Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 22, 1845, Image 4

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    From the St. Louis Organ.
A "Vrrjr Sad" Lamentation.'
It is not that she bade me go, ', ,
And fai l I'd better stop my calling,'
It is not that she answered "No,'V
As loud ns could be short of bawling;
It whs not that she slammed the door,
And set her nasty lap-dog on me:
Oh no : a greater, keener grief
Weighs down my heart and preys npon me.
I cannot bear to see her go
And promenade with other fellows:
I cannnt bear to see her walk
On rainy days 'neath their umbrellas;
To see such things a going on,
Excites my virtuous indignation;
It makes me swear as one might fay,
In vulgar phrase, "like all creation."
To see her seated on a chair,
With half a dozen fops around her, :
And hear that fool Auoistcs swear
He "can't exist a day without her."
'Tis this which make my withered hopes
Pall thick and fast like leaves in Autumn,
And causes my poor heart to beat
Like a young bear's when dogs have caught him.
What if her father is a Squire,
And I'm a friendless Printer's Devil?
She needn't cut me in the street
It wouldn't hurt her to be civil.
lint ah ! my heart strings are a lute
On which her hand unfeeling lingers ;
Well be it so! the tune is sad,
But then 'tis played by beauty's fingers.
Enough ! enough ! I've lost the maid ;
My mind ta bordering on distraction ;
Yes, yes I'll leave this classic shade,
And seek a wider held of action ;
For in the distant Texian land!
In war's proud ranks I'll seek for glory,
And then perhaps in later years
My name will sound in verse and story.
And if, oh cruel Hakrietie !
You hear them tell about a "stranger
Who wore the 'lone star on his crest,
And never cared a cent for danger,"
Ferhaps you'll proudly look around,
And with a sigh of sympathy
Exclaim to all your .wondering friends,
"That brave young man once courted me."
Should Parents Scold. It has neither
reason, religion, common sense nor experience
to recommend. While there are reasons many
and mighty, to justify its total abolition. It
sours the temper of the children ; 60 that one
thorough scolding prepares the way for two
or three more. It sours your temper, provided
it is sweet, which is a question ; if you are prone
to scold, the more you will have to scold, and
your children likewise.
Scolding alienntes the heart ol your children.
Depend upon it, they cannot love you as well
after you have berated them as they did before.
Von may approach them with firmness &. deci
sion, you may punish with severity adequate to
t!ii nature of their oflence, and they will feel
the justice of your conduct snd love you not
withstanding all. Cut they bate scolding. It
Ftirs up In J blood, while it discloses your weak
ness, and lowers you in their esteem. Espe-
ut nt.-l.t, when they are about to retire,
u.cir In.. arts hculd be melted and moulded with
vd, cos clV.ndnesf, that they may go to their
b'lUinLer witii thoughts of love stealing arouud
tin ir fco.ii-, a.!id whispering ptnee.
l'l.i'MP and 1'i.ais. A Southern Kdilor
n.iikt s the following frank announcement :
"We Fha'il not support any man for office of Ton Dollar, besides his annunciation
fee. That's what the lawyers charge for attend
ing to an ne.ault and battery case, which is a
light and lovely occupation compared with that
of editorially attending to candidate's case, to
fay nothing of the awful wear and tear of con
science in thie peculiar branch of our business."
New Notion. Aepeculative Yankee notion
tzer is desirous of sinking a shaft through the
centre of the Isthmus of Oarien down to the
fubteranean current supposed to exist in that
locality, and which influences the gulf stream
by its force. On this shaft he will construct
large water wheel to work horiiontally, having
a large drum above the surface, fur an endless
chain to work upon ; then construct a railroad
ttrait up the mountain from either ocean, to
meet at this stationary engine, and the work of
extending the area of freedom is done. . Eu
reka. Scene in a School Room. 'First class in
Philosophy, come up. Well lchabod, what are
properties of heat V
'The properties of tieat are, to bake bread,
bile wa'er, cook eggs, and
Stop next! What are the properties of
heat !'
The properties of heat is to warm our toes,
when they gets colli, by holding 'em to the fire
and so forth.'
Next, So'on what are the propertiea of
heat 1
The chief properties of heat is that it expands
bodies, while cold contracts.'
'Very good, Solon. Can you give an exam
ple ?'
Yet sir. la summer, when it is hot the day
is long ; in the winter, when it is cokl, it gets
to be very short.'
'Go up head, Solon, boys take your seats,' and
the learned pedagogue was lost in wonder, that
so familiar an instance of illustration should ea
ts pe hii philosophic mini
alANK KOTE tlST. ,
The following list shows the current value of all
'ennsylvania Dunk Notes. The most implicit re
liance may I placed upon It, as it iserery week
arefully compared with and corrected from Bick
nell's Reporter.
Haulm In Philadelphia.
Nana. Locate.
Rank of North America ... pur
Rank of the Northern Liberties , , par
("oinnicrrinl Bnnk of PennY . , pur
Farmera' nml Mechanics' Dank . , pir
Kensington Bank par
Philadelphia Hank ' . . . .par
Schuylkill Rank ... par
Snmliwark Hank . . par
Western Hank . . . ' par
Mechanics' Hank . . par
Manufacturer ft Mechanics' Dunk par
Country Hanks.
Rank of Chester County Westchester par
Bank nf Delaware County Chester par
Bank of fierlnlltwn
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doylcstnwn Bank
Caslon Rank
Farmers' Hank of Bucks co.
Office ,(f llnnk of Perm's.
Ollico do
Office d,j
Office do-
Lancaster I i
Reading f d
Bnstnn J is
1 Philadelphia
Wank of the United States
flank of I'enn Township
fiirard Bank
Moysmcneing Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Pottsvillc
Hard; of Lewistown
Bank of Middletown
Bank of Northumberland
Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exchango Pittsburg
Do dn branch of Ilolluluvuburg
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancsstot
Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster
Farmers' Bunk of Reading Evading
Harrisburg Bank Harrisburg
Lancaster Bank Lancaster
Lebanon Bank Lebanon
Merchants': Manuf. Bank Piltshurg
Bank of Pittsburg Pi'ts'iutg
West Bra;ieh Williamsport
Wyoming Bank V.'ilkesharre
Northampton Bjnk Allentown
Berks Countv Reading
Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg
. Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sv. Ins. A do
Penn Township fviv. Ins. ilo
Bank of Chamlmrshurg Chsmbersburg
Bank of Gettysburg (iettysburg
Bank of u--quehanna Co. Montrose
Krie Bank Erie
Farmers' &. Drovers' Bank Wsynesburg
Fiankliu Bank Washington Bank Hnnesdate
Moiinngahela Bank of B. Brownsville
i'ork Bank York
N. B. 'J he notes of those banks on which we
limit ipiotntinns, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loon Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
fowanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' fi Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bunk
Farmers' At Mech'cs' Bank
llaimony Iusiituto
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumliermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge On.
Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Ba'ik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Ph. Asr. & Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmorland Bank
; Dyott, prop.)
Fayette co.
no sale
no sale
no sale
Huntingdon no sale
Lewi'toiva ni sale
New Hope
Port Carbon
( 'srliide
no sale
no sale
Wilkesharre Bridge Co.
Wilkisbarre no sale
fj All notes purporting to be on any IVnn-yl-vania
Bank not given in the above lift, may he set
Jown as frauds.
Bank of New Brunswick
Belvidcie Bank
Bi unswick
Penh Amboy
Mount Holly
N. Biiinsiik
.Middletown Jt,
Jersey City
Burlington Co. Bank
3omiiiercial Bank
Cumlierland Bank
Farmers' Bunk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk
Farmers' and .Mechanics' l!k
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
no sale
Hoboken like & (irazing Co Hob iken
lersey City Bank
Jersey City
Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Bank
Morris County Bunk
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mcchauics' Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bkg Co
Post Notes
Newark Bkg & Ins Co
New Hone Del Bridge Co
N. J. Manufac and Bkg Co
N J Proteclon k Liuubard bk Jersey ('ily
Orange Bank Orange
Puterson Bank Pairrsun
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Kaleni Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
State Bank Elitabethtowa
Slate Bank Cam Jen
Slate Bank of Morris Monixtuwu
Slate Bank Trenton
Salem aud Philad Manuf Ce Salem
Susnea Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
WWunglon Banking Co. Hackensack
Bk of WUm St Brandy wiue Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
tfiuk of Smyrna Smyrna
Do Uanch Millord
Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover
Do ' branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle -
Union Bank Wilmington
V-J - ...... ,
QJ" On ah banks marked thus () there are eu
ther counterfeit or altered notes of ihe various it
Deiuioalions, in circulation.
A Comnnnnil Ilalanmle Prfprlln from
Wild Cherry- Hark iifl Tr,
The bett rtmniy known to I fie world for the ntrt nf
ctmtrh, eolix, asthma, trnup, bl-tding nf the
lung, whmipittft emigh, bnmthitit, influ
enza, thnrtnris nf breath, pain and
weaknrn in the breast or side,
liver rnniilaitit, and the
Jirnt gtnpcs if
We will not assert that this BALSAM will cure
Consumption in ist mtrst form, but It has cured
msnv sfter all other means nf Hief bad been tried
in vain. And why not t It seems that the WILD
CHERHY was destined by Natuie to be our PA
NACEA for the tavsjinj diaesses nf this e dd la
titu.le. Let not the drspairing Invalid waste his
money and loose TIMK, to him s all impor'snl,
in 'Xlerimrnlint; with the Irsshy nostrums nf tin
dav, but use at once a medicine that will cure, If a
cure be pus jble a medicine that science approves,
and msnv years of experience h ive demonstrated
that it always relieves.
'There is no sveh thing as fnit," in the h'story
nf this vnndrrtul BALSAM. Evidence the must
convincing evelerce that no one con doiibr, fully
establi hes this fact. For the sake of brevity we
se'eel the following from t!iousnils.
Isanc I'h't, Esrj., Editor of the Pokeepsie Eacle,
I'tif nf the m st influential journal in the slate of
New Yoik, stales undei the nntbnnly of hi own
name, tint a young lady, a rehl'tvo of his, of vprv
ilelirste consli'iition, wa attacked in Fob. 1812.
with serre coldwhich immediately produced spit
ting nf Monti, cough, fever, and other dancermis snd
nbirinirg symptoms. Throiiuh medical lieitiren'
nnd c ue she pa tially rrenvered diirins simmer.
But on the return of winter she was attacked more
violently than at first, she became scarcely able to
walk and wi tmuhb d with emiah, chills and fever
every day, and appeared to be going rapidly with
rnnanmp'ion ; nl this time, when there w as n sign
of improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a boMle ef
Wihtak's Balsam or Wii.ii CnvnnT, whiih she
took, and it seemingly restored her. She g I 8 se
cond, snd before it va half taken she was restored
to perfrct health, which f he has enjoyed to the pre
sent time, without the slightert symptom of her fir
mer dise ise.
Mr. P'att ssvs "the cure eim under my own ob
servation and I cannot be inistukeu as to the facts."
Pr.MBnnitr., Wnshinuton co., Maine, Apr. 20, 1 SI I.
MB. IS.VAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re
quest of many of my friends in this place and vici
nity ho are afflicted w-ith consumption and liver
complaints, I take the liberiy of asking you to ap
point some one in this county ss asent to sell Wis
Tilt's Balsam or Wnn Chehrt, and to send bioi
a few dozen, as there is none of it for sale within
2(10 mites from this. I have n i doubt that it would
met t with a ready sale if it wero where it could le
ptocurcd without ton much expense nnd delay.
Mv wife was attacked about six months since
with what the physicians called the first s'nije of
consumption a complnint very prevalent in Ibis
sciion of country. Having seen the Balsam ad
vi rt scd in Augusta.
zj 200 nr&s, -3
I took the pains to send there for a bottle of it,
which she took, and which belied her so much that
I sent for two bottles more, which she has also ta
ken, snd hhe now says aha has not felt so well for
ix years as she does at lhs time. All those who
have inquired of me and ascertained what effect the
Balsam had, are anxious to have some for sale in
Ibis vicinity, which is the cause of my writing you.
Pleae inform me by return of m iil whether you
conclude to send some, and if so to whom, in order
that it may be known where it can be had.
I am with re-pert vnurs, etc.
The whole country is fast learning that no medi
cine no phvsician no preparation of any kind
whatever can eqnal Dit. W,stau's Balsam or
Wild Chehht.
Watshvili., Oneida ro N. V. Sept. 15, IH4H.
I'ear Sir I owe it o the afflicted to inform y. u
that in January last I was nttacked by a vety vio
lent cold, caused by woiking in the water, which
settled on my lungs. It accompanied bv a e
ry severe pain in my breast snd sides, and also
distiessing couiih. I bad in attendance all the lot
meilic.d aid in our vill.ige; but afier exhausting all
their skill to no avail, they pronounced my di-ea-e a
co fi h m En con si. ucno, and they one and all
gm-e me up to die. After much persuasion I got
ihe eonr-ent of nv physician to use the Balsam o
Wilh Cm nar prepared by Dn. Wistak. I pur
chased of the Agent in our place one bottle, before
using half of which I began to gain strength, audit
wis very evident my cough was much better and
my symptoms) in every way improving. I have
now used tint bottles, sod am rettnrrd to perfect
health. Thin rei-uli is al no owing to the ue ef
liV ; and I take this method of giving you th in
forin.itii'ii, p.irtly to pay you the dell of gntitiide
I owe yuu, and paitly that others simiiaily affiicted
niaj know where to apply lor relief.
Very trulv youis, JAMES K(JE.
Mh. Pa mm. Druggist, under d its of Wulcrville,
Sept. Still, 1K43, wrdes;
The .utcuieni given you by Mr. J imea Sage is
well known to be true by Ibis whale community.
II cirt iiidy was a most leuiaika1 In cure. The sale
) of il.e L''uUam is wry goml, and its success in cures
tiu y Ciiilering, 1 ouis nsH ctlu'lv.
(M iir. kvkh
HAiimiNFiELn. N. J , Apiil CO, HJ:l.
On or about the 13th day of October, ISM, I was
taken wiih a violent pain in ihe si le i e..r the liver,
wtiieli comiililed lor about five days, hii. I wis fol
Inn.. it liv lb brukinir nf mi n!er or .iltAi-eKH in.
j wjTi whieh relieed the pain a little, but rau-ed
me .o throw up a ureal quantity of olVensive ninitcr
a i il als.i much blood. Being grea'ly slurried. at
this, I applied to a physician, but he said lie tln uj' I
he could do but li'tle for me excepr give me some
Mercury Pills, which I refused to take, fivliuit
at islied that I bey could do me no good ; many o
iln r remidiei were then procured by my wile snd
friends, but none did me any good ai.d the t!is
ch arcs of blood and corruption still continued rverv
few days, and al last lcome so offensive lint I
co uld scarcely breathe. I was also seized wilh a vi
olent oough, which Bt times caused me to raise
in uch more blood than I had done before and my
disease continued in this way, still growing worse,
until February, when alt hope of my recovery wss
given up, and my fiieada all thought I would die
-of a Gallopiss CoRtfi'MrTioit. At ihia moment,
when my life was apparently drawing near its close,
WILD CHELRY, and got a bottle which as
Liivr.0 s iMMiuiATtiT j and by the use of only
three oolites 01 in is medicine, all my puns were
removed my cough and spitting of blood and cor
ruption entirely stopped, and in a few weeks my
health was so far restored as to enable me to woik
at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up to this
lime I have enjoyed good health. -
Glocckstib Covrtt, N. I , as.
Personally cams before we, the subscriber, one of
the Justices of the Peace In and for the said conns
ty, Thomas Cozens, and being duty affirmed ae.
cording to law, saith the above statement la in all
things trus. ' ,
Affirmed before me, oh thri 20th nf April. 1 843.
J. CimuT.J P.
Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL
a prescription cniuenid to our wants, as it is pie
psred from chemical extracts from substances which
the author of nature has placed in our own land
for wise purposes, that many who know nothing
of the mode of its preparnion am endeavoring to
reap pecuniary benefits by selling an aitiele similar
in name, or in appearance, or by representing their
own trash as superior to this BALSAM, or hv put
ting up a mixture and solemnly asseverating that it
is imported from a foreign country, which is not the
case. ' All these deceptive arts goto show that
WtsTAti's Balsam is known to the world to be
"THE OH EAT REMEDY." and that to srll
any njksture it must be like this in name, er pur
port to Le like It in substance.
(Tplelieve not the cunningly wrought fabrics
ions and take on'y the nriuinal and genuine
Wistaii's Balsam or Wti.n Ciiskiit.
Address all orders to ISAAC BU ITS, No. 32
Arm St., New York.
Agents, JOHN W. FUILINC. Sitnburi,
D. BRAUTIOAM. Surthumberlaml,
J. K. MOYEK. ninnmsfmrg,
3. WAOiJMNSF.LLEil, KHns-C'rnrr,
BROWN A CUE ASY, Mijhnviih.
Feb. ?2d, IS 15 lv
Cclcbrntcd K-'amily lediciatcs
SJ'ILI. not cure every thing, but sti! n m iin
U unequalled in their several d-parlments bv
every thing ever offered to the public, who have
voluntary came forward and olfered numerous and
o. , ..r,,,,.,,. lomiouon u hi .u,.. ui.i
elficscv. , . , r
Cunfrrlla Compnund Medicated Syn,p of Sin.
tapnrdlii i or. Ann-Scorbutic Syrup, for the
ol ficorlnls, t.'hron.e Rhen.n ilism. throinc Swcl-
ling" ol the Jniiit., Eruption, of the Skin, nnd nil
Diwases arising trom the of Mercury. yc..
unsurpassed by any tiling in the market, cmnbi.
ning ail me virtues resident in tne Mar-np.irilla
wilh a modern medicament, only lately brought j
out by the most respectable medical aulhorith s.
Price, fill rents tier bottle. !
CiintrcH's .Inti-Dyspepflr Powder, for tie re-
lief and permanent cure of that most disliess:rg ,
complaint, Dypersia, in all its forms and s'eiios.
It is iiuly a most valu d'le rcmidy. .dd in I utiles I
at 2." snd SO cents each. j
Cntilrell's .Vue Mixture nnd Tunic MciVra- j
menta, stands at the head of the list unrtvalbd by 1
any, or all the innumerable medir-m s in Use'
throughout the length and hreaibh of the land, for
the cure of Frvv.n and Abue in all its stages, and
from all its consequences.
Re-iilents in Fever and Ague districts should
never be without it.
The subscriber will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS
where his medicine tails lo perform a cure in the
most obstinate case.
Sold Who'esale nnd Retail by CALEB CRES.
SON. at his Drui Wa'ehoii-e, N . l North Third
Street, Philadelphia s also, bv the rigularly ap
pointed aent. SETH W. ROBERTS, Wholesale
Druecist, No. 54 Water Street, Mobile.
Prepared hv the Subscriber, corner of O AR
I'EXTER and SECOND Streets, below Christi
an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine without the signature
C'nntrrll'M Agrne ?Ilxture, or Toulc
for the cure f nil llilinun ajfielions, if taken oc
cording to directions.
It is a never failing remedy which no family
ouch' 1 1 be without, especially in l.nv marshy
As this medicine is put up under the proprie
tor's immediate inspection on the most scientific
princ'ples, being Purily Vegetable, and having
tried its efflcary on thousands, for upwards of 12
years, ami to his knowledge when taken stiict'y ac
cording to directions, there has not been one ."adore.
Under smh circumstance I recommend il lo the
public, adding a certificate in support of my asser
tion. I.-Iohn Burns, do certify that I was in the ship
Tobicco I'laiil of Philadelphia, dpt. Reed, in
June, 1RC7, bound lo Liverpool; took the fever
aud ague and la d in Liver cod i-oinc time nnd. r
the doctor's ban 's. went f.oin there to Baltimore,
lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
thence to Philadelphia; was sin months under Dr.
('oats; from thence to New Yc-rk went lo the
Hospital, remained there about four weeks without
any relief tiled every thing without liny benefit,
for five years. Hearing of Cantrell s Ague Mix
luiefiom a fiiend, I went to his store, tuld him
h.w I was afflicted, and got a bottle of his mixture I
and used it acronling lo directions. It made a per- i
led cure, and I have not had the least return sin-e.
, , .. ... , . . ...
I do with confidence recommend i' to the public.
Motllratcd Syrup orSurtapnr!::a.
Philtdilphia, April lOlli, 1844.
Mr. Jo ii y A. Oaitiimi,
Dear Hr, Having be, n BAlic'ed for upwards of
two venr- with ulceration of the throat, de-troying
the whole of il.e soft pulalu, then ihiouuh the upper
part of mv mouth into my nose, from which sever
al pieces of bone came nut, which partially destroy,
ed my speech, through a kind Providence and your
Medicaud Syrup ul Sarsapaiiil i, I a.n now irsionj
to perfi cl be jllh, and my siuht, which was so much
mi) air d, ia as strong as when a boy.
I lloiut'it il a duty I on i d to you and those sioii
larly alft'cl.d, to make it public.
Yours, Respectfully,
Corner of Tenth and Coates Stretts.
I, Gabril Jonston, No. 6 Reckless Street, do err
tify that my wife, Jane, was afflicted lor two years
wilh Rheuiin'iani. and at la t was entirely di.-Blled,
so that she wss obliged to be eonfined to Ih d , hear
ing if Cautirll's Medicated Syiup of Saia iparilla,
or Anti Scorbu'ic Syrup, I procuied four bottles,
which coinpli tely removed ell her pains and still
ness from her limbs; two more buttles made a per
fect cure. tSI.e is now able lo attend to ber house-
j hold duti. s as usual. (1ABIUL JUNSTON
Philadelphia, Jan. 22d, 1814.
(O Descriptive Pamphlets may be had of the
agenta. (Gratia.) J. W, FRILING,
Sunhuiy, Nov. 9, 1844. ly .Igent,
ASH Jl YTiUi C A I7"
South Ea$t corner of Market and 4th tt$
"TiTHERE they always k p on hand an exten-
aive assortment of HA TS U CA PS of every
description, got up In the best and most approved
style. Persons derimus of purchasing superior arti
cles on Ihe most reasonable terms, will find il lo
their advantage to call before making purchases
Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1914. ly
TpriE valuable properties of Oakley's Depura
JL tive Syrup of Karsaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is ao well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set
ting forth the advantages to he derived from its
use wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all others: every
one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene
final results from it, thai it ia recommended by
them with the utmost confidence Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, prescrilie il
to patients under their care j containing nothing
deleterious, but beina composed o! the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pn.
rifier of ihe blood now known. The use of a few
hollies, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended with a moat decideJ improvement in the oe-
neral stremrth of the svsiem. rrdir,,in
of discs that may have been generated, beside.
giving health and vigor lo the body.-For the cure
of Scrofula or King, Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter,
Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, While Swelling.
V,.i.,l. u k.,u' t.. tu.. '
ineron, ceriifica'c. in the possession of the subscri-
l.. k,, I a. . . r i it !
nff ft no his airnnt. nhvairinnsi utiil nt .m
sufficient toenn.inr.ihn ,...i.l, ,,f iiM n. I
periority nvrr oil preparations of f3arsaparilla.
Sold wholesale nnd retail, by the proprietor,
CEOROE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street. Hra
ding, Bmks County, nnd lo bo had of ihe following
Sunhnry; IrrHnd (c Mtarl, McE.vensvillo ; 1)1
In Vniml Coittitu.S, CrarharL Scliuserove: I
A. (iutetin, Miffiiuburg.
In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash
Reading, March 14. tS-i...
Ma. Oakikt; I believe il the uty nf every
one tn do w ln.tevcr in power I ies, for the bne.
j lt ot ,irr ,.1)W ,nao, ami having hail ponive
I proof in mv own family, of the woiiderful properties
! of vpur Depurative Svrnp of rtarsaparilh, I most
I r'Sl.irIllinusly recommend it to the afflicted. We
M he ,niluue. t ,vf. tvra o(-r rhildre.i, by
j ,,e tkir,,, 0t 0f ulcerous sores that covered the
frtr(.. 1(.M, ,d neck, although we had some of the
' 1Ml,s, rioutiiic physicians to attend them nnd had
; ,r;.,.i ,m ,iie in.,n,, inrliolina ts-.aiio's
i'ai.aci a, without avail. Anothor of my children
was attnikod in the same manner, her fare ard
neck was ronip'etely covered; the discharge wng .
oIl'oLsive, and ihe disease at such a height. tV s.l we
despaired of her life, feeing the wonderful etlects
nf your V'epnrntive Setup f.!, we w pre
indiictd to make ot it, ns the list rrsirt; it
acted like a cl.nrrn ; Ir.e ulcers ci iinnenced bealina
lininediate'y, a few bottles entirely rrsloreiUier In health, which r.he haseejoved lin;riteriu;.ledlv
ever sinre. As a punlicr ot llie blooil, 1 verily be-
' i,,e ;. ililg it -iii:nl
JOHN MOYER, Tail .r,
Walnut sired, near Fourth, Rea.iing.
Dougl.issville, April 19th. 18 H. i
Mh. Oaklet: My son Edmund Leaf, bad the
scrofeln in ihe most dieadlul and distressing man-
ner for three years, dm ing which time he was de. :
prived of the use of his liinl's. his head and neck
were covered with ulcers. We tri. d nil the ditl' r- j
cut remedies, I ut to no i fle ct, until recommended j
by Dr. Johnson of Norii.-town, and also Dr. Isiac j
lli.'ster, of Reading, to use your Depurnlive S.iup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained several honles.
the use of which drove the disease entire ly out of
his system, the gore healed up, and the child was
restored to pfifecl health, which be has enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many peisons who seen him during his affliction.
I havethouiiht il my duty, and send you this certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in the
family .may know where to obtain so valuable a
liHiln inc. Yours trulv,
Sep. IB, IS-!!?. Jy
To Couniry Merc haul. ,
Dootn, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn and
1'alm Leaf Hats.
(1. V. & L. li. TAYLOR,
al the S. E. t urner of Murf.i t and M'th
FFER for sale an extensive HSsoiuncnt nf the
-'above sr'.icli s, all of which they sell at unusual
ly low piiceai, nnd particularly invite the attention
I" buyers vi.uing the citv, to an examination of
! their slock. (i. W. ot 1- B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May 25, 1844. ly
T'he public will please observe lhat no Brandreth
- Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la
bets upou it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
eih containing a fac-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Bh.!M!Hrtii, M. 1). These la
h.L.1. .nn...l 1 1 .... I l,,n..i:r..ii.. .1 .: 1
1 . , ' .,.,., .,.,! , '
anj done at an expense of over f 2,1100. I heref.ire
it will lie seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in its purily, is to observe these
j Reiuemlier the lop, th side, snd the bottom.
The f'lllowiuir retnective nerson. are duly amh. ri
j zed, and hold j
i cxiHTincATzs or agency
For the sale of Urundicth't Vegetable Universal 1
Northuruheiland countv : Milion Mat-key &
Chaiuheilin. Sunbury II.B. Masser. M'Ewens-
ville Iicl in.l i Meixell. Nonhuml eiland Win,
Forsyth, tieoigctown J. & J. Walls.
Union Cuunty: New Berlin Bogar V Win
ter. Seliiissrove George Guudium. Middle,
burg Issue Smith. Beaveririwn David Huhler.
Adamhurg Win. J. May. MilSinabuic Mensch
cV Ray. llaitleion Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. V F, C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls A. (lieeii.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Rejnnlds
V Co. Berwick Shuiuan St ltittenhouse. (Jai
tuwissa C. C. BrobU. Bloouisliuri; John R.
Mover. Jeiaty Town Ivi Biarl. Washington
Rot. l. McCsy, Limestone Balb-t McNioch.
Observe lhat each Aceiit has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
l)r BRANDKETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
Ihe new labels now used upon the Brandreth Pill
Philadelphia, office No. 8, Ninth 8th street.
June S-Itb, 1843.
city fujinHuhk auction7,
Nos. 21) and 31 North Third Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vites the attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to his extensive Males Rooms,
(boib public and Pi i vale,) for every description of
Household Furniture, where csn be obtained at all
times, a Urge assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses,
Ate., al very reduced prices, for cash. ' '
OT Sale by Auction, twice a week.
May 27ib, U43. ly
(Cj" Tlie fdltitmng errtijica'e describes nnt nf the
most extraordinary cure ever effected by any
PnttAtir.r.rfltA, February 10, 18.1S.
T70R twenty years I was severely afflicted wilh
-- Tr.TTKa on the Face and Heads the disease
commenced when I was seventeen years old, anj
continued until the Fall of 1Ho6, varying in vio
lence, but without evor disappearing. During most
of the lime, great pari of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing; my bend swelled at times until it fellas if it
would burst the swelling was so great, that I couU
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great
many at plications, (among th"m several celebrated
YTeV ""-) welt as taking inward
preparations) as well as taking inward remedies.
lm ofMSum'e Panaera,
f "P"rl'" . In fact, it would h
"'P -e Wnume,..e .11 the medicines I used.
- V 1 I T T w- f ,h"
tin?uished physicians of this cnv. but without re-
V 7" '.rf' ' "P'rcd of eve, being
rumi, ill ip i n lrt.Jn.tne (iMfHte
. . . ,w lll"rilc
cured. Iii the fill of HM. the dis.HSA (it Ih. limn
very violent, 1 coinmenred Usine the
Uintmenf, (prepared l.y aughan 6c Davis.) In
a few applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the iruptinn bejan to disappear,
and before I had used m jar the di ense was entirely
cured. It has now been nearly a v. af an, I , hr
( since, nml there is not a vestige of the disease
1rna'""-r5,'l" ;- fwni Ih. -deep pit, formed
by the disease. i impossible for nie to describe
in a certificate Ihe severity of ihe disease snd my
suf'ering, bul I will bo pleased to cive a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun.
dnds of do.lais to lie rid nf the disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my mn'her, who had the disease bad
ly on her arm,) who were n' cured bv it
JA.ME.S D URN ELL, No. 150, Race St,
. GC" '''b" K0"0 Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vanghan. Souih East corner of Third and Race
streets, Philadelphia, and sold on aucnev in Simhu-
Mjy J4th, lSj.T. Aire'n t
ISose hiVrsoiil, i'ov 'IVtlcr.
. ,i ruuuf ut- its EFFICACY.
j I'HiiAnKiniiA, May 27lh, 1S3H.
' rriUs is to certify tl'ul I was severely afflicted
with Tetter in
the '. amis and f. el for nmvi, li
of forty ; the
.. "i
Iti-i a e wrs nttended oenerall
wi;h vio'ei t iti-hmg nt d sAeilinj. I applied to a
iiumber of hstci .ps, arid H a d a great many appli
es, ions without eli' eiiii ; n riir,,, Almut' a y ar
since, I nppbed the Rose Oinbnei,!, which entirely
stopped ihe itching, and a few apjilicili-ns uninedi
atily cured the tils, ase, which there has Iwen no
return of, although I had never U-en rid of it at
any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. B.
Vaiiiihan, Smth East corner of TbirJ and Race
Mreeis, Philadelphia, and sold on asmcv in Sunbu
fv.hy H. B. MASSE R,
May 14th. lS-n. Agent.
medical approbation''
Of I If. HOSE OI.TMi:.T. for Tetter.
A LTHOI.'GH the superiority of ihe prepaiation
over nil otln rs is fully established, ihe prprte
tors take pleasure in laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable phvsician,
a graduate of the Cniversity of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Eaugh, having found in this leinedy that relief f ir
a tedious aud disagreeable aflbction which the means
within the range of bis profession failed to atT.ird,
has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of thai proleasion aie
opposed to secret Remedies.
Pkilaiillcuia, Sepl. 19, lSllti.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which covered nearly one si.le of my f.ce,
and extended over the ear. Mr. Yuaghan, proprie
tor of the Rose Ointment, observing my fair, msiss
ted on my trying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe mem
beis of my profession, 1 discountenance and disap
prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed iioii tiio
public by ignorant pretenders, I feel in justice hound
to except the Rose Ointment from tha' c'a-s of me
dicines, and to give it my approbation, ss it entire
ly cured ihe eruption, although it h id resisted the
usual applications. DAN L. BATCH, M. D.
, (Li' The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I).
Yaughan, oulh East eori.rr of Third and R ice
Streets, Philadelphia, aud sold on agtncv in Suu
u"ry. by Ji. B. MASSCK,
May 14th, 1843. Agent.
KL n XD r ts JUL 9
Corn' r of Third and Vine Streets,
TFIHE subscriber respectfully snnounces ti the
.1 public, lhat be h is opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building miu.ite on the coiner of
'Third and Pine streets, where he will be huppy to
wait upon those who may favor him wild their
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished ir, the be-t modern st le. It is
provided with a laige number of well aired and
I comfort able sleeping apartments, rooms, private
J parlors, Ac. Peisons visiting ',Vi:lininsHrt on bu
I siness or plea-ure, may re-t iis-urj al lhat every ex
ertion will be used to lender their sojourn at I ho
"lVagle Hotel pleasant and agreeable. Jlis I able
will be supplied with the very best the maiket af
fords, and his Tar w ith ihe choicest wines and otber
liquors charges reisonable. 'The Eagle Hoirl
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any other snnilarestabllshmeiit ill the borough,
being situate in the business part of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
Hlid Williamsport aud Elmira Rail Road Depnt.
Sullicient Siabliug provided, and grnxl and usty
ostlers always in altenlani-e.
Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants
have been employed, and nothing left undone that
will odd lo the coin foil and accoinmndnlion of his
guests. 'There v.-ill l a carriaija always in t'tandanee at
the Boat Landing toconvny pas!nes to and from
Ihe House, tie of charge.
May 1 4th. 1842. tf
Michael l eaVr r V Voii,
Ao. 1 3 Xirth Water tstrrn Philadelphia.
E constantly on h iitd, a general assort
incut ot Cordage, Seine I winea, Vc., vix t
Ropes, Fishing Roihs . White Hopes, Mauil
la Ropes, 'l'ow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twit., Slc, such an
Hemp bhad and Herring Twine, Bast Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad aud Herring Twine, Shoo
Threads, ic &c Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,.
Halters, Traces, Cotton and L.iueu Carpel ("hams,,
Ac all of which they will dir pose of on rasooable
tei ms.
I'hiladtdphia, November 1 3, 1 842. ly.
s iMiuiNGTc ubu & cex
No. las Market Street, Philadelphia
IN VI IE the attenv on of Country Mercbanla
to their extensive assortment of British French-
aud American Dry Cjooda, which they offer for sals
on the mottl reasuebt'e tofflia.
rhllaOelphis,. JS'ovember 1A !-