Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 04, 1845, Image 4

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    ketch oflh if Laurie Toilil I
Ok, Hint to tus Yoriw Vm'si Mcrcasi
tii.b Library Association.
Tn choosing a wife, Irt her br nf r family nnt
vain in their name or connections, bur remark
able fr their simplicity of manners and integri
ty of life. Let her bo t'ike free from deformi
ty nnl hereditary disease ; neither fix yotir
rye on n celebrated bcaoty-s-she is opt to bo
tco pround of her pretty facp, and afraid to ioil
ner delicate hands. The woman who washes
her own silver spoons, China cups and platters,
nnd performs other liijlit services in the family,
is always the most healthy, the most happy, and
the most conlenled for thus she gains the ap
probation of her husband and of her own con
science. The woman who loaves her family
four or five hours every day, running from shop
to shop, and making calls, isnlwsys unhapy; for
conscience says ymi hove been sowing the
wind, you shall reap the whirlwind. Beauty is
a very desirable incredicnt in choosing- a wife;
you will be proud of your handsome wife when
you introduce her to a friend ; but by all mean!
find out, if you can, whether or not she is in in
of her beauty. If you find she is daily washing
hrr already pretty face with milk of roses, and
patent cosmetics- -that she is daily purine- ws
trr and Maccsssar oil on her already glossy
hair if this is the ease, it is rather on alarming
svmplom. A handsome woman never looks so
well as when she don't know it.
(lonj nature is another necessary virtue in a
wife. This, though, is not so essential, as a
inriri must boa consumate blockhead if he can
not lend (nor drive) n woman by fair words. A
good manager is another indispensable qualifi
cation. After marriage, if a woman dos not
p que herself on her knowledge of family af
fairs, and laying out money to the best advan
tage, let her be ever so sweet-tempered, grace
fully made or elegantly accomplished, she is no
wife for a man of business. When people are
harnessed in the yoke matrimonial, they must
draw together. lis a man's duty to give to his
wife; its the wife's duty to use it with the most
scrupulous economy.
Having now resolved to get married, Jo not
distinguish your wedding tiny w ith too much os
tentation, nor suffer it to pass without proper
a ok now lodgements. Let it wear u sober smile,
such as would become your partner and you for
life ; not to be convulsed with riotous laughter,
that leaves tears in the eyes, and heaviness at
the heart as soon as the fit is over. Modera
tion in all tilings is the very etsrnco of life ;
neither fly to the mountains nor linger about
tho springs; the money thus foolishly spent
would pay for ell tho coal you would burn next
winter ; proceed :n the usual and easy tenor of
your way, prosecuting your regular business
with all tho sohtr realities on your back, for
remember thut t!;e harvest lasts not all the year.
Continue to treat your wile with the same cheer
fulness on your brow, the same tenderness in
your eyes, the Mine obliging turn in your be
haviour wiih which you were wont 1o treat her
in the days of courtship ; if you do this, her
love will never change. Above all things, ne
ver let her imagine it a penance for you to stay
at home, or that you prefer any company what
ever to hers; let her share with you in all your
pleasures. Ry these and similar acts of kind
ness, you will secure her love and gratitude at
once, and she will say she ia the happiest wo
man upon earth.
Artificial pkodixtio.n of oysters. A let
ter from M. Curbonel was rend at a recent meet
ing ofthe Paris Academy of Science, in which
he asserts thut he has discovered the means of
producing oyster-beds in fresh water ponds and
basing, so that every man who has a few feet of
ground to spare lor tins construction of a basin
may always obtain fresh oysters ! This extra
ordinary discovery must astonish the natives.
Aristocracy. The New York Express
says that in the cnurso of an oration in the
French Chamber of Deputies, General Foy
chanced to ute the word aristocracy. A voice
from tho ministerial side asked fttr a definition
'fit. "Aristocracy," suid he, "in the nineteenth
century, is the lengce, tho coalition, of those
who wish to consume without producing, live
witliout working, occupy nil public places with
out being competent to till them, and seize up
on all honors without meriting them that is
A QviETfa ion Citoss Hawks. By thia we
do not mean knocking their brains out against
the bed-post, nor anything of the sort. Nor do
' we mean giving them paregoric, Dafly 'a elixir,
Pa,lh) 'a carminative, black drop, or any poison.
The only requisite to quiet tho squealing, mis
erable little w reteh of a baby, is that it ehall
possess a no. In tho midst of its screaming,
presa your finger gently and repeatedly across
tho cartillage of that userul organ, and in less
than two minute it will he asleep. The east
ern paper from whence thi important discovery
is der ved, says in one minute, but wc allow two,
to prevent any dis8pjoiiitiiieiit.-'ijgiA pajtcr.
A late Duke of Norfolk was much addicted to
the bottle. On a masquerade nijiht, he asked
Foote w hat now character he should go in. 'Co
tnber ?' Slid I'oote.
Genius is iu one respect, like gold ; numbers
of persona are cons'antly writing about both,
who have nr ithcr.
Tim VUIN I lilfS KISS.
Print on my lips another kiss,
The picture of thy ('.ow ing passion:
May, this won't do nut ihuj nor thia
Uut now ays ! (Acre's a proof impression!
The following list shows tbi current value of sll
Pennsylvania Hank Notes. Tim most Implicit re
liance may be placed upon it, as it is every week
iarefolly compared with and corrected from Bick
ncll'i Reporter.
lSaiikn In Philadelphia.
NAMS. LocATIO. V.",r"
Bank of North America . , pnr
Bank of thn Northern Liberties . , pur
Commercial Punk of PennV . , par
Farmer' and Mechanic' Dunk . pur
Kensington Bank . par
Philadelphia Bank . . par
Schuylkill Bank . . pnr
Snuthwaik Rank . pnr
Western Hank . . . par
Mechanics' Bank . pr
Manufacturers' Si Mechanics' Bank pnr
Country Hanks.
Bank of Theater County ' eslchestrr
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of (Jermaiitnwn
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doylestnwn Bunk
Raston Bank
Farmers' Bunk of Burks CO.
Dllice of Bunk of Teun's.
N O T E 8
Lancaster I
Rending f i
do not
Lasti.n J issue n.
D I sent; n T.
mk ofthe United twites"
llank of I'cun Township
tii'nrd Bank ,
Movamcnsing Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Poltsville.'
Bank of Lewislnwn
Bank f MiddMivwn
Bunk of Northumberland
Lew istown
N rtliiunUcil.iud par
Columbia Bank & Bridge co.'Cnlumhia pr
Carlisle Bank Carlisle J
Exchange Bank Pittsburg; j
)., tli branch of lli.llt.l ivshurg j
Farmers Bank of Lancaster Lancistiu
Lancaster I bounty Bank Lancaster
Fiirmcrs' Bank of Reading Reading
Harrishurg Bank Harrishurg
Lancaster Bank Lancaster
Lehanon Bank Lebanon
Merchants' At Manuf. Bank Pittsburg
Bank of Pittsburg Pitts'iuig
West Bianch B ink Williamspnrl
VVvomiiia Bank Wilkesbartc.
par I
Northampton Bank Alleninwn
Berks County Bank Reading
Office of Baiik of U. 8. Pittsburg failed
Do do do lit in do
Do do do New Brut. ton do
Kensincinn Nov. Ins. A da
Pcnn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Chamhershurg Chamhershurg I
Bank ol Gettysburg Gettysburg J
Bank of Sii-ijiielianna Co. Montrose Ijf '
Erie Bank . Kriir 1 jslj
Farmer' & Drovers' Uui.k Waynishurg 4 .4 '
Franklin Bank Washington li lljlik I J
Moi.onnahcl Bank of B. Brovtnxville Ij
York Bank Yotk Jl
N. B. 'I he notes of those hanks on which we
timil quotations, and siihplitiite a dah ( ) are not
purchased hy the Phil.idi Iphin brokers, wiih the
exception ol those which have a leiler of n ferencc.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Phdadi Iphia failed
Phitadel)ihia Loan Co. do failed
rchuvlkill Xav. Ins. do f illed
Manual Lalmr Bjiih. (T. NV Dyr.n, prep.) filled
IVwniula Bank Towand.i
Alleliony Bank of Pa. Bedford no sale
Bank of Beaver Jtejver closed
Bank of Kwatara Harrishurg rioted
Bank of Washington Washington failed
Centre Bank Helh funic closed
City Bank Pitching ltn ale
Farmers' & Mec h'cs' Bank Pillshurg tailed
Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Fayette cn. failed
Farmers' V Mech'cs' Bunk (ireenca-tie failed
Harmony Institute. Harmony nil rnlr
Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no alc
Juniata Bank Len isiown no sale
Lumliermen's Bank Wanen failed
Northern Bank of Pa. DiiimIhIT uo sale
New Hope Del. Bridge ('o. New Hope closed
Northumli'd Union Col. Ilk. Milton no ule
North Western Batik of Pa. Meadtilln cIiimiI
Office of Schuylkill Batik Port I'urhon
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank t'arli-le failed
Silver Lake Bank Montrose rloi-ed
Union Bank of Penu'a. Uniontovvn failed
Westmorland Bank (Ireeiihl urg clu-ed
Wllkesharre Bridge Co. Wilktaharre nosile
(fj- All notes purpottiug lo he on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the ahuve li.-t, may he set
Jown as frauds.
kew ji:hsi:y.
Bank of New Biunawick
Uelvideie Bank
Uurliugtou Co. Bank
3'iminercial Bank
Junilierlaud Bank
Brunsw iek
Perlli Amliiiy
Mount H illy '
N. lliuiiswiik
funnerk Bank
Farmt ra' mid Mechanic' Ilk
Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk
Farmers' and Merchant' Bk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
Hohokcu Blg& (itming Co
lersey City Bank
Mechanics' B ink
Muiiuficturer.' Hank
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N.J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanic.' and Manuf. Bk
Motrin I 'anal and Bkg Co
Pool Notes
Mid.llet.twn Pi.
Jerey (,'ily
I loh. .ken
Jersey Cny
Jersey Cily
I to aale
Newark Bkg cV Ins Co Newark
New Ho Del Bridge. Co LjinU-iUvilld
N. J. Maiiufar. and Ukg Co Hohiiken
N J Prolet'lon 4c Lombard I k JerM-y Cuy
Orange Bank
( 'range
l'aler,n Bank
Peoples Bank
Princeton Bauk
Sak-m Banking Co
Male Bank
Stale Bank
Slate Bank
Slate Bank of MorrU
til ale Bunk
Sutem and Philad Manuf Co
Sussex Bank
Trenton Banking Co
Union Bunk
Washington Hanking Co.
Ha lew
iir.i.AW aiu:
Bk ofWilmA Brandy wine Wilmington
llank ul Delaware
Bank of Smyrna
Do Uanrh
Farmers' Bk of lata of Del
Do branch
Do branch
Do Irani h
Union Bank
tVJ" Under 5's
0.J- On all hanks marked thus () thrre are ei.
ther counterfeit or altered notes of the vox,uus dt
uouuualioui, in cuculalioa.
Coiiipoiiiid Sj rii of Tnr & Wood
fllHE unptecedented mcee-s of this medicine, in
JL the restoration nf heahh, to those who, In des
pair, had given up all hopes, has given It an exal
ted reputation ahove all ether remedies, furnishing
evidence of its intrinsic va'ue and power, as the on
ly aeeiit which ran he rel.ed (tt. n for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption. Broiirhiilis, Athma,
Pain in the idn and Breast, fripitiing of Blood,
Whni'ping Cough, Croup, Ac.
Attention is requesled to the following ASTON.
JSIII.NO CIIUF.,hv Thomso'i'a Compound Syrup
of Tar and Wood Nsptha! !
VhilaiMphia, May 37, lS4i.
MR. THOMSON Dear Pir Wiih grateful
fee'lnas T iiifurtn y.-U nf the Rttmiishtng elfeeis of
your me.lirine, nhirh hss literi'lv lais -tl me from
ndntlh-hed! My dtsrne, Pulmonary Consump
tion, hid reduced me. n low that my phystcian pro.
no Hired my eie hopeless ! At this jnnrtion I he
gun to n-eynur tn.ilicitn and miraculous ns it may
teem, it has completely re-tnreil me to heslth, alter
verylliing else had faded. Repretfullv vours.
Chattolie street, ahove Oeotc street.
Th" undersigned, being personally acquainted
with Washington Mark and his mlTerins, hear
witness to the astonishing effects of Thomson's
Compound ryrup of Tar, and the truth of the as
hove statement.
JOS. WINNER, 3IH North Third street,
DWfD VICKERN. 42 Almmid street.
HUOH M'fil.N LEY, 8. E. corner Tamany
and I'. urth teet.
Prepared nely hy S. P. Thomson. N. E. Corner
nf filh and !prnee slrerls, Phi'sde phis.
AgetiK. H. B. Mi r, iinhu'V : D. firo.
and Dr. Maephetson, ll itii-lotrg j Jn i. (. Brown,
Pottsvi le ; tie.'. P. rl, lie ding; Housiitn iV Mi
nn, Townmla. IIi hIIok1 county, Pa. Piice fit) cents
p r liotth". or J") ii. r o7.en.
lirirarr nf all imitation.
Philadelphia. June 2Nth, D45. 1 T
n.n l a 1 a .d: qj el
P I A N 0 8.
rlHn SUBSCRIBER has hrrn appointed sen.
1 fi.t tv. sale . f UMI D MRYKIi'f CEL.
ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive anil hfnu'iful eteiiir fi.'i h. ai d, f..rdep'h
nnd weelne nf lone, nnd eleg nice of workman
ship, are s'i'pa-s. d hv anv in the United Siic.
The follnwiiia is a recommend v ion fiom ti
Dirts, a celt hinted perfu mer, and himself a man
uf.iciuier: A CARD.
IIavjio had the plea-ure of Irving the excel
lent Piano I'orlt s marifaf lured hy Mr. Meyer, and -red at the I i-t exli.hi ion of lite Fr .liklin In
stitu'e, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker
to ilee'nre that llien.t instruments are quite t qua',
and in some resprrts even tliprii o. to all the Pi
ano Forte-, 1 saw at the eapit ds of Euinpe, and
iluiing a sojiiurii of two years at Paris.
The" Pianos will he -o'il at the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not aoine;hing lower.
Persons are reque-ted o rail and examine for
themselves, u the residence uf 'he nhcrilier.
Snnhnry. Mav 17. l?1o. II. B. M ASSER.
I I K 1.1' TH E
c i ii ii c r s .
I .7
rilHE sn'-scrihera wouM re-pectfull? inform the
1 Cuirens if Sunhnrv and te puMic generillv,
that thev h ive purchased the shop of Mr. William
Hoovci, in Market one wes of the
OlVice, where thev will continue the
C'nliiiiel-lSnl.iit IIis.iiic,
in all its r niches. The puhlie may eipecl llteir
work done in the la'est nle. They hope, hv strii t
attention to huMii s-, to mi tit a share of puhl c
(J j tolfins made to order on the shortest n eicv.
ami coumrv t rod. ire luken m vichatiae for wo-k.
Siinhurv, May I7ili, .5. ly.
S TJ IT 3 -J ? T,
X o r I Ii ii hi b r I a ii 1 C o it ii t y,
I'PKC I'FI'I.I.Y informs his Irielitls and the
puhlie in gent r d, thai he has taken the It ck
stand, in the Botnugh of tSuuhiirv, lately ociumed
hv J lin nans as a puldic house, f wist ul IheiSiae
H"Use, and nearly opistle the Cooit Hon e,)
whete he is prepared 'o Hceommo.lale his ftiemls,
and all nihets who mav lavor turn with their cus
tom, in the hesl possihle manner.
His BAR si all spark'e with the choio at of Li
iii'ohs, and his TABLE shall he well supplied
wiih the very hesl the markets ntfird. In short, n
piins nor expense will le spared to render his
house in tv.ry way worthy of puhlie patronage
A liberal share id cu t on is then fote a l r it, ,1.
Suiihiity, April H it. I s! 4 -. rim
c in o v a 1
im. JOHN V. I'EAL.
eSSUl; 'f li'E( TFUI.LY informs he ri
f xena of t.i.l u y end its ucini y, ill I
Kil l e ha rc.novetl to lite It u k ll us. , in
(.?.- - Ma ket unit, I, r.ii-ilv u,ru,.ie. .y
Hi i ij i 'ii i ii I lemliii V . i ist.ifilie i. tie 1. .tmer'y oc
cult, d hv Mi lei A: Man?., and now hy f a T. Cle-
mel.t. w heie he w ill lie
happy to rc.eive ci'.ls in
Ine line ut Ills i r. les-iou.
Sunhu'V, March VOih H15.
HE stih criliet have received, and are imw
tij.ei ing a s h asoriiueiit of ike following
C oils
N.xoiiv. Wil'.m and Velvrl f'arpetings
Hiusf'a and In pi ti . 3 ply d
Fxlr sii.tioe ami tine i c ruins do
Kiig'i .h sh t.l'd ci D im i-k Venetian do
Alll'iicm tAillid and liu'd do
(' AR
TE r
INC. English lirouse'ls nnd Wool, n Floor Ch ilis
lair and Pa-sace Hoek'ngs
Einhos.e l I'luiio and Tahle Cover
London Cheanlle and Tuf'e.l Rug
Door Malta of evety deaeriplion.
A large and extensive rarortmeot of Fl.wr Oil
Cloihs, ttom one to eight yatds wide, cut to fit eve
ry description of rooms or paas-agca.
Also, low piieed Ingrain Caipetinga fiom 3!J to
62 J cents per yard, together with a latge and exten
sive assortment of goods usually kept hy carpel
The above goods will Ix aold wholesale or retail
at Ihe lowest inarkel prices. Country merchanls
andoihera are paruculatly invited Iu call and exa
mine our stock tiefora making then selections.
Successors tn Joseph Blackwood, No, 1 1 1 Cbeanut,
Corner of Fran'tlin Place.
Philadelphia. Feb 22.1, 1845.-.
Ill I-:, of a iirrior quality, ran now he bad
A st ihe Lime Ki!m of Henry Matr. in Sun
hury. May 17,1646.
A Compnntitl Tlalaamle Preparation from
Wild Cherry Hark wnrl Tor,
Tlte bent remrdy knnwn la the world fur the ntre nf
tmitrhn, tnldx. ait limn, ermip, blredim nf the
. lungx, whooping entigh. brtmehifii, infill
tnta. thnrtnr& nf breath, pain and
voeaknetn in the breast or AtVr,
liver cnmfilainf, and tht
Jirtl ttage nf
We will net assert that this TJ ALHAM will cure
Consumption in ist want form, hut it has cured
ms.ny after all other means of relief l ad heen tried
In vain. And why not 1 It seems that the WILD
CHERRY was destined hy Natme to he our PA
NACEA for the vavngina of this c dd la
liinde. Let not the despairing invalid was'e his
m iiiey nnd looe TIME, to him m all impnrianl.
in tfirrtmrntrng with the trashy nosl'iim. nf the hut use nl onre a medicine that will cute. If a
cure he p .g.jhle a nvdici"e that science app'nves,
and many years of experience have demonstrated
llial tl nMMi.v relieves.
"There ; nn unrh thing M fail" in the history
nf this wnnderlul BALAAM. Evidence the moot
convincing evedei ce that no one ran doubt, fully
e-tahli hes th s fact. For the aake of brevity we
se'ect the f. owing from thousands.
Isaac Plait, Esq., Editor of the Eaele,
one of the most influential journals in the stale of
New Yotk, stales Undei ihe authority of his own
name, tint a young lady, a relative of h's, of erv
delirate rousti'tiiion, was at'arkcd in Felt. 1842.
with severe cold, which immediately produced spit
ting i f hlood. cough, fever, ard other dangerous and
alarming symptoms. medical Meatmen'
ami etie nhe pi'tinl'y rcc vernl during Slimmer.
But nn the return of winter she was ntt u ki d moie
violently than at tiist, she hi came scarcely aide to
wn!k ami was lieuhlrd with rough, chills and fever
every tiny, and appealed to he going rnpiilly with
cnnstimp'ion ; at lhi time, when there was n sign
of improvement, Mr. Pl.itt procured a hotlle f;
Wmtam'h Blsm or Wilii 1'itr.nar, which she j
took, and it seiningly restored her. Mir g I a se. I
Cond, and hefote it was half taken he was re-tored J
to prrfrrt hmllli, w hii h she has enjoyed to ihe pte
sent time, without the slighttrl symptom ol her for
mer dise .ae.
Mr. P att savs "the cure c ime tinder my run eh
seivaiion and I Cannot he mistaken as to the facts."
PxMaaoKr., Washington eo., Maine, Apr. 20. 1 M 1
MR. ISA AC BUTTS. Dear .ir: At the re
quest of many of my friends in this place and vici
nity who are afflicted with cntin option nnd liver
cnmp'aiitis, I take the liheriy of asking you to ap
point some one in this roun'y as agent to se'l Wis
Tsh's Hti.stM or Wiin Ciikiirt, and to send hi n
a few dozen, as there is none ol it f-r sale within
21)0 miles fiom llos. I have no doubt thai it would
meit with a ready sale if it were where il eou'd le
lorured without loo much ivpense nnd tlelav.
Mv wife was atickrd shout six months since
wiih what Ihe physicians called Ihe first s ags of
coli-iiuiption a complnint v, ry ptevalcnt in this
si ciiou of country. Having seen the 11j!b.iiii ad
vertised in Augusts.
I t " k the sms to send there for a t ottle of it,
which she took, and hich helped her so much that
I sent f..r I ao holdi s more, whiih she has a!so ta
ken, and he now says ahe l, not fell so well for
six vears as she does nt this lime. All thus" who
have inquired of ine and nsceilained what effect the
BaUam had, are anions to h ive some for sale in
this vicitiiiv. which is il.e rau-e uf my writing you.
Plea-e inform me ty trtu n ot m i I wheihi r you
conclude to send some, ami it so ! whom, in order
that it may he known where it can he had,
I am wiih re-pect votus, etc.
The whole country is f ist learning that no niedi
cini no plivsican no ptcparaiion of any kind
whalevir can equal Da. Wistau's Balsam of
Wilii Cuninr.
a Tin i.y rom:itri i. c i iu:.
WaTfcHVltlv, Oneida co.. N. Y.Hepl. IS, 1813.
Dear SSir I owe it in Ihe afflicted to triform y. u
that iu January I i-l I was atim ked hy a veiy vio.
lent cold, caused hy wo.kii g in the wnler, w hich
settled on rnv tunus. It was ai compauied hv a ve
j ry onr pa in in toy hreiist ami Miles, and aU a
listies-irig c ugh. 1 had in attendance all tlie !-rt
u ei'ic.l aid in i or v.llife; toil after eihausiiug all
J iheir ski t no av they pronoun, e l my di easr a
I r.iM'iHMiii citsi-,ir riv, and ilu y one and all
! t;iire uir up tn dir. After much ptrsn istrxi I got
he consent of my .physician t use the HLtM or
j WithCiunaf pr pared hy Dh Wiscaii. I pur.
j chased ofthe Agent in our pi tee one hotlle, hefore
I using half of which I lc(ian to gain strength, and it
j w a very evident my cough was much heller and
my symptoms ti every way nnpr iving. I have
nw used ihtee hollies, ami am renliired In tttrftrt
health. Thia re-uli is al .ne owing to ihe use i f
RY ; and I lake this method of g ving you the in
fotmaiion. partly In pav you the dehl uf gntiludc '
I owe ymi, and partly that others si nilarly afflicted
may know where to apply lor relict.
Very t.nlv yours, JAMES VfJE.
M h. Palm i n. Ditit!i!ist, undei d ite uf -Ii rvilte,
Scit. 2llh, IHi:l, mini;
The statement given yi u hy Mr J.tmr a Jage is
well known to he true hy this whole ciiiiiiiuinti
Ii ciMiinlv was a most remaka' le cure. The sale
of the is very good, and iis success iu cuies
Iruty llaiteiiug. Youis r. si. ctlu'lv.
( TKi: l. I.K
II ai'I.iikfii.i n. N.J. Aptil 20. Htl.
On or ah. ml ihe 13th t'ny of Ocl.ila t, 184 1, I was
taken wi ll a violent pain in the si le near Ihe liver,
U'luet, r...oiiin...t t'.i. .1. r uu .1 .. . ...i r.t
i 1.......1 1... i...i.i 'l '. . ' :
watdly, wlnc'i relieved the pain a little, hut rau-ed
me . throw up a ereat quinnlv of offensive inaiter
..n.l also much I tood. Being gna'lv al
his, I n 1 plied to a physician, hut he said he thoug1 1
he could do hut little for me eiee.o give ni" some
Mrrrury Fill, I tefused to take, feeling
satisfied that ihey could do me no goo.1 ; many o
thti r. ni' dies were then roruied hy my wife and
friends, but none did me any good and the ilis,
charge of blood and rotruptioii still cent. nut .1 ev. ry
tw da) a, and at last became no offei st ve ill it I
cu d scarcely hreaihe. I was also seized with a vi.
ol. nl cough, which at limes caused me In raise
mu. h mote hloo.1 than I had done before and my
disease continued in thia way, anil growing worse,
until February, when all hope uf my recovery was
given up, and my liiemls all thought I would die
of a (lALLoriMo CoBKCMrTiox. At thia moment,
when my lite i apparency drawing near its close,
I heard of DR. WIST A ITS BALSAM OF a bolile which as
nsvin me iMMLuiATtLT and by the use of only
three b 'tilea of this mrd cine, all my psina were
removed my cough and spilling of hlood end cor
ruption entirely slopped, ami in a few weeks my
health was so far restoird as to enable me to woik
al my trade, (which is s carpenter,) and up to this
lime I have enjoyed good health.
GLorcxsTia CocsTT, N. J , as.
FtTauually cams btlwre air, the subscriber, one of
the Justice ofthe Peace in and for the said coun
ty, Tlimnas Cozens, and heing duly affirmed ac
cording to law, saith the above statement ia in all
things true.
Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April, 1813.
J Clkmknt.J P.
Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL
a prescription congenid io mir wants, as it is pie
pared from chemical extracts from substances which
the author of nature, has placed in our own land
for wise purposes, that many who km.w nothing
uf the mode of its preparuion are endeavoring to
reap pecuniary henefiia hy sellins. an attiele. aimilar
in name, or in npiear mce, or hv representing their
own trash as superior to thisBAt,3M, nr hv put
ting up a mixtute and s .lemnly asaeversling that it
is imported Ir on a foreign country, which is no' the
case. All these deceptive arts goto show th it
WTAn's Itti.sivf i known to Ihe world tn he
"THE fill HAT IIHMKDY." and that to se
any mixture it must he like this in name, or pur
port to he like it in u!'staire.
(Xjs Believe nut the cunninglv wrought fahiira
ti his .n l lake on'y tho nriuinal and genuine
Wistau's Balsam or Wn.n Cntanr.
Address l orders to ISAAC BUTTS, No. .Ti
Ann St., New Yotk.
Agents, JOHN W. FRIL1NO. Sunhury,
D. BRAU I'HiAM. Northumberland,
J. K. MOYER. Ilhmnishurg,
BROWN A. CREASY, Miffltnvilte.
Feb. 22.1. 1815 ly
I' I KT Y I ) ( ) 1 ,1 .All h Uv, VA 151) !
Cclclirnled I'ainily lledicinesi j
THRILL not cure everv thing, hut still rem .in .
y y uneqiinlh'd in th'ir ssveral departments hy
every thing ever ofTere.I to Ihe puhlie who have '
voluntary came forward sod t lTered numerous and j
hichly r. speciahle tisiim mials of their superior
rfliciev. v '
CiintnU's Compound Mediralid fyrttp nf Fai
tnpar lla t or, Auii-Scothutic Syrup, for tin
nt Scorftila, tlhronic Rhen.n itism. Chronic Swel- i
lings ofthe Joints, Eruptions uf the Skin, and all ,
Disca-es aiisiug from the of Mercury, eVc ;
unsurpassed hy any thing in the makcl, comhi. i
iiing all the virtues resident in the Sar nparilla
with a modern medicament, only lately drought
otii hy ihe m.rsl reapertahlo medical aulhoritiis. I
Price, fiO cents per h. tile. '
Cuntrell't .Inti-Dyif-pHe Powder, for ihe re j
lief and permanent cure of that most distressing
complaint, Dyspepsia, iii all its forms And s'ngos.
(l isttuly a most valu d'le rein. dy. Sold in hottles t
at 25 aii'f fit) cents each. !
Cunlrrlt'i .Igue. Mixture nnd Tonic Mnlira' '
nienta, stands nt the head of Ihe li-t unrivalled hy 1
Miy. or all the innuineral'le medietas in u-e I
thi 'tighout the length and hread h of the hind, for
Ihe cure nf Fr.vtn and Aucr. iu all its stages, and j
lr.m all its rntisequences, !
Residents in Fever and Ague districts should I
never he without it. I
The suhsc.iher will forfeit F.I FT Y DOLLARS j
where his medicine luils to petform a cure in the
most ohslitiaie case.
Sold Who e-de and Retail hy CALEB CRES.
SON. at his Diuc Watehouse, No. 6 North 'Thud
Street, Philadelphia; also, hv the r.gularly ap.
pointed agent. SE TH W. ROBERTS, Wholesa c
Druaeisl, No. 51 Water Street. Mohile.
I'r pared hv the Suhscr.her, corner of C AR
RENTER and SECOND Sir. els, hclnw Christi
an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Ohserve, none are gennitte ithout the itr attire
Caiilrc'irN 4sm lititi'?, or Tonic
.llcilit iiiiiciita.
For the cure of all H lions njp rtions, if token ae
cor ding to direction.
It is a never lulling remedy which no fnmi'y
iugh' to le without, especially iu low marshy
As this medicine is put tip under ihe p-oprie-tor's
immediate inspection on Ihe most scieuiilii'
principles, heng Pur. ly Vigelahle, and having
tried its rlTiracy nn thousands, for upwards of 12
y ars. and to hi knowledge when taken striet'v ac
cording to directions, there hs- not Ixeit . ne fa lore,
Under such circum-taof rs I recommend it to the
puhlie, adding a rrriinvala in support of my asset
lion. I, John Burns, do reilifv that I w as in the ship
Toh.icrn I'laitt of Pliil.uMphi 1, ('apt. Reed, iu
June, 1827, hound 10 Liverpool; look ihe fever
and aiiue anil laid in l.ivptj o.. some I me nnd. 1
Ihe tlorior's l ands, went f.0,11 H ere to Pa'tnn oe,
lay iu the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
thence to Philadelphia; was sn months under Dr.
Coats ; ftom thence to New York went to the
Hospital, remained there aheut four week w ithout
any relirf tiled every thing without anv lenefil,
for five years. Hearing of Canned' Ague Mix
ture from a ft tend, went In his store, told hitu
h..w I win afflicted, and got a hotlle of his mixture
and ns.d it according to directions. Il mule a per
led cure, and I have not had the least return sii ce,
I do with confidence recommend i' to ihe puhlie.
Itlrdlrntr tl Syrup of SurN.iparllla. ', Iphn. April IO1I1, IS4I.
Mr. Jon vi A.f'ivTSiu,
Diar f-ir, Having he. n afilic'eJ for upward-, of.
two rars ulceration ol Ihe throat, tle-troyi' g
ihe w hole nf the sofi palate, then thtouuh the upper ;
part 1 f mv mouth into mv nose, from which sever. !
al pieces nf hoi e came out, which par'ialiy tlelroy.
d mv speech, throuch a kind Providuue and v. .or
Med'Caie.l Svrupol S irs ip irill.i, I am now le-tor. d
to he dtli, and my sight, which wis so much '
impair, d, is as strong as when a hoy. i
I thought it a duty I owed In you anJ those si mi- t
larly alfecl.d, to make it public.
Yuura, R.spec'fullv, I
Corner of Tenth and Stteets.
I, Cabril Jotiston, No. fi Rc.-kb s Street, do cer
tify that my wife, Jane, was afflicted for two years
wiih Itlicuinvi in. and al la-t was entirely li-a' led,
ao that she was obliged to be confined to l d , I ear
ing i f Cant'cll's Me Uraled Syiup of Sara .parilla,
or Anti Scorbutic Syrup, I prm'Uie l four boltl. s,
which completely removed all hrr pains and stiff
ness from her limhs; two more hollies made a per
fect cure. SI e ia now able to a'tend in her house
hold duti.i s usual. (i ABRIL JONS TON.
Philadelphia, Jsu. 221, 1814.
(rt De-cripiive Pamphlets msv be had of the
agents (Orat.a.) J. W. FAILING,
Sunhury, Nov. 0, 1841. ly .Igent.
A M II 11 Y&r O C,A1,
South Eatt corner nf Market and 4th it.,
WHERE they always keep 011 hand an rxten
aive asaortmrnt of HATS U CA PS of very
description, got up in Ihe best and most approved
slj le. Prisons deriruus of purchasing superior arti
cles on ihe most leaaonalde terms, will find it 10
iheir advantage to call before making purchases
Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1841.-1
rilHE valuah'e properties of Oakley's DepUrS
l live Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier nf the
blood, ii so well known to the public generally,
thai it ia unnecessary to occupy much apace in set
ting forth the advantages to he derived from its
use; wherever the medicine has once heen intro
duced, it takes precedence over all others ; evety
one that has taken ir, have derived so signal bene
ficial results from f, that it is recommended by
them wiih ihe u most ronfrdenee. Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it
10 patients under their rare ; containing nothing
deli terlous. but being composed nf the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered w ith
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier nf ihe blood now known. The use of a few
hollies, especially io the spring months, will he at
tends.) wiih a most d'-rided imptoventent in the ge
neral slreneth ofthe sysiem, eradicating any seed
of disra-e that may have been generated, besides
giving health and vigor to ihe hod v. For the cure
nl Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. 'Tetter,
Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, White Swelling,
F 'sluts, Chronic Cough Asth.tia, cVc, 'The nu
merous ceriifica'es in the pnsaession ofthe subscri
ber and his agents, fiom physicians and others, are
sufficient tn convince the most skeptical of i s su
I periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla.
S..I.I whole-ale nnd retail, hv the proprietor,
OEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th stre.l. Itea
ding, B'-ika County, and to hn had of the following
: petnoiis :
j In Northumberland County . B. Masssrj
! Sunhury ; belaud &, Mixel, McEwensvillc ; I)
hrsns.T. Milton.
In I'ninn Counti.J. Oearhart, Selittsgrove J
A (illlellUS. Mlfllll'l'lllg.
Iii Columbia Count). R. W. McCay, Wash
Reading. March 14, 1S43.
Ma. Oaki.xt: I believe it the uty of every
one to do win. lever in their power I tes, for the le ne.
fit of their fellow mi", and having had po-i jvo
proof in mv ow n family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depuraiive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I m st
conscicntiou-lv rerominend il to the afflicted. We
had the misfortune I t ka two of our children, by
the breaking out nf ulcerous sores that covered Ihe
face, head ami I Pt k, although we had some nf the
most scientific physicians to attend th- m and had
died all Ihe known lemediea. including Swnim's
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was aimtke l iu (he same manner, her face ami
neck was cnrt p'eltly covered; the tl scharge was so
olfensive, and ihe disease at such a he ehi. that we
d.spaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
ofy.iiir Depuraiive Syrup f,t S trsapariil 1, we weie
imliii'id to make trial of it. as the last resort ; it
ac'ed like a ctarm; Ihe u'cers commenced healing
immediately, a f. w hollies entirely restorcdhi r to
her health, which she h'.sct joyed uniiiteriU leilly
ever since Asa puiifier ol the blood, I verilv be
lieve it has not its eipinl.
! JOHN MOYER. Tailor,
j Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
! Dnugl.ssville, April 10th, IS43.
j M11. Oaklt.t: Mv son E.'mund Leaf. ha. I the
setoltda tn the most dreadlul and distressing man
' ner for thr.e yea's, during which lime he wis de
privej of the use of Ins I1111I -. his ,e d ami itek
were c.o.r.d with ulcers. We lri-d all die dill'-T.
' fill remedies, but In no effect, until recommended
t I y Dr. Johnson uf N'onislown. and also Dr. Isaac
I II li ster, nt Itemin g, to use your Depuraiive Syiup
of Sarsapurillii, ol n hich I obtained sevetal buttles,
j ihe use of which tbove the dife.i-e eniirt ly out of
1 h'S system, Ihe sore heded up, and the chil l was
restored Io prrlert heahh, which he has rrtjoved
I iininl. rni le.lly ev.r, to the astonishment of
1 in.itiv persons who seen him ilu ing his affliction.
I It tve thouuhl it my duty, and send V'ti this cerli
I licaie thai ..lion who haves like affliction in the
f.iiuilv mny know where to obtain so valuable a
'medicine. . Yours Itulv.
Sept. lfi, IS 13 ly
To 'oiiBitry Tat-i t haul-.
Coots, Shoos, I'lunicls, I.00I10111 anil
Palm Le af Hals.'
(1. V. vV L. Ii. TAYLOK,
at llir S. ll.coruir of Mnrhit and Fifth Six.,
"FFER for sa e an 1 Hen-ne i l-oiiiih nt of the
'above ar'.cl. s. all nf whit h ihey sell al unusual
ly low pi ices, mill itlicul ilv inv.te Il.e attention
uf is vi-itu g ihe
iheir sio. k. i
Pliila.leli.hia. Mav
eilv, 10 nil 1 I illl'iixtl 01 of
!. W. Ai L. B. TAYLOR.
25. ISM. Iv
rPhe puldie will please observe that no Bran. helh
' Pills are genome, unless the box has three U
' bets upon it, (the top, the so'e and the holt.. in)
' esth conlaiiiini! a f.c-simile signature of my hand
! writing, thus B. Biiaxumhth, M. D. These la.
; hel ate enarave.l on steel, lentil. fully ilesiuned,
I and done al an expense of over 2,0110, -Therefore
i it will Ite seen thai the only thing necessary to pn
. cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
lab. Is.
Remember the top, the side, and Ihe bottom.
The following respective eis,.iis are duly auth. ri
led, and hold
, For the sale of l!randreih'$ Vegetable Universal
I Pill.
Northniiibeila. tl counlv : Milton M ickey iV
t'h nn!'. ilin. Sunhury II-B. M isser. M Ewens
ville In I mil cV Meix. ll Northuin'.eiland Wnu
' Forsyth, f icorcelown .1. fi J. Walls,
j I'uion C .untv : New Berlin Bugar & Win
ter. Selinscrove (leorge (iuudium. Middle
I hure Isaac Smith. Beavcr'nwn David II id ler.
A.l.inisburg Win. J. May. Millliusbuig Menscti
cV Rav. Ils'llelon Daniel Long. Freeburg
! G.vV F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls &. Green.
! Columbia r.u.niy : Danville E. B. Reynolds
' vV Co. Berwick shumaii sV R Henhouse. Cat
' tawissa C. O. Brohts. Bloomshurg John R.
Mtver. Jeisey 'Town I-vi Bisel. Washington
Kol.l. M. t'ay. Limestone Balli h MrN'tich.
tlhseive that each Anent has an Fngraved C. r
titirale of Agency, containing a representation of
(fr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory st Sing Sing,
and upon which w ill a'so be seen eact copies of
the new lubtis iut used upon the llrandreth Fill
Philadelphia, office No. 8. N.nth 8ih street.
June 24ih, 1843.
Nos. tti) and 31 North Third Stroct,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vitea the attention of person desirous of pur.
chasing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms,
(both puldio and Piivale.) for every description of
Household Furniture, where can be obtained at sll
times, a large ssaortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses,
.See, at very reduced price, for cash.
07- Sales by Auction, twice a week.
May SVtb, 1843. ly