Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 11, 1845, Image 4

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OnelmnJreJ and mnty-five young men of
nil buck, from lira tail,-graceful dnndy with
hair rnonh on his tipper works to stuff a burbor'a
riibliion , down to the little luimp-bacVeJ, frock
i; faced, bow-looked, carrot-headed upstart.
The object is to form a gaping Corps, to bo in
attendance at the church doora on each Sabbath
before the commencement of divine ecrvico,
stare at tho foipnles as they enter, and make
delicate and gentlemanly remarks on their per
urns and dress. All who wish to enlist in the
above Corp, will please appear nt tho various
church doors next Sabbath morning', where
they wilt be duly inspected, arid their names,
personal appearance- and quantity of brains re
gistered in a book kept for that purpose, and
published in the newspapers. To prevent a
general rush, it will be well to etate that none
will be enlisted who possess intellectual capaci
ties above that of an ordinary well-bred don
key. Exchange.
I.sniA A!r Yankee. The water at Mack
in iw is very clear and very cold, so cold as to
bo almost unendurable. A ecntletnan lately a
mused himself by throwing a fiutill gold coin in
twenty feet water, and giving it lo any Indian
who would bring it up. Down they plunged,
but after descending ten or twelve feet they
.'nine up so chilled that after several ineffectual
attempts they gave it up. A Vankcc, standing
by, observed that "if he would give it to him lor
getting it, he'd swing it up quicker than light
ii nig," to which he consented ; when Jonathan,
instead of plunging in as was expected, quietly
took up a setting pole, and dipping the end in a
tar barrel, reached it down to the coin and
brought it up, then Flipped it into his pocket,
walked off, to tin- Minnzemetit of the Indian di
vers, and the no r')i.II chagrin of the d'inor.
Finoino WrriMitT a Master. A young
man at a social pnrly was vehemently urged to
nnr a song, lie repli- d that he would first tell
u s'orv, ami then if they persisted in their de
niand he wcm'.d v. i ! I r-. t ! y execute a song. When
a l nv, he me!. .o ion!: i-s-oiis in !iiiy inif, and on
one isuiitlnv riK.rniiii.' ti" went up into the garret
t: a.oi.e. mio in full cry he was
suddenly sent for by tlio ! gentltmnn.
"This is pretty conduct," said the father,
"pretty employment fur the eon of pious parents
to be sawing board a in the garret on a Sunday
morning, loud enough to be heard by all the
neighbors. Sit (town and take'your book.'
The young man was unanimously excused
from singing the proposed song.
Division or Labor. A certain preacher who
was holding forth to a somewhat wearied con
gregation, lifted np bis eyes to tire f allcry, and
beheld his son pelting the people below with
chesnuts. Dominie was about to administer,
ix cathedra, a sharp and stringent reprimand
for this flagrant act nt impiety and disrespect,
but the youth anticipating him, bawled out, at
the top of his voice ' '
' You mind your preaching, daddy, and 77
keep them awake!'
The tceuc tliat eiaiieil may bo safely left to
the imagination.
TitK Tut Tii Win. Hut. P.y '.ho accidental
omission of a firgle letter, in on exchange pa
per, the line
"Hell has in fury like a woman scorned,"
was made to read
"Hell has no fury like a woman corner."
This is the first time we ever, beard of bo
striking a truth being tlie off-epring of error.
IxoioRoua MisTAkie A Frenchman having
heard gentleman make uee oi the expression,
"it strike) me forcibly," and not being very
wcM acquainted with the parlance of John Bull,
shortly afterwards introduced the eame expre.
ion thus in coarerMtioa "It do knock mc
very bard dat dia ia the reason," tit.
The Chinese Museum at Bo6toa ia very at-troctive-
Col. Green says, a man was so tnucb
fiscinated with it the otlirrdny, that ho couldn't
be persuaded Ui leave the hull until ho saw his
wife there.
"No Mistake at am. Sin!" A sailor lia
ving ourchased some medicines of a celebrated
doctor, demanded the price.
Why,' says tho doctor, 'I cannot think of
charging you less than seven-and-sixpence.''
Well, I'll tell you w hat,' replied the nailor,
'take off the oddf, and I'll pay you the even.'
'Well,' returned the doctor, 4 we won't quaircl
about Irifl es.
Tlie Bailor laid down a eivppnce, and was in
the act ot walking n"', vb. u the doctor remind
ed him of his mit-take.
'No mistake at nil, ur,' vtd the sailor, 'six
.s ei 1 n nnd wvi n is ell tb world over ; so
I inn a t'lsl Coy.
i.i.;t ynu jjoite,' saul !h d.irtor, 'I've made
! L.r-;n pen out ( ; v mi ye!.'
A lady In. I.ii.1; ill 11 partial in 11, .tv in lei
we atknd if she
; to which bl.e
replied the iikod r
iriy tho 1 dice r a'
Not Gem hai.i.v 1 m.v. We find the fol
lowing in the Si. Loti.s l;t-i ulle:
"The parent whuwutilil truiu up a child in
the way he ahould (jo, u,iim u in tliu way he
would train up the child."
A beautiful sentiment is the lullowing, by tlie
celebrated Logan
"Over all movements of lite religion scatters
her favors, but reserve, the iiost, her choicest,
her divinu blebsing for tha lutt Lour."
i. ami sote list.
The following lift shows the current valae of sit
fVnnsylvania Bank Notes. The most Implicit nv
liHnre nny 1 placed upon it, a It erery iwi
;arefully compared with ai:d corrected from Biik
nell's Reporter.
Ilauks In Philadelphia.
t lllSC. IK
Stmt. Locatio. .
ivaais. ('it i Lin.
Bank of North America
Bnnk of tho Northern Litanies
nommc-clal Bank of Perm's. .
Farmers' ami Mechanics' Dank
If cniihgtnn It.iiik .
l'ar !
lur ,
Philadelphia Hunk . . .
Schuylkill Bank
Southward Hank .
Western Unnk
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' St Mechanics' Bank
Country Ilaiik.
Bank of Chester County
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of f Jcrmantnwn
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Dnylcstown Jlsiik
Rsston Bank'
Farmers' Bank of Bucks co.
OlTire of B 'i nk of P 'a.
Office do do
Offire do do
Office do do
East on
IIarrishurg. These
Lancaster I offices
Beading J do not
Easton J issue n.
Wink of tho United Slates
rlank of IVnn Township
(Strnrd Bank .
Movumensirig B ink
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Rank of Pollsville
Hank of I.ewUlnwn
Bank of MiddHown
Bank of Northninbetland
Polisvilln i j
LrwMuwn 1 1 i
MiiKlletown ,'al i
orlhiiiiilti'it,iud par j
'(ohnnliij pir !
Carlinle ?, !
Pittsburg; i j
IIiilllilaTKliurg i
l.ancjstel par
l.ancsNttT , r
Blading : par
IIarriturq I
LariCJUter pji
Leliauon j
Piltshurg i
Piiu'.iuig i
Williaiimporl lj
Wilkivharie 1
Allrntown j
Reading j
Pitlstturg failed (
Erie do
New U rinliton do
Chamhershurg J
Orttynhurg j
Mr.ntrone Ijj
Eriu ljati
Wynphurg J ',
WatstlinUtoil Ij j
IlAOI'wI.lfc 1 1 j
Brownxville 1 i
Yoik Sal
Columbia Bank Jt Bridge Co. Columbia
Carlinle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do dn branch of
Farmers' Bink of Lancaster
Lancaster County Bank
Farmers' Bank of Beading
Harrishurg Bank
Lancaster Bank
Lehanon Itnnk '
Merchants' St Mannf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch B .tik
Wyoming Bank
Northampton I! ink
Berks County Bunk
Oliice of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A
Penn Township Kav. Ins.
Bank of Chanitarshurg;
Bak oMJellyshurg
Bank of Suifiueliamia Co.
Erie Bunk
Farmer' V Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Hnncsdale Bnk
Mounnguhclt Bank of B.
York Bank
N. B. '1 he notes of those hank on which we i
rmil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not j
purchased try the rhll uli Ipt.m l.rokers, won Hie
exception of those which have Inter of relerence.
Philadelphia tSav. In.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dy.nt, rrp.)
IVwanda Bank ' Towanda
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford n sale
Bank of Beaver IWavei dosed
Bank of tSwalara Harrisburg closed
Bank of Washington Washington , failed
Crntie Bank Belli foiito cbed j
City Bnk Pttisbuig no ml
Fanners' Si Meih'rs' Bnnk Pitt.burg failed j
Vuuttf ei Mecli'ca' Bank Fnjetlecn. fuleil
Fiirmera' eV Meili'is' ii.ioU ( uuin ul.o failed.
Harmony Institute il iuiiiiny no ule
Huntingdor. Batik Honiiiigdon no sale )
Juniiita Bank Ieitown no sale
LumlM-rmeu's Bank Warten
Northern Dank nf Pa. I'uud.iff
New Hoimj Del. lltidge Co. New Hope
Norihutob'd rnioii Col. lik. Milton
iNortli Western Bank of Pa. Meadvtlla
Otfioe ofSidiulklll Bank Port Carbon
Pa. Agr.cV M .nuf. Bank Carlisle
Silver Lake Bank .MonUoae
I'nion Bank of Penn'a. Uniontown
no sale
lio sale
Westmoreland Bank Grerusburg
Wilkeabarre Bridge Co.
Wilkeabarre no sale
031 All notes purjiortiiig to be n any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given iu the aliove list, may be set
Jown aa frauds.
Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick
Belvideie Bank BelVMleic
Burlington Co, Bank Mi dford
Commercial Bank Perth Amlsiy
Cumberland Bank Bridgeioii
Farmera' Bank Mount Holly
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk liahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswick
Farmers' and Men hauls' Bk
Mu)4i.own Pl i
Franklin Bank ot N.J. Jer-ev City
foiled 1
tlobokeu Bkg& Glazing Co lioboken
la deal .
110 s lie
Icrsey City Bank Jersey City
Mechanic Bank I'alierson
Manufacturers' Batik BoHi-vilar
Morris County Bank Morristowu
Monmouth Bk of N. J. r'reebuM
Mechanics' Bank Newark
Mechanic' and Manuf. Ilk Trenton
Morris Canal and Big Co Jetcry City
Post Notes
Newark 13kg &. Ins Co Newark
New Hope I VI Uridgei Co Latnhcithville
N. J. Manufae. and Bkg Co HolmVen
N J Protecton & l-omlaud I Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
Pateraon Bank faKaon
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank PniK-etou
Salem Banking Co Sulem
State Bank Newark
Slate Bank Lliratwihttiwa
State Bank Camden
State Bank of Morria Mornsluwa
State Bank Trenton
Salem and Philad Maliuf Co Saleni
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Bunking Co Trenton
I'nion Bank lver
Wa.hiiiglou Banking Co. llarkenaark
Bk or Wihn & Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware W1I11111. glial
Bank uf Smyrna Smyrna
Do blanch M1II01J
Fanners' Bk of Male of Del Itnvn
Do branch Wilmington
Do brauch Georgetowa
Do branch Newcastle
I'nion Bank Wilmington
erf- Under S's
dJ- On all banks narked thus () there are vis
tticr counleiieil or altered notes of the var.uu iV
uouiiuatious, iu circulation.
n ii nn or wild ciiEniiY,
A (omnonml nalaninle Prepj"''"" from
tVIIrt Clierry llnrk Tar,
77ii bmt rrmrtft known lo lie u-nrlil for the rure nf
tixiirht, ciMx. athma, trnup, fcri7ig of the
lung, whooping miieh, hnmehilit, inflw
enzn. horfnr of breath, pain and
Uimh nrrg in the or si'rc,
lirer rnmftaint, unit the
JSrxt llugf "f
We will net aKwrt that lhl B ALAAM will cure
Consumption in 1st ft'orst form, but it has cored
Minn V alter nil olh" r means' of rlief I a. I been tried
in sin. And whv not 1 It srems that the WILD
par c KU V wis di-rtined by Natuie to be our PA
,:"f i NACBA for the rasginn dixeanes of this c Id Is
',!,r t litude. Lei not the despairing invalid wasie his
"" money and Iooe TIME, to him s.i all imairiant.
I in tx'ptrimcntinff with the trashy nostrum nf the
I day. hut use nt once a medicine that will cure, If a
j rure lie p.ii-ihln a medicine that science approves,
I and many years of experience hve demonstrated
that it alirayt relieves.
-There is tin ueh thing at fait," in the history
ef i his wondertul BALAAM. Evidence the mml
couvineing eve.lrrce thai no one can doubt, folly
e.lahli hrs this fad. For the a tke of brevity we
se'ect the fol'owing from thnumd.
Isase Plan, Esq., Editor of the Pokerpie Eale.
nne of the m ist influential journals in the stale of
New Yoik, st.itisupdei ihe snthnnty of bis own
name, thit a young lady, a relative of his. of ery
ili'ltmti- confliiution. was attacked in Feh. 1842
wiih pevcre cold, which immediately produced spit- J
ling of hlnod, rough, ft vci, nd other li inneroun and
aliirmii a svniiitoms. Through medical iienlineni
I ind r-ue she tn linBv reci.ver. d dm inn smnnie'.
But on the return of winter she was Htt ii krd mote )
violently Ihsn at first, she became se.Hrei ly ehle to
walk and i ti miMnl wait rough, clnlle ami fever
evny day, and appealed to he going rapidly with
conitinii ion ; nt thW tiie, when there anign
i.f improvement, Mr. Plait pr.Tured a Untie i-f
Wiri'i Ulsi or Wilii I'hekhv. which she
look, nnd it sieminclv rehloied her. eihe r l a se-
cond. and before it a hair taken -w was re torcd !
T....J l..lll. ul. ..I. uli h. 1.11 .ivm.I l.i iti. HIP.
to per fret htalth, which she has enjoyed to lli pre
Kent time, without the .lighten symptom of her for
mer dt-e 'pe.
Mr. P a?t savs'Mhe cure C ime under my own nb
sctvution and I cannot be mist .ken as to tho facts."
Pmnaonn, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 50, 1811.
MB. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Pir: At the re
ipirst of ninny nf my friends in this place and vicl
idly who are afflicted with consU'olton and liver
enmp'aints, I take the libery of asking you to ap
point someone in this county as agent to sell Wis
tak's Balsam or Wiip Cnr.sST, and to send him
a few d. r.en. as there is none of it for sale within
200 miles from thia I have no doubt that it would
meet with a ready sale if it were here it could I
piocmed without too much etpense nnd delay.
My wife was attneked about sii months sine
with what the physicians railed the firi-t S'sge of
consumption a enmiiUint viry prevalent in this
81 ciion of country. Hating ten the B.i'sjui ad
vertised in Augusta.
I took the 1 ains lo tend there for a bottle of it,
which she look, and v hich imlped her so much that
I sent f 'l two bottles more, whirb she has s'so ta
ken, soil he now siys she has not fell so well fir
six years as she does at this lime. All ihnae whn
have intpiircd of ine and uaeeilained what cried the
Balsam hd, are antloos lo nave some tor sa'e in
thi vicinity, which ia the cau-e of mv writing you.
Plea-e inform me by tetU'n of nuil w bribe you
rone! tide to wnd some, and if so whom, in order
that it may be known where it ran he bad.
I am with re-pert yours, etc.
The h"le country is fast learning that no medi
cine no iJivsician no preparation of any kind
whatever can rqnal D. Wiaraa's Balsam or
Wilii t'Htaar.
.1 TitriaY woxii:nrri. (hie.
WaTstvlLLa, Oneida C0..N, V.Seis;. 15, tB43
Deai Sir I owe it to lUc afflieleil inform you
that in January lat I atiai k-d by a vcay vio
lent cold, raused by wmkii.g in the water, which
aeliled 011 mv hums, ll v,a a.Tonii.iii. .Uiv a v,-
I i seine pain in my brrsst and sides, and ls- a
Uialira.nig Ci ugli. I lino 11 aiM-iioain r. an nir "i-i
uieilkvl aid 111 cur villce ; tut ainr rxnsnsiiiig an
then akirl 'u . ol. tbev (ironiumi-e I my di-eas a
t oMiaMr.ii to!srirrioN, and lin y our ami all
trnrt mevp In die. After much m lauaswu I got
ihe fotisei.t ol my physirian to use ihe o
Will I'aiaar pn pared by Da Wisraa. I ir
chased of the Agent in our place one bottle, tie fore
using half of which I la-gun to gain strength, and it
was very evident my rough wss rourh brtter and
my symptoms in every way intoving. I have
now used thtee hollies, and am mtortd lo fierfret
hrntib. Thai re-ult ia alne owing to the ue of
( RV ; and 1 lake Uua tuclhod of g ving you the tn
for urn ton. mrilv IO pav ynn the debt or gratitude
i'a.r ! I nwe v. .o.iiod nartlv that others abnilailv afllicle.l
i ma know where 10 apply for selief.
Vny trolv vv.i, JAMES R(JE.
Mm. Pal'mi n. Druggist, under drteof WaUrvillc,
Sept. S tlh, IH13, writes ;
The .lat.ment giru ymi by Mr. JarmsSage is
well known lobe nun I'v tl.ia trhole eoiumunilii
i c rtsinlv was a most leoimku' le The sale
of ihe Balsnin is iciy iio.mI, and its sneers hi cures
ttuiy flsneiing. Vours r.sp cil'iillv.
llAiinoaeiici.n. N. J . April 20. IH43.
On or about the Kill, day of October, 1 r4 1 , I w as
luken web a violent pain in the side near the liver,
wbuh 1 on' in itcil tor about five days, and was fob
bnil by tho tweaking of an nVrT, or ,it-sis. in
waidlv, whirb relieved the pain a linle, but raird
toe 'o throw up a great qu tnuly of otl'eulie uialler
and also much bhuat. Being prtity a I -H nnd at
ibis, I applied to a physician, but he said 1st lln!ig' t
he could do but Inlle for nw exeepi give me some
1'ilh, wha-li I rrfusnl to tske, fc'eltng
.ansl'ied that tbey could do me no gooil ; many o
ito t r- nn-dir v-rr then onire.l ly my wifw and
friends, but none did me any good and the diss
rbargeof isWI and cmrupti'io siillcisnttnueil every
lew days, and at last tcome so oflensive that I
rou'd acarcrly la-eathe I was also sriaeil with a vi.
oient routh, which at times caused me to raise
much more blood than I had done lrfor and my
dtsraar rontiiiued in this way, suM growing worse.
until February, when all hojss of my recovery was
given up, and my It leads all thought I would die
ul a GALLonae Cos an at mm. At this moment,
when my h w.aapparen ly drawing near its clo.e,
I l.eard of DR. V Is PAR'S BALSAM O F
WILD CHELHY, and gut a bottle which
lilviu s taatuuTrir ; and by ihe use of only
three botile. of this mrd cine, ali my pain were
removed my cough and iri'lit'g of blood and cor
in I .I ion enlirrly slopped, and in a few wecke my
heal h was so rat lesloted as to enabbj me to" work
at my trade, (which i a carpenter,) and up lo this
nine lbave enjoved good health.
Gloi l KSTta Cot ti, N. J 1 s.
Pirac-ually tsuic Ufoie luf, the subKribcr, OAtef
the Justices nf the Peace in and for the said ennn
ty, Thomas Cotens, and being duly affirmed ac
cording lo law, sailh lbs above statement is in all
lliliiti" true. '
Affirmed bif.ire me, on the 2nth of April. Ifl13. 1
J. Clsmist.J P. S
Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL
a prescription d to nor wants, as it is pie
pared from chcmicil eitiaels from subrtsncrs which
the author of nnurn has placed In our own land
for wise purposes, that many who know nothing
of the mode of its irepnrnion are endenvorina to
reap pecuniary benefits by nrlline. n article siinil ir
in name, or in piar mce. or hv repreaenting their
own trash as suirrior In this U AI.S M, nr by put
ting upamixtuie and a .leionly asneverrtting that it
is imported from a f.ireien country, which i not the
cane. All these deceptive arts goto how th'il
W itah' Bai.stN i known to Ihe world to he
; a HE A r JlEMRn V." and that to e )
'uture it must be like this in name, or rr-
. i . ' ..I .... I
any miiture
port to he like it in KU''stnice,
rr Be'.ieve not ihe eiiMiiiimlv wrouuht faluica-
tions ml inks only the orminal and genuine,
Wistaii's or Witn Ciuaat. i
Ad, lrc all orders to ISAAC BUI l tt, No. 33
Ann Ht., New York.
Agents, JOHN W. FlULtNfl. Sunhurt,
D. UKAUI IOAM. Northumberland,
i. K. MOYKU. Hlnnmhur,
i. WAr.GON8F.LLEK, SrVm-Crwe,
BROWN & CKEA8Y, MJJlinville.
Feb. 2Sd. 1845 ly
FIFTY I) O F.I A Tl S II F. R I) !
Oi'Ielii'atrd Tamily o'BrdiriiieM
fll.I, not cure every thing, hut still rem do
unetpialled nt Ihrir srvi ilepartinenls ly
every ihiu rver ofTered to Ihe public, who have
VoluiitHry mine frwird sod nlferrd numerous ami
highly respectable testimonials of their superior
Cunt relit Compound Medicated Sirup of Sin
n,, Ai.H-Wcorbut.c Syrupi for the cure
' . ' .... ' ... .. .
ot s'corfu!a, Chronic Rheumatism, Chronic Swel
lings of ihe Joints. Kruptions of the Nkm, nnd all
Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, Vc.
unsurpassed by any thing in the inivkel, combi
ning all the virtues resident in the Snr sp irilli
with a modern medicament, onlv lately brought
out by ihe most respectable medical authorities.
Price, fin cents per bottle.
Cantrell't .Inti-Dippeplie Powder, for the re
lief and permanent rure of that most distressing
rotnptaint, Dyepsis, in all it forma and sihros,
It is ttuly a most valu .hie remedy.
Bold in bottles
ai 25 and 5(1 cents each. '
Cuiitrell'i Jleue Mixture nnd Tonic Mcdiea-
menta, stands nt the head of the list unrivalled by
nny. or all the innumerable medicinr-s in n-e t
ihiouehout the Irnaih and bread h ofthe bind, for
the cure ot t kin himI .Mil t III an lis stapes, anu ,
from all its consequences.
liesi. lints in Fever and Ague districts should
never be w ithout it.
The subscriber will forfeit EI KIT DOLLARS
where his medicine luils to eiform a cure in the
most ol'htiim'e cac.
S..U and Retail hv CALEB CRES.
e'OX, at his Drug Warehouse, No. 6 Nonh Third
Street, Philadelphia; also, hv the regularly np
pointed ageiii. SB I'H W. ROBERTS, Wbolesa e
Drncgist, No. S4 Water Street, Mobile.
Prepared orlv bv the SulicTiliir, rornrr of CAR.
PENTER and WE "ON D Streets, below Chri.ti
an. Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine without the sieratnre
('nilircir ifTIIC Wllxllir, or TOMIC
' Mt'tllcumrnta,
For the cure of all ma affretmn, if taken at-
cur .tins; to direction.
It is a never tailing lemedy which no fami'y
ought In be without, especially iu low uiar.l y
A this medicine is put up under the proprie
tor's immediate inspection on Ihe most scientific
principles, beng Pur. ty Vegetable, and having
tried its efficacy on thousands, for upwards ot 12
yiais.aud to his knowledce when taken strictly ac
cording to do eel ions, there has not bien one fa'lure,
I iider siteh rirruiii-lanrra I recommend it to the
nubJic, adding a cernfical in support of my asaer-
I, John Burns do certify that I waa in the ship
'I'ob .cro PUnt of Plnbili-lpbi.i, Cas). Reed, in
June, lli7, bound to I ivrfniol , took the fever
and ague and laid iu l.ivei,o..l some lime und. 1
Ihe docim's land, wtnt f.o.n thereto Baltimore,
lay m tiie lidirmary tor lour ur hve weeks iroro
them-e in Philadelphia; was six months under Dr.
. . - H' V . .1. .....n, ll u
v.oais; iroin inetice 10 irw .oin
Hospital, i.-mained there almut four weeks without
any retref turd every lhm nv benefit. 1 p, re gni)ine unless the box has three la
for five years. Hearing of Cantrell's Ague Mix- I Mh uihmi it, (tho top, the aioe and the bottom)
tuiefrom a ft end, 1 went lo his store, told him , cmaininj a fic-aimile signature or mv hand
how I was afflicted, and got a bottle or his mixture wrU)f! thus!). LiaAKOaSTH, M. D. These la.
ami oseii it aeeoriilug lo oirecitoris. 11 inaiw a
lert rure, and I have not bad Ihe least return su ce.
I do with confidence recommend ir lothe public.
Medicated SyruporSarwaparllln. ;
Philad. Iphia, April 10th. It4t. !
Mr. Jwhsj A.CAvrum ,
Dear rir, -Having bern afflicted for upward- of
two icars with ulceration of the throat, de-troyiog
the whole of ihe sofl nLte, then tbnmuh ihe upr .
part i f mv mouth into my nose, from which s-ier- '
hI piece- of hoi e came out. wh'ch partially de.lroy. j
ed mv speech, throuth a kind Protiilrnie and your
Mcdicaied Si rup ol Sarsipaiill 1, 1 am now lesion d ,
lo perf.ei be jltti.and my sichl, w hu h was so much j
impair. d, 1 a strong as when a Imy.
1 thought it a duly I owed to you auJ those simis
larly atft'cted, to make it public. j
Youts, R.i-iiec'fullv,
Comer of Tenth and Coatee Street.
I, Gabril Joust n, No. fi Rerklea Street, do rer
tlv that my wife, Jane, waa afllicird for iwo year
with lthciiiuviMii.atid ai la-t waa entirely dual. led,
so that she wasibged In be routined to hi d , hear
ing nf Cantull's Meliea'ed Syrup of Sjraaparilla,
or Ami Sr.uhutic Svrop. I pr.K-uie.l four boltl.s,
which completely removed nil her psins and stitT
nes from her limbs ; two more bottles made a r
lecl rure. 8he is now able In ailrnd 10 her house
hold duties as usual. GABRIL JONSTON.
Philadelphia, Jau. 22d. J844.
try- De-criptive Pamphlets may be bad of the
a.ems. fGrat.a.. J. W. FKILING,
Sui.buiy. Nov. 9, IS44. ly 'Jf!lL.
tlt Y afc K t) A I,
South East corner of Market and ilh sts.,
"niERE thry alwav keep 011 hand an exten-
aive atsorliuent of HATS ti CA PS of every
description, got up in the heal and most approved
tl le. Petaoiia denrous of purchasing su lienor arti
cles on the imait reasonalile terms, will find ii lo
their advantage lo call before making purchase
Philadelphia, Oct. 6tU, 1344. Jy
THE vnlutdilo properties of Oakley's Depura
tiveSyiupnf Harsnparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is ao well known to the public generally,
that it if unnecessary to occupy much spare in set
ting Torth the advantage lo be derived from its
use ; wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over all other: eveiy
one that has taken it, havn derived so rignal bene
fieial results from it, thnl it ia recommended by
them with the u most confidence. Physicians of
the highest (landing in the piofuiMion, prescribe it
to patiriiN under Ihcir care ; containing nothing
deb terious. but bring romponrd ot the most mild,
yet rfficarious vegetable mntenabi, it i offered with
confidence, as the cheapest and most ellicient (in -rifier
of the blood now known. The ua of a few
bottles, eseeially in tha spring monlhs, will be nt-
tendi d with a Deist decided improvement in the se
ueral strenclh (dthe system, eradicating any seeds j
of diseae that may have been generated, be.ides .
ai.ih. K...ltl. t ll.. tm '
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure
of Si rolula or Kings Evil, Khcumaltsm.
Pimples or eiuptions of the fkin, While Swelling, j
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The till- I
""" er'imcaes in ine possesHion oi nix su. s.n
brr and his agentu, from physicians and others, are
suflich-nt to convince the most skeptical ofitasu
ieriority over all prepurniioiis of Sarsiparilla.
Hold wbolealH and retnil, by the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North nth slre.1. Rea-
.ting, ue,xs uonmy, ami 10 n nn.i ot me toiiowmg ,
pel sons :
In Northumberland County. IT. B. Maassr, ,
Siinbury ; Ireland fc Mixel, MeEAensville ; D
Krattser, Mdion.
! In. I'nion County, J. Grarhurt, Selinsgrove :
' A. titllelios. Miffliniiurg.
, In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash
I Rending. March 14, 1843.
! Ma. Oaki-v-v: I Mieve it the uty of every
one to do whoever in their power lies, fm the vne
lit of their fellow mao, anil having had pn-bive
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful proin rlies
of vour Drpuralive Syittp of Sarsaparilla, 1 m st
Consi-ienlionly rrcoiuinrud it to ihe aHlieted. W'v
I had the niii-fortune lei kse two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulrerous sores that covered the
. face, head and neck, although we hntl some of the
most scientific physicians I" attend them and bad
1 tried all the known leniedies. including etwaim'i
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
. was smoked in ihe ssme manner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
, ollensive, and the disease at sinh a beirjhl, thnl we
despaired of her life, feeing the wonderful effects
of vour liepuraiive rsyrup i.l e irsaparin.i, we wrie
jndored In make trial of II, as the last resort ; it
i I m ..Lift...!- tlm itinera enenmerieeft healina
immediately, a few bottles entirely restoredher to
her health, which she bus enjoyed uninterruptedly
fVPt r,iri, Asa nuiifler of the blood, I verily be.
tj.,ve 1... ...,1 ig rnnnl.
Walnut street, neur Fourth, Reading.
Donghsivillr, April 19th, 1843.
Mn. Oaklkv: Mv son Edmund Leaf, hail Ihe
j errnfnln lit the most drendtul anil di-trcs-iing man- ;
ner three years, during which tune he w is de- ;
' prived or the use of his limb, hi he-d and neck
1 weie coverisJ sub ulcera. We triel all the differ.
I rut remi diis, but In no ilTect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Noriistown. and also Dr. Isaac
llie.ter, ol Reading. In use vour Drpuralive Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained se.eial iK.irlrsi.
ihe um of which drove the disra-e eotinlv out ol
hia system, the sore bested up, and the child was ,
resioteo to peiteci neann, wn 11:11 ne oas rnji-vm
uiiiiiteriupltidly ever since, to the aslotiishni. nl or
niauv iieisons who seen him during; hi alHtction.
I have thought il my duty, and send you this certi-
fit-ale that others
who have a like atlliclion in ine
family muy know where to obtain ao valuable a
medicine. Your truly,
Sept. 10, IS43 ly
I To Country M ere hauls).
I Hoots, Shoes, IJoHiicts, Leghorn and
j . l'alni Leaf Hats.
j C. W. & I- H. TAY !.)!?.
i allhr S. 11. cormr uf.Markit nnd l'ifth Sis.,
t s-a-a- 1
, arxa.AAja3.JLrjCjuaruA.Aa
; fiFFLR (1 .alo an extensile Htroiiioenl ol Hie
va1(,e .,( , a, all of which ihey sell at unusual-
y wi pliers, and piiilirul.nly invite the attention
, ,;(- i,vrla iitit.g the ctlv, to n rxamuoiti mi of
iM.i Mu-k. G. W. A. L. B. TAYLOR.
j Philadelphia., Mav f. 1844. tv
; rph nublic will iileaae observe that no Brandielh
1 enaraved on aleol. Iireutifully lesigneil.
! and tlone at an erpense of over $a.tlsl. Therefore
j it will be seen lhai the only thing nerrsssiy to pro
I cure the medicine in its purity, ia lo observe these
I iahria.
Remember the Ion. the side, and the bottom.
The following respective person are duly autlu-ri I
xed, and hold I
For the sale of Rrandreth's Vegetable Universal
NortbonibritaiHl cnuntv : Milton M m key iV
Chainbeilm. Sunbury H. H. Masaer. M Ewena
villt 1 1 el ind .Se Meixell. Norllium' cilaud Win.
Forsyth. Georertown .1. & J. Walls.
Union C.iuuty; New Berlin Bog ir A Win
ter. Scltnssroie f leorge Gundium. Middle
burg laiac Smith, llraveti'.iwn David lluhler.
Ad iiosbuie Wm. J. May. .MitlliinJiuii.' Mensch
St Ray. Haitleton Daniel Long. Fniburg
G. A F. C. Moyrr. I.ewiaburg Walla Si (Siren.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold
& Co. Berwick Shuman A Il ltenliousr. Cai
lawis.u C. G. Brohts. Bloomsburg John R.
Mover. Jcisey Towu 1-vi Biat l. Waatiinglon
Robl. McCav. Limestone Balbe? t McNmeh.
Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, continuing a representation of
Ur BRA.DRETH S Manufaclorv al Ming nimt.
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new lubcis now used upon the Urandrtlk Fill
Philadelphia, office No. H, North Hlh street.
June 34th, 1843.
Nos. i5l) nnd ai North Thiitl Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEV, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vile the attention of persona desirous or pur
chasing Furniture, lo hia extensive Sales Room,
(boih public and Privnte.) for every description ot
Household Furniture, whi re ran be obtained al all
limes, a large assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Bed, Matuasacs,
Ac, at very reducrd pricrs, for cash.
03r alea by Auction, twice a week.
May 3Vtb, 1843. I y
ron TfriTKn.
fJTj Tht fnlhni'ing eertijiraie decrihe one oftht
mnt extraordinary mre ever effected by any
PmtAnrtpnia, Febrnsiy 10, 1839.
IJ'OK twenty years I wai severely atBicteil with
Tafrrni on tha Fsce and Hendt Ihe disenne
commenced when I was seventeen years oM, and
continued until the Fall of 1810, varying in Sir.
Irnre, but without over disnpiearing. During most
of the time, great part of my fice was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent lch
infft my bead swelled times until it frit as if M
would liun-t the swellni4 w:is so great, that I coul.l
Kctircely get my hat on. During the long peiio.l
th it I was afflicted with ths disease, I used a great
mnnv ni plications, (among them several celebrated
lrpn.ilfttinn aa wrll
a taking inward remedies.
inHujih , f bottles of Swaim'i fanacra,
j.iltrnef nf Sanmnnrilla, &c. In fact, it would be
. .. ,J ' ... .....
impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I wns nlso under the cire nf two of the most d I ti
tintTiitt. .hsieins of ihi ciiv, but without
rrlfln m,,rn ,,,.fii. nd I desp.ired of ever be
cured. In the fill nt IH.lfi, tha
disease at the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Rime
Ointment, (prepared by Vaugban St Divin.) In
a few aplicaliniis the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the 1 ruption begun to disippear.
and I m' fore I had used a jar the di-ease was entirely
cuiei, h ,1B, u nfKry , ,,., ,nJ t h,llf
since, and tliere is not a vetige or tho disease re-
maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe
in a Certificate the severity of the disea-e and my
rulfering, but I will be pleased to iive a fuller ac
count to any person wauling further satisfaction,
who will rail on me. At Ilia limn I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of do.lurs to Is? rid of the disease, fiince u
ing it, I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my molher.whu had the disease bad
ly on her arm.) who w. re n I cured bv it.
JAMES Dl'RNELL, No. lh.G, Race St.
Cfj" The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vatuhan, SoM'h East corner of Third and Race
stieits, Philadelphia, and sold on anencv in Siinbu
ry. bv II. B. MASSER,
May I4ih. 1813. . '4lf.
B5oe Oii.tii.ei.fs ibi Teller.
I'hii AnkLrui a. May 27th, lHJ'.l.
'PHIS is to certify that I was severely alll.cteil
with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards
of lorly yeara ; thn disease was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to
number of ph vsici ns, and used a greut many nppli
cations without edccling a cure. About ayar
since, I applied ll.c ltoe Oinimeut, which entirely
stopped ihe itching, and a few applications immedi
ately cured tlie disease, which there has been no
return of, although I had never U en rid of it nt
any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vnuhnn, S iuth l'nl corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, mid sold oil agency in Siinbu
ry. by H. B. MASSKR,
May I4ih. 1843.
Of the ltOSi: O.VV.V .'."', or Tetter.
LTHOlifiH the superiority of ihe prepaiaU 'ii
over all others is fully esiablished, ihe proprie
tors inks pleasure in laying before ihe public the
j f.i..j.,,, rertillrat fro'ni a respectable physician.
a craduale of the Cniversitv of Pennsvlvaui. Dr
B.iugl', having round in thin emedy that rebel for
a tedious and disagreeable arfe.-tion which the means
within the range of bis profession failed to a third,
has not hesiiaied In give, it his approbation, nlthougli
the prejudices and interest of that prulesiuii aie
I'pposed to secret Remedies.
PHiL.AiiKi.rai a, Sept. 19, .H:i6.
I was recently troubled with a tedious heretic
eruption, w hich covered nearly one si.le of mv face,
and extended over the ear. Mr, Vuughan, pruprn
loi of the Rose Ointment, oluetvmg my face, insn
led on my tiying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. A lih.uiuh 111 common with tha mem
bers of my profession, I discountenance and di.ap
prove ot the numerous nnstrums palmed upon tho
public by ignorant pretenders, I feel in justice bound
to f n i pt tlie Rose Ointment lioin thai c'a-s of me
dicines, and to give it mv approbation, as il entire.
ly tuied the eruption, altlioiigii 11 had resisted Ihe
UMl d apphcations. DAM. I) Al l.ll, M. D.
j" The Rose Ointment is prepared by C B.
; VaiiyliHti, South East corner ol 'I'liird and Race
Streets, l'bi!dc!phia. Slid sold 011 ngi ncv ill Suu
I burv, by Ji. B. MA1SEK.
I May 14th. 184:1. .4 if, .
Corner 0 Th 'til and I ine Streets,
riHE ubrrilrr respectfully announces to the
X public, thai he h is o?ned a Hotel in the com
modious brick building situate on the corner of
'I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo
wail npon those whn mav favor him wit', iheir
company. The E.iule Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the he-l modem tih Ii i
provideil with a large number of well aired ami
Comfortable sleeping apartments rooms, private
pallors, Ac Prisons visiting Wilhaiitsport on bu
siness 01 plea-ure, may rest as-urid that every ex
ert ion will Isn Hae.l to render their sojourn nt the
"Eagle Hob I" pleasant and agrivahle. HiaTablo
will be supplied with the very b. si the ina ki t af
fords, and bis bar with ihe cboicrsl wine and other
liittors (liali;es re sonalile. The Eaule Hotrl
porsesstM greater HdiaiUnge in point of location
than any other similar establishment in ihe borough,
being situsie 111 the business part of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and illiamsporl and Elmira Rail Road lb pot.
SullicieiilSiatilitig provided, and good ami trusty
ottlera always iu ulleudanee.
Atieiitiir, accou.m. Hinting and honest Servants
have la-en rmptoied. and noil lug left undone that
will add to the comfort end accommodation of hia
There will be a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing lo convey paaaeuger lo and from
the House, fire of charge.
Mav 14th, IH43. If
Michael Weaver V Son,
Ao. I a Aw7A M uter Street, I'liiludt'iiia.
AVE constantly on baud, a general luworf
ment of Cordage, Seme 1 wines, 6ic, vtx:
I ai d Rones. Fishing Rope. U bite Ropes, Maiul
la Ropes, 'l ow Lines lor Csnal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of S,iue Twine. Ac, such as
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent (Sill
Net Twine, Coiion Shad and Hen iug Twuc, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac Alao, Bed Colds, Plough Line,
Halter, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains,
Ac. ali of which they will dispose of 011 reasonable
Philadelphia, November 13, U42. ly.
Mi'Kiil n ci 7 Ci 00 1 r&" CO.
No. lHS Market Street, Philadelphia.
"NVITE the atleulion f Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of Bntoh r
and American Dry (Soikla, which they offer futsale
on the moat reasonable term,
rbiladcljihia, November 13, 1812. Iy.