Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 06, 1845, Image 1

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    '-J.-1 Ml
PttRt.lsHrfU AND
S pHormiTOHS.
t. H. .It.lSSKH, Editor,
Office in Centre Alley, in the rear of if. B. Mai-
icr'i Store.
THE" AMERICAN" in published every Satur
day "t TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till Alt arrearages a to paid.
No subscriptions received for a lea period than
an month. All communications or Inters on
business relating to the office, to insure attention,
must be POST PAID.
3 !B
lJusincss attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumlerlauJ, Union, l.vcominjr. and Columbia,
liefer lot
P. fi A. KOVUt'lIT,
SoMERS A. KffODflRAH, 'Al7fff.
No. 150 C liostiut Street,
WHERE nil kinds of leafier trunk, valises and
carpet bat, of every style and pattern are
tnanufictuicd, in the tt manner and fr.mi the lien)
materials, and sold nt (lie lowest r.ite.
Phdad.lpbh, July lilth. I81A. ly.
R c m o v a 1 .
mi. JOHN W. I.' MAT..
RESPECTFULLY informs ihe cl
Inert of Suiihu-y and il lirinity, ihM
he has removed to Uiik Huuae, in
Mn'tot tlMl. fi.r.ueily mnioicd ly
m ; ij . j - . . . .r.i...-. f .......i
" AJV III .111111 I it-iiui nia, I IM til HIV PIIIID II ' III" I ' Y i" - , I , . , i I, , .
.C..i,ied l,v MiUe, A 1,t. .,d now I, i,a TO- i ,l,"t h,ch '"'P'1 hor 0ll0M.
-merit, where lie will he happy to receive cilU in j lenrlod that all drugs, however harmless in their
the line of hi I nature, ore foreign to the human bodv, and as
M"'.J9.,h..l1-V . j such ihoy force, atid therrhy lower the system.
ITEV" O.-!?? STIlTGrS ! Those who are in the liuhil of (wallowing so
T1HE subscriber hive received, and are imw largely of those Jioxinnrs substances ore they
A. opening a splendid afs.toicnt of tlie follow ing ; ,,.ultliier or bannier than the rent? On the
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republic, from which there i no appeal but to force, the ital principle anj immediate parent of despotism. Jirt titsos-.
Rjr Manser & rinel-.
Suubury, Northumberland Co. la. Saturday, Dec. 6, IS 15.
Vol. Xo. 11 Whole No. at I.
Letter from Cap. Clarlrlare,
OnArFKnER(i, Silesia, July, 1945. .
To the Editor of the If. Y. Trihunr:
Sir: Of all nncienl or modern discoveries
in science- and all must admit they have been
very great none can bear any comparison in
point of merit or physicil utility with the sci
ence of hydropathy. What is to be Compared
to Health ! When we look around us and see
to what an alarming extent disease prevails,
the inadequate means that are reported 1o to im
pede the forced and positive mnrchosofthe grim
tyrant death, and more especially, when we ace
his approaches hastened by medica! assistance,
we must on reflection become converts to the
opinion that "there must he something rotten in
the Rtato of Denmark." It may he fairly ask
ed, how can poison cure disease ! and as fairly
answered they do vol. Their office is com
pleted if they suhdue it for a time; and this Is
Those diseases which Carry off whole districts,
such as cholera, inflamatrons, dysentery and fe
vers, are as child's-play to Priessfiitz; and the
same may be said of all complaints to which
children are subject such as measles, small
pox, whooping totigh, Warlclma, &C. To sum
up, we defy skeptics, or others who have visited
the Hyjrene Temple, to data a single instance
in which he ever lost a case where the allnck
Was from any of thoe dahffcfuus maladies. It
may be questioned, did he ever treat cholera !
Ys ; when it raped some years ago in this dis
trict it carried oil' hundreds of vrotioiBt eigh
teen ol Priessnitz'a patients, and many peasant
in the neighborhood were treated by him, all of
whom recovered, and without these dreadful ra
vages in the constitMlmn evinced in those who
were lucky t nough to escape under the aHopa
tliic practice.
Although Priessnitzlias never tried tho effect
of his system upon yellow fever, yet he feels aa-
their effect has only been to repel the effort
that nature made to throw out from the system
It is con-
N-.ixony, Wilton and Ve1et fa'pelings
Drussels anil linpertil 3 1y dn CAR.
Kitr. suiieifine aril line I"crnins do i- I'E !'
Ungli ill h;id-d A Dimi.-k Veneliiin di I I NCI.
American tuiiicd nn.l'.l i'u J l'rui!geiti nod W'd.iI. n K. Kir Cloths
ttair and Piihsbbc ISoekiriR
Eiiiliiisfeil Piano and 'I'alitc Covin
I.endoR Chenille ,uid TufeJ Kiigs
JJuor Matts id' eveiy deacriiiion.
A large sod en.ii n-ive r SKtirt merit of Floor Ti I
Cloths Irnm one to eight yards wide, cut to fit eve
ry description of rooms or p .-- sea.
Also, low pieed Ingram Oaitinfs from 3 1 j tn
'C2j cents per .yard, together with a latge and exten
sive assortment of goods uua!ly kept by carpel
The above goo. Is wil'W sold- wholesale or retail
ut the lowest ntmiiet prices, i'nuiitry merchants
and others are pnrticuUily invited to cull anil exa
mine our stock before linikii'C theii selections.
Succrsnrs to Ixsepl) VilncUwcimt , Jo. Ill Chcnliut,
corner of FniiMiii I'laee.
Philadelphia. Feb S'J.I, 1R45.
Umhrella nnl l':trasii! iMannliictory.
.V. 37 Njrth Until stmt, nvo duun Lcluw A;
what is erroneously called a cure whereas j sured ' m,lst 5)0 subdued by it ; a Conclusion
Hint lie has a right to arrive at, since hardly a
week elapses without his aid being called in,
in cases of train, Typrus, tiastric and oilier t'e
vers, in the curing of which, as !iefire observed,
be never was known to fail. Chronic diseases,
except in ieolnt.'d cases and where the constitu
tion is so reduced as to be unnble to assert it?
power irv'fc' the deleterious mnlter pervading the
system, also succninb to that element w hicli t Sod
has plitced within the reuch o( nil his creatures.
Hernia, (Sunt, Hhetiinut ptn, Dropsy, Syphilis,
HyspepHia and a host of minor ills which human
contrary, when one sees a poor wretched object,
: worn down by suffering, on being interrogated
as to his condition and ns tn w lint hns been done
tr his relief, m not the usu:il nnswer, Oh, but nHurc is heir to, arc mecessfuliy combattvd by
I have taken a grout deal of medicine in my j this extraordinary man. And it shruld he Un
tune." And what is the history of this vaunted j derstood llint a cure eflected at firnefenberg de
mode of healing man's infirmities ? No poiton- serves that turn, it being radical and permanent;
ous herb has been left untried so deleterious ! all matters detrimental to that state termed
period will be necessary. Rheumatism, chronic
cramps in the stomach, and dyspepsia, fevers of
different sorts, inflammations, Sic. all are now
being treated and now being cured her. A
tase tWtlias excied a frond deal of attention
is that of a man resident about seventy miles
from Graefenbcrg. About fnnr Weeks ago he
was attacked with a pain in the chest, whick
was blistered when the pain left the part and
tfe.'tllcd in "the knee--this began to enlarge and
proceeded eo fast as to alarm his medical atten
dant, who conceived it tbe gangrene and
thought the wily cliunce of saving the irmn's
1 ilc WfiB amputating the limb. The fiioiids had
called in a military surgeon, who at once pro
nounced the disease droiwy, and of course dis
contenarrced the 'CfpeVation. The whole of one
thigh, as welt as the abdomen, soon became
swelled to double their ordinary size, the skin
polished as glass, and, on. being pressed with
the finger, the indentation remained for a short
time. In this state he came to tiracfenberg,
where he underwent the treatment a visible
reduction of the members has taken place daily,
and, on the sixteenth day, the man was able to
walk out for a short time. PricBMiitu tells tts
that in Cnnse'.'uieiicc of tins pitienl having been
previously healthy, of industrious habits, and
having taken but little niodrutne, a per'ect cure
will he eflected in lets than three luonllis.
If you conceive that the pnulrcnttnu of these
ihctscan he interesting and beneficial to your
tenders, may I beg the lavor of your inserting
the UtiiC.
I am, sir, your must obedient srnant,
U.T. IM.AKIIKSI:, UU Piccadilly,
London At prei-ef.t at (.Srnefenberg.
1 square I insertion,
I do 3 do
1 do 3 d.i .
Everv subsequent inserth n,
0 78
t M
0 SI
Yearly Advertisements: one column. 125 : half
column, (1 8, three squares, $12 1 two squares, f 9 (
one square, f 5. Half-yearly: one column, $18
half column, $12 ; three squares, $8 two square,
$5; one square, $3 An.
Advertisement left without directions a tn the
length of timo they are to be published, will !
continued until or Jercd out, and charged accord
(Sixteen lines or less make a square.
mineral has escaped the paramnenpia hundreds
of thousands of men have spent their lives in
their appl cation millions of money have
beeti spent to acquire these drugs, and my
riads of human beings hurried to a prema
ture grave by experiments made to ascertain
their utility. The natural supposition would be
that their administration now was safe their
i fleets true to a demonstration ; but no, does not
every day's experience prove that the following
lines by Horace Smith are right!
"Physic a freak of times and modes.
Which yearly old mistakes explodes
For new ones still nbrmder
All slay their victims disiippear,
And only leave this doctrine clear,
That killing is no murder."
Put thnnk
health are by the llydtoputhical process brought
to the surface and eliminated, or pass off by the
ordinary means of evacuation the ekin is for
tified and strengthened, and all the viscera of
the body are made to perform their proper func
tions. It is Very doubtful, opposed as Hydropathy Is
to powerful interest, if the present generation
will derive from it the immense advantages it
offer. It is, however, highly gratifying to its
supporters to witness establishments rising up
in all directions. In Germany there arc at least
filty ; Prance, Switzerland, the Tyrol, Hunga
ry, Russia, Ireland, (Scotland, all have their in
stitutions, and England counts at Icatt twenty,
besides private individuals who arc introducing
Providence, the time has arrived i Jl in, lheir Police ; and to show its dissent -
when the fallacies of the faculty are to he made j nRlion' il '8 ""'y necessary to slate that nt
evident. Here, on oua ,r tt.n n,nnt,n. nt Hi. i (Iracfcnberg, at this moment, there are amongst
1 II 1 I II 41 t I p II I ! I i.,;. a. . . i i. !!... i n r..i i thn visitors some of the leailmir nobles of I'.niT-
T.WA.VS Oil Uml, I Itiron Sti X'k Of Ul- , 0" u!um, in n imiinii luiiiruvjiatillMliin, j " " 7 . . . . . . . .... "
land, Russia, Poland, Austria and Italy. There
are also about a dozen visitors from '.he United
i it ,. t i .. i iiiiiini i;.. .. .1... c. ,.T tt.n I. ....! ...un-A r, .
as 1 1 II I. I.LAn lllll I A II ... ! I'", llil.U'iniu inr finiliin uic iaiiit.- iiw-.ii.-u iitiii, Bl Willis" loll
talent new sure of Pinked Edited Pnrts'Clii nT th ' ()R i,njj clmriiilifHl, the extensively practiced
t.est wo,km.n,l.ip and miit.rmls. a. price, t hat w. I jfJ , bc Fc8rred to lho ; Slates of America ; others from (Srccce, Tor-
liinntr i. an iii- iii ,.i .'iiiiiii., ninvii'm'. " ..,,. .i . .i t .
w inns. as eany ns i weive years 01 age, in- " .., r.. ,,, hh-ic o.o,...-. r.
to call ami examine
stock before iuichaiiic
Fe 9S, 19'.5.-ly rPI1t PriessnitE cured his own finger of a cut, his P""! a confusion of tongues as at the Towct c .
SlIlMJKIiT'S PATKNT wri,it f sprain, and, four year later, cured j l"be.
"T'AISHIITG' 1EACHI1TE I '"T,,lf broken ribs and wounds consrnnent All that the advocates of Hydropathy aslc is,
mills a7rrt,i.m h .. .twii tcttrd bv mote ! ' being run over by a wagon, all by the agency ' afairfetd and no nror. f,et thnrc who doubt
I .. ... . ... i ... .. ..
ol simple spring water, 1 1 in rnmo extended to
the. surrounding neighborhood, throughout all
wend their way to that far lamed mountain
which gave birth to the man who, like a second
C.ermeny. and. finally, to every part of the ha- I LVumbus, discovered a tiew world, and whoso
hitah.e globe. Seeiitghe enormous moral and 'reputation will put into tho shade that of the
physical advantages that might result to society i Ercal !lC'lU r antiquity Hippocrates-, (nlm.
I than thirty families in thi neiehbuYhood, and
In given entire atit'.iction. It is o simple (n its
n instruction, that it ranm gvmiit of order, Tl
ccntsius no itonto ru-t, nnd iiopiingor rollers to
pel on! of wpiir. It will do twice as rnuetl wash"
ina. With hss than ball the wear ntnl tear of au of
tlie lite intentions RIM wnt I ol prea-er in per- :...:..:. t i I-Vpiilaninii nn.l w bavn no tears of tho result
tance.h Cost, but Utile over hr.'.f da much as othur j " """'"""S ..o ir B,,ir,s nuu oy lending - ----- - - -
washing them the benefit that must result from ablution, ) Hundred of books, from time immemorial, l.aVu
The sub rilier has the exeto.-tve right for NnY- i tempeinnce and exposing thetriReixcs to atmns- I been w. itieti in favor of Water as a curative
tbumberland. Incoming. (;,Ju..,bi, Lu- ; r,BnPF( ,,js extraordinary youth, nl. 1 means, while not a line is on record to the eon-
Verne and Clinton counties Pi ice of single inn I 1 ..... i u j : . i :. , . i . ,
jr. H. u, M ASfKI!. i though he aw breakers ahead, determined mi , try. Cilice I was honond in ln:!.ig the hum-
Tlic following ceit'rficate ' fnuii a few uf thoee pushing offhi bout on thn troubled eca. Per- ; hie instrument of introducing the knowledge ol
bobate tlie iiucUms '' 0 I secutioe, from the faculty in his neighborhirfd i ''C Waier Cute into England, mtn.bers of r.ur
We, the u.W,dvrsl, w'iuf'thM w. have now J were seconded by the authorities, of the cou... j rm-dical men have visited llrar-lVnhrrg. I're
in ue, in our f-mili- s. Shiiireit' Patent W.ish- try, and finally by the PriesthooJ, who denoun- j jndired against it as they were, the public tmlu
ing Machiiie."iiddoi.olhtsitaie siylng tint tit i j ced lim j ci,rf,h 8t Friewalilm, Where he I rally epcclrd thai tihe, al least. Would have
I. 'win save more AritaliS ! l hah., of attending. Nothing daun- ( exposed the danger, of the system and the f.L
That it di not require more than cue thinl the . red, he pulled the willing ojf Until, the Value of , lcy of expecting eo much from it; but not a txa.fc
tisuul qMamuy ofseipand water atiJ mat mere
Is no ruiil'inc. ami consequently. Iiltl
RrniFD Ai.ivk. A B.ilt;niorc coVrc-pondeiit
o? a new New York Journal, relates the follow
ing as a recent case of burying alive :
A most horrid case of burying alive occurred
a lew Weeks since in our cfty, and which, al
though genorally talked of has, out xit respect to
the friends ol the deceased. Wen excluded from
the public prints. A young lady fc-as ta"ken
sick, and Jieii very sttih)eti)ij, as (Opposed by
the family and physician, and was flawed in lier
Coffin and carried to fh'o depository of the fami
ly, and placed in the family vautt, A few days
afterwards, nn visiting the vault, they were
struck with the horrible sight of the young lady
in her burial clothing, out of'the coffin, and sit
ting Up against the eido of tho Wall dead 1 As
may ho supposed, the discovery has plunged a
family and large circle of acfi'iainlanees in the
deepest anguish. It Wus found, on examining
the coffin, that the lid hid been forcibly pressed
off by the young Wcnian, who had actually been
buried before the vital spark had fled, Riid whT
had returned to consciousness, but to die the
most hnrriulc nl deaths ! Many may doubt this,
but it is too true to be denied.
Iron Disrsrss in Waumum. The FaTid
wich (Mass.) Observer contains on Interesting
statement of the amount of iron mnnufictnr.'i!
in Wareham. It rccirm that there are four
large Iron nianufa'cliirics nnV irt operation, and
that a fifth is to be established. These four
factories are capable ol manufacturing about
V2(l,tK( tons a yesr if scrap ircnin to Various ar
ticles. Thi, nt tsit) a ton, will amount to no
less than Hil.tU-,ttH per annum. They enn
suine about 10,(Kl tons of coal, and gwo employ
ment to about 47." hand. Besides these entah.
lishmentsfor working iron, there i.m fiiinnce
in operation for casting holl.iw ware, and oilier
I Article, which turns out yearly alniut (UKi tons
of ensting, valued at ftl.'i.OOi). There are about
15(1 nail tools at work, turning out annually
41H)U tons of nails, worth SoGU.tRXl.
1 or n wear
ing it knock off no buttons, sod
tbat the finest Hnihes, auth i Collar, !acc, lurks,
rills, Ac, may be Washe-.l in a veiy short time
without tr.C Ir .st iojuiy, and in fact with.iUt Uy
piivni wear auJ tear, whatevrr. We therefore
rheerfuHy rvcommend it I our ft tends and to the
I'uhlic, as a moot UtnTuI and Ulmr saving machine.
A. .lOltUAN,
:hs WHAVF.R.
t ils PLESANT,
H.m. (il;n. r,. wklker,
ltr.M. IIFMiRU-KS,
(illiEtiN i.t:isbnhi.(i.
Hirh's Hotki, (formerly Tremont 'II 'U C, No.
116 Cln siiul stictM,) PliiUdi lpliia, September
2 1st, 1H14.
1 have used Pbugert Patent VVasliinj! Machine
his system beiu' artcHained, the late Emperor appeared but ha admitted tuenvst important
of Austria gave hint permission lo haVo an e j "d essential statements t made at the time;
tablishmcut This was in 1828. From that A nearly til persona who undergo the treat
time, notwilhrtanding It rctiuired well Cnnstitu- i riiPhl change their liabils oi lile to those of tern
ted, and tnortc than ordinary mind lo bear up n- 1 perance and early rising, and learn to eshew
gainst the annoyances he was subjected to, he puitun in eVery shape, l.iiioub as Well as drugs.
Terit on, making furihrr discoveries in the ap' j Wo cannot doubt that, at enmn future period,
pli.inees of water, until it uny n.iw truiy be cut- i the name of Prieesniti will bc far and w ide re.
led h e:Vrt"-hy which all diseases curable by I t ern! as having essentially assisted in rescuing
i any known means, and intiiiy altogether beyond the hutnait tnco no vea iron) ice than from
' the medical art ure cured. Where is tho pro- . ilitoase.
' feeionai man I lint cm ray wi'h Priessnitz, that J It is gnti'ying tn leorn that in America there
Speakin;of the capabilities of the Wertern
States, tlie Albany Argus has the follow In j
"Tke Teeming U'. "This name has bfen
frequently given to the West, but it has never
been o rtilly rvaliicd 4s dilfin this full. 'Ishu
arrival ori,(KHl,000 barrels of flour at the Hud
son river in two months, is but 6h earnest of the
future. It is baldly tio much lo say that the
imagination can scarcely realize the fertility of
Mackerel Tho price of this fish is lower
now than it has been for a long series of years
past. The canso is singular, and thews that
trade, as well as law, is sometimes Very uncer- ,
tain. The opening prices for tho catch this
year were much the fame as those ol last year,
and every thing seemed to be going on smoothly,
w hen nil a once thero rushed into Bitston bay
an immese school of very fat mickerc!, of a very
small size and evidently of a very different
family from those usually taken. The Catch
of the fisherman was instonlly quadrupled.
From this school an extra quantity was taken,
amounting, as some persons estimate Vi twenty
thousand barrels Although fat and delicious,
they wer , from their size, almost all tanked
as No. 2 and 3, and tho prices of their present
position. Thelall on No. 2 was four dollars a
barrel, causing a very severe loss to 'holders,
who had purchased with the ordinary prospeel
of profit. This new family of fish have been
cheitly instruurtntal in causing the irregularity
in the inspections which we ha ve already men'
tinned. Some of the inspectors rated at No. ,
on account of fatties, the same fish which others
t:all No. '2 m account of size. For rise ft is
really of very little consequence; for their ex
cellent qualities ns inducing our licet livers
Vi lake llnT.i fir family use in preference lo
the common fi.-di of large size, which are of very
qiresttonabie quality, though selling at double
the price. Jour, of Commerce.
A New kamiiuneu Hoi.i-uvi;u. A good
luke is 'L'otiiff the rounds," the hero of which
is Mr. IMnzoii Smith, formerly of Ohio, but
now of parts particularly unknown. Mr. Smith
did yeoman service to John Tyler, when that
illustrious personage was fishing lor a re-nomination
and re-election, and in consideration
thereof whs appointed consul, or commissioner,
or something else, somewhere among tho Is
lands of the Pacific. Now that another man
rergns in John Tyler's stead, it is resolved to
recall Mr. l)ela2on Smith ; but lo, he is not to
be found. The Secretary of State looks for
him 'On the map, but there are so many islands
in the Pacific, among which the functionary
lias a kind of roving commission, that as yet
no missive of retail has been able to reach him,
and it is seriously apprehended that tlie chase
may he kept up for years with no better Butt-
r-ess. A. Y. AJvtrlisxr,
Van and O'CoSner. The Del
aware F.xprt ss fays that when the news of the
cniiiiuii;itieti of their sen'epco Was communi
cnted to them by the officer in charge, Van
SteenbtiTgh and O'Conner danced about the
lonm in which they were confined lake a couple
of madmen. "his was a more agreeable tan
dango than a dance in the air at the end of a
rope. "Herman physiologists affirm
that ol'tweidy deaths of men between the ages
of eighteen and twenty-five ytars, ten originate
in a waste of constitution by smoking.' We
do not doubt this s and wo add that if German
or other physiologists would extend their ob
servations ttY deaths among men between the
ages ot twenty-five and sixty, they would dis
cover that a large proportion originated in waste
ol constitution by i ht tcinx. (Serman physiolo
gists have paid especial attention to smoking,
because excessive smoking is generally, almost
universally, habitual among the men of Germany
ai d common among its middle-aged and eldery
woman. But toeXpIore the other field, the must
visit our own country, chewing being a habit al
in. isl exclusively American.
Nkw-spatkr at Home Sir John llerschell
says, of all the amusements that can possibly
be imagined fin hnrd v.orking man, after a
day's toil, or iu ila intervale, there is nothing
like reading an entertaining newspaper, of
which he cannot hnVc Mo much. It relieves
home of its dullness or lauienoss, Which in nine
cifcs cut ol ten, is what drives him to the ale
house, tn his ow n ruin and his family's. It
truofpnrts him into a fcycr and livelier, snd
mere diversified and interesting eccnb ; and
while he enjoys himself there, he may forget
the eVil.l nl the present moment fully as much
a u he we ever so drunk, w ith the great ad-
thu WeM. Michigan alula", under mi aclae
demand, could send l.OtKUWM of barrels of flour Vantage of finding himsi -If the next day with his
out of ten thous.-.nd invu'ids that have pnsed
through his hands he lies only lost forty ? That
such is the fact at (Iraefenberg any person may
ascertain w ho w ill take the trouble of inquiring
in my hou-e upwards of eight months, and do noi at the neighboring Police Office, w here every
hesitate lo iy that I deem it one of the mo.t use
ful and valuable latter-saving inacmnc ever inven
ted. I formerly kept two women continually oc
cupied in washiug, who now do a much in two
day a they then did in one week. There i no
wear or tear in washing, and il requires not more
than one-third Ibe usual quantity of soap. I have
had a number of other muchine in my family, but
tin io decidedly superior to every thing else, and
so little liable lo set out of, that I would not
do without one if they should et ten time the
price they ar sold for. DANIEL 1IERR.
V'UPEliiOK Port wine, Xlsderia and Libon
win. Also superior Brandy and Oin, lmon
Svrun. Also a few barrels of Bin Fhh, for sale
piuntury, July 10th, 1845.
thing connected with (iraefenberg is especially
regibtered. It must be noticed that patients
who apply to PrissniU, do so as a dernier resort;
having tried all medical kid within their pro
vince, and generally the mineral spring of Ger
many and elsewhere, in vain and it is averted
by twenty English gentlemen, who signed a
certificate to that effect to tho Times newspa
per, that the patients, with few exceptions, may
be divided into two classes those whom medi
cal men have pronounced incurable, and those
w hose diseaaei are the teaill ut medical treat
tire those who apprccioto the system, nt i feel
coin meed that M en taken up with that energy
which en characterizes our friends en your side
of tho Atlunlic, no interested motives on the
part of the (ew will be permitted to repress this
great boon to the many: and 1 hope that eVery
Stale in the Union will select a suitable person
to spend some time at tho fountain head in or
der to bring back accurate knowledge on this
intcreeting subject. Your space will not admit
of extend ing this letter, or I should furnish fur
the perusal of your readers a hurrber of extraor
dinary cases of cure that 1 have witnessed since
tny sojourn hero for the last three months, be
veral came here for gout, who could not walk
across their rooms in a few days they were en
abled to climb the mountains! but to extract
morbid humors and t fleet , cure a much longer
to m-.rket ; and yet that State does hot comprise
oiie-'.wen'ieth it tlie wheat land of tho west.
The amount of predu'-'ion ia ub.'uluU-ly illimi
table. It is even now considered r i'."i uious
when 2.SOO.0O0 barrels of Hour canio doA u by
tho Erie canal in the season u! i'l'j ; but thut
amount, ifa market Could bo obtained. Would
expand in five years to fix tniHiont of barrels,
and then tho wettern country would junt begin
to be cultivated."
HioH Pbicb for Corn. The Gazette, pub
lished at Holly Springs, Miss, says, that corn is
selling at that jdace at two dollars per barrel,
and with t prospect ol increase in price all ow
ing to drought probably.
JCiTt EnrROAilitiENr. An old titis'H of
New Orleans stated in evidence the other l jV(
tlial the city had encroached upon tL 'nver one
H'oiiev in Ins pocket, or, at lea, laid out in real
iioc.;inc in. I Conil'. its lor himself and his fa
in. iv, whhoet :i l-.e.'d ii b Nay, it accompanies
him i,i hid next day's woili.aud if the per ho
has l.-eii reading be bii thing aboVe tho very
idlest and lightest, :lV,'', him something to
think besides tho mechanical drudgery of m
every day occupation something he can t:,joy
while absent and look forward with pleasure
to return to.
To tabe Stains oir of ritk. Mix toge
ther in s phial, two ounces ot eBSence ot lemon,
From the Yiirmingham ( ) Advertiser.
Itsraanct of Real Life.
It has been truly remarked that many of the
event of real life would surpass the pages of
romance if told with the srrme pathos and feel
ing ; and this town and neighborhood has latter
ly been the theatre of deeds as romantic as any
novelist could Conceive, though invested with
all the true sobriety of matters of Tact. A young"
American planter named V)a Costa, of gocxi fa
mily and immense fortune, Xvithoutany incnm-
hrance, and almost without living relation, had
latterly, it appears, come over to tngland in
search of a wife rathr-r a romantic errand, eon
sidering 'the number of ladies to which the Uni
ted States have given birth ; but ono respect
ing which he had only one person to please,
and that one himself. After visiting some ot
the most fashionable Cities of the kingdom, and
"spending his money like a prince," without
meeting tho object otliis seated, he paid a viit
to Birmingham, and wss Btanding one day at
the door 'of the Hen and Chickens, when, aa old
wives Would Bay, and circumstances have in
this tasO proVed the truth of the saying,) the
Very "peroA ne came to England to look tor,
walked serosa New street, nearly opposite U)
where he stood. Struck by her appearancd
with those peculiar sensations which lover
will best understand, bnt which we maugrrj
our gray hairs havo not quite forgotten, htJ
followed the lady, and with much politeness (irt
words wo will not pretend to detail,) expressed
a wish for a better acquaintance, and a desire to?
see her home. The young Va!y, a Miss Ri:n
tner of Alcestur, v. as at that time on a visit t'j
Mr. Ileeley's, Bristol-road, to whose house thi
stranger accompanied her, but his partner in
lite not liking such a romantic visitor toa young
lady then under her matronly protection, with
duo sense of propriety, discouraged the gentle
man, and referring him to her parents. The;
traveller, however, W3s not lo be diverted front
an object in search of whom ho had travel
led so far, and the little town of Alcestcr waa
shortly after well nigh frightened from its pro.
priety, by ft Carriage end four driving up fu'.J
speed to the house or Mr. Kimmcr. After Yna
ny wonderings and many "guesses," among tht
inhabitants who it Could be, it turned out that il
was Mr. Da Co--ta, come in the most gentleman
ly and honorable manner to request of the pa
rents permission to pay his addresses to their"
daughter. Advice was asked of those wit It
whom they usually on other mattcre, and all
circumstances duly weighed, and consent wn.
very naturally given ; and the stranger gave
such evidences of the sincerity of his attach
ment, that he was not long finding his way 1 1
the heart of Miss Riminer, and then welir
what then 1 why, what think yon, gentle rea?
der!- -he neither abandoned her to a broketl
heart, nor seduced her and left her to comfoi'..
herself with a dose of prnssic acid, though na
ny tales were afloat of what the modern ' lliuej
beard" would do, but married her at Attcstcr
Church on Sunday last) three carriages ami
lour conveying the parties who grated the
nuptial ceremony with their presence. Yotr
see we are not writing a tragedy, hut an opern
and an Opera we trust it will be, as far as tluj
characteristic goes', of all ending happily, for"
the people whoso daughter has thus become
wife, aro good, worthy, honest people, in tno-
derate circumstances, the lady possesses goef
sense, as well as personal attractions, end lh
stranger lias shown himself, by his munificeri .
presents, and by various acts of kindness, as r'
licato as they are generous, to be really w'j at.
he passes for a inanol vat wealth nnd a -''eti'
tleman. We understand that tho elder hrct her"
of Miss Rimmer is lo accompany her to hef newr"
residence on the oilier side tho Atlantic, vhei
his fortune, as well as hers, will be uiadft.
A Leo vcy The following issn eXtrAr f fron
the will and testament of Col. Geo'rg. Mason,
of Virginia, and we commend it to tit's careful
attention of American youth, as emboc'yiiig sen'
timerits worthy of imitation ;
'I recommend lo my sons, from 'Vny own nt'
perience in life, lo prefer (he happiness of ir rt.
pendeneo and a private station to the tro.fbl.?
and vexations of public business, but it cither
their own incljr.ations, or the necessity flf lluv
time, should rngage them itf ihe public affairs,'
I charge them on a fathcr'3 blessing, never t
let the ti'.otives of private interest or ombitu i
induce them In betray, nor the terrors of pover
ly and disgrace, oi of death, deter them fronf
"s.-eiting ihu liberty of their country, aud n
deavoriog lo ttsosmtt lo their posterity thoe u
cr,d rii'hts to which tlicmsiKes weie bjrn.
one ounce of oil of
'.orpentine. Gicase and
third of a mile w ithin &
t fur'y
other spots in fV.V,, are to'be rubbed gently with
a linen fg dipped in the oovecoaipoiiioti.
Tub Dairy. ahoTordrfaisS i ft thousaca
I tWit VrO"ouncedA. r-ays Campbell, without ad-
verting to the beauty of its etymology, mrryt
There are ix widows living in New Jersey,
within the dts'ance ofhnlfa mile, whose unite. I
sgea amount to fat hundred and twenty u
veart ! Their aes as follows; one 91 yearrf
one W, two 7, one 81, and one
It is a Ct uiov IAt r m natural
that every colored woman, of a hundred year
and tipwardi. who dies anywhere ai the South,
was n-ivant of Gen. Washington. il" '
vice appears to have been a pUnt for lujijevity.