Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 27, 1845, Image 3

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Cnrreittd weekly by fury Yoxtheimer.
W Bit AT,
Con pi, .
Hccctii FtAT,
.Northumberland County, ss.
rN the Orphana' Court nf said county, ai August
1W A. U. 1S45. lln motion of Much Bel
la. Em., the Court grant a rule nn the heir unci
lrgd representatives of Hemy Antra, late of ihe hn
Touch of Northurtheiland, in said county, tier 1.,
leaving iaue six children. ti wj : Margaret, inter
xnnrried wi'h Clan E. Wjnthrrj Ca'hetine, inter
married with George Hu'er; Philip Antes; E!i
lioth, fnrmtr'y intermarried with Levi Ilohirt, now
deceased, hat 'ng i-itr by her said husband, Han
nah Ilnharl a.ti.1 Elizabeth If. hart, m;nora uniler
the age. of Iwentyot.e, of whom Daniel Rrautigam,
E!j., it gtianti.-in, ei:d Villi im Ant s. resident in
Wicnin. hobs mml titri!.iiieoi of II. n-y Ante,
l ite et the borough of .Vvrthuinherland, drcM.. to
appear in our next Orphans' "rt t. he hrlil f.'r
Dili. I county, tn wits nn llie 3 I day nf November.
A. T) 1845, and accept r refuse the r.-ttte f the
aid Heniy Antra. l oM or h w C Uc why the
same chmil I not he I. I.
i'.it ifii'il fi'iin the reerd of om 'd Orphans'
i;ui, i Su'ii.nrv, thi S lib day of Srptcm
her, A. D. 18 15.
Sunburv, Sept. 27, 1815 fit C'U. IV C-
W'e r commend all of ourfrirnAs iistina thr
city, to nt'l at llie I'rhia ('onipitny' Slarr,
ami hiy hi a snpply of their delicionn Ten.
tub rtrii.V ti:i c:o.himy.
No. 30, Suvth H,.ro!n S-rrtrrT, Rt-twe- u Market
an, I I 'hcanu,
AVR c nsl tlv mi hand, and far lr.
Wholesale nrul Ret. i'.
At Iowt Ii Hch,
according lo the ipi liiy. than ihry tin 1-e bought
for at a y other eM .hli-.h:ii'i'n! in the city.
rJ-Tr. , exclusively, ar audi at th: house,
and sever il v.rebe which. rar.noT I e obtained ele
where. Any Ten which do in t give mtirv Kriti -fac
ion ran l retumul and eichang'tl, or thr nvf
liry will hr refuniled.
The riidr.Mia uf Nii'itinmlrrl iitil cont'ty are rr
ej t ctfully invited to give u a r ill. ZIRIIER.
Anvit fitr the Prkin 'I'ea Company.
Vhi'a.Mohia. . pt STlh. 1S45. ly
To the Electors ol' Xortliumbcrluml
TpRLLow, wen
raced by mv frirnda tu nil', r myavlf is a YOI
L'N I'EKlt rand tl.ite for the u.Tit-c of
I reprrt fully solirit your anpport. tShonM yon
ae proper to confer the ollire upon me, will ni
Jt aiir to diMh.nge the duiea thoteof with fnUtity
and impartia'itv. I'RTRK LAZARUS,
Xunhury, Srpt SOth. 1 45. 4t
W ill practice i i tie aetirl Courts of lh City
end County of I'liihdrlphia.
Hia olii.e h at No. 35 South FOURTH Stiett,
Wtwerii ('Iw.nnl ami Waloiit Mnetx.
I'hil Jelphia, . pt 20 li, 1S15 3m.
AN AWAY from the euhscrilirr. III Siinl'll
rv, on t'e fill iisi., n in d meil aniiremice
Ivj llie Cahinr -Making I u ihiaa. named
S tid S'n'rth i-i stonily built, !iuit 5 feet (5 inrhra
lii-j h, (In k rconpl xion, and h id on whrn he left, a
Tweed Cloth Dot, light colored Vrai, n pair
f at'Tl imxi'il Casainet l'an .loooi, a broad biiin
tnw l, I w rrowni'd, d a'i Hai, and a ptiir of hiah
jn iiteri'd, ralt'-ko', t'2i!-.l Sooia. The rulo-rnbci
vtarna all pe'aon- ny ii:st huliotinff him or Riving
lii 'n any tlont on hia nn-O'irit, a 4 be will pav no
ilebta that the said B)"r .lire mav con'art. The
above riw ard will In- gneu (but niip,ini alUn'
d) to ai y pi who will bunc bint to
Sunbury, Srpt. tfl, ISt.Y 3t
STi.7I 0U1T Z?7,
A I.I. thr rVhool ltonka. (irrman and Rnrjli-h, in
RtTirr l -e; Copy ' 'I :",, H a.k-, Hlank
Hooka of all a'rea : g, loiter anj Vrapp-ng
l'aia', Uomiet Hoarda, (joi la, Mei f'eoa IVii.
e.U. M Ira, 8,i it, Wf. t, i k-ta d. Ii k, at d a
Itill assortineiit of St.i'ionery, for enle ritretnely
low. t.4 cih or in i xchnni- for Rn,
Thet-ularrnln'r iStjya fur tosh rjrrhnirrlff, and i
ah' and ile'rtmined in artl unoda in tin litio aa low
a tliey cuti be bou;lit in I'h.l olidphia.
-s (J SOWETJ-.
!)5 . Md ft , -4l si 'e, below Vie.
fjj" Blank lionka of every ilefiiptton ruled anil
(nuiid in pait. m. in a superior m mio r. unu unlly
low. IMnliilelp.M, Sept. 13. If 15.- 3t.
a vai.j aiim:
XXII.l. beexpnaed for le, at public vendue, on
the fitli d -y of October nexi.nn llie preinia. a,
the lrin tnd rxtensi'e Plantation, tale the estate
nf VYil iam Rceser, I'ec'd., rituate in AticUti town
hip Nailliombprbirid rontitv, aS hi I 5 m tea from
cMitilxiry, 4 mile, front the I'ottaville and Uauvdle
Hail Rout, 4 mill fiom the S'uqiiebaiina River and
abuat 6 m ica Irom ihe Clre.t Mahnnoy ("oal Re
pinn, and on the Orcnl It ad tn liarriaburg and
Womclalotf, cni.ta'iiiiii! "HO acrea, HO acre of
which are cleared, wi:h a Urge proportion or mea
dow and an orchard; ihe readne ia avril timbered.
Said pi mtation ran be divided into tlnee ilisiinrt
farma without prejudice to any of the division',
each division having a good supply of W iter by
running stream and spring in every direction.
jja The improvementa cons si of a large
5"l fr"nl ,nl 37 ftdi-cp, which waa occupied
r'l'l Bfor a number of yeara aa a Tavern Viand,
nd in which a atora ia kept at preaent. A apriog,
done by, runs through the cellar. Theie ia alas a
Bank Uiin, with rilrnaiv stablinp, on the premi.
aea; also a Sam-mill on a considerable stream that
riina through part of ihe pUce; alan a House and
Baro near the saw-mill. It will be oflVred in email
tracla, if purchaarra wish the same. An indiputa
ble tide and poase-sion can be given oil the 1st of
April. 1848.
Sale t commence at 10 o'clock. A. M on said
day, whan lha conditions will be made known by
Aufuata, Ao. 1, 1146. ft 'Eiewttra,
THE undersigned Merchants, Manufacturers,
Importers and Wholesale Dealers nf the City
nf Philadelphia, rmhrare Ihe medium of the News
pBper Press of yotir section of country, to five vnti
iha atreeta and number of our several eatahliah
menla, and repectfully to invite yon to an riami
nation nf our Fall and VTinter Stocks, which are
no full and complete.
The superior excellence and great variety of our
own Ciiy Manufacture', in addition In full supplies
of Foreign arid DomeMic Gooda, of everv deerp
ti 'n. which will be sold on terms and at price
which cannnt fail tn prove satisfactory, present the
atrongeal inducementa to purchaser.
Importer and He iter in Mlk and Fa"cy Dry
Oorvla, and Fine French and British Cloths, Caa
attnrrca and Veatinea.
Ashhiirat ft Rrminginn, No AO Matket at, below 3d.
Imi'ortera and Dralera in Staple, Silk and Fancy
Dry (tiod. Al-n, British, French and American
Cloths, Cassimcra, Yitstinga, and Tailora' Trim
J. tiodlcy, fprv A- ro.. Nn 81 Mmket at.
Domestic anil Foreiqn Dry (J n Is.
Jamea M. Kennedy Si to , 111 ,larkt al.
Importera nf (it rman Good-, and Pucha-ra of all
kinda of Shipping Fnra.
Wm. (ieisae t Son. 60 S Front at., bcl. Chranul.
Importers and M.intif icturcra of Fancy Furs, and
Fur Cat s, and Purchaaer of a I kinds of Ship
ping Fura.
S dis Brother, 80 Arch at , between 5d and 3d sta
M nif etiirer and Dealer in Rcadymade Ciotliing,
1. 1 evert g-itde.
M tlnel Tra -y, 202 Market at.
Manufacturer nf Shirts, Coll.ira and llaom.
John llodnes. Sin of the Miminoth Shirt Collir,
1 1(1 North Second at.
Imnorler nnd Deile a in Forciijn and Domes'ic
II inlware and ('iitlery.
D Ivvorth iV Uranaon, 59 Market ft.
Welded Wr-.u Iron Tu!ie for Locomotive, Ma
rine J; other Ho d-r Flue. ,V nil Steam ptirpoa a.
Morri-, Ta-k' V M-rris. Paacal Iron Vo.ka. Ware
house, S, K. cor. 3d and Walnut ata.
Agency for the Sale i f .SmilhwortU Manufacturing
Comt.any'a Snt.etior Writing Taper.
N. S. Lnwrence, Ag-nt. 'n 3 Minor st.
Importers of Jeelrv, Watch a. Fine Cutlery, Brit,
tania. Plated anil Silver Wure.
Dirkson ct co , S R corner Market t 'I'ltird s'a.
John F. Fnrr 1 12 Cheiniit st.
J. St W. L. Wa d. KXi Chesnut opposite San
derson's Frai klin Hoii-e.
Mannractine.a of Silver Ware, and Deale-s in Pl i
ted mid Britannia Ware, foi hoiieho'd iia..
It. . Y. WiUon, S W cor. Fifth and Cherry ata.
MamifriiTera of Britannia, Block Tin. and Pew
tor Wato. Alao, Deulers in Plated Spoons, Cut
lerv. Sic.
Hall. Boardman V co., 104 3d at., Mow Race.
M mufaeiiirer of Silver and Brass Stair K. il,and
Cornice Poles.
EJw ird J. nca Corner of fieorg" and Swanwirk ata.,
hetw. rn V .limit and Clicantit, west ot Sixth,
LnpO'tiT of Tova. Fancy and Staple Cioods, Bi ada,
Itrnh.a and Perfumriv.
A. F. O l Mnnroae, IS S. 4th St., between Market
and Clic-nnt.
Importers of Toys. Fancy an 1 Staple Roods, Perfu
meries, Muair d InsUumcnts, Gtaar, Eartlienuraie
("hiraw are, A'C
C. Ahrenfrlilt A- co. 10 N. 4th al. between Market
aiid Arch, (up slabs.)
ImpnrVra of Paris and London Fancy Articles,
Brushes. Pcifumery. Combs. Soapa, Stationery,
and articles for Druggists Sates.
R. rfc G. A. W right. 23 South Fourth st.
Impoiler and Manufacturer of Perfumery, Cnme.
tic. Fancy Soap, and Iletder in Fancy Uooda.
Jules Hauel, 46 S nth Third ft.
China, tjneeiiswa.e and CI isa, j
Edward Snowdon, e4 N 3d st. opposite t'ity Iln'.cU J
DeiitrsN and Mamifaefurera of incoTTitptible Teeth ; j
Plato Pivol. Moar i rtd (,(iniTefth; tlo'd and I
Tin Foil ; (Sold, Platina and Silver Plato and j
Wite, Ac.
Wilkinson A Armstrong, 88 Arch st. strove 4th,
Smith aide.
Cold, Silver arid Slrel Spectacle, Mathematical In j
strnmenta, Walking Cane", Micro-cope, and j
Spy Class a. I
McAllister A co , 48 Chcannt at. ;
M mufaclnrers of Yhite Le nl and otber Points,
and of Chen ii- d, Ac , and lealeis in Drug,
Medicire, Dve StufTa. t) I. Ar I
Yelhtrill A Brother, 05 North Front St. !
Importer and Ilea era in Drug, Dvrstnflit. Oi's i
l.'heinrcala. Pmte Clasa, Ac. and Agnta for
pure White Lead un I Jersey Window Ul..
Campbell A Fienrh, N W cor 10th A Ma ket sta.
Importera and Dea'ers in Drugs, M.dtcinea, Dye-
itilT-. P iinN, Oils, A-.
Ilask.ll. Merrick A co. 45 North Ftont at.
Dr. D. Jayne, 8 S Tbtid at., neai Market.
Consulting Physician, Druggist and Chrmit. and !
Proprietor of 'Rowand'a ImpToveJ Tonic Mix I
lure," Ac, j
Dr. John R. Rowand, Crad. t'niv. Office and Drug I
Store, 28 North SeconJ at. I
Manufacturer ot Uinhrrllaa, Parasota, Paraaorrltra
and Sun Shade.
Wdliim A. Drown, Bfi Ma kel st. j
Slee-r A Fenner, 120 M irket al. south side, one i
door l'ow 4 1 la st. !
Fire and Tbief-I'roof t!best, RefrigriHt.-r, Vler
Coo'cr, Fder. I.ettir Copying Preaaea, vVc.
Oliver Evans, 15 Che-nul t. J
Yene ian B ind Manttf irtnrer. (
0. J. William, I 2 N 6ih at. a few doura b. Market. I
Manufcturer and Dealer in Matreasta, Bedding i
and Feathers. i
Finley A co., S E corner 2d and Walnut at.
Hartley A Knight, 14 8 2d at., 5 dooia ah. Spruce.
Dealer in Cii'emati'a .Eolian Piano Fortea,
F. Pt'iring, 194 Cbeanut at. S E corner of Bill.
Manufacturer of Cotnmnn arid Fancy S.isps, Mould
and Dippul Can bs, Ac.
Elijah A (iilhea Dallel, .16 Market at.
Impnriir of Friiich Aitirieiil Flowers, Feathers
Stiaw, llibid ed F .nrv Bonnets, Ac , and Hoi.-
net Fraini s. Tips and Crown.
It. Briton, SU Che-nui st.
Manufacturer of Seives, RiJdles, Screens and Wire
Work in ye. e:sl.
Needle & Watson, 54 N Front at. below Arch.
Hides, Od and Leather.
William Mueser A ro 2C3 Matket at.
Inipuier nf irangea, lemons, Raiaina. Fig. Piunea,
Cunania, Almond ami other Foreign Nut.
Daniel P. Buaaier, 2T South Wharves.
Manufacturer of Fire Engine uf all descriptions,
warranted in all resp. ct.
Joel Bates, 13 D? inker Alley.
Marble and Mahogany Dealer.
John Eckstein A co . Union Mills, Ridge Road,
Warehouse, 64 Dock at.
Manufacturer or Combs. Looking Glaaaea d Drush
a, and imperwr of Fm eb and German Fancy
Tboau Burch, jr. 193 Matktt ft,
..."j J ... ! 1 ..'' JH! .'!'.". I. '.aii isw
Manufacturer and Wholesale De-ler in all kinda
nf D rooms; Brube. Bucket. Cedarware, Clock.
Ba kets, Mata, Blacking, Eastem made Wooden
Ware. Ac.
Manly Ritwe, C3 IV 3d at. one door above Arch,
eaat aide.
Cheap Publication and Periodica! Eatahtiahmrnt.
H. B. Ziehrr A co. 3 Ledger Building, 3d at. below
Boot and Shoe.
Robert'r, 182 S.2d at. three door bel Union,
weal side.
Manufacturers and Dealer in all kind nf Scale,
Weight and Weighing Machine. AIo, Bur
den' Patent Horse Shoe.
Gray A Brother, 34 Walnut at. Mow Second.
Philadelphia, Sept. 20lh, 1845. 2m
Jnlni II. Iloyd's listatcT
ETTEKS testamentary on said dereiaed's r.
late, have been granted to the rnWrib- rs
Per ma having item md ngainsl the estate, are re
quested lofitrscnt ihcni for examination and seple
nieni, and person indebted tn the estate, areteqtia
ted to make immediate piyment.
September 13th, 184561 Executora.
Sheriff's Sales.
KY virtue of certain writ of Ven Ex. A Fi. F.,
issued nut of the Court of Common Pleaa nf
North'd county, lo ine ilirecrrd, will be exposed io
public sale, at the house of Cl.arlca Weaver, in the
borough nf Sitnliurv. on Friday the 3d day of Or. next, at 1 o'cl.irk, P. VI., the following de.
scribed property, to wit I
Four contiguous lots of g-nund situate in the he
rough of Northumberland and marked in the cur
rl plan of said town. No. 61, 62. 03 and 64, bonn
ded sooth by Hanover atr et, and on Ihe weal by a
20 feet alley, northward by Water stnft.
Al-o: Four continuous lot, Nos. 19:t, 191. 195
and I 96, bounded . ast by IVorihway, amth by II.
rover street, west by water street, and north by a 20
bet alley,
A'i: Four enntxinu lot, No 207. 208.
209 and 210, hounded nn the weal by Hanover
street, on the north by Northwav, and nn the eaat
by a 20 frit nil. y, containing each 00 f.-et on North
war '.nd 180 feet in depth. On No. 210 is erected
a frame barrack.
S izrd, token in exectrinn. and to be o!d as llie
properly of William A. Lloyd.
Alan; A certain t'ct or piece o( land situaie
partly in Sl.atnokin and partly in Augusta town
ship. Notthumt'Crland county, adjojnit g btiiila of
Ch.nlea Wi nlverton. Surah Miller, S unit. I Gnu
se.t and nthi r', col.tain ng 250 to res n.ore or lea,
about 100 nrre . f which ure cleared ; whereon ae
erected a two story log house, weatherboard d. lo
which ia attached n st ne kitchen and a small frame
t itilJii'B, a stone sp'ing house, a frame btrn, a fnime
smble and wsgon shed, also a large orchard nf ex
Cellent fruit Ine.
Seized, taken in execution. nd tn be sold as the
proja-nv of Nati.aiiiel S ixt m, with no j. e lo Ro
bert Can pbe'l and Annanias Saxlnn. g.arn'shres,
A'1: Two certain vaonl 1 .Is of ground situate
in the town of Shaniokin, Norihumherlsnd C 'Unty,
atnl marked in the ceiiend plan of aaid town Noa.
59 and 00. b unded on the west by lot No. 5H, on
the ea-t by lot 61. on the north by Commerce .treet.
and i n the south l.v Independence street, c ntaiuing
each in trout 2hJ f. et, and in depth 142 fret.
Sr i d, taken in exerii'ion, and to be aold aa the
properly of John Ham I on.
Also; Two continuous lots nf ground, situate in
the borough of Northumberland, Northnmbe'l ind
county, Nos 111 and 112 hou d-d n the wet hv
Wraiway and eat by Duke lre, north by lot of
GilliettA Daniel Yoris, south by an l.-v. e nvvn-i-g
eich in front 60 fe,t and in depth 210 feet,
whereon are crec ed two larg- frame dwelling bou
,e. with k tchen attached lo each.
Alan: A ccrta n unimp'oved trct of land situ
ate in Sliimokin tnwn-htp, Northumlieilanil riu"
IV, adjoining I .it I of John Fugety. John Campbell
and oth. ra, coi taining 100 ncie more or le.
Also: The undivided third art of a certain
tract of land, situate in Rush t iwn-hin, Nianl.tim
lriaiid county, adjoining land of John llil'sh.
Chaib" WiHilverl.m, Jteoli Renl and th.'rs, c n
tatning 200 acre it ore or lesa, about 103 arrra of
whkh i rlenrrrl. wbenn are i r rtcl i l smry
frame d a riling hnue atid a large frame bank barn,
Seiie.l, i. Ueti in execution, and to le sold as t' e
ptniertv of Alra C. Bartct.
Also: A certa'n J .n nf ground situate in the
hnrough nf Norlhumlier'aiid. Northnnilserl tnd co ,
lieinj the soinhrrii half of lot N 172, aa m tike. I i
ill Ihe plan of said borough, bounded on the
aou'h l y (men street, east bv f ont street, west bv
the Prei t.-ri.iti t'tintclv, and north I y the i t'oer
h.dfol lot 172, wheieon ate ere. led a two atorv
frame dwilbng house with a kitchen attached, and a
frame siah'e.
A 'so: A certain tractor piece nfland situate in
Point township NorihumbiTlaiid C untv, adjoiniog
land of Josech Walb. George Leshet and ot'eia.
containing 90 acrea more or les ah. ul 40 acre of
which srci learid. whereon are reeled I waa barrack.
Seited, t ken into exrrutioti, and to be aold as
ihe property nf John Frick.
Abo t At the bouse of Ceotje Smith, in Jack
son tow n-hip, Noithuinla rl.arid county, on M. unlay
the 6h day of October next, at I o'clock P, M , a
cirtain tract or piece of land situa e in Upper Ma
bonny township, county aforesaid, containing 03
arrra more or h as, adjoining land of H. nry St an'.,
tie. rue M ver and other-, almul 25 arr.-a of nbtrh
are cleared ; whereon are rnctel a 1$ story log
loo se and a small log stable, a spring house anJ an
Seited. t ikeu in execution, and lo be sold a the
pro) tr y i t John I'.' lli'g.
A': A rtfrtoiu lot nr i i. re nf ground situate
in Jackson township, Norilniinlinl .nkl county, ad
j lining laud of Farmer Jonea and other, land of
defendant and oilier, containing 2 acre mom ol
less, all cb arril ; whereon are .rrcel a small In j
hon e and a sinxll log stable, Ac.
rr led, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the
property ol Jonaihin l';t ly.
Also! A certain tract oi piece of land situate in
Upper Mul.on. y lownsbip. .Norihiinilw tland coun
ty, adj lining I md of I'nri Ib i-el, Dr. John Smin
key and th. ra ronlaining 22 ucres more or lea, a'l
of which ia cleared w hereon are efcted a two s'n
ry bouse, rough cat1, barn and other out-huid ings,
and an n'i h .r.l,
SeiX' d, t .ken in execution, arid to be inld aa the
prorty of George lub y.
Also: All thr ilefrniUnt's interest in a certain
lot or piece nf ground situat in Jackson township.
Norihoniherland enmity, adjoining land of Fanner
Jane and others, containing 3 acres more or less,
all cleared ( whereon i erected (mall log house
nd a small log stable, Ac,
Setird, taken In execution, and to la sold as the
property of John Ernst.
Also I A certain tract or piece nf land situ' in
Jackson township, Northumberland county, adj lin
ing land cf Michael IMaatk, Henry La'shs and
other, containing 85 acrea mme or lesa, about 60
acrea of which a cleared, nn which are erected a
two story log dwell ng house, a spring house, lug
barn, an oicha'd, Ac.
8. ii J, taken in rxecu'inn, and to b (old a th
property of Solomon Drealer.
FELIX MAUftER, Sheriff.
Sheriff Office.
Bontrtry, tpt. ttb, 1849. J
Democratic ttcWrto.
Greatly Rcdtiecrl PriceFmm $.) to 3 per
Annum. Single cnjy 2.3 cenli.
f anspxer nr th skit, on 17th ruLrwt.
THE PRICE of the DrnrATic Rr.tixw
ha heretofo e been ton high not for the sixe,
coat and chvurlrf. but for Ihe mean nf tens nf thou,
sand of readers whn would be glad to receive It,
and among whom it is h'ghly desirable thai it
should cireul ne. For the purpose, therefore, of
widci . g the range of its tiseftilnrs, nhd of multi
plying the number oftlvse to whom it may he sr.
cessalde it his been determined, simultaneously
with ihe great reduction ill the expense nf the n"at.
age, tn reduce it sub-cripli n nria? alan, fr m FIVE
to only TH REE do I .ra; and when several unite
in subscription, to a low as f 2 50, nr even f 2 30
per annum.
Thi very large reduction in the receipia (aecnm
panird with but a cnmptaliely small diminution
ofita etprne) invo'vea. of course, an entire sacri
fice i f profit upon it, unless comrsated bv a Vast
multipl calon of su''crilier. Th re will be el the
outset only a small rediirtinn in its number of pi
ges; soon to be restored tn it old number, without
increase of price, when the anticipitcd success of
the experiment ahs'l jutify it.
Thr PoainaiTS nr DiTirtnciann Draio.
ra at wi I be cntttinued engraved in belter and
more costly style than heretofore.
The PiKTtar will hereafter, for any distanre, be
only ,ire and a half tent .- it haa beret .birr bern,
for 100 mi'e. eighteen rent.
We look for an exten.jon of c.'rrnlat'on tn be
reckoned bv ei of I Imnmnd, as tie reull and
c m'cnaation of thi great lednrtion of pf'c-. Rvr
ry friend of the work, and of the Democratic princi
ples and caue, i confidently apt-enlcd to to exert
him-elf with an artive interest to prnrure it -uhsrri
la?rs both lo ex 'end it uefulne, and In carry it
successfully through the crisis of lh:s great reduc
lion of its prices.
Those who have pa'd in advance for the coming
year, will receive it, at a reduced rate, f ir a year
and a half.
(IjrvAniABLT J AnVA)rr.)
Sing'e copy f3 00 1 Eight copies f 20 00
Fuur copies U 00 Thirteen 30 00
It will ihen be seen t' at when tli'tteen enpie are l once the price i hr nn'ht down In about
$2 30 e ich. For ix months, half these rate.
These r a'ea afTrd high in hireinen'a In aim's
and ntlii rs to interest themselves tn r octtro suit
scribe r.
The rath mfem ar.d'ririmfri in riitra'iec muat
I ut'C tniiroiinaie'y ailhere I lo. The part relax
niiri of it has r itt-ed an arrumnlaii m i.f not fir
from f 10 Tintl of ib I t doe to h work. H.-re.f.
trr thi must l whn'lv irformcd, nor must either
the most eminent ro1niri.l frien or the nmt inti
mate pcson.ll one. be displeased on evpeiienring
ila npplic ition, in the stoppage of their num'e-a. if
thr V negba-t this rule, the vital necessity of which,
nt the ptrsent rclue d rat", must be obviotia to all
No comrmmi Ation will be taken ftom the Post
oflit e unless free of potace.
All commonie ition. both on editorial and pttlv
lish ng busiue-, muat 1-e addreed hi ward
to the nod rsignrd Those relating to the selrte-m.-nt
nf the part debt due lite work will lie ati'l ad-ilre-srd
to Mr. H. (J. Lavsjikt 8 .4or Utilise, the
p ist u'rangeineiit wi'lt whom, as j!)b slier have
reached their Icrininatton.
J. I. O'SvtuvAsr.
July, 1S45, 140 Nas-au street, N. York.
The sdniiribe DagnerTeotvi nf Gen. Jacks n.
taken by Anthony. Fdwerda A Co.. a few we. k
l.ef re bl death, baa been pmchtaed tor ihe us- of
the Demnciatic Review. It is in the hand nf llv
iir isl. and w II beengra-f d in the finest style of
men tint, of ex r sire. It i a most lautifut ami
in eresiji g work, declared by Mr. Van Buren and
others tn give a more perfect ides of the great and
good old man than any other likene-a ; and nujhi
lo be posse. -cd 1 y rverv man who d-ve Slid le
vers In loeniory. Those wboub-cribo early
will receive it a one of the regular series of I'or
S ptember C.h. 1815.
l.titate of John II:isli;i'vouI, tlrcM
OI'K.'E is hereby given, thai let! era of admin
i-tnition on end H'a'e have been gran'ed io
he si bscril.rr. l'ei on havu.0 di-mntt.U sg in-l ,
the e-lnte, are rciUeseid to p-escnt Ihe n rori t win
nation and set t, no nl. and lb -e knowing ihein
selves indrbttd are icqne-led tomake p y nent. im
mediately. PR I RU II GH A VVOI :T.
Itush't-hs Aug. .10, l8t.V fit Ad n'r
nr a i u .i 1 1 1 & v t C c l r s .
ItnrMxt ti's Vita vivi-r.t! - a erta, ft cure f.r
. nr,., n d very pkvt m ,ke.
n . . u f-
2. Ginaitx a r.XTCT. wlnh n-ninve Grease
,.,, r. . -r . x- i, i m .
all kind-. Dry Pan Tar. and Wax.
m ray,, or from clothing, without .he
Color or the cloth.
3 Lnsjiinsi Fit Prrn the lictt thinj known
for ki'ling fiie and musqil I .
4. A eeilsin Destroyer n Rats, Mice. Roaches i
and Ants and an olier of It.d Buja.
6. Gvisi'e SrrriTtv for s .ur stonta'h. Heart
Burn and Water Brash, by one who h id suff. red
thirteen V rs, b. fore he di.covere I thcute.
Da. Srt.VK-i'a tiar:i:t IIintmint for the Piles.
Ii has never failed In cme.
T. lUaaisnv'a Ttth Wnn.
8. Bak.MUMi'a lantLiaic K, without a
9. Tile Coairovvn Covvittion or Fl;a
ju.t ti e inedi. ioe for children and far women, it is
so pleasant to l..k.
10. Dun' Viiietaiil AiTiait-inps Pn.i.
11. Gi-aiv,' Eiollikv r Wa rsM-euoitr Paat K-,
for ll .irn. s. Boats, Ac. It softens the leather, and
keep out the water.
12. Pooa Ma' STi:rn rnvtt Plrs.
13. Jack. ox' Dianiiiiiba Mixti'Mi, which
cur. the wor.l IVa-ihu-a in a few h ora.
14 JKsnx' DaKTABT MiXllha, a fer.
lain and sk'. dy cure for Dysemeiy and Suinnur
The a'.ove valuable article are sold rvltniesaV
and rr.atl. bv L. C. GUN N, No. I San!h F flh
street, Philadelphia whine S or. k. ir snd o.
i h r wi I be -U led with pore African ('avenue
',p;er, Amlca Fioaeia, Dria., Paul, Oil., (i sss
and Vamialies. at Ihe lowe-l pneta Terma m ly QZT Cut out the adverti-einriil, and bring
It with you.
Plnl.d.lphia. July 19th. 1815. ly.
Kot liO C'lit-Niiut street,
WHERE all kinda of leal er trunk, al'c and
carpet hag, of rtery style and pattein are
mnur.ctuie.l. in the Iwtt manner and from the best
niateiisls, and old at the iwesl r de.
Philadelphia. July tilth. 1815 - ly.
tR IKON Just received and for salei fhej.-,
fo ca b, by E N K V M As".r. '
Sunbu-y, S. pt.SO, 184-
IIaiX. SKI.U-.Vbe bigbrat price will he
S gtv0 for V,,, al the alor of
Aug- , S4i J1ENKY MAMSK.
To the Electors of IVorthumbcrland
County :
WTaJELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by a
M number of my friends, I off r my-elf a a
VOLUNTEER Candidate lor the office of
at the mailing general election, for which I reaped
fully solicit your v.oea. JOHN BOUAR.
Stinhiiry, Sept. 20th, 1845 4t.
To the Electors o( Nortliumbcrland
fP',,r:. V',"rfl,"'r nf'" "'"''f VOLUN
JL TEE It Cainliilaie for the office of
Believing lh,,t the cntiv. ution. if it had been kepi
logethef. would have n'mn natrd him for that nffiee,
be now otTei himself aa a rand date, and respect
fully solicits the votea uf h fellow cit gen.
Augusta, Sept. I3ih. IS 1 5.
To the Electors of Northumberland
riMIIE subscriber In be.-n induced, by his friend,
I tu ufler biin ef as a catnlidate for
He ba alwa been a Democrat, and would ne
ver run tigaiost a nomination r, gul ir, mole; but
aa a large number of the tlemocrarv do not cenaiib r
that a niomioirtion ha lieen made f ir that 111 e, be
. Hers bint elf ss a rntnliil i n. mid rrspeclfu'ly soli
cits ihe vo cs of hi fellow citizens.
McEwenatilte. Sept. 13 h. 1815.
To ihe r.lectors of Northumberland
('iiirity :
T BKG leave to ulTer mvself aa a candidate, at the
clistiinj ilectton, for Ihe office of
County Auditors
If I should be ebcted. I will discharge the dutiee
of the office with punctuality
Lower M ihonny, Aug. 1G, 1815.
To the Electors of Northumberland
BRING solicited by many of my friend, I
have consented to olT.-r myself aa a candidale
for the office of
Tre nsttrrr
of Nortbumberl in I county. MiniilJ you ace pro
per loebct me, I pb due mas. II to perlorm the
dulica nf said Ollici) with fidelity.
Sunbu y, May 31st, 1835.
To the Elector1 of Northumberland
T the solicit iti' n of a number of persons, in
ihff rent part nf the county, I have consented
tn be a candidate for the nlTice of
of NortliutnVicilanil cun y. I need hardly sure
my fellow-citizi n. that if I am elected, I will en.
dravor to diachrrge the duties of the office fai hfut
ly and impartially.
Sunhm-y, May 17th, 1815
Tu the Electors of Northumberland
Count v.
EL LOW CrrrZENS I hnve been induced
to i.fii r myself a. a candidate for the office uf
I'i ollionotary,
At the enaring elerlion Sh. uld I fortunately be
circled, I here y promise, f-i hfuHy and iinparti.l
ly to discharge ibeilu'ies of a d oll'ice.
Sunbury, May 10. I'i45.
To the Elcciors of Northumberland
FELLOW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my
self us a candidate, f r die i.fiice of
I can only promise, about. I I be fortunate enough
to be re-e!ec:ed. to ilich .rgrt the duties of said office
with tiJ. lily i-nd impar l iipv.
Snn'ttrv. May 10, IS 15.
To the Electors of Northumberland
'oiint v :
TVN'fdl'R W.r.l) by j rnmber of mv friends.
a j ,., ,lor....i'. .,1 iku ei.n.ilv I nMer
t . y ur roiisulerattoa uc a V olunlcrr canutuale lor
the nlVn-e of
p-g --yr r - ? ' r gf- rir
I can only promiae, should I la1 ebcted, to make
rvery ilbot to distbarge the dutit of the olTice to
y. ur entile satislaciioii.
Sunburv, Aug 30ih. I Sin.
I To the Electors of Northumberland
I I niiiilv-
i 1 "'ittn .
,KI,Luvv CITIZENS ,-A. I been g - eat -
j 1 y .,, ,ly rnv frillU, X ,oUcil ,nur
I support for ihe office of
I S 11 K It I r F.
Should you confer this office upon me, I hall
er deavor to diacharae the dut ca lh. re. f with tide-
Siinbu-y. April lOih, IS45.
To the Electors o( Northumberland
Count v :
FELLOW t I ITENS: I hrg leave to offti
nii T a a c. nsjYIate, nt tl.a ensuing election,
for ihe of
utility t'oinniltsloiirr.
Should I be so f .ttuna'e as In be elected, I pledge
nr.yelf to discharge tlm duties of the Dlfice will,
promptness and fidelity.
Sunbury, Apiil 5lh, IS 15.
r.nil t.V V AU.F. It Y of Patent Premi
um Ctitorid i7.irirr. and Phutogrvphit
U pot ;
No. Kin Chcsnut Strrrt, riiihdclphia.
No, Broadway, York; No. 73 Court
St-, ei. llo-mn ; No. 1:10 Ch.-sunt Sirect, Ptr.'.a.
delph a t Btltin ote Mie-t. Haiiimore ;
w.v, Saratoga Spring J No 50 Canal Street,
New-Oile .hs : Main Htr. i t Newpuft, R. L And
Mam Street, lu IKtijue, Iowa.
CONSTITUTING the i..drst and most Eilen
sive E-tal Ii bmeni of the kind in the World,
sod e..nt lining more than THOUSAND POR.
TRAITS, ernl racing ,'hose nf soma i.f the most
distinguished in.livi.'lUa,,, in the United Stales,
A.lni t im e I'.iti,
ins r.-iat.P.hment navhg hcn .w.r.l.d the
Medal, l our First Premium , . t,i0 II tl,t
H-.uort'' at the Exh.hi , , , uol,oll 4ew y0,k
nd l'hildrl, hi. '".pe, t-.vely. for he. Pictuie and
Apparatus, is ', e;f,r,,lv su.iaina,! ( the posi
tion ol 'ari..;,.v r. ..,r unite. s.lly assigned it
h" 'he pi''., c. ss Fint in the 'u4d."
J .me 28ih, 1815. ly
CUPERIOR Port wine. M.d.ri and I.islaan
wines. A'st.un r B smK iml bm, .inin
Syiuu. ALo a f.v lairels ..I Hues Fih for Bale
Suabury, July 19th, 1M6.
Compound Syrup of Tar & 'Vood
flIHE unpreredenled success of Ihi medirlne, in
JL the re.torstion nf heabh, lo tliose who, in des
pair, had given up all hopea, ha given it en exal
ted reputation l.nva all other remebe, fornl-hirig
evidence of its intrinsic value and pner, a the on
ly agent which can lurried np.n for the cure nf
Pulmnnary Cnnsumption, L'roiithiit-a, A'hma.
Pain in Ihe side and Brra-t, Spilling of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac,
Attention i requested in the following ASTON.
I8IILNG OURE.hv TlinmanVvCoinponnd Svrup
of Tar and Wood Naptha !
Philadelphia. Mi t 3, 4i.
MR. THOMSON D ar Sir Wi h e.r ,tnful
feeling I inform ynu of the a rtimis'-mg eUVe- of
your medicine, which haa lite.' idv iia d ma from
a deilb-l-1 ! My dist a-e, I'tibiic'inry Cnniitup.
lion, hd reduced me an low that toy , by ria-i pro.
no.inced my caae hopeless! Al ihia jtlic'ion I be
gan to n-e your medicin. and miraculous a it may
seem, it haa cnmpletelv restored mo tn heajth, ltcr
tvcrylhing rise had failed. Respectfully vours.
Charlotte !reei, i, (ieoige tr- et.
The undersigned, being pe:en"'! "Ctpjainled
with Washington M ck a'nl W . si I'.'-rirn:. bear
witness to the aatonishng ifl etr of Tlo.mou'
Conipotiiiil Syrup of 'J'ur, and the truth of the a
hove statement.
JOS. WINNER. 318 North T. ird atreet,
DAVID VICKERS. 43 Aim n,d a'reel.
HUt.H MGINLEY. S. E. cormr Tamany
and Fourth s'reets.
Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. cortiot
of 5th and Spruce strert, Phi adc'di's.
Agent. H. B. Mair, Surbmy ; D. Gross,
and Dr. Macpherson, Hrrishurt ; .In". G. 15r. wri,
Pottavide ; Geo, K irl, lie ihtig ; Hctsron A Ma
on, Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. Price CO cents
per bottle, or $5 p--r do?.en.
(Jj" Betcan of all imitation.
Philadelphia, Juno 2Sth. 1515. If
rnHE SUBSCRIBER his VSee-. ,pmi,ted agent,
1 for the sale -f CONR D MEYER'S CEL
ANOS, at thi .lere. These Fi n.oa have a p'ain,
massive and brau'iful exterio- fi' i h. nt d, for depth
and sweelnes of tone, mid 'tg roe f workman
ship, are not surpassed bv siv in t!i" Uri'C.I S.n' .
The following is a re'-omiii'-n 'r.-ior. bom 1'arl
Di f.ts, s celebrated perlotmrr, fr I hi-n :rf a man
ufactuier: A CAUR.
HaTisio had ihe plca-ure e' m-in- 'be excel
lent Piano Fortes manfarTiircd by M-. Mi vr r, and
exhibited at the last exhibition r be Fr nkbn In
stitute, I feel it due to the true m -ir of t'. maker
In I'rclare that these instrum -nts ij ii'e r qnal,
and in tome resprcia rv.n superi t. 'o nil the Pt
ann Fortes, I saw at ihe capita!- of Ri: ope, and
during a sojourn of two years ni Paris.
These Pianos will be -o'd at the n S'.n factors r'
lowest Philadelphia prices, if n i b. ;v.e ding I wer.
Person are reqt;e-ted o call and ixntnine fur
themelve, t the re-i lence of he nb-rnb r.
Sunhiirv, Mav 17. IS 15. II. 15. MA--SRR.
1 n n
1 II iP.
m &
JaV JL m aV
FIIHE subscriber would respectfully infoim tb
JL Citizens uf Sunburv and the j.nMie genefal'.y,
lb it they h ive purc'iased the sliop of M W'i'll ,ir
Hoover, in Market sir. et. ore dnjr wet uf the Vuot
Office, wheie they will continue llio
Cnbiiict-.tIaKi.S I7tiiiif ,
in all ii brmche. Th public may rxpoct t.'.et
work done in the la'est stvl. They ho(se, bv strii t
attention to busim-, t merit a share uf pub! o
(Jj- Colbn made In order on .'ir sViorteft notice,
and country produce taken in ctrl a-ige f,,r vrok.
Su.ibury.lny I7ihl-I5. ly.
S TJ IT 3 tT P. T,
. o r t li ii in It r r I a iv i CoHittr,
RESPECTFULLY inform n'r rt. -i.l. hn
, public in gen.-r it, that be ia t ,k. n the I n. fc
stand, in the Borough nf Snnbtliv, lit.',y ..rcunict
by John Haus as a public hoes rw M ,i, ;itn
House, and nearly o; pos te ... t . . Hour,)
where he i prepared in mrm-m. t f, t iemls.
t 'V'ir ,b"ir cu"
, torn, in Ihe best possib e man. .r ,
.o , ,! ,, , .
I Ht B AR si alt at tl e -s-ib ... ,. . ,r ,.( r.
I , TABLE s : . J . , e
; S.lh ,Vwy 1-at Ihe mark ..-1 l iT...,. ,, !
; pi.ins nor i'Jifil" Will ,B si.,,rd lo
i bouse in rv.ry way w jrihv if t.'il I c
r tiner hi
p-i Linage.
A liberal share t rn-t. ,m is he,- f-
Sm. bury. April I2ih. IK4.V--6 -i
K e in o v a
REPEtTFl I LY i!:e t
Irgei.a ol Sui.t't y hi. ' i. t:ciii y, tli.l
be litis rf.lioved, B a k H nit.-, in
Maiket nr. tt. I. i.aieiU i..rti..ied by
Beiiiaiiun liendrlils. cast if id n.-ie t. rnier v nr.
copied by Mi.ler A Manx, atiJ new by l a T." Cle
ment, where be will lie happy to receive cilis in
Ihe line nf hi r ies-ion.
Sunbury, March i9ih IS 15.
ralMb sub-cri's ra hava recav.-d, end are near
oift.iri a si I. lull J "frp-ni .l ike foLs
Saxony, Wilton an.! Velvet C .-. . i.e
Drus:a and Imperial :i ply d . CAR.
E'.tri aupeifine ami fine I c. 'ir' '- PE F
Ongli ih shad d A Dint-ask Veto p- n i!a LNeJ.
American twil'ed st.d !"..r'd do
Engh.h lruuce t anj Wo I n I'I or CI lb
Stair and Pa,ao Por'i.nus
F.nili.wse l Piano ai l 'I al, e C. v
London Chenille and Tof . Hi
DuOr Matt ol ete.y ilea, r'l '. o-
A luge and i x n-ite .a . t o' 1- .-. - w..
Cloth, troin one to e gh '' " ' ! , cu' fit e
ry t'esciii lion nf rn- m or n a .
j Also, low pined d g'a n C (ei tu (t m 31J t
I 62Jcflll per yard. loie'h.r wi 'l a Is-e l.lnlexi.n
kite sa.irtinei.l if g 0117 U. . t fv r'-ei
Th above gon l wd' be sold ole. al or reiai'
at the lowe.t niatk.l pr.rea. C '..p y m. n
snd oihei are panirulatlv i 1' i'ed t i'! exa
mine our st.srk l. fine mak f .';-ci'ns.
Succcsaois In J. sep'i lilacs IHChesnuf,
Corner ol Fr-ii'tihi Place,
Philsdel, hia. F.n 2". !4 5.--.
lli: Til'"a V.TotTi..r .;ua .11. f i'i l.o I e K JJ
A at Ihe Lime. Kilui ol Uvtiiy Su.
bury. MayW.lW..