Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 31, 1846, Image 3

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    ome changinj;, may be pure, but to believe that
kll are actuated thus, if no oasy matter. To
litical advancement, with many of them, has
been an object ol no little importance. This
chanpf, however, is only verifying the predic
tions of soma of the leading men, that all would
ultimately be united upon this question.
The foreign news, by the Hibernia, has at
lit arrived. Extras, with the new, were in
great demand on the arrival. All were on tip
toe, as to the stand of Great Britain and not
unfreqnemly would one hear the interrogatories
of "what stand has the Times taken ?" "is there
any danger of war!" &c,&c. Jut upon perus
ing the extracts of the foreign papers, all come
to the conclusion that war is not our lot yet.
The Chronicle, of London, assume the most de
cisive stand. The Times ar.d Spectator, in their
remarks, are, indeed, very conciliatory. All
however, condemn the general tenor of the
Message, as natural with persons having a ha
tred as well as a prejusdice to the rapid advance
ment ol our republican institutions.
The London Chronicle, in an article of "foam
trul fury," handling the President pretty rough
ly, says : "the clay England receives notice to
terminate the Convention of 1827,she must pre
pare firmly to maintain her rights thus menac
ed." That she will receive this notice, unless
her minister renews the negotiation and accepts
of the last proposal mode by us, all believe is a
thing certain.
The London Times, in speaking of the con
tinuance of the joint occupancy, remarks:
'Should the American population ever obtain a
substantial preponderance, Oregon would not
long remain a .British colony." This is the
view that the Hon. John C. Calhoun takes of
the question. The same paper continues by
eaying, "Britain and America must be too sen
sible of their mutual benefits mutual depend
ence, and mutual respect, to peril the substan
tial blessings they now enjoy, and are daily
multiplying in the relations of peace, for the
bloody and precarious glories of war," and con
cludes with sayinjr, "that it is impossible that
two such preatand kindred nations should go
to war for a remote wilderness." The Times
knows the situation of Great Britain just now,
and is willing to dispense with unnecessary
war for their unjust claims. The deranged
condition of the Government, the resignation
and restoration of the fame ministry to power,
the clamors of its starving millions and the con
diton of the oppressed Irish, will not allow them
to go to war with us. This the Times sees, and
uiies more discretion than formerly, in piving
its opinions. In fact, thus W, oil the talking
has been done on our side, and it is somewhat
surprising that not more has been said by Great
After waiting so anxiously (or this news,
and from the loud talk on our side, we certainly
expected a greater tongue-lashing from the
press of England than we have received.
What the peculiar lovers of peace, who were
attempting to create a war panic, will do now,
is hard tossy. The hold and patriotic stand of
the President, in his message, has had 60ine ef
fect upon Great Britain. If he had remnined
mute, and showed a hesitancy in declaring our
just rights, as a portion of the press of this coun
try desired, the effect upon Great Britain would
undoubtedly have been different. The convinc
ing and able document of Secretary Buchannan
has hod a tendency to increase the good sense
of John Bull upon the question, end will ere
long be the cause of bringing it to a close in an
amicable manner. Thn European Times con
aiders the President's Message pacific, as must
all others when they view it in it proper light.
The pacific character of the articles in the for
eign papers comes to us rather unexpected, in
deed, and the great men here now consider war
out of the qu estion. Cromwell.
LeglalallT Xiifi,
A bill to remove the venue of a suit at law
from Lycoming County to Dauphin passed read
ings, after some considerable debate. The suit
relates to the estate of J. A. Schultz.
A number of petitions were presented for and
gainst granting the right of way to the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad Company; and for the
incoperation of a company to conitrurt rail
road from Harrisburg to Pittsburg.
Remonstrances were likewiae presented from
citizens of Lehigh eounty, against the aecond in
vestigation of the Lehigh county Hank.
The Governor, by message, transmitted a eopy
of an act passed by the Legislature of New Jer
sey in regard to fisheries od the Delaware. He
also informed that he had signed the bill provi
ding for the payment of the interest en the State
debt due on the 1st February.
A bill declaring the larceny of county ordera
to be felony.
Bills have been introduced for an outlet lock
at Well's Falls, on the Delaware, below Black's
Eddy, and for a Railroad from Tainaqna to Fas
ton, to unite with New Jersey works both of
which Philadelphia will object to.
A strong effort will be made to pass bill to
authorize the New York and Erie Railroad Com
pany to pas through portion of Pike county in
thia State and to give them an opening into tbe
Coal mines of Luzerne, and save much heavy gra
ding in Sullivan county, New York. The Balti
more people are equally active to procure the
passage of this bill, and it may pais. The Mid
die Route, or Harrisburg and Pittsburg project,
is rather doubtful at present, but may pass.
Tstino TBI vim.. At the feast of the Epipha
ny, last week, Miss Franeis Browne, Miaa Mary
MeCafty, MissM. Fennissy, and Miss Ann Caul-
ield, retitvad tbt Wbitt Veil ia tb Chapel of
the Convent of the Slaters of Marey, Pittsburg,
arem tbt bands of tbe Disbop
Latest Pram Mstleni
Tare Rbvolctio Success vt Parkdesj t
tub Head or Governmbitt. Tin new from
Mexico is of most important character. It
brings ut tn account of the iuccsi of Paredes,
who haa possession of the city of Mexico, the
capital of the country. Thie news shows that
Mexico is in the worst condition imaginable,
the government too weak and imbecile to sus
tain itself, the peoplo too fickle and discontent
ed to support its own laws, and the country
prey to the mbition of its military leaders, and
thn rmy which they have lways at command.
Any pretext serves for a revolution. The late
government overthrew Santa Anna, because
he squandered or misapplied the public mnney,
endeavored to diminish the consequence of some
military chiefs, and by his inactivity against
the Texan, was suspected of favoring their
independent movement. Herrera'a govern
ment is overthrown from nearly the same cau
ses a disposition to compromise with tho Uni
ted Ststes on the annexation difficulty, and to
control and reduce thn power and consequence
of the army, and provide a substitute for it.
How long the new government will last, it is
impossible to predict.
The first act of the revolutionists will be to
convoke an extraordinary Congress to organize
the executive, power, which will be given to
Paredes probably, or possibly Santa Anna, as
some of the Mexican journals have hinted. Ru
mor already says that Gen. Paredes, notwith
standing the late declaration of the revolution
ists, that the government of llerrera had "lost
all respectability necessary to a government,"
by allowing plenipotentiary of the United
States to set foot in the country, has manifested
less nppositinn to Mr. Slidell, who still remains
at the Capital waiting the issue of events, than
President llerrera hinself. If Mr. Slidell is
well provided with money in his negotiation, so
that the new government may be supplied with
means to keep the army well fed and paid, it is
quite probable that he will find favor with the
new administration. We shnll see.
From the Washington Union of the 24th inst.
By the arrival on lh 14th inst. of tho United
States brig Porpoise, at Pensaco!a, in twelve
dnys from Vera Cruz, the intelligence of a revo
lution in Mexico has been confirmed.
It appears that on the morning of the 30th
ult. the troops relied upon the Government to de
fend it against Paredes, pronounced in his fa
vor; and the government entered intotcrma of
capitulation with Genral Paredes. He entered
and took possession of the city on that day with
out opposition.
The rumor was, that Gen. Paredes manifest
ed lessoppositimi to the reception Dt Mr. Slidell
then the late President, llerrera.
A young, beautiful, and generally intelligent
girl, whose family are reported to be wealthy, el
oped on Tuesday evening at New Haven with a
colored man and was wedded to him at 9 o clock
by a colored clergymen. Her friends hearing of
it, persued and arrested the bride, but, after a
hearing before the court, she was surrendered to
the keeping of her yellow "lord and master," a
writ of habeas corpus having been taken out by
Lars Disaster of 1815. A summary of casu
alties for the last year upon the lakes, during the
period of navigation, gives the number of lives
lost as 60; vessels ashore 38 ; total wrecks 20 ;
and an aggregate of 5190,000 damages.
Thi fact is well known, that UsisniisTn's
Pill are a certain cure in every form of disrate,
all having the same root, which is impurity of the
circulating Moid, the atnon.
In a prrioj of little mors thsn ten years in the
United State, they hive restored to perfect health
nJ enjoyment over Four Hundred Thousand per
son who were given over incurable by Physi
cian of the firit rink and standing, and in many
caaec, when every other remedy bid beeo reaorteJ
to in vain.
The great secret is to have the medecina hy you
when you are first attacked with sickne; one
done then will have more good effect than twenty,
if you put it off until disease ha enfeebled the bo
dily power; therefore every individual who con
ciJer health a blearing, should always keep a hoi
of Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Till, where
they can be cure to lay their hands on them when
wanted. Twenty-five cent cannot potaihly be bet
ter disposed of. A valuable life may be saved, or
a long fit of aicknria prevented.
fJ3" Purrhaie of H. B. Mer, Sunbury, or of
the t:ent, publUhed in another part of thi paper.
"Good Intent Firo Company."
A STATED MEETING of the Company will
be held on Tuesday evening next, at 7 o'clock,
at the Court IIojho. Punctual attendance ia re
quired. HENUV DON N EL.
Jan. 31, 1846. Seerttary.
"Washington Fire Company.''
'"PHE memlier of tbe " Washington Fire Com
pny" are . requested to meet at the State
House, on Mi.nd.iy Evening, Feb 2, at 7 n'.
clock, precisely. PuiiciuhI attendance is required.
Jan. 31. D W.SHINDEL.fec.
Executor's Sale.
rilHE uhcribr, bv virtue of authority vetted in
JL him by tbe last will and testamant of Chriatian
belts, lata of Jarkson township, Northumberland
county, dee'd , will cxpoae to rale, on the pramiaea,
on lh 24th of February neit.tb following proper
ty, now in pna-eaaton of J.ihn Baker, lai Ilia .
lie of said deceased, cilutle in Jackaon town-wip,
Northumberland county, conuiniug one hundred
and thirty acre of land rnoie or le, of which a
bout sixty acres are cleared. Tbe improvement
consist of two log hone. and log barn. There
i alio a good orchard on lh premiiei, containing
all kind of fiuil; alo, a first rate pring of water
near th boae. Aboot ail c e of the property
i meadow land. Tha unimpiov.d portion of ibis
land is wooil'il wiih excellent limber.
'I he lanns and c ndinons will b mad known
oo tha day of sal, on ihs prinvees. h? the auhsrii.
Jib. 3 1st, 1M8, t Emutor.
Corrected lottkly by Henry Matter.
Wi4T, , - . 100
Rta, ' . .... 62
Corst, ...... f,0
Oat, ... J5
Pork, . . . . 5
Flixiisd, ... . is
UuTTia, ..... is
Eoos. .... , 8
Bssswax, . 25
Tallow, ... 10
Fist, ... .10
HtcKtsn Ftx, j . . 10
Daisn Apflks, . . 75
Do. Psacnss, . 150
Dypepsla or 10 Years' Standing.
rpHE wife of Captain Robert, on Vine Street,
X near Water. Cincinnati, has been afflicted
with DYSPEPSIA in it most ageravatcd form
for the last ten years, was recommended bv Celehra
led physician of Dnston.New York. Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Cincinnati, to trael, as they could
do nothing for her. She did so, but it did her no
pood. She then commenced using the mot popu
lar medicines of the day for her complaints, but de
rived no benefit. Seatnt an silveriisement of Dll.
PILLS in the pa nor, she concluded to give them
s trial sent to G. F. Thomas, Main street, lie.
tween Third end Fourth, Dr. Smith's Agent for
Cincinnati, snd puichased a box, took them seeor
ding to direction, and can wiih heart fell joy state
that she derived morn benefit from the me of one
box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Veg.tabl.i Pills,
than from any other medicine she has made use of
during the ten years. The above wai sent to (J.
F.Thomis on the 3d Dec,. 1814 -Cm. Timet. .
03 CAUTION. As a miserable imitation hs
been mnde, by the name of '-Sugir Coated Pills"
it isnecesairy to he sure that Dr. O Br.j. Smith's
sigua'ut is on every box. Price 2!) cent.
Principdl Office, 179 Greenwich st. N.-w York.
Sold by JOHN W. FIMI.TNG. Sunbury.
WM. FORSYTHE, Xarthunid.
January 24lh, 1S4C.
Opposite the Court House,
THE Suh-crihtr, who assisted fir re
ven I year in the manaeement of the a
hove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. lira
dy, b g leave lo iiifrm the levelling
public, that he has taken the e-iahhshment on bis
own account, on the first of January, 1840.
The House haa, of laie, undergone many impor
tant alterations, and the present conductor promise
to leave nothing undone to make it a comfortable
and agreeable, as well as s cheap nriJ tccommoda
ling stopping place for stranger who may visit our
flourishing village. No paina nor expense will be
spared to fill the table and the bar with the best the
m irkets afford, anJ with the determination to do
vo'e hi entire personal attention to tbe comfort of
those who may make hia house their temporary
bode, and sided by active, careful and obliging ser
vants, he hopes to give gcn.ral satisfaction, and re
ceive a liberal shire of custom.
rXj Large and commodious STABLES are at
tached to the es'abl.shinent, which are attended by
careful and obliging bo-tiers.
January 54th, 1MB. tf
No. 7li South Third Strket,
Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange,
Manufacture and keep con
stantly on hand, a large a
:"ortrrcnt of llicir Patent Irn-
rovrd S ilamamtrr KIRK
aarAZaSara-'ill mmner of doubt as to their
ZfiF'Tn hei n a atrirllv fire woof, and
that they will resist Hie fire of any building in ti e
world. The oiiis'ile-case of the S ifea are m ule of
boiler iron, the inKule c se of eo ipstone, anil be.
tween tho nut r c.ise and inner case is a space of
some 3 inchea thick, and is filled in with inde-lruc-tilde
molcri,.!, so hi to make it an imrioanhiliiv to
ever burn sny of the contents inside of this ('best.
These S.inpstone Sal.nn incleia we are prepared
and do challenge the waild in produce any article
in tbe fh'ipe of B . k Snfea that will .land as mm h
beat, and we bold ourselves rrady at all ttni' a t
have ihrm fairly teste I hv public bonfire, 'houl l a
nv rf our competitor feel disposed to try thein.
We also root nue to manufacture and keep c in
stantly on hund, a larue and g-rural na-nrtmenl of
our Premium Air tight Fire Proof Safis. . f which
we have lrge quantity in use, and in every in
Manco ibey have given entire itisfaciion lo the
purchasers of which we will refer the public lo a
few gentlemen who have ihem in use.
N. 6l (i. Tavlor, 129 north 3d at.; A. Wriaht
A Nephew. Vine si. whuf; Alexander CHror, Con
v.yancer. corner of Fi bert and 9th sis.; John M
For t. S3 north 3d Mver Bush, 20 n r h 31
si ; Bailev St Brother, Maket s ; James M.
Paul, lul south 4th si.; Dr DaiJ J.yne, 8 south
3J at.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d st.; hi d
we could name ome three or four hui drd o'hen
if it were necessary. New we invite ihe attention
of the public, and particularly those in of
Fire Proof Sfe, to call at eur alore b- fore purcha
sing rlaewhe'e, and we think we ran eitisfy them
that they will gel a hettei snd cheaper article at
our store than any other estiibbkhmi nt in the ci'y.
W e also continue to manufacture f-ral and Co
pying Pricic, made in such manner a lo an
swer boili puri'o-e ; Hoisting Machines, Foe
Proof Doors, with our own msnuiVture of locks
on them, with D. Evans' Patent Kehnle cnv.r
attached to ihesame; plain and ornumenial Iron
Railing;, Ac.
N. U We keep constantly on hand a I ire as.
sortment of our Paienl Ma'e I.imd lu (ii;er l n,
v ater Filter and l..oler ; ami we have also on
hand several second hand Kir Pr"of Cliesta liken
in exchange for ouri, which wo will dt-poao of at
very l w prices.
Philadelphia, January 24'h, 184B. ly
Orphans' Court !alc.
I N pursu nee of an order of ibe Orphans Court
A of Northumleilaiid comity, wilt be add at pub
lie vendue, 011 tt.iurJay ihe Uih day of Fi bru iry
nrii. ii m puui c nniiM hi William r anow, in
Snydertown, in said county, lo wil t
A certain tiaet n( laud (ituat in Kuh town-hip,
rnunty afoieaiid. adjo ning Ijii I of laaac
Widow (sir oh, Henry Hoff and other. Containing
60 acre mora or less, $5 acre of which aie t leal
el, whereon i creeled a small one story fiaina and
log bnuae, a email log tuhla, and an apple oichard.
Laie the ratnta nf David Kaaeinan, dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of aid
day, when tho conditions of sale, will h nud
January 17th, 164S 5l Adni'r.
fpllE Store Hooks. Accounts and No es ofll.
X B. Masser, bsve been placed in tha bands of a
magistral for eollec ion. 1' whose account
have been of long aiandi g, m.y tave cost by wi
tling lb m without furibar delay.
Sunbory, Jsb S, ISM. H. . MASSER. .
Edward Crnlchlej) Eiitate.
NOTICE i hereby given, that letters of .
ministration on tho estate of Edward Crutnh
ly, late of Point township, Northumbetland coun
ty, dee'd., have been granted to ihe aubscriber. All
person indebted to taid ette, or having clsimi
against tb same, at requested to call on the sub
scriber, at Northumberland, and settle wiihnul delay-
D. 8, DODGE.
Jan. 17th, 181S. 6t. AdmV
David Kascman' Estate
NOTICE is hereby given thst letters of dmin
istralion bsve been granted to ihe subscriber,
011 theeslite of David Kaseman, Iota of Rush town
ship, dee'd. All perons Indebted to said estate, rr
hsing claims against tha earns, are requested to
call end seVla w jihout delnv. The sul'srriher will
attend for thai purpnae, t the house of Wm. Far
row, in nydctstown, on Friday and Saturday, the
20lh and 311 of February next.
Jan. lQth, 1Si 6t Ad'mr.
Orplinn's) Court x.ilc.
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court
Aof Northumberland cmntv.will be sold at public
vendue, on Saturday, the 3 st day of Januirv. inst..
on Ihe premisea. t wit j The undivided h.df pait
of a certain tract nf land, situated in Augusta town
ship, containing in the whole, ninetv-fie acres
m re or has. adjoining lend of Abrshim Wolf,
Alexander Sirieklmd, John Shipman and others,
on which is erected a tn story I,ng Dwelling
Hon-e. H,un Ac. l.ste the estate of Michael Nei.
dig dee'd. S ,le lo commence at 10 o'el.v k A. M.. .
of said day, when the condition of le will be
made known by GKOKfSK CDNRAD
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S40. :lt Adm'rs
Ao. SOI. Markrt S'rrrt,
P H I Z. A D X! Z. P III A,
TTAVE constantly on hind the fitc-t quality rf
Silk and For Hats, which thev s II at the I .
rst price. These H its. in point of stvlo, beauty of
finish, and durability, will compare wi h any man
ufelured in the city, and a'e well worthy the at
tention of porch jsera from the country.
.Iiinmtrv 3. IS 10 ?
r- t;2. CO CO IS 2.
COME WHERE ! Why you sup
pose but to the Cheap Store of Henry Mas-cr,
in Market, Sunburv. And fir what pii'po-e
do you think they comet Why to buv chea:, to
be sure and save nt lea-tOO per cent. "They u'on'f
do not h in' eke," (cause it ia a well known fact
that at
the very be-t article nre sold at Ihe very I w -st
prices. Now come, one and nil; t in .1 m't alt e me
Where you will find a Sp'eu.lnl Asao.tmeit of
Fall nnd Winter Dry Good,
just received, among "hirh are the following : Su
peifine I remh Droadcloth; West of Encl.nd do.;
Heavy Heaver do , a fost r.te article fir Overcoats,
arid a grent variety of Wo d Dy. d, Rla.k and Fan
cy Cassimercs, Saltinetts. Mou s?clin-d. -laine', R. p.
de-lnires, Ca-hineres, Alpa.'Cis, Ac. A-c. Also, a
beautiful aortment of Calicoes of the latest stybs
and pattern, which wil be sold cheaper than ever;
Uo, Woden and other Shaw! ih g'e.t variety,
from 40 cts. to f 10 ; a general assortment ..f Ho
siery, G.ves, Suspenders. Mills, At., f,. B ,r
assortment of Wi-men'n. Vleu' and Mi-ses Gum
Sho,. which will be soIJ cheaper than ever before
De haa likewise, in addit;on to the abve st.ek,
an extensive assortment of Queenware, Iltrilware.
Saddlery and Groreries. f"ni!ir from i 10 l(i. I2J
Slid 10 its. per Hi ; Goo. I Cftee at 10. Ve.y Ib a't
at 12. Also. N iils; S ikes; Iron; S .ndets ii 's best
CbsI Steel; Engbah, American and Sweed Rlisier
do. in shiirt. every thing ihat i- usuaMy kepi in 11
Country Store, all of which will be sold at very
reduced piices.
rjj" Country ProJuce of all kinds taken in ex
change for Goods.
Sunhuiy. Nov. 2?d, 1815
mittiisnvRf;, im.
IDEG . ave to inf .tm the pubt c that I have I ft
Philadelphia, and am nowlocted in Hani
burff, the of ihe Executive 'Hid Slate G. v. rn
merit of Pennsylvania, where I now ocniiy the
fi"c'oue Hotel, ricently kept y Mr. Matthew
This spacious htiihtirg, having been i-nrpnse'y
id inneil and 1 reeled for a Hotel i f ihe first class,
is not surpa-sed if e.pia'led, bv any .invlar e';ib.
bailment in Peiins Ivania ; and having un'e goo
a thorough renov .li.'ii. lie r!ors. roona and
chamlx r are now fitted up in a stylo that com
bines lejanee wiih comfol and convenience.
Mv TAULE i pledged lo l e supplied with the
best fare the Markets can produce; the rlvrgea 11 1
tlie e,m lime being as in .derate as any of the be-l
regulated as'ai iihtiuvnis eiseAneie. Ill stiorl. 110
e xeitiona ahull he sp .red mi my p rt, or 011 the p 'rt
of every ineml'er ..I' my li. us, hold, to nialve ii w h it
it si ouid be. in t'.e C-pit .1 of one of toe most pop
ulous and in'ereslirg Slates of tlie Union.
With these pr niis's, arcrinni.liions and fac:
lilies, and tbe lul that lle Hotel is in"st . 'ig bly
kitu .ted, I wi h confiJonee, most r. sp. ittidly sol di
the pa'roiiag.) of iVm 1'uldic.
I.sto of Herr's Haul, Cl e-mil at., Philud.
Harri-tmrg. Nov. 22. rim
Tu t'tit t hiiKci'N if
1ME siibseriber, No. 121
I s re. t, New
oik. having cahli-hed a Ilr nt h at No 2o'
South S eoiiil St., l'l.ilade phi ., is now . pening,
and wi'i he cons antly nreising from the N w
Vnrk Aneiiniis, an exten-ive asaor nienl of
which wid Ih aoi.l at tbe loueal N w Vnrk pi c.
ul wholesale and H lull. Among h a st .1 k will l-e
found a good ursorlment of the atti'-te-t
Jaconets, I'lsid. Hair Cold. I. ace. S l is. Hook.
,.111 (,. if.uhil.,a, la.-ll1 i (!. j on ,1 1
Lrawns. r sncy Lap Aetls, J -ncy ami liail Drea-es.
'l-k ... 1 I A ..:!. , , , , 1
ll.rau l.irri, n ppil.-ai ion uu, ncu UIH sN' i
Trimming Lace, Iri-h l.iions. Linen Cambrics.
I, men lldkf.,Cuit.uii Fr ngea, Casbme.e
d'Eros-e, Mouebno d Lame, fMlk and Cotton
Warp AIfcaH, tu -en'a I'loth, Gala Plaids.
Fr.-nr-h Mennoa, III ikfnks, (il .ves. Si k llw,
Shiwl, t'lavn', Rtld.on-, Emlnoi.leri. a. &c, Jrc.
Country Merchant and .libera vi.uing I'hil.del
hi or New Vntk to purchase, are retptcnuily in
tlled 10 Call and examine the at. cki.
Nov. I, 1r45 Iv G. tl. MOORE.
EMONS. A lot of goed, lieh Leuioi,, luat
J lecuvid and for tat by
Ml-; AT. I he higtiisl pur eien f.,r
Wheal, at ihe lo. of II. M ASER.
A ne w uppl af Kosa Ointinanl )ut raotivtal.
Ho. 81b, 184V
The bat in Ihe World for CUaniUitm, Comfort
and Economy.
No. 97 Sootsj Sscowi) St, PHILADELPHIA,
XT AS now on band a large assortment of OMR'S
Celebrsted Petent AIR TIGHT STOVES,
to which he woulJ call the attention of every true
lover of comfort and economy, for which qualities
they csnnnt be equslled hy any Mtove to tha world.
They are a light Stove, snd can be convenien'ly
carried to any distance, and being constructed for
Ihe 11 an of wood, Ibey are psriicularly adapted to a
aick room.
Manv thousand of this Stove being now in use,
their gooj qu.ilitiea are too well known to need
Mr. TrvDats is t'e first riuthorized agent lo
Philidelphi., nnd haa been making them constant
ly for the lat five or aix years. There can be no
fear nf not getting the genuine Stove of him, ami
they are all warranted lo pive entire satisfaction.
No Air Tichl Stoves are genuine, without a brass
pi lie wiih t'.e Inventor's name and date of tbe
He bn also on hsnd s laree assortment of Cook
Stovks, I'aiii atoiis. and all kinds of Fancy Coal
Stoves, at the Old EstahlUhmcnt, No. 97 South
Serond shove Wa'nul street.
Philadelphia. Nov. 1. 1845. 5m
? E S "JlC E D .
J f tht laie firms tf Nrtrkhk Strykcr, ami
Striikrr A- Pogue.
Tl AS re-umrd ih WhoVsile Dry Oioda Hui-
1 nes, and now off-rs for a!i, nt No. 12 and
I t Hank streef, Philadelphis, mlj lining Mvers,
Claj,!iotn cV t'o'a Auction Siore. No. Vark-t
strict, n crneinl s.soi(mei.l nf Dry Goods, ch efly
pniclinsel at nnttinn at a very small advance for
ca! or city acceotanci s.
Believing llmt his long rxpr-rienee in pnrcbairg
will enable him to sell hi (io'nls at the lowest Mar
k't piiees, be invites hi- old friends, and others
wis ina to buv, to favor him with s call.
Phisdel.hir. Nov. I. fim
.iosf.i'ii wT .foxr.s,
A'o. 18 .Vri 4th strct. a few duor$ abuve Market
HAS const ntW on hand a very laree assort
met t f Ln-dcng Gl i-es. Ila-kets, Cedar Ware
a ul Fancy Good, whi.h will be sold wholesale at
the very lowest prices.
N. n Look'Pg G'asaes inurcd to sny art of
'he country, without charge.
Nov. I, Id IS fin
Watclics .Icxvi'lry, fcc. A:c.
TBAII E sul senher oilers f,r sale, 1 t the lowest pri
X ees, a Imge at d general assortment of Gold
and S ver Lev. r, L. iue and otl ei kinds nf
W.ii.los; Jew. rv, Silv. r Wan-, El. mv and Gilt
Mailt. I CI 'eka, a'.,l Muscat It. .yes ph.ying from
two to ten tones ; Uene diet & It nnev 's Diamond
I'oint.d flold Pens; ,k r' Tools, Files
and Ma i rt .Is.
Oiders from the co'mtry are solicited, and win
becaielutly attended 1 . JOHN C. FARR,
112 Ch s .ut st., I'biladelphii.
Nov. 1. 18J.V 4ai
W ill practice in the Courts of tha City
and Counlv of Philadelphia.
Mm office is at No. o5 South FOURTH S:rect,
between Che-nut and Walnut streets.
Phil .delphia, Sept 20 h, I84. 3 n.
IVc recommend nil of our friends n's'.injr the
city, to cull at the Ptkin Comptiny't Store,
ami lay in a fvpply ql'lhfir diticimis Tens.
Tin: rciiix Ti:i co.iiimw,
No. 30, Soi'Tii Si.con Sriitr.T, Ditwein Market
and I 'hi sroit,
tlA'E!y on hand, und for sale,
Q Q hole-ale und Pet i'.
a vaiih: 1 y of choice fr::?ii teas,
At Lower I'l l rs,
according to the qu b' v. thnn ihey can la bought
for at any other est iblishment in the city.
0' ' E. exclusively, are sold st lh house,
and .ever, I v..relie wbi.-h cannot I e obtained else
where. Any l eas which do n.-t tive . nine aatis
l.rion can te returned and exchanged, or the mo
ney will be refunded.
The cit,7.. 1. ..f No-thumberl and county are re
spiclfully invited to gite u a call.
Acent for ihe Pi kin Tea Company.
pt i.ih. I S 15. Iv
DACVEinu i.V OMl.KltY I'ntent Vre-ui.
um Cvlured I'kenfffrs. and Pliottn;ropliit
1) n .-
jXo. IflOCIie.ntit Street, riiiladelpliia.
No. 251 Ilreidwav. New York; No. 75 Court
S ,er. 11 -'on ; No. 1H0 Cheanul S reel. Phila
delph a ; Itilti.nnre tre t. lla'liruore ; Hroid
w ,y. S.i.nioya Sprtiga ; No S6 Car al Slieet.
Ne -( l ie lis ; M ain Mr. el New port, R. I. And
Mam Street. I '11 Itiique, Iowa.
i pONTITUTING the oldest ard most Et. 11-
aid eo. t.i ,in mora than a THOUSAND POfl"
TRAITS, roil raeii g those of some of tbe most
.I isi itic 11 n-),i .1 m.lni.luals in the I'ni'.ed Si .lea.
Vilniii'mi. e free.
''bis E-in'd shmenl hiving 1cti award, d the
Mtdiil, Fiiur r l'ie;-iiur,, .nl two ' II L'hest
lU'tors' at the liosliin. New Yo-k
and I'hdadel, h a, repeeiivelv, for be-i 1'ictines and
Apia' .'ns, is oiTlei .llv sust one I in the. posi
tion ill o;en.,Mlv her. I if to u lite." s 1 1 V uS-iHed It
by tbe p..l. i , ea -TUt in the lV,,r7."
J one '.-Sill. ISt .).ly
V I A N O S.
11 E SfllSlRICER h.i bren appointed ajenl.
In 'e s .le f IOK 1) ME V Fit's I El-
ANOS, nt this place. I hese Pianos have a plain,
mnsuve i.nil 1'ian iful eteiior fi 1 h a.d, f r .'ep'h
and .w.ein. ss ol inn", and elig rite ol woik.uan-
itp, are not s'irpa-ae, liv any 111 Hie 1 ni'f 11 !'ates.
Moiling is a reeommendaiioii Iroin I r.i
,lg.r, cel.bihled irf0rnier, and htrr.s. If man
ut iCtuier 1
A CAI'.I).
H vi vo bad the j.'. a-ure ..I mingtbe excel
lent I'l .no 1'orti a inaiif ii-tor, il by Mr. Meyer, and
exhll'l ed ai ihe l.-l rt' ohi'iou ol the, Fr iiklm In.
slitu e, I fe. l it due lo the true to. til ol the maker
lo . f c ate thai thea- iiit'um.nts are ipii'siquw',
ati.l it. ome r. .ptc'a ev. 11 -up ii 1, o a'l .he pi
ano F it ", I aw al .h' capit I- ol Eu,0e, and
during a sojourn of iwo e r. a P..ris.
Tltes- Piano will he .od at tins manufacturer
lowrsl Pbiladelphii puce, if not . me hing lower.
Pen ina ate requested 'o call ml examine f
themselves, s the re-i lence of he sub-cr'tr.
Siml u'v. Mai IT, 13 I.V IT C- t .S'Kr-
1V"R l.i) iet,"r.""i ' l,.r i.'e, el eji
Jf. cash, by UEAKY MASEi.
Buabvvy, 8c pt. W, 14iaV.
JMLJ..J.. .J.-A.!. 1. -El!-.Ual.lUaa
Zlalnahit HrtCclcQ
IBiissis't VaiirB certain cure M
a1 worm tnfe nd very pleatant to ike.
t. Giasos'a EsTBiOT. which retnovs Oreana
of all kinds, Dry Pa'nta, Tr, Trnih snd War
from carpet or friim clothing, witbaut injuring that.
Color or lbs cloth,
t. Loannaj Ftr Pm thsbeattbmg known
for ki'ling flies and musquitor.
4. A certain Destroyer of Ilals, Mice, Kosebesj
snd Ants, snd another of lied Uur.
C. Gcjtw's Srr.ctria for siur stomach, Heart
Burn and VVter Uriah, by one who had lulfured.
thirteen years, before he discovered Ihe cure.
Dr. Stkvk' GRarir Oistmint for lhPjle
It haa never failed to cure.
7. Hnniso's Tsttsr Winn,
R. DaEMoxu's ItiiisLtBLi Is:, -without
9. Tns CoMroown CnrreTiosr o Fru
just the medi. ine for children and fjr women, it is
ao pleasant lo lake,
10. Dies' VrnrTiais ATiit,torr PiCl.
1 1. lluvj's TlsnUliST WATSR-fnOOV Pat,
for Harness, Boot, 4c c. It nlteiia llie leather, and
keep out the water.
12. Poor MV STnr.nTn.!i hutii.
13. Jckox's DinnHrBi Mixtcrs, which,
cure the worst Dinrrhcca in a few hours.
14 JCKuVs Dvskntirt Miivrcftr, a cer
tain and speedy euro for Dysentery and Summer
The. hJ-ovc vnlnahle articles sre sold hn'ess'a
snd relsil. bv L. C. GUNN, No. 1 South Ff th
st reel, rhUiultlplii'.l w here Swir. ke. pers end c.
ihers will be -upp ied wiih pure African t'svenno
P.pper, Arnica Flowe'S, Drills, Paint-", Oils, GUn
nnd Varniabrs. at tbe !owet prcrs. 'I'erms o. ly
rash. Xj' Cut out the adveiti-cment, and bring
it with vou.
I'hil .delphia. .Inly l! h. 131.1 lr.
iTk iTTh V lfA XI) LIVE.
C'omiiouiitl .syrup of Tar fellood
rillE unprere.lented siic.ce-s of this mei'icine. n
JL the testortition i f health, to 'hose w no, iri i'e-
pair, had ("ien up all hopes, has civen it an la'"
ted reputation a1 ovn all olhei remedies, fnrnishr.u
evidence of its intrinsic va'uand o-, r. as ilio on
ly ierit which can be r. l.ed up n for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Urnm-hi'l , A-"hpia,
Pain in the 'ide snd Urea-t, Spitting of Ulood,
Whooping C iu?b, ("roi:p, &c.
Attention i reqiics'cd to the f dl m ii g ASTON
ISHING CI' Tin m n's Compound S)ii:p
of Tar and Wo d Nptha ! !
J'liUmHphla. Mtty Sd, 1H.
MR. THOMSON ll. ir Sir With cr,.tefnl
fee'infis I inform y- u i f the atonifbirig efl'tcis of
your toe 'ieine. which has liler i'W rais .1 me from
adeilh-hcd! My u. ea e, Pulmonary Con-limp-tion.
h u! reduced mn -o i :" tint my phys cian 1 r-.
no.inced my case hopeless At this jot c ion I be
gan to o-evour me.hc. IP', and iniracnl in ns it rr.ay
seem, it has compt-t. Iv re-tore.l m to health, alter
everylhing flse had f.iibxl. 1!e--peeifullv vours,
W AMU (J l( M CK.
Cl.atlotle strc.-i, a'.oie Geoice street.
Th" iindersisneit. b ii g pciona'!v arqut-ntej
w ith Wa-hincl 'i M. c k a. d I'is t ulli-rtn bear
ilnes to the aslo. i.h'ng itl cu ,.f Thi'mson'
Compound yrv.p ot Tr, and ihe trntli cf tl.e l
hove statement.
.IOS. WINNER, SIR Nrth Tl ir I sire.t,
DAVID VICKERS. 42 Abu u.d s n . 1
HUGH M'GINI.EY, S. E. cor :.r
Mid Fourth S'leet".
Prepared 01 ly by S. P. T'iomnn. N. E. e.
of Slh nnd Spruce atre.ts, Pl.i : '. ( loa.
Ac.nts H. U. Mas-,r, Sunb -, ; T r.r.v,
and Dr. Marl heison, H 1 '.i-l ;irg ; Jn . G. Ht n'f,
I'. Psvi le ; Ge . E.'rl, Ko nitoc ; II is. n Sir
on, Towanda, Dnd.'ord cjuiny, Pa. I'litc iO cel.;
p. r bottle, or f 5 p. r dozen.
(Zj" Bewnre rf nil l.i.i.'utions.
Philadelphia. June CSih. ISI.', ly
ill: 1 .v vi i c
H c g i n n s r s .
riME subscriber would respectfully inform lS
1. I'Uirens rf Sunbury and the pit1 he, a ner.l!y,
that they have purchased the shop of M'. WnUrj
Hoover, in Market stru t, ore do .r we-t cf tbe Yv-A
OfTice, where liiey will continue, the.
lalmict-Hnkiiis Ilu-viac$,
in all its brioches. The public may sped their
work done Ul the la'ct style. They bu, e, ',-y sir 1 1
attention to bu-in s , ta tr.L-rit a ehare of publ 0
Q3" Cotr.iis m ado to ns.ler on the s,ine- n 'i n,
and country f lodmv ':ikeii in cicha-tse tor w. k.
WM. 'VOU.G'AN tc 11 C. MARTIN.
Siinbnrv, May 1 Till. I Sl.S. 1 -
HAT& c;.u .mam FA(rn:i:i::.-
South East rorvr ol M.irkt I a.i.i 4''
" THERE tln-y nK.ns keep mi hand nn cr.r-i-
five -i-ao.tment .f KM C C.i I'S of ,-ry
lescTiption, got up in Ihe lert and most'o.,.l
tj le. I'ers n .b ur. us . f purch i-iitj! snperi -' .'ii
cba on llie most n ai ra: le term-, will fi. d :' '
itcir advantage tj call htfre mukuii; pur.nac
ebrw here.
PI llaiMidoa. Oct. ,r.l';. 1 5 1 1. Iv
01ml I I't'ltt IV
rlAhe pu l.c will pl. ".' o'.serve thai no liran e-:-.
'il' are grit. .10 , 1 t,,. ihe I ox hi "W
bc'a upon it .ihe top, the si e si d Ibe
e.,1 h eonf inn j a f -r-si-mli aignnture ol mv 1 -
writing, thus II. Lia a n iiHiTii, M. I). 'Ibe.- a.
hel ste crmrived .01 steel, 1 1 au..."i.l!y I1..::' d.
and ilo-'.e al an rtpriire of mer ?.(ll'l'. Th. re'
it willbc seen that the ( n'v ihing tiri ef ay !o 1 r -cure
the medicine it. its purity, i to Ue;ia t ,04
lata Is.
Iiemeinher the top, ihe si.b-, anJ t' e bo torn.
Tbe following lespeciive peis ui sre duly an ! . ri
t. d, and ho'.l
For the mle ol lirandreih's Yttlulle I"uVm&
P,!!s. '
N.irthnn.bei's.. .1 county ; Mi'tnn M'ic! ct
Cluinh.-.lm. Suiihury II. H. Mass, r. M'.ena
v.lle lit 1 in.) Ac. Mctxel!. Norihun.! e.Iand Win,
Forsyih. Geotjetow ii J. A' J. Wxl'a.
Union tl.urdv: N'w C. rbn Iloear A V'..
t.r. Seliiiscrove Georce (iiindium. Mi., it
burg Isaac Smiih. lSeaver own Daiid lltt.l.".
Ad.unbiirh' Win J.May. Mitrliiisbijre "ens
tV Ray, Ha tlelon Daniel Long. Fr ebiir;. .
G.A F. C. toer, l.ewi.hitri: Walla A Gt,- .
Clun.l i . coniity : I).,uxillc K. It, l ;.
cV Co, Uerw lrk shuinan A R t'enhoi ..-.
lawima t , ,,, U !o.o. i'.r.rc- I oho K'.
Meym. J. ivey l i.wn Levi Vti I. V . -i 11 : t.
Kohl. M Cay. l.nne-toi.e liaio- ;;.. ,- .
Ill if ih it each Ak-ent haa an 1. n.i-v-' 1
tiflcale if Agency, a rer't .-J't'.' " f-l
lit UHANDKIM'H's M .nufacmr. at u a x,
and upon which w.ll a'.a be M-en tu I rep i
ihe iu w wi ustil vfim the I.riuti .' .7
f.o ..:. u. ii. .. n, t.
JssM, U,