Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 15, 1845, Image 3

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Corrected weekly by Henry loxthetmer.
Coin, .
A DIVIDEND of four prr cent. ha been this
Jay declared out of the profi nf the Insttu
Jion fssrth lal .' months, payah'o on demand to
Ilia stodfcnoldeia or iVeir legal representative.
Not. 4.445 ISih. M Ca-hi.-r.
OrpliauV Court Sale.
fN pursuance of n order of . Orphans' Court
of Northumberland sroun'y, will lie exposed to
-public mle, on Tlumulay Ae IHih day nf D'comlM-r
ii'H, at the lain residence of Abraham hV'herrncI,
slec'd., to wit; A -certain Hurl of I .ml sIluMo in
1. ill in Mallounv towtiehip, Korihiimlerland eouti'V,
dj. lining lands of Se'oiwon li.inkclberger, lacoi'
linker anil I lie heira of Daniel Herb and nmun'atn 1
land, contnininit two hundred (yiil iiicty-'X acre
find foily nine petche. on which aieerecel a two
xiory log houe, a hank 4. rrn venty fiet 'tons lv
thirty-six in width and a small orr.h-.rd. Abws, at
the (ime time ami p'ace, the one uinhvidcd fouilh
part of a trucl of ueim; roved land souse in tlie
township and county uf..r tid, containing four
hundred aiid ten acre at d tliirty-tiliio pi.rc'ioa, d
joining lands nf Michatl It il ii. Solmm.n Dr. sslor '
nd ntlur. L ite the estate of Abraham Rot her- j
mcl, dee'd.
The above tiact of 210 r-cnp i handsomely h- !
aratcd, and well adapted to manuf -during pnrp . I
The Mahonoy Oifk rune through ihe pop'r'y, i
.affording exce'lent water p .wer lor milling and !
.other purposes.
Sal M commence at 10 nVlork, A. M. nf sad
day, when the condidou of sale will he mjde
known bv VM. ROTHERMEL.
Nov. 15th. I Sir,. St Adm'r.
In (he Court of Common Plenit
Jf'or Korthunitrl.m I Comity, t'eniinylvanln. .Vo
U. January Te-m IS'-M.
Ci.per A(Uhjk, j . nid Fia.lerick,
Jo'-n Adem. Peter Ad-iii , Samuel Adnna, Jacob
Traver. ('a'heiiri' Fox. William Lieb ii k arid
Elizabeth hi w ife. P ter Sir o'er mid Magrlab'ita
hi wife, Samuel Siart?t .u.d Sus iiuinll hi nif ,
uudUfeiioi Adanis.
lX motion of W. J. Circcnnneh, co- rt grant a
rule on the imrtiiui itt, Med, to appear by
the fira' diy of "ott term amlhow cau-e why the j
jaml of Ca.ip r Adam -, dee'd , should not be tiikeu
at the apprtn euient by 'the heira entnlcd to the
a ime, or be aohl.
Ex'rac ed from ihe Record, and ci rt'fied Nov.
3d, 1845. 8 AM LEU U.JHRDAX,
Nov. 15. 1845.-61 Protli'y.
SurcoNH ofllio Sn;ar Cosifetl Indian
Vegetable IMIlN.-A nm man or 70
Jft'ils is not believed, profile iiwnld out Lrt'rre tho'
one rose from the (lend to proclaim it.
Cazfwovh. July SS h. 1814.
HAVE use I forty boie nf Brand eth' Pi:l.
and half aa many more of djl kind', but
the whole have not benefitte.! me o muc'i at two
)oxeaof the 'Sugar C nted Indian Vege able Pil'a."
They KCem to strike rinht hi ih.- f.uiid .tion of my
iaease, which ia of a bilious chaa"tcr
Thia tU gi-ntli'inia adtled Cozcuovij S0 jcara
CAU TION. Aa a miaerble imitaiion h i
Wen mule, by the name of '-Sugir Coated Pill,"
it i i.cci .ry to be gore ibat Uiu (J Btsj S m th'h
ijna'oie ia on ev. ry box. Piice 'i& cenli.
l'iine:pl Office. 17!t (ireenwirh at N w York.
Sold by JOHN VV. FRILINO, Suirfmry.
WM. FOllftVTIIE, XurlhtiHi'iL
Nivember 15th. 1845.
Almiiii!traloi'',!ii oIrc.
A LI. pernon bavjng unwilled accoun'a with
Robert F irngwofili. dei'd , lira nf Shamok'n
lowuiihip. Nxrihumberlaiid C 'uniy, are requeatcd
to presint them to the aubivriber. admin air.itor of
tuiJ dfe'd., at hia reinVree in Sunburv, Hnine lia'e
ly ; cr at the l.iie residence of .aid dec' d., on Svtur
by, the 22J Nov. int.
Nov. 8th, 145 :il A.lm'r:
iN rhe road leading from Shmokintown to
Slambach a old t. vern, or on 'he turnpike he.
t ren there n.l iIm pu'dic hnu"e of Philip Wnnir,
or nil ihe tow-n-hiji r al hitw n there and Dan.
ville, a l.wge Leaiher 1'ork-l Book, chaining a
liumber of papera, vie: JV ,t. , 'Ttdtirfer, Idc ipl-,
Vc, wbirh are tf no use to any oiln-r erson but
(he owner. Any pernn finding the abovn dracii.
Id I'oiliet D.wk, and lenvpig it at SLamwkiii or
funbury, will be auil ib!v d
November 8 ;h, 1M5. 3l
Tin, Sln-c-ron ami Stoic
f 111 E u!crln r conliiiue t linnof irlure 'I'm
fl W.ire in all i v .riety ; ulo, Sheit Iron
fetovea, Pi. fic. lie alo keep constantly on
band J ipan'd Ware, uc!i 4 Waiter, Bread Trays,
Toy. Ac.
STOVES. KniikerWker Conking Stove for
ro d or wood, nuperuir to any now in U"e; id .
Wood Sloin, Coal do., Siovts Pipe nf lton.i or
American Iron. Hoop Iron, Cl.iy Calender. Are itc.
i'erwtna in want nf Sinvea and other article in
hi tine, are invited to c II l-f,.re purchaing ele
where. D. M. BHAUTIUAM.
NoithumVrhnd, Nov. 8, 1814. St
To I'urcliasei'ii or
fflHE (ubscritasr. No. Ill Pearl alreet, New
JL York, having ertuhlii-hed a Br inch at No. 23J
South Second at., Philadelphia, i now opening,
and will be conatanlly receiving from the New
York Auction, an extensive aaaortment of
which will be gold at the loweat New York puces
at wholesale and Retail. Among hia stock will 1
found a good assortment of the following articles!
Jaceoneta, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book,
Swisa and Tarlatan Muslin, Bishop and Linen
Ltwns, Fancy Cap Nett, Fancy and Ball Ureases,
Thread Lares, Application Do., rich Black Silk
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambric.
Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringe, Cashmere
d'Ecosne, Mouaeline da Laiae, bilk and Cotton
Warp Alpaecaa, Qunen'a Cloth, Gala Plaids,
French Merino, Black bilks, Gloves, Silk Hose,
Sbawks, Cravat, Ribbons, Embioiderirs, &c, iScc.
Country Merchant and other visiting PhiUdel
pnia or New York to purchase, r reapectfully in
vited to call and fxamin the stocks.
No. I, Jttl6. ly O. H. MOORE.
"--t ' 'I""-" '
Samckl IIakt, Isaac Livt.
JAnt of Staple and fancy
Received by lafe Arrival from tjtmdnn and Paris,
arid offered to the Trade only, by
(Successor to I.. I. Onhen A. Co..) No. 27 South
Fourth Strret, abnvo Chesnut Stret,
EAI.INO WAX, Red, Blark. While. Scarlet.
Fancy colored and Spangled t 10. 20 and 48 I
tick to the lb. The assortment comprise 36 dif- !
i.reni Kinili.
Water in Ih. paper, superior Scarlet, anpetior I
Red. Black and m rled Funry color, of ihe follow-
ingi.ei Note, Small NotePe, Lrge Pea, Mi
ninn or Dolt; also Wafer. 4 iz I
Transparent. Cameo and Fancv Wafeisiu boxes. !
Ink, Walkden'a aiul Arnold' tnprrinr II lark
Wriline, Japan, Hlin, t'opyinij and Kticl Ten Ink.
in 3 3, 4. 8. 16 and 32 nit atone b utle.
Supciior (J.irmine Ink. made hy (iiiynl in Parir
and Arnold in London, in gl'.a lullli. '
Kond'a and Arnol t'a Indcl hlc Ink, w ithout pre- ;
Wnlkd'-n'a Genui 'e Bl ick Ink Powder.
(i Ir k. Idiiwii and cut, of every voiinty,
French and Engtiah. ;
'J'riv, lling Ii.kst ind. upwa'da of 20 diflercn!
V .pier Marlie, ll onw and China Pun.n Ink-
a'and, in gret va'ie'y.
Pen Rack. Bronze and Imi'alion, vttion i7.e.
Piirtfidinr, 4to, cup ami demi, with and without
lock, in prent variety.
Wafer Stamp, nf Ivoiy, Vegetable Ivory, Bone,
Eb ny and Cocoa, all zcwiih plain and cross
cut br.if end.
li'iw Motto Seal. 9 very exlen.iv varie'v.
Ko'deit.. plain Ivory and Bone; 6 7 . and 9 inch.
Ue-nling Knie, plain and c;ired Ivory and
Pear! i.f various rr-.
Prepar. d India Rubber, 20 and 40 cask (o th lb.
('opying Papc, Turner' best 5 and 6J lb demi
and 7 lb ditble crown.
Ti"ue Paiper, Turner' superior While mid Cj
lor' d, varion 1 1 rl -t, put up -"par.itely.
j Writing P.iper, Kngliuli Blue laid and Wove, fi
I lio. cap and 4lo pot iif the let qnnli'v.
Super White and B'ne Wove and Tinted Ex
tr i S.nin Surface, g It edge 4to p wt, 8vo and I6mn,
Enlih paper.
Valencia, nr Lace E 'ge Note paper, fivn & Ifimo
Englii-h and Fienrh Pat with black bor
der m I edge, 4in and 8vo.
Blue and Whiie Wove French Quarto Poat-t, a
large a-sorlnont.
Plain and Fancy Frencli Note Tajier of every
var'cly and :T
Envilop', Kng'ish at.d French plain and fancy,
in g'eni v.niivy.
Fancy French Papelerie, furnished wilh Note
paper Knvelopcy, Wax, Wafer, ,Vc. &c, 25 dilfer
I'lir v.iri t'e-.
Engli'li L i'd Dl.etMig Paper,
h i-maii Sup rpr turkey Villi Dr-iwme Pa-
per of the follow ng nil-, ;y.
Foolscap 13 X 16
Demy 15 X 20. M-.lium 13X2.1, Roeal 1 9 X a 1
Sup. r R..v il 19 X27. Imperial 21 X 29. Elephant
21 X 27, 2:1 X. .11. Atlas 20 X 3.t, Dou
ble Elep'.ant 27 X 10, Antiquarian 31 X52
Colored Crayon P-i-pr, Rnvsl, v nious tint.
Superior Biiftol B. ard mu'le nf Whilmiri's pa
per, nf the f ill, wing sire and thickness; cip, de
wy, med um and rnvl 2, 3 and 4 a'leet. ,
Emhsd Br'st d Boird.s ofvaii.iu sues.
Pirforated Bris nl Board, while and tinted, fine
medium and course perforation.
French Tracing Paper, royal, columtvcr and dou
ble elephant.
C mte'a Black Cb dk Crayon No. I 2 and 3.
Red and White Gmyona.
painting B U-be. superior English and French
camel's hair, F. i p't-h Sab'ea of vaiious qualities,
flit camel' hair brushes in tin.
Mathematical I a ruinents, Loi don make, in ma
hngnny and fi li rkiu case. The assortment c nn
princ 15 .liliereut kinds.
Water (Jolors a comphtn assortment of New.
man'a genuine c-dors in cak and boxes 15 I n k
man's Wall r t'olnr- in various sixes, sliding, hook
and lock and key bon. s.
Toy Coloia in great variety, of tdiding and h ok
plain and fancy bi xr.
Mezotinlo hiid Poik Siucera, leather and piper
Chessmen, plain and carved ivory, bone and
wood, of all
Backgammon and Diaught B.iard of vaiious si
re and qnalit e .
Dominoes, 11 16 13 and 20 line, of various qua
lities. St. el Pen. Gi'loti's tmd other makers, on card
and in hexes, a I .rie nn I coinp'ete Hssorlment.
Sietl I'm ILdders, plain and f nicy of every v i
rieiy. I', rifl iin Slate. I'J ililT.-renl site in morocco
nnd fiainea ; nUo. in pockel bin.k firm.
Diamond poin e.l Go'd Pens of various quilit es.
Canl ("ae-t a large assonm -nt of French and
English make, pl oil and inlaid.
Ne Plu Ultra Truvelling Writing De-ks, U) 12
14 and 16 inches, with and without drea-ing en e.
Portable Travelling Leither Dresaing Caae. a
great va'i' ty.
Su-rior Prepired Writing Parchn-ent of the
f ll..v.iog aie: ltij X 16. I620, 20 X 24,
24 X 28, 28 X 32 . d 30 X .10
F-ney Pa er plain and rinhns eJ gold and ail
ver paper, r-d and assorted colors morocco p'per,
fancy colored einl'oed piper, plain Freneh highly
glared fai cy colored p-iper. eVe,
Fine Screen Handle of various patterns and great
variety, som nf entire new slvle.
H air Biushrs of superior Loiido.i make, a large 1
Ladies' Ci'inpanions or Portable Work Case's, ,
completely filled.
Miniature Ivories nf finely cut French, vit: 21 1
27 .10 33 36 and 45 lines.
Iv .ry Ttble's of various, wiih the days of
ihe wet k. I
M.t illic Memorandum Book of 4 a'te.
Rulers nf round hard wood, 12 15 18 21 and I
21 inches.
Scotch Penknife Hones in per and wood rases, j
of v iriou sixes.
Writing Materials of d imask steel, with agi'e
and enamelled handles, in m. rocrn cases.
Pounce wood and ivory p mure buies, red tape,
I jap in cud racks, letter clips, mouth glue, baldedore
i: i ,
alio oiros, ui-rrcieo rnsj s au.i piciurrs rnuiui game4,
wafer nip, gum lil-els, chma pallet ai d tiles, ili e
cup, diaughlmrn, port crayons, divider, protrac
tors, scales, English toy books, Ac. &e.
S. II. f- Co. are Sole Agent for the following
artit lrt, Manufactured by 1. I. Cohen.
Superior Patent Ivory Suiface Playing Cards
Esglr, Harry VIII, Decatur, Merry Andrew, High
landers, Playei, Presidents, French and Spanish
the court rsrd wilh either sing'e or double heads
and printed in gold or color, manufactured of 'ho
best materials by an improved method, thereby giv
ing them a prifeel alip and making them more so
lid and durable, which rend ihem the moat .lea
ant playing rarda manufactured.
Plain Enamelled Burnished Card from No 1 to 8
Enamelled Gold Bordered Card from No I to 5.
Burnished Surface Mourning Cards fin No I to 3.
Gilt Edge Visiting Cards from No I to 3.
Ivory riuilace Card, whit and tinted, fm 1 to 8.
f lain Printer Cards from I to 8.
I-esd Tencila Superioi drawing ftncilt, mill",-
. . .,...JJ .,.!,),,.
fartured from the pure Cumberland lead, of the fol
lowins decrcanf hardna: H. Hit. mm. ' b. ai.r,
fimce Writing Pencil.
Red Chalk Pencil.
Patent Improved Everpoint LeaJa for pencil ca
ge of all
fXj" They are ronlanlly receiving from Europe
addition! to their Stock, and respectfully invite
purchaer to call and examine for iheimelvo.
.V. . y Co. huve jnat pnhliahed the latlch
hle tiame nf What d'ye Buy, by Prorcwr Punch
nUo the Niitional (lame nf tho Star Spangled Ban
ner they alo have the agency for the f dlnwing
p .pnl ir eamea which they olTer to the Trade at
pnlilNher' price", vir. : Dr. Buabyj Mansion ol
Happine.; Americari Eaule; Maa'er llndlmry and
hi pup I; I'hnrac erilic nf Ditinguihrd Per
aon; Pope and Paean; Scripture History llluatra
te The (lime of Meroe ; 'I h ' lilu'ra'c,l Alph i
bet: Pickwiik Cards; Shak-peare in a new Drr;
Ora I- of Fo tunej Hace of Impr Vi'men'; Strife of
Junius; Itohiino i Cruaoe; Cirda nf Migi; alo,
Abboit'a new aerie of Drawing ('rd; Chriatma
Cird or (Jood and Bail Paion; Merry (Same of
Trip to 1'liina; (ainn nf Americnn Revolution.
rhil.idelphia, Novemlier Stli, IS45. lin
Orphans' Court Sale.
Valuable Ileal Estate
T' r"r"U ."'e of an ,-rdor nf the Oiphana' C,urt j
i hi ii uriiioiio riiaou coiiniy, win ne rxporii io
ptirdic aa'e. at the puMic house nf Vatcntini1 Paul,
in 1'pjier Mahonoy town-tldp No'ihumbetlmd co.,
on Wednesday, the 1 0th day of December next,
nt 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described pro
perty, to wit :
A certain plantation nr tract nf land, -Smite pvt-
Iv in Upper Mahonoy township. Northumborl mil
county, and prtly in Upper Muhont ingn township, j
in the county of Schny'kdl, nn the Slate road lead i
ing Tom l'otiville to Fiher's Ferry, and almit 24
miles from the former pt ice, ad j lining lands or John
Muurer, the hiera of John Diebl, Geoige. Boycr,
John Waggoner and nthers, containing 272 acre
and 20 p rchc strict measure, ab iut 210 acre of
which are cleared and in a high slue of cultivation ;
where in are erected a large two story brick Tavern
llou-e and Kitchen, a large bank ham 100 feet
long, a frame wagon shed and another 1 irge frame
sbrd ; also a large and excellent Giiat Mill and a
frame houae near iid mill, and also two excellent
orchards. The above property ia very beautifully
and advantogeoudv situated, anJ is an excellent
Farm Tavern S and.
AIo: At the game time and place, another cer-
tain tiact or p-ece nf land, adi ining Ian I now of!
Gidein Ad.'ni. of J cl M iu-er and o'heis, cm-
Ininini 10 acres and 100 p telie a'rict measure, all ;
i f which is c cared (being niea low land) and in a
ll gh Stat" .1 ellluv .I 'll. I
Al-o: l lin-same time and place, a certain j
trad of ti-nb-r senate in Upper Mahnnny
low nubip p'.in sm.I a.lj lining I .nds nt S ilomo i II -warter.
John n.l F i i M inier. G c-rje Snjder
ui d I'lers. c 'iitnii.iiig 07 acr.s ond 146 p-rches '
si lie' measure.
! Alai: At the hnue of Samuel Ifeib, in Little !
I M ibouov tovnsliii. Nor Ini.nln-ilan.l county, on
j Mon 'ay th 8 ll day of 1). f mle r pexi, a certain j
j tact of land ituale ii Lttle Mihnnoy town hip
I afo esai.l, on Big Mali r.ov t'r.ek. adj i .ing lands I
of J c b Mil -ih, Mich i-I Uo h olid other, con-
taining 179 acre and 59 perches strict measure, j
shout 100 Hcrca nf which are cleaied; whereon are
ere. ted a la'gc two story big bopse ami kiteh-n.
(rough cast) a large bank bsn a'mut K0 feet long,
painted red; also a large and excellent Grist Mill,
an excellent saw mil , a distil erv, a blacksmi h
simp nd a large nnd excellent nrch rd
Also : Ano her ceitain tiact nf I u.d. adi dn ng
the list above de-crili.l t act, land nf Michael
an. I others, containing 250 acres and 131 perches ;
s'rict mea-u e, ab.nil 100 acre of which are clear
ed ; whereon are reded a langD two story frame
houve, nearly new. a large fraene bank barn, i fill
lii.g mill and carding macbire; nnd alse, two sin II I
log bouses and s'nldes. Tbeie is also a large and I
excellent orchaid on siid picm ses.
Also; A the same lime and place, another er- '
tain tract of land, si'iiite in I, tile Mabnivy town
ship af resai.l, adj lining lands of Henry Swinrhart.
the heir ot Ab'm IJo'heruiel, dee'd. and other, con- '
taining 182 acre and 37 priche stuet measure, a- j
bout 1 20 aire of w bich are cleared and in high s'a'e
of culnt.nion ; whereon are creeled a twostoy log
house, a large new hoik barn ah.'ul HI f.-vt long, '
pa.nte.1 red. ami an .Tell-in. I lie Pig ma'ion .y cie. k
p.sse. rnrougn saio nan, -no cren.r- an viceiirni
water powei for nulling and other pu.p.nes.
Ihet.r.ns nf sale 1 l made kcon on ll
day of sale aforesaid. Bv or.b r f the I . int.
Novth. IS15-5t Adiiiinmiralora.
.ioskimi w. jom:s,
A. 18 orA 4A tirerl. a Jew doors abnre Market
snwv A
AA asuajxjas S"XAa.aia.
AS rori't . ntlv on hand a very large assort.
incut of Locking Gl.i-c, Basket. Cedar Ware
and Fancy Goods, which will be sold wholesale al
ihe v,rv price.
N. B (i'asse inured lo any pa't of
ihe country, without charge.
Nov. I. 1815 6,11
NOW al Men by these Pre enl. Th it I,
Rolirrt Clare, of the township of J ickou,
111 Hit- county ol Northiimb. r'and, and stale of Pa ,
in consideration nf the sum i f y 260' 50, to m in
band paid by Mathew Chre. of ihe town nf Din
v'lle, in ihe c lunty nf Colunhii. at and the
en-ealii g and ib hvirmg of these prerei ta, the re
..u;,.t .. 1. ...... f t .1.. i..,.i.u . 1,.. ..,.1.,. 1., i,.L.. 1.-..
gained, sold, r leased, g. anted and confirmed, and
by ihee presen'a do bargain, sell, rele .ae, giant up I I
c.iiifiim unto ihe aaid Mathew Clare all ihe goods,
household ulf and implements of hou-ehnl l, and i
all giHHls and cliat els whatsoever menlioned and
cxpiessed in the schedule hereunto annexed, to
have and to hold all and siiigu'ar, the good. At., 1
and every nf ihem by these pic-enls baigained, sold, '
mleared, granted and ronfnined unto Ibe said Ma- i
Ihnw CI, re, to his only proper use sn I behoof, his
hei'S, executors, adininis'ratnr and as.igns, l.oe.
ver. In mi lies wherenf I have act my hand and j
ae I. tbi 27ih day of Octotn-r. A. D. 1H5.
Wiiness preseu", ROBERT CLARE.
Eti 'I'rtuHo.
One dun Mare, 1 gray Mare, 1 bay Colt, 4 Cow, !
4 Calves, 8 Miecp, 20 Hog, 1 Waggon, I set ol
Harness, 2 Plows, 2 Harrows. 20 acres of Wheat
in the ground, 7 acrea Rye, 200 bushel Corn in
ihe rril', 2 Harks oats, I slack wheat, 40 bushels
Wheat in th barn, I bras Clock, I Barrow, 1 ma
hogany Table, now remaining and being in Jsck
snn township, in the county of Northumberland,
and state aforesaid. ROBERT CLARE.
Witness present,-EuTAo, Micmaxl Bcga
Nov. 1, 1845. 4t
A SPLENDID assortment of New Goods ha
just been received at ,'n sore of llraar Ma
sra, which will be Sold st th lowest cash piices.
Sunbuiy, Nov. 1st, 1815.
Wlll.A'lV ' he highest price gi-rn lor
Wheat, at the sio.e of H. MASTER.
A nsw supplj of Rose Ointment just received.
N'gr, 8th, 115,
The bet in the World for Cleanline.i, Comfort
and Economy.
C. J. 'J' Y N 1) A Ii E ,
No. 97 Socth Skcosb St., PHILADELPHIA,
HAS now on hand a large aoriment nf ORR'S
Celebrated Patent AIR TKJHT STOVES,
to which he would call the attention of every true
lover nf comfort and economy, fit which quabti.
they cannot he equalled by aiiy Stove in the world.
They are ft light Stove, and can be conveniently
curried to any iliManrc, and being conatructed for
the tie of wood, they are particulaily aiUp ed to a
aick room.
Many thousand of thia Stove being now in ue.
their good qunlitiea are too well known to need
Mr. TtsnALK ia the firet Mtthorized agent in
Phil idelphia, and haa been makina them conntnnt.
ly for the Ihut five or aix ycaia. There tan be no
fear nf not getting the genuine Stnvn of him, and
they arc all warranted to give entire gatifaclion.
No Air Tight Smvea are genuine, wiihmit a bra
pl ite with tlie Inventor' name mid date of the
He hn aln on hand a large awrlmcnt nf Cook
StoVK, If aiii a Ton , and nil kind.' nf Fancy t'onl
Stove, at the Old Entubti-hmcnl, No. U7 South
Scinnd above Walnut alreet.
Philadelphia. Nov. I. IH 15. 2m
p.. sTs it ice""dT
J O II X II. S T U Y K E H ,
Of the late firms if Kcwkirk V Mryfrer, and
Strykrr V I'ligiir,
II AS re-iuoied the Wholcaile Dry (lied line i-
nrs, and n w offers for sale, nt m, 12 and
Bunk alreet, Philadelphia, iol' 'inieg Mvcrs,
Clagborn aV Co' Auction Store. No. 78 Market
street, a general Assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
purchase.! al auction al n very sinull advance for
casn, or cny jccepianc
Believing that hi long xp"rience in purchnsii c
will enable him to sell hi (iood al the lowet Mar.
k t piices, he invite his old friends, and other
wi' iug to buv, to favor him w iih a call.
Philadelphia Nov. I, 1845 O n
IVatcliCN, Jewelry, Vc. Vc.
riIIE subscriber oiler for sile, it the louest oi.
JL ces, a boge arat general assortment of (Sold
and S Ivcr Lever, I.epine and other kind of
Watches; .lewilrv, Silver Ware, Ebony and Gill
Manti I CI.H-ks, Mid Mu cal Bovea playing from
I two to ten tunes; Benedict v B irnev Diamond
j Pointid Gold l'en; Wulchin k r 'Tools, Files
and M tterlal.
Order from the eonnlry are sobciteil. ard will
be caiefully attended to. JOHN f. FAliK,
' ' tnlaileipliia
Nov. 1. 1815. 4
lie rrcommrnd til of our frit ml xisitioq the
cily, la cult ut the YAri Coin fumy SUtrc,
nnd lay in a fvjijdy nf thvir iV tiriou Trait.
tiii: ii:ki ti:a hdipaw,
No. 30, Soi'TH S.conii Stiif.:t, Betwein Market
and t'hcnut,
AVI e nlntly on hand, and fir de,
Wholesale mid Relai',
At liuwrr Prices.
according lo ihe quloy. than Ihey can le bought
for at any oilier est ibli.hmenl in theritv.
(Xj TiiAa, exclusively, are sold nt live hoiie.
nd several ctie which csr.not I obtained else
where. Any Teas which do n t ive mire satis
fac ion ran be returned and exchanged, or the m -ney
will be refunded.
'The of Northumberland county are re
sclfully inviird lo give us a call.
Agent for the Pi kin Tea Company.
Philadelphia, Sept. 27th. 1815. ly
Will practice i i the sen rat Court f the City
(ml ("oiinty of Philadelphia.
Hi office is at No. 35 S..ulh FOURTH S reit,
between Chrsnul ainl Walnut sin eta.
Phil dclpbia, Sept 20:h, ISI.Y 3 n.
roi KTrt:
UMlunUlc VttClfJS.
1 Hhihhir KHMii't'iiK-a c-ri'i cure f.r I
j J . wIIIM,y ,) ery pleasant lo Iske.
; o Cn,,,-, Rxthacts. w I ieh remove Grease
(lf kj,1U( Ury Tari Varnish Wax,
f,.,m carpel or frjiu cbulung, without injuring the
color or the cloth.
j 3 j,,,,,,,,, F"l r p,ri:n-ilM-l?st thing known
; flir k,:jnB tlt,K .j ,,,, ,
j 4. . ceitain Drs'r.-yer ..' R Us, Mice, Roaches
,, All,,mt .n .H.e, ,.f lt., ll -s.
! n5- uTwrM.,r,ch ," " ,,r "''J
j Bom and W atcr Brash, by one w ho h id still, red
thirltrn yeir. before he di-covere I the cure.
Da. S-rr.vrVs Ghki.m Oixtkt lor the Piles.
It ha never failed In cine.
7. Hamisoh' 'Tt-TTin Wash.
8. Bhkmumi's I.mikli ait: Is., wiilmut
0. Tut Cororn Corcrin or Flu
just the medicine for children and fir women, it i
so pleasant lo Ink".
111. Hick's Vmiltahlk Amti Bil.toi's Pu.i.s.
It. Gimn's Emolliamt Watih r-Huor Pastk.
for IL.riiess, Boots, Ac, It softens the leather, mid
keeps out the water.
12. Pooh Max' 'tii i.mi i um vh l'tis.i a.
13. Jscksox' D 1 a a n 11 iv: a MiXTinr, whieb
cur. a li e worst Dinrrhrra in a few hours.
14 Jack-ox' Dtktamt Mivrrnv, cer.
lain in.d spet dy cuie for Dyscnieiy nnd Suiriiner
Com pl Tint.
The above valuaM-' nrlieles are sold who'esale
j ',V,,V
(iUNN, .Vo. 1 South l-'fh
street, I'hlliuhfilu'a wbeie S or. ke. ja-rs tnd -
her wi I be Up ied wiih pin1 African Cayenne
Pepper, Arnica Flowei. Drugs, I'aint', Oils, lilas
j Mini Varnishe ul Ibe lowest pr c. s 'Term oi ly
leash. dX Cut out the adveili-cuiciit, and biing
I il wilh you.
Phil idelphia. July I9ih. 1815. I v.
1 11 n e r s .
L Citizen of Sunbury and the public generally, I
that I bey have purchased the khop of Mr. William
Hoover, in Market street, ope door wett of the Post j
Office, where they will continue tho
Cabiiiet-.TIakiii IIiiftinewN,
in all its branches. 'The public may txsrcl Uieir
work done in the latest sl le. 'They hope, by strict
attenlij-a to buim, tj merit a share of public
rj- Coffins made to order on the shortest notice,
and country produce taken in exchange for wnik.
Sunbury, May 17th. 1845. ly.
BAR IRON Jual lecriveil and for asle, cheap
forcah,hy HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, Sept. 20, 1845.
1 SiiTht:i:iwTh highest Pric wiiih
' given for Flas Seed, al ihe atnre of
T of a siirior quality, csn now be had
BiUUe Lima Kiln of Henry Maer,in Sun
bury. .May 17,1845.
. H-
"lHK undersigned Merchant, Manufacturer,
X Imporiera and Wholesale Dealer of the City
of Philade'phia, embrace ihe medium of the Newa
P'Per Pres of your section of country, to give you
the atree.t and number of our several establish
ments, and respectfully to invite yon lo an exami
nation nf otir Fall and .VTimer Slocks which are
no v full nnd complete.
The aiipcrior excellence and great variety nf our
own Ci y Manufactures, in addition to full suppliea
of Foreign and Domestic Goods, of every descrip
ti-n. which will be sold on term and at price
which cvmnt fail to prove satisfactory, present the
slrongeai inducements to purchasers.
Importer and Deiler in Silk and Fancy Dry
Goods, and Fine French and Britiah Cloth, Caa
simere an I Vesting.
A'hhursl At Remington, No 80 Market at, below 3,1.
Iin-nrter and Dealer in Staple, Si'k and Fancy
Dry Goods. Al-o, RMtish, French and American
Cloih, Cassimcr, Vesling, and Tailor' Trim
mings, J. Godtcy. Spry cV co.. No 84 Ma'ke' t.
D miesile and Foreign Dry Goods.
Jam. M. Kennedy V co , I 1 1 M'kt at.
Imnnrlcr of German Good', and Puchasera of all
kinds nf Slopping Fur.
Win. Ge -e A. Sons, titl S Front t., M. Chesnut.
I. ! porter and Manufuiiirrr nt Fancy Fir, and
fur aps, ami Purchaser nf a I kind of Ship
I ping Fur.
I S,.is Brother, 86 Arch t lietwecn 2d arid 3d si.
Manf cturer and Dealer in Ready-made Ciothing,
j of everv g'lide.
Michicl Tracy, 2D2 Market at.
Manufaclurer nf Shirt, Collars and Besoms.
John Hodgis. Sign of the Muninoih Shirt Collar,
1 10 Ninth Second st.
Importers and Deile s in Foreign and Domestic
Hardware ami Cutlery.
D Iworth &. Branson, 59 Market st.
Welded Wr. u ihl Iron Till for Loco-notive, Ma
rine y other Bod. r F'lues y all Steam purpoaea.
Morri", Task-i tV M -rris. Pascal Imn Worka, Ware
hi'iise, S. E. cor. 3d and Walnut sts.
Agency for the Sale nf Southwnrth Manufacturing
Company'- Siiierinr Writing Paper.
N. S. Lawrence, Agent, No 3 Minor st.
Importer of .lenclrv, Watches, Fine Cutlery, Brit,
lania. Plated and Silver Wares.
Dickson efc co , S B corner Market fc Third a'.
John F. Farr 112 Chesnut st.
J. iV W. L. Waul. 106 Che.nut a'., opposite San
derson's Frai klin Houe.
MaiHpnciniers of Silver Ware, and Dcaleia in Pla
ted mid Britannia Wares, lot household use.
R. Al W. Wibon, 8 W cor. Fifih and Cherry st.
Manufacturer of B-bannia, Block Tin, and Pew
lr Waic. Also, Dealera in Plated Spoona, Cut
lery, Ac.
Hall, Boarilman oV Co., 104 N 3d st., below Race.
Mar ufaciurer of Silver and Brass Stair Rod and
Cornice Poles.
EJwanl J..nea corner of George and Swanwirk st.,
bet w. en Walnut and (.'hesnut, west ol Sixth.
I ,ii po ter nf Tovs, Fanry and Siaple Good, Beads,
Bru.h' and Perfumery.
A. F. Oil Monrose, 16 S. 4lh at., between Market
and Chesnut.
Importers of 'Toy-, Fancy an 1 Staple Good, Perfu
meries, Musical Instruments, til ass. Earthenware
Chii'axare, Vc.
C. Ahrenfeldt &. co. 16 N. 4th st. Utwecn Market
and Aich, (up stairs.)
Importers nf Taiia and London Fancy Articles,
Brushes. Pcifninery. Coinlis, Soaps, Stationery,
and -rticles f. r Drugg'au' Sale.
R. & (5. A. W right, 23 South Fourth st.
Impoiler and Manufacturer of Perfumeiy, Cosnv
lic, Fancy Soaps, and Dealer in Fancy Goods.
Jules llauel, 46 S .ulh Third at.
Chin, Qnecnswaie and Gln-.
Edward Snondoii, ii 1 N 3d st. oppo-ite City Hold.
De:it:ls nnd Mannfai tnrer of incorriipiible Teeth ;
Plate Pivoi. Mo hi . nd tinm Teilh ; Gold and
'Tin Foil ; Gold, Platina and Silver Pluto and
Wiie, Ac.
Wilk'tison A Armstrong, 88 Arch t. above 4th,
South side.
i Gold, Spvcr and Sn el Spectacles, Mathematical In
struments, Walking Canes, Mrio copes, and
Spv Glas a,
McAllister A ro.,48 Cheanul st.
Maiiufaciurera of While Lead nd other Paints,
Mid of Chemicals, Ac , and Dealet in Drugs,
M.dicil C, De StulVs. O I a, Ac.
Wethcrill A Bruthrr, C5 North Front st.
Importers anJ Dea'ers in Drugs, DyrstnflVt, Oi's.
t hemic j's, Plate Glass, Ae., and Agents for
pure Wliite Lead sn I Jersey Window Glass.
Campliell A French, N W cor 10th & Maiket sts.
Importers ad Dea'ers in Drug, Mtdicines, Dye-Hull'-.
Paint, Oils, A .
Ha.kill. Mcrtick A co , 45 Ninth Front st.
Dr. D. Javne, 8 S '11 1 i . I st , neat Market.
Consulting PhyaVian, Druggist and Chemist, and
Tr ) rn-ior i f "RoAaud's Improved Tonic Mix
lure." Ac.
Dr. Jot. 11 It. Rowand, Grad, Univ. Office and Drug
Stoop, 2d North Second st.
Manuf .cture.-s of Umbrellas, Parasols, Pnraanlelte
and Sun Shades.
W Hi 1111 A. Diowo, Si. M 1 kel st.
Sleecr A Fennrr, CO Market al. south side, one
door be'ow 4lh st.
Fire and 'Thief PriMif Chest, Refrigerators, Water
C.Hilcrs, Fibers, Letter I'npyinj Presses, Ac.
Oliver Evans, 15 Chesnut l.
Veueiian ll'iiol Maimficturer.
B. J. Williams, 12 N O1I1 si. a few douis ah. Market.
Manuf ciuieia i.nd D. in Matrcsscs, Bedding
aril Fiatlier.
Finley A Co., S K corner 2d nnd Wulnut st.
Hartley A Knight, 148 S 2d si , 6 door ab. Spruce.
Denier in Oo'eman' .i'olian Piano Foitca.
F. Perring, IU8 Che.nut t. S E corner of 8th.
M ii'i.f.rlii'cr of ('oinmnn arid Fucy Soap, Mould
and I'.pp d Can ib a. Ac.
El j-dlA liillies Dalb l, i f! Market t.
Iinpornr of Frmih Anifciil Flower, Feather.
Spew, It. aid and F i rv Bonnets, Ac , and Boa.-
pel Fianir. 'Tip slid Ciowtis.
R, Buit'.n, 50 Che-tiUl si.
ManUli cturer of Seives, Riddles, Screens and Wire
Wctk in rei eral.
Needle A Watson, 51 N Fronl at, below Arch.
Hides, Od and Leather.
William Musser A- co., 263 Market at.
Importer ofOrnge, Lemon, Raisinn, Figs, Piunts,
Cunants, Almonds and other Foreign Nut.
Darnel I. U ussier, 27 South Wharves.
Manufacturer of Fire Engine of all descriptions,
warranted in all respects.
Joel Bates, 13 Drinker's Alley.
Marble and Mahogany Dealeis.
John Eckstein & co . Union Mills, Ridge Road.
Warehouse, 64 .Dock st.
Manufacturer of Combs. Looking Glasses A Brush
es, and iinpoiler of Fieucb and GeruiMr Faiiry
(Sood. '41
Thomas Bu.rk, jr. 183 Miikrl i,
Manufacturer and Wholesale Deiler in all kind
nf Brooms, Brushes, Bucket, Cedarwsre, Clocks,
Baskets, Mata, Blacking, Eastern made Wooden
Ware, Ac.
Manly R.,we. 63 N 3d at. one door above Arch,
esat side.
Che-r, Pldir-lion and Periodical Establishment.
,rlH'' co. 3 Ledger Building, 3d at. U low
B0.1U and Shoe.
Roliert Palmer, 182 S.2d at. three door, hel Union,
weat tide.
Manufacturer and Dealera in all kind nf Si-ales
We ght and Weighing Machines. AI'O, Bur!
den Patent Horse Shoe..
Gmv A. Brother, 34 VVut st. tW Second
Philadelphia, Sept. 20th, 1845. 2m
n e I 1 e v fTax d "irfvir.
CompotiiMl Syrup or Tar & M'oosl
11IIE onpreeedented succe nf this rnedirimv in
. the restoration i f heabh, to those who, in de
pair, had given up all hope, ha given it n xl.
ted reputation ibove all other remedies, fornihing
evidence of it intrinsic value and power, o the on
ly gent which can be relied npm for ih cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Brouchittia, Asthma.
Pain in Ihe side and Breast, Spitting of B!ood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac.
Attention I requealed lo Ihe foil wipg ASTON.
JSHING CURE, by Thomson's Compound Syrup
of Tar and Wood Nptha ! !
Philadelphia, May 37, 144.
MR. THOVf SON Dear Sir With grateful
feeling I infirm you of the astonishing efTeci of
your medicine, which ha literally rai -d me from
a deilh-bed ! My disease. Pulmonary Conurnp.
lion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro.
no.inced my case hopeless ! Al this junciui Ibe.
gn 10 nc your medicine, and miraculous as 11 may
seem, it ha completely tutored me to health, after
iverything else had failed. Respectfully vnurs.
Charlotte atreet, above George street.
Th underaigned. being peraonaMv -rquainted
wilh Washington Mck arid his suflering. bear
wilnc lo the astonishing effect of Thomson'
Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a.
bove statement.
JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third alreet,
DAVID VICKERS, 42 Almond atreet.
HUGH M'GINLEY, S. E. corner Tamany
anJ Fourth streets.
Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. coiner
of 5th and Spruce street, Phi'ade'phia.
Agent. IL B. Masser, Sunbury ; D. Gro,
and Dr. Macpherson, Harrisburg ; Jno, G. Brown,
Pnttsville ; Geo. Earl, Reading ; Houston A Ma
on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price 50 cent
per bottle, or $5 per dozen.
dj" Beware of alt initiations.
Philadelphia, June 28lh. 1845. l y
um Colored likenesses, and Photographic
Depot 1
Xo. 13G Chesnut Street, Philatlflpliia.
No. 251 Broadway, New York ; No. 75 Court
Street, Boston ; No. 136 Chesnut Street, Phi'a
delphia ; Baltimore Street. Baltimore ; Broid
way, Saratoga Spring ; No 56 Canal Stieet,
New-Orleans ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And
Main Street, Du BSque, Iowa.
CONSTITUTING the oldest and most Exl-n.
aive Establishment of the kind in ibe World,
and containing more than a THOUSAND POR.
TRAITS, embracing those of some of tho most
distinguished individuals, in the United Slates.
Admittance free.
This Establishment having been the
Medal, Four First Premiums, end turn" Highest
Hinors'' at iho Exhibitions at Boston, New York
and Philadelphia, respectively, for best Pictures ami
Apiarutus, i thus officially sustained in the 1 osi
lion ofsupcrlority heretofore universally assignid it
by the public, a "First in the World.''
Juno 28ih, 1815. ly
fllHE SUBSCRIBER hna been appointed aaeni.
1 for ibe sale ..f CONRAD MEYER'S CEL
ANOS, at thia place. These Piano have a plain,
massive and beautiful exterior fini-h. ami. f..r depth
and wcctn.s of tone, and elegance of workman
ship, are not urpa-ed by any in the Uni'fd State.
The following is a recommendation f'om Cahi.
Dikts, a celebrated performer, and himself a man
ufacturer: A CAltD.
Haviks had the pleasure of Irving ihe excel
lent Piano Forte inanfaclured by Mr. Mevi r, and
exhibited al ihe l ist exhibition of ibe Fr nklin In
stitute, I feel it due to the irue merit of the maker
to declare that these instrument are quite equa',
and in some resprc's even superior, 10 a I the Pi
ano Fortes, I sow at the capit ds of Pit ope. ar.J
during a sojourn nf two year al Pari..
These Pianos will be so'd at the mam fact lifer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not om i.u'g I. .
Persons are requested 10 call and exarr.i' e f-.r
themselves, at the residence of ibe- -ub-c t .
Sunbury, May 17, 1845. 11. L V ASEiJ.
lt c 111 o v a
)U. JOHN' W. I'KAIs.
RESPECTFULLY informs vFe ri
t tei.a of n.d i' licini'y. it,..
he has rr.novett to l ie lt.ick If ous. ,i ,
Maiket stnet, fr.-ici Iv roie. pv
Benisiniii Hendricks, cast jf ibe store I rno r y oc.
! cii ied by Miller A Martz, and now by .a T. f'le
j ment, where he will l happy to receive ol'. 11a
I the line of his profession.
Sunbury. Marrh 29ih 1845.
rilHE suh-rriber have received, and are now
JL opening a splendid assortment of ike following
Saxony, Wilton and Velvet Carpeting I
Brussels and Imperial 3 ply do (AR-
Eitra susrrfine and line Ingrains do I'F. I'
English shadi d A. Damask Venetian do ING.
American twillrd and fig'd do
Engh-h Druggeita and Woolen Floor Cloth.
Slair and Passage Bockinga
Embossed Piano and 'Table Cover
London Cheuille and Tufed Rug
Door Mali of eveiy deacriptton.
A laige and extrnive rsso-'tmer I of Floor Oil
Cloths, Irom one to eight yin'.s wide, cut to fit e
ry description of room or passages.
Also, row pneed Ingrain Caiprtiiig liom 31 J .
62J cent Jr yard, together wiih laige and sn. 11 .
aive assortment of goods'ly kept c pea
Th above gocls will be sold wkole.usw or rvisil
al the loweat market price. C onns nsrtck.nt-
sndoiheisaie riicul,ily iuitv.t u.ill sal es
nnne our slock tefo,, niukin tl'en sa lreinai.
CLARKSDN, RICH ,v Ml l.l.n. i.N.
Succcssoi to Joseph MUkwood, No. 1 1 1 Chosucl.
roiuer uf Fraukitn I'tse.
Philadelphia, fW UJ, Ib45.