The ICfnpres nnil ths Actress, A mime; the few etrc,'res who have achieved n European reputation, Mdlle Colt tot was one tu" the most Temarkitb'e, no If bi for her histrionic t tlont than for the brilliancy of her wit and the amrabilitjr of kn personal character. The fail Iriwinrr pretty mot is related oflier in connexion with th farly portion of her career. The Queen Mario Antoinette had a particular desire to wo her in a certain glmrocter that of La tlnnvcrnanlc which phe had never played, nnd which wag in no respect suited cither to lier aje at that time, (in 1790,) or to her style of acting. Moreover, the piece had been com tuanded to ho played on tho lay following that mi which tho Queen had expressed lier desire to gee the character enacted by Mdlle Contat. She. was, however, devotedly attached to the Queen, and by almost incredible exertion, she wan enabled to study and perform it within the required time. On speaking afterward of the !!Bciilty pIio had overcome in accomplishing this self-imposed task, alio said-" I did not I now till now in what pnrt of the human frame the memory is silnalod ; I have now learned that it is in thn " Piiring the revolutionary strujrsle which fol lowed the decth of Louis XVI., Mdlle Contat had been intimately connected with Madame !e Putiiuhariiois, who much courted the society ci celebrated artist and actors ; and after phe lie cnine the wife of tho first Consul, and aubee iptently the Empress of the French, the amiable Josephine ft ill continued to receive them with a avor almost amounting to her old frendship; so much so, that she sometimes found herself in embarrassing positionu with the Emperor, from which she found it difficult to extricate herself. The little history we arc about to relate is one of 1 1 10 most amusing of them. One day in Augut,lS0"). Mdlle Contat, who was a favorite of the Empress, called to pay her respects to her Majesty at the Palace of St. Cloud; and Josephine, on taking leave of her, asked her to come and breakfast with her next morning. The request, of course, amounted to a command. On reflection, however, the next morning, Josephine, felt that she had acted in considerately, knowing aa she did the impor tance the Emperor attached to the due observ kuco of the etiquette of his court. She there fire consulted Madame do la Rochnfaucault, one of her ladies in waiting, whom she regard ed as oracular in these nutters, as to how she should get out of the scraprj of receiving an ac ttess to breakfast with her, yet avoid that of front which hcrkind'y nature forbade her to in flict on any one. Madame de la Rochofnucatilt sorcod that it was impossible her Majesty could t'.ilfil her engagement; and declared that she snw no alternative but that of Iter Majesty be ing taken ill ! Accordingly Iter Majesty wan taken ill immediately ; she had her breakfast scut up to her in bed ; and Madame de la Roch ol'uucult unJertook to receive Mdlle Contat on Iter arrival, and explain to her the cantritcmp which must prevent her from seeing the Em press. The shrewd artiste pnw at once how matters stood, and immediately took her leave, and was returning to Paris in her carriage, when she was met by the Emperor, who was coming to tt. Cloud, and who, on recognizing her, stop ptfi his carriage and spoke to her. An explanation of her errand took place, and the cause of its being an abortive one. The Emperor, as Contat had done, saw thro' the af fair immediately, anil smiling significantly, he said to her "It appears then, that I have come in the very nick of time to fill the place of my wife. You came to breakfast with the empress you will, I hope, tttay to breakfast with the Emperor." The intimation was not to be gainsaid, and Mdlle Contat returned to the palace, where the .breakfast was a most agreeable one, the Empe ror playing tin? amiable in the most fascinating manner. In the mean time, the Empress and hor Lady of 'ilonor hud ijea rJ of the rencontre, and were not a little anxious as to the result ; for they judged rightly that the Emperor wua aware of u'A that had pasted. As soon as Mdlle Contat had taken her lejve, the Emperor went to the apartment of Josephine, and witli his unial brusquerie, ad (.'reused her on follows: "Madam, when one commit an error, it is always better to hear the consequences of it Itoldly, than to throw them upin othen' shoulders. The case of Mdlle Contat is one which should have reminded you that Iiuis Quatorze, once felt himself called upon to sit down to table with Moliere. I hap pened in the present instance, lo arrive in time la repair the error ; but I must realty .beg you o observe thut my time is too much occupied to admit of its being employed in repaying debts incurred by other people." Josephine saw that Napoleon was really an gry, and she wept an appeal which never fail ed to touch Napulean, who, instead of return ing to Paris immediately, as he had intended, ren ained at St. Cloud thn whole day with his beloved and too loving wife ; and when Mdlle Contat visited the Empress soma time alter wards, she thanked her fur having been the oc casion of one of the happiest days of her life. A Winter Strap. The following quaint epitaph was written on the tomb stone ot a youth, at Firth, in Derbyshire, England. The comparison is seasonable : "Our lif is but a winter's day Soma only breakfast, and away! Others to dinner stay, and art full fed ; The oldest man but saip and gees to bed! Large is bis debt who lingers eut the day ; IF ho go Pit loouttt hut the leait to yay," II A1VK X O T 12 MS T. lT.WSIXVAXIA. The f.dlnwina; list shows the current value of all Pennsylvania II ink Notes. The most implicit re Imnce may 1 placed upon it, as it Is every tvetk jarrfully compared with and corrected fiom Uitk nell's Reporter. Hank In Philadelphia. , . Disc. t iJNK. limili" N O T E S AT PA It, Bank of North America . Bnnk of tho Northern Liberties , Commercial Hunk of Prnn's. Farmers' and Mechanics Bunk . Kensington . . Philadelphia Hunk . Schuylkill Bank Southwsrk Hank . Western Hunk . Mechanics' Dnnk . Manufacturer?' Ac Mechanics' Bank Country It;tnk. I'lllLAtl. pur I Pr j I'" j I"" P ; par '",f par par ..f ar Bnnk of Chester County Hank of Delaware County Rank of (iermanlow n Bank of Mnnicomp ry Co. Doylestown Bank Gaston Hank" Farmers' Hunk of nnrks co. Office of fi'ink of Penn'a. Offire do do Ofl'ffl do do Oil ice d o do Wesleheslrr Chester (Jerinantown Norrisiown DivIhsIowii Knstori Bri-tol pnr par pur par pur pnr par IIarrislinr(" These l.nnrnsler 1 illire IJiMilinn (do not Easlon J issue n. D I SCO l?N T. N O T E s A 'I Rank of the l.'iiited Stitrs Hank of Prnn Township Ui'Ar.l Unnk . Moyaineiwim J ink Bnnk of !tntiHV t itiii-a Miners' Bunk of Potinville Hnnk of Hank of Mulillctuwn Bnnk of Nnrthnmlieilnnii Philid.lphia 30 par I V ,: . . par par Pot'sville Lrwi-totvn Middleiowii v j J., 1 - ' tlhiiinliei!iinil pnr Columbia 1! ink & Bridge co.'t'oliiinhia par Oarlifle Bank Carlisle Exchange Hank Piitburp Do do branch of llullidavsburg Farmers' of l.anrastei Ijancislei Lancaster (.'ounty B ink Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Bending Heading Hnrrisburg Bank ILirrislmrg Lnncasirr Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bank Lehniioli Merchanis' A: Manuf. Bank Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg P'uw'iuig Weal Branch B oik Willinmsporl Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarie Northimpton Bink Allentown Beika ('ounty Hank iU ading Olhce of Bank of U. . Pittsburg 4 i par p.r par ii i i i U failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. Ins. A la Penn Township Snv. Ins. do Bank of Ohanibershurg Chanibersburif Bnnk ol f icitytiburg (iitiyshurg Bnnk of Ku-uueliauna (!o, Mi.utrose do I I u Ijali i i U U i IA Erie Bank Eiis Farmers' & Drovers Bank Wpynesburg Franklin Bank Washiiiiitoo lloiiesdale Bjnk Iloinsd.ile Monongahela Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Bank Voik N. B. 'I he notes of those hunks on which we imit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadi hd.i.i brokers, with the exception of those whirh have a tetter of r fereiice. BROKEN B A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Phdtiih Iphia failed f.i:hd f.iled filled hibdrlphia l.onu On. do Schu Ik ill fcav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyoti, prop.) I'owanda Bank 'l oivandi Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bi df irJ no sale rinsed closed faded closed no Mile f.iih-d fail, d filled 110 Mile no hutc no sale faded no n.'c Bank of Braver Heaver Bank of Swalura nurcishurg Bank of Washington Washington Centre Bank lW II fuite 1'ity Bnnk Pitching Farmers' & Merh'cs Bank Pm.-bnrg Fanners' : Mech'ca' Bank I'ayeile co. Farmers' & Moch'rs' Bai.k (irccneaste tlaininny Institute llannony HuutinC'lon Bunk Huntingdon Juniata Bank J.e.i!own Lumbermen's Bsnk Waren Northern Bank of Pa. Duudatf New Hope Del. Biidge Co. INew Hope closed no sale Northumhd I nmn Col. lik. Milton North Western Hank of I'a. Meadtille closed Office of Kehu)lkill Bunk Port Ciiihoii Pa. Acr. & Manuf. Hank I ur!ilo failed closed Silvei Lake Bank Montrose I'nion Bank of Penu'u. I'niootnwu failed closed Westmoreland Bank liteensburg Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilki stmrre lio sule (Tj All notes puipoiling Id be on uny I'ei.n-yl- vama B ink mil given in ihe ubove li t, in.i) be set lown as frauds. KVAV JI'.KSI'.Y. Bank of New Brunsw ick Brunsw ick failed i I'" pnr Uclvideie Bunk Helvuleie Uurlingtou Co. Bank,.r.l 3omniricial Batik Perth Amboy JumlMrl.ind Bank Brid'jeton funneii,' Bxiik Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics" Hk h'ahway FnrtHcri. and Mechanics' Ilk N. Hi uuswii k par ) 4 failed Farmers' nnd Merchant' lik Piaiiklin Hank of N.J. Middlelowu I't. ) I ity faded lath d failed failed failed failed A pu'i Hohokrn Bkg &. tiruzing Co Hob- ken lersey City Bank .l rw- City Mechanics' B ink Munufutun rs' Bank Morri. Conniy Bank Mmiiiioiitli Bk of N.J. M.-cbanicV Bunk Mcchaiiics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co New IIoe IVd Bridge Co N. J. Mnnulac. and Bkg Co N J Proleclon ii Lvmtiiird I V I'.it i r hi Belleville Morrislown Pin-hold N",v -uk Trillion Jersey Crly Tin fcale Newark Laiuiiertsxil'ie lloboken lersey City i 1 failed lulled i fsiled Orange Bank Patcrson Bank Peopkis' Bank Princelnn Bank Salem Banking Cu Stale Bank' Stato Batik Klate Bai.k State Bank of Morris (Stale Bunk Salem and Thilad Manuf Co fSuaaex. Bank Trenton Bunking Co I'nion Bank Washington Banking Co. i Irmge V.ilelsoll do Pr;(icrtoo "rdi'in Newark I liabcilitiwn I 'aiiiileu Moriis1wi) Trenton Salrm Newton Trenton Dnver HarktMisark par i i par j failed failed 1 par i failed ii:iv4v aui:. Bk of Wilra Sl Brand) wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware ilinii.gloa Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Millord Farmers' Bk of Stale nf Del Dov, Do branch Wilmington Do branch (.eutgetown Do branch Newcsatle I'nion Bank Wilmington trT L'nilci 5'a par par pur par par par ji.r par par (TJ On all luiiks marked Ihus () there are n. Iher couulerfcil or altered notes of ike various da. I nouiinauoci, in circulation. WlSTAlt'S ii ii-s am or yvim ciir.imY, A Comfinnnil Tlnlsnmlfi Prrl Inn from tVll Cirr- llm-U nd Tar, 7?ie brut rtmnly known to the irnrltl fnr the ntrt of toughx, toM. ait lima, trnnp. blrrding of th luntff, trhnopin tnuth. bmnrhitii, inflw enza. thnrtntut of brrnth. pain and xvenhnmn in tnr. brtatt or si'rfe, iircr rnnii'ititiut, anrf the fimt ulngm of CONSUMPTION. We will not assert that this B.M.HAM will cure Coti'iimpiion in ist snorsf firm, hut it has rnred mnv after all nl!i"r means of rlief l a l t'een Irieit In vain. And why lint ! It seems thai the W1I.I) (MII'.RUV was destined hy Nntnie to fie our PA- IN At 'KA tor the lavaeina itiseaies nT tlu c io la. I tilude. Let not the drpairimt tnvnliil vs'e liis m mey nnd Ionia TIME, to him si all important. tn trficrimrnlmi! with the Irasliy noitriims of tle d.if, lint use fit onre a medicine that will rnre, If a mre lie p 's-ilile a medicine that science app'nves, and manv yeori of experience hive demonstrated that M otll'in1 relieves. '1'hrrr is no sr'i thine; m fiil." in the Instory if this wondertul B Al.SA M. Evidence the most convincing eve.ieivee thut no one rait doubt, fully estaMi hc th a fact. For the s ike of hrrvity we se'ect the fol owing from thousands. Isaac Pla't, Eq., Editor of the Pukei psie E icle. one of the m sl infinentinl j omi iU in t'e s'aie of New Ymk, staUs iim!ei the ent'inntv of his own name, lint a young !ady, a rrl ilive it his, ol erv j ilehcnle riinslrmton, mm atlaeked in Fell. 18 12 with fe'-ere old. which immediately pro.lneej f pit ting i f lilnnd. rough, fever, nnd oilier dnngeroits slid HUrming symptom". Throned meilirnl Healinen'. Mid c ue she prntinlly tec .ter'd durum summer. Hut on the return of winter she was iillik- d moie i leiulv tl'Sii nl fust, she became scarcely nl:le lo wa'k and wj tmuMed w ill cough, chill ami fever eveiy lay, anil appeateil to lie going rapnlly Willi ' coiisiimi i,.n nl II i time, when there was n sign I r . t vii . , t ..1. r 01 improveiiieni, ir. 1 nil procured a no ne i Wistah's Bilsim or Wn.n (oiiiuit. which she look. hi.iI it stcininclv her. Mie eta se cond. ami before it was half tsken she wa re-tored to prrfrrt lirnllh, w bich she has enj yed ! the pre sent tune, without the Blighter! symptom nf her fir mer disc se. Mr. P alt snvs "the cure c me under my i-wn ob seivalimi and I cannot be mist iken ns to the facts." EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM A POST MASTER, DATED I' nn.': k. Wnslnngiiui co., Maine, A pr. 2U. 1 S-14 Mil. ISA C Ei:TTS. Dear Sir: At the re ipiest of liuiliv of my friernls in this place nnd viel. 1 ily who ore nlllicted wirh consu'0ition nnd liver roinp'atn's, I lake the libery of asking you o np j o nt someone in this county a agent to se!l Wis. Tin's Balsam or Wit.ii CiirnsT. and to send hro a few d.ien. as there ia none of i! for sale witt in "(10 miles from this I have no donht that it would inert with a ready sale rf it were where it cou'd le (HM-nred without loi much rtpense mid delnv. My vifo was nliiirked about sis ni nihs since rilh what the physician rolled the first e'agr of C 'ti-iiuil'tion a -complaint vi rv prevalent in thii s.-c'ion of country. Having semi the Ujlsiin ad vertised in Augusta. err- coo mii,e3 rnorri iiehij, -en I took the pains to aml there for a bottle uf it, which she look, and which helped her so much thai I sent fir I o botdes more, whi-.h i-hc has also ta ken. and he now s is she has not felt so we!! for ix vears n flic dor at ibis lime. All those who have ie.pii'ed ..fine nnd nscerlained whul effect ttie Bulsam b ul, are anxious lo h ive some sale in thi- viriniiy, which is lire cmise of my writii g you. Plra-e inform me by irtirn nf rmil whether you conclude to aeiul some, and if so to whom, in order i lint it may be known where it can lie had. 1 mil with re-per t v'Ur, etc. P. J. FAKNSWOKTH, P. M. The wlpde country is fist learning thai no medi cine no plivsinan no prrparaiion nf any k'nd whatever ran i ijiial Da. Wisrso's liiLsm uf Wii.ii Ciii-iiiii. a tri'IsT iTOMs:nri i. ( i nn. WiTknvuir, Oneii's Co.. N. Y. Sept. 1.1, I S 1 H. Dear Sir I uwe it to the afllicted to iofirni y u iu .l .nunrv I i-t I w as uiiai ki d by a ve.y vio. lent rohl, cnusi d by woikifg in the water, whiih srltlid on n.y lungs. It vns arrorup.ini 'd-bv a ve rt aivce pain hi mv -br.-asi nnd n.'es. snd sls- a 1 I'.iaties.irig rough. 1 had in aitcndsncn all the Led ' mci' aid in uiir village; but after eihaning all u.poa.iil.lbey pronoiineel my di-e.i-e a ; 1 1 1 s i i h m r. o I iol irino, mi i uit iiii,-i.,iiib i gart me up tn tlie. After mm h jursu-'sion I got I be (on-tnt nf mv phv'tciaii to use ihe Hiisvm oi I W'li.t. n i n n t pr pareil by Dn Wisrta. I pu. ' ' iha-.d uf the Agent in our pi ire one b-oile. be'ore Using h iifof bich I I rt'.in to gain strerg h. and it ; w a very evident mv cough wn nmch belter and mv sMtiptouis n eviry way impr ving. I have I now Usui tbiee bottles, mid am restart d to perfect liiott'i. This re-oh is al .ne owing to ihe u-e ,.( : UK WISTAH'S BALSAM OF Vt II. D ClIEIt- BY ; nnd I take this method nf vu g yon the in I f inn oion. p .rtlv to pay you the debt of groilude ' I .ove ynii, and portly that other- similarly all'ictid ma ku v where to npply for relief. Yeiyl.uU y.e, is, J A w I . S S Af.'E. Mn. I'Ai.-im Dinggist, iiipIci d ile nf W..I. rville, S, .i. 2 lib, IS4:1. wm.s: The meoi giwn y.-u by Vr. .I.imrs Sage is well known lo be rue by Ibis whole roniin'inrlu It rirtunlv was s too-t reinatka' le cere. The snte i f the Hal-iun et good, nnd iis sueeehs in t uies i u y tlaitcriiig. You: risp ctt'ullv. D. D. PALMER. thi'. .most r.i.MAni; mm. v. c rin: r.vF.ii iiKcoiuiFi). Haiiiiomivi.ii, N.J. Apiil 2H. 181:1. ! ln nr;.botil the Ol'i.'sy id ( ).l.ibc, I r4 I, I w as I tekeii v. i h a violent p. in iu the si le t ejr the livir, Rlofli ron'inii.d for al'olit five at ivs. and wi-s fob low. d l-y tin- I r. iking of D:i u c. r. or a' sees, in . wardry. wluc'i relieved tle sin a b ib-, bad rau-rd ' me ibrow up a L'rrat aiomtitv nf ol'eusie uialter ' ..ud aUn much blood Hi ing pTealy alitm.diit this, I ai'ln d to a iiysieiau, but he ssnl he ih 1141 I 1 he ruuld do but ti tle for nie ec p g ve ni - s. mr : Mercury 1'i'lt, w'orh I 11 fusel lo l ike, fi ehaig -k.Mied tl sl ibry rovald do me ao u huI ; n any o- ilur r.unahrv were then rorurrd by my wife and 1 friend, lut none abd mat any ganul ai d the alls. ; 1 har;e ot tiluod and r.iiuiii"ii s: ill roi.l-liui d . vi rv fi w days, ami at last t ecoinn so ull'ei-.sive th at I I c-'U'd scari'rly breattie. I w .s also srued w ith a vi. in.-ua truuijii, wiueu bi iiiuph cau-eai me to rir mui h more blood than I had done la-fore and my disease continued in this way, still growing worse, until February, when all Iiok nf my recovery was given up, anal my ti lends all thought I would die id s t.Altiirtso CaisseMPTloN. At this moment, when mv life was appnren It drawing near its chase, I heard of Dlt. M lsTAK'8 BALSAM 0 F WILD CHELKY, and got a botile which at iivviii ms ism iiiinii ; and by ihe use of only three b -lib s nf this inrd cinr, all my pains were removed my cough and spitting of blood and cor ruption entirely stopped, and in a few weeks my henlih was so far restored as to enable me to woik al my trade, (which is a carienttr,) and up to this tune 1 have rnjoyi'J good health. THOMAS COZENS. GLniicssTsa Cuustt, N. J , as. IVisi-ually caiue befvrs mr, the subscriber, one of the .lustier of the Peace in and for the said coun ly. Thomas Coccus, and leing duly affirmed ao cording lo law, saith the above statement ia in all things true. Affirmed before me, on the 20ih of April. 1843. .1 Cunrn. I P. 5 Such is tho unprecedented success of this BAL SAM, "NATURE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION," a prescription congenid to nur wants, as it is pie pared Ir m chemical rtttacts from suhtaneea whirh the autlmr of nature has placed in mir own Imd for wise purpo-e, that many who know nothing of the mode of iis prrpantion nre endeavoring to reap pecuniary henefiis by nelline nn article simil ir in name, or in appear mce. or by repreeniing their own trash ss miprriiiT to this B A1,R AM, or bv put ting tip a mixture urn! a demnly asseverating that it is imp tried from a foreign country, which i not the case. All trrae clecenl ve arts goto shuw t ot ... , ,, - i . V ,1 .1. 11 1 .iii- . .1 1 Ta a Ittrsiai i known to t ie world to be lendi d Willi a moal 1itmI.- I iniprnvrmeiil id ths ge- 1 t THE (! It EAT HEME OV." and thn to trll any mixture it inul In like this in name, tr pur port to he lik it iu su' stanrc. (FT Believe not the cunningly wrought fabiira- ti uis and Inks nn'y the original and genuine j Wistah's IUi. Who Ciunnt. no otiibh can na Lisa it. ' Address nil orders to ISA AC BUT I'M, No. S3 i Ann !t New Vmk. Agents, JOHN W. FRILLNO. Sunburi, 1). BIlMM'lliAM. ,rthi,ml,r,l,id, J. K. MO VEH. Ittnmnshunr, J. VVACISONSELLEK, XrVm-Crort, BROWN' iV L'KEASV, M fjtmviltr. Feb. 23,1, 1H45 ly FIFTY DOLLARS IlKW Alll) ! ('t'tchrnli'd TitDKaily .Ttlcdiriaes 'WTITII'L not cure rvirv thii-.p. but stil remdii V V uneiiia!b d in their sevi r ) d partmei.ts by evr rv ihinj ever offered to Ihe public, wlio hove voluntary rame f irvvarl snd offered numerous nnd highly respectable li-niinoiiinU of their supeiior rfiic icy. Cunt -eir.1 Compound Mnliratrd Syrup rf .c" tnpitr.Hii 1 or, 'NiiluSi-oihiitic JS v rup, fur the ol r'Voifula, Chrnnie Bheu.n itism. Chronic Swel lings of the Joints, Eruptions nf the skin, and ell Dicea-e aii-ing from the abuse of Menii'V, ,Vr.. uiisiirjinssed by any thing in the nia kel, rombi. lung all the virtues resident in the Sar npirillj with a modern medicament, on'v lately liroughl I out ny the mist resperlnble medical authorities, Price, fit) cents per b -tile. Ciintrrll'it .inti-Piipfptif I'oirdrr, for the re lief and pernmnmi cure of th t uvst distressing roinpliiint, Dy-pepsia, in all its firms and a'ng-'s. It is tiiilv a most nh . I .If remedy. Sjld in bottles 1 ai o ami ol) cents each. nnlrrll i .1Sue M'jr'ure nnd lome Mriltrtt- mrnta, slmds nl the head nf Ihe list unrivalled bv r.y. or all tie innumerable meibcin' in u-e throughout the length nod bread h of the land, for the cure of Frvm and Am-K iu all its stages, ami j from nil it ennseouences. Itcsiileiits iu Feer and Ague districts should ! never be without it l lie surisrriner win lorteit I ) I " M.I. n li? ( where bi medicine tails to perform a rure in the j most obstinate rase. S .Id nnd Bojail bv CALEB ORES. ; SON. at bis Drug Warehouse. No. fi North Third j Street, Philadelphia; also, bv the ngnlirlv np. pointed agent. SETII W. KOB KIM'S, Wl .ilesa e Dructfi"'. No. fit Water Sircrt. Mobile. I'repare l in Iv bv ll-e Siilwriher, corner of C A K I'ENTEIt snd SBCOMl .s:r..ts, below Christi an, l'liil.iilel l ia. where it is also retailed. Observe, none ate genuine without the sitnaiure f JOHN A. CAN TKELL. C'anlrcirn itrnc Mixture, or Tonic .llrUlraiiirnfa, Ear the eure of nil Htiins nfirlioni, if taken ac ctiriliw; ta dirretinii. It is a nescr failu g remedy phudi no fnini'y euglr to be without, especially in low inatsby com tr co. I As this medicine is put np under the prnp'ie- tor's inunnliiie inspection on the most ci.n'ifie pricctplrs, be ng Pur ly Vt;el..hle, snd having tried its elVicacy on thousand, for upwards of 12 j vara, and to hi knnwlei'ce wren taken triciv ac- 1 cording lo directions, there hi- not been one fa lure. 1 I'nder such r reuin-lanf e I rrromrm nd It U the ; public, adding a certifi. ati in support of my asscr- j lion. i I, John Burns, do cettifv that I was in the ship : r.. it... ,.c in.o ...t..i, i.i . (V.i ... :.. ' I , . . , , , lv,.r.,, ,', , fpvp, ! one. and ague and hud iu Liv io..l siune I mr limb r ! ihe doctor's barn's, went l orn t! e'e I i Ha'timere, lay in the l. urinary for f. .air or five wrrk fmm iheni-e to I'l-.i'ad. 'pi. is ; was si months under Dr. Coats; from thence to New Y. rk winl lo lie ' Hosp;al, leiiiaim-d there about f oir weks w ithont ant relief Med . very th'ng without snv benefit, for five years. Hearing of Cntitrell'a Ague Mix ' lu'e (mill a freed, I went lo l is store, t dd him i h w I wiis alUiclrd, and get a buttle nf his mixture and ns. d it a- r-'r.'irig tn .l.r.'elion. It made a i-r-I. rl rure, and I have In I had the least return I do with coulidenre leiiuninend ii to the public. JOHN BEIt.N.S. rilcilcal'l Syrup f Snmapjii Ilia. I Phda.b Ipl.ia, April 10th, 1MI. j Mr. Jnni A.Cinimii, ! Dear sir, Having ben afilic'ed fortipwaid- nf ; two vears with u'rerattori of the throat, alr-troyii g i the whole ..f die soft pilde, then through the tipper I part 1 f mv m uilh into mv nose, from which w in. j nl 1 ia re-of hot e rame nut, wlurli partial'y de.tioy I ed my sp.iecb. through a kind Pro idrui r ntul mir ' MeibcTed Svrup of S.irssp uid 1, 1 am now lesion al j lo p.-it. el l.c.ilth,and mv si-j'nt.wb rh w. nni much imt aind, i as strong as when a boy. I I thought it a duty I oued toyou snd ihosesinii 1 l.uly alfei i. d, to miaki-. it nbhe. 1 Youis, K spec fully, ; SXNII EL KtRK, ; Con er nf Tenth ami C.-ates Stu.-ts. j I I, tshril Jonst'-n, No. C Rr-Vli-f Street. a!o nr '. t f that niv wife, J ane, was nfillcted lor Iwo years wi'h Hheunia isin. and nl la I was a uiirely ah-a'deJ, so lha' she wss obliged to he routine I to b d , I . ing i f Cant ell's .Me- i.-a'cl r;vaaip of Sji.iari'ta, . nr Ami Scorl'iiiir Svrup, I prol ine I f.ui. I.iba, ; which cuiipl. ti Iv reimoad nil bar nitis anal sttiT j lies- from lur Llliba ; Iwo Me or hollies Iniide a pa r ! led cure. SI e is now able lo attend 'o ber hnnsi- hold duii-s a usual. A 11 (ill. JONsTON. Philadelphia, Jan. 22d, IS 14. (TJj De-criptive Pamphlrls may be had of the agent. (Oiatis.) J. W. FKlLlMi, Sua bury. Nov. 9. I S44. I y ,1ent. jsuWy &vlo c a p, WHOLESALE & nETAII 1 1 AT & CM' IM A N L' FA CTU K U US, South Hast corntr of Market and 4th tts., ritilatlelphla, 7 HERE they always keep 011 band an fiten- ive nf HATS lit CA I'S of every description, got up in Ihe best and most approved lj le. I'eitons alcrimus of purchasing superior atli chs on the most lessens! le terms, will find it lo ibrir sdvantage to call b.fore making purchases ha-re. Pbtladilphia, Oct. &lh, 1844. ly OAKIjEY'S nr.priiATivE sinti. flHE vatuah'e properties of Oakley's Depnrs I. live Syrup of 8nrsaparilla, as a purifier of the blood, is so well known lo ths public generally, that it ia unnecessary to occupy murhparein sel ling; forth Ihe advantages lo be derived from its use ; whrrevrr the medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence over nil others : eveiy oiietbat tins tnken it, have derived so signal bene, ficial results from it, that it : recommended by llicin with the u tnoat eoiifidcnce. Physicians of the highest Minding in the i-ifrsliii, prescribe it to pi'ient. under their rare ; r.nt'iining lioihiot dt literious. hot being composed ol Iht nrnst rai' l, yrl tfl'icncious vegetpble is nff.'rcd with confidence, es tfie rbenpet mid mint afTicirnl nu. rifier of lbs blood now knnivu. The use of a fsw hollies, especially in the spring mouths, will be at m-iai aiienuui pi mr sysieui, vrmiiraMUK any r--ee-i i r, .7 . , . 1 L , I nf ihsrn-e tbat mnv have breti genenteij. beanie , ,., . ..11, v .1 giving henltb and vigor lo the body. t or lh! cure 1 1 r ! m of Scrnlula or Kings Evil, KUrum itisio. I it or, . .. . ..... ., . '1 I'lmpbs or etupttons of the Skiu, bite Swe Una, is .1 ft . . . . . ' I I I'tu'a, bronic ;ough Asthma, &c. Ihe ti. I ' . ' , , , . i merous coriificaies in the posesiMn of tbs sutler ! 1 . 11. . r I ,i iti Biin 111 vvviua, 1111111 ui;yairiaoa aou oioera, are J . 1 r J - I suli'ici'Jiit to cnev ore toe must akenticM nfitscu ( I eririTtty over all preparation of 8 irsip.irilt. I S dd wholesale nod retail, by Ihe proprietor, OEUiHiE W. OAKLEY, North Mil stre.l. Kea ' ding, Beiki Cunniy,nnd lo be bad uf the following ! iicis. me : In Ktrlhnmberhind County. . B. Mnsr, ' Siinbnryj lieUud fc Mixcl, McE Aensville ; 1) j Krnuser. Milton. Union County. J. (learhnrt, Selinsgroves ( A. fiiitrlins. Mifllinliurg. 1 In Columbia Count y. It. V. MeCay, Wash ' ingion. Itendinj. Marrh 14, 184H, Ma. Oiki f.t: I believe it the nty nf evi rv 1 one to do whatever in their power I ir--, for th b nr. fit of their fellow ma", nnd having had po-i ivs pionl in mv own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depnr.itiva Syrup nf fSaisapirilla, I ni st coiiseieiiliou-lv reeommend it to the afflicted. We had the inUfoitune lo ke two of our children, by the breaking rut nf ulcerous sores that covered the face, head snd neck, although we had some of li e most srienlifir physician to attend tin m nnd had tiled all the known icmcdics, including Swain's annrea, without avail. Another nf my children j was aiinrkcl in the snme ni.iiiner, ber lace and ) iii'ck was completely covered; the il.rx ha-ge was so ' nlleitsive, and ihe ilisetse at sn h a liC'cht. llint we de-paired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of Drnuraiive Sviunot S irsanan.l i. we weie induced to nuike trial ol it, as toe last resort ; , ,,.(., hkeachnrm; the u'cers eonimruritl healing 1 ' mm,rdiatriy. a few hollies entirely r'tnredher to hrr health, which she has enjoyed iin.nteriU tcd!y ever since. A a ponlirr nt the blood, 1 verily be lieve it has its equal. JOHN MOYER, Tailor. Walnut Btrcct, near Fourth, Beading. Dougliss. ills, April 1!);N. lH-tH. Ma. 0;l.r.T : My son Edmund Leaf, bad the I srrofHla in the most dreadful and distressing man I tier for three years, during which time he w is de ! prived of the use of his limb, hi he .d and neck j were env. red wiih ulcers. We tri-d all ihe diff-'-etil remrdiis, but to no tlTect, until recommended I by Dr. Johnson of Norri-town. anil sn Dr. U i ic I lliester, nf Heading, to use your DcpU-ntive Syup of S.irFsparill.i, nf which I ubtnincd several bo'rles. . t. . t .. t . . u l .i: - i . i , .. . , , . ., I los svsiein, Ihe sore healed up, and the child was r . i i i i i i u i j ii piiiTrii in rii-, . iir.iiiu, Willi 11 nr I'll. i-n.iru I uninterruptedly ever sinre, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him lin ing his i.fflirtiiui I have thought it mv alu'y, and send yn tins rem. 1 irate lint others who have 1 like lllictiori in that fimilt mny know where In obtain ao valuable a 1 medii ine. Yours trult. I AMELIA D. LEAF. j Sept. tfi. 1S1T ly j To Cce::i.i'j .TlprcS.nial. ', Hoots, Slmos, louiDcl-s. I.cirh.irn nnd . r.-iltn I.faf Hals. C. W. vV 1.. II. TAYIiOl!, ! at the S. H.rornrr of Market and I'ilh .S'.'s.. ""FFEIl fir ra'e 1111 rxten-i.e se-niimriil nf ti e 1 'above arncb s, all of whieh they sell nl unusual ly low prices, nnd parlirul uly invite the attention of biivers visitu g Ihe ciiv, loan nammnti m ,f stoek. O. W. .V L. B. TAYLOR. PhiU.lelpliis. May 25. I c-14. I v ; i or.nicrioitri DBA? H BZiOW. rI'he 1 11 ' lie will please nlucrve that no llratulieih Pil's sre genuine, unlaws the bos ha th'ee li bels ujiori it. (the tup, Ihe a'n'e and Ihe bottom) a'Hrh containing a f ic-siini!e signature of my hand writing, thus B. Bn iinnr.Tii, M. D. The.- Is. bel nie eniirived on sta'el, besut fnlly aVigned. snd abine al an et petite uf over f i.OOO. Th. ra fira it will hr seen that the only thing neer-ssiy lo pro cure the midicino in its puritv, is to observe tbese label. Uemember the top, the side, and I' e bottom. The following re -peclive person are duly atulu-ri red, and fio'd ciiitxxrxcATrs or ACsrNcv For the sale of Hrr.nJreih'i ts;etati!e I'nirertal Tills. Xorthnn.lsulsnd county : Milton Mnakcy cv t -bamba ilm. It. B. Masses. M Ewens vide lia-hnd.V Meit.ll. Northu.n' eiiaml Wna. Forsyth, (icoiua'town .1. A". J. Walls, t'l.iun (.' .unty: New La-rhn Bog 11 A: Wui. ter. St'linssro'e l.eorge- Ciundiutu. Mi. I. tie.. burg Isaac Sniiih. lla-avi r'own 1'iivid Ilublc. Ad uiisl urg Win J. May. MilTHtishuig Mt-nsih eV Itay. Hi'tlctnli Danud Long. Fraehnrg '. It.etF. C. Mover, Columbia cm. lily Lewi-burg alts A lirrro. Danville E. B. H.'Mioldk 1?; Co, Hi rw ii k f human A U tla-uhoiise. Ca' tTwissn C, (!. Brobts. B'ooinsl. lire John K. Mover, .lemry Town LeviBisal. Wa-binv'tnu l'olil. Mat.'av. Lime-tone lialli-' fz V?'"ieh. Observe lhat each ceul has an Kngravnl t'.r tillcate nf Agency, containing a repu s-maiion nf llr BUANDiJETH'S Manuficiory at Smg Sing, and itjioti which will a'so be seen rxnet copies ol the ntw lulieix m.w used upon the ISrandnlh Pill Rons. Pbiladilphis, o.Tice No. R, Noith Sihslra-et. B. BKANDItETH.M.D June 54lh, IS43. CITY FrHNITUHK AUCTION, AND PRIVATE SALES HOOMS, Nus. 'Jt ami 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C('. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectful1? in- vile the attention of persons desirous nf pnr chasing Furniture, In his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public snd Piivate,) for every description of Household Furniture, where ran le obtained al all limes, a large assortment nf fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattrssses, Ac, at very ra-dured prices, for cah. 07" Sales by Auction, twice a week. May SVth, 1813. ly ROSE OINTMENT roil TI3TTEK, niNowoitMs, ristpi.M on tub rr ic, and othe fTTANF.ntsi rut Plill-(S. CTj" Thf fnlhiU'inctrtiJica'tdcm ihrtnne oftKt fniirt rrtrmrrdinary eurrs ercr tfferietl by any application. pHir.Anr.irnM, Feluusry in. 1839. T7OJI twenty years I wss severely afflicted with Tsttkii nn the Face and Head! the diseasn ennimenrrd when t wis seventeen years old, snj continued until the Full of tRtG, Virrving in vio lencs, bul wiibout ever dia lppe arinj. lnring most of t!,e time, gsrat nr' nf my f ice was covered with the eruption, freqnentlv attended wiih vio'enl itch. ingS rot head swel ed nt time until it fellas if ii wi'uld burst the virtlin:! was so g'Sit, that I cmcM seaicrly get nit h it on, Uurinjr the long period th it I wn afflicted wi'h the disease, I useil a great manv ai piicaimns, lamnr.g ttiem several celeliraleil .,'.,. . n , I reinrnt lno 1 n ns I .Lii..r innrartf rmil i :.. .1.. 1 . . t . n ... re , meluliiig a nuinbiT of botth a of Sivutmg Panacra. v r v; r 1 t . ... hxlrart if Santifiurtllii, &.C, In fact, it wou d he , ,;, .' , .,. ., . . , . , , impo-sttiw to ecmtiein'.s nil Hie ruediemes I used, , ' . , ., (o. lV . , , , . . .. 1 was also under the c.irc of two nf the most dis- ,:, 1 . .,.;:.. t .l: . . . .. . nbvici ins of tnt citv, but with ul re- ; . r. , . , , . ifiving ip icli I otit. inJ I disii,iit,d of ever being 1 1 , ,1 . r 11 1 low .11 . .1 . cured. In ll'.s fill ol liln, vl 1 disi ae nt the time t 1. , lirltlir vefV violent. I comoistieeil ii.inif hn Ointment, (prepared by Ynulian Si Divis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, ihs swelling abated, the rujilinn began to disappear, and before I hid urrd ajar tlie di-ease was entirely ruied. It has now lieen m arly a and a haif since, and there is not a velige of th disease ro niaiuiug, except tho scira from the deep nits firmed 1 by the i)j rae. It is impossible for me to describe I in a certificate the severity of ibe disea-n and my I tulh rins, but I will l-c pie iscd to give a fuller ac 1 coniil to any person wanting further satisfaction, ', who will cull on trie. At the time I rnjimnnccj I usin? ihe IJ. se Ointment I would have given hun i dieds nf do'lais lo ho rid of llin disease. Since u- sing it, I have recoiion-rided it to s-everil persons, (anions them my mother, who hid the diseuso bad ly on her mm.) who w re a I cured bv it. JAMES UUKNELL, No. 15(i, IticeSt. The liose ():iitmer.t is pi-pared by B. B. Yauhan, Suuih P.ast comer of "I'lnrd and l'ace stie' ts, Pliiiiidi'lphia. and sold on arency in Sonbu. rv. by If. B. M ASM',!, " May Mih, !. Ai;rnt, Elof O'niJjiirjtl, avr 'flVJlvr. a proof or its r.rricAt.Y. I'll 1 1 n n. nn , May "Tilt, IS:i'J. 'PHIS js to rer'ifv ti nt I was severely sill ctcj a with Tntlpr 01 lit ton. its unit t. 1 mow .p.ta I of lorty jears; llv n was atlended generally i.a-i.t m-inng ami swelling. ..put rj to I j, number nf li sin .ns. anil used a grent mat y pp!i i a ions Willioiit -l l.-t-i i . . i a cure. AUuit a y-nr since. I i.pphed ti e Kos,. Ointment, which entirely slopped ihe neb, n. and a I. w apphcuti ns alely cured the diseaB, which there has Ueu no return of, although 1 had never been rid of it at any time for forty year. ItlCHAKD S.WAt.E, Eleventh, bele-w Spince Sneet. CjT The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yaiiiihan. S uih East lorner nf Third and l.'iice Si re-is, Philadelphia, and sjUI on agency iti Suului rv.l.y H. B. MASS Kit, May Mth. 1I1. Att. OJ the ROSE. OI.TMr..T, for T'ttrr. i LTMOl'UM the superiority of the prsuaia i n A over nil others is fully es ahlishrd, the r.ipr e- tors take pleasure in laying hfrs ihe public tho following ceriiricaie fr..w a respectable physician. J a grmluale nf the I Diversity of f nnsvlvaina. l)r. 1 . . , , .J. , . . . - Ujugh, having found ui this leuir. y that re hef fr a tedious and di-a'ecaMe atfurtton which the means within Ibe rsnt of bis profession failed tJ slford, has not hesitated to give it Uis appiubati m, slthouli the prejudices and u.ieresls uf thai profession ate i.ppoae J lo secret Kemejies. fmLii'iLrau, Sept. 19, 18:16. I w.t recently l oiibied with a tedious herpetic eru;ii"n, which eo'C-ed nearly une si.'n ofmv f ice, snd extendi d .ever the ear. Mr. Van jhan, propne l'it nf the Rose lliutinei.l, oh-eliii mv fa-e, insn led nn my trying his piepaiation. of which lie han ded me a jar. Aiihough in common with the mein bcis ol my, I alisi ounirnsni e nd disap prove of t,e nunierous nostrums (inland upon the jn.t'lic by ignoi cut pretenders, 1 f. rl in jusiice hound to except thn Kose ( fnun that c!a-s of me .brains, and to give it mv appmhstion, ns it entire ly .ur.d the eruption, ahhougii it hid resisted lha u-ud iipphraiions. DANE H A I 'OH. M. 1). C jT Ihe IJose Ointment is prepared by E. I. Yaughau, Sooth Kast corner nl Third aid It ace Sireei. ftiilada', and snhl nn agnicv in Sun- i nrv, bv h. u. massi;k. May Mth. 11:1. Agmt. I'nrner ttf Third and Vine Streets, wxiatiAKsroaT, a? a. flHK subscriber n-speitfullv aunouncrs tithe 1 1 uMtr thst be h'S opened a Hotel in iln-commodious hi irk building situate on the comer of I hiial and Pine tre:s, where hs wP be hapV to sit np n thoe who mar fivnr bim 4 it i tlieir coinpany. Ti;e L.ijle Hotel is la-ge nnd c naei.i em, srd furnished ir. the he I nv-'ein stile. Ii is provided w it ti a lrge n'Onber nf well aired and comfortable sleeting apartment, rooms, private parlor, Ac. Prisons Vis'ting ilbam;iort an bu eiuess or p'es'iire, mat re-l a nr-d lhat etert et erajon wdl Ve used to rerder their sojinrn at the 'Eagle Hntr" pleasant and agreeable, HisTa'de will be supplied with the vrrv best the market af lord, and lis far w it ti the choicest wines and other ltiOrr .harden ra-smiatde. The r'agle lloirl prssessrs greater advaninge in point of location than nv nibei in-!- 1 ' ihlohnu i,t in ih- iHirough, situate in the business p-irt of ihe town, ami wilbui a a-ntn eiuoi.f distain-e nf the Court House and W iiba;iisiorl and Eluiir Had Hon.! 1 put, Snllii ieiil Stabling provided, and good and trusty oslb is slwavs in atta-ndaii. e. Attentive, accou.mod.itmg and hone-l Sirvants have been arnpboed. snd noi' ii.g I. -ft intone that will add to the coinfoal and accommodation of his gue-ls. There wi'l be n rarriaje alwaia in a'lendance at the Boat I.Hiidiug lo convey pas-engers lo and from the House, lice uf rbarge. I'll AHLEs BOltitiiWs. May 1 Its. 1 if .Hirhru l WcaVn A; Son, nsri: r.: Aliens tn:r cisAwcLssa. A . 13 Xurth Water Jimt, Thitude'iifiin. A h ronsiaully on hand, a general iissort ment of Cordage, Seine T tries. Ac, vizi I ar d lioics. Fishing Hopes, hue Knjies, Manit la Ropes, Tow Lines lor Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of feine Twinea, Ac, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (Silt Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring 1'wii e, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, I'lough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. all of w hich they will dispose of on reasonable let ma. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. No. lys Maikt Street, Philadelphia. 8NYITE the attention of Country Merchanis to their es tensive assortment of British French ud American Dry Hoods, which they od'er for sal on llin most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Ncvrmlier 13, 18H. ly.