From the N. Y.irk Spirit of tha Timei. The. Right Old Arm.uml" brought the HT the rrnr roriwi 'km. I.o-.VNDrsnono, A' ' o. Q.", 1844. A thn Prrndoutial cmtr of '44 via draw- i '2 'n its cI-sp, end t!. 'returns" from respec l v S licit bcjrin cntninp in, the f xcitement t. 'ii. h I) o ft been rrrcwin: with the prnwth of the ijjn, a ml Mrenrriheniiir with it strength, 'i''f now no looser be restrained, but ahowed i n'f a well in ilic oner f mmtcrmnrpp, a in i hrrr word nnd hnty action nf men. Pu-ip-s in thi.-i part nf the. country w otinn-t " iiirpiy lo-t nifrlit cf ; men noted for their .pvo. i .1:1 tu their pursuit nnl their interest, micht '' li-en fnon nt any hour of the day, only I'liicrinc a limit, discussing the probable) i-stie 'ii r. much vehemence ns thnnh their whole f"'nnfs depended npnn it. Thousand noon 'ii'Miindmif dollars worn Flaked upon there- i ; nr! whrn it becamn known that the vote ' '.N'cw York to decide the conflict, the r i a of t!,e whole people were turned upon her .-', i !r'Ci;n.'. f She deppoM bo iciluile. ( ) n:he atr .val of the di.y upon which the fl- '' nrwj wnfl to ronch Muntpnmrry, having a ' ut.nottnt of money b t upon the election, - f.-rlnj; very itnx'.uutf in record to it, 1 de- "nitvl toppiid nn exprew fur the intclligi nee. i-u',:ii!j:!y, wri'incton friet.d '.netnil my men- i vcr l;jclt as fooii bp tin' mail Arrived, whili I hiifw would he about 11 o'clock at night, I rt-d "Old Arniftra a fuitl.lul old nero f .';e n prent fnrotite in the vitiligo a 'pi- n ppni-crat' with pnrtiitilur ftnd prrriorr ju :fi;c,:oti9 to keep perfectly sober, ttatt home "rmn a ho pot the now, not to ride 'Trnvel. ' I'h.ird, and to be cert-iin rind bo back before Immediately after he lelf, it hrenme t vuvq in town that 1 hud nt 'Old Ar.nstend' I I Montgomery aft r the new, nnd to pive ' iry one of nil parties the bi nefit of the express, ' -.'t(fd. npnn his arrival at homo that nijht, i Pr one barrel of tny pun in the event tlmt ; Ciiiy wis elected, nt"! if Mr. Fo'U wit the ' i "vn one,' 1 w.ns to fire both. At my iicual time I vcert to bed bet not to 1 -"p. Th? Mead certainty' of the intelligence ! so oon to receive, added to a nervous r ir 3 to Jhe safety of my invent merit o lavish ' made upon Mr. Polk, bmished re?t from rry i'.'w. However, about three o'clock in the '-iinp I hid fallen into an tinrcry flnmbpr, ' ' wr a dreaming of counting money and aer 'Z new clothes, when I wn suddenly aroncpd ; " f cl-Uterin of a lioree'n hoofs 8i."ii(iH the i rd prnund, at leapt a quarter of amllet.t,. 5 r ii.ed up in the bed, and in a moment recoj i z-d tl.ettronj, powerful lope nf my Travel ' r.' Sprinping to the fonr, with my feelings 1-i a tumiiU of anxiety, I lit a cnr.iile and jump- i to tho door, when 'Old Arms-lead' seeing ' an having a! tit 'hhlf a pallon' on his ' Mid, thoiitpd out. 'M ister, Mr. 'oH'a chctcd !' Not 1 n k i n ix lim" to rpprimnnd 'Old A -':i:;lrad' f r qualifying hia newa with fo ' ji ? an expression, 1 1-pranjr to my gnu, which ip i:t'ii? ready cocked for the occasion, let l UQ btrrol, and had my fiijer on the other '" .' .''r, when the id. -a ptruck me to hold on a ."iite, and pee the efTect produced by the one Virr.'l. 5i.t'uro ttio reverlijr.iliun hud died a- iv, etit jo'i'ped 13 H Tho'np-on, the most viru-!e-,t, titter Whig in the v il 1 1 crc. from the door "f hi online, reL'ariilesp i.fthi bitter cold nipht i' I) nothing on hot lii pti.rt, (fur he had jut ii"sen from the bed on the report of the pun.) "id, as he hit the found, he yi lied rather ihnn 1 ailued 'llnrnli for Clny ! 1 a:n a mude mun, t v Il-irrah for Clny !' 1 1 a ininntr n nr there enme tearing tip the r'rei't to Tiioti:p:ni'i house, half a doZ'lihnlt i.nked Wiii-p, yelling like fo many unchained !''Vile,'l!urr;ili for CU'y and Fridinliuy('ii !' I coiil.) stand it no lonyr r, with Jtrl nga of t .c rnoft unalloyed rapture, pulled down the 'huniner' on the second barrel. If a tl under h .it fiom Heaven had f.itlen nmongtt them, it r old not Imve produced condernntion. Thorn ;won fell flit on h a face and proaned, I'n nrned ! Piroke ! Snmshrd all to d !' l!y irnp time lhPtrert was filled by the hotit ffthe triumphmt D "noT it-i and the curse of l ie di-fsppuiiiteJ Whig. 1 ran back to put pi my pnntahrf.riF, on my retnrn to iho crowd ' 'ind Oi l Armtefid nn the ground with a do- n men around him laughing ; on approaching l. etp I h( aid hiiri yell out 'Yah ! jah ! yah! il rts Gi d, du n'fcht will he de def of me, yet,' :id then lie would roll ovu sr. mother parox- - in of liu. liter Bi.d preFH hie haiitlw to hia fide. V.ih ! Villi ! yah ! i I. ah teen heep ot'tinpa in O'd Viri-iny, but 1 nrif r fed nothiug to beat : it !' On K.ine one enqinriiig of him what ng tiie ii;i.tter ! h replied, 'i urn Jufing at the way Master haded Mr. Tl.iifepon- Vali ! yah ! h i' I5y this time day bud broken, and the crowd ind a-seinbled t tlie proc-ry, wliere about halt .t theni were drunk. In ti.e imdft of tlie con tusion, in walked 'Old Arnistead,' and aai.l, .!a'-ter, I'm ale. rd Trtveiler liah pot de U,v ; I hud olileeped to r:d linn U ry hard Iub' night t bring de new. He hery nek." " Tnank Got !' exclaimed DiU Thompson. '1 I. ope he may die.' ifthenu any doubt of it,' exelaiinej another ' : -appointeU, we ll help him along.' To those charitable remarks 1 paid noit'fn ' hi, but as I h'fttbe sropery I heard 'Old Arm r'eatf say, '1 Vper t penilenipn. if 'Traveller' do '!, Vrttercan rido 'Grey IJ.1I what he on f om Mr. Thcmpsou.' Oh, Ird!' pruned Piill Thompton, 'will " -.mebody cut limt old tcotiiidrel' lliroat V Aimstead, becoming aomewhat alarmed for ' p-,ttty, followed rne to where 'Traveller' uaa ' ing, who, by one or two ilrenchirigs, recovered r.-'ini the efl. ttof h;a hard niijht'rj work, fjinee rut time, the hire mention o "'1'jie Niphl Old Armstrad brought the Nfiwi,' ia ertaugh to i.ik B ll Ttompson lev. UAIVn XOTC LIST. rr.WftYLTAKf A. Tlie f llowiri(r lint ohowt tbp current value of all Vnnovltsnia Hank N.itra. The mnt implicit re- lianre miy te Jilnced upon It, a it i erry wee k Mrt'fiiHy compared with ai d CorrectaJ fioiri liii k- nll'a Hpporier. 1 ItanUt In Philadelphia. 11. Locatio. NOTES AT r A It. dank of Norih Ametiea , , (lank of the NorthiW't Lihertir , (5nmrnKrriid Hunk of Ppnn'a. , , r'atmpra' and Mpchauica' Sank , Keninirt'-m Hark , , PhilaiMphia Itnr.k 5i-hn Ikill Tank . . , 3'iiithwatk ltank . , Wppiem Ttnnk , . , Merhanipp' liank , . Manufacturer' Ai Meoharir' Tnk Country IJnuKi. Disc, n I'Nttan. par par par par par par par par par l" ar nattk of emptier County Itarik of pnlaware Conniy (Unk of (Jprinatptown Hank of Montanmpry Cu. Oiytrplown Itank Gaon Hank Wpfchpi!rf Chester ti-rmantown Nmria'own D nlentown par par par par pur par paT Thee oflicrp In not Kaaton Fa'tn-r !Unk of Porks co. Pri to! tWua of IJank of ppiiti'a. Uarri'-.tmr nttifa ilo do l.ancniii-r OlTira do dit Heading Ollice il do Enton J o-nue n NOTES AT DIPCilUNT. Rank of the United St itp Thiladi Iphia ttank of IVnn Township . . (ii-ard Baek . . : Movmpriiig H ink , . Rank of renni Ivmiii . . ro jar par par ,,,, i!! Miiirrp' Hank of l'vttavi'.lr Hank of LrwiMown Hank of Middl"t.wn Hunk of Norllni'iilK'il.inil rnfaville Iiewitnwn Middle'Kwn N ilhnmtii'ilaiid par I'ohiinliia Dunk &. Uiide C0.('ohimtia Carlipln 13i,k C.rlislp Exchange Hank 1'ili.iliorp 1 d of I'nllhNvptiurg Farmers' Hunk nf l.anenptei liincasiei f.nneatpr County llmk Lmiraiirr rirmers' Hank of Keadnig Reading Uniricliurt; Hank ilarriliurg fiannis rr Bank J.fiiirn'ar l.pliaimn Ilniilt Leliaimn Men han'"' Sc Manuf. Dank I'ioplmrg juif i r- i i Hunk of Piitahurg riMs'.uis VVesl Hmnrh H ,nk Willianifpnrt U'yniniiig Hank Wi.kel.ano Nnrth.oi.itoii Hank AHeiilonn Hprka C iinty Uai.k i.'ra.lmg Ulhce of Barik of U. 3. Pitial.urg failed do l'n ilJ Co Erie ho da do rv'etsr Brililon KeopiiEtiiii S. tm. A iIj Pf nn Township Sn. tin. do Hank of Charnleril.urg ChamVrhjrj H ink ol Cieitysburg (ii llypbutg Hank of iii quehanna Co. Mr.ntroie di 2 i if Hi i U I li Erie Dark Er n Furinerp St Erovera' Hank W'ayiimhorg I'isiikiiii Hank Waaliiniiton!. If l!l:k lIonni.ll. lie !ni.f:nil,eli Hpiik oI'D. lirounaviile Vork liank , Vo.k i-i M. 1J. 'J he notes of those banka on which we ornil quotations, atnl iiib-titutp a dah ( ) a'e not purrhun d by tho l'hiU.I. Ipl.ia t.rokerp, widi the exception of (hope uhiih havp a Inter of n lvrtiice. BROKEN HANK S. Philadelphia Sav. In. Pinlaili Lhia failed failed f.iled failed Philadelphia Loan Co. d.t S'huvlkill Sa. loa. do Manual Lnlor Bank- (T. W Dvott. prop.) IVwanda Hank ' Tnwanda Alleghany Hank of Pa. Heilford Udi,k of beaver Heater no tale rliwed cb-PC.1 l.ulc.l lhl d no -ale failed f.ole.l failed Bank of Nwaiura Hank of Wellington Centre Hank City Uaek Farinera' Si Mech'ca' Hunk Farmers' & NTechW Hank Farmers' & MechW Hank Haonoiiv !niituto tiuiiting.lor. Bank Juniata Hank Lumbermen's Bnk N.irihern Hank of I'a. New Hope Evl. 11. i. lee Co. Norihuinti'd Union Col. Hk North Wmtern H.t'ik ol Pa. Ofli.e of Schuylkill Hank I'a. A?r. fi M-iniif. Ualik Silver Inke Bar k L'ninri Ifai.k of Penii'a. enmnielanit Hank VllketlHrre Hridi;p Co. Ilitr.bbiirg a-hiogtiin l!i II. t'onie Pitin!iiig PlllllUrg Fayette C". (irt'ineastie Ilarnionv no ale Houlirig.ti.n no pale 1 . i-toivil n.if.ile War. en New Hope Mill. hi Meadnlle Port 'iirlinn (tttrlikle I'liion'cwn (Jr. 1 1 ul iiri failed no mle el.'se.l 00 -ah' eluseil fail clo". filled (l..-e.l Wllk.'S'rre no sale Cj" All notes pnipo tii e to be on any l'ei.n-vl-taina Bank not given in ihe above list, may be set Jowu as frauds. jvciv jcksi:v. Hank of New Biuusivick Hrontwii k lirlviileip Uank Jlplvidere Hurlinplon Co. Hank 'Jxniiiieicial U-ii.k IVrili Am'mj unil-erlai.d Hank HmL-etnn .'aimi-rh' Bnnk Mount H.iily fsrmrrs' biid Merhanie" Pk Habnay Fairuer' and .Mrcbau.iV Pic .. Hnmp.viil; Farmers' and Mer. banu' Bk Atul.llit in Pi, Franklin Hank o! .V J. Jer-ev Cny llnlioken Blc& (irj.iig Co I Iub .ken failed i par i p.r failed i failed fail.d tilled failed failed J fdilei'l A pa'r no ale leiFty City 11 ink Ji rm-y t 'py Panel. in Helhtilie Morriptow n lieeliolj N .'Mailt 'I'reuton Jrisey City Michanii' Bank Miint.f utur. ra' Hank Morris County Hank Monmouth Bit of N. J. Mechanics' Bank .Micbaiiics' and .Manuf. Hk Morris Canal and Likg Cu Pi-t Aoiea Newark Ul.g St In Co New Hope Del Bridu-e Co N. J. Mo mi lac. a. d Bkg Co Newark l.aiiihi ri,ti',le Huh. ikeri i i faded failed , i failed i N J Prolecton it l.oinl ar J Ik Jen-ey Ci'y t Irauge Bank' I.lrange PaierMin Hank People' liank Princeton Bank Salem Banking Co StHie Bank Slate Hank Sluts Bar.k Slate U ii.k of Morris State Hank lutein and Philad Manuf Co Sussex Hank Trenton Banking Co Union Bunk Wakhingtuii Banking Cq. Psicrsin do Prineeion Spleen Newark I'.lirahelhtown I 'a.ndeii Moriiftown Treliliiu Salem Newton Tieiiton l)ver Hackensack par par i i par 1 fade I failed i par ii failed IlLLlWAKi:. Bk ofWilmdi. llraiikly win Wilmington Hank of Delaware Wilmington Bunk of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Millord Farmer' Dk of btate of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington 1)0 branch Georgetown 1)0 Lrpiith Newcisil 1'nion Bsnk Wilmington rry- L'mlei 6' par par par par r par pir par p.r fXj On all hank marked thu () there are ri. ther eountetfeit or altered noua of tha vjijoui it negaiuationt, in tireulstioo. 2ritlUitDlc artCctfts. 1 Hntnrjrii's Vannrres-t tttain cure for worms re nnd very Jilcaiant lo take. 2. fJinsnVs'EtTaacTs. wbieh rpmove (Tresse nf all kinds Dry Pamls. Tar, Varnish and W if, from rarpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. 3 I.nrnn Ftt Per.a the best thing known for killing flies and mupqu:tra. 4. A certain Destroyer of It at, Mice, Roaches and Ants, and an t'her of Rid Huis, 5. Iictp'p Purine for a ur stomaeh, ITpsh R.irn and Water Hrsh, by onp who hid tufT. red thirteen y irs, U fore he ili--ovrre I the cure. Da. 8-ravrV (insii ()itmt for the Pile. It lias npver f .ipd lo emr. 7. llBtos' Ti-r-rra Wrt. P. HatMopn's Ianr.LiBta lac, without a rivpl, 9. Tita t'oMforMn CorrcTjn of Fins jnt tl e mp.'i. it.e for children and ..r women, it is po .'eaanl to tV". 10. Htea's Vtcr.Tat A"Tian.inrs Pit.i. 1 1. (Jt"i!' Evtot.i.isT WTrH rnot? Pss-ir.. for H.rn.. Ho .'s, &c. It pofiens tlie leither,arid keP.P out I hp water. 12. Fmn Mtx's TnrrTnriri Pita-rra. 13. ltCKo' Duai.nmt MiTTtnr, whiih cur. s It e orl Dia-tbcct in a f.'W hours. 14 J enPN's 1tsitiit MiXTrR", a err fiin i,d peidy cure for Dysentery and Summer Compl int. The a' ovp vahta'l' nrtirles are pnhl whoVte tn.l r."Bll. bv L. C. Gtr.NN. 1 Smith Ffh n'rrlt, t'liifcdctpliiit wl'P'P S or . kepper rnd o 'hers i I be -iim ied wi'li pore Afrieao Ca rnne P. pi e-, Amir Plo vp p. Druu", Pamt J, Oil. Ol ts aiitl Va.nitn at Ihe towet r e. a. Terms o. Iv rah. (jj Cut out the dve.tiemrnt, and bring it l!i von. Phil id, h Iva. .lulv lfl-h. 1P15. Iv. B ELI K Vir A N I) L I V li . TKOHSON'S Cosniiuuixl f i up or Tar & Tootl .ai!ba. TMI1E ut.p'e-pdi tiled sueee-s of thn ntp'li.'inp. in .1. tlie re-torati n . f bal h. 'O dime who, in tie pair, IihiI cien up all hoi'P, hn cieri it ii xa' tpd n piiiaiMin a' ove all nihtr rpiiiihi-p, fnri i-hnm evidence of it intrinaie vt'U" an l pow i r. op the on 'V Pcent wh eti ean bp r.'l ed up n for the eure nf Pnlmoo.irv ('onmniption. Brombiits, Aihnia. P .in in li e ide and Hrra-t, l?iitiing of Hlood, Whoi.pine C.oipt'. ('roup. Sec. Art. r lion is .iueie,l m ihe f.dl ii c ASTON. JSHINfi t'irivE, lv 'PI.. m in'f Conipound Snup of Tar and Wo d N a ! ! Vhihuhlphla, Mm 57. 14 I. MR. THOMSON ).ir Mr-With er.tefol fee'lnc" I inform y .il of ihf aioiiibii.g elfici" of me'iei'.e. h'cti hi ht.n'lv rats il ihm fmin a ile .th-l'P.I ! Mvih-ta-p, I'nlmon .rv Con-un p tiori. h .d reiliire.l mp -o .:v lint my by ciao on. r o.inred my e.tfe hnpeV"! A' ibij.i c i n I bp. en to u r your m .l c ii" il mirpcnl in aa it n.av -eem, it ha" eonpt I' K re-t. re.l m- I he iHh, niter i vi-rytiiii g tle had fiibil. l-nr ifullv vonri.. WASitfxc uy m i l. , (jl a.'otle sirerl, Th npilersign.'i'. bi i. g pero'ia;lv urqii;nnvd with Vahingl"ti M i k ml bin nifI,rini!S. beir 'o ibf n-.o ih ng fh cis of Tlnmon' ('o.i.p.uod yrup ol Tr, and the truth of the bnvp 1 itpitipnt, JOS. WINNER, 31 N'orlh Tl ird street, DAVID VICKERS. H-i Abn..r.ds IIUUII M (ilNLi:V, S. E. corn.r Tamany ..ti l r..urlh s'o et'. Prepared only by S. P. Thomon, N. E. corner of 6th and Sj.rocp Phi .nlp'phia. Ac iit. II. B. MM'r, Suubii.y ; D. Gr.ip, an I Dr. MiPl'herson, ; Jn . G. Riwii, I'. t.Kvilej Ge . E rl. Re ding ; Houion S: M.i. on, Hradiord county, Pa. Price SO cent p. r boitlp, or f5 p r dozen. rj" IWirnre rf all imiial'mi. J.ioe 2Xth. If Hi: LP TI!li IS c g i 11 n c r s . riHE fii" pcril't r woul I rpr.petf.dlv inform the J. Ctliren of SnnLu'V and iho ut lie e nerlty. lb it hive pine' M-t-il ihe shop of M. Will.Hm llo.ivi", in t sit. 1 1 ore do r ve.l of the P.t (, ere lliev Will tontmiie th.' nl;incl-iTIn!siii IIiimiicsm, nail ii br iieli.p. 'I'll.' miy 1 xpecl Ib.'ii work d.'iir ui the In'p ptvli. 'f bey bo e, l yslm l I u -1 11 a, tt uieiit .hare of pubic p'lt online, fXjr Coirma m nle to ..'di r en die st, .input no'i.e ond coon.rv 1 10.I1 ee ' ,kei, in ecliafiiP for no.k. WM. VOLMiv N A: II C. MARTIN. nrv. Vav I 7 ti. Ivl.V j. A S IJ SS Y &i ll O i) X 1 WHOLESALE &. HETAIL II AT A: CAP MAM I-WCTIMIHUS, South Lust rnrwrvl Muriel unit 4 lMtll.Klrlptila. 7HEUE lh y a-v kei-p on hand an exten 1 site i-s.irtue nt i f HATs if CA I'S of m rv .'i script ion, gor up in ti.e let nnd most nppruvrd par le. I eis..n ill nr. u . I porch i-inu stiH iior urn. X I eh on the ni.wl nn-ir a' le leriu, nili fi. d it lo it eir advantage lo c ill b. fore nn.l.uio j unlian'. el-e In re. PI ihiiblphia, Oe". 5:h. 1 91 1. 1 v C'oir.itei IMleiV DEATH 3LOV7. 'lhe pu he will pes oh'orte ihat no Hrandreth - I'll'" a'e pen. hip, ui.le. die I ox has three 1 1 let upon It. (the top, the i.' ti d the bottom) e'.ih coiiiiiinn u f.e..imi!i signature of my hand writing, thus B. H a pu ktii. M. D. TiiCpe la. l ale enuravrd on i-te:, hemilifully itepiuned, and iloue at an e peine nf over fS.IM 0. Therefore It will lie (.pen that the only thing nrci -siry to pro. rure the medicine in i is purity, is to obkeive thei-e lal I". Remember the top, the side, nd t' e bnitum. 'I'he following ie-iective persons are duly auihi ri led, snd ho'. I CEKTIaICATES OX AGENCY For the tale of ilrandreih'i Vegetable V nicer iuI nii. Norlhoinlie il.t. d countv : Milton Maekey ft. Chamtieitiu. Sunhurv -II. B. M iNner. M'Ewens- ville luliiidiSr, Meix. lt. Norihutnl e.latid Win. Forsyth. Geoigetowu 'J. 6t I. Wlls. Union County t New Berlin Uogai & Win ter. Selmscrove George Gundtum. Middle-burg-par Smith. Besver'own Datid Huhler. Ad imtburg W'rn. J, May. Milllitibuig Meinrh fi Ray. Hstleton Donel Long. Fieebiirg user, Lewiburg Walls Si Green. Columbia eonniy : D.nville E. B. Reynold. A Co. Berwick Miuman Si R HenhoUHP. Ca' tawissa t". G. Broht. Blo..rol.urg John R. Moyer. Jersey Town Levi llisel. Whington Robl. McCay. Lime-tone Halli-! h MrNinch. Ohseite .hat each Aveul haa an Engrtfv.d Cer rifirste of Aapnev, containing a represe ntation of Ur HRANDRETII'S Manufactory at Sing 8ing, and upon which will '. w seen exact copies of ibe ntw lulci now uttd upon the Drandrctk J'ill Boxet, Philadelphia, offic No. ft, Nnnh Sih dreet. B. BRANDKJ3TH.M.D. JonaMtti, WIST AIl'S nALSAltl OF W1XD CIICRRT, A Cempnnml Ralinmlo Prepnratlnn front Willi Cherry llnrk mul Tar, T!it let remedy hnnwn lo the irorW fr the cure nf eouhn. coMt aithma. croup, hlitiiing of A ' ungs, tvW.'ng cnugh. brnnehitii. ittjlw ema. thortne fiflrenth. pain ntid Wnknen in the hrtntt or 'de, Iter enmihtint, and the first ttngrt nf CONSUMPTION. We will net ppt ib thip II A .H M will rnre Oonunip.inn In ipt ivortt form but it has eure.1 manv after all oth. ampsna of rlief !! Iwen Ir'.p.l in ain. And hv not 1 llanpms ihal ibe'WII.D CHERRY was dppiined by Nptut in heotfr PA NACEA f.r the ratauine'.Wae of tbis e Id la Mude. Lei not ihe ib "pairing invalid was'e hi m -nev and oon TIME, lo him at all impor'anl. in fXfieri meriting with IIip Iraphy nnirum of Ibe dav, but up nt onre a mi-dieine that will cure. If a eure bp p. s-ihle a m-'dieiop that peienee pp'nvpp, and manv year of experience h ive demonstrated thai .1 alivnyn relive. 'There if no turh thini; n fill." in the h'.tnry HM.HAM. Ei.lenep thn mnfi convitipinc pp Ipi c.' thai no omp ran d.nibt. full? Pflahli hpp this fppt. For thp .ke of brevity we ac'ecl die fol owing f-om tlioo .n.U. Isnap Pla t, El., Editor of the P..kerpie E ielp. onp of Ibe ni t infl.ipnlial j .n-imU in t'.p p'p p of Npw Yotk, slit. unitpt the '.iit'iritv of biown name, th it a young lady, a r.'l .lip f b'P. ot prv .telicat.' conpii 'iitiitit, wa anaekp.1 in Fel. 1S12 wi.h vp.eternld nh'rh 'nnmeitiaii'ly oro.liiee.l t-p t tins ' f blood. eooah. fever, and other 1! .neProiip and al.irmi. g pymptltrp". Throiioh mp.lipid neatment "lid Cire idie putialty rpe vpr-d dmine Piimme'. Hot en thp return of winter Iip wap atttrk. d more ti.. lenity than at first. p!ip bicamp pnrery able to walk an! wj t'eutib-d w:ih eoiiBb, chill" and fever every i!ny, anil appeared to lp come rapidly w.lh ennpiimii j.-n ; al ll.i lime, when there va n hcii of iniprovement, Mr. Plan pr.pnr. d a bottle if Wiaraii' BtistM or Witn (inanar. wbi.hi.hp look, and it . eiidncly te-l nsl her. Nie g ! a e- eond, and b. fo.e it m half laken "he was rpstored to prrft-cl luahh, whieh lieha enjoyed t ll.e p.e seni tune, wuhoul the shyhti rt ryiiiptom ol h.r fir mer di-e p. Mr. P a'l t "ihe cure e .mp nndei mv own eb servation and I cannot l mtst.iken as lo ibe facts." EXTRACT OF A 1.KTTER MOM A POST MASTER. DATED PrMBtiraa, Wash noton co.. M-iin-, Apr. 29. 1 844. MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear fir: At the re quepl nf many of my friend" in !iip pi ic and irl- i.iiy bo nre afflieted with ronsii . .iion and liver eon p'a'ii'P, I lake t'ie v of nsVii c y n 'o ap. 0'iit pome one in ll ip rnuiiiy a a.jpnt to p I Wip rsn' HlsM or W11.I) ("iitnaT. and to urn. I hi n a few b irn, as there is none of it f. r salf within 200 miles fn.m tins. I have no doubt that ii w. iild ine. I w.lli a r. a.'y enle if it wrrp where it eoti'd le I lornred without to. moeh etperpp and delay. Ty wife as all.'eked abuot nx m nlhs sinep wid, what the pt-ypican" called the fir-t ogp of ci li-nmpiioii a complaint vi ry prevalent in thn . eiioti of country. Having set 11 the Ba'sjin ad veri sed in Atii!utta. tTT 200 riZZ.ES FXtOZtZ HERS, -CC I In k Ibe 1 sins to srnd there for a loitieofil, whi h i-he touk, ami w bich beljied her o much that I sent f.r 10 l'Ot le more, wlii.h the has a'so ll ken, nnd - he now ,vs she ha not felt so well for ix year as she doe at this lime. All ihoap who l ave ioquireil of me and ux etlained what el'eet the Halrn h.d, are anxious to hate some f.r pale in ltd" viciniiv, which is the rue of mv wriin g you. Plea-e inform me by retu n of m .il whether you ronc!ude to send kome, and il so to whom, in older 1 Ii it ii msy be known wh. re it tan he had. I am with re-peel vurs, etc. P. ti. FAKNSWOI.TH, P. M. The h de cooniry is fist lesrning that no medi cine no ihvmrian no pu'c .ration of any kind "lut. v.r ran equal Da. Wistah's Balsam or Wilu L'lii iuir, A TIll'IA' WOMJCnn L ( I RE. Watsbviii s, Oneida eo.. N.Y.Nept. IS, 1841. Dear S.r I owe it in the afflicted lo inform y- U ih..t in J iiiuary lnt I a ana. k.-d by a ve.y tin b i t cold, raiisid by wo.kii g in ihe water, which eittt d on my lurii!. It v. as a. comp.irit. il bv a e rt seveip pmn in my hreaM nnd n.h p, and also a iiisues-inir c. nub. I had in attendance n I the t ei n.ei'ic d aid in our tnllioe; but eihau'linff all heirski l o no a ibey pronoun, ed my li eap a cosrriiMsn i.ihipti.iv, and ih. y one and all gave me up In die. After n.u. h p. rsip.sion I got he iivirul of mv pbyieiao lo ue ihe Hlsim ol Witn C a n h v pr-parcd by Dr Wispah. I pur. chM d of the Afrcnl in our pi i. e one b oile, bel'ure Uiiii g h ilf of which I I ct!nn to g iin slreng h. and il w . very evident my cough wm much lieiler and rnv t mptoie 'n every uy impr tine. I bnvp . , .1 used three bintles, and am restored lo prrfict ' J I.etihh. Tin re-uli i n ne nwtoc lo the u-e i.f Dli WISTAH'S HAIAM OF WILD CHER l!Y; an I I lake this method of y.m the in f am iii. n. panlv to pay vou the debt nf gr oilmle I I one lull, and partly that other" si r afllictcd mat kii"W where 10 apply fur lelief. Yery yoni-. JAMES K GE. Mh. I'iuk Drugiit, undei date of Wat. r vide. Si pi. 2 4 1 ft, lh4:t, write: The vlat' mem given you by Vr Jatne Spge i will known lo be true by this irmV community li p. rtdnlv was a nmpt rem. ka' le cure. The sale of die Hal-am is very good, and iissuccef in cures Uu'y flaileiing. Yours r. cllu'lv. D. D. PALMER. TIIK IOST ItKMAliKAllLE cukk i:vi:n ukcokdki). HAiinoitriri.n. N. .1 . April 20. IS41. On orsboui ihe I3lh dsy of Oiiola-r, 1 H 1 1, Ua taken 1 h violent pun in ihe si le near the liver, which ronliuiird lor Ih.uI fiveday. and wh fol low, d ly the t.reaking of an n r.r, or ,itcesa, in wanlly, wloch relieved the pain a little, but cau.ed me !o lh''uw up it'eat qU'li'itv of otVenuve uiallel and hIs.i rnurti h0"d. Hi iog greidy alunndat ihl", I sppbnl u, a. physician, but he raid be ih. lie1 t lie could dohyi, ij,i.. f ir me except give nv oine Mercury PilU, , rh I refused to take, feeling raui-fiecl that ihey cotjld do me no good ; man) o tlol r.mdie tune then procuied by my wife snd fiiendp, t ut none did me any pood ai d the dis charge ol blood and coirupiion sidl colilniued ev. ry f. w day, and al last become p.i offensive that I c u d kcarcely breadie I w .a also ceizeil with a vi. olent cough, which at time" rau-.d me lo raise niu. h moie bloo I than I had done before and my ihxeakP poi.tinued in this wsy, still growing wnrae. U' III Fibrusry, when all hope of m lee. very wi g. ven up, and my liieml all thought I would die ol (lAiLortNO CuaauMrTiox. At this moment, when my lite apparen Iv drawing near it chop, I heard of DR. V Is PA IPS BALSAM OF WILD CHEERY, and got a bottle which ur, tuvin mi iMMf.niATrLT ; and by the u-e of only three b' tile of ihi" nied. cine, all my pain were removedmy cough and spiling of blood and cor ruption entitely Hopped, and in a few week my hndih was o far restored a to enable me to woik at my Irade, (which i a carpenter,) and op lo this nme I ba vnjoytd goisl health. THOMAS COZENS. 1 CI nraaVBWw fAtVal NT I Pf seoMlly came before me, tb nWfirr, ana ai tha .tuatiee nf the Peace in and for (he aid con ty. Thorns Cozen, and being duly affirmed ac cording to Isw, iiib tha above tstetnent is in all thimrs true. AfDrmeJ before me, on the SOth nf April. 1843.) J.Clt.J P. 5 Such ia the unprecedented auccesa of this BAL SAM, "MTt'RE'S F4T0RITE PRESCRIPTION," precriptiun congeni d to nnr want, a iti pre pared from chemical extracts from substance which the author of nature has placed in our own land for wise purpose, that manv ho km.w nothing of tlie mo.lp ..f (if prpparoion are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefit by sellinp sn aiticle similar in name, or in spi.ear.inre. or by representing their own lrah s U)ieri..r to thip HALS AM. or bv put ting up a mixtuie and a lemn'v assereraling that it is imported Ir m a foreien couniry, which i" not the case. All thepp deceptive arts goto show tit t Wit's Hai.sam i known lo the world to hp "THE CHEAT fiEMED Y." snd that to tell any m'uturc it must hp lilt this in name, or pur port lo he like it in substance. (JTT Believe not ibe cunninglv wrouehl fhii. -tions unl lake on'y the nrieinal and genuine Wiptaii's Hl"am or Wun Cut.aav. NO OTHER CAM DE LIKE ZT. A.hlres. ..II order to ISAAC BU ITS, No. 32 Ann ft.. New Y "k. Agent. JOHN V. FRILINO. fittnlmm, D HRXIH IISAM. Korlhumherlmd, J. K. MO YE It. nirmmtbuig, J. WA'iGHN SELLER, tieTni-Crnre, I) 'OWN & CREASY, N,m,ntittf. 2d, 1815 ly Feb. OAKLEY'S Ii:itRATIVK SIRIP. riHE Tl.lab'e proppr'ips of Oakb-v's Deptl'a 1 lite Syrup nf S.,raparilla, aa a purifipr of the blond, ip p.i well known to the pu'ihe gerienllv. Iliat it ip nnppeepsiry to oerttpv much "pace in fet t'pg f.r'h Ihe advaritappp to tie derived from its use; itherit-er the medieine baa oiicp fiepn intnv tnkrs i.reePi'pnce ocr all other: pv.ty oIiPII hI has taken it, have derived so signal bene reiihs from it, that il i rrcommpoiled bv Itn-nt wnh i' p ti mojr c -'ofi Vnee. Phvieia..s of the b'ebe"! landing in the profepion, p.eperilie it io p . tent under their rare ; conlnining fpoihirg deb terioup. but being rompoped of the mil l, yet ifT.e.ieioup veeetalite is offered i;h Confidenep, a ihe hci.K t ami imiKt etlicirnt ui-. nfier of the l lnod now known. The use of a few Imttles, especial'y io the spring months, will he M tended nidi a most decided imptovement in the ge strencih of the system, ers.hca'ina anv -ee.l. of disea-e that mav have breu generited. h. sides p.vina health nnd vij. r lo the Por ihp eure of Scrofula or King Evil, JlliPum.nism. 'I'irer, Pimple or Piuption" of Ihe Skin, White Swelling. F.-tui. t.'ho.nie (touch Anh.-na, Ac, 'I'he nu niPMup rerufioirrp in the (m-pession of thp nihjeri her and hi" agents, from pliys.eians and others, re sufficient to convince Ihe m..t fkeptical of iis su periority nvrr all preparations of 8 irsaparilla. S..d whole-ale and retiijt, by Ibe proprietor, CiEORCB W. OAKLEY. North Sth Mre.t, Ilea diuff, Betks CoBiiiy,and to bn bad of the following pels. ms : In Northumberland County M. B. Mas-.r, Siinbury ; I. eland & Mixel, McEit ensville ; D Krau. r. Milton. 7 l'irrl C nuvtu. J. Gearhirt, Selinsgrove: A Gun lius, Mifflinburn. In Columbia Ctiunty. R. V. McCay, Wash inglon. Reading, March 14. If 1:1. Ma, 0ki.t: I believe il the Utv of every one to do whiitever in iheir powerlie, the b i.e. fit of their fellow into, and having had po-i ive root in mv own Ismdv.of the wonderful properties of your Depuraiive Syrup of Sarsap iritis, I m st conm ientinudv recommend it lo the fllieted. We hid Ihe mi-f..itiine o lopr two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, hend and neck, i.lthongh we had some of the most M'ieniifiC phyoician In attend tlv m and had tried all the known letiiedie. including Swn'uu'p Pnnac.i, without avail. Another of my children va atincke.1 in ihe same manner, I er face or.d neck vai'picly covered; the dis.hargp was so olVeusive, and iIip itispase al sui h a height, thxt wp dcpiired ol fipr life. Seeing the wonderful elfecU nf vour Depuraiive Syiup ot S irsnpariJ i, we wete indued to in like trial of it, as the lapt r.s rt ; il aeied like cha.m; the u'cers commenced healing immeiiiateiy . I. w poii hi r be .hh. VsJkk h he In ever inceL. puiif litv it ha rim it equal immediately, a b w bottles eniitely restored her lo ma ei jnyeil iinnrteriui.lediv ifier ol Ihe blood, I verily be- qoal. JOHN M OYER. Tailor. Walnut si ret I, near Fourth, Reading. DonqliMtille, April lOih. 1P13. Mh. Oakitt: Mv nn Edmund Leaf. I a. I the pcrofnla in the most dread'ul and di-tre-ing im.n r er fur tbr.e tears, dining wh'ch lime he wis ih- l"ivri1 of ,,,r "pe "f liml ". bii be d and neck - i i.i. ..1 ti'.-: i oi .l. a ir . were covered with ulcer. We irb-d all rhe diff r. enl ri iiiidi. s, I ut lo no iffict.untd recommended ly Dr. Johii'mi of Norlitowll. and aUo Dr. Laac Hiotei. ol Rendu g. lo lipe j our DepU'iilive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, of w hich I obtained seveial bo drn. he u-e nf winch d'ove the di-ea-e eniit. ly otil of b s n rem, tlie ore be tied up, and the child was resn.reil tu filed healih, which be baa rrijoted iiiiii.ier.ui ledly ev. r since, lo the al .nishmeni nf many persons who seen him du .g h afll ction. I have tbouchl it mv du'y, and send V"ii this certi ficate that otic who have like sffliciioti in ihe family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Your trult . AMELIA D. LEAT. Sept. Ifi, 1943 ly To Country .TltrchanU. Hoots, iSl.oos, Bonnets, Lcgltorn and l'alm Leaf Hats. (I. V. A: L. B. TAYLOIt, at Ihe S. '. corner of Market and Fifth Sts , PIIILADEIaPIIIA, OFFER for pie an i xtennte str-oinnent of the above ar'icl. , all of which they cell at uiiumat. ly low price, nnd p.uticul .ily invite the attention of I uveis vi.ning Ihe cilv, loan iiamnilini of ihe.i '-to. k. G. W. ft L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May S5. IK44. Iv CITY FUBNin HK ALCTIOX, AKD PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nns. 'Ji) and ai North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-peclful'y in- vile Ihe ailenlion of erso.( deiirous of pur chafing Fu.nnu.e. to hi extensive Snle R tom. (hoih public and liivte,) fur rtery desciiption ol llous. hold Furniture, win re can he ohuineil at all lime, a large rnr Intent of fushronable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltiaases, Ac. at very reduced price, for each. Sale by Auction, twice week. May SVih. 1843. ly LTxn4i!KD. The highert price will He given for Fla Seed. i ih ire nf Aug 9. ISIS HEN KY MASSER. 151 IE. of a oirioj aualilv. esq now he had iAlltw Lima Kill of Haory Sun. bury. MvI7, IMO. ROSE OINTMENT FOn TETTEIt. niNowoitMn, on tiir race, and onica 'PTANE0Ui ttU'KTillNS. rjp Tlte fulhiwingefrtifica'edceribe$oneoftht mnt extraordinary turet ever effected by any) application, - pHrtArr.triiiA, February 10, 18.18. IJ'OR twenty year I was severely afflicted with TrTTta nn the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I waa seventeen years old, anil continued until the Fall nf l8o(3, varving in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most nf Ihe time, great part of my fice wa eovprpd with the eruption, frequently attended wilh vio'enl itch" ing; my bead swel'ed nt times until it fclt if it would hurst the pwellinj was so ceat, that I could scarcely get mv hat on. During the long perhtj that I was afflieied i'h the diseae. t iipp.1 a great many td'cntion", (among ihem "veral celebrated preparation") e w. II a taking inward remedies, including a nnoiher nf bottle of Swaim'e Panacea, Extract nf Sannpnrilhi, tie. In fact, it would ha impo-Rihle to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was bIko under the c.ire of two of ihp most dis tingoishp.l phyician of ihi" city, but without re reiving nt'.rh benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In Ihe f ll nf 1 8:!fi, the hene at the time being very violent, I emnmnneed Using the Ro$e Ointment, (prepared bv Vauuhan ft Divi.) In a f w ai'plication the violent itching c'aed, lha pwpl'ing aha'ed, Ihe riioiion hpgan to disappear, ami before I h 1 up. d a jar ihe di-case w entirely cured. It ha now been nearly a v. ar and a half since, and there is not a vetige of the disea-e re mainine. pxcppl llip scars from lbs deep pits formed by the dipsp. Il is impossible for me to describe in a rrriifiraie the severity of ihe disea-e and my PUfTiriitg, bill I will be pie scd lo give a fuller ac count t.t nnv pcron wanting further satisficti.m, who will call on me. At the time I co nmot.ceJ using the R..e Ointment I would have given bun died of do lais to he rid of the disease. Since U- ing it, I have rrcnmrm nded it to -ever d per'ona, (among Ihpm my mother, who had t tie diseape bad ly on her B'm,) who w. re a I cured bv it. JAMES DKRNELL, No. l.'iG, Race St. efj" The Hose Ointment i prepared by E. II. Vauiihan.sSoii'h Eaat corner of Th.rd and Race i-tre. tt, Philadelphia, and sold on sceney in Soubu ry. bv II. B. MASSER, Mav 14th. 1813. Azenl. H!oc frintnietil, for TclUi', A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. I'liii.Ani.LPHiA, May 57th, 183!. 'PHIS ia to certify I was peverely alll ete.I with Teller in Ihe hands nnd f. et fir upward of forty tears ; the disease was attended generally with vio'ent it.h'ng and swelling. 1 applied to a numbirof phisio ns, and used a great many appli es 101. a wiihoiit elli-iiiig a cure. About yar since, I applied ll.e Ro.-e Ointment, which entirely top e.l ihe itch nj. ami a f. w application immedi ately cured the disease, w liich there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any time fur forty tears. RICH-ARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj"' The Ropp Oiutnient is prepared by E. B. Vaiiuhan, S juth Esi-t Corner nf Third and Race Streets, Pi.ilu.lel;ibia, and a dd on neenrv in Sunhu rv. by II. B. MASSER, ' May 14th. 194.1. IWEDICAZj APPnOBATION Of Ihr HOSE OI.TMi:ST,far T' ttrr. A LTHOL'GH the puperiorilv of .he prepaiaiiori " over all others is fully e ahli-hed, the pr pne tors pleasure in laying In-fore dip public th following pprtuicate from a r"pprt able physician, a graduate of the I'niNCrsity of Peunsilvauia. Dr. It.incl , having found in Ihi" reincily thai relief f r a n dioup and di-agree ihl.- alTo -lion which ihe mean within thp rangp of I ia pr .fes-io.i f ailed to alf.rd, ba rot hesitated In give it bi appiohati in, although ihe prejinlice" and ic.ierepts of that probion aie . ppooed to secret liemedie. PmiAnrtPHM, Sept. 19, lSlli. I was recently troubled with a tedious heniptie eruption, which co-ered pearly one si 'a nf mv f.cp, and extended over the ear. Mr. Van jhati, proprio riot of the Rose Ointinei.t, obsetving my face, insn- ted on mv trying his preparation, i f which he han ded n.e a jar. Ahhouuh in common with ihe mem bet of toy profesioi, 1 ilir-coniiien n ee ,n.l .li-ap-proveoflhe numer. up notrnm palmed upon the public by ijn.i ant r. tend, r-, I feel in jus ice li.und to except the Rose Ointnimt fiom that c'a-s of rne d cine", ai d tu give it mv approbation, r it entire ly iiired the eruption, although il hid resivted the ur-ual applications. DANE. BAl'GH, M. 1). fXj" The Ror-e Ointmei t is pteparcd by E. B. Vauhnri. South East comer ol Thiid and Race Nlreeis,, and sold on sg.ncv in Sun burv, bv H. B. MASSER. May I lib. 1S4:t. Agent Cornr r . Th-nt and Vine SlreelM, WXlaZaZAMSPORT, FA. rilHE nbpcriher r.-tpeclfullv annoiinc. to ihe JL public, that be b opened a Hotel in the com modioup brick building iuatH on the corner of I bird and Pine ptreetp, where he wdl be happv lo wait op n those who mav favor liirn wit . their company. The Eagle Hotel ip la'gp and e .nveni ent, and fnrnmhed ir, the be t modem stile. I' is provided with a large n.nnher of well aired and comb. liable sleeping ppnrtmer.N, room", private parlor, Ac. Prisons vuoiing ilhamsKrt on bu siness or plea-ure, mav re-t as-ur. d that everv ex eriion will he used to render iheir soj .mm at ihe "Eagle Hot. " pleasant mid agreeable. Hi Table will he supplied wilh the very tu st the market af fords, and his bar with rhe choicest wines and other luUora tbarce re .sonable. The I'aiile Hoi-1 poppesr-es greater advaiiiarres in point of l x-a i m than any othei similar rsl'ibli-hmenl in the lorough, being situate in the liiisin. p . rt of the town, and wiihtii convenient dial iice of the Court H nisn siul t'liamsport and Elmir Rad l.'o.d D p.. I. Sulli. lent Slubling provided, and g.rftd and trusty utlers always in alii iiilan. e. Attentive, accoii.ui.xlaiing and hone-t Servants hate been rinphord, and null. iog left nnd. hip that will add lo the conduit and (ccoiniuodaiion of hu gueu. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing In convey paaengers to and from the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Ma 14th. IN42. if Michael Weaver A: on, ROrE MAKERS & Sllir CHANDLERS Ab. 13 A'orA Water Street. I'htLidttpkia. HAVE coiis.aiitly on hnd, general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twine. via: iki d Ropes, Fishing R.ins, While Koa, M.nil I Ro?, 'l ow Line lor Cnl Boat. AUo, a complete sksoitmei.t of Seine Twine. Ac, uch Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shd and Hening Twire.Shoe Thread, fie. &LC Also, Bed Coids, Plough Lines, H alter.., Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ar. all of which they will dispoae of on roaconsbl lei ins. PhiUde'pbi. November 13, H42. ly. iS1m:hiNg7gooi) &'cg. No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE lb attention of Country Merchants to iheir extensive assortment of Bntifh French sod American Pry Goods, which they offer bleak on th ml rraaonabla term. PhiladalphM, November 13, INaV if.