Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 14, 1846, Image 3

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    subsequently became the target for the invisible
assassin. Hit letter conclude! thus :
"With reference to the rontenti of the papers, I
will take the liberty to remark, that they were
of a nature to enable me to predict, more than
six months ago, to the Hon. David Henshaw,
Messrs. Clinton De Witt of New York, and Gran
ville Parker of Worcester, my counsellors, and
many others, the present state of affairs in Mexi
co; and I now confidently state, that within
twelve months from this date Santa Anna will
be Viceroy of Mexico. And further, let the
Spanish government look to it, or Cuba will
change masters. With reference to my predic
tions as to Santa Anna's position within twelve
months, I wish to insert this clause ; Providing
he doe not sell, or has not told, hit knowledge of
English intrigue to the Spanish government."
This is certainly an extraordinary epistle, and
as regards the prediction now verron).
Ccmors Eitectsj of Water. A late num
' ber of the Water-Cure Journal, among a varit
' ty of interesting matter, contains an article on
the 'Effects nf Water in Intoxication,' founded
on a very remarkable esse related by Dr. Cur-
rie in his Narrative published 50 years ago. The
fact? occurred at Barhadnes, ate thus stated :
" A pentlemnn of litis island, whose name was
Week, a great votary of Bacchus, was in the
practice,' from fifteen to twenty years, of piling
ing into cold water when he rose from hisbnt
tie, and actually going to sleep in a trough full
of water, with his head supported on a kind of
wooden pillow made for the pnrpose, above the
surface. When he dined abroad, and had not
the convenience of his own trough, he used to
strip of! his coat, waistcoat and shirt, and sit ex
posed in the open air, and in thnt situation go to
eleep, whether it rained or not And sometimes
he went snd bathed in the nearest adjoining
pond, to which he generally required assistance
to be conveyed. TlioefFi et of this practice was,
thnt instead of experiencing debility, lassitude,
head-ache, and nausea, he found himself on a
waking, cheerful and refreshed, and tree tmm
all the effect of intoxication. In the year 17
69. dining one day abroad, he got alternately
drunk nod sober llire several times before mid
night, each time recovering U sobriety by im
mersing himself, and sleeping in cold water;
and on awakening returning to the company.
The Inst time, after supper, he was so immoder
ately intoxicated, that he insisted on his coin
pan ions undressing him and carrying him them
selves to the pond. They carried him accord
ingly in a chair, snd set him up to the chin in
water, where he continued upwards of an hour
a person support lncr him. I had this last cir
cumstance from a gentleman, one of the party
whose veracity may be entirely depended on.
"At home,' however, he used, as I have already
mentioned, a trough made for ihe purpose, with
a bmi-h in it as. a pillow, having been nearly
drowned whenjsleeping in his pond, from the
negro, who was appointed to watch him, hav
ing himself fallen asleep. In this watery lied
he would sleep, one, two, three or even more
hours, experiencing always tho greatest refresh
ment. U s wife and family, when they wished
liiin to change his quarters, used to draw out the
plug and let the water rim nil, when he awoke
and humorously complained of ihe loss of his
bed-clothes. At length this expedient henan to
lose its effects in rousing him, and one time he
continued to sleep in his etrit) troiijfh. In con
sequence of this he was seized with extreme ri
gors and chills, followed by a fever attack of
rheumatism, which a fleeted him a long time,
and made him desist from the practice in future,
Rut to the end of his life he was in the habit
of sitting, when intoxicated, with bis clothes o
pen, and sometimes quite naked, exposed to the
wind and rain. This extraordinary character
died of apoplexy about three weeks ago, aged
On this remarkable case Dr. Shew mskes
some observations which we wou'd ropy at
length but for want of room. He defines intox
ication, considered in reference to its effects on
the body, as a state of fever, paused hy the sti.
mtilns drank, and maintiins that water is the
grrstest febrifuge or reading agent in nature.
In many cases of drunkenness were a man chu
not walk or remember long enough to speak a
sentence throned, a remrdy msy be found in a
good Bhower bath. The man above referred to
wbb enabled to endure tho cold bath in conse
quence of the unnatural heat generated by the
alcohol ; but he was not thereby enabled to en
dure fatigue ; on the contrary he was disposed
to slepp. To a well man it would have been
exceedingly dangerous to lie thus in the water;
but the drunkard was able to endure it on ae
count of the extraordinary amount of heat in his
system. Such in substance is Dr. Shew's the
ory. The fact are certainty very curious.
Diss Father think me not unkind
When I entreat you so ;
Oh! drink ro more and then you'll find
A home where'er you go.
Thus spake in tenderness the child
The drunkard'a heart was moved :
He signed the pledge ! he wept be smiled
He kissed the boy he loved.
Corrected weekly by Henry Matter.
WasiT. .... 100
Frs, ..... 62
Coast, so
Oats, ...... 85
Poaa. ... 6
Ftiisssa, ... . 1HJ
BvTTsa, ..... 14
Eeas. ' 10
Basswsf, . . 25
Tiisw, ... 10
ri, ...
Hseaisa Fm, J . 10
DaisaArriM, . . ; 76
Do. ruesw, ; ! im
BaatrsaaTn's Pitts by cleansing ths Blood
fiom sll Impurities, gives power to every oigan to
perform its functions healthily J no mstter whether
externally or Internally situstrd. Nature has form
ed the bowels for the evscuation of all unhealthy
humors of ths blood, and if man woolJ but use
common sense, ha would tska csra they performed
this office faithfully. If ths bowels are out of or
der, if too slow or too fist, a few doses of Brandreth
rills will bring them to order. Ask the man who
wsi dying from ennstinatrd bowels whst cured him ;
he tells you, Brandreth Pi II. Ask him who has
had the dysentery for six months, snd every reme
dy hsd fui'ed he wi! tell you thst Brandreth Pills
cured him In a week. S with other diseases.
Twelve Brandreth Pills rubbed down in a half pint
of molasses, cured a little boy nf an ulcer of Ilia free
which was rapidly spreading to his eyes, snd which
a dnien doctors had tried to cure the poor parents
would hae given half they were worth to have had
it cured, but every thing they tried did no good, un
til they gave it a tea spoonful of molisses every
dsv. in half a pint of which they hsd rubbed down
Iwe've Brsndreth's Pills; before the whole of the
molasses was taken, the ulcer was cured.
03" Purchase of H. B. Maeser, Sunhury, or of
the scent, published in another part of this psper,
It A It It I E II,
On the 9th inst., by C. Bower, Esq., Mr. John
Sr-EEca to Miss &arah Haas, bo in ot ttiis place.
On the 6th inst , Mrs. MARY BERGER, of
this place, aired 94 vests
In Milton on the 31st ult., Mr. JOHN DAVID
SON. aeed about 71 years
In Lewis township on the 31st ult., Mr. JO
SEPH TWEED, aged about 30 years.
An Adjourned Meeting
F the citizens of Northumberland county will
v.' be held at the Pre-hvt.risn Church, in lhi
phce, on Tuesday next, st 1 1 o'clock, A. M., to take
npo consideration the pronrte'y of formi .c s socio.
ty to supports Colporteur, in th" boon's nf the
countv. 1'EifcK fl.Khlj.
Juiiv Be ten. Src'v. Chairman.
Sunhury, Feb. 14, 184G.
Orphans' Court Sale.
H N pursuance of so order nf the Orphans Court
I of Centre county, will be exposed to putntc
sale, on Saturday the 8th day of February, at the
hou-e nf Jonas Mosser, near Spring Mills, in sjid
A certain tract of land situate in Gregg towns'aip,
Centre countv. nn the Bel ctorito Turnpike, con
taining SO seres more or less. 3(1 seres of which
tire cleared and in the best st.ile of cultivation, and
8 acres excellent meadow-land ; whereon sre cree
led a large, and elegant frame dwelling house, iih
a soring in the cellar, a large hern, and other out
building. The land is well watered, snd ihere is
mi etce lent orchard on tha liremUes. Lste the
estate nf Philm M ncr. sii'f . d c'd.
The condition sre s one half to be p u 1 when the
sale is confirmed snd the residue in two yest-
Iv nevnrii nt-. s cured bv morte'-se en the property.
cfr If s id p otierty canm t be sold, it will be
rented tor one venr, hy public outcry, at the sbnve
named ( me and ilm e. rossei-sion will dv given
on the Cist dbV of A i ril in XL
Februarv 14th. 1S46. 2t Adm'r.
riHK .ubenber will rc ive S,led Prop.aK
H ihrounh the Post OlTit-e at Danville, until
llw ltnf March next, for f-eif-htine Iron Rails
from the Montour Iron Works to Havie de (ir .ee
Oll'eis will he retailed for trembtini from 100 lo
ft 000 -. but t r any ofler er 60(1 nus the sub-cri
her will reserve t tie t rivilece of ncei'linc for auch
nu -niitv as he pleases, not le-s than fiOO inns
Persons olTetitiK for the ab .ve, will please sl .te
where ihev ore to be addre-aed. and will pleas C.ll
oo the snhscriher st the Mor tour Iron Works to
make s con-rsc, wi hiu one wek nfier having no-
tire that their i fler is accei trd.
(Contractors will lw required o commence freich
ling the Iron, within two weiks sfter the penuig
of the canal, and to lake sn svetag- qu .ntt y
nionhU,com(leiiii the con'rsct ly ihe 1 5th ol
Auaost next. Twen' -live percent, win ne reser
ved, ns pecuiity for the fulfilment of the contrsct.
try 2210 In, tor a ton.
Montour Inn Works D.nville. Feb. 14 '46. 3i
Cmabies Millkb snd Jon I.ahpao. tale Super-
tir'sorj of the Borough of Sunbury, in account
with raid Borough, for the year commencing
May, '43, and ending May, 44.
To whole amount assessed hy said Super
vi-ors, amounting to foim ouj
To oiler in fivor of add late Supervisors
on the present Supervisors of said Uo-
rough, for balance due, 64 05
J G07 45J
By sundry expenditnrea for labor in re.
pairing roads and r.ighwuva; ss si o,
repairing and making embankments
within said Uoiounh. ss per receipts, s
mounting in ihe ssgreeste to f408 26j
By this amount paid Ebeneeter
(iieenougb, on account ol Ins
demand sL'uim-t ss'd Uomugh, f 17 13
By do. paid Lewis Dewstt, on
account of do., J
34 34 J
Dv bslanre due C. M Her, en order .Uted
Oct. 34, 16(2. f .i ft 1, from Benjamin
Krohn oo F. L aiii, collector of tsx,
arid by him accepted, and remaining
uim .id.
16 00
9C 45
By this smount psid, consisting "f sundry
bornuRh ordets, amounting in lue ag
ar, sate (o
By exonerations nf urcollertsJ tax, as
sp'Clfted on Auditor Doo,
22 40$
By comi ensatory allowance for service
rendered ss Supervisors, IDCIUUiug Au
ditors' feis, 14,
30 00
(607 45)
Tb nmt.t.'.n.d annninlrd to audit, settle snd
scljnsi the sccounU of the Hupetvinois of the Bi
rough of bunhury, having rxamtned me necripia
snd Eipendituressssetforth mine preceu'.og iaie
ment of Charles Miller and John Landau, isle Su
pervisnrs of said bnieuch. exhibiting a balance In
their f.ivor of Sixty-four dallart and ninety Jlvc
I and a hnlf eentt, do allow ml pass the same.
Wilns cut hmds. r et). 7th, A. V. bignleen
Hundred and Forty t.
Kuabory, Feb. 14, 184. t
Democratic Connty Convention.
THE Democratic Electors of Northumberland
county, are requeued to elect delegates, in
their respective townships and boroughs, on Satur
day the 31st inst., to meet in cunty convention in
Sunhury. on Monday lbs 23.1. Tor the purpose of
electing delegates to the 4'h nf Mach Convention.
8unbury, Feb, 14. 184S Standing Com.
Orphan's Court Sale
IN pursuance of an order nf the Orphan's Court
of Northumberland countv. will 1 e sold st public
ss'e. oo Tuesday the tOih day nf Match next, a
the house of Wm. R. Jones, in Augusta township,
in said county, to wit t
A certain trscl of land situate in the township
aforesaid, adjoining lands if Wm. R. Jours, John
Hart, snd the river Susquehanna, containing eigh
ty-seven acre more or le-s. About forty sens of
said tract sre cleared aod under s good state nf cul
tivation ; the residue i well timbered. The said
tract is eligibly situated for milling or manufacturing
purposes, ss an excellent water power is afforded
by Ililes Rno, running through the land. I'he
ssid tract is located on the Sunqoehsnna, ahnut 8
mites below Sunhury, on the road lending from thai
place to Harnaburg. I he lam) is comprised of
bottom land snd up-land, which will be sold lose,
ther or sepatstcly, ss mny be deemed mot "dvi-s.
ble. Late the esiate of Col. J.-hn Jones, dee'd
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
dav, when the conditions of sdn will he made
known by WM. H.MUENCH,
Kl.lSMA 1VL.1 . ti.
Februsry 7ih, 1840 6t Admr's.
Address to tbc Public.
fflHE unprecedented success attending the use
J. "f Dr. It. Men it Pmilli (ugiir t.omcoj '-im-
lirovnd Vegetable Pills, snd the scknowh dijed su
perio-uv which tbey possess over the common An
tt-ltlious. (Jallisiltc. anil various ntner riit in ge
neral use, have given them a decided preference
with all who have used thi m ; snd they are inn
vers:illy esteemed the most site and pleasant pur
natives ever nil red to tne punnc.
irT CAUTION. As a miserable imitation his
been made, by the name of '-Sunir Coated Pill,"
it is necessary to be sure that. Da. G Br.nj. S.mitu s
vimia'uie is nn everv hnx. Trice cents,
Piincipal Olhce. 17!) dreenwich st. ."New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FIHLINH. Sunbury.
WM. FORSYTHE. Hurt hum' d.
Feb. 7th. 1846.
lixecutor-s Sale.
rflHE subscriber, bv virtue nf authority vested tn
L him bv the l.'t will ami testamant of l hri-tinn
Hebx, lato of Jackson townhtp, IS lnbumherland
county, dee'd., will expose to sale, on the premises,
on ihe 24lh of February next, the inllowing proper
tv. now in pns-estoo of John llaker, late the e.
Male of said deceased, situate in Jackson town-win
Northumberland County, containing one hundred
and thirty acres of laod more or le-s, nf which a
boul sixty seres sre clesred. The improvement
con-ist of two toe houses snd a loirbirn. There
is mUo a good orchard on Ihe premise, cont inl
all kinds of fiuil; sl-o. a first rate spring of waier
near tle house. Ab 'Ut six ac es of the property
is meadow land. The uoimpioved portion of this
land is wooi If d with exerllent timber.
'I he terms snd conditions will be made known
rn the djv of tale, on the nrcnvse. bv the snbvn
ber. ULNJAMl.l mm.i
Jan. 31st. 1846. 4t Executor
No. 7t Soi'Tii Third Stueet,
Opposite the Philadelphia Exrhangt,
Manufacture and k peon
stantlv on band, a large as
sortment of their Patent lrn
nrnved S dammder FIR
PROOF SAFES, which i
s i constructed as to set at rel
all m inner i.f douh a In thi ir
heine striill. lire proof, ip
thai th.-y will resisi the fue of buy luildinft in tl
world. The oiiinle case of ibe Safe are mule o
boiler iron, the inside c -se nf so.p-tnne, snd be.
iween H e nutrr case snd inner case is space of
sums 3 inches tliick. and filled in with inde-t Uf- j
Hide m iteii .t, so ss to make it sn impos-ihiliiy to
ever burn sny nf the cnn'enis inside of this Cl e't !
These 8.iHpstone Sl inanileii we are p'epared
snd do cbsllt ng the wsi'td to prwlnee any sniele
in the hnpc of Bonk 8afr thai will stand a nun h
heat, snd we ho, ourselv-s ready at all times to
have th' m fa rly teste I bv puMic bm fire, -hnul.l a
nv of our roniieiiiora fepl di-pnsid to try them.
N e also ront iiue 1 1 manoLo iu e and keep e n-
l intlv oo hand, a larue and (j m ral as-nrtmetii of
our Pieiniurn Air-tilil Fire Proof Hif. s. if which
we have a lire quantny in oe, sn I in eveiy in
tanco Ibey bsve given entire sittsfaciion to the
purchasers of which we will refer the public to s
few gentlemen who have them in use.
N. & U. I slor, 129 north 3d St.: A. Wright
ct Nephew, Vines'. hrf( Alexander Caror, Con
veyancer, corner of Fi be' I snd 9th s's.; John M
Fori, 32 ninth 3d -I.; Mvn- liu-h. 20 nor h 3 1
t. ; Uailev & Uroher, 13S Maket At Janus .M
Paul, Hit south 4ili si.; Dr David J 'Vtie, H south
3d st ; Mnlihew T. Miller, 20 south 3d l.; and
we could name some three or four hui dr. d mhets
if it were necessary. Nnw we invi'e the sit nti n
nf the puhlic, and particularly those in Want of
rire I root Bale, to call at our store bi lore purclia
sing elsewhe'e, and we think we can satisfy them
that they will get a bellei and cheaper article at
our store than any other establ shim nt in the cny-
e ulso continue to manufjctuie e-eal and Lo
pying Press's, niade in such manner ss to an
swer in'tn purio-ess iioiKitng macntuis, r ire
Proof Doors, with ur own manufacture nf locks
on them, with D. Evans's Putenl Keyhole mi r
sttnchid to the same; plain snd ornuinental Iron, Vc
N. H We keep constantly on hand a Urge ss
soitmeiit of our Patent Mate Lined Kefi ijiei t hi.,
Water Fillers snd C'-oer ; and we have also nn
hand aeveral ccond hand Fire Pr -of ('hcsla taken
in exchange for ours, which we will do-pose of st
veiy iw price.
Philsdrlphis, January 21 h, 1846. ly
Ornhaii Court Sale.
IN puisu me of an order of the Orphan' Curt
of Nnnhuml-eiland county, will he S"l at pub
lic vendue, on Saturday the I4ih day nf February
next, it the public house nf Wit'.'iain Fsnow, in
bnydertown, in ssid county, to wit :
A certsiu timet (,f .m tuua'e in Ruh township,
our ly sfoies-.'u). atljnmina land of lasac
Widow r;ioh. Henry H off and other. Coniainmg
AO ac'f more or es, 25 seres of Which are . leaf
e' , whereon is erected a small one story fume snd
log bouse, a small !og -tahls, and an apple orchard.
La the estate nf David Kaaeman, dee'd.
8.le lo commence st 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
dsy, when the conditions of sale will h- made
January 17th, 1845 5t Adm'r.
nnHE Store Uo- k. Account and Note of H.
i. 1. M ia-er, have tcn plsced in the hands nf a
inagi.traie for entlee ion. Prisons ho-e accounts
hsy been of long stsnding, m y av coU by set
tling lbs same without funbsr delay,
oobory, Jsa. 9, I Ml. If. B. MAS8ER
Sparest Hast, Iiaao Larr.
IJst of Staple and Fancy
Received by late Arrivah from London and Parit,
and offered to the Trade oly, by
(Successors to I.. I Cohen rV.l'o ) No. 27 South
Founh Street, above Chesnut Street,
CjEM.INO WAX, R d, Bbirk, White. ScnM,
Fancy colored and Snsnglcd 10, 20 snd 4
sticks in the lb. The assortment comprises 36 dif
f rent kinds
Wafers in lb. papers, superior Scarlet, superior
Red. Black and ss rted Fancy colors of the follow.
inn sie: Note. Sins'l No'e, Pea, Large Pes, Mi
nion or Dot! ; alo Notarial Wsfers. 4 site
Tr mspar-nt. Cameo and Fancv Wnfeis in botes.
Inks, Wslkilen's and Arnold's superior Hlack
Writing, Japan, Blue, Copying and Steel Pen Ink,
2 3, 4, 8, 16 and 32 n?. s'onn bottle..
Superior Carmine Ink. made hv Gnvot in Paris
and Arnold in London, in ed ss bottle.
Bond's and Arnold's Indelible Ink, without pre
Walkden s (enuire lilacs. Ink fowilcr.
Gl iss Inks, blown snd cut, of every vsristy,
French Snd hnghsh
Travelling Inkstands, upwards of 20 different
Ppter Mache, H-nnze and China Pump Ink
atsndu, is) great varjeiy.
Pen Rarks, Bronze and Imitation, villous sire.
Portfolios, 4to, cp snd demi, with snd without
locks, in grcst varir-tv.
Wafer Stsmps, of Ivorv, Vegetable Tvorv, Bone,
Eh iny snd Cocoa, sll s Ms with plain Bid cross
cut brass ends.
G'ass Motto Scut, a very extensive varietv.
Folders, plain Ivory snd Rone ; C 7 t and 9 inch.
Reading Knives, plain Slid carved Ivory and
Pearl of varimta six-s
Prepared India Rubber. 20 and 40 caks to the h.
Copying Paper, Turner's best 5 snd 51 lb demi
snd 7 lb donlde crown.
Ti-ne Paper, Turner's superior While rind Co
lored, various tint, put up s-naratrly.
Writing Paper, English Blue laid and Wove, fo
lio, cap and 4io posl of ihe hest cjuali'V.
Super bite and nine Wove (ml 1 tnted Ex-
tra Satin Surface, gdt edge 4to post, 8vo and lGmn,
Enhh paper.
A alenria, or l.ace boge iNote paper. Rvo at tomo
Engtih and French Satin Post with black bur
lier .in I edge. 4to snd Svo.
Blue snd Whiie Wove French Quarto Posts, s
large assortmeot.
Plain and Fancy French Note Paper of every 1
variety and iie.
Envelopes, English snd French plain and fancy,
in great variety.
Fancy French Papeteries, furnished w ith Note
paper Envelopes, Wax, Wsfers, See- &c, 25 differ
ent varieties.
Engli-h La;d Binning Paper.
Whatman' Superior Turkey Mill Drawing Pa
per of tUe follow ng sizes, viz: Foolscap 11 X Id
Demy 15X20. Medium 18X23. Roval 19X24.
Suir K yal 19X27. Imperial 21 X 29. E'cphant
23 X 27, Colurhhier 23 X 34. Atlas 20 X 3:1, Dou
ble Elephant 27 X40. An-iqoarian 31 X 52.
Colored Crayon Psper, Roval, v.ii.iu linl.
Supirior Bristol B ma le nf Whatman's pa
per, ol the following silfa ami lliicknes; cap, de
my, med um snd rnvsl 2. 3 and 4 a'icet.
Etnho-acil Ilrist d Doarda ol v.iri.iua sizes,
prrfontcd Rria'ol Hoard, while and tinted, fine
medium snd coarse perforation.
French Tracing Pser, royal, eolumbier snd dou
ble elephant.
Conte's niack Ch dk Crayons No. I. 2 and 3.
Red and White Gravnns.
Painting Biu-hes, superior EnglUh snd French
camel's hsir, Kt R'i-b Sahl, of various qualities,
flat camel's hair brushes in tin.
Mathematical Ins'ruinents, London make, in ma
hogany and fi h rin eases. The asoilment Com
prises 15 ltd. rem kinds.
Wa'er Colors a coinplite ssor'ment nf New
man' Genuine C. l ira in ca-l-s and boxes Black
mail's Wni-r C.dnr- in var.ous fif, rlnlii-g. hook
and I 'd and key box- s
Toy ('.dies in great vainly, of tdidirig snii h ok
plain and fancy la xe.
Mrzotinto unu I ink Saucers, leather and p per
('bemen. t'lsm and carved ivory, hone and
wood, of all zes.
B ackc-imni n and Disught 15 nrd of various si
zes and iU.ilit e-.
Doiiiiuoes, 14 16 IS and 20 line, of various qu i
lilies. Slid Pens. GiUoti's end other makers, nn cards
snd in boxe, a 1 irje nd eomp'ele assort m nt.
Sieel Pen Holders, plain and fancy of every v i
tieiy I. reel it" Slate. 12 dilTerent -ires in motocco
nlid Woial fiatnes ; l-o. in poeket ho k form.
Diamond poin Cil Go'd Pi ns nf various quslit es
Card Ca-e-, a large s-onm nt of French and
Emtlisb make, plain snd inlaid.
Ne Plus t'ltra Travelling WVtim De-k, l 12
14 and 16 mebes, w,th and w ithout ilres-i' g ea e.
Portatde Travelling Leather Dressing Case a
great vari tv.
uprior Prepare 1 Writing Parrhment nf iba
f ll.wiug szesi I14XI6, I6V.3U, 20X24
24 X 28, 2S X 33 a. d 30 X d6
Fancy Puier plain and t mho rd gold an I I
ver paper, r. d and assorted color morocco P'pei,
fancy colored 1 inlio-sed paper, plain Frelieh highly
glszed tat cy colored pa era, 3lc
l-me Screen Handle, ol various patterns snd great
.e.y. some ol entire new style
II.... i f ciin.iS.ns I ..K.IiMi mal a a laiand
""" ' """"
sssort tmnt
Ladies' ('om anions or Portable Work Cases,
completely fnled.
Miuia'ure Ivories of finely cut French, viz; 24
27 30 3D 30 snd 45 lines.
Ivory Tablets of various sites, with the days nf
the wet k.
M-t tlliC Mf motst'dom. Hooka of I s'res.
Rulers of roun 1 hard wood, 12 15 18 21 snd
21 indie.
Scotch Penknife Hones in paper snd wooJ cases,
of v iitous,
Wrdti.g Materials of dmsk steel, with egve
snd '. nametU-d hsiulles, in morocco cse.
Pounce wood and ivory pounce holes, red tie,
anan card ri-cks, letter cl pa. mouth glue, bal'ledori
and birds, di-ected maps snd picture' round game-,
wafer cups, gum lal-els, chuia pallets snd tiles, dn e
cup-, d autthunen, pnri crayons, dividers, protisc
lor, scales. EnglisA toy books, Ac. Ac.
S. II. f Co are Sole Agents for the following
artichs. Manufactured ly L. 1. Cohen.
Snpeii r Patei-t Iv-'ry Su'fsee Playing Cards
Eagles, Harry VIII. D'H0r, Merry Andiew, High
hnnleis. Players, President French snd Spanish
the court cards with either sing's or double heads
snd printed tn gold or colors, manufactured of the
best mateiiaU by an improved method, thereby g v.
ing them a peifect slip and nvdrng them more ao
lid and durable, whicil render them the most plea
sant playing cards manuf n-luri d.
P am Enamelled llurnistnd I'ard'frnm No I to 8
Enamelled Gobi U rdered Csrds fr.on No I to 6.
Burniahed Surf ice Mourning Cid fin N I lo 8.
Gilt Edg Visilifig Cards f.orn So I to it.
Ivory fU'faca Cards, while and limed, tut I to 8.
Plain Piinb rs Cards fiom I t 8.
Lead Pencils Superior drawing pencils, meaa
factured from the pure Cumberland lead, of lha fol
lowing degress nf hardness: an. aaa. ea a. aa. r.
Oflice Writing Pencil.
Red Chalk Pencils.
Patent Improved Everpoint Leeds for pencil es
se or ,11 sit a
(T7 They sre eooslantlv receiving fiom Europe
additions 10 their Stock, and respectfully fnvita
purctiasers to call and examine for themselves.
fTl .V. H. Co. h ive inst nubliahed the lauoh-
ble (iume nf What d'ye Buy, hv Professor Punch ;
siso trie national Game nf the Star Spangled Ban
ner they al-n hav the agency for ths following
p ipnltr esmes which thev offer to the Trade at
piiWHhcr s prices, via; Dr. Bmhyi Msnsion i f
IIappines; A mericso Eaglet Mas'er Rodhurr and
his pup Isj Chirac eristics nf Distinguished Per-
sons; I'ope snd I'acsnt Scripture Hiatnrv Illi'str.
to'; The (Same of erne ; Ths illunrsied Alnha.
belt Pickwirk Csrds; Shak-pears iri a new Dress:
O-s I of Fo tune; Rice nf Improvement Strife of
(l-niu-.-; Ro'iinson (yr na ir; Cnrds of M igi; slo,
Abbott's new series of Drawing Cards- Christmas
Cards or flood and Bsd Passion-; Merry Game of
T rip to ( binaj (,ainn of American Revolution.
Philadelphia, February 7th, IS4B.
1 A'fi? nn t nV'C itri'f'i.'t
u:l 1 ij uu.iir 1 n iiuiuii,
Opposite the Court mse,
THE Sub-cril'ir, who ssiied for se
ven 1 yrars in the minspement nf the a
bove Hotel, lately k pt by Mr. S. A. Bra-
nv, o gs lenye 10 int inn tne travelling
public, that be baa taken the eatahihment un his
o n neeiini't, on the first of January, 1846.
The Home ha., ol laie. undergone many impor
tant alteration', and the present conductor promises
to l.-ave nothing undone to make it a comfortable
and agreeable, s well ss a thenp and sceommods-
ting slopping place for strangers who msy visit our
flnuti-hing vilhge. No pains nr expense will be
spar-d to fid the table uiul the bar with the hetthe
m iiketa afford, and wil'i lh-- determination to de
vo-e his rntire t-ersonal attention to the comfnrt of
'bo'e who may make hi house their temporary a-
bode, and nide 1 by active, careful and obliging ser
vants, h- hopes to give gen ral ssusfacuon, snd re
ceive hiirr il shsre nf cn-tom.
(TV Lare and commodious STABLES are st-
inched to the es nld aliment, w hich sre attended by
careful and obliging ho tier.
Janusrv 24th. 1846. 'f
i:ltvard Ci iitchlvy's Estate.
JOTICE i' hereby given, that lelteis of d-
niitnslr dion on the estate of Edward Crutch-
ly, late of Poit t townshin, Nnrthunibetland coun
ty, dee d., have been g anted lo the subscriber. All
person iudi-bted lo said estate, or having claim,
against the nme, aie rrque-ted to call nn the sub
scriber, nt Nuithumberlund, and si tile wi hnut de
lay. D. S DODGE,
Jan. 17th, 1846 6t. . Adm'r
David Kaimaii'ai Estate
TTOTH'E is hereby giv.n that litter of admin
1 iitration have been grintrd to ihe subscriber,
on the est ite of D ivi 1 Kaaeman, late of Ruah town
ship, drc'.l. All etons in.lrbied to said e.tate, or
having claims against tha same, sre requested in
call and seple widi out d-lav. The eubseriber w ill
intend fir thai nurp.isc, st ihe house of Wm. Far
row, in Hny'etstnwn, on Fridsv and Saturday, the
2tHtl and 2li of I ebrnarv nexr
Jan. 10 h. 186. 6t Ad'mr,
A'o. S01. Market Slrrr!,
HAVE coti.tantlv oti h mil the hueil quality of
Silk and Fur Huts, which they sell at the low
est pries. These Hats, in paint of style, beauty of
finish, and ilu-a'iihty, wi'l compare wi'h any man
ttf etur. d in the city, snd aie well worthy Iht at
leniion of 1 rs from llie country,
Januiry 3, 1 8 1 G ?
splOME WHERE! Why where do you sup.
pose but to Ihe (. heap Store of Henry Maser,
hi Market siteet, tSiinhurv. And for what purpose
do you think tbey enme r Why to bttv cheap, to
be ure sn I ave id lea-t 20 per cent. "Thfy f.A::i'f
do nnthin' else" because it is s well known fact st
t'ie very be-t srlicbs sre sold st ibe very low .
price.. Now come, on- and at1; but don't all erne
st once, and JFIKiB FOR Y tl'IELVES !
W heie you will find a Splendid Assoitmei.l of
Tall and Winter Dry Goods,
ju t received, among which sre the following : Su
perfine I rr nch Brnsdclnth: West of England do.;
Hi avy Heaver do , a 6'' rile artie'e fir Overcoats,
and a g'eftt vnncly nf Wo d Dyed, Black, and Fan
cv ' 'SMini-rei. Satlinett. Moussein.t, .1 line-, R p.
de-laii es, (!a htnere, Alps en, Jtc., Ae. Also, a
In ant fni ss-ortnn nt nf (. dicis s of lh litest sty'- s
od patter s lib h w i I be i-old chcai th in rver ;
sl-o, Woden an I other Stiw' lo g et vaiie'y.
from 4H els. loflO; s geiieral . ' r'lnent ,f Ho-
1 .i-r, a"i ar-, nimiii inn i, .ni'i', KXi., .l naiirv
..... f w. n.en'n. Men's an I M.-s. Gum
... . I t: ...1 VI. . - I
.( ,,e tM c) , Mm
off- red.
He has likewise, in addition to the shove hck,
so ji.-iisive -.s.irtmeul ol yucenware, ilaraiuare,
Sttddlrry and Groterir. Sogir from 8 ro 10. 12$
and Ki ft, per lb; Good Coffee at 10. Veiy Best
at I2J. Also. N 'lis; Snlke-; Iron; Sanderson's best
Cast sta-clt English, American and Swecd Blister
do. in a'l.'il, tvery th ng I'lal i- u-nally ke(,t in a
Country St.. re, all of which wiil be sold at very
reduced pi ilea.
fjj- Conn'ry Pro.luce of all kinds tskeo in ex
change for Goods.
Sunboiy. Nov.22d, lSt.
S S -Jl Z D .
Of the late ftrn rf Xt whirls A Siryker, and
Slrykrr V I'ogue,
HAS re-uoiid the A holes .le Dry G mds Bust,
ness, and now offers for sale, at o. 12 and
14 Uank sirwt, Plillsdelpbis. lolj iitiii g Myers,
Claiborn A Co' Auction Smie 7H Market
alreet, a e neral aasorlmrut nf Dry (i.vo-ls, chiefly
purchase J at auction, at a very small ajvance foi
cssli, or cny acceotano s.
Believing that his long 'Tp- tience in purfhssn g
will ruiible hint to self bis Go. sis st the lowest Msr.
kit piiees, he invites bi- old ftienJs nJ otheis
wis' ing lo buy, lo fsvor him with k call.
Philadelphia, Not. I. 1845 6tn
IEMONS. A lot of good, Ire.h Lemons, jul.
a1 teeeivid snd for aste bv
Dev. 13. 1R4S. HENRY MA8?.F.R.
A flltvlT- 'I be highetts price gien for
Whrat, st the stoie of H, M ASrK R.
A new supply of Ko OmtiustAt Just iswived.
Nov. 1th, 14.
T BEO l.-ave to Inf .rm the public thst I hsva left
Pbilsdetphii. and am now located in Harries
burg, Ihe seat of ihe Executive and State Govern
ment nf Pennsylvsnis. where I now oceunf the)
spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Mslthes
re Bl""ll
This spacious building, having been purposely
planned snd erected for a Hotel of lha first class,
is not surpassed if equalled, hy sny similsr estsb
iisbmetit in Pennsylvania t and having unde-gono
s thnrough renovation, the parlors, rooms and
chambers sre now fitted up in s style thst com
bines elejance with comfort and convenience.
Mv TABLE is pledged to be supplied with the
best fsre the Markets csn produces the charges at
the sim time being ss moderste ss sny of the best
regulated sslallishmenis elsewhere. In
exertions shall be spared on my part, or on the part
of every memher of my household, to make It wnal
it boiiiil be, in the Capital of one of the moat pop.
ulotis nnd in'rrestitvg 8'ste nf the Untnn.
With these pr .mises, accommodations snd fsc-
lilies, and the fact thst the Hotel is most eligibly
Late of Herr's lintel, Chesnut St., Philsd.
Hsrri-burg. Nov. 22. 184S. 3m
To I'm tliataers or
THE subscriber, No. 121 Pesrl street, New
York. having etHblihed s Br nchsi No. 23
South Second St., Philadelphia, is now opening,
snd wi'l be cons'antly receiving from ihe New
York Auctions, sn extenive assortment of
which will be sold at the lowest New York prices,
st wholesale and Retail, Among h a stock will bo
found a good assortment of the following articles:
Jacconets, Plaid. Hair Cotd, I. are, Stripe, Book,
Swi nd Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen
Lawns, Fsncy Cap Netts, Fancy snd Bsll Uresee-,
Thread Laces, Application l)o rich tilsck Silk
Trimming Lsce, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics,
Linen Cambric Hdkf.'.. Curtain Fringes, Cashmere
d'Ecosre, Mousehne Je, I, sine, Silk and Cotton
Warp Alpacrns, Qu ien' s Cloth, Gsla Plaids,
French Merinns, Rhck Silka, Gloves, Si k Hose,
Shawls, Crava's, Ribbon", Embroideries. &e., Ac.
('ountrv Merchants snd other visiting Philadel-
uh's or New York to purchase, are respectlully in
vited 10 call and etmine the stocks.
Nov. 1. 1845. ly O. H. MOORE.
Ab. 18 AurA 4i vrett, a few doori above Market
HAS const oily on hands very Irge sssort
ment nf Lo. ik ingtlases, B sskets, Cedar Wri
and Fancy Goods, which will be soid wholesale st
the very lowest price4.
N. B Looking (JLe iniurcd to sny part of
he count rv, without charge.
Nov. I,' 184.. 6m
ValclieMT.lcfTlry, He. &c.
THE -ul'cr.ber oll'.-is t i sale, ut the ,neipr'
c, a huge i d general sssnr'ment of Go'd
sod K ver Lever, I. ne and nt' et kind' of
Watches; Jswilrv, Sdv.r W ne, Lbonv and Gilt
Manti I CI -cks, ao-i Muca' plhying from
two to ten tune, ; Benedict A. B trnev's Dtamoml
Poinitd Gold l'en Wutchniakera' Tools, Files
Slid Matert .Is.
Orders fiom the country sre solicited, snd will
beesiafully attended to. JOHN' C. FARR,
lit Chesnut st., Philadelphia!
Not, 1. 18t5.-4m
We recommend all of our friends visiting th
city, to call at the Pekin Company's Store,
and lay in a supply oj their dtucwus l ets.
No. 30, SoPTa Skcono Stbfet, Between Market
snd Chesnut,
AVE Constantly on hand, sr.d f;r sde,
Wholesale Rnd Relai',
At L.ocr lric?N.
according to the quality, than they can le bought
for at any other est iblishment in the city.
Tasa, etclusively. sre sold st th s hnu-e,
end weral vHi.ties which cannot be obtained else
where. Any Teas which do not give ntire saii-
faction can hatoturned and exchanged, Of the mo
ney will be refunded.
The eilimie of Northumberland county srs re
'pcc'.fully inviled to give us a call.
Agent for the Pekin Tea Company.
Phi's elphnt, Sept. 27lh. 1845. ty
DAG UL KM AS OALLEliY of I'utent PremU
um Colored likenntes, and Photographic
No. 13G Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. 251 Broadway, New York ; No. 75 Court
Stieei, Boion ; No. 136 Chesnut Sireet, Phils,
delph a ; Baltimore Street, Ma'timnre t Bio.d.
way, Saratoga Springs; No 5s Csinil Stiret.
Nevrtrle lis ; Main Street Newport, R. I. Ami
Mam Srre-I, I in Hinpje, Iowa.
CONSTITUTING the oldest and mo.t Ellen.
tve Esl.ibli-htiient of the knul in ihe World,
id containing more than a THOL'SAXl) POR
TRAITS, emtiraclnf; those of some of the mol
distinguished individuals, in the Timed States,
Ad.nit'ance flee.
This E-labbshtnent having been swsrded the
Medal, Four Fir H Premiums, snd two "High frt
Honors'' at the Exhibition at Boston, New-York:
snd Philadelphia, respeetively, for best Pictures snl
Apparatus, is thus officially sustained in the posi.
lion of superiority heretofore universally assigned It
by the pub'ic, sa "Fimt in the World."
June 28'Ti. 184.V-ly
rilHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed aieor,
I fortb) sale.rco.RD MEYER'S (.T.I.
ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive and be su'iful eiterior In i b. and, f..r dep h
and .weetness of tone, and i leg itice of workman
ship, are not aurpa Bid bv any in the United States
The follavitig is s recommends i ion from ('".
Dists, s celt bi .led petto met, snd htmstlf a mn
ufaCiuier :
A V A It I.
Hsrisa had the p1. anient mingib excel,
lent Piano fortea Vi,anlrtured by Mr. Meyer, sn I
exhibt'edst ihe tti brion of the Fr.nklin t
stitute, 1 feel it due to Ihe Hue merit of the ms'e
to I'eelare, th,t ihre instruments sre quite rjt'
snd in some rep. c even .Uerioi, to sll the P
sim Fortes, I saw at the csptlal of Europe, su '
Noting a sojourn uf two years at Pari.
The Pianos will be sod st the msnuraciurr .
lowest Philadelphia prices, if nt something low.-.
Prron sre requeued io rsll snd eismine f f
themselves ..I the ie. lence of he suhsc rib. r.
Su. i ..,v. Vav 17. I4...' H. B. M SSER.
11 MfllfON Ju'.t leieivedind lor
rn- 0
-U for ca-h. bv
Suabu y, Sept. 10, IM5.