Tnost who ari Kumtniro nox Riittiv or intermitting Bilious Complaint, ihoulJ read the following, mil be guided thereby t Canst of Pain. Pain ia the consequence" of the riertiun of the organ or pari where it ia present to rtkiow off morbid or corrupt humors, for no pain em niat but from the prcience of thone mattera which aie of an unhealthy character. When we ti pain in the head, in the bowels, or in any part of the body, it only proves the pie pence of mat (j'e which the blood ia trying to remove, and it ia alms a ''t' wh'ch ia the occasion of pain. To be lideflmty re.''" 'he anguish in proportion as the mojrrtsf i.' r" ' Tf!,taret, and the aame may le aid of all lulli" ,,hil" ''. Not o wilh BranawtVa P."'! i,e ' "fe n " " isiance of the Wed in i''in 10 ""'-charg. bad tumof.oon(,twTlhe Dpfc ,h Principle. To re. Iiee pain in Ihia way doe ni. ' !e,v h,J fects. The Life Principle ia not reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed ; but all the organ.' cle'twed and their health injured, fXj Purchase of H. U Msascr, 8iinbiirj, or of j the agent, published in another part of thi paper. I I M I), In this place, on Monday morning tire 17th inst., Mr. HAAS. 'relict of John Haas, vlee'd.. agodabnut 77 year. In Cumberland coimtv, some time since, !VfrS. MARY .1AM'. RANKIN, wife of Dr. Rankin. In Buffalo Valley. Union county, on the 11th inst., VM. L. HARRIS, F.q., aged about 55 years. 0 TheHeceasel bad a wen under one of his arms, and was. urged by his physician to have it cut out, which he consented to, and died during the operation, lie enjoyed good health, and was able to work on his farm previous to having the operation performed. I ' '- ' L mice cmtiitiXT. CurrrftfJ weekly by Hairy Yojclhttmtr, Wrist, .... 100 Rtr, f2 Cor, Ml Oat, 35 Pur a, .... FiAirr.n, ... . HaJ Buttkh, - ... 14 E. .... .8 Hfkawax, .... 25 TlLOW, ... 10 Fta. ... .10 Hkcklkk Fla, . . 10 Dhikii ArrtF., - . 75 Do. PnacHKs, 150 Aaron ItoblnVN Estate. ALT. prison indebted to the ea ate of Aar-n Robins, bile of the borough nf Munhu'y , dee'd.. or having demand ai;aiiit id estate, are reques ted to ie-ent ihe same to the subscribers for set tlement, duly authenticated JOSEPH C. RORIXS, BENJ MIN ROBINS. Sunbury, Nov. 22, 18 15 3t El'r. ron sale, THE auhserilier oilers for sale an Eight Horse Power Engine, complete in all its pit. A ply at Roth's tavern, 22 miles from Sunbury, on tba turnpike road hading io pottsville. ALBERT G. BRADFORD. Nov. 22, 1845. TEXICO & IVIES AS ! "THE CUV IS-flTXIsX. THEY COME." COME WHERE! Why where do. you ii pose but to the Cheap Store of Henry Maser, in Market street, Sunburv. And for what purpose lo you think they come! Why to buv cheap, to I e sure and save t lea-t 30 ier rent. "They won't do nnlltin' tine" because it is a well known fact that at HENRY MASSEH'S STORE the very he-t articles are sold at the very lowest prices. Now rome. one and all ; but don't alt r ine at once, and JUDOE FOR YOURSELVES! Where you will find a Splendid Assoitmei.t of Fall and Winter Wry Ciood, Just received, among whirh are the following : Su p.' f fine I rnich Broadcloth: West nf England do.; llesvy Braver do, a firm rle a ride for Overcoats, and a great variety nf Wo.. I Dyed, Black and Fan cy Cassimeres. Sattineits, Mousselin-J. -Isine-, Ri p. de-lainee, Ca-hineren. Alpa.-e cVe &e, AUo, a !eaiitiful aS'ortmeiit nf ('alicnes of the luteal sty ha and pattern, whirh wi I he mid cheaper than ever; abo, Wo den and nlber Shawla in g'e l variety, from 40 cts. to f 10 ; a cenersl sssoriment i f Ho s-iery, Ol.ives. rnsenders. Mitts, cVc., Ae a larre assortnn'iit of Woinen'x. Men's ami Minns (iuin tho. a. which will be sold cliciper than ever before oir.7el. He hs likewise, in sil lition to the above stork, an extensive Htsortmeiit of Qurriywire, Hardware, Satltllery ami f.'nxrriV. Sngn frnm h to 10. 12$ and 10 ct. ir lb tioo.l Curlee at tO, Veiy Heat at 12. Also. N uls; H.ikif, Iron; S.imlera oi's ksi t'ast Nteel; Etitfl h. Aoieriruii nml Sweeil Rlixier 1i. in short, every thing lut i- uually kept in a Cnunfrv Kt.'re, all of winch will lie sold at very vvilueed piires. ( t.'oornry Produce of all kinda taken in ei liiiK for (iood'. Hin biiiv, Nov.22d, 1S45. HERE'S HOTEL, Il iltRISItl UG, I'.i. IIIEO b ave to infirm lha puhbc that I have left Philadelphia, and am n w Incited in Harris burir, the seal of the E lectin ve snd tState tj.ivern. ment of Pennsylvania, where I now nrrupy the spinous Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew Wilson. ' This sparimia building, having been purposely planned and erected for a Hotel of the fiial class, la not surpassed if equalled, by any similar est all lishmeut in Ptnnsylvania ; and having undergone thorough renovation, the parlors, room and rhamhera are now fitted up in a style that com bine rleganre with comfort and convenience. My TABLE is pledged to l-e supplied with the best fare ihe Maiketa ran produce i the charge at the umi time being moderate a any of the best regulated aatal lishmeut elsewhere. In shott, no eisition (hall be pred on my part, or on the prl of every inemlier of my househuld, to make il what it should be, in the Capital nf one of Ihe most pop ulous and interesting rhate of ihe Union, With ihrse promisee, accommodation and faci lities, and the fsct that the Hotel ia most eligibly situated, I wiih confidence, most respectfully ach at the patronage of lha Public. ' DANIEL HERR, Lata of Herr'a Hotel, Chesnut at.. TbilwI. JI.rri.bgrj, flo, 22, 1S15 3 - THE subacrilior, editor and publisher of the Mi ner's Journal for Ihe last siitaen years, has been engaged for the last year, in collecting the Materials for a work for whirh he ha secured the copy right, in the following words t "A History of the Anthracite Coal Trade of Schuylkill and the adjoining Cnuntire, Ueolngical and Statistical, acromnnnird with Maps of the dif ferent ?ettions, the Improvements, Investmrnis, f Capacity, iCrd embracing a complete and authentic hitnry of the present time to which will be ap iended Synopsia of the Iron Traile." It is our intention to embrace every thing of in. terest in the work, connected with the trade, up to the beginning of the )ear 199. prepared and ar ranged with view of coitinu'nS ' publication, at perioda of five or ten yearn, wiiii "urrl dditiona as the incressed trade will warrant. Theae rhesof trade have a-suniej an imortaiT which will warrant such a publication. ami he le.'l "' fident. that with the prrTeied aid of seveial ge t,,p men and the statistics already in his posess.'"n. will furnish the puhiic with a work, which, it not j one of the most intrrea'ing in its details, it will h of great vslue to those engaged and interested in these brenchrs of liusimss. A soon as the Maps. Ac. are prepared, and some il. a ran be formed of the prohxhle expeiiee of pub fishing the work, proponda will be issued fur Ihe sa.'oe. AH the trarts of Coal I md will be designs led on Ihe M ip of the Schuylkill Coal Region, which will accompany the work. BE.NJ. BANNAN. Pottsville. Nov. 22, l4.r). Orphan'1 Court SnU "JN pursuance of in order of the Orphnns Court ; ol JNortliumtierlaiiil rnun'y, will Ik1 t vposeil to puhiic sale, on Thursday the I Nth day of December nci. at the lute residence of Abraham Rothermel, dee'd., to wit : A certain trsft of find sl'iiate in Little Mahonoy township, Noriluiiiiherbind countr, adjoining lauds nf Solomon Dunkelbernpr, laroh INker and the heirs of Daniel Herb and mountain IhuiI. containina two hundred and i'orty-sn acres and forty nine perches, on which aie erected a two story big houe, a bank barn seventy feel bum bv tliiriy-si in width, and a small nrchtrd. Also, at he ssme time and place, the one undivided fourth part of strict of unimproved land aitua'e in the township and county fnri said, contsininsf four hnn.trcil and ten seres and tliirtynlne perchca. sd joining lands nf Michsrl B.d'b. fulomi.n Dressier and others. L.ite the estate of Abraham Rother mel, itee'd. The above tract of 24(5 srres is handsomely In rsted, and well adupted to nMntifiirlutiug purp ses. The Mahonoy Creek runs through the property, atliirdini eirellent water pnwer lor milling and other purposes. Sale to commence at 10 o'rlock, A. M. of said day, when the conditions of sale will be made known bv WM. ROTHERMEL. Nov. 15th. 145. St Adm'r. Iii Hie Court ol Common IMcum For Korthumtierliiwi Cmtnfy, 1'eimnyivaniu. A'o A. January Tem ISIlt. Cusper Ad&ms, ji. .unl Fru.lerick Adams, M. John Adams, Peler A duns, Samuel Adams, Jarob Trayer, Catherine F-'l, William Lirbiick and Elizabeth his wife, Peter Sirasser and Magdalcna his wife, (Samuel Startzel and Susannah hi wife, and Elenor Adams. ON motion of W. J. fireenouph, conrt grant a rule on the parties interested, to appear by the first day of next term and 1iow rau-e why the land of Casper Adam-, der'd., should not he taken at the appraisement by the heirs entitled lo I lie s ime, or he sold. dinned from the Record, and rertified Nov. 3d. I45. SAMUEL D.JORDAN. Nov. 15. IS45. fit Proth'v. 6l'lllau, Court Sale. Valuable llcnl Estate FOR SALE. IN pursunnrc of an oritur nf the Oiphans Curt of Northumbeiland county, will be eipused t public sale, at the public horn of Yaleiitme Paul, in l'ier Mahonoy township. NonhuniheiUiul co., on Wednesday, the 10th day nf Decemlr neii, at 10 o'clock, A. M., Ihe following described pro perty, to wit : A certain plantation or tract of land, ituale part ly in Upper Mahonoy lownnhip, Northumberland county, and partly in l'i per M ihontango township, in the county of fchnylk II, on the State road lead ing fmm Poliaville to Fisher's Ferry, and about 21 miles from the former pi ice, siljoiniuc lands of John Mnnrer, the hiers of John Dii-hl, (Iioice Hover, John Waegnner and others, con'aining 272 ncres and 20 p rches strict measure, ah.iul 210 screw of which are cleared arid in a high elate of cultivation ; w hi re. hi are erected a large two story brick Tavern llooi-e and Ivitrben. a larce bank bam 100 feet j lone, a frame waicon shed ami Number I irge frame sKed j also a largo and rirellent (iiisl Mill and a j frame house near said mill, and also two ricellent J orchards. The slmve properly is very beautifully and advanUgeouslv situated, anJ is ail excellent Farm Tavern S and. Also: At the same time and place, another cer tain tract or piece nf land, silj -mini; Isnd now of (iideon Adams, of Jrc.iU 1 surer and others, cmi laininj 10 acres and 100 m rches strict measure, nil nf winch is rlrsred (being meadow laud) and in a high statu of cultivation. Also: At the same lime and place, a certain tract of timber land si'U-ite in Upper Mahomy township aforesaid. Nilj iinuii! l.mUnt ShIoiiiom II warier, John nn.lFrli Maurer, (Senre Solder and nlhers,- rontsiuing (17 acres and 146 parches strict measure. Also: At the house of Samuel Herb, in T - it I Mahonoy township, Norihuiolierlsud county, on Moiiilay th'- 8th day of I le-einln r neil, a ci nam tract of land siiuale in Little Mahonoy town hip afoiesald, on Big M.h 'nov ('reek, silj inin? binds of Jc. b Hil' i-h, Mirhail llol b and others, ton laining 179 acres snd 5!i ri hi .tiii I rm ai-ure, shout 100 acres nf which are rlenird; wheieon ara ere. led a larce two story big hocae ami kiti h. n, (rough cast) a large bank hau a'lont 0 feel long, panned red; also a ari;e and ricellenl first Mill, an eirellent saw mil, a dinlerv,e blackmi:h shop and a laige snd i icelleiil nrch ird Also Another re i lain tract of bind. adj. dn'ng Ihe last above drrrited I'scl. land nf Michael and ntbers, routaiiiing 250 scies and 1 3:t ierrhr a net niea-ure, about 100 acres ol which are clear ed ( whereon are rrerlcd a laage two story frame house, nearly new, a large frame bank barn, a ful ling mill and carding machine; and alse, two small log houses and stable. There ia also large and eirellent orchard Oil said piemisea. Also: At ihe same time and place, another aer tain tract of land, situste in Little Mahonoy town ship afureaaid, adjoining lands of Henry eiwinrbart, the heira of Ab'iu Roihernirl, dee'd. and others, con taining 1 82 arrea and 37 peiche atrirt measure, a bout 1 20 acre of which are cleared and in high stale of cultivation whereon are erected a two story log house, a large new bank barn about 80 feel long, painted red, and an orcbsid. The big mahonoy creek pasar through said Hact, and creates an eicellent water powei for nulling and other purposes. 'I be term of sale will las mad known on the day of sale aforesaid. Bv order nf the Court. EDWARD OYSTER. C'lk O. C. DANIEL HERB, jr., ADAM HERB, Ji- b,l - tii.islralnra, t, BID, io.v v, Btr.t. HtKT, A0 Litt. lAsi or Staple and Fancy STATIONERY, fieeelved by late Arrival from tsmdon and Paris, and offered lo Ihe Trade only, by SAlITJEL SART'&CO. (Successors to L. I. Cohen cY Co..) No. 37 South ' Fourth Street, above Chesnut Street, PHXLADBLPHIA. SEU-INO WAT, Red, Black, White. Scartrt, Fancy rolored and Spangled j 10, 20 and 4 sticks to the lb. The assortment comprise 3G dif ferent kinds. Wafers in Ih. papers, superior Scarlet, superior Red. Black and asa Tied Fancy colors of the follow, ing size! Nole. Sma'l Note, Pes, Large Pea, Mi nion or Dotl S also Notarial Wafers. 4 sizes. Transparent. Cameo and Fancy Wafers in boxes. Inks, Walkden's and Arnold' snuerior Black Writing, Japan, Blue. Copying and Still Pen Ink in 2 3, 4, 8. If. and 32 07.. stone botiHU cuHMor iirmine Ink, maile by Uuyot in Paris and Arnold in London, in gl isa bnttN e. Bonn's and Arnold' Indelible Ink, without pre? pai.ition. W'nlkden'e Oenuipe Bluck Ink Powder. Oliss l'k. blown and cut, of every variety, French an ' Enel'ah. Triv. llmg Ii'kst and, upward of 20 different jiatterns. Papier Msche, B "onie and China Pump Ink standi, in great variety. , Pen Rai-ks, Bronze ati'l Imitntion, viion sizes. Portfolios, 4to, rap arid irmi, with and without lucks, in great variety. Wafer Stamps, of Ivory. A'etetable Ivory. Bone. Eh my and Cocoa, all sizes with plain and cross cut brass ends. . ttlass M'rt'o Seals, a very eitem'ivw vsrietv. Folders, plain Ivory and Bone; (5 7 8 and 9 inch. Reading Knives, plain and carved .'ory and Pearl of various siz.'S. Prepsnd India Rubber. CO and 40 ca-k to 'he l. Copying Paper, Turnei'a best A and 5j lb . Irini and 7 lb double crown. Tiuc Paper, Turner's superior While snd Ci' Inred, various tint-, put tip separately. Wiiting Paper, Engli.h Blue laid and Wove, fi lio. rap nod 4to pol nf the bet qnali'V- Super White and Blue Wove anil Tinted El In Satin, gdl edge 4to post, 8vo and Ifimo, Enchah piper. Valencia, or Lace Edge Note paper. 8vo ,V Ifimo English and French Saiin Poat with black bor der and edge. 4to and 810. Blue and White Wove French Quarto Posts, a larce a-sortmcnt. Plain snd Fancy French Note Paper of every variety and siz. Envilopie, English snd French plain and fancy, in great variety. Fancy French Papeteries, furnished with Nolo paper Envelope, Wai, Wafers, &c. Ac, 25 dill'cr rnt varieties English Laid Blot;ng Paper. Whatman's Superior Turkey Mill Drawing Pa per of the followng sizes, viz: Foolscap 13 X I fi. Demy l5e-,20. Medium 18X23, lioval I'.I X 24, Sup.r Roval 19 X 27. Imperial 21 X 2!, Elephant 23 X 27, Ciliimhier 23 X 34. Atlas 2f. X 33, Dou ble Elephant 27 X 40. Auriqiurian 31 X 52. Colored Crayon lper, Kovsl, various tints. Superior Kiistol Boards made of Whatman's pa per, of the following sizes and thickness ; cap, de my, medium and roval 2. 3 and 4 aheet. Embossed Bristol Boards of various sizes Perforated Uris ol Board, white ami tinted, fine medium and coarse perforation. French Tmciug Paicr, royal, columhier and dou ble rlrphmt. Conte's BUck Chalk Crayons No. I, 2 and 3. Red and While tirayons. Painting Buhes, superior English and French camel's hair, English Sables of various qualities, fl .l ramel'a hair brushes in tin. Mathematical Instruments, London mske, in ma hogany and fi-h skin esses. The assort mint cum prise 15 dillerent kinds. Water Colors a complete assortment of News man's genuine colors in rssks and boxes Black man's Water Colors in various sizes, sliding, hook and lock and key boira. Toy Culms in great variety, of sliding and hook plain and fancy limes. Mezotiuto and Pink Saucer, leather and p iper (tumps. Chessmen, plain and carved ivory, bone and wood, of all sizes. Backgammon and Diaught Boards of various si zes and qiulil e-i. Dominoes, 14 16 18 and 20 line, of various qua lities. Steel Pens, flillou' and other makers, on cards and in boles, n I .rje and comp'ele assortment. Steel Pen Holders, plain and fancy of every va riety. Porcelain Slates, 12 different sizes in motocco and wood fi anics ; also, in pocket book form. Diamond poln eJ fio'd Pens of various qualities. Card Cases, a large assnnnn nt of French and English make, plain and inlaid. Ne Plus Ultra Travelling Writing Deks, 10 12 II snd Hi inches, with snd without dres-ing ca e. Portable Travelling Leather Dressing Cases, a great varii ty. Suwrior Prepared Writing Parchment of the following e 101 X IfiJ. 16 X20, 20 X 24, 24 X 2t. 28 X "2 ai d 30 X 36 Fancy Pa er plain and embns-ed gold and ail ver paper, r d and assorted colors morocco p a't, fancy colored embossed paper, plain French highly glazed fancy rnlored pita-rs, Ac, Fine Screen Hand Irs nf various patterns and great variety, some of entire new sivle. i Hair lliushrs nf (tiperior London-make, a large i assortment. j Ladies' Companions or Portable Work Cases, 1 completely tilted. I Miioamre Ivories of finely cut French, viz; 24 . 27 oil 33 nd 45 hues. I Iv. rv Tablets of various sizes, with the dvs of the we, k. Mittllic Menvirsodlim Books nf 4 s zes. Rulers of round bard wood, 12 15 18 21 and 2t inches. Scotch Penknife Hones in paper and wood cases, of virilism sizes. Writing Materials of d mak steel, with agate and enamelled handles, in limriM-ro cases, Poume wood and ivory pounce boles, red tape, japan end rucks, letter clips, mouth clue, bat ledum and birds, di-iected maps and pictures round g imp-, wafer cups, gum lati'ls, china pallets and tiles, dice cups, diaughiinen, port rrayons, dividers, protrac tors, scales, English toy books, Ac. Ac. . A'. II. J- Co. ure Sole Agcnti for the following articles, Manufactured by L. I. Cohen. Superior Patent Ivory Suifare Playing Cards Eaghs, Hsrry VIII, Decatur, Merry Andiew, High landeis, Players, Presidents. French and Spanish- Ihe court cards with cither sing'e or double heads and printed in gold or colora, manufactured of Ihe best materials bv an improved method, thereby giv ing ihem a peifect slip nd nuking them mora an lid and durable, which renders them the most J-lea-(ant playing cards manufactured. Piain Enamelled Burnished Cards from No 1 to 8 Enamelled (.old Bordered Carda front No 1 to 5. Burnished Suif ice Mourning Cauls fin No t to 3. (lilt Edge Visiting Cards fiutn No 1 tu 3. Ivory Surface Cards, white anJ tinted, fui I lo 8. Plain Piintera' Catds from I t 6, I-' ' 0 '' "viui djiwipg l"!, .i s mens sr... " , .-cil, mtuu fnctured from the pure Cumberland lead, of the fol lowing degress of hardness: a. uii.hhu. Ha. . a.r. (iTico Writing Pencils. Red Chalk Pencils. Ptent Improved Everpoint Lead for pencil ca e of all siz.i a (CT They are ronstanlly rereiving from Europe addition lo their Stock, and rcprrlfully invito purchaser lo rail and eiamine for themselves. QlJ" If. Co. have just published the laugh ble tisme of What d'ye Buy. by Profe-sor Punch ; also the National (lame of the Star Spangled Ban ner they also have ihe acrency for the following popular games which they olTer lo the Trade at publisher' prices, viz: Dr. Bushy; Mansion ol Happincs-; American Eagle; Master Rodbury and his pup Is; Characertelic nf Distinguished Per ons; Pope and Pagan; Scripture History llluatra led; The (Jame of Heme; Th" lllns'raird Alpha bet; Pickwick Cards; 8hk-pere in a new Dress; Orarbr of Fo-tune; Race uf Improvement; Sirile of CJenius; Robinson Crusoe; Cards nf Magi; also, Abbott's new aeries of Drawing (lards; Christmas Cards or (Joed and Bad Passions; Merry Came of Trip to China; (.ante of American Revolution. Philadelphia, Novemlier 8th, 1845. lm Snrcraisj orilif Sugar Coated Indian VeiH'laUlO IMIIs.-Av ot.n tsAur or 70 If this it nut hrlitrrj, prnplr would nut brieve Mr one roC from the dead to proclaim p, ('tz.F.vnvi , July 2t'h. 1814. I HAVE used forty botes of Brand rth's Pills, and half as many more of diffi rent kinds, but the whole have not bencliited me so nuich as two boxes of the -Sugar Ci ated Indian Vege able Pills.' Tltey seem to strike right at the foundation of my disease, which is of a bilious character IRA Al.VOKD. 'I bis old gentleman settled Cazenovi 50 year "go. qT CAUTION. -A a miserable imitation h is been mule, by tbn naiue ot -'fugir t'oated Pills," it is ut rcM iry lo be sure that Dm. (t Br.ij Smith's simian ue ia on ev. rv box. Price 25 cents, P1inc1p.1l Ollice, 1?!M ireelitvieh si N-w York. S. dd by JOHN W. FRII.INO. .ViirnWr. WM. FORSYTH E, X.rlhumd. Nover.nler 15lh. IS45. db u. qiw. or itcl'.t:"ji:3e?vL-itd. A Dl VI I lEN D nf four per cent, b is been llijs 1- tin v dccl ired out of the proli of the IiikMu lion for the ,' i-t sit months, payah'e on demand to the storkhuh lets or their leg d r. pres. ntatives. .1. R. PKIESTI.EY, Nov. 4. 18 15 l.Vh. 3t I'a-bier. AdiMlnlv-lralor'N Xotirr. A I.I, per 'ns having unseitled arconn's with R"berl F arnsworth. dee'd., Uie nf Shamokin township. Nnr humherland county, are requested to present them to the sulwcriber, administrator of said dec d.. at hn : resilience in Sunbiwv, inime lijip ly ; or at the late residence of said dee'd., on Satur day, the 22d Nov. inst. JOHN FARNS WORTH. Nov. 8th, 1815. 3l Adm'r. ON the li .ling Irom hamokintown to Slambach'a ol ,' tivern.or on the turnpike be tween there and Ihe public house of Philip Wassrr, or on Ihe town-hip r 'at hvtw-rn there and Dan ville, a large Leathei Pocket Book, containing a number of paiers. viz : Notes, Transfers, Receipt", Ac, which are of no ise In any other person but the owner. Any persor finding the above descri bed Pocket Book, and I caving it at Shamnkiii or Sunbury, will be suitably reward-d. V. D. (JEARHART. November 8ih, 1845. 3t Tin, Mit't't-lro'i and Sloir MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber continues to manufacture Tin Ware in all its vsriet y ; also, Sheet Iron Stoves, Pipe, Ac. He also keeps constantly on hand J tpau'd Ware, such as Waiters, Bread Trays, Toys, cVe. S TOVES. Knickerlaicker Cooking Stoves for coal or wood, superior to any now 1:1 use; na, Wood Stoves, Coal do., Siove Pipo nf Russia or Atneiicaii Iron, Hoop Iron, Clay ( 'ylendrrs, Ac Ac. Persons in want of Stoves hint other articles in his line, are invited lo dll Im Ioi e purchasing rise where. D. M. KKAUTHiAM. Noithumhcrland, Nov. 8, 1815. 3l To PurrliaMT of DRY GOODS. fit HE subscrilier, No, 121 Pearl street, New aL York, having established a Branch at No. 23J South S.-rond at., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will he constantly receiving from the New York Auctions, an extensive assortment of -FANCY ic STAPLE DRY GOODS. which will be sold at ihe lowest New York pners al wholesale and Retail. Among Ira slock will be found a good assortment nf ihe followii-g articles; Jncronets, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, B ak, Swi-s and Tarlaian Muslins, lln-h p and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Dresses, Thread Laces, Application Do., t'ch B ack Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Limn Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmeie d'Ecus-e, Mouseliue de I. nine. Nik and Cntlnu Warp . I ai'cas, O.U a-n's Cloth, (Jala Plaids, French Merinos, lldck filks, (.loves. Si k II0.0, Shawls, Cisva's, Ribbon. Etnbrniilerii s. Ac, Ac. I Connlrv Merchants and other vUi'mg I'liil .del 1 t Inn or New Yoik to purchase, a'e resjacilully in vited to call ami i iaintiie the n.-ika. Nov. 1. ImI.V ly li. II. MOORE. Notice NOW .11 M.n by ihese That I. Robert CI ne. ol the township of J irk soil, in ttiecouniv ol Niutliiiinbi r and, mi.l stain nl I'a , in roiisiilerui 111 ol iln sum el' r2ti0 50, to me 111 baud pud I')' M ubew Clare, nf ihe Town nf Dan vile, 111 the c-'urily of t'olno In ., al mul M ire the eu-eslii g and di hveruig ol tboe prese. Is, Itie re ceipt wbrreof I do hereby . cknoa . J ji-, bive bur guliied, sold, r. lea-ed. giiinted and coulirined, and by these preseipa do barg 1111, sell, rele ., grsut and coiilinii unto ihe said Mallirw t!lare all the goods, household s Ull and loipli inenls of household, and all goi d and rbal'i'ls wh ilsiH-ter luenlioiied nil. I expressi d ill Ihe schedule hi r unto aniirn it, to hae and to hold all and singular, the gmids, Ac, and every of Ihem by these preent. bargainnl, sold, released, granted and coiifntned unto Hie said Ma. ibew I I ire, lo hi only proper use i.n.l behoof, his bei'i, eiecutors, aduiiuistialora and assigns, due. ver. In wiuies whereof I have art my hand and stf.d, this 27th day ul Octoler. A. D. lt-45. Wiineas present, ROBERT CLARE. Eli Thmjo. One dun Mare, 1 gray Mare, I bay ('nil, 4 Cows, 4 Calves, 8 Sheep, 2 Hogs, I Waggon, 1 set nt Harness, 2 Plows, 8 Harrows. 20 acres of Wt.rst in the ground, 7 acres Rye, 200 bushels ('urn in the crib, 2 slacks outs, 1 slack wheat, 40 bushel Wheat in the barn, 1 bra- Clk, I Barrow, I ma hogany Table, now remaining and being in Jack son township, in the county of Northumbet land, aud state aforeid. ROBERT CLARE. Witness pr.senl.-E li Th sua, Begun. Nov. 1, IH15.-.4I LV 7 111 AT- Tl higlie.1 price given fCr Wheat, ai the store of II. MASSEH, A new supply of Rose Oiuttneot just KW.vt-il. Not. Bib, IS 15. ' To flic Public. A NEW VOLUME OF THR NEW YORK WEEKLY MIRROB, Will commence on Saturday, Oct. 1 1A, 1845. Tkm: Three Dollar per annum in advance, OR, One ropy one year in advance, 13 00 One copy two years, 5 00 Two copies one year, 5 00 '' 10 00 Light 15 00 Twelve, . . . . 20 00 An.I to every subscriber to either the WEEKLY or DAILY, we will give a copy of Uillis'x Lrttm from London, Comi-Mr, In one hmd ome EiTaa. uniform with the Wk,.r lt Mm nmi. This rompri-es the First Sr.ans 1 f Lktki.r. and with the New Volume will com nienre the Ntw Skiiiks. written from the Suvth nr Et nora.when ihe Weekly Mirror will be sepa r nely edited with panicultr rsre, and with more specinl regard to th wants and tas es of country suhsciibeis. We shall publish more tales, and less matter that is merely local and by using in part a smaller lyie, we r-h ill be able to increase the quan litv as well ss 1 1 improve the quality of what we give to our readers. We shall endeavor tu m ike. THE NEW. YORK WEEKLY MIRROR. A diversiliiil, entertaining, instructive and vdu ihle rhronicleof the times, nrroinr tl: wsi'trsn, n a from for binding m one or two volumes at the end nf the car.) nmn w hich neither labour, time, talent, nor moiiev will W spared. Il w ill hereafV r be en riehed with original contiibutions the life, spire and spirit nf ihe foreign journals and contain sll ihe news, intelligence and variety nflhedarly sheet, handsomely print, d on fine paper, manufactured fur the elprcss purpose, nnj will be forwarded by the earliest mads, in sluing wrappers. In every part nf Ihe United Slates and Canada, Vntlnnefrre with in ihi-ty mtb s nf New Ymk. All communications shoubl lie inlilnsMil purl paid, to Morris. Willis A FulUr. rorner Ann and Nassau streets. New Y'ork. AIR TIGHT STOVES. Tht tttvt in ffte U 'vrld ;, VUnnUncw Cuwurt V. J. T V X I) A T. E, No. 97 r-oi in S,con Sr., PHILADELPHIA. HAS now on hand a lari-e a-sonment nf OUH'S Celebrated Patent AIR Tlt.HT S I'OVE". to whi.U n would call the ntteu'ion of every true lover of romlort and economy, f.. which qiial tes Ihev cannot lie eipial'ed bv anv Stove in the world. Thcv are n light Stove, and can be ronvenien'ly carried to any distance, and being constructed for ihe use of wood, they are pari cularly adapted to a sick room. Many thousands of this Stove being now in Use, their good qualities aie ton well known to need puffing. Mr It half, is the first nuthorized agent in Philadelphia, and has been making them constant ly for the lal live or sn yeats. There can lie no fear nf not getting the genuine Stove of him, and they arc sll warranted to give entire satisfaction. No Air Tight Stoves are genuine, without a brass pi ile Willi the Inventor' name and date uf the Patent. He ha also on band a large assortment of Cook Siovks, I? ni runs, and all kinds of Fancy Coal Stoves, at (he Old Establishment, No. 97 South Second above Walnut street. Philadelphia, Nov. I, 1815, 2m J O II X li. ST II Y K Ell. (if Ihe. Lite firm if rwh!rk UlryctT, nml MrtHrr ,y mc, 11 AS resumed ihe holes ile Dry (sond Busi A liess, and now oilers for sale, at Nos. 12 and 1 1 Bank street, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers, Claghorn A (J 's Auction Store, No. 78 Market street, a general assortment nf Dry Uootfs, chiefly puichase.l ai miction, at a very small advance for cah, or rity -irreplanres. Believing that his long ripeiience in purchaairg will eiinhle him to sell his (roods at the lowest Mars kit piires, be invites bis obi friends, and Other wis' ing io buy, to favor him with a call. Philidelphi 1. Nov. I, 1815. bin Watc-lieM, Jewelry, Ac. iVr. rilIE subscriber olU-rs for sale, at the lowest .ri L ces, a huge ai d general assortment nf (iold and S (ver Leer, Lepine and other kinds of Wslches; Jewdry, Silver Ware, Ebony and tsilt M .inli I Cl icks, and Mus cat Botes playing from two to ten tones ; Benedict A Barney' Diamond Pointi d (iold Pen-; WulchmAcr.' Tools, Files sud Materials. Orders from the country are solicited, and will be cuelu'ly attended to. JOHN (. FA Kit, 112 Chesnut st., Philadelphia. Nov. 1. 1815. 4n .HIS KIM I V. JOXKS, .Vo. 18 Nurth Alh street, it few doors above Market lrrrt, PHILADELPHIA, HAS conl inlly on hand a very large assort ment nf Looking (il-is-rs. Baskets, Cedar Ware and Fancy tioojs, which will be sold wholesale al the vi rv lowest price-. N. B Looking Classes insured to any part of the connlrv, without charge. Nov. 1,1815 Oin li e rieomiiund all of anr frii mix visilinii Ihe city, to volt al I lie I'ikiii Ciiinpaitt's Stirre, mid Imj in a supply of their Initios 'Vtat. 111:: rt:tii ti:a iompaw. No. dll, Soi-tii Suimi Sthikt, Betwetu Market ami t 'hesnul, -PHILADELPHIA, TTA'K c iiistai.tly on hand, sud for h', l 2 holesuie mid Retail, A VARIEI Y OY CHOICE FRESH TEAS, 41 I.oit r rlt vh, according to ibe qu-ib'y, than Ibey can be bought lor ai a"V oihci es iblisliinent in the city. j 'l'i:s, riclusivelv, are sold at ih'a house, snd sever I v r ein s wbi -li cannot be obtained else where. Any Teas which jlo 11 I give iniie satis, de ion c.n tie returned and eichauged, 01 the m.s. I rv w ill lie reluudiiil, ' The citii iis nf Noilhuinberl and county are re sMrifully invited to giv u. a call. (J B. ZIEBER. Agent for the IVkin Tea Company. Philadelphia, Sept. 27th, 1845. ly CALVIN HliY'rilK, ATTCB.1TE7 jLT LTT, W ill practice in the seur.l Court of lha City and County f Philadelphia. His otl'ne is at No. S5 South FOURTH Sneel, between Chesnut snd Walnut streets. Phil idelphia, Sept 20ih, 1845 3in. ' AK IRON Juat received and for (ale, cheap fnrca-h,by HE.VRY MASSER. Sunbury, Sept. 20, 1845. 17M. 4 K n . I T he b i g heiTjuirVwi U hi " Riven for FUl Seed, at the alore of Aug H. 1845 II E N R Y MASS E R. Ll ll. ul a .nia-nor uahty, rail nuw ba I'--1 sUUi l.ime Kiln or lleury Master. , yUn tur' U I7,'il5. I Basaar.a' V XHairnnaa certain earn for J worms tn fe, ait.' ery pleasant to lake. 2. (iinsnv's Ev,"M lr"". which remove (Ireasi, of all kinds, Dry Pal it. Tar, Varnish nml Wai. from carpers or from Ci' th't"g, without itijuring lha color or the cloth. 3. Lnviio Flt PseH--lheleat thing known for killing flic and musipi t " s. 4. A certain Destroyer i'f . O. Mire, Roachi a and Ante, and another of B 'd Bugs, 5. Oi'vs)' Sprcirto for a 'ur stomach, Teat Rum and Water Brash, by on" who had suit; red; thirtren year, before, he discovert" I t ha cure. Dr. Stiviw' Onus Oimt.mic.t fur thePd.cs. II has never failed In cure. 7. Ilvaaisov's Tr.TTr.n Wish. 8.'s I.viikliblk I.aK, without rival, 9. Tn CoMFottnn ('oth-kctiov or Fir, a . just the medicine for children and for women, it i so ulrasant to ink', 10. Buck's Vr.u f.t a n lk A xti bilious Pn.ts. 11. (ii'srw's Wateii-proop Psstk, for Harness, Boot, Ac. Il softens the leather, ami keep out ihe water, 12. Poor Mas' STREvoTiiF.'uvn PneTrn. 13. JacksoVs Diarriiika Miitcre, whicli rurc Ihe worst Diarrhrea in a few hours, II. Jackson's Disktart MurrRs, a cem tain and speedy cure for Dyaenlcry ond Suinmi r ('omplaint. The Hlmve vafttabi articles are sold who'esali snd retail, bv L. C CUNN, No. 1 South V flk ilreel, l'hiladi liiawosie Stori kerjiers and n. thers will be supp ied with pure African ('avenue, Pepner, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paints, Oils, (ilassj and Varnishrs. at the lowest pricca. Terms only ca-h. fj Cut out the advertisement, and bring it with you. Philadelphia, July 19th, IS 15. ly. lUilal K V K A X 1) 1, I V i r. THOMSON'S CoiiipouiKl Syrup ol" Tar t VI ool IVapllia. flHE unpreredrnled siirces ofthi- medicine, in I the restorntion nf heiibh, to those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, has given it an exal ted reputation above nil other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as the on ly agent whirh ran he relied upon for the cine of Pulmonary Consumption, Broiichitf is, Aihma, Pain in the side and Breast, Spitting uf Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac, Attention is requested to the following ASTON. ISHINC; CURE, bv Thomson' Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Napthn '. ! Vr'A.i'r ),;, Mm ol, 1H11. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you nf the astonishing effects of your medicine, which has literally raisid me from adealh-bcd! My disca-e, Pulmonary Consuiup. tion, had reduced mo so low that my phyieciiiti pro. no. Hired my rase hoioless ! At this junction I he. gan to u-eyour medicine, and miraculous as il may seem, it has completely restored me to health, slier everything else had failed. Respectfully yours. WASHI.Nfil ON' MACK. Charlotte street, rImvc fieotge street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and his tulleriivs, bear witness lo the astonishing rlli-cU uf Thomson' Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the s hove statement. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 42 Almond street, HUGH MCINLEY, S. E. corner Tamany and Fourth streets. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. c, rnrr of 5th and Spruce streets, Phi'udo'phi.i. Agents. II. B. M.isser, Siinbiiiy ; D. (, and Dr, Marpherson, Hsrrishurg ; Jno. (!. Brown, Pottsville; Ceo. Earl, Reuliug ; Houston A Mi. on, Towanda, Bradford county, I'a. Price 50 cento per bottle, or f 5 per dozen. (Jp Itnrnre of all imitations. Philadelphia, June 2Sth, IMS. ly TERMS REDUCED. DAG VER It I A A' (iALl.EllY if Vuhnt l're,i. um Colored likenrMS, and I'lwtograpkie Dcjiat 1 Xo. 130 Chesnut Street, riiil:leliiia. No. 251 Broadway, New York; No. 75 Court Street, Boston ; No, litfi Chesnut Street. delphl ; Baltimore Street. Baltimore ; Itioiil wjy, Saratoga Springs ; No 5li Canal S.icet, New-Orleiiiis ; Main Street Newport, R.I. And Main Street, Du Buque, Iowa. CONMTITUTINd the oldest and most Ellen, ive Establi-hment uf the kind in Ihe World, and containing more than a THDl'SANH POR TRAITS, embracing those of sonic nf the tno.t distinguished individuals, in the United Stutes. Admittance free. This Establishment hiving la'rn awarded lh Medal, I'uur First Premiums, snd two "H'ntt Ihiiur'' al the Eihibi'.ions ut Boston, New-York and I'hiladelphia, respectively, for best Pictuies ami Apparatus, is thus olilci illy sustained in the posi tion of superiority heretofore univers.dlv us-igned it by the public, as "First in the World." June 28th, 1845. ly P I A N O S. rilHE SUBSCRIBER has bren appointed apent, I for the sale of CtlNRAD MEYER'S CEL. EB RATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI. ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive uml brautiful exterior fini-h. and, fiirdept!i and swerlni sa of tone, and elegance of workman, ship, are not uruissed by any iu the United Siaies. The following is a recommendation fioui Cahi. Dikts, a celebrated perfurtner, and himself a mat), ulscturcr ; A V A K I). Havirs had the pleasure id trying the cice'. lent PlHiio Fortes maiifactured by Mr. Meyer, an.' . rthibltrd al the l ist rxhibi'ion of the Fr .nklin I 1 . stitute, I feel it due to the true limit nf the m.U f lo ileclaie that thesd iustruments aie quite m;ii , and in some resiircis even supcrim, to ail iIk I k alio Fottes, 1 saw at the capitals of Pu'ope, on. I during a wyourn of two years at Paris. These Piano will be .old t the maiiufscturcr'si lowest Philadelphia prices, if not some hiu lower. Persona are requested o call and etauiii.c for themselves, si the re-i lence of he subx-nlvr. Sunbury, May 17, 1815. H. B. MASS Elf. iii:i,i Tiir: Beginners. 1111 E suWrtbers would respeclfolly mfixm ihei . Cilirens of Sunbury and the ul be g. ner by, It ej h vh purchased the shop nf Wilbsinj Hoover, in Market sin et. ore door we t ol the Pgt Ollice, where tbrv will ituitiuue tha C'nliiiicl-IIaKiii? !'i!ics in all its branche. The public niav rijot their work done ut the latest t,l , Ttiey hop, by sum t attenti.Mi u buHUe- u mciit, ' '.kisty vi pul'l pationage, Motrin, made lo ord ,f on ' aud country produce t-k-i-i. .n eivbi"'J''t ' " ' - M. YOUNtiMAN vV H. tMAlUlN. feunbury, My 7iU, I sl.---