Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 06, 1845, Image 3

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    Our relation with the Indian trite are more
favorable than heretofore. Tlrey are more favo
rably disposed to remove west of the Mississippi.
The commerce of the U. States has so in
creased, that we are now second to but one pow
er in the world, and shall at no distant day be se
cond to none.
The extension of Steam Navigation on the o
cean is also recommended, as a wise policy ol
defence, he.
The income of the Goneral Post Offlce is next
referred to, w hich will fall short of the expendi
lures, this year, between one and two millions of
dollars. The message says. :
In the adjustment of tlia tariff of postapes the
intcresteof the ponplo demand, that the lowest
rate bit adopted which will produce thn iiccee
eriry revenue to meet the expenditure of the de
partment. 1 invite lint attention of Onions to
the u?irP8tion of I ho Postmaster-General on
this aubject, under thn belie! that such a modi
ficatinn o( the Into law may be made as will
yield sufficient revmuio witluuit further cull on
tho treasury, and with very littla change in the
present rates of postniri;.
Proper measures Imv9 been taken in pursu
enee of the act of tlin HI of .March lam, 'or tho
AKtablthm'nt nt'line of mill steamers between
this: and foreign cntintrien.
. The mesngr concludes with a beautiful tribute
to the memory of (Jen. Jackson, and closes with
the concluding remarks of his first message to
L'."!" mil i I iiii nil in J,
Saturday, JJcreuib. r fi,
(C7" A few 20 lb. kegs of printing ink can be
!had at this office, at Philadelphia prices, for cash.
tE7" Tux Prrs. hunt's Mrssarc We received
this important document on Thursday morning.
.through the Philadelphia Ledger, and had intend-
.ed to issue it entire the same day. Its great j
length, which w ould make about 13 columns of j
.out paper, precludes us eiving more than the j
half this week, which embraces, however, his
., ,, . . .. , .
views on the all-'mpor!.ut questions of I exos I
.and the Oregon Territory. We have added also
d condensed s'Meni-nt of the remainder, which
we will publish, in full, next week. The mes
sage is a plain, sensible, explicit and well writ
ten document, moderate in iU tone and courrlia
.tory in its sentiments. With the exception of the
President's views on the Tai iff of lts-12, which
lie thinks should be modified, it would meet with
.a hearty response from every Pennsylvania de
mocrat. These views will, however, surprise
our whig friends considerably, as they fully sus
tain Mr. Polk's letter to Mr. Kane,
.his election.
previous to
DJ" The Preswen r's Mkssack, has crowded i 1 he u,,ion averts positively, that Mr. Buehan
.out almost all other matter thin week 1 an v, i" '"'" in the otfice he now so ably fills
K7"Snow. We were visited on Sunday and
Monday last, by one of the old fushiuued snows
It commenced snowing on Sunday, abort 10 o'- I
clock A. M.,and continued until about -f o'clock .
nextday. The depth was about ICi inches. l:i
Philadelphia ttiere was a alight fall of snow on
Saturday evening, which was all dissipated next I
day by a fine rain. The sleighing is very fine at ;
present, but as the snow did nut fall in the olJ j
.moon, fear are entertained that it cannot last. !
C7" Lock Haven Co.nvk.s no. We hive no.
room this week for the proceed ini;s of this con-
vention. It warmly advocated tho early con- '
structiun nf the Sunhury and r.iie Rail Road. ,
Judge Welker, of thin pluee, presided o ei the I
convention. ;
C7 Tup. Waits, Cirp.. Our reader will
f.iid. on our first page, an interesting article from
the New York Tribune, on the subject of Hydro- i
pathy or tin: Water-Cure, now pi art wed with 1
such eminent suoces on the continent of Europe.
liuhver. the eminent English novelist, having
been recently entirely restored to health by this
pmcess, has added his powerful testimony to its
tainly a subject of immense importance to this
country and to the whole world. If diseases are
Curable by the sin
pie remedy of cold water,
,. ., ,
which the Almizhty in his providence has so
bountifully bestowed on ns, plivficinns mut
eventually disraid from their practice the whole
category of poisonous druys, which, while they (
nlToid no nourisliment, certi.inly aitd nnthiiic to '
, - , . , , , .
the comfort of tno patient. 1 tiese have long ince
. .. .
xicen our sentiments.
- - -
U ?, AViiiAVKJN cti'Sed here on Nttnr
lay lait, whether it will again open, will depend
on the weather. There are many boats afloat,
some that left but a day previous, loaded with
wrrtdt fur the Philadelphia market. Last reason
the canal closed on the litis of December, neaily
two weeks later.
E7" WbfaT We stated Uisl week that CO.0OO
bushels of wheat had been sent to market by our
Selinsgiove iieigli'nots. Wo have been since in
formed by o-nc of the merchants of that place, j
hi tne amonnt sent on at inecioseoi me naviga
tion, was about 100,000 bushels, and that the a
mount sent from Tnion county, exceeded 400,000
l!7 Bank or NoaiHTMBtaLAND. At an elec
tion for directors of this institution, held on the
17th inst. the following gentlement were elected
to atrve the ensuing year, vi : John Taggart,
Danl. Brautigam, Amos F-. Kapp, Jame Taggart,
John Porter, Lewis Dewart, Peter Hichter, Sam
uel Wolf, John Walls, Samuel Wilson, refer Bal
dy, Wm. M'Kelvy, Joseph Bound.
C7 Th Amshcan Sintjki l, on Monday last,
commenced it career m an afternoon paper,
greatly improved in it appearance. The Senti.
riel is firm supporter of th present tariff, nd n
ItMVlvs.;;. jniretts uenera'lv.
B7 Conatrtrt commenced its deliberations on
Monday, at 12 o'clock, in the midst of a heavy
rain ttorm. A caucus of the democratic mem
bers was held on Satnrday evening, but as a suf
ficient number was not in attendance, thry ad
journed to meeton Monday marninz, at 9 o'clock.
The caucus met accordingly, but not in the
House, it being too public. The two thirds rule
was not concurred in, and in consequence some
dissatislactinn was felt among the majority mem
bers. The nomination for SntjUtxR was thr.
made, and upon the first ballot John W. Davis
of Indiana received 68 out of 115 votes. Ciiari.fs
Jarrd I.iuKftaor.t. received 13. Gforox N. Hop
kins 10. Gkoror C. 7, &c. Upon
the second ballot Mr. Davis received 77 votes,
and a motion was then mad to give, dim a unan
imous support, which the House vote shows was
not concurred in. Before 1 1 o'clock, the meet
ing adjourned, and the members had mostly as
sembled in the House.
The Senators as yet have had no meeting, for
the selection ofsubordinate officers, and it is not
probah'e that the caucus system will be adopted
to anv extent in that body.
The voting for Speaker commenced viva vnc,
according to the Rule of the House. The result
of the first ballot was ns follows :
First Ballot
John W. Davis, (Dem) 121
Samuel F. Vinton, (Whig) "3
I Moses Morris, Jr., (Dem.) 8
! Wm. S. Miller, (Native) .1
: Robert C. Winthiop, (Whig) 1
AVdiew Stewart. (Whin) 1
i Daniel M. Barringer, (Whic) 1
j Rpub-n M. Chapman, (Dem ) 1
' Wm. V. Campbell, (Native) 1
Whole number of vntes 311
j Necessary to a choice 106
The CLERK announced that the Hon. JOHN
I W. DAVIS, having received the greatest number
! of votes, Was du'y elected f'peaker of the 29th
j Congress.
j A motion was made to strike out the one hour
; rule, which was lost. A motion to restore the
j rule to prohibit abolition petitions, was also lost.
ry TttrllK hag bt.en a (eclinc in he price of
(lour and wheat. Whent has fallen about 10 cts.
nd flour about 50 cts. This may have beer, cau-
ed by the great supply.
,. ,. , ' ---
lETiik IIo.m. John 0. Calhocn has been
, .
CiriU'U 111 lilt I,. O. .iriiiin-, Mil? i.i'isiniurc Ul
South Carolina, in the place of the Hon. D. E.
IItigr. Mr. Calhoun received 133 out of 139
votes. The return of Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Web
ster to the Senate, will give unusual interest to
the proceedings of Conur-'ss They will both, of
course, take the h.-ad of their respective parties,
and are probably the two most talented men in
the country.
37" Mr. Buchanan. The Washington Union
has at last put to rest the rumor, that Mr. Buch-
onnn would accept the vacant Judgeship, on the
bench of the Supremo Court of the United States.
j to the iatisfnetion of the President and the peo
ple. These rumors were put afloat, by those
who are Mr. Buchanan's pretended friends, to get
him out of the way. 'We imagined the Harris
burg Organ had a slight squinting that way.
Da)- vllhonl Mglit. n nit Nights U limit
Dr. Baird is delivering an interesting course
of lectures at Hartford, Ct.ofone of which the
Times has the following notice :
i There is nothing 1hitt strikes a stranger more
forcibly, if he visrts Sweden at thn season of the
' year when the days are longest, than the absence
of night. Dr. I. h-id no conception of it before
i his arrival He arrived at Stockholm, from Got
' tenburgb, 400 miles distant, in the morning, and
: in the afternoon went to see some friends had
not taken notes of time and I turned about mid
' nitiht ; it was light os it is here half and hour be
: fore sundown. You could see distinctly. l;t
; all was quiet in the streets; it seemed as if the
; inhabitants had gone away, or were dead. No
j signs of life stores clospd. The sun in June
goes down at Stockholm a little belore lOo'clot k.
i There is a g.eht illumination all night, asthe tun
' pats'- round the earth towards the north pole,
' and the refraction ofiNiays is such, that you can
see to read at midnight lr B Tend a letter in
tl.o UrA-t i,..ur ttfn.-L I...1. nt f r . I . I . . it 1. 1 Mllh.i.f
I ' '
I Hitilicial lielit. Tiiere s a meiintniii at the head
I nf the Gulf oi IWittwiia. vi hcre-on the 2 1st of June.
I trie ufl tUte not ge down nt atl. Travellers
' go iip the-re to see it. A steamboat fcocs up Irom
Stockholm for the purpose of carrying these wlie
.... i.. .:.. i . ..i.. i
. tnr iniiuui iu i mir.a ur I'ui'iiuuiviiuii. n will, '
' I
occurs one night. Tlte itnn goes down to the hcri i
zon, yoMisn seethe white face of it, and in five
i minutes it begins to rise
j At the North Cane, Int. 7V! degree, the st.n
' does not go down for several weeks In June,
1 it would b obi'tit 23 degrees above the boriron
I at mi'luight. The way the people there kimw It
, is midnight, they tee the mn begin to rise.
j The change in those high latitudes, fiom nm-
mcr to winter, are great, Hint we have no eon-
ception of them at all.
mil disappears and is
not een for six weeks, j
Then it up and shows it f.iec. Afterwards,
it remain for ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes.
and then descends.
And finally, it does not set
at all, but make almost a circlo round the hea
ven. Dr. Bard wa asked bow they managed iu
regard to hired peraons, and what they consider
ed a day He could not ay, but rupposed they
worked by the hour, and twelve hoar would
constitute a day's work. Birds and animals take
their accustomed rest at their usual hours. The
Doctor did not know how they learned the time,
but they had, and go to rest whether the sun goes
down or not. The bens take to the tree about
7 o'clock, P. M., and ttay there until the tun i
well up in the morning, and th people get into
this habit of late rising, loo. The first morning
Dr. Iiaird awoke in Stockholm, he wa surprised
I n tVij, sun ahininw hi ranm. !!. lnAfe
i.t hm -satch, ar.d. found Jt was only 3 o'clock
and the next time he awoke, it was 5 o'clock, but
there were no persons in the streets. The peo
ple are not in the habit of rising to soon. The
Swedes in the cities are not very industrious,
owing, probably, to the climate.
Mirnt.ATin Banx Bill. A large number of
five dollar mutilated bank bills are aaid to be in
circulation in Baltimore. It that rogues
there have been busily engaged in manufacturing
seven bills out of six, by means of taking a small
piece from each.
Tii Valve of the hogs and sheep in the State
of Ohio, is estimated at 910,000,000.
OJJictoftht Dsl.riMoat Amkricar, Dec. 1.
GRAIN. On Saturday a cargo of Penna, red
and white, was sold at 127 cents. To day, ow
ing to the rainy weather, holders are not offering
the parcels which they have on hand, and there
is therefore little nr nothing doing. We contin
nue to quote good to prime Md. and Virginia reds
at 120 a 125 cents.
Sales of new Md. white Corn to-day at 67 a 69
cents, and of new Md. yellow at 70 a 7 1 cents.
A sale of Penna. Rye at 79 cents ; we quote
Md. at 73 a 75 cents. Sales of Md. Oats at 39 a
41 cents.
WHISKEY We continue to quote hhds. at
29 cents. Bbls. are held at 31 its, and 30 cts.
.It A It It I K It ,
On Ihe 2."th ult , by the Rev. D.Barber. Mr.
Jons M. Iri.ano. of Turbut township, to Miss
Avamoa McMaiian, of Liberty township, Co
lumbia county.
i i i: i.
At Wilkesbarre. at the residence of his brother-in-law.
Mr. C. B. Fisher, on th 15th ult ,
Mr. THOMAS R VASTINK. of Rush township,
Northumbei land county, aged 23 years.
. . .... 1 1 S ! fg
CAME to thn premises of th mlsiriler,
-; at the, a'lout Kit wei ks since, five
s ray aheep Thn owner is requested to rime fur
war.l, pr.ive p-opertv. piv ch:irp.-s and tnke them
Sui bnrv. Dec. 6, 1815. 3t
1 Must Have floury.
A LL tho c kuuMiim thi inretves indclt'd to the
Sul'criler iei.ling in Auqusis township Nor
t'lunilietlan I county.. tir Wool Csuling, Cloth
Fulling, &c , are lequi'sted to come si.d settle up
their kCi'Oiui'f. a tuiigi r induluenre cannot be gi
ven. All kind j of Rra;n ill he I .ken in payment
nt the market price, if delivcied at the h.iuse of the
suliacil-er, nil or before (lie first of Jstiu try lie It.
'I'hose nho have neither money nor grain e to
come and eive their notes wi'h it.teict.or suits will
he brought agsinsl them ufti r the ,.l .r ilute.
Augusts. Nov. S9. 1815 It
SiMcr.L Tkoxhss and (nrtsnt llsinHT, Over
teert tftht Poor of the Borough of Sunbury, in
account current with laiit linrough. fur iheyear
commencing in Mirch, 1944, und ending in
March, IS45.
To whole amount of Duplicate, $119 39
'I'd smount received from the estate of C.
O. Donnel, F.q., 70 00
To order on priseut Overseer for balsrice
due, 59 C!
(ii'i 07
Bv ogsregate amount of exonerations in
Duplicate, f7 62 J
By C4!-h paid Ann Moore, for weeks
hoardinn Martha Monro, psuper on iid
Homugh, h pel tec 'ipt, $3 75
By cash paid George Bright, for do
ihinit fur mid Mirths. Si per hill,
By cash paid Henry Peiery tor m
king do., a i er receipt.
By cm ms in goiog to end h-m
Niw Berlin, on busim-ci in retn
linn t titiJ Msrtbs's resilience.
3 06
By eipeiisis incurred in .niveyin
nt.l M ii ilia to the I'riiu'a Ho pi-
t .1, Micludin j $6 for theii sen ices, 37 35
lly cssh iii J Wm. G. Malm, slew-
ard of rbs I'eisii'.i Hospiul, for 13
we ks beard of sod M.srtha. at
$ ) ,r)H r ek. inc'uding $150
fur uriKles Jisir. yeJ, 60 ON
lt)G 41)
Bv cash paid George Yocnc. firr auditing
Overr. i.' aec unit lor "4 3-14. I 00
By cat-h paid inTtfe Wrisvr, r orders
from to rrnr (iereiM. 15 02
By rn-h p ud Dr. D. T. T'ites, I'm meiiii sl
Btlrndsnce, &c.,or 143, a per mieipt, 20 0t
By cah paid Dsn cl lleniiiinjn, I I hijird-
'ti - E'i bi th W.irren, a p lUiier en sid
li.HDUgh. as per receipt.
By ca-fi paid K. V. idistlit. fm making out
Duplicate, a er receipt.
By Ca.h paid Uiuii l Iliui kcmillef, for
shot , i.s per lereipl,
lly c-h pui I Jo! n Hl.'.un, as per T-ce;pi,
11 rA ym d Smui I Th- lnps- :ind Th-i-
111 is liiihil . I. ile I. lor Dvi tset rs,
By .! pud Dr. 1) T.Tritcs, (M tih 2i,
',) in lud for slituJaocc, a
p r fi-ceip.
By ca-li paid Jri n'i Brig'n, for bouse r. nt
f I ( 'jil.nine ivirl.l,
Bv is-h pai.l J. h. Youiitt, p. bill iSt rec'pt,
il cj-Ii pjd II. B. Ma-i-.i. d
U h pud A. Jordan, lot prolessioual
:o 00
5 00
s. rvue.
t jj ,.,..,, toty mUiWe for n rvices n
f)vi'ivti, including Auditors fus, f'i. IS 12$
; The undcirgtu d, riroinrc.l to nudit and adjust
i ihe nccounls ol the Ove. seers of the I'oor ol the
llnruugh uf Sunhury, having exsminrij Ihe Keceipta
and Expenditure, as set forth iu llie precetduig ihi nl of Sainuei 1'hnmp.oii and Gemge Bnuhl,
late Ovrrseera of aaid Borough, exhib'uiug a bal
ance in then- favor of fifty hum doll.ia and sixty
eight cents, do allow and pasa the same,
W ilttes our hind, lb V2d day of November,
A. I). 1645. B. (.. MARKLEV.
Nov. 19.1645. G.M.YOKK8.
Aaron ltoliln') i:state.
ALL pet nous indebted to the es ale of Asmn
Rubins, late of the borough of Suitbu.y , Jec'd.,
or having demsndi against said estate, are n ques
ted lo pie-eni ihe same In the subset ibtr fi r set
llemeut, duly ulhi cheated
;0-'.nFH C. ROBINS,
Eur.burv.Nov.!?, 1815.-31 '
18 hereby given, to all legatee, creditors and
other perxins, interested in the estates nf George
Ootlshall, deceased, settled by hi adrninis'ratnr,
Divid Keener), of Christian Dunklebcrger, dee'd.,
settled by Hiivnnns Dunklebergur, administrntrix nf
Ab'sham Dunkleherger, dee'd , who was Ihs et'r
uf Christian Duiikltl.craer. dee'd.; of Joseph Wei
vor. dee'd., arith-d by hi dni'r. IL-nry Wrsver i
of John II. flrtrt. dee'd., i.itiled by his eltrcutors.
Jsine Hutchison and Ifehecc II irl : of Jiieoh
Troutmsn, dee'd, settled by hl ei'r.. George
Troutmi.n, late of Northumberland county, decea
sed, that the executors a d adniinUtralors of Ihe
ssid decensed cststes have filed the'r acceunts with
the KegMter of thi cotiutv I and that they will he
pre-ennd to the Oiphars' Court nf said c mn'y on
Tuesday, the 6th dsy of Januiry nett, for eonfir
rn ilion anJ
Sunhury D c. 6, 1815. 5l Ifeaister.
CiOMB WHERE! Whv whe.e do you nop.
J pose hut to thn Cheap Store nf Henry Mnsncr,
in Market street, Suuhurv. And fir what pu'poe
do you think they cornel Why to bnv cheap, to
he suro and nve hI les-t 20 per rent. "Tfiri wtm't
ttn nnthin' eke." because it i a woll known fai t
that at
the very be-t article ere sold at the very low. si
I lire., Now come, on" and nil; t ut d oi't nl' r. one
Where ou will find a Splendid As- n Itnei t of
I'nll nnd Winter Dry r.nods,
jot received, among liich are ihe following : Su
perfine French Ilromlrlnlh: W'el i f Enelo'd do.;
Heavy Denver do , a fist rile srie'e fir Overrents,
and a grea vsrirly of Wo J Dyed, Ill nk and Fan
cy ('imeres, S iitioells. Moueselln-d' -lirie-. Hi p.
ilo liii es, C j-luneroH, A lpa.-c is, iVe., Ac. Also, a
beautiful assortment nf Calicoes nf ihe latest Vyh
nnd pattern, which vi I b sold cheaper thin ever;
nUn, Woolen and other Shawl in vaiieiy.
C in .i. L I O d.iiKI.1 ttmm. .1 ( .t II. i..
ierv. Gl Hn.prnders. Mi-t-. &r.. ite.; a l.rce !
ns.ort.nent nf Wrn.enV Men's and Mi-.ns (iuni j
Shoi which wi l he sold clieaier iban ever beforo
off red.
If o h js likewise, in adtlit'uin to tbo ah.ive stock,
so i xlrnsive iisgoitnient nf Qurenwarr, Hardware,
Stidil.'trif and (Irocrritu Snrsr fmni H n III. 12.J
and 16 ct. er Hi ;
Good Giill'ec at 10. Ytnv Bis'
at 121. Also. N il; si'iki'; Iron; Saiideie it-s li
Cast Steel; Ennbsh. Americnn and Sweed Uliler
do. in short, every thing i u-uslly kept in u
(yountrv Store, all of which will be sold at very
reduced price.
07 Goun'ry Produce of all kind taken iu ex
chaiiH" for Goods.
Sui huiy. Nov. 22.1, 1815
THE utcriher ofier for a ile an Eight Horse
Power Elm. ne, complete iu all its putts. A
ply at Roth' tuvorn, 22 mile from Sunhury, on
ilia turnpike road badinc Poiuville.
Nov. 52. 184 5
.lust Think 1 1 !
rilllERE never whs a me 'icine maje of so pur
E. materials as Dr. Smith's (Sng ir Coated) In Vegetable Pills, uuJ no uiedii-iue Ins ever
been so big1 ly recouiinei ded. They act as no
Fltt ever KCted, as they opeinte powerfully, and
do 4ii leave the bowel disordered. And h w
fLSiSAST ! Children lake tin 111 without rekistsiice.
Direction of four page aeeo-i i.inv everv Ikix. Tho
signature nf DR. O. BEN .FN SMITH is on iho
wle of .icll box. Sold at Dr. Guioii, cor. Bow.
eiy and Grand sire-1 Ku-li'on A. cn , 110 Pr.u..
w:iv Eventt, 06 Hudson ft., anJ at the office.
17S Greenwich S:ri-el. !
t'AUTION. As a misers'de iinitatimi hs i
I I. I... ll n .1 I.S ,r f P. I. " I
iwii mint, i ' . IIOIIIL - UK . -..o . , ,
it i necef try to be sure ihul Da. G IUm. Ssi i n'n
sinna'ure is on ewiy box. Price 25 rent.
Pi ine pal Office, 170 Greenw u h st N w Yo'k.
SolJby JOHN W. PRII.ING . Smtbury.
WM. FOU.-YTHE. S.,rlhuHiL
N 'vcnil ei Cath, is4o.
HE mVseri' c, editor and publisher of the Mi-
lier Journal tor mo Tail sixteen Te.ire, tin
Iwen rnnged lor ih" last yenr, in collecting 'be
Material for a woik for which he has secured
thecopv right, in the following word, i
"A Hrstorv of the Anlliracrte Coal Trade of
Schuylkill and the adjoinim; fount Geologiesl j
nnd Siat'stnal, aei omp.iii.i d wrtti Maps of ttw dif
ferent Rertiens, rhn Imp'Ovcmenis, lnvi stun UK,
I'apaci'y. A'C, cm'.r.icing a complete .md autheniic
hl-tory of rtV pn Wit tin r to which will tie ap
pended a Synopsis of the I nn Tr i v."
It is i ur inteiition toenillacn s-veiy 1 1 1 i n of in
lerest ti ihe work, conme'ed wuh the I ai'e, up to
Ihe lsr;inniug ef the yar IS1G. prepaid! nnd ir
raui;ed with view nf conti lattini tie publics. ion.
at iertods nf ti or leu y- iirs with hiich additions
as the iucreasi d trade will warrant, Thv" hi II
chisol Ir.ide have auuied an ieti otain o which
w II warrant mid) 1 pubbe.ili u, and he In Is con.
fulfill, thai well the prr.tieied aid i f several ticnile-
men an I the .lutrttics stirudv in his p e--l n. I.e '
will tun the public w ih wo.k, which, if m l !
one of ihe most iuli reeiiiiK in i'sdeistls, n wi I he I
of frrcal vjtue to iho-s liipuccd and luiiic.ud in
ihese h. inches of tiuiii, ss. I
As mioii asthe Maps, Ac. are prepared, and some
id. a cso bu ti run d ul .he loh. ihV i xpei nf pn'j
I'.rhtuj U.e wo k. prot.o..ils will be issued for Ihe
fT j All ihe 'recs. .f (? l-nd will le di-itcmi.
I on 11. u M u nf the SchutiLill L'osl Keuitiii. I
which wilt sccoinjany he w ik
Put sv lie. Nov. 2J, V.
OrpliuaiV i'oui l
SN ursuanee i f an order nf (he Orphma' Comt
of Noith'tuihciland coun y, will be ixposrd lo
public sale, en Thursday lie iHih dav of Decein'" t
li. H e I He r. niilet c ,f Abraham Rati
dee'd., to w it : A ciri.iiu tract ef I -nd sl uato in
Lil.lo Mahonoy lownshio, Noril.unibe.l md c.ointv,
adj. lining lauds of So'. mum Dunkelherer, Is cob
R iker and the heir of Daniel Heib and itn uirani
land, contoinin two hundred and loriy-six acrt
and folly I lue perches on which Die creeled a two
story log hou.e, haukfiain setvuty feet long hy
thi.ty-aix in wnlih, and a until oichnrd. Also, at
the same time and place, the one undivided fourth
part of a truel of Tjuiiii) roved laud ailua'e in the
tnwirship and county sl'un s.iid, containing four
hundred snd leu acres and It iriy-iilne perchi. ad
joi.iinj lands of Michail Uol b. Solomon D'
and ntlors. Lute tho eslilo of Abrnti.imKo.hir
niel, I'ec'd,
'J'ha above t act of SIS acres is handsomely lo
ca.ej, and wsdl adnpled to niaiiufsctuiing purp le.
The M.ihon'.y Creek run through the proporty,
afi'ordiug ticeUeBl water powu tor milling and
otbir purposes.
Hale la at 10 o'clock, A. M. of raid
day. when the ;:,,.wn 0r ta!e wil be md
vwn by WM. liOTHEKMf.L,
I.Vor.lMh, IS15.-H " -A-Jta'r.
1 1 . n" 1 .' i . .
OrpIiniiH' Court .Sale.
Valuable Real Estate
IN pursuance of an otjor of the Oiphans' Gourt
of ednnd county, will be exposed to
pu'dic s1e. at the pu'dic house of Valentine Paul,
in Upper Mahonoy township. No.hum!ieilanl co.,
on Wednesday, the 1 0th day of Decemhrr next,
at 10 o'cl . rk,' A. M., Ihe following described pro
perty, to will
A certain plsntlion or tract of Isnd, ituste pnrl
l in Upper Mshiumy town-hip, Norlhumherl.nd
county, and psrtly in Ui per Mnhontsngo township,
in the ooontv of f'chny'k.ll, on 'he Slate road lead
ing f'litii Poti.villo to Fisher's Ferry, and about 21
miles fionl the former phire, is lj duinx lands nf John
M timer, tiin hii'rs of John Diehl, GoorB" Bover,
John M'siiii'mnr nod other., conmining 272 sere
and 20 p-rches stiii l meaii'e. ah 'Ut 210 arre of
which are ile ifed and in hiRh etsie of cultivation ;
wherein Br.) nrecU'd a l.ireetwo story brick Tavern
Ilou ennd Ki'ihen, a la'ce hank bsrn 100 feet
lomr. a t.sme wagon rdied And nnothcr I irrn frame
shed; :lo a hi'g't and excellent Giist Mill and a
Ir.nie lions.' near add mill, and also two excellent
orchards. The shove property is very besutifullv
and mlvantrig.'oiidv t-iiuated, and is ail excellent
Farm T.ivrrn 8 and.
Also : At the .Mm. time ami place, another rer
lain t.iirl or puce of land, adj lining land now nf
iido m Ad.uns, nf J .eoli Murer nnd others, con
Liiuiiij 10 se es and 100 p leltee s'rict rncure. all
f which is c'i'red f hnng incaJovv land) anJ in a
h gh ntnte cf cut.iv ni n.
Al-os l the sam time nnd place, a certain
tract nf ti uhif land ei'uste in ITpper Mahonoy
towns! ip af ndi liii'i'i; linds of Solomon II
warier, John r l F i I Mauier, G.-erie Snvder
and nthi rs, C'lutainiug 67 acres and 146 perches
tricl tne.ikure.
A!o: At the hnue f f Samuel ITeib, in I.ittl.
Mshnli'iy t wnablp, Nor hiunheiland Coun'y, no
Mooifay th- H h day of Deeember next, a certsin
t.acl of ind 'ituste in Little Mshnnov town-hip
afn esnid, on Bin M.ih nov ("nek. adj -ining lands
nf .he h Hibush, M i h e I Bo' b and other, eon
Inininc 173 ncres nd 69 prrchr strict nvasurc,
atn.ut 100 iicn of which nre cleaird wheieon are.
ere ted ltt't'0 two snoy log house and kitchen
(""' ') " '"" k h',", " "'"' 60 ,fer' V."'
I'""''"' r'1 al-o a l:irKe and Or t Mil .
an cx.'ilienl suw nil, a diuierv, macK-mi n
shop nnd a I nee nnd i xccili'i.t nrch ird.
Alio: Ano'her ce.ts.n trnd "f l.iml, ndjdn'ng
the I.ikI stiote divcrihed fact, land of Micbai I Bold,
nnd ..thers, coiita;ninc 2M acre and 131 perche
i "',ic' n ea- e, about 100 acres of which ore clear-
d ; whereon are rrec'ed n I trge two atory frme,e. nearly new, a Isrce fiseie bank barn, a ful
ling mill and c ir ling macho e ; nnd alee, two stn dl
log I nines and a'alde'. Thee is also a large and
excilh iit orchnul on a iid plcmse.
I Also: Ai the same time nnd nlsre. another ser-
tain Irni l of land, td'nn'e in'ltf Mahonny town
ship nf resai.l, sdj fining lands of Henry Swinehart.
the heire of Ah'in Bo1 heroH-l. dee'd. nnd others, con
taining H2 acres and 37 peiche rttict measure, a
bout 120 aires of which Hrec'esred and in high Hate
i f culiiva'ion ; w herei n ure erected a two atory log
house, a large new h .nk I srn ahnul 60 feel lone,
p.iinled red. and an i rch -id. The big mahonoy creek
pusses thr ugh sjid ti.ict, and creates an excellent
water powei fur niilhiia; nnd ether purpose.
The I. run . f 1e wi'l t made known on the
j day j nails, aforisnid. Bv ord. r i f the Cnuit.
KOW.Mil) llll i;ii, iS IK U. I,-.
Nov. 8th. 1915 5t Administrator.
In the Court of f'oiiimon. Pleas
Fur Knrthuml'erltinJ County, I'enntybania.No
5, January Te m l34.
C.spcr Ad.ius,j . andFis'eiick Adams, .
Join Adams, Tetcr , Samuel Adams, Jacob
Trnver. ("a heiine Fox. WiPiam Eiebiick and
Elizahe.h his wife. P.ter Sr ii-sor and Magdalcna
bis wife, aiimel Stattz.'l ui.d Susannah his wife,
aiid Elenor Adama.
ifVN m.
ii f W. J. G eeneujh, court grant a
' H P ru!o on the parties inter, sled, to appear by
the hii ity of i'et term ami show cauie wliy the
land of C'aip.-r Ad im , dee'd , lnnlil not be taken
at the Hpprni-e.neul t'V tiiv heirs entitled to the
mie, i'T Is? s .ld.
Ex'r.ccJ from die TJeeo'.l, nod certified Nov.
N-.v. 15. ISt5.- fit Proth'y.
Ps 3 G "Jl E D .
Of the late Jrm if Xai k'nk A Stryker, and
Xtrykir Jj- J'ugut,
HAS le-uoicd iho Whole ile Dry Good Buni-nes--,
nnd in .vv ntl'ers for sale, ut No. 12 and
14 Pank s'reet. Phiiablphia, hdj.iinii.R Myer,
Chiihorn A I'n's Auct on Sto.e. No. 7H Market
st.eet, a uelieinl sss.iilineiit nf Dry Goods, chiefly
pinch ise.l n aniluoi at a very small advunce fur
cash, orci'V ureniiinci ..
l!.lii-vini that his long ixpi-iienc in puichasi. g
w ill him to II bis Go.als at the lowest Mar.
kit piices, be invites hi- old friends, and other
wis' iwi i i buv, to tav.r him with a call.
Pint idei) .hi., Nov. I. IS 15 6ui
W.'itcSiPN, .It'Wflry, Ac. Ac.
XlIE -u1 scr.ler ntV. i. f -r snle, t the lowest pr.
cew. . logeai.l ge.ral assort.neui ni yoM
and rs Iver Le..r, L -;.ne nnd ..I .e. k.ilJs ut
uichis; J -.I'V, e iv.-r v.. e, i.o my snu .ni
Mant. I Cl iks. a . I Mu cat Bote playing from
two lo ten tunes; B.tie.ln I A Barnev's Dl iliiond
p,.i,....l Gi.:d Cs-ii ; W..ldiiii k r,' Tool, File.
and M I'etl its.
O.-dera fiom ti e eoeiitry are solicited, and will
be c. eiu Iv at ended i . JOHN C. FAR If,
112 Ch nul Philadelphia.
N v. I. 1615 4 n
T Ittr ?j:i'I !s f
DRlf 0OODt3.
litisi . ile, '. 1.1 I can s'.vei, ..r
fi. v...
k. h ivmg i -I .his tied a Branch ai .
oiiih S eoiii! st.. Foil .de'ph' , I now epening.
ami w: I t cons Hi.tly i.crniii' f.nin the New
York Aueiions nn eiten ive rissoiiir.cnt of
whirh will he o'd it tho lowest New York pi'cca
ai wholesale i d R "tr. tl. Among h a stock will I ;
found a gooJ a-.ortinent of ihe f illowii-g articles; '
JacCoiitts Pbi l. Hair Cold, Lace. Sipe, Hook, I
Swi and Taila'Bii Muslins, Bish sp ami Limn '
I.swiis, Fancy Cap Nett, Fancy and Ball Oresires,
t hread Laces, Application Da, irch U'Bik Hi,k
'1'iiin.i.ii g Lace, Li"h Linen. Linen Cainb.hs,
Linen Cambric H.ikfs.. Curtain Frinjes, Cashmere
d'Ecot-e, Moueline de Lair.e, Silk, and Vi-'m
Wrp Alcca, (ju-vit'e Clol'u, Gul Plaids.
Frm.h Ve.mos, Bl .ck tilk. Rlove Si k How,
Sh iwts, Ciava . H.hlurns, Eiiib'.oideiii , fie., Ac.
Country Merchant and -0iher visiting Phd nlel
phi or New Yoikto purchase, are repictlully iu
viied to edl a'.d exuniinu the stocks.
Nov, 1, st. ly G. II. MOORE.
:" T II S'aT The biehest price given fwl
T Zi Win at, ul the s'o.e el
1 IS' , .. .
A i.ew sui'idv of Roe Uitittcetil j
it just received.
Nov. H,h, lt!.
To the Public.
or th
Will eommtnet en Saturday, Oct. If A, 1345.
Taaiaa Three Dollar per annum in aJvance,
One cepy one year in advance, 3 00
One copy two year., 0 1'O
Two cp e one yir, .5 0(1
Five, , . . 10 00
Eight 16 01)
Twelve, - 20 00
And to every ubscribar to cither the WEEKLY
or DAILY, we will give a copy of
Villi' Letters from London, Complrtr,
In one hsnd-omo Extba. uniform with the Wtu.
tr Miil. This eornprbei thn FiaT Sr.nir
if LxTsxas, and wiih the New Volume will emn
mence the Naw Sratrs. written from the Sown
or Ecaon.when the Weekly Mirror will be ep
nte'y edilid with parli.'iil lr care, and with more
siieria! regaid to tl a wants and tares nf country
suhsciibei.. We stia I publish nioie talcs, and le-
insitar thst is merely I iealand by n-ing in part
stiidl r type, we ahull be able to incree ihe quan
tity well to improve lbs quality of what tvo
givn to our reader.
We shall endeavor tn uv.k
A diversified, entertnininu. instrec ive anJ TilubU
chronicle of the timis, ..rnniiT M.wsrpH,
a from for binding in "ni" or two v .lo'u--. a. ibe i inl
of theyrar,) upon wbi. h n-' h. r 'a'-olir, tiimi, ta'cn ,
n- r money will be spareil, Ii will hereilt rbrffcOr.
riched with oriuinal c nil .'.tri-ins he bfe, ppirn
and apiril nf the foreign j mmafs and eomein a I
the new, intcllieence nnd vs:ie y ofthediily fhee',
handsomely printed on fine paper, minuf n tun d lor
the expreas purpose, rind wi l :e tnrwr.irded by iho
eadiest nisds, in atroiu wrapper.-. n ewry pint nf
the UniHd Slate snd ("ana la. Vintage fn w iih.
in thi.ty mile of New York. AH coiiimunica ions
should be addtis-ed pt tt paid, to Morris. Willi, ti
Fulhr, -corner Ann nnd Nsisau streets. New Yoik.
The belt in the H'orld fw Cleanltnea, Cjwfat
und Economy.
C. J. T Y X 1) ALE,
No. 97 South Sacosn St., PHILADELPHIA,
HAS now on hand a larcse a-sortmerit nf ORR'Jl
Celebrated Patent AIR TIGHT S COVE ,
to which he would call the atten'ion of every true
lover of comfort and economy, fit which qua! tint
they cannot be equal'ed by any Stove in the woihl.
They are a li(hl Stove, and can be convenien'ly
carried to any distance, and being constructed f. r
the use of wood, they are pan cularly udap ed to a
sick room.
Many thoussnds of this Stove being now in line,
their good qualities aie too well ki own to loci
Mr Tttdale is tl e fnst i.tithorized agrril 1 I
Phil id Iphi i, and has been making them cn-l oil
ly for the la-t live or aix year. There nn be no
fear of not getting the genuine Siove of It i tit. an I
they are all warranted to eive entire satisfaction.
No Air Tight Stove are nenuine, without a brass)
pi ile w ith the Inventor's name nnd d-ite of thn
Patent. .
He hns also on hand a larce assortment of t'voc
SioVK-i, RiDtiroita, and all kinds of Fancy Goal
Stove, at ihe Old Establishment, No. W South
Second above Walnut street.
Philadelphia, Nov. I, 1845. 2ru
Nj. 18 Surth 4th urcet. a few doon affve -Vjr.t
HAS cont mtly on baud a very large iisirt
ment of Lonking Glas-es, Baskets, fed r W'ae
and Fancy Goods, which will be soid wli !es do 1. 1
the verv lowest firices
N. B Looking Glasses inured to any ait of
the country, without churjo.
Nov. 1, 184ft 6m
calvixIha :tii k.
Will practice in the sesirsl Courts vl .he City
und County nf Philadelphia.
His office is at No. 35 South FOUR I'll S iet,
between ('liesnul and Walnut -lreeis.
Philadelphia, Sept 20ih, 1815 -3in.
Tip T-y.llr.yi
D.lGUERRI I.V GALLERY of Patent Pnt .i.
urn Colored likenesten, and Photugrayhic
Xo. 13flCliesnut Street, IM.iladct plila.
No. ?5l Brondwav, New York j No. 7.". Court
Stnel, Boston ; No. 136 Chcsnut Street, l'l,j!a
delph a ; Balliiiiore Streit. Hahimor'! ; ltio.i.l
way, Saratoija Springs j No fiG t'annl Suei".
New-O.le.tnn ; Main Street Newp.irt, U. I.
Main Sire. t, Dti Buque, Iowa.
CONSTITUTING the ..Idest and most ExUb.
sive Establi-hment of the kind in the ml I.
snd containing more than a THOUSAND POIf
TRAITS, embracing those nl .nine of th most
distingui-ihed indiviiluaU, in ihe 1'ni e-! States.
Adiintiance free.
'I'his Eloh..hment hivinir bfn award, d th
.... p .. . .,-.,. ,.r..: .,..,,
. ,,. VxMii, ., .lt ..,.,, ,rw y., It
nd I'hitadcli hia, np.- 'm '. , !nr . I'
Apf arhlus, is thus nfflc. llv' .ned In ti e
lion of soierioirtv b ri I'd r' oni' e .dlv sMr.iJ it
by the pub i , .."Fj m the Wurltt."
June 28 h, 1841. iy
P I A N v -;s .
MIE SUHCP1 BET? h.i In-en onii ted ajenr.
fr i-e .! f tli D MF.YF.R's CEL-
ANOS, at this lace. These Pmnos have a plain,
massive and bt au'iful exterior (ii i h. a' .!, f.iT depiU
and sweefni s. of nine, nnd ervflon e of workman
I ship, are put au'paxed bv any in the Uniicd Situs,
j The fallowing u reeonitnendstion Ctni.
Dins, a cebbiated peifo'iner, and hirn-clfa uiau
J ufuc.uier :
! A C1 A 11 I.
nvio had the pin me of Irving if e excel-h-nl
Pisiio Forte maiifsetured bv Mr. fevr, n I
exbihlied at the 1 it exInUiion of ihe Ft-nklm lu-
, stitu'e, I fwl it due to ihe true merit nl It.e mater
to I'l-claVeXbat these, iin-tiuuicut are ipir'e pi'
t and in some tesprc even mperiof, 'o all the I'l
i aim I'.. itc, 1 aw at die capitals of Eo.ope, . a soj.iurn ol twoyejr at I ari.
These Pi.noa wdl bo r'o!d at the manufaitur. r"
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not a. me buig lowei
Person r r,uied to rail and rxiuuine t t
ihemseives, ul the residence of the tub,er ilicr.
Sunhury, May 17. 1S45. 11. B. MASSE R.
! inn
i --J for r-h, by
i feuiihiny, Hi pi.
JO, 1845.
! 'Jf7,X Si:r.I. Th b!gbet-,.u. will1.
4 9j g:cn for t'iax t'red, at the uf
i A"6 3.