Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 20, 1845, Image 4

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    C7" The Washington correspondent of the
Philadelphia Ledger says the following effusion
ba been put into my hands, which is said to have
lieen picked tip in the ante-room of one of the
departments ; as it is a very good picture of the
subject, I have given it a name, and send it to
. you as the ' ! i'i "
Office. Ilnnler'a SollUqn;-. ,
To dance attendance upon greatness
To sue to pli ad to beg to play the sycophant,
And tell "loner yarns," of service rendered
Of time and money spent t' advance the public
pood v v , , j ,
Of private wrong endured of mined health
Of suiTriing wives and famished offspring,
Ma.le&cggavs, as it were, through patriotic eal -Uf
how your gramlsires "fought and bled and died
In freedom's cante" of nightly vigils spent'
To write your enemy aa ass or kpave ,
The ink by gallons used, and paper by the ream,
To nmr.e your kindred, who are ptiiots, all ;
.And hr.w your mother's ceusin, of the fourth d.
Was grandson to the man wbo slept
With General Jackson when a boy and the
V-e told with bland complaisance, that
"Your claim is just, and shall with due
Attention considered," and thus be kept
1 ii anxious doubt another day perchance a week,
or month, and all the while expense incurred
For board, at Coleman's, Fuller's, Gallabruu' or
It is vexatious and most humbling to
The man of spirit, pride or sense.
"T were less humiliating far, to dig
iSomeUttle patch of earth, or swingan axe,
Or ply the sledge or pointed awl, than trust
To such precarious chance for grub, to' feed
The wile and little ones. Sythax.
I.yrila .Tane Plerson and Thaddcua' Stevens.
Amon the new publications of the clay, is a
volume; ot Poems from the pen of LvpiaJank
1'ikrsos, entitled "Fokf.vt Leaves'." The
lady resides im a beautiful farm, situated in the
midst of a dense forest, in one of the Northern
comities of Pennsylvania., From her secluded
rrtrciit she sends forth tier sweet warbling
witii a truthfulness the scenes around lier, and
n the emotions of the hutnn heart, that cannot
tail to delight all who take pleasure in the re
miniscences of rural scenery of by-pone years
Mrs. Piorsun lias been distinguished, for some
years, as a contributor to various magazines
Uirotiphout the United States. '
A Philadelphia correspondent of the New
York Mirror, in alluding to this volume of Po
ems, and their author, cays:
'Tiiere is an interesting story connected with
this lady ; and as it shows the manner in which
kIpc was provided with a home, it may be use
till to son of her poetical friends to put tin in iu
the way of following in the foot-steps of the for
tunate authoress. A number of years ago when
I lie host talents of Pennsylvania were called
into requisition to establish a system of Common
Schools for the general education of the people,
Thaddeus Stevens, a distinguished lawyer of
the state, made a masterly speech in the Legis
lature in favor of education. . Judge Lilts I,cw
i j, wiio is ditinguirhed for his learning nnd
ability 3 o Jurist, was at the time President
of several Literary institutions, and was also
rcaloiisly engaged in promoting the cauce of
education by delivering literary and scientific
lectures. About this time a powerful produc
tion iu Poetry, in favor of education made its
appearance, and gave a new impetus to the
rause. Judge Lewis made immediate inquiry
ronterning the ladyV situation in life, and as
certained that she had been at one time in good
circumstances, but owning to a 'long illness of
her husband, and a cad train of misfortunes, the
fair authoress with a larg family-was with
out a home, and in a state of great pecuniary
einbarassmcnf. It is said that he met Mr. Ste
vens Ucn a rich bachelor, in the Chamber of
the House of Representatives ami suggested
the propriety of raising something for the relief
of so much talent and worth. With that true
benevolence for which Mr. S. is distinguished,
he authorized the Judge !) purchase a fuita
Lie Farm, ucli as the isdy herself might select,
nui without any limit with respect to the price,
tjlraw upon hit;i for the amount. The lady
wae ovorwlidmeJ with aUn.'.bhnieut when site
received a letter from Judge Iwie, who was
inly known to her by reputation, apprising her
of hi coin in inoiuu. She, however, made the
elctiun, aid the Judge made the purchase,
drew on Mr. Stevens fat the purchare, money,
ami forwarded to Mrs. Picrson the deed drawn,
to Thaddeus Stevens in erust for the seperate
use of I. yd m Jane Picrson and her heirs and as.
fius forever. It is but juaticeto all parties to
add that Mrs. Picrfon was an entire stranger
to Judge Lewis and Mr. jSiefcnk; Neither
had ever seer. her. It is from this woodland fe
tre&tof her own selection that ehe sends forth
her 'Forest leaves' to delight the hearts of ajl,
and particularly those who see nothing arouod
them but monotonous lines of brick and mortar.
May every gnod poet have the like good luck.
.All who wish to learn how to write such, poetry
as touches the pockets as well aa the hearts of
its readers, will do well to purchase a copy of
Mra. Piemxi s I'oiu.sT LtArtfc."
A Fact. Voting ladies wbo are aceuMomed
to read the paper are always observed to pos
sess winning ways, most anvabb? dispositions,
iiivarinbly make good wives, and always select
good husbands. ' . (
To discover the length of a woman'a eon
rciencc, let her measure ofl aa much ribbon a a
the pleases for a shilling. When you observe
how much the takes, you have guaged tb
length ol a woman's conscience.
' I ( J-k r
Tile following list shnwa the current value of all
Pennsylvania Hank Notes. The most implicit rc
lisnco may be placed upon it, as it is erwy week
jarcfully enmpired with and corrected from Biek
nail's Reporter. '
' ITanks) In riilladclpliln.
K4tii.,':. Location. ,l,,r'"
I II 1 1. All.
' ' ! "ffOTES AT PAN.
Bunk of NTdth America . ,- ,
Bntik of the nrtliern Liberties ,
Ciimmr'einl Hunk of Pcnn'a. . ,
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bunk .'. .
Kensington Bank ' . .
Philadelphia "Hank ' . ,
'Mtm foill Hank '
Souibwark Hank
Western Hank . . .
Mechanic Hank . .
Manufacturers' & Mechanic' Brink
4 ' " . " Country IfanK.
Bank of Chester County Westchester
Bank of Delaware County Chester of Germantown Germantown
Bank of MonlRoinery Co. , . Nnrrisiown
Doylostown Dank Doylostown
Rnston Hank Easlon
Farmers' Ttnnk of Bucks co. Bristol
Office of Dunk of Penn'a.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do . do
Harrishnrg" These
I.micaMfcT I offices
Iveiding do not
Fafton J issue n.
tank of the United States
rtiiUtt. tjihia no
. 'Sr
; P'-
. . par
Bank of Venn Township
(lirard Bank .
Moyainensiiig Bank
Hank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Potlsville
Bank of Lrwistnwn
Bank of Middlotown -Uank
of Northumberland
N'.irlliiiiiiln llun.l par
Columbia Hank & Bridge co. Columbia
Carlisle Hank Carlisle
Exchange Hank Pittsburg .
1)j ill branch of. Hollul ivsfurg
Farmers' Hank of l.anrasiei l.nncistei u
Lancaster County Hunk Lancaster
Farmers' Hank of Reading Heading
Harrishurs Hank I lliirrisliurg
Lnncaster Hank I.ancnster
I.ittiarion Hank '. Lebanon
Merchants' & Manuf. Hank Piltslmrir
Bank of Piltsliurg l'iitslung
West Hianeh Hunk . WiilianisMirt
Wyoming Hank ilkesharre
Northampton Hank Allenlown
Berks County Hank Heading
Office of Hank of U. S. Pittsburg
Do do (to Krie
'Do do '" do New P.risthton
Kensinclon sav. Ins. A ila
IVnn Township V iv. Ins. do
Hank of Chaiiilmrsliurg ('hamlnTsburg ,
Hai.k of Gettysburg Gettysburg
Hunk of Su-iuehanna Co. Montrose
Erie Hank Erie
Farmers' (c Droveru' Uank W uynesburg
Franklin Hank W'asliinlon
llonesd.ile Hnk Honisihile
Monongahela Hank of U. Hronnsvitle
i'ork Uank Yoik
N. B. 'I he notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a da-h ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a leiler of reference.
Philadelphia Sn. Ins. . J'liil:ilel,.hia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
Schuylkill bav. Ins. do f.iiled
Manual Labor Uank (T. W Dvotl, prup.) failed
I'owanda Hank
Alleghany Bunk of Pa. '
Hunk of Heater
Uank of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre. Bank .
City Uank
Fanners' & Merh'cs' linnk
Farmers' & Mecb'rs' Hank
Farmers' & MecbVa' Uank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Hunk
Juniata Uank
Lumtiermeii'a Hank
Northern Hank of Pa.
New Hoie Del. liriil(;e ('o.
Norlhutnh'd Union Col. Ilk.
North Western Ha-ik of Ha. :
Office of Schuylkill Uank
Pa. Acr. & Manuf. Hunk
.Silver Lake Uank -Union
Uank of l'enn'u.
U'estinorcUnil Hank
no sale
Fayette co.
tireeiieasl e
no sale
no tale
lloolinu.lou no sale
l.rwiuiAii no satv
.New Hope
Mradt ill
Port Carbon
Mou I rose
no s.ile
1)0 sale
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
ilk. sli.irre no sale
Qj" All notes purporting to be ou any l'cnn-yl-vauis
Uank not given in the above li.-t, may be wt
J own as frauds.
m:w jr.usr.v.
Bank of New Brunswick
Betvideie Hank '
Uurliugton Co. Uank
Commercial Bank ;'
Cumlierland Uank
Farmers' Uunk
Penh Ainboy
. i
Mount Holly
Farmrrs' and Mechanics' Uk Italiway
Farmers' and Mechanic' l!k N. Hiunswiik
Farmers' and Merchants' Uk
Franklin Hank of .N.J.
Mlldletown Pi. 1
Jersey t'Uy failed
Hoboken Ukg & Glaring Co llok.ken
Jersey City Bank
Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Uank
Morris County flunk
Monmouth Ilk of N.J.
Mechanics' Uank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Uk
Morris Canal and Ukg Co
Pool Notes
Ntwsrk Ukg & Ins Co
New Hope Del Uridge Co
I utters, m
Freeh, JJ
Jutsi-y City
no sale
N. J. MmuuIjc and Ukg t'o
N J Pioleclon & Iomburd hk .1er.-ey City
Orange Bank Orange
PaicrMin Dank Patersou
IVopUV Uank d
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co fstlcin
State Btnk Newark
Ktatc Bsnk F.lialM'thlown
eitate B:ink (aimleii
State Ujnk of Morris Moriislowu
titate Bank Trenton
Sale in and Philad Manuf Co ' Halein
" Ir
Suasri Uank " ewloll
'I'lenUiu Hanking Co Trentou
Union Bank Dover .
Washington Banking Co. llackensack
Hk of Wdm ft Brandy wine ilniington
Hank of Dvltware t ' Wliaingtoti
Uunk of fciinytiia ;- - aiMiyina -'
Do Uaneh - Miltmd ' ' -
FaraW Bk of tMate .f pel Dover
Do branch Wilmington
D . branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Hank Wilmington
aT Under 5's i .
rr V On all banks marked thus I'M ihera are ai.
1. x ,
titer counterfeit or altered note of the various V
ceiniualioas, in cuculsuun.
"1 Bhrkstkh's Vf.airpnK'i- a trrtain cure for
worms safe and very peatnnl to take.
'. 2. (iiiisok's ExTRtcTfl, which, remove (iresse
of all kinds Dry Paints, Tar, Varnish and Wx,
from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the
culor or the cloth.
3. I.nsinn FtT Ppa the best thing known
for killing flies and musipiitoes,
4. A certain Destroyer of Tints, Mice, Roaches
nnd Ants, and another of Hi d Buis. ,
6. (Jitjim's SpKciric for sour stomach, ITeart
Hum and Walnr Drash, by one who hud sullirej
thirteen yeirs, before he dicnvered the cure.
. Dii. Strvrn'h finF.s.t Ointmsmt fur the Piles.
It has never faileil to one.
7. ilHHtsos)' Tf.ttku Wash.
t. Hrkmoii's NntLiSLt Nk, without a
9. Tnit CnMenrrn Corr.rTin nr Fic.s
jut the medicine for children and for women, it is
so plessint to Ink".
10. Hm-k'h VKnr.Tar.B AstTiiui.Tnv Pil.t.s.
11. Opim's Kmoi.mkiit WATrn-pnoof Pastf,
for II irness, Hoots, Alc, It softens the leather, and
keeps out the water.
12. Ponn Man's fTnv.nTH.rtn Plastkh.
in. JacksoVs DrtRnnmA MiXTrnr, which
cures the worst Dianhren in a few hours.
II .1 trie son's DrsKNTAnr MixTcnr, a cer
tain ntnl speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer
The H'ove valnshle articles are sold wholesale
and remit, bv L. C. GUXN. A'o. I SouiA Fifth
ttrrtf, Vhilmlelphia where Storrkerpers r.nd o
ihers will be supp'ied with pure African Cavenne
Prpi-er, Arnica Floeis, Drugs, Paints.Oils. fils
nnd Varnihes. at the lowest prices. Terms ot ly
rali. Cut out the silverli-ement, and bring
it with vou.
I'hilidelph!a. July inth. 19-15. 1v.
II i: I 1 i: V K A X D LIVE.
Com pound Syrup of Tar & lVootl
f1HE unpr'redented success of lhi mrilicino. in
I. the restoration of health, to ihose who, in lies
pr-ir, bail siven np all hopes, has piven it an Hal
ted reputation a' ove nil other remedies, fiirrishin
evidence of its intriusir atiinil poivpr. ns the on
ly scent which enn l rebrd oii.-n for the cm of
Pulmonary Consumption. Bronrhittis, Anihmn,
Pain in the ide and Hrea-t, Spitting of Blood,
Whonpins (ouch, ('roup, Ac-
Attention is requested to the following ASTON.
IsHING CI' 'I'hnmso'i's Coniinund Syrup
of Tar and W ood N'npt'ia ! !
VhUa.hlphia. Mat, 3r7, 1841.
Ml!. THOMSON Dear Sir With Grateful
feelincs I inform you of the astnnisbine ellec's of
your niedieine, which has literally tai d me from
a ile ilh-lwd ! My direace, Pulmonary ConMinip
tion, h nl reduced me so low that my physician pro.
iio.inreil my ease hopeless ! At this junction I be
gan to U'cyour medicine. mid riiiracul us as it rnnv
seem, it has rninpb tey restored me to health, alter
everything else had faileif. He-peetfullv vours.
Cltarlnttelfeel, almvr Genrce street.
The unilersicn-'ik lieii g personally scipiatnted
rwilh Wasflinct-'n M'rk anff his sullertnL-s. bear
witness lo the astonishing rtlects of Thomson's
Compound Svrup of Tur, and the truth of the a
bove st.itcinenl.
.IDS. WINNER, 3IS North Third street,
DAVID VICKEKS. 42 Almond street.
HUGH M'GIN LEY, S. E. corner Tatnany
i-n l Fourth streets.
Preparrd only by S. I. Thomson, N. E. coiner
of Sth and Spruce streets, Phi'sile'phia.
Aeents. H. B. Masser, funbii'y; D. Gross,
and Dr. Maephersoo, Ha.-iishurg ; Jn . G. Brown,
Pnttsviile ; Geo. Enl, Ke'dtnif j Houston V Ms'
on, Towanda. Bradi'oid county, Pa. Piice 50 cents
pir boitle, or f 5 per dozen.
(Jj" Uncart of till imi.'a'on.
Philadelphia, June 2Htb. I s,4r. If
ritllE sul'scriliers would respectfully inform the
1. Citizen of Sunliury biiiI the puMic gener illy,
that they have purchased the shop of Mr. William
Hoover, in Markel str. it, ore ibvir west of the Post
Oiliee, white they will continue the
("ahiiii'l-.lSaKiia Iltiiiii,
in all its bnncheK. The public may ixpec! llicii
woik done mi tht: latest style. They hope, by stiirt
iitteution lo buMins-i, to nn iit a slurc of public
(jj Coffins made to order on the shortest notice,
and country produce taken in exchange for work.
. Sunbury, Mav I7ih. IS45. ly.
1 S IE 15 Y A: Et 0cTa 17
Smith Dust rnrnrr of Mnrhi t and 4A ...
"MllyliK they always keepnn hand an exteii
siv 5si.rtin, lit of HA TS Cf C.i I'S of every
desci iption, got up in the best and most approved
style. Prisons derirous of purchasiuu superior arii
chs on the ni, ist leasonatde terms, will tied ii to
their advantage la call In lore making purchases
Philadelphia, Oct. 5th. 1tl. Iv
nbe pu'ilic w ill please observe that no Urandieth
Pills are genome, unless the Ih has three l i
hela upon it, (the too, the sn'e and the bottom
eicb cont.iinmtr a signature of my hand
writing, thus It. lints im r.i H, M. D. These .i.
heUate nnvraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an et prune of over f2.tMiO.- Therefore
it '.vill be seen that the only lliini; nree-sary to r
core the nii-Uiciue in iia purilv, is to observe these
lb-member the tn, the side, and the ho'lnm.
The Mlowing resjtrrtiva persons are duly ouihori
el, and hold
For the sale of Hranitrnh'i IVruA.V Vniveraul
Northumberland eounlv s Milton Markov A
('h.imbeilin. Sunbury If. B. Masser. M'Eens
ville lielamloi Moixell. Northuini'eilaiid Win.
Forsyth. Georoelown J. & J. Walls.
Union County : New Berlin Bogar & Win
ter. Setinsgrnve George Guudium. Middle
burs Isaac Smith. Beavrrlown DaviJ Ilubler.
AdamsburgWm. J.May. MifflinsborE Mensch
A Hay. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freehurg
G. A F. Mover. Lewisburg Walls & Giern.
Columbia rounty : Danville E. B. Uey nolds
vV Co. Berwick simman Rittenhouse. Cat
tawisn C. G. Brobts. Blooinsburg John It.
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Robl. Mct-ay. Limestone Balh MrN'ooh.
Ilbseive that each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
i)r BRANDKETH'S Manufactory at Sing Ming,
and upon which will also be seen eiact copies of
the new lubtU now used upun the Hrandrtlh I'ill
Philadelphia, office No. 8, North ftih atreet. :
HALSAKf Ojf WIXW ClimilV, i
A Compnnnrl Hdlssmlc Preparation from
Wild Cherry Hnrk and Tur,
The best remedy known lo the Hitrldfnr the ewre of
coutrhs, cods, atfhmrt, croup, lilrrdinq nf the
iin?., tulinnplnf rough, hronehitit, in fit f
ntti. thnrlne nf hrrnlh, pain nnd
wnknens in the hreanl nr idr,
liver eiimifititit, nnd the
' first singes of
We will not assert that (his BALSAM will core
Consumption in ist irnr.t t,rm, but it has cured
mnnv after all other means of relief bad been tried
in vain. And why not 1 It seems that the WILD
CHERRY was destined by Natuie to lie our PA
NACEA for the ravaging diseases of this cold In
titudo. Let not the despairing invalid waste his
money and loose TIME, lo bin ei all important,
in x;eriiiiniling with liie trashy nostrums of the
day. but use at once a medicine that will rure, If a
cure be poB'iblc a medicine that science approves,
and manv years of experience have demonstrated
that It tilwiiyi relieves.
"There is tin snrh thing ns foil" in the history
nf this wonderlul BALSAM. Evidence the most
convincing evedence that no one curtdoiihl, fully
rstahli-hr this fact. For the sake of brevity we
select the Wowing from thousands. ' ,
Isaac Plait, Esq., Editor or the Pokeepsie Eagle,
one or the m ist influential journals in the sia'e or
New York, states utuloi iho authority or bis own
name, tint a young lady, a relative nf bis. ot vprv
delicate constitution, was attacked in Felt. 1842.
with severe cold, which immediately produced spit
ling of blond, cough, fever, and other dangerous and
alarinii g symptoms. Through medical iieitment
srid one she psitially tec ivered during summer.
But on the return of w inter she was attacked more
violently than at first, she became scarcely able to
walk and ws tinubled with cough, chills and fever
every day, and appealed to be going rapidly with
consumption ; nt this time, when there n n sign
of improvement, Mr." Piatt procured a bottle ef
Wistaii'h Halsax nr JVttn Ciif.iirt. which she
took, and it sieminglv restored her. She g,4 a se
cond, and before it a half luken he was restored
lo prrfrrt heulth, which she has enjoyed to the pre
sent time, without the slighter! symptom of her for
mer di"e ,se.
Mr. P.att savs "the eime under my own ob
servation and I cannot be mistaken aa to the facts."
PrMnannr., Washington co., Maine, Apr. 20. 1 844.
MR. ISAAC BITTS. Dear Sir! At the re-;
ipiest of many of my friends in this place and viol- j
nity who are nfilicted with consumption and liver ,
complaints, I lake the liberty of asking vmi to ep- '
point someone in Ibis coun'y as agent lo sell Wis- I
run's Halsam nr Wn.n Cnr.iiHT, and to send hhn I
a lew ilor.en. as tnere is none ot I! lor sale wit!
"Oil ....I.. f... il.i. I I 1. ...I.. .1... :. n
iiiii. a. , in,..- ,i,ijv III. II It wotllli I
niei I with a ready sale if it were w here it could he !
I moored without loo much expense nnd delav.
Mv wife was at inked about six nvntha since
with what the physicians called the first stage f
resumption a Complaint i ry prevalent in this
si r t ion of country. Having seen the Balsam ad
vertised in Augusta.
C7 200 rritrs racwc zxrns, iC0
I took the pains lo send there for a boitle ol it,
which she took, and which helped her so much that
I sent fir to bottles more, which she has also la
ken, and he now s .vs she has not felt so well for
six years as she does st this time. All those who
bsve inquired nf me and ascertained what effect the
Balsam had, are anxious to have some for sale in
lhi vicinity, which is ihe cause nr mv writing you.
Pleae inform me by retu-n of miil whether vou
conclude to send some, and if so to whom, in order
that it may lie known where it can be bad.
I am with reflect vours, ere.
The whole country is fist learning that no medi
cine no physician no preparation of anv kind
whatever can eijnal Da. Wistah's Balsam of
Witn Ciikkmt.
WAT.avii.Lt, Oneida en., N, Y. Sept. 15, 184.1.
Dear Sir I owe it in the afflicted to inform y, u
that in January l.i-t I was attacked by a vety vin
lent cold, caused by working in'lhe water, which
settled on my lungs. It was accompanied bv a ve
ry severe pain in my hrrnrd nnJ sides, and also a
disties-ing eeugh. I hud In attendance all the I est
modioli aid in ntir viibige; but after exhausting nil
their t-kilt 'O no avail, ibey pronounced my di ease a
ro fiu nr n rosi'vrriox, and they one and all
gore me up to die. After much persunsinn I got
the consent of my physician lo use the Hai.svm of
Witn ('niiinv prepared by Da. Wistab. I pur.
chased of Ihe Agent in our place one boitle, before
using half of which I began to gain stiength, and it
wis very evident my cough was much better and
my symptoms in every wav improving. I have
now used three bottles,, and urn restored to perfeet
lienth. This result is aln owing lo the u-e of
RY ; and I take this method of g;ving ym ihn in
f rm.ition, parity to pay you the debt of grililm'e
I owe you. and partly thai others similarly afflicted
may know where lo apply for relief.
Voiy trulv yours. JAMES R.GE.
Mm. Palm fm. Druggist, under due of Wsterville,
Sept. ?1th, ll:t. wr.ns;
The statement given you by Mr. James Sage is
well known to be irue by this trhnle roinuiumti).
It n rt inlv w as a most reniarka! le cure. The sale
nf ihe Bal-sm is very pood, and its sueopss in cures
tru'y flattering. Yours respi ctfullv,
CTTJK KVKIl KI.t()IU)i:i).
I! AiinosriKi.n, N. J , April 20, I84:t.
On or ah, oil the l.'tlh day of Octotn-r, 1841, I was
taken with a violent pun in the side near the liver,
which roniiuiMsi lor stoiil five days, and wsa fol
lowed ty Ihe breuking of an n :, or slscess. in.
wardlv, which relieved ihe ( sin a little, but rsu-ed
me 'n throw up a great qmritilv of otl'en-ive mallei
and also lunch blood. Being greatly alumni.,!
this, I applied to a physician, but he said be ihougi t
! he eoubl do hut Utile for me eicrpi give me some
, Mercury Fills, which I refused to lake, leehng
I satisfied that I hey could do me no good ; many n
, iher Mint dies weie thin procured by my wile and
j fin ni!, I ot none did me any good mi d the ilix
I charge of blood and corruption still c,,, turned evi rv
few days, and at last lerornn so olTeusive that I
0,'uM scant ly breathe. I also seized with a vi
olent cough, which at lunrf caued uie to raise
much more blood than 1 had done before and my
disease continued in this way, still growing worse,
until February, when all hope of my recovery waa
given up. and my diemls all thought I would die
of a (ALiorisn Cimsoxmn. At this moment,
when my life was apparency drawing near Iu close,
WILDCHELKY, and got a bottle which me
Likvin Ma iMMkniATrLf ; and by the Use of only
three bottles ir this medicine, all my pains were
rcuiovnJ my cough aud spuing of blood ami cor
ruption entirely stopped, and in a lew weeks my
health was so fsr restored aa to enable ine to woik
at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up to this
time 1 have enjoyed good health.
tiimrnTsa Coi'ktt, N. J , ss.
Fvrseuallf cams txelwra me, tha subscriber, one of
the justices of the Peace in and for the said coon-,
ty, Thorns Cozens, and being duly affirmed ar.
cording to law, suith the above statement Is in all
things true. . . ;
Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April. 1843. ?
J. C'tMUT, J P, J
' Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL.
a prescription congenid lo our wants, as it is pre
pared from chemical extracts from substances which
the BUthor of nature has placed in our own land
for wise purposes, that many who know nothing
of the mode of its propnritinn are endeavoring lo
reap pecuuiiry benefits by selling an article similar
in name, or in nppeannre. nr by representing their
own trash as superior to this B A L8 M. nr by put
ting tip a mixtute and solemnly asseverating that it
is imported from a foreign country, which is not the
case. All thes,' deceptive arts co to show tlii
WisTn's Hai.sam is known to the World to be
"THE CHEAT REMEDY," and that to sell
any mixture it must be like this in name, or pur
port lo be like it in substance,
OTj" Believe not the cunningly w rought fabrica
tionsand lake only the original and genuine
WistaIi's Hai.savi or Wn.n Chf.biit.
Address all orders to ISAAC BUTTS, No. 32
Ann St., New York.
Agents, JOHN W. FRILING. SunhWrt,
D. BRATTTIGAM. XorlhumherltnJ,'
J. K. MO YE It. nitmmnhurs,
J. WAGGONSKLLF.K. Seltns-f.'rnre,
.Fj-b.22J.l815 ly . , ...
nrpi itATivn syri i.
npHE vidiiab'e properties or Oakley's Depnra
S live .vytup or Strsaparilla, ns a purifier nf the
blood, is so well known lo the public generally,
that it is uni'eress.iry to occupy much paee in set
ting forth the advantages to he derived from its
use; wherever the medirine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all others; eveiy
olio that has taken it, have th rived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that 't is recommended by
them with ihe u most confidence. 1'hysicians of
the highest .-tan-ling in the profession, prescrilie it
to pn'ients under their rare ; containing nothing
del. terious. but being composed ol the most mild,
yet rtrio.icious vegetable materials, it Is offi red with
Confidence,' ns ihe cheniest and most efficient pu.
rifie.r of ihe b(ood now known. The use of a few
buttle. esMriaPy in the spring months, will -he. at
tended with a most decided improvement in tint ge
neral strength of the system, eradicating anv seeds
nf disea-e that may have been generated, besides
giving health snd vig,.r to the body. For Ihernre
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Titter,
Pimples or ciuptionsnf the Skin, White .Swelling,
C a . I. IU t l a l h ....
riMu.a. inrnnic ouca Aslh.iv, tve, I tin nu
" " '"" I"""" ' ",r """
I llltlfitltB Slrllfli'eta ll.n ... 1 , ..1 L . ..1
err nnu ni agents, irom physicians ami oihers, are
stillicient In convince the most skeptical of its su
periority over all piepHralioiis of iSarsapaiilla.
l II.: r
Sold wholesale nnd retail, by the proprietor, j
nr.wiii.r. v. iiam,i;v, iNorth Slh street, pj.
ding, Berks Connty, and lo he bsd of the Mlowing
poisons t
In Knrthumlierhmd ('ottntt. H. B. Massfr,
Sunbury; Ireland Mixel, McEwensville ; D
Kranser. Milton.
In Union Cmtnty. J. Gearhart, Selinsgrove;
A. Gutelius. Mifilmhurg.
In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash
ington. '
Reading, March 14, lR4:t.
Mn. Oaki it: I believe it the uty or every
one to do whatever in their power lies, Tor the Ivn-.
fit of their fellow man, am' having had positive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapirilla, I nvst
conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We
had the mi-f,irti,ne to lose two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the
face, head and neck, although we had some of the scientific physicians lo attend lh- m and had
tried all the known lemedies, including Swaim's
Panacea, without avail. Another or my children
was attacked in ihe same menner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
ntTensive, and the disease at such a height, that we
despaired ot her life. Seeing the wonderful cflcrts
nf your Depurative Syrup i.f Sarsaparill i, we were
induct d to make trial ol it. ns t'ie last res ,rt ; it
acied like a charm ; the ulcers commenced healing
immediately, a f. w bottles entirely rrstoiedUier to
her he.illh, which she hs enjoyed uninleri uptedly
ever since. As a purifier ol ihe blood, I verily he
livvi it Las not its eipial.
Walnut street, uear Fouilb, Reading.
; Dougl issville, April 10th, 19 X
Ma. Oakif.i: My son Edmund Leaf, had ihe
scroftita in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner for three years, duiing which time he was de-
pnved of the use of his limbs, his he-nl and neck
were covered with ulcers. We Hied all the differ
ent remedies, hut to no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nonistuwu, and also Dr. Isaac
II lister, ol Reading, to use your Depurative Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I otilainrJ seveial hollies,
the use of which d'ove the disease entirely out of
his ytem, the sore healed up, a, id the child was
restored to period health, which be has rnjoved
uninterruptedly ever since, to the at iiishmeiit of
many pontons who seen bun during bis arlltclion.
I have thought it my duly, ami send vou ibis ceiti
ficate that others who haves like affliction in ihe
family may know where lo obtain so valuahle a
medicine. Yours truly.
Sept. 1(5, l43 ly
To Com; try Merc haul..
Shoe, Hnnnots, Leghorn and
Palm laf Ihts.
W. & I. II. TAYI.OH,
ut the S.
.. r of M.irhi t and tilth Sis.,
fFFElt fir rale an extensive as-oiiim nl of the
above arclis, all of which tbey eel I al unusual.
Iv low piicrs, and psilirul uly invite the attention
of buyers veiling the ciiv, to an intn n.U m of sto.k. G. W. cV L. B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, Mav. V5t, 1844. ly .
Nos. "Jli aud Ul iNortlt Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CO.. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vites the alteution of pttrsons dvsuoiu of pur
chasing Fuiniiuie, to his exteiuav Sales Rooms,
(both puhlie sod Piivate,) for every description of
ilousehlJ Fumiluie, where can be obtained at all
times, a Urge assortment nf fashionable aiul wU
luanufsclurad Cabinet Furnihire, Beda, Maitrassea,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash. . .
OT tSales bv Auction, twice a week.
May rub. 143. ly ,
ITU.iX Ki:CllwThT highT"11"
' given for Flas Seed, al the store of
LI MI!, of a superior quality, can now be had
a title Lima Kilns of Henry Manser, in SUn
1 May IT, 1816.
(Cj The following eertiflea'e dtseriljes one of Ihe
most extraordinary cures ever effected ly any
PmtAnF.rrniA, February 10, 1838.
T70R twenty years I wsa severely afflicted with
- Tr.TTr.a on the Face and Head: the disease)
commenced when I was seventeen years old, aud
continued until the Fall of 1838, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
nf the time, great pari or my f ice was covered with
ihe eruption, freijuenlly attended with violent itch
lug; my bead swel'cd al times until it felt a if it
would burst the swellin j wit so g'est, that I could
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great
many n plications, (among them several celebrated
preparations) as Well a taking inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Swaim's Panacea,
Extract nf Sarstipitrilhi, Ac, In fart, it would be
impo'sihle lo enumerate all the medicines I used.
1 was also under the care of two of ihe most dis
tinguished physicians of ibis city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In ihe fall of 1S:)R, ihe disease at ihe time
being very violent, I commenced using ihe Rote
Ointment, (prepared by Yaughan &. Davis.) In
a Tew applications the violent itching ceased. Ihe
swelling abated, the eruption began to disappear,
and before I had used a jar Ihe disease was entirely
cured. It has now leen nearly a year and a half
since, and there is not a vestige of Ihe disease re
maining, except the sears from the deep pits formed
by the iWaae. It is impossible for me to describe)
in a certifies! the severity of the disease and my
sulli ring, hut I will be pleased to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the lime I commenced
using Ihe Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of dodais to lie rid of the disease. Since u
sing it. I have recommended it to several persons,
(ninong them my mother, who bad the disease bad
ly on her arm,) who were all cured bv it.
JAMES DI'RNELL, No. 15fi, RaeeSt.
IJj The Rose Oniliner.t u prepared by E. B.
Yaughan, Souih East oorner nf Th'.rd and Race
strcits, Philadelphia, and sold on agencv in Sunbu
ry. hv H. B. MASSER,
May 14th, 1813. Agent.
Soe ) iiiistronl, for TellerT
I'lin innLPHiA, May 27th, 18:19.
M'WtlS is to certify thut I was severely afflictej
with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards
of forty years; the disease was attended generally
with vioient itching and swelling. I applied to a
number of physicians, and used a great many appli
cations without ell'ectiiig a cure. About a year
since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itch. ng. and a few applications immedi
ately cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, although 1 bad never lieen rid of it at
any time for forty yeais. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
Cj The Rose Ointment is prep ire, i by E. B.
Yauuhan, South East corner of Third aud Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by II. B. MASSER,
May 14 th. 18-1.1. Aptf.
OJ the- ROSE OITME.T,for Tetter.
A LTHol 't'H the superiority of the prepaiation
over all others is fully established, the proprie
tors take pleasure in laying before the public the
billowing certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of th,1 University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Baugh, having found ill this remedy that relief for
a tedious and disagreeable hITc -Iioii which the means
within Ihe range of his profession failed lo afford,
hns not hesitated to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession aie
1 ppnsed to secret Remedies.
Piui AiiKLrui a, Sept. 19,183(5.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which coveted nearly one site of my face,
and extended over the ear. Mr. Vauuhan, proprie
tor of the Rose Ointment, observing my face, insis
led on my trying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe mem
bers of my profession, I discountenance and disap
prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by ignmant pretenders, I feel in justice hound
to except the Rose Ointment (10m that class of me
dicines, and to give it my approbation, aa il entire
ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted the
usual applications. DAN L. H A I (.11, M. D.
(Zj' The Itiwe Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Yaughan, South East corner of Third and Race
Stieets, Philadelphia, and sold on agencv in Sun
bury, by H. B. MASSER,
May 14th, 1843. Agent.
ens Era ihl. 9
Curlier ' Third and Vine Streets,
riHE siihscrilwr resKU'tfully announces to the
1 public, that he Ins opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building situate on the corner of
'I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to
wait upon those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle H, tel is lurge and eonveni
eni, and rurnisbed in ihe be-t modem stvle. It is
provided with a laige numlier of well aiied and
comfort. ihle sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, A. c. Prisons visiting U illismsport on bu
siness or plea-ure, may ret as-ured that every ex
ertion will le used to render iheir sojourn at the
'Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table
w ill lie supdied with the very best the market af
fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
liipiors ihargea reasonable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point nf location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate iu the business part of the town, and
within a convenient disl ince of the Court House
and Wi'liamsport and Ebn'ua Rail Road Depot.
Sutlieienl Siabhng provided, and good and trusty
o-tlt rs always In attendance. '
t I M.,,,1 . U A. 1 . . . . 1 k...A . SZ-.u- .-
j have been nniloved. and nothing left undone that
will add lo the comfoil and accommodation of his
There will be a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the Ilou-e, free ut' charge,
Mar 14th, 142. tr
H ichucl Weaver V Won, ;
A'o. 13 Surth Water Street, Philadelphia.
A V b consiantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Heine Twinea, &tu, viat
i ar d Ropes, Fishing Hoies, White Rois, Manil ,
l. Ropejj Tow Line for Canal Boats. . AUa,a
complete sssortinent of Seine Twines, Ac. such as ,
Hemp Shad and Honing Twine, Best Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Hhom
Threads, &c. &c. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Linesi
Halters, Traces, Coltorj and Linen Carpet Cbaius,
Ac. atl of which they will dispose of on reasonable
Philadelphia. November 13, 142. ly. ' "
siTiiUiNG, GCKiT&"ca .
No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia."
INVITE the atiention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment or British French
and American Dry Goods, which they offer for sal
on the mot reasonable terms. 4
j Pbiladvlj'hia, November 13, !8i2r-Jy."'