Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 10, 1846, Image 4

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    - A Mlt.fcltRtTia MltlACLC. ' 'r'r
In n liltJilajfotii h State or lloosiorans,'
iu iho yecl31L there' wae'all aorta' of nxc inf
luent cmici rninjf the doctrines and prophec,ies
,rf thnt reh "deceiver Miller. 'For months, the
Midnight Cry, Mowed by the Morning' ilowl
nail the Noonday Veil, hail circulated tbrongh
the vilisjre and surrounding counties to an ear
tent not even retrU led try Dr.! Duncan's cele
bested Coon Speech,, Men , disposed 6f their
property for little or nothing. .The women
were frie and ghostly from watching and pray
ing, tnti in fact, tho whole population, or at least
those who believed in the coining 'ascension,
lnoknd as if they Were about , half over an at
tick of the chills and fev.t. . There, wore,
liownvcr, . some "ciioice rpirtt., wiuv natwirn
etsnding the .popularity of :he rjeruoirirt ' would
m1 enlist littler the bofjners of the ascensionict
ml smong these waf a wild liaruni ecarum
blade from' 'Down EaV by the name of Cape
iJawlaw. Now Cape was as hard 'a Cae, as
y.m -vouW meet on a fourth of July, in Texa,
always alive for fun and sport of any ami every
(Inscription, and a strung disbeliever in Miller-i.-in.
Tli night of the third df April wis agreed
upon out west here, (or the grand exhibition of
"omunJ and lofty tumbling,'" and about ten o'
clock of the said night, numbers of Miller ites
embled on fhe eutsltirle of the town, on a
I'tilo eminence, upon which the proprietors had
a. lowed a few trees to stand. In the Crowd,
and tlie only representative of his race present,
a free negro, by the name of Sam, about aa
ii'.'ly, black, woolly a descendant of Mam, as
ever baked his shins over a kitchen fire.
Sam's head was small, body and arms very,
lung, and his legs bore a remarkable seso-ni-bianco
to a pair of hams; in fact, put Sam on a
dorae, his tegs clasped round its neck! his head
towards the tail, and his arms clasped round the
mimal's hams.nnd at ten paces of! you would
RA-'ar that he was aa old set of patent glaring.
The leader of the Alilleritcs, owing to an an
cient grudge he bore him, hated Sam Mike
smoke,' and had done all in his power to prevent
liij admittance among the 'elect,' but all to no
p:i'pose. Sain would creep in at every meet
ing; to night here he was sgain, dressed in a
w Intl.- rnbe of cheap cotton, secured to hi body
ly a belt, and shoutiug and praying aa loud as
the best.
Now, on the morning of the third, Cabe had,
with a deal of preservers nee, and more trouble,
managed to throw a half inch hemp rope over
IU-branch of an oak which stretched its long arm
lirocily ovr the spot where the Milleri'es
-aouIJ assemble ; one end he had secured to
t!ie body ol the tree and the other tost urn n grime
li lance off. About ten o'clock, when the e
ciumcnt was getting about 'sixty pounds to the
tqnare inch,' Cabe, wrapped in an old sheet,
walked ioto the crowd, and proceeded to fasten
i.i as secure a manner as possible, the end of the
rope to the back part ef the belt which confined
Sim's rope succeeded and sloped to join some
.t his companions who had the end. The few
xtars in the sky threw a dim light over the'
tcciu'. and in a few moments the voire of Sam
wis heard, exclaiming, 'Got Ahnight ! I'se a
iiiu up ! Who-o oh !' and sure enough Sam
ivj .seen mounting into the 'ethcrial blue;' his
scent was, however, checked when he ' had
cleared terra firms a few feet, '(..lory !' cried
one, Hallelujah !' another, and shrieks and yells
made the night hideous, some fainted, others
piayed, and not a few dropped their robes and
ttiJ. Now whether it wus owir.g to the light
ness of his head or the length and weight ofhis
heels, or both, Sam's position was not a pleasant
one ; the belt to which Cape's cord was attach
ed was bound exactly round his centre of gravi
ty, and Sam swung like a pair of sca'cs, head
up and heels down, bee. up and head down, at
the same time sweeping m-r the crowd like a
ftendutom, which ntotioii was accelerated by his
trenuovs clapping of hands and vigorous kick
ing. At length he became alarmed, he wouldn't
K up aud he couldn't come down ! 'Lor a
Massy,' cried he, 'jist take urn poor nigger to
um twuin.or let uia down a gin, easy, easy.Gor
Almighty -Lef um down agin, please um Lord,
and die nigger will gn straight to um bed !
Ugh-u h' and Barn's teeth chattered with af
fright and he licked again more vigorously
than before, bringing his head directly down
ward, and his heels up, when a woman shrieking
cot. Oh ! Cr i.i her Sam, take nie with you,
t-prung at his hesd as he swept by her, and
caught him by the wool, bringing him up all
Mandicig. -Gosh! Swser,' cried Sam, 'lef go
um poor nigger's hair. Cabo gave another
pull at tho rope, but the additional weight was
loo much, the belt gave way, and down came
Ham, his bullet head taking the leader of the
saints a 'feeler' just between tho eyes. 'Goth !
is I down agin 1' cried the bewildered Sam, ga
thering himself up, I i, tress de Lord but I
was nearly dar 1 seed de gates !' The leader
wiped hi overflowing probotcis, took Sain by
the nape of the neck, led him to the' edge of the
crowd, and giving him a k ck 'a la posteriori,'
said, 'Leave, you cussed baboon you are so
q d ugly I knowed tbe-y wouldn I lei you
in. A. Y. Sjirit uf ike Time.
Mothu Wit A stingy husband threw off
the blame ot the lawlesuees ofhis children in
company by saying his wife a! ways "gives them
her own way." "Pour things," was her prompt
response, "it's all J have to give them."
An elderly gentleman being dangerously ill,
his friends advised him to send for physician,
"No," repiied the sick man, "hating lived vir
tuot life. 1 wiah to die a natural death."
. The tdtowing' tint shows the currcntSshre of all
Pennsylvania Hunk Notes,. The m4 implicit re
liance miy be pluce'd npnn it, as it i 'tvery untk
rrfully compared with aid cor reded from Bick
ntlt'f Krporter. !"' ' ' " ' " v
' Itnnlt In Philadelphia. '
Ns. , i, , Loranoir. "
. rn it. An.
' " 'NOTES AT P A R.
Bank of NimiIi Ameiirii , ,
Bank bf h Northenr Li'rtic, T J ; . . . I i.
Commercial Dank of Penn'a. . ,..,,(,,,
Farmcu' and Mivhanka' . ' , .
Kennington lit-k . ,
PhitaJ.-lj.hia Dai.W . ? .,' .
Srhuylkin Bank . . ,
Southwark Bank " ' . ' "
Western Hank - . " , 1 ,
WeclmnJcs' Uimk 1 . . '
Manufaetim-r' At Merhinicn' n.nk
Counlry Rank.
Bank of Chenier Count) Weatchrntrr
Hank of Doliwnre Coiimy Chester
Bank rlf Germnntou ((tmanlown
Batik of Monlijomery Co. , ISotriwnwn
Doylpfltnwn Bank I.ivlrtiwn
I'aalon Bank I''aIoii
, par
Farmers' Hntik of Burk ro lr ted
DITice of U ink of IVnn'a. HairiHtwfg
'Jmro cM do I. nor littler
Office du . do lip.idiiiK ,
tio not
wines uj uo r.axtoii ,Jiiieu.
Hank or the United Strttr . Philadelphia
Bank nf 1'enn Township - . . ,
Girard Bank . . . i ;
Moyamenaing Btnk . . . i- ,
Bank of ."ennivKai.ii
Minera' Bank of I'oliavillr
Bank nf Iwistotrn
Bank of Middlotnwn
Bank of Nnrthundeiinii
PofavlMrt .
Miililloiown Jul
N-,rhoratiriUod ur
t'olnml ia Bsnk ot Hridge ro.Cidnniliia
Uarli.le Bank
Exchange Bank
Da dii branch of
Molhil.'i uliurs
p. I
Farmer' Bunk of l.aurnstci l.aneiHlm
l.ancaxtrr County B.itik
i ailing
Firmer' Bank of Keading
HarriaburfC Bank
Lanraa er Bank
(.elianon Bank
Merrhanl' &. Manuf. Bank
Bank nf Pillaburg
Weal Branrh B .nk
Wyoming Bank
Northampton 1) tnk
Beika County Bank
Office of Bank of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do
Kenninirlou Sa. Ina. A
V iikri-l arie
Pitlaturg ,
New Brighton
. ' 'J
('hsmliernlturg ,
Jelly al'iK);
Penn Tnwnhii S.iv. Ins.
Bank of Chainlicrahurg .
Bank of Gettysburg ,
Bank of SuMpichanna Co.
Erie Bank ,.,
Farmer' & Dtorcr' Bank
Franklin Bank
llonesdale Bank
Monnngahrla Bank of B.
York lUtrk
. i
. Honradale
N. It. The notes of thoae hanks on which we
amit quotations, and ubliiutK dah ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with llic
exception of those which hae a leilr of rferencr.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loon Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ina.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
I'owanda Bank
Alleghany Bank uf Pa. of Beaer
Bunk of Swatara
Bank of
Cntre Bank
C'rty Bank
Farmer' & Mech'ra' Bunk
Farmer' St Mcch'c' Bank
Farmer' & MerhVa' Bank
Harmony Inaiiiute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge ('o.
Norlhumti'd Uuiou C'nU Bk,
North Wectern Bank of Pa.
Office uf Schuylkill Bank
Pa. A nr. St Manuf. Bank
Silter Lake Bai.k -Union
Bank of IVnta. , .
Weatmoieland Bank v
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
Phila.k lt.hia , failed
do fiiiled
do f.ilnl
DyiMI, prop.) failed
Beitford no aale I
Beaver cliwed
HarrUburg rleil
Washington failed
Bell, fonts thxed
Piluhuig no ale
I'm.'.urg f.iilo.1
Fayette co. ftiUxl
tireeiHat:e failed
Iturinony no rale
lloiitinJiii) nit aale
lwiloMu nnaalo
M arien failed
luu.Ult' no aale
New Hope cluaed
M ilton : no al
Mead ills ' ' cloned
Carlisle failed
Moull.KMt . chared
Uoiontown fuiled
Greeuaburg cloMd
Wilkeabarre no aale
fXj- All notes puiporting to t on any 1'e.nn-yl-vania
Baitk not given in the above Ut, may be aet
Jown aa frapds.
Bank ofNew Biunawick Brunawiek
Bclvideis Bank ' , IWIvidere
Burlington Co. Bank ., ki.dfurd
Commercial Bank Perlli Amtnty
Sumbertand Bink Bridelon
farm' Bwnk ..." kunt H illy
rafMM'M' mmI Mechanic' Bk Buhwav
F arntcnt' Mid Mechaair' Itfc N. Biuaawuk Cidcd
Farmer' and Merchant Bk Middlvtowii Pt,
rraakltn UanK o: A. J. Jersey Lity
no aale
Houokeu Ukg &. Uraxing I o Holxiken
lerary Citj Bank
Jerwy City
Mechanics' Bunk
Manufacturer' Bank
Morri County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk
Morri Canal and Ukg Co
Put Notes
Newark Ukg & lua Co
New Hopa Del Bridce Vo
N.J. Manufac. sim! Bkg t'o
Jeiey City
Nrwaik '
. i
" par
. par
N J Proleclon & ljsubard I4t Jernry Ci'y
Orange Bank Orange
Paterkoa Bank l'avrHi
Piuiples' Bank dn
Piineeton Bank Prineelun
Salem Banking Co Salt m
Sut BiuW Newark
Stale Bauk Kliialieihlown
Slate Biuk Camdeu ,
Slate Bank of Morris ,, MornMown
Suta Bank Ti.mou
8lem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem
Suaavl Bank Newton
Trenton lUnkiug Co Trenton
Union Hank Daver
Waabiuglou Baukiug Co. Hackcueack
Bk ot Wilrn St BraMlyioe Wilmington
Bank ef Delaware . I ., Wilrningtoa
Bauk of Suiyrua .. Smyrna
Do btanck Miuord
Farmera' Bk 'of Stats of Del Dover -
Do .., branch Wilmington
Do braarh ' Uaorgetowai
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wiimmgiu,,
aT Under 5's
0C7 On all banks aasrked thus f ) there are e
ther eotinleifeil of altered uoIm of ins various s
ftomiQationat iu circojatioi).
I Baasjika'a Vsavjireea- a avrftaia tnrt for
wormetair and very plentaiit 1o lake.
. ?. Ciaton's EtTBtT which reatove Orr-aae
of all kinds, Dry Painls, Tar,, Varnish and Wax,
from carpets or from clothing, without Injuring the
color or ih cloth.
3. Iissoa Fit Pavaatbs best thing knotan
far kHIing flies and murrjuitoea,
4. A ceitatni Dealroyar nfRnla, Mice, Itoacbea
and Ant. sod another of Hid Burs. - - !
5. Ovms'h 'Sprcirie ti i er alomaeh. Heart
Burn and Water Brati, hy one who hud aiilK rrd
tkuiccir ya.irs, brfitee ha discover. I th enre v '
Da. Shyh'i Orkk.i OiM r.wKkT for the Piles,
II haa nrver fii1rl to cine.
7. Hbm' .Ta-TTRH Wan.
I 8. BsanoMn' Iiiki.imls Ina, without s
rival, . . i . . i
0. Tns Cnnmrsn (riTTif or Ftos-
jiii.1 tl e meilhine for children and f r women, il la
ao .lennnl In liike, .. .. , , , . ,
H). Bitk's V,.r.TAnLK AsTintLinr Put?.
11. Ui'M' EvntLiRNT WATs saoo Pra.
fiT ll 'iihan, Boia, &.d, Itaufuna the leither.oiul
keep out the water.
12. I'ooa Mam's eTsrsa rnnsita Pttsira.
13. I ii'kok' DiAttiiniK t MitTt'sc, whi'h
ri r a It e womt Dinnhrcn in a few hrtrt'. .
1 14 J(Kni'a DfnKftTANT Mixrffc. s err
iiiin and randy rwi far Eyaentefy - and Summer
4om( . .
Thw loe valuabbt fcrtiele are sold who'eato
and reiail. U 1... !. GUNN, A'. I .SoriA
trcrt, Philadelphia- wheie S'or. kei ier rnd
her i I Iw ul with puee African ('atrniie
Pip', Arnica Flier, Druy, Pailit-OiU, Glace
and VarnUhra. at the lowest . rs. Term 01 ly
.ti. fXj Cut out the advcilWment, and bilig
il with von. -. . . i.l. hhi. JuW 19 h. ia5.-tv. '
iFKiTiTT: vk n d l i v if.
C'oniiiouiaU.Sj riii or Tar & Wood
rillE ur.peredi-nted Horrera of thi medieine. in
M. Hie reclornti. n f hral h. o 'hoe who, in ilea
p.iir, hud pheo up all hope, given it ao i K il
ted reputation alovn all other reme.liea, forni-hine;
i vidence of it' intrinrie i" and poner. aa the nn
:y eet wh'rh fan be rel ed up n for the core of
Pnlmoo.iry Consumption. Ur.iio hit , Ahm.
P.iin in the -hie and Brea-I, t-j il h.g uf Blood,
Wh.loping CtiRh, t;rrtup, Ac
Alteiitini, i triirie,l to the foll .winB ASTON-
SUING t:rifS,b TliimtV Compound Siup
of Tar and Wo- d Napth ! !
MR. TIIOMON D.r eir-With Br.tefut
fee'mcal inform 'y.-ii r.f the aiinihing effi-cia of
y..ur ane-lirine. which haa liter i'ly taia d me from
d lli.l-eil ! . My dieo-e, Pirlmonurv Cun-unip-lion,
h.-d re.Iuee.1 me mi low that my ihy'cian ro.
no.inred my e--ie hopeiea ! Al lbi y f 'ion I Iki
U ji to u eyuur m. d':cin',and niiraciilu aa it may
teem, it ha compl. telv restored m t' health, alter
.v. rjlhii-g ilac bad failed. Kepeeiftill voura,.
. CHattntle at reel, almxedoice atrerl.
The iinderaigneil. being prraonallv arquainltd
with Washington Mirk and Ida ut1rrinits, liear
w Ineaa 1o the atonihing i llect of Thnmnon'a
Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth uf the a
hoe vtatement. ,
Jt)S. WINNER, 318 North Tl ir.l alreet,
DAVID VICKEHS, 42 Aim lalreet,
HUGH M (ilNI.LV, S. E. corn. r Ta many
and Fourth attret'.
Prepared only by S. P. T hnmann, N, E. corner
of Aih and Spruce aire, ta, Phi'ade'phia.
As-rila. H. B. Maawr, Sunbury ; D. r,nwa,
noil Dr. Marphernon, ll.iiluirg ; Jn . l. Brown,
P. ni.le ; Geo. E rl, Re.-.diog ; ilouton ft Ma
on. Tow anda. Bindord county, Pa. Pi ice 0 cent
p.r hoitle, or $5 p r d.oen.
fXj llrtctire fj ail imitation.
Philadelphia. June 2lh. I4!V. Iv
uki,i"tiFu '
K C g i 11 11 C PS.
fllHE ul'criler would repee.tfollv inform the
" M. Ciiizena'cf Sunduiy and iho oMie e- nerally.
III it they h-ie puretianed ihe ahop nf Mr. Willnon
lloovei, in Maiket atrnt. ore e.t of the Put
Olht-e, wheie they will routinue the
C'aIiihct-'VIn!iu; Ilnsiiiess,
in all iiabritiehr The puhlie may ri-ect llieii
work done in the la'eM tle. . They hope, ly airii l
attention to burin s , t merit a share uf mbl c
pationnge. .
fJ" Coffin made to order nn the ahorteal not ire,
and country prmloee luken in exrhanue for work.
Sm.liury, Mav 17ih. 1845. 1 v.
South Butt rnrniT of Market and 4th lit.,
WHEBE they alwaya kn-p on hand an rileo
eie vaortnx nt of II A TS U CA I'S of every
i!, got up In the lert and moat approved
M le. Teiaona derir. ua of purchasing auierior ni
ehs on the most rrawnaMe lerma, ill fi. d il to
ilir Jvanlage to call btfors uiakuig purvbaae
re hero.
Pl-ilad.lphia. Oct. Slli. 184 1. If
rPhe pul'lic will plraae observe that no Brandietb
Pill are genuine, utile ih bui haa three It-
Ma upon it. (the top, Ihe ai.'e and the bottom)
en, n rontantina a Tie-aimileMjoaiure ot my hnu
writing, thu B. Bbassiiktii, M. D- Tlteae la.
l-el ai eniiraved on ateel, U-autifully deai);ned,
and dune at an eipeiiae of over $2,000, Therefore
it will tie aceu that ihe only thing nrcecaary to pr.i
rurs the medicine in its purity, at to obaerve tlieae
lain In. , ' e ,
Iteineinher the ts the aide, and the bottom.
Tbe fullowitig ieiective pareon are duly authiri
lid, and hold
For the aale of Brandreih't Vegetuble Vnirtrtul
Northumberland county : Milton M ickey &
Cbamlieitin. Sunhury If . B. Maaaer. M'Kwene
ville lii-hnd A Meixell. Norihumliland Wm.
For. y Hi. Georgetown J. St J. Wall.
Union County i New Berlin Bogar & Win
ter. Selinegrova George 'Gundium. Middle
tmrg laaae Smith. Beaveriown David Hulder.
Adauuburg Wm. J. May, Miniiiiaborc Menaeb
Si Ray. Haitleto) Daniel Lone;. Freeburg
it. St F, C. Muyer. - lewiburg Walls Si Green.
Columbia county l Danville E. B. Keynolde
St t'o, Berwick Shuman Si Ritlenhouae. Cat
lawisaa C. G. BroUs. Blooioaburg John R.
Meyer. Jetsey Tewn Levi Biarl. Waahington
Kobt. MiCay. Limeatone Ballut fs Mc.Nch. -
Ohaerv that each Agent baa an Engraved Cer
tiflrale of Agency, containing a representation of
Uf BKANDRE J H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will alao be seen eiaet copies of
ihe nu label new user upon tht Urandreth Jilt
Boxtt. ......
Philadelphia, office No. S, North 8th atteet ' -T-w
Juas 4ib, r
A Cempnnnal nalaamle Preparaitwia from
WuaChirry llurk itnil Tar,
Tlit brt ttmfnttf hnnwn to the ivorldfor the fnre nf
- iuui(k, cold, ailhma, trup, bleeding of Ihe
lung,tohntyingctMgk,brimchitii,trijlu- '
- i," i enta, thortnttt ef breath, pain and
' otntcne in Ihe breatt or ide,
liver tnmifuinl, and the
firit ttagt of
We will net saaert that this BALSAM will cure
Conaump'ion in let worst form, but it has cured
mnny after h4I nlh.e mean of relief had been tried
hi vain. And why not T II aeems that tlie WILD
CIIKItRY was dentine.) by N.itme lo be our PA
NACEA for the ravaging diaeatea of tlda c d.l la
titude. Lei not the d pairing invalid waa'e his
m..nry and oos TIME, to him a t all linporiant.
in .xlrrimfnlint with Ihe traihy notriim nf the
d.iy, hut uae at unce a medicine that wiH cure, If a
cure lie p a llile a niidiclne that aeienee aonvra.
and many year of riper.ence h ive demonalrated
that it ntimiu relieve.
'There r wo inch thing a fail." in the loatnry j
of this woudertul BALSAM. Evidence the moat j
convincing e lei e. that no noe ran doubt, fully j
etab!i he lliie fact. For the anke of brevity we ;
ee'eel lite fol owing from tl.oiM unU.
Uxr. Pla't. Eq., E.lilor of the Poker pie E tale,
one of Ihe nt at influential jiurnat in t' e aae of 1
New Yoik, at it. a nndei the utmril of hia own '
name, th it a young lady, a relative of hia, of erv 1
delicate eonati'ution, war attarked in Fed. 1S42. (
wiit eere rold. which immediately produced rpit
tin4 i flilood, cough, fever, and other d.ajerom and
alnrmii-g symptom. l'hrnith medical lieitmeul
t.d ahe putially tee vend during: summer.
Hot on ike retarn of winter aha waa nil irk-d mote
i. lenlly than at first, he btcame aeare, ly at.le lo
walk and wa- tioubtrd with roojjh, chill and fever
every day, and appeuied to he going rapidly with
ronaninp ion ; at tlii time, when there wa n aign
of improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a bo'tle f
WiATAM'a Balsam or Wun tHranr. wliirh bin
look, and it a.einingly rtored her. She g t a sc.
coi ol, and befoie it a half taken -he a. restored
to prrfrrt health, which oheb.i cnj.iyed to the pe
aent time, without the slighter! symptom other for
mer dive ee.
Mr. P all aav "the eime undor my own ob
reivution and I cannot be mietukrn a to the facta,"
Pa anon s, Warhinglon co., Maine, Apr. 29, IM4.
MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At ihe re
qoeat of many of my friend in thin place and vicl
i iiy who are afflicted with roiuu option and liver
comp'aime, I lake the li(er y of aakiug you to ap.
o'.ut rnnie one in Ihia county aa agent to eell Wia
Tia't Bal or Win Cussar.andtoaend lii'ii
a few den. aa there is none of it for aale. will in
200 milea from this. I have no doubt that it wnl.l
n.e-t wiih a salu if it were where it eou'd le
jlocurcd without I0.1 much expeuae and delay.
My wife was atturked about ail nt ntha ainee
with the phyvician railed the fin-t a'age of
enr-umpriou a complaint v, ry pievalant in thi
a. c ion nf country. Having scru the Ba'a.un ad-vert-aed
in Auguata.
I tk Ihe pains to aend there for a hoille 4if it,
which ahe took, and w hich helped her ao much that
I sent for 10 botilea more, which tw has s'so ta
ken, end .he now says she hat not felt n well for
il year a she doe at this time. All thoan who
have inquired of me and ascertained what c tier I the
Balaam had, are aniiou to have reiiw for sale in
Ihia vicinity, which is the cause of my writing you.
, riea-e inform me by irtu n ofm .il whether you
t onrlude to aend ome, and ifao lo whom, in ordtr
that it may be known whrre il ram 1 had. '
1 am with re-pert ynera, etc.
The whole country ia faat learning thai no medi
cine no phvaiciau no preparaliiHi of any kind
whatever can cqnal Da. Wiaraa's Balsam or
Wiiu Cur. aar. .
Watvillk, Oneida en.. N, Y. Sept. 15, 1843.
Dear Sir I owe it in the afflicted to inform you
that in January lt I waa attacked by a veiy vio
lent cold, caused by woiking iu the water, which
M illed on my lung. It wa arcnpanied by a ve
ry aeveie pain in my breaal and idea, and alao a
ilitre-ing Cough. I had. in attendance all Ihe teat
met!icl aid in our village ; bul after ethaualing all
their ki: no, they pronounced my ili-ee a
rosriatasn coiaoMraoir, and they one and al!
gave me up to die. After much pru.ion I got
ihe ronoent of my physician to use the Balm or
Wilii CsAant pn pared by Da. WtarA. I pur
chaaed of Ihe Agent in our place one bottle, tie fore
Ukii g half of which I U'gan to gain alreng h, and il
was very evident my coogh waa much better and
my symptoma in every way improving. I have
nw uaed three botilea, and am rrttartd to prrfrrt
htulth. Thia re-ull ia at ne owing to Ihe ue of
RY ; and I take thi method of giving you lh in
formation, partly to pay you the debt of gr.ititude
I owe you, and partly that other (ioiilarly afflicted
may know w liere to apply for relief.
Very trulv youia, JAMES RAGE.
Ma. Palmes. Druggiat, under dite of Watcrville,
8. pi, 24th, 1813, writea;
The atatemenl given yi u by Mr. James Sage ia
well known' lo be true ry this whole community.
II e. rl inly waa a moat remarket le core. Tbe raltt
of ihe Babam ii very good, and its success in cure
liu'y dailcilng. Yours rcaiMctfully,
HAiHioa'riKLii. N. J , April 20, 1843. '
. On or about the 13th day Of Octoher, 1841, I wa
taken wiih a violent pain iu ihe aide near tbe liver,
which euniinued tor about five daya, and waa fol
looted ly tlie Ueaking or an u'nt, or alava, in
wardly, which relieved iho pain a little, but caused
me to throw up a great quantity of otbuaive uiattct
and alo much blood. Bring greedy ' alumed A
ihia, I applied to a pbyaician, but he aid he thougl t
he could do Imt liulu for me eiepi give mo aome
Mercury till, which I refused to take, feeling
tatiafied that ihey could do me no good ; many o
ther n mi die were then procured by my wife and
friend, but none did me any good and the die
charge of blood ami coiruplion still continued every
few day, ami al laal become so oiTenetve thai I
cou'd aeareely breaths. I waa also seised with a vi.
otent eoegh, which al limes caused me to raise
much more blood than I had dona before and my
dtaeaae continued in this way, still growing worse,
until February, when all hope of my recovery waa
given up, and my fiieads all thought I would die
ofaGaiuinae CosacurrtoB. A I ibis moment,
when my life was apparen ly drawing near ita cbe,
WILDCHELRY, and got a bottle which, as
LitvtB st a laaaaiATSLv ; and by the ues of only
three botilea of this medicine, all my paina were
removed my eoughaod spittieg of blood and cor
ruptioci entirely atop pad, aQ in a fw weeks ray
health wa so far rsetoied aa to enable me to work
al my trade, (which ia a carpenter,) and up to thie
lime I have enjoyed good health.
GieecsaTsa Cevayr, N. J , as. ,
Personally cams before aae, the aubKiiber, ens ef
the Justices of the Pesee in and for the ssideoan
ly, Thorn Cozens, and being duly affirmed ac
cording to law, aaith tbe above aiatemsnl is in all
things true.
Affirmed bifurs me, on the 8O1I1 of April, 1843.)
' ' ! J. CtsMsrr.J P. $
, Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL
SAM, . . . . ......
a prescription congeni d to our wants, aa it is pie
pared from chemical eiliact from subetance which
the author of nature haa placed In our own hnd
for wise purpe, lhat many - who kn..w nnlhing
of tho mode, ,f fig preparoton are endeavoring to
reap pecuniary hencftta by aelling an at tide similar
in name, nr in or l.y re.recniing th. ir
own Irs-h aa aiieri..r t.i thi BALSAM, or b put
ting tips mixtoie and s lemnly aascverntiiig Ihiit it
is imported fr.nn a foreicn country, which is not ihe
rase. All these ileceptive arts go 1.1 show that
ViT'e Bai.sim i known to ihe world to be
-THE CHEAT ilEMEDr." and that to e7
any mixture K mnst be tile this in name, er pur
port lo be like il in su1 stance.
QTX Be'.iee not the cunningly wroucht falnri s
iona ind lake on'y the original and genuine
Wistah's 1Iii.ah or Wun t'ltrnar.
Ad.lrea ..II o..l,ra to ISAAC BU ITS, No. 33
Ann St.. New Y "k.
Agents, JOHN W. FltlLINO. Siinhnrv.
, D. lilt C I IOAM. N'irlhunihtiland,
3. K. MOYKU.!;,
J. WAGGONS RLl.RR, X, Crr.rr,
BROWN 6l CREASY, M mnville.
Feb. 22.1, I8ia ly
flHE vnbinti'e proprrtie of Oakley's Depute
1 live Syrup nf Si.rapaiilla, as a purifier of the
Id .oil, if to well known 1 1 the ulio generally,
that it ia unneceniiy to occupy much pa.-e in eel
ting forth the advantrtsea to tt derived from its
use; wherever the medicine has oner been intro
duced, il take over all olheist every
iMielhal baa taken it, bnv derived so tignal bene
ficial result Troni it, th it it is recommended by
(hem with the u most cuCdi-nce. Itiysician of
tbe highest standing in the ptjIt-Sfton, pregrride il
to pa'ients under their rare ; containing nothing
del. lerioua. but hiirg rorniioaed nt the moat mild. !
jet ilocjcioun vegetable materinla, it is nlf. rrd wi ll 1
confidence, aa ihe cheii4al and inoM elTif if nt pn. j
rifier i.f ihe blond now known. The ur-e of a few
botilea, eiecialy in the spring month, will be al- I
tendid with a most decided impiovement in tho ge- j
tiers! strength of the system, eradicating any seeds
i.f (linear that may have Im-cii generated. iM-aides
giving health anil vig..r Iu ihe biHly. For the cure I
ol ? rolula or Kmga Evil, Kheum:itisrn. Liter,
Piinph-a or eruption of ihe Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic t:.ugh Asth.iis, Are. The nn
meroua certifica'es in the possession of the sullen-
ber and hi agents, from physician and others, are
sufficient lo convince the most skeptical nf its su
periority orr all prepiiraiiotia of Sara.paritla.
Sold wtieaVfele and retail, ly the profeta-,
GEOKfiE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street. Rea
ding, Beika County, and to he bad of (lie following
persons :
In, Northumberland County. 11. B. Mas,
Suubory; heund St Mixel, McEueuaville ; 1)
Krauser, Milton.
hi Union County. J, Gearhurt, Bilinrgrove t
A. Gutelio. Mifflinburg.
In Columbia Cvunti. li. W. McCay, Wah
Reading, March 14, 18-13.
Ma. OAKtsr: I l-clicve it the uty of every
one In do whatever in their power lies for the b-ne.
fit of their fellow man, and having had po-bive
proof in my own family, of iho woinleiful properties
f your DcHiratie Syrup of SarespxrilU, I m st
conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We
had tbe misfortune to lose I wo of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous o:e thst covered the
face, head and t.eck, although we had aome of tbe and had
tried all the known remedies, including Sw aim's
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
waa atlatke.l in the aame manner, face and
neck waa coit.p'elcly Covered; ihe d.atharga was so
offensive, and ihe disease at such s he'ght. that we
despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful eiTecl
of your Depurative Syrup ol Sreaparill.i, we were
induced lo make trial of it, a the last res rt ; il
acted like a cl.arm ; the u'cera commenced healing
Immediately, a f.w bottles entuely restoretUier to heuhh, which ahe h..aei joyed uninterruptedly
ever since. Ass puiifirr of ihe b!o..d, I verily be
lieve it baa not il equal.
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Dougl n-t ille, April 19th, 1843.
Ma. Oarlkv: My ann Edmund Leaf, bad Ihe
scrofula in the 0101 dreadful and di.-treaing man
ner for ihr. e years, dining which lime he waa de
prived of the use of hia liinhs, his he nl and neck
were covered with ulcer. We tri.d all the dilT.r
eul rcmediea, bul to no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson nf Nonittown, and also Dr. Isaac
H tenter, of Reading, lo use your Depurative Syrup
of Saraaparilla, of which I obtained sevetsl boitles.
the use of whieJt drove the disease eniinlv out of
hia ayatem, tlie aore be-ded up, and ihe child waa
reatorcd to psilecl health, which be bss enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever ainee, lo the astonishment of
many peiaotr who seen bim duiug hia affliction.
I bare thought il my duty, aud send you thisceiti
fiesta that otl.e. who have a like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain ao valuable a
medicine. ' Your truly.
8epl. 16, 1313. ly
To Country Merchants.
Boots, Shoes, ' Dounets', Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hats. ,
tl. W.'&'la. II. TAYLOH,
f the S. II. corner of Market ami Fifth Sit.,
OFFER for sale an eilensite sssortinrnl of the
above s, all of whah they sella! unusual
ly low piices, and paitirul.uly invita Ihe attention
of l.uyeia vi.iiing the city, loan lamination of
their stock. G. W. & L. B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May til. I844.-Iy ' '
Nos. '20 and 31 North Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfulty in-
vile tbe stteulien of persona deairou of pur
chasing Furniture, lo hia eiteosiv Hates Rooms,
(lth publie snd Pilvale,) for every description of
Household Furniture, where csn be obtained at all
times, a largo aworunent of fashionable and welt
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beda, Mattrassea,
die., at very reduced price, for cssh.
03" Bales by Auction, twice a week
May tYtb. 1843. ly -;
nTIaAX KKKlsV The bighaet price will be
1 gives) w Flat Heed, al lha alore of
Aug 9,184ft HENRY MASSER.
TT 1NE, of a superior auakty , can. sow h had
Uj aline Ltiue Kilos of ilenry Maaaer (in Sun
(mrf. Msy 17,181.
nosu oiwTxiisCnT
ntTAdEoija raemone, ,1
v (CT Tlie following certified' detenhet one of tht
most extraordinary euret ever effected by an if
PHiiAi.MrntA, Febrnary 10, 18-18.
FOR twenty yesr t wss severely afflict, d wittr
Tarraa on ths Face and Head: tho disease;
commenced when I seventeen yesrs old, sml
continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in via
lenre, bul without ever disappearing. During must
of ihe time, great pari of my f iew ware ewverrd with
the eruption, freqoontly e'tended with violent itch
ing ; my head awcred'al tint s "otil R " If - it
wtuld hurst the swelling was so g e-.t thr.t Isout.l
scarcely get mv hal on. During the Uwg fcrrV.
thnt I was afflirted wbh the disease, uaed a great
many s plication, (smong them snveral celebrated,
preparation) r.s well a tak'Oi inward remedies
including a number of hotths of Stoatm't Tanncra,
Extract i-f Sartapnrilfa, Ac In fact, it would be
ImporViMe to enumerate all the medicine I used.
I waa also nntler Ihe cire of two nf the moot dia
lingutshed of ci'y, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I deapaired of ever being;
cured. . In the fill of 18:)A, the disease at the time
lieing eery violent, I commenced uaing the Roue
Ointment, (prepared bv Yauhan Jr, Davia.) In
a few n plication Ihe violent itching c ased, the
swelling; abated, the 1 ritnlion began to disappear,
and before I h .d used a jar the di-ease was entirely
cured. It ha now been near'y a year and a half
since, ami there ia not a vestige of the disease re
maining, except the sear from the deep pits formed
by Ihe disease. Il is impossible for me to dfcril
in a certificate the severity of the diea-e and my
suffering, bul 1 will be pte ised to give, a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will mil on me. Al the time I co nmonend
using the R.-se Oiutmrnt I would have given bun
beds of do lata to he rid nf the disease. Since U--ing
il, I hnvc recommended it to several persona,
(among ihem my mother, who had the disease bad
ly on her arm.) who w- re a I cured bv it.
J AMES DUKNELL, No. 156, Race St.
' OCT The Rose Ointment i prepared bv E. B.
Vau,ihan, Sou h East roiner of Third arid Race
atie. U, Philudilphia, and sold nn agency in Sunbu
ry. by H. B. MASSE R,
May 14th. 1813. Agent.
Rose Ointinci.t, for Teller.
pHiLAOLLeitiA, May 27lh, 18.19.
f PHIS is to certify that I was severely afflfcte.l
with Tetter in the hands and feet for upward
of lorty yeara; the disease wa attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a
number nf phi, and used a great many tipple-
ca'iona without elTerting a cure. About a year
j since, I applied I lie Ruse Ointment, which entirely
j stopped the iieli-H,',iid'i few application uunieJi
1 all ly cured the disease, w hich there haa been no
; return uf, although I had never been rid nf it at
j any tiim fur forty year. K1CHAIIU SAVAt.E,
j Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
; Cj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
1 Yauchan, S tuih East comer uf Third and Race
I Stieeta, Philadelphia, and ld on agency in Sunlit
I ry. by - H. B. MASSER,
! May 14th. 1843. alfenf.
OJ thi- ROSE OlMTMEiST, for Tetter.
A LTHOL'fill ihe auperiority of the prepaiatioa
over all others ia fully r et.listiol, the iri)tie
tora lake pleasure in laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Baugb, having found in Ihia remedy thai relief for
a ledums and JUngreeahle alio. -lion which the means
within the range uf his profession failed to afford,
haa not hesitated In give il hia approbati n, although
the prejuJtcee and interest of that profession ate
cppotied to secret Remedie., Sept. 19, 1836.
I wa recently troubled with s tedious herpetic
eruption, which ooe ej nearly one si 'e uf my face,
und over the ear. Mr. Vau -ban, proprie
tor uf the Rose Ointment, ntweiving my face, insia.
led on my tiying hi preparation, of which he ban
ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem
bers uf my profession, 1 discountenance nnd disap
prove of the numerous nostrum palmed upon the
public by ignorant pri tenders, I feel in juaiice bound
to except the Roae Ointment hum thai e! of me
dicine, and to give it my approbation, a it entire
ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted the
UMi .l applications. DANL B A I :G H, M. D.
'J'he Rose Ointment ia prepared by K. 15.
Yauhan, South East comer of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, aud sold on agency in Sun
bury, ly H. B. MASSER.
JVlay J4ih,JI84:t. Agent,
Corner of Third and Vine Streetl,
THE subacriber ' resctfullv announces to the
public, thst he his opened a Hotel in tbe com
modious brick building equate on the corner of
Third and Pine atreets, where he will be happy lo
wail rip- n those who may favor him will, their
campany. The Eagle Hotel ia large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the bet m'xlern aula. It is
provided with a aig number of well aired and
j comfortable sleeping apartinenta, moms, private
psrlors, Ac Persona visiting Williamaiiort on bu-
ainea or pleasure, may re, I aa-ured that every ex
ertion will l uaed to render their journ at ihe
"Eagle Hot. T pleaeant and agreeable. His Table
will be supplied with the very beat the market af.
forda, and hi bar with the choicest wine and other
liquor charge reasonable. The Eagle Hotel
posaeaeoa greater advantages in point of location
than any other aimilar estsbluhmeiit in the borough.
! being ailuate in the business purl of the town, and
I within a convenient distance nf the Court House
I and Williameporl and Elmira Rail itoad Depot,
j SuhVienl Stabling provided, and good and tiusty
ostlers alwaya in attendance. ...
j Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants
have been employed, and nothing left undone that
I wilt add to tho comfott and sceutnaiodaiion of hia
! guest,
; There will be a carriage always in attendance at
! ihe Boat Landing to convey passengers to allJ from
tue House, free or charge,
MayMih. 1842 if
jHcliaellVcsvcr'sfc" Son,
Ao. 13 A orA Wultr Street, Philadelphia.
ITT A YE cotut sully on hsnd, a general assort-.
JIM. menl f Gotdsge, Seine Twinea, &e via I
I aril Roe, Fuhing Ropes, Whits Ropes, Manit '
la Ropea, Tow Lines tor Canal Boat. Also, a
complete assortmewt of 8cine Twinea, cVe, such a
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twins, Shoe
Threads, See. inc. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Unee, '
II altera, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpot Crrabia,
Su. all of which they will dispuee of on reasonable .
Philadelphia, November IS, 1843. ly.
No. 13S Mai keit Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the atienuon of Country Merrbanu
to their ei tensive assortment of British French
ami American Dry Good, which they otter for sale
on the most reasonable terms.
Thiladclj.hjs( Noveutbei 3f 184S. 1.