Among the "thousand and one" rumora that tiro in circulation here, in one that the Hon. James Buchanan will receive the nomination of the vacancy on the Supreme Bench. This can hardly be possible, for Mr, Polk thinks that there re few at well qualified to discharge the ardu ouedutiea of the Slate Department as Mr. Duch anan. Such rumors as these are daily put afloat ty persons regardless of the consequences per haps with home object in view which they are desirous of accomplishing. The "Union" in answer to this rumor, and the charges of in trigue brought against it, says: "Every one acquainted with the facts know that we have lesired, and now desire no change in the cabi- net, and that there has not been the slightest in- trigue at all." The country demands Mr. Buch anan's presence in the cabinpt. James K. Polk, would not part with one willingly, who has gi ven the country ample evidence of his ability to fl! any station that he might be called to, with '.honor to himself as well as to his country one fho has proven himself a statesman of the first order and a patriot of the purest dye nor would Wnnsylvania look upon his leave of this station with satisfaction. It is due to her as a member efthe confederacy, to honor her "favorite son" uith a place in the councils of the nation. I do cot believe, and I have it from a creditable ource, that Mr. Buchanan will leave ihe cabi net. Mr. firier, of Pittsburg, and some other persons of Pennsylvania, are talked of, in refer ence to this vacancy. Mr. Horn has not yet pnsed through the "fi ety ordeal." lie denies thut he refused to ap point persons to the Custom House, from tlio in terior of the State. A few days 9ince, the city was somewhat startled with the melancholy news, by the tel egraph, of the murder nf Mr. Slidell, our Minis 'sr at Mexico, by some of the asassjns of that nation. This, however, has proven to be one of the idle rumors of the day. Mr. Slidell, from the treatment he received, demanded his piport. lie was told that a passport was unuoceeeary, as ho had never been eecogn;Ed by that government. This news tmy be the cause ot coiling for the iinmrdiate a:id decisive action by this government. Mex ico deserve a chastisement at our hands. As long as our relations with this crippled and mi serable Republic remuins in the condition that tiiey now are, "our territory is liable to suffer invasion, and our cities to arbitrary exactions. The time has certainly arrived, when it will be proper for the President, as he remarked in bis message, "to recommend to Congress such ulterior measures of redress tor the wrong and injuries we have so long borne." N'olwihstnnding, some of the physicians have contradicted the report of the small pox here, it prevails in some parts of the city to an alarm ing extent. In the money market, the latest rumor is, that McConne!!, in fighting the "tiger," the o ther night, won $1500 in round numbers. Ckomweli,. Legislative News. Mr. Magehan read in place a bill to secure to married women tha use and possession of their property. The bill to enable Societies not incorporated more effectually to collect debts due them, pus hed three readings. A message was received from the Governor, informing that he had received a letter from Messrs. Earing & Bro., London, complaining of the act of 1 Gth April, IS 15, in regard to the fun ding of the interest certificates. A resolution to adjourn on the 10th day of March passed by a vote of to 2. Mr. itiuy offered a resolution which was agreed to, requi ring a committee to bring in a bill to regulate the assessment upon unseated lands. Mr. San derson offered a resolution, calling for informa tion relative to the revenue and expenditures up on the State works for the past year. Mr. Quay offered a resolution, calling tipor. the Auditor Ge neral to inform the Senate by what authority the sum of $1."u0 was paid to John J. McCahen, an agent to collect money, and what was the nature of the services, w hich was agreed to. The bill to authorize the Canal Commissioners to remove certain buildings near the State Railroad, was passed and sent to the House. A bill to form a new county out of Luzerne, to be called Lacka wana, passed through the Committee of the "Whole. Singular Case of Robbery. Mr. Robert F. Carson, late Treasurer of Clin ton Co., arrived at llariitburg on Tuesday last week, and put up at Coverley's Hotel. On Mon day morning last he alleged that his trunk had been robbed of t lie sum of$2,800, which he had brought with him to pay into the State Treasury. On Tuesday he had bills printed, and posted upa bout town, offering a reward of $200 for the reco very of the thief or thieves and money. The Harrisburg Telegraph says that Mr. Co verly, thinking from the company that Mr. Car son bad kept since he had been in town, that the alleged robbery bad more fancy than fact in it and that the statement which he had published was a slander upon his house, had him arrested and taken before one of our justices, where wit nesses were examined, and Carson was bound o ver to appear before our next Court for trial. Upon an examination of the trunk which was cut, and from which it was alleged that the money had been taken, two respectable trunk makers of this place testified before the justice, that the rut in it was made from the inside. Mr. Carson, also, acknowledged that be had been gambling two nights, but did not recollect where he was the other nights, each of which he was out very late. We state the facts as we have them from a creditable source, and Itavt tbt leader to judge lor himjelf. Important Bill. We understand that Co!. Biolkr, Senator from Clearfield, has reported a bill to provide for the payment of the State debt, which con tains some excellent provisions. It provides for tax upon inheritances, both lineal and collatteral, of at least fvn per cent, a tax which we regard as eminently just and right j and which if properly assessed and col lected, would of itself pay off our whole State debt before the year 1900. The bill also, as we understand, requires the State Treasurer, immediately after the passage of the law, to ascertain the entire value of the whole assessable properly as revised, equalised, and established by the Board of Revenue Com missioners, and to ascertain the amount of per centage, which the entire State Debt, includ ing the relief notes yet in circulation, will be upon the whole amount of the taxable property of the State, and to transmit to the Treasurers of Ihe Beveral counties a statement of the prr centage, whose duty it shall be to give public notice in their proper counties, and the owners of real estate can have the opportunity of pay. ing in full the proportion of the State Debt that properly attaches itsself to their real estate ; and the County Treasurers are authorized to receive in psyment for the same gold and silver, certificates of State debt, Ac., and if paid with in three years, an abatement of 13 per cent, and receive an exoneration for ever from the pay ment of any tax in part of the existing State debt. We have no doubt, then, under such a provi sion at least one third of the valaulbe real es tate in the commonwealth would be redeemed and exonerated within the three years, and thus a considerable portion of the Stale debt paid. Harrisburg Argus. Common School Report. Th twelfth Annual Report of the Superinten dent of Common Schools, for the school-year, en ding June 2, 194.1, has been published. The aggregate number of districts in the State, exclusive of the city and county of Philadelphia, is 11S9; number paid during the year, 101K; num ber reporting, 9G1 ; whole number of schools, CG90 ; number yet required, 457 ; average number of months taught, 4 ; number of male teachers, 5594 ; number of female teachers, 2437 : average salaries of male teachers per month, $16 48 ; of females, $9 40 ; nnmberof male scholars, 170, 306; number of females, 161 052; number learn ing German, 6.094 ; average number of scholars in each school, 44 ; cost of teachiug each scholar per month, 41 2-3 cents'; amount of tax levied, 5370,771 15; received from State Appropria tions, $159,599 15; received from collectors, S2G6, 1 22 05 ; cost of instruction, $320,687 ; fuel and contingencies, $19,91 35 ; cost of school hous es, purchasing, building, renting, and repairing, $77,173 28. Ths fact is well known, that UrakdretiTs Pi lis are a certain cure in every form of disease, all having the same root, which is impurity of ihe circulating flnid, lha blood. In a period of little more than ten yesrs in the United States, they have restored V perfect health and enjoyment over Four Hundred Thousand per sona who were given over so incurable by Physi cians of the first rink and standing, and in many c-es, when every oiher remedy had been resorted to in v on. The great secret is to have the medecine by you when you are first attacked with sickness; one dose ihen will have more good effect than twenty, if you put it ofT until disease has enfeebled the ho dilv powers; therefore every individual who con sider health a Idea-ing, should always keep a box of Rrandrelh's Vegetable Universal Pills, where ihey fin be sure lo lay their hand on them when wanted. Twenty-five cents cannot possibly he bet ier disposed of. A valuable life may he saved, or a long fit of sickness prevented. fjj" Purchase of H. U. Msser, Sunhury, or of the agent, published in another part of this paper. .n.i n h i e v. On the nth inst., by David Mart, Esq., Mr. Daniel P. Haas to Miss Loi'isa, both of Shamokin township At Klysburg, on the 27th tilt., by John Hoff, F.sq., Mr. Hknrt Swank to Miss Mary Barton, both of Shamokin township. On the 29th ult., by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr Martin Barnhsrt to Miss Elizabeth Fky lin!, both of Northumberland. On the 25th ult., by the same, Mr. Jaron P. Kf.rsunfr to Miss Susan Pontioi-b, both of Uni on county. On the 22d ult, by the same, Mr. William Schoch to Miss Jclia-Ann Heklkr, both of Uni on county. On the 27th ult , by the Rev. Mr. Marr, Mr. Stephen Levndall to Miss Catuakine Sroiiuii ton. both of Union county. On the 29th ult . by the Rev. F. RuthraurT. Mr. F.nwARo Gross of Briar Creek township. Colum bia county, to Miss Sabah Stall, of Turbut township. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Aaron IIkckman of Turbut township to Miss Margakkt Govocr, of Limestone township, Col. county. Orphan's Court sale CP TiLLTJABLS LA1TD. IN pursuance of an order of the"Orphsn's Court of Northumberland county, will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday the lOih day of Match next, at ihe house of W m. R. Jones, in Augusta township, in said county, to wit: A certain trsct of land situate in the township aforesaid, adjoining Nods of Wm. It. Jones, John Hart, and the river Susquehanna, containing eighty-seven acres more or less. About forty acres of siid tract are cleared and under good state of cul tivation ; lha residua i well limbered. The said tract is eligibly situated for milling or manufacturing purposes, as an excellent water power is nfljrdrd by lliles Run, running through 'he land. The said iraet is located on the funqnehaiins, about g miles Mow Sunhuiy, on the road leading from lhat place lo Harrisburg. The land is comprised of bottom land and up-land, which will l sold luge, ther or spaiately, a may ha deemed mo.t odvUs. ble. Late the eaute of Cn. J. ho Jones, dee'd Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the condition i f axle will be made known by WM. H. MUENCH, ELIS1IA KLINE. r sbruary 7tn,lM6. 0t Admre. I DII1D, In Milton, on Thnrsdsy morning the 30th ult., Miss ELIZABETH JOHNSON, aged about 20 years. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Manser. Wsut, .... 100 Rt. -62 Corn, fit) Oats, ...... 35 Pork, ... 6 Ftitstsn, ... . IIS J Bpttsr, . . . . 16 Enes. .... 12 Bksswax, 25 Tallow, ... 10 Fts. ... -10 HscKLRrt Flat, . . in Drisii Applrs, 75 Do. Pkachrs, 150 Fire Company FJecUoii. VT n E'eetion held bv the me. libera af the Washington Fire Cnmpanv,"nn the 2d inst. the following named gentlemen wete duly elected officer, to serve for the ensuing year: President. J. H. Zimmerman. V. Pres't. Samuel Mantr.. Treasurer. Samuel J. Fry. 1st Dinclr.r. tJcnrge I, von. 21 Director. Silas II Enael. 1st Engineer. John J. Fisher. 2d Enaineer. Charlea Heck. 3d Eneiteer. Martin E. Bucher. 4th Eimincer. Daniel 8. 111. mm. Published b order of ihe Uompanv. s. J. Youxn, Feb. 7th. 1840. Scc'y pro, tern. ' AddreNS to the Public rilHE unprecedented success attending the use X ef Dr. O. Bcnj'n Smith' (Sujnr Corned) "Im proved Vegetable Pills," end the acknowledged su periority which they possess over the common A n-ti-Ulinus, Cathartic, and various other Pills in ge neral use, have givtn them a decided preference with all who have used them ; und they are uni versally esteemed the most site and pleasant pur gatives ever offered to the public. fXj CAUTION. Aa a miserable imitation has been made, by the name of '-Sugir Coaled Pill," it is necessary to be sure ihst Da. O Pknj. Smith's siKua'ure ia on every box. Price 25 cents. Principal OlTice, 179 Oreenwich st. N.-w York. Sold by JOHN W. FKII.INCJ. Sunliurt. WM. FORSYTHE. S,rtmm'd. Feb. 7th, 1840. liXcciiior'si Malt. fllHE subscriber, bv virtue of authority vested in I him by ihe last will and lestamatit of ('lirMmn Beltz, l ite of Jaekson township, Nor'humberland county, dee'd , will expise to sale, on ihe premises, on the 24th of February next, the foil .wing proper ty, now in pos-essino of J.ihn llaker, late the e state of said deceased, situate in Jackson lown-wip. Northumberland county, contninii g one hundred and thirty acres of land more or less, of which a hout sixty acres are cleared. 'I he improvements consist of two log houa"s and a lug b irn. There isaho a good orchard on the premises, contuinine nil kinds of fruit ; aUn, a first rate spring of water near the house. About six acies of the property ia meadow land. The unimproved portion of this laud is wooded with excellent timber. The terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale, on the premises, bv the subcii ber. BENJAMIN HEIN. Jan. 31st, 1816. 4t Executor. EVANS WATSON, No. 70 Socth Third Street, Opposite the Philadtlphia Exchange, Manufacture and ka p con stantly on hand, a large as- fsortment of their Patent Iin- proved S.damander FIRE PROOF SAFES, which are Cs constructed as to set at rest ' n ..t .i-..u. ... ft...;. ...I, i nil iiriijnrr ii'Miir s w mn. i- being ivtrir'tlv flrn proof, und; that they will resist the (ire of imv building in the world. The outs de-ctse of the S.ifes are made of boiler iron, the inside r ie of so ipstone, ami be tween the outer case and inner rase is a space of some 3 inches thick, and is filled in with indestruc tible, si bs to make it an impossibility to ever burn any of the contents inside of this Chest. These Koapstone Sal imandets we are prepared and do challenge the weild to pro,luc any article in the shape of Hoi k S-ifes that will stand as nun h beat, nd we hold ourselves ready at all timrs to have them fairly teste I bv public bonfire, should a ny r.f our competitors feel disposed, to try them. We also com nue to manofrtu e and keep c n stantlv on hand, a larce and g Herat aa-ortmeiit of our Pieiniurn Air-ticht Fire Proof Ssfrs. i f which we have a Inrae quantity In use, an I in every in stance they have given entire a dia'aciion to the purchasers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in us.-. N. tc O. Tavlor, 129 north 3d st.: A. Wright & Nephew, Vine si. harf ; Aleihmler Carnr, Con veyancer, corner nf Fi bert and' 'J ill sis.t John M Ford, 32 north 3d .t.; Mver Bush. 20 nonh 31 st.; Bailey fi Brother, 13S M iket st ; Jamea M. Paul, 10 1 sooth 4tli St.; l)r David Jnyne, 8 south 3d at; M ,itl hew T. Miller, 20 south 3d st.; and we could name some three or four hundred o'hers if it were necess.irv. Now we invite the ait ntimi of the public, and psnicultrly thooe i i of Fire I'root Sites, to call at our store hi fo-e purcha sing elsewhere, and we think we ran snisfv them thai they will get s belter ami eheser article at our store thin any other einhl shun lit in the ci'y. We nlso ronlinue to manufactute eal and Co pying Pnss, msde in such a manner aa to an swer both purposes t Hoisting Machine s, Fne I'mof Doors, wth our own manulVture of locks on them, wtib 1). Evans's Patent Kehole covi r attached o ihe same plain and ornamental Iron Railing, Ac N. U We keep constantly on band a Isre as s rtn,ent nf our Patent Mate Lined lu fiijei t us. Water Fillers and C .ulrr ; and we have a!so on hand several second hand Fire Pr-'of Chests t.iken in exchange for ours, which we will dispose of at verv lr,w prices. Philadelphia. January 24'h. 1810. ly Oi'phaiiV Court Kale. IN purso line of an order of die Orphans Court nf Norihunil eiland county, will be sold at pub lic vendue, on Snurday the I4ih day of Fthrury next, at the public house of William Farrow, in Snydertown, in said county, to wit ! A certain tract of land atiuaie in Rush township, county afores.iid. sdjoining land of laaac Kline, Widor Stroh, Henry HofTand others, Containing 00 acres more or es, 25 acres of which ate deni ed, whereon ia erected s small one atory frame and log house, a small log uhla, and an apple orchard. La'e the est its nf David Kaseman, dee'd. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said dav, when the condition of sain will h- rrnde known by FREDERICK KASEMAN. Januarv 17th, 1815 fit Adm'r. LAST NOTICE. ritME Store Books, Accounts and Noma of II. M B. Mas-er, have been placed in the hands nf a magistrate for collec ion. Persons whose accounts I have been of long standing, m.iy save costs by set tling tbe same without further delay. Cunbury, Ja. 3, 18 . it. U. MASSKK, msm SAMtrct. Hart, Isaac Lett. I Ant or Staple and ranry STATIONS II Y, Received by lute Arrival frnm t-onttnn and Paris, and offered to th- Trade only, by SAMTJEL EAP.T &CO. (Successors to L. I. Cohen At Co..) No. 27 South fourth Street, abovo t.hesnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. SEALING WAX, Red, Black, White. 8r.r!rt. Fancy colored and Spangled j 10, 20 and 48 sticks lo the lb. The assortment comprises 36 dif ferent kinds. Wafers in lh. pspets, superior Scarlet, superior Red. niark and ass rled Fancv colors of the follow ing sites: Note. Small Note. Pea, Larce Pea, Mi nion or Dott; nNo Notarial Wafers. 4 sirr-s. Transparent. Cameo and Fancv Wales in boxes. Inks, Walkden'a and Arnold's superior Black Writing, Japan, Blue, Copvirig nod Steel Pen Ink. in 2 3. 4, 8, 16 and '.Vi nr. stone bottle. Superior Carmine Ink. made bv (iuynt in Paris and Arnold in London, in gl.s holt ha. Bond's and Arnold's Indelible Ink, without pre paration. Walkden'a Oenuire Black Ink Powder. Oliss Inks, blown and cut, of every variety, French ant) English. Travelling Inkstands, upwards of 20 different pattern. Papier Mache, Bronze and China Pump Ink aland", in great variety. Pen Kafka, Bronze and Imitation, virions sizes. Portfolios, 4 to, rap and demi, with and without lorka, in great variety. Wnfer Stamps, of Ivory, Vegetable Ivorv, Butte. Elt ny and Cocoa, all s.zea w ith plain ai d croaa eut brass ends. (J'nss Motto Seals, i very ex'ensive varietv. Folders, plain Ivory and Bone ; 6 7 S) and !) inch. Reading Knives, plain and rared Ivory and Pearl of various s;.es. Prepared India Rubber. SO and 40rnsksioihe lb. Copying Paper-, Turner's best 5 and 5J lb demi and 7 Hi double crown. Tissue Paper, Turner's superior White mid Co lored, various tints, put up si-pantelv. Writing Piper, English Blue laid and Wove, f,v lio, cap and 4lo post of tbe bet cptali'y. Super Whitit and Wf W ove and Tinted Ex tra Satin, gilt edge 4to post, 8vo and Ifimo, Eniibsh paper. Valencia, or Lace Edge Note paper, fivo rV lOmi Enutish and French S.nin Post with black bor der .ill I edge. 4 to nnd Hio. Blue and White Wove French (Jti.irto Posts, a larpe assortment. Plain and Fancy French Note Paper of every variety and size. Euvtlopi-e, English and French liin and fancy, in ereat v.irieiy. Fancv French Papeterics, furnished wilh Note paper Enveloics, Wax, Wafers, dec. Ac, 25 differ ent varii lies. English Laid Uloiting Paper. Whitman's Supr rior Turkey Mill Driwine Pa per of the follow 'na sizes, viz : Foolscap 13X10. Demy 15X20, Medium 18X23. I.'oval 19X24, SuprV R .val 19 X27. 21 X 2!. Elephant 23 X27, Columbier 23X34. Atlas 20 X 33, Dou ble Elephant 27 X40. Anriqiurinn 31 X 52. Colored Crayon 1'nper, liny si, vnrious lints. Superior Bristol Bosnia mn'le of Whitman's pa per, nf the following s ze and thickness; cap, de my, med.tim and royal 2, 3 and 4 sheet. Embossed Brist d Boards of various size. Perforated Bristol I! und. white and tinted, fine meilium and course perforation. French Tracing Paper, royal, columbier and dou ble elephant. Conte's Black Chalk Crayons No. 1. 2 and 3. Red and While (Srayoria. Painting B'U-hes, superior English and Frenrli camel's hair, P.ngtlsh Svb'ea of various qualities, (1j camel's hair brushes in tin. Mathematical Ins'ruments, London make, in ma hogany and fi-h skin cases. The assortment Com-pri-es 15 ditterent kinds. Waier Colors a complete assortment of New man's Genuine Color in caka and boxes Black man's Water Color in various sizes, sliding, hook and l"rk and key boxes. Toy Culms in great variety, of sliding and h 'ok plain und fancy boxes. M.zottnto and Pink Siucers, leather and piper stumps. Chessmen, plain suJ cimed ivory, bono and wood, of all sizes. Itsrk,; inini n and Draught Boards of vaiious si zes and iioalit es. Dominoes, 14 16 18 and 20 line, of vurious qua lities. Steel Pens, fiiMott's and other in.iker, on card and in boxe, a l ire and comp'ete assortment. Sieet Pen Holders, pi j in and fancy of every va riety. I'i rcebiin Slutcs, 12 different sizea in moincco end wood frames ; nl-o, in pocket bo k form. Diamond poin ed (Jo'd I'etis of various qiiilit'fa Card I'a-es, a large assortnn nt of French and English make, plain and inlaid. Ne Plus Clirs Travelling W ritinn De-k. 10 12 11 and 10 inches, with and without drea ing ca e. i Portable Travelling Leather Dressing Cases, a j great variety. f Superior Prepared Writing Parrhment of th f.llowing lOlXIGJ. IGX20, 20X 24, 24 X 28, 2 X 32 ai d 30 X 36. Fancy Paper pi , in and i nilios-cd gold and a 1 ver paper, r dand assorted cob-ra morocco piper, fiiicy colored emliosaed paper, plain French highly glned farcy colored papera, Ac. Fine Screen II indies o various pattern and great variety, soul-' nf entire new style. II iir Brushes of superior London make, a large I ass , runt hi. Ladn a' Companions or Portable Work Casea, ; coniii telv fined. i Muua ure Ivories of finily cut French, viz: 2t 27 30 33 30 and 45 tir es. j Iv ry Thble'.s of various sizes, wilh ihe days of : l lie wek. M.t illic Mem irandtni Books r f 4 s'ze. ' liulers of lound hurd wood, 12 15 18 21 and : Scotch Penknife Hones in paper and wood case, of v inous sizes. Writing Materials of dirna k steel, with egi:e and enamelled handles, in m irorcn case. ( Pounce wood and ivory p ninre hole, red fane, j Hiun C4ul rrk, loiter . I in, mouih t;!u. Ia( It'.ltif- .aa.l ilitatMil III Q I ist It.l llifllirsl rallllul Dflntr1 waf.r cups, gum Intel, china pallets and i'Hts, dice ! cups, d autliinien, port crayons, dividers, protrac tors, scales, English toy twuka, Ac. Ac. S'. Af' Co. are Side Agrutt far the fallowing ar licit n, Munufacturtd bij L. I. Cohen. Superi ir Patent Ivory Suifice Playing Cards Eigls, Harry VIII. D'-c ilur, Merry Andrew, High landers, Players, Presulunls Flench and Spanish the court card with cither smg'e nr iIouI-Ih heads und ptinled in gold or ml us. inatnif iC'ured nf the bet material- bv an improved method, thereby g v ing them a perfect slip and link ng them more so h I and iluruh'e, which render ihem the most plea, taut playing card utanuf ictur"d. P am Enamelled Burnished Card' from No 1 t8 Enamelled Oold Bordered Cards from No I to5- Burnished Wurf ire Mourning Caid fin No 1 to i. Oilt Edga Vis.lnig Cards fmtn No 1 to 3. Ivory Suifaee Cards, white un I tinted, fiu I to 8. Plain Printers' Cards from 1 to 8. l.ead Pencils Superior drawing pencils, manu- fsrtured frnm the pttre Cumberland lead, of the fol lowing degress nf hardmss: ft HH. HHU. us. s. u a. r. Other Writing Pencil. Red Chalk Pencils. Pitenl Improved Evetpor, Lends fot pencil es se of II sir. a (Cj They are constantly receiving fnm Europe additions to their SrnrK, and respectfully invite purchasers to cad and examine for tliemeves. rjj iV. II- r Co. have just published the laugh ble (iame of NS'hat d'ye Buy, by Professor Punch ; also the National (June of the Star Spangled Ban ner they nlso have the atjency for lbs following popular panics which thev niter to thn Trade at publisher's prices, vijt: Dr. Busby; Msnstnn of Happiness; American Essie; Master Rodhtiry and his pup Is; Chime eristics nf Distinguished Per. sons; Pope and Pagan; Scripture History Illustrate-1; The (Jame. of I feme ; Th lllos'ra'ed Alpha bet; Pickwick Card.; Shnk-peare in a new Dress; O'Si I of Fo tune; Race of Improvement; Strife nf (J"iiiii; Ro!iinn'i Crn ir-; Cards nf M-igi; !?!, Abbott's new serir of Drawing Cards; Chrisima Cards or (nod and Bad Pasion; Merrv (iaineof Trip lo I'hina; Oama of American Revolution. Philadelphia, 'February 7lli, IS 10. MONTOUU" HOUSE, L V I'K UHADY'S 1IOTHL, Opposite the Court Housf, DANVILLE, PDNH'A. aa THE Subscriber, who assisted for se .ttOif ven I year in the manacement of the a- I iJS'-j&Vwve Hotel, lately ktpt by Mr. S. A. Bra J i I 3dy. b gs leave lo infoim the travelling public, that he has tuken the establishment on hi own arrouit, on the first of January, 18 16. The House h.i, nl late, uudetgone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promise lo leave iiothimi undone to make it a comfortable stid ogrreahle, as well as a cln.ip and accommoda ting stoppinc place for xtrainii rs who limy vjsii our flouri-liinit vdhise. No pains nor expense will be spar-d to fi'l the talde slid the bar with the lest the in ukets nlTird, and with th-determiiiatinn to i!e vo e Ids entire person il a'lention to the comfort of Ito-e who niav u ake his bouse iheir temporary a bode, and raided by active, careful and nhlicing ser vants, tie hopes) to s'ive u 'ii ral satisl'jction, und re ceive a liberal share of eu-t un. (Xj Laser and commodious STABLES ar, at tached to tbe es'abl shment, which aro attetulej by can fill and obliging ho llers. t.lDEON M. SHOOP. Jinuarv 2tth. S4fi. if IaUvuhI rul liU) S llalr. 'OTICE is hereby given, I h. it letters of -jil- miuistr ition on ihe estate of Ldwatd t rulch- Iv, laie ul Poii.t townshi;i, Noilhunibeil ind coun ty, dee'd., have been g'aii'ed o ihe subscriber. All pmons indebted to said est ile, or hnving claims srain-l the same, are reqne-led lo call on the sub scriber, at NoithumberUtid, and si tile wi-toui1 de lay. D. S. DODfiE. Jan. 17lh, In If!. f.t. Adm'r I:iitl H-.tsK iinin'o, I'.stalr. "VTOTl('E is hereliv given lhat letters of admin istntion have lieen grioted to the aul scribcr. on Ihe estate nt David K asein an, late of town ship, dee'd. All petson indebted to said estate, or ha'iug claims ajaiust the same, are requested lo call arid sel'le w i liout delav. The subscriber will .item for ib it purpose, at the house of Win, Far row, in Snvdristown, on Fridav and Saturday, Ihe 20th and 2 1 st of February next. FREDERICK KASEMAN, Jan. lOih, 1910. 6l Ad'inr. B.r.TCLCTT &SL-J1T1T, 1 1 AT M AN V FA CT L7 U 15 RS, yn. VAYl. M,irhrt Strrrt, PHIIADELPHIA, HAVE constatitlv on hmd the finest quality i f Silk and Fur Hats, which they sell at the low est prices. These Hal, in point of sljle, beauty of finish, and durability, will compare wi h any man ufictured in the city, and ae well worthy the at tention of purchssers from the country. January 3, 1810 ! J? I. ?. Hl LP 7!3 ' r0f". TEXICO MEXAi5 ! "Tim env is-r.Tiisi tiiey come.' C10ME WHERE! Why where do you sup J pose but to the Cheap Store of Henry Mas-cr, in M.irUt street, Stinbnrv. And fir what purpose do you think they come! Why to buv rheap, to be sure and save i.l Iea-t20 per cent. "Tiiey tenn't do nothin che," because it is a well known fart that at HEXRY MASSCR'S STOUH the very lie-t articles are sold at the very lowest price. Now come, one and nil; l ot d ui'l all come at once, nod JEDCE FO!! VOL'RSELVES Wheie you will find a Splendid Assortment of Tsill nntl Wliilcr Iry iooIs, ju-t received, am nig which are the following: Su perfine French Broadcloth: West of England do,; Heavy Beaver do , a frst rate article fir Overcoats, and a great variety nf Wo d Dyed, Black and Fan cy Cassinlere, S iiliuelts, Moussa liti-de-lainrs, Rcp- J dr-laines, Ca-hmere, A'pa.-Cis, Ar if, Also, a i In silt. fil as-nrtmeril nf Calicoes nf ihe latest s'yles snJ patterns, which wiln-isoM coenr than ever ; also, Wo den and other Shawls in great variety, from Vt ct. lo f 10 ; a general assortment if Ho sierv, (tlove. Suspender. Milts, aVe., (Sic; a laree I sssortmeiii nf Women a. Men s an I Mi-ses Cum : Shois which wi I be sold cheijcr than ever before off red. ! He ha lkrwise, in ad lition ti the above stork, : in i xii nsive assortiiieiil nf Q t'fimrarr, Hardware, Siidti.'rri anil On,cerirs. oiii from S to 10. 12 I and 10 its. ,c, lb; (iood (filler at 10, Ve y Best ' ai 12. Also. N lis; Si ike-; Iron; S uideisoii's iet i ChsI Steel; English, Anicrican and Sweed B ister ; il.i. ia sli 'rt. rverv t!rn lhat i- usually kept in a ("ountrv St. .re, ult ol which will lie sold at ery i reduced prices. I rxj- ." mtry Pro luce of all kinds taken in ex- , change fir Cood. i S buiv. Nov. 22.1, H4.1. .t ( II X . ST II V K Kit. Of the tale fin if Siwk rk V Striker, and ; Strijker i- 'iHfur, UAS leMtmed the W holes ile Dry O inds Busi. ness, and now oiler for sale, al No. 13 and 14 Bank s'reet, Philadelphia, sdj linir g Myers, Clajhorti A t'o's Auction Mote. No. 7 Market street, a general asorlinenl nf Drv ttoods, chiefly purchase I at auction, at a very small advance for cash, or city aecenianci s. Believing that bw long experience in purchasii g will enable him lo si II his (i.i.U at the lowest Mar ket puces, he invites hi- old friend, and others wis in.! lo buy, to favor him wilh a rail. Pinlidelphi i, Nov. I, ls.43 bin IEMO.XS. A lol of good, Iresh Lemons, ju.t lecrived and for sale bv Dec. 13, 1S15. HENRY MASS EH. If. 7 Ill's IT. The highest price given U V heat, al Ihe slme of II. M AS.-EK. A new supply of liose Ointment just received. Not. 8tk, 1I1S. iierh's hotel, iiiuitism ac., r.i. T PRO . are to Inf.rm Ihe pubic thai I have l-fl 1 Phils lelphii. and am now located in Harris I urg, the si'at of tlis Executive srn! S ate (1 ivsrn men! of Pennsylvania, whrre I now occupy thrt spacious Hotei, recently kept by Mr. Matthew" Wilnn. This spacious building, having been purposely planned and erected for a Hotel nf the first rlsst is not surpassed if erjua'led, by any aimilar ratals lis'imeiit in Peiinsylvnnia ; and hnving undeigona a thorough rrnovstion, the pa'lors, rooms and rhsmliers are now fitted up in n sty 'e that com bines i-teianre with comfort nnd convenience. Mv TABLE is pledged to be supplied with the best fare the Markets csn produce! tint rjiirti-s nt the time W-iug ss moderate as anv ol Ihe het regulated astat lishnierit elsew'.e e I-i bc.rl. ri exeitions shall be spsred en mv p r o mi d e n ,r' of every member of r.iv In tiselmld. I" make ii wh -t it sliouid lie. in the Cepital nf one nf lb mokt pop uloii and inieresting Wuite- of tlie T'niiin. With these pr -mis", aecommn dviori and fact lilies, and the fact that tho Hotel is moat eligibly situated, I with confidence, most rcFpectfully foil cit the patronage of lha Public. DANIEL HERR. Late of Herr's Hotel, Cbenut St.. Philad. Hsrri-burg. Nov. 22, 1S15. 3m To l'ui'aiiaMfi-st of DRY GOODS. fTIHE stibscrit'Sr, No. 121 Pearl s'rect, New 1. Vork. having rsalii-hed a Bnnchat No. 23J South Second St., Philade'pbia, i now opening, nt, J wj! he constantly receiving fmni the New Vork Auctions, an extensive assortment nf FANCY & STAPIsIJ DHT GOODS, which will be said nt the lowest New Vork pttrcs, at wholesale and Retail. Among li s stock will be found a good assortment of thn fillowire article-1 Jacconet. Plaid. Hair Cord, I.nce. Stripe, Book, Swi-a end Tnrla an Muslin. Bishop and Linen Lawns. Fancy Cap Nelta, Funry nnd Ball Dree, Thread I .area, Application D.i., neh B ack Silk 'Primming Lare, Irish Linens. Linen Cambrics, L'lien Cambric lldkf., Curtain Frmces, Ca-hmeie d'l'eos-r, Mouseluie de Li-e. e-ik and t'nltnn Warp Alfaecas, t)n ten's1 Cloth, (Jala Plaid', French Merinos. Ill irk ilks. Cloves. Si k ll .sa, Shaw's, Crava s. Rilihrn-, Embroideri-s Ac Ve. Conntrv Meieliant and others visiting Phil n'el phi or New Vork to purchase, are in vited lo rail and examine the :-l tks. Nov. I. 1M5. ly II. MOOBE. .insKin v. .ioxks. A'n. H Xjrth Mil b're't n fnv dnart ali'rvc Market tlrr-t. PHILADELPHIA, HAS roust ilitlv mi hand a very large a.irt ment nl L'sik'ng (i -s-ps. B ikel. Ceil: r 'atfl and Fancy floods, which will be sold wholesale at the Verv lowest price'. N. B Lnnkmg 0'ases inureal to nny ait of tlie countrv, wilhont charge. Nov. 1,1 8 15 6 n vTililH'jsT.r'oxvelry, Acc. A:c. riHE subscriber ull.-r lot snlc, at t'le lux est pr .8 re, a laige and genrril assortment nf (Sold and Slver Lever, Lupine and ott er kiiv' nf Watches; Jewilrv, Silver Waie, Kb mv hi d ;:'. Mantel Clocks, end Mo cal Boxes playing iV .ni two to ten tunes; Benedict A: P. irnev's Diamond Poind d (lold Pen-; Watchmakers' Tools, File.' and Material. Orders from the country are solicited, nnd wilt be caicrulty attended to. JOHN V. FA Kb', 112 Chcsnut ft., Philadelphia! Nov. 1. l"st."). 4m IVe recommend all nf our friend lisitinn the city, to call at the Prhin Company' Stare, and lay in a supply of their delicious Teas. TIIH Ii:iil TEA tMIIMXT, Xo. 30, SotTB Sstomi SrarrT, Between Market nod t 'hesiiut, FZIXXiADZLriXXA, AVE constantly on hand, ntid fr s le, Whole-ale nnd Retail. A VARIETY OF CHOICE FRFKH TEA, At I.OWIT lrJc-os, according to the quality, than ihey can te butsgM for at any other establishment in the ri'v rJ- Tks, exclusively, ore sold st ih's bot;r, and sever d varieties which rannot be obtained cl e whrre. Any Tens which do not civ? enure satis faciion ran be returned and exchang d, oi the m i ney will be refunded. The citizens of Northumberland county arc ro sntctfully invited to tjive us a call. O. B. ZIF.PFR. Acriit for the Pekin Tea Company, Philadelphia, Srpt 2Vlh, IS 1"). 1 v "terms "reduced. LjP ' " L7?J DAGVL'HHI I A r. 1 1. 1. Eli W ',..', at Premi um Culnrt-J Ukrnn-tH, and Pl.fijxr-tj.f,ie No. 13GCIiesnut Street, I'Lilailelphii. No. 251 Brosdwav, New York; No ViCVurt Street, Boston ; No. 136 Chcsnut -s reel. Phi'.i. dr-lph'S lliltimore Streil. Ba'timore ; Ilronl way, Saratoga Springs ; X .Vi Canal I-licei. New-Orleans ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And Main Street, Do Ituiptr, Iowa. CONSTlTUTINti the oldest and most Ext-M Vive Estalili-hmcnt ol the kind in ihe orl I, and containing more than a TlItH'SAND POI5 TRAITS, cinl rai'ti p those nf some of tho most distinguished in lindusls, in the I'nited St-.tes. Admittance free. This E.tnhl shmet.t having btcn award, d l!'o' Medal, I'cur Ptr.'t Premiums, i-nd hen . t lienors' at the Exoibi'i-lis nt Bos o i. Nt w-Vo k and Philadelphia, n speetively, for be-t Pie'urrs ati I Apparatu, is thus otllci illy siis'.utie I in the posi lion ol'superioritv t en lofore lingers i II v as-ined tt by the pub ie, as ', in t'li War I J"W SsHi, HI'i. ly ia -is n:z j lt:ct. aj"a.a P I A iN O S. rilHE SI'B!CRIBER has been appointed aretit. I for ibe sale . t t). 11 D MEVKR'S CEL. Ell HATED PREMIEM K'i'E WOnD II ANOS, at ttlis place. 'I'lir-a- Peu-o lisve a p!ii "i massive and biauiitul exleii u ii,.i-h a " 1. t -r i -1 ' and .weellli s nt lone, Hlid c'l g m e of workivaii hip, are not sjrpa.-sid bv anv in t!o 1 m td s-at The fdloili4 is a rei-i'iii'iieiiditioii f'nm (' Diit, a celibr ated jierlo nitr, and hiuisi If a nian uf iciuier i A C .1 IS I. lltVIIO . lent Piano I' i thit Ped v ihe I ' i r i, stitute. I feel i! ho t.c 'it. " ' th :, lo i eolare thai llies- u u ' ' and i" some r;i-r evi r ; o i i ! alio Fortes, I saw al ih" c,-il .: ol toi-o, e. rn ilurini a soioiini nftwote.r ar Peris. The - pianos wi'l he -o',l l tlie inn- .jJeeltm r" lowest Phil ii'elnhla pr ccf. if i;n' snnrt'lin i I ' Person are rei e-led o rsll ami exa-nine fr I hi niselve-, t lie re.Venr-e be uh.c"b-r. Sunburv May 17. IslS. If 11. A L '. BTli lUtl.N Ju.t leti te:l and tor sjie, c". 11ENKV MAgifER. SunbUty, Sept. 50, 1845, 4