileo.i'eri' s ter., cc.
Country Mere'-artts an I o hers vi-ru g I'l.d .col
phis or New York to urc'.i-e, a riSjuciiu'l; in
vited to CtH a d i xamine the st rks.
Nov. I. HS45 I v G. H. MOOFF.
tfo. 13 tfvrth ilh tirt'l it few duort fli'.ei Mur'nti
HAS cnnM nt'v oo ha-'d a very 'arcs ser.rt
ment el I,n Y ng G! s es. B ifcet.. Ce.b r Ws
a ol Fancy (rooj., wh'p.'h vtill be sold wh .lesslo at
the Verv losi sr riee.
N. U Look ng G's-ns ;nv.rid lo eny part rf
be CoMitrv, n th nt rhar-e.
N v. 1,' 1 8150 ii
""tVatcln's, .ierclry, Sec. &c.
flH E -u' ser.l er olfcs for sale, at the I' i.r a
JL ce-, a l uce si d general ossortrrerit of C.n
and Its' Lever, L'l'lt.e and nt'iet lirnla nf
Welches; Jewilrv, Sdver Wire, Ebony and Gilt
Manti I Clocks, ami! Boies pleyini from
two to ti n topes ; Beriedici rt B unev's 1'iinionJ
Pointid Go'd I'enJ Watchm.kers' Tools, FiiW
and Ma'crtds.
Orders from the country are solicited, end will
becaiefully attended to. JOHN C FARR,
113 Cb snut st., Philadelphia;
Nov. 1. IS 15. 4m
IV'e rrenmmi nd nil of our friends lisitiiiQ tf-.J
ci'y, In roll at thi- Pehin Company's i'forr(
tind lay in a supply of their delicious T ins.
THU Iriil. TEA tO.rU'AVY,
No. 30, S. ktu rnKKT, Between Mnikrt
a;'. I'hesiillt,
WflAVE c-nstsi tlv on hand, B'.d f r ile,
B Wh de.sV nnd n-t-i;.
At Loivcr I i ict;;,
according to he qu I y. than tl.ey cm 'e b. uj' '
for at any ot'i. - hb-hmcnt bi the citv.
CTi.vs, ' iciusivrlv. ar. soi.t nt di's h. tie.
and sever .1 v r el e w'l .-h rar.uot 1 e oh' .ine.l else
where. nv Te.vsMhhh do n. t five . n'ire siti
ficion can Ve rt turned and cichalig'-d, oi the m h
ney will 'oe rcfijnde l.
Tin-citizens .f Northnm,,erl md ccU:.ty are re
speclfulty inviird to give u- a csll.
tl.B. 7.1EBER.
Auent f" th" P-kio Tea C' i..janv.
Phi'a.Vli.hia. spt. Stl'iJ S45. I v '
VO Ji '.
DAGVnilll i V UAU.EKY f latent Premi
um Cihi'id Ukir. .". t:nd I'hu.'orcp'iic
I), v.t ,
Xo. ino Cltptsnut SitTCt.'hla.
No. 251 l!r..i 'w.-.v. Niw Ydk; N o C n't
Stnel. B -'. n ; No. 1:10 Chesnui S.e,.i, Phi'i
delph a ; Da'tio ore ctre.t. Ba'timore ; It rn d
Way, Na.itDil4 -priiis ; N CO Ca"id Sinee!,
Neiv-O.le. ns ; .Iaiti Mrcet Newport, li. 1. Ai.d
Main Si reel. Do liuque, lows.
CONsaTITl.TING the eldest and niot Erten.
mve Eiitabli-hment of the kind in the World,
and cntiiiiitio, m,vc than a THtH'sAND POiJ
TRAITS, emi riiein"; those of wmo of the mo:t
distinguished individuals, in the I'r.ited Stutes,
Adiuitrniii e tree.
This Establishment hving la'rn award, d the
Medal, Pour trl Premiums, "til I wo "Hchrtt
Honors'' at the Exhibi ior at Boston. Nt'tv Yo k
and I'hiUtlel; h-a, respectively, for ht-t I'ictiite. hi: I
Apparatus, is thus olllci .llv si:s':,ii'e l in the (.-:
lion o'sntrtontv hen tot .re milt era ,l!y os.-if;:itd It
bv the pnb t -. as 'Pint in the World."
' Join 28:h. 1S45. ty
is-5 hi: a..iEj:5Ea:
1ME 1'11SI ItlUr.'l b..s b.eni po ntel B'en'.
fo i' e s ,!e f ( t ! !5 D ME Y F-l:'.'i 'i'l
D !)
A M)S. b this i laco 'I he l'i ui. I
an- a p'ait ,
ina.aive .hi la nn if ii 1 1 P ii." li in a it, l r i ey ti
aid ; Wei Ho s- tt in-, hp! Ii g i.ce til orko-stis
ship, r. i a i' a s-d b apt in ii e Fi i td a-.
Tpe ('..liovtig Is a re II ll'lori he'll l'rt
Dura, a c libiato.i perio nin, nj hart.tlf a luaii'
ulac.uier :
IltTiso l-ad li e p'is iire ot irtii ci'e eice .
leni I'tn.o Fort's msnfjcttir.d Iv Ml Mi . r, s-' f
evV.ilCe.l v the last . 1 i m ofthe Fr nklin I
Mire, I feel it i'ue til the true on ril ot the tn '.
to ec'arc that the." uisti tiii-t at rnt'e
and io toqe ri -pec's ev n upt ii". io a'l ih. P -ano
F'tt-, I saw at the capitals rf Li .icte, an '
uuii',3 a soj-ufn of two ye.r? a'. Y
''he Piano wdl oe so'ti i ibe .rmtiufacturf r
I'ji-inselve-, t lie t'.'.dfnceof 'fe
Sunbury, Mav ig4.v . B. M ASSL
iitei'e.' end 'or ssb", c
X f. ca.. u
Stt-ety, fctpu 8a, U4A.