Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 08, 1845, Image 4

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    From the United States Gazette.
When storm and tew petti thicken 'round
And friends grow cold and few,
When ills on ills are pressing hard
One heart to me is true.
When grief and anguish rack my brain,
When by dull care opprest,
One earnest, kindred heart 1 find
That knows me loves me bast !
Whate'cr betide, of weal or woe,
Whnte'er the chnnce or strife,
One fiiend to me does earth efford,
The partner of my tile !
Vhcn mad'liitig thoughts and dread despair
My manhood's piidc assail,
Whc ndrep dejection fills my soul
And bids my spirit quail,
'Tis then her soft, familiar voice
My aching bosom cheers,
And bland persuasion eloquence
In her dark eye appears.
Tho' fevers shall consume my frame
Air! sl.iT.V rs -it-'nl avay,
Ti i. r i'.i r l.f.-A -.hit soothes my pain
Thro' ruaey :t leiigttvMi'd day.
When Fortnii'j f:o-ns. end fovors cease
From all but i! nv'n above,
'Tis then a r-.oo.npensi; I know
In her uik hanging love.
Religion too, the Christian's hope,
In her sublime appears,
Not such as sinful mortals boast,
'Midst ceaseless Hoods of tears ;
Nor such as live on sighs and groans,
Lest even good attaint,
Fut off at home nnd on at church,
And of a fiend makes saint
Emotions pure and undofiled,
Serenity of mind,
Toher belong, and charity
To'urds all of human kind.
There are the evidences rara
That murk God's chosen one,
That lit us for the heav'nly choirs
J n brighter worlds to come ?
'Twas slip, who led me like a child,
From many an unseen ill,
Who oft has h'M-n my guide, and i
My guardian angel still !
Who calms the tumults of my soul,
My better nature moves,
Who warns by precepts, not by words
And all my fauits reproves.
Then too, what happiness is hers,
When in life's varied round
Success upon my pathway shines,
And joys with me abound !
Oh ! bliss intense ! without alloy !
A transport most divine !
That heart like hers was deigned tome,
Her just approval mine ! S. C. C.
Ksvsl Anecdote,
The most brilliant naval action of the last war
undoubtedly was that of the old American fri
pate Constitution, 41, commanded by Commo
dore Stewart, when 6he captured the two Bri
tish corvettes, Cyane and Levant, of greatly su
perior force, each of them being equal to the
old fashioned 5W gun frigates. The lollowing
anecdote is related of that affair :
"The handling of the American frigate was
throughout scientific and unexceptionable. By
no iiianii-uvring could cither of the British vea
pel obtain a position to rake the Constitution.
Shift their ground an th?y would, Old Ironsides
was between llietii, blazing away upon both ves
sels at tho sa;i!H t ime. During the wliole action
Ktewurt, instead of mounting the horse-block,
sut t.i u more exposed ki'uatinn astride of the
hatiitoiii'',; liftttn js, the belter to observe the
insnr'uvring of hie antagonist. The Cyane was
the Grr-t I'j u'.riltt' to Brother Jonathan not an
utui-nal 'lioir with Bnti-h vestels during that
T!k !': t L nit. came in histelo theCom-
it ii. a-ii isunc! tire fact. '1 know it, sir,'
i l!i.
Cionm.iihiie. 'The battle is inet
,.' 'S; si! I order the band to alriketip
i . s.r 1" impiired the lieutenant, j
' i .i'inr. took a hiiL'e pinch of siiufl
i ,"ii quit'kly, 'Had we not better
lirst sir V 'Ay, y, sir,' replied ;
.n. , liking the hint, and went to his
Her. ;
und Hi o
whip Hi'
the lic'ii'
ijiinrti rs
.i a in mites afterwards the l- !
vant lowered ihe erosa of Old Kngland lo the
ctarsund Kti ipes, nnd the battle was ended. The
lieutenant ftvting fiain whut rebuked at his pre
mature cxtil'Btinn upon the mrreuderot the first
vessel, waa rather shy ol approaching bis eon)-
lonnilos uittin I, of K'nu-nrl ruilnninn I lii.n
raid with a smile 'Dim t you think the band
i, ii. , ..... . .. v.. n..,.i,.. ,,i,t
had bitter tit ihe up Yankee Poadle nov, sir?'
In an i.isiant that fpirlt-ftirring strain was float
in,' in the breeze, played as no other than
Yankee hand ran play it, and the gallant crew
limited forth their cheen of victo' no other
than a Yankee crew can shout."
EvinKNci- in- CnaKarTFR. A young woman,
brmifjlit bclore tin Boston police lately, alleged
in detiMice uf her resu-ctabiliiy, that she was
acquainted vvith all the lawyers in New York."
Kite was instantly committed lor six mouths.
Wit is folly, uulvt a wise tusn has the keep,
ing of it.
'Misi: Got! vatvill de Frenchmsn make
next 1" as the Dutchman said the first time he
ever hw a monkey. jV, O. Vie.
The following lint shows the current value of nil
cnnsylvnnia Hank Notes. The most implicit re-
linnce may he placed upon it, as it i every week
tsrefully compared with ai d rorrcclcJ fiom Biik-
nell's Reporter.
Itniiks In Philadelphia.
. Disc, in
Pimt. iirTiiM,
N O T E 8 A T P A K.
Bunk of North Ameiica .
Bank of the Northern l.ilavties .
Onimrterrinl Hunk of Pcnn'a.
Farmcra and Mechanics' Dank .
par '
par ,
par j
par j
Kensington It ink
Philadelphia Bank
Schuylkill Itnnk
South wvk Itnnk
Western llink . .
Mechanics' Hank
M inula! inn rs' A Mechanics' Hank
C'oiinfr) Hanks.
Hank of ''hester County AA'estcheslcr
pur of Delaware County
Bank of Oermatitnvvii
Itnnk of Montgomery Co.
Doylestown Bank
Enston Hank
Farmers' Hunk nf Hocks co.
DUire i.f H ink of Peon's.
Office ilo do
Office do do
Ollice d. do
lo not
r.aston J li-sue n
"ink of the United States
Hank of Peon Township
('i'ar.1 Hank .
Aloyamenwiiig B ink
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Hank of Potlsvillu
Hank of Lewii-lown
Dank i f MidilHtown
H ink of Northiinihctlanii
Philad. Iphia
V-rthuinhei'aiid pur
Columbia It ink Ac Bridge co.Ooliiinhia
par ,
1 1 : I
Carlisle Hank
Exchange Hank
I) i do brunch of
Farmers H ink of l.aiicHHter"
Lancaster County H ink
Farmers' Hank nf Heading
lliiiri.-huig Bank
Lnncascr Bank
Lebanon Hank
MerehantK A: Mnnuf. Dank
Hank of Pittsburg
West Riatu-h H ink
Wyoming Hank
Northampton It ink
Berks County Hank
Ollice of Hank of IT. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A
Penn Township Siv. Ins.
Hank of Chamhcrthtirg
Bank ol lletlyshurg
Bank of Sn-iuchanna ITo.
Erie Hai.k
Farmers' At Drovers' Bank
Fianklin Hank
lliincsd.ih' 11 ink
Alonongahclri Hank of II.
York Hank
1 Inllnhivahutg
Ioric istet
I .nneaster
New Brighton
Ul ItVhl'Urg
Me. ntrose
E r i
N. B. 'I he nolcg of those hunks on which we
atnit quotations, and suhsliti.te a dash ( ) are nut
purchased by the Philadeljihia hrokcrs, with the
exception ol those which hne a loiter of r fervnee.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan (To.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual I.almr Bank (T. W
I'owaiula Hank
Alleghany Hank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swalura
Hank ot Washington''
(Tentre Hank
L'Hy Hank
Farmers' & Mcrh'cs Hank
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Hunk
Farmers' V. .Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Insiitnte
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
EumlierDien's Bank
Northern Hank nf Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhumh'd I'liiim Col. Hk.
North Western Baik of Pa.
Dtrire of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
I ,'n ion Bank of Pcnn'a.
esiinoielaml Bank
Wilkesharre Budge Co.
Phdad. I, hia failed j
do fulled j
do filled j
Dyoll, prop.) filled j
Beill'oril no sale I
Heaver rinsed
ll.iriishurg I'loscd
Wu-hinglon failed j
llell. folilo cloHi d
Pitishuig no rale i
I'ltlshurg failed
Fayette co. filled '
I ireencast e failed I
II aimony no sale j
Iloiitingdon no sale j
I.ewi-tuwii no sale i
arieo lulled'f no sale
New Hope closed
M ill on no -ale !
MeuiUille t'loM-d '
Port ('Hrlioli j
Carlisle failed
Monllose closed
I iiiolilowii filled !
ireeuhuri tlosej ,
Wilki sl'arie no sale
rjj All notes purpoitmg to he on any Pimn-yl-vania
Bank not given in the uhove h.-vt, may he set
iowu as frauds.
-i-:w ji:usi:v.
Bank of New Bi unsw iek
Uelvidete Bank
Uurliiiglou I 'o. Bank
'Joiniiieicial Bank
Suinls-rl.inJ IJ ink
Farmers' und Mechanics' Ilk
Farmers' and Mi-chanies' Hk
Farmers' and Men hauls' Hk
Franklin Hank of N.J.
ilohokeu I J kg Ac Oraziug Co
lersey City Bank
Mechanirs' H ink
Manufaeluri rs' I! oik
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Hk of N. J.
Michaims' Bank
Mechanics' and Man of. Hk
Morris Canal and II kg Co
Po-t Nous
Newark likg A: Ins Co
New Hope IM Uudce (To
N. J. Matiul.iC. and Hkg '-o
l!eU nhie
Pi rth Ainhoy
Mount H .lly
N. Hiunswii k
Mid.lletowii Pi
Ji'tsry tTily
Huh -ke
Jersey City
P il i
New. nk
Jersey ITity
lad. d
IIO kale
l.amlx iisxillu
I nihil
N J Proteclon &. l.onil'Uid hk Jersey I'l'y
j Orange Itunk
; Paiers.ui Hank
( Irangu
' '
Peoples' Bank
Pi mil Ion
Sali m
New Ion
. ,
I finceioii uaiiK
Sak-m Banking Co
Wtate Bank
Stale Bank
State Bank
Slate Bank of Morris
dials Bunk
Valem and Philad Manuf Co
Sussex Bank
Trenton Uanking Co
I'nion Bank
Washington Banking Co.
a in.
Bk of Wihn At Brandy wiiir iniungton
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do launch Millotd
Farmer.' Bk of Slate of Del Dovei
Do branch Wilmington
Do hrsni'tl ISeorgilown
Do I'lamh Newciaile
1'iiion Hunk W ilmington
par :
par i
par j
par I
par j
par j
(Jj- l nilei i s
(L-(nll hanks ruiiki-d thus () ihers Brett,
liter touriteili-it or altered notes uf Ihe various lis
uoniinstious, tu lirculalion,
i! it, siM or wiit ciinniiY,
ft in n mi it nalanmln Prrinril Inn from
XV mi i nerijr onr ! .f
Vie best reni'dy known to the world fur the cure of
coughs, colds, ailhina. crimp. blreding nf the
lungs, whooping cough, hemiehitis. ?
enzn. shortness nf breath, pain and
weakliest in the breast nr side,
licer ciimdaint, ami lit
first stages nf
We will net assert that thin II AI.H AM will cure
(Tonsunip'ion in ist wnrsl form, but it has cured
nnny after nil other means nf r lief tid lieen tried
in nin. And hv not t It seem that the Wll.l)
CHEIIIIV was destined bf Natuie lo be our P..
NAt'EA lor the rntacintf diseases of this c Id la
titude. I, el nut the ill (.-pairing invalid was'n his
money and lme TIME, to l im si sll iinpormiit.
in trirriaieiitinif with the tisshv no-t'iims of llie
day. 1'iit use at nine a mulicine lht nill etne. If a
cure lie p a tlile a medicine that science approves,
and rnanv yiarsof experience h ive di nionstraled
that 'I llhl'l'l relieves.
''I'hrrr it tin tnrh t!iinr an fi'l." in the h'stury
of this wolnlerltil HAI.S AM. Evidence the nvM j
coiivineii g eve lei ce that no o-ip fiir doubt, fully j
rlnhli hes tlrs fact. For the suke nf hn vity we ,
! se'ect ihe fol owing from lliou mds. I
I Isaac I'li't, Esq., Editor of the I'okci psie E late, j
! one nf the to st influential journals in f'e s'a'e of
rSev iiik, slili undei the atit'iority of Ins own
i iianie. th it a young lady, h n I itive of h;s, ot erv
! delicate consti'ivioo, a aitaeked in Fell. 1H12 j
j wi'li seere cold, which immedialrly produced hpit j
ling i f lilood, cough. fev r, and other dsnBnrous and j
, alarmii g symptoms. Throuuh medical liealmeti' j
-r"' r -
Unl on the return nf winter she was att h k d mote I
l'leiitly ttinn at Inst, stie liicatne crciv stile to i
wa'k and w.i lieuMed with couiih, chills and fever
every day, and appealed to he going rapidly with I
corisomp i.'ii ; at this lime, when there w a' n sign !
of improvement, Mr. Pl.i1! pricurnl a hn'tle if
'isrn's I)tM of Willi ('iiiiuiT. wliiihshe
look, and il si eininglv re-li red her. Slie g I a sc.
eond, sod liefoie it a half taken he was ic-tored '
lo ptrfrct liniltft. whieh she ha enjoyed I the pre
sent tune, without the slighli rl sy mploni ol her for
mer di-e ge.
Mr. P'atl sav "ihe cure c me under my own nl
seivntiiin and I cannot le tnistken as In the facts."
PrMRnoRR, Wash ngion co., M line, A pr. 2!l. 1 811.
Ml'. ISA AC HKTTH. Dear Sir: At the re
quest of many of my friends in this place and viel
lity ho are afflicted with coiisiitntition and liver
comp'ain's, I lake the lincr'y of asking you to ap
point some orie in tlos rouniy as agent to sel Wia
i it' Hi i.ham ir W i i.n I'll km h r, and to send bi n
a lew dojien. as there ia none of i! for sale will. in
2(10 miles from this I have no doubt that il would
in e. I with a ready sale if it were where il cou'd le
plnctirfd without loo much expense ami delay.
My wife was atecked ahout six m nlhs since
wi'h what Ihe pl'.ysirhin called the fir-l s'age of
Consumption a complaint vi ry prevalent in this
a, cion of country. HaMiij; eoen the H i sain ad
vert sed in Augusts.
I I ok Ihe sins In ml there for a t onic nf il,
w hit h she look, and hich helped her so much that
I sent fn Ian hoUh s more, whnh rho has also la
ken, and he now guys ahe I. as not fell so well for
six years as she does at this tune. All ih"s- who i
liavn inquired of me and as. eilsnied what elVeet t'e j
Halsnni Ii id, are iiiixi.Mis lo h ive -nine f r sa'e io i
Ihi- vicinity, whieh is li e cnu-c of mv w ririi g you.
Piea-e inloriu me hy n tu il ot in-il w In ill. r you
l oiieliide to send Mime, and it so to w hom, in urdi r
that it may he known where il can hi- had.
I am with re-peel v -ins, etc.
P. Ii. FA UN'S VVOH I'll, P. M.
The w lode country is fisl learning thai in medi
eini no physician no preparation nf any kind
wh.itevir ran equal Dm. Wis r All's Balsam or
Wilii Ciii.iiht.
A Till I.V UOMH.Itri L i in:.
Wi rrVIU, Oneida Co.. N, Y.Sepl. lft, IK43.
Deai S r I owe il in the adlii'ied to uilorni y u in J iiionry I i-t I whs atla. kid by a veiy vio.
lent cold, rails, d hv wo king in the waler, whiih
settled on mv luiiiis. Il v.ns a romp mi d bv a e
ry aiiere pain in mv breast slid rides, and also a
illstirasing c. uch. I had in a'tc mlmice all the l est
inei'.ic il aid in our vilUue; hut after exhnusiiog all
their skill o no as ol. they pronoun, e l my ill-ease a
corniMKii i ui erio, and lin y one and all t
tjore itif up to ilie. A'ler inin II pi reii isinri I gol i
i he ron-enl ol mv physician to use rhe Runs e J
VVii.ii CmniiT pr pared by Dtl Wiscab. I pur. j
chased of ihe Agent in our pi ire one bottle, hrfnre !
iisieir half of which I lei!an to u lill strength, and il 1
, w very evident my cough w ss much la tter and !
my sy mpioins ill every way impr 'ing. I have)
j ii' iv u' d lluee hoillis, mid am rrxturni In perfect 1
luiih'i. This re-nll is ai Tie iiw ius to ihe ne of j
l!Y ; au l I lake this method of g vmg y .u ihe in :
l oin in. n. p tr' ly lo pay you the debt of gntitndc '
I owe vou.and partly 'that oilier- si nilaily alllicled i
may kn-'W where to apply (or relief.
Veiv tndv yonis JAMF.S KRK.
Mh.Palmi m Diuiic'st, under d ite of Wuli rville,
Sepl. Villi, Mil, nnlili
; Tlie Uat'-meoi giwn yi.u by Mr. .1 ones Sage is
welt known lo 1e nun hv this tfhnle ciimniutiitu
It e rl inlv was u ino-t remaika1 le cure. 1 lie sale
of die Hal-am is cty gooil, audiis success in cures
uu y flauciing. Youis reap- ctfu'lv.
D. D. PA KM E It
, ( i in-: Kvr.u hia ou)i:i).
I N.J, Apiil W. Hn.
j On or hhoin ih.. I :iih day of I Ict.lar, I Hi I, I s
' taken wi II a violent pain in ihe si le near the hyer,
whieli coo'iuinil lor - 1 1 fivedan. nnd w.. fol.
lowid ly the freaking ol an n r. r, i-r als. iss. in
war.llv, whtrh relieved the pam a little. In. I i-uu-ed
me a throw lips ureal qom'Uv of olfensive mailer
slid also much hlood. Being gns'ly a! mind .it
tin-', I applied io a hysii ian, hut In- S4id he iho.ui' t
he could do hot l lie fir roe rxe-pi g ir III-- s "Hie
Mercury I'ltln, wh ch I n-fused to l ike, feeling
a'istied thai ihey ci ldd do me no goisl ; many -
tint nun dio were then procured hy my wile and
fiiendi, I nt none did me any good and the diss
charge uf hlood and coirupii ni st ill ci nl ntn d i-Vi ry
few days, and at last become so nlh id it I
c-iu'd scarcely l.reaihe I w .s also seiirj with a ti
olent cough, which al I lines rau-id me to rise
mui h moie hlood than I had done hrfore and my
I"'r . disease coiilinued in this way, sitll growing worse.
: until relirusry, when al! hone of mv recvery was
given up, and my Inemls all tholighl I would die
ol a ti Alton mi Ciiaautrrins, At this niomenl.
when my hie wa apparen ly drawing near ils clo.e.
I heaid of DR. V lsTAR'8 II A U A M O F
WILD CH F.I. KY, and got a botile which at
Hint a as iuMt.tiiATi Lt ; and hy ihe use of only
three b tiles of lln med cine, alt my pains were
removed my cough and spiling of blond and cor
iiiplioii ruliiely stopped, and in a lew weeks my
bealih was so far restotcd as to enable me to wmk
l my trade, (winch is s carpenter,) and up lo Ibis
nine 1 have enjoyed good health.
- (liuitieni Coi-arf, N. J , ss.
I i'trs. nally came before uie, the uLeribcr, uue of
Ihe Justice of ihe Peace In and for the said conns
ty, Thomas Corens, and being duly aflirmed nr
cord'iig to law, saith the above statement is in all
thiiiiis true.
Allirtned before me, on the 20th of April. 181.1.
J ClKMSJiT. .1 P. S
Such is the unprecedented succcsa of this B AL
a presc.riptiiin congeni .1 lo nor wauls, as il is pie
pared fr.un chemical extinct from suh-l.inces wh.cli
the aulhor of iM'uie has placed in our own land
for wise purpn-e, that many .who know nothing
nf the mode of its prcpnrition are endeavoring to
renp pecuniary heriefl'.s hy selling an ailicle aimil ir
in name, nr in appearance, nr hy repreeniing llnir
own tia-h as superior In this HAI.SAM, nr hv put
ting up a mixtunt and Solemnly asseverating that it
is imp .rted Ir .in a foreign country, which i not the
'case. All these deceptive nrts goto show
W iTm' llimy i known lo the world to he
I "THE CHEAT KEMEOW" and that to nil
I any mixture it musl he like this in name, or pur
I part to he like it in su' slaoce.
j Qry Helieie not ihe cuntiinglv wrouuhl fahtira.
' ti. ma ml lake on'y '.he oriumnl and genuine
; Wistau's Balsa! nr Wn.n Ciiumi
1 Address ,. orders to ISAAC BI.' I' I S, No. Vi
j Ann St., New Y ok.
Agents, JOHN W. Fini.INC. fimitmri.
D. It I! All I'lttAM. NurthiimherlunJ,
J. K. MOVER. IUt.imihuig,
J. WACfiDNSI-I.I.KR, SrCnr-Cem-r,
BROWN Ac CHE SY, M Jim r;'.7e.
Feb. 2''d. 1HI.J ly
(U lclirali't! E'auiily llt'dii int'N ;
711. I not cure every thing, but still nnnin
unequalled in Ihcir several tb partmcnls by 1
every thing ever olfered lo the public, who have
! voluntary came f nwar.l and ollered numerotis nnd r. special. la testim mials of their supeiior
I 1 liic icy.
('niitrrir Cmiipinind Medicated Sinip if Sat
miliar 1 Hit 1 or, Ann-Srorhulic Stup, for the
, nl Scorfula, Chronic liheu.n ilism. Chronic Swel- :
j lings ot the Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, nnd r.ll
I Disea-es atisiug from the abuse nf Mercury, A-e..
! unsurpassed by any thing in the niii ket, coiol.i.
j ning all the virtues ie-i.lent in t'ie Sar-ap irida
with a modem no ihcaim nt, only lately bronchi
! mil by the most respeclahlu medical aolhoritu s.
; Price, fill cents per b tile.
! Cmilre.'l'f .inti-Dyspeptic I'ouifi-r, for 'he re
tn-f and I 1 rinari. lit cure of tlnit 111 -I I'ist i ssoig
j cninpluinl, Dyseii, in ull its foini- n. I s g'.
! It isj 1 1 til v' reinidy. S,.hl in lollies
j at 2.ri and fill cents each.
Ctintrell'i .Iguc Mixture and Tunic Medico
I menla, stands nl ihe head of the list uor.xalhd hy
I eiiv, or all lias innume table medicui. a in u-e '
j ilnoiighoui Ihe luigtli and bread h uf ihe laid, for
I the cure nf l'i:via and Ann in all its stages, and
I from nil its cniiM-qucncc. 1
I Residents in Fever and Ague districts should
never be without it, j
The subscriber will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS ;
where his mcdiciiie tails lo peiforui a cure in the 1
most ohsliiin'e ca-e.
S .Id Who' and Retail by C.M.F.H CUES
SON, at I i-Dill- Waiehouse, No. Ii North Thud
Street, Philadelphia; also, bv ihe ngolarlv ap
pointed agent. SE I II VV. ROBERTS, hoha c
Druggist, No. 51 Waier Streel. Mobile.
Pn pared 01: Iv bv the SutiKi r ber, corner nf O A R
PENTER nnd SECOND Sir.ets, below Christi
an. Philadelplfi. where il ia also retailed.
Ol-servc, none ate genuine wiibool the sicnarure
Cuiitrr II'n Ism- .tlilnr', or Toiil;
For the cure of nil It I'mus iiffcelinns, if taken lie
curding to directions. . '
Il is a never lulling remedy which no ftimi'y ;
ough' ! he without, especially in low marshy 1
As this medicine i put up under the proprie
tor's imrnedi.i'e inspivtton on the most scientific ,
principles, be ng Pur. ly Vigelahle, and having;
tried its ) ll'.rai y on thniiMinds, for upwards of 12
yi ars, and In his knowledge when inken siriet'v ac- '
cordiog lo dueclions, there has no! h. en one la lure,
l iidei such circiiiu-laiirea I ree.-iiiiiiiiid it 10 ihe
public, adding a cerlifual in support of my asset- '
I. John Hum', do eeitifv that I was in the ship '
TnhiCCO PUnl uf Phll.oh I, I i 1, Cnpl. Reed, in
June, lSi7, bound m I lv.-r...ol ; look tin1 lever 1
and ngue and laid in 1 .1 v.-r , o .l some I roe ihm. 1
Ihe doctor's bauda. went fiom there to Ha'lim.-re,
lay in Ihe Infirmary for lour or live weeks from '
theiirn In Philadelphia; was six months under Dr.
Coats; from thence lo New Yi rk wmt to the '
Hospital, it-maim d ihire about four w eks w ilhonl
any relief tiled ivety llmig wnhoiil inv lain fit.
for five yeais. Hearing of Cantrell's Ague Mix
tuie (10111 a fnetd, I went to I is store, told him
h w I v.,s latllicleil, and got a bottle of his mixture 1
and us. d it according to directions. Il nude a per
il et one, and I have not had the least r tutu sii ce.
I do wuh cold" deuce i' t..lbe public.
.11(-cll ;tlril ritp ofSm fcapai ll!a.
I'hdsd.lphia, April loth. ISIt.
Mr. Jhhv A. C t itioii ,
Diar ir, Having la-.n afllic i-d for upwanl- of
two years woh il'.cc tation of tin- throit, de-iroying
the whole of ihe soli p.idle, then thiouuh the upper
part i f mv luoulh nun mv nose, from which sever
al pieces of boi.e came mil, which painal y de-liov-ed
mv ieech, ihrotiuh a kind Ptov idi 111 e Mi l
Med.caied Syrup ul S.irs.p ni! 1, 1 am now lesion d
lo p.-i I. cl be jlili, und mv sichl, winch w.iaso iiiuch .
impair, d, is as strong 11 w hen a lov, '
I iliouuhl it a duty I owed toyou and ihnsesiuiU 1
larly alfciti d, lo make it piibhc. 1
Youis, It 1 spec liillv, !
: S AMI El. KIRK, 1
Corner of Tenth and C. aics Stu-els.
I, (J ahiil Jonst.-n, No. fi Re.-kless Street, do cei- !
l-fv thai 111 v Wife, Jane, was stllieird tor two years
with llheiinia 1 .111. .Hid i.t la t was elit'lelv dl-a lid,
so lhai she was obliged lo lie conlloed to b- d , I ear'
ing i f Caul-ell's Ate liealed Symp ol Saia iparilla,
or Ami Scoil.ii'ic Syiup. I pr.ainel fmr b.i!l. s,
which c.nnpl. lelv removed all her pain- and slilf
; uea. from Iter limbs two more bo 1 lies made a per
feel cure. She is now able to aUend in her house
hold dnii. s as usual. OA 111(11. JONSlON.
Philadelphia, Jan. 23d. 1814.
fjj" De-rripiive Pamphlets may be had ol the
sgrnls. (Oiatis.) J. W, FRll.INO,
Suobuiy. Nov. 9, 1411. ly ,1grnl.
a 11 it v & Tmi cY a r,
HAT & CAT M.MJiw(vruiti:us,
South l'ast comer nf Market and ilh stt..
"ltrilERK they always keep 011 hand an riten-
ive ismirtim lit uf HA TS U Ci I'S of ei ry
! description, got up in the I r-t and most approved
stt le. IVn in detir. usol pure hai-iug superioi aiu-
cbs on Ihe most lea.oiiaMc terms, will hml 11 to
ihcir advuntuge lo call lilore making purchases
eUe hers,
Philadelphia, Oct. 6ih,
li:il It ATITi: SYKI'I.
riHE yatuab'e properties of Oakley's Deptira
I tive Syrup of Snraaparilln, as a purifier of ihe
blond, is so well known to the public generally.
n!' ., wr" Known " ,nB l""mc
llial it is unnecess iiy to occupy mneh spare in set-
ting forth the sdvantage In be derived from Its
use j wherever the medicine has once been intro
dueed, it lakes precedence over -all otheia : cveiy
nl.elhal ha taken il, hnve derived so ignal bene
ficial results from it, thai it is recommended I V
Ihem with tho u most confidence. Physicians of
the highest stan ling in the ptofes-ion, ptesc.iibe it
10 paiient-i under their rare ; containing nothing
deb teriotis. but In ing composed ol the moat mild.
yet rlhcaciou vegetable materials, it is nib-red with j
confidence,' as the cheapesl anil most eltViciit pti.
rifn-r nf ihe blood now known. The use nf a few
hollies, especial'y io Ihe spring mniiths, will he tit
lendi d will) a most decide. I inipinvemi'til in the ge
ncral alrnigth of the system, eradicating any seeds ;
nf iltsen-e Ihnl may have been generated, beanie
giving health and vigor In the body. For ihe cure
of Si roluhi or Kings Evil, Rheumatistn. Teller,
Pimples or rtiiptions nf Ihe Skin, White Svvellina,
Fi-ln!a, Chronic Cough Alh.-na, Arr. The nu
merous reriifiea'es in the posses-ion of ihe subseri
brr nnd Ills agents, fiom physiciaiis and others, are
si.Uii'ient to convince the most skeptical of i s su
1 1 rn.i it v over Jill niolis ol H.irsap irill.i.
Sold wbnle-nle nnd rel.iil, hy the proprietor,
f.EORISE V. OAKl.EV, North f'th stre.l. Rea
iling, Beiks Conn'y, and to l e bad of the following
pi :
in Xuliunilierand Vnttnlif. It. II. Mas,
Soiibiiry ; liel nul Ac. .M.xcl, Mi -Ewensville ; D
Krnnsi r. Milton.
In Vniiin ('iiiiiiti.i. (iiarli irt, Selinsgrove ;
A (illli litis. Mllllllihurg.
Culuiiihiu Ct.unty. R. VV. McCa;-, Wash
I R.nding. March 14. IHCt.
Mn. Oaki.kt: I believe it the illy nf every
hue lo do whatever in iheir power I ics for the h -ne.
fit of their b llow man, nnd having Im.l po-i ive
prool in mv own family. of ihe woiideifnl properties
nf your Depuralie Syrup nf Saisap oill i, I m si
consi ieiitioii-ly recommend il to ihe nllli. te.l. We
had Ihe ini-forlnne lo kise two of our children, by
the breakiin put of ulcerous sores that covered ihe
face, bead and l eek, although we had some nl the
most M-it'tHinc physicians lo attend th-ill and had
tried all the known lemedies. including Swnim's
I'anacia, without nv.iit. Anoiher of my childien
was attarke l in ihe same manner, her lace ui d
peek wns cnmpVtely covered; the il schaige wns so
offensive, nnd the disease at sueh a he'ght. that we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful cll'ecls
-of your Dcpi.r.iiive Sviup ot S isnpari 1 1, we wcic
iiidueed lo make ol il, a- li e l i-l n a rl ; it
acted like a r' nnn; Ihe u'cers commenced healing
immediately a f w hollies iniiielv n -lored.-ln r In
hi r hedth, whiih she hiseijoyid nniitetiii, te.lly
i-vtrr since As a puiifn-r ol ihe hlo al, I verily be
lieve it has not its equal.
JnH.N MOVER. T.ilor,
Wulnut strut, mar Fouith, Reading.
DoiiglistniUe, April 10th. lf1:t. 1
Mn. Oaki.f.t: Mv son 10 in 11 m I Leaf, had the
scrolnln in the must iheaihiil and di-tres-ing linili
lcr fir Ihr.e years, dinini wli ch lime he wis de- '
privrd of the use or his hm'-s, hi- he d nnd nick
weie covered with ulcers. We Iri d all die ihll'-r. :
enl rciiiidii s. but lo no 1 IV. ft, until recommended;
by Dr. John-on uf Nnriistowii. and al.-o Dr. Isaac
Hi. -tel. ot Reading, to use your Depuriiliv-e Symp
nf Sarsaparilla, nf which I obtained social bottles. ,
the use uf which d'ove ihe di-ease eniin Iv out of j
his system, the sore healed up, and the child w is .
restored to prtiect health, which he ha enjoved
lininleriui ledly ever since, to the astonishment ol
ni-inv peisona who seen him du ing his aflbction. (
I have thought il my du'y, and send v-.n tins ( eili
licate that ot! cs who haves hke at'.lietion in ihe ;
fitnily may know where to obtain so valuable a
mcrlti in. Yours truly. j
Sept. IR, 1M ly
Tu Country Jli'i't'liantsi.
Hoots, Sluics, l'tninclf!, I.ouIkivm ami
lNilin Leaf Hals."
(5. W. vV Ia. 11. TAYLtlli, I
the S. 11. rvrurr nf Market and I 'ilth Sin.,
aOFFEH f.r sa e an 1 xten-ive i.t-oiiinent uf the
above ar'n l.s. all of whii h they sell at uiiusiinl.
ly low pi ices, nnd paiticul nlv invite the attention
of buyer visiting the ciiv, to nil iiimoinli io nl
ibeir stork. If. W. vV L. B. TAYI.Olt.
Ptiihidelphia, Alny So, 18-14. t y
t'UUIllt'l ll'ltt'l'M'
The public will please observe that no Brandreth
Pills are genuine, unless the box has three 1 1- !
beta upon it. (the lop, the side and the hottom)
ench containing a f.c simile mgnature ol my hand-
writing, thus VS. Bliss iimetii, M. D. These la.
he I aie rtmraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an eypense nf over f 2, 000, Tin refute
it w ill lie seen thai the only thing nn e-sary to pro
1 ure the medicine in its purity, is to ubsetve these
lata Is.
Remember Ihe top, the side, and the bottom.
The following iepcclive persons ate duly ainh. ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of Hrundrrth's Vtgetabh Universal
Norlhiirnbeilaed roiinlv I Milton Mickey vV
Ch.imbeilin. Sunhiiry II H. AI isscr. M'Ekci s
ville lielmilAi Ateixi II. Niinhuin'-eilaiid Wm.
Forsyih. Oeoructuw 11 I. At J. Walla.
1 I'nion Ciuiily: New Berlin Hocal A Win
j ter. Sclins-jrove lieorge liuinhum. Middle.
j burg Isaac Smith. Heaver ow -n David Hubler.
I Aifimsburg Win J. Alay. Miflliiishutg Mi nscl.
1 Ray. llcton Daniel l--ng. Freeborg
O.Ai F. C. Mover. I.ewisburg WIU Ar lireeii,
Coliiinbi 1 comity 1 Danville E. H. Revnolds
! iV Co, Berwick Mnimaii At R tteuhuiise. Ca -lawissn
C, II. Brubts. Hlooinsburg John R.
Mover. Jei.-ey I'nwn Levi I! is, I. W as!-iiit:toii
Roll. AliCay. I.ime-loiie Ball'"" . !r"irh,
(Ibseive ihat each Auenl has an Engray. d Ci r
itificateof Agency, containing a lepn-a-ulaiioii ul
i Hi BR ANDRE Ill's M.iiiulai-torv ai Sing Sum,
j and upon whii h will also he seen exact ol
I the new lubeU miw used upon the lirandrelh J'iI
Philadelphia, ofliee No. 8. North Hih street.
June 24ih, 184:).
Nos. v.'t) and 31 North Thiol Street,
Near the City Hotel,
O C. MACKEY, Auclioneer, respectfully in-
V vilea the stteiition of -rsoiie desirous of pur-
chssing Futnituie. lo bis extensive Sales Rooms,
(both public and Pnvale,) for every description of
; Honat hold Furuiluie, whi re can be obtained at all
limes, a lurge assortment ot laslnonalile ami well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mulirsases,
Ac. at very reduced prices, for cash.
(r Suit's by Auction, twice a week.
.May 2'lhf 113, ly
nm ti:tti:u.
ri no won ms, riMPt.rn an tiik fur, and otmek
r-i'TAiKoisi rutninNs.
DTj1 The fnltiiwintf certifira'e describes nne. nflhB
mast extraordinary cure, erer effected by any
PutLAiir.iriiiA. Felutiaty 10. IftHS.
TT'OR twenty year I was severely with,
-- TrTTrn nn the Face and Head: the disease)
commenci d when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall nf IH tli, v.nving in vi.s
lence, but without ever disaparing. During most
of the lime, great pari nf my fire was covered with
the rruption, frequently niteii.l. d with violent itch
ing ; my head swel ed nl times until it fell ns if it
would burst the w-ellin j Was so g e;it. that I cou'.l
rntei Iv get mv hat on. During the long perio l
that I wns afflicted with the disease, I used a great
ninny S) plicstiolis, (among Ihem s- veral celahrntril
prepuatinn-) its Will as taking inward remedies,
including a number of, s of Si mini's I'aiiaci-a,
Extract nf Snrsnpnrilla, Kc, In fact, il would hs
itnpo-siblc io eniinieinte nil the medicines I used.
1 wns also under Ihe Cire nf two of ihe most dis.
linguisheil physicians uf ibis city, but without re
ceiving mi ch benefit, and I despaired nf ever being
cured. Ill ihe fill of Hdfi. the disease i.t Ihe time
being very violent, I commenced using the Ruse
Ointment, (prepared hv A'auglmn Ac Davis.) In
a few applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the 1 million began to disappear,
and before I h id used n jar the ill-ease was entirely
rilled. It has now I ecu m arly a vnr and a h i f
i since, ktid there is not a ve-ti,. ,,f i d.sea-e re
rnainitii!, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the di-eae. Il is imp. ssible for me to des.-ril e.
; ins urtilii-nti' the severily of the disea-e and my
1 MilViring, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac.
i ronnt to any person wanting furiher satisfaction,
; who will cull on me. At the time I eo nmencej
using Ihe R se Ointment I would have given bun-died-
uf do bus to be rid of the disease. Since it--ing
it. I have recommended it to -ver il persons,
(among ihem my mother, who had the disease, bad
ly on hei nun.) who w. re a I cured bv it.
JAMES DI'RNEI.l.. No. loC, R.ceSt.
The Rose Ointment is pt -pared by E. II.
Vauhnn, Sou h East corner of Th.rd ami Race
1 site, t, Philiidelphiu, and sold on iiL'cncy in Siuihu
' ry. by H. 11. MASSER,
j May 14th, HH. Au'cit.
' Clott Oitittiicist, fop 'B'clfl'i.
; a moor or its rrrnwi Y.
! 1'nii aiii l.riin, Alay 27lli, IMI.
, 'PUIS js to certify II at I was severely all ned
I with Teller in Ihe hands and fi et for upwards
of forty years; the disease was attended generally
, with vio 1 i t itehnig and swclliiig. I sppbed to t
Ii ti In hi r of ph y sic 1 ''lis, and used a great mai v appli
es ions without eiliiiing a cure. About a y-nr
since, I applied lie Rose (liniment, which entirely
slopped ihe itch ng. and a few applications immedi
ately cured the disease, which there has been 11.1
return of, nllhoni:h I had never la-en rid of il nl
I any lime for forty years. Kl ' 1 1 A CD SAVAGE,
; Eleventh. Ih-Ii.w Spmee Street.
(Zj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H.
1 A'hiiJiiiii. S iu'Ii East corner of Third and R ice
Stu-els,,ulel lila, and s Id on ajelu v in Siinbn H. B. MASSE R.
May 14th, H4:l. Aest,
O the ROSi: OI.TMi:.T,fnr T'ttir.
I.THOl'OII the superiority of the prepiua'i n
over all olio rs ia fully es'ahlihed. ihe pr ipr e
inrs lake pl asure in laying before ihe public the
following cetlilicti'e from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the Criiversity of Penns, Ivama. Dr.
H.inuh, having found '11 Ibis etiiedy thai tehef f r
a tedious nnd di-agreeable nlfclion which the means
within the raoue of I is profession failed lo all'ord,
has pot he-hated lo give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession aie
, pposed to secret Remedies.
I'lllLinm-ui , Sept. 10, IHdfi.
I was recently troubled w itll a tedious heriietic
erupti-.n, w hieh cove e l nearly one si 'e of mv f ire,
and extended over the ear. Mr. V aUih ui, proprie
loi of ihe Rose I liniment, obsci v ing mv tare, 1111-1
led mi my trying his preparation, of which he han
ded tne a jar. Although in common with die me n
bcis ot my profession, I iliscoun'enanre .11 1 dts:t
prove ol Ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by isinni ant pri tender-, 1 feel in jus ire b .nod
tnexi-ipl the Rose Oinlnuni fiom lhai c a-a of me
d enies, and lo give it mv approhiilion, ns il entire
ly iiiml llie eruption, ahhoiigh It hid resisted Ihe
U-u.l iqphealiolis. DAN I. It Al (.11, M. D.
(fj- The Rose Oiiilmei t is piep.oed by E. R,
Vauuhan, South East comer of Third ai d R ice
Streets. Ptiilailclphta, and sold 011 agi ncv in Nun
bury, by H. B. MANSER.
May 11,1,, 1SI:. Arll(,
iicirmr nf Third and me Stru ts,
' rBHE ,hrriber respectfully announces to the
f ,, h hl, ,,.,,-, 1(t(. ln the Cltmi
modinus bin k building s iu.ite on the comer of
'I hiid and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo
wait lip n ihose who 111.1v fivor him wilo Iheir
riiinpany. The Eagle Hotel is large und Convenja
em, and furnished in li e la' t ill ..leill slvle. It ia
provided with a huge loimher of well aired and
Ci T.ifort.ihle sleeping Hparimeiits, rooms, private
pallors, Ac. Peisona visiting A ilhamsport on bu'
siuess 01 ptea-ure, may re-l ns tired that every ex
: eriioii will ie used to lender ihcir sojourn at the
. "Eagle lloti I" pleasant and agreeable. Hi Table.
: will be supplied wiih the very beat ihe market af
fords, and his bar with 'he cl oicesl wines and other
lupiors charge re .souable. 'I he Eale Hotel
possesse greater iidvatitavex in point nf location
I'i.iii any other estahh-hrncnl in the borough,
being situate in the business of the lown. and
within n convenient dist , n. e of the Court House
and AN'illiamspori and Eltuira Rail lioad lb-pot.
SullieieiilSubling provided, and gowl and trusty
istlrra always in alien, lau.-e,
Atti'iitive, aceoii.tnodatti g ami hone-l S.-rvarit
h ue been inploved. anil Hull. ing lefi undone (hat
will add to the comloit and accuiiiinodaiion uf his
There will be 11 carriage a!wavs In altendance nt
the Bout 1. 1111, hi, i In convey passenger to and Iroirt
- ihe House, lite uf charge.
May I lib,
.Uit-hncl Weaver '. oii,
,V. I 3 Xirlh Wultr Street. I'hilude'ihia.
n.A E consiantly on hand, a genetsl assort'
inetil of Cordage, Seme Twinea, &c, vii 1
I laid Ropes, Fishing Ho-ies, While Rojies, .Alssvtl
j Is Rojie. 'l ow Lines for Canal Boat. Also, a
; complete assortment of S, ine Twines, Ac. auch as
I Hemp Shad and Herring Twin, He I'at. nt (ii
; Nl Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring I'wii e.Shoe
j Thread. &c. Are. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
; Halter, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carivel ('hams,
I Ac. all of which they w ill dispoeo of on n-asotubla
' lei in.
Plnladr'phia, Nosemliei 1 3, 1 U1v?. ly.
isrHui.NG, coon co.
No. lllN Market Streel, l'liilailelpliia.
INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment ol llriliih French
I and American Dry liotHl. which ihey ulTrr lorssks
I on ihe most reasonable terms,
j Philadelphia, Nyivcmher 13, 1S13. ly.