DflMWTic Roman cki Heal Lint. A scene of tt -rfiil interest w: u enacted on Friday before Judg Vnnderpool. A respectable young man, a cti :net-maker in IVorfolk-street, appeared to anew tawrit of hiibans corpui.' He was ac cornet 'ed by hie mi, a very handsome and well-dr '"fed boy altwit seven years of aoe, upon whom o e evidently doted. The mother, a food looking vvoman, waa present, and had procured Ihetssws of the writ for the pur pone of obtain ing cnx, 'f f tne child, as illegitimate, and thus intact our laws belonging to the mother. It appears! ha i about eight or nine years ago tbe falWer nd mother became acquainted in Switzerland . in the Canton of Bi?le, whore she resided. -Tl iey leiU but he being a 'German was cotnpclle d by t be laws of the Cunt on, before marrying, k (five Security that his children tumid never . become, tf public charge. He a p. filied to the fal her of the pirl, who refused to become his sect r.'IV. anif they could not be le gally united. it ' eably to the m-age of that country, howevrr, thV pledged themselves to each other and li ved t 'ether for a time as man and witia. The man fnm. V Jell Switzerland for New-York, the little buy in su?t?t'l,r being about j a year old. He promised to write lor the boy and his mother, which he did ; but she could not then leave her mother, and nm'y arrived here with theif boy in October of last enr to find Moat the father, despairing of her c. '"in?. had married another. She resigned the child to hit care and acmght employment as a teacher - eventually forming an acquaintance with a sub- - stw.ial dairyman on Lon-lsland, who, (being . first-snade acquainted with her whole history) . tmirried her, ami omsented to adopt the buy an ; his own. The ciwl.l, lion ever, had become at tached 'to his father, who was passionately fond of him and refused to give him up hence the writ of Italian eynrpui. The Jude of course decided that the custody of the child (he being ' illegitimate) belonged to the mother, unless it -should become a public rlmrire. The scene on the surrender of the child was thrilling and the , clung to' to his father and refuel to listen to entreaties: and endeartiHMits of his mother while tliootihajijiy father appeared almost heart broken, lie contends that the child brimr bis and 'baptised iu hi name, be had a , 'right to it, and intimated that he would not give him up. Tinally, however, he and his friends departed, leaving the chihl with its mother, who at 'Iencth-succeeded in partially quieting his obsnnd taking him away. .V. 1". Ttibune, A Novkk Cae. The Milledgevilbj corres pondertt ef the Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer writes 'thus: "There is one novel case which will proba bly claim 'the attention of the Legislature in a ;hort time, of which, I suppose, you have heard no mention. I allude to the fact of there being in the city, at this time, a lady from Forsyth co , who haa'brouglit with her there fine, healthy 'boys the fruits of one birth, and who claims on .this grouod some little assistance from the Le gislature, as she is in indigent circumstances. Although I am oppnted as a general rule, to the .State's bestowing its bounty on t7i applica tions, from the fact of its settinr a very had pre cedent, yet as the present applicant is really needy, and has travelled some distance to ask rtnts legislative sid, I am of the opinion that her case -should be favorably considered, and some small sum given to her by the Legislature, with the caution that a jury gave to Sam Johnson 'tint guilty, but don't do so any more.'" Smith O'Rrikn and Ok mo. The great leader ef the Irish people, second only in influ ence to-OVonnell, tnnde the most noble dis yls'As !'nai'y ehspirtire ever uttered in Con ciWhki HtiM. Alter treating on a variety of of,cs -conversant with the business of the day Hiesdvanced t. the present belligerent attitude of Great Britian towards America, and openly declared that Irishmen had sanctioned ami sus tained England in her unjust wars, at.d that uch would not be the case any longer ; then tiitinLr he fldinbwrf Review, to show that the claim nf England was no better than that of the United States, lie declared in the name of the Irish people, that it England should obsti nately persist in wanton waste of blood and treasure, for the barren shore of Oregon, the Irish p eople should not be any party to the in justice! This is a mnt remarkable speech, coming from a gentleman of Smith O'Brien's welt known firmness, influence and great pro perty. This has prtvluced a great sensation. Should Ireland be able to preserve an inflexible neutrality, England cannot, will not go to war for ono year. Dublin Cottenpondence of Ike Tribune. Thkre have RFr.s Beiir and registered in the City of Pittfburj and its vicinity, since the com mencement of the present year, forty-two rteaboats, with an aggregate tonnage of 5,40'J tons. 'Tarrinu as Feathering." The Buflulo IMot says that a party ot Millerites at Brandt, - including a negro and his wife, were tarred and feathered lately by aome of the inhabitants. A Losi Pa ayes. Elder Knapp, the great preacher, on the 14th instant, at Pittsburg, Pa., prayed fifteen hour without stopping, it is said. " Good Intent Fire Company." A STATED MEETING of the Companv will be held on Tueedsy evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Puneiual attendance ia re quired. HENRY DON . EL. Jan. 3, 1846. Setittary. "WuNliliiKioii Fire, Compauy." HE meinlwrs of the "VVaehiiigton Fire Com iiny" are requested to meet at the Htate House, on Monday Evening, Jan. 6, at 7 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance ia required. Jan. 3. D, W,fcJII.DL.f, i i - SHORT ALMANAC OR TUB VBJIR 1S40. Being after the fourth of July, the 7Qth of American independtnee ? - $ 7 s s 5 s i s s - 5 5 g I ' 12 3 4 fl 6 7 8 9 10 M 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12031 tf233. 3.1 2(lj27,3S 29 yo'al 1 2 ,1 4 ,r 7 8 10 11 12 1 14 t5 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 1 2 3 4 3 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 II l.V1617 18 19;20 21 22 21 ,24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 12 3 4 5 C 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 1-5 10 17 18 19'20 -21,22 23 24 25 00 27 'JS t!! 30 I 1 2 3 4 C 0 7 S 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 28 2'J 30 31 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21122 23 24 2.' 20 27 28 29 30 1 o 3 4 r, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 10 17 18 1 9 20 2 1 22 23 I 25 20 27 2S 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I I 15 10 17 IN 19 2(1 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 '.'8I29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 S 9 Id! 11 12 13 I4115 10 171 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 311 j' 12 3 4 5 0.7 8 9 10 1 1 12 t3 I I 15 10 17 is 19 JO 21 22 23 21 25 i(i 27 28 29130 31 1 2 3 4 A j 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13114 i 15 10 17 18 19120 21 1 22,2.1 2 J 25 20 27 2.3 29 30 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 11 15 10.17 l 19 20 21 22 23 24 t5 26 27i2829 3o31 , MONTHS. JANUARY. FEBRUARY, ' MARCH, APRIL, ! MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, BnAsssTa'siLLs ! This medicine i ac knowledged to be one of the most valuahle er discovered ss a purifier of the blood and fluids. It is superior to Snnipari'lt, whether as a sutbrific or alterative, and stands infinitely befoie a lue preparations and combinations of Mercuiy. Its purgative propervessnae alone of incnlrutalde lue. for these pilla niayl Atakan daily fur any Mrio0, and, inatead of wpuBefnng, by the cathartic (fleet, they adJ strength by taking away the can of wiaki.es. They have none of the m iaeralie ef-fi-cia of thai deatlfy aiiecific, Mereury. Tbeleeih ate not injured the bonca and limba are panlyt ed no; but, instead nf these ilineinp; symittio, new life and c -nsequent animation is vviileit in everv movement of ihe body. , These Pills, fir colds, eouihs, lightness nfthe chest, rbeuniatiitm in the head or limba n il be f und miprrior to any thing imagined of the ptw era of mediciiie ; and in bilious elTi-ctions, dimia, and in all di-eaaes peculiar to women, they nhiuld be retorted to at once. These Brandreth PilNwill be found doMrviug of all praise. j Purchase of H. II. Master, Sunbury, t of ibu stient, publiahed in another p ol of thu parr. n 1 1! u, On the 22d ult.. Mrs. MARY FET1T.RNUN, wife of Mr. dVoige Fetternian, of-Auguata, ajed alout 30 years. I 1'IllCK CUIUIENT. ; ! CurrectcJ weekly by Heiiry Montr. i Whsat, 100 Rrr, . . ..63 Ceai, ... ... AO Oats, j . 35 POBK, . - 6 FlAl asan, . . j . 112) BoTTsa, ..... IG Eon. .... .10 DasawAt, . 25 Taiiow, ... 10 FtAl, ... .1(1 HtcKLin Fiat, '0 I) in an Applkh, . . . 75 Do. Pkachka, . . 150 1 '. 1 1 " .! . -iT ".- i i a. . LAST NOTICE. rrHE Store Uooka, Aceounta and Notes nfH. M. R. Maaxer, have been placed in the luuda ot a msitr iie for collection, l'eiaons wlione areounta have been nf long atanding, mty aave custa by set tl ng the fame witlmul further lit lav. Sunbury. Jan. 3. 1846. H. H. MASSER. BAPwTCLOTT &SL71TXT, ii en Mivi'i.iii'i'iii.iiu Xn. n(l4. Market Strrtt, PHILADELPHIA. HAVE curiMantly on band ibe fine-t uoality af Silk and Fur Hats, which they wll at lbs low est prices. These Hals, in point of atyle, be auiy f nmah, and durability, will compare wuh any inaa- ulxctured in the city, and ate well worthy the ah teniion of purchaaars from the country. January 3, 1846 1 Notice 18 hereby given to the Stockholders of the Dsn villa and PaiUvilie Rail Road Company, that ia pursuance of the provisions contained in the act of incorporation, an election will be belJ between lb hoora of 1 1 o'clock A. M.. and 3 o'clock P. M, on the 7lb day of January, 1846, al the rooms ot th Uoaid of J rade in ibe Merchants Exchange in Iht City of I'hllaJdphia ; fur one President, ten Mana gers a Treasurer and Secretary, and auch other of ficers aa may be deemed neceaaary, to serve umil the fourth day of May, en.uing. an J until like olh cera are choaen. SAMUEL K. WOOD. ,VKWNlr?Y: ".-!: rre.dnt.l Blcanleia. DR. SMITH'S ADVICE. THE Measles appeared in Europe about the same time with the small pot, and have a great affinity to that diaraie. They both came from the aume quarter of the world, are both infec tious, and seldom attack the same person but once. The Merles are most common in the sprins sea son, and generally disappear In the aummer. The difeae itwlf, when properly managed, seldom proves futnl ; but its consequences are often veiy rouMcsome. Our business is to ssxiiit nature to throw out the siuplion. Blood-letting Is almost esrUio death. Nothing ever discovered has done ihe work so gently and effectually as Dr. SMITH'S (Sugir t'osted) '-Indian Vegetable Pilla." You need not fore them down, eiiher. t? "AUTION. As a miserable imitation hs been mnda, by the nrnne of "Sugar Coaled Pills" it is neeeps iry to be aure that Da. O Bww. Smith's tigiiatui is on every bot. Price 25 cent. . Piincip.il Olfiee, 17!) Greenwirh st New York. Bold by JOHN W. FRILINU. Sunhnry. WM. FORSVT11E, Xrtfium'J. Deermler 27th. 1S45. OrplinnV Court .Sale OP TALTTABLE TN pursuance nf an order nf the Orphans' Court ot INorthnniherlnnd county, will lie aM at pub lie sale, on Monday the 1 2'h day of J.uiu iry, 1R46 at the bona'- ef Win. R. Jones, in Augusia town ship, in snul county, tu wit! A certain tract of bind tittnle in the town-hip at iresaiil. ailjointfiR Isnds of Vm. R. J 'lies, Join Hart, nnd the river Susipiehanna, rnntoining etsh' ty-seven seres more nr b ss. About forty arte nf aaid tract are c 'eared and under a good state nf cul tivation ; Ihe n siibie is well limbered. The said tract ia eligibly situated for milling or manufacturing puroe, n an excellent water-power is nfl". ir.l. ,1 by Riles Run, running through the land. The aiil truct i located on the Suiiuehaiina, about 8 miles below Sontnirv, on the ro id leading from th it place to Ilurriaburg. The land ia comprised nf bono m. land ami up l.inil, vthirh will be aobl toge ther or M'p.irdiely, a may he deemeJ most aihiaa Me. I. aie the estate of Col. John Jones, dee'd. S.ile ti commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of ssid dav. when Ibe condi'iona of s do will be made kuowii by lilt) hi ita snd ailminiair.itor. vt-lf IT itirevf.lf - hi. ii iin ri.' ii, . i , i.-.r tju if i i-t.. t numrs. i. i.i'-'ii .i i i i . - i . , -y V M. R. JON ES, for the beirs. DeremVr COth, 1845 It T5M'ijarir;ffcc3.B"Sa A I.l. erann indebted to ihe firm of tleorge A 1 R"hrbach tc Hrothera. are hereby no it'n d to mike payment, without further delay, to the u! acritet ; and thoe having claims ag.iioai add firm. will prewut them fir vettlement. All notes and account nf long tOanding will be placed in the hands of a justice for collection, if not aiteiuleil to soon. JAOOH ROHRBACH. jr. noburv. Dee 20tb. 1845. 21 v LIST OP CAUSES. 1fiK triid in tho Court of Common I'lean of Nor. thum'-erland t'ouiity, al January Term, 1810, commencing the lirt Monday, cuig the 5ih. Seilr'uiger, alienee of (iarver Prenlice for Welch W i IbajJisjrnvy nenrtreTrrrRrich Jamison ILirvey Abner Mendenhall (Jom'ih of Penn'a. for va John Oarver et al s Joseph Kecfer vs Abraham Klaze va Henry Manser vs John Phriner va Kusan Wilhelm, Ac. Frncia McCoy, vs Felix Maurer et al Win H Hrown ft ro va John H Boyd Strawbii.lge V Borden vs Same H nl mea. Stu rgeon rVcovs Same Hugh Bellas, Eq vs HcrHy Donnel et al Charles Hall'aex'rs va William Wilson's ex'r Gobin & Bdlinglon's aaiigneea va IMwanl flobin Same va Charlea (iohin JacoS Peising vs Zimmerman, Saviilge cV co H I) Foidman va Benjamin Fordsruan William Simenton vs John Shipman Chnrbs H Flick va William Prick John Hendi rami's heirs vs fireeuough & Shrpman John Lieh va Thomia Allen Gilbert Uerlieu v Wm R Junes Janiea Kofa vs Jacob H Rhoadi Win I. Heineman va Hartman II Kt o-ble Philips, In. of Lowry & (Jill va Dodge fi Barret Francis Ball's adrn'r va Daniel M. Set-bler Abraham Terwilliger vs Robins & Newberry John P Summers va Derr ex, McWilliams John McCionghan's adm'r va Charles Merrick Yoxtheimer Sl Dawson vs N L Pi ice John A Lloyd John Knorr John Kans ft vs Win E McDonald vs Wm 8 Montgomery vs John Neidig ft wife vs John Cooper et sl vs John A Lloyd, va Abraham Strauh. ife E (jreenough Win E McDonald Jonathan Adams JOHN FARNSW ORTH, Proihonotary's office, J J'roth'y. Suubury.Dec 13tti. 1845. S LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, for Jan. Term, A. D. 1846. (a rantl Jurors. Turhut RolKrt Haye. .eliw'a. Carr Kuasel. Samuel Smith. Delaware. James lien, J n-ob Bauch. Milton. Maithew Dennett. ruYi'iVufl'ne. t'apt. Jhn Snyder. SorthumUrlaHd.li. M. Su-edinvn, John Hum mel. Sttnhury.- William Krs?ghmium, Felix Mau rer, Francia Bucher. .4ug-ilifl Wedey Clark.'- Siamtikt'n. Jacuh Swank, ar.r., Jacob Peraing, John Flaber, Thomas Hoover, ivenhen Snvdr. Ruth. Samml Johnson, ( 'ha lea Kaxe. Conl -George Armstrong, enr, I pper Mahunoy. Samuel ReaaleJ ,nr , Tobiaa Sbeiliy. 1 Jackton John F' gely, jr. Traverxe Juror, Turhut. John Gufl'y. jr., David Enal. Lewi. Joseph Hughes, Jaime 'l'w.,, Paniel II. Liim luch. Ihlawart Thomaa Hnmmrr, John Mlvinney, James Beard. Genrua llitile, Ilaniel Kiynne Mi It an A. S. Shapin. Jacob Hauix, Job! Kobr, j Samuel Ayes, Joseph Bound. Chilliffunipie. James Cummings, Mrhael Fu'lmer, (ieoign Haas, John Gtffen. , Vuint Jacob Rodenbacb, Thomas McMsion, Brock Eplev. Kiirtltumberland. Peter Hensclman, Jam Frick. Sunbury. Geo. W. Kiehl. Geo. Weiser. E. Atiffua. David Bettleyon, George Blian, Samuel Kelley, John Eckman, Peiei Kolp, James Reedsr. J hoinas Soyder, Martin Uaas. Sahmokin. Leonard Rolhermel, Adam Gilger.1 Coal. Paul Ammermen. fi'cr MiAonoy. I'hil'P Hunkel, Boneval Hol ahoe, Peter Urusius, jr., Thomas Peter. Ijawtr Mnhonoy George Phillips, John Bro sius, Jacob Spalt, plorian Deeler. JjcJt-sim George Reed, Esij., Jacob D. Hoff man, Michael Trron. T EMOXS. A lot of Hood, Itch Lemons, just i received snd fjf, sl by Dee, t3, U4&. HENRY M.f SEJl. ShcrilF's Sai. r KY virtue of a eertain writs of vend. ExpnnaJ, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumheilind County to me directed, will be exposed to pu'die sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Monday the Bth day of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following de.-crihed properly to wit: A certain tract of land aitnatn in Chlliaquaque township, Northumberland county, adjoining landa of Daniel Soider, David Eckerl, Jamea P Sander son, John P. Summers and others, containing one hundred and aixly acres more or leas, about 140 acres of which Is clesred ; whereon are erected a one and a half story frame dwelling house and a frame barn, and a small orchard, ftc. Seird, taken in execution, and to ba enld as the proierty of Levi H. Gulick. ALSO The undiviileij moiety of a certain lot or piece of ground situate in Delaware township, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Isaac Vincent and others, containing one and a half acre. whereon is erected a lurg.i three story frame Glial Mill. Seiw l. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Vincent. ALSO A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the lown of McEwensville, Delswsre town-hip, Northumberland county, containing one acre more or leas, adjoining land of Adam Zcrber. dec.M., John Bouah, Hackenherg fi Le'and, and Ihe main road leading from Milton to Muney ; whereon are erec ted a larue frame dwelling house, a frame etahh-, and a pump at the door. There ia nlsn a never failing spring on the premises. Seized, tnken in execution, and to he sold as the properly sf John Read Cay. AL'O By virtue nf a certain writ of Florins Tetatuin Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court nf Dauphin county, all the defendant's inte rest, supposed to lie the undivided moie'y of a eer tain tract f land situate in Coal township, Nor thumberland county, surveyed in the name of Mat thias Zimmerman, containing three hundred and sin ty-seven acres more or less, adjoining lands of surveyed in Ibe name nf Peter Maurer, Michael Kroll, John Nicholas Bailey and o'hers. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the properly of Cal'in Blvthe. THOMAS A. BILLINGTOV. ShcifTs Olfice. ? Shrrijf Sunbury. Dee. 13th. IP45. S Notice TS hereby eiven, to (he creditors of the Shamckin - Coal and Iron Company, thai the Mi'rri!i has been appointed an auditor to stale an account be tween the tiustpes and Ibe bond-hoMers under the -ecoiid inoi'g .ge, and thai he will attend at his of fice, in Sunbury, on Saturday the 3d dy nf Janua ry next, fir tl at pu'posn, when and where all inter ested are requested to attend, II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 13, IS 15. 4t Auditor. I'.Mlatr of Jnroli Drchor. "y&TO'nt'E ia hereby given, that I. ite.s et a litiin istration have been granted to the auba-riher, on the estate of Jacob Dri ber, late , if Shainokm township, Noithuniberlund county, ibc'd. All persona indented to said estate, or having demands against the same, are requested lo pres. nt the same to the auhscribcr fur sellb nveiil, without detav. JACOB PERSING. Rfiamokin. Dee. 13. 1815. 3t Adm'r. John lloiiiiiirr'M Fsiiatr. NO TICE is hereby given, that letters of ad miniatration have been crant d in the su''seri her, on the laataio of John llonuner, bite of Point township. Nnrihumheilaiid county, der'd. All per-, sons indebted to said estate, or bavirg rl lima a gainst the same, ar requested to present the same for settlement to the su!sciiher, reaaling at Dan ville. WM. KITCHEN; DanvilJeJVeJS. 1S45. f.l Adm'i. TBXICO &. IVIEXAS I "THE CHTr'W-RTir.Ii TIXEY 'COME." tiiMr; witUKIi! ny wheie il, you au J pose but to Ihe Cheap Store nf Henry Master, in Market street, Sunburv. And for what purpi-e do you think they come! Why lo buy cheap, to be sure, and save at leat 20 per cent. T;er trmi'f dn notliin" the" because it ia a well known fact that at HENRY MASSETVS STORE the very be-t articles are sold at ibe very lowrst prices. Now come, one and all; rut d m t all come at once, and JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES! Where you will find a Splendid Asaoitmel.t of Fall and Winter lry CoodN. jut received, among which are the following : Su- Iterfme trench Broadcloth; West of noclanU do.; Heavy Beaver do , a first rate article for Overcoats, and a great variety of Wool Dyed, Black and Fan. cy ('iissimere. Saltinetts, Mousselin-de-laiiie-, Rcp- de-laines, Ussnmeres, Aipa.-cas, eve. &-e. Also, a Iteaulifut assortment of Calicoes of the bleat styles and patterns, which will bo sold cheaa?r than ever ; also, Woden and other Sim wis in gieat variety, from 40 its. to $10; a general assortment nf Ho siery, Gloves, Suspender. Mitts, Ac, fee; a farce assortment nf Women's, Men's and Mi .sea Gum Shm . which will be sold cheaper than ever before offered. He has likewise, in addition to Ihe above slock, an extensive assortment nf Quernttrttrf, Ilnrrlirurr, Sadiiltry and Crwerifs, Sugar from 8 lo III. 12 J and Ifi ct-. per lb; Good Coffee at 10. Veiy Beat at 15 J. Also. Nails; Spikes; Iron; Saudciaon's best Cast Steel; English, American mid Sweed Blister do. in ahorl, every thing that is usually kept in a Country Store, all of which will bo sold at very reduced prirea. Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex. chaotic for Goods. Suiibory. Nov, 55d, 1815. TIlHE -u!wri! er, ediioi and publisher of ihe Mi L l.ei's Journal fur the last sixteen years, has lieen engaged for the last year, in collecting ihe Materials for a noik for which be has secured the copy right, in tbe following words; "A History of the Anthracite Coal Trade of Schuylkill and ibe adjoining Counl-es, Geological and Statistical, ac. oniini. d with Map. nf Ihe dif feii nt Regions, lb Improvements, lnvtslnn i s. t.'apariiy. cVceinl racing a complete and authentic bli-lery of the prevent time lo which will ba ap pended a Synopsis nf the I on TraiV." It ia eur intention to embiace eveiy lliin j of in trrest in the work, connected with Ihe trade, op lo tbe beginning uf tbe year 1810. prepared and ar ranged with a view uf continuing tbe publication, al periods of five or ten years, with such additions ss the iucirased trade will warrant. Thesa bi.-.n-cbes of trade have assumed an importance which will warrant auch a publication, and he teela eon. fijcnt, that with the prulfeied aid of several penile nrn ami the statistics already in hia poseion, he wti furnish the public with a work, which, if not oie ol ihe most interesting in Its ueiana, ii win nr of great value to those engaged and iulviesled in imta brenchra ol nusinrts. Is soon salhe Maps, Ac, srs prepared, and tome idrcan be funned of the probable expense of pub kihfetf the woiji, proposals will be issued fur the aunil OJ" All the Iracta of Coal land will be designa trd o) Ihe M.p of the Schuylkill Coal Region, whici will accompany ihe work. BENJ. BANNAN. Voviv'-Ile, No. 2?, 1815, Notice ft S hereby (riven, to all legatees, creditors and 'oher pera ns, interests! in me eaiair m ""' David K.deeeased. settled by his administrator, settled by Sui of Christian Duukleberget, dee'd., Abraham Dunlo.Dunkleberger, administratrix of of Christian Dnnklera, dee'd., who was aba ex'r ver, dee'd., settled by his dee'd.; nf Joseph Wet of John H.Hart, dee'd.. settl' Henry Weaver; Jsmes Hutchison and Rebecca ', bis eieen'ors. Troutman. dee'd.. seiilnd h his 'ri ,,r srn" Troutman. lats of Northumberland count,J,'0,R" sen, mat ids executnra and administrators nf"" said deceased estatea have filed Iheir aeceunts with the Register of Ibis county t and that they will be presented to the ( Itphars' Court nf said enun'y nn Tuesday, ihe fith day of January next, for confir mation and allowance EDWARD OYSTER, Sunbury. Dec. 0. Hl.ri. fit Register. H ERR' S H OTELjT IliRRISIH RG, I'A. I REG I ave to inform the public lhat I bavo left Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris, burg, ihe seat of the Executive and State Govern, metit nf Pennsylvania, where I now occupy Ibe spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilson. This spacious building, having been purposely planned and erected for a Hotel of the first rlass, is not surpassed if equaled, by any similar estate liahmeut in Pennsylvania; and having undergone a thorough renovation, the parlors, rooms ami chsmlx rs are now filled up ia a style that com bines ile.jarice with comfort aod convenience. Mv TABLE is pledged to be supplied with (he best fare the Markets can produce: the charges at Ibe same time heing aa moderate ae any of the best regulated nstal lisbments elsewhere. In short, nn excttinns shall be spared on my part, or on the part nf every member nf my household, to make il what it should be, in the Capital nf one nfthe most pop ulous and interesting Slates nf the Union. With these promises, accommodations and faci lities, and Ibe fact that the Hotel is most eligibly situated, I with confidence, most respectfully soli cit the patronage of the Public. DANIEL HERR. Late of Herr'e Hotel, Cbesuut St., Philad. Harri-burg. Nov. 22. ll.". 3m ron SALE. i flHE suhscriler oilers for sale an Eight Ilor.e I ply nl R i'i's iMvern, S'i miles from Sunbury, on the turnpike road b ndioe in Pnllsville. ALBER I' G. BRADFORD. Nov. 22, 1S45. 111 the Court of (Uminnn Pirn For Xurthumhchm l Cvunfti, I'enntv'vania. No .', .hi'innrij Term 1834. Casper Adams, jr. and Fis lerick Adams, r.i. John Adams. Peter Ad in s, Samuel Adaois, Jacob 'Prayer, ('utherine Fox, William Liebiick and Elizabeth his wife. Peter Sira.ser and Magdab na his wife, Saui'iel Stutlrl and Susannah hia wife, and Lienor Adams. ON motion nf V. J. Greenoucb, court grant a Mile uu the patties inn rested, tit appear by the lirai day of next term ami show cause why the land of Caipcr Ad.uni, dee'd., should not be taken at the appraisement by the heirs entitled to the same, or If sold. Extracted from the Record, and certified Nov, nd. IS15. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Nov. 15. IS4.'i. 01 Prolb'v. ?a E S "J1C S D . .1 O II X ?. STU YK Eli, Of the Lite firm of Xrwkirk 4' Slryker, und Slrykrr V I'ogue, fl AS ic-unied the Wbolcaile Dry G.iods Bui- s--- ness, and liow offers for sale, at Nos. 12 and 14 Bank street, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers, Claborn A: (Jo's Auction Store, No. 78 Market street, s general as-oilnirntjif Dry Goods, chiefly purchased at suction, at a very small advance for cash, or city aceeiilancea. Believing thai his long experience in purchasing will enable him tu sell his Goods at the. lowest Mar. ki t pi ices, be invitee hi- old friends, aud others wis'iiug lo buv, to favor him with a call. Philadelphia. Nov. 1. IS45. Cm ' ' josehTw. .tones, Ao. IS North !h ttreet, a few duori above Market street, PHILADELPHIA, HAS ront nilly on band a very large assort ment of Looking Glas-ea. Baskets. Cedar Ware and Fancy Gnd', which will be sold wholesale al Ihe very lowest price'. N. It. Locking Glasses insured to any part of die country, w ithout charge. Nov. 1, Hfl.'! Bin lValc lies .Dewt'lry, A c. Vc. riHE siilawriber nllers f.K sale, t Ihe lowest pri I ces, a laige and general assiMtment of Gold aud Sdver Lever, Le ine and other kinds of Watches; Jewelry, Silver Ware, Ebony and Gill Mantel Clocks, and Musical Boxea playing from Iwo tu ten tunes; Benedict fc Barney's Diamond Pointed Gold Pens Wutchmaker' Tools, Files snd Materials. Orders from the eountrv are solicited, and will lie caietully attended to. ' JOHN C. FARR, 112 Chcsnut t., Philadelphia. Nov. 1. IS 1.1 4 hi I'll I'lIK llHM- of DRY GOODS. rim I Voik, having eslabli-bed a Branch at No. 33 South Second St., Philadelphia, is now opening, snd will be cons'antly receiving from the New York Auctions, an extensive assortment nf FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold at Ihe lowest New York piiees at wholesale anil Retail. Aiming h'a shark will lav found a good a-snitmeut of Ihe l.lli.wipg anteie-: Jaccmela. Plaid. Hair t oi l, I. ace. pairtpe. Swi-s snd Tarlatan Mulin. Bishop ami l.m. n l.vs. hancyt spA. lt., I-ancy and nan I resses, , Thread Laces. Api .brsuon Do., nch Black Silg , Tri.umti.g Lace, lri-h Linen. Lim n Cambrica. 1,'ocn v.aiiinrir lion..., V..I....M, . . -..h. . d'Ecos-e. Mouaehi.n de l.athe. S.lk and ttr t l. l ln.idi.t. I '1i.lt, Cut'. Pl.old ni-.M, . '." .... ' S- , ,V r rench Merinos, MlarK ciiKa, inoves. pi a h.mw, . h'hawls, t'lava's, Rititmns, Enibioideriea, A t., Ve. Country Meichaota and others visilil'g Philadel phia or New York to purchase, am respecllully in vited lo call and f xumine Ihe stocks. Nov. 1. IMo.s-ly . G. II. MOORE. CALY1X niATHK., ATTC?slTE7 AT LAV", Will practice in the several Courta of tbe City and County f Philadelphia. .1 .Y 1 . 1M itr. , V..-1.-V.....V a . Il.aornc. is av.vo. .a.i ooutr, , uuilll between t besnul and Walnut streets. I PhiLde.phia.Se,., . S...h.J..-. I Mm lil'. 41' I be ingtirat pries gi'en for j f Wheat, at th. sUe of II. MASSER. j A new supply of Roi Oiutmeut jul ifciivej. ' Nor. 8th, 1SU. ' j To the IMibtlC. A N B W. ;V O L U M R or rnr. XTCW TOBK WBXnXXsV MIBROn, Wilt tnmmimee on Saturday, Oct. Uh, 1S45. Ttnua ; Three Dollara per annum in aJvanre, OR, 4 toe eopy one year in advance, f 3 00 Ont.-Opy two years, 6 00 Two coy, one year, . 6 00 Five, - . . 10 00 Eight. . - . .15 00 Twelve, - SO 00 I to every subscriber to eidicr Ibe WEEKLY or DAILY, we will give a copy ot Willis'i Irttcn from London, Complrtr, In one handsoni. Estsa, uniform with the Wkf-k i.v Miaann. This ampri.es the Fins-r Skrik if LrTtsss, snd with ti.s v,w Volume will mm menee the Naw Skriss. written from the Sorrn or Eennpa,when the Weekly M'irrot wj l, prpa. rately edited with particular rare, and ..,(, mora special regard to the wants snd tastes of cow,,,y subscribers. We shall publish more tales, and lee matter that is merely local snd by using in part n smaller type, we Khali lie able to increase the quan tity as well as to improve tbe quality of what we give to our readers. We shall endeavor to make THE NE W-YORK WEEKLY MIRROR. A diversified, entertaining, instructive and valuable chronicle of the times, orrtMiLT stwspaem. (in a from for binding in one or two volumes al the end of the year,) upon which neither laboui, lime, ti.lent, nor money will be spared. It will heriatl -r l e en. riched with original contributions the life, spire and spirit of the foreign journnls snd contain ail ihe newa, intelligence and variety of the daily sheet, handsomely printed on fine paper, manufactured for the express purpose, snd will l forwarded by lbs eatlieat mails, in atmng wrappers, lo every patt f the United Stales and Canada, rirtagffrrt wi'b in thirty milea of New York. All communications should lie sddreascdJos paid, to Morris. Willis & Fuller, 'corner Ann and Nassau streets. New Yuik, AIR TIGHT STOVES. The lest in the World for Cleantiiuu, Comfurt nnd Eeonomy. C. J. TYXDALE, No. 97 South Seco.-id St., PHILADELPHIA, HAS now on hand a large asvnnmenl nf ORR'M Celebrated Patent AIR TIGHT STOVE", lo which he would call the alten'ion of every Mie. lover f comlort and economy, f n which qual ti"S thev cannot bo equalled by sny Stove in tbe wotld. They are a light Stove, and can be conveniently carried lo any distance, and being constructed for the ose of wood, they are particularly adap ed to a sick room. Manv thousands of this Stove being nnw in ne, their good qualities are too well known to need puffing. Mr Tramtr. ia llie fnst utVzed seen' i Philadelphia, and fcs lee rt -;"" Sem e-..i -ro Iv for 'be la-l five or ix . s. I ' en tan be no fear of not celling lb" pi ill e Sto'e o h-ni Bin' they are all eruited to eiv. u tire satisfacti. n. No Air Tight Sieves are genuine, with'-ut a hra' plate with the Invantor's nani and date of tbe Patent. Delias also on hand a large eennmerit of Cook Stovss, RaniaTona, and all kind of Fancy Coal Stoves, at the Old Establishment, No. 7 South Second above Walnut street. Philadelphia, Nov. I, 143. 2tn He recommend all of vvr frieni.'s v-ititinf; the city, to call at the I'tl.in Comjnni'$ .Sf.rre, and lay in a supply of their Jtiiiimin T . TIIK ICKI TEA CO.niMXY, No. 30, South Sttoi SrarrT, Bctwem Marktl and Chfsnut. PHILADELPHIA, HAVE Constantly mi hand, and fir s le. Wholesale and Retail, A VARIETY OF CHOICE FRKSH TEAS, At I.ovvrr Prices. according to the quality, than they can 1 e bought , for at any other estaldixhrncnl in thecitv. ; q3 Ttaa, exclusively, are sold at ih:s house. ' and several varieties which cannot he obtained else where. Any Teas which do not give i ntire satis, faction can be returned and exchanged, or the mo ney will be refunded. The citizens of Northumberland county are re spectfully invited to give us a call. G. B. 7.IEUER. Agent fur the Pikin Tea Company. Philadelphia, Sept. 27tb, 1 845. ly TERMS REDUCED. rt- r t , yr- rr m sid DAGUERMAS GALLERY if Vatent 1'remU um Colored likciirie!i, and Photographic Depot ; No. 13G Chesnu'. Street, Philatlelpliia. No. 251 Broadway. New York; No. 75 Coml Stieel, Boston ; No. 13G Chcsnut Street, Phils delphia ; Baltimore Street. Baltimore; Broid wav, Saistoga Springs ; No 5fi Cai id Sneet. New-Orleaiis ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And Main Street. Du Buque, Iowa. CONsTITLTING the oldest and most Eiten. sive Establi-hment of tbe kind in ihe Worl and containing more Ihau a THOUSAND POIi TRAITS, cmhracino; those of some of tbe mo-t distinguished individuals, in the I'nitcd Stales. Admittance ec. This Eslablishment having been awarded l!"v Medal, Four First Premium?, snd fVr ' llshett Hutinrt'' al ibe Exhibitions ut Boston. New-Vo k and Philadelphia, respectively, for bet Pictures and Apparatus, is thua officially sustained in llie ost tion of superiority heretofore universally ae.-igned it by the public, as "tirtl in Viz ora. June 28th, 1845. ly PIANOS. rpllE SUBSCRIBER hna been appointed a?", fiif f co.R..D MEYER'S fill ( PHIHTEl) PREMIE M ROE WOOD I A NOS, at thia place. These Pianos have a plai IIIBVNivl vrlli htautiful exterior fini-h. and, f .r de , f , e.ni.. ,,i wri, , M iurmKIMnl by any ill the United StatJ fol owuia ia a recomin. ndaiion irora i u Di ets. . celebrated Informer, and bins. If inf - 1 I ulactuicr: A ( AUI. Hiviae bad lbs td.a-ure of Irvmg Ihe lent Piano Fortrs inanfactnred by Mr. Meyi r.I exhibited at the l a-l i xhd.nien of ihe I r-nk'nf .t.iniH I feel il due lo the true incut ot llie nil lo ileclsie mat tneso iii"jumt nis air (juiieti and in some respects even mpeiioi, to n II tlx alio Pel tea, 1 sew at the capitals nf Eu0mJ during S sojourn of two ve.ra at Pari', Thes Pianos will be .o il al ihe i"nif 'j lowest Philadelphia prices, if not ...me h , tW.n. are reooe.te.l o es'l . UJ , ,, . ,, , , , . , Su! Ma ! isIS Ml'. " R IPO .1 ; ! e" v J for ca,h, by n t, Suitlmij, h- .SOi ;4v