Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 04, 1845, Image 3

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    . ai . j . ... . j. . u . in i. . . i
Corrected weekly by Henry Ynxthetmee,
Whxat, p(S
Rft, ..... 60
Com, ...... 40
Oath 25
Pork, . . . R
FLtXKCKD, ... . 113
Uuttkh, ..... m
Eon. .... .8
Brits wax, . . . 2ft
Tallow, ... 10
Fi, ... . 8
Hsrm.itn Fit. . to
L - ' 1
"Good Intent Fire Company."
A STATED MEETINO i.fthe C.inp.ny will
lip held en Tucsd -y evening next, al 7 o'clock,
( lh Cturl House. Punctual attendance is re.
Oct. 4. 1845. Secretary.
"Washington Tiro Company."
''T'lIE members of the Washington Fire Com-
piny" are requested in meet at the State
It ohm, on Evening, Oct C. at 7 u'.
-chick, precisely. Puiirm-al ntlcndiitico I required.
O t. 4. I) W. SHIN DEI . ,svr
OF Nnrihiimla-rlaiid Comity, f..r Kui. 'iVim,
A. D. 1815.
(raiid .Jurors.
Turhul Sil rnon Eshhach,
Pe.luwttre. J ! It, til, Jacob Stixel, Win.
2Cirk. John llou-h, Will am Titihmok.
Lewis. 'I t n Kaon. Vichacl Sec.hler.
.1'iil. J lui I) vers
Chillitquitijw: cut' Tt d. rick.
J'wHt. Thnim. II. Wm.
ftirthuinbrrltinti. S bn Cike. E. P. Sh-nnnn.
Augusta. J.-hu II.idh, Jacob Fry. jr , Wil i iin
Upper XukuH- Benjamin M.rkil, Michael
U OiVII. t.
hiwer Mufwmiy. Jln 1Yng man, John Bnr
arcl.'lc llluh'tnoy. Wiijiam It.'riufl .ml, Jacob
Jux'kmm. TiTbii1:1!, .lii'ph B it'dorf.
Traverse .Juror.
Tuittt. J one. li. .ni. (iid
I h liri-tre AX 11 trViitmii. IV' j mn Oyter,
., In. 'Mi 11 iffnm . Joiust .hi I, am?. John 1 1 v i r .. ,
IJeorge Wi sou, li Hi . l UaHuM Eiia V.' KA'ht
ny. Lewi R rmttel StAlilncoker., Montgomery 1 oa
ftrl. It rij iini" 'If nrh.
'M-ttnn. -S&eiir M lo, .mid, Ze!i rtnrii
ll kel
Chillisquaque. Tl omin P, Wil. a hi Bii
q. nlnne. Michael Mi (J' Wi' i in T It nor.
I'trint. Friii cm (lihiuin, J,.hu Ncsbr Jr. Vnc
21 nil'. Jnirl'M P.i'i.
Sorthundirr.ainl Wtl'am ftirketfhnc, Levi
iEckcri, Wiham W'if. John Cm.
Smiliu-n. Seha-lian "H .inrt l.i-wis t)ent.
Augusta W ili um Ros,t- nice It k r j ,.lim.
SiiiJ.iJ', Philip Wier. Jo!,) Siiirth, Ldxi.tfil
ShanulJitn. Atiilrcw Jm we. AW Jhn.
h'uth. J In Pi'i.iy I. j'., J olid, jr.,
lfo'l HdUg'ir.WlUII.
riw J.i fph Keh'TJ.
I pper Mtiinnni J.ihn Ifcirich.
Limvr Mamimy .lurith W tt r, Sidnmon Rts
flr. Mirlml l.i ik't. J I'll MhIikI.
Jackton. 'IVli-r T ion.
lt'lil fnror.
Turbut. C! il.u Jluiki l, Julm A. 14,lrli
Ocnrtiv Kutz.
Pilinnirf. IMwumI L P-C', l)4i.ic.l Icinlmrh,
3iIiiiiiiii I) i. e ke . ill. i, J.. In cim-.
lj-wix. :t.Kiri. Mvng-i-., !;iiinicl ?ili', V'!li:iiii
M.llun. Wi'liHm H Fr w.iif , J-tilK-, Al-
. n Slir.iy.'t, 0-.f Iliirtiiniiml.
I'nlllt D. lii I r. .1 0 li
Kurlhuiiibf luiiil W A I m J'uicjit'it finurge
Wrimr, rhurU-.'F l.ii 'ft.
Sutihurii.t' ii .ifiH.
A"i;uflii. y I n Sln.p.
Sutmakin. l.oiiiirf P. i I. Miifll ii IVin'm?,
Siiinuil I u -ii in 1 1 N mii.i'I Kui, W i li.-m X i..r.f r,
J.iliii Frcclv.Sininirl Hiiii.iiii'l.
Hush - H'.ri. y 11 .iff.
Ciiul. ('ifit K-fHiifC, Al'raliam Actct, 'foliv M.r r. M i ll l Kiii-wir
Vppur Mulwiwy.SuMl tfinilh, 34eJl.Kuff.
Jirk.iim Mnn'v D. Hoffintn.
IS herehe given, m .11 bailees.'rs am! li
ttler pi re Htc. itrteiewK'il mi 'lite, fslu es of J.icob
Ma'ich, .1. c'd. settl-d l-v 4us eai.-ii'.rs, 3xlsn and
Viler M-lcb; i.f Jobn K IMI. ibe'.L. se tb .1 by
4iM e-ieculori-. j -me. F Muirny; nf J eph Poxer,
b c'd, act 'led bv Us adiiiiiit4o An'rew Itiin-
yan; ol M..ria l.l Ill 1 lnnn.l. d. c .1. . t'l-.l ly
t lui.d.'r M t.aie if Norttnirnt-eil -nd f nntv;
thai Ibe ecirt r nn admi oH it.-M of rti.' d de
l isted in nut hwr ift4 I Atrt arc.SNil- wtih tl-e
Li B s'er of t is r. unit. ikI ih rt tliev will le l"
i iile! to ibe -Otpbans'' oi-rl of said couniv, on
"J ue-il.iy tlie "1 h d.u of ..n.!'i i-U, liK Cvsv
firuiatiuii iii.J l'0i'Ce.
SuribirTV,4Vt. rb,1R5. ftt lveeiser.
,MI. iu t .e i ti mi.-, a ol ibe Mil r ler, m
Ci.eU ' hip, N.t!,unlifr:id-coua y-fconst-
me wd an I wbne and the u f.ri U,tn imd wHi'te ;
l-oth ppisr'nily sjssil. il" a year tdii. I be us.
ier is vcqni rted to rnini' t nwaid. ;ove (rorry,
j'av ehaiiies and tid;e llicin awav. r nVey iH Ve
uld arc.rdii.g Uw $ AMI'.S KANNEY.
Coal1ov.i-1ii1..t1.n. 4th.1-Hl5 Si
CAME hi ilm pnamie ,if rtie subscrlieT, in
Knti lowna'iip, Nor'hiimlapilaiei county,
tjuut the ftesi ol KepleaalH-r iimtstrt.
one a BLACK COW, with Ull n. having a
white lrek oritur baik. Theo her a RED COW,
wiiti a white fare bulb appear to be old Cow.
The owner is requealed to call for thesn. fiaf char
Ces, awd take thi m awsy. WM. B. K1PP.
tluah township, Sept. 27. 184ft. 3t
WELL quabtied 'IViaclwr ia wanted lor the
Peteiaburg Sclmol, in Sksniokm (itriet,
Aurihumberland eooirty. Any pereon wiahing to
be envployetl in aatd erhool, will vleaaa make earlv
application to John Koadarmel, Elyshorg post of
fi.a, or Elida John, Be r (sap poal office. The
School ia i peeled to be kept open five months.
Liirt wagea will lie paid, and that at the end of
aveiy tjtoi.lti, if loqutred. By order of ihe
Attest i Trra't. 0. 8. D. 6ham. lit
Elt Joaar, Secretary.
ISeptemher STtb, 1845. 3l
.r a. lo. in. ra-., fol -mv t nr.; (.fFr.k-r k Ha- A '' I ..11 . a V H , .. ' T l'P-ls ami lTnra m IHoga, m. Jarinea, wye-
. , ., . , i I . a , it ; goner d 41-e ( npy ai d P-iks U..i. lilatik I -...IT. V .iirl. I lil. A-
In r. dec d. nl bv hi. .iilmini tiulii'. Jac-ol. ( II- n- . i .. j run-, i -uns 'i'n .
,.. - .... ., . .. ... ... U"Ks; V, t in g. liefer and W.pi'iJ . ii,..i,. t: t..,,;..!, s, , . V..,ih T.i at
I , '. J , ,. . ' , . , J I apcrs-, boiiuei Boards, O .ids, Neel Pens. Pen. I i., i. s Tl.i. I ji i,n-.i ll,i '
ills ailioiin. rulor. ltoU-,1 lannwoth .tf J.ihn , ,' s. . i w i . t t. . a i t, a ' 1 ' I Irti-l lien .vta'kel.
Jfoi k' felVr, I'ec'd, sctil d bv h wtxmMirtratiir A- ! , ..' w, ; . f .', ' ,. ; -tiwi-uhrn? Phvsic'sn, 'UrueaM nd Chenasl. and
JVorthumltcrland Count', .
IN the Orphmt' (Tnnrl of tnij county, at Auauat
Term, A. D. 1845. On mm ion oritimh Out
In, Eq., the ('ntirt grant t rule on the heira ami
let, i repreaentatifra of llenly Antca, late nf the hn
rouuh of NorthurnlMtUnil, in aaiil coun'y, ilecM.,
Ieiii inane t't children, tn wit t Ma'Rarct, inter
mnrrieil ilh Cliiun E. Winlher Caiherine, inter
mirrird with Ocnrgn llulier; Philip AntMj F.ii.
Iicth, formerly inti-rmnrrieil with Lei lloh.rt. now
ilm-eaeil. hnvinit iane .y her aaid htiithiind, II in
nah Hohnrt ai;d Eliiattrilt ll..hart, niinma nnlcr
hi- age of twi my.oi.c, nf U.inirl Br intiKxin, ftnariliiin, and Willi nn Ant a. reMili nt in
Wicnnin. heita and d atrii.uteea of H. niy Ante.,
l ite nf the bor nmh of .N'nrthiim'ierl md, ilecM., t''
apfieir in our ni-xt Orphana' nun In he he'd fur
aiii.l cnuni, tn wits on ihe 91 day of Nn'emlier.
A. U 1845, an. I arcepl or rrfuoe the etite of the
antd Homy Antra, d c'd or h"W c u-m why the
nine xh'inl I nut le n.'l.l.
Ci r ified fiorn the recril. of our aa'il Orp'iana'
C u t, ai Suiil'iiry, thia 24lh dny of Srplcm
htr, A. L). IN 15.
8unhury, Sept. ST. 1345 6t - t5-
H'r r: enmmrnil tilt vf our friend visiting ihe
city, to cult ill the I't kin Ctnitjmnii' Stare,
nml lay in a supply nf their delicious Tin.
Tin: i'i;iii TCi con paw.
i No. 3D, Sjvth S.xiixii 8th kkt, Uitwe. ii M uki't
ami I heai'iir,
AVE c .iisia .tlv on hand, and fir ade,
Wlinlerslc and UeUjl,
At Lower Pi-ltcs,
lecnnlilin to ihr (pi lily, tlmtl llicy can le Ii. Ugllt
fur a' a'.y oilier i -l 'I'lishmenl in ilieritv
Zy 'I'k. nclusivclv. are K..I.I at ih'a hne,
and i.ever-1 v. rrtira wln.-li cannot l ohlnineil eUc
wlirn. Any Teaawhiih do n - t cive miie nati-
l ie ion c:in I c t. turned a. J escbanyil, oi the mo- I
I iev rvill be refunile l.
The eit ns of No ihnmberl md coui.ty are re-
spivifully invited to give us a cill.
Accnl for the Pi kin Tea Company, !
I-Iii'ai!elplna, N. pt S,ih, 1845. ly
( ! Vie A' 1' American h'rpulil'can.)
"Snirar Coated rill.'
r5A"FNTs t.avii g d Hi- ill v in ailniini-terin
n cln nn to llie r cl l'd en, wi I a valuable
h'lid in lie. tSuiiih's Sug r Co.trd Pill, which is
.... , v..e. 'nwiiici. rir.ei. A.iut.a ..l ie
I'n pKi n wi i m i imu 01 nn iiicine-iiiKiiiB mane
ea-y."" Thi! Pl.l in a g iml medicine, it nove ly
tXj 'AI'TI(iN. As a miserable imitation
beo mule, l v ti e tuine of Sugir dated Pill,"
i is i.ev.sfi.ry IuHm- sure that Dn. O ) Smith's
I eina'nie is on ev. rv bnv. Piice "5 tei.ts.
Pi.twpjl Ollii-e. 1JJ d'reeinvieh st. N w York.
I fc.J.lly .1(1 UN W. KIMMNIJ. Suuhur,.
WM. FOilsYTIIE. .Vr.wA:mV.
Sept-w'-i r tVlli. l-45.
' T llie Electors ii Iv'oi 'lliuiulierliiud
j County..
; pi.l.lXjW THZENS -Having lcn .n-ou-
rnrjeil bv mv frieinli to off r nrvself aa a VOL.
LK I'KEK rand d.ue f.r fie office of
1 le-pncttuny solicit your -support, nhnulil you
see (iTop.-r -to collier Ihe trfTn-e lUpitn me, I will en
ileevor 10 di-ch irge the rtn ie ibeieof will) tbhlity
and iHiparliatKy. PK LAJZ AKJ. S,
uil-ury, Sept 20 h. t
Will iiraclirc ilw sevi rl Courts of kliu Csly
..lit! ('utility of I'l.lli.lelplii i.
His ofTn-e at No. 3.'. South FOi'RTH Street,
between Cbcnnl and Wab ut Mr. el.
Purl delpbin, s.-t 20 h, 1845 3m.
JU tyy J V "-r- ,
AN AWAY frnii'tlie aubseriber. in Sunbn-
rv.. mi itbe 9iHi insl., tin in.b n'ed iiwtirenik'e
to ll CirliHie-M st.ii. g l-tt inew nanx-d
S.tid Smith u 1.1. . m y 1'iiib, a'.oui 5 feet C incl.e
hiilh, d.i k r.inu.l ji'.tt, and hid on when be lift, a
rwr e.l 1 th tt.Mi C'.nit, lijU-crloied, o pair
: of eti-rj inraid (.ipstnel fan"-loon-:, a broad twtm-
i n.vd, I-w, d ah Hat, and a p.K of high
H" red, calf -kii'., pesgcl Siinc. The I.
v. hi ! irieini-ftu.'M,, ii.,i i.oi mi; nun in t;'ir:i
bi n any tiling mi his aiiomt, as he will ysv no
ilebls Ih xai.l upp entice tna oi!ict. The
above r. ward will be given (Vntnomprnai alUs
ed) to y pe ami who Will hung hi'ii In
unbury, Sept. 20, 1845. 8t
ST ATI o"lT E?,7,
l.iw.'t s ciri isr in ivchau-je I r Rs.
The vubscrdii-r huytt ftr ciiflnxcliii'rfhj, an I is
sb'e i-i de eiiniiie.l 10 sell goods n. bis liiie aa kw
aa tliey ;.n lie i'i.U4jta in Pb.l iW Iria.
i U. SOW EC".
VB5 N. 3d st, esit ei.'e, la-low Vwe.
fjj" Itlm.V 11 ks i.f every ilecii(rtin toar.l and
hound to 'jt m. in a i-tvjii rior inimner. urnl u ifiy
!w. MnJuiib. n.s tSnjit. .. 18IS.-4I.
-vr-vx m . . a
, fx-" H II f ) 1 i 111
ATTILL 1 ri.o.-.l for a.le. at
veii.!ue, on
f,,U J nfOct -r nett.on ri
lie nreims s.
j n I rticnvivai I'lanta Ion, lirte the e-tnle
of Wd lam Reefer, ilec'-J, itiale 4u A!j-t i tnaj
slap NithnvnU'rlaiid ceuntv, aSo i an b-a "from
K.mburv, 4 nil'e. rroni live Pntlsvine and Danv.lle
ii, fionu, 1 nulla .lie u-iiieiiaiiiia lion a. mi
alawrt 3 ni4,s from ibe fire. I Mahonov Coal Ite-
eion, and on die fife rft R- ad to llairiv'.uru and
Woniels Imf, cm ta'niug 330 acsex, 140 acres ol
wlrt -h a cleisred, avi h a l'g proportion of aaea
d iw and an ." lur,l; tlm sen due is w.-il timb re l.
Said d iila'ieu ran he. divided into rliree distinct
farms without prejudice tu any sif the d. visions,
each division having a coed supply of w iter by
tunning iitumt and ssriiig-i in evety di ceiioii.
. The improvements cms si of a large
s'l'f)NB DWEJ.LINU HOUSE. 48 ft
'mt'i front and 37 ft. d.ep, which waseocupwd
I" I'L rrfor a reomler of years aa a Tavern Stand,
and in which a .lore i kept at prreent, A apring,
close by, runs through (be cellar. There ia also a
Bank Bun, with exicneive stabling, on the premi
ses; also a Saw-mill on a considerable siieam rtvat
runa through part of toe pi see; alao a Houae and
Baraj near the saw-md. It will be offered in amall
tracts if rchaaera with tlie same. An indisputa
ble ti le and poaoion can be given on Ihe 1st of
April, 1848.
Sjks to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M on saij
djj, when the conditions will be made known by
Augusta, Aof. II, 1815 81 Eiccuier.
t II il... S..I I It ...Lj f' .-.... I ...i: l. . I - .... ... ....
THE undersigned Mrrrhanta, Manufacturers,
Importers and Wholesale Dealera of the City
of Philadelphia, emhrare the medium of the News
paper Presa of your section of country, tn give you
the etrei'te and number of our several establish
ments, and respectfully tn invite ymi to an imi
n it'on nf our Fall and Winter Stocks, which are
no full and cumdeie.
The superior cicellence and treat variety of our
own Ci y Vlanufncu'e, in ailditinn to full snpplita
of F"re'Bii on. I Domestic (l.tod, of everv descr p
ti n, whii h will lie mid on terms and at priees
whirh cinnot fi In prove aati.faclory, pre.ent the
strongeat inducement to purchasera.
tmiiniteia and Peilrrs in Silk and Fa-icy Dry
O.oils, an l Fine French and Uritish Cloths, Caa.
si me res mil Vestinua.
Ahhnrst & Remins'oii, No 80 Market st, Mow 31.
Imt'ortera and Dealers in f-'tnple, Si k and Fanry
Dy fSiiod. Al-o, nritinb, French and American
Clmln, Cmsiniers, Vettings, and TaiK.ra' Trim,
J. (jodley, Spry ti eo., N.. 84 Ma ke' st.
D 'tnes'lc and Foreign Dry tioo-la.
.Isme M. Kennedy A co., 114 M'k't at.
Imiioiters of (Simian (tooJ, and Puchaera of all
kimU of Shipping Fura.
Wm. else A. Soni, 60 8 Front at,, liel. ('heanut.
tii'imrtera and M .nuf i. tuters . t Fancy Fira. and
Fur I'a; s, and Putchascra of a I kinds of 3iii
pins Furs.
8 lii, Urothem, 86 Arch st lielwccn Sd and 3d sla
M.tnf durcr and Dealer in llrady.made Clothing,
of eicrr grade.
Muh iel Tia y, 292 Market at.
Matinf icturer of Shins, ( and Ti.-somj.
John Ho.Il'i s. Niiin of the Mauiuioih Mint Cilbir,
lit) Ninth Second st.
Importer- nnd De .lea in Foreign and Domestic
Ifr.lware and (Aillerv.
D lv,.rlli & Branson, 59 Market ht.
Welded Wr- u ht Iron Tube for l..OTilive, M:i
iiik; V other llob r Fine., t, nil Steim purpoa s.
Morris, Ta-k'1! V M rris, Pascal Iron Winks, Ware
h"Ue, S. E. cor. 3d and Wn nut sts.
Agency for the Sale i f Snuthworth M.iuuf.ictuiii g
('ompniiv, ' Su;icrior Writing Papers.
N. S. I.nvtrence, Agent, Nn 3 Minor st.
Importers of .lewe'rv, Watehes, Fine Cutlery, Brit.
lama, I'lateil ami cilv. vvares.
tjj,.,,,, ro , a K CWI1 Miirkf, & Tllir(J
John F. Furr I 12 ('hemul 4.
I Ar UV 1. W...1 I0r. Che.roil si., oni n.'le Sat
j ilerson's Frai klm Hou'e. j
' Manu'nctnie's nf Silver Ware, and Dealo a in PU-
i ted and Itrnai nia Wares, lot hiis hold use. 1
i K. A W. Wibon, S W cor. Fifth and Cherry st I
Mauuf .ctiirers of Britannia, Block Tin. and Pew.
ter Warn. Alt-o, De.ilera in Plated Sinnm, Cut
lery, Ac.
HjII. B.wrdman cV Co., 104 N 3.1 at.. Mow H ie-.
I M inufaciurer of Silver and Braas Stair H.kIj nn.l
I Ciimiee Poles.
E.lw .i.l c. rner of Oenrge and Swnnwii k sts.,
i lt. en W..tiiut an.t Cbesnut, wet id Sixth,
j I.npo ter of Toys, Fanry and Staple Goods, DioJ-i.
I Biu-hes and Perlomerv.
i A. F. Oil Moiirose, 10 S. 4lh at., U'twe. n Market
auJ ('he-nut.
; Imp 'r em of Toy. Fancy an I Staple On U, Pi rfu.
j ineiie. Music . Ini-tlumciits, bliiiv, Eaithenwaie
I ('bit aware. Ac.
iC Ahrenleldl A co. I ft N. 4th at. IhUvc. ii Market
j ai d Aicli, (up riaiis.)
j impoit' rs if I'aiis and London Fncv Attieles,
U'ltiihoa. Pcfumery. Combs. Soap, Stationery,
J and nrtiele. f .r Drutie's's' Sales,
i K. A (J. A. right. Ti South Founh st.
1 ImiHsileT and Maiiufirturer of Peifnmeiy, t'.i-ine-
Ilif, Fancy 'Koajn, and Pe.iler m Funry (iooiU.
JuVb Jjmii l, 46 S 'Utli I'lur.l st.
China, (iieenn a'e an I fi'
Edward SiiqwIoh, 34 N 3d t. o pn-it.- (5,ty Hotel.
Wntwts and Manufacturers of incnrrtni ible Teeth ;
j Plate Pwoi. Mo'ar mrl (,'om Terth ; (io'd and
Tin Foil ; Cold, PUtii a mid iilvcr Vw and
I Wiie, Ae.
wilk -nsim A Armstrwng, ftfl Arch t. abavo 4th
t-rmlh side.
! Sold, Silver and Ste1 Sjieitades, Mathem rlical In
1 ttromeiits. Walking (ane, M4ctoopev, Mid
' Spv (las .
i Vc.Wiiitcr & co., 48 0"lnnut t.
! M iniifacinrers nf White I,eol nd tbcr P dirts
nn.l . f 4!lasiiticids, Ac and IVsli rS in Diugs,
j Medtrine. live Siuff. O I-. Ac.
j Vcfin rill A Bmllier, C5 Nnh Fnnt et "
4mrlers wiJl fiea'ere in llriiga, Dveet. ft. Yi's
( 1ieniesl, Plate Klass, Ac. aitd Ag.-nts for
ijHirc Wbite Lead mi I Jerfey Window (l,.
CampMI A Trench. N W cor Will A M oket .1.
IV.ijti. i..r nf ' iowaiiir. Impr eved Tonic Mix.
I Urte, &c..
I l(. How md, Cia.l. 1'niv. Office and Drug
j Ste, W Xifth Set-tMiJ A.
I M ueBf turrr ol VnliTellas, ParasoUi, PutaialtfHea
j and Sun St.ades.
' W.lliuu A. Ibuwn, ?fi Ma. Vet at,
I S.i'cr A Fcnncr, Market i. outk side, enc
j doer I aw 4tk bt.
j Fire and Trwi.'f-Proof Oic1. ReTripeial t, Wuer
Cim'rrs, Filter. Iiclnr Copyinj Trt'SSN, Ac.
Oliver Lvim. 45 Cbesnut rU
Vcneiian Blind Tilamrf.icturer.
IS. J. Williams, IS X ".th ct. a Ww d-iota hV. Market.
Mamif cuipera and Dealer in MjtKasiai, Bedding
and Pi alhrts.
Fin b v A i l, S E corner t J end W dnirt t.
llsrtWy A Kuiglil, IIS S Sd 5 .loots ah. Spruce.
Dealt tin Co'rmiMl'a .E.uri Piano Fnt a.
i p peiring, 4S Ctrcnul at. E ol Hth.
M inufaciurer of Common and Fancy ti. iaps V mil I j ly, adj ni'tnu l.uid of I'cwi H. i-4, l)i. John Simn
mi.l l).p. il Can .be, Ai:. I kev and ith r contaii.iitK t i a inoi.' or le.-, a I
Ebj ih A tirtlies Dal. I, .W Mituet st. I of whii4 is cleared; w hteon are , cted a two s'n
Im(Hut.r i f Fr tith Anifvi-.l Flowers Feathers j ry h.HW.T.n.?h'C..i.a.arii a; d olbcri.ui.huil. i. gs
Spa. Knaid i il F-irsry Itonnrts, Ac, and lloi
I ct f lames ip aim Crowns
R. ILiitoii, 50 Ciie-tiul at.
Meirufncluivrs of Solves Rtddka, Scieeni and Wine
Work in r':al.
Needlea A Wataon, 54 N Feoai at, la-low Arch.
Hides, Od and Leather.
William Moeeer A co., 26,1 Market at.
In.p-irler laf r.ngeslcmoiis. Raisina, Figs, Piunia,
Curiam, AluioinU and other Foreign .Nul.
Daniel P. B'Js.ii r, 27 South Whaiiea.
Manufacturer of Fire Enginea of all dcseriplions,
warranted in all lesp-cts.
Joel Uales, 13 Drinker'a Alley.
Marble and Mahogany Dealera.
John Eckstein A co. Uui n Mills, Hda Road.
Warehouse. 64 Dock at.
Maniifacturer nf Comb. Looking Oli.asra d; Rrusli.
ra, and impoitcr of Fii:ch and UeroiaMt Fancy
Tbomae Butch, jr. 183 Miikel at,
Manufacturer and Wholesale Dailer In all kinds
of D rooms, Brushes, lincket, ('edarware, ('locks,
ria-kelf, Mats, Blacking, Eaalein made Wooden
Ware. fee.
Manly It .we, 63 N 3d at. one door above Arch,
eaat aide.
Cheap Piiblic'ition and Periodical Esl'iblithm'-nt.
ti. B. Zieber A. co. 3 Ledger Building, 3d at, btlow
llo.'ts and Rhne.
Robert P. lmrr, 163 S.3d t, three domaliel Union,
west tide. ,
M .nnfartu'era and Denlera in nil kind nf Sra'es,
Wcglita and Weighing Machines, AIo, llur
din's Patent Hose 8h"es.
Oriy ft Itr.ilher, 34 W.dnut . below Second.
Philadelphia, Sept 20th, 1845. 2in
John II. Uoyr Ijalnte
LE I'TEKS tet m.eriti.ry on attid d'ee sed's ea
late, have Ihs.-ii grameil tn ibe u' srrib. ra
I'era ns haviuti demmiU Baaint the etate. are re
queued lo nes' lit thi m for iam;nni"n "n I sctilo
meiH, and pernt indebird to the estnte, areieipi a
lid to make liiimeiliate piyinrnt.
A JOi.D N,
Sipicmber 13th, 184S 6t Ejccuinrs.
Sheriff's' Sales.
Y virlee ofceriain writs of Yen El. A Fi. Fa.,
i-im il i'U' of the Curt of Com von Pie is ol
North M cuiiiy, tn me ilirec'ed. will r exposed tn
public sale, at the of ('l a'lc Weaver, in tbr
hor.'iigli i.f S.inbiirv, on Friday llie 3d dny of Oc
lol er i,e', at I o'el -ck, P. ., the following de
perilled property, In wil :
P. tit ci ntiguous lots of a'i'itn.l situate in the bo.
ronuh of orliiiiibeiland and maiked in the gme
nl plan of said town. Nm, 61, 62. 63 and (i l, Imiuii
tied smith by'ver sir ct, and on the wit by a
20 feel allev, northward by Wat- r slu-et.
AI o; Four contiLU us lots. Xo. 19:4, 191 195
and I 96, hounded i ast by Nonhwav, s iuth bv lln
i ovirsirect, west by waicr slice I, and in illi by a 20
ficl nib y.
Ala .: F. ur cnnt'gu u lot, Noa 2n7. 20S
2119 and 210, boiimjed nn the west by Hanover
stre, 1. on the north by Noitbwav, and on the e-l
by a 2W felt all y, cm. timing each 60 feet tin North
way 'Hid 180 f.-ct iu d -pih. On No. 210 ia erected
a name Harnett.
H iic.', taken io ex ecu inn. and to be sold ns the
properly nf William A. Lloyd.
Alan: A eer'stn tisclor fiieee nf land situate
pairly in Sbamokin and partly in August, town
ships. NoiihU' i oil. ilv, adjoint! g I .rids of
Cli nics W. lverton, Sainh M lb", Hiiiin. l 5on
eil an. I nth r. ct t iin vg 250 m rrs more or I. a-.,
about 100 uena . f whiih ure cleared; whereon are
eiecled a two story log hmie. weitherboard d. to
which isaitacho.l u st -ne kitchen and a -ma 'I fr .me
building, aet.Hie fp'ing b u-e. a fmmc don, a f- one
al V.ile and wagon eht'd, oImi a Luge o.'cli ird of ex
ci lb lit fiutl
S. uc.l, t.ikeu in cX'CU'ion. and tn l - t I a the
proa'rty ol N u' a del S xt 'p, with no i e to Ro-in-ii
Ca t phe am! A' naioan Sexton, g un shre..
A'ai : Two cert .in v.ic mi 1 ti of ground sitinite
in Die town nf Sbainokm, Nor'hiiniberland c 'intv,
and uiaike.l in llie eenend plan of said I w i Nos.
59 .ill, h mnded on the west bv lot No. 58, on
Ihe ca-l bv til, . the nopt'i bv 4'omineice sireet,
and "ti Ihe sooth I'V Indei cudence ir. el e tit lining
each in Iront 2 J f. el. nil I in depth H?) bet.
Se t' d, taken in execution, and t.itie soi l is the
propi tty ot J.ibn H un4 oa.
AUol Two eontigU' lola of ground, s'lnste in
the bor, Uth of Northumberland, Nivthmnhcil md
couniv, Nos 111 and 142 hou d d .i the wed bv
W.a way and i-t ty Duke str. it, n.irth bv l"t of
till! t A llanicj Yuri., -until by an aH'-v, C'-nu n
i g e ich iu f oi CO fe. I andind'rlh 210 fei.
wheicn are erec ed two larg.' frame dwelling hou
-es, witti k tcheu anai-hed 4i etcb.
Also: A e.ria n Ciimpuwed tra.1 of I ind im
a'e iu 'k'a lnvn-hip, NoribumKi'md cnun
IV, adjoining l.iii l .if John fngi'ly, John Campbell
all l nth. rs, cottlitiiiii'g I tiO x-'e- more or le-a.
Also: The .undivided thi rl pa t of a certain
tract of laud, iu ie iu 4.iis4i t iwnwhip, Xiir'huin.
lerlau.l cu lv, a.oiniirg 4and of .lultn Hu.-li.
i Clijilea Woolvert m. J noli Ke. d and .ihers.c.n
I tabling S00 urn s usjie-oi less, about (00 nrr.'S of
j Willi h is cleared, wberi an are T"Cted a 1J s'orv
frame dwelling house and atarfte frame bank barn,
I Ac.
SeiieJ, l d.en m entenrhon, aud loWola as t' e
pto.rtv of Alfa C. Ilinei.
Al.o : A certaaa J I n iT grmirM .ttn sle in ilw
boiouyh of iSorllnnna'rlaiid. Norriinnilr md CO ,
U'inj the soiitfieru tnlf of I. it X'.i (72, asmoke I
iu the ireneral plan ofiiJ hereiigh.V uudcil i) i the
am II ' y ls ru arei4,aast bv 1 eul street, we-t bv
the P.e'yterin tJiuech, ud imrrh lr the i"thi r
Ii .If ol lot I72, uti.'peovi me ere. ted a iwn stifv
framed wi'lbng hou-e with a Jciiohcn atiavhcd, ar.d a
tr.isne s'ali e.
Ao : A eel iin sjrajcl O' Tiiree viflaod situate in
I'oiat anki X iiihuinbulapd c nntv, aitj.artii-g
I md nf i isei'h Weill, H-Jenrge Les'ier anrl tvtta?a.
cuiiair.rug 10 uena moie or le-s ah. at 40 acres of
' which siei lear. J. whereon aie iti ctedtwo l aivaeks
Sfite.l, t 4f.-ti iMii xiTiiiieu, a. A to Ik- .i!A us
the prop.r"y of I. dm Fri.4;.
Al-o: At the Iforse of Oeo'ge Smith, i i Jaik-tiwii-bip.
N tiu in' r I nul Mond.iv
ihe 6 h day of October next, at 1 o 'tl.s k P, M . a
clam trad or tei of land situs e in I'pper M l
lionov t'Airs'op, rniiiily alor. s .id, cut lining 63
i. res more ! as, iljoin'ni; ld of ll nry S an'',
(Je. ne V. yer arid I'ltiiT-i, a'mut 25 arna of whirh
me elc iie.l wbereoii aie enctn l a etoiy (oii
be'e mill a small ig slabbs, a spiing hoaee en I an
Sz. d. t ken in execution, aiel to he said aa ihe
proper y ol John I'l'-li- jr-
A'ao; A rer'ain Vil w fieee of (fTound situite
ii' Mi shtii, Nor'luiinb-il .p.! c. untv. '
'ja-irtj l.ind if Farm, r J a-iea and olhes, Ian I -of
j drbn.laiit ai d ntbria, rentaining 2 acres mom ol
i less a'l fl.-aied; wheretiti are i n-c I a small rag
hou-e H'I a .iindl 4 'g st iMe, Ae,
."e led, laken in t iietiluiii, and t J be soli as tlie
pr..H rty ot Jonailiui Fagelv,
Also: . iTrl.iin rriict ol isoeenf land artuate in
l l'ter Mai on. y lowiisb'ni. N.-rthnnilierlai.d couo-
I oitii an oicn ro.
r-ris. d, t kv tu execution, ami lo lie inl.l aa Ihe
proivrty i4(viiige M il.y.
Alee : All the. di feod ini's inleiest in a crtaitt
lot -or piece of ground situ it" in J .iks.m t..wr,sliip.
.Nor huniberland county, adj. 'suing laud of Fainter and clheis, Cu t uning 2 acres Hi.tra r less
all cleaie.l ; whereon ia ererteJ a snudl log bouse
and a sin ill log tlde, Ac.
Seised, ukeu In execution, and te lie sold a lite
propcly of Job. I Em.t.
Also i A retain er ict or pi ce of land sitoa e in
Jckoii lownsh'p, Norihumbeitaud counti, adjoin
ing I mils of Mtcbsel Ribnrk, Henry l.a'sh and
oihei. coiilniniiig 65 acrea moie or leaa, alnnjl Sii
acre of which ae ileared,on which aie erected a
iwoetory log dwell ug houae, a fpiiug hou se, a log
barn, an orcha'd, Ac.
S. ixe I, t-keu iu i tecu, and lo tie aotd as the
ptoperly of Solomon Dte.ler.
Sheriff Office. ?
Kontury, bept. Dlb, IB4S. $
Democratic iUWctxi.
Greatly Reduced Trtrp From $!i to 3 per
Annum. Single copy 20 ccnf .v.
raosptcT or Tn kcit, or 17m ruLVMt.
riHE PRICE of the DaatncBiTtc Ravtrw
A has heretofore hern ton high not for the site,
coat and character, hut for the means of ten of thou.
a.inde of readers who would he glad to receive it,
and am. ng whom it ia highly desirable that It
should circulate. Fnr Ibe purpoae, therefore, of
i g the range of its usefiilin aa, mid of multi.
p'ying the number of th. se to whom it msy be ae
ceW'le it Ins been determined, simul'nneously
wiih the grent reduction in the expense nf ihe float
age, tn reduce it suh-cripti n pri.-e also, fr m FIVE
In only THREE do I ir and when several unite
in ulisriipiion, to as low as f'i 50, or even 2 30
er annum.
Thia very large reduction in the receipt (accom
panied with but a cnmpaiatiiely small diminution
ofita eM'ne) involves, nf course, an emira aaert
fire of ptntit upon it, unless cmiier. sited bv a vast
niult'pbcatnn of au'.scribrr. Th re will he at the
outset ndv a mi reduction in ita n'ttnl-er i f pi
gs snon to be te-tored to itsold number, without
incease nf price, when the anticipitcd aucces of
llie ettprriiii' lit aba I jillfv It.
Tun PoHTimra of Di-Tttictstirn lbv.i
cni ta wi I be coiitinii"d engraved in better and
more cosily stvle than heretofore.
The Po'Tmik will hereafter, fm any di'ance, be
onlv.fce iwil a half lenln it h.ia heretofore been,
for 100 mi'e. agiten cent.
vVelook for an ev'en-ion of cireutnt'on tola?
rerkoned l v tenn if tliitmnndt, aa ll e renilt and
c m rnaiitiou nflbi- gieai redoHi.ioof price. Eve.
ry friend of ihe wmk. mil nf the Democratic prtnri.
pi a and cao-e. i. cm Inlen'lv a. ealed to to exert
hon-elf with an ac'ive interest to pro. ure it ubscri
lc j h .ih to rx end its u. fnlr.r-s, and tn carrv it
stirei sfuHv through the crisis of thi great reduc
tion i.l its prices.
Those who have pa d in edvince fur the coming
year, will receive it, at a reduced rate, for a year
and i half.
(NvAllt AHLT It AllVASCt.)
Sing'e copy f 3 OH j F.iiiht copies, $20 00
Fiurcopiea 41 00 Tl:i'ti n 30.0(1
It will then be een tha' when rhirteen Copies are
rdered al once the price i brmcht down to about
f 2 M e rfi'j. For six m i'th, half lhee rates
These r.t e afford high in.hic men's to agenta
and otl.ira to intet-at theins.-lvas tn procure euh
a. ri' rs.
The ciA nfttfm and pniment in whance mnt
le unco'niiioini''Ht'y adhere I tn. The pat relax
a i .n irf it hascio-ed an accuiniilmi in of not fir
fi. m 40 I1HI of debt doe lo ho work. Herenf.
let thi m ist l e who lv n formul, nor must either
the iu.k.1 eoiineot polnie .1 frien ', or the most iiiti.
hi ite .e . n I one. b-' di leased on expeiiencing
iu apt lie iiioo. in the s'oi'pnee of their niimla?., if
t'o v negb i t tb a ml-', ibe v t'.l n. ce-sttv of which,
:it the reduc. d rat- s. must be obvious to nil
No e oninuni s'ion will be taken fmm Ihe Po-i
office util free of poa'spe.
Ml co'iiiuunic iti. ti. b h on editorial and pub-li-h'i.g
biisiue-a. nniai l-e ail.lreed henceforward
In the unit rs'gned Thoe reining lo ihe aerie.
mi. ii' of the pa-t debt due tlie work will he ali I ad-
dre a d In Mr. H. (J. 1. inolet 8 Asfur llnune. the a'tnncemcnt with whom, a puMtsher have
tejchiil their leitatnalon.
J. I, O'Stmitat.
July, 1645, 146 Nas-au etreet, N. York.
The n.bnar .b e D icuerrentvoe of Oen. J.ickaon
taki-n liv Aoth.inv. Edward A Co.. a few wek
bef rp I j. de ith, has h.'en rio ch.sed tor the tl" of
ih l).'in.nittc l!evsvv. t iain the hand of th
iiT'isl, ami v- II beengrairj in the fine! stylo of
uic7x tint, of ex r sue. It i a moat beautiful and
iu'er.sti'g work, ilerlare.l by Mr. Yan Uaren and
other, in give a more tieif, rt vdea of the great and
good old man than any i4her bUetie-s-; and oujht
to Vn poMies-ed l.y every m en who loves and le.
vere a hu inein. ry. Those who sub-crihe early
will icocive it as one of thss regular eerie ef Por
S ptemb. r full. 1845.
KMute ofjoliii II;t?liatvoiit. dee'd
"IBkT" I'lt'E ia hereby tiven, that letteraof admin
i-tr .lion on and iia e have been gran'ed lo
II - s. lw.-i'.i.-r. Ters in living demands ag iti-t
lhe-iote, are irnU'-sesd to pic-eiit them forexami.
ti ti. in and setilement. and rto-e knowing them-
oivia iiidibtcd aie requested lo make payment, iin
iiiJijely. PKTKK IIMiHAWOt r,
ftuh l-hp, Aug. :l, 1845. l Adm'r.
it)i KTr.n
Illaitif ia' Viasnt'ox - rrf(i'n curt f.
s worms tuff i.i.d very plrasant to tske.
2. Jibson's ExTHacTa, which remove Orease
ef all, 1 y Pa ins, Tar, Yarnish and Wax
frorn carpel or vlofhtng, without injuring the
dor or ihe ibflh.
'3 irfiwtinv Fit Ppfh the beet thing ktrown
for kl ling Hie and mu-ut "f.
4. A retain Des'rover n R its Mice, Roadies
ami A'it and an olier of Did llu;s.
5. tirov'a Sfkctrsr. fn a UT atomaeh. Heart
TI irn mid Water I1rah. ly one who tltd euff. red
thirteen , hi fire he di-civere I the cure.
Dn. Si kvkv's (iHtskN Oi-vtvlkt for the Piles
Il has neer f itle I In one.
V. Ilinmsov" TrTTM Wisn.
8. Dii.viuvu's l.aliKLiaLK la K, without
!). Tn 1'tivfnrvs (Vvrirnnv o? Fiaa
ju-t li e ivo i'i. li e for children) and for women, il i
so plea-ant to l. k .
18. tl'iK Vir.rTinix An-riaiLtora Pill
11. lira; E am. i.i tvr W mil rnoiir Past k,
f"r II rn.-a. Un its Ac. It softens ihe leather, and
keep out Ihe wa'cr.
12. Puna MtVs Strkxr rn ri. Plsarxa.
13. liicmV. Duhuhihv Mixti-re, whiih
cur. a the w-or-i llianltn'a in few tioors
II J.koV Drsrniir Mixtcw', a cer
ijin and spe. dy cure for Dysentery and Summer
Th.i h' irve Tilua'il- snide are nld wholesale
and r. "ad, lo I.. C. (il An. " r Jin
tfreet, e.7.'ef e wlrf. S'or. keejier and o.
Ik r. w: I be -u, . lo t wnh pum African Cayenne
Pi fie-, Arnna Fio.vcs, Drills Painta.Oil, (i'ae
mid Vaiins'ua m ttw lowe.t pr.cea Term only
i a-h. 0J ll ival Ihe aduili.-i'meat, and bring
it with yon
Philiil.l hia. July lth. 'SC. ly.
No. 150 i hesiuit street,
WHERE all kmda of "eat r rrui k. vsl are and
carpel bans, of eerv slyle and pattein ate
nienof .rlu'e.l, in the best manner and from Ihe best
materials and o'd at Ibe lowest r le.
Philadelphia. July llh. 1815 - ly.
B AR IRON Juat received ami f. r e.le, cheap
forca-b.hy HENRY MASSER.
Sutibuiy, Kept. CO, 1815. .
W l.l.hlii:i-Th l-ikt,e4 price will ht
giveu for FU Sed, al lh atore oi
10 . . iiivttiitr ii t(
Auf. 9, 1841
To tlio Electors of JCorthumbcrlantl
Counly i
ELI.OW CITIZENS j Encouraged by a
number nf mv friend. I off r mv-elf aa i
OLUN I EER Candidate lor the olllce of
at the ensuing general election, for which I respect
fully solicit your vote. JOHN BOUAR.
Bunhury, Sept. 20lh, IH45. 4t.
To tho Electors o Norlhumberland
IHE subicrilier offer himself aa a V0LUN
. TEE It Candidate for tha office, of
Believing that the convention, if it had been kept
tngethel, would have nominated hitn for that offico,
he now offora himseli a a candidate, and reject
fully solicit the votes of hia fellow rit:xen.
Auuusts, Sept. 1 Hth, 1845.
To tlio Electors of xNorttiunibti lurid
flHE snliscriber hn been induced, by hi fiinnd
J. lo iilllr him-elf as a candtdatu fir
He lias nlwaya been a Democrat, and vnuld ne
ver run against a nomination nl tnnd.'i but
as a large iiumlier of the democracy do rot rensijcr
that a mominalion has been made fit that "fli 'e, tin
. ffeis bim-elf a a randidate. and teapecilu ly aui
ci is llie vo'i a of lii.s follow citixena.
McEwenitle, Sept. 13 h. 1815.
To the Electors of Norlliutiiberlaiiti
Cottntv :
IBEO leave to offer myself a a candidate, at tha
cnauing election, for Ibe office nf
County Auditor
If I should be elected, I will discharge the da-'ire
nf the office with punctuality.
I.vwer M ihnnoy, Aug. IS, 1815.
To tho Electors of Northumberland
BEIN'U aoliciter) by mmy of my friends. I
have consented to offer myself a a candidate
for the office of
Tre ninrcr
of Northumberland county. Should yon are pro
tier In elect aie, ( Hedge myaelf to perform the
duties of aaid olEce with fidelity.
Sunbu-y. May 31st, 1835.
To the Elector. of Northutiibenui il
T the ailteitati on of a number of persons, in
different paits of Ihe cottntv, I have conaeutej
lo be a candidate for the office of
of Northum'.ietland cnun v. I need b 'td'y assure
mv fc il.iw.citm ns, that if I am elected, I will en.
deavor n dieclmge the duties of the office fji hfut-
ly and impartially.
Sanbury, May 17th, 1845
To the Electors of Xorthumbcrland
Count v.
lELLOW CITIZENS. 1 have lecaindueeJ
- to i.ff.T myself aa a candidate foi the office of
Al the enafing eledjon Shmild 1 fortunately be
elected, I here v promise, f.iithfully and impartid
ty to discharge the duties of said office.
Sunbury, May 111, 1845.
To tlx; Electors of Northumberland
FELLOW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my
aelf a a cmdidate, for the office of
1 can only promise, ahould I tie fortunate enough
tn be re-clccied, to disch irge the Junes of said office
with fidelity and impartiality.
Sunburv, May 10, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
Count v :
NCOl'RAOED by a nnmber of eiy fneml.
in diff-rent parte of (he county, 1 offer myseif
I . y.air consideration a a Votomeer canjtuate w
the office of
I can only promiee, should I lie fleeted, to make
every ff.ul to discharge the intie of the office 10
your em ne aatinfaction.
Sunbury, Aug. 3Jlh, 4845.
To the Electors of Northt'niberlaud
1 "'ELI.OW CITIZENS: AI I avelwng eat
ly encouraged by my friends, 1 solicit your
attiiiiort 1or .lie office of
S 11 K If I V F.
Sh.ruld you confer Ihi i-p.m rp. I s'tall
er deavor to diacharee the dutiea tb. of with liji
hty. THOMAS . BILI.INii 1 O.N.
Sunbury. April 19th. 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
FELLOW I'll'IZENS: I beg lesve to ofe,
myself a a candidate, al tlie ensaiing e!cclioi
for the pffice of
4'ounty CommlMKlener.
Should I be so f nlnnate as lo be elected, I plr dire
myself In discharge the dutiea ef tbe office witlx
promptness and fidelity.
x;n.Mvi.b,a iv c it, it.
Sunbury. Apiil 5th, 1845.
UAGVEIWl I .V 17,4 LLF.R Y vf Vutenl Vremi.
urn CiAort& likvnrtnei, and Fha!igraphie
No. 18f Chcsnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. 251 Broadway. New Yolk ; No. 75 Court
Stnel, Bo-mn ; No. 130 Cheanut Sireel. Phil.a.
delph a ; Baltimore Street, Baltimore I BieuU
wy, Saratoga Springa ; No 56 Canal Street,
New.Oileniia ; Main Mreel Newport, R. I. And
Main Street, lu Uuquo, lows
CONS I'ITUTINO the oldest and most Exlen.
aive E.l.ibli hineiii of the kind in the Wr.l,
ami colainina more than a THOUSAND POR.
TRAITS, eml raciop ihoae of aome of the mot
distinguished individuals, in the I lined SUlcs
AdiinCauie ffee.
't'his Kstsbl shmenl having been awarded the
Medal, Four Firtt Premium, i-nJ I wo -ttghrtl
H.uort' at the Exhibition al Una! on. New Yoik
and I'hda.lel, hia, rcspe, lively, for best Pictuta- aul
Apparatus, is thus oftlcially austained in the mvsu
lion ol'sni-eriority hen tof ire universally aatiigned it
by the public, aa "Firtt in the Wwld."
Jviio 28th, 1845. ly
CI'PEIHOR Port wine. Mad iu apj L,
- wines. Also up n r Uiaudy 4"J (', 1 ui i
Syiup. Also a fo barrel o' flu i Fiu salu
Suniary, July 19ib, 1816,