From the Liverpool Chronicle. Opinion of m War nllh Amerlcat Put after all it would be the very wantonness of fully and pupnacily for two ntich countrirs as England and the United Ptiitrs to waste their treneth and energies and means in fighting about a distant, bleak, and barren country, which an amicable arrangement rould so divide be tween them as to find ample room and to spare fur all the settlers whom they can send into it for generations to come. Hut we will not antici pate that the troubled spirits of the Polkitos w ill lie able to drive their more sober minded coun trymen intnany such extreme mndnrss. A war lietween England and the United States would !be the greatest calamity which could alllict the civilised world. Although under different -forms of government, they are the two rroardiana of freedom yet in store for all mankind, and it wo'ild be a feast to the despots of the earth to -see them weakening and tearing each other to pieces in mad and senseless hostilities. It must not be. We are only not American, because we ;ere En'li?h, hut next the prosperity ami wel fare of our own country, our aspirations and 'vishemre for the happiness of our brethren in the United Slates. They are nfthe same race, the same blotl, and the same lanytiajje. It asavnra of fratricide for two countries so related 4o each other to talk of drawing the sword un der tilmo.-t any provocation. Omnt of Evrny Dtr.r, rn t Mrri or ('ear. In the year 1795, Le Roy clearly de timne'raied that evpry disease originated from im. tjinie nr undigested articles, becoming mixed with the blond and fluid. Atnl nln, that to cure every 'disease it was nnlv ncces.iry to open the outlets of the Imdy. ami allow ihcm to remain n. prn, liy wliii-h me. n ihe hl.iocl and other fluid would release themselves from these undig. s ell ai d imure panicle, at d a atute of health would he rili n t.i Ftimin. The Royal lnstiiu'e uf France aw.i'dcd to h in for this discovery, ihe Gold Mrd.d of the liiKlilute. Thi- is a hislor.cut fae All which the Rrandieth Vegetable Universal Tills profess to do is. to carry out thin principle, and eipetience ha fully e-tahlish.d them capable of it. When, therefore, a bad state of hca'lri i x- it in the body, all that ha lo he il oe i to con. tinue to pi'hok it ell. dually w ill them, and the mute virulent the disease, ihe more powetful must be the dose. (Jj I'urrhase of II. B Master, Sunl'iiry, or of ithe agents, ulilit-hed in another purt of this piper. am.. " - - .Tf si II It I K It , On the 11th inst.. by the Kev. J. P. Shindel, IWr. Jacob Kiioahs to Miss Hannah Kkki.v, bulb of Selmsgrove. On the TJth inst., by the same, Mr. .Totin Mau tin to Miss Mauv-Ank Hi.oovi. bothol this place. On the llith inst., by the same, Mr. JoscrH iSiiirn to Miss Maria Dm-nurt, both of Augusta. On the l!th inst, by the came, Mr. John Clark to Miss Klizaukiu Ukist, both of Nor thumberland. i i i: i , On Fmiday evening last. CHARLES II. son of Mr. William Scat lea, of this place, aged about 2 J 3-t-ais. 1'IIICE CintllKNT. Corrected weekly by Iltnry Yoxtheuner. Wit KIT, PS ItTK, ..... fiO da, - 40 tr, 25 Pokk. - ... ft Fittirni, ... - 112$ lillTYBH, - . 10 Eon. .... .8 lmiu, .... 2ft Tallow, ... 10 I'm, ... - 8 Hkcklkh Fin, 10 lhiiKii A re it., . . . . TO Do. Pachk, . 1541 Tlie tjiicstitm Settled. MANY Jierswi womb r and ask, why Dr. Smith's Yi ci-bin Pil'a ire now pr f. rrcd medicine which have'.e-n so snurh hin der before ihe politic . The t asnns. am, plaitlv, ihat they give more get -era I etl-f ii'tou, nntl are inroni arahly more pi, asant. Iing coated nilS eugr; and b ihey m ver t'ip' or na a'e. it is em wonder ih'rt those who ue them do rernrnnn ml them la-yond any otln r Pit a They snd j ti irfy the Mm) t, aid ami impinge digestion, cure Headache, 1)vh-)ma anl DiIkoi (V)mr1nii, in a n niter Nnenev, that tl e patient is scarcely e cica T h erine t lien meiltcitie at all. Ma le l y n edncrtid I hynirixn, ih v do not come ut iler 1he heil of "rnek meilicine " fXjf t'Al" n-ON. As a min-iahle hnitti 'n hn tieeii mule, l y Hie name at S,a ,r tTuiier) IM.," it I necim iTv totieenre thai t)a. S I1:nj Ktnn'i aiifna'ure Hi on evi ry tuii. Piici- 2ft ret t. i'lineipAl Olfire. 170 (irernuirh rt N 'W York. SolJhy JOHN W. FKIMNO. Sunbti. VM. FOUisVTUt:, Srtihumd. t).-tolTia5ihJLIM.S. Slicriir'Sarc7 "flttY virtae of a certain writ of at. l.i v. JiJt ixne4 out of ihe CoQrt ut t.'ommon I'lean .nthunilUiil C'iKiiiiy In nie dtrectevl, will 1 eip .vel to ptic sale, at the Court House in lh It. ir. nigh of Sunhtiry, on M .nut ay the 3d liny if NnvmUt neii, ai I oVlmk, P. M., thef.llo ing iV-ctiIh-J property lowit: All thft twu M-veral tritet if Inn4 aiiaate in Kb imoUin toi iih p, No'tlmtnWrl.ind county. aJ joiutii( I uiJ of Thotii i II iiiilt n, Martin (, l.ile John Itraily, Ydentm E keri, Ki-q. and others, mntiinina (oelher eiiiht huitdretl ind riahly-hl and a half acres mora or Una, wnb lire ppur'rtiau. ce- Seized, taken hi eieruuon, and l he aold as the pr. peity uf Andrew Mutcbler, wilb notice lo Lewis 1). w jrt. Al.fcO A cerin'm tract or piece of land siiuate III Augusta lowmhip, NnnbumherUnd county, til fining land of Jacob Hoover, Ira T. t'lemetii and other, coiiiainii c IftO acre mora or tcs, about 100 acres of hih ie earej ; wtieirnn sre elected larte two story dwiiltfig house, a large bank bam and other oulbuiJdKiga, an apple orchard, Ac, Ke. d, iken in execution, and M I s td as the nrotacrty ut WUhain Hunter and Itwherl Hunter, FELIX MAUltEH, Hktriff. BberifT'a Oflica, -) Bantury, Oet. Uih,i845. $ LIST OF C A USCS. 1 OH trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, at November Term. 1815, commencing the first Monday, being the 3J. Seiiziriger, alienee of tSarver vs John Oarver et al lenjamin Robins vs Ahr.iham Iawrenca Plenties for Welch s Joseph Keefer Claire Ccnrvieve Dasque s Daniel Dunklelterger Same s Same William Farrow s Abraham Klaie Oeorgx l.eibiich v Henry Masser, David M'Knight vs It Uichar.lson et al Kemp, stcnee of Alba C lUrrst Anthony Waton et al vs John M flousel Robt S (Jrant el al vs William Reed Abner Mendenhall vs A Wilhelm's admr. (J L VV'eimer vs Hobari A: McCoy Wjlia n McCoy vs Hobir At Itarret Hiorkl y At Off. Iby J unes I. ee Arc H Hell Acc for H 11 Masser v Wi liam McCoy Ijorera i D Housel vs Willi nn Frick tieorpe llid'enbach's admr v B At J Stamm, &.C l'ratipher Ut III vs John Berker Fr.mci McCoy, vs Felit M iuer et at Wm S Montgomery vs )r .fame l.ncke Whitll Ac Brown vs John H Boyd Wm H Brown At co vs Same Strawhti Ice & Umden vs Same Holme. Sturgeon Ac co vs Sumn J inn Bird fc wire v Oe rge Persirg Hugh Bell, K q vs Henry Donncl et al Charles iIaU''r v Wilhsm Wilson's ex'r B Sure y Jbn Tr ck tiobin Ac Billington's assignees vs Edward Oobin Same t'hurles tiohin Jaco i I'eifing vs Zimmerman Ac Savidge M.iry Weeks vs Jacob II ins et al K H Fo dsman v Benjniin Ford-man John Cooper A-e v S..alioliT. Ac Bergslreser William Simeroon v J. hn Sbipman (" MeOrejor At wife vs P W-dhorn Ac wife Ch trl s II Flick vs Wilnm K-i k 'Plen nt v Aucusto Ko et al Win Housel, jr v Duvid H.-usel' adm'r I) S Monlgonicry's ex'rs v Casper l.ynd Ac K W l.i rid vs Siime .l..h t Hend rson's heits t fSrernonth Ac Shipman Jiihn L'eh Thorn AtVn (ilberi Berlieu vh t m R Jone E (ire. nough vs Thorn is (iraf.t's adm'rs Same ame Fd atd W Morrison vs Ca-ier R.ed Jame R -s vs J c. b H I'hoa-'s Win I. IItii.emn s H trlmnn H K' n'bte smi;gl d. johdn Proihonotar's nfTn-e. 1 1'rnth'if. Sonbury. Oct llih. 1845. S ' Orphan!7 Court Kale. IN ptisuanee ot an order of Ihe Orphan' Coutl of Nonhuinbeilnnd e xinty, will he so'd al pub lic vendue, on Wrdnesil iv. t' 12lh i f Nowinlu r next, at ihe house of Wm. It. Jones, in A ngusla towua'iip, in said county, to wit : A certain l. laxd, situated in Auuiisu towti-h'p. in sa d c utritv, called Moody ami Round Island, common twen ly-l'our acies. Also, at ihesune ti ne and pl'Ce, a rett iin ir.iei of land si nnled in lownship foits.iid, uj. lining Wm. It. Jones and others, containing inh-iv-seven aces more or lei. Late the e of (?ol. John Jones, dec'iL Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the condition of sale will be made kauwii bv WM. It. MI'F.NCH, ELIf'ItA KLIN K. Oct. ISM., 1815. 4 1. A.'m'rs. ((rpliau Court alc. IN por-uance of an order of ihe Ojilnine' Court ut Northumberland coun'v, will be so'd at ih lie vendue or nutcy, ri S.iturd iy the Sftth of Oc tuber inst., on the pr. misc. neir Snvdersiown, l ite ihe islate uf John Fv rt, dee'd. a certain tract uf land siiuale in Si an nkiri limnship. in saidc.mnty, iidjotning land of J hn Moure, William Fi ber, Henry Huir and others, contninii g two bundred snl twi nty six acre, whereon are etected a dwel ling house and a lunk bam, Ac. Sile lo coin ntence at len o'clock. A M , of ml d.iy, when the n rim uf (ale wiU In', niaile known by JOHN EVERT, Shanvkin, Oct. 1 Ith, 1S15 2t Adm'r. 137 13 Si. .."TSaT 52 CAMIj io the 'iimi-eiif ihe subsrriber, in loatiown-bip, .i rlliutnberl.JiJ coun y some nine in June b-t Two Steers, one re 1 and white, and the oiher brown and while ; both apparently upwards of a ier old. The ow ner i requested to come foiwatd, J rove properly, pay chaise and lake Ibein wav. or they wilt be sol 1 according to law. JAMES KAN.NEY, toi1 lown-hip. OeL tth. IStft i STRAV COWST C AME lo the pu mises of the suhrcr ler, in lioh township, Nor hunil eiland counly, a tiovt the fiTKt of Septentlx r ioslant, ene a l!l. CK Cl W, wiilt a I- tl ,m, hsvina a white flreak mi her lack. The ober a RED COW, with a wl iie free lnnh ajie ir In I old C. ws. The owner i Tec,ueteJ locaH for ibem. p y ch ir ties, sud tulle them awny. WM. M. KIPP. Rush loumhip. Sept. 27. ISlft 3l T Hie l'nbU. A N E W V O L V M E OF TltK NEW YORK WEEKLY MIBROU, Will commence tut HuluiJay,Oct. I Wt, IS4S. T(mms; Thu'e t)ollars per annum in advance, ', One copy one year in advaine, $ -1 U) Onecapy two vea, . 6 (to T copies one jeir, . ft All Fie, .... 4)I0 Kiuhl, . . .45 00 Twelve, ... 20 00 Al toevery svlwcriter to eilher lha WEEKLY or DAILY, we vilt g ve a c.ay ( Willis's Ltlttrs from InnJun, Complitr, I In one h md sine Kxtua, unif "m with 'he Wat. i r MiHMua. 'I'bis cuo.i-e lite Fihst Khiiiii if tr as, and with the New Volume will root imnce ihe N w St si . written f om the South or I'.i aors, when ihe H'eey Mirntr will be nepa rue y edind with iaiin nlir care, and woh more -ii-t regatd l i t e waul and Us es of country Mibi-crihei. We shall put I lt more t;ile. and less matter that i men Iv Varal anJ by u-ing in part s matter lype, we shall I atae to mciease ihe qoan lity a well ss 1 1 unroe the quality uf what we give lo our reader, i We shall endeavor tn m k THE NEW. YORK WEEKLY MIRROR. A d'Vrrailnd, euiefiainilig. instructive and v,lu .ble chiooii le of ihe times, or r milv ntwirirts, (in a from for binding in one ar two voluite at line end of Ihe year,) upon whii h neiihiv la'snit, liine, talent, n money writ 1 apartrt. It will tiereaJi r te en riched with original CoHtnhuii. n 'he life, spire and spirit uf ihe foreign j ajinsl aud coiuam all ihe news, intelligence and varieiy uf the dally sheet, hainUomely printed on fine paper, manufactured for the riprt as purpue. and will le Ioivy..rded by the eailost mads, in ttionu wruppera, lo every pat uf the United Stale and Canada, I'ottaifffrrt with in thirty miles of New York. All mruuiuiiira'ioo should be sddi rased pint paid, lo Morris, Willis Si Pullti, corner Ann aud Naaasu altceu, Nw Yoik, ... IJHu.1... LIST OF JURORS OF Norihnmlierland County, for Nov, Term, A. D. 1845. -'ra till Jurors. TrrAnf. Solomon Eshbach. Deluware. John Beard, Jacob Ptitiel, Wm. Kirk, John Boush, William Tinbrook. I.rwi. John Raup, Michael Sechlcr. Jit'ltnn. John D vers. Ciillitfunijur.O orae Frederick. Pntnt. Thomis II. Wait. Niirthitmfirrliitid.J hn Cake. E. P. Shannon. Augutta. John Haas, Jacob Fry, jr., William Bartholomew, Upper Mahonny. Benjamin Market, Michael B own. jr. Lower Muhonoy. John Bingunan, John Bor rel. Little Mnhnnoy. William Rolhermct, Jacob Raker. Jucksnn. Tobias Mill, Joseph Batldorf. Traverse Jurors. Turhut James Ireland, David Eekert. Dt law fire. It hert Walson. Benjamin OyMcr, Jacob If tfinan, JomitHan I.antr. John Ryner-or, Cenrgo Wa'son, Daniel Dallied, Ellis W, McCar- Lrwix. Sumuel Slahlnccker, Montgomery Rus set, Benjamin Ruch. Mi ll an. Henry Hands, David Blair, Zachtriiih Makel Chillhquaqtie. Thomas Pa'doe, Wi'l am Bir kenbine, Mtehnel Mc(!ee, VVil'iim Follmer. I'oinl. Francis Cihson, John Neshil.jr., Isiac II iitT Jona'han Pii'sel. Northumberland William Birkenb'ne, Levi Eckerl, Wi bam Wilson, John Cox. Snnhwy. Sebas'ian H iti't. Lewi Drwnrt. Auirusta Will. am Ross, (Jeoroe It k' r jr , Jno. Snd r.j'., Philip Wciser, John Smith, Leonard Neidij. S'lanialn'n. Andrew Oon en, Ahi John. VrA. -John Pensyl, jr., John Hursh, jr., Lef ford Haugbswiiut. Coal Jo-eph Zehner. I pper Mnionoy John Helrich. ltwer Muhonoy Jacob W timer, Solomon Ress ler, Michael Lenker. John Michael. Jaikaon. Peter Tie'on. Petit Jurors. Turlmt. Gideon Dunkel, John A. Eshbach, Ceorce Koiz. Delaware. Edward L Pifer, Daniel Leinhach, Solomon )i ucke'uilli r, John Leiser. lw. Jjcub Mengas, Samuel Sade, William Reynolds. M,lton Wi'liam II Frtmire, Jacub Miller, Al leti Sliroyer, O-c ir ILimtnond. Vmot Jacob Detilb r, J.'C.b Dee'i. Xtirlhumlifi laud W tlll..m Fursylhe, George Wetiner, Cb.trVs F Lil'le. Sunliury John Sjieeee, A nifrun. John Slo e, SaluutJun. l.eonaid P. nsyl, Michael Demine, S:miiiel I u i man. S.mnel Eul, William Weaver, John Fegelv,Ssaiiiel HuinmrL .lis. Henry HolT. mi. (Jeorgc K leaner, Abraham Arter, Solo mon .Manx. Mu-hiel Keraletter. Upper Mammiy. Samuel Smith, Jacob KaulT man. Jucksnn Henry D. HolTmarv. Notice !S hereby Riven, to etl hf.rtees, creditor snd o ther pers.sna, interested m 1le estate of Jacob Malieh, dic'A, sen I'd by his exeetiior, John aud Peler Mat ch; of John K Hill, AecM.. senbd by his eiecolers, Jsmes F Murray; of Ios. ih Pover, he'd, setilcd tiv hi administrator, Andrew Kmi yan; of Mria El xibeth Thomas, dee'd, net'led .y tier adoiini-tTa'rn, Solumy S. ilx ; of Freileruk Ra kir, deeM, set fe.1 by hi adtnini-tralor, Jacli II fT man; of Aloiujab Fariiswurlh, dee'd, sailed by hi adtniniairii'.or, Rotett Fs'tirwo'ib ; uf John Rixk-fel'ev, ilec'd, sellb d by h adininislrator A -. X imh t M xie Lain f Norlhumliertaml C uinlv ; ihat il e exeent rs na I ailmintr it r of ih. d de eeasi-d es'alts have filed ihe r aeruunu with the lif w of t: is county . and ih it lliey will la pre seuttd lo ihe Orphan' Court of aid county, on Tue-day the 4'h ihiy of Navetntr next, tor cou firtiiirtioii and allowance. EDWARD OYSTER. S.inbiiTy, Cct. th, 1 815. ft Heeis'er. .ur1liuiiibei iurnl C'uunty, km. the Orphiens' Court id" sieid reunry, ai Aucus' Term, A. D. 1M5. On mo ion ui Huuh II. I- I s, Esq., the I'niirt grant a rule on the heirs am! lei; i representatives of IJeny Ante, Isle of the b v rouuh of NorlliU'-'beil md, in S lid cuuniy, dee'd., letting isue x childieu. to wil : Ma garet, inter inttite.l w-ih (Uu E. Wiuther ; Caiheiioe, inter m rusl wilh (ieorge llol-er; I'liilip A nle; E!t. held, fuinierly int. r n ulled with Levi Hnh.rt.uow d. ceased, h i.tlli! ia-ue by her said husband, il in itah Hobart a.d Elwala lb Hobart, niiinus under ihe nge nf lwerityntre, of whom D.iRiel Br iisitgion, K4 , is poiirdinn, and Willinn Aula, resiih nt in Wncon-ii, hens and J tri' utees nfHnty Antes, late nl the barough of .nhutit'arl ,uL, ilec'd,, 1o ppe:ir in our next Oiph .iin' miri to be held for s.ild county, to wil: in the 3.1 day nf November. A. l. IH45, an I accept nr refuse the ei-titc of Ihe said lleuiy Ames, d e'd., er thow c.use hy rhe aaiue -luad I nut he sold. CiT'lfied fnaii llie records nf our said Orpliana C U't. si Suulajry, ttii24th tty of Sepum- lax, A. D. I HIS. EDWARD OYSTER, Sonbury, Sept. 27, 1815 fit CT. O. C. He racantamid all of our friradu vixiliiiy 4he city, to cirll 41I ihe VAr'i Uttmpauti't Sture, and In y in a mtpply oj f th irdt Ucimt VVua. Tin: ti:4 coiuviXY, No. 30, Socva urn Stbkst, BiHween Market ami I 'hesuui, ruzx.ADsz.pnzA. KXV. c risia-.tly on hand, and fir a de, hole. ale and Relsi', A VARIEI Y OF CHOICE FRESH TEAS, Al lvtT 11 !, 'onlH In Ihe qii b y, than Ihey can I bought for at any other est -bluhment in the city. (XT' Tt, rxcluaivelv, are sold at rtYs bouse, sed aevr ,1 v..r.etn- wlMeh ranunt l otiluined i l- vktiere. Any Tea which tin n. t eive ivinre saiis fie ion can l reirnod aud exchanged, oi the Wis isry will be refunded. The cilixens of No ihumbrrl md cait'ty are ce- specuuliy Hivueu lo gne u. a cU. U.n.ZlEUER. Acenl tir the Pikin Tea Company, J'Jfii;aiWpl,ta, ,,!. 27lh, IM.V ly i a i.vix niA-rii k", -TTOPwlTET AT L.V", W ril practice i i tlie ei., Courts of ihe City and Counly of Philadetphis. His ..flice is at No. 3 South FOURTH Sued, between Che-.nui Wab.ut slnei. Phil delphis, Sept 20th, 184 3m. Alt lltO.NJuat received and for sale, rlMap lorra-h, by HE.NRY MAfrSEK. Sunbuty, Sepi.0, 1815, jMa&X. M'Kll. The highest prieu will be " givvu for Flat Seed, al ihe sture nf Aug 9. 1845 HENRY MASSE R. ol a n lienor quality, rait now l e had at Iba Lime ktlut of Henry Maaaer, in Sun. bury. May 17, 1845. rillLADKLVIUA WHOLESALE H0TJGES. TO COUNTRY MEHCIIANTS. THE undersigned Merchants, Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers of the City of Philadelphia, embrace Ihe medium of the News paper Press of your section of country, to give you ih street and number of our severil ratibltsh men!, and respectfully tn invite yon lo an exami nation of our Fall and Winter Stocks, which are no full and complete. The auperior excellence and areat vsriety nf our own Ci'y Manu'nc. ure, in addition to full supplies of Foreign and Domestic Goods, of every descr'p It n, which will la) sold on term and at price which cannot fail to prove satisfactory, present the strongest inducements to purchaser. Importers and Deilers in Silk and Fancy Dry Goods, snd Fine French and British Cloths, Cas simere and Vestinc. A-hhttrsI Ac Remirivtnu, No 80 Market , below 3d. Imuorte'S and Dealer in Staple, Si k and Fancy Dry Goods. Al-o, B'ilish, French and American Cloths, Caasimers, Vetting, aud Tailor' Trim mine. J. Uodley, Spry Ac co.. No 84 Ma kci st Domestic and Foreinn Dry Goods, James M. Kennedy At co , 1 14 Mak't st. Impoiter nf Oi rmsn Goods, and Puchasers of sll kinds nf Shipping Flit. Wm. Ge sse A Son, fill S Front st bel. Chcsnut. Iniporter and Munuf.ieturers of Fancy Fu'a. and Fur Caps, and Purchasers uf a I kinds of Ship ping Fur. S di-, Brothers, 86 Arch st.. between 8d and 3d sis Manf cturer and Dealer in Ready-made Clothing, of evert grade, Mich tel Tracy, 292 Market st. Manufscturer nf Shirts, Coll irs and Bosoms. John HodL's, Hun nf the Maniinoih Shirt Collar, 1 10 Ninth M.cond st. Importers and De ilcs in Foreign and Domestic Hardwsre and ('ullerv. D I worth fc Branson, 59 Market ft. Welded Wr u .'hl Iron Tulws for Lorn-re' ive, Mv line A- other Bo I. r Klnes, M St.. on purp.-s s. Morris Tn-k'-i v M -rrist. Pascal Iron VVo-ks, Ware bouse, S. E. cor. 3d and Wu nut st. Aeency for the Sale i.f S.ultiwrtu M.iuuf.tuiiug Cotnt'siiy Sti-rwr Writing Papei. N. S. l.n retire. Agent, No 3 Minors!. Importer of Jenelre, Watches, Fine Cutlery, Brit- lania. Plated and Silver Wce. Dickn ti co., S E comer Market 8c Third s's. John F. Farr 112 Chesmit st. J. & W. L. Waul. lOfi Che.nut s'., oj''ite San- dcrson's Fiai klin Houe. Mariracin'"s nf Silver Wars, and Dcate s in PI.H ted snd Bri'annia Wares, (oi hoii, ho'd use. R. A. W. Wilson, 8 W cor. Fifth and Cherry sts. Mamvfsctiirers of B'ilannia, bhck Tin. and Pew. lit Waie. Alw, Dejlers III Plated Spoons, Cut-b-ry. Sic. Hall. Uoardman Ac co., 1(14 N 3d st., below Rare. Manufacturer of Silver and Brass Stair Rods and Cornice Pole. Edward Jones ca-net of Oemgp and S.awicti l., betwien Wuluut and Cbesnul, went of Sixth, Lnpo'tet of Toys, Fancy and Staple Goods, Beads, Bui-hrs and Perfumprv. A. F. Oit, t S. 4th t Ixnweca MarVet and Chcsnut. Importer of Toys. Fancy and Staple Goods, Perfu meries, Music d Iiibliutaenla, GIssk, Eatttteuwaie t'bii a'vare, Ac. I'. Ahreuleldi Ac co. If. N. Ith U Utncua Market and Arch, (up slain.) lmpnr'-r sif I'sria snd Lomlon Fancy Articles, Brushes. Feifiimery, Coaib. Soaps, Stslloiii-ry, and arlicle- f .r Druggia'' Nate. R. tV G. A. W rigtit. 23 Sauth Fourth st. Imioilcr and Manitf ictorer of Peifomety, f'ome lics. Fancy Koaps, iin.l Dealer in Fancy Good. J ukea iiauel, 4G S nli Third el. China, OoeeiKwaie snd Ol r. j Edw rrd SnawdiMi, 31 N 3d st. uppo-ite Cily Hotel. Dentists and Manufacturer ot incia-rtniiibte Teilh ; Plate Pivoi. Mit e i nd GomTe.ih; Go'd and Tin Foil ; Gold, Plalina mid Silver Plate and Wiie, Ac. Wtlk nson & Armstramg, 69 Arch nL alive 4lh. South side. (old, fc'i'vcr and Suel Speerael.', Mathem itical In- sirunients. Walking Canes, Micro-cope, and Spy Glass, a, Mc.M i.ler Ai co, 48 Chi snl st. MsneTaciiteers itX Whi'e In-'d nd other P itnts snd of Chen.ic .Is. Ac , and Dealer in Drug, Medicine, Die Stuff. O Is. Ac. Werlierill &l Buither, fif Norih Fr.wii St. Iinpirlers hiiiI Dea era in D'tia, Dcst' ffs. Oi' Chemirsl, Plate Glw?, &c, ami A(fril for imie While Lead i.n I Jersey Window CampWI &. Fiwuh, X W cor 1 0th & H i kel st. Importer and DeaVrs in Drug, M d.ciires, Dye-siwtV-. P . int., nils, lla-k-Ii Menirk A: en, 45 Nrrli F'orrt rt. Dr. D. Jayue, 8 S Thii l st , neai Marie!. ty.msuliing Physic:an. lWuaatl and ('hetiast. smd Proi.ior of KowanJ' Improved Tonic Mix lure," Ac. Dr. Joi n R. Rowand, Gra l.Taiv. Ofooe and Drug Sio- W North Second st. M.muf clurers ol Umbrellas, 1'ara-oU, Parasxitcrtes ami Sun Sliades. V. Hi im A. Diowu, 8i T..t at. Htcr A; Frnner, tUC Market l. south i'h", one door be'ow 4th sr. Fire and Tt i- f-Proof tTliests, Refrieerat -r. Water Coo'era, Fiber. I.el'er Copying I'rrwea, Ac. Oliver Evsn. 15 CtieMiul sV. Venetian B'ii.d Mannfsclnrer. B. J. William, 12 N 6th st. a few dnors ah. MarVel. Maatufsetuters sand DesltTS in 1 stresses, Bedding and F.sthera. Fink-y A c.. S E corner td and W dnut st. Hartley A: Knight, 148 S 2,1 st., 5 do, us ak Sjiruce. Dealer in Cn'eman's .F.olisti Piano Foet.-s, F. IVriing, tiS Cheauul U S E enter of Ulrt. Manufacturer uf Common and Fancy Soaps, Mould arid I'ippid Can bs, Ac. EijshAc Gilhes Dallet, ;6 M irk el el. Ituporl.r nf Fr.nih AitilViil FIoWits, Feithers N'i, Iliaid ai d Fancy, Bonnet, Ac , arid Bon rel Ft ami, Ttpa and Ciowria. R. liailon. Ml Che-out st. Manufacturer of Scives, Ridillcs, Sevens and Wire Wi rk in rei eral. Needles & Walson, St N Fronl st. MuW Arch. Hide, Oil and Leather. WiRam Musrer Ac co, ?t!3 Market Ft. Imporler ofjl Iringes, Lemons, Kiisin. Ftp. Pmnt S, I'U'iants, Ainu lids ami other Foreign Nut. Daniel P. liussii-r, It? Sou III Wharves. Manufacturer of Fire Engines uf all description, warranted rri all lop els. Joel Bale., 13 D'mkei'a Alley. Maible and Mahogany Dealcs. John E, 411111 Si co, I'ni a Mrlbi, It lge Road. W..n hoU.e, 04 D.n k U Mafiufaclurer of Combs. Looking Glasses Jj- Brush es, aud impoiter of Flench and Geiuian Fancy Good. Tbouiai Dutch, jr. 183 Maikct at, Manufarllirer and Wholesale Dniler in all kinds of Broom, Brushe. Buckets, Cedarwnrc, ( 'locks, Ba-kei, Mais, Blacking, Eastern made Wooden Ware, Ac. Manly Rrwe, 63 N 3d al. one door above Arch, eist side. Cheap Puhlicition and Periodical Establishment. U. B. icher A co. 3 Ledger Building, 3d at. bi low Cbci-nut, Boot and Shoe. Robert P dmr, 182 8. 2d st. llnee doota 11 Union, west -ide, M-iniifnrliner snd Dealers In all kinds nf Scales, We ghis and Weighing Machines. Also, Bur den' I'sient H ose Kh'as. Gray At Brother, S4 Wslnut st. Ilow Second. Philadelphia, Sept 20lh, 1845. 2m John II. Iloyri'ft 1tat E fTERS le-tiinentsry on said deca .sed's es A late, have laien granted to Ihe u'scrthers. Per ns havintt dem inds against the estate, are re quested lo piesent them for examination an I sel le. in. nl, and persons imlebird tn the estate, areteiu.a lid to tnako immediate piyuunt. W. R. SMITH, A JOUDtN, S plemlvr I3tb, 1845 fit Executors. Scmocvatfc iUUCclu. Greatly Reduced Pnre From " to fyi per Annum. Sinirlernpy 'J5 rrnfr. eaosercT os tub wsxt, on 17th vutovii!, riHE PRI:E of the Da Mora a tic Rxvtrw Il h is heretofo e been too hiuh not for the ize. Cost and character, but for the means of tens of thou- ni ls of re nters ho would he glad In receive il, and aniotig whom it is highly desirable that it should ciretil oe. For Ihe purpose, therefore, of wide i g the range nf it usefulioss, and uf uiulti plvtnj the numbers oftln se to whom it may be ar ce-sahle it ha been determined, simultaneously widi ihe gr-at ridoeiion in ihe eiane of ibe iiost. age, to reduce it in nriee lo, fr, m FIVE to only TH lil'K do lirs; and when several unite in sutiscriptim, lo a low as f'i 50, or even 2 3D per annum. Thi very large reduction in the receipts (acenm pauied with hut a coinp natively small dimii lllion nf its ei"iie) involvea, of course, an entire aicri fire nf pioftt upon it, unless romosatd by a vast mufttpbeaton of sn'-'criber. Th re will be at the nut -i t oi ly a sin .11 reduction in it number nf p ges- oon to be restored lo its old number, without niciesse of price, whfti the anticipated success of the ei p rini' iit sba'l justify ii Tar. PoaiaiT or DiTivr.risaen Dfmo. rscm wi I be continued engraved in heller and more costly stvle than heretofore. 'J'Iip Potok will hereafti r. f.o any distance, be nnlv fire and a half tent it has heretofore lieen, for lull nnV. eighteen cenis. We look for an rx ten-ion nf cirrulaVnn In I rockuned t-v f;i of thousand, as ibe result and c in ensa'ioii oflhi- gieat leiluetiot- nf price. Eve ry friend of ihe wmk. and of the Democratic prinei- p. a and cao-e, is co, fnleiitly apta-aled to, to exert huuetf with an active interest tn procure it rajhscri lr ; both lo ex'amd its usefulness, and to carry il snccessfulty rthriaigh tlie crisis of this great reduc. lion uf lis prices. Those who have pa d io advance for theeommg year, will receive it, at a leduccd rale, for a year and a half. TERMS HENCEFORWARD. (IwVSHI BLT 1 V HV!cr. ) Single copy f 3 Oil I Eight copies, fit) OH Four copies 1 1 1)0 Tlnrteen 30 Ort It will then he seen thai when thvileen ropie are ordered at .'lire the price is brought down to about f2 SO e ich. F or six month, half these rate. These ra'e nfT'td b'gh indiiceraenis to agents and others te interest themselves to irocure sub i rihers. The casfi tystrta and payment in nthnnrc must l e uncoinpro inaiHg'y adhered In. The pat relax, a i n nf il hriu.e.lan aceiimtil a'i n it not fir fr, in fill MH1 ot li Us 4,ie IO he Wink. Hereaf ter this mini l uholtv 1. fori, it, tior must rHIier the m.H eininenl alme ,1 fiieu I, or the ino-H itui mate person..! one. b- displeased on eipetiencing its applic ition, in il stoppage of their number, tf tiny neglect llrs rub', Il e v.l.l iiceiiv nf which, t,l the pieeeut rodnr d rat- , must be olrviiv lo all NoM'onnmini a'lon w ill be talceti tnim the Post office uiil.' free i4'HKt'ag. All ctniinuiic itioiis, b.h on ed.iorial and puli lirhmg tusine-, mwl le ad.hess.4 h ncfoiward to the in d rs gned Thiae relating lo the set'le. ni.-nt if Ihe ps-l debt due tlie work will be sll I sd-die-s.dto Mr. II. G. Laglkt 6 Axtirr House, the p st u rangein, nts with whom, as puMislacr have le jch. d tVeir tcruiinat on. I.f. O'Srn.iTsi. July, 1845. t4C Na-u street, N. York. LAST LIKENESS OF GEN. JACKSON. The adiiiH'.I. e Daguerrenlv pe of f Sen. Jacks 'n, taken by Anilmnv. Edward Ac Co.. a few we. k .ef ,re lit- death, k.w In ch puichoad lor the vs.- of tin1 DctnociHtic t.eva-w. It am tlie bands iC th arnsi, aud wrtl be rngiaej tu the finest style of mcza Iml.silex r sar.e. It is nnwi la-niitful and lu er. siit'g work . drrlsred Iw Mr, Van Daren and silier. lo give a more idea of the great and good ukl mail than any other likeue. ; and uuiht to bo possesM'd 1 y every man who loves aud re vet. fit memory. Those whosubrrihe early will receive il as uite of the regular aeruj f Pur trail. S pteniber ilih. 1845. nil :ui.i:v SJalUittilc Plrtfclfs. I l!nm"a Vr.KMtvriix-a e-rlain eure f i w.oms md very pleasant lo lake. t. GiasnVa 1'ivnscT. which n nvive (!reae of all kiod-, D.y Pauls, Tar, Vainiah wd Wax, from raipii or from clothing, without injuring ibe color or the cloth. 3 Lo inn a Ft f Psrra the lst thing known for kl ling tlie and mu-ijii t . 4. A cerlaiu Destroyer nt Rals, Mice, lioache ami Ants, ami Mother X Bid Btis. f. I.'i vv's Sficirre fir aur stomach, Heart Tliirn atnl Water Brash, Isy one who had suffered thirteen y us, befwe he I'l-covcre I ths cure. )a. Srt.i tv's Giikin OivrviasT lor ibe Piles. II ba n. v.-r filled erne. 7. llllsov' TTTB Waavi. 8. l!ataoii'a Ixukli BLK I t, without a rival. tj. Tna Compovmi IVivkctio?i or Firs just the medi, ine for chHJren and for women, it is o i lea.stil lo liik". 10. Ilitki V co t.T k era AvTiatiini' Put. 11. Urn's WTaa-rHoop Pia, for li irinns, Bo us, Ac, It sullen the leather, and Veep out ihe water. 12. Puna Mm' STaxvnTm.vtm Pitsria. 13. JtcKsot' DiaBMumi MixTiaa, wbi'h rur. a the wort D auhica in a lew hours. 14 JicKsui'a DaiTiHV Murcas, a rer. lain and sH',dy cure for Dssentety and hammer Co in pi out. The a'aive vihiiM.' articles are sold Wbolessle snd reisit. bv 1 C. Gl'.NN, Kn. I South F flh tlrrft, I'hihldiljdiiuvUei Stori k per slid o iher wi'l In-upp ie.l Willi pore African Cayenne Pcpi er, Arnica Flowei. Drug. Fault, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, at the loel pneea. Terms oi ly rah. Xj Cut out lha adverlixment, and biibg it with you. rbiladilj bie, July 19lb, 1815,-1". - -' --4- 1J.--U ... ..i.q. .... .. it. E L I K V E AND LI V E i THOMSON'S t'onipoiaitl sj rnp or Tar & Uooi IXtiptliu. fOHE nnprer-ed.-nleil success of this medicine, in X Ihn restoration of heabh, to those who, in ile. pair, had given up all hope, has given it an exal, ted reputation above l other retnrdies, furiiiloin evidence of it intrinsic vain and power, as tho on-, ly seenl which can be reded up. n for the cine r Pulmonary Consumption, Brotichittis, Asthma, Pain in the side and Breast, Spitting of plopd, Whooping Cough, Group, Ao. Attention i requested to the following ASTON, ISHINO CURE, by Thomson's Compound Syrup, of Tar and Wood Nnptba 1 1 Philadelphia, May 3r, 1H44. MR. THOMSON Dear Kir With grateful feeimga I inform yu nf the astonishing effect of your medicine, which ha literally tnised me from adeilh-bed! Mv di'case, Pulmonary Consump. lion, h id reduced mn so low that my physician pro, no. Hired my ease hopeless I At this junction I h?i gsii lo u-eyour medicine, and miraculous as it may1 seem, it ha completely restored me to health, altea everything else bad failed. Respectfully yours, WASHING I ON M ACK. Charlotte street, above George street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted wilh Washington Mack and his suffering, bear witness to the astonishing effects of Thomson's. Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a, hove statement. JOM. WINNER, 31S North Third ireet, DWID VICKEKS. 42 Almond sireel. HI GH M'GINLEY, S. E. cormr Tamsny end Fourth s'leeN. Prepared only by K. P. 1 bom son, N. E. corner uf 5lh and Spruce streets, Phi'ade'phia. Agent II. B. Masser, Suiihtny ; D. Gross, and Dr. Macpherson, Harrisburg ; Jno. G. Brown, Puttsvi:le ; Geo. Earl, Re .ding ; Houston Ac Ma on, Towanda. Bradford rounly, Pa. Price 50 cent per bottle, or $5 p. r dozen. lleware of all imitations. Philadelphia, June SUlh. 1845. If TERIVXS REDUCED rtyryp-rv-gyiM DAKUEHRliN UALLKKY f Patent I'remi. um Colored likenrrtfs, and Photographic Dpot i No. 1 n Cliesnut .Street, Pl.ihitlulpfiia. No. 251 Broadway, New York; No. 75 Court Stteel, Boston ; No. 13fi Cliesnut Sireet, Philj. delph s Baltimore Street. Ba'limnre ; BrouU way, Saratoga Spring ; No 50 L'aual Stieet, New-Oileaiis ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And Mam Street, Du Bucjue, Iowa. CO.NSTlTCTING the iddest ami most Exter sive Estahli-hment of the kind in ihe Worll, and cimtaining more than a THOUSAND PO!t TRAITS, eiula-iic'mg those of some of the nioi distinguished individuals, in the I'niled States. Admittance free. This E-tatHihment hnving lieen awarded tha Medal, Pour First Premium-, nod two "H-uhrtt Ihiuirs'' at the Exhibitions at Boston, New Ymk end ItiHadrlphia, rewpectively, for best, l'ir'.ure- and . Apparatus, i thus officially sustained in the pnsi. lion of superiority heretofore universally saHgned It by the pidi'ie, as "First in the M'o7(." Jone 28;h, 1815. ly PIANOS. THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed aeent. for the sale ,f CO.NR M) MEYER'S CEL. EBRXTED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI. AN OS, at thi place. These Pianos have a plain, maaaive and brauiiful exterior fiui-h. and, for dcp ii and .weelness nf lone, and eleg mce nf ship, are not aurpasaedhy any in thel'ni'rd S ies. The following i a recommendaiion from Cviii. Dikts, s cell-tinted (avformer, and huustjf m.'l. ufaciurer: A C A 11 I. Hatino bad the plea-ure nt trying the excel, lent Ptatio Fortes manfictiired by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited ni the I it exhibition of ihe Fr rtklin In. ttlute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker to declare thnt these instrument are ipiite pi'', and in some respects even wperjor, 'o n'l the Pi ano Fortes, I saw at the capitals of Europe, and during a sojourn nf two year ai Paris. These pianos wiH be so'd at the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not someihing lower. Person are requested lo call and examine fop themselves, hI Ihe residence of 'he suhrrih. r. Sunbury. May 17. 1H15. H. B. MASSER. liT'.laL THE Beginners. rilHE Milwcribers would respectfully inform tl.o X Cilieen uf Sunbury and ihe public geiinr illy , that they have pu.rchused the shop of Mr. William Hoover, in Market, ore door west of the Pos Office, where they will continue the t'iliiiet-tfakiii lltivjliii'tw, in all it Itr inches. The public may expect llicis work done m ibe latest style. They ha- e, hv airii attenlion to busimas, tj meiit a ttisre of publ.vt patrnnngn, fjfj Cmff'ms made to order on the shortest no' ice, and country produce token in exchange for work. WM. YOITNGMAN tV H C. MARTIN, Ranlajry, May 17th, I W45. ly. R e in o v a I . 1)H. J011V Y. VKU RESPECTFULLY informs he r Ittena of ur.l'Uy end its ttcini'y, t fir 4 he ha removed to the U uk Ilouse, ii Ma4iet strut, f.rmetly uvrupied ly Beujainin Hendii ks, cast of ihe alote f rtner y nc. Cupi d by Millet A Marlz, and now by Ira T. Cle, I ment, where he will be happy to receive cilia ir I Ibe line of his profession. Jianhuiy. Match S9ih 1S45. ITEV" zijKT E T 1 1TG O ," riHE suhscrilers hive received, snd are now X opening a spb udid assortment of the following g ckIs Saxony, Wilion and Velvet Carpeting ' Brusse' and Imperial 3 ply do CAR, Eur siiierfine and tine Ingrains do I'E l' Engli 'hshad d A Damask Venetian do l.NCi, A on ric ill I aillcd and tig'd do J Engtt.h liruvge'ts and Wo. leii Floor CI. ths Siair and Paaee Hocking Emhossel 1'iauo aud fable Covers I.on Ion Cliemlle and Tuf'e l Rugs Door Mall id' eveiy description, ALSO, A Is'ge ami 1 x'. n-ive i srurtmenl of Floor (, Cloth', Irom one to right yanUwide, cut In ft ri. ry descrii lion of room or pia-aea, AIm, low price.1 Ingrsm (aieliiiga ft 0111 31) t i 65 J cents per yard, haiiiher wi h a latge and ext. n. siva sssotiinaul of g.iod Usually kepi by C''j". l merchant. The shove gnn-la will be sold w'aolr-ala nr rdail st the lowest matkcl prices, t'ouniry nnrch.ul and o heia aie particulatly invited to call an, I ei. mine our wl.n k hslo.e niaWu g then setec'ions, CI. A KKaiON, RICH A Ml I.I.IG ' . Surccss.ii to Joseph Blackwood, No. 1 1 1 CUcaiiui, corner of Franklin Place. Philadelphia, Ff b.2iJ, 1815.