Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 27, 1845, Image 3

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    thing as an equivalent for the loss of business
on the Canal by turn road.
0. If it is still contended, upon the I'lthority
or the experience of the State ofiV. York, that
a Railroad will not takebuaine'e from the canal
along1 eidr of which it passe, make it a condi
tion of the charter of the Company, as in that
Slate, that it shall carry nothing but passengers
on its road, and eee if they will accept of it. Or,
if it is still contended that it will increase the
"business of the canal, require the Company per
petually to make pood to the Slats a sum equal
to the profits it now realizes on the canal, with
a prospective increase equal to the ratio of
increase on it tor the Ust live nr six years. 1 on . ilg both i,g, lom (i,e i,0jV- One 0f the legs
will thus test the fincerity of tliene professions, j could not be found after the accident, being liter
and find they would not touch the charter. j ally ground to pieces among the wood. After
Tan iNTKKrnnKv. R or m RRmii .Wvr wM"S n ,hp round for " "oi
, thu Texas (iuKSTiON. The correspondence ' vetJ ""endance paid to the poor man the train
' .1 - ' 4 r.."7 Infirm nf 1h0 2(h
of the State department on the annexation of :
Texas has been published. Mr., we
see, overhauls th "man ih the white lint" in
the following- manner, in one of our letters to
Alajnr Dunelson:
regret that I have not time, before the do-
pirturo of the messenger, to express to you, as I
could desire, the feelinir of i ndijrn-'it ion which
the conduct of Captain Elliott has exited through,
out this country. These are not confined to
any parly, but prevade the whole community.
One of it? good effects has bpen to render us,
to a very great extent, a united people on the
question of annexation, ft is scarcely possible
that the conduct can be approved by his govern
ment. Without entering upon the inquiry how
far the British irovemment had a rirjht to inter
fere in preventing the people of Texas from
consenting to annrxiitinn, no impartial man can
doubt but that Captain KHintt, in his efforts, has
transcended all reasonable bounds. To as
sume the character of a secret negotiator of
4he government of Texas with Mexico, in a
hostile spirit towards the United States; to con
ceal his agency in this matter, bv pretending
that he had left tialves'on for Charleston, when
fiis destination wns Vera Cruz, and then to pre
vail upon Mexico to consent to the independence
of Texas, o condition that Texas should never
annex hT'ii"tn the United Stales ths" acts,
taken tnotlier, are at war with all the inolern
jsageaof diplomacy, and with the character ol j
thp British roveriinn-nt. which is cenerallv bold !
, , . . j. . , . ... .. , , i
and frar.h, if not aU ays ju.-t, in it policy toward
fore gn oatiotis. lie has not even for a mo
mont succeeded in his efforts at eoncetlrwnl,
and he will find that his transpsrent cunning
will only tend to render him ridiculous. Rut
what is far worse on his part, by obtaining the
consent of Mexico to the independence nf Texas,
' .
lie has deprived that power of the only miser
able pretext which it had for a war against the
United States, whilst he. has fomented among
the Mexican people a spirit of hostility against
js which may plunge that ill-fated country into
a war."
Case of Jtulgr Carlnnd.
No liitle eicilernent and grief have been octa-
ioned in New Orleans at the developments in I
the case nf.Tudjr Rick (".'", of the Supreme
Court ot I.o'iisiiina. It appears that a preliinina-
ry examination was had on the 10th instant be- I
fore Judge Muurian and Collins, as to the nature I
( ib renArts afTectin the character of .Tudee
, , ... ..;., v.. tm, '
Car and. t rom the test mony siven by Jolin i
Kitiy pmiili, J'.sq , money oiokit, ano jonn .mc
Donnugh, Esq , it was shown that Judge (I. had
extracted by a chemical process the writing (ex
cept the signature) of a complimentary note ad
lresed to Mr. McPnnotigh. and had substituted
the words o( a nromisarv note' tor Sols'), and
that be obtained the money therefor from Mr. '
5mil!i. A day or two afterwards Mr. Smith ex- ;
Viibited the note to Mr. McV who declared he j
bad no sncii bill out. and advised Mr. S. to trv !
and get big money again. j
On the same afternoon Mr. Harland presented ,
himself st Mr. McD.'s residence, pale, haggard,
and evincing all the emotim: of despair, and ail- j
jnred him to save him. bis wif-'s, his children's
honor. To all Mr. McP. said to Judge Oarland,
the latter only replied ',;ave me, save me '. my I
wife, my children''' Mr. Mr!) was moved by
this distressing scene, particularly as he firmly j
"believed, if he had remained objurate, Mr. Clar-
land would never have recrossed the river alive.
fr. McP. went the next day and took up the
g'liltv rnte Mr. (larland having brought to Mr.
foiith ?1."o0 and odd of the money by giving
another for ?2.S00 and odd. the balance. He
(Mr. McIMthen took it to Mr. Garlands, and
j , - . r ,,.,- f,. i
nr 111 '"-" I
On the nth Judge Garland attempted to down
himself in tha river, but was prevented by per- j
tons near at hand. JV. O. J'uptr. i
- -- j
Thi Planets. The six planets which are vi-
sible to the naked eye may now be seen for a few
i ic . lI... .r.. .,... Mereorv i
evenings, liiIf an hour alter sunset .Mercurv is ,
K ' i
visible in the west, a little south of the point ,
where the sun has set. This planet is now at
its greatest eastern elongation, and is about one
ouarter of the angular distance from the sun to !
Venus. Next is Venus, now at its greatest bril-
haney. Not far cattwardly is Saturn. Next is
Mars, always known by its fiery aspect. Jupi-
ter is now exceedingly brilliant, being near the
opposition. Herscuell is about seven or eight
degrees east of Mars, and a little south. He can
only be seen by the best of eyes, being of the ap
parent magnitude of the smallest fixed stars
foil land Advertiser.
We clip the following from an exchange. It
ia interesting just at this season of the year ;
Sore Throat. We have known several in
stance in which this distressing complaint,
even in its woret stage, ha been immediately
alleviated and speedily cured by a following re.
medy : Mix a pennyworth of pounded camphor
with a wine glaaa of brandy, pour a email quan
tity on a lump of sugar, and allow it to dissolve
m the mouth every hour. The third or foorth
penerallv enables th patient toawallow with
rate Mdtul JoumtL
Fatal Railroad Accident. About nine o'
clock on Thursday evening, the Iflth inst., at a
coal train and freight train were proceeding in
opposite directians on the Reading Railroad near
Phrcnixville, they came into collision, and a
man named Patrick Hagan, was crushed between
the wood-tender and a car, and so honibly man
gled that it is expected he it by this time dead.
It was not known that be was on the car at the
time; and, after the accident he retained luffi
cient recollection to inform the conductors that
he had jumped on for the purpose of coming to
the xity, where he had relatives. The concus
sion dVove the coal car against the wood-tender,
catching the unfortunate man at the hips, sever-
on l" lnr "
There are a couple of KJilort in I-ebanon coun
ty, in this etate, who unblusliingly declare that
they 'want money !' Kunuy that, ain't it 1
Office of the Ualtimorx America, Dec. 2'J.
FLOUR. The unfavorable advices from
land have completely unsettled the nuirket for
City Mill Flour 'and to-day purchases could of
course be made lower than on Saturday. There
have been no transactions, and we are conse
quently unable to Hate the extent of the decline.
There aie sellers at $5 50, but no buyers.
GRAIN. There is very little Wheat at mar
ket to-day. A tale of prime red was made at 108
cents, and another of good white at 110 cents.
Prices have fallen " to 10 cents per bushel by j
reason of the English accounts, j
Very little doing in Corn. We note a sale of I
white at 72 cents, and of yellow at 73 cents. I
Oats are worth 4,'J cents. j
WHISKEY. The demand is limited. We
note small sales ofhhds. at a fraction under US ,
cents, and of bbls. at 2! cents.
Ubaokth's Pills! This medicine is ac
knowledged to be one of the mist valuable eer
discovered a a puiificr of the blood and !luiil.
It aiwittriitr tit SitiMr! !l i whether mm m sudorific I
or alterative, and ntnn.1 -i infill tely before all the
preparations sod combirialiotis if Mercury. I's
purgative proprrres are alone of incalculable value.
' ', '
i lor intse pins may it uixan ohiit ior any pr'ioii,
snd, instead of weakening, by the cathartic effect,
they adJ strength by taking away the cause of
wiakness. They have none of the miserable ef
f. c' of that deadly specific, Mercury. The teeih
nre nnt irtitiriltfoe hunM and timhfl ara nnmlt c
. , . . .
ed no; but, instead of ihese ihstiessing svniptoms,
new life and c nsequcr.t animation is evident in
eery movement of the body.
These Pills, fjr colds, coughs, tightness of the
chest, rheumatism in the head or lim! will be
found superior to any thine imagined nf the pow-
j era of medicine ; snd in bilious elfections, diaiepsia.
I and in all di-eases peculiar to women, tkey should
I e reorteJ to at once. There Lmidreth Pdla will
be found detrrving of all ptaise.
(Jj" Purchase of H. U. Master, Sunhury.orof
the ai;ent, puhliJievf in another put of iliH pter.
.rr . it u i e it ,
In Lewisbnrg. on the-27th ult., bvthe lv.F.
,, , ,. - , ... .
j que tp., to Mini Mary IIkown, of I.ewisbnrg.
j On the 4th inst., by the Kev. Samuel liryon,
, Rev. John GrycB, of Virginia, to Misr. Ellen A ,
daughter of Gen. A. Green, of Lewisburg.
i i i: u.
At his residence, Citv Hotel. Philadelphia, on
the 12th inst . Col. ROBERT W. DCNI-AP.
PlllCi: CUlUtCNT.
Corrected wetkly by Henry .Vasj r.
Whkat, 100
Rte, (J2
Coax, ...... jo
OiTS, 35
Pure, - . . . 5
FLitsssn, ... . 112
IIctteii, - . . . IC
Eons. .... .10
ISkkswai, .... 25
Tallow, ... 10
Flax, ... .10
lltrmni Flax, 10
Piusii ArrLts, . . . . 7.")
Do. I'lACHI.S, . . 150
rxilfc .Measles apteare.l in burope annul Hie i
I- ame time with the small pox, and have a ;
great affinity to that disease. They both came
from ,ie ,,me qU,rtfr ,lf ,he wo,d, ate both infec-
tious, and seldom attack the sime person but once.
The Measles are most common in the cprina sea-
son, and generally disappear in the summer. The
disease itself, when properly managed, seldom
proes faUl ; but its consequences are often veiv
,r,'u,'b some. Our buoinets is to assist nature to
throw out the eiuption. lllood-Itttuig it almort
rerUl, Jeh.
Nothing ever discovered has done the work so
genlly and rtfectually us Dr. SMITH'S (!St;g'r
Coaled) -Indian Vegetable Pill.." You need not
J force them down, either.
j CAUTKN.-As a miserable imitation ha.
ieen mj,i nT ,1C nalllt) f ..sug,r Coated Pill-,"
ii is necessary to be sure thai Da. G Uexj. Smith's
aigua'uie is on every mn. rnca .0 cents.
Piinciptl Office, 170 (Jrecnwich st. Ni w York,
Sold by JOHN W. FIM1.ING, Sunhury.
WM. FORSYTHE. Surlhunt'd.
Decemtr 27th. 1S45.
IS hereby given to ih Stockholders of the Dan
ville and Pottsvdle Kail Road Company, th it in
pursuance of the provuions contained in the act of
incorporation, an election will he held between the
hours of 11 o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M., on
the 7th day of January, 1846, at the rooms of the
Uoa'd nf Trade in the Merchants Exchange in the
etty of Philadelphia ; for on President, ten Mina
gers, a Treasurer and Hrcretury, and such other of
fleers as rosy be deemed necessary, In aeive until
the fourth djy of May, ensuing, and ontil bke ctfi.
c srs tr eboaen. fAML'EL R. WOOD,
December 30ib, 1815. 3i rresjdsnl,
Orphans' Court Sale
1 N punutnee of an order of tha Orphsm' Court
-- of Northumberland county, will la sold at pub
lie sale, on Monday the. 1 3th day of January, 1S46,
at the housa of Wm. R. Jones, in Augusta town
ship, in laid county, to witt
A eertaiit tract of land situate in the township
aforesaid, adjoining lands of Wm. R, Jones, John
Hart, and the river Susquehanna, containing eighty-seven
acres more or less. About forty acre of
said l met are c 'eared snd under a good atate of cul
tivation j the residue is well limbered. The said
tract is eligibly situated for milling or manufacturing
purposes, as an excellent water power is afforded
by Ddes Run, running through the land. The irici is tocaieu on the Susquehanna, about 8
niilei below Sunhury, on the roni leading fmm Ih it j
place to Harrishiiig. The land is comprised nf
bono n-bitul ami up-lahd, which will be sold toge. i
tberor si piraely, as may be deemed most a.Uisa- J
ble. Late the estate nf Col. John Jones. dee'd. j
Sale to commence at to o'clock, A. M. of said I
day, when the conditions of sab) will ha made. '
known by the heirs and adminlstr rfors.
WM. H MUENCH,? . , , i
ET.ISHA KI.INE, $Ad,n"'--WM.
. JONES, foribe heirs.!
December 30lh, 1845 4t 1
m isiv GDrn n; hT: -
A LI, persons indebted to the firm of George I
Rohrhach ct brothers, nra hereby no'ifi d to i
make pnvment. without further d.lnv" in n' I
serilni ; ami those havinn clnims ogiinst siid firm,
will present them for settlement. All notes and
accounts of Ion atanding will be placed In the
hands of a ju!.tice for collection, if n.'t attended to
Sonbury. Dec 20th, 1845. 2t
lOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
thum'erland County, at January Term, IStC.
comnicnriiiK the first Monday, being the 5th.
Seitzingcr, alienee of
vs John Oiirver et ul
s Joseph Keefer
v Abnham Klaze
va Henry Masser
vs John fhrmer
a usqii Wilhflm, fee.
Prentice for Welch
William Farrow
George Ecilnich
Jam son H irvev
Abner Mendeiib.tll
t'om'th nf PentTa. for
Frtncii. McOov, vs Felix M iuror ct al
Wm H llrjwn cv co vs John H Boyd
Strawbti-lge it lbodeo vs 5atnH
Holmes, Sturgeon it Co vs S.nne
Hugh liel'iB. E-ii vs Henry Dnnnel et si
Gliarles Hall'sex'rs vs William Wilson's ea'r
Gohin t Uilliiigton's assignees Edwanl tiol in
.Same v ( 'harles ( Jobin
Jacob I'eising vs Zimmenmn, S:ividge t co
It D Fo il-noiii vs Benjamin Ford-mau
William Simenlon vs J. bn Shipnian
Chailes II Kiick vs Wi liim Fiiek
John Henderson's heirs vs Greenoufh it Shrjiman
John I. leb v Thomas Allen
(Jilbcrt Berlieu v Wm R Jones
Jamei lio-s vs J icob II l!hnada
Wm 1. lleineman Hartman H Knirble
Philips, In. ol l.owrv it Gill vs Do 'ge Ac Bsrret
Francis Boll's ailm'r vs Daniel M. Serhler
Abraham 'I'rrwdliger vs liobins it Newtierry
John P Summers vs Derr it NfcWilliams
John McCioiighau's adin'r vs Charles Merrick
Yoxtheimer & Dawson vs N I. Price
John A Lloyd vs Wm E McDonald
John Knorr vs Wm S Montgomery
John Kane ct wife vs John Neidig it wife
E Greenough s John Cooper et al
Wm E McDonald vs Jhn A Lloyd.
Joli.ith:iii Adams vs Abraham Straub.
Prn'hon otarCa office. JVnA'y.
Smibury.Dec 13lh. IS45 i
OF NiirthumlerUiiJ County, fir Jan. Term,
A. D. 1810.
(mini Juror.
Turhut. Robert Have--.
l.rtrin. Carr Kussel. Samuel Smith.
D'laware .lames Beard, JiCib Bauch.
Milton. Matthew Bennett.
ChilUfijunijiie. ("apt, John Snyder.
SorthumberiunJ D. M. Sieediiuii, John Hum
mel. Sunliwy. William Krieghmtum, Felix Mau
rer. Franc s Bucher.
.4u:j!(.iJ N'e-lev Clark.
Shaniokin. Jacob Swank, snr Jacob Peraing,
John Fisbrr, Thomis Hoover, Reuben Snyder.
Kuth. Samuel Johnson, Charles Ks-e,
Cual George Armstroiie, snr.
I pper Mulivtwy. Samuel Ressler, snr , Tobias
Jaihson John Fegely, jr.
Travorwt' .lurors.
Turhut. John Gutfy, jr., Dand Engel.
Lrtfi's. Joseph Hughes, Jam s Tweed, Daniel
II. Limi bach.
DHavcure Thomas Hammer, John M'Kinney,
James Beard. George Hittle, Daniel Fryinire.
Milton. A. S. iShspin, Jacob llautt, John Kobr,
Samuel Avtes, Joseph Bound.
Chillisijuaijui: James Cumniingi, Michsel
Fo'lrner. George Haas. John G lfen,
I'oirit Jacub liodeiibach, 'J'liomas McMabon,
Broi k Elev.
Surl lilt uit land. Peter Henielmsti, John
Sunbury Geo. W. Kiehl, Geo. Weiser, Esq.
Augusta. 1 la v id BeCleyon, (iuorge Lin-han,
Sjinui l K. il. y, John Eckuian, Peter Kolj, James
Reeder. Thomas Snyder, Martin Gass
Sahmnkin. Leonard Kolhermel, Adjin Gliger.
Cnnl. Paul Ammerinan.
I'iprr Mnhnnoy. Phibp Uunkel, Boneval Hoi-
shoe, Peter lJr, sius, jr., 1 horn is I eter.
Lnutr Mahonoy George Phillips, John Uro
sius, J it-nh Spats, Florian Deeier.
Jjcktan (jeorno Heed, Est)., Jacob D. H oil
man, Michael Tn-on.
IS hereby given, to the creditors ofthe Shamokiu
Coal ond Iron Company, that the subscriber h is
In en appointed an auditor to state an account be
tween the tiustees and ihe bond-holders under the
second nioi'g 'ge, snd that be will attend at his of.
fn e, in Siinbiirv, on Saturday the 3d d iy of Janua
ry next, for ibat purpose, when and where ail inter
ested are requeued to uttitiJ.
Sunhury, Der. 13, 1845. 4t Auditor.
relate of Jueub Iirelier.
"l"rO'nCE is hereby given, that letters el admin.
1 istrstion base been granted to the subscrdier,
on the estate of Jacob Dreher, iste of Shauidkiii
township, Noithumberland county, dee'd. All
pcrsoi s indebted to said estate, or having demsmls
against the same, are requested to pres. lit (he same
to the subscriber fur settlement, without delay.
Shamokin. Dee. 13, 1845. 3t Adm'r.
" John lloiiiiuer'ki lOMaieT
"WTO I IC E is hereby given, that letters of ad.
minisiistion have been granted to th suhecri
twr, on the eatate of John Hummer, late of Point
township, Northumberland county, dee'd. AH (rs
sons indebted lo ssid estate, or having cluns a
gainst the same, sre requested to present the ssine
for stttlcinsnt lo the subscuber, res ding si Din
ville. WM. KITCHEN.
Pso'llle, Dec. 13, 1645.-61 Adm'r.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtu of a certain writs of vend. Exponas,
issued out nf the Court of Common Pleas
nf Northumberland County to me direcd, will
be exposed to public sile, at the Court House
in the Borough of Suribury.oo Monday the 5th day
of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following
de-Trihed property to wit:
A certain tract of land situate in Chilisqusque
town,.hip, Northumberland county, adjoining lauds
of Daniel Soider, David Eckert, James V Sander
son, John P, Summers snd others, containing one
hundred and sixty acres more or less, ubout 140
seres nf which Is cleared ; whereon are erected a
on and s half story frame dwelling house and a
frame barn, and a sm dl orchard, etc.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold ss the
propettv of Levi H. Gulick.
ALSO The undivided nvtiety nf a certnin lot
nr piece of ground situate in Delaware towns! ip,
Northumberland county, adjoining bind of Isaac
Vincent and others, containing one and a half seres,
whereon is erected a luig i three story frame Giist
Mill. I
Seize I, t iken in execution, and to be sold ss the i
property of John Vincent. j
ALSO A reitain lot or piece of ground situate t
in the town of Mc.Ewensville, Delaware tomi-hip,
Northumberland conniv, containing one acie rn re i
or less, adjoining md of Adam Zcrher. dee'd., J din
Boush. Hackenberg it Iie'and, and tha miiii road
leading from Milton to Muncy ; w hereon an- wee
ted a large framo dwidhng hou-c, a fn,nie stabl.
and s pump at the door. There is also a never
failing spring on the prcmisos.
Seized, taken in execution, and to t sold as the
property ef John Read Cay.
ALSO By virtue nf s certain writ of Plnrois
Testatum Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the
Court nf Dauphin county, all the defend mi's inte
rest, suppo-ed to be the undivided moiety f a rl,r.
tain trnct ef land situate in I'onl township. Nor
thiimberlnnd county, surveyed in the name of M it
thias Zimmerman, containing three hundred ami
sixty-seven acres more or le, adjoining lands nf
surveyed in the name of Peter Manrer, Michael
Kroll, John Nicholas B.iiley and o'hf rs.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
properly ofCulvm lilvdie.
She-iff's Office. Sheriff
Sunhury, Dec. 13th, 1945.
Orphans' Court Sal?.
IN pursumce of an order of tint Orphan' C -tirt
nf Norlhotnbei bind cointi' will ), it.l nt null.
lie vendue, on Thursd iy the 1 t d-iy nt J.uiu.rvi
net. at the house of Christopher llaiiglniwout. in !
Iiuh township, in said conniv, to nit : j
A certain ttnet of land situate io the township
and county aforesa d, adjoining land of Henrv Wc j- )
vcr, I.aac Wnolveit n and others, containing twen '
ly-nine and a half acres, whrreon are erected a two
story frame house, log barn and an excellent it- j
chard. I
Also A I t or niece of erounl situate in ssid I
township, adjoining land of Isiac Woolv.rton and i
Fredctick Weaver, containing ah ml five actes
Late the estate of John Haughswout, dee'd. Sale (
to commence nt 10 o'clock A. M.of said day, when
the conditions will be mnde known bv j
Sunhury, Dec. 1:), 1S45 3l Adin'r. I
AME to the premises of the subscriber,1
v- at the Point, about six weeks since, five
stray the.ep. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pav charges and take them
Snnburv. Dec. f, 1845. 3t
aplOME WHERE! Whv where do yon sup.
J pose but to Ihe Cheap Store of Henry Mas-er,
in Market street, Snnburv. And fir what pifpo-e
do you think they comet Why to bnv chcs;i, to
be mre and save nt ea-t"0 percent. The iron'
do nnthin ehe." because it is a well known fact
the very best articles are sold at Ihe verv lowest
prices. Now come, one and nil; but don't all come
at once, and Jl'DGE FOR YOURSELVES!
Wheie vou will find a Splendid Assmtmei.t of!
Fall tintl W inter Dry CuotN,
just received, among which are ihe following : Su
perfine French llmadclotli: West of England do.;
Heavy lieaver do , a first r.ite article fir Overcoats,
and a great variety of Wo d Dyed. ISlai k and Fan
cy t'.issimeres, 6 ittineits. Moussvlin-de-laine. Reji.
de-laines. Cashmeres, Alpa.c is, &c etc. Also, a
beautiful assortment i,f Calicoes of the latest styles
and patten s, n liit'n wi I be sold cheaper th in ever ;
also, Wo den and other Shawl in g'eat variety,
from 40 els. to 10 ; a general assortment of ILi
siery. Gloves, Suspenders, Mnis, Ac., &c; a laije
assortment of Women'a. Men's an I Mi-ees Gum
Shots, which will be sold cheaper than ever before
He Ins I kf wise, in addition to the above stock,
an extensive assortment of Q:trrnvirurr, If.irdiwf,
SmUiri; und (Irorrriet, Sng fr,,m S to 111, 12J
and Ifi ct--. per lb; Good Cnlfee. at 10, Very Post
at I2t. Abo. Nails; Sjnkes; Iron; S in.leis oi's beat
Cast Stei I; Engl sh, American and Sweed Il'ister
do. in short, every thing that i- usually kept in a
Country Store, all of winch will be sold at very
reduced prices.
Ijj" Country Produce of all kinds luken in et
ch mge for Goods.
Sunburv. Nov. 2?d, 1S4.Y
flHE mbscri' er, eiillor and publisher of the Mi-
tier's Journal for the last sixteen venrs, baa I
I Is en engaged lor the last year, in collecting the !
Materials for s work for which be has secured I
I the copy right, in the following words-
I "A
Hi.torv of the Anthracite Coal Trade of i
I Schuylkill an J the adjoining Counties, Geological
I and Stat'sticat. accoiiipanud Willi Maps of the dif-
I ferent Regions, the Improvements, Investments,
; Capit-i'v. Ac, embracing a complete and authentic
, Iii -t it y of ihe present lime to which wid be up-
j pendi d a Synopsis of the Lou Trai'e."
I It is our intention to eiubiace every thing of in
terest in the work, connected wilh Ihe trade, up lo
the t egiiiumg of the ear 1 e 1(3. prepaied and ur
ranged wih a view of continuing li e publicaiiou,
al periods of five or ten years, wnh such additions
as Ihe incieasej Ira le w ill warrant. These hi. n
c lies of trade have assumed an importance which
will warrant such a publication, and he I'eels con.
fidenl, Ihnl wilh the piofleied aid of several gentle,
men so I the statistics already in his possession, he
will furnish the public with a woik, which, if not
one of the most inlensiintf in its deui's, il will be j
of great value lo those engagej and inteiested in '
Ihce brenches of business.
As soon as ihe Maps, Ac, sre prepared, and some
idea can be formed of ihe probable expense of pub
lishing the woik, proposals will le issued fur the
(Tj- All the tracts of Coal land will I s designs
led on the M.pof the Schuylkif Cos! Region,
which will accompany the work.
Pottsvdle. Nov. 23, 145.
1EMO.NH. lot oi yuud, Irt.U Leinui.s, just
tecvived and for sal by
Tec. 13, 115. HEM-IT MASSER,
IS hereby given, to all legatees, creditors and
other persons, Interested in the estates of Geor ge
Gotlsjiall, deceased, settled by his administrator,
David Keeser of Christian Dunklelierger, dee'd.,
settled by Kusanns Donklebergor, administratrix of
Abraham Dunkleberger, dee'd., who was ths ex'r
nfChiiatian Dunkleberger, dee'd.; of Joseph Wea
ver, dee'd., settled by his adm'r. Henry Weaver ;
of Julio H. Hart, dae'd., settled by his exrruiors.
Jsmes Hutchison and Rebecca Hart i nf Jacob
Troutman, dee'd., settleil by his ex'r.. George
Trontmnn, late of Northumberland county, decea
sed, that the executors and administrators of the
said deceased eatatea have filed their acceunts with
the Register nf lhi conniy ; and that they will be
presented to the Orphars' Court of sail coun'y on
Tuesday, the filh day of January next, for cunfir
nation and allow ante.
Snnburv. Dec. fi, 1 S 45. 5t Register.
Il tllKISHI im, 1A.
r BEG I-ave to inform the pubbc that 1 have left
' Plii'adelphii, ami am now liicated in Harris-
burg, lbs a! of the Executive nod relate Govern
mini! of IVnnsvlvauia, where 1 now occupy the
I spacious J Intel, recently Kept ey Sir. Mnlthew
This spacious building, bavirig been iiiirpoely
plumed and erected for a Hotel of the first class,
i not sitrpi-sed if eiiun'led, by tiny similar eslah
lis'iment in Pennsylvania ; and having undergone
a thor itigh renovation, the parlors, rooms and
chambers are nov fitted up in a stvle that com
bines ele.tnnce with romfort and convenience.
Mv TABLE is pledged to I f supplied with the
best (are ihe Markets can produce: the chnrges at
the time being as moderate is any of the best
regulated nstal lisbment elsewhere. In short, ni
exiotions stnll be spired on my p irt, or on the p irt
ions .h-ill be sp-red -m my p irt, or on the r ,rt
i-ry member ,,t my h..nel,..M, to make it what
tuld be. , tLc t.npit , of one ofthe most pop.
ol eve
it should
uloiis mid interesting S ate of the Union
W i'.h these pr- nits' s, accommodations and faci
litiis, snd the tact that tbp Hotel is most eligibly
situated, I wbh confidence, most respectfully eoli
cil the patronage of the Public.
Lite of Hen's Hotel, Che-nut St., Philad.
Harri-btirg. Nov. S'i. 115. 3m
ron sale
subscriber oilers tor sale an Eight Horse
1. Power Engine, complete in all if -s parts.
ply at Roth's t..vem. 2'2 nobs from Sunhury. on
ihe turnpiko road hading to P.iltsville.
Nov. 20. IS1.V
Ill the C oiirt of loiiiiiioii IMcai
Foe Xurthum1 erlind County, I'enn.iyvania.Sit
'i.Jumiitry 7'twt IS31.
Ci sper AiUms, jr. and Frederick Adams,
John Adams, Peter Adams, Samuel Adams, Jacob
Travcr. t'atheiine Fox. William Liebrick and
Elizabeth bis wife, Peter Strascr and Magdalena
bis wife, Samuel Startze and Susannah his wife,
Olid Elenoi Adams.
rf.v .r i,-.
la ""'"on oi t . j. xirecnougn, conrt grant a
tule on the, patties interested, to appear by
the first diy of next term and show cause why the
land of Casper Adams, dee'd . should not be taken
at the appraisement by the heirs entitled to the
s ime, or be sold.
Extracted from the ReeorJ. and certified Nov.
Nov. 15, lst.'). f,t Proth'v.
s -t ei
1 iJ
"J 1 S 2
J O II X . 8 T R Y K i: II ,
Of the Lite frms if X wkirk y Stryker, tnul I
S'ryker d, ',ir;ir, '
I I AS te-iiTicd the holes de Dry G ioda Rtisi- I
- nesit, mill n..w otfers for sale, at Nos. 12 and i
It Rink stnit, Philjdelphia, udjoining Mvers,
Clajhoni ,V Co's Auction St're, So. ?s) Market
street, a general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
purchase J al miction, at a very small advance for
cash, or city -jccenlances,
lb lievmg ibat his long rxperience in pnrchasit g
ill enable him to sell Ins Goods at the lowest Mar.
ket eiivs, he unites hi- old friends, auJ others
wisi.iug io luiv, to tavor turn with a call.
Philadelphh. Nov. 1, I84.Y 6m
.Vj. 13 .VrA i!h siret t. a rte doort abuct Market
nA const ntly on hand a very large assort
ment of Looking Glasses. ltisWets, Cedar Wire
and Fancy Goods, which will be sold wholesale at
ihe very lowest prices.
N. H I.imk'ng trasses injured to any part of
the country, without charge.
Nov. I.'imri tiro
W alt In -., .lewelrv, r. .Vc.
vill sui'scrinrr oitcn. In sale, at the louc1 nn.
ccs. a l uge si d L-eneral assortment of G.,1,1
and S ver Lever, Lepine and othei kinds of '
Witches; Jewelry, Silver, Ebony und Gilt
Mann I (.'I nks, ami Musical Hoxes id.,viiu from
two lo ten tunes; Renedict ii Liarney's Diamond i
' Pointed Gold Pen-; Watchmakers' Tools, Files
and Mnert is. I
O.dcrs fiom ihe country are solicited, and will j
' be caiulully attended to. JOHN l FARR,
Wi Chisnut t., PhiUdelphia. 1
; No-. i. lsi.'i 4oi
'!' Ini iKisers ot
HIE subscribe', No. 1?1 Pearl street, New
York, having e-tabli-hed a Rranch at No. 2:11
S,,.,,k W. ...... .1 .1 ll. ,1. I. .. t.
... , ' ... , . . ""-"''";." " ! '
i , , ino-miii ii i cmii iioiii nip ,101
, York Auctions, an extcn-ive assortment of
which will be sold ut ihe lowest New Vork pi'Ces
; ut wholesale at d id t ill. Anwi g h s so( k will be
i lound a good iissiir t in et it of the lollowieg utttcles;
I JaccoiieU, I'l nd. ll.ur Cord, Lace, Stripe, Hook,
Swi.sand Turla'an Muslins, Uub p and I. men
i L uvns, Fancy Cap Neils, Fancy ami Ii! L)res-e,
i Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Ii'uik Silk
: Trimming Lace, In-h Linens, Linen Cambrics,
j Linen Cambric 1 1 ilk t. . Cuitaiu Fringes, Cashmere
; d'Ecos-e, Mouseluie de I. sine. Silk and Cotton
i Warp AIccus, (Room's t'lolh, Gala Plaids,
j Frein h Merinos, 111 o k silks, (iloves. Si U Hose,
, Shawls, Cravais, Ribbons, Embioideriis, Ac, Ac.
i Country Meicbants and others viiiii g Phd nlel-
!'!" ' ew 0,k ,J purchase, are respectlully iu- j
1 ' r" a'"' ""1J tue st uks.
No'- L . ..lh'15- 'Y C. II
ill practice in the seirral Courts of ihe City
and County of Philadelphia.
His office is si No. 3.") South FOURTH 8tret,
between Chesnut and Walnut sin els.
Philadelphia, Sept UUih, IM.'i. 3m.
WTIIIMT- The higtiisi price gien (ir
' T Whrat, at the stoi H. MASSER.
A new supply of Rom Ointment jxiss
.N;. to, leiss
. . . . . . .
f ft the Public.'
or ."
Will commence on Saturday, Oct. lltfi, 1S45.
Tkrsis i Three Dollars per annuru In aiaance,
fine copy one year in advance, $3 00
One copy two years, - 5 00
Two copies one ycir, 5 00
Five, .... 10(10
Eight, 15 00
Twelve, 80 00
And to every subscriler to either the WEEKLY
or DAILY, we will give a copy of
Willis's Letters from London, Com-iUtr,
In one hsnd'ome Eitba, uniform with th" Wrra
lt Miami ii. This coinpii-os the Fi iist Skih is
i f Lktss ss, and with the New Volume, wi'l com
mence the, Nr.w Sr.nirs. written from the Soc rn
or Ecnnps, when the Wetkly M-rrur will b s. pa
rately edited wilh parii nK' care, and w"h itoii
special regard lo the wants and la'es nf country
subscribers. We shall pic 1-h imvo t iles and less
matter that is merely local and by vj.inq in part a
smaller type, we thall be able to incei-e the quan
tity as well as 1 1 improve the quality of what we
gjve to our readers.
We shall endeavor to make
A diversified, entertaining, instn:c:ive and vatunldrr
chronicle of the times, nrrtMii.x nxwspii'Fii, (in
a from for binding in one or two volumes nt the end
ofthe year.) upon which neither labour, time, l:dem,
nor money will be spared. It will hcreatt r be en
riched with original contributions ihe lilc, rpien
and spirit of the foreign journals and contain h,I
ihe news, intelligence and variety of the d uly sheet,
handsomely printed on fine paper, msinuf.iciuri d for
the express purpose, and will re forwirleil by tlie
,. .,;, ma.K jn ,nn(
( )e ,;nilr,, St,,, ,nJ i
, jn m miv of N(,w
best mails, m strong wrapper". Io every pait i f
,anada. I otttiizrjne wnh-
ty nub s of New York. Ail coniinunica i.iiis
should lo addressed piot pniil, to Morns. illis ,V;
Fuller, 'corner Ann and Nassau streets, New Yotk,
7yi best in the World for Cliuitluicss, Cumfurt
und Economy.
No. 97 Sormi Sf.coxd St., PHILADELPHIA.
nAS now on hind a large assortment of ORR'S
Celebrated Patent AIR TK.HT STOVE",
to which he wouKI ci'll the attention of every tmu
j ,over f cmort MI,d economy, for whiih quid ti
they cannot he equal 'ed by any Stove In the woild.
They are a light St,ve( jind can te conveniently
carried to any distance, an .1 being constructed f, e
the use of wood, they ats' parbculaily udap ej to a
sick room.
Many thousands of this Stove K'ii.g now iouse.
their good qualities are too well k..own to iievd
Mr. Ttdile is Ike first Mifliori'ed scertt i i
Philadelphia, and has been making tbeiti i ni ' ml
Iv for the last five or six years. There N to
fear of not getting the genuine Stove of hiiu. .an ;
they are all warranted to give entire satisfar tii n.
No Air Tight Stoves are genuine, without n Iras
plate wilh the Inventor's name and date of llio
He has also on hand a large assortment of Cooc
Stoves, RsmaToas, and all kinds of Fancy Coal
Stoves, at the Old Establishment, No. U7 Soulti
Second above Walnut street.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, H45. Cm
IVe rreommenJ all of our friend visiting li 5
city, to call at the t'tkin Comjmuy't Sim t
and lay in a t apply nf their di liciuus T ni
Tin: PEiiiv i'c.i co'.iiMy ,
No. 30, Soctu Stcovn Srar.r.T, Detwveu M irki t
and Chesnut,
AVE constantly on hand, and l'jr sde
Wholesale und Retail,
At Lower pi ires,
according to ihe quality, t nan they can le Urn t
for at any other c,t:)ldis,nellt in thecitv.
(ry- Tes, exclusively, ore sold at llrs house,
and several varieties which cannot be obtained el-o-where.
Any Teas which do n. I give enure sati.
faction can be returned and exchanged, or the m,..
ney will be refunded.
The citeens of Northumberland county are re
spectfully invited to give us a call.
Agent for the IVkin Tea Company.
Philadelphia, Sept. UTih, IS45. ly
DAGVEKRl I.V VAU.EK ,f Ve;t Vremi
um Colored oAiHijscs, und I'ivUruphie
1) ml ;
No. 13C Chesnut Street, Pi i!;nlel.liia.
No. 251 llroadwav, New Y rk ; No To Conrt
S'tuet, Bosion ; No. l:tfi Cbesinit S reel. Pnili
delph s ; Rallin ore '"tre t I'a 'in, ore ; ll-ool
way, Saratoga Springs; . 5'i Ca,o. S'i.,,o,
New-Orleans ; Main Strut Newp,,rr, R.I. And
Main Sirei-t. Du llucjue, Iowa.
rONsTITl'Tl.NG the oldest and mo-t Exu i).
sive Establi-hment of the kind in ihe W.-P.
snd con! lining rnore Ihan a Tlfill.'SAND P(R.'
TRAITS, ernhracino; those of some of the ino,t
distinguished individuals, in ;he 1'iiiteJ St iles.
Admittance free.
This Establishment Jviving been awnl.d lY -Mrdul,
Four Frt Fmniurnt, und (Vo o-,-f
Honors'' at the Exhibitions at lloloo. New-Yo k
and I'tiiladcl) hia, respectively, for best 1'n Hue-
Apparatus, is thus otlici illy cusuitte 1 in the post,
tion of superiority heretofore universally ss-ignej it
by the public. a ' in the World."
June 2S:h, 1S1.". ly
t n jb a.. 'n3 a et
rilUE Sl'USCRIUERhas been appointed seen
1 for the s..l i f Cil.NR Ml MEV I'.lf's l El ,."
i A N OS, at this place. These P ianos have a plv io ,
: massive and beautiful exterior tini-h. and, lonleH!V
I ami sweetness of lone, and elegiine ol wnrkiian.
ship, are nut surpassed by any in toe Unrcd Siai, .
The lollowing is a reconimeii.htion liomCun.
Di a rs, ct-ltbisted perlottner, and himi If a nun.
1 utactuier :
i A V A It I.
Hsvivo had the p!i -ure of Irving the exce'-
lenl 1 ivno t ortts inaiifact ured l y Mr. Mevi r, si I
; exhibited st the I n-t i xbibrion ol the Fr .nk'.m In.
! sliiute, I feel it due lo l!,e true nieiit of the inal, ,
' lo declare that these instruments are qui1 rtpis .
and in some respects even sUaiioi, lo a'l tin- P..
I alio Foites, 1 saw at the capitals of Eutope, su 1
' during a sojourn of two xenrs at Paris.
These Pianos will be su'd at the inannfscl ,ir
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not fr.meihr.ig f tt. i .
),,, p
I ersons sre requeslcl ia fj ,d ciHiwt.
ihemselves, st the residir of ,he ,u!lftiil.r,
Sunhury, May 17, lft JJ, , MAssER.
J nt ieiiive.1 and tor Sale. t'b-
Moica-h.l'V II F.MS Y MArsSLii.
Suiitury, ef, if, li-45.