From the Railway Expr. The Iran Age. The Golden age the Age pgold! Poefa have sting, ami vstoriani tolj Of the tnofal, W.fch cast into mortal mound . fiiealar patterns produces ; Rntaliis! for that very auriferous ti No more is it suhjert for story rhyme ' For by "Rail1 up Fame' fepI-crowned era dient we climb, - And Iro 'bgme of the Muses, Fama- tunnelled ; anil Castaly's fount j, indeed. . Even Ilelicon'a turned to account; All the Mines have shares, and they glide (but not mount) On a prosy detestable lever. Tlipir lines are worth nothing at all, for 'tis seen That Chalybeate water's their false Hipporrene, And Robert Montgomery shows ns, I ween, That epics are gone to the Devil. Iron Iron, and nothing beside ! We sit on it live on it walk on it ride ; Ten treatise of peace with it or by our side We wear it for purpose of Cghting ; Old England had "Ironsides" once for a King, Napoleon was crowned with, Milan's Iron ring; And sulphate of Iron's the principal thing In the fluid with which I am writing. 'Tis Iron that binds with its terrible chain ; O'er Iron, in freedom we skim the broad plain ; Ami if love should afflict with an ache or pain, A remedy Iron discovers. ' For a wild Iron horse gets a poke in bis sides, And with raging hot ribs off to Gretna lie glides, And distance utiiteth, instead of divides, A couple of runaway lovers. Iron, they say, may be found in the blood, And Iron, we know, otten spills life's red flood, And cold Iron will lop off a man in his bud ; Even "into the soul" it enters. Words are 'ron-ic, and were one to ask Where 'tis rwf ? to reply were as difficult task As to find out the man in the strange Iron mask, And wao were his mystic tormentors. Iron newspapers to chronicle crimes Rooks made of Iron rare 'Tracts for the Times;' Iron to sound out the gay birth day chimes : And when we're Mortality doffing, Death's Iron hand to an Iron couch sends us, Ferruginous mixtures are made up to mend ns, And when cold as Iron still Iron attends us In the shape of a safe Iron coffin. Iron, and Iron wherever we go? 'Tis before us behind us above ami below; ritttus' tears were of Iron but rhymes cannot show , The varieties or amount of it ; TV Irons should hunt for that book under gronnd, Iron clasped (rile Scott,) and by Iron, too, bound, That of this iron age, ages hence may be found, On its pages some written account of it. IMtatrcsfetl for Cash It is certainly bad for any one to tie short of rash ; but for an editor, and Rev. D. D. too, to be on the point of sinking for want of tha n-edf nl, is realy hartrcndinj. llul eueha caee tias actimlly occurred. The Rev. C Percy Howe, 1). D., editor of the 'Hollar Democrats,' fumewhere in Ixiuisiaiia, thus aflectingly calls on his 'signers,' in trim poetical style. Won dtf if the hint might not be taken by signers eorne other paper ? lint hear him : Come, ye signers, proud and lowly, Rich and ragged, lean and fat, Come and fork o'er what yon owe me, For the Dollar Democrat The parson anxious to Teceive it, Ah ! he sadly needs the. chink, Every cellar bright, believe it, liie for paper, rent and ink. Pray don't hestitate ye signers! Of the Ti inter's pittance think Send, O send the silver shiner ! Quickly, Cash us, or we kink! it Makkiku A Europpan rhilostrpneT bus fjrnitihpd the world with sot ho very inter- etinr sthttetics, shewing the benefit of mtT- riae-l;le he hayii aiimn unmarrk'J men, nt tlm aires ol CroiN thirty tu forty five, the average utiibtT of dentin are uly ri'hteen. For forty-one buclieluTs wlto iittain the ajje of forty, tlnre arc fvi tity!ijhtiurriel uion who do the tame. At sixty there are only twenty-two un married men alive, for tiinety ciht who litve been married. At seventy, there ire eleven bachelors ta twenty-eeven married men, wnd at eighty, there are nine married men for three smgle one. Nearly tlm umo rule holds good in relation to tlte female sex. Married women at th a;;e iif tlinty, tuken ono with Brother, may eKict to live tturty-six yeara longer while tor the unmarried, the expectation of life it; only thirty years. Oflhoee who attain theajre of kirty-fivo, there are eeeirty. two mar ried women lor tidy stete ladies. These data are the Teairltof actual, by observing the difference l biftgovity tjotweoti the married and tha unniarrred. A Gooa ?4voukktkin. IV'tiice Albert baa been dutributrng MKmgthe people of England a pamphlet, omUemwj? exlractx from a speech delivered by J)r. Buckland, t'euleeaor of Geolo y, at the town I Ull, llirmingtiam, wherein the roper treatment of the potato, under existing rcumetancfs, is tct forth. i'uncU" thinks it ould have bee a great deal better, "under ating ciicmnstancev," to have dutribu'.ed the Hoes inatead of the pamphlets. HANK HiOTV LIST. ' PEKXSl'LTAfflA. a f 9 The following list shows the curreninplicit re Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The.s Is every week nance msy be leej upon Ibrrectrd from Uick- jBrnuiiy compared with r nsll's Reporter. J j. Philadelphia. IjOCATIOW. Naur' I uilin. NOTES AT PAR. ... . ...... i llHFilKl , , , aink of the Northern Liberties par par par par par par par par par pir far Commercial Dank of Penn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank Kensington Bank , , Philadelphia Bank ' , . . 8chuylkill Bank Snttthwark Bank Western Bank . . . Mechanics Bank . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Rank . Country Hanks. Bank of Chester County Westchester pir par par par pur pur pir Bank of Dots ware County Bank of ( Icrmautown Bank of Montgomery Co. Dnylestown Bank Chester (crmantown NotfNiown Doylealown Fusion banlon Bank Fanners' Bank of Burks co Office of Bunk of Peini'a. lirbtnl llarrMiing t 1 hce Office do do do do do do Lancaster Rending Easton 1 offices ( do not Office Office J issue n. NOTE8 AT DISCOUNT. Bank of the United Slates Philadelphia no par par par "V u Bank of Perm Township Oirard Bank Moyameneing Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Potlsvillc Bank of Lewistnwn Bank of Middletown Bank of Nnrthumbeiland Pofisville l.ewivt'iwn Middlctnwn Northumberland par Columbia Bank & midge eo.Colunihu par Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank I)o do branch of Farmers' Bank of I.anrastei Lancaster County Hank Farmers' Bank of Reading Harrisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' ct Manuf. Bunk Bank of Piltshurg Weal Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bsnk Berks County Bank Office of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do ' do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Pittsburg Hollidavshurg Lanc.astci i i par par par i pat I i i u I! Lancaster Reading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pittshuig Williamsport Wilkcharie Allentown Reading Pittsburg failed do New Brighton la do Chambersburg (lettysblirg Montrose do Penn Township Sav. Ins. Bank of Chamhershurg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' At Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Honesdale Bank Monnngahela Bank of B. York Bank i ljalj J'i u 1 u Eria Wayrieshurg Washington Honesdale Brownsville York 21 N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which we ami! quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia broker, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed failed filled failed I'owanda Bank Towandu Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank ' City Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs'.Bank Farmers' A. MechVs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope DeL Bridge Co. Northumb'd Uuhm Col. Ilk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank .Silver Lake Bank . Union Bank of I'emi'u. Westinoielund Bank Bedford Beaver Harriidiurg Washington Bellefoute Pittshuig Pittabarg Fayette co. (ireeneast'e Harinony no sale closed closed failed closed no sale failed failed failed no sale Huntingilon no sain I.ewixiown no sale Warren Dundaff New Hope M ilton Meadsillo Port Carbon Carlile Monlrose Uniuntown (ireeriBlmrg W ilkeaharre failed no sale close I. no sale closed failed closed failed closed Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. no sale (Jj All notes purjHirting to he on any Ptmuy. vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set lown as frauds. kkw jr.icsr.v. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick Belvide e Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Medl'ord Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Cumlierland Bank Rrideton Farmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Railway Farmers' and Mechanics' lik N. Biunswick failed i par i par par i fuiled Farmers' and Men hanls Bk Middletown Pt. J r ranaiin uana o: i. J. Jersey City Hotioken Ukg& tiramig Co Hoboken lereey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank , I'alierson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank Momstown Monmouth Bk of N.J. - Freehold Mrchanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newaik fuiled failed failed failed failed 4 failed 4 par no sale i New lio Del Bridge Co LamoerUvilte i N.J. Manufae. and Bkg 'o Hohuken failed tailed 4 failed 4 par par N J Proteclon 6l Lombard Ik Jersey City Urange Dank Orange Paterson Bank I'alerson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Balem Banking Co 8alcin htale Bank Newark eilale Bink F.liatihtowii rltate Bank Camden StaUi Bank of Morris Mnnislowii tftule Bank 'J'reniou eialeoi and Philad Manuf Co Ksleiu JSussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. llackeasack IF.L.4WAII& Bk of Wilm Sl Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmingtuu Bank of Smyrna " Bmyma Do blanch Milford Fanners' Bk of (State of Del Dover Da . brauch Wilmington Do Uaueh Georgetown Do branch , Newcastle Union Bank WilinMigton ay Under 5'a 4 i par 4 failed failed 4 par i failed par par par par par par par par par fjj On all banks marked thus () there are ri. ther or altered note of the various tis- noouiiaUoua, ui uicuatiou, rni iirri'v iTltifililf sirtCclto. "I Basnasa's Vaasnrooa-a errtain eure fur worms itfe and very plrnmnt to lake. 2. Giasos's Et rnCT, which remove Grease of all kind, Dry Paint, Tar, Varnish and Wax, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. . 3. Lonnosj Fi.r Papkb the best thing known for killing tliea and musquitoes. " 4. A certain Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants, aiid another of Bed Bua. ft. (Icon's SrtteiFie for S'Hir stomarh, Heart Born and Water Brash, by one who had suffered thirteen yaara, before ha discovered the cure. ' Dn. HTfvrm'a GnKKW Oistmknt for the Pdo. It has never failed to ruie. 1 7. Haisna's Tt:TTr.n Wsn. R. Dan. von n'a InnKMftLK Ink, without a rival, 9. Tun ('iiMrnuxn t'oiri.cTiof of Fins just the mpilii ine for childieu and for woiurn, it Is ho pleasant l lake, 10. Rm-k's VsnKTsai.R AiTiaiLiors Pim.s. 11. (Jim n's E mom. if. nt Wa i Kn-riunir Pis-rr", dr ll.rinis. Boots, A.c. Itsi.lieiis the leather, and J keeps not the water. 13. Pon Mn's STtiKNornrNiNd Pusrsa. LI. JrKoN' Di.tnnniK MiXTfas, whieh cor. s tbe worst Dinirhrra in a few hours. It Ji nsot'a DfsF.NTT MiTTraf, a cer tain and sa-tdy cure for Dysentery and Summer Complaint. I he alsrve Valuabln articles are solil wholesale and retail, bv L. O. fi UN N, AV. 1 .WA F-fth ttrrrt, 'i'WiVi.ff whera Sionkeejiers and o ihers will lie supp'ied with pure African t'ayenno Pepper, Arnica Floweis, Druirs, Paint", Oils Glass and Vurnithcs, at the lowest prices. Terms only cash. fXj" Gut out the adverliHemenf, and bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 13I.V Iv. ifF: i7Fk V iTX I) L I V li . THOMSON'S C'oii!oiiiiI Syrup of Tar .VtVontl A'apflia. flHE uripreredt nted suecei-a of thi medicine, in J. tho rpMtoralioii i.f healih, lo ihone who, in des pair, bad given up all hopes, has given it an Hal ted reputation above all other remedies, furiii-hiiig evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as the on ly agent which can lie relied upon for the eure of Pulmonary Consumption. Broiiehiilis, Asihrnn. Pain in the iilo and lirra.t, Spitting of Blond, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c. Attention is requested to the following ASTON. ISIIING CI'UE.hv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha ! ! riiila.Ulphia, Mutf Till, Iflll. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of the attnut.hing effects of your nie.lieine, ohich has literallv raised me from s de ith-beil ! My difea-e. Pulmonary Cmifump. (ion, b nl reiluceil me t-n low thnt my physician pro. no. meed my case hopeless ! At this junction I be en to ii -e your medicine, and miraculous as it may teem, it has completely restored me to health, alter everything else had failed. Respertfullv vours. WASHING I ON MACK. Charlotte street, alove Geoige street. Thp undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and his suflcrings, bear witness to the astonishing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a hove statement. JDS. WINNER, 31ft North Third street, DAVID VICKEHS, 42 Almond street, HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. E. corner Tamany and Fourth street. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of Mb and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Maasrr, Sunhury ; D. Gross, and Dr. Macpherson, Hai-rishurg ; Jno. G. Brown, Pnttsville J (ieo. Earl, Renling ; Houston & Nin on, Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. Price 50 cents per bottle, or $5 prr dozen. (JJ" Beware of all imitation. .f Philadelphia, June 2Hth. I . It ' iTkmtuk Beginners. ritllE subscribers would respectfully inform the .1. Citizens of Sunbuiy and the public generally, that they have purchased the shop of Mr. William Hoover, in Market street, oi?e door west of the Post Office, wheie they will continue tha C'aliiiici-.llnkiii ISiiMncsw, in all its branches. The public may expect their work done m the la'et-t style. They hope, by strirl attention to butims', t.i merit a share of public patronage. fXj" Coffins made to order on the Rhonest notice, and country produce tnken in exchange for work. W M. VO U Mi MAN fi H. C. M A RTI N . Sn.ibury, May I7h. IS4.'. ly. WHOLESALE & RTAIIi HAT & CAP M A INiU F A CT U 1 1 E It S, South East rnrntr of Market and ilk fit.. l'liiladelihia, A VT HE RE they always keep on hand an exten- sive SMiortraent o( HATS It CA PS of every description, got up in the best and most approved stj le. Persons deiirous of purchasing superior arti cles on the most reasonable terms, will find it to their advantage lo call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia. Oct. fith. 1814. lv Couutc-rlWtt'iV DEATH BLOW. rPhe public will please observe that no Brandreth - Tills are genuine, unless the box has three 1 1 buls upon it, (the top, iha siite and the bottom) ei.rh containing a fic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus U. BaisnatTii, M. D. These la. bel- ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed. i and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore ' i f .Kilt lui u.n ihm it I a !. i . v. a wm ... ...... .. ...... ,., ...... cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom The following respective persona are duly sulhuri ted, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of Hrandreih't Vegetable Universal Villi. Northumbeiland county : Milton Mackey & Ch.iinbeilin. Sunhury II. 1). M.isaer. M'Ewens ville Ireland A Meixell. Northumbeiland Wni, Forsyth. Georuetown J. & J. Walls. Union County: New Berlin Bogar cV Win ler. Selinsgrove George (iundium. Middle- burg Isaac Smith. Beavertowu David Hubler. Adamshurg Wm. J. May. Milllinshatg Mensch & Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg G.i F.C. Moyer. Lewishurg Walls & Green, Columbia county i Danville E. B. Revnosl & t o. Berwick Miunisn St Rillenhouse. (atJ l.uiiu. I? fl H-til .1 I.L'I)' -" - . uituiia. tJMiiiiiisirurg jorin, Mover. Jeiaey Town Levi Biael. Wa8hintor) Robt. McCay. Limestone Ualli! r MfNmhj Observe that each Agent haa an Engraved Cei tirVste of Agenrv, containing a representatifi of Ur BRANDKETH'8 Manufactory at Sing ling, and upon which will also be seen exact eoitca of the ntw hlels now used upon the Brandreti Pill Boms. i Philadelphia, office No. f, North Bth streal U. BRANDRETH, V. D, JUaf lip, ISAJ, WIST A It's m i.sam or wili ciiEnnv, A Comjinnitrt llalsnmlo Prefiarnilon from Wllil Cherry Unrk anrl Tar, Tlie bent remedy known to the world for the eure of coughs, enlih, asthma, croup, bleeding vf the lungs, whooping cough, bronchitis, mjlw , crisa, shortnet of breath, pain and weakness in the breast or side, ,, , liver eumdaint, and the first stages of CONSUMPTION. We will not assert that this BALHAM will cure Uohaumptinn in 1st mors form, but it 'has cured mnny after all other means of relief bad been tried in vain. And why hot 1 It seems, that the WILD CHERRY was destined by Natme to be our PA NACEA for the ravaging disrates of this edd 1 tiliiile. Let not the despairing Invalid waste his money and Ioojo TIME, lo him so all important, in rrfxritnriiling with the trashy nostrums of the day, tint use at nnre a medicine that will core. If a cure be possible s medicine that science approves, and many years of experience have demonstrated that It always relieves. ' " There is no snrh thing as fail" in the history of this wonderlol B M.SAM. Evidence the most convincing that no one ran doubt, fully etabli hes this fact. For the B ike of brevity wo select the following from thousands. Isa ic Plait, Esq., Editor of the Pokecpiie Eigle, one of the m st influential journals in the state of New York, stall s undci the authority of his own l:r)ine, thnt a young lady, a relative of his, of tery delira'e constitution, was attacked in Feb. 1842, with i-e'ere cold, which immediately produced spit ting of blood, cough, fever, and other dmeernns and shinning symptoms Through medical lieatoirnt and c ite she partially recovered during summer. But on tho return of winter she was attacked more violently than at first, sho became scarcely able to walk and was troubled with cough, chills and fever every day, and appealed to be going rapidly with consiimpiion ; at this time, when there aaj n i sign of improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a bottle of istaii a Bilsim or nn Cni.nRT, which she took, and it seemingly restored her. Xhc g it a sc. cond, and before it n half taken he was restored to pirfect health, which she has enjoyed to the pre sent tune, without the slighter! symptom ot her for mer disease. Mr. Piatt savs "the cure rune under my own nh seivalinii and I cannot be mistaken as to the farts." EXTRACT OF A T.KTTF.ll FROM A POST MASTER, It A TED Pkmrrokk, Yaebington co., Maine, Apr. 20, 1S I I. MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear fiir: At the re quest of many of my friends in this place and vici nity who are Rlllicted with consumption and liver complaints, I lake the liberty of asking ynu to ap- I jioml someone in this county as agent to sell W-is-th's B a ls a h of W ilo Chkiiht, and to send him a few, as there is none of it for sale within 200 miles from this. I have no doubt that it would me. I wiiu a reaiiy sale u u were wticre it coum 1 i iorureo wiinoui ioo iniitu expense aim oeiaar. My wife was attacked aheut aix months since wilh what the physicians called the first sjige of Consumption a complaint very prevalent ni this section of country. Having seen the Balsam ad vertised in Augusta. C7 200 MILES FHOIfl HERE, 3 I took the pains lo send there for a bottle of It, which she took, and which helped her jojlh that I sent for two bottles more, which shtSwrrTso la ken, and hn now says she has not felt so well for six years as she does at this time. All those who have inquired of me and uscertajQed what effect the Balsam had, are anxious lo have some for sale in this vicinity, which ia the cause of my writing you. Please inform me by return of mail whether you conclude to send some, and if so lo whom, in order that it may he known where it ran 1 had. I am wilh respect vours, etc. P. G. FARNSWOKT1I, P. M. The whole country is fast learning that no medi cineno physician no preparation of any kind whatever can eqnal Dn. Wistar's Balsam or Wild Chkrrt. A TIUXY HOMIERFI I. ( I RE. Waturvilik, Oneids co., N, Y. Sept 1 R, 1 843. Dear Sir I owe it to the aflhcted to inform you that in January last I was attacked by a very vio lent cold, caused by working in the water, which settled on my lungs. It was accompanied by a ve ry severe pain in my breast and sides, and also a ilistiessing cough. I had in attendance all the best medical aid in our village ; but after exhausting all their skill lo no avail, they pronounce. I my disease a coviRir.p rosstjMPTioK, and they one and all gare me up to die. After much persuasion I got the consent of my physician to use the Balsam or Wilh Ciirv prepared by Dr. istar. I pur chased of the Agent in our place one bottle, before using half of which I began to gain strength, and it was very evident my rough was much belter and my symptoms in every way improving. I have now used three bottles, and orrl restored to perftrt hrulih. This result ia alone owing to the use of DR. W (STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER. RY ; anJ I lake this method of giving you the in formation, partly to psy you the debt of gratitude I owe you, and partly that others similarly afflicted ma) know where lo apply for relief. Very truly yours, JAMES -RAGE. Ms, Palmer. I)ruggisl,underdateof Waterville, Sept. 2 lib, 1843, writes; The statement given you by Mr. James Ssge is well known to be true by this whole community. It ort iinly was a most remarkal lecure. The sale of the Hal-am ia very goad, and its success in cures truty flattering. Yours respfctfullv, V. I). PALMER. THK MOST ItKMAIlKVIlLK CUKK KVER ItKCOItDEI). HAinoariKLn, N. J , Apiil 20, 1843. On or abouMbe 13th day of October, 1841, 1 was taken with a, violent piin in the side near the liver, which ronroed for about five days, and was fol lowed by lie breaking of an ulcer, or abscess, in wardly, wlich relieved the pain a little, but rau.-ed me o thnw np a great quantity of offensive mattei and alsonuch blood. Being greatly alumed at this. I aiplied to a physician, but he said be thought he couB do but Itttlo for me except give mo some Merely Pills, which I refused to take, feeling saiit lid that they could do me no good ; many Ci ther wmedie were then procured by my wife and fiieuls, but none did me any good and the di. rhage of blood and corruption still continued every fey days, and at last become so oflensive that I -ii i . .... cifl'u scarcely ureal ne. i was also arize J wittJ a vi of-nt cough, which at limes caused me to raise iuih more blood than I had done before and my iisease continued in this way, still growing worse, (mill February, when all hope of my recovery was given up, and my fiieads all thought I would die of a tiALLuriaa Curscmptioh. At this moment. when my life was apparently drawing near iu clone, 1 heard of DR. WISTAR'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, and got a bottle which ac likvid an i m m kdiatelt ; and by the use of only three bottles of this medicine, all my pains were removed my cough ami spitting ot blood anJ cor ruption entirely slopped, and in a few weeks my health was so far restored as lo enable me to woik at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up to this time 1 have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. Glol-cestrr Cnt'iTT, N. J , ss. PvrsvttttHy came before uc, the subscriber, one of tha Justices of the Per In and for the sij coun ty, Thomas Cozens, and being duly affirmed ac. cording lo law, svith the above' statement is in all things true, ' Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April, 18 13. ? J CtSMSST, J. P. S Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL. SAM, WATIRE'S FAVORITE WESCRIPTIG" a prescription congenial to our wants, as it is pie. pared fnm chemical exttaets from sujb-tances wh.rh tho author of nature has placed in our own land for wise purpo-es that many who know nothing of the mode of its preparation are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefits by selling an aitirle similar in name, or in appearance, or bv representing their own lra"h as suia-rior to this BALSAM, or by put ting tip a mixtuie and solemnly asseverating that it is imported Irom a foreign country, whirh is not the case. All these deceptive aria goto show that Wistar's Balaw is known to the world lo be "THE tillF.AT JiEMEDY." and that lo srll any mixture it must be like this in name, or pur port to he like it in substance. (j 7" Believe not the cunningly wrought fabrics lions n I take oti'y the original and genuine WisTAa's It of Wn.n Cimanr. NO OTHER CAN OS LIKE XT. Addr II or.lers to ISAAC BUTTS, No. 32 Ann St., New York. Agents, JOHN W. FKH.I.NG. Sunhuru, D. BRXUTIGAM. Nnrthtunherlund, J. K. MO Y Kit. ltfot,mlirg, J. WAGGONS KLLEIi, Svlhis-tirm-e, IIKOWX cV CREASY, M,lniville. Feb. 22d, 1S15 ly OAKLEYS nrPMi.tTivi: s rU i THE valuable properties of Oakley's Depura live Svrup of Sarsaparilln, as a imrifier of the bl.XHl, is so well known to the public generally, tlml it is urinecesK.iiy to ucriipy much sfiace in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use ; when ver the meiliriue has once been intro duced, it takes precedence mer all others: eveiy one t bat has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that 't ia recommended by them with ihe n'mo.n coiif,dence. Physicians of the hiirliCft standing in the profession, prescribe it to palients tinder their rare ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composed nt the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable material, it is offered wilh coiifiileice, as the cheapest and most efficient pu- I rifier of the blond now known. The use of a few bottles, Especially in the spring months, will he at tended lih a moat decided improvement in the ge neral atreiafc'thof the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that nay have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Hints Evil, Rheumatism, Tetter, Pimples or eruption of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. The nu merous certificates in the possession of the subseri- Eyr Itid his agrnts, from physicians and others, are r uffcient to convince the most skeptical of its su reriinty over all preparations of Sarsaparilla Willi wholesale nml retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North fith street. Rea dmit, Beiks County, and to he had of the following pel sons : l Northumberland County-H. B. Masssr, Surroiry; Ireland & Mixel, SEwensville ; D Kroner, Milton. h Union County. J. Grsrhart, Selinsgrove: A. Cutelius, Mifflinburg. Columbia County. R. W. McCay, AVash ingon. , Reading, March 14, 1843. Va. OiKurt I believe it tha uty of every oneto do whxteverin thei yer lies, for the b"ne. fit of their fellow man, al fiaving had positive prorf in my own family, ofe wonderful properties of jour Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I mst con-ientiousy recommend it to the afflicted. We hadthe misfortune to lose twoof our children, by the ireaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and neck, although ws bad some of the mot scientific physicians to attend them and had triel all the known leniedies, including Swaim's Paiacea, without avail. Another of my children wa attackeil in the same . manner, her face and nert was completely covered; the discharge wss so offtudve, snd tho disease at such a height, that we desiaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of our Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, we were indicrd In make trial of it, as the last resort ; it acl'd like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing ironediately, a few bottles entirely restoredher to he health, which she has enjoyed uninterruptedly ev since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be lie e it baa not ila equal. JOHN MOYER, Tailor, t Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Dnuglasaville, April 19th, 1943. Mr. Oarlct: My son Edmund Leaf, had the scofala in the most dreadful and distressing man nir for three years, during which time he was de paved of the use of his limbs, his head and neck wire covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ ent remelies, but to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Jihnson of Nonislown, and also Dr. Isaac Hiester, of Reading, to uae your Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained sevcial bottles, the use of which drove the disease entirely out of his systim, the sore healed up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he haa enjoyed uniiiterrtpledly ever since, to the astonishment of many pnaons who seen bim during his affliction. I havetlouuhl il my duty, and send you ihia certi ficate tint others w ho have a like affliction in the family nay know where lo obtain so valuable a medicint. Your truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, 1943. I y - Te Country Merchants. Coots, Shoos, Bonnets, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats. 0. W. L. H. TAYLOIt, at the S. 11. corner of Market and Fifth Sis., PHILADELPHIA, OFFER for sale an extensive assortment of the above articles, all of which they sell at unusual ly low pi ices, and particularly invite the attention uf buyeia visiting the citv, lo an examination of their stock. G. W. c L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 25. 1S44. ly CITY TlMTLJliir AUC TIOX, AND 7BIVA.TB SALES ROOMS, Nos. iM) and 3i North Thiid Struct, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vites the attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hia extensive Sales Rooms, (both public and Piisale.) for every description of Household Furniture, where fan be obtained at all times, a lurge assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, M amasses, 4c, at very reduced prices, for cash, fj- Sales by Aurtion, twice a week. May 27th. 1843 ly .... 171l7iX!rr.B. The highest price will he J' given for Flax Seed, sl tha store of Aug. 9. 14.1 HENRY MASSER. T IMC of a superior quality, can no he had JJLjAlihe Lima KUuj of II wiry Muser,in Suns bury. May 17, 1640. ROSE OINTMENT rem TETTKIl. RINOWOUMA, PIMI'LKfl OH THE FACE, AND OTTIEE fTt'TANF.Ol'R UlUKTIOMI. try TUe following ccrtiiea'e describes one of the most extraordinary mres ever effected by any application. PititAnririiiA, Febrnary 1(1, IA.13, TOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with -1- TtTTf nn the Face and Head.' the disease; commenced when I was seventeen year old, and continued until the Fall of 18:)l, varying in vio. lenre, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my fuce was covered with? the eruption, frniuently attended with violent itch ing; my head swelled at times until it Ml as if it would burst the swelling was so great, that I coub! scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that 1 was afflicted with the disease, I nsej a great many R plications, (among them several celebrated preparations) as well as taking inward remedies, including a number of bottles of Sn.-aim's Panacea, Extract nf Sarsnpnrilla, A c, In fact, it would be impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. 1 waa also under the Care of two of the most dis tinguished phyician of ibis city, but without re reiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall nf 1S:10, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced lining the Roue Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan iV. Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the rruption began to disappear, and before I had used a jar the disease was entirely cured. It has now been nearly a venr and a half ! since, and there is not a vetige nf the disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pita formed by Ihc disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac connt to any person wanting further satisfaction, .who will cull on me. At the time I commenced uing the Rose Ointment I would have given bun dicda of dollats to be rid nf the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to 'everal persons, (among them my mother, w ho hud the disease bad ly on her arm,) who were a I cured bv it. JAMES Dl.'RNELL, No. 150, Race St. tty The Rose. Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhu ry. by II. II. MASSER, May 11th, 191.1. Agent, I(oc Ointment, fur Ti'tltir A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. 1'HiLAnkLFHiA, May 27th, 1 839. 'PHIS i lo certify that I was severely allbcted ' with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards of forty years; the disease waa attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a number of physicians, and used a great many appli cations without effecting a core. About a year since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, w hich there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVACE, Eleventh, below Siiruce Street. cry The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauuhnn, South East corner nf Third and Rnco Streets, Philadelphia, and sold nn aeeriry in Sunhu ry. by II. B. MASSER, May 14lh. 191.1. Agent. MEDICAL APPROBATION (If the ROSE OITME.T,for Tetter. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the preparation over all others is fully established, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania. Dr. Banuh, having found in this remedy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means within the range, of bis profession failed lo afford, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession ate opposed to secret Remedies. pHiLAniLPUiA, Sept. 19, 18.1fJ. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which covered nearly one sii'e of my face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprie ty of the Rose Ointment observing my face, insis ted on my trying his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. . Although in common with the muui bets of my profession, 1 discountenance and disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by iunoiaut pretenders, I feel injustice bound to except tha Rose Ointment from thai class of me dicines, and lo give it my approbation, as it entire ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted the usual applications. DANE. BATCH, M. D. jy The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sun hury, by H. B. MASSER. May 14 th, 184:1. Agent, EAGLE Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WILLIAMSPORT, FA. fllHE subscriber respectfully announces to tho JTL public, that he has o?ned a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the coiner of Third and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait npon those who may favor bim with their company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and furnished in the ImM mo.letn style. Il is provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu siness or pleasure, may rest as-ured that every ex ertion will be used to render their sojourn at the 'Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied with the very best the market af fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other liquors iharges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantaces in point of location j than any other similar establishment in the borough, I being situate in the business part of the town, and I within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always iti attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants have been employed, sod nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accoiumodalion of hia guests. There will he a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to and from the House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, 1942. tf Michael Weaver X. soiv, nOPE MAKERS & SHIP CIIANDLEBS. Ao. 1 3 A'ori Water Street, Philudtljjhia. HAVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, &c, vix: '1 ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Sec, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Cill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac Also, Bed Conn, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1942. ly. 'si'Ji 1 1 1 Ni. ,"i: Ooi HTca No. 1.1S Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French and American Dry (foods, which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. Pliiladelj'hia, November 13, 181. j. f 1 . J . ; ,