Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 24, 1846, Image 3

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    Fiom the N. O. Picayune, Oth inat.
Important front MxlcR-laitUn at
last I Warlike,
By the Mexican schooner Josquina. Marti
net, mister, which left Tampico on the lit inat
we have late and important intelligence from
Mexico. The rumors which have been for
some weeks in circulation, that Gen. Paredes
had at last declared against the Government,
appear at length likely to be verified by the
course be is pursuing. A revolution is now on
foot, or has already been consumated. This
arrival being from Tampico, we have not our
usual files, so as to be able to give t continu
ous narrative of events; but from the extracta
of newspapers and placards before us, we are
enabled to form some opinion of what is going
The revolution in progress commenced with
the 'Army of Reserve' stationed at San Luis
Potosi. The agitstinn and ferment preliminary
to an outbreak, probably pave occasion to the
rumor which was in circulation in Vera Cruz
on the 1st Pec. when the British steamer left
for Hivsnna. It was a fortnight alter that,
that tli in reached a crisis. On the 14th Dec.
the Commandant General of the Department. D.
Manuel Romero, invited to his residence at San
Luis Potnsi the superior and other officers of the
Army of Reserve, as well as of the garrison of
the Department. Being there assembled, (Jen.
Romero read to them a manifesto prepared for
the occasion, in which the duties of the armed
force of the country are well pointed out,
but gravo political evil are assigned to excuse
themselves for the act they are about to com
The manifesto alleges that the existing Ad
ministration, from which a year since all hoped
so well, had conducted the government to the
very brink of a pricipice , that it had establish
ed the most preposterous theories upon which to
administer internal nfTairs; that it sought to
get rid of a war, necessary and glorious in it
self by concessions injurious to the national
dignity, and which were the aole barrier to the
perfiiiinus; that it bad proposed a law of which
the atrocity was without example, by which to
arm the vile and ignorant, those having the
least stake in the country, and thin to find a
substitute for the army whichopposed its views;
that it had repeatedly thwarted the purpose of
the army to move upon Texas, and at the same
time allowed to be villified for its inaction by of
ficial journals; that it had admitted a commis
sioner with whom it was endeavoring to arrange
for the loss of the integrity of the Repuhlic;
that it hail reduced fie country almor.t to a S'aN
ofanarchy, in the midst of which it c.x'stt-.d
without revenue, without power and almost
without will ; anil, considering that these evils
demanded an immediate remedy, and that the
Administration confessed its tnatul incompeten
cy and powerlessneas considering that it had
lost all respectability so necessary to a Govern
ment, and had allowed a Plenipotentiary of the
United States to set font in the country and re
side in the Capital with a view to bargain for
the indep'mdence and nationality of the country.
On the 21st Gen. Parrodi addressed a circu
lar to the citizens of the Department and another
to the troops, in which he announces to them
what has been done, and calls upon them to
stand by Gen. Paredes, who alone can sustain
the honor of the Nation.
So fur as we can learn from verbal intelli
fence and letters received act of violence
whatever occurred. The plans of Paredes had
been so fully matured, and the dissatisfaction
with the Government was so general and un
animous, that there were none to oppose the
revolt. A letter received in town from a res
pectable commercial house, and dated on the
23d Dec. stated that lie had actually commenc
ed his march upon the city of Mexico at the
head of GUO'J men, and expresses the conviction
that the affair may even be settled then. The
writer is of opinion that Paredes will refuse to
treat with Mr Slidell, and 'probably declare a
paper war and send him away.' The writer
father says that he looks upon actual war as
idle talk in his own words, 'as all humbug.'
Th lynrhlng Case In Florida.
The Baker County (Ga.) Patriot of the 7th
inst. confirms the verbal intelligence already
published, of a murder committed upon a wretch
named Vnpruians, by a set of regulators on the
borders of Georgia and Florida. No doubt Yoer
mans was a great ra-cnl, but be was none the
less entitled to bo tried before a regularly con
stituted tribunal. The Patriot fys:
On Saturday niht, the 27th ull. Yoermans
was arrested a fe w miles below the place, id
tamed a release under a writ of habeas corpua,
was re-arrested, and finally delivered up on
Thursday last to the association of citizens who
offered the reward in November last.
The scene which fullowed, we give from
the mouth of an eye-wtineys. Ihe citir"ns
composing the association, to the number of a-
bout one hundred and seventy-five, organized at
the line of Georgia and Florida, on Thursday
morninp. at 10 o'clock. A committee of 12
, men, representing a jury, were appointed and
aworn to try yoermans for the ofTencee with
which he was charged." Witnesses were aworn
and his own confessions taken, all which went
to prove that he had been engaged for several
years past, with a number of others, whom he
named, in stealing negroes, both elaves and free,
and selling them in other Slates, and com
milliner other denredationa upon property. The
trial lasted until nearly night.
The evidence having closed, the committee,
representing a jury, returned a verdict f Guil
ty. This waa on the Georgia aide of the line
between tha two States. Tht Sheriff of Gads.
4t Count. Fla. wee present on the Florida
e -
side ot the line during the early part of the day,
but lelt before the trial closed. Amotion was
now put to deliver the prisoner into the hand
of the constituted authorities of Florida. This
was decided in the negative by an almost unan
imous vote. A vote was then taken as to what
punishment should be inflicted. Thia was de
cided to be Death t by a vote of about six to
one, and the time of execution fixed at 12 o'cl'k
on the following day. The assemblage now
crossed the line into Florids, where the presid
ing officer pronounced the solemn sentence of
death. Voermans fell, when he heard the sen
tence, as though he hsd been shot, but soon re
covered, and asked the presiding fficer to pray
for him He called upon a preacher of the
Gospel three or four of wham were present par
ticipating in the proceedings, to pray for the
prirancr ; and strange to say, every man pre
sent knelt upon the ground, snd joined in a most
solemn and impressive prayer to God, that He
would grant the wretched criminal that mprcy
which they themselves were in the act of refu
sing him!
A guard of twenty-five armed men was pla
ced in charge of the prisoner, and the assem
blage then dispersed to meet again on tho fol
lowing day, and enact the last scene of this sad
tragedy. Our informant left on Friday morning.
and met a large nunibnr of persons who were
poing to witness the execution, which undoubt
edly took place according to the sentence.
Thus we , have given a plain statement of
facts, which it is painful to record.
However guilty Voermans may have been,
or however worthy of death, the deliberate re
fusal to given him a trial in the regularly consti
tuted Court, before r,n impartial Judge and jury
of his country, when the laws were capable of
reaching and punishing his crimes, was a fear
ful stab at the Constitution and laws of the
country, which are the only sure jruaranty of so.
cial rrder and individual security. A Justice
of the Peace participated in the trial and con
demnation. Had he forgotten his oath to sup-
pott the Constitution, and to faithfully adminis
ter the laws? Had the prenchers forgotten
that they were professed ministers of peace f
Did those persons who occupy high places in so
ciety, reflect that the principle to which they
were then giving the sanction of their acts,
would, if carried out, unsettle the very founda
tion of society, and subject themselves, and all
that they held dear or sacred, to the capricious
will of an excited multitude !
Let evety good citizen remember that if such
lawless violence is to be tolerated in our coun
try, the bloodbought freedom of our fathers, the
protection of our Constitution and laws, snd
the sacred rights of individual liberty and pro
perty are all a mockery.
Curiois Phenomenon. The Louisville Cou
ricr of the 8 h instant says that immense nuui
bersof fish, differing materially from those usu
ally taken in the Ohio river, were floating dow n
that stream in a torpid slate. When exposed
to the heat they revived. They are said tore
semble the carp, except that they are thinner,
and vary from them in the shape of their fins,
j They measure in length from three to eighteen
inches. The Courier says 'The impression
is that they aro a Southern fish, which, not
making their wav out of the river before the
late sudden and severe frosts, became benutn
tej by the intensity ot the cold, and are now
floating out with the current.'
Thx fact is will known, that UaivnnETiTa
Pills are a rertuin cure in every form of disease
all having the aame root, whxh is impurity of ihe
circulating fluid, the blood.
In a period of little more than ten years in the
United States, they have restored 10 perfect hesbh
and enjoyment over Four Hundred Thousand per
sons who were given over a incurable by Phyni
rians of the first rank and stsndii g, and in many
raes, when every oiher remedy bad been retorted
to in v.nn.
The great aceret i to have tha medecine by you
when you are first attacked with siikness; one
dose then will have more go. id eileel than twenty
if you put it off un'il disease h is enfeebled the bo.
dtly powers; therefore every individual who con
aiders health a bles-ing, should a1wya keep a box
of Brandreth'a Vegeuble Univer-iul Pills, where
ihey can be sure to lay tf.eir hand on them when
anted. Twenty-five cents c icnol posihly be bet
ler disposed of. A valuable life m.y be saved, or
a long fli of sicknrn prevented.
OO Purchase of II. II. Masser, Sunburv. or ol
the agent, published in another p ut of ttiii paper,
.n .t it it i k n ,
On the 1st inst.. by the Rev. J. A. Rosa. Mr.
Levi Root, of Philadelphia, to MiiiMui Llovd,
nf Money Borough.
On the 30th ult., fcy the Rev. G. V. Grier, Mr.
R. M'Coamca, of McKweosville, to Mis
Pun, of Washington tywnship, Lycoming coun-
On the lit inst., at Seliasjrove, by Uev. K. S.
Buckingham, Mr. R. F. M'Cli as, of Lewisbura,
to Miss MAROAKEr Henry, ol .Mt. Patrick.
On the Ut i list., by tho Rev. II. Bowman,
Rev. I. II. Torrf.kck, ef Ba!t. Conference, to
Mita M ASGAaatTa Gkashart, of Rutb town
ship. DIIMI,
On Tuesday morning last, Mrs. ANN SING
LEY, wife of Mr. Joseph Singtey, of this place,
aged about 01 yeara.
On Saturday the 3d inst., Mra. MARY D. con
sort of C. B Bowman, of Berwick, aged 33 yeara
aijrt two months.
lUlward Crntclilej'a Itatr.
TOTICE is hereby given, that letieia of d
1 raiinstrtion on the estate of Edward t'rulch
ly, laia of Point lownahip, Northumbeilmd coun
ty, dec d., have hern g aii'rd lo ihe auleiibr. All
persona indebted lo said estate, or having claims
igaint. lha same, sis reque-ted to rail an tha ub-
scribrr, st Noiiburnbarland, and settle wiihnui de
lay. D. H. DO DUE,
Jan. ITlb, U46.-l. Adm'f.
i.J. f i
Corrected weekly by Henry Matser.
Wbiat, 100
Rvt, 6
Coasr, BO
Oats, 33
Poa, ... 5
FlAXSRtD, ... 1 12 J
HcTTta, 16
Ebbs, .... j . 13
Basswax, .... 25
Tatiow, .... 10
Flax, ... .10
Hut-stun Flax, ; . . 10
Damo Aert, - 75
Do. PuACHm, 150
Dy-pepsla of 10 Years' Standing.
flHE wife of f'aplain Roberts, on Vine Street,
JL tiear Water, CincinnaHi, has been afflicted
with DYSPEPSIA in its most ageravated form
fur the last ten years, was rremmended bv d'lebra
led physician of Boston, New Yoik. Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Cincinnati, to travel, as tiny rnuld
do nothing for her. She did so, bnl it did her no
Rood, she then commcne d uing the most popu
lar medicines of the dav f rhcr rornpl dnta, I ut dc
riv.d no benefit. Sesing an advertisement of DH.
PILLS in the paner, she concluded to give them
a trinl enl to G. F. Thomas Main slrrrt. be- j
twenn Th'rd aid Fourth, Ot. Smith's A cent for
Cincinnati, and purchased a hnx, took them accor
ding to direction, and can with beart f.'H joy state
that she derived mora benefit from the o.e if 0'ie
box i.f Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Vrg'taM Pill",
than from any oiher medicine she has nude ue of
dii'ing the ten veats. The above was aont K G
F. Thorn is on ihe-3.1 Dec. 1844 Cin Tiaes.
CAUTION. As a miserable imitntion hs
been made, bv the name of Sugar Coaled Pills"
it is necessiry to be sure that Da. (J Bejtj. Smith's
iitfoa'ute is on every box. Price 25 cents.
Piincipal Office. I7tl Greenwich si. N w YnrR.
Sold by JOHN VV. FIMLING. Sunbim.
WM. FORSYTHE, Xrthum'd.
January 24th, 1846.
Opposite the Court House,
THE Sub-ciibir, who assia'ed fr se
ven I year in lbs manaaemenl of the a
bovo Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra
dy, b. is leave to infom the travelling
puh'ic, that he baa taken the establishment on his
own account, on the first of January, 1846.
The House ha. of late, undergone many impor.
tant alteration, and the present conductor prnmi-es
to leave nothing undone to make it s comfortable
and agreeable, a well a a cheap and occotnm da
linn stopping place for stranecrs who rny vi-i' our
flouri-hing village. No pains nor expense will be
mar. d ton It the table and ihe bar with the be-tthe
m iiken afford, ami witli th determination to ne
vn t his entire j-ersonul attention to the comfort of
thoe whs miv make bi hmi-e their temporary
bode, snd aided bv active, careful and obliging er
vtnii, h-' hopes to give general satisfaction, and re
ceive a liW'ral share ol ru-iom.
IT-!1 I.aroe ami commodious STABLES are at
lached to the ecabl shment. which are attcndeJ by
cartful and obliging ho-tler.
(.lUli. M. &HUUI'
Janna'V 24th. 184fi. tf
No. 70 South Third Shiki.t,
Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange,
Manufacture and k p cor
stsntlv on band, a laree as-
-ortrnen' of Ibrir Patent Irn
r.rnvcd 8.lam-.nd.r FIRE
PROOF SAFES, which a e
cons-ructed a lo set at rel
all manner nf doub' a lo their
being alrictlv fire proof, snd
that ihey will resist the fire of any building io the
wor'd. The outside-case of ihe Safea are m-ide of
boiler iron, the inmle c ise of aoapstone, and be.
tween tbo outer e.ise and inner rase is space of
some 3 inches thick, and is filled in with inde-t-ur-tible, so s to make it an iniposnbili'y lo
rver burn any of ihe con'euts inside of this Chet.
These M.inpstone Snl. rnanilt'is we sre p-epared
and do cballeng the wilj to produce any anicle
in the i-hipe of Book Mafea ihst will sland as mui h
beat, nnd we hold ourselves ready at all limes t
have ihem fairly teste I bv public bonfire, -houl.l a
nv c( our rompeliiors feel di-po.d to try them.
We also cont nue to mumifurtu e and keep c n
Mantly on hand, a Isrce and g. in rat ss-nriineni f
our Piernlum Ai' t'ubt Fire Proof Maf. s. nf wh'ch
we hae a lirae qnanli'y inure, and in every in
stance ihey have given entire silu'scion lo the
purchasers of wl.irh wa w ill refer the public to a
few gentlemen who hve them in use,
N. & (!. Tslnr, 129 north 3d si.; A. Wright
& Nepliew, Vine si. wh of ; Aletsnder ("sror, Con
viyancer corner nf Fi bert snd Oth s's.; John M
Ford. 32 north 3,Ut.; Mver Hu-h, 2(1 n .r h 3.1
!.; llailev & Brother, 134 Make! t;. James M.
Paul, lot south 4li si.; Ur David J yne, H south
3.1st: Matthew T. Miller. 20 smith 3d St.; and
we could name snme ton e or fotir hu drid mheis
if it wire niressrv. Now we invi'e ihe a t lition
of ihe public, and psriiculirly those io of
Fi'e Proot S ifes, to call st eur store b. fore pnrcha
sing elsewhe'e, snd we think we can auisfv them
that ihey will get a he'jei and cheaper article at
our M-.n-ihin anv other esiahl.shni nt io the coy.
e also continue to manufirluie t and Jo-
nn I'riKu, uisda in such a manner as to an
swer bi.ih ptiri o-i s ; Hoisting Machines, Foe
Proof Doors, woh our own msnuls' lure ol hn ks
on them, wild I. Evans's P.ili ni Keyhole
att.iched io he same; plain snd onurncn al Ir.m
Hailing, Ac
N. It We keep constantly on hand a I ire as-
sotrnent nl nur Patent t l.inid l!ifn;ei to-.
Wster Filters and C .nli-r-; nnd we have also on
band several -ecnnd hand Fire ('heals taken
in eicbange for ours, which we will dnpose of at
eiy I w prices.
Philadelphia January 24 h. 1646 ly
Ofphnn Court Sale.
TN puisu nee of an order of ihe Orphans' C- uri
- of Nurihumi eiland c. uniy, will be a dd at pub
lic vendue, on eti'urday the 1 4 h dsy nf Fibru irv
next, at the publ e house nf William Farrow, in
Snyderlown, in said county, In wit :
A ceitain liact of land anua a in Hu-h tnwnhip,
county aiijoining Un I of laasc Kbne.
Widosr htroh, Henry UolTand others, containing
60 acrea more or less, 25 acres of which are deni
ed, whereon ia erected a small one si. ry frame and
lug house, a small log .table, and an apple Orchard.
La'e the est its nf David Kxseman, dec d.
H.le to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M- of said
day, when ll. a cornlKlona nf sale will h m.ide
January 17th, 185 St Adrn'r
rpllE Store Uonks, Accounts snd No es of H.
JL H. Mser, haa been placid in lha bands ol a
inagulra'e for col Ire ion. Peiaons whoearcuunia
have been of long siandir g, may aavs CusU by sel
tling the same without further ilclsy.
bonbaiy, Jan. 9, 1846. II. B. MASSER.
Orphan's Court Kale.
IN pursuanc of an order of the Orphan's Court
of Northumberland county, will I sntd at public
vendue, on 8aturday, thefllHday of January. Inst.,
on the prrmiea. t wit s The undivided half pait
of a certain trart of land, situated in Augusta town
ship, containing In lha whole, rdnetv-fie seres
nvirs or Iran, adjoining land nf Abraham Wolf.
Alexander Strickl md, John 8hipman snd others,
n which is erected a two story Log Dwelling
tlou-a. Dam Ac Late the estate of Mirhnel Nei.
dig dee'd.' Bde to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.,
nf said dav, when the rond'ninne nf sals will be
made known by GEORGE CONRAD.
Sunburv. Jan. 10. 1810. '.It Adm'rs.
lavll KiiNcman'n lMalc
"WTOTK-'E is hrrebv giv n that letters of ndmin
I iorMion have been granted to llie subscriber,
on the ertl.ue of David K;iein ui. Intnnf Rush town
ship, dee'd. All peton indeb'ed to said eviste, or
having claims agaitiM the aims, are requested to
call and sePla without delav. The ti''srriher will
attend for thai purpose, at the bouse of Win. Fur
row, in fnydetatown, on Fridav and SaiurJay, the
20th and 2 1st of Februarv next.
Jan. lOih, 184(1. 6l Ad'tnr
No. 304. Market Street,
TTAVE contntlv on h nd ihe fine-t quality i f j
XX Silk and Fur Hats, which thev sell at the l w-
rs' prices. These H its, m point ol at le, l.rauiy ol
finish, and durability, will romp-ire wi h anv man
uf.rtur. d in the city . si d a.e well worthy the at
tention of purchasers from the country.
January 3. 1 816 T
John IIommrr'9 Estate.
NOTICE is hereby given, that lelt-rs or ad.
miotsiiMtion have been ormt d to the su'cri
lr, on the r atine of John Hointner, late of Point
town-hip, Nor'humbeiland county, dec d. AH per
sons indebted to said estxte, or having cl om a-
sainai the snme, are t quested to present the name
f. r a. tdumcnt to the subscriber, resiling at I)n-
Danville. Dee. 13, 1R45. f.t Adm'i.
COME WHERE! Whv where di you sup
pose hut to tha Cheap Store of Henry Mas-er,
in Market street, Sunburv. And fir what pu'po-e
do you think they cornel Why to buv ehea", to
be sure and save st lea-t 20 per cent. "7A'V won t
An nnAin' else" because it ia a well known fact
that at
the verv be-t articles sre sold at the very lowest
nrieea. Now ronie. on" and si' ; bu' d 'n'l si1 c mr
Where you will find a Splendid Assoitmei.t of
Tall and Winter Dry Goods,
iuft received, among which are the following ! Su
perfine I renih Broadcluth; West nf Encl"d do.;
Heavy Heaver do , a fi'Sl r ile ar'ic'e fir Overeosts,
and a gicat variety nl o .l uvi u. lilacs aim r an
cv t 'iis-imere. S ntinetls. Vousselio-d. -I iine'. Ri p
ile-biii es, Ca-hmere. A 'pa e is, &c A c. AIo, i
beautiful as-ortment nf (-.ilic-es of ihe litest stybi
nnd pat'en s. which wid be obl chear than ever;
also. Woden snl other Shawla in g'e .t vaiieiy.
from 40 cK loflO; a general sa..ritnent r f Hii-
iery, Gl ve. Snspemlers. Mi't, etc., fee, a larce
assortment of WomenV. Men's and Mi-se Oum
Sho. a which will be sold cheat er than ever befjte
off red.
He has likewise, in a.l lition to the above stork,
an extensive ii-sortmenl of Q'tren'ware. Hardware,
Saddlery and Groceries Sncr from ft 111. 12 J
soil 16 ct-. per lb; Good (VlTce at 10. Vy R. at
at 1 24. Also. N ils; Sfike; Iron; S.indcisoii's best
Cast Stei 1: Engl h, Aoierican and Sweed IVisier
do. in sh.'rt, every tlnng tht i- uuaPy kept in a
Country Store, all of which will be sold at very
reduced piiies.
$y Country Produce of all kinds taken in rx
change for Good.
Sunburv. Nov.22d, IS15.
iiiimism lies, r..
T REG . ave In inf.rm the puble thai I bare b ft
A Philadelphia, and am now loc -ted in I
bure. the eai of the Executive mid Siate (!
ment of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy Ihe
sp-cious Hotei, recently kept by Mr. Matthew
This spacious building, having been nnrpiwe'y
pi iimcd snd erected for a Hotel nf the fi-sl clas,
is not surpa-eed if eiiia'led, by any sim lar estab
lishment in Pennsylvania; and hating unilc-g uie
a thorough renovation. Ihe parlors, roems and
chnmlM rs are now fitted up in a svl I' at com
bines idejanee wilh cotnf ol and convenience.
My TAIILE is pledged lo le supplied with the
hel fare the M irkets can produce: the ch-raes at
the a me time being as moderate as anv ot tne ne-t
rrgulated ssial lisbm.-nts etsewl e e. Io short, no
exeitiona shall lie r-p rrl n mv p ri, or on nr y in
of every meinLer nf my household, to make it wh it
it .1 ouid be. in l e C ipit d of "ne nf the most pop
ulous and in'erestiet S ste of ihe Union.
Wilh (lose or nds-s, aci omino,luoiia and far..
lilies, and the f.ct lliBt l e Hotel is most
situated, I wi h, most nspectlully soli
lit the pa.ruiuiR' of tha Public.
in.iiuii ii wii 'i.
Late nf Hen's II iel, t.-t,e-iiut si.. Philad.
Harri bum. Nov. 2i IS4S. 3m
To riiicIi.iM-ia of
rill R Mibscribe'. 1 . I.'l reari s reer
Y Votk. h iving e-t-thli-hed a Br .nch at No.
South S cond at.. Pliil .de'phiii, la now . perons,
and wi! be cons siilly nceivin from lha N.w
York Aucnon. n exlen-ive essor'menl of
which will be sold st the lowest New York pi ces
it wholesale and It- lad. Among li a slm'k will la
found a good assortment of the follown-g aiticlv-i
Jacconels. Plsid. Hair Cold, Lac-. Stripe. B k.
Swiaaand Tatla an Muslins. Bish-p and Lm.n
Lawns. Fanry Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Dresaes,
Thread Laces, Apphca'ion Do.. ' ch B ai k Snk
Trimming Lace, Irish I.iion. Linen Canihrics.
Linen Cambric Hdkfs.. Curtain Fr nges, C it-bmerr
d'Eot-e, Mouscbne da Latre. -at-v and t:..tton
Warp Alpaccas, (Jo -en's t'lolh, Gala Plaids.
French Meiinos, 111 rk Silks, Gli.vea. Si k Hose,
Shawls, Cisva', Ril'hona, Emlumderii s. &e A?-
Country Mercharila and others visiting Phil .del
nhia or New Yoik to purchase, aa nspectlully in
vited io Call ami examine, the kl"(ka.
Nov. I. le.45.-lv (J. II. MOORE.
IEMOX8. A lot of good, lreh Lsroone, just
- isceiv.d and for Bale bv
DelS. 1845. HENRY MAS8ER.
"m Ti:.i7r Ihe bigb'st pries sin foi
Wheat, al ihe ace. .f II. WASElt.
A new supply of hose Ointment just received.
Nee. tib, 1146.
Ti but in tht World for Cleanliness, Comfurl
nnd Economy.
No. 87 8orT 8sco!b St., PHILADELPHIA,
HAS now on hand a larse asnrtmenl nf ORR'S
Oelehrated Patent AIR TIOlIT 8 I'OVE,
to which be would rail the alleo'ion nf every true
lover of comfort snd economy, f f which qusbliis
they cannot he equalled bv anv Hiove in the wot Id.
Thev are a light Stove, and can be convenien'ly
carried to any distance, and beina conatructed for
the use nf wood, they ate part cularly adapted to a
aick room.
Manv thousands of this Stove being now in Use.
their good qualities are too well known to need
puffin ir.
Mr. Tf ni. i tSe first Mphoriied agent In
Phil idelpbia, and has been making them constant-
lv for the lat five or aix yeata. There tan be no
fear nf not celling the genuine Stove of him. and
ihev are id! wnrranted to five entire satisfaction.
No Air Tiuht Hioves are genuine, without a brass
pi .le with tbe Inventor's name and dole of the
He ha also on band a tarpe assortment of Cook
Siovts, Raniitoiia. and all kinds nf Fancy t'osl
Stoves, at the Old Estohli-hmciit, No. 7 South
.Second above Ws'nul slreel,
PliiUleb.hia. Nov. I. 145. 2m
S "J. 1C E D.
Of the late firms rf Kewklrk A Striker, and
srryKrr er i'our,
T1 AS re.umed the Vtholesile Dry Goods llusi
ness. snd now offers for sate, at No. 12 and
14 flunk srrret PhiUdelnbia. hdi linii'ff Myers,
llajbiirn & t'o's Auction Store. Ni. 78 Market
atreet. a general assortment nf Dry Goods, chiefly
purchase! a auction at a very amall advance fur
eas'i. or ehv srceuiBnc a.
DeliesinB that his long rxpr-nenre tn purchasrrg
ill enable him to sell his Goods at the lowest Mar
kt niices. be invilea hi- old friends and others
wis ina lo buy, to favor him with a call.
Philadelphia Nov. I. 184ft. 6m
A"u. 1 3 Nurf A 4A srrcr . o few duori abuvt Market
TT AS eontintly on hand a very large assort
1 1 nvnt of Looking Gl is-es. flafkets, Cedar Ware
anil r anev lioodJ, nu n win no sw u suumn.
ito verv lnwest nrice.
N. B Looking G'asses insured to any part of
ihe country, without charge.
N,.v. 1,181ft 6m
Watrltrs. Jewelry cVc. &c.
riHrJ sul-acrdr offers for sale, t the lowest pri
I re, a latce at.d ceneral assortment of Gold
,n.l el Ivpr Lever. Lei.iue and other kinds of
Wsicliest Jew, Irv, Silver Ware, Ebony and Gilt
Msnt. I Clocks, ami Mus cat Boxea playing from
iwo lo ten tunes; Benedict &. Harnev a Uiamnnd
Pointed Gold Pens Wntchmaker' Tools, File
and Materials.
Orders from the country are solicited, and will
be ruefully attended lo. JOHN C. FAKH,
112 Chianul st., Philadelphia.
Nov. 1. 1815 4m
Will pro tier in the ceairsl Courts of tha City
nd County nf Philadelphia.
His office is at No. 3ft South FOURTH Snert,
beiween t'be-nul and Walnut streets.
Phil delphia, Sept 20ib, 1845 3m.
H recommend all of our friends visiting the
ci.'v, In call ot the t'tkin Company's Store,
u'nd luij in a supply of tht ir Jtlicinus Tens.
Till: l'fcKlX TIM COM IMA Y,
No. 30, Soctii Sixoxn SrartT, Duwem Market
and I 'besnut,
H II AVE c.risia.iilv on hand, and for ads,
fl U W hole-sle snd Ret d1.
.41 I.ovtT I'i Ic rtu,
according to the qu .oy. than ihey can la bought
for a any oiher esl .bli.hmenl in the city.
rj- Teas, exclusively, are sold at th a house,
and .eer.l v. .r elies which cannot be obtained else
where. Any l eas which do n t give i nure salis
fic ioo can le returned and exchanged, ot the mo
ney will be refunded.
The citizens nf Northumberland county are re
spectfully III vn ed lo give us a call.
O. R. 71F.DER.
Acent for the Pekin Tea Company.
Phi'adelphii. Sept 27ib, IS45. ly
D.I (7 ULKKI i A OA U.EKY f i'utent I'remi.
um Culured tikenrfnes, and Phutographie
Depot t
No. 13G Chcsnut Street, Pl.ilndelpliia.
No. 251 Broadway. New Y..rk; No. 75 Court
St .ei. Boston ; No. 13(5 Cheanut Sireet, Phlla
ilelph a ; Bailimore Street, Ua'timore ; Broad
w .y, Sarsloca Springs ; No 66 Canal Sireet,
New-O.le .ns; Main Street Newport, R. I. And
Main Srre.-l. Dn lUlque, Iowa.
CONSTITI'TIXO the oldest and most Exten
J sive F.t tl'li-hmenl of the kind in the World,
snd moie than a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, emi racing those of some of the most
dianuiiiiheil individuals, in the United Slates.
Adoi t'aiK e fi.-e.
This E-iiihUhmpnt hiving been awarded die
Medal, J'mir Firtl Premium, md two -H-fhrst
H-.tiors" at the Exhibitions at Boston. New-York
and I'hda.lel, Iva. respectively , for be-t Picturea and
Ai'i lKiiU'. t thua offlci illy sustained in the pos.
ion nlMineriontv her. tof ire nniera.illy assigned it
by Ibe pub ir, ns "Fintin the World,
June S8ih, 1S4. ly
P I A N O S.
rpllE sUU"cniBER has bren appointed acent,
1 fr ite..lo.ft O.NRU) MEYF.U'S CEL.
ANOS, si ibis place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive mid btau iful eiteiior ti i h and, for depth
ai d sweetness nl tone, and eleg oire of workman
.hip, are nut a jipa-sed bv any in the United Stales.
The ia a reeninmrndaiion from Cai
Distb. s celtbiated petfoimer, and himsilfa uiau.
Hsvise bad ihe pba-ure nt Irving lbs exrel
lent Piii.o Forlra maufaclufed by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited at the list exhibition of the Fr nklm In
slituie, I feel it due to the irue merit of the maker
lo .'(Clare that iheao instromenta are quite equal,
and in oni respects even superior, to all the Pi
ano Foiles, I aaw at the capitals of Europe, and
during a sojourn of two yer at Pari. f
The- Pianoe will be oid at the maoufaeturer s
lowest Philadelphia pricee, if not aomeihing lower.
Person are requested io call and examine for
theniselve', nt ths residence of 'he subscriber.
Sunburv. Mav 17. 145. II. B. MASSER.
T)-K lltOX Jut leceiveTand for sale, cheap llElNKlf HAsaiK,
staabaiy, pt. 10, IMP.
r?"S lowaa,",
ftstluatile articirn.
1I)asn-ca'a Vs-ircaa-a certain cure Ut
wormsin snd very nleasanl lo take.
-. Giaan-'a ExrasCTS. which remove Grease
ef all kinds Dry Paints, Tar, Varnish and Wax,
from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the
color or the cloth.
3 Lnsnns Fir Pssxa the Wat thing known
for killing flies and musqtnt tes.
4. A certain Destroyer nf Ilals, Mice, Koscnee
and Ante, and another nf Bd Muia.
6. Oc-w's Ssrctric for a .ur stomach. Heart
Born and Water brash, by one who had suffered
thirteen years, before he licovre I the cure.
Da. Stsvxvs Ubsk- tiTMT lor tr.s ruea.
It has never failed to core.
7. IlAnatso-'s Tkttxh W.stt.
8. UaBMoaa'a Isnsuata Isk, without a
0. Tot Cosovt!i CovrMTto- o rica
usl the medb ine for children and for women, it is
so pleasant to take.
10. Btca's VroxTASta A-Tiaittors rir.iv.
11. Goss'a EiottiEST WaTr-a enooP Paarr,
for Harness. Boots, ic. It softens the leather, ami
keeps out the water.
12. Pons. Man s STtr.-Tii-tn riiSTxa.
13. Jacitaoiv's DunuiirE Mixtcbk, whiill
cures the worst Dia'rhna in a few hours.
14 Jscrsos's Dir.vTAat MiTTcar, a eer
tain and speedy cure for Dysentery and bummer
The above valuable articles are sotu -noiessi
snd retail, bv L. C. GUNN. No. 1 .WA F'flh
tlreet, Philadelphia whore Siorekeepers and o.
Ihcrs Will be supp 1BU won pure anicni v -r,.,.
Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, raint'.tius, wiasa
and Varnishes, st the lowest prccs. Terms nnlv
cash. ( Cut out the adveitUcment, and bring
it with you.
Philadelphia. July 19'h. 1815. lv.
Compound Syrup of Tar & Wood
riIIE unprecedented ucce-a of tbi medicine, in
JL the"etoration nf health, to those who, io ties
pair, had given up all hoies, has Riven it an rxa'
ted reputation ' ove all other remedies, furni-hinrr
evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as the on
ly asent which can be relied upon for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption. Bronchitis, Asihma,
Pain in the ?ide and Brcat, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, ic.
Attention ia requested to ihe following ASTON.
'SUING ThomsoVa Compound Syiup
of Tar and Wo l Nsptba ! !
Philadelphia, May 3d, 1841. "
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With eri.teful
feelings I inform y.m nf the astonishing effects of
your medicine, which has literally taia d me from
death-bed ! My disea-e. Pulmonary Cnn-ump.
tion, hud reduced me o low that my physician pro.
no.inced my Cue hopeless ! At ihi junction I be.
Ban IO u-e your medicine, and miracul us ns it may
eern. it has eompb teN rehtored me M hea'lh, alter
everything Ue bud faded. Itep-ctfnllv yours.
Charlotte atreet, above Gcnrpe street.
The undersicned. being personally acquainted
with Washington Mack and bis sufferings,
witness lo the astonishing effects of Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tur, and the truth of the
bove statement.
JOS. WINNER. 318 North Third s'reet.
DAVID VICKKRS. 42 Almond street.
HUGH M'GINLEY, S. E. corner Taminy
and Founh sireet'.
Prepared only by P. Thomaon. N. E. comer
nf 6th and Spruce streets. Phi ade phia.
Agent. IL B. Msi-r. Sunho-y ; D. Gross,
and Dr Macpherson. Ha.ri-burg ; Jo . G. Ur.-wn,
Pnttsvi loj Geo. Erl, Re ding; Houston & Ma
on. Towanda. Brad.'ord county, Pa. I'rice 50 cents
p.r bottle, or $5 p. r dozen.
rj" ueware aj vit inn.ui unn.
Philadelphia. June 2Slh. 145. lv
rilHE subscriber would repectfoiy inform Ihe
I Cui7ens nf Sunburv and the ublic generally,
that Ihey h.ive purchased ihe shop of M'. VN llb ou
Hoover, in Market sir. et. ore ilo ir we-t ol tne I oi
Office, whete they will continue the
rnbii.ct-JI.akii. HutinrM,
in all its br niches. The public may expect their
wotk d nie in ihe late.t i.t le. They hoi e, by strict
attention to hu-iii'B , ti metit a share of pubbc
rXj" t-'otfina made to order on the shortest no n e,
and country irodi ee triken in exebance for noik.
Sunburv. Mav I7'h. IS45 tv.
a ii n v v it a t; a r,
South East coruirof Market ami ith sts.,
iniETII3 they alwavs keep on hand an exten-
sive assortment of HAT U CA PS of eveie
description, got tip in the best an I most approved
style. Pers -lis th ru, us ol purch i-ing superior srit
clra on the nnist reasnnable terms, will 6 d it !
their adautago lo call btfre making purchase j
Philsdi Ipbis. Oct. Slh 1 4 1 v
' t ouiitericllt'rV
The pul lie will plejae observe that no Hrandreth
Pills sre genuine, unless the box has three la
bels upon it. (the top, the side snd tho bottom)
each containing a f ic-siniile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. BsAsnMtTK, M. D. These la.
bet- ate engraved on steel, beautifully desianed,
and done at an expense of over f 2.UH0. Thcretoni
it will be seen thai the only thing nrceary lo pr.
cure the mcJicine in ita purity, ia to observe tbe.e
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following icspective pions are duly authori
sed, and hold
For the aale of Urandreih's Vegetable Universal
Norlhumbeiland county l Milton Mackey &
Chsmheilm. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewer.s
ville In land A Meixell. Northumi erland U nt.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. V J. Walla.
Union County; New Bt rl.n L'ogjr & M n
ler. Selinsuro'e (ieorge Gundium. Middle
burg Isaac Smith. Bcavenow.i David lluble'.
Adamsburg W m J. May. Miffliusbuiv Meiiwd
it Hay. Haitlelon Dsn'el Long. Frerburg
U.rVF. C. Moer. Lewuburg Walla et Green,
Columbia conniy ! Danville E. B. Reynold
ti Co. Berwu k Shum.ui A K Henhouse, Ca
lawisaa I. G. Brnbt. Blooinsburc John li
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Wasbinpion
Kohl. Mi Cay. Lime-tone Ball.-' H MeNcli.
Observe ihat eich Asenl haa an Knerav d t.'er
tificale of Agency, containing a repnre-nlaiion nf
Ur BRA.DUEtll'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and ue.on which will a ao be seen eiact copies of
ih'i new hibeis now used upon tht lirundrclh PHI
Philadelphia, office No. 8. North S.hsireeU