tattatta f Coal Region. ' ' The last number of the Pottsvill Jonrnal it filled with coal itatiatict and the cenint of the towns So the coal regions, from which we ga ther the following facta I . ., - The town of Pottsville had at the beginning of the present year, a total population of 5,221, an increaleof 887 in five years. The rate of increase ha not been to great in Pottaviile a it ha been ia come of the neighboring mining town, but it ha assumed more the character of a business place. ' The' number of licensed hotel baa de creased to 13ince 1835, when, with a popula tion ol 3 117, the number of inch hone wa 20. The number of stores, dwellings, office and (hops In Pottaviile is 10(30. There are in the borough 13 churches, of which even are English, three Welsh, and three German. There are also a Friends' meeting house, and an African church. There are nine public school in the borough. The number of pupil taught in these school a verage about 708: There is also a public school for colored children, the number of pupils rang ing from 35 to 45. The following is a recapitu lation of the population : Pottaviile, 5,224 Minersville, 2.280 Port Carbon, 1.687 Schuylkill Haven, 1.640 Tamaqna, 1,000 Orwigsbttrg, 8R8 St. Clair, C05 Pinegrove, 479 Llewellyn, 420 Middleport, ' New Castle, Patterson, Tusrarora, Total. 271 247 105 139 14,924 D'uct Orwigsburg, 883 14,03b Making a population of 14,036 in the towns in and depending on the Coal Region. There are also several colliery establishment or towns, numbering upward ol 800 persons each. The population of Schuylkill county was in 1820 U.784 1830 20,784 1840 29,072 - , By adding the population of Mount Carbon, 500, to 14,036, it will be observed, that the popula tion of these towns alone ia equal to one-half of thauvhote population of the county in 1830. Tiisj CoAt. Tradb von 1645 The following is the official quantity of coal sent to market from the tTiflerent regions in 1815, compared with 1844 : ScHirrt.KiLt, 1845. Railroad, 820,237 Canal, 263,539 1844. Increased. 441,491 378,845 39S.443 decrease. 1,083,798 432 0S0 2G9 469 178 401 47 920 10 000 2 021 674 1 631 CG9 839,934 377 821 251 005 . 114 906 34 016 13 0S7 1 C31 6C8 243,802 54 259 18 461 63 493 G3 495 Lehigh. Lackawana, Wilkesbarre, Pinegrove, Shamokin, Increase In 1845, 390 005 The Schuylkill Region still mantain the pos ition she ha held since 1832, in furnishing more tbjwi one half the supply of Anthracite Coal ent toTfiarlyet. Since the trade commenced in 1820 ip to the beginning of 1840, the supply from all sources amounted to . 13 467 302 tons. Of this quantity the Schuylkill re gion furnished 7 392 711 All other regions only 6 074 558 In favor of the Schuylkill region, 1 318 130 During the last year our county furnished 1 131 722 ' All other counties, only .. 889 952 Excess in favor of Schuylkill co., 211 770 Within the last five year the coal trade has more than doubled. In 1810, 863 414 tons were sent to market, and in the year just past the num ber was 2 021 671 tons. Progress of Steam in the Cal Business. The number of Engines engaged in the Coal business of the Pottsville region up to the begin ning of 1845, was 41 Aggregate Horse Power, 1278 There were built during the year 1845, in Pottsville,' for Colliery purposes, 17 Aggregate Horse Power, r 380 S)o in Minersville, '10 ' Aggregate Horse Power, 300 2018 68 Making the total number of Stationary En gines engaged in the trade 68, with an aggregate power of 2018 horaes 27 of which, with an ag gregate power of 740 horses, having been added during the last year. - There were also five other Engine built in Pottsville during the year, with an aggregate power of 235 horses, for other purpose. They were tnrned out a follow : Engine Horse power By Messrs. Dehaven, Min'rsville, 10 360 Haywood k Snyder, Pottsville, 10 320 E. W. M'Cianis, " do. 13 295 33 975 The same establishments have no less than fifteen Engines now in the course of construc tion, and there are two or three building at Port Carbon. ,Tm COai Trap roa 1840. Amount of Coal transported over the Philadelphia and Read ing Railrqad for the week ending on Thursday evening last. Werr. 3 347 03 3 030 01 3 445 08 580 07- Tot At. 3 347 03 2 930 01 3 443 09 580 07 Port Carbon, Pottsville, .Bcbuylkill Haven, Port Clinton, 10 302 19 10 303 19 The order of Odd Fellows have a public school at Wilmington, N. C, at which about two hun dred children are educated. : i- The income of the Western (Mass.) Railroad ia the year ending Dec. 31, 1843. from all sour- act, is estimated at $810,000. The expense of the same period, not including interest and ink ing fend, aroonnted to $359,000. ' , WeiTtwAaa. Quick lim mixed with skim milk, with about a pintof lt to the gallon of wash, will be adbive and dtinblo. Oarraspandenee af the Phlla. Letts; r. ' Washikotoh, Jan. 14, 1845. Mr. Westcott -of Florida, announced to the Senate to-day, that the name of his col lee tie, the (Ion. David Levy, had been hanged by an ct of the Legislature of that ette, 16 David Levy Yulee, the latter being the patronymic ot hi family, dropped by hi lather, and now resumed by him. On motion of Mr. Westcott, it we, Ordered, that the Secretary of the Senate in future uu the lurname Yulee in the journal, ai the name of the Senator from Florida, hereto fore called David Levy hi name havinjr been changed by act of the Legislature of Florida, ti that of David Levy Yuloe. ' Mr. Allen, agreeably trt prnvinus notice, ask ed the Senate to fix a day for tho introduction of the rerolot on for terminating the joint occu pancy of Oregon. lie moved that the resolu tion be made the epecial order of the day lor Wednesday, the 27th instant. Mr. Haywood suggested Saturday, the 3d of February. Mr. Allen said there would naturally exiat a diversity of desire as to the time when this ques tion should come up for discussion. He wa s ware of the reasons which induced the gentle man from N. Carolina to desire a postponement Rut in the arrangement of business, the wishes of all could not be consulted. He was compel led by a sense of duty to oppose a further post ponement, and not from any wish to cross the wishes of the gentleman from N. Carolina. . Mr. Haywond did not wisdio to have it sup posed that he was influenced by any prrsnnil feeling in desiring the postponement, though he would necessarily be absent on the day named by the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations. He' thought that time for reflection should be afforded to Senator before they are called upon to vote on this question, and that 'bur weeks would not be too long -three weeks, Lefore the talking commences. A public dis cussion at an earlier dsy, would be more likely to excite the public mind than to enlighten themselves. Mr. Westcott was in favor of the postpone ment for other considerations. It is probable that there will be an accession of Senators from a new State, (Texas,) and if the question of war or peace is to be involved in the discussion, it is one in which they have a right to be heard. The citizens ofthat State were perhaps more deeply interested than thosn of my other in the decision of this question, and he could see no good reasons why it should bo pressed. His own vote, even, might be very different now from what it would be if the discussion was de layed. Ho was for even a longer delay than had been suggested by the gentleman from N. Carolina, and moved the 10th of Feb. Mr. Mangum called for the ycaa and iiays, and they were ordered. Mr. Calhoun said, though he was prepared to act at once he should vote for the longest peri od ; but it was simply because the delay was desired hy other Senators. The motion of Mr. Westcott prevailed. Yea 32 Nay 19. Hasoolfh's Slaves. We I earn from the Col onization Journal, that Judgo Ieigh, the execu tor of John Randolph, has purchased a lare tract of land in Merer county, Ohio, on which to locate the s!-ves, some 300, manumitted by that remarkable man. Mr. Goioh. It iktstd that Mr. Gough will shortly change his vocation as temperance lec turer to that of the Congregational ministry. He intend to spend the remainder of the win ter in the South. To CXTINODI8H FIRB lJ CUIMNCTS.- Put a wet blanket under the whole front of tho fire plsce, which soon stop the current of air, and extinguishes the flame. The fact is well known, that UaARDUtTO'e Pin are certain Cure in every form of disease, all having the me root, which is imparity of the circulating fluid, the blood. In a period of little more than ten year in the United State, they hive restored lo perfect health , anj enjoyment over Four Hunched Thousand per- j sons who were given over aa incurable by Phyei cisns of tha first rank and etandtitg, and in many ease, when every other remedy bad been reaorteJ to in vain. I The great secret is lo have the mcdeeine by you when you are first attacked with, sickness one doe then will have more good effect than twenty, if you put it off until disease his enfeebled the bo dtly powers therefore every individual who con si. lets health a blessing, should always keep a box 1 of Brandreth' Vegetable ITniveNul Pill, where they ctn be sure lo lay their hand on them when wanted. Twenty-five cents cannot pouibly be bel ter disposed of. ' A valuable life may be sat J, or long At of aickoeas prevented. Purchase ofH. D. Masser, Sunbury, or of the agent, published in another part of this paper. U 1 -1 VJttttttKttt On the 29ih ult.j by the Rev. J. P. Shindet, Mr. William Pott, of PotsavUle, to MissOs Reed, of Shamokin. . u . By the same, Mr. Frederick Arr to Miss Ca tharine Bat, both of Union county. On the 31st ult., by the same, Mr. Jons Evirt to Miss Sarah Wriser, both of Augusta. On the 2d inst., by the same, Mr. David Bat to Miss Sabah Emmet, both of Union county. On the 8th inst., by the same, Mr. William Reeiir to Mis Sarah Asm Savidcs, both of Augusta. ' On the 1st inst , by the Rer. Mr. Haghawout, Mr. Wasuinotor Riiit, of Cattawiaaa, to Mis Asoelinr Bird, of Shamokiotown. By the Rev. J. H. Worrell, on-tbe 1st inst., Mr. William Kbmplb, to Miss Alma Campbell, of Shamokin township. On the 6th inst., bv J 8. Miller, Mr. Cubisto rasa Campbll, to Mis Martha Kimble, all of Rush township. mm), Suddenly, at hi residence, in Chilisquaque, on Tuesday night last. WILLIAM SHANNON, Esq. formerly of this place, aged about 71 year. Hi remains were interred at this place, followed by a large concourse of friends and relations. In Danville, on the 4th inst., Mrs. FRANCES CLARK, wife of Mr. Thomas Clark, aged 47 years 5 mo. 7 days. In Danville, on the 8th inst., the Hon. WIL LIAM MONTGOMERY, one of the oldest eiti ten ofthat place. In Orangeville, on the 4th inst , ISAAC C JOHNSON, Esq., Innkeeper, aged about 45r. PIUCE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Musstr. Wbeat, " . 100 Rra, 62 Co as), . . " fiO Oats, ... .35 Pok, . . 5 Flaxseed, ... . H2J Hotter, - i 18 Eos. .... .12 Beeswax, . . . . sfi Tallow, ... 10 Flax, ... .10 Heckled Flax, . JO Driro Apples, - 73 Do. Psacres, 150 Edward Cruiclilej Estate. OTICE is hereby given, that letter of 1 minislrittion on the estate of Edward Crutch- ly, late of Point township, Northumbeilind coun ty, dee'd., hve been granted lo the subscriber. AH rMn indebted lo said estate, or having claims sgninsl the same, are requested to rail on the sub ecriber, at Northumberland, and scttl without de lay. D. 8. DO DUE. Jn. 17th. 184661. Adm'r Orphans' Court Sale. TN pursu nee of an order of the Orphans' Court of Norlhumletland county, will lie add at pub lic vendue, on 8,itordayjhe I4ih day of February nrxt. at the public hoii.rt of William Farrow, in Snydertnwn, in said county, to wit i A certain tract of land aituai in Ku-h lownnhip, county aforesaid, adjoining- land of Isaac Kline. Widow Stroh, Henry Hoffand other, containing 60 acres more or lees, 25 acre of which are clem eJ, whereon is erected small one story frame and log house, a amall 'og ttaMt, and an apple orchard. La's the estate of Dvid Kiseman, dee'd. 8rfle to commence at 10 o'clitck, A. M. of aid day, when ti e condition' of sale will h nndo known by FREDERICK KASSMAN. January 17th. 1845 5t Adm'r. David Kuaeman's Estate NOTICE is hereby given that Inters of admin istration have brrn granted j,, (,e ml.flcriter, on ihe estate of David Kaeeman, Iste of Rrsh town ship, dee'd. All persons indebted to said cMste, r having claims against the same, are requested to call and settle without delay. The subsrriher will attend fur thut purpose, at the house of Wm. Far row, in Snydeietown, on Friday and Sa.turJay, the 20th and Slat of February next. FREDERICK KASEMAPf, Jan. 10th, 1846 6l Ad'mr. Orphan's Court Male. TN purraance of an order of the Orphan'a Court -I-of Northumberland county, will be told at public vendue.on Saturday, the 3 Wt day ofjanoary, int., on lhepremi-e, t:iwit t The undivided bnlf part of a cerlsin tract of land, situated in Augusta town, ship, containing in the whole, ninely-fie acres more or !. adjoining land of Abraham Wolf, Alexander Strickland, John Shipman and other, nn which is erected a two story Log Dwelling Hour. Dam Ac. I. ate tho estate of Michael Nei dig dw'd. 8.le In commence ai 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when the condition of aale will be made known by GEORGE CONRAD. SAMUEL 8. WAGNER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1846. :U Adm'rs. SAFtTCLCTT ?x3LY1T1Ts HAT MANUFACTURERS, Nn. 304. Market Street, ' PHILADSLPHIA, HAVE cont-tmtlv on hmd the finest quality of Silk and Fur Hats, which they w ll at the I w rat prices. These Hats, in point of at) b, leauty of finish, and durability, will compare with any man ufcturrd in the city, and are well worthy the at tention of 'Urrh iters from the country, January 3, 1846 t ' i'Xature andExpcrlciice our Guide." THE rxtrsordinsry and well authenticated cure wrought by the celebrated Scoar Coated I'ill, oi Dr. milh' Improved Indian Vegetable Pill,' have naturally drawn public attention lo them. Perhaps in tb hiatory of Medicine, from the time of Hippocrates lo the present day, there I nn evidence of a medical compound obtaining equil celebrity in so short a lime. There was never a mcdeeine recommended by such high authority as Dr. Sm id's Pills. B-idos their great curative properties, (poaaetaing aa they do, such aatnnUh. ing powers to open all th natural drains of the bo dy, via: the lung. Kidney', Skin and Dowtla.) they are unliVe all other pilla. extremely pleasant, being coated with sugar, and aa they do not gripe, nor produce nauaCa, oi any ether unp'eaant con sequence, they have become verv popular for Dy pepaia. Headache, deliveries, Bilious complaints, Foul Stomach, Fever, Worms, Want of Afpetile, Impuriiira of the Ulood, Obatructiona and Kemtle Complaints generally, Colds, tie. One of the mol influential ai d benevolent iadjee in New Ymk, Mrs. S. A Gould, Matron of thai U. S. Naval Hos pital, s iys, "There is no medicine in her knowledge so Well adapted lo 111" nuineroua ailments of man kind, aa Dr. Smith's Suear Coated Pilla." She especially recommend them toladie. ; 7 OAUI'ION. Aa a mtaerable imitation hs been made, by the name of '-Sugar Coated Pill'," it is necessity lob sure that Da. G flsSj. Smith's slgiia'nre ia on every hoi. Pile b cent. Principal Office, 179 Greenwich st New York. Sold by JOHN Wi Fltll.INO. Sunhurtf. WM. FORSYTH E, Xrthum'd. January 10th, 1846. ' LAST NOTICE. THE Store Dunk. Aceoui.U and Note of II. 11. Maaert hv teen placed in tb hand of a magialraie for eoPec intii I'eieon whoe account have been of long atandiog, may save coat by set tling the earn without further delay. Sunbury. Jan. 3. 1846. II. U. MASKER. Jutiu llomisier'a Eatate. NOTICE is hereby given, that tetter of sd. ministration have been grant. d lo theaubscri bar, on tb relate of John Hommer, late of Point townahip, Northumberland county, dee'd. All per eon indebted to stid estate, or having claim s gainst lb same, are requested lo present the samo for settlement to lb eubaenber, reading at Dan ville. ' WM. KITCHEN. Danville, Dec 18. 1845. 61 ' Adm'i. "I EMO.NS. A ioioftoud, lrkh Lcoiuu, jual -M leccived and tor sale by D'. 13, 1845. ' HENRY MASSER. Willi: AT lb btfbtal price gltan fur Wheat, at lb store of. H. MAtsSEIi. . A nan supply of Rom Ointment jut received. Nov. tth, 1H6. 9LL?XX1CXCDIjPSS3 up&m TEXICO AS ! "nni cav is-nTziaZi thst come." COME WHERE ! Why where do you up posa hut to the Cheap Store of Henry Msser, in Market street, Sunhurv- And f.rr what purpose do you Ihink they cornel Why to bttv eheao, lo be sore and ev at leat SO per eent Th'y won't do nnthin' else," because It i a well known fact that at , HENRY MASSER'S STORE the very bet article are sold at the very lowest price. Now eome. one and all; hot it m'l all C'Vne at once, and JUDOE FOIt YOURSELVES ! Where you wilt find a Splendid Aasoitmer.1 of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, jut rereived, among nhieh are llie following t Su perfine French nroadrlothj West of England do.; Heavy Beaver do, a fi'sl rite artie'e. for Overcoat, and a great variety nf Wool Dyed, Black and Fan cy Ciesimere. Sallinclta, Mouaselin-de.luine, R p-dr-lair.es, Ca-hmere, Alpa.-ci, etc., Ac. AIo, a liertutiful aortmcnt of Calicoes of the latest etyha and patterna, which wi I be old cheaper thnn ever ; also, Wo den and other Shawl in gre.it variety, from 40 rt. to f 10 ; general saortment i f Ho siery, Gloves, 8npendera. Mt'la, Sec, etc.; tart asaortment nf Wnmen'ii. Men' and Mi-sea Gum Shoi. which will be sold cheaper than ever before offered. Ha ha I krwiae, in adilit!nn to the above atoek, an extensive assortment of Qluenswarc, Hardware, Saddlery end Groreriel, Sugar from 6 to 10. 12) end 16 ct. per lb; Good Coffee at 10. Veiy Best al IS). Also. Nails; Spike; Iron; Sanderson beat Caet Steel; Engliah, American and Sweed Uliater do. in ah 'rt, every thing th l naually kept in n Country 8 lore, all of which will bo sold at very reduced pricea. . $y Uonntry Pro.Iuce of all kinda taken in ex change for Good. Sunbury, Nov. SSJ, 131.5. KERR'S HOTEL. IIARRISBUIIG, 1A. I BEG V ave In inf.rm the public Ihit I have left Philadelphia, and am now located in llarris burg, the aeat of the Eieeotive nnd S'ate Govern ment of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the sp-'ciou Hotel, recei.tly kept by Mr. Mstthcw Wilson. This Rpac'ou building, having been p"'Pnety plmned and rrected for a Hotel of the fust clm, i not aurparaed if equa led, by any aimilar etab liahmei.t in Pennsylvania; and having undergone a thorough renovation, the parlors, rooma and rhamhi ra are now fitted up in a atyle lhat com bine elegance with comfort and convenience. My TABLE ia pledi-ed to be supplied with the beat fare the Matketx can produce: the charge at the imo time ling as moderate is snv of the beat regulated astal liabmenle elaewhere. In thorl.no elcit'ona ahull be tparid on my p n, or on the pirt of every member of my household, to make it wh it it ahould be. in the Cxpitat of one of the moat pop ulous and interesting Hata of the Union. With theae promise, acromniodatioria and faci lities, and the fact lhat the Hotel ia moat eligibly aitoatcd, I w'nh confidence, moat respectfully soli cit the patronage of the I'ublic. DANIEL HERR, Late of Herr'a Hotel, Chesnut at., Pbilad. Harri'burg. Nov. 22. 184S. 3m FOR S AX XL FT11TE subocrilier offers for s.ile an Eight Horse JL I'ower Engine, cemplet in all ila parte. Ap ply at Roth's tavern, 22 miles from Sunbury, on Ibe turnpike road leading lo Potlille, ALBERT G. BRADFORD. Nov. 82. 1845. EES IT I E D . .1 O II X IJ. STUYK E 11 , Of tht hit firm rf Xeu tcirk 4; Strglcer, rifle Sfrykrr d; J'ogite, HAS reumed llie holes ile Dry G.mhIs Uut ness, and now offer for aale, at No. 12 and 14 Bank street, Philsdelpbis, adjoining: My era, Clajthorn fc Co' Auction Store, No. 78 Market atreet, a general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly pnrchssej at auction, at a very email advance lor cash, or city acceptances. Believing that bis long txperienr in purchsairg will ennblu him to sell his Goods at the lowest Mar ket piicea, he invitee hi old friend", and others wi1 ing in buy, to favor him with a call. Philadelphia. Nov. I. 1845. 6m JOSEPH W. JONES, So, 1 9 Surth ilh ttreet. a few duort above Market tlrert, XZZILAXELFXZXA, HAS eontntly on hand a very largai assort ment of Looking Glas-c. Basket. C'edur Wai and Fancy Good, which will be sold wholeasle at the verv lowest price. N. B Looking Gtamealniured lo any pait of the countrv, without charge. Nov. 1 ,1845 6.n Watches, Jewelry, Vc. &c. rilHE subscriber offar for sale, nt llie louel pri JL cea, Urge at.d general assortment nf Gold and S.lver Lever,. Lepiue and olhet kiml of Walt-he; Jewtlry, Silver Wme, Lb my and Gill Maud I CI.H-k, and Muaxal Bovea playing from two to ten tunes; Benedict Si Uirney 'a Diamond Pointed Gold i'eni-t Wtchm .ker Tools, Filea and Matertxla. Orders fiorn the country are solicited, and will be ruefully attended to. JOHN f, FAltR, 112 Chi anut Philadelphia. Nov. i. 1815 4m To I'ltrcliasicrs or 1DR3T GOODS. THE subscriber) No. 1C1 ; Pesrl street, New Yurk, having etlnbii-hed a Ur.nch at No. 23) South Second at.. Philado'phia, U now opening, and will be conatanlly neeivinj from the Nw York Auction', an extensive aor'inent of rAKCT k STAPLD DRY QOOSS. which will Ire old al the lowest New York ptee. at wholesale amd Il- tail. Amor'g h alock will be found good assortment of the folluwieg article. i Jarcohet. Plaid. Hair CiMil, Lace, S:riie, B iok, Swiaaand Tarlaian Moaliua, Uteh' P ami Linen Lvwn, Fancy Cap Neils, Fancy and Ball Urease. Thread Laeee, Application D... r.ch Black Siik Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Caroline Hilkf..Cuitain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecosf. Mooaclinn do Laina. Filk and Cotton Warp Alccaa Qui,'s tJlolli, Gala Plaid, French Merino, Ul-ck Oilka. Glove. H k H, Shawl, Uivui, Ribbon, Eoihroulerii. See., die. Country Meiehant and other filing I'hiltlel phia or New York lo purchase, are reaprctlully in vited to call ami examine tb itock. . No. 1, 1845 ly G. H. MOORE.. CHAIN BLVrilE, :ATTOB.lTET AT LATT, V ill practice in the sairral Courts of the City nd County of Philadelphia.. Jlis office is at No, 3ft Suoth FOURTIT 8: re. I, between Chesnul and Walnut atreet. Pbilsdelhia, Kej-t. 0th, 145. 8m. To lh Public. . A NEW VOLUME . . 1 os mn MEW TORS WBaXtaT XrHSKOn, Will commence on Saturday, Oct. 1 WA, 1845. Tekm i Three Dollar per annum In advance, On copy one year in advance, f 3 00 One copy two yea-, 6 00 f Two eopie on yeu, 5 00 Tive, . . . . ' 10 HO ' Eicht, ' . ' . . 15 00 Twelve, . . SO 00 An! to everv u1rriher . either, ths WEEKLY or DAILY, we will g ve a copy of Willis's Letters from London, Complete, In one h irul-omo Extra, unif irm with the Wxec IT Minnon; This com pri-ei the FtnsT Serik rf Letskrs, and with th New Volume will com tncnea the New SrRiaa. written from the Soct or Evrops, when tho Weekly Mirror will be epa n'S'y editid with particul ir rare, and with more anrrii.l rrgird to tbe want and Ua e of country subsctibors. W hal ptililtah mote tnlea. and leaa matter tint ia merely local and by u-itig in part smaller tvie, we i-liall be able to incrraae the quan tity aa well aa t i improve Ibe quality of . wbal we give ti our readers. We shall endeavor to m Ka THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY MIRROR. A diversified, entertaining, inatnic'ive and Vvlunbl chronicle of the times, nrrniLT sswsfrR, (in from for binding in one or two volume, at the end of the veer.) upon whirh neither la'mur, lime, latent, nor money will Ins spared. It will bereatt r be en riched with original contributions h life, spire ami spirit of the foreian journals and contain all the new a. intelligence and variety of the daily sheet, handsomely printed on fine pnper, manufactured for the express purpose, and will ! forwarded by the ea Meat mails, in atinna wrapper. In every part nf the United States and I'snada. I'ouagejret with in thirty mile of New York. All cnmmunicaiion should be Hildusedo parr, In Morris, Willis St Fuller, corner Ann and Naasaa Mrrets, Nw York. AIR TIGHT STOVES. The leit in the If aril for Cleanliness, Comfurt und Economy. . C. J. TYNl) ALE, ' No. 97 socm Skco! 8t., PHILADELPHIA. HAS now on band a brje a-aortment of ORR'8 Olebrated Patent AIR TIGHT STOVE, to which he would call the stten ioo of every true lover nf comlort and economy, ft which qualities they cannot be equalled by any Slope in the world. 'i'l.ej are a light Stove, and can be conveniently caniidloany distance, and be:ng eonatrucied for the use of wood, they aie part cularly adapted lo a irk room. Manv thousand of this Stove, being now in Use. their good qualities te loo well kt:own lo need puffing. Mr. TwDAtt is tVe first Authorized agent in Phil .d. lphi.i, and baa been making them constant- Iv for the Usi five or six yenia. There can be no fear of not gelling the genuine Stove of him, and they are alt warranted to cive entire satisfaction. No Air Tight Stovea are genuine, without a bras pl.de with the Inventors name and date of the Patent. He has alo on band a tare assortment of Cook Si or as. Radiator, and all kindi of Fancy foal Stovea. at the Old Establishment, No. 97 South Second shove Walnut atreet. Philadelphia. Nov. 1, 1845. 2m IVe recommend" if cf our friend vitiling the ctty, to call al the Hektn Vompany $ Start, and lay in a $vpply of their feA'eiH Ten. tiic n:iii TEA CO.IirAXY, ' No. 30, 8wiru Htcoxn Street, Between Market nd t'heanut, FniliASBLFHIA, HAVE constantly on hand, and for A, Wholesale and RetHil, A VARIEI'Y OF CHOICE FRESH TEA3, At Iowcr Prices, according to ibe qu..oy, then they can I Uught for at any other ei-l .blii-hment in the city. ry Teas, eaclusivelv, sro sold at th'a house, and mver I vr eties nhi-h cannot bo obtained elae where. Any Teae which do not give mire aali laciion can be returned and exchanged, oi th mo ney will le refunded. The citizen of Northumberland county tre re spectfully invited lo give u a csll. G.D.ZIEDER. Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, Sept. 27ih, 1845. ly TERMS REDUCED. D.IGUEIIHI H GALLERY of Patent Vrtml. urn Culured likenesses, and Fhotvgraphi Drpnt i No. 130 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. No. 281 Uroadwav. New York t No. 75 Courl r-'tret, Bon on ; No. 136 Chesnut Street, Pliila delph a Baltimore Mreit, Ualtimor I Broad wy, Satatoca Springs; No 66 Canal Street. New-Or!iis ; Main Mrret Newport, R. I, And Miin Streu-t. Do llnque, low. CONSTITUTING the oldeat nd moat Eit.ii. aive Ext.ibli-huient of the kind in th World, and cor.uii.in4 more than a THOUSAND POR TKAIT3, emltocing those of aome of the moat distinguished individual, in the tTuiled Stales. . Admittance free. Thie Ei-tabb.hmenl h ving been awarded the Medal, Four Firt Fremiumr, ami ttva "Ihehett ILiiori' at the Libibiitona at Uoatmi, New-York and I hiladel hia, respectively, for bet Picture aud Apia'atu, i thua officially snaiuined in th posi tion oT niperi.nity herrlof .re uniersllv ss.igned it by the pub .-, ss -I'irtt in tht WirlU.'1 , . June rfl.h. 1815. ly ; ' . PIANOS. THE SSL'nSf.RIBERhas br en appoinletl cent, fonVeade.f I ONRVD MEYBR'-" 4-EI-EBRATED PREMIUM K'lsE WOOD PI A.VOS, at lliia place. 'I hew Piano have a plain, massive and U au'iful exteriot fi i h. and, for depth and .weclmss of tone, and rkgtnre of workman ship, are n ol smpa-aed bv any in th Uiii'td State. Tb following ia a recomioendaiion from Car, DitTs, a celtbikled petfotmer, arid himself a man ufactuieri . - . .: A C Alt O. Haviaa bsd the pleasure of Irving the exeek lent I'iirio Fortea manfactorvd by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited al the tut exhibition of th Fr-iiklin In stitute, I feel il due lo the true merit of the soaker lo I'eelare that tbea inatrumenta r quit rqn1, and in soma rer-pict even supeiuti, o all th Pi ano Foil", I saw at th espttal of Eutope, and during sojourn of two ya.r at Paris. J bese ftanoa will be soul at th mannfaclurer a lowest Philadelphia pricea, if not aomeihing lower. reraoua ss reuucKted o call and exaniiu M tbemaelve, at the reai lence of the ubcnbr. - Suiary.Mey 17, 1845. .. 11.0-MASSER, BAR IKOX Jut received and for Ve, cheap forced, by HENRY MASSER. ' Sunbury, Sept. SO, 1846, ystlttnfilr tticlro. 1 Baraaaa'a VEavirra- certain curt for worms tnft and very pleasant lo lake. 5. Giaaov'a ExraacT. which remove Grease of all kind. Dry Pair.ta. Tar, Varniah and Wx, from rarpeia or from clothing, without injuring the color or th cloth. 3 Lnsnosj Fit Paper the best thing known for killing flies and musquitoe. 4. A certain . Destroyer of Rata, Mice, Roaebr and Ant, and another of Dcd But. 6. Gov' Srtemo rr mr stomach, Heart Burn and Water Brash, by one who had aufiVred thirteen year, before he discovered the cure. Dr. Steves' Grek Oistmert for thePdr. It has never failed to cure. 7. Harrisos' Tetter Wasb, 8. Bbkmosd' I.inxuBix Isc, without rival. . 9. Tea CoMeocsn CovrrcTiof or Fro juit Ibe medicine for children and for women, it I so pleaaant to lake. 10. Brca'l VrSKTstLt A JiTiiirttntr Pitt. 11. (irju'a Emoliisht Wateb-proot Partk, for Hrne. Bonta, die. It softens the leather, and keeps nut the water. - 12. Poor Mar' KTRr.sTBXRtsj PtASTrn. 13. Iacksos'k DiARiinotA MtXTcar, which cures Ibe worst Diarrhoea in a few hour. 14 JacKaoir's Dtsejitaiit Mixtckv, a err tain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Suimnrr Compt.iint. The above valuable article are sold rholeala and retail, bv L. C. GUNN, A'o. 1 South F fth ttreet, Philadelphia whor S'onkeeier end thers will be upp led with pure African t'ayennw Pi pper. Arnica Floweis, Drue, Paint, Oils, Gla and Varni.hea. at theJoweel price. Term only rah. 0Zt Cut out tb advertisement, and btioaf it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 1815,-lv. BELIEVE AND LIVE. THOMSON'S Compound Syrup or Tar ti Wood i m JVaptba. riIlE unprecedented ucela of thi. medicine, in M. the retoration of health, to those who, in des pair, had gnen lip all hojies, tas given it en exal ted reputation a'-ove all other remedies, fumi-hine; evidence of it intrinsic vo'ua and power, as the on ly anent which ran be rel ed upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Broiichittis, Ahma, Pain n the side end Breast, Spitting of Ulood, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c. Attention i requested to the following ASTON ISHING CUKE, bv Thomson's Compound Sirup of Tar and Wood N.pth ! ! Philadelphia, May Hit, 1S44. - MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With crnteful fce'tngs I inform you of the aatnnishing effect of your medicine, which hns literally rsis d me from doalh-bedt My dieRe, Pulmonary Connmp tinn, had redured me to low that my physician pro. no:inerd my ense hnpclesa 1 At this jonrtion Ibe Ran to u-eyour medicine, am miraculous as it may teem, it ha completely reMoreil mn to health, slter everything else had failed. Rcpectfti'lv vour. WASHING I ON MACK. Charlotte stre. I, above Georpo street. The dndersigneil, being persnnaUv nrqiiaintcd with Washington Mck and hia sufTerina, bear witness to the toniliing eflects of Thomson' Cmnnound Syrop of Tar, and the truth of the a bove statement. . JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKEKS. 42 Almond atreet. HUGH M'GIN'LEY, S. E. corner Tamrtnr and Fourth 'reoN. Prepared only by S P. Tlinmviri, Jf. E. corner of 6th and Spruce streets. Phi nde phia. Arents. H. B. Mssser, Suhboiy D. r.ros, snd Dr. Macpberson, Hurriaburg ( Jn, G. Brown, Pottsville Geo. Eirl, Re din; ; Houtnn & Ma ori, Towanda, Bradibrd county, Pa. J'rice SO cents) per bottle, or $5 p r doren. 0j Beware of all imitation. Philadelphia. June 28th. 1849. Iv HELP THE Beginners THE subscriliers would tei-pertfully iufnm tht Citizens of Sunbury and the public xnienliy, thai they h.ivn purcbased the ahop of Mr. Wilbani Hoover, in Market atnrt, ore dojr wcl of the P UfRce, wheie they will continue the Cabinet-Making Itiisiiic&s, in sll it branches. The public may t spect their wmk done in tb latest sty mi. They hope, by strict attention to buinc', to mciit a share of publio patronage. pJ Cofiih made to order on the shortest not cp, ud country rodoce tnken in exchange for wntk. WM. YOU.(!MAN & H. C. MARTIN. Sunbury, May ITih. 1845. ly. AS1II1Y & ROCAP, XVnOI.ESALB &. UITf AIL HAT & CAP MAiUFACTUUE?.Sr South East cnrtiffof Market and Ath 'tis.. Pltiladelplilu, WHERE they always keep on hand an exlen sive ssanrtment of HA TS if CA PS of cverv description, got up in the beat and most approved st le. Peiaona derirou of purchasing superior anj cle on the most res.nnal.lo term, will find it l their advantage to Call btfjre making purthju elaewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 6th. 1941. Iv Couuterrcltert' DEATH BLOW. rptis pu' lie will plraao observe lhat no BrandrctFl A Pilla are genuine, utiles the box baa three li bel upon it, (the top, the sn'e and the bottom) enrh rontainintf fc-iinile siyatura of my h-ind' writing, thus It. BlARnHETH, M. D. These la ll. ate " emtraved on steel, lrautifully deaienrd nd don at an etpene of over $i,0t)0, Theref.r it will be seen that the only thins; ne e-siry to pr. cure the tuedicin in its purity, is lo observe tlien taliela. Remember lb lop, the aide, and the boMom Tb following respective person are duly auilui sad, and hold CBETXnOATB3 OP AOEUCT Forth sale of Brandreik't Vegetable Unit-fta? - Northumberland count I Milton Markey 6c tV. fcj , . i, i, . a ivuniiiiirinii, r-unnury ii. u. ."viseer. Al E.weria-- villr lt Und & Mviiell. NiMibuiuliland Wm, Forsyth. Oeorsetown J. & J. W.lis. Union Ciuntyt New Berlin Bofir & Win ter. Setinscroe-Geome Gundium. Mid.'li- liurg Uaac Smith. Beavcrown Datid HuMc Adamsborg Wm. JMav. Mifflinshorc Menach, St Kay. Haillrlon Daniel Lunar. Fraarbuig U. iV F, C. Moyer. Iwtsburft Walla dc Given. loliimbia county : Danvillo E. U. Keyuolda Si Co. Berwick Shuman A R ttenlumae. Ca' lawiso--Ca' G. Brobta. Blonmsburir John If. Moyer. Jeisey 1'awn Ijvi Brae I. Waahinglwii. Robl. MrCav. Limetone Bslli-t i MsNtneh. Obset that each Aicnt haa an Kngnavrd (Jer- tifiral of Agency, containing reprraentaiinn of Ot UKAA UKbTII b Manuraelory at ti' Mn;. nd upon which will also be aeen evacl copies of lb nt nf lubti sicur ted upon the Lrandrelh i'tIS Butt,,',.- . ,. t- ... '.ui , ,..i J. Philadelphia, oXe No. 8. North b treet. D. BRANDHETH, M.IX JuM4ih,lH.