DALTIMORB MAItKKT. Ofirenflhe Baltimiirk A m iiiica s Oct. 10. GRAIN'. -In conspcjtirnre of the trnor of thn Tng'ish news to the 10th ult. the market opened with on active demand on Monday, and snlcs were Iroely made of parcels ofgond to prime Mil. ond Va. reds at 00 a O.'l cents. On Wednesday the tales of good to prime reds were nt 00 a 05 cents ; atid to-day sales of the same qualities are making at 03 a 0(5 cents. The demand continues brisk, and is mainly for shipment and specula tion. Very inferior to good reds are selling from frlO to S3 cent. Sale of family flour white wheats ore making at x0."i a 110 rents, and of other do arriptions of whiles at 03 a 07 cents. Prime Penna. Wheat, if We, would command 07 and probably OS cents. Com. On .Monday sales of M l. white were made at 5 -I a M cents, and of ye'low nt ,V1 a .ri7 cents. Since Wednesday the Mies of white have been at 5-1 a ,V cts. and of yellow nt .' I a .iii cs., oml we quote those rates today. Yesterday two parcels of In avy Penna. yellow were told at 07 an I M cents. liie. Sales of Md. at M cents. Penna. is wan ted, and would crwimaiul Hi rents or more. Oittr. Sales thiouahoiit the week at 3:t a 3'i cents, ami the same price prevail to day. rwrV. Sales of ordinary to (air eim! par .ols nt a ." o.'i ; ssr;e lots of very -irimc at '.0 a ') 7.'i. I'lux.crJ. Not nun h doing in Flaxseed Hol ders ask S110 a C-l 25 per bushel. Stales at the latter late. Ti'mntfii Serif We quote at S3 ,,0 o 75 a -T per bushel fur medium to good and prime, with alesnt the extremes of quotations. The article lias become lalliT scarce. WI1ISLF.Y. Fntil Wednesday the a1es of lihds. were ma 1e nt 2 I cents and of bids, at 25 .cents. Yesterday prices advanced one cent n gallon, anil sales of hluls. were made at v!5 cents and of bids, al 2n ds. Weijnofp those rat es to iil.iv, with a very light stock and a linn rnatket The wason pre o( ho'-', is 0 I cents, exclusive of the bnrre'l 'I'lie inspection nt'th" week emn prise 51 1ih V an:! 1 Fi 1,bl of which 17 Mi-V 4in I C'S5 bbU. were met ived ".' the Tirlt Water (Cat.al. Iit Ttitc M I TM. limn v;i: Iburv I.ivr. No one is s i fool eh its t.i soi-pose for a mnn-etit thai wn ran live w ith.uit i -nling, rwiy wore ilir. n a tier could d rivn iitiiiiri'i'i t Ir mi the nir nl u e, w-ibiii' the ;!. All 'tirrii'nre know that it i- wh t we put into ib" vi, m u ll wl i, h r.insrs i s lo 1;vo. We innke nrer our bwbps fmm Ihe stutraeV in fm:n !) 1'i 5 venrs e e make over out hdis ontKcIv Tlu xvh.a' is pari of us (tt.dav., i- silsolul.lv tin! a pot of u to-morrow. Thos, citi n, fdcIi as P' r-p r i. tii n mid other rvariia'tou., rnntnual v make our "bedies waste, i nd il is from (lie slum :'! tli.1t we I'pplv 'his wi 1e. All we I rive to da to make our lio lies oliiinilc'y he ! I y is to ptevi tit mi1 calthy p:rirles (rom niivina w tit fhe blind. Purgation tin, a this f i u, pio'-n'e.l 'hi- piirsitiM-we mplov u t iiri in i' n tliiun tt'm.'h wi! we.l.eu or do h injury 1! it micktii'k ' i ii i t b i.e ITxivkhsai. 1'ii.i, f r t1ri irj.'e , wr!1 I f iji:H idl thsl is re. nj'i'K.I; Iik' nic ihey ptire fr 1111 tin--in oh mil l.iu i h: the u i-- Ivuiiil. u ce of lou'ims tiiat nmy have itreiitii .U vd m llie t-'tt ln. In t.. re th' v h ive lime to pr dure ; ulr f..itiui', and K i. Kli. r.i I run ciit nci c'.e;i'. Ii. I'lirchrfSt tif H. Tl MuR-i-r, f'tinhury, or id he ajents, pii'!ishi-,1 in ano'lit r part nf ihisp q er. I'-.ilV'v. T!illli.T. Cnrrn'tiii it rf.'V'y '. j lli-try Yix'h. ihiir. Will T, R i k, t'l.iii, tliri, I'll UK, Fi.xsfni, ltrrrni, -Li... - - 1.SW4X, - Ta tin w, F L 4 X , 111! K Itl, Fl.AX, 1I1 1 K II A 1'1'I.H, Dl). PlAI'KKS, Ho fill - If.' Hi H in 1(1 . ftl irm re asset, rwt Grp'tajs-' S'os.rS tt:!t. IN pi'Hiiiior ol sn mikr nf llie Orphans' Cmnl nf Nord uud ml md r. ul.lv. will he so', I ki ,i,i lie irndue, mi M biv, ll lith day nl N.oe i.b r tiext, st i lo' h"U-' ,'l W,i. K. J.ius, i.i A ,i;ii.-1.i liovi s! ip, in saxl conniv, to wit : A rer'in s. I n d. fi inited in Au tisl.i iuwn-b p. in .i d r uintv, -..eil .Mom!) Llul I'ntH d Island, r-nt;i nn t; twi n tv l'.lir sir. i s. Also hi iliesiine 'i ne ai d 4sfi', a sreri on ir-ci of land si u ,(e,l in 'oi n.-l.iii -Ion h , id. f.j iiiiiiig Win. It. Joi i'K mid ell, rrs, mi, tan i, g i ioi,. t-seeu aces Himn i.r less.- Li.t ' tbe i's';.te ut i'. John Jones, dee','. Sale lo c nnnri re nt HI o'clock V M. ,t said ,!iy, vli u ibe ,i!e.i us t eulewUI be ns,k km.n l-v WM. IS. M TENCH. LI.!sU. KLINE, tict. J;!i. IMS. U. A,ii".s "FJji4V virute of a certain writ nfl. L v. J ri s is-Tnd not nf the Cii'i of C inrnri I'lra it Aoilbuai's' I mil ('oini'y I, I uie drilled. i: le expose I lo p i' I c de, at the Court House in lbs it. .rough of -U'iburv, on Monday II e 3d day of Nuv ml.if in x, m t u'elii'V, V. M., t.M) (oIIoa ing ilesrriUd projieny to wit; 1 AlltliOsit two several tracts f md M'd :te in th iliiokiii towi h'p. NoilbuinU'rland rouu'y. a I join, ne I un! of Thomas Ji m, ill n, M.ului (is-k, late John iitady, Wkrnline io keri, Es. hud others, oiit.iifiinx together eiehi hundred and liiihiy-e'ghl and a half acres more or lit, with the uppur cnni ccs. Keite.l, taken in exeru'ien, and to be gold as the property (,f Andrew .Mu.r tiler, with iio'.ice to Lewis lJ, wart. ALSO A rpriain tract or piece of land siiuate in Aii)ru.ia town-lnp, NoiilitimheiUnd county, ad Miming land of Jacob Hoover, Ira T. Clemeni and tubers, romaiiiiug 150 acre loore or less, about 1(111 acre ufw huh isc rated ; wbrr.on are rie lid larue Imo miry dwitlins bouse, a larnr hark l ain and oilmr otiibuildintis, an apple oiclund, Ae, Si-it, d, t ikeu in i iecoiiuii, and lo be Id is the inoitc'ity of William lliinirr arid ICubut Hunier, FELIX MAUltUl, Uitrijf. Mienn i mice, Hunhury, Del. Ulb, 1815, LIST OF CAUSES. .NMt trial in the thunt of ('ommon Plens of Nor- thutnhcrlnnil Conntv, ftl JVovrmln r Term, 1815, commrricing the first Moi.day, being the 3d. Seilzinger, alienee of (inrvrf s John (inrvrf et nl llenj'itnin IJohins ts Ahr.iham Lawrence Pienlire for Wrh h s Joseph Keefer Claire (lenevirvc Uasqite s Uiiniel Dutiklchrrgrr Winie vs Same Willinni Farrow vs Abraham Klaze (ieorne l.eilnicli vs llenrv Musser. Davul M'Kniuhl vs U Ivichardson Pt ol Kemp, H-pii'iire of Hobirt vs Alln ! linnet Xiilhony Wiiton et til vs John M llonsrd Hobt H tirmt ct nl s William Keed A l-ni r Mrudi'iihull C I Wfimrr WilMn ii McCoy II,, ckb v tltf, Miv vs A Willii hii's ndinr. g llolmrt V McCoy vs II ib ir A: llarn l .1 lines l.ee irc 11 Hi ll s, cvr fur II U M icser v Wi liar.i Mi Coy I.oret 7. i 1) II' nsel v WdiiirnKrik tie.-re Hi 1 en! ach's ai'inrs v n V J St inim tVc Cris-rpher 15' It. vs .1 dm He. ker Pruicis MeCtiv, vs Fe'm Mni'cret hI Win S M.in'c uiiery vs l)r Jnine If eke Whil'dl tV llronn Win H llr ii At co vs J ,1m II K .vJ vs Same Stiawliii Il'C & H i den m Holmes. Stureeon oc co vs Same Si.rim J uri's llird & wi'e vs (!e rg" I'ersii'g llrigli Urdus l' i) vs Henry Du-'ticl et nl t'tiarlrs HallVrx'r vs Wilbmn Wileon's u'r II s Sure vs J.ibu !'i rk (iohin tV lldliisgtoii's os-igiiirsvs Kdwanl fiol in Suuie vs ( Ml ir. s ( iohin Jaeo'' I'etsing Mary Weeks Ii 1) Fo.tlsouitl .loloi ( "not er vte W'll no Simenion C M Cre-. r .St wifo Clnrl t II Fiiik ( ' Pleas lilts Wm llmisel, jr vs Zimmermin Sr. Savidge vs .l u'ob H ias i t "I vs 1!, nj iiii'ii Ford-in rt vs S, ns'iiil7. it It. reslie.-ser s .1 lin Phtpinini v P W illi ,rn . wife vs Wi li nn Fii, k v AiljlKlns I!, ss et al vs D ivi.l II u-i I'm :,din'r D S Mmiiiomeiy's cx'rs vs Casper l.ynd c K W I . ,,I vs Same I 'll i Hel d reou'ti hei s vs I!,e, iioiiiih V Sl.ipinaii .1 .hn I.u li vs TIioiii is .M en (tiV'rri lie, lieu i; (ire, nouli Same I'M aid W Mi rrlsr.n lan e. 1! ,-s W in 1, 1 1 ii e m hi v in I! .l aies vs Tliom s I ir ant's adm'rs vs ("nine j vs (Ja per lb c.l ' vs .1 ,e b H Khovls in II irtmm II K ii Id'" sMl i:i, D. JOliDW. P.oiboii' tar-'s i'!i e. l'),lh'ij. Snnluiy. Oct 1 1 1 In. Il'i J (JrEthan" "tjrl ':ile. IN iir-uaiice ol an oribt nl the t"pli,iis' t'omt 1 1 N .oilniii.l't i' ii d ei'iin'v, w ill I, su'il nl putt lli- vei due or , irc y, .m S , t (1 r , I , v the Sfnh ,111 tol'er ii si., mi the pi. nr-e-, neir Sn di rst.iwn, I ,:e lie i rial" nt .! hn l!v rt.dic'd. ! ci rta'n Irsel if 'nnd muni.' in SI no , km tow I t-1 1 p. ill -aid c tin'v, 'j.! nini Ian I ol .1 l,n Mo. 're, Wt liam I'l lor, ll, irv Hod and nttn ri. c i,t linn i two Immlriil ,n I IW' ntv sit a,T' , V hereon lire eerie I a dwel ling h,,i"-r tiid a bitik ham, 5.c. Sale to coui lueiiee at H n u'rloik. A M , of sa d d iv, when ll.e n mis nf rale will be uunie known lv .H)li. F. YF.'!T, S!i.,m kii, Oct. 11th, 1815 St Adm'r. (Void tlii' I.. I, i'uriiiir.) ':.;;! C':icl I'ill." Dr. (!. II, nj. Sm ib's Suar Coan d Improve.! In, In, n Vecel.i: le Pi U a-e no exec lent purgative; poweilul, nod v e' nc'ii '.liv pirn m.t in tln-ir i,p, r.i linns. Tl.cv h ive no Hale-miis t iste, nor do tin V no lure win rwa ds e'nl.ei i. ni-ei or gr pe In l, t ihan twelve h urs ,if c r t iki, n tin in. a p, r-on he's like a in '.v I ring jusi s if he had been icady 'bom ptinii." jjf C.VI'TION. As a miserable imitation h ,s been III nle, by the n not' of Suu ir Cuau d Pill-," it is nee t-s iry lo be sil'c ilrat Dn. (i lll.J Smitu'h -i . i I'uie is on i v. iv box. P,ice V!5ipnts, Fi -oe'ta! ( lili'-e. I 7ii I renin tell t-t N w York. S.J.I Iv .lOMN U . FIMI.lNli. .Vhh,1, v. WM. FOKSYTHI:. X.rilium'd. O. t .h. r 11th. 1 .). WW. i-i the i,mi-, ,'f the -n' r ber, in C. nl t ,e. n !rp, Neli.i'miii'rl.iiidcjujj y ,iuk liorc in Juik' ! a-t 'S'tvo Mfrri'M, ne re I im I w hite, and the ndier brown :ki,I wbite ; both sppirreinlv upwsrds i f n veir nb'. The ow ner s reijlMHe.l In c.illie foiuarj, Tove prope ly. puv rloujes ,ii.!'ii,ke tlieui a a iv. or i:ov will lie M,. ac.-i.bn-io Imv. JAMES KANNLV. C.nd t i-bin. O.i. lib. ls-,',t, ,rAME tsi !, p, ribex ,f il,e siihts'r ber, in 4.y Rush 1 'VTts' ii, Nor biimls'ilanJ coiirny, a hit.it the lirsi ol Si pteoih, r insl int, i ne a P.L ('K COW, wnh bill ,si. Iniviui: a " blip tlr.ii'.i on her Ink. T lie o her a I! F, D I'llW, Willi awliefi ImiIi ip e ,r to he ill (', v. I be in in " is ritpiivtr.l hi c!t f r lb. rn, p v . bar wes ntul take In in nw..v. W M . H. KU'P. Rin.ll lu llshiit. Sepl. 27. 1 1 ."l ill To tilt; tM'.Htc. A N E W VOL r M n II F TIIF. lid oiinni net- un .S.e'ir7,y, Or. 1 I, 1 .Ij. 'I'i iivs; Tl.ico iJu'lats J.cr unnum til uJsnre, nn. Oi e c py our ye u in advanep, jt fV) I In. i o. v two v. a s, T c p es one jeir, -J'iu-, .... Eioi.i, -Twi Ive, -t i PM'ry t-lll'ser iber t . l i'.hef th ml fi ir-s Id (Ml .' IK) 2ll O'l w ei:kly . , An I nr DAILV, we will c se a ropy of Vulli's l.t iters f:tm lontlu'.i, i'cui pli tr. In niie h ! d nine I' I'll l no f ill ith h-Wkik it Miini'iii. Tln co ,, ri r the Fl ii.t Sm i . t I .. r 1 1 e s. nnd v i ti ll.e New I'ohim will r. mi ni ice the ." w ii I is. w mien I'oiu the Norm in Fi ii iti., w lieu i he W'ii til if Jrrnr v. il I'e pa ri'i1 i.',d with pani id ir CNie, an I W' h ui. re sprri ,1 reijud l t a i's sod Ins es nf r 'U.nrv uhsriihri. We sha I pu' I - uoe i all's, nu.l le liia'ti i that is mritlv local mid by b-infi in pari ii Itlall. r ilie, wo hall be a Me to inciea-e llie ipiaii 1 1 1 v as well us I i improve the ijuuhty ui what we give lo uur readers. We shall e, deavnr tn m ke THE NEW. YORK WEEKLY MIRROR. A ibvi rs l'ml, enter hiiiini. iiistiuciive and v ilu ble tliioiu, le n ibe tinn s, orr.MlLT M;wseirra, fjn a tioin tot bindii t in .,ne or two solum,'- al ll.e i nd nl thenar.) upon whieh fieiiher lahoiii, time, l.i'enl, n r money uill be sparnl. I: will herealt r Is' en fii'luit Willi uiiuiie.l Coiilnbu'iolis he life, spire ami spiril i f ihe ts.ri-in j nun ils and roinaiu nil llie hewa, intelliteuie and taiieiy ol the d nlv beel, handsomely piii.l. d mi fine paper, uiniiiifiicturril lor the elpu porp.e. fii J w nl he lorwil.te.l by die eailnsl liu Is in 1.110114 w uppers. every p.nl nf Ihe 1 'inted States and Canada. l''itlurt frte uri III tbr ly tinlea ol New Yoik. All rouiiiiunirs ioiis hou',,1 be bdilnssfd jnnt paid, to Morris, Willis iV Fubir, eoriKf Ami auj Naail lKel, Mw Y'uik, LIST or JURORS OF IVorthnmbrrland County, for Nov. Term, A. D. 1SI5. . Is'imikI Jurors. Titrlmt. Suloinon 1'shhach. '(uivrre. John H enrd, Jacob Slitzrl, Win. Kirk, John lloush, William 'I'inbrook. Lnvif. J.ibn Kaup, Michael Sechter. .irVori. J. din 1) vers. Ciilli'imiiui: U'-nrirn Frt Jerick. Point. 'I'hoinis II. Walt. Kiirlhumfi'riinif. J hn Cake. Fi. P. Shannon. Augusta. Jehu Hans, Jacob Fry, jr , William Ilatttii'l'iinevv, Viprr Mithmioy. Benjamin Murkel, Michael 1) own. jr. I.nwrr Muhimo). John Uinennart, John Uor n I. I.ifle Muh'mnif. William Kollnrrnel, Jacuh Ivill.er. Jar!inn. Tobias Mill, Joseph Rat'dorf. 'I'ra verse .Ftiror. Tutl'Ut. .l tne Iri bind, I i,l K, keif. Dthnt'tirr. W hnt WmIhoii. lienjuniiii ()vter, Jaroli II tVuui'i, Jon it'mli l.nuir, John Kwi, r-,u , (ieorje Wa son, DjiiuI Dallied, Kl is W. Mcl -ar- 1,-H'is. S imnel Siahttiecker, Monlgomerv l!us- sei. . iij .inin loin, . : .tiiiiini. nonry Jisn:s, I'avin litair, .icrnriaii ; Mirk el CcAVtr'te. Thomas Pu d e, Mil am Iju ketiiune. M l, ,i'l M,(; e. i! i m I' li ner. Point.- Francis (Jibsmi, John Ncshii. jr., Isi.c Hull .luna I B'l I'irs, I. Kiflh'initirr.'amf Wilhsm Itirkeub ne, Levi Fckerl, Wi limn Wilson, John Cox, Sunliuri. Se1 'ian Haunt. Lewis D wa't. Auf'tn x illnm K.iss. (Seorce 15 k r jr,lno. Snvd r.jr., Philip Wei-er, John Smith, Leonard Neiib.'. Sh ii nml tin. Andrew ( n er', A Ida John. W.-J'lm Prneyl. jr., John lUnsh.ji., Lef. ford 1 1 allij'i iivoul, foul Jo eph Zi'lii rr. I ppcr Mtilimini John Heirieh. Imn r Mn.'itinrii Jacob W t in r, Solomon lb -hr. Mu-I.ael Let li'-r .11.1 Mi, h.ul. Jillluun. Peter Tilltll. Pt'lil tUnror. Turhut. (i.dion Dui ki I, John A. E-l.bach. (ieorne Kut. lli ,'tnriiri: IMws d L Pifer, I i.n iel I.cinhuch, Solomon D ecke,, ill. r, John I, riser. Iauuk. Jacob MrtitfHs, Samuel Sade, , illiaiu r r, l,ls. M.ltnu WiJiam M Fniniie, Jacob Mi.ler, Al bn Sl.r i et. O c ,r II auiui 'iid. ',,( .l u oh Dellll r. .1 c .b DeCz. yurtliunilif limit Willi nil Forsythe, tieori;e Weliiier, ( lnr'esF Linle. Sttiit'iirt Jol n S,.eeee. A mutn. J 'bn Slope. Sii lunliin . l.eonind Pi ti-yl, Mirh o l Demine, S aiiiu, I 1 ,r in, in. S oni.ei Li, I, i .Ii .i in We.-.ier, John Fi'iie'v, Samuel II in. in, I. 7.'.v.-n.tuv ii , ir. I'unl. (ieotue Kieauer, Ahr d.ain Artcr, Solo mon Marl. Moll el KirslitttT. l'ipr Mutmwi;. S.iuiucl Smith, Jacob Kaull uian. . trkum Heiir D. Ilollioiii. Notice; OS benhv given, to ill h g itees, creditors aid " thiT persons, inte'ested in the est i'es of J ico', M iiiirh, ihr'd. eii'l d I'V Ins ex, rn'ors, John and Peter Malrh; of John K Hill, il.-cM.. se lb .1 Iv I. is executo-s. J .me. F Mum ty ; nf .1 ,s ph P.uer. lid bv l is udini1 i 'rator, Xn're.v 1 v ' i van; nf M if la El 7. .L. th Tli.ni i, d.i'.l. set led by ! her admiiiistra'rix, Soloniv S it; nf Fr.'deruk R.i : ki r, ilci'il, set led by his jJmini tiai.i', .1 n o', II tV . loan; nf Ad.mjih F.ni'.swtiith, ,! r'd, s t l-dlv ' his a.lmiiiis'r itor, Roieil Fs n wo h; ,f .1 . I.;i ! Roik' Iri er. il.c'd, sell I- d by lis nihil nl -I tal.u - . I' X ai d, r M t.-re 1. lie of N.Ti'.iiii I o il c mil v ; '. il.ai il e xeeul os un I ri'lmi - s'r it 'is "t ill -a d .le erl re' iiis Itavp filed ihe r irroiitils w ii'i I e Itciis rr nf t is f .unity. :,rd ill . I'.ev w .11 be pie . . seiitnl to ibe Orphans" I 'oi rl of said coiimv, on j I ue-day ihe 4 r 1 1 it .iv of N vi min'r i tit, b,r coii . Urination mid alluwjure. , EDWARD OYSTER, i Siinbury, Cel. 4ih, l"l."i. ."t l.'euis er i New 1 .ir.iir.x i land tOmity, ss. SN the r ill .lis' Coiir' of sai l retn.iy . al A injus' Titiii, A. D. lK l."). On un i ton ot llo.'h Uel- ; 1,-, Esit., the Ci tirl ptaiit a rn'e on the heis mid liij I repe-enlat, va s of ll.it y A it. s, late el die In roujli ul Noribii ' h, il m l, in said coiiiiiy, de. M., ! Ic.tii.g is.ue x ci.iM en. to w it : Ma tan t, i 'er. in i. . ifl ;ili Ct.iii. IL ii.tl.er ; C a l,c r e, ioter ! m rn. ,1 wn!i lieoroe liu' er; Philip Ai t"-; l'.l r. ' hi lli, toini. t v iuii r ii ,i i ied w t'.i Levi lloh it. u ib ceased, h n mj is-in- by her sad l.tti-baiul, (I in null llobart ard L:i.ih, ih II bait, m no's un ler , ' ibe age nf I .-, niy-o, e, of I,. eii I ) ma 1 i Ir oil ij on, ! ! E q . is pi, arb, 11, and 'iilion Ait s. le-i I. nt in ; ; W isriin-in. liens mi l ,1 st 1 1 u ees ul II ti v Ante-, , ' late ul the bor.umli nl Noi ihuui's'i I r.d, ilec'.l.. I 1 appe ir i i our in xi Oiph m' nun t . be he'd t, r aid muii', l' il: : 'he Ml day of November ; A. D IS 15. :.n 1 accept nr n fi.se he e t itr t.f (be j said Hei.iy Antes. r'd., ur Ai K cue why tt.e , same sll .i: 1 lint he t-,,1,1, I Ct r ilicd In til the recrds nf our r.i',1 Ofpb u s' U ur. st Sin. bury, this 2.1th day ol Scpn nt- ' U-r, A. D. 1a15. F.DWVKD OVsTER, Sui burv, S,.,,t. or lil.-,r.t CT: O C. HV ririnnnuuil nil of tmr frit nils i ivrtoo tin cittf. In mil Ut tin' I'l hiit Cum iiini's .N'.'n'f, n lit in it sinij.hj ii'llit ir iff lirimis '' vav. vz:ta ti:i ojsmv, i No. JO, S..I TU Sl.CUMI Sraitr, UetWC.II M llkel ami Cl.isi.ut, , s ii i ! a. -o ia t. v 1 1 x a , Dlr? AVE C'litiiiiv on iiji, und f,r sir, J U In.le-i.:.' all I Rel i;, A VAKIL I Y OF CHOIt E F RES 11 TEA.. 1! Lima er I'rft t"s, s.'enr.l m lo i lit- ipi I v, li nti ibrv rm le lie tight for a' a, V o in l . - b'lidiui. iii in ihe i it v . r'y Ti:, ixrlusitelv, are s, t l i.t ill's in ti-e, an, I -ever I v rel'ts nl I h cai.mit le obi itited el e whrre. Any leas whiih do n I rive n'ue si i-- ; lie ion cm I ict uiitil 4, id exclisno'd, or the 111 1- IK'V ill be rel.l','e I. I be cil i'-ns 1 1 Ninthunds r! ,nd cnu 1y ate re- j sa ll'uliv Mivuid to give Us a call. i ti (. IL1IER, ! Asient for the P.kio Tea Company. Fhiladi Iphia. Sept. SYih, IS IS. Iv ( VI, MX lllAilli:, ATTCr.lTET AT LAV, ill practice in llie eural CuutU uf the ('iiy mid County of Philadelphia. Ilia oli'fp i at No. :t"i Suth FOI'IJTH Huect, helwet u I'lie-unl and al ut sir. , Ms. Phil tlelphia, Sept Slhli, 181.1 om. 1 ) KM IKON Just leieived and for ssle, rbeitp Jf..rca-I.,bv HENRY MAs-i:R. Sunhuiy, S. pi. SO, IhI.i. A,iY M i:i The bighivl piuu willbw ' eiven (or Flan freed, nl ihe store uf Aua 11 lls HENRY MAssER. I 1 1", "I a ti efior tpiu'itv , can now I e h id A at Ibe Lime kilm of Henry Mas.ef, in Suu- kurv. May 17, 110. IMIII.ADI-'.LIMIIA VHOLESJALE HCTTSS. TO COUNTRY KESCHANT3. TfllK umlersignrd Merchants, Manufacturers, I Importers and Wholesale l)e.il, rs of thn City of Philadelphia, pinlirm e llie inedinm of the News paper Press of your serlion of eonnlrv, ( i U'e v,ti the sire, Is find number of mir several i ntablisli nients and re-,ecifullv to in te Von to an inaini ii it'on of (,nr Fall and Win'rr Stocks, whii h ore no v lull nn,1 ro'iiph'ie. 1 he superior excellence nnd ureal variety of our 'wo Ci Maiiiine't,es in addition I i full supplies j M tiiif.irtnieM nnd DcalTs In n'l k'nds if S -ales, of Fi.retcn and Ho neslie, (toods of pvi rv docr p We gbts iiml Weinhiii.1 Miichines, Abo, Uur ti n, which will l.e Mil l on terms and at prices den's I'a-ent 1 1 ,ie Mi cs. hirh ciiio it fitl to p'ove mlUfielorv, p'e-enl the (ir.v V Hr, the', 111 V lutii nl. below Second, strong, 'St Indue, nients to piuelusers. Philadelphia, Srpt 'Jdih, Ml 5. 'lm I npoitets nnd peders in NiP slid Facy Dry .Iniltl It. Ctt-(rt I'.sfalCs (i"0 1, nn I Fine French nit I Dritili Cloths ( is- ! irr,,j. . i i fimeies ati'l 'eln'js, -hhiirsl it l'einiii'2'nn. No SO M.uket i, below II I. 1 I in- orler nnd Dialers in M ,plr. Si k nnd I'ani v D'V (Si'Otls. Al o, It ili.i,, Fri i eh nnd Ainrriran Clo'lis, Cassuucrs, Vtii is, ai.d Tail r' I'riui tiiinss, I J. (iodlev, Sprv A' Co.. No Si M., ke' -t. j D ":irstf nt.il I'.uei'jti DrvlS'Ols. I Jam, -s M. Kiiiiu dy Jk 1,1, 1 I I M i k t st. Im.ioilers of ( i ruian i..od , and I'll, ha -erR of til ,,t si,, ,,!,,, p,4 j Win. (ie s-e iV Nin-, llll S Front st., bi I Chesnut. ! In'itorien and M ,mf h tiKi'rs , I Fancy Kirs no, I I V,,r l'"""''" "t I kinds of Shi,. lena I urs. S lis llrotlieis, Sfi Arch st., between ?,l and :bl s M inf c'unr an,! I) aier in !!ca,! -uinde Ci ilhinj. nfe.er- cade. Mah.e! Tra.y. "'.I'Z Mnikc si. Munnf icuner of r-'birts, Cidl irs nnd ll"m', John HoiIl'is, of the M imiuoih Mint l', llir, I 10 Noilh Is, ,,,,! !. blip, ulers end De ,'e s in Fon iijn and Doines'ir H irilvvnre S' d 'nib rv. D Iworlh V lirsns ,u, 5'.l Market tt. Weldi d Wr mil! Iron Tubes for 1,'T'Hiiv, Ma rine .V other !'o b r Fine-, , ,dl St- ,m pnrpos Morris, Ta k' i A M rris, Piui-., Iron Wmks, Wure In use, S. i;. c r. lid ami M a nut sts. Aaercy f ,r the S i'e i f S.uiihw ,,rth M iniif .ctini, a Coioiiinv's Soerior Willing Papeis. N. S. L.iAtrnce, Aiient, No :t Muioi l. Importers of Jewclrv, Wan I,, s. Fine Cutlery, Ilrit tania. Philid mul ilv. r W ,res Dickson ro . S H r.orier M.uket iV Third s's. .I,,hii F. Farr 1 12 Che-rut si. J.A- . I. Wind l"f, t brnnt s'.. opposite Sa,- drlsol.'s F'.l, kllll II 'II-,'. Manu'ac', "C's nf SiKer Ware, .md D- a'e s in PI : ti d ,nd Hri'aui ia U in'., Ii Ii, n-, I ,,'d It. A W. il-on, S ,or. FiHi and ('lony sts Man.i' eliircs of Ibomi ia. . -rk Tin nnd Few ti r Wa e Abo, Dealers in P,a!,d Spo-ms, Cut-h-v. Ac Hall It i iidinan .V co., HU N :'.,l st., below I! ic . M n ufictiiri-r nf Silver nnd llrass Stair I! d- tin I Cornice Po'e. I'dw. rd J lies c .ruer i f f leorg'1 and Sw.mw rk sis , bit'V, en W.di, lit an t Cl e-nut, we-t ,1 Jhxt!', Inro ter nf 'F.i , Fanrv nnd Staple (i.nids, Iliads. ll'ii-h- s nnd Perfiimerv. A. F. fbl Monr .se, 10 S. Ilh St., between Mjikel nn. I Che-unt. Importers ,, Toys. Fancy mi ' St iple d'o.ids, Peifu. I ies, M ii sic , I I list i ,i men Is, ( , i,., Lai then wait- i 'lui ti nr.'. .e. Abrei tel.lt iV co. Wi N. 4th si. b. t if n Mjik Ul ll AlCil, (lip -llllis ) liupi't rs uf I'm is in,,) 1. 01,, Ion Fanrv Anirbs. Ilmshi s. Pefuiuei v. Combs, o ip-, Slat mm ty , aed lrles f .r Druaa s'.' .ss.lles. R. (J. A. nuhi. 2:t South Fonnh si. linpoiier and M annf iri i.rer uf Peifn-ne'V. C.t-me- I'c-. F un v o,ii., slid Dealer in Fanrv (Jo, ids. .Iiile.s Hati'l, Hi S 1, t'i Third si. I ll.i.a, I J 0.1 1-w 1 r .nl !! s-'. Edward Sun-Ail. 111, o I N " I -I. oj po-ite I " Iv llo'el. Dentists nnd Mai'iifm tun rs ,,( me. rrup'i' le T. , l', ; I'l ill- P-v.r. y..,tr nd ( i, in Te. lb ; O.edand Tin Foil ; Co!.1, Plain a end tslver Plat.- mi I Wile. ,Ve. Wilk 11-011 ,t A iinsironit, tS A, ill st. above 1th, I-soul!l side. Col,1, Si er and Si. el Spe, laeles, Msihem ilir il lo siromciits, Wulkiug Canes, Micio foil's, mid Spy Class MrM'ister ro , 4 Ch. snut st. M ,i:tifariiii.'ts nf White I I 'iinl other P ,ints Mid of Obeo ie.ls. rVe . and Deale.s in DniKs. Mrdipii .-, Die S'V-. O I-. e Wt iherill vk I'nill.cr, ti.r) Nor.h Frun st. Importers and Deicis ill D'u.'s, D it ifs Ol's ( lienilri's, Plate Class, iVe., and bl-lili I'm pure White lead n ' .1 -isey Win '..w !l.--s. Caiupbell i Fienrh. N W cor Itlih S; M . ke' sts. Importers a') 1 DeiVrs :n Diuss, M d cilM's, Dye slnll' . P int.-, 'ib.-, -. Il...k b Me.lirk fc to. 1" North F mil st. Dr. D. .layiie, H si 'I'l.i, r , i.e.i Maikel. dui iilliro I'hysc iti. Druat-i ;, i . , CI i--t. mil I'r,, ini ,r itf Ruw.iutiV ii,,f .ve,l Toin" Mix lure," ."ve. Dr. Jo! ii b". Row. md. ;,a'. I "n t v. Oilice and Droj Sin e, 2t North .-er,,i I t-t M ii wl i-tiiipr. ! I.'inbr. Ha., I'arj-oU, I ira-ulcttes atel uii S i.il.'s, W III ,ui V. DioWi , :' V i l.et si. leej t f A. Frni er. I'.'i! M iruel !. South side, one lio.n J ,' o, V 'I'll si. Fire in I l l i. I T..mt I'd -ts. Refii... r.,t r-. M ater ('stars F.I ifs, l.rlnr Ct-pyuij Presses, A.C. Dover Evans, l.'i( l.e-nul t. t-ii-' iaii It i ol Mai ufirtuter. P. J. Willia.i.s, 13 N (i h t a l'r.v ilo.tis b. Market M tutibc in, rs and Drabrs in Ma'.ri ss s, Ridding n il ". siller.. F n!r , r i .. S E i aimer 2 1 an I W .butt -ts. iiarilev t'v Kiiigl.1, I -1 H 'Jd st , ,"i d i ns uti. f-1 rare D i1' r i i Co i m m's .E..I1 in I'.siio l'o t s. F. Fl'llll'J, l'J' l.t'rl.Ut t. S li c .iiifi ul ts!l. M ll.lif ir'l.ier ..I' I 'en. u. on a, il Fslu y S aips, M ll I and 1 '.pp- 0 ( 'an I s tVr. LiijibtV (nilns D.t I. t, .'.ti M ukel st. hi.puiiir rl Fr, in h A 'i'Vi.l Fl.,w,is, Feith rs Si a', 11 aid o d fan llouut is, Vc , nil lion- I el Fiainis, T S und Ciiiwus. b'. I) tit iii, 50 t he i, ul st. Mu,.,rtr,.rs Senr,- Rid.n. s. Se oeus and Wire W. rk in e' e.al. Nei JIr il WiiUoo, 51 N Front st. Mow Arch. Hides, I i and Leather. William Musser il co., 30:1 M.uket . Imp trier ntH r n ee-, Lemons, R tuunl. Fies, Piutlt a, ( 'miHu'.s, Abie nils an I other Ferrmu Nuts. Daniel P. l!u..ii r, 3? Soutli Wharves. Manufae uicr of Fire Engine of all descriptions, wairanti d in nil it -p els. Joel Uales, U D-ii.k.r Alley. Ma, bin and M .hnuaiiy Dele a. John Ii.i, , E.Ul.lii ,1 co IT,.! it Mill, R dge ILitt.L W ..rrliousi'.l. I D.K'k U Manufacturer ofCnnib- l.o.'kina 1,1 .sse , llrush- is, all. I lini'Ollif ul Fill ill and Cieruull Fal,c io.h1. Tboiiia 13a ch, jr. Hd Miiktl at, Manufacturer snil Wholesale I)ader in all kinds of ISrootns, lJruhp". Huckets, t'edarWare, Clocks, lla-kets Muls, Blacking, Eastern made Wooden W'irp, Vc. Mnuly H 'we, 03 N 3d st, one d ior above Arch, east side. Cheap Publie'.tion mid Periodical Tj'IsMishment. . II. .iehir A co. 3 I.tdyrr iiiiilding, 3J ft. In low CheKliut, ll ! ai d Sho"H. Hobct P liner, I Jri S. V!J hi. Ihico J inn bcl Union, west tide. j it m - i ii,t-..,iv on itaui of re tseo s ph il A l:,'''t t''i",l' d to the Mi''srnli' rs Pi i i,s baviii.t iViii'IhI a:iini lli rstaW. art n-. que-lcl lo 'its.til ill' 111 I r ,'X'UU n n;.'U nl ,, I,,. lie lit, and N r-or s i"il"b'cd lo theest;ite, are ieqi. s li d to make liuuiejiate p lyne. nt. W. IL SMITH, A J()!iDN, S pi.-inbrr lllih, -5 lit LxmiMrs. Hffitthl .'('nn t'lirr ' or !s"i In -i) jx r A n until. Nl i'u' '' I'"; V 'J" i"' "iff . t rii'isfie i-s or rm: vt.vr, on I J , it vommf. rixllH l'i:i'i: of the Dimochitm- IfrvMwj Ii is lierel 'l e ' ii t 1 1 tiuh riot tor the 'e, est mi I eh ,,,-t, r. bin f, r the moans nf tens of thou- S Ml Ts ,.(' re- dels w ho W I. Id ha ftl.nl to f, CC VP it. ! in I am ii' h ii is I. lMv desirable ill it it i s! inibl e'retil :ie For l e purpose, th-reforr. of j j V i le- j u l; e ra rte of 'Is nsefulio M, and nf inulti- I ! p 'villi the r umbers ofth se to whom it nriv be nr. j res-aMo it b is h en de'eroiiried. simnli uienusly ! rr I'll On' r at r, din ii ui n 'h" exneiisp nf the nest I nae. t t 'e.lne" i's sub etij ti n i ri. e also, fr m FI V F. ! to nidv I'llb'l',!' dol.tc; and i"i s-veral uuiie j 1 in no n p i n, to us lo w a- .(), or even f'i 30 per , union I Thi v, ,y larae tedoe'ioo In ilr rereipis (a'com. I pinied Hiiibni a ci'i p ,'ii'i' elv small diminution i ,ii i's i''i ns ) 'iiv i'ii'-i nt' eour-e, un eu'ire a irri- lire ,1 pi, .fit np iii i, to I - e ini ees ite, hv vast i mull, pi caion of so' -eri'', r- Th re will he nl the j ; oil it mil a -in !! ii,liie'i,ii in its number if p i o ; -non to be te-t oe I ; , i.s old number, without nir en,' l' pi I'!', v 'n n !'.' aiitir'p.tte.l success nf , t le e;,' ,'ie it sl ( jii-.tlv n. Tilt Poll I II tils if I 'l 'l M 1S1I I II Dl"o- 1 i ii ii e 1 I bo e.o 'in tn I - e o, ie, in belter and 1 ne r-' 1'is' v -tl" t', in bett"..t oe 'lie I'.i.riM i'l lore rn r. f.n any di-tanee, be ' oi b t'i- fit ii ;,''(' ,. it hit brri't .(ore been, tor M il in es f i'tii.-n e.-nt--. We ... V b : e, i. om ,i i t, -ft; ill'!-, as il e rr-iill and r in ens.-i.t , ,,t i ! .1 - ra. . .bu ll.." of pre-. E ve. ' te 'r.. ll. I ..t ibe .. I. .. ! ..I lb . 11. i,i,.,-,l! tiri.iei. ! pi s 'not cau-e. i- cf li len 'v apt enli'il to. to exert j ( Ir, n-e l wi'Ti an nc'ite inten-st to proeure it stinseri j j hers ; I, .ib lo . x'end it . u-i liilm ss, and to carry it ! siirres-fii'lv ibret.gli 'be crisis of th s great reJuc j It, ,11 lit I's prices, j Those w' o h ive pa d in ndv ,nce for llie ciming j ye-tr, will leceive it, at a tcdurvd rate, for a )tur nml a hall. TI'. RM HENCE FO R W A R D. (I win vli l.v l inviM'i:.) Sinole copy fit Oil I Eiaht copies, f5f) 00 Four mpie II (.11 I I I ntem " 3(1 0(1 It will then be seen t1 n' wl,, ti tb'i'eeo copies are -d at . i ! the piiro t- 1 r uiiiht down to about 'i Hn e tc'i. For s x m uith hilt Ihi ce t ales. I he- r t es alV-r.l h hi I ol , is to Inter, st t i in. hn emeu's to agents in,: Acs to procure ub- The r it h n'i in re ,1 ,( I e in c on, m nisin j,'y 'nil.. 1 ; 'i i i. nf it le.. r -I'.e.i ;,u in ' f, in '." '.(I mm ol ib Ms ,1 .. ' l, r ill;- m,i' I e h , l r t ' be III. -.1 CU'lia "III pol 'i' ,1 iii iKfivrtfce must , I lo. The pa t iel.,1- "f ""' r o b- w..rk. II re:.f. red, nor must either 'in ll ,'nr the most hlM- mate pe s u .t on.', h. ii- itpi Ik- t'i. to. m ll.e ; I J-ed ui evpen. nciiitr pA ; , t t'.pir inniilip'S, il , t'r v n. ib-rt !' s f i le. tip t .1 n. ci -sitv uf wlmli, V lit il a't !' s fi le, i 1 e I ! i t ri -sitv nf which, I th- i ir-ent r. ilnr ,1 ' it s. must he nhvnais lo nil o eotiiii'iini s I m v:l I" Iii e mil ss in i os jc,.. Ml c. ..inu.uciti a s. I. ih on cbicrial and puK li-l. I' l.'oe s. must le addrp .1 henceforward I , . tin in it r--..io .1 'I hn..' let .timt In the sel'te ! un tit . I Ibe p i-l debt ,hi, the w .rk will be stl'l ad ' il e s.dto Ml II d". l.iM.i.ii st Ast,,r llmisr. the i ( , ,,,, eem. n- nh whom, us publisher Ue I . ,r,, J ih. ir le, iiilti.i'..o. j .i.. lst.'i .1 . I. O'Si i .i.i vx. I -In N,is-au elreet, N. York. I L.s " .IKENVs dl' (-EN. JACKSON. The a.lurr be lhjiii'ir,lJ of I ell, J arks , II, al en by i.ibunv . !M v r 's ,t Co.. a Ii w we k- I I f re M - tie il h , !- ,s le en pil.ch si d (or llie Use nf lb 1). -niori it r lo t i v. It is in the h mils nf th n r -! , at .1 w II be el tf Ui.'Z t ilt, ill t X tl . ' I'l t r. -.1. e w .. k . i:ri I I . I in It i- li'p finest style ut . most be.i.nful ami 1'. an lluren ami -i I'l .er- to o,v,. i lli ife ;.' ,1 i t .del ol ibe real and g to, I old ma.': t! an an. . I . likrm'- ; ami nughl I , h j t-s. --s',1 I y iv.rv in ui uho hoe- and re vels,., bis ineiii iv Ih'-e w bo -uh-crihe er, w I n ir ve it a- ihic of tin- uvular sent' uf l',,r r."is S pi. u.' er r,i!i HI 5. t'tii'ifvr.r.x ZL' n t tt a 13 1 r U vtitltfs. Il'iiivxiii's 'n m i in. i. - a rrfu n rn m.oiii ;e .id ,ei ji'risimt lo lute. fit re f-f V. liiiiniv , E v a ti ti is. i i, h hiiiavi' l.r,.:isP ol iil hi ,! , D y I'll l, Is, Tir, Yailllsll and Wax, li. .ui i ..i-l- oi ti .in ri 'I, t;.', w i!i. tut injur, ng ihe e lo, . i ho t b.t'i. :i I. .ioiv tor kill " lie . I. te toi I'l l " s I .1. ( l V X'S H r I W (.'; ' t e i-, Fir Ptriii 'I: U't thing known Hi'.l I, ll-'pl t I'e r V o R ,'s, M ice, Roaches 1 Pius. - nr stoma1 'h. Ilesri , n w b i ti ul sull. rt d - n- tb.e cure. ,1 hi .- - I' ,11 II ..' It b. I I h , t i: t ' v I', I la. si. i. 1 1 , i v '. ( i in i i j-m i.n r for ilir F.b s, . lo v. i I i'.c ' to r-l.e M I 'I II I -ii '. Ti I T I II 't ,.H . I n i vote's Imh i.iulk Ink, without a IIV .1 tl. I'tit: Cove j.l-l li e uo ,'l I, t t,i i h a- ml i t i. k i vn Co n c rm v or Fin i eh, lib. ii and f ir women, it is 1(1. li-i k's V 1 1. it , n i. k Aniisii.uh Pitt.. j 11. ( It v' E M..i t.i n r W 1 1 i ii-i'iionp Pas rK, ; f t 11 ru st. Pj ' s, t'c, ll rolwiis the leather, and keeps nut t he w aiei, 13. I'uiiii Mix's ' i a iMi i ii i i ,i Pitsria Ll. iuKstm's Una ii no: i Mm tin:, w hi, h cur. II e wor.l I) anhua lit a few hour. II Jii ksiix' Dtt TUH MiXI't at, a cer- ' lain ,'i.,l tpeidy cure f. r Dyscnteiy auj Summer , Compl .lilt i 'Ibe a' ove valuibb' attirle are sold ho'cssle mid re'ail, Iw L. I", lil'.VN, N.i. 1 Smith I' I'tli friii, I'hihnh Ijiliiu wi.eip Sur. kei jsirs sod o- . ' . i . ' , . L, Afrieao Cverine I .Iliei a,,,,,,., -'uiei. Dru .. Ps iits. Oils. ii.. ( Variiuh.s a' the lowe.l pr era Tr-s ,i ly : --!l,.,i .,.,1 ihe .1, eili-emeltt. and If'r.a II Willi no. I'lulaJilpuu, Juli ltb, HI-.. Iv. n E Ii T K V E A N I) I. I V E . thokso ri s romioiiiid 8jrnti nf Tar & Wool ,:ipllia. Timlin linpreeedented success or this tnedirlne, i t JL the re-lurali ,n i f ht abh. to those who, in des pair, had (tiven up all hopes, .,is h'.nch it an rxa' ted reputation si'ove all ntln-f re n lies, furri-hing ivid enre of it intrinsic value and p,et er. ;,s the on ly scent which can be rel ed mi u f ir tini core nt" Pulnioii.iry Coiuuriipti,,, Br io. i.i.,, Asthma, Pain in llie sjuV and Bren t, Spitting of ill md. Whooping Oough, Croup, Vc, Attention is irqucsied lo ihef.,11 .wing AsVFO '. ISIN( CL'KCbv Thrius.i.iV Coniioi:iid Syruji of Tar and Wood Napl'n ! I'll i In ilr tul.irt. M:t, 3, Ult. MR. THOMSON Deir Si,-.Wnh rr.-ob i fee'lnus I Inf. , nil y.-u nf the Mstotiis' elite's nt ynir me 'iri e. ' hich has liiei-u'l ; r nsd n fioni sdeaih het ! Mv dncase, l'o!n;nii irv Cot n t n. I lion, h id reduced me n low that mv pbv. C ,n j iio.inred my rase hoprlr. ! Al 'In- jo c i u I be J in to u e your m,'d:ciii". md unm n! it-' ns 'I ir.jy serin, ii ba roinpltteb restored ov 1 1 hei' ii, ,i';er cverythil'g else had filled, b'ecpe.'ilu'l" v,i r. washi.m; j o M CK. Chailnltr stir !, n ia,. f ;. ,!. .:t. o, Th ' Ol'dersietied. beinu pfr.o"i'; colli u'.'i wiih Washington M irk nr d is ti t'-Min-s .-.r witness to the ntoi il.ioi llerls , i" 'J' iinis.in'i, 'iimp mini fs rnp of '1'iir, atid il.o tru'h of iiifo. bove st iii'inenl. JOS. WIWRR, 3 I -a North Tt-b.1 -trr.-t. DWID VICKFKS. 4-i bo .nil s'n el. IH'CII M'tilN LEV, S. L. co. i r J'ar,ian n I F nnh s1!' ci-. I'rrpart il only by S '. 'I ho'lisin. N. E. ColPTf of fith and Spruce slrnls, Pbi s telph i Affeiits II. I!. M ass, r, Sonlo, y ; D, fin s, and Dr Marphetson, II ir,i-luuu ; Jn , I'., pr nv Peltsvi'le ; (if'. V, r Re dine; llous- n t; M... on, To'vn'id'i. llriidfon1 couiilv.Pu. Friie f(l rrt.tij p, r bottle, or le r doen. g"V llnrrirr nf nil ine'W'iiii?. "Pbibnl. Iphia June U-Hh. 1 s4.". Iv l). r. i i.i; hi i. i;a .;;. i . !'.;., .1 Ulit Culjrill lilii il' - si 1. ':!,:! I" Jtf i:i lh,,t .. No. :( C'hosmil Strv-'t. IM.il.-n'flflii.i. No. 2.1 1 llroadwav. Ne'e V.-ii; : i i j f "nil Sturt. lioslnn ; No. I"0 Oesi ol csorei, I i,.'.i delpb a ; lliltimorr wre r. iia "-' i" ; 'I oid w ,y, Surntmii !p"ncs ; N. roi t d S: eel, New-Oile.ms ; M lin Stre. N c mi i ', K. I, And Main Sireet, Do Hitijii" , Iowa. (MI.rSll'lt.Xli r ,'.!,., st ' ' Hi.-: .... It, 1 .1.1, I.,, .,,,,.' ir.. 1 11 ,1 ; , 1-. vv . i In i 1 ! and cmi lining more than a Til' r-.: 1 pi)!;. TRAI TS, einhraciiio' thosf s, oi t' e onnt ,1 Si..l s. 'is'ilieilisni oin.ll i'Hi,i I,-. Ill tue I I Xdlllll'lllire lire. This Establishnienl h'iu -r b"i o d b'l Miiliif. I'mir 1'irst l'i: nii'iuis. 'il l lliiuim'' at (he E.xb lip.i u s al li.v.'o and Philadelphia, resp livel. . f,,r J r-' Appa-atus, is thus ollb-i 11 v siif-iii e I ' o'l St , Nt V n l ie . . .' the i . nun of sOieriorilv Iter- tof rr nnr e s I- k i .! It by the public, us "i'irs in the I' " i. ' June 2Nih, 1 1 t .". 1 y ' V I A O S. rplIK Sl'IlCRIRER lr. lorn . . , te I n t, I for iie sain ..f i n'v :R Mi MF.ii;'s ' LL. F.I!RTEI) FREMIl'M IME i''D I'l, A OS, at this t, hire. Tl-e-e i'lino-- 1-ve i '-i", massive and hiatilifu! exterior fi i Ii I. f..r i1-, i und weetn. ss of tone, nnd rlcg .nee ol vw.il.u . I ship, are nut surpass, d bv ntiv in t,,- I , if. The fotlowmir is h re.-oliiuii li.ls i o I.-, -n ( ' . ' t Din s, a celebrutcd j.ertor.u r, al)J li;n; -i !f a tu -'i. I ulactuier; A 4' A H V). j H ,y mu b id t'le ia ii'e..l lni::cl'e rxre!, ,,., l'n Fortrs m-ilif ir'nr.'.l Iv M'. M nr I ,..l-;i,,,.l - il, I ,.i . v' ! oi o be !'r d ' n In. : .,.i, I f.. ,i .,, r... il ol ibe if. iki lo I'eclare ihat thes ii)stiuir.eut fie pn e .' ,. : ,,.,,....u ..... ,, . ,.,..,;.. nd ib. IV I p.,,,... - .1,,, ,, o .1.- , f Fine, c Fine. c. un, I durinir a sojourn of two x ears at Paris. These Pianos will be so.J nt lite manoi-iiir, r : llW,.8t phiUdfli.l.i prices, if not ,.r,w I I Vfs,ms are reqtie-ted to call ami ev a o : c f., ibeinselves. nt Ihe le-iderre uf 'l.e -no-."de r. SunMiry. May IT, IsLV II. IS. MAS.-ER. " ii i-ii. p '"nil-. C 51 i SI IS O V J3. t 7 riHE suhscril ers would re - erH'o'lv ir'.' ill iln. L Citizen nt'Suiihuiy and ll.e;i,,li. i;, nei .ily , III it they have puic' a-ed the h , ,.! M . Wi': .i.i ' Hoover, in Maikel fir.it. ore .!. r o! ' v ' t 1 ( Mire, where thev will coiituiiie t'i I t'iiliiiu'l-ial-.riiiic yv,'-l n nil iu lir iiirlu'st. 'I'l'c t.ii! ; wr) ,,,, , Mvi , ; , ... , . i ,. :,, M , , , .:, I", l.-l , I ,,, 1U .'Us.l. o , , . pat'tuiaee. Qjf Collins m i le to . rder . ih.. and ronnifv produce I .keo , t.b WM. YOl'N'iM A N .'. M t Sunbury, My I7'h. I I "' I v. : . ti i I N . Stl c in o r a 3 , l)U. JOUX i'l .. RESPECTFI I LY inn r; .s ,he ri - I Zt'l.S O' l:l 1 L'-ti! I e has r. .nnv. :1 I U y '.ll .e- l it'l'll y; 111 I ,1 I-l t.-C F ti k il-Kle, I I r. i : l i ii, i I , H. njs-Hin Hetnlneli . -t f !" .-' I Mnr i nr. I'l. pi d by Ml b l .V M.iriZ, l -d lo.W hv 1 . T. t ,;, incut, wheie l.e i the 1 r.e of hi- i f. I.i-.npy to rc.i vi- ri,:, .jj Sunbirv. Match vlll-ii HI'. ITS ".V t S" "" T Cs: T 11 E Mih ,-fil , i I ne ir i, oi ri ine a spl n.!i a s i u . f.l'le g ..nl. fsaxony. Wilt, ..1 Slid V. hr; 'V . Itius-e's anil In p, ii 1 ,! ! , . En in supefiro- m,l tine i . r .i. s Engii .Ii shadi ,1 il ! I ui, e k i, i , A III, lit' III d ill. d slot I'e ,' ,' I I V CV I F '', l.(. ; Einh-h Ihuepe nnd W'o I r I i Stair and Hisue Murk . C . Emliossed Pi,," i d I s!,ir t' o,i Loll bill ChiUlMr o ! Tut ' Hoof Malls ill eie.v n.-s. ri - A 1.x A large and i X'' n-iv.t , . I Chiih., tfom one to r e h y.iui- ! iy ile-ci) lion "f loops er p is ., Abo, low pure I b tfisoi C . i fi3 J cenls per yai.l. loee b r w 'i j ive kk.orllllllil i t ia!a U '' I ; iiierclumts. ! 'I'he shove goo's ivT 1 ..-'.! ' I j al the lowest niTl-el put:'. I m,. oil-.. .ro 'r.'.ei.ia.lv i. t ' ' ! iuiim our .lock b. to,,, . i j CLAI.K s"N I.H'H ' ' , K, .,-..., t-t. I ', Itii, .t.o-.l N. .; N. nil cornel ol i'l i,'. I: i'.a e. rLiiadilptiu, IH'. 3J, Itii.