Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 27, 1845, Image 4
- J . .! ... g 11. . ,l Li From the New Orleans Picayune Bong of Ihe Hippie. Tiirl ! am I not a joyoii3 ti i r. g Purl, Pur!! I daily sing! T came from the mountains far away, I crept through a rock that was old and pray, And I danced to see the light of day As I leaped from the mountain spring. Purl, Purl! it is bright to be A wave of the ocean, wild and free! Adown the mountain I dart and slide, Around the pebble I curl and ride, Singing my sons to the dancing tide, And speeding away to the sea. Turl ! O many Ions years ago. Too full of pleasure to note or know, I bore on my bosom a floating chip. As I sought the plains for a seaward ship, And I sigh'd to toss the ocean ship On my foaming breast of snow! Over the prairies many a mile, Purling, purling all the while ! I was once but a drop of the mountain snow, rut I ride and swell as away I go, Brighter and larger the older I grow 'Neath the golden Summer's smile. Purly O ! no death know I ; The buffaloes oft chase me pijjh; r.ut as they bend upon the brink, The chrystal ripple's curl to drink, I dart away or swiftly sink, And upon my journey fly. Onward ! onward to the sea! O, the ocean wild for me ! My purl thall change to a w histling song, When 1 mount the midnight clouds among, And I'll leap the watery desert along, As wild as the wind and free. . Turl, purl ! O long I've been Pui ling through the prairie green ! And now the Father of waters sings. Calling together the ripples and springs, While afar the roar of the Ocean rins To welcome us there I Ween. On we (low ! on we flow ! Purling all as on we go ! Speeding away to the briny main, ' The ripples are leaving the prairie plain, And we never will see our home ayain, Hey for the Ocean ! Ho ! Pjiazma. Wliat a pity It la he Drinks. Do you know the nice young man That lives across the way ! The accomplish'd lady, Julia Van, He's courting her they say : Yes, he's a noble fellow, So every body ihinks, Ent then he will get mellow, W hat a pity it is he drinks! lie's a man of gifted mind, His heart's an earthly heaven ; Ami every feeling is refined, That Cod to him has given : No intellect is quicker, In every thing he thinks ; Tint, ah! he loves the liquor, What a pity it is he drinks ! I am told that Julia now, Is jealous of the youth; Not jealous of his solemn vow, For he's a man of truth ; Put jealous of his throttle, For every body thinks He loves the brandy bottle, What a pity it is lie drinks ! He's a very moral man, And honest too, they say; lie's very generous when he can Give any thing away : Put then at church he's noddy, And every person thinks He takes too much of toddy, What a pity it U he drinks ! AiTEcTtso Instame cf Attach me.vt is a )uu. A little girl, the only and beloved child of her pren'a, who arc residents of Brooklyn, Louir Island, died a lew weeks since, and was interred in the private family burying ground. A larie Newfoundland ilof;, the private compan ion and playmate of the child, was frequently luiminrr truui the house after the funeral. W'ht n recn, he was observed to be crest fallen and ilrn.-riiiirr, he icl'iined his food, moped and lost lleeh ciay by day. Tht ue circumstances rxci tmy curiosity, the animal was watched and fol lowed in his stealthy excursions, and at length appeared that he went daily to the grave of Ins former friend and plajtimto, deposited, at racli visit, some of tin child's pluy-thiii.'s olt timed se cretly Irom the house, on the "ratty mound that covered her remains, in the vain hope of allu lino her tu his fide apain, and then lay down, and passed hour niter hour, inoatiitiir nml whi iiin piieoiisly. I lis master was obliged finally to chain up the annual to put an end to his me lancholy vioils, the continuance of which would have cost the faithful mourner his existence. A more touching instance of devotion am! attach ment has randy fallen beneath our notice. I'lulu Duily Sun. The MorKQt itoe. An exchange paper says, an infulhble preventive against the attacks of these dreaded insects is the oil of penuy-roy-al ; one drop of which applied tu the clolhinj, or the hair, w ill keep them at bay the w hole liifht. Perbous olnudy Miflcring undvr inous ijuitoe bitce, wdi find relief from the applica tion of liaiUhori) to the wouuda. 1IAXK SOTE LIST. n:XSVIAAM4. The f .Mowing list shows the current Talon of all ?cnnsylvanin Bank N.ites. The most implicit re lianre may l placed um it. as it is every week sirefully compared wilh ai d corrected from flick Hell's Reporter. ICnnkM In rJjHntlcIphirt. n1m. i.ncAT.o. l!rrin llllLAII. NOTES AT PAR. Bank nf North America . , Bsnk of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Dunk . Kensinirtnn Dink . . Philadelphia Dank Schuvlkill Hunk . Southwark Hank . . Western Dank . . Mechanics' Hank . Manufacturer' o Mechanics' Dank ('(Hint!-) ISitllkN. Hunk of CMicslcr County Westchester flunk of Delaware County Chester pnr par par par pur par par par par pit par par par Bank of f Jcrmantnwn Bank of Montgomery Co. Bnylestnwn Hunk Easton Hank Farmers' Hank nfHucks CO. Office of Hank of renn'a. (iermanlown par Norris'nwn par Dovle.slowil par Easton pnr liri-tol pfir llarrishurg-v, Then' Office do Office do Office d NOTES do do do AT Lancaster offices j Reading ' ( do nt j Eastern J issue n. j D I S C C N T. "auk of the 1'nited Slate' tiank of I'enn Township fJirard Hank . Mnyamcikiing H ink Dank of ."ennsv Ivauia Miners' Hank of Pottsvillu' Dank of l.cwistnwn Dank of MtddMown Dunk of NorilinmU'ilnnd Philadelphia fit) par pi ps psr Pol'sville I.CW!t"Wn Middlei, .wn I Northumberland par Columbia Bank &. Dridge to. ( 'olumhia psr 7 i i par p.r I""' i a pjr i i i W Carlisle Dank Carlisle Exchange Dank Pittsburg Do d i branch of llnllubivshurg Farmers' D ink of I.anenstei Luncistei Lancaster County D ink I.nneaster Farmers Dank of Reading Heading llarrishorg Hank Harrishurg Lancas'cr It.inl. Lancaster Lebanon Dank Lebanon Merchants' & Manuf Hank Pittsburg Dank of Pittsburg Pius'.uig West It'imch 11 .iik Wiiliiitnsport WyotnitiB Dunk Wilkcshane Northampton D ink Al'oiiiown Lierks County Dniik ilcuuiiig Ollice of Dank of II. S. Pittsl.urg failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensineton Sav. Ins. A da Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Dunk of Chaii.hcrshurg Ohambershurg Dank of Gettysburg Gettysburg Dank of Sn-miehanna Co. Montrose do I 1 u IJsli u Ii Id Erie Dank Eriv Farmers' & Drovers' Hank Weyiieshurg Fianklin Hank Washington Holiesd.ile D'liU lloiiesdalc Mounncahel Dunk of D. Brownsville York Dank York N. D. 'I he notes of those hanks on which we amil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are run purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception ol those which have a letter ol r. ference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuv Ikill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor DauK ("P. W I'owai.di Dank Philadelphia do do Pyoti, prop.) Towanda failed failed failed failed j Alleghany Bank of Pa. Dank of Deavcr Hank ol Sualara Dank ol Washington Centre Dank City Bank Farmers' cV Mei h'cs Dunk Farmers' Ac Mech'cs' Dank Fanners' iV MechVa' Dank llarmoiiv Institute liuntingdor. Dank Juniata Dank Lumbermen's Hunk Northern Hank of I'a. New Hope Del. Dridge Co. Northuiuli'd Union Col. Dk. Ninth Western Daok of I'a. Office of Schuylkill Dunk I'a. Aur. i Munuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank I'tnon Dank of Penii'a. S esnnoiulaiid Dank Wilkcsbarre Bridge Co. Bedford Heaver flarrishurg Washington Delhfoule Pltisbuig 1'itit.burg Fayette co. t in enca-l.e Harmony 1 1 llllllllgiloil Lew i -lowti W at len Diilidall' New Hope M illoii Itilln Port ( 'urhou Carliile Montiose I 'uioniown I ircenshurg Wilkesli.irre no sole closed closed failed closed no aie failed faded failed no sale no sale no ,ile failed no s .lc I OS Oil IIO sule chist'd failed closed faded rlo. ed no sale dj All notes puiporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be net low ii as frauds. KEW JMJSJIY. Bank of New Brunswick Uelvideie Dank Uurlingtou Co. Dank Commercial Dank JumU'rland Bank Farmers' Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Dk Farmers' and Mechanics' l!k Farmers' and Merchant' Iik Franklin Dank of N.J. Brunswick Belvulere Milliard Perth Alllhoy Briih;elon Moui.t Holly h'aliHHV N. Ifionswiik failed i par i par par i failed Mid.iletown Pi. City filled fa ih d failed failed filled 4 failed I I""' PO kale Hohoken Bkg& Cruzin I'o lioh 'ken lersey City Bank Jeisey tJity Mechanics' Bank Manufaeturi r" Bank Morris Cnoiiiy Dank Monmouth Hit of N.J. Mixrhanic' Bank Mechanic' and Manuf. l'k Morris Canal and Bkg Co Po.t Noles Newaik Bkg & Ins Co New llojie Del Uridce Co N. J. Munufuc. and Bkg Co jTitieison Belleville Morristown I iet hold Newark Trenton Jeisey City Ntwuik Lainfu'iiKville llobokeii i faded faded i failed A N J I'loieclon ii Luiuhaid hk .lersry City Orange Dank (Irar-e i I'aterson Bank l'ateron Peoples' Dank d.i ' Pniicelon Bank Piuieelnii ! Kahili Daiikllig Co Jal. in Mate B iuk Ne Aurk I Mate Bank Fhiaocditown par pur i i par i failed failed l psr t failed par par par par air par pur par par Hlate Bank Camden Stale Bank of Morris eiute Bunk Tiiiiloii s.dein and Philad M.muf Co ah in j Sussex Hank New Ion I reulon Dio.king Cu Tiei.lou I'liioii Bank Dour W ashington Banking Co. llackc-nsaik ii:i.iviitu Dk nfWilm& Brandy wine W piniiigtou Dank uf Delaware W ilmii.gtuu Bank of Mnyrna Kinvina Do hianch Mdiord Fainu is' Bk of Mate of Del Uuvu Do branch Wilmington Do branch (itoigetowii Do branch Newostle Cnioii Dank W ilmington rrr I' n. lei ft'a QJ- (In all banks mailed thus () there are ei tiler touiiterft it or altrred Holes of the va.oua da livimitiatioua, in circulation. WISTAR'S II U.S 431 Ol' W1M C lIERStY, A t'oinpnnnil nnlsnmlo Prrpnrni Inn from Wllil Cherry Hitrlt ami Tar, The bet remedy known la the world fur the rare nf fouiffm, cnlth. aithnia, crimp, blredintr of Ihe lungs, irhnnplng etmgh, tinmchitis, influ enza, s.'iortiirsli ofbrttlth. Jiithl nml wrnf. ncx.i in Ihe or side, livir cimiJiiinf, mid llit first tttigrx if consumption; We will net nsertt that this DALLAM will cure Consumption in isl front form, but it hss cured mnv after all other mentis of relief had l'"cn trieil in niti. And wbv not t It seems that the W ILD OHt'HUY wss de.iined by Natuie lo be our PA NACEA for the rataeina diwes of this c 1J Ii titude. Let not the d "pairing inviili.l wrrn'e his mnev and oon TIME, to him si ail impor'ani, in txjifrimrnling wth the trasliv no-liuin of the 1 it, tint use rr mice a ninlieine llint will cure. If a cure he p s-ihl." a ni (brine that science approve', ami manv years nf experience have di monstrated that it iitii'nyn relieves. ' Thirr is tin soc.'r thing nit f"'t" in the b'storv of lh:a woiidertid HAl.SAM Evidence the mol coiiviiii iiig eve lei ce tlint no ime ran donb'. fully establi lies th'S fact. For the sake of hn vity ne se'ect the f l owing from thouands. Isanc I'la't, Esq., Editor of the l'okeepie Eagle, one of the in-'St iiiDiiential j uirnnls in the s'aie of New Yoik, statis undei the authority nf bis own name, tint a young ladv, a relative of his. of erv delicate confiiur ion, was nuacked in Feb. lHt'2 wiih eere cold, which immediately produced tp;t ting of blood, couch, levt r, and other d inccrnus and a l.i r mi g symptoms. Through medical nesliecn' and c ue she pa tinlly rec ver'd during summer. Dot on the return of winter she was ntt u k"d mote iietu!y than at first, she became pen reel v able in wa'k sod w.i- I'i'uhh d vnh cough, clod and fever every day, and appealed t he coing rapnliy with cnnsiimp'ion ; al tins time, lien there wn n sign 01 iiiiioovhiiii-iii ;ir, 0111 pioctireu h eo-nr 11 ... 1 ',. i - 1 l e 1 - . i - ii., . 1 i...i.. .f trim I J 1 1. m op 1 1 n I n i u ii t look, and it s eininglv re-lured her. She g I lift cond, and befioe ii wa half tuken she was re-lored to prrfrrt health, which she has enjoyed t the p'c seut tune, without the tdightert symptom ol her fir mer di-e se. Mr. P ntt savs"tbe c me under my own oh sriviition and I cannot be mist .ken as to the facts." I'.XTHA CT OF A T.VTTEH FIIOMA POST, WASTE It. PATl'D I'tsssnxr.. W' net n ro., M liu-, Apr. 20. I Ml!. ISA C Hi; I' I'S. Deir Sir: At the re quest of inanv of my friend- in this place ai d viei l ily who are afflicted will) eonsu eplion and l.ver eon p'am's, I lake the Ii' er v of asking ymi lo ap I O'lit sonic one in Ihis conn'v as hip ni to m1!! W i s rn's 1!aism up W i i.n ( 'ii kii p t, ami to send bin h lew d. vii as there is none of i: f.-r sale within v;(KI miles fr. ni ibis I have no doubt t'lai it would me. I w ith a ready sale it it were where it eoird l e ploeured wilhoul loo much txpense and delay. My wife was nt n'ked about six m nibs since with what the pt vsic ans tailed the firl s age of C',n-.uuip'ioii a Complaint v. rv pievaleot in this s- c ion of country. Having seen the Bals un ad vert se.l in Aumifti. cy 200 TririiES troii xihus, -a? I t ok ihe pains lo -nil there for a hottle of it, w hich she took, and wbieh helped her so much thai I sent fa I ao 1. 1 1 i It a more, which she hss n'si ta ken, and he now sivs she has not fell so well for six vears as she tines nt this time. All those who have inquiied of nie iii'd r. eilauied what ell'ect the Balsam hid, are anxious to hive some f .r ss'e in this vit'iniiv, which is the mu-e of mv writu g you. Piea-e inform me by ictU'n nf mill wheili.ryou conclude I Fend some, and it so to w hom, in order that it may be known where it ran be had, I am with re-p. ct vours, etc. P. O. FAIfNsWllUril. P. M. The whole couulry is fist leanin g (hat no medi cineno phvaican no pieparaiiou of anv kind what. v. r can equal Dk. W isrin's Balsam of Wilii Cu rim t. A Till i.y woxor.tii i 3. i tin. WATsnvtl.l.P, Oneida Co.. ,. Y.Sept. IS. IS13. Deai fsir I owe it in the afflicted to inform y u that in January l.t-t I was alts, ked bv a veiy vio. lent cold, cans, d hy wmki' g in ihe water, which settled on my lulu's It v. as cooip nii. il hv a ve M siCie pain in my br. nsl i t.d i.l. s, and sis a ilulies-ing c ugh. 1 had ui BUcn. lance a'l ihe 1 1 .1 in e. ic.d aid in ..or village ; but after eihausiing nil their ski'l o no av ol. il.ey pronounced my i!i-ea-e a eoNUHMt.n i ot mitios, mid ih' v oi e and al! gare me up In die. Alter much p. rsu .sion I go ihe i on-cut ol mv phieian I use the Dalsim ol U' I I I. ( 'li II K r pr' pared hy 111 Wisi-ah. I pur. rhased of the Agent in our pi ice one b oile, before Using half of which I ta'uali to gain slreng h. and it j w s very evident my cough was mm Ii better and mv sv niploms n every v ay impr vimr. I hive; novsr us. d three hollies, slid am rixlurid In perficl health. This re-nil is n lie uwiinl lo ihe n-- nf ' DU WISTAIfS DAL" AM dF W II. 1) CIIKIN liV ; and 1 lake this method nf a vu.g y m ihe in f urn .linn, parity 10 pay you the debt nf gr. titude I owe you, and p.nt'y that olher- similarly afllictc.l ma) kie'W whereto spily lor iclief. Yen, JWIFS SAfiK. Ma. I'aumi u. Druiiuist, undei d ltd nf Walt r villi', iStpt. 21th. I t:l. writes; The slut' ineut given you by Vr. .l imra-'aBe is will known to he Hue l y this whide aimmuntti Ii e. rt'inlv was a i.:ot remaika hi cure. The Mile nf die lial-aill i veiy, and ils success in CUICs 1 1 U ' y llatlciiug. Yours rcsp. etfullv, D. D. PALM V.'l. TI1K KST IM'.MAIiKAlil.K ci im: r.vr.i: iti.counKiK ' Hahiiomiho. N. .1 . April 20. HH. I On or about the I'lihday of Oct lei, 1 1 1 1, Iw a taken well a violent pain in the si le l iar the liver, ! whull inli'iliutd lor a'a ul fivedivs, and whs fot- lowed l y the l ieuking ol an u c r, or .ils in I Wardiv. which rehevnl the pain a little, bl.t esU-cB! i iii- o throw up a ureal qi npitv of offrnMV e matter ' and uls.i uiue!i Ido.d D. ing gr:a'ly aluoi.d..l I ibis, I ipphfd in a physician, hot be sn I he thi lig' t i be t'oi.ld do but Ii th for me exr- pi g ve ni" nie Mi entry I', II, I u fu ed to l ike, Iceting ihey c. I. Id do me l o good ; man) I' ll,. I r.nedie weii then procured by my wile mid f. ic mis. but none did me snv good a. d the i'is cl.arg" ol I.I.Mid mid rouupti .n ' ill coi.l nil. .1 ev. rv I w ilsvs. a...l al I t become so .!!'. i sue ih d I cud reiireely hrea'be I w .a ids,, seized with a vi. iileut cougti, wi.icb al nine rau-id me to rie uiu h iii.or ihiin h nl done before and my in this way, still growing worse, until February, when hope of inv lee very was given up. and mv IiwhiIs all thought I would die nl titLL.-riMi Ciinsi mp iof. Al this moment, when mv ble wasappureii Iv drawing near il. clo-e, I he id of DK. v ISTAK'M BALSA M O F W II. D t'H Ul.ltY. and got a holile which he n iv i ii m imii nu ri ii ; and by ihe Use of only three b tiles of this mi d cine, all my punt were removed my cough and siiting of blood and cor ruption enloely slopped, and in a few weeks Ilk V he. ddi was so far lesioied as lo enable me to wmk at my Itade, (which is a carpenter,) and up to this nine I have enjoyed go.s.1 health. THOMAS COZENS, (iim iivni Coi'VTT, N. J , as. Personally caiuv bvfwre rae, the aubacriuer, one of a the tustices of the Peace in and for the ssid coun ly, Thoinaa Cozens, and being duly affirmed ac eotil'tig to law, saiih the above statement is in all tliiinis true. AlUriucd before me, on the 20th of April, 1843. J ('tRMsar, J P. $ Such ia tho unprecedented success of this BAL SAM, "XATTRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTinV a prescription conjenl d to oor wants, as it is pie. psreil t'rom chemictl extracts from substances which the author of nature has placed in our own land for wise puipc, that insoy who know nothing of tliu mode of its prepariiion are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefps by selling n aiticle similar in name, or in appear. .me. or by representing their own trash as superior to this D ALS M. or bv rut ting up a mixttiie nod s demuly asseverating thai it is imp Tied Irim a foreiirn couotrv, which is not the ! case. All these i!ecep:ive srts goto show thai WlTn' :sjiv is known to tlu world to be vy; run: at i!i:u:n" n that to n any m'Miure ii ipiisi be i.'e tiiis in miine, or pur j;,irt to he like it in m'inece. (I j" D liee not ihe cuiininglv wronahl fahiirs. lions and take on'y 'lie original and genuine 'isrn's up Wii.n t'liiimr NO OTIISi: OAT-T !53 IiVKTS IT. Ad.iress all onlrrs to ISAAC 15 II I' I'S, No. S'i Ann St., New York. Agents, JOHN W. FIMLt.NO, Stinburtt, ' 1) HKMII Iti M. y.nhiimheihnd, J. K. MOYKIJ. ntninnl,ilig, J. WAiiGnNsi'.LLEi:, .Kl-ns-nrm-e, l:.'Ji)V. & CREASY, Mjpmtille. Feb. 52,1, Ul.- ly VI Fi'V DOI.T.A US UK WA III) ! CANTra-EsIiSS WILL not cure everv thing, but slid remain Uiiequalled in their several department hy evirv 1I11114 ever oll'ere.1 to the public who hare voluntary came forward find olli-rcd iiumermis atnl , . ,,. . . . , e . . nig'ov nspectuhle tistlin niials of their superior flic icv Ciinlrcirs C ompourtd Medii nti d Syrup nf Sai- ' fafinr Hit ( or, A lit i-Seorbutic t-vrnp, for the ' ol feorfula, (Jhronic Ivheu.n itism. Chronic Swel- lings ol the Joinis, KrnpliniM of tiie Mm. mid all Disea-es aiisuig Iroiii the abuse of Men U'V, ir... j unsurpassed hy any thing in the niA'kfl, comhi. lung all the virtues resident in the Sjr npri!l.i Willi a modern lie ihcaiil. nl, only lately brought ; out by the must respectable medical aiilhoritu s. : Price, fit) cents per b llle. CtintriH't . Inti-Pypejifie Vuxrdrr, f.r the re- , lief and permanent cure nl that m sl I'isPessiiig complaint, Dv-pcpsia, ill all it' forms niid sing.'-. It is tiulv a uios' valu .bl remidy. 8old in hollies I ai 25 slid fit) c nis each. ' Cnnlrll'i 1gue. Mixture and Tonic MnHcn mrnta, stands at the head of the lil uu rivalled hy .ii y . or all the iniiomeral-lu nirjic n in u-e i ihii'i;ghoul the length and bread Ii of Ihe hu d, for the core of Fiviii and An k in all ils t-l.iges, and , from nil its consequences. j Hcsidcnts in Fever and Ague districts should never he without il. j The suhsciU-r will forfeit FIF TY POl.I.AKS where I Is medicine fails to pi-iforiu a cure in the most ohstinn'e ri-e, ! S. Id Who and Keiail bv CALKD CUES M1N, al l.i- Drini Waiehoue. No. 0 N.nih Thiul Mreet, Philadelphia ; also, bv the r giilarly np pointed ngeni. Ml I II W. HOB KIM'S, W bo'lcsa e Druguisi, No. 54 Water Street, Mobile. I'n pared ni lv bv H e Subscriber, corner of C Alt PKN I KIt and yUCO.NDStr.i'ts, below Christi an. Philadelphia, where it is also retailed. Observe, none are g.-nuine w uhout it.e aim a'ure .f JOHN A. CANTUKLL. C atilrcIl'M Iguv .lIiliiro, or Tuulc .IJt'tlicacienta, Tor the cure "f nil Hil'mux iifpetionn, if taken ac cording In dirtcl'mn. It is a never liulir.g lemedy which no f.imdy ouuIp to Ive without, especially in low marshy Coll. tnes. As this medicine is put up under the proprie tor's immediate Inspection on Ihe most scientific principles, beng fur. Iv Vegetable, and having tried ils efficacy on thousands, for upwards of 12 yeais, and lohis knowbil'C when taken strict'v ac cording to dneciioiis, llirie has not hi en one f i lure. I'uder such orciim-t ancr L recommend il lo ihe public, adjtug a eerut'nsU in support of my a-er-lion. I, John llurn, do reilifv thai I w as in ihe ship Tob.cro rl .nt of Phil .deli hi i, Capl. Heed, III June, 1S'27, b.uiiil u. 1 iverp Mil , took the lever ai d naue hi. d la d in Liver, o-l .nine l ine und.-i the doctor's ban. la, wa nt fioin there to Pallioi 'ie, lay in the Inliruiary for lour or five wieks from thence lo Philadelphia; was six mouths under Dr. Coals ; fiom llience tu New Y ik wint to the Hospital, leinuui. d ihere shout four vvck without am it-lief tiled iveiy tlnng without snv benefit, for live yeais. Hearing of Cantreil'a Ague Mix 'uu- finin a fnei d, I went lo bis -lorn, told him h .w I was stlVcted, and gol a bo llle of his mint inl and ns. d it ace .rding lo direi lions. It made a per teel tuie, and I have u..t had the least return sit ce. I do with cuulidctice recommend i to Ihe public. JOHN BL'UNS. ?Srdlr;.(e: f"3 1 uj of Sarin;? pai Ilia. Pbda.l. Iphu, April 10th, Mr. Jon A. l rn n i, Dear e-ir, Having be. n affiicted for upward- of two vears with ulceration of the throat, de-troy ii g the whole of ihe soft p .1 .tu, then ihrounh the up-r part i f mv mouth mill mv nose, from which si ver nl piece, i f bin e ciune nut, which partiahy dchlroy I'd my speech, th rou i'h a km I Prov idem e nd your Medicaied Syrup ol S .rs .pa.ill i, I am now lesion il to pe.f, cl bejlth.aiid mv sight, wh ch was so much impair-d, is as -irong as when a boy. I iboiight it a duly I owed to you anJ lliosesiuii I irly alfetli d, to make it piibbc. Youis, It. spec'fullv, SWU KL KMtK. Con er of Tenth and Coates Sueets. I, Cs'.ril J iiikIoii, No. G H.-ckli ss Street, do ccr I fv thai ( v wile, Jane, was alllicird tor two )ears with Ivheums i-ni. sn.1 st 1 1 1 w- entirely ih-a'-hd, n ilia' slie wns obliged to be coulloed I" b. d , bear ing f Caul ill's Mc'i.-uttd Syiup of Sais .purilla, or Anti Scoil.u'ic Svrup, I prmuie.l four b..ttrs, w hich compl. I. I v removed all ber pains and slill iii s- 1 1 ber I nibs ; Iwoiii'.ie hollies made a per il'. I ture. Si e is now ihle lo attend to her house hold duti.a as ii. uJ. OMIKIL JONslON. Philadelphia, Jan. 22J. 1814. fXj' D riip'ive I'ainphbts may be had of the agents (Oralis.) J. W, I'lULlMi, Sunbuiy, Nov. 9, 1841. Iv lgent. 18 IS V" AT BMMrA 1 WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT & CAT AI A tN LT V A CT I ' K LHl S, Suulh I'ast corner of Market and 4th f.. riillailrlphla, V TTHKRE they always ke.-p on hand an extcn- sive s.utrn. lit of II A I'S if Ci I'S of very description, gol up in the lo-.-t an I most approved t) le. IVis. ii. deiirnus of superior ail i cba on Ihe most it)..'iiMe terms, will find it to their advaulaga tvi call before mukiiig uichases elte where. PhiUdelphia, Oct. Mb, 1811. if OAKLEY'S ii:ii .vrivi; sYRt'i. riIIF, alnah!e properties nf Oakley's Depura L live Syrup of Sarssparilla, as a purifier of ihe blond, is so well known In the public Renerally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use; wherever the meilirine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all nlhers : evciy one that has taken it, hav0 derived so rdunal liene. Ikial results from it, that ii is recommended by thrin wiih ihe u inost confidence. Phv'icisn of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to iaiient!i piider their rare ; containing nothing j tleh'trriou. but hting composed ol Ihe newt mild, yet i (ioMrious vegetable lnaierial.4, it is offered with confidence, as the cheapest and inot eli.cient toi. j rifler of the blood now known. The use of a few i botilea, especially in the spring months, will he ht tended wnh a niost decided impinvement in the ge nera! slrenrth of the systeri, eradicaiing any se.-ds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health slid vigor to the body. For the cure of Sen lula or Kings Ei niieiir.-.niism. Tetter. c.r ciupiionsoi me rin, x. line .-swelling. ,jn!:iljshP, phvicians of this ci.v. but without re V .sldla, thronic Couth c. Ihe u'j. ,...... ...k' i....,r,i;i..j..r.....i..;.. riierous cenifn n'es in the onseecsion of the sukicrl ber and his agents, from physicians and other, are ' sufficient to conv.nce the most skeptical of its su periorily ovpr all preparations of Cirsap uilla. S .lil whole-nle and retail, hy the proprietor, CKOlHii; W. OA KLF.Y, North 5lh 'Ire. I. Ilea. I ding, Berks County, and lo h bad of the following ' pel son? ; In Northumberland County. II. B. Ms, f-oiihury ; I. eland it Mixel, MeKwensville ; D Krsusi r. Milton. In I'n inn Count y. J. (leurhart, Seliusgrove: A. (iolelius, MtiriiiibU'g. hi Columbia County. It. W. McCay, Wash ington. Blading. March I I. tH. Ma. I believe il Ihe uty of every one to do w hatever in tlnir power I ic. for the le ne. fit ol their fellow ma.., and having had po-i ive proof in mv own family, of the wonderful propcriies nf your Depurative Syrup of S.usap irilh, I m st coiiscienliou-lv reeoinmend it lo the aftlicled. We b id the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the bn nking out of ulcerous aores thai covered the face, bead and neck, nltboUi;h we had some of the in.. si seieniif:c ibyslciatis to anei d lh-m i.nd had j tried all the known icipe.lies, including Swaitu's I Panacea, without avail. Another of uiy rbildreii whs at'urkc I in the same manner, ber lure sial neck was completely covered; the d schn'ge was so I olo'n.dve, and the disease at such a height, that we I despaired ol her life. Seeing the r fleets nfvoiir l' pnralive Symp r.l S .rsapariil a, we n ele inducid to make trial of it, as the list ris .rl; it ac!ed like a charm; the u'cers coiiiinenci d healing j immediately . a f. w bottle entirely restore. lh. r to j her health, which she hss eij-. ved iinmteri ui tedly ' ever silica. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be. ' In ve it has not Its equal. JOHN MOYKlt. Tailor, Walnut street, near Foutlh, Heading. Poiiglissville, April Hllh, 1R-P1. Mk. Mv son Kdinund Leaf, had l!ie scrolula in the most drea.Pul and dirties. ing m .li ner for three years, dining wh'ch tune he w s de prived of the use of his limbs, bis be nl and nick wcte covered with ulcers. We tried all the diffi r ent remnli. s. hut to no effect, until recomnu tul.-d hy Dr. Johnson of Nnnistowu. ami nl-o Dr. Isaac Hiestei, ol Iteadil g, lo use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapartlla, of w hich I oMaineil seveial hollies, the use of which ibove ihe dpea e eniin Iv oul of Ins system, Ihe sore healed up, and the child was J resloird lo prrteel heabh, which he ha- enjoved uninterruptedly ever since, to the a-t of j many peisons who seen him du irg h.s i.lll clion. ' I have tbouL'hl it mv duty, and send ymi this cerli- i licale that who have a like iillli. Hon in the j l.tioilv iin.v know wl.ere lo obtain no v-uh.ul.le s I so valuatile a medicine. Yours truly . AMKLI A D Sept. Ifi, lin,ly LEAF. To C oaiatry TZtrt Iiaiit-H. Koots, Slmos, liniincts, I.ojjliuin and l'nltn l.ttat' Mats. ('.. W. L. 11. TAYI.Oli, at the .''. '. riiniir uf Market and I'll lit Six., ' QFFEPv f.r . 'above ai'icl f AAiJJlAA.iif AUXi, ss e an xlen-ie i L-iuiinel.t of the lbs, all of which lliey sell al unusual ly low i ices, and p nil. ul illy iiiv .t.- the atlenlion of hnveis vi-iting the citv, to su i xaiinnati .11 ol ibeir sioik. Ci. W. vV L. D. TAYLOK Philadelphia, Mav 25. IS14. I V I C'oiintc-iTHU -IN' 1 DEATH BLOW. rT,he put he will please observe dial no lirau. belli - Pilis are gennine, unless the box has three li bels upon it. (the top, the se'e and the Lotion.) eaih coin iinu.g a f ic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus D. Da a i.hktii. M. D. These la. bel aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense nf over 'J.tHlO, Thi refute it w ill be seen that the only thing nreessnry to pro ' ture the medicine in its purity, is to ohseive these , labels. Hemember the top, the side, and the bottom, i The following ic-peclive p.-rs uu are duly auih.-ri Zi d, Olid hold CERTIFICATES Or AGENCY j For the sule of ISraiidreth'a Vegetable Vnivtrsal I I'M. ' Norlhnii.beilard eountv : Millon M u key A ; Ch imhe.liu. Sunlmry 11 D. M isser. M'Kwer.s ville liilindtV Mcucll. Nortlium eiland Win. . Forsyth, tieorgctown J. & J. Walls. ! I'uion County: New li.rlin Bo.n A Win ter. Seliusgrove Oeorge (auiidium. Mid Me burg Isiac Hiniib. lleaver'owo David lluhler. Adamshurg W in. J. May. Milllmshuig Menseh iV Hay. Ht'tlelou Dimel Long. Freebnrg .t . t i i .. i . i ti.vV F. t. Mover, l.ewiburg Walls it liiecn. Columbia coimiy : Danville K. D. Hcwiolds A Co. Berwick shumau It Henhouse. Ca' ('. (i, Biohts. Blooinshurg John B. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel, Washington Kohl. MiCay, Limestone Ball'" McNmch. Oh.eive ihat cinli Aui ul has an Engraved Ctr iueale of Agency, containing a lepres-ntalioii of Hr BKANDItETII's Maiiufaciory at Sing Sn.g, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the new Inleia now used uiuii th: Liumdrct) I'ill Huxes. Puihdelphia, office No. 8, Noilh Pthslreet, B. BHANDKKTH.M.D. June 24th, 1H4.1. city rruMrrin: auction',! AND PBIVATE SALES HOOZIS, N'os. yJ and HI ISorth lliiiil Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- viies the attention uf persona desirous of pur chasing Fuililiure. lo his extensive Sales llonms. (both put he and P.ivate,) fur every deciipliou of ' Household Furniture, whire can I obtained stall i limes, a large assortment ol lusmouaule ami well manufactured C shun t Furniture, Beds, Matirascs, A.C at very reduced prices, for cash. (Ct7 Sales h Auction, twice a wek. May SVib, 1843. I jr ROSE OINTIVXENT ri ts:tti:k. RI.NOWOI1MS, rtMPl.Ksi (m THE FACE, AND OTIIE II TAtUMIS UtrlTHINS). (Jj- 77iC fnlhiwinq errtifirii'e dtun ibr one nflhe nwnt extraordinary wires ever effected by any apptieatiun. PiiiLAiirtrtirA, February in, 1839. IOR twenty years I was severely afflict) il with TfcTTKH on the Face and Dead: the disease commencid when I was seventeen years old, anJ continued until the Fall of I8:)fi, varving in vio lem e, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, grcr.t purl of my fire was covered with the eruption, frequently aitetided w ith vio'ent Itch ing: mv head swi ped at times until it felt n if it ' wonhl hurst the swellin r was so g'eit. that I couhl '; CBrce!y get mv hat on. During the long perioj ; that I was affiicted wiih the disease, I useil a great I many n plications, (among them si veral celebrated I preparations) as Well as taking inward remedies, i including a number nf bottles of Swnim'i 1'annera, 1 r.ilrurl nf SartupuriH.i, Ac, In fact, it would be ', impossible to enumerate nil the medicines I used. 1 w as also under the care of two of the most dis- cured. Ill the fill of I HUH, the disease ut ihe time 1 being very violent, I commenced enina the Rime Ointment, (prepared bv Vailnlian fi Davis.) Ill a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling ahaied, the r motion becan to disappear, and bef-re I had used ajar the di-ease was entirely cuied. It has now been near'y a and a half since, slid there is nol a vestige of the disease re maining, except ll.a scars the deep pits formej by the di-ease. It is impossible for me to deserilKl in a certificate the severity of the disea-e and my stiRV-rint?, but I will be pie .scd to give a fu'ler ac count to any person wauling further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the lime 1 cninrntiucej using the H -ne Ointment I would have given hun dieds of do bus to he rid of the ihwase. Since u. -ing il, I have recommended it lo -even! per-ons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm.) w ho w. r- a I cured bv it. JAMF.ii Di:H.KLL, No. 15fi, HaceSt. (Jj' The Hose Ointment Is prepared by E. IJ. YtUrfhao. Soiph Kasl comer of Third and Haee strei ts, Philiidelpbia, and sold on aeencv in Smihu rv. bv II. B. MASS El?, " May l ltb. ISM. Agent. J. : Gsr C. i n t iiic n fT, ro r T c 1 1 'rT A I'llOtti' Oi' ITS Dll'H'AVY. Pini.AnKLriiiA, May 2?tb, IHd'.l. rPIHS is to cer:il'y that I was severely allbcie.l with Tetter in too bands uud feet for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally will) vjoVut itching and swelling. applied to a number of phvsici .ii.-;, uud used a great ui.inv appli cations without e!''.-ciiug a cure. ALont a yi ar since, I appi cd the hose Oint.neut, wlucli entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disea.-e, which liiere has been no return of, although I bud never been rid of il at any lime for folly years. IvICHAivD SAVAtiE, Kb venth. below Spruce Street. ry The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. 1). Yau hun. S iuth Fust comer of Third and Pace Slieets, Philadelphia, mid sold on aelicv in Siinhu- v. It 11. B. MASSED, Mav 11th. 1S-I3. Agent, () the IWSi: TMt:.'l fur Ti tier. i Li'lloriiil the siiperiorii v ol the prepatation t over all others is fully cs ahlihed, the proprio i lors take ph asure in laving before the public the j following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the I'niverstty nf Pennsylvania. Dr. Dingb, having found in ibis euiedy that lehef f .r ! a tedious and ih-arce.iMe ntfe -tlon which ihe means within the raege of bis profession failed to all .rd, i has riot hesitated to give it his approbation, alth .u 'h i he prejudices and interests of thai profession uie . pposed to secret Hemedies. Philahklcuia, Sept. 10, 1SH6. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which cmeicd nearly one si le ofmv f ice, and extended over ihe ear. Mr. Vuughin, proprie lot of the Hose Ointment, ubseiviug mv f.n-i, insiss led on my trying his pri pai itimi. ..f which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe me n hers ol my profession, I iliscounienani e uid disaii prove ol ihe iiumerous nostrutus palmed upon the public by ignoi anl pr. lenders, I feel in jus'iee hound the Kose Oitilimnt fioin thai cla-s of me d eities, nml to give it mv approbation, sa it entire ly lUrrd the eruption, although il h id resiMcd Ihe uu. I applications. DANE HATCH, M. D. j' The Bote Ointmei l is prepared by E B. Vaiiuhau, South Eastcormr ol Third and li'-ice Sueets, Piitladelpl.ia, and sold on agi ucv in Sim. buiy, hy II. D. MASKR. May 14 th. 181:1. Agent. CH. G15 Us- ;n g L'nrner nf Third and Vine Streeln, WILLIADISPORT, FA r?T,H nhseriher resveclftilly announces lo the .1 public, that he h ie opened a Hotel in the com modious briik budding s luiteoli the corner of I bird ami Pine streets, where he will be happv to wait iqion those who mav favor him wit . their company. The Eagle Hotel is large ami Conveni ent, and furnished n, ihe be t modem st le. It is provided Willi a large number of well aired and cnif. rtahle sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Peisona visiting W ilhainsNirt on bu siness oi plea-ure. iiixv rest ss ur. d that every ex ertion wdl le used to render their sojou'n at the "Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. HisTaMe will tie supplied wiih the very hi st the market af fords, and bis bar with the choicest wines and other liquors i barges re sonul.le. The Eagle 1 1 . t r pm-si -in-s giealer advuniages in point nf ha-alioii than any othei similar esl ildl-lltlielit in thelKiruugh, being situate in ihe business p rl of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House uud Widiainsporl and I'.lmira Bad Ivo.ul Depot. I , Sulheienl r'aliling provided, and good and trusty is alwavs III Hlleni.Bin e. Atleii'.ive, sccoii.inodiiting am' hone-l Servants baveUen einplove.l, and nothing left undone that will odd to the i on. toil and aceoinniodaiion of hia guc.1.. 'I hire will lo- a carriage alwavs in attendance at the Boat Landing 1. 1 convey passengers to slid from the House, lice of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 11th. 1 HIS. tf .lSiclini'l Weaver cV on, cors i:Autns u smr ciiANOLcns. Au. 13 North Water Street. Thiludt 'jihia. MAYE cousiaiitly ou hand, a general assort ment of Curdsge, Seine Twines, vVc, vial Isi U Ropes, Fuhing Ropes, White ltoies, Maud Is Ropes, Tow Lines for Boats. Also, a complete assortment nf Seine Tw ines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring J'wine, Best Patent Ci ill Net Tw ine, Cotton Sdiud and lien ins, '1'w ii e, Shoe Threads, Vc. Vc. Also, Bed Colds, t'lough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable lei ins. Philadelphia, Novcmlier 13,1442. ly. SI'KUINCi, COOl) Ai CO. No. ins Alarkt Strt'ct, riiilaJelpliia. 1 NYITE the alteutioo of Country Merchanls to their extensive assortment of Brili.h French and Americau Dry Coods, which they otTrr fur tale pu the most leasouuble terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly.