Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 18, 1845, Image 2

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    live ty Til to WOULD.
Rait Pletnrts.
The last steamer brought in accounts xf more
han one fearful scene in the Old World. A treat
pugilistic contest recently took place between
two pri.o fighters named Count and HenJigo. and
the details, as given in some papers, are calcula
ted to excite a thrill of horror as well as a burnt
of indignation. We hear sad stories occasional
ly of the brutality of the bull tights of Spain, and
of tin; discreditable appearance of such scenes, of
the youth, beauty and fashion of the principal ci
ties ot that country. Even the English papers
have lately teemed with the bitterest comments,
because on a recent occasion, the young queen of
Spain was present at one of these fights, and be
came excited like the rest of the spectators. They
have also denounced in becoming terms, a fright
ful massacre of deer, which recently took place
l.. i h.i.iii mi. n .11 urn I L
Sat unlay t Ocular IS, 1845.
it. r.ti..VKii, f7., ,,t tit ttt ii t:.
Strut a, I'litluilrlfiliin, in out hoi tint to art n
.If rnt, nut rrcrtit for all mnuiY due thim
office, for utmcrt)ttton or attrrrltnlng; at Itla OHice.y'o. 10(1 .Vimsciu Street I
i .Mic lV. I nui.l-ury.
in Germany, and at which Victoria looked on, if ; ef nultlmare ,, Clt,,.er, ; Aug.. m,
. . i . - :.. . r... I . - ! ) h.illl kin.
i , Miuiimiore. , l u lut
" i Delawure,
d7 A few M) lb. kegs of piinting ink can b ' Lewis,
had a! this office, t Philadelphia prices, for cash. 1 Itmi,
Weaver, Vawlling, IBognr,
Sunbitry, ill 1.1 70
Augusta, 111 1SH S3
Sharriokin, 1.-1 Vi 21
Tiirbut, 41 11
Delaware, 120 J7 40
Lewis, .VI M fil
Milton. no !'8 2(i
Chilisqiiaqne, 2- I'M 30
Northumberland," 12 MS 4
Point, 10 Ml 21
Hush, -H tS 14
Coul, rs .17 o
I'pp-r Mahonoy, IIS !I0 5
Lower .Mahonoy, 7'.t 2 PI
Little Mahonoy, 21 17 U
Jackson, 114 33 38
Tort., 111.') 1 173 CO'J
not in admiratioa, without censure. But horri
ble anil disensting as a'l this must have been, ex
citing and saticuinai y as hull-fights invariably
are., the long talked of, deliberately planned, se
verely contested struggle between Caunt and I
Jlendigo, two human beings who for more than I The absence of the editor, wij! aerount
an hour end avored to bruise, cut, and mangle ' "T ,,,e ''ltli vl editorial in our columns, this
each other, and who at times were covered with w'Ci'k.
blon 1, was. in our view at least, equally, it not
n. ore discreditable. Tha lights, and v-'llincs.
nnd hootinirs. and hlapliemv, and gambling n- i Of Nortullllllltrlilllu1 ('(lillllV. fuf (let ul); T, 1 I J.
round the ring, or in its immediate vicinity, were
Oi l H I IL lim ilrt KEl'l'RXS
according to all accounts horrible; and not only
disgraceful to England, but to civilization and (
the age. j Sm.bnry,
. I Augusta.
I. nt we have another picture from the other j siamokin,
si. le of the water which cannot be perused but i I urbut,
with pain. The London Times publishes the
testimony of persons employed at the Andover
Chili, qn.npte,
Uppi r M thi'iioT,
l.nwer tnhoiiov,
Li l e M .h.'iiuj,
J Ic'.MIU,
i Torn,
Work house, proving that in repeated instances, i ('Inlisipiaipie,
indeed almost constantly, the inmates of that es- ; Northumberland,
tnhlishment who were employed in crushing j !,""!''
, , I Rush,
bones, have gnawed off the flesh that hung to i j,
them, and even the marrow from them, wh-n j Vpper Mahonoy,
both were in a state of putrescence, to appease Lower M.ihonoy,
the rage of their hunger. Often were they known ! '"V" Mal'".v'
, . .' . Jackson,
to quarrel for these bones among themselves, and I
raw potatoes were frequently eaten by those cm- j Total.
ployed in gardening- J
Such statements almost make one's blood cur- j
die, nt tin; terrible wretchedness and starvation,
which in "Merry England'' can reduce human be
ings to such extremities ! and yet the facts are
established by abundant and conclusive evidence.
In the htter of the Times correspondent, of Sept.
I T. there is a large body of thistetimony. John
Cole, 51 years of age, testified 'that he bad been
iu the workhouse and employed in crushing
bones. He goes on to say :
I worked at bono crushing for weeks. The
bones were of all kinds. There were horse
human bones among them without my knowing
it. I have seen the men gnaw the bits of meat
or bard gristle and rat the marrow out of the
bones. They were -very dirty being tumbled a
bout with the reft. 1 have seen some of the men
eat the tainted grittle and marrow. When 1 got
a bad bone, I pave it to some one who was not
so particular. This lasted all the time I was
there, Generally speaking, all the bones w-re
ftale. I have seen a cart come with bones.
They were not (reh. I saw the men quarrel
iriany t imes for the bones. They would hide
Ih-m away from each other. I have hidden them !
till I got an opportunity to pick them. The
stn'f was not fit for them to eat. Hunger miide
I'inii hi it. ll'e m l nut fo d enough ft support
s in a p-,,per win. We were worked very
hard. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
we ha I no bread at dinner time. Thev com-
plained among themselves about -want nf sulfi
cieut food. We did not let the master see ns
picking the bones if we could help it, for fear be
would blow us up. He rniiat have known it. 1
have jobbed about the garden. 1 have picked up
raw potatoes, tin nips and carrots, and ate them.
I ate part of a raw cabbage once. 1 was told a
bout it, and the muster scolded me for it. I have
8-vii men, women and children eat raw potatoes
wh.'ti they were engaged in getting them in.
Ve in' h I the dirt n!f" on our clothes. We ate
' fi 'oi To!stn our mouths and help to
. ..r i . ' . ?! iiiger and thirst made
n e i riw po'rro-s I remember on one occa
ti.oube.iig ieiy tl; v-'v urn! sucking a pi. ve of
marro'v; b it it w.-.s .. bad I could not get on
with it I.isi:ti.- 1 out? last winter ami the
w ii t- r befo.e 'I le- ! 'ue picking was going on
at both thus" t::rn's.
Another tii.iu nai.-l Turman, testified thus:
'While I was eii.plny -d in loiie-cruhing, the
men were in the habit of picking the bones and
ea! ini; the marrow of them.
It made me quite
ill; so that I could not stomach my victuals
w hen I thought of it. It made me tit k. I never
picked any of the hne myself, nor did I rut any
of tlu inai iow. W hat they ate was not lit lor
hi in to eat, nor for a clog hardly. Very few dogs
would cat it. 1 b. lii-ve that the cause of the
Well eating the bud ttnl'va hunger.''
Horrible horrible! The woi Id, it will be
seen, is yet full of dark spots, and there are yet
many evils, wiongs and matters of oppression
that call loudly for reform, and the exercise ol
the best eneigies of the humane and philanthro
pic. Hirfi. Ji(i).
The Pisi i b-oi tii Carolina. We
I -am from a southern paper that the apprehen
il 'd distress in South Carolina, fiom the failure
i: the corn ciop iu some sec tions, has been great
ly exaggerated. The extent of this failure is not
"i great as was feared, and corn has poured into
lue State fiom other sections of the country so
li eely, that it is selling at very reasonable rates
in Charleston. A committee appointed by a
convention in Anderson district, to take mea
sures to pi oi-ii re breadstuff's, &c, has reported a
tMinst any publication to the Legislature for re
lief, as iiiekpeilieiit and unnecessary. Strange, in
ilerd, if farmers should starve in country where
liail produce overflows tl laud.
Lurns, tlCains, .Morton
!S 7(t I
IS '.l 1
-ii 4 1 M
ii i ri.i y
ln.'i 107 1
i ;.( .',- i
S'J 7 I S'i
lli (it V
JJJ t.l 1
t-O Ii') 1
si 0
;:i ;i t)
r.:'i 2 l
C.) S:( o
t i :i o
ill 41) n
10 1 1) su
I .ill
ft l
. l'fi
I I t
1 l:t
I Siinbiiry,
! . iilu-ih,
1 Turbut,
; l)e!aa:e,
j le wis.
i MillOO,
! 'h li-tU.iiie,
j Nonhiiu.l'eil.ind,
! I'l.inl,
' I 'per M nhonov,
, L.iwrr Mnli.ue y.
; Lin e 1 ihunoy,
j .l.nks"",
1 'J'oTAL,
Pewart, Eoster. I.lonhui, JM.ickey,
Yordy. Whar1on
n? :
221 I -
H 15
21 31
It 45
H :,t
n r.o
3i :n
i l n
i i;
27 10
21 21
I in (i
47 fi
31 7
85 0
7.12 JJ
Itrllcf Nolos.
On tho !W)th of last tnnnth, the S'.ato Trcit
i"iirpr cancellod and delivered to tho Audiior
(Jeneral for dctrtiction, f:Vi.0(K) in notes issued
under the act of 4 1 It May, 1911, lirreeably tu
tho provisions of Biibsequnnt nets of assembly,
providing fur tin; gradual withdrawal ofthoso
issues from circulation. Tim whole amount of
those notes now remaining in circulation but
little exceeds Sl,'Jt)0,()M). Tho cannelhitioiiH
ol tho 80 ult., were in notes of tliu follow itijr
bs nks:
Erie flank,
Exchange Flunk, Pittsburg,
Hank of Enwistowti,
MhiiiiI. hihI MeehiinicH Hiiik, I'hil,,
Miners' Rank, I'ottsvillc,
Hank of l'enii TifAiiship,
Ilauk of .Mnlilletuwri,
Carlisle BiiiiV,
1 larrisliiirjr Rank,
Farmers Hank, Lancaster,
Northampton Rank,
i lincastor H mk,
: II ink c.f Northumberland,
MoHotioahela If ink,
j .VoyaiiiiMising Rank,
' Eainern' Rink, nt Reading,
I Lancaster Co. Rink,
, Tou inula Il'iuk,
; York R.uik,
Coliiuibii Rr ljro and R.nkinjr Co,
; Tank of SiiHjoelintina Co.,
, I'nnk ol 1 lettysburg,
. Lehauoii Rank,
Rank ol'Cliambershur,
Iniibiiry unit Krle Itnll nnntl.
We published, a few days since, a call for a
Convention, to bo h( Id on the 21st inst , iu Elk
county, in this State, relative to tho Simhury and
Erie Railroad a project which was deemed of
great importance to the State and the city, at
one time, ud means were rupplied for a full sur
vey, and general location of the road, a labor
which occupied a corps of engineers, under Mr
Miller, for two successive seasons. Whether
any thing good tan come from the proposed Con
vention, we are not able to say. We fear, how
ever, that the pltiec will be a serious objection.
Elk county is not easily accessible from the
south and east, and it may bo leared that there
will not be representat ives sufficient to give ef-
! feet and confidence to the resolutions of the meet-
ing we allude, of course, to a confidence iu the
1 success of efforts.
j Without now takin any pirt in the question
(if route, we think it due to truth and our rea b-rs.
! (old and intimate acquaintances,) to state that
the right of way, and the use of ground for the
propoed Sunbury and Erie Railroad, will be era-
j tiiitnu-ty granted, (as we understand.) for a Very
3 0(H)
1. -'nil
Latter From I'mfrssor flaret
New Y'onK, Oi r. 2d. 1SI5.
As it is well known that moist weather, or
rven th moisture arininr; from the breaths of a
largo audience is; very u n favourable to genera
tion of electricity, by class machine, it was
with wonc'prand nosmtll decree of incredulity,
that the scientific: world were ralVd upon to ad
mit, that the most powerful Electrical machine
within the reach of human ingenuity, rkill and
cntsrpriso, would bo a lare steam engine boi
ler, nnd it is now conceded that, tho nvsl power
ful Electrical Hint li no that could be made,
would consiht chielly of mich t boiler ns is used
iu the hili pressure boa's on our Western
rivers. A machine mj constructed would ho
able to charge n larger tized battery, than any
other machine hore'olnre in use.
Tin? connection between the accumulation of
Electricity, and the condensation of aqueous va
p iiir, is a subject i.t the highest interest, nnd has
long been among the most perplexing questions,
presented to the meteorologist, l'roin this en-
iiectiou ari-e those terrific ili-clnrgos which
creat part of the route; and we are informed Constitute! lighting, and which, in another form
HI0 the members of the new German settlements ; pro luce the liurricnne and the tornado. ioc'i
7(1(1 I in Elk. are anxious to promote the completion of 1 b ing the ,-nse it will he sslisfactory to tho lo
?()! j this road. They will subscribe liberally t its ; V,.K f :u.,ce. nnri the- admirers of ll.e most
700 i stock, and we believe that they can procure li- j brilliant and sublime phenomena of nature, that
7(H) j beral u!.r, ipt.ons in Germany, as they have con- nmrl(lni, v is ui;,r,,.d them of seeing tho
staut communication with the capitalists nltlie
"Eatherl.ind." One of the principal settlements
of the German imi'.'ratits is on the summit, nnd
the road p.isss through a country supplied with
inexhaustible mines. I.'. .V. (iazrtte.
I ,r! io
tnr I il it !f.
It is stated, says Neals Gazette, that in Mei.
co, a rein who kills another, is legally bound for
! the debts of the deceased ; and he must, there-
Kcst lOnplMiitl mil Vlifcl"'.
(HJ0 ' A large niimber of New E.iigland and New
j York farmers have within a few years, gone in
to Virginia, principally fail lax county, and pur-
! enormous power of steam in producing Elec-
tricity, by the exhibition of the steam Electrical
machine at Masonic ll-ill. I have made this
.statement nt the reque.-t of'.he proprietor of this
wonderful instrument, and exceedingly regret
' lint my nhseue.e inty prevent me from witness
! nig itsclfects, which I know from reading and
t'luni analngy must indeed be trcineudom.
I Kotrr. IIari:.
Sunbury, 111 15 .1'. I
Augusta, 'J'iS 20 "1 7
Shamokin, 17 IS 4.1 12
Turbut. 0 f'.l .'t 'is
Pelaware, 17 II IDS r,
f.ewis, 0 112 4'j 7
Milton, lii S4 Cu .-
Chilisqnacpie, 20 Vl t.l I'l
Noitlumib'd, S IIS tii! 0
l'oint, 13 CO I
Rush, C:i 4S ;ni 0
Coal, .19 21 ! O
I". Mahonoy, 01 4S 2 tl
L. M.dionov, "'. 2 11 0
Lt Mahonoy, 21 S 7 ,5
t Jackson, 101 22 til 7
Toxal, luyj USj '77 ISO
Jiright, Wilon, fStraul
i Sunbury, 1 IS M
j Augusta, 210 IS fcs
; Shamokin, l'Jl t "0
Tin but, 1 I y.i 1 I I
Delaware, l'js s 1 ivf
Lewis, VI .'!: !)7
: Milton, .'m 70 1 t.
j ( hilisipiaque, 4 A'i ll'-'i
j Nerthliliibeiland, VI !K) '.0
, l'oint, 22 .'.'.I :;s
Rush, f. I 11 C7
I Coal, h'l 1 C,
j I'pper Mahonoy, J.'il
' Lower M.ihoni'iy, 7.1 2 I'll
I Little Mahonoy, :sn 1
! Jackson, ' l-': 7 01
Ti ter VSixler,
(No opposition.!
Those not marked, R-gnbir Jiemocratic
Candidates. 'o!unteei s. iWHng
fore, after having "settled" his antagonist with
a bullet, also si-ttle U for hini in pecuniary nf
I lair. t is a w ie provision, and often ullor. Is
i sufficient reason lor declining a challenge, where
i moral causes are felt as binding. 'Can't all'.ud
i to shoot you, sir ti.o expensive ; but if you
i Want to b" shot, produce your bills receipt,. H. or
rise show a discharge finni your creditors, b"
fore receiving a discharge fiom mr pistol ."
There is lather an ah.ttem.-nt lu re to tlie cbivHl-
Natives. , ry of the thing, bringing one down from the lofty
Cv" The fallowing is tlie result of the Sena
torial election in1i.ii. distiict. One township in :
Panpiou to be heard from, which will no! alter
the result materially.
.foi don
Piuphin. l'".:i
1 0.r..1
Tot u.
.':iii0 22"-i
r.lfctinn U t urns. Coimt The Removal Ticket has ' snpi'OJt of his lamily. t would beaju.t pioci
Jot'.aiinrs lCoogc Airmtcil mill
On the Sth of September, about 7 o'clock in .
the morning, Rouge was about leaving r.ieshni
isarried by about 1IHHI majority. j
LvcoMiMi CoiMV. The democrats arc 1ri- j
niiiphant. Stewait and Ives are elected to the j
Legislature. J
,, Union anu Ji'M.ha In this dis- .
irict tlie lugs nave cicv-.ei j,,ra n ,tSum- , m bold a service for the fir-t tin:e wl
I It, over '1 no. ma Rowlii, the Pcmnciutic can
' didate about 1 1KI majority.
i Cv iiuiiiLAMi Cm n I v. The pemocrats have
ch.m-d the waste land, is, the laud exhaus- j
t-d by bad cultivation. They have gone to work j
i in tie- .New l.nglanii styte, witli ' tlieir own ni- i
j red" h(pt and are redeeming the soil, and bring- :
j ing back the means of wealth, which Providence '
placed in the bosom of the earth. The success I
ni this ti.tei pi ise has lei n all ex pec- j
tation. The giate'ul eai th I espouds bount ifull V
I to the kindness of tie-husband, nan, and not a diop
j falls lioin his brow, that does not promote the
, fertility ol 'the soil. A correspondent of the A
I b xan.liia Ga.ette, who is a close observer of
this i j 1 1 1 i.i I upon the inanin rs and customs m die
"ii eiiiians, lias w ritten a series of admirable pa
; p -rs upon th ' improvements made, and reron,
1 met. ,ls that Virginians shall adopt the mo le cl
j life, and eucoui age the means of labor ; w hich
I proves to be so eminent I y successful to their
j new neighbors. lie thus concludes one of his
1 essays :
j "Of late years, we have had frequent appeals
! to the people of Virginia to imitate theciti"ns
j of the Noithern States in the improvement ol'onr
j iiatiual resources, by the construction of rail
roads and canals, the establishment of manufac
tures, the improvement of our agriculture, and
the extension of our commerce. Hut are we pre
pared to adopt the means essential to sueess '
Are we w illing to brine m, our children to wait
(the capital of Silesia) for Rrieg, where he was; ,, tl.,.ni,,.ve ' C.n. w bt.ti.t.. -hire.! 1. I..'
j for servile dependents? Will we promote the
mechanic ai ts by rncoui ag -rig our sons to learn
atmosphere of guiiowi1er glory, to the sordid re.
gioc.s of dollars and out esp ciallv as a large
majority of the pugnacious ale apt t.t be just of
that description of young gentlemen who carry
Foster pewart Mackey j individual credit system to its full extent, am
who believe with Shak.-pcar's Pistol, that base
' is the slave who pays." The Mexican plan
J might be rendered complete by m.iiiug the sur
j vivor responsible in every way for the nbliga
I tuns of theih reasefl for his debts, and for the
h occa-
sion was looked up lo with great anxiety by a
I great many people when he was suddenly and
, unexpectedly arrest d, and brought before th-
Total, 1102 lil'J 1171
Billiligton. Covert tRocUrfelle
Sunbuiy, nil ;i 40
Augusta, V'S 10 111
Shamokin, J.'l !is :cj
Tin but, l- !i! 47
1). laware, fl Hn l(i:i
Lewis., ('S lor. 4.'i
Milton, 22 ITS (ill
Chilisqiiaqne, ,'iii Jin! ."c.i
Northuiiibriland, h2 21 71
Point, 1 r,.i
Rush, I'-.' IS ,V1
Goal, 2'i (i7 7
I'pper Mahonoy, r.'-'i 21 1
Lower Mahofroy, ' .'i .1 lu.'i
Little M.ihonyy, '.' 7 V2
Jackson, sf 17
Total, l'il'i 'J-'i !"!'
riecte.l tl.e.r ticket majoi ny al.oul ; President of the police. From the particulars of
Pun. it i i.nii i Cm vi v. -The Democrats have j , ,.v,.t asaiv,. ; S0M,P G,.rnlall ,)ap,.ri jt np.
elected their whole ticket, by a niajoiity ol ', ,.., that Rouge was topp-,1 according to an
l"'""- j order from the highest authoritie. The olficer
Jla'll lit) il si Jllltillg. j of the Police first stated to Rouge that he was at
In posiiauce to public notice, a meeting was . liberty to hold service only in his cnnrniunity.
held al Snyderstow u, on the 1 tit ti day of Oc tober ! but that he had to obtain sp cial permission for
ilet , for the puiiose ofap)oii. ting delegates to at- o doing elsew here. When the qitet;n was ask
t. n I the Rail Road convention at Pauville, on the ?! of him. whether he had cnoseu of his own ac-
l 2!th. After calling the meeting to order, WIL- cord a public place for s-rvice in llalberst.i lt
LI AM FARROV, senr., was called to the Chair, , while u church bad been od'ered him for the pur-
1 John Slack it i i tl Issav S.iViih.e Were up- I pose ' and whether he had concluded his ser
pointed Vice I'lCsi.lents, and Andrew J'urrotr, . moil w ith the words, 'Rome must fall ?' Rouge
Seer. tar)'. leplied, w ith regard lo the former question, that
j Alter several addi esses, the meeting proceed- he chose the public place with the consent ofth
rd to nominate and appoint delegates. I authorities, as the church was found too small for
them' And shall we be able to discaid those
prejudices by w hich honest labor has hern de
pressed, and f.i'se notions of gentility engender
ed aruong t us "''
llrlt.l Iiijii'I i s.
The Washingtor. Correspondent of th" New
Voi k Commercial Advertiser, thus describes u
scene in the United States Court, sitting iu the
city of Washington, the Captal of the Union :
'Th" other day a very bnirrnus scene occui
red in another Court of the pistrict, though the
issue of it was any thing but amusing to one of
the parties. The first Comptroller of the Trea
sury, Mr. MeCulloiigh, was under examination
as a witness, and in the course of it. becarn very
much excited against one of the parties. Not !
ing able t.i g t any thing satisfactory out of this
1 11' . I'
j ", -00. iih w aiisiet i c.i iieifgimnon io ins iir -
! dn motion. Rev. John II. Worrel, Jehu John, i th" number of attendants; and in reference to tie
I S S. V'arrr.w, William l'anow, jr., Joseph Iloo- latter question, be relumed that be fm I us"d tornev, Mr. lira lley. Warm words ensued,
; eraiid Ira Jones, were duly apMi:n'rd. j those words, which, however, could be mill t- j which end ! in 1'ra llev's being 'pitched into" by
Itiiinniicr ff Itl-Bl Llf.
Thete ic (iu te n little r.emnce connected with
a building in (ieno. It was formely erected
and nw n.-d by a wealthy man, w ho was in the ha
bit of visit ing a beaut fui pensaut girl in tha I'leasod with his attention, she
enst oil, as la lies are v-tv apt to do, the rustic
lover idio In l h.' nconr iged. Rut nltli.iugli
In-r new iiil.iiinr imis Ir.'qiit rit and steaiiy ri his
vi:!te, hs uevi r iih'iiI iciiK-il llio scbj ct of nvitri
niraiV. Tui. igs w cut on this way three years,
till oil" night the gentleman was M irtV.I, nshu
was leaving the liiei -e, by the titirupt iMitrmci
of ihe two bro'hers of the ionnmorita, demind
ing that he should imuu'il ately inirry tin r sis
ter. They tul I him that he h id visili i! her liir
three years, thus keeping nav other suitors',
nnd destroving nil ho(es of their si-t.-r's rn ir.
rhge i xcej t with him; three yens were qo ttt
long enoiieli or him to make up bis mind in,
and ns he hail not done it, they had cooelu.le.l
to do it for him. This was brin. ing tbinj-s to
a foci M he had not iiinie'isi'd. l'of n man of
wealth nnd station to unrrv a vor p-'ssant gtrl
merely because he cnndei-ceiuled to bo smitten
by h r beauty, was .-oiin thing ni ire than a j d;e;
I'okiw ill n t'l iiu'e that there was mora
til"n'it by these hrotii.os' speech thin nu't th
ear ill slnrt, his choice w is to he a mar
ringo or a s'lletto thr nigh his heart. This was
reducing things In the ftintih'st terms: riiher
I tiMi siiii'.ile for tho wealthy admirer. The 'rem
hling, weeping girl, the bold, reckless brothers,
and the rmbi.rri'sseil gentleman, tnii-t havo
I formed a capital groiii t i a peanut'.! cottage.
, At li'iig'h Sign ir a'lein:!ed to ctiiipromisit
the iinitter bv ayi.lg 'hat then was not tliolimo
nor there the p'aee, lo ceo brate sii'-h n cere.
: nil v; best.les, there was no pri st,ni:d thepr.i
' per wav wood he to talk over the subject to
j gellier in themo'n ng. (Vie of tlie brothers
leaned hack and ripped slightly on n hi lo door;
j It opened, a'.J n prie.-t, with his noiseless, cat
iikt'tri'Hi', entered iliecircb. "Mereisa priest,"
snd the brothers. Tin-re w is h short interval
1 of Hileiuv, wli mi S;g;ioi' mi le a slight move
I iii.-nt towards the door. Tio d iggers iu.-l int
ly e!oa'!l"d before him. lie sjw that il Was
'all over with him that the Ihtee y.-nr of
' ccurtship were going to n mount to som-thing nf-
i'.M.iv., That Ihe above be published in the stood prop-ily only in connection with his ser- ! McCiilloiigb. The latter was soon lloored, with ' '''r h" '" ' so y chled with ns emu! n hs
Sunbury American. ; inon ; (but lie bad previously spoken ot the j a brok-n collar bone. The joke of the alhiii was, 1 ioss. hie. and Ihe nuiit ;a!s were peril irmed. Ike
WILLI.WV EAR ROW, Chairman, supeistition prevailing in Rome, nn I which was j at this critical moment the bench, the beadle, i man of use, ho mimed in lelv placed his w ifa
Joll Sl.AI K.
1-AA. S.!.
.Indrnr l''ri,ir,
Vice Presidents.
Si C4 et.ll V.
baed upon ignorance; that mperst it ion could no and the bar, unanimously uprose, and threw th-m- I in n Co-ivent to h.' rdne.ited, while he, in tho
more exist; that iu this sense of the expiession.j solves upon the combatants with a view to pre- menu time, hroii"ht a title. Yi
I'RO l llO.NOl'Ain ,
I'ariiswoith, M'caid, )Ia;'nis.
:irs nis-ed by.
Rome, the p.otectress of superstition, could not I Sl.rve the dignity of the Court, but such was the i . t. ignorant p -isant girl e.ner red iu'o the
copi. d yesteiday, says the , "oid falling I riinsltitctl from th' .', A (f.e.... prowess-of the leading counsellor on thl excit- ' lHliii-ihtf. World n Ilea nn:)li!i.-d w euin.
Sunbury, lli lii
Augusta, "72 '.i M
Shamokin, 17! VI oil
Tui but, li lii ii
Delaware, 7 ':;" r.ri
Lewis, 2 7 I'-. .1.1
Milton, II H'i V.'.i
('hilisipiaque, Vs Sii u
Noi thumhci land, -t i II Mi
Point, is 4 1 .Vi
Rii-di, H: 0 I'.
Coal. 7" .".' 2
I'pper Mahonoy, 117 ."( li
Lower Mahonoy, -VI I 107
Little Mahonoy, '. ' l l
Jackson, ll' ''" S
Total, 12 H "U5 t'J7
; I'liil.i Leilg -r. a patugriph fiom the r.altimoie, giving an account ol Ihe robbery of a
gentleman on Ins way lo Voik. iu this State, and
ol his 'ollow nig a female, whom be su-pected,
back to I'alt suh-eqi. .t unest. the
j lindieg of jloi'ti iua belt uhoiit b'-r peisou, and
j her subsequent releas.- for want of testimony a
, gainst her. We learn fiom the I altiiimie Sun of
' yesterday, 'bat the woman was re
I ai i. Kted and committed to under (lie iijine of
! Anvd'a Swit7ei, alias Kintz, to await a further
hearing In the mean time, the money she ha I
has been taken care of by F. I'iiu kney, lq
San, Anna -Rv the Usf arrival from l!a- ik 1,1 8 U,Ve,'c uwtl""t' S'-o is now a widow, aud is e-i'lel ,he heauti-
van.,, says the America., Sentinel, we lea... that i "M P '-! r"""' '" ! i .,,1 (',,-. u'" '-I lea lley1, EeUo.s from
tr.ite loe. 1 he scene was too mm h lor them nil
Gen Santa Anna, the ex-President of Mexico, is . . . , Italy.
still living iu case and elegance ut the famous
country seal of Ir. Ilevia.
es licit
lt is i
It is situated about
and with the exception of the poor Coinotrolh r, I
they joined in a regular roar. Wlem 11S sitna 'iti"'t' E in mi n r hf'ti.i 1 1 r The Key.
Tur but,
Northumbei land,
Upper Mahonoy,
Lower Mahonoy,
Little Mahonoy,
2 17
1 Plight,
1 1
1 1
tion .:. ,i,ni..,,i i.......... ii... ..;.. ., or- 1 'ult. i I fosio teriau M is.-mnarv. in n recent
nine nnles f,om Havana, in the district of Mali- j - , , . ' ., ' ... ..' : ... I ,,Mt. , j,, r,..Vrece to the conversion, to chri-ti-
. , , . lUlioi.-lf nil lt lH UeSI.Mdlllt' III CCIHH", mi III
i sumptuous rrsu curp, ftini m: nut I . , . ... ,
1 i.i i.i a r. i if I. l... .1 . . ...... r. I ill : 1 1 1 . t v tit ssi'k,' it:i ! until mi tM it iii.wntHTsi of t h l .
M...,..l I , Tl.., I : ,1 !,... , """" .".......-. .eoriieo
, , . . , ' with indignation. A surgeon was hastily snm- ,
cei.lly pvu ch iseil a inagiiit nt can lag -, hors 's, i , ,.',,'
, , , , . ! limn 'it, tlie wininileil m ill reuioveit, the rones of i
&e. uiul otl.ei w ise given evnleiice ol a design to , , , ,. , ,!
1 , , , . tlie .ludge a lpisted, and the ( ourt again ' cleaie, I ,
i nioKe i una a peiioaneni resnience, unless some ... . , ,
j . . . . ,, . . . ! lor action, civil, personal, or mixed, occnr-liug
, , ill, l i:' I'M HI MM HIIUM 1 .U ..,-.llll, IM lllllilli ll'l , , , , .
e. i . . , , . to the t 'lnp 'r of the paitics, advocates, and wit-
1 Lis k.iIuiiu wL.,.tl.l r.....ill I.,-.. ll... .,1 1 1 '
, putv States iittoruev ; the tiuiiks an I olh'T arti- i . . , . ., , , , ; nesses. CANDID.
' , , his fm mer won.t.Tlul and eventful career. lt j
i les are in Ihe po-iessiiiii of Hi . High ( onstahle. j . - -
. .... , , omi mi i-onies'.rii in.ti ne nus ciioseri ins inaci- ( , . . ,, , ,, i - i i i
i I he ileci qition ol the la ly and hei pal tuei , com- , . i 1 i;i: .Molmdn J.iois have part:all subsi.ti-.I. ,-itv, tliut tlif crv of. down with Chrintinnilu!
' nl r..t i rin;,lt W 1 1 V. a ,1,.. I n I.T.. t:.fcl.. :.n.l s: if V ... - '
pared w ith Ihe developments through the Nation- ' ' i The advices are to the 1st., when all was quiet
I , t r... , v. .. , , i r rom all parts of the earth news it received al ... ,. ,, , .. ... f,r.... i, . I
I al Police Gaxette of New oik, leave- scarcely ., ... . I in Warsaw, den. Hardin with Ins lorce lal ar-
I ' 'III. ...... t . . . . 1 I l" . . . . A . I II. ,
...... . . navaua i' it"uir uiki irpMiiriii n.irKt u. iip . ... .
loom o itouM ti the couple riMfrreil to above i nvriL ami Ins warning to rurkt'iiMoi ana ins ;
j i an i mis i.ikc7 uo...oage , ,e "'"'e- j , , ,, . ....
non fcchool uiiiler Insc.ire, stys
To the lerrifieil im igiintiuii of tho Hiiilm
eomiii'uiiity, it looked as if all ihe 1.1') youtl) in
Ihe Institution were lib nit to iljuro lluiihsiisu,
and embrace Christianity; and Ihe teir tint ! I in-dooii-ni
itself, w as on the eve of utter an.ihil i-
lion, tiprcad such coiteruation throughout the
is no other than the notorious "nipper" thief, Al
buitis, alias "Alfred Morgan," who escaped on
ly about ten or twelve day a ago from I'.lack well's
Island, and bis girl, a favorite to whom he ad
dressed two or three letters after his escape,
fiom Hartford, Conn., and which being intercep
ted led to a hot pill suit downcast, which has dri
ven him South. Alburti figured pretty largely
in Chaileston, about six months ago, wheie he
robbed a gentleman at a hotel of checks and
di aft to the amount of f.S.oOO, and about S'lUU
iu money, the former having been afterwards re
turned. The woman is now in cu.tody, though
her companion ii not yet caught.
iin-iii in iiib i.i or, cuniiniiioi aie promptly won . . e , ,!,., :.
... . ! (.overnor has issued foitn a proclamation, in
us ii lenii at nome, ami at Hie mine tune snare
iu the enjoy incuts and luxuries of society iu llu- j
Co.NNrcTiri T. We bear that in tiie counties
of Fuirfield, New-London and Windham, contain
ing about one-third of Ihe population of Connec
ticut nut a ingk ''urn Iium vti d Iu geuitt lirrme
fiirtfiesiileofiiitiijrentiiijrl.itutiri. In neither
of the other counties has a majority of the towns
voted to license probably not over twenty
town in the whole State have done to. A'. 1.
Daily TiiLunc.
which he states that the utmost rigor of the law
will be enforced against all persons taking part
in these dist in baiieei. The citizens of the neigh
boring counties, however, continue to hold meet
ings, at which resolutions are passed denouncing
the Mormons as a "villainous and thieving set,
utterly unlit to live in any civilized laud," and
also resolving in spite of the proclamation, to
"act us free men. jMissessing hearts that can sym
pathize w .th their fellow men when wronged,
down irth the Missioiittr it s .' nnd doicn u itfi
I'n c ('hurt A Institutions .' echoed from every and every street in tho city. Several
bundled had le!t tho institution, but tho fact, he
ay, that in the initial of r.ucli an excited elate
ol public feclnie;, some six or seven bundled
pup, Is should reuniii in the school, quietly pur
suing their regular studies, only proves how
amazingly deepa hold the institution has on the
native mind, and what deep seited lil.'uient
it has secured tor itself in the very strong hold
ot MK'iety.
lt is estimated that the tolls on the Canals of
New Voi k this yi ar w ill exceed S.l'lCUO a-
and hands that can assist thciu, when called ou in bout $100,000 more than the receipts of any pre.
inairitaing their rights." I viousyear.