Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 10, 1846, Image 3

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    ji - . m ji ,u i
Cirrtipoadeoe of the Sunbory Amrriti..
, WAtnistJToa, Jan. 4, 1840.
Oregon Question-Excitement through, ut tht
Ceunhy-Hannegan's litm.htiimi and Ihe Went
Prtsidcnd boute thrown open on the 11 itist.
Mrs. Maditvn'i and Mrs .1 Jams' also Milium,
tU Chaplain -Tike Weather. ,
Oregon her and almost every where, is at this
time the ell abaorbiiif, topic. Uarnlet. village and
n'tjr, have all their anxietiea, expectation! and
fears, relative to theconirquencei that will ensue
from this question. 'Every person who is able to
frtgdle a pro to take the stump to give an
pirin on this quest ion, seems to regard it as
'dirtlit.ouutry, to flood it with the fame. Here,
as H nnitrt iloubf be with you, it is the com
anon conversation t.'ftl' multitude. To take a
-etroti down -the Ponn;vlania Avenue, one. has
ie ears filled with the' doleful sound of war !
soar War .' This, if therV vo reality in
1h suppositionef turn.y perso. conn to
ouolaswiH. upon i.bjCt with heai.'-i) " other,,
who are. jierl.ens. as inoanable of i.Htiruig us
themselves, one would be almost led to bel.'ve J
that this, the hind of Waslimgtsin, Ihe lai. 1 up- '
on which patriots suflVred maitysdom for the hi.- j
ly cause of freedom-was akovX to be wrested ,
from us. Even John M. Uotls, an old broken '
j i . i i . i r . . !
uuwn 11115, nnu wno iimiicu jonu I y ler ui lu one 1
term, has comj out in a Ion Jillln four I
coliimiit of the.Richmond Whig, partially in an
swer to the loiter of the S.-cretury of State., Mr.
lluchanan, on this question. Ilis position is tru
ly ridiculous, and meets with the disapprobation
-ol Ihe candid and considerate of both partice.
"The resolutions of Mr. Hannegau are, in truth,
the buna file sentiments of the western poo
.pie. Doth whigs and d'-nucrats, in the west,
.are determined if in their power, not to yield one
inch of this territory to Great Britain, and to
turge our claims la thir lull extent, from the 4d
-to the 31th di-grees 40 minutes. No compromise
abort ol this, can allay the d terminvd feeling of
the pioneers upon the question. Wh-Mher tliey
will realize their expectation, .remains yet to
.biteen. All depends upon the course of Great
liritain. If her minister renews tbe initiation,
vhich is thought very .probable by men in high
stations, and acci'ptj the proposal mado by Sec
vetary Buchanan, this vexed question will be
settled in an amicable manner. It is the general
Jinptessionhere, with both parties, that this will
.be the ultimate courseof things.'
jLt Friiiay in the House t( Representatives,
ome very animated as well t.s patriotric spench
s were nratle, upon a ''bill to laise two rogi
ments of rifle men," reported by Mr. Haralson,
chairmanof the committee on Mt!itry AtTairs.
Thu speet'het upon ne bill were quite numerous,
and were characterized with that warmth of feel
ing, which anything -relating to military mat
lers is likely to ca'il out. ?ohn Qiiincy Adams,
'to the astonishment of many, made one -of the most
eloquent uJ,natriotic seHbe mn 'the occa--lion.'thiit
has been delivered in (he House of Re
presentative fur some time. He unequivocally
declared himself in favor of giving Great Britain
12 moiit be -Motive, as rucomin-nded to Congress
by President Polk in hie message, and then, iif no
'adjustment of be (jueetieu has laken place, to
!iakd possession of the '-territory. Throughout
"be was interrupted in his remarks, by great ap
pluuic and entlirisiuiii. Mr. Adams sayt, in his
speech, "thouH greet Britain take this measure
as an indication of 'bos'tiltty, and then to com
inieiue 'hostilities, why, we have been told that
there would be but one heart in this country : and
God Almighty grant that it may h- so." This pa
triotic aland, takan by one like Mr. Adams, U is
thought wiH 'hwve -a 'powertul effect upon the
minds of those who were 011 the anti-American
-aide) of the question. Not 'only -will rt have an
cfl-.-ct in this country, but in Europe it will have
-a tendoncy to bring Great liritain to her senses. It
lriust be ttieii?ceTe1)rtpeof every American'fhat
tbii question will be settled as soon as possible,
to our national honor ; for, as Mr. ltorhanan says,
in his able letter, It "pres-n'ts the only interve--ring
cloud which intercepts the propecl of a
long career-of -niHual frien(l.-lip and beneficial
commerce ttt ween the 1 wo nat ions."
As is The usual custom, on the morning of the
1st January, in young '4C, the Pennsylvania A
venuA, tram the Capitol to the rresiflenr llonse,
was 'thronged wifh young men and maidens, old
men and widows, -on 'their way 4o fy a visk to
Hi Exrcflemcy, tbe T resident of the C. States.
As this it the only day in tbe year that the JVe
tident't Hoose ia partktilarly thrown opew for
(he parf oe-efgrirrg11 an opportunity of --seeing
and kein teew," such arwd was soon asseiN
tleI, l4iat let a anan f -coiHsnoa sliaaensions to
snake wit way l4troagh tt, required tio little ex
erlioa. Tke FresideeM, hi cabinet, and tbe for
eign Ministers were all assembled in the While
House for their reception. Vour correspondent,
w ith a friend, by considerable exertion made tit
way throagb Ore rowd, and on entering tbe
chamber, through the servant stationed for that
purpose, had a formal introduction to the Presi
dent and the lady el the White House, and -that, j
too, in the pretence of the bjtnty, tbe poliah and
all tbe finish that co-old be concentrated upon the
form of a levely woman in the presence of the
leve-skk twain who had the "fair one" hnng gent
ly npon hit arm, and who, be, no danbt, image,
ned to b bit idol hit turtle dove his morn
ing glory," nd In tirtrt, eVery thing that was;
sublime, sickening and tweet, in the pretence j
bf withered age, whose venerable heads wore a
frosty appearance and, also, in th presence of
rhen inflated with false patriotism, who
doubt, in their time, "snooted politics' and now
With all the disinterestedness of a true patriot,
are willing to terv their country in tbe shape of
an office.
. Had it not been for th gallant members of the
rabinet. who gave tba Pretident a hearty and
vary essential support, on th occasion, th ma
ny tqneexet of tb band-tb lovely glances of
the no lea lovely ladi, and th frown of a few
disappointed effie "expectant," Mr. Polk would,
Fo doubt, hv swooned away. Mrt. folk was
at hit tide, and, from appearance's, was a great
deal fatigued. The foreign ministers appeared
in their court dress, and were of considerable fa
riosity. Mr Madison and Mr. Adams, venerable re
lifi of "olden time," at usual, kept their houses
open to the public. Hundreds of real friends vi
tited them, but not for the mere purpose of test
ing the quality of the cake or wine, tou recol
lect, no doubt, last new-year, after all the but
tle was over, Mr. Adams repaired to the resi
dence of Mrs. Madison, and saluted her in the
good old-fashioned ttyle, by giving her a genuine
republican kiss. A kiss is considered by m,
as on of the luxuries of life, and 1 have no doubt,
but that the old man gave it with all the ardor,
sincerity and affection of a youth. '
Mr. Milburn, the Chaplain of the House, elect,
a blind Methodist preacher, gave the members
hie first sermon on Sunday week. If the inem-
remain as U nit to his appeals at they are
! ,0 mnr o'ner things, his sermons will not prove
j ' Ve very effective. The Hull of Represent,
'iv,, "as crnwdeJ to such an extent that many
were obliged to "make way- f..r the ladies. His
"ccr" '" hei"S P,er"'d " (-l'Vn. ' '
,'a ow'n? being recomm..-nd,d by Mr.
L'"n- W1' of hc """J Senator.
W" Ur at Preent beautiful weather here.
.no. 'II v as nlcnsant as the mott atreoable we.ith. 1
i ' . -- -
wii.' you in the aummer season. How long it
will rem. i" it hard to my.
, MiMisrtn ,1-Rom Mkxico. The New Orleans .
I'irayune. of ti': 2.1th ult., gives the following j
item of intelligence ;
' Li itert have been received in thie city from
Mexico, via, Pensacola, stating 'bat a minister
from the government of that country has procee- '
dud on to Washington with instructions to aettle
on a benndary line between Mexico and the Slate j
of Tela, .and such an one at will give tatiafac- 1
tion toonr govjrnment." " i
SurKr Kiii.rr. One flight last week, a flock !
of superior sheep, consisting of forty h -ail, b-v ,
longiiig to Mr. J. M. Kitlinger, of Annville town- ';
ship, Lebanon county, was almtst entirely tes- 1
stroyed by dogs. They were all killed bat ten.
' Tiie Mormox The Saneomo -(Itlmoiir) .Tour- j
nal repeats the statement of the New York Tri- j
bune't correspondent respectiu the Mormons, j
The coin counterfeited by them consisted princi
pally ot imitations of Mexican dollars and Am-r- '
can half dollars and dimes, skilfully tier 11 ted. j
Thequantity issu-d is said to be imm-nse, $I.j00 j
having been paid out at a mill owned liy a Mor
mon in one week for wheat. Three qualities of
the puriout money were manufactured, which
was told for 7S, SO and 23 rents for the doMr.
That for which the highest price was asked, M
said to 'be to perfect at to escape the most rigid
scrutiny ofthe eye the outer coat being of pure
silver, and the alloy to completely covered as to
prevent detection in any other way than by cut
ting. ' j
OrrstDlicntrrta ttrcSarglcal Art, '
Mr. Giillimlot, the editor rtl the New York j
CiHiiief ilea Etate Uiiia, declare that recently
on bin visit to E.irope he wat areeent at certain
experime'rita fee fere a rmm'ber nf medical men,
with the "water" or liirid of Signor Bmctbieri,
to drrtermine itsallcdjjo power or1oppin;arfte-
ritl liemifrrhaiTt.' ,s
"Mr. Uaillardet fleeliiTe, that in bis pretence I
I IIC Crtllll Ml llimirn UIIWHPnrrp win,; vti,
watimmeliately treated after the known me
iIumIi, while to the other wa jp,iliil a peilet
ot lint sveeped in th" liquor el Dr. Broechieri.
Tliu (.irmor Hiiui - I ho Ullpr in tiventv miiatM !
was completely restored and when set at liber
ty, b'-jjnn to eat with it tisinl freedo-rs rnnnm
and jumping aa when in p rfrct health. On
vxnminatinn ofthe wmmd, not any trace i0 blo.-id
wat dincnverable, not i-ven a cicatrix, but the
artery itself appeared In he restored, Mr.
Gaillardet aayt thst it ia described aa operating
upon the fibrin of the blood, and .thus producing
a new orjanizition of the usse. The water 1
ban been need in the French wlnnbteT houee,
where serious wound are constantly oconrin 1
from accident or careleatnew, anl of these elev- :
en hnudred and forty fivo ilnrin one year have j
been cured in twenty minutes by the npplicn-1
tion ef the fluid. General Preval.of the French J
cavalry, bat eaueed dep-witea of the water to be j
made in all the military hoepital and barrack.
Mr. G lillardet publivbct a letter from a medi
cal correKpondent, who, while willing to con
cede tome valne to Dr. Broechieri' discovery,
expresses- some doubt aboat the rcr,idMetio.i
ofthe artery. To kit correnpnndent Mr. Gail
lardet replies, that what a i.ian ret lie bulivet,
and q'lolet an article fri m the Ccnrir I'caa
cain, pivin; e etill mote rem irksblo account of
the -fftta prodttced by Dr. Bocchiiiri'a inveu
tion, from the pen of Mr, Ulanui, an eminent
French physician. That gentlemen more niin
utily describee the appearance of the fluid,
whtch he say u perfectly limpid, with a flight
acid teste and a strong smelt of tar, and is the
eaeence of various herb procured by dmlilUtion.
lie adds that it might be drank without any in
j.iriiui eftectt, as tho inventor proved by drink-
inp a glass of It iw Mr-lanrjurs pretence." .
This discovery, if what il is tepreeenteJ, is
one of immense Importance. U remain secret
yet with tho inventor.
On the 1st intt.. by the Rev. J. P. Sbindol,
Mr. Wat. llABTttt., to Mitt Maanta Cr-att, both
of Aufutta towntbip.
On th 31st alt., by the Rev, J. W. tVorrel,
Mr. Wn. GuLict, to Mist - VatTixt, both
of Rush township. .
On th Itt intt., by th Rev. R. A. Fither, Mr.
Wn. Smith, of Aufutta tp., to Mitt EuiaacTH
AoaMt, of Shamokia tp.
D I i: D,
On tbe 31st alt, Mr. CHRISTIAN FACELY,'
or AegatiaTthp , aged II ytart, 2 mouths and 2
POn TUB VBAH 1140.
Being aer the fourth of July, the 70 h of
American Independence
MONTHS. , 5 5 I I g 5 5
anitarv.. i" a "at
A 0 0 7 8 S 10
11 U 13 H 13 16 17
18 I9'20 91 22 UJ 31
ti 28,27,25 2il 30 31
FEBRUARY,' 1 2' 3 8 0 7
8 U 10 H 12 13 II
'' , 15 J6 17 18 10 20 21
. 3-2 23 31 20 20 27 38
MARCH, ' II 2 3 4 ft 0 7
8; 0,10 11 12; 13 14
' 10.10 17 IS 10 20 31
22 23 3 I 23 2(i 27 2
2D 30 31
APRIL, . 12 3 4
3 6 7 8 0 10 It
12 13 II 15 IG 17 13
19:20 21 22 23 31 33
20 27 39 W 30
MAY, . " 13
3 4 3 C ? S a
10 II 12 13 14 10115
17 18 19 20 a I 22 33
2 4 25 3t! 27 28 2U .10
JL'XE, 12 3 4 5C
7 8 0 10 II 12 13
11 15 10 17 18 I!) 10
. , 21 22 33 21 25 20 37
28 29 30
JULY, ... . , J 2 3 4
. 5 C 1 b 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 1" IS
10 20 21 32 33 24 35
26 27 :ib 29 30 31
2 3 4 f C 7 8
U 10 II 13 13 H 15
10 17 IS 19 30 21 32
21 21 35 20 37 28 39
10 31 I
SKPTEMDER, - f 3 3 4,' 5
0 7 6 0 10 11 12
13 II 10 10 17 IS iJ
20 21 22 23 21 25 20
27 28 29 30
ocMor.r.R, . " . 123
. ' 4 5 0 7 S 9 10
11 12 13 II 15 10 17
IS 19 30 :i 23 23 24
25 10 37 28 29 30 31
NOVEMiiEK, 1 2 3 4 5 H 7
... 8 9 10 11 12 13 11
15 IC 17 18 19,20 31
., ,-, 22 23 21 25 30 27 2
29 30
DECEMBER, - . 1 2 3 4 5
C 7 8 10 II 12
13 14 15 16,17 18 19
20 21 22 23 21 25 30
J37 2SJ2'.I 3031
DtSETs' PiiT This medicine 4 ar
kn itvledgej 10 be one of Ifi m st valutbl.1 evrr
d scnernl as a purifi r of the hluo.l and fluid.
Il it sup. iior t i 8 usspari 1 1, whether a a radnrifie
ur alterative, iind etand iiJnjlcly befnte all the
preparsl'on and re nl'lnstins of Mrrcury, t s
purgstive propt-rl'cs are tl.Hie of ine.ileulaldo valuo.
for there pills I taken dailv far any period,
nn-t. instesd of weakening, tty lite cathartic effort,
I hey add 'r-pgth by lakiug an ay the c.oe of
weakiesa. They bare i-one of the miser aMe ef.
f cts of that dradly eciflc, Nteicuiy. The Heih
are not injured the hones and limhe arrpaTa1t
ed n; bin, instead of ibeee iltsnrsaiiig tynt(toms,
new life and c n'eijaent snimsti in i trvhleut in
eery movement of rh body.
These Ti U, fr cold, couabs, rightiis of the
lies', ihrumtflism in the lietd T lrml will be
f-un.t ufMTtor V) any tiring rnist;inn4 of the pow
ers of medic-inn ; and in lnli.'U efTrctiona,diiaia.
and in all Ji ease peculiar to women, they shimld
l-c re rtedt at once. Thec rtafdreih IMU will
be foond ileu-MKit, of all piaiae. -
qQ lOT'haM of II. It. MatNT, Sunl'iiry, or of
ihv spoilt, pubKihrd in ano'iLcr put of iM psjer.
Vurretfcd uee.ty by tknry ftnstr.
WmT, ..... too
Rvs, . , . .63
Coax, . . . , ?0
Oar. . ' 35
Pttac, . , . . . fi
futsus, .1124
IIutth, . , , , - 10
Euait, - ' -t0
UtKtwtv., ' ' 25
Tat low, ... to
I'm. , . . . .til
Hkckimi I'm, . 10
Datcn ArrLss, . . .75
Do. I'kscmcs, toO
- IJnvlU KaHctuanN l:Mtate
NOTICE is hereby jiv-n that I. Hers of admin
Uirition have Ken gr inled i ilm u'eriler.
mi thecaUie of DjviJ )C'emsn, late of Itcah town
ship, dicM. Ail 11 sons imU-h'ed to tid r.late, 11
haing claims aeainst Ilia sme are rerpi.-sted in
call and siVlc without drlay. The ulfil-r will
aitind far llut purpose, 1.1 the buiita of Win. Fr
row, in CMiy.lrishiwn, on Fridsv and ffatur.lsy, tba
2Ulli and Hsl of February next.
J111. 10 h, 1310. Cl . Ad'mr.
Orphan') Court Sale,
IN imruuex if tn ordir of the Orphkii' Court
of Nir huniherlsnd cuinly, will l eaold at pidilic
feinlue, on 8aluidi.y, the Sl-t day of Januaiy.iu.t
oil Ihr in nii-rs. 1 1 wil i Ti e undividid b If pi
f a refiain trai l of Und, s.tuaied in Augusta I. wn
rhip, C'liitaintiig in the whi.le, ninety fle scrr
in-ra at Iraa, ai'jnining land of .Mirahim Wi lf.
Al x imler Siriikljiiit, J.4in Shipinsn and oiber,
n whiih ia erected two Mory lig Dwilln.g
H. ue, Uain Lr.LsU tba erote of Michael Nei.
dig dae'd. 8 ,hi .i eomtnenee at 10 oVIoik A. MH
of said day, when tba conditions of aala will tie
roads known by GEORliE CONRAD,
8unhury, Jan. 10, IM6.I ill . AJm'r.
, JN'o. 304, Market Street,
HAVE constantly on band the flieel quality if
Bilk and Fur lltla, which they - II at the lw
est pries a. 1'heso lists, in puiut of st le, beauty of
finish, and durability, will eoropsre with any man
ufactured in th oiiy, and aie well worthy the au
lention of purrbsaer from the country, '
Jtnutry S, IIH6.!
"Mature on1 Rtnerlcncej our
THE rttrsordintry ami wall taihentiealed care
wrought by the celebrated Boat Cosrtn
Put, a Dr, Smith's Improved Indisn Vegetahl
rill, hsve naturally drawn pohlio attention to
them. Perhaps n tba hislory of Medicine, from
the tim of Hlppocraie to the present day, there is
no evidence of a medical com pound obtaining equal
ei b hriiy i so short a lima. There wat never a
mrdeeine recommended by sneh high authority at
Dr. 8m ih' Pill. Dside their great enraiive
l-Mperiiee, (poae taint a they do, such astonish,
in p nvrr 10 nitrnll the mtural drains of Iheb w
dy. vigt the lung, Ki.l.M V, Kkin and Dowila.)
ihey are onlike all other pil'a eslrem-ly pteassnt,
lieing rna'ed with kngsr, and e ihry do not gripe,
nor produce i iu e'i, t anv i ther unp'etant eon
equenee. ih-'v be heei'me vers popular Itt Dy
pepaia, II sdaihe, t '.'Stivenrsn, Hi lions com;. hints,
Foul Slom irh. Fevee Worms. Van if AMiniiie,
Impuri 1 a of the IIIikkI, Dhstruetinn and Feimle
Compt;n geneiallv, Colds, &e. One of the mint
i fluen'ixl i d l-nevl.tnl la tie in New Y "k.
Mr. 8. A tl mll. Mtrni of li e U. M Natal H is
pnal, tij, "There! ho me.lirine in her knnwlrdife
so wi ll .Utted 1 1 the nnmi-roiis nil urn's of
kind, Dr. 8 nith's Su-ar C-.t.-d IMI.' Hie
eusjri .11 ree.'nicnd them to ladie..
03 tIAUl IO.N. -A a mierrsMe imitation h-
been H)de, by the nam" of J,Sng.r Caiel Pill ,"
it ia nrc.f s -ry to he sure lhat Da. O Uax. Smith
fimia'uie is on every bof . Piice 85 rent 4. OrHi-e. 173 Greeowirh st N w York.
8,dd by JOHN W. FHILINtl. A-,,ArV.
WM.EORSYTIIE. X,rthum'd.
Januiry 10th, IS40.
rilllE 9tro Uihk. Accounts and No es of II.
Ml II. M ns-er, Imvn hern lsc. d in the bands of n
inigUtr ite for c.illec ion. 1'eisifM vhn-ace4inis
have In-eii of long standi p, tnty sive coats by set
limit tie same without further ibdsy.
.r-nnhoty. Jan. 3. IH46 H. H. M .NRR
IS lii rel-y given lo tho 3 okh Mrs of the Da.
vdle will Po t-vil e Ka I Roitd Company, 111
l ui'tiame of the provisions rH.t.iin'd in the art of
incorporation, an rlrcti m will l-e h-l l b twe-ii the
Lours of tl oVI rk A. M . mid 3 oV'ovk P. M-. on
the 7ib dsv of J.iiinsi). 184G the rooms of ihe
Oiiaid of Tiaile in the Mi nclinuls Eachaiiite in lite
c'Uy of P!iiluiMihiii fir .01 I'rvbidmt, ten Mima
gers, a Trrasur. r and Kecreltry, and u-h ther ef
ticers as may be I'vetned nerieairy, lit iveun il
the Pwrili d y of M.iy, enduing, a- d 110 if I k ofi.
i-era are cbo'i n. ""A MIXL R. WOOD,
Decrmlier 2fl.i, 1845 3i l'.ei.l.'iii.
Oitli:uii' Court Sale
IN pttrMiince of an or ler of the Orphans' Court
of Noithundwrl.iTid cnnly. will Iw l.l a ml
He sa'e, on Mm day the It h d iy of J till .ry. If 46.
atllie hii! iif Wm K. Ihin, in Augna: ton
ship. in sid couniy. to wit: -
A ci rtiin tract ef land shnilein Ihe t.wn-h'p
aforesaid, adjtiniog lands of Wm R.J ne. Join,
Hart. ari Ihe river Ktisqurharma, rnntnining eii;h
ly , acres more or 1 s About fifty ansi of
sjid rtact arec eril and sjndei a good stale, ofctil
litMi in; the nsidiie ia well limbered. The said
Uacl i eligibly situated for mitl-ng or ninnufriuring
poritoses, a nn excellent wa'er powi r it !.fTril.l
by Milos Run, running ibroujtb t'.e laud. Ti e
sid tret is locisnd on the tSiuquebanna, about 8
miles below 8un1ury, nn the ro d leailmtt fr.-m th it
pluce t.i IlerrisSuig. Tbe land ia cmnprisrd of
bono o land and iip-biml, hl h wi'l be sold toge
ther or si'p irj-ely, as may be deemed moat ail'isa
ble. I.ale the esiata of Cot. John Junes. derM.
Sale to commence at tt) o'cl ok, . M. i f sa d
day. when the eomliiion of ade dl be madd
known by flte hiim and dminatr mra. " '
WM. II MtENt'H, . . ,
WM. It JONES, f , die heirs.
Decern' er 20th. 1S45 41 1
ALL persons indrb'rd to the firm of Ceorge
Rnhrlachc Brotheis. ere hereby no ifii-d to
make payment, withoot Mrtlur drlsy, lo the nh
f rilt-i ; and ihte having claims ag i4ns iid firm,
will present them for tet'lenien'. AM n .les and
accounts of long a'anding will ba placed in the
hinds of a justice for r.ill.e i n. if ailemb-d to
sooti. ' JACOB UOIIl: BACH jr.
Seimirrv. V).e 20th. I84S. 2t .
I!slalc uf Jacob Urctacr.
NOTICE is hereby given, that I. ilei rf a.lmin-ii-lration
hae been gr.ntedli the aobarrilier,
011 lh estate of Jtcob Drrhcr, lata nf Shamnk'ii
towntbip, NoritmmlierUnd county, div'd. All
M-raoi indYlttd to 'aid estate, or hating d. nisni'a
agairst the same, are req'!lil lo pre nl the same
to the aubecrrbeforteubmeiil. without .l- 'at.
Shamekin. De. 13, 1815. 3t Adm'r.
Jli 11 llomnir r'ti'tMut'cs
NO I'ICE is bereliy (ivrn, lhat It-It- ra of a.!,
miiiiaiiatiiui have l-ci-n er int d lo Ih siiiveri
ler, ori the isinw of John H.iminer, lite of Print
lownliii. Noi:hmnliiiland county, di c'd. AD T
aous in'rhlrd to tsi.l tstile, or fating rl im a
gains' the same, are nqiietlvd to prcai-i t lh tamo
f ! a-t lenient In Ihe fuliscub -r, rs ding at n
Danti le, Dec, 13, 1845. Ct Adm'i.
THE li! arri' er, editor and put.liatier of lb Mi
lei'a Journal for the lasi titieeo ynr, hs
leen rngsgrd for 'h -List yenr. in collecting the
Material for a sink fir hih be has rrcured
the copy right, in tle Mlow:ng words t
"A History of the AnttiMiile Coal Trade of
8-huylkill and the adjoining Cnui t'ia, OeoiQg'Cil
and Statistical, croinpnnh d with Maps of tle dif
ferent eeims tbepioiemei.!, Iiivitii. nts,
('upait y, Ae .em'iaini; a complete and authentic
hi-tory of 1 ha prisOiil lin e In which will be ap
pended a S) noptis of the 1 on Tr 'e."
It la-1 ur ii t. ntion to emlnnre evety thing ttf in
irrrst in ibe woik, ronrec'ed whh the lia.le, up lo
the lejinniiig if the year H10 prepaied and ar
ungrd with a view of continuing tin puh'icaiion.
at ieriids of five or ten y-'ar, wuh soc'i additions
s ti e inciess.1 ira.le will wainnt Thes l.i n
che of trad - bat attorned an iiup-irlanra which
w.ll warrant auih a puldiealion, and he fels rou
fideut, i'.iii with the prori.-ie.l aid uf aeteial ceiiile.
men n I the Matwtiea already in his peioti, be
will furnish, lb I' with a ami, which, if ml
on of be moal iutetra lug in i a doiai'a, 11 will be
of great tu lo ihosa engaged and iutrreaied ill
tbeae brencbee of buainrssi.
A soon as the Mai, eke. are prepared, and some
idra can l formed uf the ptobable eipenae of pub
lisliing the woik, proposal will be issued fur the
fX AH tb tract of Coal land will be design,
led 00 lh Mp uf the Schuylkill Coal Region,
which will tooosnpauy ihe work.
Pottsvilla, Nov. 83, 1845.
LE l 0,S. Uh of good, ir.b LamoiiB, just
loceivi d and for sakt by
"mW 7 UK AT The bighesi price given (U
V W Wbeal, tt the store of H. MAUSCK,
A new supply of Kote Ointrps5l
rect ived.
Nor. Bib, 1815. Kt
COME WHERE t Why wheiedo yn .op
pose but to the Cheap Store of Henry Master,
in Market street, Sunburv. And for what purpose
do yon Ihink they eome t Why lo buy rhrao, to
be sum. tnd ssve at lea. 20 per eent. 7)le; nit7
do noth in' eUe.n because K is a well known fai l
that at
the vary be-t articles are Sold t Ihe very I iw-t
prices. Now eome. one and nil ; hui d n! at e -me
Wbeie ou will ftnd a Splendid Assoitmei.t of
Fall und Winter Irjr Oooda,
Jiit received, among which are the following t 8n
peifl'ie I reiu-h Ilroadfilolhj West iif Eogland An.
lfesy (lesser do , a fi'st r ,te sr'ic'e fir Overeoata,
and a g-eat variety Wo I Dyid, Ulatk and Fan.
cy C issiineres. S illiooit. Mouswin-d -Iniiie-, Id p.
il.-.l.iiiies. C liniere, A'tis a is. Ate., eke. Afo, a
lwaut;ful as-iwnoent of C.ilicoea of the latest styl
ami pst'eri'S. nhich i I sold cheapei Ihm ever j
nlo, Wo den an I ntbrr Slniwl in grrt vsiie'y.
f'om 40 rls. In $ 10 ; a grnenl sssortment i f llo
iery, (JI -vc, Sospeiidor. Mum, etc eke a lrre
aortiiient rf Women's. Mi-n'a and Mi-sas Cum
Sho. which wi1 lie sold ehcir ihan cr before
off riil.
I'o hi Ikewi-, in ed tifmis to the abive elork,
ssi i si.-nsive a-sortme it , f Q irlmware, Hardware,
Saddlery and Cntcer'm Migai from) 10, IS
and IS if. per lb; (ni.I CotUie al 10, Veiy Drat
si 12. Also, N ils; Spikes; Iran; 8underwi' la-sl
Cull Nil; English, American tnd Swet-d Ulister
do. i'l ah irl. f very tiling iS il is usually kept In a
Country Store, sli of which will be sold at ery
reduced piiiea.
qT" Country ProJuce of all kind laken in ei
ctirfnge for Oo-kIs.
Suobuiy. Nov.54d, I8LV
IRRO are to li.f nn the public thst t have I. ft
Philadelphia, ami am now Incited in Hani.
Iurg, ihe seat of the Kierntive nnd Siale Oov-rn-nienl
v( PeiirisyUarii, wlit-re I now occupy the
sp clous Hotel, iiiei.tly kept by Mr. Matthew
This apaciiius bui'diiC, having been pnrpnse'y
dinril mid irecti il for . Hotel nf the firal class,
is not surpassed if rqua l. il. by any similar rstsb
lis'imei.l in Pi nnsx Ivani i ; and having unt'e-gone
a lhor uih renov ti.n. li e parlors, rooms and
cliaml" rs sre no. fiui.l up i i a a'yle that com
bin's ileniiee with comfort and convenience
Mv T.Mll.R i ftedjrd to le supplied with the
best fare ihe Maikrts can produce: the charge al
the a mn t;me leiog as inm'crste 1$ anv ofthe best
regul.iled ns'1 lishin 'nts ehwwhero. In short, nn
en ilion sIikII be -prid on my pirt, or on ihe prt
of evny ineml-er of iriy h.ui-holil, to make it whit
K st nuid lie, in t'-e Cpit d of one ofthe most pop
udnis and in'rrestin Sate, ofthe Union. ''
With these pr mi-, accommodation and faei
liti , and the 1 I that tle Hotel i most eligibly
situated, I wi It confidence, most respectfully soli
cat (he iaronge of inn l ulme.
I.'ite of Herr's 1 1. ml, Che.nul st., Philad,
ITsrri burg. Nor. 23. 1H45. 8m :
HE snlocri'or ollfts for sile an Eight Horse
owrr Engine, complete in a'l its part. A-
ply at R 'ill's invern, 22 mile from SunLury, on
be turnpike Mad . a.lo'g 10 I'oltsville.
No. 22. 1815.
I Of Ihe lit Kra, nf Xrnihi'rtc A Slrvktr. tin, I
Slrykrr A I'ognr,
HAS remmed the tt holes ile Dry CT.xmIs Uusi
nets, and now offers for sale, at Nos. 12 and
11 Dank etreit, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers,
Clahom & Cn'a Auction Store, No. 78 Market
street, general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
pmchaaej at auction, al a very small advance fur
i ssli, or ci y accepiano.
Ui'licving that his long ripetience in purchssii g
will 1'iiidde liim to s. II his Goods at the lowest Mar.
k't piires, he invite hi old friends, tnd others
wis' iug to liuv, 10 favor him wiih a call.
Phil.deb.hh. Nov. I. 1815. 6m
A"u. 18 A'aHh Xlh hi tel. a few door afkt-e Market
HAS cont nliy on hand a very Urge assort
ment of Lok:ng Glaa--s, Uatkets, Win
d Fancy Good', which will be cold wholesale al
the verr lowest price.
N. B Lnokmg G'aasra insured to any part of
'he coiuitrv, without charge.
Nov. 1, '18456, n
AV:lclu's, Jewelry, &.C.&C.
riHE iil seril'or clVurs f.w tale, ut the loweal pre.
X ces, a laige ai d general asaorlment of Gold
and 8 Iver Levrr, I.ei ino and other kinda of
Wiches; Jewi-lry, S lver Waie, Ebony and Gilt
Mant. I I'l.M-ks. anJ Mus cat Untea playing from
two to ten tune ; llene.licl 6c lUiney'a Diamond
Point, d Gold Pen J Wutcbmikors' Tool, Files
and Ma eit'ls.
O.dt-rs fioin the eisiiiilry am solicited, and will
liecnefudy aneuded to. JOHN i FAKK,
112 Cb. suut sU, Ptiiladelpbi.
N .v. I. 1S15 4 rt
To l'ui'Clsuavrs of
fM'IK .iihseril', No. 121 Pearl lrett, New
X Viok. having e.tnhli-hed a Branch at No. 23
tiomh S -conil tt., PhiUde'phia, is now opening,
and wi'l tie eons'st.tly riCfivin rom tho New
York A iriioin. an riten.iv assortment of
whiih will lo sold s the lowest Ni'w York pi ee
nl wboh-Mle nd R- tail. Among h i sl k will l
fouinl a ii-mkI Miitmint of the folluwieg aitictes:
Jaeconi'ls, Plaid. Hair ('old, I. see, U ri, Uok,
8wiaand 1'aila'an Muslins,' Huh. p and Linen
Liw ns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fsncy and Ball Drewes,
Thread Lares, Application D V, rich B'ark Bilk
Trimming Lsce, Irish Linrnt, Linen Cambric.
Linen Cambric Hdkf.,Cuttain Fringes; Cathmeie
d'Ccot-e, Muutebnn de Lain. Pilk and f-ottnn
Warp Atpoeca. Qu -en' tooth, Gal Plaids.
Fren.h Meitnoa, Blatk Silk. Glove. Hi k Hose,
Shawl, Ciav', Ribbons, Embroidrrira, cke &e.
Cuontry Metcbanta and other visiting Philadel
phia, or New York to purchase, are rrsprcilully in
vited to esll and examine lb atotka.
Nov. I. 1815. ly O. H. MOORE.
Will practice In th aaiiral Court t( lb City
and County of Philadelphia.
Hi office It al No. 35 ttaulh FOURTH 8:ierl,
between Cliewaul ti.d Walnut sUi els.
Philadelphia, Slept 20ih, 1815. 3.n.
To tho Publlo.
e rng 1-
eommenee on Saturday, Oct. I Ith, 184ft.
Tiat 1 Three Dollars per annum ia advanrgy
on, .
One opy one jeti in advenes, $ 3 00
One copy two yrara, , 6 00
Two copies one yeir, . ' , 6 00
Five, t . . 10 00
Eight, , , . , . 1 6 00
Twelve, . , t 30 00
AnJ to every subscriber to either Ihe WEEKLY
or DAILY, ws will give a copy of
Willis's Letters from London, Complete,
In nn handsome ExtS', uniform with th Wef...
It Miaaoa. Thii Comprises the FiasT Saattt
f LiTttas, and with the New Volume will enm,
menea the Ntw 87ata. written from Ihe Bovra;
or Euaori, when the weekly Mirror will be ep
rsie'y edited with pgrhusr eare, and with mnrf
peeiil regard lo th jrant and tasiea of country
suhscijliai. Wa shall putdish more tales, and le
mstler ihstis merely local and by using in part a
smillrt type, we sbs'l ta able to inciease tbe quan?
tity aa well t improve lb quality of what wg
give to our readers.
We shall endeavor to mi.k
A diveraifird, entertaining, inttruc ive and Vslusblg)
chronicle of ihe timet, orrAMnv Ktwspirsn, (la
a from for binding in one or two volume at the end.
of the year,) upon which neither labour, lime, thlen',
n ir mor.; y will be spared. Il will be-esft r be en.
riehed wiih original cot thutions ihe life, tpjrai
and spirit nf the foreign journal and contain ail
tbe new, intelligence tnd variety bflhedsily hcef,
handsomely piinled on fine paper, manufactured foe
Ihe ei press purpose, and will l e forwarded by the
nailieat mads, in ettong wrapper, to every pait i f
the United State and Canada. rttagefree with,
in thirty mile of New York. All communication
ahnu'd be addtre'cd pelt paid, to Morri. Willi At
FutUr. 'corner Ann end Nassau fclrreU. New Yoik,
Th best in the World fur CLanliiutt, Comfort
and Economy.
No. 97 Socrn Stcoxs St., PHILADELPHIA,
HAS now on hand a large assortment of ORR'4
t:elebrated Patent AIR TIGHT STOVE",
lo which he would call the attention of every Into
lover of comfort and economy, for which qnal.ti-s
they cannot be equalled by any Stone in tbe woild.
They are a light St ive, and can be conveniently
carried to any dittance, and being constructed fr
ihe use of wood, tbey are particularly adap'ed lo a
ick room.
Many ibooiand of this Stove being nnw in use.
their good equalities are too well known to need
Mr. Ti sunt ia tHe first authorised agent it
Philadelphia, and ha been making them constnt
ty for tbe last five or six year. There can lie no
fear of not getting the genuine Stove of him, and
they are all warranted to give entire satisfaction.
No Air Tight Stove are genuine, wiihuiit a bias
pi it with tba Inventor' name ai.d dute of tho
He has also on band a large assortment of Cook
8iovts, Rimaron, and all kinds of Fancy Coal
Stove, at Ihe Old Establishment, No. 97 SoulU
Second above Walnut street.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1845. 2m
H'c rreommenJ nil of our friends visiting the
city, to call at the Pekin Company's Store,
and lay in a supply of their delicious Teas.
No. 30, Sjcth Stcosn St at it, Bctwet n Market
and I'hesnut,
HAVE constantly on hand, and for tX',
Wholesale and Retail,
At Lower Prices,
according lo the quslity, than Ihey can be boug'.f
for at any other estsbtishment in ihe city.
CCy Teas, exclusively, ire sold at this house,
and several varieties which cannot be obtained elm
where. Any Test which do not give iniiio stiti.
fsction can be returned and exchanged, or the ni'
ney will be refunded.
The citizens of Noithunjberland county are te.
sprclfully invited to give us a call.
Agent for tbe Pekin Tea Company.
Philadelphia, Sept. 27th, 1 845. ly
DAG UEfiRH y GALLER Y of Patent Premu
tim Cvhrtd likenesses, and Photographic
. Depot 1
No. 136 Chesnul Street, Philadelphia,
No. 251 Rroadwav, New York ; Nn. 75 Court
Bluet, Boston ; No. 136 Cheanut 8. ret. Tbil.
delplva 1 Baltimore fe'trevt. Baltimore Hrojil
way, rlaraloga Springs No 66 Canal Street.
New-Orleans ; Msin Street Newport, R. I. And
Main Btreet, Pu Buque, Iowa.
CONSTITCTINO the oldest and most Ext. ii.
aiv Eatablt-hment of the kind in tha World,
end containing mora than a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, em I racing thoae of some nf the most
distinguished individuals, in the I'uiied Slatsw.
Admittance) free.
1 bi Establishment hiving Wen awarded ih
Medal, Four First rremiumr, rnd tu-o "Ibphrtt
tl'jtiors'' at the Exhibition at Boston, New-Yn k
end i'biladelphia, respectively, for het Plctute-i Hl,d
Apparatus, w Ihua ofllcially austaineil in the pci
tiou of tuiwriority hrntofore universally tt.ignni A
by the public, aa "Firtf in the WbrJ."
June IMih, ISO. ly
THE SUBSCRIBER hit been appointed i-i-m.
for tbe tale i.ft'ONRAD MEYER'S CEL.
A NOS, at this place. These Pianos have a p'ain.
maasiv and Uautiful axterior fini-h. and, for ilep'b
and sweelnees of tone, and flegince of oikman.
ship, are not 'jrpai-rd by any in the United Xiaii a.
The following is a recommendation from ('set,
Diar, a cetibrated perfo'mer, aaJ himstlf a man.
Hivie bad lb plraunt of Iryirg th eieel.
lent Piano Forleo inaiifsotured by Mr. Myyrr, and)
eihiblird at th lat exhibition" of ih Franklin In.
atttuie, I feel il due lo the true merit of the maker
lo I'ecltr lbt thoae instrument arc quii equal,
nd in soma retprct even superior, 10 all the Pl
ant) Fortes, I ttw at the capital of Euiope, eud
during a sojourn of two year tt Paris.
These Piano will b to d at lb manufacturer
lowest Philadelphia price, if not eomeihing b'wr..
Person r requested 10 call end examine fur
ihemaelve, at Ih re.i.lenc of -he subtenhet,
Suiibury.May 17, 1845. 11. B. MASSE
B AR IRON Just received and for oast. t' fp
forca-h,by HENRY MVEI
Sunbuiy, Srin'.'SO, IM6,